#eilean donnain
negreabsolut · 2 years
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El castell d'Eilean Donan, vora el llac Duich, a Escòcia.
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castellsipalaus · 2 years
Eilean Donnain
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El castell d’Eilean Donnain s’alça a l’illa del mateix nom, que significa ila de Donnán, un sant celta que patí martiri l’any 617. Es troba a la confluència dels llacs (Loch, en gaèlic) Duich, Long i Alsh, a les Terres Altes d’Escócia,.
El castell actual és una recreació de principis del segle XX, tot i que n’hi havia un des del segle XIII, propietat del clan Mackenzie of Kintail, enfrontats als senyors de Ross. Aquests, al segle XIV, van cedir les terres dels seus enemics a membres del clan Rhuaidrí, fins arribar a l’execució de Kenneth Mackenzie, tercer senyor de Kintail, el 1346.
Els Mackenzie van recuperar les seves terres amb el retorn a Escòcia del rei David II, el 1362, i el clan MacRae, aliat seu des del segle anterior, va anar adquirint un estret parentiu amb ells.
Al segle XV les Terres Altes (Highlands) d’Escòcia, o terra dels gaels, segons el seu nom en gaèlic escocès (A’Ghàidhealtachd) es van anar convertint en un territori dominat per les bandositats i la violència entre els seus senyors. Els Mackenzie es van enfrontar als MacDonald, anomenats Lords of the Isles per tenir sota el seu control les illes Hèbrides i d’altres territoris de la costa oest del país.
Els Mackenzie no van ser aliens a noves disputes, en aquest cas familiars, i va ser freqüent que algun oncle intentés prendre Eilean Donnain a algun nebot seu, per la qual cosa va patir més d’un setge.
Al segle XVI, Eilean Donnain va ser un objectiu cobejat pel seu valor estratègic, i els seu murs van acollir o rebutjar els MacRae, els MacDonald, els MacLeod, els Matheson o els Murchison.
Al segle XVIII, amb la Unió d’Anglaterra i Escòcia, els Mackenzie ja eren senyors de Seaforth i es van unir a la primera revolta jacobita, el 1715. El 1719, els escocesos van trobar en Espanya un aliat per intentar recuperar la independència, per la qual cosa Eilean Donnain va acollir una guarnició de 300 soldats espanyols, alguns dels quals van sobreviure a un bombardeig naval.
El castell va ser destruït per evitar que tornés a ser utilitzat en un altre aixecament anti-anglès. Per aquest motiu, entre 1912 i 1932 va ser reconstruït sota els auspicis d’un descendent del clan MacRae.
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A very cinematographic castle
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Eilean Donnain Castle stands on the island of the same name, which means island of Donnán, a Celtic saint who was martyred in 617. It is located at the confluence of Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh in the Scottish Highlands.
The present castle is an early 20th-century recreation, although one had existed since the 13th century, owned by the clan Mackenzie of Kintail, who were feuding with the earls of Ross. The latter, in the 14th century, ceded the lands of their enemies to members of the Rhuaidrí clan, until the execution of Kenneth Mackenzie, third earl of Kintail, in 1346.
The Mackenzies regained their lands with the return of King David II to Scotland in 1362, and the MacRae clan, allied with them since the previous century, became closely related to them.
In the 15th century the Highlands of Scotland, or the land of the Gaels, as they are called in Scottish Gaelic (A'Gháidhealtachd), became a land dominated by feuding and violence between their lords. The Mackenzies clashed with the MacDonalds, known as the Lords of the Isles because they controlled the Hebrides and other territories on the west coast of the country.
The Mackenzies were no strangers to further feuds, in this case family feuds, and it was not uncommon for an uncle to try to take Eilean Donnain from a nephew, and it suffered more than one siege.
In the 16th century, Eilean Donnain was a coveted target for its strategic value, and its walls welcomed or repelled the MacRae, MacDonald, MacLeod, Matheson or Murchison.
In the 18th century, with the Union of England and Scotland, the Mackenzies were already earls of Seaforth and joined the first Jacobite revolt in 1715. In 1719, the Scots found an ally in Spain in an attempt to regain independence, so Eilean Donnain hosted a garrison of 300 Spanish soldiers, some of whom survived a naval bombardment.
The castle was destroyed to prevent it being used in another anti-English uprising. It was rebuilt between 1912 and 1932 under the auspices of a descendant of the MacRae clan.
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glazedeye-s · 4 years
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A picturesque view of the Eilien Donan Castle: western Highlands of Scotland.
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poetka · 2 years
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Eilean Donan, Scotland
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novakspector · 3 years
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bluesman56 · 6 years
Eilean Donan
Eilean Donan by Tony Via Flickr: Eilean Donan (Scottish Gaelic: Eilean Donnain) is a small tidal island where three sea lochs meet, Loch Duich, Loch Long and Loch Alsh, in the western Highlands of Scotland. A picturesque castle. Eilean Donan, which means simply "island of Donnán", is named after Donnán of Eigg, a Celtic saint martyred in 617. Donnán is said to have established a church on the island, though no trace of this remains.
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jgmh30 · 4 years
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Eilean Donan (Scottish Gaelic: Eilean Donnain) is a small tidal island where three sea lochs meet, Loch Duich, Loch Long and Loch Alsh, in the western Highlands of Scotland. A picturesque castle that frequently appears in photographs, film and television dominates the island, which lies about 1 kilometre (5⁄8 mi) from the village of Dornie. Since the castle's restoration in the early 20th century, a footbridge has connected the island to the mainland. Eilean Donan is part of the Kintail National Scenic Area, one of 40 in Scotland. In 2001, the island had a recorded population of just one person, but there were no "usual residents" at the time of the 2011 census. Eilean Donan, which means simply "island of Donnán", is named after Donnán of Eigg, a Celtic saint martyred in 617. Donnán is said to have established a church on the island, though no trace of this remains. The castle was founded in the thirteenth century, and became a stronghold of the Clan Mackenzie and their allies the Clan MacRae. In the early eighteenth century, the Mackenzies' involvement in the Jacobite rebellions led in 1719 to the castle's destruction by government ships. Lieutenant-Colonel John Macrae-Gilstrap's twentieth-century reconstruction of the ruins produced the present buildings. #dreamdestinations #castle (at Eilean Donan Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIXBxpFlGZ0E7uAODV8IBwbNFlBKc-SktDtBaU0/?igshid=cikyj0u82raj
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pattatie · 4 years
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Eilean Donan Castle "Remembers the Fallen" by Ratters1968: Thanks for the Views and Favs:) Eilean Donan (Eilean Donnain) is a small tidal island where three sea lochs meet, Loch Duich, Loch Long and Loch Alsh, in the western Highlands of Scotland. A picturesque castle that frequently appears in photographs, film and television dominates the island, which lies about 1 kilometre from the village of Dornie. Since the castle's restoration in the early 20th century, a footbridge has connected the island to the mainland. https://flic.kr/p/2k5KPfh
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Eilean Donan (Eilean Donnain), Dornie, Kyle of Lochalsh IV40 8DX, Scotland.
Eilean Donan is a castle and small tidal island where three lochs meet, Loch Duich, Loch Long and Loch Alsh, in the western Highlands of Scotland. It was founded in the thirteenth century, and became a stronghold of the Clan Mackenzie and their allies the Clan Macrae.
Between 1919 and 1932 the castle was rebuilt by Lt. Col. John MacRae-Gilstrap. The restoration included the construction of an arched bridge to give easier access to the island.
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connor-burrows · 7 years
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Eilean Donnain Castle by HJB_2403
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wish-to-be-there · 7 years
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Eilean Donnain Castle by HJB_2403
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aloulou-travel · 6 years
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A myth - the Eilean Donnain Castle by HJB_FDS
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bluesman56 · 6 years
Eilean Donan by Tony Via Flickr: Eilean Donan (Scottish Gaelic: Eilean Donnain) is a small tidal island where three sea lochs meet, Loch Duich, Loch Long and Loch Alsh, Eilean Donan, which means simply "island of Donnán", is named after Donnán of Eigg, a Celtic saint martyred in 617. Donnán is said to have established a church on the island, though no trace of this remains.
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atila2020 · 6 years
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A myth - the Eilean Donnain Castle by HJB_FDS
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stumbleimg · 6 years
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A myth - the Eilean Donnain Castle
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