#effective elearning
eidesignlearning · 3 months
Leveraging AI for Effective L&D Measurement
With the ability to analyze large volumes of data and identify hidden patterns, AI in measurement can help organizations make informed decisions, align L&D strategies with business objectives, and contribute to the overall success of the business.
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Leveraging AI for Effective Measurement in L&D
Today, organizations are increasingly reviewing current metrics and exploring technology, particularly AI, to identify gaps and improve L&D measurement systems. Organizations are leveraging AI’s data analysis and predictive capabilities to refine metrics, gain more nuanced insights into the impact of L&D strategies on business success, and make more informed decisions.
Traditional methods, such as course completion rates or learner satisfaction surveys, are used for learning measurement. However, these methods offer inadequate insights into the overall learning outcomes. Challenges like data silos from diverse systems and subjective metrics hinder accurate assessment. Additionally, linking learning outcomes to business performance proves inherently difficult.
Given the current limitations, there is a growing need for more sophisticated approaches that leverage AI in measurement. This is because AI can handle vast and diverse datasets from disparate sources, use advanced algorithms to unearth patterns and correlations, and deliver deeper insights into learning outcomes. By helping align training initiatives with business objectives, AI in measurement can play a key role in developing smarter, more aligned Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), enabling organizations to measure the impact of learning initiatives with greater accuracy.
How AI Can Transform Your Company’s Performance—and Measure It Better
AI in L&D has the potential to transform organizational performance by analyzing diverse datasets and providing actionable insights to streamline the learning measurement process. AI-powered analytics facilitate organizations in monitoring learner engagement across platforms, identifying areas for improvement in training programs, and creating personalized learning paths for enhanced effectiveness. Further, organizations can leverage these insights to optimize resources and continuously improve L&D initiatives.
With powerful data analysis, AI in measurement serves as an enabler. Organizations can uncover valuable insights and identify emerging trends to discover new metrics or KPIs that align better with organizational goals. AI’s predictive capabilities allow organizations to align KPIs with emerging trends and drive constant performance improvement.
That said, AI transcends mere reporting to provide data-backed actionable insights, empowering organizations to proactively drive more effective L&D strategies. Through real-time data analysis, AI in measurement can help identify potential issues and introduce timely interventions. This helps organizations mitigate risks or benefit from emerging trends, thereby gaining a competitive edge in a dynamic business environment.
AI in measurement offers numerous advantages, including enhanced accuracy and speed in data analysis, enabling quick responses to changing circumstances. AI’s predictive capabilities help organizations anticipate future trends, align L&D strategies and initiatives with business objectives, and contribute to sustainable success.
AI is revolutionizing learning measurement with real-time analytics, instant feedback, and insights into learner performance. Using data-driven insights, AI in measurement personalizes learning experiences according to individual needs, thereby optimizing learner engagement and knowledge retention. AI also offers personalized learner support, fostering an adaptive learning environment and enhancing learning outcomes.
Improving L&D Measurement with AI
AI in measurement broadens the scope of measurable aspects, capturing nuances like learner engagement, knowledge application, and skill mastery. Sophisticated algorithms and predictive analytics make it possible for organizations to gain deeper insights into learning effectiveness, align metrics with business objectives, refine measurement systems, and continuously improve learning strategies to adapt to evolving business needs.
Predictive analytics and machine learning now play a significant role in analyzing historical data to accurately forecast future trends and outcomes. By anticipating future challenges, organizations can proactively adapt L&D strategies, optimize performance, and swiftly respond to dynamic workplace requirements.
AI’s ability to process large volumes of learner data enables organizations to identify trends, learning patterns, and assess the effectiveness of L&D initiatives and methodologies. These insights are useful in identifying areas for improvement and uncovering new KPIs based on skill development, knowledge retention, and performance improvement.
Furthermore, AI in measurement helps correlate L&D outcomes with business results by analyzing the relationship between learning activities and specified performance indicators. AI uses advanced analytics to offer insights into the impact of learning interventions on key business metrics, such as productivity, retention, and revenue growth, enabling better alignment with overall business objectives.
AI in measurement also significantly informs learning content development. Analyzing a wide range of data points, including learner preferences, performance data, and business objectives, AI can help personalize content that is aligned with broader organizational goals. This data-driven approach not only helps meet individual learner needs but also meaningfully contributes to organizational success.
AI analytics can influence strategic L&D decisions by providing adaptive and personalized learning experiences. Using data such as assessments and performance metrics, AI can help organizations identify critical skill gaps and design targeted training interventions to address specific needs. Consequently, AI in measurement helps align L&D strategies with business objectives and optimizes the efficacy of learning initiatives through continuous skill development.
Developing a Data Strategy for Leveraging AI in Measurement
Developing a well-defined data strategy is important to ensure the availability of high-quality, relevant data for analysis and deploy a governance framework that maintains data integrity and privacy. By leveraging AI in measurement, organizations can maximize the potential of AI-driven solutions to garner meaningful insights and make informed strategic decisions.
A data strategy for leveraging AI in measurement empowers organizations to clearly define objectives, identify relevant data sources, and establish scalable infrastructure that can efficiently support AI-driven analytics initiatives.
Challenges and Considerations
Utilizing AI in measurement may pose challenges such as ensuring data quality, seamless integration, and compliance with privacy regulations. Scalability, resource allocation, and the evolving regulatory landscape are other challenges when implementing AI in measurement.
Utilizing AI in measurement can raise ethical concerns, especially regarding responsible data usage. Considering the growing concerns around data privacy, organizations must carefully handle sensitive information and ensure compliance with prevalent data regulations, such as the GDPR or CCPA. Algorithmic bias is another critical issue while using AI in measurement, as existing biases in data may be intensified, leading to skewed end results. It is, therefore, essential for organizations to strike a balance between human decision-making and AI-driven insights, as relying too heavily on AI technologies can diminish human judgment and accountability.
Future Trends
AI in measurement will increasingly transform the future of learning measurement, driving innovation and efficiency in L&D strategies. Organizations may witness the emergence of forward-looking KPIs (that allow anticipating the skills and competencies needed for the future workforce) and use these insights to design proactive skill development strategies. Further, AI-driven predictive analytics will facilitate a greater alignment between L&D initiatives and business objectives by forecasting the impact of learning interventions on performance metrics.
Advancements in natural language processing and sentiment analysis in L&D are poised to enable the measurement of soft skills, providing deeper insights into intended learning outcomes and their relevance to evolving job roles.
Parting Thoughts
Integrating AI into L&D frameworks has become crucial for several reasons. Embracing AI in measurement enables organizations to optimize skill development strategies and drive sustainable competitive advantage in a dynamic business landscape. It helps organizations gain deeper insights into learning outcomes, anticipate future skill needs, and make data-driven decisions to drive overall business success.
To ensure the successful integration of AI in measurement, organizations require a strategic approach that clearly identifies objectives, incorporates robust data strategies, and adequately addresses the ethical implications and potential biases inherent in AI.
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Here are some tips on how to use LMS Monks to create more engaging and effective learning experiences for your learners 🚀
👩‍🏫 Use a variety of learning activities and multimedia content 📖 Create interactive content and opportunities for social learning 🎯 Personalize the learning experience 🤝 Provide feedback and support 🌐 Anytime, Anywhere Learning
Read this article now and start your journey toward more engaging and effective learning!
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unclepatech · 2 years
The 10 Benefits of Collaborative Learning
The 10 Benefits of Collaborative Learning
The standard lecture hall is designed for the receptive transfer of knowledge from teacher to student; collaborative learning takes a different approach, emphasizing student-centered learning. It is defined as two or more individuals seeking to learn something collectively. Please check out the post on the benefits of hybrid learning. Collaborative learning environments promote effective group…
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commlabindia · 2 years
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elearningcnp · 1 month
Why Smart Classrooms are Important in Schools -Digital Teacher
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Why Smart Classrooms Are Important in Schools?
The rise of technology has ushered in a dynamic, interactive, and innovative learning era, where students, being digital natives, are accustomed to smartphones and the internet.
To remain relevant and effective, education must adapt to students' familiar tools, such as chalkboards and printed textbooks, as traditional classrooms evolve into dynamic tech spaces, with smart classrooms leading the way.
The implementation of smart classes at our institution has significantly improved teaching and learning experiences, with interactive whiteboards, multimedia content, and customized learning options resonating with students.
I think there are several reasons why smart classrooms are essential.
Enhanced Learning in Smart Classrooms:
Digi Classrooms enhance learning by incorporating interactive whiteboards, digital content, and multimedia presentations, fostering active student engagement and making it more enjoyable and effective.
Entry to an Abundance of eLearning Information:
Smart classes leverage the internet's vast information repository to provide students with real-time data, real-time research, online resources, and a wider range of educational opportunities.
Astute Interactivity and Collaborative Teaching:
The transition to a smart class has fostered a culture of collaboration and critical thinking among students, enhancing their teamwork skills, problem-solving abilities, and team-building abilities through collaborative projects, idea sharing, and active discussion participation.
The Smart Classroom for Digital Teachers:
The Digital Teacher Smart Classroom is a sustainable solution that promotes digital resources and reduces paper usage, fostering environmental consciousness among students.
Technology in Education in the Future
The author encourages educational institutions to adopt technology as it represents the future of education, providing a brighter and more engaging learning experience for students and faculty, as parents, students, and educators increasingly seek such modern, technology-driven institutions.
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For More Visit: www.digitalteacher.in website to learn more! or Please feel free to contact us at: 90000 90702
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explainlearning · 3 months
9 Reasons Why Online Learning Solutions Are the Future of Education
Education is at a crossroads. The traditional, one-size-fits-all classroom model struggles to keep pace with the rapidly evolving needs of learners and demands of the modern world. Enter online learning solutions, a dynamic and adaptable approach poised to revolutionize the educational landscape. Here are 9 reasons why online learning is destined to shape the future of education:
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1. Increased Accessibility and Flexibility:
Gone are the days of geographical or time constraints dictating access to quality education. Online learning solutions break down barriers, offering courses anytime, anywhere, on any device. Students can learn at their own pace, balancing studies with work, family, or other commitments. This flexibility empowers individuals from diverse backgrounds and circumstances to pursue their educational goals.
2. Personalized Learning Experiences:
No two learners are alike. Online platforms leverage technology to cater to individual needs and learning styles. Adaptive learning systems adjust content and difficulty levels based on individual progress, ensuring students are challenged without feeling overwhelmed. Custom eLearning solutions allow educators to curate personalized learning paths, catering to specific interests and goals.
3. Interactive and Engaging Content:
Learning shouldn’t be a passive experience. Online solutions offer a treasure trove of interactive resources: multimedia lectures, gamified learning modules, simulations, and collaborative activities. This engaging content grabs attention, fosters active participation, and solidifies understanding beyond traditional textbooks and lectures.
4. Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability:
Education can be expensive. Online learning offers a cost-effective alternative, reducing infrastructure and material costs. Educational institutions can reach wider audiences without geographical limitations, maximizing impact with less expense. This scalability allows for broader access to quality education, creating a more equitable learning environment.
5. Global Collaboration and Cultural Exchange:
The virtual classroom breaks down geographical barriers, connecting students and educators from across the globe. This fosters collaboration and cultural exchange, preparing learners for a world increasingly interconnected and diverse. Imagine collaborating on a project with peers from different countries or learning about global perspectives from international instructors – online learning makes it possible.
6. Continuous Improvement and Data-Driven Insights:
Online learning platforms generate a wealth of data about student progress, engagement, and learning styles. This data empowers educators to track individual performance, identify areas of improvement, and tailor instruction accordingly. Continuous improvement cycles optimize learning journeys, ensuring students receive the most effective support and resources.
7. Development of Essential 21st Century Skills:
The future demands critical thinkers, collaborators, and problem-solvers. Online learning inherently fosters these skills. Collaborative projects, online discussions, and self-directed learning encourage critical thinking, communication, and independent learning – all essential for success in the modern world.
8. Lifelong Learning Opportunities:
The world of knowledge is constantly evolving. Online learning platforms provide a gateway to lifelong learning opportunities. Professionals can upskill, individuals can explore new interests, and anyone can access ongoing education beyond traditional degrees or diplomas. This democratizes knowledge and empowers individuals to continuously adapt and thrive in a dynamic world.
9. A Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Choice:
Online learning reduces dependence on physical infrastructure like classrooms and printed materials. This minimizes environmental impact by lowering energy consumption and paper waste. As we strive for a sustainable future, online learning offers an environmentally conscious approach to education.
The Future is Now:
While online learning solutions cannot entirely replace traditional classrooms, they offer a powerful and adaptable tool for enriching the educational landscape. By harnessing the potential of online learning, we can create a more accessible, personalized, and engaging learning experience for all, paving the way for a brighter and more empowered future.
Content Source https://explainlearning.com/blog/9-reasons-why-online-learning-solutions-are-the-future-of-education/
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prabhatjairam · 6 months
How to Prepare for Competitive Exams
In modern times, achieving success in competitive examinations is quite challenging. Students work hard for many years to crack the exam attempt, but some get successful, and some do not. So, it is mandatory to strategize the studying schedule to be successful in the examinations. Learners and scholars must create effective smart-study methods and full-proof planning to get qualified for their competitive exams.
As examinations sometimes become difficult, students must create self-study plans that strengthen their abilities and imaginative skills. Nowadays, children are giving their best to clear the exam so that they get selected and move towards achieving their career goals. If you are a student and want to crack your exam in just the first attempt, follow the tips for competitive exam preparation. Let us look into some useful hacks to succeed in competitive exam attempts.
1) Understand the Exam Pattern
Students must understand the detailed curriculum of the examination and outline what type of questions are asked in the assessment.
They should check out sample papers of the respective subject to get an idea of the total number of questions asked per section.
Follow a timetable to develop a study plan that helps practice and revise exercises.
Solve previous year's papers and note mistakes to avoid repeating them.
The candidate should stick to the syllabus to understand the whole pattern of exams.
2) Pay Attention
Pay attention when teachers or instructors are trying to make something understandable.
Listen to peers and educators with full concentration when they try to give important details about a particular topic.
Make a habit of preparing notes while going through chapters.
Highlight the topics or headlines when teachers say this content is "very important".
Do not skip homework as it helps students to reinforce the concept done in the class.
To get more articles, please visit: Daily Booster Article| study24hr.com
3) Write Clearly and Carefully.
Always make neat and clear notes, so you don't get confused when you study that part again. 
Write in clear handwriting to avoid a mess in notebooks and answer sheets, as good handwriting impresses the examiner.
Before writing, carefully review the question paper and its instructions.
Divide long paragraphs into short-meaningful paragraphs and leave space after every answer to create a good impression on the examiner.
Make sure to illustrate your answers with flowcharts and well-labelled diagrams.
After attempting the questions, cross-check all the answers to avoid silly mistakes
4) Make a Good Strategy
The students need to know which subject to study and which topics are important.
Focus on the practicals along with the theoretical part to strengthen your preparation.
Start early and focus on the topics that need more attention to reduce stress levels.
Keep yourself calm and healthy to give your best in exams.
Take a break, look after your health, and try to find time to do exercise that makes your mind peaceful.
5) Take help from eLearning platforms.
Many eLearning portals conduct mock and practice paper tests that help students prepare for their exams.
It provides a suitable medium for education in modern times via video animations, infographics, text, short clips, etc.
The platform is very helpful in organizing quizzes and smart eNotes that genuinely help thousands of learners during their examinations.
Online portals evaluate students' performance by offering a productive learning environment. 
To cater to today's needs of learners, "study24hr.com" provides online courses and mock test practice so students can perform well.
"Study24hr.com" gives a prime benefit of online learning that ensures students synchronize with modern learners and experts.
With the help of "study24hr.com" advanced learning and teaching tools, students can improve their academic performance.
6) Always Be Positive and Maintain Self Confidence
To achieve your targeted goals, it is very important to be self-confident. If you don't have enough confidence in yourself, it might create problems and issues.
Have faith in your own will that you can achieve anything in life.
Working hard, maintaining confidence, and never giving up are the main elements in boosting future goals.
Trust in your inner self and keep good and positive thoughts in your mind to stay motivated in the long run.
Always remember that there are potentials and hidden strengths within you that effectively convert your hard attempts into success.
7) Revision
Revision is the most crucial cog for preparing for your competitive exam.
After completing your course, go through the important notes and topics to remind yourself what you have learned in previous days.
Give mock tests as many as possible regularly that enhance your speed and accuracy.
Active revision techniques allow students to practice summarising the information that identifies the gap in learning.
In addition, one-time revision is not enough to crack any competitive exam, so learners must revise the important points systematically.
8) Evaluate Yourself
Evaluating students from time to time is essential for effective exam preparations.
Thousand of online education portals avail previous year question papers where you can evaluate yourself and find your stand.
While attempting a sample paper, imagine yourself in the examination hall and keep proper track of time without having breaks in between. 
After solving the paper, analyze the test and revise the topics you have not done correctly.
Competitive exams are all about proper execution and nothing else. As this article introduced so many tips and hacks to students, it might be useful. Learners who study with sincerity and concentration can achieve everything in their lives.
So, if you want to get qualified for your exam, start working hard towards your goal. Don't get demotivated, even if you fail in any attempts, because failing doesn't mean stopping. Rather, it refers to carrying forward with more dedication and hard work. Always motivate yourself to concentrate on your studies and achieve your targeted goals. Hence, follow the strategies mentioned above to crack the toughest exam in just one go!
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poshequili · 11 months
POSH E Learning Module
POSHequili believes that sexual harassment at workplace does not only cause mental and/or physical damage to the person harassed but also seriously curtails opportunities at work by creating a discriminatory work environment. We believe that, in order to ensure equal participation and equal opportunity at work, it is extremely important to do away with discriminatory behaviour and re-instil the faith of employees/workers in the organization. We believe that this can be done only with effective and efficient compliance with the law against sexual harassment i.e. the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and other related laws.
POSHequili has, therefore, been found with the motto to help in the ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace.’
We believe that gender sensitive work spaces are extremely important not just for personal job satisfaction but also for the growth of the economy and the Nation as a whole. We, therefore, urge you to join us in our efforts to prevent sexual harassment at work and create gender sensitive work spaces for a better tomorrow.
POSH eLearning module an interactive Course designed by legal experts and psychologists at POSH at Work to educate & empower employees about their rights as well as duties under the Law in order to understand varied aspects of the Policy and nuances around the subject. The module covers key topics such as:
Terms like ‘Unwelcome’, Sexual Harassment, Workplace, Employee, etc. and what may lead to sexual harassment
Types of Sexual Harassment: Physical as well as Virtual
Internal Committee (IC): Composition, Term, Removal
Process for filing & redressal of a complaint
Rights & Duties
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mdlearning · 1 year
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gcsolutions · 2 years
The Top Virtual Reality Cases Used in Training: Preparing Employees for the Future
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Virtual reality training is a simulation-based eLearning that differs from the real world, sometimes significantly. There is a huge variety of virtual reality training solutions offering the most effective knowledge retention while building skills and confidence.
It also does a tremendous job which many trainers find difficult to do – training learners how to make decisions and readying them for situations they might encounter in the real world, with up-to-date knowledge and improved confidence.
Virtual reality training offers:
A safe learning environment
No direct exposure to hazards
No injuries while training
Improved collaboration
An enhanced decision-making ability
The Application of Virtual Reality Training in Real-World Scenarios
Keeping safety in mind while training multi-generational students can be tiresome for stakeholders. With virtual reality training solution, hands-on skills can be achieved in a safe environment. Experiencing the complete immersion that shuts down the physical world and maximizes the senses will allow the mind to absorb knowledge in a virtual real-world scenario.
The following are a few scenarios that discuss VR learning content:
Virtual Reality Training for Working at Heights
Falls from heights are the second leading cause of unintentional injury. Over 37.3 million falls are severe enough to call for immediate medical attention. The World Health Organization suggests two preventive measures for workers: stringent workplace safety regulations and multicomponent safety programs.
What a virtual reality height training simulation might look like:
Virtual reality training provides participants with a safe learning environment where they can fully understand, identify, and assess the hazards of elevated working conditions in an immersive jobsite. This involves:
Familiarizing them with the working conditions, equipment, and essential PPE requirements such as helmets, jackets, harnesses, and gloves.
Being given tasks at each level of training such as climbing up a tower, working on skyscrapers, scaffold erection and dismantling, and construction.
Asking participants to identify hazardous scenes and take steps to rectify them.
Giving the students some examples of engineering controls, administrative steps, elimination, and the opportunity to offer their own suggestions. With a wrong selection, they are guided towards the right practice.
Virtual Reality Training for Fire Safety:
The best approach is to prevent a fire spreading and execute the necessary evacuation plan. Virtual reality training offers an opportunity for participants to learn and retain the necessary knowledge without causing any harm.
What a virtual reality fire training simulation might look like:
To adequately train the firefighters in a safe environment to take quick preventive measures and successfully carry out fire safety operations, their training might constitute:
A simulated environment where participants are introduced to a safe firefighting experience, indulging with types of fire, toxic pollutants, heat stress, injuries, types of extinguishers, hazardous conditions, etc.
A detailed practice and operation of industry-standard equipment, fire extinguisher – its, nozzle, aiming, hose holding, etc. as per PASS, under several conditions with varying difficulties.
The sensors and trackers act in a simulated environment as the participant decides to act in unique, complex, and emerging scenarios before it is too late.
They practice in given scenarios, face consequences and again learn the right methods.
Virtual Reality Training for Healthcare:
Students can diagnose, perform surgery, and carry out real-world treatment on computer-generated patients. This helps them gain a real insight into healthcare without depending on infrastructure, a patient, or a situation. Healthcare has been the biggest adopter of virtual reality training with a growth rate of 34.9% CAGR for year 2026.
What virtual reality healthcare training might look like:
The transformation starts with learning about human anatomy, patient care, and improving surgery techniques, coupled with robotic surgery, so that:
Students or clinicians can take a tour of the human body, interact with medical instruments, and use the equipment correctly.
They can choose their role, practice the surgery, and perform diagnostic activities for critical conditions.
Working together they share the best practices, expert views, and specialist advice to gain real-time knowledge in a collaborative environment.
Students continue receiving real-time evaluations to stabilize their patient’s conditions.
Virtual reality training can be key for students to develop critical and necessary empathy skills. It has also worked wonders for patients in managing chronic pain, handling trauma, and overcoming emergency room scenarios.
If you continue training the same way you’ve always trained, don’t expect to get better results. — Jim Crapko
Virtual reality training is growing, and a few sectors seem to benefit more than others. The unique nature of it gives employees real-time information, data insights, and decision-making opportunities in an investigation-based setup.
Contact G-Cube for impactful learning simulations for your employees, which will teach the skills they require and enable them to make the right decisions in real-world scenarios.
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7 Habits of Highly Effective Instructional Designers
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What makes an instructional designer highly effective? In addition to being able to create powerful, engaging elearning courses, they have habits and personality traits that have helped them over time to continually improve their skills and become more successful in their careers. Let’s take a look at seven habits of highly effective instructional designers.
 The first habit: Seek out and understand the context
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A successful I.D. thrives on context. Whether you are crafting a module for use in a corporate course or working with teachers to develop training, you need to understand their day-to-day realities and constraints. Doing so will influence everything from your topic choice and style to your slide design and delivery options. Take time to know who your audience is and what they do before designing an elearning course or learning experience that's going to be truly effective at teaching them something new. As instructional designers, we have a responsibility (not just an opportunity) to understand our learners' jobs and lives so that we can make our instruction as relevant as possible—and keep them engaged as well!
 The second habit: Strive for quality and clarity in your communications
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The instructional designer’s job is to communicate. If you aren’t communicating clearly, then you aren’t doing your job. Our words must convey our ideas in ways that make sense to others. In order to do that, we need to make sure our own ideas are clear and not ambiguous or misleading in any way. Instead of thinking about quality as an optional extra, work on understanding your readers and have confidence in your ability to connect with them even if it means asking for feedback along the way. 
When we strive for clarity and quality in what we write, it makes a huge difference to those who read what we write. People will be able to understand us better when they read our instructional design documents because they will be more confident in what they’re reading. They won’t feel confused by unclear language, nor will they feel like they have to go back over something again because it didn’t quite make sense at first glance. When people don't know exactly what you mean, their attention can drift away from your message very quickly. So think about how you can increase clarity and avoid ambiguity wherever possible—even when writing short emails or text messages!
 The third habit: Observe users
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Learning from observation is a cornerstone of any design thinking methodology. For instructional designers, understanding how users use (or don’t use) your content can help you streamline your process and improve future instructional designs. This means learning about everything from user behavior to their motivations to how they interact with technology. You might even want to consider shadowing some of your users or conducting usability tests. Observation is an essential part of design thinking, so it should be at the core of every instructional designer's habits as well.
 The fourth habit: Test early, test often
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In instructional design, our job is to teach a learner how to do something that they may have never done before. The key word in that sentence is learner. We have to assume that no matter how prepared they are or how much we tell them what they will be learning, it doesn’t always make it through one ear and out of their brain. So if you have elearning development project, then think about testing your lessons with users as early and often as possible, including early on in development by asking someone who knows nothing about content or technology whether they understand what’s going on. Use all these tips (and more) when designing your next lesson plan!
 The fifth habit: Create a culture of feedback
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This habit is my personal favorite, and one that I’ve begun to implement in my own projects with great success. The more feedback you receive from your instructional design projects, both positive and negative, the better you can assess your abilities as an instructional designer. Ask others for their feedback on your designs. Not only will it help you improve your work, but it will show that you care about what others think, even if it is hard to hear at times. When someone provides constructive criticism, thank them for their input and be sure to address any concerns they might have raised. 
If you disagree with something they said, explain why; if they misunderstood something, try to clarify it. Remember: most people are genuinely trying to help! Your fifth habit should be focused on building a culture of feedback among colleagues and friends who are also instructional designers. Asking people how they feel about your work may seem like a strange thing to do (it certainly does feel weird when I ask), but remember: these are people who know you well enough that they know how much effort went into creating your design (or at least part of it). They want what's best for you too!
 The sixth habit: Set priorities
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Your first goal should be to create one great course. Focusing on creating quality eLearning over quantity is not only wise, but will make your portfolio grow faster. Most companies will only hire instructional designers who can prove they have experience creating eLearning that adds value to a company. Create high-quality courses early in your career and you’ll find it easier to land work later on. Also, since so many people are creating online training today, there are plenty of low-cost or free templates available. Don’t feel like you need to reinvent the wheel with every new project. Learn from what others have done before you—and don’t try to compete with their work. You may think your designs are better than theirs—but even if they aren't right now, give yourself time to learn and grow as an instructional designer before competing with experienced professionals!
 The seventh habit: Keep learning
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Being an instructional designer is a challenging job, which can make it difficult to stay current on trends and best practices. Taking time to learn new skills and become more familiar with what’s out there keeps you up-to-date in your field, enables you to meet client needs, and enhances your ability to deliver top-notch elearning that achieves desired results. While learning doesn’t necessarily have to take place at work—in fact, taking time outside of work can provide valuable perspective—it is critical that instructional designers continually strive for professional development. Keeping tabs on industry news through blogs, social media groups, conferences, seminars and workshops ensures that they’re always working towards new goals.
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Meet Philip, who is optimistic by nature, a teacher by profession, and a musician by selection. He is passionate about learning experience, accessible learning, interactive learning, instructional design, learning strategy and a lot more. Check out his talks in Philips Learning Hub or Philips Learning Talks YouTube Channel.
Our USP is Minute to Learn It
Philips Learning is one of the leading educators of Articulate Storyline 360 How-To video tutorial (world's best elearning platform).
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eidesignlearning · 3 months
L&D Trends in 2024: Shaping Future Workforces and Optimizing Learning as a Business
The year 2024 will be characterized by a transformative shift in the learning landscape, strategically aligning with business goals. This article explores key L&D trends, from the crucial role of Emotional Intelligence and evolving Instructional Design to the rise of Skills-Based Organizations and the integration of AI in workplace learning. Dive into the dynamic interplay of technology, adaptability, and continuous learning, shaping a future where L&D becomes a proactive driver of organizational success.
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L&D Trend #1: Emotional Intelligence in Essential Learning
Since 2023, workplace learning has emphasized Emotional Intelligence (EI), and leveraged advanced technologies for personalized, learner-centered designs worldwide. Organizations prioritized emotional well-being through mindfulness, EI workshops, and strategic coaching.
As business goals evolve currently, the demand for role-specific skills and EI becomes crucial. Integration involves virtual reality, AI, tailored content, and collaborative learning. Organizations will focus on unified cultures, strategic alignment, customized training, digital platforms, inclusivity, leadership, communication, and feedback.
Personalized learning evolves with adaptive and immersive technology, microlearning, data-driven personalization, gamification, social networks, and skills-based approaches. Enhancing learning ecosystems is crucial for workplace adaptability. Collaboration, well-being, engaged leadership, and an inclusive culture, are crucial for substantiality. EI stays integral for adaptability, collaboration, and growth in a rapidly evolving world.
L&D Trend #2: Evolution of Instructional Design – Learning Design for Performance Outcomes
In 2023, the need for a shift to a dynamic business landscape was clear due to rapid technological changes. Strategies included learner-centric approaches, practical application, technology integration, and digital skill development. Considerations for a multigenerational workforce focused on diverse learning preferences, flexible paths, and social learning. Inclusive instructional design prioritized workplace diversity, cultural competence, language considerations, and accessible learning. eLearning content emphasized POUR principles, UX (User Experience) integration, and best practices for accessibility.
In 2024, technology-driven learning advancements will feature immersive Extended Reality, gamification, adaptive systems, mobile learning, data-driven decisions, new social platforms, and interactive assessments. This integration will enhance engagement, and personalization, and impact corporate learning, thus aligning with the evolving nature of work and the demand for adaptive solutions.
L&D Trend #3: Skills-Based Organizations
Organizations will adopt a skills-based framework, prioritizing Right Skilling for precise alignment to essential skills. Strategies will include skill development focus, tailored learning journeys, continuous promotion, analytics utilization, and readiness for industry shifts. Redefined KPIs will encompass the Skill Alignment Ratio, Individual Skill Mastery, Learning Agility and Continuous Learning Index, Efficiency Rate, Technology Integration Success Rate, Leadership Skill Progression, ROI, and Industry Benchmark Alignment.
The intersection of transformation and attrition underscores the importance of fostering a growth mindset, particularly in skills, compliance, and leadership. Cross-industry skilling is a notable change, offering diverse skill sets, enhancing creativity, providing dynamic career opportunities, promoting knowledge exchange, enabling accelerated learning, and boosting employee retention.
In 2024, Skills-Based Organizations will thrive on a self-directed learning strategy, leveraging curated content, AI, and incentives to empower employees for continuous development. Also, promotes a competitive edge in dynamic business environments for an organization adopting this proactive cultural change.
L&D Trend #4: Learning in the Flow of Work
In the evolving organizational learning landscape, there is a shift toward Learning in the Flow of Work (LIFOW) which promotes continuous, integrated learning over one-time events. Particularly beneficial for dispersed workforces, LIFOW enhances individual and group skills by fostering shared best practices. Overcoming challenges in unobtrusive and standardized global learning involves implementing action- and business scenario-based methodologies. Action learning promotes collaborative problem-solving, while business scenario-based learning immerses learners in realistic situations, replicating real-world challenges.
Building a culture of continuous learning is integral, requiring leadership buy-in, recognition, and fostering a growth mindset. Scaling LIFOW globally demands effective communication, agility, scalable technology, and regular assessments for a geographically dispersed workforce. In 2024, LIFOW will transform employee development, emphasizing continuous learning for organizational adaptability in a dynamic evolving landscape.
L&D Trend #5: Learning and Business Alliance – Partnering for Success
Recognizing the crucial connection between business and L&D as strategic partners drives a clear insight into organizational unification. This will necessitate a shift in the perception of learning, making it a business driver. Key approaches must understand the modern workforce’s composition, align with business culture, and design a strategic learning plan for optimal business outcomes.
An impact-driven strategy will focus on fostering a culture of learning, committing to improvement, and cultivating learning champions for continuous growth. Aligning learning metrics with business goals validates a shared commitment, leading to increased productivity and a focus on upskilling for higher quality work. Leveraging augmented intelligence and data analysis, combined with a strategic partnership with AI, will ensure accurate metrics and measurable learner profiles for sustained talent retention and organizational success in 2024.
L&D Trend #6: Surge of AI and Automation in the Workplace
The ongoing surge of AI and automation will reshape the modern workplace, emphasizing quantitative analytics, project management, medical diagnostics, and customer service optimization. Generative AI, a leading trend in content creation, will evolve, influencing workforce roles, skill development, and emotional intelligence. Forbes reports extensive AI adoption, with 68% of large companies incorporating AI and 97% of business owners predicting positive impacts. AI’s data-driven approach will continue to transform skills training, providing customized learning experiences to address specific gaps and align with business goals. Personalized learning experiences, driven by AI, will gain momentum, enhancing alignment with individual preferences and organizational goals.
NexGen Generative AI will target industry-specific applications, emphasize a Gen-literate workforce, and will seek human-centric alignment. AI will continue to disrupt data analysis through innovations in natural language processing and conversational analytics, providing real-time insights. Continuous learning analytics powered by AI will enable organizations to create a culture of continuous learning and will align with business goals. AI innovations in L&D will continue to drive practical impacts, emphasizing multi-modal generative AI, domain-specific applications, ethical considerations, AI wearables, and its role in employee hiring and onboarding, which will reshape the landscape of work and learning.
L&D Trend #7: Optimizing Digital Learning
Immersive learning, powered by VR, AR, and MR, will gain momentum, providing tailored experiences. Microlearning will evolve with nano-learning and reels, catering to shortened attention spans through ultra-brief lessons, often in short-form videos. Gamification and game-based learning will continue to thrive, using AR, VR, and AI for personalized challenges and adaptive gameplay. Simulations will offer hands-on practice, integrating advanced technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence for realistic and effective training.
Interactive video-based learning will add a layer of interest, allowing learners to actively participate, personalize their paths, and receive immediate feedback. To truly optimize digital learning, a comprehensive approach that embraces these innovations is essential, reshaping the landscape of learning design and development.
L&D Trend #8: Modernized Learning Technology Stacks
In 2024, the convergence of learning and technology for the modern workforce will continue to be at the forefront through the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The traditional Learning Management System (LMS) will yield ground to Learner Experience Platforms (LXP’s) that offer personalized experiences, and this year will witness the next phase of AI-powered Learning Management Systems. AI integration with avatars and extended reality will move conversational responsiveness to new heights and will foster greater interactivity and personalization.
Key trends in the learning technology landscape will include the prevalence of AI-powered learning environments, enabling personalized learning journeys through machine learning metrics. The Augmented-Connected Workforce trend will continue to utilize intelligent applications and analytics promoting enhancement of employee productivity. Adaptive platforms will analyze learner performance with algorithms, ensuring efficient skill development.
The resurgence of the Internet of Things (IoT) will continue to incorporate technologies like blockchain, 5G, data analytics, and digital twins. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) will continue to enhance learner experiences and will integrate with LMSs/LPXs. Additionally, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) will automate tasks, improving workflows alongside AI and Machine Learning. This amalgamation of technologies signifies the modernized learning technology stacks driving innovation in 2024.
L&D Trend #9: Workforce Enablement and Global Transformation
The 2024 contemporary workforce will emphasize adaptability, integrating technology, and value lifelong learning. As a result, organizations will prioritize initiatives such as upskilling, and reskilling, and will foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Prominent skillsets will include leadership development, DEI, sales enablement, and tech-driven onboarding. Social learning, enhanced by AI, will continue to become more personalized, offering collaborative experiences. AI-driven content creation will transform learning, providing immersive experiences and 24/7 access through virtual assistants and chatbots. Emphasis on critical thinking will be essential to maintain a human-centered approach.
Business sustainability and ESG (Environmental Social Governance) training will focus on climate action, ethical decision-making, and compliance evolution with interactive formats and simulations. In compliance training, a shift to a comprehensive approach will involve staggered learning, short videos, and checklists. This integrated strategy, utilizing Performance Support Tools (PSTs) and personalized formats, will ensure continuous engagement and will prepare the workforce for a future-ready, adaptable 2024.
Parting Thoughts
In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive exploration of the key L&D trends shaping the learning landscape in 2024. It highlights how organizations strategically leverage these trends to enhance performance, foster talent retention, and drive business success in an ever-evolving world.
Leverage the latest L&D trends to develop a comprehensive L&D strategy that drives business results and futureproofs your workplace learning strategy.
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dailyedufacts · 2 years
Top 5 Benefits Of Choosing E-learning Courses
Businesses in today’s fast-paced and competitive industry are constantly seeking for innovative methods to improve efficiency and effectiveness inside their organizations. Time is money, and this is especially true when it comes to employee training. Staff training techniques have evolved tremendously in recent years, with e-Learning course emerging as one of the most effective and efficient means of teaching staff while also ensuring that organizations stay cyber secure and compliant. e-Learning offers organizations a more engaging, flexible, and cost-effective approach of educating employees, and it has been shown to enhance retention rates by up to 60%.
The term “e-learning” is now widely used in the learning world. Individuals are frequently faced with situations in which they must choose between taking an e-learning course and attending classroom instruction.
Because of the recent increase in e-learning platforms, many people are unaware of how e-learning might assist them and instead choose for classroom training. Despite the fact that both have advantages and downsides, understanding how e-learning provides more benefits and flexibility than classroom training can help individuals choose their next e-learning course.
Here are 5 benefits of choosing e-learning courses
1. Customized Learning Experiences
One of the primary benefits of e-Learning is that it can be tailored to specific business requirements. e-Learning experiences may be customized to suit an organization’s brand and tone of voice, making them far more relevant to employees. Every employee will not learn and retain information in the same manner.
Customized e-Learning allows course content to be consistent throughout an organization while allowing individual employees to decide the speed and level at which they study and select course materials that are suited to their personal requirements.
2. Cost-Effective
Traditional means of training can be quite expensive for businesses. Typically, funds are spent on course instructors, materials, room rental, travel, and lodging. Businesses may remove all of these expenditures by implementing an e-Learning course training system. According to an IDC survey, firms may save between 50 and 70 percent by replacing traditional training with eLearning. E-Learning course is less expensive and more efficient in terms of increasing employee productivity, job performance, and contributing to an organization’s overall professional development.
3. Efficacy
One of the most obvious advantages of e-Learning is its higher efficacy. Because, in addition to improving an organization’s profitability through higher retention and efficiency, eLearning aids the processing and retention of course material. In fact, according to a Towards Maturity Benchmark survey, 72 percent of the 600 organizations polled agreed that learning technologies such as e-Learning course and mobile learning helped their businesses adapt to change more rapidly, an increase of 11 percent over the previous year.
The same survey discovered an 18% cost reduction, a 27% increase in reach/volume of learning provided, and a 27% decrease in training delivery time. Furthermore, e-Learning course has been shown to boost knowledge retention by 25 to 60 percent, whereas the average content retention rate for an instructor-led session is just 58 percent, implying that every dollar spent on eLearning is more valuable.
4. Reduces Stress in Learning
A convenient pace, a pleasant environment, with no travel seems like the ideal way to study, doesn’t it? Online learning does this while reducing stress. It is also no longer required to go through all of the content at once. Most systems allow the student to halt the program at any moment and restart from where they left off.
5. Easy Accessibility to Learning Content
When we think about online learning, we typically assume that we must be online or signed in at all times in order to complete the learning material. While this is true in certain circumstances, most organizations/institutions recognize that it may not always be practicable. In such cases, learners are given standalone copies of courses that they may complete offline. In general, just the exams are delivered online so that scores may be recorded and certificates of completion can be awarded to participants.  
Organizations and institutions are also recognizing that today’s learners have a relatively short attention span. As a result, e-Learning course businesses have created small microlearning nuggets and films that take less time to complete yet are as effective. While a classroom learning paradigm cannot be completely ruled out for disseminated training, online learning is unquestionably the way to go, and both organizations/institutions and learners are becoming aware of this.
Bottom Line
Because of the numerous benefits it provides, e-Learning has grown in popularity and esteem across the world.
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edujournalblogs · 2 years
Must have features of eLearning apps
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eLearning is the process of acquiring knowledge or some additional skill through the use of digital resources and technology.  eLearning apps has become an excellent form of providing education since the advent of eLearning, LMS and internet. The technological advancements have undergone a massive change in the education sector over the past few years.  Since then, eLearning has proved to be an alternative to traditional classroom education.  But most significantly, eLearning has thrived to grow exponentially in the mobile Smart Phone sector as well. 
The idea of Learning Management System (LMS) originated around the year 2000, along with eLearning and  internet at around the same time.  There are three aspects to the idea of LMS viz  Learning ie., gain knowledge through courses and training programs, Management ie., organize and manage the course and System ie., a software used for training. 
eLearning has introduced a wide range of educational and professional courses with certifications and credits from major universities. Businesses see eLearning as a great way to facilitate upskilling their employees.  Students and Professionals are eager to acquire new skills and knowledge, get certifications and advance in their career path.
ELearning app features can vary according to the target organization and the purpose for which it is used in the institution like, eLearning app for schools and colleges, corporate eLearning, training institutes etc., but there are some common features spread across all major platforms.  Although there are lot of eLearning platforms offering plenty of courses, still, many companies and training institutes opt to develop their own eLearning courses with provision for customization, setting their own goal and standards, branding,  and providing features and functionalities.
Types of eLearning:
a) Synchronous Learning: In this type of learning, classes are held in real time, where the teacher and student can interact and have discussions with each other.  Eg. Virtual classrooms sessions with Zoom
b) Asynchronous Learning: In this type of learning, students can access the materials provided in the app at their time of convenience ie., the teacher and student are not present at real time.  Eg., video lectures.
Benefits of eLearning:
1) Easily Accessible
2) Cost Effective
3) Faster delivery of knowledge
4) Quick evaluation of performance
5) Increase productivity
6) Reduce the burden on environment like printing books and course material, power consumption and carbon emissions.
7) Diversified Learning
Features you should look for when choosing an eLearning app:
1) Have a separate panel for Administrators, Teachers and Students:
2) Authentication and Authorization:  Authentication verifies the identity of a user or service whereas Authorization determines the access rights to the resources.
3) Content Management and delivery: Allows learners to choose their courses and learning paths according to their preference with provision to switch between the courses. The teachers may require managing contents while creating/updating the course. Thus, there is a need to have a proper functionality for file storage, access to resources, sharing the resources etc., Make sure that you infuse micro-learning feature in your eLearning app.
4) Role Management:  Training pattern based on the roles and designations of employees in the company with access control features. Every organization has different learning requirement and different group of learners and creating a generalized program will not meet the purpose.  Hence, personalization is essential to create organized and specific learning paths.
5)  Intuitive User Interface and Dashboard: Enhance Learner interaction and providing summary and analytics on dashboard, and keep track on events on a daily basis. These types of apps makes learning easier and provides various options on podcasts, smart watches, smart phones, tablets etc., 
6) Provision to upload contents: Various documents formats like PowerPoint slides,  pdf guides, charts and graphs, podcasts, slideshare, infographics, ebooks  etc can be uploaded into the system.   It is the duty of the teacher to create and update the course, provide quality and effective online assessments, quizzes, online exams, certifications etc.  The students have to upload and submit their coursework assignments within the specified time.
7) Multimedia and Game based Learning: Studies have shown that, games help students learn quickly and retain information longer.  Multimedia and game based learning can be an effective way to engage students in your course. Use images, videos, infographics etc to supplement your lessons. AR/VR can be used for gamification and creating unique opportunities for the learners where they develop the right skill set in a virtual environment. Gamification options like leaderboards, ranks, puzzles does help boost learner motivation.
8) Push Notifications: Push notifications are effective remainders to students and teachers where messages are sent periodically on happening of a specific event such as student absenteeism, fees payment, remainder of a new course, assignment, exams etc
9) Query Resolution: Trainees can discuss about course contents, participate in discussions, raise queries and receive solution from the teachers.
10 Mobile Apps: User friendly mobile Apps that support push notification, content sharing, and communication, to deliver eLearning seamlessly.
11. Conduct Live Webinar Sessions: Conduct webinars using Zoom and engage with your learners using polls and other interactive mediums.
12. Tracking and Reporting : Automated customized reporting helps track and monitor learners activities with regard to assignments , attendance, results, certifications etc.,
13) Ecommerce: helps to sell your course material online by providing payment support online by integrated with payment gateways using dedicated API’s.
14) Security: Maintain data integrity and security with SSL and dedicated firewalls.
15) AI and Machine learning for chatbots and content personalization:  AI driven personalization creates a customized learning environment for the learners. They allow students to leverage the content and features based on their preference. Students can use a personalized dashboard with recommendations to pursue further courses to continue the learning experience.   Machine Learning for chats creates the ability to drive human to human conversations, as the chatbot application is able to learn from the algorithms and the dataset provided by the system and interact with learners, and improve the interactive learning strategy with intuitive content delivery for better learning experience. 
16) IoT and Wearable devices: Smartphones, tablets, smart watch, VR headsets can be integrated with eLearning application to create a comprehensive learning experience.  With the help of IoT, we can shift beyond the limitations of a mobile application and enhance the learning process.
17) Cloud based LMS (Software-as-a-service (SaaS) LMS): LMS is designed to provide eLearning and enhance efficiency and productivity in training. Its simple interfaces help to create, manage, deliver and track courses online and support a range of features and integration abilities.  Reviews performance and gain insight of your training impact with dashboard and reports.  Gather feedback from learners, track and manage training completion and access various reports etc., LMS may also be integrated with built in authoring tools which can assist in the teaching process.
18) Social Media integration: Integrating social media tools in your LMS helps in increasing interaction among the learners which can act as a good medium for peer-to-peer discussions and resolving doubts.
     The above features make eLearning applications a lucrative business opportunity.  Corporate would like to induct all the fresh employees as quick as possible and be familiar with all the work processes.  Also, upskilling the existing employees with new skills helps improve overall productive and enhance their skillset.   It is difficult to provide training to each and every employee through classroom training.  This is where online Course Management System on LMS platform comes in handy.  Hence, using a corporate eLearning platform for compliance training helps the learner equip with necessary skills and boost their career and business advancement.   Finally, if you would like your eLearning application to stand out and offer value to your learners, keep the above features in mind before you create your application.
URL : https://www.edujournal.com/must-have-features-of-elearning-apps/
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smartclass · 2 years
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E-learning is very broad term. E-learning is defined as any learning happens by electronic media. Electronic media could be Radio, TV, Computer, Tablet and Cell phone.
Content: something that is to be expressed through some medium as speech, writing or any of various arts. If the content is delivered through electronic media then it is called e-content. Content can be text, drawing tables, flowcharts etc. If these content is converted in to digital form, then that is called Digital Content. Digital content and e-content, e-material, etc. are used in eLearning.
If learning is done in a classroom it is called traditional learning. In classroom if teacher or instructor teaches using e-content/digital content, it is called Instructor Led Training. In instructor led training, trainee or instructor uses some digital content to explain concepts to students. Once the classroom session is done, if the trainee wants to see the course again, then the ILT might not be sufficient. Because ILTs are not self-explanatory content. To prepare self-learning content, ILTs are explained in detailed. To explain the content in detail, Learning theories are required.
E-content, or Digital content is developed using various multimedia tools. The digital content will be converted in to various formats and delivered.
If the content is prepared for Computers, then the content is called Computer Based Training. If the content is developed for mobiles, then it is called Mobile Based Learning. If the content is explained through simulations, then it is called Simulation Based Training. If the content is explained to student by using games, then that is called Game Based Learning.
E-learning or e-content development is broad term used to describe CBT, WBT, Mobile Learning, Simulation Based Learning, Game Based Learning etc.
E-learning is a priceless gift to the learning and education sector. Digital Content has eliminated the distance barrier and made learning a pleasant and joyful experience. With the advent of eLearning, knowledge and information is just a click away. With the near omnipresent reach of Internet and ever-increasing bandwidth, it is possible to deliver high-definition media rich content online.
E-learning offers many advantages to Institutes and learners alike. Traditionally, eLearning is seen as a tool for Educational Institutes and Corporates for conducting their training programmes. However, it is a myth that eLearning is for the educated masses only. E-Learning can be deployed for educating rural and semi-urban populace on a variety of topics like vocational training, social awareness etc. “Institutes” need not necessarily mean Academic Organizations. It is representative of any organization that is trying to impart training, awareness or communicating information to a variety of target audience.
Examples include Government Organizations like Social Welfare, Ministry of HR, NGO’s, Social Help Groups etc.
Institutes can leverage on the power of the Multimedia and animation to deliver standardized, educative, and quality information to the target audience. Moreover, Institutes who want to keep pace with changing trends can do so without worrying about updating their teachers, modifying textbooks/training material and printing them, etc. For learners, eLearning brings in a whole new approach to education/awareness. They can now learn “anytime, anywhere” – at their best time and pace, and not a miss a word of what is being taught.
Multimedia is a homogenized blend of various media elements such as graphics, videos, animations, texts, music, and voice and interactivity, has a major role to play in the modern corporate communication arena. Multimedia is a powerful media that delivers immersive visual experience to touch your senses. In the present scenario, Multimedia leads as the most effective and impressive medium of communication. Multimedia has established itself as an appealing and powerful way to present and communicate the message to the target audience.
The conventional ways of instruction have always left a huge gap in teaching-learning experience isolating the Trainer from the trainees. A typical Trainee may not properly comprehend and visualize what the teacher delivers in the classroom using words and static pictures without proper care on individual differences visualizing ability and the pace of learning. In this scenario, a weak trainee is left behind and feels neglected.
E-Learning material supports self-learning, self-paced learning in the trainees, increases the interest levels and the retention power of the students. Critical concepts are being developed and packaged using multimedia based digital solutions. Digital classrooms or Smart classrooms are being used in almost all every educational institute.
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radhi4025-blog · 2 years
Why Online Learning is the Future of Education??
Technology has revolutionized everything and education is no exception. E-learning has drastically changed the landscape of education. The introduction of eLearning has been convenient for students as well as teachers. As a matter of fact, online education has been received very cordially. Normally, this is not the case for most new things. So it is safe to say, regarding the future, that eLearning is here to stay. With future updates and upgrades, it is likely to develop and become more convenient for learners. New methods introduced by instructors will make online courses more interesting and engaging for learners. Apart from students, organizations are adapting to eLearning courses to train their employees. So with all the hype and effort combined, the future of eLearning is very unlikely to be bleak. Online learning is a very useful tool for students and young professionals to gain various skills. Any professional can easily learn about any subject they want. This has also empowered individuals to seek, receive, and impart information effectively with very little cost. Almost all online courses are self-paced so students can fit education into their life instead of planning their day-to-day activities around school hours. The recent pandemic situation has suddenly shifted billions of students out of their classrooms. As a result, this has triggered an interest in eLearning among people even more than before. Schools have adopted techniques to keep up with changing times. In one way, the traditional academic education system has kind of normalized eLearning by endorsing their system. Plenty of people got acquainted with eLearning practices during this period. Learners helped by facilities are less likely to subscribe to further courses in the future. Young school-aged children have already been academically introduced to eLearning so the process is already quite normal and usual for them.
Ø Reasons why Online Education is the Future…
Technology is progressing every day. New technologies that are being introduced today are eventually filling the spaces. The same rule can be implied for E-Learning as well. Access to information is now a fundamental need, like food, clothes, and accommodation. It’s instrumental to reach the maximum potential of a person. The gap between the skill set learners need to adapt to in the modern workplace and the knowledge the traditional education system is delivering is increasing. As a result, the skills are not substantial enough to cope with the modern workforce. Some of the basic reasons why eLearning can be termed the future of education is as follows:
1.      Continuous Learning: Continuous learning is the paradigm shift that the education sector is facing these days. Continuous learning is about how learners expand their skill set in a changing environment with new developments. To sum it up, it is a permanent process of acquiring new knowledge and skills that allows people to perform new tasks and work on new jobs; continuous learning adds new dimensions to their existing occupations. Considering the modern work environment, employees are required to respond to changes on a daily basis so it’s an essential requirement for today’s work environment. The more employees know, the more they can contribute to their respective organizations. E-Learning is a cost-effective way to induce changes among employees and help with their personal and professional growth. This way employees can keep up with their job needs fairly easily.
 2.      Personalized Learning Paths: A personalized learning path is a learner-centric approach that emphasizes a learner's ability to grasp the lesson in a learner-friendly way. The whole objective of the approach is to find the right strategies for learners. With online courses, learners set their own goals, at their own pace while learning and going through learning materials. This is a unique advantage that online education provides to all its learners. It helps learners navigate through their learning path and achieve their personal goals by connecting with the instructor and other learners. The E-Learning industry has also shifted its attention to introducing a wide range of online activities and exercises into an eLearning course. Apart from text modules, this includes virtual classrooms, video instructions, image-rich slide-based modules, and so on. This is to ensure what works best for learners.
  3.      Social Learning: Social learning is a form of indirect learning. In other words, it refers to abstractly learning from and with others by interactions. Some might think the only way of social learning may be face-to-face learning, but this is not always the case. Elements of social learning are already being integrated into eLearning. Live classrooms are one such practice that has enabled learners to interact in a rich social learning environment. Digital tools are enabling learners to connect with each other. Mindful discussions among learners are always an integral part of learning, and the industry is working in order to bring more and more positive changes to connect learners so they don’t miss out.
 4.      On-Demand Learning: This is a feature of online learning platforms that has been instrumental in its expansion. Learners can gain access to online courses from the comfort of their home anytime they feel comfortable. This control has allowed people from all walks of life to become learners. Learners can access learning content according to their needs from a wide range of courses. Modern learning technology and the availability of high-quality learning materials have totally changed the learning landscape as well as the learning system. Along with students, professionals can pursue online learning at any time to upgrade their skill set and achieve professional development. Even companies can now reach out to the best instructors and arrange online sessions to train their employees.
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