narugen · 4 months
LOVE his kansai dialect so much huge shoutout to his seiyuu (kengo kawanishi) here’s 34 seconds of it from the new episode
(also whilst confirming that i wasn’t saying the wrong shit i found a thread on how his dialect gets translated in the manga from an official translator!)
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svtskneecaps · 1 month
i do think something that contributed a lot to my enjoyment of qsmp purgatory 1 was that i entered and operated under the assumption that the threat against the eggs was 100% grandstanding for drama, hype, and to give rp-driven players a reason for their characters to turn against their friends, so i confess to being genuinely surprised when people (and creators) were like 'we didn't know if the eggs would survive!!' which is fair of them bc that's literally what we were told, but personally i just didn't have that fear so there's not any fear or suspense tied to it for me. like qstudios lived for the clickbait so i just didn't buy it.
also i didn't have twitter looool
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kappasbbgirl · 6 months
spookala news 🔪🩸
* rory photo ops
* rory in the scream panel with arquette, lillard, and ulrich 😵‍💫
* rory in scream group photo ops
* rory possible table stuff? will he have a table? i think so right
anyways the content we are about to possibly be FED
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vapormage · 16 days
I'm gonna masuda method a noibat wish me luck
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 year
Currently searching up a list of foods with Vitamin K not to better my own health but to find out which foods might make Gallifreyans have mild to severe reactions 🧐 @fatelesschild
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eggtrolls · 9 months
Re: the men in black quote - I think you misinterpreted what the point was haha, the guy said that in response to will smith's character going "wait you're telling me aliens are real? that's not true!" bc everyone thinks what they know is the sole factual truth until it inevitably gets disproved. so people once "knew" the earth being flat is The Truth, until scientists discovered otherwise - who knows what other supposed objective truths of our time will be disproven hundreds of years from now?
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great news, you absolutely misinterpreted what I meant.
let's review: the quote in question is, "fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the earth was the center of the universe. five hundred years ago, everybody knew the earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
my tags: #congenital defect to be the funsucker but those first two are obviously and patently untrue. still a fun quote
my meaning: neither of these statements are true because 1500 and 500 years ago, many, many people knew and had known that the earth was not the centre of the universe and that the earth was not flat, respectively.
explanation point A: 1500 years ago puts us at 523 AD.
the first non-geocentric (as in earth is the centre of the universe) model was proposed by Philolaus who died in 390 BC.
the first heliocentric model was proposed Aristarchus of Samos, who lived circa 290 BC.
The classic Tamil work Ciṟupāṇāṟṟuppaṭai from the 3rd-5th century AD by Nattattaṉār is so head in the game that it uses "the sun being orbited by planets" as a metaphor. so people had already, for hundreds of years, known that the earth was not the centre of the universe.
I can kind of see the point on this because the heliocentric model had undergone periods of acceptance and then got shot in the foot with the publication of the Almagest and wouldn't come back into vogue for some time. my point is that plenty of people had already known that the earth wasn't the centre of the universe.
explanation point B: 500 years ago puts us at 1523 AD.
there is no explanation for this. it's straight up lazy writing and historical revisionism and also believing popular and dumb myths.
our main man Pythagoras (6th century BC) proposed a spherical earth. This was followed up by a spherical earth model from no one's main man Aristotle (330 BC). Ptolemy (2nd century AD) made his maps from a globe.
the 5th century AD Indian astronomer Aryabhata (who also had some stuff going with the heliocentric solar system model! crazy!) assumed a spherical earth model in quantitative astronomy models for developing a calendar.
Persian baddie Fakhruddin Razi (1150 – 1209) explicitly said "...because the Earth, even though it is round, is an enormous sphere, and each little part of this enormous sphere, when it is looked at, appears to be flat."
getting closer to the present, Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) assumed a spherical earth model and that everyone KNEW that the earth was spherical.
for the hat trick, Ferdinand Magellan started his circumnavigation of the earth in 1519 and the ship came back in 1522, almost exactly 500 years ago! fucking Christopher Columbus knew the earth was a sphere!
which is to say: girl, they been knowing that!!! where the fuck have you been that you've been listening to Washington Irving about the idea that medieval (European) people thought that the earth was flat?
explanation point C: there are, effectively, no beliefs that have ever been so agreed on by all of humanity that we can say "everyone" "knew" it. ancient India had atheism. atom theory goes back to ancient Greece. there are plenty of examples of matrilineal and matriarchal societies that actually valued women as people. Thucydides, Lucretius, and Marcus Terentius Varro all had an idea of diseases being spread from an infected person to a healthy person ("there are bred certain minute creatures which cannot be seen by the eyes, which float in the air and enter the body through the mouth and nose and there cause serious diseases"). I point this out because I am a chronic funsucker who loves to nitpick, as I am doing now.
explanation point D: if you think I'm too stupid to understand this incredibly basic and historical oversimplifying ass quote, unfollow me.
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croc-rock · 1 year
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murky-tannin · 2 years
Thinkin,, thinkin about what role Hubert may have played in Ranbutler’s life,,, how Hubert ran off leaving him behind,,,,, thinkin about Ranbutler eventually running off too and taking Sir Billiam’s child with him,,,, hrngg
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ironbonds · 1 year
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" My piloting isn't that bad... "
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
You could say it’s… eggcelent
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nebulaleaf · 1 year
i think one of my favourite traits about myself is that despite the fact i am constantly desiring to Um, Actually a lot of the p5 threads i see on my fyp I never actually do because I recognize arguing over twitter is a completely meaningless exercise
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catman-draws · 2 years
In regards to the Lusus ask I actually have a headcanon around that! Trolls must be really self sufficient even as grubs. Because they are the ones who design their Hives and instruct the carpenter drones. (Maybe the drones are made with low bloods who had psychic capabilities to communicate with them????) I feel like they mostly must take care of themselves when it comes to cleaning/eating/moving around and that the Lusus are actually for protecting them from the harsh environment of Alternia. They protect the trolls from other non guardian/more monstrous Lusii. The lower your blood the weaker your Lusii and chances to live and the higher your blood the crueler your Lusii is but also teaches you your place. Like Feferi has to constantly hunt and feed her lusus training her to be good Empress (except Eridan did it lol) even Terezi’s Lusus could kill off threats psychically since we know it’s aware. The only truly stupid design I believe is Sollux’s lusus. Poor fucking guy chained to the roof his whole life.
- Trash
I dunno. Canon describes it as a mutualism where the lusus cares for the troll as a guardian while the troll cares for the lusus as a zookeeper would.
I sorta agree? Trolls do seem to be relatively self sufficient- but I doubt they come straight from the caverns Fully Ready To GO. Like I guess that makes sense for Bugs, but eh. If it was all about protection rather than care, I don't think it would be a lifelong relationship.
I think it's sorta more dependent on lusus species, rather than caste. IE, species that tend to care for their young vs species that typically don't; plus just individual personality and environment and whatnot.
And like yeah, they have to design their own hives and stuff but uh. They're aren't actually very good at it. Idr who, but someone (Vriska?) definitely says that that's stupid and they hate their design.
Plus, it's the lusus that chooses their troll. It feels kinda weird that they would choose to take care of a baby and then. Not really do much to actually care for it.
I don't really like the idea of caste deciding the inherent cruelty of a lusus, though. That just sorta leaves a bad taste. Like, The Hemospectrum 2- This Time It's Animals
Like Gl'bgolyb did demand constant feeding- but that wasn't out of cruelty? She was just enormous and needed to be fed to keep her voice down (she WAS a horrorterror) so everyone on the planet didn't die. It's just that that ended up being a very hard task for Feferi to do alone, thus why she had Eridan kill lusi for her (which is what ultimately kept her trapped in that horrible moirallegiance). (iirc, i'm pretty sure Feferi even says her lusus was very nice, just misunderstood? something like that)
And I think the most Pyralsprite could really do (pre-hatching) was communicate psychically- I don't remember her being able to do much more than that from the egg.
And I think maybe my biggest thing against this is goatdad and Gamzee. In canon (i think Karkat says this?) it says that Gamzee started eating sopor (and joined the clown cult) because goatdad wasn't around to tell him not to (or interact with him At All really. Gamzee spent most of his time waiting for him to come back.)
TLDR; Protection as a Main Thing makes sense to me- but I don't think it would be the Only Thing.
Even with the apparent self-sufficiency of trolls, lusi are still their guardians, and there's too much of an emotional connection for me to not to think there must be more. (Especially with their many comparisons to the human guardians)
But most importantly, yeah, that poor fucking bicyclops.
What was the deal with that guy?
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shoezuki · 2 years
I usually jus ramble bout literature shit w my family but im currently stuck in -11 weather at a bus stop gettin snowed on so yall r subject to wonka analysis now
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bsaka7 · 2 years
you will all be thrilled to learn that my book about the illegal trade in rare birds of prey has multiple references to formula one. what a surprise!
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asordidbarwere · 3 months
even if I fall out of berserk fandom I'm literally never going to get over the fact that I emerged entirely unscathed from a horrific car accident with the only other undamaged thing being a bottle of sake called Hawk in the Heavens
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radicalhighway · 4 months
i am going to materialize within the vicinity of my qpp in august
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