internetandnetwork · 3 years
A Quick Guide to Fixing a Boring Company Blog
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Company blogs can undoubtedly give your SEO that much-needed boost. But if it’s boring, it won’t benefit you in any way. Most organizations fail to make their blogs genuinely interesting, and that’s probably one of the primary reasons they are unable to gain traction with SEO, despite their content marketing efforts. So even though you have guest bloggers and neat stock images, your company blog might be missing the mark.
The bottom line is that if your blog does not elicit any engagement, emotions, or sharing among your audience, even all the top-ranking keywords in the world won’t be able to give it any boost. So it’s really your decision to make whether you want to turn your company blog into a valuable resource that users will not only wish to read but also share with their peers, which will, as a result, improve your SEO.
Amateur bloggers often make numerous common mistakes, and just because you’ve got a company blog that looks professional does not mean you are immune to those blunders. Most frequently, one of the biggest problems bloggers have is their writing style.
Complexity often hampers a compelling piece of content. But as Leonardo da Vinci said – Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Take a look at the type of language or vocabulary you use in your blogs – is it easily understandable? Or is it making it “really” tough for your readers to grasp the message you are trying to get across?
Remember, simplicity is the key to creating a solid following and grabbing your audience’s interest. This doesn’t imply that you need to dumb down your ideas, but you should certainly put effort into the way you communicate them.
Another significant problem is the theme of the blog posts. Company blogs are typically all about themselves in way too many cases. No doubt, it is a great idea to keep your audience up-to-date on company news, events, and products/services. However, a blog that only serves this particular purpose can quickly become boring and unlikely to be very helpful to new prospects.
Being extremely focused on SEO is yet another common issue. Writing blog posts with the sole purpose of improving your SEO rankings will only push your conversion rate down and drive prospects away. You should instead keep your focus on the message you want to convey as you craft your content and aim to please your human audience rather than search bots. Paying close attention to links and keywords throughout your content is good but never allow them to take charge of your posts and, in turn, make things seem unnatural or weird.
As you consider addressing the particular issues of your company blog, take more than just your page views into account. Keep in mind that your goal is to convert your blog into a helpful resource that your readers will want to visit again and again. This will ultimately help build your reputation as an industry expert and thought leader.
Once you have spotted all the main issues with your company blog, you can start working towards revamping it in a way that will genuinely draw as well as retain readers. Here are a few tips that will help you get going in the right direction.
Interview the Industry Experts
Reaching out and interviewing the other industry experts is one of the best ways to add new, exciting flavors to your company blog. They are full of golden content, and it is your job to extract that information. Moreover, this will help you build connections with influencers in your industry, drive more quality traffic to your site, add credibility to your content and expand your brand’s reach.
Craft Content That Reads at a Fast Pace
By this, we don’t mean that you need to wrap up your blog posts quickly. It means you should write easy-to-read and skimmable content. Include bullet points within your blog wherever possible, and also use subheadings and short paragraphs to maintain a smooth flow and make your content easy to digest.
Be True to Your Audience
Being open and honest with your audience is crucial. It means you need to come out from behind your brand’s logo and let the people see who works behind the scenes. This will help humanize your company, making it more relatable and boosting your brand loyalty. Your blog gives you the chance to put your personal opinions forward and report news on a more personal level. Moreover, people tend to become more connected if they feel like they are engaging with a human instead of a brand.
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Make Your Content Useful
Have you ever considered writing a “how to” guide blog or the one that provides answers to a set of questions? There are various types of blog posts that you can write, but this one is a particularly strategic type because it helps build credibility, showcase knowledge and establish expertise within your niche or industry. Make sure that your blog posts are not just entertaining or easily digestible but also offer value to the readers.
Include Visual Content
Visual content captures and retains the audience’s attention better than textual content and makes it easier for readers to grasp the message of your blog post. How often do you post infographics or some other form of visual pieces on your company blog? In case you are not doing that already, it’s about time you think about it. People tend to read, engage with and share visual content more. So it’s time you start leveraging this valuable tool as well.
Tell a Good Story
No matter if you have a formal or informal tone of voice on your company blog, you should always try and tell a good story. Narratives are more capable of keeping the audience engaged and making them come back for more, even more so if your stories are full of valuable information.
As you start working towards revamping the look and feel of your blog, you will be building a part of your website that you will want to showcase to your existing as well as potential customers. Your company blog will not only help build your credibility and authority within your niche but will also boost your conversion rate and play a significant part in SEO. If you feel your company blog is falling flat despite your content marketing efforts, perhaps it’s time to make a few changes and turn it into a helpful resource.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Fixing a Boring Company Blog
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
Understanding Consumer Psychology: The Key to Making a Web Design That Wins
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Have you come across dubious pop-up ads and notifications while browsing websites? How many times has that happened? Plenty, we guess.
Back when businesses had just started out with online marketing, frauds and flashy emails became quite common. Internet users would be continuously flooded with exasperating and aggressive ads that didn’t make any sense at all.
And do you know what the worst part about all this was? These apparently senseless and infuriating ads actually worked! Users would click on these dubious pop-ups expecting to win a free iPhone, millions of dollars, and so on.
But today, things have changed entirely. People have become smarter than ever. Even though users are still flooded with such in-your-face ads, they are no longer naive enough to even think for a moment that somebody wants to give them a million dollars or the latest iPhone out of the blue.
Why? Well, to begin with, gone are the days when aggressive ads, shallow marketing, and poor web design were a thing. In addition to this, nowadays, user engagement is all about human-centered user interface and user experience design while minimizing the spam as much as possible.
Today, what you need to do is design your website in a way that strikes the right chord with your target audience, and for that, you have to appeal to their best emotions. Wondering how exactly you would do this? It’s quite simple, actually – by using the right web design elements like font, content, typography, colors, graphics, etc., depending on the fundamentals of consumer psychology.
While the majority of website design companies know how web designing psychology works, building a site that wins requires much more than just understanding the fundamentals of how visuals and colors work.
We wouldn’t deny the fact that human brains are incredibly complex, and it is indeed challenging to impress the average consumer. But with just a little bit of practice, you can fine-tune your website to distinguish yourself from the crowd genuinely.
In this blog, we will look at how web design psychology can help you enhance your user experience.
Before we start discussing how you should use consumer psychology, let us first talk about what psychology is and why it plays a vital role in website design.
In simple words, psychology refers to the study of how the human mind works. Since our thoughts and minds control almost everything we do, it only seems logical for us to first understand consumer psychology so that we can develop powerful branding strategies and website design.
In order to understand the fundamental part psychology plays in a user-friendly web design, take this into account:
The limbic system is responsible for our memories and the way we react to positive experiences. Now, if you could help the users associate with your site on a positive note, there are better chances of them revisiting your website and recommending it to their peers as well.
The neocortex is the part of the human brain which is responsible for ‘thinking,’ and this is the one component of web design psychology that designers feel the most comfortable with. Why? Because it is the most logical part of our brain that craves loads of information that makes sense. Therefore, incorporating lots of useful and informative content within your site could be an excellent way to appeal to the users’ neocortex.
The way we think and process information is known as cognition. Nevertheless, making the audience think and like your content simultaneously is neither easy nor cheap. What the average user expects is an easy but pleasant experience from your website or app. Grasping how cognition helps can actually go a long way into building an engaging web design and boosting conversions.
Well, now that you know how web design psychology works, let’s discuss some ways you can channel the power of psychology to build a web design that wins!
Today most people have limited patience levels and increasingly reduced attention spans. Hence, minimizing cognitive stress sounds like a brilliant idea because the average user can’t handle too much information all at once.
Plus, if you are considering delivering a positive user experience, you need to ensure that your UI and UX design are intuitive, simple, and easy to grasp.
For starters, you can explore pre-existing schemas and mental models. From the typical search button to sign in and checkout processes, these could be anything. Incorporate forms that your site visitors can fill out quickly and ensure that all the components on your web page are in rational groupings.
The majority of people scan things rather than reading them online, so it only sounds logical to include super simple banners, headings, and keywords.
If you are thinking about building a persuasive eCommerce web design, ensure that your site visitors fulfill their goal of purchasing products via a smooth process. There are a couple of things you can do to enhance your overall user experience, such as streamlining your search bar, minimizing the number of primary categories, and modifying the look of your input field.
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As human beings, we all love things that we can personally relate to. We are all hardwired to think what other people like might be beneficial to us too. What could justify this better than reviews and star ratings? Whole organizations have expanded their businesses based on social validation (for example, reviews and ratings on IMDb, food reviews on Zomato, etc.).
Social proof has emerged as a crucial marketing tool that significant companies take advantage of in their website design as well as customer support. Now and again, we succumb to these biases and wind up purchasing products we were not even planning to buy in the first place.
You can include social proof on your website using images, reviews, star ratings, and customer testimonials to convey how consumers loved your products or services. Doing so will help you motivate your site visitors and potential customers to take the desired action or engage with your brand further.
Just the way colors matter a big deal when it comes to engaging your site visitors, so do typography and font. Both are closely connected to our emotions and can evoke various feelings.
There is a wide range of fonts and styles available for you to pick from – based on the type of emotion you want to elicit when users interact with your website, you can select the one that aptly reflects your brand voice and ethos.
For example, specific fonts such as Sans Serif fonts seem sophisticated, elegant, and classic. In contrast, the Irvin typeface used in The New Yorker emits serious yet innovative, artistic vibes.
By now, you must have got a pretty good idea of how psychology matters in web design and how you can utilize it to build a web design that wins. All you need to do is take care of these points while designing your website to make sure it attracts and engages your target audience in the best way possible. Whether you have a web designer in your organization or are hiring a freelancer to do it for you, make sure they pay attention to these details to create a web design that actually works for your brand.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Consumer Psychology
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
SEO Copywriting: How to Fine-Tune Your Brand’s Tone of Voice
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It is no secret that content plays a significant role in search engine optimization.
Copywriting helps brands convey their story, provides them an opportunity to strategize with valuable keywords, and also enables them to earn trust and loyalty among potential customers.
However, content is not enough on its own to make you successful and help you build lasting relationships with your customers.
In reality, it is your brand’s tone of voice that resonates with your target audience.
According to reports, two-thirds of customers worldwide say that a brand’s tone of voice enables them to establish an emotional connection to it.
Think of it as, if your content is the “what,” then your tone of voice is the “how.”
The tone of voice is how your message (content) sounds to the readers.
In verbal communication, this is conveyed through intonation and pitch.
On the contrary, in copywriting, you depict your emotions through your choice of words, font style, and punctuation. That’s what evokes a response from the readers.
When it comes to SEO copywriting, knowing your target audience inside out and using the tone of voice they can relate to in your content is necessary.
The tone of voice molds the overall feel of a particular message, and it is specifically crucial online.
Curious why that is so?
Well, here’s the thing: tone of voice affects your brand in numerous ways. Let’s take a deeper dive into that now.
#1 Consistent Tone of Voice Helps Establish Your Brand Identity
When you think about your favorite brands, there is a good chance that their logo or tagline is the first thing that crosses your mind, isn’t it?
But imagine all that is gone now, and all that’s left is their messaging. Would you still be able to recognize those brands?
The tone of voice plays a significant part in establishing brand identity.
When your content is written in the same tone of voice consistently, it starts reflecting your brand’s image over time.
And that is crucial because consumers want to purchase from authentic brands.
By creating a unique tone of voice that’s exceptionally yours, consumers will be able to distinguish your brand from the competition thus, improving your chances of generating more sales.
#2 Consistent Tone of Voice Prevents Your Messaging From Becoming Rotten
Have you ever eaten stale chips?
They are hard, tasteless, and certainly not pleasurable.
And the same stands true for your content as well.
Simply because you are a professional organization does not mean your content needs to be stuffy necessarily.
Relax a little and use your unique tone of voice to develop an exceptional writing style that readers genuinely enjoy.
It is more fun, memorable and will leave a positive, long-lasting impression of your brand.
#3 Consistent Tone of Voice Builds an Emotional Connection
The primary goal of your copywriting is to elicit a response from your readers, right?
Using the right tone of voice, you can evoke various emotions in your audience.
Now, this is essential because most purchase decisions are “literally” driven by emotions.
How your prospects are feeling is way more influential than how they are thinking. And we are not just saying it. This is backed by research.
So clearly, a brand that establishes an emotional connection with the audience and writes with authenticity is more likely to be successful.
#4 Consistent Tone of Voice Gives a Competitive Edge
Content that is written with a consistent tone of voice is more captivating to read.
It helps make visitors stay a bit longer on your website, persuades them to click through more of your pages, and leads to more conversions.
Needless to say, these are all great for your SEO as well as the business as a whole.
Unique, consistent, and memorable messaging will distinguish you from the competitors.
Prospects will like your messages better over theirs and will therefore keep returning for more.
By now, it must have become evident that your brand’s tone of voice is crucial when it comes to SEO copywriting.
However, the question is: how do you start fine-tuning it for your brand?
Let’s look at five steps to recognize your brand’s tone of voice and use it to generate more sales.
Pick From the Four Dimensions
The following are four dimensions of the tone of voice in which we can characterize copywriting:
Formal vs. casual
Respectful vs. irreverent
Funny vs. serious
Enthusiastic vs. matter-of-fact
These dimensions help make tone profiles simpler for a company’s online presence, and each of them is bookended by two extremes.
You could either make one of the two extremes your tone of voice or choose a tone that lies somewhere in the middle. Or you could even merge some of these to develop a more exceptional tone of voice.
This is a good starting point to set you on a messaging path that resonates with your target audience, irrespective of what tone you pick.
Lay a Few Guidelines
Consistency is the key to a powerful tone of voice.
Stay on target by laying a few guidelines for your copywriting.
You need to think of these:
Vocabulary: what words will and will not be allowed
Grammar: use the correct form of tenses, adjectives, verbs, etc.
Syntax: how you will start and build your sentences
Punctuation: how many exclamation marks are “too many?”
A great activity is to think up three words to describe your brand and then allow those adjectives to lead your style of writing.
For example, if you describe your business using the words “friendly,” “lively,” and “positive,” then your messaging should be welcoming and buoyant.
Setting some guidelines will enable you to deliver unique messaging consistently.
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Get the Inside Scoop From Your Customers
If you face difficulty recognizing your brand’s tone of voice on your own or feel a disconnect between your brand and audience, the best thing to do is reach out to your customers.
Since they are the ones who engage the most with your brand, surveying them will help you get a better sense of how your brand is perceived outside.
You can ask your customers to pick from a bunch of adjectives or provide them with unlimited options to describe ways to make your company better.
Whatever way you choose, you will obtain some useful insights that will allow you to understand how you can improve your brand’s tone of voice to connect with your audience on a deeper level.
Scope Out Your Competitors
In essence, tone of voice is about using a writing style that is unique to your business.
So clearly, you will not want to imitate what others are already doing.
However, you can surely take some inspiration from observing the way your competitors handle their messaging.
A quick keyword search on Google will provide you with a list of all your competitors. All you have to do is go to their websites and examine their content.
Observe how they handle aspects such as vocabulary, humor, punctuation, metaphors, and sentence structure in their writing.
Learn from things they are doing well, and also note down the ones you think you could do better than them.
Use this information to create a tone of voice that works well for your business and produce content that resonates with your target audience.
Write for Your Target Audience
It is crucial to use a writing style that is unique to your company, but you must also take your target audience into account.
Think about who you are writing for exactly.
Is it for corporate employees searching for expert information or for tech-savvy youngsters who respond nicely to GIFs?
Every customer persona is unique, which means each of them requires a tone of voice that addresses them on a deeper level.
See how they talk on sales calls. Go through their comments on social media platforms. Read their responses on email.
Decode how they communicate and utilize that intel to mold the tone of voice you use to get in touch with them.
Your unique tone of voice gives a better sense of who you are as a business.
How your SEO copywriting makes your audience feel defines your personality and directly impacts your brand’s success.
Look closely at who you are as a business and how you want your readers to perceive you through your writing.
Building messaging that is consistent and unique to your brand will distinguish you from your competitors in the minds of your customers, establish long-lasting relationships with them, and help drive your business’ success.
By now, you must have understood why the tone of voice matters so much in online content. With all this information at your disposal, you can go ahead and identify and perfect your brand’s tone of voice.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : SEO Copywriting
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
Government Issues New Guidelines for Regulating Social Media and OTT Platforms
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On Thursday, the Central Government issued new guidelines for the regulation of social media and OTT platforms to restrain the exploitation of content.
The Union ministers Ravi Shankar Prasad and Prakash Javadekar briefed the media, welcoming social media companies to operate and do business in India and applauding them for gathering such immense popularity and a good number of users. Moreover, they praised these platforms for empowering the average users with the power of technology.
However, the ministers said that the double standards of social media won’t be acceptable anymore and that regulating the actions of social networking companies in India has become crucial. These companies need to obey the Constitution and laws of India. To do so, the Centre has demanded the establishment of a quick grievance redressal mechanism.
Let’s take a look at the key takeaways from the media briefing.
Three-Tier Grievance Redressal Mechanism:
A three-tier grievance redressal mechanism has been set up under the rules with two self-regulation levels.
Level-I and level-II consist of self-regulation by the publishers and self-regulating bodies of the publishers, respectively. Level-III comprises an oversight mechanism formulated by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Under the new social media regulatory mechanism, the significant social media intermediaries will have to appoint a Resident Grievance Officer, Nodal Contact Person, and Chief Compliance Officer.
The self-regulatory body of the publishers shall be headed by a retired Supreme Court judge or High Court judge or by an independent eminent person.
There might be more than one self-regulatory body, and such bodies will need to register with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Social Media Intermediaries:
There will be two categories of social media intermediaries.
The Centre shall declare the threshold of user base soon that will tell apart significant social media intermediaries from social media intermediaries.
All intermediaries must establish a speedy grievance redressal mechanism and appoint a Grievance Officer who shall acknowledge the grievance within 24 hours and make sure to resolve it within 15 days of receiving it.
The significant social media intermediaries will have to publish a compliance report every month stating the details of the grievances received and the action taken by them on those grievances, along with the details of the contents removed proactively.
Due Diligence to Be Followed by the Intermediaries:
The person named as the Chief Compliance Officer will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the Acts and Rules and must be a resident in India.
The appointed Nodal Contact Person shall be a resident in India and be responsible for coordinating with law enforcement agencies 24×7.
The Resident Grievance Officer shall be a resident in India and perform all the functions stated under the grievance redressal mechanism.
All significant social media intermediaries must have a physical contact address in India put out on their website and/or mobile app.
Reveal the Name of the First Originator of a Mischievous Message or Tweet:
When asked by a government authority or court order, social media platforms will have to reveal the name of the first originator of a mischievous message or tweet, depending on the circumstances.
However, this should be only regarding the sovereignty and integrity of India, public order, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, or rape, child sexual abuse, and sexually explicit content.
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Ensuring Online Safety and Dignity of Users, Especially Women:
Intermediaries must disable access to or remove contents revealing the private parts of individuals, showing such individuals in partial or full nudity or in sexual acts or having the characteristics of impersonation including morphed pictures, etc., within the 24 hours of receiving the complaint.
Self-Classification of Content Into Five Age-Based Categories:
The OTT platforms or publishers of online curated content will have to self-classify their content into five age-based categories, viz. U (Universal), U/A 7+, U/A 13+, U/A 16+, and A (Adult).
All OTT platforms must apply parental locks for contents that are classified as U/A 13+ and higher and implement reliable mechanisms for age verification for contents that are classified as “A.”
Voluntary User Verification Mechanism:
Social media platforms shall have a proper voluntary verification mechanism for users who wish to get their accounts verified.
If significant social media intermediaries disable access to or remove any content writing shared by a user, they must send him/her a prior intimation with a notice clarifying the grounds and reasons for such action being taken. Also, the platforms should provide the users with a fair opportunity to be heard and dispute the action taken by the particular intermediary.
The large-scale spread of the internet and smartphones has fueled the expansion of social media platforms in India. The Centre said that according to reports, the user base of major social media platforms in India currently stands at WhatsApp – 53 crores, Facebook – 41 crores, Instagram – 21 crores, YouTube – 44.8 crores, and Twitter – 1.75 crores. An elaborate version of these guidelines will be issued later, although no particular date has been mentioned yet. All rules will take effect from their publication date in the gazette. However, the additional due diligence for significant social media intermediaries will take effect three months after these rules are published, the Centre said.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Social Media and OTT Platforms
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
Graphic Design vs. Visual Design – What’s the Difference?
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As a graphic designer, have you ever heard the term “visual design” and wondered how it differs from graphic design? Or are you planning to get into visual design? If yes, you must have lots of questions in your mind, such as whether the visual design has got anything to do with creating for the web.
Graphic design, as a term, encompasses all disciplines. However, not every graphic designer out there may be aware of how to hone the look of a mobile application as perfectly as they’d do with a brand logo, for example. Because if they did this, there wouldn’t be tons of opportunities in mastering the art of making a website look appealing and work flawlessly across different devices.
So whether you are a graphic designer who is just curious to learn the difference between graphic design and visual design or are planning to get into this field, this blog post is exactly what you need. Let’s dive into the details of graphic design vs. visual design now.
As a rule of thumb, the first point any curious person carrying out research should focus on is the end goal or the end product which they will be working on. And this case is no exception.
Typically, both graphic designers and visual designers’ job is to make a visual graphic and illustrate its aesthetic. In both these scenarios, the primary goal is to come up with a creative solution to convey whatever message they are supposed to get across. Perhaps one of the key differences is the medium that is being focused on here. To put it in a more specific way – graphic design deals with a wide range of outputs, including web and print designs. In contrast, visual design is rigidly all about digital applications.
A visual designer exceeds with a comprehensive aesthetic focusing on working persistently across various touchpoints, developing complete visual languages for a product or brand. It should include how the whole organization approaches design projects. In simple words, it can be said that graphic designers convey information while visual designers focus on the complete look and feel of the brand and product.
Being a graphic designer who is hoping to spread their wings into the visual aspect, the most significant adjustment you will have to make is on the art of adjustment only. A certain amount of flexibility is required in visual design, particularly when you begin dealing with the user interface.
While making a piece of graphic design, designers will most probably have a few very particular specifications to work on, such as the dimensions of a banner. However, on the other hand, in the case of visual design or user interface, it’s all about malleability and adjustability. For instance, designers are asked to consider a visual element not only the way it is on specific screen dimensions but also how it is going to adjust itself on every other possible device and its dimensions simultaneously.
Where and how will the visual element be placed precisely?
How will it interact with the people?
How are you going to create it?
Even for an element as simple as a button, you need to put in so much thought to meet the user accessibility norms and engaging aesthetic. It’s all about adjusting your mindset.
Visual design is more about creating a template of the kind that you see on website building platforms. It is more about being a perfectionist on a specific font type or leaving out a huge chunk of white in order to adapt ad space. Aesthetics are essential, but usability is just as vital.
The visual aspect is merely a part of the entire process. Spending too much time on visual design and very little time on all the other parts of the user interface (UI) design won’t enhance the overall user experience anyway.
Being flexible does not merely mean to let go of adhering to specifications, but also to let go of aesthetics beyond a particular point. Trying to make a very eye-pleasing visual element might rob you of your valuable time to build an engaging user experience.
Visual designers make decisions by metrics. Information architecture, interface design, and interaction design impact the overall user experience together. Therefore, you might want to acquire proficiency in these areas too.
It isn’t just about getting the hierarchy and grid right; it is more about the entire user journey. The visual designer needs to focus on A/B testing, user testing and signposting. Again, there are the same graphic designer basics, but here the considerations are pretty distinct, and the designs are made more on metric-based decisions instead of design consideration.
During the graphic designing process, you make a design look great or think about the way you can make it look as great as possible with regard to hierarchy and consistency, and then you persuade the client about its value. On the other hand, in visual design, it has been observed that there is an ongoing conflict between what looks visually powerful and what the metrics might be indicating to you.
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One of the quickest ways to adjust your mindset to visual design is to switch from typical photoshop tools to experience design tools. Visual design goes beyond Photoshop. And as a designer looking to get into this field, you must get your hands on the best software for visual designers as early as possible.
There is plenty of such helpful software and apps available in the market. These tools will come in handy for you to guide the user experience (UX) through icon shapes and lines. Such tools will also let you accommodate your graphic design sensibilities, knowing where and when to leave out the white space for the most significant effect and when to keep things as simple as you can for the end-user.
We hope this blog has been able to help clear things up on graphic design vs. visual design. As an aspiring visual designer, first, you should know the difference between these two fields. While they are somewhat interrelated, they do have some significant discrepancies which cannot be overlooked. The best thing to do is to join a course on visual designing. It will help you in the long run. There are plenty of online courses available too. Start familiarizing yourself with the best tools used in visual designing, and you will be all set to go.
Happy designing!
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Graphic Design vs. Visual Design
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internetandnetwork · 3 years
Google Rolls Out the New Product Reviews Search Algorithm Update
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The search giant Google introduced a new search algorithm update called product reviews update. According to Google, the update is designed to “better reward” well-researched, in-depth content by ranking them over simple brief product summaries.
Just to clear things up, this is a standalone update, not a regular core search algorithm update, meaning it won’t impact all search results. This update targets product reviews in particular.
In its latest announcement, Google said that it is constantly working to present the searchers with the most helpful and valuable information possible via experimenting, testing, and review processes. The company knows that users value product reviews that share well-researched, in-depth content instead of thin content that simply puts forward a summary of a set of products. That’s why Google is improving its ranking systems with the new product reviews update, which is designed to reward such content better.
Nevertheless, this search algorithm update only impacts English-language reviews currently.
There’s nothing to be concerned about regarding this update for websites that don’t post product reviews.
On the other hand, websites that publish product reviews need to carefully monitor their traffic and rankings and keep an eye out for anything unusual.
The product reviews update is live in search results now, meaning site owners might start seeing fluctuations in their rankings and traffic already.
Any abrupt increase or drop in search rankings or traffic will probably indicate that the website was affected by the product reviews update.
Irrespective of any shifts in the rankings or traffic, website owners should add an annotation in Google Analytics and other monitoring tools to signal that the product reviews update went live.
The product reviews update focuses on presenting users with content that provides “insightful analysis and original research,” Google says.
With this search algorithm update, the goal of Google Search is to prioritize the content written by experts or enthusiasts who know the topic inside out in the search results.
Site owners who feel that their websites have been affected by this new update should take Google’s advice on producing and publishing better content.
Try and review your product reviews content impartially and ask yourself if they:
Express expert knowledge about products where appropriate?
Show what the product is like physically, or how it is used, with unique content beyond what’s provided by the manufacturer?
Provide quantitative measurements about how a product measures up in various categories of performance?
Explain what sets a product apart from its competitors?
Cover comparable products to consider, or explain which products might be best for certain uses or circumstances?
Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of a particular product based on research into it?
Describe how a product has evolved from previous models or releases to provide improvements, address issues, or otherwise help users in making a purchase decision?
Identify key decision-making factors for the product’s category and how the product performs in those areas? For example, a car review might determine that fuel, economy, safety, and handling are key decision-making factors and rate performance in those areas.
Describe key choices in how a product has been designed and their effect on the users beyond what the manufacturer says?
All these suggestions mentioned above are in harmony with Google’s objective of better rewarding the most helpful product reviews.
With the rollout of this update, product reviews will struggle to rank in Google SERPs if they only summarize the products going forward.
Usually, reviews that present a summary of products are observed on affiliate websites that aim to make quick commissions instead of offering any real value to people.
From now on, site owners will be required to publish complete analyses of products, including their comparisons to other similar products and comparisons to older iterations of the same product.
Whenever possible, offer quantitative analysis like the results of speed tests if you are reviewing a PC, for example, along with other relevant data that can help customers make a better-informed purchase decision.
It looks like the search giant will be mindful of whether a product review provides information that goes beyond the data given by the manufacturer or not. To put it another way, don’t just visit a product page and rewrite what is already present out there.
Google has launched a new search algorithm update called product reviews update, which is focused on ranking reviews that provide insightful analysis and original research over the ones that merely summarize a set of products. With this update, Google aims to reward such content better as it offers more actual value to the users and helps them make more informed purchase decisions. The update went live in search results on April 8, 2021. However, it will only impact English-language reviews in SERPs for the time being. If site owners see an abrupt rise or drop in their rankings or traffic, it’s probably due to this update. Websites that publish product reviews should take Google’s advice and start creating better content. If you feel your site has been affected by this update, you can ask yourself the questions recommended by Google mentioned earlier. Try to offer as much holistic and quantitative analysis of products as possible instead of rewriting the information provided by the product manufacturer on the web. For now, this is all we’ve got. We will probably learn more about this product review update over time as Google continues to roll it out more widely.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Google Algorithm
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internetandnetwork · 3 years
Facebook Introduces New Features Giving More Control to Users Over Their News Feed
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Popular social networking company Facebook is all set to introduce some new features to give users more control over their news feed. This update would mainly focus on what shows up on users’ news feed and who can comment on their posts. On Wednesday, Facebook announced these changes along with several other updates, all of which are aimed at increasing transparency on the platform and intended to build trust among Facebook users on how the platform’s algorithms work.
Nick Clegg, Facebook’s VP of Global Affairs, said he had a problem with the way some people claimed that Facebook’s algorithms intended to fuel polarization and meant to manipulate the users for monetary gains. Further, Clegg said that these new features announced by Facebook are part of the company’s broader move to show people that their experience on the platform only depends on their ‘own’ relationship with Facebook’s algorithm.
This is a big step taken by the social networking company as for years now, the users and industry stakeholders alike have criticized it. It has also remained under scrutiny from lawmakers and regulators over its targeted ad business model and also for the role it played in the 2016 US Presidential Elections. People have also targeted Facebook over the unrestrained spread of hate, false information, and harassment that the platform allegedly allows being circulated. These changes could also be a way for the company to sidestep its responsibility towards keeping a check on the content circulating on the platform by allowing the users to control what they see in their news feed. Nevertheless, besides all this, it also addresses the issues of hate speech and harassment by enabling users to limit who can comment on their posts, a feature the popular microblogging site Twitter launched a couple of months ago.
The most significant feature that Facebook is set to introduce is the tool that lets users control what content shows up on their news feed on the platform, along with the order in which they want to view it. With the launch of this feature, users will have the option to choose whether they want to see the content in chronological order or in the order that it is published or in the current way that the platform’s algorithm controls.
Besides this, if users still feel unsatisfied with both these options, they could also filter the content so that they only see posts from their favorites.
Users will be able to access this tool in the Feed Filters bar, which would appear at the top of the news feed. It would also let users switch between multiple tabs, including “Favorites” and “Recent.” In order to see content only from favorite pages and users, first, the users will have to select certain accounts whose content they would like to see in their news feed. Facebook introduced this feature of choosing favorite accounts late last year. Users can pick up to 30 favorite pages or accounts. However, if a user does not access their filter bar over the course of a week (by tapping on the Favorites or Recent tab), it will automatically disappear. To re-access it, the user will just have to swipe up, and it will reappear.
In addition to this, the algorithm would also give reasons why a user sees content from accounts they don’t follow. Users do see content from accounts they don’t follow on their news feed because of Facebook’s algorithms. While the platform would continue to do this, users can now understand why they see such content by clicking on the “Why am I seeing this” option.
Now, as for controlling who can comment on posts, users would be able to select options ranging from allowing all users who see the particular post to only giving permission to specific tagged accounts. A similar feature was released by the microblogging platform Twitter last year, and it intends to minimize unwanted interactions.
The social media giant Facebook is all set to introduce some exciting new features that would allow users more control over their news feed. Users would now be able to control the content they wish to see on their news feed and in what order (whether chronologically, in the order it is posted, or in the current way Facebook algorithms control). Besides this, users can also choose to see content only from their favorites; however, for that, they must select their favorite users and pages first. These new features will appear in the Feed Filters bar on the top of the news feed from where users can access it. According to the latest announcements, the company has started rolling out these features already, and they will be available to all users in the coming weeks.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Facebook News Feed
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
6 Visual Hierarchy Principles Every Designer Should Know
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We are all living in a fast-changing world. As the technology to show a page continues to evolve, it is the responsibility of designers to organize the content clearly on a page.
But the question is – what is the best way to do that? The short answer is visual hierarchy.
Visual hierarchy can be defined as the arrangement of design elements in order of their importance. A graphic element’s visual weight determines its significance in the visual hierarchy, conveying to the user’s eyes what to focus on and in what order. It helps direct the readers’ eyes to the crucial content writing first and then to the secondary ones.
With the attention spans getting shorter and shorter, you must immediately guide the viewers’ eyes to the crucial information.
From brochures to websites to apps, these six visual hierarchy principles will help you design everything while ensuring a positive experience for the users.
People follow the same top-to-the-bottom reading pattern, and the majority of them read from left to right. But even though knowing this is crucial for a functional page design, the designers realize that the task is much more complicated.
According to recent studies, people usually scan a page first to get an idea of whether or not they are interested before they commit to reading it. These scanning patterns are likely to take either “F” or “Z” shapes, and designers can undoubtedly capitalize on this in their design.
This pattern generally applies to conventional, text-heavy pages such as blog posts or articles. A user moves down, scanning the left side of the page, searching for any captivating keywords in the left-aligned headings or first sentences of each topic, then pausing and reading to the right when s/he runs into something interesting. The end result of this scanning resembles something like an F or E or some shape with even more horizontal lines, but the “F” pattern has stayed.
Wondering how you can use this? You can align your crucial information to the left and utilize short headlines in bold, bullet points, and other such attention-capturing elements to separate different paragraph blocks.
This pattern generally applies to other types of pages such as websites or ads where the content is not inevitably put up in block paragraphs. A user first scans across the top of the page where the crucial information is probably present, creating an imaginary horizontal line. Then, s/he sharply moves down to the opposite end of the page, creating an imaginary diagonal line, and then scans across the bottom of the page, hoping to find some useful information.
Web designing often build the pages complying with this scanning behavior consciously, putting the most valuable information in the corners, placing the remaining crucial information on the top and bottom bars, and joining the diagonal.
This one is quite simple; actually – people read things that are bigger in size first. It is normal behavior for readers to notice the more prominent texts first on a page. It goes without saying that larger elements draw more attention than smaller ones. And that’s one of the reasons why significant newspaper headlines are often written in large, bold format – to capture our attention right away!
If truth be told, the fun fact is that this tendency of people is powerful enough to overrule the top to the bottom reading habit.
Designers can make use of this by making the engaging topics or headings bigger in size so that the viewers read them first.
One of the best ways to grab your readers’ attention is by allowing your content sufficient space to breathe. Leaving considerable negative space around a button or broadly tracking lines in a text block will make these elements pop up and more easily visible to the viewers.
It makes such a huge difference that even a text written in a tiny font can become readily visible if you leave out ample white space around it, signaling its importance. Likewise, you can lay extra emphasis on a specific text by placing it in a box, separating it from the surrounding space.
When we talk about texture in respect of visual hierarchy, we are not referring to graphic texture effects. Instead, this type of “texture” refers to the complete arrangement or pattern of text, space, and other details on the page. It plays a significant role in determining the position of a design element in the visual hierarchy.
The typeface you select is crucial to building a visual hierarchy. A typeface’s most important characteristics include its weight (the breadth of the lines that make up its letters) and style (such as sans serif and serif). However, other refinements such as italicizing can also play a notable role. You need to have a contrast between typefaces.
Remember, typeface strongly impacts the hierarchy order of the design elements. Nevertheless, there might be a few cases where you need to show an array of information as equally urgent. While you can accomplish the equivalency by setting all of it to the same size, doing so would also make it monotonous simultaneously. One way to avoid this is to differentiate the typefaces.
Here is another obvious fact – vibrant colors stick out from grayscale or muted colors. Lighter tints seem more “far,” and therefore, they go lower on the hierarchy than the darker and more vibrant ones. You can play with different shades of colors to create a striking effect and highlight the crucial information and sections on the page.
Colors play a much more vital role in mobile app design since the small screen size restricts your ability to employ other tactics such as wider spacing and size differentiation.
Designers typically design the page layouts as per a grid of horizontal and vertical lines, both by tradition and because that is the most readable format. Such a system gives rise to a new way of building hierarchy – break the grid.
Text presented on a diagonal or curve will naturally stick out against its surrounding grid-locked text, taking all the limelight. This is a proven strategy that has been widely used in advertisements for a long time.
Wrapping It Up
Responsive frameworks are increasingly pushing designers to think about numerous different pages at the same time. Caught between dense text and shorter attention spans, designers need to figure out how to make sure the readers’ eyes notice the most valuable information first. These six principles of visual hierarchy exactly do that. However, remember the key is to practice. Learning this is not enough; you need to implement it as well. Try out different styles to get a better idea of how this works. Keep these in mind the next time you sit down to design a page!
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Visual Hierarchy
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
Instagram Adds a New “Recently Deleted” Feature for Removed Content
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The popular social networking app Instagram is now introducing a new feature called “Recently Deleted” to provide its users with the opportunity to review their deleted content before removing it permanently.
From now on, when a user deletes any content from their account, it will be moved to the “Recently Deleted” folder instantly.
Users will then have the option to either permanently remove that content or put it back on their profile if they change their mind later on by restoring it from the same “Recently Deleted” folder.
Content such as photos and videos from your profile and Instagram Story, Instagram Stories from your highlights and story archive, reels, direct messages, and IGTV videos will be saved in this folder when you delete it.
All content moved to the Recently Deleted folder will be permanently deleted after 30 days automatically. However, in this case, Instagram stories are an exception as they will remain in the folder for up to 24 hours from when they were initially posted.
Within those 30 days, if a user wishes to see what content they have removed from their profile, they can review it by going to the “Recently Deleted” folder present in the “Account” tab under the “Settings” option.
However, ensure that you are currently using the up-to-date version of the Instagram app before counting on the “Recently Deleted” feature to save your deleted content.
While this feature will surely come in handy for users when they want to restore the content they have removed from their account earlier, Instagram has highlighted another great use case for it.
The social media platform has pointed out how this new feature can help safeguard the users’ content in case their Instagram account gets hacked at any point in time.
At times, the hacker removes all the content from the hacked profile, and in case the content is not stored on the users’ device, they are left with no option to get it back.
Therefore, apart from introducing this new “Recently Deleted” folder, the platform is also adding some security shields against removing content permanently from an account.
Due to this, users will have to verify their identity as the account owner before they can delete or restore any content from the “Recently Deleted” folder.
According to Instagram, the platform users have actually requested the “Recently Deleted” feature frequently.
However, that is an interesting fact, considering the app has always had something similar to this feature called Archive.
Earlier, when a user wanted to remove a particular piece of content from their account instead of deleting it permanently, they had the option to archive it simply.
Users can restore or permanently delete any content from the Instagram Archive folder at any point in time. And as far as we know, there is no restriction to how much content a single account can archive or how long the archived content can stay within the Archive folder.
In a nutshell, users have the option to archive any content they want to remove from their profile and have the ability to restore it weeks, months, or even years later. Once the user has archived any content, nobody except the account user who posted it in the first place can access it.
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So to conclude, the Instagram Archive feature seems to be far better than the Recently Deleted feature in many ways when it comes to storing the removed content. However, that’s only if the user remembers to manually “archive” their content.
In that regard, an obvious advantage of the Recently Deleted feature is that it is automatic, meaning the users don’t need to remember to use it because it is done for them automatically. If a user deletes a piece of content by mistake rather than archiving it, it can still be restored since it will be saved to the Recently Deleted folder automatically.
Nevertheless, the Instagram Archive feature is not going anywhere, meaning you can still use it as a backup option. If you feel that the 30 days time limit given by the Recently Deleted feature isn’t enough for you, you can always move your content to the Archive folder instead.
Instagram is adding another exciting feature called Recently Deleted, which was regularly requested by the users as per the platform. With this new feature’s launch, the deleted content from the users’ profiles can be reviewed, restored, and removed permanently. However, the deleted content will only stay in the Recently Deleted folder for up to 30 days, and after that, it will be gone forever. This feature is indeed useful for users who accidentally delete their content instead of archiving it. While this new feature might sound a lot similar to the existing Archive feature, there are still some differences – the most prominent one is that the Recently Deleted feature is automatic while the Archive feature is manual.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Instagram Adds
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
Understanding Marketing vs. Sales: Which One Is Best for Your Business
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Being a small business owner, you might find yourself thinking about whether marketing is more critical or sales. Or whether you should pour more money into your marketing efforts or employ an iconic sales team.
Honestly, we have tried our hands at both to expand our business, so we are savvy about capitalizing on both these strategies effectively.
In this blog, we will throw some light on this topic and help you analyze the pros and cons of both methods for your exclusive business!
But before diving into which strategy you should choose for your company, let’s first discuss marketing vs. sales.
Marketing vs. Sales
Let’s understand this with an example.
An XYZ marketing agency is a small business established recently. Now they are looking to grow their business, and every advisor they talk to, every book they read, or every business person they meet says that without having a reliable sales team, making their business successful is a far-fetched game.
Just when they were about to pick sales to invest in, it struck them that despite their efforts, people aren’t approaching them still, and that being a marketing agency, they aren’t even using marketing for their own business growth. So they decided to go with marketing, and within a couple of years, they were able to establish their company as a reputed and trusted brand.
Wondering what point we are trying to make here? Well, what we are trying to convey is that both sales and marketing can do the trick and help your business grow. However, what you need to do is grasp the main differences between both these methods to embrace a strategy that will encourage your business growth.
That being said, let’s proceed to understand the primary difference between marketing and sales, and as you continue reading, we will address more of these differences.
Understanding the Difference Between Marketing and Sales
For starters, marketing and sales are two different things. Marketing comprises all the efforts that you make to draw leads into your sales funnel or sales pipeline. Whereas sales is what seals the deal with prospects who get into your sales funnel or sales pipeline.
Thus, you need to have an established sales pipeline to become successful at sales.
But in case you don’t have one, your marketing can take up your pipeline. Or if you’ve hired the right talented team, they can create their own sales pipeline by building meaningful relationships or through other outbound efforts.
However, if you wish to go with the former, i.e., let marketing fill your sales pipeline, then you must focus on your branding, brand positioning, product pricing, and marketing mix. For instance, you might decide to focus all your marketing efforts on creating a robust online presence on Google, social media, and other search engines, or you might choose to focus on expanding your email list.
Marketing’s end goal is to pull in as many high-quality, low-cost, and filtered leads into your sales pipeline as possible.
Meanwhile, your sales team can also construct their pipeline through outbound efforts like cold calling, cold emailing, networking, door-to-door sales, etc.
Marketing and sales are both challenging tasks that require different skill sets.
Nevertheless, to make sure you are dumping your money into the right approach that fosters growth in your business, you must ascertain the most suitable strategy for your unique business. For that, it’s time to go further in-depth and discover the five top differences between marketing and sales.
Time Horizon
One of the key differences between sales and marketing is the total amount of time required before you can finally see the results.
While in sales, you can see the results within a 3-month period, in marketing, it can take you up to a year before you begin seeing notable results. And even then, remember that you have just “started” seeing the results, which means your efforts have just begun gathering steam.
Now, as one might expect, business owners are sales-driven people; they want short-term results, and they want to see them right away.
So, if the business were some sort of sport, the owner would want his company to win the game in the first quarter only.
But with marketing, you would most often lose the first quarter. It is more of a fourth-quarter game. Now you might seem to be losing the game in the fourth quarter, too, but suddenly, it would turn the tables and make you win.
What you need to remember here is that marketing that pays off can compound into results, which is just not attainable with a sales mindset.
So if marketing is exponential, sales is linear. If sales is a game of numbers, marketing is an art.
The focus of sales is to achieve short-term results and allowances, while marketing doesn’t even care about it. It is focusing on long-term gains.
Sure, marketing takes a great deal of time, effort, and even resources, but fortunately, it is all worth it.
Customer Preference
How does it feel when a person tries to sell a product to you?
Like how do you feel knowing that the other person just wants to make a few bucks through you?
Will you trust that person or even be interested in listening to them?
Well, we don’t know about you, but the majority of people hate being sold to. Customers typically prefer interacting with a person who is more explanatory than pushy and is more concerned with helping you genuinely instead of getting money from you.
Most people today don’t really like dealing with salespeople at all. Or well, at least salespeople who become overly pushy to get you to make a purchase anyhow.
With the emergence of the internet, a lot of customers have abandoned sales strategies in exchange for more value-based content.
By offering value to your target audience through marketing, you are actually helping them realize their need for your product/service.
So, in this case, marketing is the clear-cut winner. Not that sales isn’t effective anymore; it’s just that over the years, pushy and incompetent salespeople have ruined the reputation of sales to the extent that even the name scares some people away.
In short, customers nowadays prefer to engage more with marketing since it is more interested in meeting the goals and satisfying their needs.
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Attracting vs. Chasing
Sales professionals need to chase opportunities, and if they don’t have opportunities, they have to create a list of potential customers and chase them instead.
In contrast to marketing, marketing creates opportunities. Effective marketing will catch eyes and turn people’s heads towards your brand.
However, one crucial thing that you should keep in mind is that it is useless to expect your marketing to only bring in good leads for your business. Even if you implement the best of the best targeting in the world, even then, you will see some bad leads too.
In order for your marketing to be successful, it needs to capture the audience’s attention. Now you may make every possible attempt to bring in a particular group of audience, but it would be ignorant to think that you won’t have a bunch of poor quality leads as well.
In short, the advantage of sales is that you can decide who you want to chase. But with marketing, you can’t do this – here, your success depends on the leads you’ve acquired. If you have obtained bad leads or no leads at all, you won’t succeed.
Meanwhile, with marketing, you have the advantage of drawing prospects to your brand instead of chasing them aggressively and receiving a fair share of rejection.
And well, frankly, with sales, you must get used to rejection as early as you can, and it’s no secret that sales isn’t the ideal line for soft-hearted people.
Storytelling vs. Asking
Effective marketing narrates a story, and if you don’t have a good story, you’ll fail.
But what story exactly should you tell your audience? – A story of a person who had a problem that was quickly resolved with the help of your product or service.
Or a story of a person who is suffering and exasperating that feeling to the extent where they must do something about it.
As we discussed earlier, marketing is an art, and so is storytelling. And if you fail to create a messaging that is capable of capturing your target audience’s attention successfully, then marketing is going to be challenging for you. Thus, you must have good copywriting skills in order to craft engaging messaging.
Contrarily, sales is more about conversations and less about stories.
Conversations where the salesperson typically asks questions from the potential customers. Questions such as “what are your goals?” “How do you plan on achieving those goals?” “How much does accomplishing those goals mean to you?” “What are you willing to do about it?”
Good salespeople sell by asking questions, not by telling stuff.
That means you also need to have good listening skills to be able to sell your product to each individual customer.
If you fail to get it right, you will end up sounding like every typical salesperson ever – just attempting to get your customers to give you money.
So, in a nutshell, while marketing requires good copywriting and communication skills, sales require good listening and communication skills as well.
Marketing Sells Product First; Sales Sell People First
In sales, the majority of customers purchase products from salespeople they really like and trust. And that’s why it isn’t surprising for people to buy a bad product from a friendly salesperson.
Not that you are selling a bad product, but this point indicates the advantage of having talented and professional salespeople within your easy reach.
However, you don’t essentially need to have someone at the front and center to create sales opportunities with marketing.
Effective marketing is self-sufficient and capable of selling a product all by itself. The more effective your marketing is, the less selling you need to do.
Well, these were the top five differences between marketing and sales. Now which one you choose for your business is absolutely 100% your choice. You know what’s best for your business. Take your time to weigh the pros and cons of both and then pick the most suitable approach, even if that means employing both simultaneously.
The big thing to keep in mind here is that marketing is what you do to draw prospects into your sales funnel, whereas sales is what you do to close the prospects who have entered your sales funnel.
In every aspect, marketing and sales have proved to be very different from each other, but they both can work wonders for your business together when done right. While one generates faster results, the other takes a bit more time but delivers long-lasting and invaluable results. So go ahead, keep the pros and cons in mind while choosing your strategy, and you’ll be all set to grow your business and take it to new heights.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a digital marketing, seo, smo, ppc and web development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, web designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Understanding Marketing vs. Sales: Which One Is Best for Your Business
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
4 Helpful Tips to Cash in on Your PPC Campaign
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Almost ⅔ of the total clicks made by the users performing online search queries and who are ready to buy something go to paid advertising, i.e., PPC ads. In point of fact, last year, this is what helped generate the majority of the search engine giant Google’s revenue.
Sad to say, numerous business owners, even today, do not know that they can actually pay less to Google and still gain excellent results. So, if you are ready to utilize pay-per-click ads for your brand and want to maximize your PPC campaigns and wring as much as possible out of every single buck that you put in for marketing, this post is exactly what you need to make it happen.
In this article, we will discuss certain strategies and efforts that have proven to yield excellent results for businesses over the years. So, without wasting another moment, let’s dive into the details.
Establish Your Goals Before You Create a Campaign
Think about what particular action you want the users to take after they encounter your ad. This action might include – calling your local store, visiting a landing page, filling out an online form, getting to know your services better, or simply purchasing a product from you. But the question is – how will you assess this?
Well, a great way to assess this is by tracking your conversions regularly. This will give you insights into your PPC campaign’s performance. Moreover, when you have your end goal established, it becomes easy for you to find out whether your marketing efforts are effective or not.
Decide Whether You Want Your PPC Ad to Appear in the Display Network or the Search Network
When you decide to go with the search network, your ads will show up in Google as well as in other Google search partners (search engines that have partnered with Google). In contrast, if you choose to go with the display network, it lets your ad show up on the hundreds of thousands of websites in the Google Display Network, showing Google ads. However, if you consider running your PPC ads in both the networks, make sure you use individual campaigns for each one of them.
The crucial point to note here is that while one option is certainly not better than the other option, one might prove to be more effective for your particular niche as compared to the other. The key is to discover where your target audience is and then target that specific area using your PPC ads.
Utilize Geo-Targeting
When building PPC campaigns, every single penny counts. Hence, to make sure you get the most out of all your marketing bucks, you must not forget to capitalize on Google’s targeting feature – particularly to target users in specific geographical locations. You can utilize this targeting tool to consider elements like language, text, page structure, link structure, and so on. It will also help establish the principal themes of all web pages and then target ads on the basis of the topics you have selected.
Choose the Proper Match Types
While setting up your PPC campaign, you will be presented with four primary match types to pick from, including:
Exact Match – The user must enter the exact same keyword that you have chosen while performing the search query to trigger your ad.
Broad Match – In this match type, Google itself ascertains which search queries are relevant to your chosen keyword.
Phrase Match – The keyword should show up in the exact order in the search query as you have selected in order to trigger your ad.
Broad Match Modifier – This includes a combination of phrase match and broad match and tells Google what keyword order must be present in order for your ad to show up.
In case you are building your first-ever PPC ad campaign, we would suggest you refrain from using the broad match only. The reason behind this is that in maximum cases, it will lead to heaps of wasted clicks since your ad will be reaching users who aren’t genuinely interested in what you are offering.
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Paid advertising has become one of the vital traffic-driving tools for most online businesses today. If you want to maximize your potential of reaching the most number of target customers by having your ads show up in the right places on Google, using these four helpful tips will serve the purpose well. Regardless of what type of products or services you are selling or what you want, these smart strategies will ensure that you make the most out of your PPC marketing efforts and achieve the desired results. So go ahead and start building PPC ad campaigns that yield incredible outcomes for your business, keeping this information in mind to ensure the effectiveness of your campaigns.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : PPC Campaign
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
LinkedIn Launches “Sales Insights” to Offer More Reliable Market Data
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Amidst the rising concerns for data privacy and new measures being taken to ensure it, the sales department is still struggling to discover the right accounts, get to know their consumers, and create better sales plans. And for all that, they need data – accurate and reliable data to be precise. In the middle of this data crisis, LinkedIn has come to the rescue.
The company is considering presenting the users with more ways to put their extensive professional dataset to use. LinkedIn has introduced a new tool called “Sales Insights,” a data analytics tool that offers a real-time overview of important business opportunities depending on your selected market niche and criteria. It allows users to tap into LinkedIn’s data pool of hundreds of millions of users worldwide. LinkedIn Sales Insights (LSI) is the second product the company has introduced in its Sales Solutions portfolio.
Getting your hands on good data that too from a reliable source has become more challenging now than ever. Third-party data will only get more and more difficult to access in the coming times. With the introduction of ad blockers and the end of third-party cookies, not only Marketing but Sales are suffering too. Obviously, there are still many companies willing to sell lists of organizations and contact, but who even trusts them now? Good reliable sources of data are getting harder to find day by day.
Times have changed, and with that, things have also changed tremendously for the Sales companies. Before this pandemic took place, organizations used to analyze their businesses in terms of years, whereas now the window is more like 1-1.5 months. Therefore, programs should be built for speed now.
Companies need to have that quickness to make faster decisions and then work on those decisions equally or even faster. When things are not working right as expected, they need to turn quickly. To be able to do that, organizations need data, and by data, we don’t mean just any data – reliable and trustworthy data.
A lot of salespeople leverage LinkedIn Sales Navigator to discover and engage with potential customers. Incorporating Sales Insights above that takes them even further. With the release of LinkedIn’s new feature Sales Insights, they will be able to plan, research, and identify opportunities utilizing real-time data, make more conscious and informed decisions regarding where they should focus their efforts.
Sales Navigator offers the tools to carry out those plans. However, in order to use Sales Insights, you don’t need Sales Navigator – both of them are individual products.
Moreover, marketing people can also utilize LinkedIn Sales Insights to identify relevant accounts that match their ideal customer profile and create account lists for account-based marketing programs. As per the company, marketers and sales professionals have quite similar questions, such as which are the fastest-growing accounts, or which departments or functions are the biggest within a particular account or what are the most prominent opportunities available across their market niche, and so on.
In addition to all this, the data also displays areas where relationships already exist between sales professionals and contacts within accounts.
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The Sales Insights dashboard allows users to concentrate on a particular set of data based on geographical locations, growth trends, job functions, and so on. This sort of data will help the sales and marketing professionals find significant opportunities to connect with the right companies at the right time.
That’s not just it. LinkedIn Sales Insights also lets you see which of your employees are connected to people associated with your target organizations, presenting you with an “in” to increase your response rates.
This is one of the latest efforts of the platform to put their unparalleled professional data to use. LinkedIn can offer users valuable in-depth insights into the operations of modern organizations, and ways in which salespeople can reach the ideal people, and discover the excellent opportunities to help you get the most out of your efforts.
No other platform except LinkedIn can offer insights to this extent. If the platform is able to harness these insights effectively, it can become a crucial element in multiple business processes.
The professional networking site, LinkedIn, offers an abundance of data about its members that organizations can utilize to discover and create the right accounts. Even though it is third-party data, it is the data that members of LinkedIn create themselves, so one can easily understand that it is accurate and, in most cases, up-to-date.
Plenty of sales companies are already utilizing LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator to reach and engage with users, so of course, the next logical step is to focus on accounts and the right markets.
This is an excellent tool for marketers as well as salespeople since it would save them a great deal of time and effort that they spend in searching for the right accounts and still many a time end up focusing on the wrong places. However, we are not quite sure about the LinkedIn members’ reaction considering that they will be outreached by different companies due to this, whether they want to engage with them or not.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a digital marketing, seo, smo, ppc and web development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, web designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : LinkedIn Launches “Sales Insights” to Offer More Reliable Market Data
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
Instagram Is Focusing on Reels, Users Are Disappointed
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Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms that people today love to spend time on. However, if you have been keeping up with it recently, you must have noticed it has introduced many changes over a relatively short period. But the latest update has turned out to be a disaster (we guess it is safe to say so considering the outrage among users) as it hints that the platform is shifting its focus towards the “Reels” feature, which has disappointed its loyal users.
If you have logged in to your Instagram account over the last few days, you must have observed a teeny-tiny but significant change in the user interface.
Well, if you remember, a few months ago, Instagram replaced the “Explore” button with “Reels” and shifted the former at the top of the screen beside the direct message icon. This change caused quite a discomfort as users would habitually click on the button that earlier opened their explore feed only to find reels videos there.
A similar change has been introduced with the latest update where Instagram has replaced the “Create” button (the plus icon) with the “Reels” button and the ‘Activity” tab (the heart icon) with the “Shop” tab on the bottom navbar. Users can now find the create button and activity tab on their screen’s top right-hand side beside the direct message button.
Whether Instagram has done this deliberately or not, giving the “Reels” a center position on its navigation bar gives the users a hint that the platform is now giving more priority to Reels and Shopping than the main feed content. As one can figure it out, users are not really delighted with this, and you can see how furious they are through their online posts and tweets.
Instagram’s Take on This New Update
With its recent announcement about the update, Instagram asserts that the way youngsters and content creators of this generation are using the platform is transforming. The number of short videos posted across the platform has skyrocketed, and also there has been a tremendous shift towards online shopping ever since the pandemic hit the world.
On this new addition of the reels tab, Instagram believes that it offers a type of global stage to the content creators for sharing their art and work with the rest of the world and have an opportunity to break out and discover an audience.
However, if truth be told, this Reels feature is actually competing with the famous TikTok platform directly, and Instagram is hyping it just like it hyped the “Stories” feature, which was also copied from another popular social media platform, Snapchat.
But unlike Instagram Stories, Reels is not resonating with the platform’s loyal users, which is why the app is pouring all the more efforts and going the extra mile by actually placing the tab front and center.
Replacing the “Create” tab with the “Reels” feature is certainly a risk, although the company believes that not introducing such changes will be an even bigger risk to the platform’s future.
Moreover, Instagram further said that they don’t bring these changes without giving it a good deal of consideration. Plus, it’s been a while since the platform has made any significant changes to its home screen. The way people create content and enjoy social media has significantly changed. Instagram believes that the greatest risk to its platform is not that it changes too often, but that it doesn’t change fast enough and becomes irrelevant to the audience.
While the company seems quite excited about this new update, its user base does not seem to have mutual feelings.
In fact, the audience seems to be so furious on Instagram that they took to various platforms, including Twitter, to share their hard feelings. Not just the regular Instagram users but even influencers with millions of followers have shown their disappointment (only to a level that allows them to work on it safely) about this latest update.
This rage isn’t just among a group of users; it seems consistent across the platform. Users believe that Instagram is not mending things that the audience sees as broken; instead, it is bringing in new things that nobody even asked for.
Taking all this into consideration, it is crystal-clear that all Instagram users want a simple and easy to use platform that they can easily navigate and an algorithm that shows them the content they are truly interested to see.
Clearly, users don’t care about watching the Reels videos or shopping via Instagram; that’s not why they open the app. However, only time can tell whether or not the platform is able to make a shift in the user behavior, whether the users will be sold on this Reels feature, or the app will be forced to go back to its former version.
As of now, we can’t say anything for sure. But we will definitely find out a lot about the impact this new update is having on the users once Instagram’s next quarterly report is published.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a digital marketing, seo, smo, ppc and web development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, web designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Instagram Is Focusing on Reels, Users Are Disappointed
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internetandnetwork · 5 years
Best Tips and Advice for SEO Expert in 2020
From 2010 to 2015, the industry of SEO turned its image from backroom box tricks to a giant and basic marketing technique, which is dominated by the data, statics, and its trends.
Nowadays, the web search and keywords used have become a giant industry to work on. Google lead this industry to offer opportunities for millions of people. Google keeps releasing the update to make it simple to add further human resources in this field not only to support the users (who search for the information regarding any topics) but to create more jobs too.
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SOURCE: Best Tips and Advice for SEO Expert in 2020 , E Global Soft Solutions
One of these updates is Penguin Update. It is focused on the practice of building the links – this impact only approximately 0.1% searches (when it was initially launched.) With the passage of time, it keeps improving itself and make itself essential in the field of positive link building, and utilization of the data and tools. It generated many jobs in SEO content industry and content marketing.
Rank-Brain is present here for a long time. It is professed as a change in real-time algorithms. There are many more core updates which make the statement ‘Content is King’ a bit outdated and provide the SEO as challenger for the crown. Still, these two work side by side, helping each other to achieve greater success. Everyone can have their own opinion in this section.
In 2020, we will be seeing many exciting developments from Google’s side and many more people who are now started working on this field. As per some source, Google is now focusing on the reporting update suites and other core updates, which will be able to offer more than just only the search results. This field is currently not bound by only the update of Google (still there are chances that it will come up with some landscaping update) because of new players and ideas. So here are some expectation for 2020 in the field of SEO.
As we know that the working of SEO and many have achieved excellence in this field. We always try to get the solution fast with minimum effort; here, the work of SEO starts with the help of unique algorithms. With the advancement in the field, these algorithms, and techniques are getting more and harder (and excellent for the users, who want to know the information).
This uncertainty in the algorithms is increasing with multiple times. Recently the two new guidelines are announced by the name of E-A-T and YMYL. There is speculation that with this, the algorithm will become harder and the goalposts will shift itself in the softer side.
It can be understood by this, ” Assume you got a good score by any post on Monday, there is a chance that you will be far from the mark on a Tuesday.” There are some sites where SEO teams are on total the mercy (the double-sided blade) of the Web Developers or some other factors which can’t be controlled by them. These sites will prove to be challenging for them.
Yes, there is the certainty that the SEO teams wait for their turn to come, and when they possess the power, then they will aim for the sky, till then they should approach the simple solution of the problem in hand.
If we see the other side of the coin, then we will observe that everyone has a sufficiently good idea about the look of a good website. The site, which comes on page number 1 any keyword has pretty good visuals and content; that site keeps updating the knowledge and its representation on a regular basis. It will focus on every update but stick to the most prominent one (as per the audience). So there is no reason that you have only to use the new and updated SEO campaigns because there is always a chance that update can fail. It doesn’t mean that they should not try every one.
The update in 2020, should be focusing on the authority and the trust-building. As per there are many outlets on the web are spreading false information. So, the sites with more truth will have the chance to build trust and getting the profit in the distant future.
Improving the Guidelines of Search quality
Google keeps updating the guidelines of Search Quality periodically with updates. These updated guidelines represent how Google wishes to do work on websites and how you practices algorithm of the search engine is going to take place in the evaluation regarding the relevance of that website towards used keywords.
Here are some updated guidelines:
Needs Met: This factors in the region, whether a page fulfils the requirement of some query or not.
Page Quality: This update checks how the page is designed and how this page works and how it was fulfilling the query.
E-A-T: It stands for Expert, Authority, and Trust. It observes the website and its relationship with the targeted subject.
9 Factors that Should be Audited by Content Managers for the On-Page SEO
Meta Title: It is the blue link with the information on another page.
Meta Description: It shows below blue link and is used to attract a user to open.  
Heading 1 Tag: The title at the top of the page.
Heading 2 / 3 Tags: Optional and extra titles displayed as logline of the page.
Content: The main body of the page having the whole data
Landing Page URL: After the website name the targeted unique page ID
Keyword Density: Percentage ration of a keyword to the total words.
Internal Links: Links leading to related but another page.
Images: Graphic representation and point of attraction on the page.
SEO’s Scope and Expectancy
Google will (most likely) throw some curveballs this year too. However, this industry is reaching an age again, where any arena left to gain excellence. As always, there’s a requirement of understanding the market, customers, clients, collateral and demand.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a digital marketing and web development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, web design and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
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internetandnetwork · 3 years
Understanding What Online Reputation Management Really Means
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As a digital marketer, one of the most common grievances that we get from potential clients is that when something goes wrong with their online reputation, they start feeling like if they take any action, it could make things worse. For example, the clients think that if they leave comments in places where their online reputation isn’t up to the mark, it could turn more eyes towards them or that if they start addressing their customers’ complaints head-on, it will result in more complaints flooding in.
Improving and maintaining an online reputation needs a special skill set. Nevertheless, most digital marketing agencies can agree that many of their potential clients don’t “really” understand what online reputation management means. It does not involve wickedly playing the system to remove genuine criticisms of a brand from the web. Likewise, in the same way, it isn’t whining, grumbling, or anything else with a resentful, defensive, or authorized overtone. To tell the truth, it’s about speaking out on your own behalf and sticking up for yourself. In the most real sense, it is fighting back or defending yourself. But rather than getting involved in any type of actual or physical fighting, it is merely about speaking the truth out loud.
When you imagine users looking into a brand’s online reputation, you might think of prospects directly. Nevertheless, we like to advise businesses to do their own online reputation research. Because at the end of the day, if the product or service you are offering is not good enough for the people, it will be visible via your company’s online reputation.
Online reputation is crucial. It serves as an icebreaker (makes the first impression when a prospect searches for a business) and a dealbreaker (influences the final buying decision) as well.
To put things into perspective, we are not just saying this. The importance of online reputation management is distinctly reflected in the statistics. Reportedly, more than 90% of buyers go through customer reviews before purchasing a product, around 5/6th of customers worldwide check local business reviews, and over half of the total consumers won’t buy anything until they have read four reviews at the minimum.
But we don’t “really” need someone to cite these statistics for us to realize how essential online reputation management is. Just consider your own life and how you usually make purchases. If you are anything like the average consumer, you wouldn’t just purchase something without performing a little research first. So ask yourself, why would your customers behave any differently?
By now, you have probably understood the importance of having a decent online reputation. This brings us to the next step, i.e., improving and maintaining your online reputation appropriately.
In numerous (but indeed not all) TV shows and movies, aloof silence despite the accusations is often acclaimed and even rewarded in some cases. We bet you have seen it countless times. The hero is accused of something terrible by one of the villains but chooses to remain silent and says nothing in their defense. But then, right before the movie or show is about to end, the truth is revealed, the villain gets punished, and the hero, well, becomes the hero again.
But unfortunately, as tempting as this may sound, that’s not how things work in real life generally. Moreover, it is unmistakably not the way things work on the web. When a person criticizes your business on the internet, your prospects, existing customers, investors, and employees will eventually discover it. And that’s virtually definite.
Honestly speaking, finding criticisms of a brand can be quickly done within a couple of minutes. So customers who spend hours researching your company will undoubtedly find them.
That’s why it is critical to work on your online reputation correctly. Rather than neglecting the accusations and letting them go unaddressed, it is vital to face them directly. And by that, we mean responding to them or reaching out to those unsatisfied customers. Moreover, for specific accusations, this might even mean getting a lawyer involved. Most importantly, it means being proactive. In numerous ways, your online reputation is actually an extension of your company, making it too valuable to not monitor and maintain constantly.
When it comes to running a successful online reputation management campaign, honesty is always at the heart of those campaigns, at least, as per what we have discovered so far. Undoubtedly, the methods, techniques, and tactics used are all different for each business, but apart from all that, it is about being honest. In this context, it means being honest about your business, what it has done, its accusations, how you have addressed them, etc. This stands true irrespective of whether those criticisms are valid or not. Sure, agencies craft a unique strategy for each client, but those strategies must be rooted in truth. Because without that, it wouldn’t work.
In addition to all this, much like any other aspect of digital marketing, online reputation management, too, needs the buy-in from clients. Think of online reputation management as exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. Now even the best treatments wouldn’t leave lasting results if the client continues to eat junk food, remains inactive, and has an unhealthy lifestyle overall. The same holds true for online reputation management as well.
A business engaging in regular fraud won’t ever be able to prosper genuinely with or without online reputation management. This is because bad or harsh reviews are not causing the most significant damage to the brand’s online reputation; the brand itself is doing it.
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When you take actions to enhance your brand’s online reputation, it provides you with something to live up to or achieve. By being as dynamic and honest as you can, standing up for yourself, and being open but not giving in while carrying on with your business ethically and appropriately, you can undoubtedly achieve the online reputation you desire for your company. Now that you know what online reputation management “really” means, you can go ahead and start looking for ways to improve and maintain yours. Be sure to keep an eye on your customer reviews, research your company’s online reputation frequently and proactively respond to customers’ grievances in a polite manner to win hearts and make your business thrive!
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : Online Reputation Management
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
YouTube: Bad News for Content Creators in India and Other Countries
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Google’s recent announcement might come across as “bad news” to YouTube content creators in India and other countries. The search engine informed all YouTubers via email that it will have to cut US taxes from payments to creators outside the United States. This means the US YouTube creators won’t have to bear any extra tax burden. Google may start deducting this additional tax from YouTube creators outside of the US from June 2021.
In its official message, Google said that it would be asking YouTubers to submit their tax information in AdSense over the next couple of weeks. The search giant will use this data to ascertain the right amount of taxes to be deducted, if applicable. Further adding to this statement, the company said in case any YouTuber does not give their tax information by May 31, 2021, it might need to cut up to 24% of their total earnings worldwide.
Here, what’s crucial to understand is that this additional tax will be cut from the money YouTubers make from the viewers in the US through Channel Memberships, YouTube Premium, ad views, Super Stickers, and Super Chat. This means you will not be required to pay any extra tax for your earnings from viewers outside of the US, provided that you submit relevant tax documents on time. However, if you choose to disregard this message from Google and do not provide your relevant tax information, you might need to pay a hefty 24% tax on your total monthly earnings from YouTube.
Using an example, Google clarified that if a YouTuber in India earns $1000 per month from the video-sharing platform and out of that total $1000 revenue, if viewers in the US make up $100 income, then as per the new tax rules, the possibilities are as follows:
YouTuber does not provide tax information: In this case, 24% of the entire monthly income, i.e., $1000, will be deducted. Therefore, the final deduction will be $240. That’s because, in case you do not submit a form, the withholding tax rate is up to 24% of the entire income. Hence, until Google receives your complete tax information, it will be required to cut up to 24% of your total earnings worldwide – remember, “worldwide,” not just your US revenue.
YouTuber provides tax information and claims a treaty benefit: In this case, 15% of the monthly earnings from viewers in the US, i.e., $100, will be deducted, meaning the final deduction amount will be $15. That’s because of the tax treaty relationship between India and the US that decreases the tax rate to 15% of income from viewers in the US.
YouTuber provides tax information but doesn’t qualify for a tax treaty: In this case, 30% of the earnings from viewers in the US, i.e., $100, will be deducted, meaning the final deduction amount will be $30. That’s because, without a tax treaty, the tax rate is 30% of income from viewers in the US.
If you happen to be a content creator earning from the popular video-sharing platform, YouTube, it is in your best interest to look up the Google Support page for relevant tax information and documentation. Also, be sure to submit the same by May 31, 2021. Google has warned YouTubers that if they don’t submit tax forms before the deadline, the tax rate will default to 24% of their entire income for individual account types (which is the account type for most creators) even if viewers from the US account for only a small percentage of their earnings. So, it looks like it would be best for you to play by the rules and submit your tax details on time to avoid a hefty tax deduction.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for E Global Soft Solutions. E Global Soft Solutions is a Digital Marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC and Web Development company that comes with massive experiences. We specialize in digital marketing, Web Designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : YouTube Creator
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