#effect of soda during pregnancy
ladywellcare111 · 11 months
Can I Drink Soda During Pregnancy? Is There Risk
Can I Drink Soda During Pregnancy? Is There Risk #soda #during #pregnancy,drink #soda #during #pregnancy,pregnancy,caffeine #during #pregnancy,is #eno #safe #during #pregnancy,foods #to #avoid
Soda during Pregnancy is generally safe to drink, also known as sparkling or carbonated water. Soda water is water that has been carbonated, often with added flavors. It does not contain any hard drinks or caffeine, two substances pregnant women are usually advised to avoid or limit. Drinking soda water in moderation during Pregnancy can help digestion and relieve symptoms like nausea or…
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About Nina Cerasus’s illness the HCM
I mentioned in most of the chapters in Star-crossed and in Heavenbound (they both my fic you can read them here) that she has an illness that causes her character to have some plotlines and complexity. 
It is actually a rare disease in real life, and not many know about it, so I decided to make an extra post to share some extra info about it. Let’s dig in!
About HCM: 
It’s a type of heart disease called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). 
It basically causes the heart muscles to thicken, which in turn makes it more difficult to pump blood through the body’s system. HCM is a heart disease that can affect how effectively the heart can pump blood.
HCM is autosomal dominant condition, meaning that individuals have a 50% chance of inheriting, or passing on, the predisposition to this disorder to their children. (Nina inherited from her father Felix who already had a heart transplant surgery.)
What is it like to live with a disease like this? 
The symptoms that Nina exhibits include shortness of breath, chest pain, and a propensity for fainting or feeling dizzy. There’s also a heightened risk of heart failure or sudden cardiac death. Also the medications she needs to take, make her often have a cold nose, hands and feet. 
People with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) will benefit from a heart-healthy diet. This includes a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in added sugar, sodium, and trans and saturated fats.
So Nina usually eats a very healthy balanced meal.
Making lifestyle changes such as exercising more, quitting smoking, and avoiding alcohol are beneficial. However, if you have HCM you should speak with a doctor before increasing your physical activity. The recommendation for people with HCM is to avoid high-intensity exercise since it can worsen symptoms. This is why Nina has pilates classes with Master Plo, and meditating classes.
About drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks, always talk to your cardiologist! Because  caffeine is a stimulant that affects everyone differently. If you are living with HCM, know how the foods, beverages, and supplements you consume could affect your heart rhythm.
Like alcohol, caffeine can also cause dehydration, which can worsen the symptoms of HCM. Ask your doctor about caffeine and what levels of coffee, soda, tea, and other caffeinated products are safe for you to drink.
I made Nina a tea girlie. 
Women with HCM generally tolerate pregnancy well. The risk is however higher in women who are symptomatic before pregnancy or in those with severe left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. The incidence of arrhythmias does not appear to be increased during pregnancy and maternal mortality is low. But I made Nina make the decision to not have her own biological baby, and choose adoption instead in the Heavenbound storyline.
Author's Note: 
I have to say that people with this kind of disease can live a normal life.
But I slightly overemphasized Nina's illness at certain points for dramaturgical reasons.
For example, hyperspace travels take a toll on her, if she doesn't receive certain treatment beforehand. This idea came from the fact that all travel can be physically stressful for us, so traveling in space and hyperspace jumping can certainly have an even greater effect on a person, and there is also space radiation. Thus, Nina must receive a certain vitamin cocktail injection in my story before the trip. This is, of course, fiction!
Nina avoids alcohol, smoking and caffeine-based drinks mostly. In her early 20's and party years she drinks and occasionally smokes, and quits it after receiving some bad news of her health.
She drinks mint tea. She exercises often and takes the necessary medications despite the side effects. She chose not to have a baby because she does not want to pass on this disease and is also afraid of death caused by childbirth.
I also wanted to show the emotional side of what it's like to live with this type of illness. In Star-crossed fic I have written many emotions based on my own experiences. (Not everyone accepts this disease with such feelings, of course it happens differently for everyone.) But in Nina's point of view - even if it was a little exaggerated - I gave her a lot of emotions and memories from my life. 
In the first chapter and several other crisis situations, Nina experiences these  emotional "storms". 
These panic attacks usually happen to her after experiencing trauma. For example, when her mother died or when her father left them. When she found out about her illness and when Maul left her. (all mentioned in Star-crossed fic).It’s basically a panic attack mixed with deep repressed depression bursting out. 
She called these episodes "storms" because just like the rain clouds these episodes end eventually.
Under these episodes she usually feels chest pain, dizziness, nauseous and she can't stop crying for a long time. 
Nina is terribly ashamed of these episodes, she feels weak and vulnerable, which she hates. In such cases, she releases all suppressed anger and sadness by crying. When they are over, Nina is numb and quiet, her mind clears as she rebuilds her armor/or inner world. She represses and buries all the painful memories and thus tries to move on. (The first chapter of Star-crossed is basically an episode of one of her "storm.")
I know I kinda trauma dumped her, but don't feel bad about it. With these illnesses both physical and mental I wanted to give her character some complexity, and some dramatic deep feelings.
She is my character and I wanted to write a character who has the same illness as me. This is a kind of personal coping mechanism for me and I don't want to receive negative comments about it. If you don't like it, or triggered by it then, please move on to another blog and another story.
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naturalrights-retard · 7 months
NAFLD is characterized by excess fat buildup in your liver. Without proper treatment, it can lead to serious liver problems including nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which causes inflammation and fibrosis, or scarring of the liver. NAFLD also increases the risk of other health conditions, including cardiovascular disease
The first documented cases of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) didn’t come about until 1980. Today, NAFLD affects 32.4% of people globally, and it’s the most common cause of liver transplant in adults under the age of 50
NAFLD also affects up to 9.6% of American children aged 2 to 19, making it as common as asthma. In 15- to 19-year-olds, prevalence is as high as 17.3%. Prevalence among children 0 to 17 has risen 168.3% since 2017, with a particularly precipitous rise starting in 2020
The dramatic rise in NAFLD in early 2020 may in part be due to the COVID lockdowns, which had the effect of raising childhood obesity rates by 8.3% to 13.4%, depending on the age group
Maternal obesity and high consumption of diet soda and/or junk food during pregnancy have both been linked to NAFLD in offspring, and one theory is that artificial sweeteners may be programming the metabolism of the fetus to favor fat storage over energy production
Fatty liver disease used to be a disease seen almost exclusively in the elderly, primarily heavy drinkers. The first documented cases of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) didn’t come until I was in medical school in 1980.1 At the time, the researchers described it as a "hitherto unnamed liver disease of unknown cause."
In June 2023, scientists proposed rebranding NAFLD to "metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease," to highlight its relation to other metabolic conditions such as diabetes. What connects all metabolic conditions is that your body is not converting food to energy in an efficient manner.
In the video above, independent health researcher Jay Feldman investigates the true causes of NAFLD. This is Part 2 of an eight-part series. It’s like a master’s course on NAFLD, as he goes over virtually everything you could possibly want or need to know about it. If you or someone you know is currently struggling with NAFLD, I strongly encourage you to view all eight episodes.
In the featured episode, he explains why fructose is NOT the main culprit as commonly thought, how your liver produces fat from both fructose and dietary fats, and how impaired energy production in your mitochondria results in NAFLD.
What Is NAFLD?
NAFLD is characterized by excess fat buildup in your liver. Without proper treatment, it can lead to serious liver problems including nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which causes inflammation and fibrosis, or scarring of the liver.
NASH may lead to cirrhosis, which increases the risk of liver cancer, and end-stage liver disease. NAFLD also increases the risk of other health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, which is the No. 1 cause of death in people with NAFLD. NAFLD often has no symptoms, although it may cause fatigue, jaundice, swelling in the legs and abdomen, mental confusion and more.
Your liver carries out more than 500 functions that are essential for health. This includes the production of bile (which breaks down dietary fats and carries away waste), converting excess glucose into glycogen, and regulating amino acids in the blood. It’s also important for detoxification, helping to clear your blood of toxins.
The good news is that your liver, more than almost any other tissue in your body, has phenomenal regeneration capabilities. Even if 90% of it has been removed, it can regrow to its normal size. NAFLD can also be successfully reversed in its early stages via lifestyle changes, like healthy eating and exercising.
NAFLD Prevalence Has Skyrocketed
Today, NAFLD affects 32.4% of people globally,2 and it’s the most common cause of liver transplant in adults under the age of 50.3 NAFLD also affects up to 9.6% of American children aged 2 to 19,4 making it as common as asthma.5 In 15- to 19-year-olds, prevalence is as high as 17.3%.6
What’s particularly strange is that the skyrocketing prevalence in children and teens is quite new. As illustrated in the graph below from Trilliant Health,7 prevalence of NAFLD has risen 168.3% since 2017, with a particularly precipitous rise starting in 2020.
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Obesity Is a Primary Risk Factor for NAFLD
As reported in a March 2021 paper on pediatric NAFLD:8
"The largest risk factor for NAFLD is obesity. Obesity and NAFLD in children are often associated; however, they are not concomitant.
In a 2019 study in 408 children with obesity using whole liver magnetic resonance imaging–proton density fat fraction, the prevalence rate of NAFLD was 26.0%, or roughly one in every four children. In the Teen LABS study of adolescents with obesity severe enough to warrant weight loss surgery, the prevalence rate of NAFLD was higher at 59%."
The dramatic rise in NAFLD in early 2020 may in part be due to the COVID lockdowns, which had the effect of raising childhood obesity rates by 8.3% to 13.4%, depending on the age group.9
Artificial Sweeteners May Impair Metabolism
That said, NAFLD also occurs in an estimated 8% of normal weight children.10 Inherited predisposition may be part of the problem. But the environment in utero can also influence a child’s risk of NAFLD,11 and this is a far more likely explanation for the recent explosion in prevalence among children.
Maternal obesity and high consumption of diet soda and/or junk food have both been linked to NAFLD in offspring. Artificial sweeteners may be programming the metabolism of the fetus to favor fat storage over energy production.
Maternal obesity and high consumption of diet soda and/or junk food during pregnancy have both been linked to NAFLD in offspring, and one theory is that artificial sweeteners may be programming the metabolism of the fetus to favor fat storage over energy production.12
Babies are also routinely fed unnaturally high amounts of sweeteners in infant formula and baby food. In recent years, the baby formula industry has started marketing formula made with corn syrup solids instead of lactose from cow’s milk. It’s said to be better for babies with sensitivity to lactose.
However, recent research13 suggests formula made with corn syrup solids significantly increases your child’s risk of obesity by age 4, and by extension NAFLD, and those who consume the highest amounts of formula have the highest risk.
So-called "transition formula" and "toddler milk" also contain higher amounts of sugar than regular cow’s milk. Both products are pure marketing inventions that have no nutritional basis. Meanwhile, research14 has shown that consumption of unsweetened cow’s milk is associated with a lower risk of NAFLD.
The Role of Diet
Indeed, our modern diet is probably the most important driver of this condition. As reported by The Washington Post:15
"... many doctors believe that our modern lifestyle — diet, the increase in sedentary activities related to technology and environmental exposures — is to blame. One of the liver’s jobs is to filter toxins, and when something in the body is out of balance, the organ can become damaged and fail ...
A little fat in the liver is normal, but when more than 5% of its cells contain fat, the organ’s ability to do its job is impeded, and pediatric specialists say some children they treat have livers with 30 to 40% or even as high as 60% fat ...
Some pediatric experts theorize there’s a mismatch between our genetics and the highly processed and sugary foods that have come to dominate childhood diets.
Nutritional surveys show that meals eaten by kids changed radically in a generation, going from very little ultra-processed foods in the early 1980s ... to more than 67%16 in recent years. Such diets lead to hormonal changes and other stresses on our bodies.
‘It creates a time bomb, and it is killing our kids,’ said Barry M. Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill."
The Washington Post goes on to cite a January 2022 systematic review17 that found "a parallel but delayed rise" in noncommunicable diseases with rising prevalence of ultraprocessed foods.
Between 1800 and 2019, processed and ultraprocessed foods rose from less than 5% to more than 60%. This radically altered the macronutrient content of our diets. Sugar and seed oil (or "vegetable oil") consumption rose dramatically, while saturated fat from animals dropped.
Ditch the Fast Food to Protect Your Child’s Health
Of these, I believe the transition from saturated animal fats to seed oils has played the biggest role. As detailed in "Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet," seed oil is the primary source of linoleic acid (LA), which destroys your mitochondrial function.
I’m convinced excessive LA consumption is the biggest contributor to chronic disease in the Western world, including NAFLD. To understand how LA undermines your health, and that of your children, please read through that article and watch the video included in it. Both provide a comprehensive overview of how LA drives chronic disease of all kinds.
To avoid LA, you’ll need to avoid processed foods, fast foods and most restaurant foods, and focus on real, whole, organically grown foods instead. Processed foods are also routinely contaminated with glyphosate, which can contribute to liver problems. Disturbingly, recent testing revealed 95% of school lunch items had detectable levels of glyphosate,18 so, if at all possible, provide your child with homemade lunches.
A shocking 100% of meals also contained heavy metals at levels up to 6,293 times higher than the maximum levels allowed in drinking water. Meanwhile, most of the meals were "abysmally low" in essential nutrients.
Fast food also contains extremely low amounts of essential nutrients, especially B vitamins. In fact, zero amounts of vitamin B9 or B12 were detected in the top 10 fast foods sampled.19
That’s rather remarkable, considering B12-rich foods include beef and chicken, both of which are staples in fast food, yet fast food beef and chicken provide no B12 at all! If that doesn’t convince you that fast food meat is nowhere near the same as grass fed organic meat, I don’t know what will.
Fatty liver can also be driven by excess sugar when, in addition to seed oils, you are consuming more than 35% or so of your calories as fat. This is likely why this condition is now found even in young children.
Nutrients That Help Combat NAFLD
Upping your intake of specific nutrients can also be helpful if you have NAFLD. Examples include:
Choline — Choline is important for normal liver function and liver health by moving fat out of your liver. It also helps maintain membrane integrity and manages cholesterol metabolism, including low density lipoproteins (LDL) and very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL). Choline deficiency has been shown to enhance abnormal fat deposits in your liver, causing NAFLD.20
In fact, some experts believe NAFLD is largely the result of shunning choline-rich foods like liver and egg yolks,21 which is then worsened by consuming too much LA. You can increase your intake by consuming more choline-rich foods, such as organic pastured egg yolks, grass fed beef liver, wild-caught Alaskan salmon and krill oil. Arugula is also an excellent source.
Vitamin B12 and folic acid may also be protective and have been found to decrease the progression of NASH.22
Niacinamide, also known as nicotinamide (NAM) — Niacinamide is a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a vital signaling molecule that’s believed to play an important role in longevity. Supplementation has also been found to decrease oxidative stress and prevent fatty liver.23
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) — NAC is a precursor needed for glutathione biosynthesis. It’s used as an antidote for acetaminophen toxicity, which causes liver damage by depleting glutathione. Research published in Hepatitis Monthly has shown NAC supplementation helps improve liver function in patients with NAFLD.24
Milk thistle — This herb contains silymarin and silybin, antioxidants that are known to help protect your liver from toxins and even help regenerate liver cells.25
CoQ10 — CoQ10 keeps your mitochondria healthy and plays a crucial role in the production of ATP, the cellular energy required to keep you alive. Supplementing with CoQ10, or the natural form called ubiquinol, has been shown to improve NAFLD by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.26
Remember that supplements should always be used in combination with a healthy lifestyle, including eating right and exercising. If you’re overweight, losing 7% to 10% of your body weight can improve NAFLD, including lowering liver fat content, liver inflammation and fibrosis.27
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mywellfare · 8 months
Millions of people throughout the world suffer with acne, a prevalent skin problem. Acne can last far into maturity, despite the fact that it’s frequently linked to puberty. The definition of acne, its numerous kinds, underlying causes, symptoms, variables influencing its prevalence, and successful treatments are all covered in this in-depth medical article. Let’s investigate this skin issue.
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Acne, medically known as acne vulgaris, is a chronic skin disorder primarily characterized by the development of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and, in more severe cases, cysts and nodules. It occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to inflammation and the formation of blemishes.
Comedonal Acne: This type includes non-inflammatory acne with the formation of comedones, such as blackheads and whiteheads.
Inflammatory Acne: Characterized by redness, swelling, and pus-filled pimples, it includes papules and pustules.
Cystic Acne: The most severe form, cystic acne results in painful, deep-seated cysts and nodules that often leave scars.
Acne is caused by a number of factors, including:
Sebum Overproduction : Sebum, or skin oil, overproduction can clog pores.
Bacterial : Growth: Bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) thrive in congested follicles.
Inflammation : The development of lesions is influenced by irritation and inflammation of the hair follicles.
Hormonal Fluctuations : Sebum production can be induced by hormonal fluctuations, which are frequently experienced during adolescence, pregnancy, and menstruation.
Diet : For certain people, dairy products and high-glycemic diets might make acne worse.
Genetics : A history of acne in the family may make someone more susceptible.
· Open comedones (blackheads)
· Closed comedones known as whiteheads
· Papules (tiny, crimson lumps)
· pustules (lesions filled with pus)
· Cysts (huge, uncomfortable tumors filled with pus)
· Nodules (agonizing, hard bumps)
· Redness and swelling
The following elements affect each person’s susceptibility :
· The influence of genetic predisposition is substantial.
· The production of sebum may increase as a result of hormonal changes.
· Humidity and pollution are two environmental elements that may aggravate acne.
· Diet, especially items high in glycemic index and dairy, can affect how severe it is.
· Acne formation may be influenced by skin care practices and product selection.
Foods with a high glycemic index : such as white bread, sugary cereals, and processed snacks, can cause blood sugar levels to jump, which in turn causes an increase in sebum production and inflammation.
Dairy Products : Some research indicate a connection between dairy consumption and acne, particularly skim milk. Dairy consumption can worsen skin conditions and affect hormonal changes.
Foods that are fried or greasy : By stimulating the production of more oil, fried foods like French fries and fried chicken can exacerbate acne.
Chocolate : Although the connection between chocolate and acne is not entirely known, some people may discover that consuming too much of it makes their skin problem worse.
Candy, soda, and sweet desserts can cause blood sugar to surge and may be a factor in acne flare-ups.
Fruits and veggies : Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables can help lower inflammation and improve general skin health by supplying antioxidants.
Fatty fish : Omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in salmon, mackerel, and sardines, have anti-inflammatory effects and may be good for the skin.
Nuts and Seeds : Vital elements like zinc and vitamin E, which are crucial for the health of the skin, may be found in almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds.
Whole Grains : To help regulate blood sugar levels, choose whole grains such brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread over processed grains.
Green Tea : Green tea is high in antioxidants and has been linked in several studies to better skin health.
Probiotics : By enhancing gut health, the probiotics in fermented foods like yogurt and kefir may also benefit skin.
Keep in mind that every person will experience food’s effects on acne differently. It’s crucial to pay attention to how your diet affects your skin and consult a dermatologist or healthcare provider for personalized dietary advice and acne management.
Topical retinoids: These derivatives of vitamin A help in pore cleaning and inflammation reduction.
Topical antibiotics: Creams or gels with antibiotics can kill P. acnes bacteria.
Oral antibiotics: To treat severe cases of inflammation, doctors may prescribe oral antibiotics.
Oral contraceptives: Hormonal birth control helps control fluctuations in hormone levels.
Isotretinoin (Accutane): This medication lowers sebum production and is only used in severe, treatment-resistant conditions.
Finally, understanding the description, types, causes, symptoms, and treatment options for acne is critical for effectively treating this widespread skin problem. Even though genetics and hormonal factors might contribute, acne can be effectively managed and treated with the right skincare, a healthy diet, and medication. Consult a dermatologist if you have severe or persistent acne for individualized advice and treatment choices catered to your unique requirements.
We hope to help anyone looking to effectively treat acne by addressing all of these significant aspects of this condition.
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amberwellnessgroup · 10 months
Unveiling Iron Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
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Iron, a vital mineral, plays a pivotal role in maintaining our overall health and vitality. It’s an essential component of hemoglobin, the protein responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body including the brain and muscles. Iron also plays a role in converting sugar to energy, boosting the immune system, aiding in cognitive function, and supporting healthy skin, hair, and nails.
Iron deficiency is a prevalent condition that can lead to a whole host of symptoms. Some of these symptoms are well known – heart palpitations, fatigue, weakened immunity, shortness of breath and weakness. Other symptoms can include anxiety and low mood, restless leg syndrome, and cognitive changes. There are so many factors that contribute to our health, but it is important to make sure that nutrient deficiencies are not contributing to your overall symptom picture. Iron deficiency is a big one to watch out for especially in menstruating individuals. Blood testing for a CBC and ferritin are easy and affordable and should always be part of your routine examination.
Iron deficiency can arise from several factors including inadequate dietary intake, poor absorption, increased demand during growth or pregnancy, blood loss such as menstruation, or genetic causes.
Sometimes we struggle to get enough iron in the diet – maybe it is due to dietary restrictions or just a busy schedule; this combined with inadequate absorption can make it challenging to maintain the levels of iron that the body needs. GI absorption can be affected by a number a factors – SIBO, leaky gut, gut inflammation, IBD, IBS, stress (the list goes on)! Working on gut health is always a priority for laying a strong foundation for health, but this can take time and sometimes we need to shift our treatment approaches to best support the immediate needs.
Blood loss from menstruation is a major contributor to iron deficiency in women. It can feel like an uphill battle to build up iron stores with oral supplements and unfortunately the body will tend to have heavier periods of bleeding when we are low in iron! Additionally, some individuals may inherit traits that make them more prone to iron deficiency making it even more challenging to maintain the iron that your body needs.
Oral iron supplementation is a necessary part of ongoing treatment for many. Oral Iron comes in a wide variety of forms and the main side effect reported with use is digestive upset, namely constipation. Vitamin C can help to offset this effect as it is a natural laxative and Vitamin C additionally helps iron to absorb.
The bisglycenate form is known for being the gentlest and least likely to have this effect, though some find that a plant-based iron is the only thing they can tolerate orally. Most find that if they split their dose up and take it throughout the day, the side effects are much more tolerable. It is best to talk with your physician to decide with option and dosing is best for you and your body.
B12 and Folate are crucial co-factors for red blood cell production so having adequate B vitamin supplementation is important in support iron deficiency and anemia as well.
Dietary Considerations
Foods high in iron include red meats (beef, lamb, pork), poultry, fish and shellfish, eggs, nuts, dried fruit, whole-meal pasta and bread, iron-fortified cereal, legumes (black beans, lentils, chickpeas), dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, broccoli), oats, tofu.
Vitamin C aids absorption (such as the supplement, or foods rich in Vitamin C, such as: apples, pomegranates, oranges, orange juice, cantaloupe, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwi and other Vitamin-C rich foods).
Cook in a cast-iron skillet, pots or pans to add extra iron to your food.
AVOID at the time of iron supplementation as these things that reduce the absorption: Dairy, calcium supplements, black tea, nuts, soda, chocolate, coffee.
Iron Infusions vs Oral Supplementation
Iron infusions bypass your digestive tract and can be helpful in those who have absorption issues or who get an upset stomach with oral supplements. Most find rapid benefit in mood, energy, brain fog and general sense of well-being when they receive a needed iron infusion.
IV iron treatment can be a game-changer for individuals struggling with iron deficiency, offering faster relief of symptoms than oral supplementation alone. Intravenous iron infusions deliver iron directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system and improving absorption rates. IV iron is great for people who struggle with constipation while taking oral iron. This method allows for faster and more effective replenishment of iron stores, leading to a rapid improvement in anemic symptoms. Treatment recommendations and frequency are made based off recent blood work including CBC, iron panel, and ferritin.
Additionally, we routinely prescribe Vitamin B injections for our patients to support the much-needed cofactors for iron absorption and red blood cell production. You can add on a B vitamin injection to your IV iron infusion, you will notice the positive effects!
Insurance companies are variable in whether they will cover an iron infusion. Typically, they will only cover these through a specialist, called a Hematologist, often within Oncology Departments. There are specific cut offs for ferritin and CBC parameters for insurance to cover these treatments, but people are often significantly symptomatic well before labs will reflect cuts offs for insurance coverage. Our clinic offers Venofer Iron Infusions prescribed by physicians, but we do not bill insurance for these services and all fees must be paid at the time of service. The benefit of doing treatments at the clinic include faster and more comfortable appointments, consultation time with your provider during the treatment, and accessibility outside of insurance coverage/ a hospital system.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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Blog Post 4: Looking back to move forward.
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Blog Post 4: Looking back to move forward.
This week I’m remembering the why. I truly believe your willpower will only be as strong as your why. So, I’m taking you back to my why, which takes us back almost six years to the birth of my second son. It was a beautiful day, when He was born with His big brown eyes and brown hair making me the proud mom of two healthy boys. Except I still remember the nurse coming in every hour and pricking my youngest son’s feet. It was horrible. I was tired, He was tired, my husband was tired, and all I wanted to do was sleep, but the nurse had to check His blood sugar.
Why? Well because I had gestational diabetes all during the pregnancy leading up to the birth of my second son. My Dad had triple bypass surgery about three years ago, His mom had type 2 diabetes and later developed Alzheimer’s, and my aunt has type two diabetes as well. The gene pool clearly wasn’t flowing in my favor and the sickness seemed to trickle right down to me. The symptoms were low mood and a lack of energy, but I was mom. So, I chalked it up to job description. I mean, all moms are exhausted right? Apparently, these were warning signs of what was to come, I just didn’t know that at the time.
I ate sugar free chocolate pudding every day after dinner to curb my sweet tooth in a healthy way and took walks when my sugar was especially elevated. After I had my son, and after the heartache of hearing Him cry when the nurse checked His blood sugar, I moved on with life, sweets, and all. But a couple years ago I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis and acid reflux. So, this is when I became a vegan. I let go of the meats and cheeses, filled up the fridge with vegetables, and watched many documentaries about how diet is connected to overall health. My favorite documentary is still “What the Health” by Kip Anderson. In this documentary, Kip uncovers the secret to reversing chronic diseases.
After years of living a vegan lifestyle and seeing the health benefits including clear skin, good digestion, and overall increase in energy, I began to get lax in my efforts and became a vegetarian, and now I eat meat again. The point is that those habits are only as effective as my ability to maintain these healthy eating choices consistently and over a long period of time. Now I am focusing on eating healthy foods overall. I’m pulling back out those old but loved vegan recipes including crispy tofu with quinoa and steak seasoned zucchini. I even put some of the candy from my Christmas bag into the communal candy pile for someone else to devour. This may sound small to you, but it’s a big deal for me.
I said no to Super Bowl brownies and key lime cake last night, as well as all the diet sodas that I used to love. My favorite soda used to be cherry coke zero. The point is that Americans, myself included, consume too much sugar. I know I did, and I now must come up with a game plan to leave the sugar where it needs to stay, on the shelf for special occasions. According to the American Heart Association Americans on average consume 20 teaspoons of sugar per day while the recommended daily amount of sugar is 6 teaspoons for women and 9 teaspoons for men. Beverages make up most of our sugar consumption at a whopping 47% which include soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, coffee, and tea. The second leading cause of excess sugar comes from snacks and sweets at 31%.
The point is, sugar consumption has gotten way out of control, especially in the United States, and we need to be aware of the risks associated with excess sugar which include chronic inflammation, tooth decay, acne, advanced skin aging, weight gain and obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, brain loss, cancer, and premature death. Sugar though sweet can be deadly. It’s recommended by John Hopkins Medicine that we avoid sodas and other sugar sweetened beverages, reach for fruits instead of candy, cookies, or other sweet treats, read ingredient labels, and watch for sugar aliases. As it turns out, smoothies with no added sugar still taste sweet because that’s how they are made naturally. If we stop and think before we run to the sweets isle, in the future we will be happy with the choices we make.
            “Always begin with the end in mind.” - Ellen Muth
“How much sugar is too much?” American Heart Association. https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/sugar/how-much-sugar-is-too-much
Ndumele, Chiadi. “Obesity, Sugar, and Heart Health.” Johns Hopkins Medicine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/obesity-sugar-and-heart-health
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emoticonheart · 1 year
There is the one scene in a work, be it film, book, TV, video games, etc., where a character is in a scenario that puts them in an ideal position to belch, like drinking alcohol or soda or eating food, but they just don’t belch for some reason. It’s that one moment where you think, “Oh, this is it. They’re going to burp. I can’t wait.”, only to realize that it’s not going to happen and the story threw away something great.
For example, in Shrek the Third, a film that’s terrible for many other reasons besides the one that I’m going to list, Princess Fiona is having a baby shower and is mentioned to have some effects from her pregnancy, like cravings. She’s even seen chomping down on a large slice of cake. Given that pregnancy is known to make women gassy and that Fiona is an ogre with an already strong appetite and belching prowess, then having her burp to show off more of how her pregnancy is affecting her should have been easy. Unfortunately, even that simple notion was ignored, and I am merely left to ponder what could have been.
I also really wish that there was a scene in Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs where soda monsoons from the sky, and the weatherwoman Sam Sparks reports on it while sampling the rain, and later gets interrupted by her own burps, blushing as she embarrasses herself on live television.
So, doe you have any other movies, cartoons, games, etc would you like to see remade with burping?
honestly? no.
i'm sure this answer is disappointing to you, but i promise i have a reason. that reason is the fact that, like i said in my previous ask, i get embarrassed really easily, and that includes second hand embarrassment. and one thing that gives me so much secondhand embarrassment is imagining actors/actresses during a scene in which they burp. especially when it's live action. like every time i imagine a director telling an actor to just open their mouth and that they'll add a burping sound in later, i cringe from my head to my toes. idk, i'm just so embarrassed for them. that's gotta be so awkward.
now, none of this is to say you or anyone is invalid for not feeling this way about this. in fact, if anything, i'm the odd one out here. i wish i could just let things like this go and just enjoy things without thinking so hard about it, but that's just how my brain works i guess.
but yeah, again, i'm sorry if this answer disappointed you, but it's the truth.
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greenbayorthopedics · 2 years
How Can You Take Care Of Your Pelvic Health?
People often think of Physical Therapy as just a treatment option for injury recovery for your neck, spine, shoulders, and so on. Still, the world of physical therapy also covers pelvic health. 
For both women and men, pelvic health is critical to your wellness. Pelvic therapy can help with many issues, including incontinence, post-surgery recovery, pregnancy preparation, and much more. It is a good therapy to reduce incontinence symptoms and more. But there are some tips you can follow to prevent pelvic floor disorder in the first place.
You can do many things to prevent or lessen pelvic floor damage. You don’t have to wait to have signs or symptoms to begin to strengthen your pelvic floor.
Here are a few tips that can effectively reduce incontinence and other issues related to your pelvic:
Do Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic muscles, which support the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum. Kegel exercises can help you prevent incontinence and other pelvic floor problems.
Check for organ prolapse. Bladder, rectal, and uterine prolapse can cause bowel and bladder control issues, feeling of heaviness in the vagina, incomplete emptying, and pain with intercourse, among other things. Work with your urogynecologist and a pelvic floor rehab specialist to help alleviate and prevent future problems.
Small changes. Take control of constipation to prevent stress on the pelvic floor and strain these muscles by drinking enough water, eating fiber-rich foods, and using a squatty potty to relax the muscles during bowel movements.
Follow a good diet. Decreasing bladder irritants such as soda, coffee, carbonated beverages, sugars, and spicy foods can slow down an overactive bladder and urgency that can lead to leakage.
Mind your bathroom schedule. Avoid going to the bathroom less than every two hours but do not hold more than four hours. The ideal range is between two and four hours to avoid creating future problems related to retention.
You shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed if you’re experiencing a pelvic floor issue. We encourage you to be open and reach out to a physical therapist with any questions or concerns you might have related to your pelvic health.
At Orthopedics & Spine Therapy, we have specialists who can help reduce incontinence symptoms, vaginal pain, and more. We're here to help as the best physical therapy clinic in Green Bay, WI. Please visit our website to discover more about pelvic health.
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hairstyleforteen · 5 days
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discoverybody · 2 months
Home Remedies For Gum Inflammation
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Gum inflammation, also known as swollen gums or gingival swelling, is a common ailment that can cause pain and discomfort. If left untreated, it might lead to more serious gum disease. While expert dental care is necessary for an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan, there are a few home treatments that can help reduce swelling and relieve discomfort.
Gum inflammation can be caused by poor oral hygiene, plaque and tartar buildup, infections, ill-fitting dental appliances, hormonal changes during pregnancy, or certain drugs. Identifying the underlying reason is critical for effectively treating the edema.
Gum inflammation symptoms include red and swollen gums, bleeding while brushing or flossing, poor breath, increased gap between teeth, and tooth sensitivity or pain. Prompt care to these indications is required to avoid future difficulties.
Home cures for gum inflammation might provide brief relief while also improving overall oral health. Some effective remedies include rinsing with saltwater to reduce swelling, using a turmeric gel paste to reduce inflammation and kill germs, practicing oil pulling with coconut or olive oil to combat oral bacteria, applying a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain, using clove oil to alleviate discomfort and freshen breath, using hydrogen peroxide as an antimicrobial mouthwash, brushing with a baking soda and salt solution to remove buildup and fight infections.
While these home cures may provide temporary relief, it is critical to see a dentist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene habits are critical for preventing gum inflammation and maintaining optimal oral health.
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rawbeautywellness · 2 months
Navigating dark underarms with natural deodorants
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Dark underarms, a common concern for many individuals, can ne source of self-consciousness ad discomfort. While various factors contribute to this condition, including genetics, hormonal changes and shaving, the use of conventional dedans containing harsh chemicals may exacerbate the problem. In response, a growing number of people are turning to natural deodorants as a gentle and effective solution for addressing dark underarms.
Best natural deodorant for Dark underarms, often characterized by hyperactive pigmentation or discoloration, can result from several factors such as shaving, waxing and abrasive clothing can cause friction and irritation, leading to darkening of the skin in the underarm area. Product build-up, residue from conventional deodorants, containing ingredients like aluminium compounds and synthetic fragrances, can accumulate on the skin’s surface, contributing to discoloration over time. Fluctuations in hormone level, particularly during puberty, pregnancy or menopause, may trigger increased melanin production, leading to darkening of the skin. Genetic, some individuals may be predisposed to darker underarms due to genetic factors or skin pigmentation.
Natural deodorants offer a gentle and holistic approach to underarm care, addressing the root causes of dark underarm while respecting the skin’s natural balance. Unlike conventional deodorants that contain harsh chemicals, natural deodorants are formulated with gentle, skin-friendly ingredients such as baking soda, arrowroot powder, coconut oil and essential oils. These ingredients help neutralize order causing bacteria without causing irritation or sensitization. Many natural deodorants incorporate absorbent ingredients like arrowroot powder r cornstarch to help t absorb excess moisture, keeping the underarm area dry and comfortable. Some natural deodorants contain ingredients known for their skin-brightening properties, such as lemon or orange essential oils, licorice extract or vitamin c. These ingredient can help fade discoloration and promote a more even skin tone over time. Natural deodorants often contain antioxidants like vitamin E or green extract, which help protect the skin from oxidative damage and support skin health.
To maximize the benefits of natural deodorants for dark underarms, consider the following tips: incorporate natural deodorants into your daily routine and allow time for the ingredients to work their magic. Be patient as visible results may take several weeks to appear. Loom for natural deodorants specifically formulated for sensitive skin or designed to address dark underarms. Read the ingredients labels carefully to ensure they do not contain potentially irritating or allergenic substances. Maintain proper hygiene by cleansing the underarm area regularly with a gentle soap or cleanser. Exfoliate periodically to remove dead skin cells and prevent product build-up. Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated from the inside out, promoting overall skin health and radiance. Dark underarms need not be a source of distress or embarrassment.
With the gentle yet effective approach of natural deodorants, it is possible to illuminate and revitalize he underarm area while promoting skin health and confidence. Best all Natural deodorants not only offer and alternative to synthetic ingredients but also tantalize the sense s with an array of captivating fragrances sourced from the bounties of nature.
Let us embark on a fragrant journey through the diverse scents that characterize natural deodorants, each imbued with the essence of botanical wonders are  lavender bliss, infused with the soothing aroma of lavender essential soil, this fragrance transports you to serene field of purple blooms and imparts a calming effect to your body. Citrus burst, another senses with the invigorating scents of citrus fruits such s lemon, lime, orange.
Citrus essential oils lend a zesty freshness to natural deodorants, providing an instant burst of energy and vitality. Woodsy serenade, for those drawn to rugged allure of the great outdoors, woody fragrances offer a sense of grounding and strength, notes of cedar wood, sandalwood and many more.  So, embrace these natural deodorants and give yourself a fragrant and hygienic lifestyle.
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koffeetips · 5 months
Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant? A Guide for Moms-to-Be
Can you drink coffee while pregnant? The answer is yes. But at the same time, it DEPENDS!!!Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is consumed by millions of people every day and is often considered a staple in many people's diets.However, when it comes to pregnancy, many women are unsure whether or not it is safe to drink coffee while pregnant.In this article, let us explore the topic of coffee and pregnancy and answer the question: can you drink coffee while pregnant?The short answer is yes, pregnant women can drink coffee. However, it is important to watch your consumption of coffee, and caffeine intake overall, during pregnancy.Caffeine can affect your pregnancy and your baby in ways that aren't completely clear.On one side, a Pennsylvania University Study in 2021 concluded: "Moderate Amount of Caffeine Not Linked To Maternal Health Risks".On the other side, an article about "Impacts of Caffeine during Pregnancy", a study conducted in 2019, posted on the National Library of Medicine website, can be summarized as "caffeine consumption during pregnancy is associated with adverse gestational outcomes", but further studies are called for. Most experts agree that caffeine is safe during pregnancy if limited to 200 mg or less per day. This equals about 1–2 cups (240–580 mL) of coffee or 2–4 cups (540–960 mL) of caffeinated tea.
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A Pregnant Woman Enjoys a Cup of Black Coffee In Bed Caffeine is a stimulant that can cross the placenta and affect the developing fetus.High levels of caffeine intake during pregnancy have been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, low birth weight, and developmental delays.However, studies have not been able to establish a clear link between caffeine intake and these outcomes.It's important to note that caffeine is not just found in coffee. It's also found in tea, chocolate, soda, and some medications. So if you're pregnant and trying to limit your caffeine intake, it's important to be aware of all the sources of caffeine in your diet.If you're a coffee lover and can't imagine giving up your daily cup of joe during pregnancy, there are some things you can do to reduce your caffeine intake. You can switch to decaf coffee or tea, which has very little caffeine.Another option is to drink less coffee overall. If you're used to drinking several cups of coffee a day, try cutting back gradually until you're down to one or two cups a day. You can also try switching to other beverages like herbal tea or water.It's important to note that some studies have suggested that moderate caffeine intake during pregnancy may be beneficial for fetal development.One study found that moderate caffeine intake was associated with a reduced risk of fetal growth restriction.Another study found that moderate caffeine intake was associated with better cognitive performance in children.However, these studies are not conclusive and more research is needed to determine the effects of caffeine on fetal development. Summeray to Answer "Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant?" In conclusion, coffee is generally safe during pregnancy if consumed in moderation. Most experts agree that limiting caffeine intake to 200 mg or less per day is safe for pregnant women. However, if you're concerned about the effects of caffeine on your pregnancy or your baby's development, it's always best to talk to your doctor.Your doctor can help you determine how much caffeine is safe for you based on your circumstances.  Link Twitter Pinterest Facebook Linkedin Reddit Keep In Touch If You Like My Articles. As much as I like to share my knowledge and skills with you, I love to hear from you. If you have any suggestions or comments, please click here. Also don't forget to subscribe to our quarterly newsletters if you like my blogs and like to keep in touch.Of course, read more blog posts that I post now and then, such as  "Best Coffee Makers Under 200 (USD)". Read the full article
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365chemistspharma · 6 months
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CITRO SODA SACHET contains Citric acid, Sodium citrate, Sodium bicarbonate and Tartaric acid which belongs to the group of medicines called Urinary alkalinizing agents and Antacids respectively. It is used in cases of temporary relief from minor gastric upsets, in combination with antibiotics, when the effectiveness of an antibiotic is increased in the presence of alkaline urine and in urinary conditions where alkaline urine will benefit and helps kidneys to get rid of uric acid in blood as well as removes kidney stones due to high uric acid.
This medicine is also used to prevent and treat kidney stones, uric acid in blood, urinary tract infections (painful and difficulty in urination). During treatment with CITRO SODA SACHET, the clinical condition of the patient should be assessed, and laboratory results (such as serum electrolytes, acid-base balance) should be collected periodically especially in patients with kidney diseases. CITRO SODA SACHET is not recommended for use in patients with kidney failure or increased sodium concentration in blood (hypernatremia) along with hexamine mandelate or hexamine Hippurate therapy (treatment for urinary infection) where acidic nature of urine is needed.
CITROSODA SACHET should be taken with caution in patients with increased blood pressure, heart failure, decreased or loss of kidney function, swelling in legs (peripheral oedema), pulmonary oedema, high blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia). The most common side effects of taking CITRO SODA SACHET are nausea, weakness, vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain. Consult your doctor if any of the side effects worsen or persists for a longer duration.
It is used:
In temporary relief from minor gastric upsets (in combination with antibiotics, when the effectiveness of an antibiotic is increased in the presence of alkaline urine)
To get rid of uric acid in blood as well as removes kidney stones due to high uric acid
To prevent and treat kidney stones and urinary tract infections (painful and difficulty in urination)
CITRO SODA SACHET contains Citric acid, Sodium citrate, Sodium bicarbonate and Tartaric acid. Citric acid and Sodium citrate acts as urinary alkalinizing agents that decreases the acidity of urine and makes it alkaline. Sodium bicarbonate and Tartaric acid acts as gastric antacids that neutralizes stomach acid. Thus, it helps to relieve gastric irritation and urinary tract infections.
Take CITRO SODA SACHET as advised by your physician. Add the medicine to a half-glass of water and stir to combine, consume after effervescence has been subsided. Your doctor will decide the correct dose and duration for you depending upon your age, body weight and disease condition.
Nausea, vomiting
Stomach pain.
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integritydental · 6 months
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If you’re expecting a baby, dental care in pregnancy might not be one of your top concerns. But it should be.
Common conditions that arise during pregnancy can contribute to oral health issues. Those issues, in turn, can cause your overall health to deteriorate – exactly what you don’t want during pregnancy.
That glow that marks you as an expectant mother doesn’t only come from your happiness. It also results from your increased hormone levels.
The same hormones that help your body nurture your little one also increase blood flow to your gums. This excess blood flow can cause bleeding and inflammation.
Without treatment, this condition can lead to gum disease. Gum disease doesn’t stop at your gums. It can also contribute to cardiovascular conditions, pneumonia, and complications during pregnancy and birth.
Precisely what you don’t need as a new mum. Especially when a prenatal dental check-up and cleaning can nip these conditions in the bud.
After your dental exam, be sure to brush and floss regularly. If you experience bleeding or sore gums, be sure to schedule a follow-up visit.
There’s another upside to getting preventative dental care during pregnancy. Studies show that your child will be more than five times less likely to have cavities later in childhood when you follow a strict oral health regimen during pregnancy.
One of the most unpleasant side effects of pregnancy is the acid reflux and vomiting that accompanies ‘morning sickness’ – i.e., pregnancy-related nausea. The acids released in your mouth during reflux or vomiting put you at greater risk for cavities.
For that reason, it pays to avoid acidic and fizzy drinks during pregnancy, as well as excessive sweets. If you do experience vomiting or acid reflux, rinse your mouth with a bicarbonate of soda solution immediately after it happens.
Jot down situations that trigger your nausea. Avoid them if possible. Eat smaller meals and keep hydrated.
If your symptoms become unmanageable, make an appointment with your obstetrician. There are both over-the-counter and prescription remedies that are safe during pregnancy. Excessive vomiting can cause an electrolyte imbalance – bad for you, bad for Baby.
Parents often wonder when to start their newborn on an oral health regimen. Unless you or your paediatrician notices anything abnormal, such as difficulty in latching on to the breast or bottle, you needn’t schedule your child’s first check-up until their first tooth comes in or they reach their first birthday.
However, if your child seems to struggle to latch on, you should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can. A tongue tie – easy to correct with a minimally invasive procedure – may be the culprit.
From the day you first get the happy news until your children go off on their own, the caring team at Integrity Dental will support you all the way. Book your prenatal check-up today!
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pablice · 7 months
How I Lost All My Pregnancy Weight Fast By Tracking Calories
Benefits of Tracking Calories for Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss Tracking calories can help post-pregnancy mothers lose weight in an effective and balanced manner. It can provide them with a better understanding of their current diet in terms of calorie intake, showing them where changes can be made to ensure a healthier, successful weight loss. Tracking one’s caloric intake can also help a person make more conscious food choices that are designed to benefit their post-pregnancy weight loss goals. Having a clear picture of what is being consumed in terms of calories can also identify small adjustments in a person’s diet plan that can make big differences in the overall success of weight loss following pregnancy. Keeping a food diary is a great way to keep a detailed reconstruction of what is eaten, making it easy to follow a drafting of calorie-controlled diet that can help post-pregnancy moms lose weight in a safe and steady way. How to Track Calories for Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss Tracking calories consumed during post-pregnancy weight loss is one of the most important parts of any diet. Knowing your daily caloric intake is the best way to measure whether your weight loss goals are being achieved. One of the easiest and most accurate ways to track calories is to use a food diary. Write down what you eat and when, and how many calories each meal contains. Keeping a running total of calories consumed in a day can help you stay on track and reach your weight loss goals. Another method to track calories is to use a basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculator. BMR calculators can give you an estimate of how many calories you should be eating daily to lose the desired weight. When using a BMR calculator, it is important to remember to update the information as needed to accurately reflect your progress. This will help ensure that you are getting the correct amount of calories to reach your weight loss goals. Strategies to Increase Weight Loss Efficiency Increasing your weight loss efficiency requires a plan tailored to you and your lifestyle. One idea is to begin your day with a morning routine that includes drinking a glass of water and some light exercise such as walking. This will kickstart your metabolism and improve your focus for the day. Additionally, try and have wholesome snacks throughout the day to prevent hunger cravings. Eating smaller portions frequently is also beneficial as it prevents overeating when the main meals of the day come around. Ingredients such as cucumbers, carrots, fruits, and nuts are excellent snacks that you can carry with you throughout the day. Strategies to Combat Post-Pregnancy Cravings One great way to fight post-pregnancy cravings is to know the triggers. If you know what situations or even foods cause your cravings to increase, you can take steps to minimize the effects of those triggers. It may help to keep a journal of your cravings and what situations caused them so that you have a better understanding of what is setting them off. Preparing ahead of time can also be a useful strategy in combating post-pregnancy cravings. By having nutritious snacks like fruits, nuts, and seeds available, you can reach for them in place of unhealthy options when the cravings hit. If you’re having trouble staying away from certain snacks, it may help to commit to avoiding them for a certain period of time until the craving passes. How to Identify and Avoid Unhealthy Foods Identifying unhealthy foods can be tricky. A common mistake people make is believing that just because a food is labeled healthy, it is good for you. A good way to identify unhealthy foods is to look at the ingredient list. If the list consists of chemicals and preservatives, the food is probably not healthy. Another way to identify unhealthy foods is to look at the nutrient content. Foods like soda, candy, and baked goods are often high in sugar, sodium, and saturated fat. This type of food can be linked to increased risks of chronic diseases. When possible, try to choose foods that are rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber. These are generally the healthier choices. Tips for Eating Out While Post-Pregnancy Dieting Eating out while maintaining a post-pregnancy weight loss plan can be challenging. The restaurant environment is often full of unhealthy options that can quickly put a dent into any dietary considerations. However, with a few tips it is possible to maintain a diet-friendly regime while dining out. Firstly, it's important to opt for choices that are low in calories and high in nutritional value. Avoid anything deep-fried, and opt for grilled fish or white meat. If there is an option to customize your meal, this is often a better choice than picking from the pre-set meals on offer. Ask for dressings or sauces on the side to control the amount of fat consumption, and exclaim half portions or take-home boxes to reduce overall calorie intake. Finally, stay hydrated with water and try to find smaller, more privately owned restaurants as they are more likely to have healthier options. Making Exercise a Part of Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss Physical activity is essential for post-pregnancy weight loss. Exercise can help burn fat and also increases muscle mass, which further boosts metabolism. Women who have recently given birth should start with light exercises such as walking or light jogging. Increasing the intensity of the workout gradually and consistently can help speed up post-pregnancy weight loss. It is important for post-pregnant women to make time for exercise and prioritize it when planning their day. Exercise releases endorphins and helps reduce stress levels, which can help combat post-pregnancy cravings. Partnering up with a friend can help make exercising easier and more enjoyable, as it can help provide women with the motivation they need to reach their goals. Managing Your Time for Maximum Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss It can be difficult for new mothers to carve out the time and energy to effectively manage their post-pregnancy weight loss. Planning efficient and regular meals within a budget, coupled with appropriate exercise and mindful food selections can often require significant time commitments. To make the most of the time available, it is beneficial to make a schedule to plan and organize all meals, exercise activities and other commitments. Breaking the day into manageable parts and dedicating specific time blocks to the chosen tasks can help maximize post-pregnancy weight loss. Time management can also help reduce the chances of impulsively reaching for unhealthy treats due to stress or fatigue. Designating adequate time for exercising, food preparation and rests can stave off cravings and allow for a more balanced and conscious lifestyle. Scheduling time for physical activity is especially important, as it helps to boost metabolism, burn fat and naturally regulate hormones. All of these are vital for a healthy post-pregnancy weight loss. What are the benefits of tracking calories for post-pregnancy weight loss? Tracking calories can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. It allows you to keep an accurate count of the calories you’re consuming each day and make sure you’re not eating too much or too little. It’s also a great way to get an idea of which types of foods are better for you than others. How can I track calories for post-pregnancy weight loss? There are a few different ways to track calories for post-pregnancy weight loss. You can use a calorie counting app or website, keep a food diary, or use a food scale to weigh portions. All of these methods can help you keep an accurate count of the calories you’re consuming each day. What strategies can I use to increase weight loss efficiency? To increase weight loss efficiency, you can focus on eating nutrient-dense foods that are low in calories and high in fiber and protein. You can also incorporate intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating into your routine. Additionally, reducing stress and getting enough sleep can help your body burn fat more efficiently. What strategies can I use to combat post-pregnancy cravings? To combat post-pregnancy cravings, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough nutrients and calories from healthy sources. It’s also helpful to drink plenty of water, get regular exercise, and practice mindful eating. If cravings become too overwhelming, try distracting yourself or engaging in a different activity. How can I identify and avoid unhealthy foods? Unhealthy foods are typically high in calories, sugar, fat, and sodium. To avoid these types of foods, look for items with whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and fiber. Additionally, steer clear of processed foods and items that are high in added sugars. What tips do you have for eating out while post-pregnancy dieting? When eating out while post-pregnancy dieting, try to make healthier choices. Look for lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. If you’re ordering from a menu, avoid items that are fried or covered in sauces or dressings, as these can be high in fat and calories. How can I make exercise a part of post-pregnancy weight loss? Making exercise a part of your post-pregnancy weight loss plan can help you reach your goals more quickly. Start with low-impact activities such as walking or swimming, and gradually work your way up to more challenging exercises. Additionally, try to get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. How can I manage my time for maximum post-pregnancy weight loss? To manage your time effectively for post-pregnancy weight loss, it’s important to set realistic goals and plan ahead. Make sure you set aside time each day for exercise and meal prep. Additionally, try to minimize time spent on activities that don’t contribute to weight loss, such as watching TV or surfing the internet. Read the full article
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nathfiset · 7 months
The 10 best tricks to deal with nausea in pregnancy
The best 10 tricks to deal with nausea in pregnancy
 Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting journey, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges. One of these challenges is dealing with nausea, also known as morning sickness.Nausea is a common symptom experienced by many pregnant women, and it can range from mild discomfort to severe vomiting. While it may be a normal part of pregnancy, it can be incredibly uncomfortable and disruptive to daily life. Fortunately, there are several tricks and remedies that can help alleviate nausea and make the experience of pregnancy more enjoyable. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 tricks for dealing with nausea during pregnancy. These tried and tested methods have been recommended by healthcare professionals and have been proven to provide relief for expectant mothers.Whether you are in your first trimester or nearing the end of your pregnancy, these strategies can help you manage nausea and make the most out of this special time in your life. So, let's dive in and discover the best ways to deal with nausea during pregnancy. 
Stay hydrated and sip slowly.
 Proper hydration is essential during pregnancy, especially when dealing with nausea. It is important to stay hydrated throughout the day to support your overall health and well-being.Sipping water slowly and consistently can help ease feelings of nausea and prevent dehydration. Aim to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water daily, and consider adding a slice of lemon or a splash of herbal tea for added flavor. Additionally, you can try drinking small amounts of clear liquids like ginger ale or lemon-lime soda to help settle your stomach. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and recommendations to ensure a healthy and comfortable pregnancy journey. 
Snack on bland, starchy foods.
 Another helpful trick to deal with nausea in pregnancy is to snack on bland, starchy foods. These foods can be easier on the stomach and can help alleviate feelings of queasiness. Opt for options like plain crackers, toast, or pretzels, which provide a mild taste and gentle texture. These snacks can be easily digestible and may help settle your stomach when you're feeling nauseous. It is important to listen to your body's cues and eat small, frequent meals throughout the day to maintain a steady blood sugar level. Experiment with different bland, starchy foods to find what works best for you and always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance. 
Try ginger in various forms.
 Ginger has long been known for its anti-nausea properties and can be a valuable addition to your arsenal of tricks to deal with nausea in pregnancy. Try incorporating ginger in various forms to see what works best for you. Some options include ginger tea, ginger candies, ginger ale, or even adding freshly grated ginger to your meals or smoothies. Ginger has natural compounds that can help alleviate nausea and soothe the stomach, making it a safe and effective remedy. However, it's always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before trying any new remedies or supplements during pregnancy. 
Avoid strong smells and triggers.
 Another important trick to deal with nausea in pregnancy is to avoid strong smells and triggers. Certain smells, such as strong perfumes, cooking odors, or even certain foods, can trigger feelings of nausea and make your symptoms worse. It may be helpful to identify specific smells that trigger your nausea and try to avoid them as much as possible. You can also try using natural remedies such as essential oils or aromatherapy to create a more calming and soothing environment. Additionally, practicing good ventilation in your home, opening windows, and using fans can help to dissipate any strong odors that may be causing discomfort. By being mindful of your environment and avoiding strong smells and triggers, you can help to minimize episodes of nausea during pregnancy. 
Eat small, frequent meals.
 One effective strategy to alleviate nausea in pregnancy is to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day. Instead of consuming three large meals, opt for smaller portions spread out over several meals and snacks. This can help prevent your stomach from becoming too empty or too full, both of which can trigger feelings of nausea. Additionally, choosing foods that are easy to digest and gentle on the stomach, such as bland carbohydrates, lean proteins, and fruits and vegetables, can also aid in reducing nausea. Remember to listen to your body's cues and eat when you feel hunger pangs, even if it's outside of traditional meal times. By adopting this approach, you can maintain a steady intake of nutrients while minimizing the likelihood of experiencing intense bouts of nausea during your pregnancy. 
Wear acupressure wristbands.
 Another helpful technique to manage nausea in pregnancy is to wear acupressure wristbands. These wristbands apply pressure to specific acupuncture points on the wrists, known as the Nei-Kuan points, which are believed to help relieve nausea and vomiting. The bands usually have a plastic stud or bead that applies continuous pressure to these points. While the exact mechanism is not fully understood, many women find that wearing acupressure wristbands provides significant relief from pregnancy-related nausea. It is a non-invasive and drug-free method that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. However, it is important to note that individual results may vary, and it is always advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before trying any new remedies or treatments during pregnancy. 
Get plenty of rest.
 In addition to implementing various techniques, it is crucial for pregnant women experiencing nausea to prioritize getting plenty of rest. Fatigue can exacerbate feelings of nausea and make it more challenging to cope with the symptoms. Ensuring an adequate amount of sleep and rest throughout the day can help regulate hormone levels and alleviate some of the discomfort associated with pregnancy-related nausea. It is recommended to establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a comfortable sleep environment, and engage in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or gentle stretching before bedtime. Additionally, taking short breaks or naps during the day can provide a much-needed energy boost and help manage nausea more effectively. Remember, rest is an essential aspect of overall well-being during pregnancy, and incorporating it into your daily routine may contribute to a reduction in feelings of nausea. 
Consider taking vitamin B6.
 Another helpful strategy to alleviate nausea in pregnancy is considering the potential benefits of taking vitamin B6. This essential nutrient plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including metabolism and the production of neurotransmitters. Studies have suggested that vitamin B6 supplementation may help reduce the severity of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplements, as they can provide guidance on the appropriate dosage and potential interactions with other medications. Incorporating vitamin B6 into your daily routine, alongside other nausea-relief techniques, may offer some relief and improve your overall comfort during this sensitive time. 
Talk to your healthcare provider.
 When dealing with the challenges of nausea in pregnancy, it is highly recommended to have open and frequent communication with your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider is your best resource for guidance and support during this time. They can provide personalized advice based on your individual health history and circumstances. They may be able to suggest additional strategies or interventions that can help alleviate your symptoms. It is important to share any concerns or questions you have with your healthcare provider, as they are there to help you navigate this journey and ensure the best possible outcome for both you and your baby. Remember, your healthcare provider is a valuable partner in your pregnancy journey, so don't hesitate to reach out to them for assistance. 
Practice relaxation techniques.
 One effective approach to managing nausea in pregnancy is the practice of relaxation techniques. These techniques can help to calm the body and mind, reducing stress and potentially alleviating symptoms of nausea. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery are among the relaxation techniques that can be beneficial. Taking deep, slow breaths can promote relaxation and reduce feelings of nausea. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then releasing different muscle groups, promoting a sense of relaxation and overall well-being. Guided imagery involves visualizing calm and soothing scenes, diverting attention away from the discomfort of nausea. By incorporating these relaxation techniques into your daily routine, you may find relief from the symptoms of nausea in pregnancy. In conclusion, nausea during pregnancy is a common and often unpleasant experience. However, with the help of these 10 tricks, you can find relief and improve your overall well-being during this special time. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider if you are experiencing severe or persistent nausea, as they can offer additional support and guidance. With the right strategies and self-care, you can navigate this challenging symptom and enjoy a healthy pregnancy. 
 What are the top 10 tricks or remedies to effectively deal with nausea during pregnancy? - Eating small, frequent meals - Avoiding spicy or greasy foods - Drinking ginger tea or using ginger supplements - Sniffing peppermint or lemon essential oils - Taking vitamin B6 supplements - Staying hydrated - Trying acupressure wristbands - Resting and getting enough sleep - Avoiding strong smells or triggers - Talking to a healthcare provider about medication options if necessary. Are there any specific foods or beverages that can help alleviate nausea in pregnant women? Ginger and peppermint are often recommended to alleviate nausea in pregnant women. Ginger can be consumed in various forms, such as ginger tea, ginger candies, or ginger ale. Peppermint tea or peppermint candies can also help soothe the stomach and reduce nausea. It is important to note that every woman's experience with pregnancy nausea is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice and recommendations. How important is it to maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated to combat pregnancy-related nausea? Maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated are crucial in combating pregnancy-related nausea. Nausea and vomiting are common during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, and can lead to dehydration and inadequate nutrient intake. Consuming a balanced diet that includes small, frequent meals with a variety of nutrients can help alleviate nausea symptoms. Staying hydrated is also essential as dehydration can worsen nausea. Drinking water, herbal teas, and consuming hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables can help combat dehydration. Consulting with a healthcare professional for personalized advice is recommended. Are there any natural remedies or alternative therapies that have been found to be effective in reducing nausea during pregnancy? Yes, several natural remedies and alternative therapies have been found to be effective in reducing nausea during pregnancy. Some of these include ginger, acupuncture, acupressure wristbands, and aromatherapy with essential oils like lemon or peppermint. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any of these remedies to ensure they are safe and suitable for your specific situation. Are there any specific lifestyle changes or habits that pregnant women can adopt to minimize the occurrence of nausea? Yes, pregnant women can adopt certain lifestyle changes and habits to minimize the occurrence of nausea. Some recommendations include eating small, frequent meals throughout the day, avoiding spicy and greasy foods, staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, avoiding strong smells, and trying relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga. It is important for each pregnant woman to listen to her body and find what works best for her, as every woman's experience with nausea during pregnancy can vary. 
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