#eh maybe yaeh he is
soggyriceee · 1 year
Uhm— I'm new around here so hello!!
Can I request for König? Can't get enough of him really—
Anyway, straight to the point.
So, basically. König and Reader had a mission together yada yada, then it's done— they go back but König realizes that Reader, uh sadly, was left behind and noone saw them—curse the shortness ong—and yaeh.
This can be either oneshot or HCS! You an also adjust this request to your liking jsjss
Thank you and have a good morning/afternoon/evening!
lost and found | Konig
hi anon, thank you for your request! I wasn't too sure if you wanted to go nsfw with this or kinda like a fluff/angst so I can def do a part two nsfw if you'd like hehehe. not proof read!
"Konig.. its kinda hot. im tired." you mumbled behind him, dragging your feet through the mud and dirt of the forrest. "keep up maus.. were almost to the safe house." he said softly, turning his head back slightly to give you a small smile. you sighed, nodding your head slowly.
you and your team had just come back from one of the most physically challenging missions you've had yet. some of the enemies men had planted multiple bombs scattered throughout the forrest, some close to civilization, some not. you all had spent the day finding them and defusing them. hopefully all of them. it was surely a scary mission, not knowing exactly how many bombs there were planted. but given the round area of where they were, it definetly did help.
but that didnt mean you weren't any less tired. being the shortest one there, your legs got tired and gave out easily. so much so, people often realized when you were present or missing. Konig had loved that though, how small you were. its one of the reasons you've become one of the best operators on this task force. your insecurity became a strong suit. but this insecurity often got in the way of your ability to keep up.
your ankles and legs were cramping bad, and you couldnt take another steep muddy hill. without realizing you began to slow down. you tried to call out to the team, but they were already much more ahead. "eh, I know what safe house they're going to." you said to yourself. finding a tree stump, with as little moss as possible, you sat down, grabbing your ankle in hand. you threw your boot off, sighing at the release. "god this feels so much better" you sighed, closing your eyes.
your hands worked on your ankles, relieving as much stress and tension as you could before getting back up. of course you thought Konig would be mad knowing you didnt stick with the group, but your safety and well being comes first. he was the one who told you so anyways.
standing from the stump, you stretched your back out, grabbed your gun that you had rested behind you and made your way back towards where they were walking. Konig was right in it wasn't taking too long to get to the safe house. maybe another 5 or so minuets walking.
there it was, the dark green brick house. no lights came from the inside, the door was closed. as you got closer you actually began to realize nobody was inside. tilting your head, you walked over to the heavy wood door, pushing it open. as expected, you were greeted with nothing. " what the fuck.." where could they have gone? this was the closest safe house, the one you all went to for each mission.
grabbing your walkie from your back pocket, you began to radio the team. "konig do you copy?" static from the other side. "konig do you copy?" you asked again, voice more firm. but again, radio static. thats when the panic began to kick in. where could they have gone? there wasn't many safe houses you knew of in this forrest, maybe it was new? you mentally cursed yourself for this, but began to relax. Konig would come looking for you. you knew he would. but how long will you be alone before he comes? what if you get attacked?
you grabbed your gun, opening up the mags. 2 left. it wasn't horrible, it was unlikely even if you were to get attacked. but there was nothing such as impossible, at least thats what you believed.
looking around the safe house, you quickly began to realize there wasn't a lot in here for survival. walking over to the sink, you pulled on the lever. brownish water came out. so that was no longer an option. food was limited but available. what were you expecting? just by the look on the outside of the house you could tell this house was old, probably way before even Konig became apart of this team.
you grabbed one of the bags of chips and made your way to the surprisingly not moldy couch, grabbing one of the magazines from the glass table. " Hot Topics of 1999".
yea, this was an old ass house.
Konig searched high and low for you in the large house. he hadn't realized her loss in presence until they all grouped up in the large living room. of course he didnt panic at first, believing you had just fallen asleep in one of the rooms since you were complaining about your body hurting earlier. but when 3 hours had passed and everyone else was up, eating dinner, he grew more than worried. he grew anxious.
he jogged up the stairs of the house, searching every single room twice, then three times. you simply were not there. Konig was not one for showing emotions, but this time he couldn't stop his chest from rising and falling fast, his breath catching in his throat each time.
grabbing the dresser, he bent over it, trying his hardest to calm down. "she's not dead, she's not dead." he said to himself. but how could he prove that. you'd been alone for hours at this point, and as the leader of this team, he felt like he failed you. he felt like he failed your relationship.
of course, he knew you'd disagree with him immediately, but he wouldn't allow it. his job as a leader and boyfriend was to keep you safe and protected. he had promised you the night he pulled you into his room, kissing you without giving you the moment to think. " im never gonna let anything happen to you.. ever." he said softly. and now, look.
that anxiety turned into a mix of anger as well. he lifted his head, wiping his teary eyes and making his way back downstairs. " im going to look for our Lieutenant. stay put dont leave this house unless the rescue team comes. am I understood?" he spoke into the room, cutting off everyones conversations. they all nodded, watching Konig grab his night vision goggles, weapons and some food, shoving it into his backpack. " do you need help sir?" one of the men asked. but Konig just walked out the house, ignoring anyones offer for help. he wanted to save you, keep you protected. that was his job.
night fell and you slowly began to loose hope. rescue teams always come the morning after and it was sun down at this point. sleep was something you did not get, your own anxiety keeping you up. you kept calling on the radio but got no response from anyone. how far could they even be? its impossible they've already left without you, right?
for the first time in a while, you began to cry. you were a touch person, inside and out. emotion was something you didnt show too often, another reason you were such a good member of this team. but the thought of being left alone in a forrest, a country you aren't the most familiar with. it worried you. it worried you more that you'd never see Konig again.
thats when you decided to get off you ass and stop waiting to be saved. you'd find your way to them, one way or another. you began to search the house for real now, hoping to find any ammo possible. you found more shotgun ammo than assault rifle. figures. but you lucked out in finding one mag in the bathroom.
suiting up, grabbing the rest of what snacks were left, you made your way out into the forrest. you looked around, trying to figure out which direction they could be in. but honestly you had no idea. it was dark, the flashlight clipped to your gear was a tiny one, only able to light up a small path. who knows what you could run into? or who?
but you were determined to find your people and get home. get home to Konig and never let him go. you began to walk, looking behind you, clutching your gun to your chest. the grenades and smoke bombs would only bring more attention to you, but you brought them anyways. just in case.
you felt like you'd been walking for hours in a straight line, no turning, no going back. and you had yet to encounter any weird sounds, movements or figures. until of course you saw a mini fire, no tent or person. just a fire.
at first you thought it was a good idea to go and see if there was any food, water or even just a person to help you. but then you remembered your safety training. ' never, I mean NEVER, approach a random fire in the woods if lost. you dont know if it could be us, a trap from the enemy or a crazy person. its better to play it safe and seek shelter elsewhere." you'd remember Konig telling you, only you in fact. it was wrong, but he would tell the others to take the more dangerous route in situations like this. but with you, he didnt. he always 'played it safe' with you. and at first you didnt take offense. but, when he pulled you onto his lap, he smiled, saying ' I give you the safest route because id rather pick up your living body than your dead one, meine liebe." he whispered, eyes darting across your face.
and so you made the choice to keep walking, not looking back to see who it could possibly be, hoping to soon find your team and the warehouse they were in.
Konig hadn't heard the footsteps at first, his head pressed against the tree stump. he was dozing off, so tired from his hours or looking for you. but just when the footsteps began to disappear, he woke up. he rubbed his eyes quickly, scanning the dark forrest. the fire helped illuminate the space around him just enough to get to see a small figure and a dim light walking away from his little camp. he knew it was a dangerous move making a fire, but he did anything he could to help you find him.
and so, without even thinking, he took the fire out, grabbed his gun and gear, following after the figure and hoping his night vision goggled would help him. he hadn't the perfect eyesight, but he was able to see exactly where the figure was going with the help of the slowly dying night light. that had to be you, who else could it be. and he knew yelling your name would not only draw attention to him, but it could scare you. you could run off in the opposite direction, once again loosing him.
so, as quickly and quietly as he could, he began to jog. he pressed his gun to his chest to stop the rustling of it, trying his hardest to jump over any tree branches large or small. he was so determined to see you. he had no clock on him, but he could assume it was late late in the night, maybe even early morning. you'd been alone for hours and hours on end and he couldnt help but tear up when he thought about pulling you into his arms, holding you and never letting you go.
but he was so caught up in the fantasy, he hadn't realized this figure had stopped. when he did realize it, he stopped immediately, freezing on the spot. he didnt want to charge the person, mainly because he didnt want to get shot. so he watched as they turned around and he realized it was you.
you heard shuffling behind you, only getting closer and faster. your heart began to pump in your chest and you immediately felt sick. you were a trained military lieutenant for crying out loud. but, forrest was rarely something you needed to deal with. never a situation where you got lost alone in the dark forrest either.
so you stopped, the shuffling stopping soon after. gripping the muzzle of your gun, as well as the trigger, you turn, holding it up. you tried to put on a brave face, but the tears of fear did not hesitate to make their presence known. your chest was rapidly moving up and down, your heart going 100 miles per hour. you had no intention of shooting anyone or anything, but in order to keep yourself safe you had to.
"w-who is there" you whispered out, hoping to get a persons voice rather than an animals voice. " liebe.." a voice whispered back. you swallowed, shaking your head. that wasnt Konig. you were truly going crazy now. he'd been at the new safe house, not even realizing you were gone yet. he wouldn't come back just to look for you.. right?
but when a gun was thrown in front of your feet, accompanied by a knife and pistol, you looked up into the dark. " its me.. please tell me your okay" it was Konig. his accent was hard to miss, let alone the nickname. it was him, and for the first time in the last 12 or so hours you've been alone, you'd felt the safest you'd ever felt.
~~ he tossed his gun over, along with a pistol and knife. he'd do anything for you to know it was him. and he'd do anything to get you in his arms again. " its me.. please tell me your okay." it was silent for a bit before hushed cried came from in front of him. he pushed his night vision goggled off of his head before running over to you, pulling you into his chest.
your arms immediately wrapped around his figure, your sobs muffled into his chest. " im here now liebe.. im here. ill never let you out of my sight again." he whispered, his arms hugging around your head, pressing you deeper into his chest.
~~ Konig and you never separated the following morning. you both decided to keep pushing forward as the safe house was only another mile and a half straight. " I shouldn't have stopped. im so sorry" you said into his neck, still wiping away the tears of happiness and just worry. Konig had refused to let you walk anymore, saying ' you've done enough walking. let me take care of you."
" no liebe. i should've listened to you and stopped. im so sorry we lost you. the old safe house was one we'd been directed not to use since there wasn't much in there. thats why I brought you those." he said nodding down to your hands. in them, was a sandwich he took from the house. and he refused to let you share any with him. " there will be more for me at the house. I hope. you need to eat more than anything." he said, turning his head away from the sandwich anytime you offered.
" please.. it'll make up for loosing me in the forrest." you smiled, batting your lashes up at him. this earned a chuckle from him, a slight head shake following. " how about I make it up to you some other way, hm? for now, enjoy that for yourself." he said, winking down at you.
a blush covered your face, your head hiding in his neck once more. he chuckled at your reaction, pressing a kiss to your forehead. " I love you, liebe. so much. ill never loose you again." he said, looking forward. the warehouse was coming into view now, the large plot of land lit up by the house lights. it was kinda a dangerous, risky place to have a safe house, you began to think. but then again, you all were miles and miles into a random forrest, who would really find you?
the sky turned a dark blue, birds chirping in the trees. you assumed it was maybe 4 in the morning now, yawning at the thought of it being so early. " we're almost there maus. then we can sleep together." he smiled, another kiss pressing to your temple.
and he kept to his word. when you both got inside, your team was all waiting anxiously in the living room. " captain! we were so fucking worried, we were all about to go and look for you both." one said, running up to greet you both, the others following. you smiled at them all, loving how attentive they were of you both. " are you hurt? or hungry? we can make you both some food." another called out, handing you both two water bottles.
" thank you guys but we're fine. we all need to sleep, the team will be here in about 3 hours." Konig said, patting the back of one of the men. you hadn't realized it, but your shoes were covered in mud, and you could only assume how dirty your body was. groaning, you looked up into Konig. " I feel gross so im gonna go shower first." you said, handing him the cold water bottle. he nodded, smiling down at you. "okay maus. ill be up shortly."
that shower was one of the best you'd had. the feeling of safeness and warmth from the water. knowing Konig was right downstairs. knowing your team was downstairs. you felt like you were being dramatic, and a bit cliche, but you hadn't felt more grateful for a group of people in your life. not more than this moment right now.
you were so caught up in thought, you completely missed Konig slipping into the shower behind you. "oh you scared me!" you gasped, slapping his chest. but he just looked down at you, his eyes staring deep into yours. it sort of scared you, considering it was a look he'd never really given you unless you were in trouble. " k-koni?" you whispered, waving your hand in front of his face. but he only moved closer to you, trapping your body against the wall. his hand rested beside your head, the other beside your waist. " i.. cant stop thinking about losing you." he said, his eyes drifting down.
"Koni it was an accident. what matters is im here now and safe. we can all-" "no. I failed, as a leader. as your boyfriend as your guard as- as.. I just failed you." he said, shaking his head angrily. and it was kinda cute, seeing him so worried about you. so protective over you. " Koni you also just saved me.." you said, your hand reaching up to his face. but he shook his head, looking back into your eyes. " maus please.. let me show you how sorry I am."
| agh so slay, I hope this was good! like I said if you doo want another part with smut lmk bc I will write that for sure. but this was cute and I liked it a lot, THANK YOU ANON FOR YOUR REQUEST <33
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Perozinosaurus and therizilophus! (I think I spelled those both wrong. They're next to each other in the dino asks list)
I was gunna say usually dinos have "saurus" at the end and then realized you switched the suffix XD
Parasaurolophus - share a scene where a character is/gets embarrassed or flustered
Idk if you did this with this scene in mind XD but I wanted an excuse to share this bit on here and it's pretty close to the prompt.
“You betrayed [Zachary] first,” I said.
[Abigail] nodded. “Yes. I did. For the Judge, the only person who would ensure that he didn’t retaliate.” She moved around behind me, taking the back of my chair. “I’m impressed you’ve deceived him that long.” She took the chair, leaning it back to drag it, and without full support of my neck muscles, my head fell backwards. At least the back of the chair wasn’t so high that my head hit wood. “And all for Raymond? I always thought you’d cross us for Zachary. If you’ll cross us and Zachary for him, he must be very special.”
Of course he was special. “You know he’s powerful. That’s why you went to all this trouble, isn’t it?”
She’d been about to drag me, but she let the chair balance again, and my head swung forward now. Just drag me out already, being swung around like this sucked.
“Oh is that why you faked his death and risked your life for him? ‘Cuz he’s a good Nyp?” She laughed, and I remembered back when she’d worked with its, when I’d almost fooled myself into thinking of her as an older sister. Her laugh was teasing and somewhat patronizing. “I highly doubt even you are that pragmatic, especially given how much trouble it got you into. Seems to me he’s a bit more important to you than to us.”
She ruffled my hair. Ruffled my hair. “Just hope it’s even a fraction requited,” she added.
I glared, which was pretty much all I could do at that moment. I didn’t like her insinuation. She knew nothing about him. She didn’t even know me, not really. And she had to get her likely ship-dust-covered hands out of my hair. Of course Raymond was important, important to me, even. But what she didn’t get and what I hadn’t got until spending time with Raymond is that other people were worth saving, especially someone I’d gotten to know, who’d been there for me. She hadn’t had those experiences, hadn’t gotten to know him. Maybe she would have saved him, too.
She was, as much as she tried to assert herself as better, part of a world that, like Zachary had, saw love as the only excuse for resisting their authority, and killing anyone who threatened them. I wasn’t even that much better, as I’d be happy, in that moment, to take my gun from her belt and pull the trigger right on her chest if it meant Raymond would be safe. But Raymond was better than that, and that was why I protected him. Abigail would never understand that.
Therizinosaurus - share a scene that you’ve put a lot of work into
Going to share the only scene that's been really edited, or a part of it anyway. Of course, you've seen this plenty, as you have what it was printed in, which is why more work was put into it.
The walk wasn’t all scenery. Most of it was along the wooden walkway parallel to the river, with a few steps when the rocky beach jutted out to become a cliff. Stands were set up throughout to make a dispersed market along the walk. Raymond paused to look at craft and food stands, always complimenting something on display before not buying anything, and then the walkway would thin out and it was just the two of us for a bit, and though he’d chat about the stands or sights we’d seen, the conversation died quickly. I only had four hours left with him and I was wishing I was better at talking to him, when finally he suggested we play a game.
“A getting-to-know-each-other game, because that’s the point. Two truths and a lie.”
I raised an eyebrow. “We’re both good at telling when we’re lying.”
“Yeah, but lies work differently when you play this. And I won’t look in your head to find out.”
“Fine,” I agreed, willing to go with whatever he suggested and hoping he wouldn't make me go first since though the rules seemed self-explanatory, I had hardly ever played. 
He nodded. “Okay,” and took a moment to think. “I don’t like jello. I had three cats growing up. And…” He grabbed his earlobes, and I didn’t realize why until he said, “and my ears are pierced.”
I glared at him and he laughed, not moving his hands. I stared at his grinning face, trying to remember, and when I couldn’t I playfully grabbed his arm, trying to pull it away so I could see.
“No cheating!” He pulled away from me and I found myself laughing. I wished I was sure, but that must be the lie, right? It made sense that I wouldn’t notice if they weren’t pierced, because that was expected. I thought over the other two statements just to be sure. I couldn’t remember him not liking jello specifically, but I did remember him being picky about foods with certain textures. And Mika had mentioned having cats. “You don’t have pierced ears.”
“Wrong!” He moved his hand to reveal his earlobes and stepped closer to show me. No earring, but sure enough, there was a hole. Without thinking much about it I raised my hand to it, brushing my finger over his earlobe. I couldn’t feel the hole, but his ear was soft and his skin was warm. 
“How’d I not know that?” I asked.
“Well I got them pierced when I was really young—both Mika and I did, and by the time you knew me, I’d transitioned and wasn’t wearing earrings ever. But they haven’t closed and in the last year I’ve occasionally put studs in.”
He smirked. “You’re observant, but only about things you deem important. This,” he pulled at his earlobe, “wasn’t important.”
Fair. “So what was the lie?”
“We had two cats.” He grinned. I glared at him. “See, lying works different! Your turn.”
Ty! You got 2 very gay scenes, good job.
From This
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