#effie's character growth is my absolute favorite
theblacktigrr · 8 months
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Watching the hunger games with my friends who haven't read the books, and desperately trying to convey the horror of the mutts to them. They are not just big dogs! They are the other tributes, they look like them! They have human eyes!
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Katniss stared into Rue's eyes as she died! Now those eyes are in a blood thirsty beast who is trying to kill her!
Maybe my imagination is just too good, but those things terrify the shit out of me, and they did not do them justice in the movie.
Still love the movie tho!
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angelabowermicelli · 2 years
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order. Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
omg hello wow um new username who dis? lol but hi. thank you for the ask, I will try my best!
here we go I guess:
Annie Edison, my beloved. 💕 (Community)
I’ve loved Annie since the first time I watched Community. She’s insane, she’s intelligent, she’s incredible. What more can I say? The answer is a lot, but now is simply not the time.
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Peggy Carter (Captain America/Agent Carter/MCU)
Peggy my darling angel, she was one of my first, like, fave characters/role models ever and remains so to this day! She is a strong, independent woman who can kick some butt and knows exactly what she wants. Also like- the hair and the lipstick?? Iconic.
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The Lorax (The Lorax)
I hope it is well known that I love a kids movie and The Lorax is one of my favorites ever! He speaks for the trees! 🥲 It literally makes me cry when he has the little funeral for the first tree I love him so much.
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Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre)
Obviously the title character is the best one. Um what more could you want than poor, plain, and simple Jane. I don’t really know- this book was so insanely wild like what? but also like I feel so sad for Jane in so much of the beginning- my precious baby. But I love how she realizes her worth and value and makes a life for herself and finds family and like yes, is it insane that Mr. Rochester kept his wife in the attic and then that wife later jumped off the top of his burning mansion to her death and Jane later marries that man? Absolutely of course but it’s all part of the drama and the intrigue that is Jane Eyre.
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Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Yes, she is the worst ever, but also if you think about it…I love her. The audacity. The style. The story. I love her. I love that she has some real character growth and learns the value of friendship and like giving a little and I think it’s a really fun adaptation of Emma and the cultural impact? I mean come on!
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Ted Lasso (Ted Lasso)
Okay like yes, is every character in this show somehow insanely amazing? Yes. But Ted just has this energy and joy that I want so badly to have in my life! I feel like I’m a pretty positive person, but he just absolutely outshines everyone and like how do I be like that? He is so good.
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Edmund Hewlett (TURN)
But also Anna Strong, you know what I mean?? How can I choose between them! I love them both so much- Anna is our queen honestly and just who is doing it like her?? Nobody, that’s who! But Edmund is my skrunkly little baby and I love him too much he is too precious and too pure for this world he deserved to live happily ever after with Anna. 😭
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Effie Trinket (The Hunger Games)
Okay, like, yes, obviously Katniss is our queen and we love her endlessly, BUT I have an undying love for Effie!! She is way superficial at the beginning of the series and so wrapped up in Capital culture, but I love the way she starts to see through the mask of the Games even in the first book/movie and especially through the second and third. I think she really understands the depth of evil that the Games perpetuate and I really liked watching her transformation. Plus like who can ignore her insane style and over-the-top aesthetic? Iconic.
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Janet Wood (Three’s Company)
My queen angel Janet. She’s the rock of the apartment- the rest of them are literally insane and she holds them all together with logic and intelligence and steadfastness. She is also so cool and amazing and what a sweet baby I just want her to be happy.
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Angela Bower (Who’s the Boss)
My namesake, of course. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tony so much also! But Angela is so cool, I just love her. She is smart & dorky and confident and just awesome all around. She is hard-working and so caring, and like the queen of late-80s-early-90s fashion and that is all thank you.
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Wedding Colors (Part 1)
(Hayffie ❤️🧡💛💚💙💖. An exploration of Effie’s evolving character as she faces past and present personal intensities while making preparations for Finnick and Annie’s wedding.)
6:00—wake up. The timer in Effie’s quarters buzzed, and the overhead lights turned on automatically. Up up up! It’s going to be a big, big, big day! If the lights could have spoken, that’s what they would have said... The irony.
“This oppressive cavern has no respect for my individual biorhythms!” She pulled the blanket up over her head.
Her one consolation was that the blanket smelled like Haymitch — his skin, his hair, his body with hers. She breathed in deeply, and the scents evoked memories of the evening before. If there was going to be regret, she hadn’t yet felt it. Instead, she was inundated with the sensations of an awakened heart and flushed cheeks.
She lifted her nightgown and traced the paths his hands had taken. Pleasure urged her fingertips in concentric circles and symbols of infinity. Her core flooded as she came alive, so quickly. Effie turned her face into the pillow to stifle the sounds coming from her throat as she trembled and found release.
Every morning in that dungeon, she’d missed the sunrise — the infusion of gold and blue, with wispy clouds white as cotton or pink like tufts of spun sugar. For weeks she’d longed for some bit of delight. And she was feeling it now.
Unfortunately, the timer chirped every five minutes until she placed her forearm into the hole in the wall which imprinted her schedule for the day. She dragged her sated body out of bed to submit to obnoxious authority in order to silence the equally obnoxious alarm.
“...7:00—breakfast, 7:30—kitchen duties, 8:00—Command...” It had been a couple of weeks since Plutarch had an assignment for her which took her down to Command. Am I in trouble? was her initial thought.
Aemilia Trinket’s voice crept out from the recesses of her mind. “You deserve whatever punishment awaits you for sacrificing your virtue to that boor!”
“Oh, Mother...” Effie pushed back at the chastising words inside her. “I said goodbye to my *virtue* 17 years ago. ...And shut up about Haymitch. You don’t know him. You don’t know him at all.” She said it louder than intended, then glanced around her quarters. Are there recorders in here? ...Probably. The people in charge in 13 seemed to care as little about privacy as they did about free will. In which case, they likely got an earful last night! Effie changed into her clothes quickly, imagining the horror of cameras hidden as well.
She slid one of her bracelets onto her wrist and slipped her sunglasses into her pocket. Then she gazed into the small mirror on the wall, searching for evidence that someone might be peering out at her from within. Her reflection was flat here, a shadow of her normal self, her former self.
Her soft curls were weighed down by the residue of industrial shampoo. “This golden color is lovely,” her mother had told Effie’s 5-year-old self, “Though I had hoped it would have grown long and thick by now. You must resign yourself, Euphemia, to a lifetime of woven ribbons, extensions, and silk scarves. Implants may be a possibility when you’re older. Or wigs might come back into fashion. Let us hope they do.”
This is my favorite part of you... Haymitch’s words broke through the old memory. He’d threaded his fingers through her hair and held on like a person drowning, kissing her until her lips were raw.
For an instant, she considered leaving her head uncovered today, but split ends after weeks of unmanicured growth brought her to her senses. She brushed out the night’s tangles and tied her hair up as usual in order to continue hiding at least that much of herself.
If Coin had given Effie approval to continue wearing the wig she’d arrived in, then she wouldn’t be restricted now to improvised kerchiefs and turbans. How is a person supposed to stand out here when everyone is ordered to look the same!?
7:00—Breakfast. In the dining hall, Effie always sat at her assigned table, unless someone she felt comfortable with was scheduled to eat at the same time, in which case she joined them if space permitted.
The list of people in 13 who she was comfortable with was short. It began with the Everdeens and Gale. He’d introduced her to his family, but they remained distant. Most people here kept their distance from her. She didn’t like to think about it. “Everyone is still adjusting,” sweet Delly Cartwright had mentioned weeks ago.
Effie tolerated Plutarch’s company as soon as she’d forgiven him for the forced rescue effort which brought her here. Next came Katniss’s *prep team* which included 13’s barber along with the nurses who did laser treatments to remove scarring. Cressida and her film crew whose names Effie never made an effort to recall were from the Capitol, but she felt little kinship with them.
There were also the people who had gathered to brainstorm for the propos. Beetee and Finnick she’d known loosely for years through the Games. Boggs often had his little boy with him in the dining hall. She’d scarcely spoken with Dalton from District 10 or Katniss’s friend Leevy, but at least ther faces were familiar.
Greasy Sae worked in the kitchen during mealtimes, otherwise Effie would have enjoyed her company. Her lively presence was one of the saving graces of “kitchen duty.”
And there was Haymitch.
At breakfast that morning, she sat alone. The food was tasteless as usual. She stirred mashed beets into porridge, creating a bright pink swirl. At least her meal would have some semblance of beauty.
At 7:15 a tray plopped down next to hers. “Morning, sweetheart.” He looked cold in his knit hat and sweater. His bloodshot eyes avoided hers, but he was here.
“You want coffee...” she said knowingly.
“Whiskey first. Or preferably both together, if you’re offering.”
“We’ll have to pretend.” She clinked her plastic water cup against his. “Cheers.”
He finally looked at her. In this light, her eyebrows were golden like the hair she concealed under that kerchief. He wanted to trace them with his fingertips. Why hadn’t he done that last night?
“Did you sleep?” she asked.
“More than usual.” He wanted to touch her. Could he touch her here? When they were making their rules, they hadn’t talked about this part. “I was worn out from the... unscheduled exercise.”
“Is that what that was?” She leaned toward his ear and whispered, “My hips are marked black and blue with your fingerprints.”
His expression changed. He slid an arm around her waist and rested his hands lightly on her hip bones. “Here?”
His face was close to hers. The cut on his lip was starting to knit itself together. She wanted to kiss him. Could she kiss him here? When they were making their rules, they hadn’t talked about this part. “Yes... I’ll live.”
Her echoing his words from the night before only added to the feeling of intimacy. He brushed his thumbs along her hips, offering a gentle apology; even though she was the one who had asked for roughness.
She dropped her hand to his thigh. “I like having your fingerprints on me.”
“I had a good time.”
“I had SUCH a good time.”
“Want to do it again—“
“What’s this about good times?” Finnick arrived with two breakfast trays. Annie’s hand was tucked in the crook of his elbow. He set the trays on the table directly across from Haymitch and Effie. He pulled a chair out for Annie, then sat beside her.
“It looks like we’re having a little reunion here...” Haymitch grinned at Finnick and left his hands right where they were on Effie’s hips despite her letting go of his thigh and returning to her meal. “...Annie, you’re looking lovely.”
Their his-and-hers hospital gowns had been replaced with standard District 13 clothing.
“Indeed, it is WONDERFUL to see you both — together.” Effie fidgeted, uncomfortable now with Haymitch touching her so personally in front of his friends and her associates.
“Annie, my love, you remember Effie Trinket? And Haymitch of course.”
“Effie...” Annie took a moment to place the name. “Oh! I didn’t recognize you. You look so... beautiful.”
Welling tears made Effie’s eyes shine bright blue. Unadorned and dressed in these rags, she hadn’t expected anyone would find her beautiful, let alone give voice to such sentiment. “Thank you, my dear. YOU are the beautiful one. That hair is absolutely divine.”
Finnick beamed as he held Annie’s hand, “Can I tell them?” he asked and she nodded. “She’s going to be a beautiful BRIDE very soon.”
“Ohh!” Effie clasped her hands together and held them in front of her chest. “You’re getting married! This is DELIGHTFUL news.”
At the mention of marriage, Haymitch let go of Effie’s hips. Having sex with someone he cared about was feeling dangerous enough. Marriage was a whole other species that he wanted nothing to do with. That said, he couldn’t help but feel a moment of lightness. He reached forward to clap Finnick’s shoulder. “I’m glad, kid. Nobody deserves a good thing more than you two.”
A slyness slipped into Finnick’s smile as he glanced from Haymitch to Effie and back again. “Other people deserve good things too.” For years he’d observed them shooting barbs at one another, holding each other’s hands each time one of their tributes died, lifting one another up through his drunkenness and her disappointed hopes.
“You and Effie?” Finnick had asked him years ago. “...Too complicated,” had been Haymitch’s response.
Noticing Finnick’s scrutiny, Effie cleared her throat. “Well, look at the time! It’s my turn to be a *servant of the masses.* Congratulations, dears. I look forward to seeing you all later.” She looked intently at Haymitch before moving toward the kitchen.
When she passed through the doorway, Finnick poked him in the arm. “You LIKE her.”
Haymitch said nothing. He could feel the corners of his mouth start to creep up, and he shoved them back down again.
“You’ve never had much of a poker face.” Then Finnick said to Annie. “When he’s got a good hand, he has too many tells. He definitely likes her.”
Annie was glowing like late morning sun lifting up over the woods.
Haymitch had played enough poker with Finnick to know it was pointless to protest his assessment. “It’s like liking a cat,” he admitted, “One minute they’re all soft and purring. And the next, they’re hissing and scratching your eyes out.”
“Or your lip maybe?” Finnick’s eyes were twinkling mischief. Flecks of light on a green sea.
“Alright, alright. Eat your porridge.”
8:00—Command. Plutarch and Coin were in the thick of discussion when Effie arrived. She waited unobtrusively just outside the room, hearing only pieces of their conversation.
“My soldiers are occupied with intense training which does not include *walks in the woods*.”
“Forgive my assumption, but soldiers would likely shovel fallen leaves at random and lop off branches without finesse or discernment. We need someone with artistic flair.”
“Effie Trinket will have to make due with the foliage within the exercise yard and along its perimeter.”
“The yard is small. Those limited trees will not provide the diversity of colors and shapes we need for a truly festive propo. This propo is KEY to reaching into the minds of the citizens of the Capitol. Surely regulations can be flexed so a handful of civilians can spend their exercise time gathering vegetation in a small section of the woods.”
“I hear your perspective. But I cannot authorize a full security detail to supervise the equivalent of *berry picking*.”
“Madam President, may I remind you that you agreed to decorations. To honor the spirit of that agreement, those decorations must actually be decorative.”
“What do you propose?”
“Two security guards for two hours, a 100-yard radius, with four civilians wearing tracker anklets and communicators.”
“I’ll allow the two hour shift for a single security guard, a 50-yard radius, and two civilians working in tandem. Any additional foliage you need must be gathered from within the yard.”
Plutarch opened his mouth to negotiate further, but decided against it when he noticed Effie near the doorway. “Ah, Miss Trinket, just the person we’re looking for.”
Effie stepped inside, carrying herself with grace to hide her lingering concern that she’d been called to the *principal’s office* for doing something wrong. “I’m grateful to be at your service. All this dishwashing lately has been MURDER on my hands.”
Coin stood up, signaling an end to her discussion with Plutarch. He followed as she greeted Effie. “Hopefully your hands can be resurrected, because we’ll be needing them over the next few days.”
“Fortunately, resurrection is one of my specialties!”
“Well, that’s something we have in common.” Coin always took the last word, though she never showed overt pleasure in doing so. The president was clearly adept at concealment. The stillness of her hair was uncanny. Stoic even. Maybe it’s a wig after all, Effie thought. The nerve of this woman.
“Madam President, please excuse us.” Plutarch nodded to her. “Miss Trinket, let’s walk.”
He led Effie to an elevator and pressed a button. She watched the lights as they descended to who knows where. “Are you taking me to the dungeon?” she asked.
“It’s all dungeon; isn’t it.” As ever, he was aware of his audience, “Though some places here are less... unpleasant than others.”
The elevator opened up into a zig-zagging corridor flanked by rooms full of technology. The end of the maze was marked by light, lustrous enough to resemble sunshine.
They entered a large room steeped in stillness, interrupted periodically by the flitting chatter of hummingbirds. The floor was dotted with planters full of grass. Several trees carried Effie’s eyes upward to an elaborate ceiling. The architecture was austere yet beautiful. She drew a breath and held it in awe. If this dungeon had a cathedral, then this surely was it. “What is this place?”
“Special Defense. A fitting name for the site of our ultimate propo... the wedding of Annie Cresta and Finnick Odair. The details are being arranged as we speak. Do you feel up to the task of coordinating some of those details?”
His words filled her with a sense of purpose. She could have hugged Plutarch! She could have skipped around the nearest tree like a girl. With a lifetime of rehearsed restraint, she walked to the center of the room and turned methodically in a circle, observing the entirety of the space.
“I do!”
Plutarch smirked. “You realize that YOU are not the bride?”
Effie glared at him. “Don’t be ridiculous! I DO want to help coordinate. When Katniss left for District 2, I was relegated to the work of a peasant!”
“Apparently nobody avoids chores here. Even the president.”
“I have yet to see HER with a broomstick... outside of metaphor, that is.”
“Careful. I believe 13 is bringing out your natural color.”
“Well, it’s all I have in this fortress of gray! The grass and trees add a gorgeous splash of green to this glorious room, but these cement walls are atrocious.”
“I agree. Coin is allowing them to be decorated with fall foliage. Beetee assures me that a few spools of old wire and aging adhesive tape can be repurposed for making garlands. Have you made garlands before?”
“Of course! Decorating is one of my talents! Not that there has been much opportunity for it down here, to put it mildly.”
“Coin will make a public announcement, requesting volunteers to assemble the decorations later this afternoon.”
“This afternoon?! It’s a great deal to pull together so quickly!”
“Time is of the essence. Tomorrow a hovercraft will take Katniss and Annie to District 12 in order to select clothing for the bride and groom.”
“Ohh...” Effie whispered with even greater reverence than she felt at the sight of the ceiling. “...Cinna and Portia’s closets.”
“Yes. Katniss asked permission for you to accompany them to help the bride with her fashion decisions. Her request was approved, but the choice whether or not to go with them is yours. I’ll be honest; 12 is a gruesome place right now.”
Fire bombed. Thousands of people dead. For weeks Effie had imagined the reasons Haymitch knew he couldn’t face it sober. The images her mind conjured were disturbing.
“Katniss would not have asked for my assistance if she didn’t need it. ...Of course I’ll go. I will always be there for my victors.”
Plutarch assessed her. “You may regard yourself as a reluctant rebel, but it’s clear to me where your loyalties lie.”
“Is it?” Effie’s question was genuine. Loyalty was a concept she didn’t contemplate. Doing her job, whatever that may be, was important to her. The people she cared about were important to her. For a while, she’d felt increasingly tugged in opposite directions. She was still trying to hold herself together.
“I trust you’ll figure that out in time.”
“Plutarch, do you EVER give a straightforward answer?”
“Yes,” he said simply.
She shook her head, half amused and half annoyed.
“I have people setting up three hundred chairs in here later this morning. The film crew will work with them on optimal placement in order to get the best angles. The propo will film the day after tomorrow. Wedding Day. I’ll need you to make sure the bride and groom look their best.”
“Now, THAT will be easy. They have tremendous natural beauty. They just need a little help smoothing out some rough edges.” Effie might have been tempted to describe their appearance as haggard, but when she’d observed them at breakfast, she could see that being deeply in love had a power to smooth out edges that lasers and makeup could not touch.
She felt a flash of envy and let it pass without holding on. She already had enough emotions to contend with. *Deeply in love* was a complication she did not need. She could feel herself standing upon a brink — a precipice with a red canyon below and warm wind rushing around her. Letting the wind take her would be so easy. And letting the wind take her would be the smashing death of everything she’d ever been.
I’m not ready for it.
She and Plutarch spent the next quarter hour discussing juxtaposition of color and shape, length and placement of garlands, positioning of the bride and groom. He’d already thought through each detail. He’s not just planning a propo. It’s almost as if he’s designing... an arena. Effie felt chills along her arms.
“This wedding, it’s not another... Hunger Games?” She began it as a statement, but it came out as a question. To her ears it sounded absurd, but her body clearly felt something she couldn’t wrap her mind around.
“There are different kinds of hungers; aren’t there? And games are always afoot.” Again, he was intentionally vague. “A person only needs to create the right atmosphere; then those hungers will emerge, and those games will play out of their own volition. Creating the atmosphere will be our collective task today.”
The goosebumps refused to subside. She suspected Plutarch would never be out of a job in any regime. “What do you need me to do?”
“You’ll notice this morning that you’re scheduled for two hours of exercise. You’ll be in the woods.”
“The woods?!” Effie enjoyed the natural world at a distance and contained, but nature up close was wild and daunting.
“A security guard will escort you. Coin gave approval for another civilian to work with you to gather vegetation. You’ll need a diversity and abundance of leaves, much more than can be found in the exercise yard. You’ll have only two hours, so make wise use of your time. Whatever you bring back is what the volunteers will have to work with this afternoon.”
“What is the plan for the afternoon?”
“Between the lunch and dinner shifts you’ll have use of the dining hall. Volunteers will show up to make the decorations. School will be done for the day, so expect citizens and refugees of all ages. Afterward, you’ll bring a number of volunteers back here to display the garlands as we’ve discussed.”
“Who will be helping me in the woods?”
“You can select anyone whose schedule for the day can be altered. No on-duty kitchen staff, hospital staff, or military personnel, and no minors. ...Who do you want?”
Who do I want?
A hummingbird hovered close. The feathers covering its throat shimmered like rubies, but the beating of its wings was the only sound she heard.
“If you don’t know who you want I can just assign someone.”
She silently cursed the prohibition of makeup here as her feelings showed scarlet on her cheeks before she’d even said his name.
“Miss Trinket, the clock is ticking.”
A ticking clock... this reminder of the last arena raised more goosebumps. When the chips were down, there was only one person in this fortress, maybe in the whole world, who she was comfortable with.
“I want Haymitch.”
“...Of course you do.”
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