vallablooded · 4 years
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(Feat. @eiriini
Not everything is always black and white.)
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cantillat-moved · 4 years
@eiriini​ Can she join? Mainly out of curosity how he makes certain foods.
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❝ Of course. What would you like to have, Kamui?  ❞ When Archer is in the kitchen, his older brother/mom friend attributes are activated.
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noircisaint · 4 years
"Jeanne...?" comes softly from behind, forehead pressing against black armor of Avenger's own. Hands accompany the sudden weight, and rest close to Corrin's face. She called her name, as to not scare the other, but there's something about Saber's tone that made this visit slightly different. "May I accompany you for a while?" @eiriini​
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Certainly it was unusual to be approached in such a manner, even as the Saber was more familiar and allowed physical contact. ❝ Did something happen? ❞ Concern apparent, through the Vengess did not turn herself yet to allow Corrin to support herself against the back of the other. 
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Perhaps the princess was in need to personal advice? A topic certainly not for any ear to freely listen to, and lips to comment with.  ❝ ... You may. ❞
A glance around for any that had their attention on them, yet finding none such people to be in their presence. 
❝ May I inquire if anything has happened to you? ❞
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@eiriini​ said: "You are not alone." @ Hotoke.
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     A quiet chuckle left the Dawn Dragon at the other’s words, small smile coming to his lips. “Well I must have had quite the expression while I was lost in thought.” It was easy to lose track of things while he was, after all. “I appreciate it, though. The same goes to you, Kamui.”
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manatrxnsfer · 4 years
@eiriini said : Spots to kiss + a kiss on the inner thigh. Maybe a new nips make it in between each tentative kiss, making her way up.
The nips coaxed soft moans to escape Nix as she laid upon their bed, bare before her lover. Kamui had picked a prime opportunity to ‘pounce’ when the silverette had dropped by the room to look for something. What it was no longer mattered as her wife clearly had need of her, so the door was locked and they now had the night to themselves. Her hands lightly gripped the covers as Kamui teased her so, looking down at her. The Saber was always beautiful to Nix but during such moments, it somehow seemed to become enhanced. Perhaps it was due to the fact it was in these private moments that they bore it all towards one another and connected as closely as possible. “Kamui,.. I love you~.”
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chxldeas-a · 4 years
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“Though I scream, my prayers are lost to emptiness...was what I once thought.”
Atonement was never an easy path to walk. Too much blood was spilled to get to this point, the question of “Is it even worth seeking redemption?” was always on the back of his mind. Most of what he had done couldn’t possibly be forgiven. Not in his eyes at least...
“Forgiveness...can be a funny thing at times,” the Saber mused.
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lunaetis · 4 years
@eiriini​ replied:
Offers her hand, not wanting to give her pets without permission.If given, then it's pets and scratches galore! How often do you get to pet the Sun Wolf?
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─「天照」─  this one sure was polite ! the SUN GODDESS moved a little closer to the other, as though wordlessly signalling that touches are alright with her. a simple lick to her hand before she nuzzled her soft head towards the offered hand, allowing her to run her fingers through the snow-like fur.
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of-invisible-ties · 4 years
Meme II Accepting!
A muse from the past: Detective Gumshoe
“It’s alright, pal. I know Mr. Edgeworth’s scary! They call him the Demon Prosecutor these days, y’know? But that’s his job. He’s real serious about keeping the crooks off the streets, and he can’t do that by being nice.”
He handed the young lady a tissue. This wasn’t the first time Edgeworth grilled someone during questioning. Gumshoe could tell that all those questions were getting to her, and he felt bad. Her family was on the line, after all. Having a so-called “demon” gunning after a guilty verdict wouldn’t have sat well with her. 
“But he’s only after the bad guys. If your dad’s innocent, he’ll drop the charges. That’s the kind of man he is!”
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“Just keep your chin up. I’m sure it’ll be okay!”
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ryogai · 4 years
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@eiriini​ said : ❝ your ears will bleed from the sounds of your own screams. ❞
Never did Nix think that things would turn out this way, not for a moment. If only they were able to locate the source of the ‘voice’ Kamui had been hearing sooner. If only they noticed the change in her demeanor instead of being so distracted by the constant battles that plagued them in this Singularity. All those ‘what if’s’ didn’t matter now and traveling back to fix it was impossible. The Saber stood before them, a ghastly purple aura surrounded her figure and a haunting crimson illuminated her eyes. Kamui already possessed great strength prior but whatever had taken over her had doubled that power and then some. Enough so that the remainder of the team looked to be exhausted, barely managing to stand after the lengthy battle.
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The Master hadn’t gotten away unscathed either in all the chaos. Her Mystic Code had rips and tears, small crimson stains and smears of dirt could be seen tainting the fabric. She was in a much better condition compared to the others physically but emotionally wise, she was in critical condition. The Kamui she knew and loved was in there somewhere, crying for help. There was no way that she would say such cruel and twisted words. “Whoever is taking away her control, I’ll deal with you soon enough.. Kamui, I know you can hear me in there.. Hang on, we’ll have you back home soon. We aren’t leaving you behind. I promise!” The silverette raised her hand, the Command Seals gaining vibrant glow as she gave extra mana needed to the others for one final push. 
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vallablooded · 4 years
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(Feat. @eiriini
Three years later, and I draw these two again.~ Corrin’s/Kamui’s outfit is based on the Nohr Princess combined with Lucina’s Great Lord class! It’s kinda scribbly, but I’m happy with how it turned out!)
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cantillat-moved · 4 years
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❝ ....... ❞ oh boy
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recollectician · 4 years
Send me a ♥ and my muse will compliment yours
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“Kamui, I hope you know that the day’s a blessing when you fight alongside us- and save us from avoidable accidents. In fact- if you wouldn’t have taken me out of the kitchen that day, I don’t know what would have happened... which is embarrassing, since as good as I am at predicting- i’m not so good at managing a unique and complex meal.” 
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aaetherius · 4 years
If you receive this you make somebody happy. Go and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back even better.
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{ Ahhh, thank you so much for sending this in, it’s super sweet! I really appreciate it! }
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noctifr · 4 years
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@eiriini​ asked ;  "regress" for Paimon or Lavi!
part 2 ; Lavi
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He hated being left behind. If the stupid old man was going to go off for something important, he deserved to come too. Not be left behind at the inn like a dumb little kid. Bookman said he had to go secure information for their next assignment and that Junior should stay behind and focus on his studies in the mean time. He’d even left a hefty pile of books for him to read through. 
Bored of staying in the inn, Junior loaded his back with a few heavy texts and went outside to find a quiet place to read. He settled on a park bench, nose buried in a tome until he noticed someone coming over to the bench. He glanced over and moved his knapsack onto the ground, realizing he was taking up most of the bench. 
“Sorry. You can sit,” he mumbles before burying his nose back into his book. 
Send ‘regress’ to meet my muse as a child. / Accepting
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chxldeas-a · 4 years
Dances with -- Mordred or Lancelot!
Action Memes [ACCEPTING]
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“I told you I wasn’t cut out for this kind of thing!” Mordred protested as she tripped and fell once again onto the ground. Dancing was one of the last things the knight had ever thought of doing, and Mordred couldn’t believe she was talked into doing this. What kind of weird culture did this Saber have where they were expected to dance? Not that she even wanted to learn traditional dancing in her own world (she wasn’t one for those awfully stuffy balls her father’s royal court would host on occasion).
Mordred quickly got back on her feet and dusted herself off as she once again assumed the starting position. Stiff as she may be, the knight was at least persistent if anything.
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leorexfilius · 4 years
"Open your heart"
Send “Open your heart” for my muse to tell yours their sincere thoughts about them.
“You’re unbearably naive. You don’t fight to win, you fight only because there’s no other way to reach your goal. You don’t know rage. You don’t know hate. You don’t have the drive to do anything and everything if it means you’ll grab victory in the end. Good thing you have me. Might have nabbed some idealistic fuck from the Throne, and both of you woulda died together, smilin’ like idiots.”
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“But I won’t say it’s a bad thing. Innocence isn’t something you can get back once it’s lost. Holding on to it for this long, refusing to let go... mm. Well. It’s remarkable, if nothing else.”
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