#eggman's backstory
lore-of-mobius · 5 months
Inconsistencies of Sonic Prime Part 4
So Shadow using a Chaos Emerald is unaffected by the Paradox Prism with no explanation to why, but regardless just like Sonic this seems to have resulted in his lack of alternate versions of him. So with the Shatter Spaces most notably New Yolk seemingly being the Sonic world but different in the absence of Sonic wouldn't that have applied to Shadow as well? In other words how does the Chaos Council exist without Shadow? The reason I say this is because it is now currently being heavily implied that the events of Space Colony and what happened to Maria, majorly impacted the Robotnik family. From there affecting Eggman possibly being a major cause for his villainy. So in the absence of Shadow and by extension Project Shadow shouldn't things have played out much differently?
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thecoolertails · 1 year
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dash and spin shadow is like a peek into what shadow would be like if he didnt have the saddest most fucked up backstory ever
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generic-sonic-fan · 11 months
Shadow: Omega, you've made it clear that you knew who Sonic was before Rouge freed us, and that you hated him. But what did you think of me? I was trapped down there with you. Did you- Omega: I HATED YOU. Shadow: Omega: I WANTED YOU DEAD. Shadow: You blamed me for your predicament. I understand. I would have done the same in your situation. Omega: NEGATIVE. EGGMAN WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR PREDICAMENT. Shadow: Omega: YOU WERE ANNOYING. Shadow: Omega: YOUR TANK WOULD NOT CEASE BUBBLING. YOUR LEFT EYE TWITCHED AT IRREGULAR INTERVALS. ONCE EVERY 2.5 MONTHS YOU WOULD THRASH AGAINST THE GLASS, BUT NEVER HARD ENOUGH TO BREAK FREE OF YOUR CONTAINMENT. YOU WERE PATHETIC. Shadow: Shadow: I'm sorry? Omega: APOLOGY ACCEPTED. MARGINALLY.
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chaosspear · 1 year
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(special thanks to my bfgf @bbgatile for drawing the base body for the reference image so i could finally figure out this outfit design)
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colorfulplasma · 4 days
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me and the tiny child I found near my dad's trashcan
Maria belongs to @6larosie9 (very cool artist go check them out)
Twitch belongs to me :)
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tatck · 6 months
I wanna say eggman is the most changed in my au, but then again he's not. but he is.
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applebyss-snakybite · 15 days
Heya! I have this Sonic AU that I made a few years ago. (Back when I was, like, 12-13?) I've never shared it because I held myself from posting anything online until I was eighteen, but I thought I might as well share it now. If some people get interested in it, that'd be a plus for me because I love drawing stuff from this AU.
It's not a very original AU. It's a swap AU. But, the characters stay more or less the same... It's more of a Swap Fate AU. I may have a tough time explaining it, but I'll do my best. I'll use my favourite two as an example:
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Shadow and Eggman are swapped. Eggman is NOT the ultimate lifeform. He's still a genius scientist. However, Shadow is the villain, and Eggman is more of an anti-hero. Shadow did not have a friend like Maria at his side and only remembered the worst lessons he got from Gerald Robotnik. Gerald became crazy and wanted to get rid of humanity. Thus, Shadow wanted to pursue the crazed wish of his mentor by trying to take over the world. He has all his ultimate lifeform abilities, but he does value the use of weapons more than over his power. Because he's greedy and egocentric in this AU, he thinks he doesn't need to do physical efforts that much because of his high IQ (lower than Eggman, but still high) and his status as the ultimate life form. So, if he had a boss battle, he would teleport around and stop in place to shoot with one of his handmade guns, and that would be the moment to attack him.
Eggman (he goes by Robotnik in this, but he can still be nicknamed Eggman, idc) was living on the ARK. He was friends with the commander GUN (he doesn't have an official name, why? He's not part of GUN in this AU, sooo... I need to find him a name) and Maria. However, the creation of Shadow ruined his life (because then the Ark got destroyed, the way it did in canon). He doesn't really blame Shadow for what happened (he blames Gerald and Black doom more), and he would tolerate Shadow if only the latter had not chosen the path of evil. Also, Eggman is edgy because he lost his best friend in the destruction of the Ark. He saw everything crumbling in front of him and was traumatized because of that.
Shadow is not traumatized by the downfall of the ARK because, unlike in canon, Shadow was not allowed to just wander into the ARK and didn't have the opportunity to become friends with Maria: Gerald was overprotective of him, and Shadow quickly grew more attached to him and his ideology more than anyone else. He considers him like his father. He didn't have the time to discover proper love and empathy because Gerald wasn't exactly the best father figure... However, he learned a lot about science with him because, as the ultimate life form, he has an excellent IQ that rivals with Eggman. He does have a bit of Gerald genes inside of him because, of course, Gerald wanted to make his creation extremely intelligent just like him.
Now that I've written all of this, I believe fate swap could fit as the main idea of this AU. The characters changed places because their backstory got altered and brought them in a different position. Their brains did not change. Their experiences did... I guess just random swap AU works, too.
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prowerprojects · 6 months
should we be concerned of Tails after the Twitter Takeover??? He literally acted like a nerd (not like him) and literally just said, 'yep, I slept outside because I didn't have a home.' Like, WHAT!!
Nah, it's all cool.
The Twitter takeovers are written by the people who run the Social media accounts and make memes like these:
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It's not gonna impact any characterization long term, so don't worry. It's just for fun.
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skeblinn · 1 year
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some eggmens! i avoided drawing him for the longest time because i hate drawing his face, but i thiiink i got it down after all these years!
(bonus concepts/brainstorming for how he is gonna fit in the 06-redo
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multicolour-ink · 4 months
Time to upset the entire Sonic fandom by proclaiming that I think Shadow the Hedgehog is an overrated character.
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got a little funny post for ya
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some beta designs...
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Now THIS lore dumb really intrigued me as a long-time Archie Sonic fan. King Nigel Acorn ain’t just a kindly old ruler; he’s got a serious, deathly-condescending not-to-be-crossed side as he reminisces on the kingdom’s and G.U.N’s tenuous history. It's very, very similar to the pre-reboot with the Mobian and Overlander war, with King Nigel’s late father having similar description to pre-reboot’s King Max. Interesting that G.U.N. is more “reformed“ than it was in the past, and compounding the fact that Eggman and Snively had their start in there before allying and betraying King Nigel.
I mean, I find it interesting. It’s a shame the lore didn’t get a chance to further elaborate on these details!
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egg-emperor · 1 year
so glad it's been said by Flynn that he doesn't think Eggman is actually going to become a better person because of Sage and only has the potential to be worse, and also that the Egg Memo about Maria wasn't supposed to be a sign that he was neglected and abused because he's a biased unreliable narrator. (and it does just sound like Eggman was bratty, selfish, and jealous out of entitlement to attention due to his ego which is very in character but people were interpreting it as something vastly different)
those are two things I'm happy to hear after starting to fear my nightmare would come true and his character was going to suddenly take literally every direction I hoped it wouldn't. Flynn doesn't get to decide what happens to the characters and stories in the future games unless they let him of course but I'm hoping all that stuff doesn't change because I'm mostly happy with it and it's much more true to his character, even if there are still aspects about how it's done that I'm not a very big fan of
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tuhbanbuv · 11 months
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Boom, bitch. Here's a hedge.
Specifically, Hyper! They're a deroboticized Metal Sonic, specifically Hyper Metal Sonic from the OVA! I don't see why people don't draw them more they were such a little skrunkly!!!!
It's somewhat canon that Classic Sonic (at least AOSTH) was around 8-12 when Metal Sonic was made so by proxy, Hyper is younger than him, and thus Sonic and Tails get a little sister!
Also, Hyper doesn't have legs/uses prosthetics because...well...
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sonknuxadow · 9 months
did we ever get an actual answer for if robotnik is gonna be in sonic 3 or not. or are we just gonna find out when the trailer comes out in like a year
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colorfulplasma · 8 months
So what exactly are Vertex’s goals?
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Tbh, Vortex doesn't really know much at the moment. All you need to know is that Eggman is responsible for making him.
They doesn't know anything....almost nothing
They doesn't know why he was even created...
They doesn't know bad from good ...
They doesn't know his purpose....
All they knows is that Eggman wants him
...and the many lengths he's going to do to capture them...
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But if you're talking about the last post, then they're just disguise himself using Metal's broken body
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