#eisuke smut
otomefoxystar · 2 years
Consequences of a Secret
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Pairing : Eisuke X (female) MC
Genre: Smut, a bit of angst, a good amount of fluff. Mostly Smut
Eisuke was not a patient man, but he had been patient with _ _ _. She would turn away from him whenever he tried to heat things up. He started to question if she wanted to be with him at all. He was frustrated and confused, and he was finding it harder and harder to keep his sexual appetite at bay. Sometimes, even during the day, he would have to escape to the bathroom ‘to take care of himself.’ Of course, he would never be unfaithful, but something had to give.
He had had enough. He desired her and wanted to make her entirely his. He took the whole day off to pull out all the stops. Eisuke wasn’t a particularly romantic man, but maybe she just needed the extra nudge. He had the staff set up a perfect aura to make the night perfect, with candlelight illuminating the whole suite, roses scattered across the floor, a wine bottle chilled in ice, chocolate hearts on the nightstands, and a subtle rose incense aroma filling the air.
Eisuke had a pale blue dress delivered to her room, along with some silver heels. Dressed up to the nine’s, she waited for him outside the tres spades. When his limo pulled up, he stepped out, looking quite dashing himself. Dressed more formally than was normal for him, with cuff links that matched her dress perfectly.
Instead of the driver opening her door, Eisuke took the initiative to do it instead. “What is all this for, Eisuke?” He put his hand on her knee. “There doesn’t need to be a reason to dote on my girlfriend, does there?” She smiled with a slight blush, “I suppose not.”
They enjoyed a lovely meal at a high-end restaurant, enjoying the live jazz band on stage. They made idle talk when finally, with full stomachs, they went to the penthouse. He opened the door and motioned for her to go in first. As soon as she stepped into the room, she was overtaken by everything he had prepared. “With alcohol in both their systems, making them both less nervous.” Eisuke smiled and raised her hand, kissing each of her fingertips seductively.
It quickly became evident what his intentions were, and she tried turning away. Eisuke promptly took note of her conflicted expression and stopped. “What is it this time?” She knew she was evading him, and she could tell he was getting frustrated. She needed to tell him.
“It’s not you, Eisuke.” She spoke, feeling the panic rise within her chest.
“If not me, then what? Because I am at a complete loss.” With a guilty conscience, she looked at him
“I know you are, and I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I take responsibility for that.” He searched her eyes and let her continue
She took a deep breath stealing herself, trying to calm her nerves while he waited for her to explain. “I’ve never been with anyone… in that way.” He looked over her features and could tell how difficult this was for her. “In what way, sexually?” She nodded and looked at the floor, feeling ashamed. He put his fingers under her chin, lifting her head to look at him. “You’re a virgin?”
“Yes,” she was so quiet answering. Eisuke’s frustration evaporated. Feeling the weight lift, his expression softened.
“Why didn’t you just tell me? We could have avoided all of this.” She knit her eyebrows together and looked down. “Yes, I know I should have, but I have no experience, and you, well, you’re you.” He arched an eyebrow. “Are you telling me I’m a slut?” She shook her head. “No, it’s just you’ve been with other people, and I have no idea what I’m doing, and I-” She was rambling, so he started comping his fingers through her hair to soothe her. “You’ll learn. With practice, I don’t mind teaching you. We’ll go slow.” She gave him a surprised look. “You’re willing to do that? It doesn’t bother you?” He shook his head with that signature smirk of his. “No, I find it quite alluring. If anything, it makes my claim over you even stronger.” He eyed her taking in the surprised look on her face.
“Let me ask you a question. Is this what’s been holding you back because you thought your inexperience would bother me?” He entwined their fingers together. “I thought it would scare you away, make you think differently of me.” She breathed, a weight lifted now that the truth was finally out in the open.
He brought their hands up and kissed the top of her hand. He smiled, and she was almost offended. “Why are you smiling?” He kissed her forehead. “Because you told me, even though I could tell it was difficult for you. Don’t keep things from me from now on.”
“I won’t.” She gave him a weak smile, and he kissed her lips tenderly. “I won’t do anything you aren’t ready for; however, we don’t have to have sex to pleasure each other… There are other ways.” Before she could process what he was saying. He lifted her up, cradling her in his arms. Walking into the bedroom, Eisuke closed the door behind him with his foot as they entered. He placed her gently on his bed, her head sinking into the pillow. Her heart was pounding so hard that she thought that this was definitely going to kill her. Eisuke began to undo the straps on her shoes, removing them gently and caressing her ankles sensually.
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voltage-vixen · 2 years
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otastoothbrush · 1 year
The bidders at my cookie shop
(i work at a cookie shop soooo😋)
he normally wouldn’t stand in line at a little cookie shop in the mall for a sub pare chocolate chip cookie but the cashier caught his eye (mc obv)
he is one of the only customers who doesn’t complain about the high prices bc he big balling
he first just wanted a chocolate chip cookie maybe a coffee too
but mc persuaded him to do the daily deal of buy 6 get one free
(an obv scam but she can bat her eyes at anyone and make them spend every penny there)
and Eisuke wasn’t any different, he actually bought one of everything
which had mc’s mouth on the floor
(she was honestly pissy bc there was a line forming behind him)
he would overly compliment mc which would have her rolling her eyes
she would try to walk to the back when she saw him coming but he would wait for her to come back up for his order to be taken
after times and times of trying to give her his number she finally takes it
eisuke’s fave cookies: koko creme + the chocolate chip
and ofc he loves mc’s coffee, literally creams for it
he would be a usual there
he also works in the mall
he works in the little magick shop all the way on the other side of the mall
but the walk is worth it to see the cute cookie shop cashier
(and he doesn’t mind walking, he got those long legs for a reason)
he knows mc by name and ALWAYS asks how mc is before ordering his cookies
he is very charming and subtly flirts to make sure she isn’t uncomfortable
he would always get a red velvet and a cheesecake brownie
(mc literally knows his order by heart he gets the same thing every time, bless his soul)
he usually asks when her break is and if she wants to head down to the food court during it
(she always says yes)
he always tries to pay for mc’s food (and he usually does if mc isn’t looking)
if mc is closing he walks the long way out the mall so he can say goodnight to her
man isn’t a cookie person but inui dragged him here
he isn’t even a mall person but once again inui heard about the puppies in the mall and had to go, little did they know a quaint little cookie shop was by it
ofc they stopped when inui saw the spiderman cookie, which he had to get
Soryu ended up getting something like a double fudge brownie or a smores bar
he hits it off well with mc surprisingly, since he wasn’t much into small talk she did to mind taking his order
(other than his deathly stare that sorta scared her)
he really enjoyed the brownies and actually came back without inui
which had mc on edge since soryu didn’t have his little puppy dog beside him
he actually came later in the day so mc gave him some free chocolate chip which weirdly had him blushing
he devoured them, when inui tried to touch them he whipped out his gun
every time he goes back there he gets softer and softer for her
and develops an addiction to the double fudge brownies
he has a little art kiosk in the mall, he usually sells his art and sometimes draws people he see’s
his little kiosk was right by the cookie shop so he would stare all day at the cookie shop worker
he would watch her hair start to get messy and her take a breather after the long line of customers
he would draw her the most, her puppy dog eyes reminded him of his little dog koro
he would go up there everyday grabbing a yellow mellow and a large decorated cookie
he would usually pick the quirkiest one like the pumpkin with sunglasses
(even though its the middle of august)
and then two m&m cookies bc the splash of color reminds him of his water paintings
he would joke around with mc a lot
even across the mall from his kiosk
if mc had a loud customer he would look over at her with a concerned face
(he actually came up and put a guy in his place for yelling at her)
(he’s weirdly intimidating)
he put some drawings up of mc in his shop but she low-key never noticed
until he brought her one of his drawings of her
(she literally gave him like free cookies for a week bc of it)
he isn’t a mall man it’s too much of a pain for him
but one day at the office some one brought in cookies and he was hooked ever since
he would go straight to the mall for the cookies every single day after work
he would usually get the monthly cookie, especially in august its his fave
the blueberry crumble✨
other than that he would get the peanut butter swirl or the sprinkles
he would die for the buttercream
he was usually grumpy so mc would draw little doodles on his coffee cup
(when she stopped he actually said something about it)
he would always try to request the ones straight out the oven, which mc caved multiple times and gave him piping hot ones
(which he burned himself on but played it off)
(now mc is super careful while handing him his cookies and even tosses a joke here and there about it)
he actually is the one that tips mc the best, like he always tips her every single time
(he tried to ask if they sold edibles before, mc was thinking about sneaking something special in her new batch)
he knows mc already and goes there everyday to make her life hell
(he obviously wants to eat her out)
he takes forever to order things even though mc always knows what he wants
but he continues to give her a hard time EVERYTIME
his order is always a watermelon cookie pizza and a peanut butter blossom with a dr pepper
but he likes the extra time he takes to talk to mc
he orders cookie cakes often and puts them under dumbass names like “ben dover” or “Anita dic”
mc once persuaded him to get the raspberry cream cookie and he was not in love with it
it was too “tart” for him
(which mc knew but wanted him to waste 5 dollars)
hikaru is one of those customers to bring up the price of the cookies everytime
“why is this shit 2.36 is there dope in it?”
“what dope are you smoking that is 2.36”
“not good shit”
in the end he is low-key obsessed w the cookies and HIGH-KEY obsessed with mc
after the plant shop he would always stop at the cookie place
usually as shu tho never shuichi
when she does see shuichi she thinks its so funny he has the same order as shu since there so different
chocolate chip pecan, a german chocolate brownie and a black coffee
shu always jokes with mc and usually flirts it up with her
(she really enjoys seeing shu he’s actually lowkey her favorite customer)
unlike shuichi which is her least fave, since how brass he is
he never acknowledges her as a person as shuichi but shu greets her very kindly everytime
every visit he takes, shu and shuichi slowly mold together
one day shuichi brings her a little succulent and thats when she puts two and two together
she gets really embarrassed and has a breakdown in the back
(but now she thinks he’s bipolar or has multiple personalities) (which is totally fine on a real note)
very sweet boy and very soft spoken
mc can barely hear him over all the mall noise
his face is always red when he orders he can barely look at mc
but when he does look at mc, he stares
he works in the costume shop and sometimes wears masks to scare her if she doesnt see him coming
(she lowkey thinks he’s weird asf but he’s very kind and cute so she’s fine with him)
his order is a carrot cake cookie and a snicker doodle, he always gets stuff for his coworkers too bc he’s a sweetheart
he tries to give mc free costumes, really wanted her to be Alice for his mad hatter for the last three years in a row
she finally said yes
some days when he would come up to her in his mad hatter get up he would have more courage to talk to her
but she made sure he knew that he could talk to her either way and she would enjoy him
he would get the gluten free sprinkles
since this man on a PILL DIET LIKE BFFR
but eisuke brought him here and made him get a cookie and not only a coffee
so he went for the overly priced gluten free cookies
and stared at mc’s chest the whole time
he says its not creepy and he’s just admiring her bone structure
(which she still finds very creepy)
luke started to come on his own bc his new pill started being the gluten free sprinkle cookies
he would ask mc to be his model to study her bone structure (ngl she had her boss come out and serve him a couple of times bc she was a little uncomfy)
but one day he was actually the exact opposite, almost came in like he was lifeless which freaked her out a bit
(mf was malnourished asf)
mc literally hand fed him the cookies to make sure he ate
(mf was literally just buying cookies to let them stack up at his house)
girl tries her best to love her job
her favorite thing to do is ice the cookies while she hates to restock
she is a closer who workers many hours and usually spends the whole day at the shop
she literally runs the place lets be for real
her favorite would be the underrated koko swirl and oatmeal rasin
she would take long breaks with baba in the food court bc she deserved it after working opening to closing
she lowkey hates when baba pays for her so everytime she goes to the magick shop she tips extra so it feels like she’s paying him back
she always doodles a cat on her cup when she gets a drink, its her little thing so everyone knows the cup is hers
she gets along the best with her coworkers and honestly gets the best tips
she does have like 9 men fiening over her
which i mean she never really minds bc it helps with the tips
ota and rhion always try to give her cookie designs, which she usually listens too bc their gods with their hands
one time she took mamo in the back of her shop and smoked weed with him
she pretends to hate eisuke but she legit thinks he’s the biggest man candy in the world
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Dm me if you’re a kbtbb fan and if I have enough people I could probably make a groupchat 😭
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kbtbb-fanfics · 1 year
A Flaming Hot Christmas (SPOILERS)
i know people hate the idea that mc cheats and blah blah blah.... but its just TOO DAMN SPICY!!! shes always waiting hand and foot for the bidder that she chooses, lets not forget eisuke also literally cheated on her when they first started dating! im honestly shocked no one brings this up more (if im recalling the story correctly)
but either way to me its not about the cheating, its about how unexpected the people she cheats on him with are!!! like for example... eisuke got cheated on with hikaru?! name an odder pair...
also the way it truely shows how messed up the bidders can be....
she wanted to seem more ''mature'' so by that she wanted to make cocktails, who makes cocktails? baba. whos she close to? baba. its a perfect situation! if you chose the route where you stay loyal to ota, then you later realise that otas fully aware of babas intentions to get you drunk.
if you go the cheating route... baba does exactly that.
anyways im aware none of my rambling makes sense lolol
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sophiie2000 · 2 years
Just A Holiday Romance?
Hey hey! 😋 So writing seems to be a good way to pass the time at the moment and keeps my mind busy rather than focusing on all the bad things going on at the moment. 😊
Smut and Fluff, maybe a little Hurt/Comfort thrown into the mix
Following a messy break up, MC and her friends head off on a girl’s holiday. When out clubbing they meet Eisuke and a couple of friends. Encouraged by her friends, MC enjoys the thrills of a holiday romance, but is it destined to end?
~ 5872 words
Disclaimer - Characters belong to Voltage Inc.
The heavy rain fall, smashing the ground and drenching MC, was an ironic metaphor for her current mood. The rain soaked her sage green party dress, which highlighted her curves, chilling her to the bone. Her hair, which had been styled into princess curls only hours earlier, now clung to her wet cheeks, the ends going straggly from the rain. Her make up, too, had been ruined. 
The one saving grace of this horrid storm, the rain disguised MC’s tears, as she ran through the city. 
She ran all the way to her friends home in search of some comfort. How had things turned out this way? Only hours earlier, MC and her friends had been speculating how tonight could be the night that her boyfriend, her childhood sweetheart, after 7 years of being together, would finally propose. 
He had asked her to meet him at a restaurant in the city, one they had both said they wished to try out, and told her it would be just the two of them. Upon hearing the news, MC and her friends had spent the afternoon picking out clothes, styling her hair and doing her make up. All so she would look her best, should he finally ask her to be his wife. 
So why was it, that she was now left feeling like her whole world had crumbled from beneath her. Like the wind had been knocked from her sails? 
The door to her friends apartment opened in front of her. There stood her friends, who had been helping her get ready earlier. Seeing their friend looking so upset surprised them.
“MC?” Jessica spoke quietly.
“What happened, what’s wrong? Where’s Isaac?” Millie questioned. Worry etched her friends faces.
“I-I left him at the restaurant…” MC stuttered out the words. Her friends looked at each other, growing more concerned, before MC spoke again. “He didn’t propose, he wasn’t ever going to… turns out Isaac has been seeing someone else-“
“HE CHEATED ON YOU?!” Her friends exclaimed. MC sobbed while she nodded before she continued what she was saying.
“And they are going to be together, in fact he’s meeting her family next week. I think he intends to marry her” 
There was nothing her friends could say. They had all believed since school MC and Isaac would get married. They had been smitten with each other since they got together at 16. Now at 23, they had been wrongly convinced the pair would be settling down for the future. No one would have guessed Isaac would have been living a second life, making future plans with another woman. 
“Right!” Millie shouted, “Forget that prick, we are in need of a girls holiday! One which is going to encourage you to get over that dumbass!”
“YES!” Jessica joined in, “And who knows maybe we’ll be lucky and enjoy a holiday romance or two!!”
MC laughed. A true laugh, at her friends silliness but wonderful idea. A girls holiday was the perfect idea. She had spent the last 7 years spending her time marching to Isaac’s tune. She had missed out on so much because she had been so hopelessly devoted to his beck and call that she never went out and had all the fun she could have done. This holiday she would make up for that mistake. 
“How long should we go for?” MC asked. Noticing her enthusiasm the other two smiled. 
“Well, you just left your job since you were looking at moving away with that dickhead, Jessica left her job because she is going to go to university in just over a month, and I’m currently on summer break from university, soooooo how about a long vacation?” Millie proposed.
“How about 4 weeks? That’ll give me time to relax and then come back and sort through my things before leaving?” Jessica replied. 
All in agreement, their holiday plans were made. They would be leaving in 3 days time, jetting off to Santorini in Greece. They had a villa booked for the full 4 weeks. Their excitement for sun, sea and maybe a little bit of romance, had the girls eager to jet off. 
A few days had passed, and the girls had finally arrived at their villa. Stepping out of the airconditioned taxi, the heat engulfed the friends. Sharing a smile, they headed into their villa, home for the next month. 
Looking around, the girls squealed in excitement, as they went from room to room. The villas garden contained a swimming pool, seating area, BBQ, pizza oven and pool table. 
Heading out onto the balcony showed the villa was also rewarded with a beautiful view, facing out over the ocean. You could see the beach and a few of the clubs and restaurants. If heaven was comparable to a place, this was it, MC thought. 
As MC and her friends stood gazing from the balcony, they noticed a group of men down on the beach. Jessica and Millie were wildly discussing how gorgeous these men were. Joking about hoping one of them would notice them, or that they would be a holiday hook up. MC responded with a smile and a few sounds in agreement. 
Yet all the while her attention couldn’t help be drawn to one man in particular. His short brown hair, chiselled features, made him nothing short of breathless. He was truly gorgeous. But what drew MC’s attention to him most of all, was his lack of smile, as he gazed out over the beach. He piqued her curiosity. Although she must have been staring for too long, for as if he had felt her stare, the man turned and appeared to make eye contact with MC. Holding her stare. 
“Let’s go swimming in the pool before heading out for dinner!” Millie exclaimed. Her voice bringing MC out of her trance, allowing her to remove her sight from the man down on the beach. They all headed back into the villa to get changed into their bikinis. 
But MC couldn’t help but look back at the stranger once more. But this time, he appeared to smile slightly at her, lifting his hand in a casual wave. MC smiled at him before heading inside. She didn’t risk waving back. What if she had only imagined it? Or worse, what if he had actually been waving at someone different?! 
Shaking her head, MC headed back inside, planning to forget all about the beautiful stranger from the beach.
A few hours later and the girls were dressed in tight skimpy party dresses and their hair and makeup done ready to go clubbing. MC worse a tight mini white dress which finished half way down her thigh. It highlighted her curves, while its hurt promoted her cleavage. Her hair had been curled and tucked around so it sat across one of her shoulders. 
When entering the club, other party goers naturally stared at the girls as they walked up to the bar. They ordered their drinks before heading to a booth at the edge of the club, where they could sit and enjoy their drinks for a moment. 
MC sipped on her rhubarb and ginger gin as her eyes scanned the club. The girls had already been drinking before heading out, so they were pleasantly tipsy at this point. As she looked around, MC thought she had seen the man from earlier with his friends sat in another booth, but before she could be sure a mob of dancers blocked her view. 
Millie, who was far drunker than her friends, grabbed their hands and pulled them to the dance floor.
“Let’s dance!” She exclaimed. The other two couldn’t help but laugh at their friend. This was perfect, MC thought. This holiday was definitely going to heal her heartbreak. She could feel it. 
Laughing with her friends, MC too started dancing. The seductive movements of her hips rolling, her arms high above her head, naturally attracted the looks of others. Many from admirers, some from those jealous of the others looks. But MC didn’t care. She had been reserved for Isaacs sake. But now, now she could be herself, and have fun. She wasn’t going to let the looks of others stop her.
Suddenly a voice spoke up from behind the girls, addressing them.
“Hello there pretty ladies, the names Baba, could we have the honour of your company tonight?” The man, who called himself Bab, had long light brown hair spoke, his eyes mainly drawn to Jessica. Blushing Jessica nodded, and Baba took her hand placing a princely kiss on her fingers. “Let me introduce my friends. That one there is Ota.” He pointed at a younger man, who had blondish, orange hair. Millie’s eyes immediately bugged, as if she had literal hearts in her eyes. Amusingly, he seemed to have a similar reaction when he saw Millie. “And that one, his name is Eisuke” the girls turned to look at the man Baba called Eisuke. His short brown hair, chiselled features, MC recognised him immediately as the stranger from the beach. Although she hid the moment of recognition, she noticed a slight change in Eisuke’s expression. Had he recognised her too?
“Heh what charming men. Well, I’m Jessica, and these are Millie and MC. We’re staying in a villa nearby so you’re welcome to dance with us here, and if you’re fun maybe we’ll even let you back to continue the partying!”
As if that was a signal the groups of friends merged together and continued dancing. As there was now 3 girls and 3 guys natural pairs formed. Baba and Jessica, Ota and Millie, which left MC with Eisuke. 
As they danced, Eisuke’s hands naturally found purchase on MC’s hips. She continued to dance with him, as they swayed their hips, Eisuke pressed firmly to her back, in time to the music. 
MC could feel his every breath on his neck. Until he spoke into her ear.
“So, your name is MC then? I noticed you earlier, I’m guessing that’s the villa you are staying in?” Continuing to dance MC nodded in reply. “I thought this earlier, but you’ve piqued my curiosity”
“Likewise” MC finally granted him with a reply.
“How so?” Eisuke asked, genuinely interested in her response.
“You weren’t smiling, and so I wondered why, or maybe I wondered what you would look like if you did smile. A genuine smile.”
The words appeared to shock Eisuke. And MC could feel his heart rate increase through where he was pressed against her back. 
“How long are you here for?” He finally asked. 
“4 weeks, why?”
“Maybe you’ll make me smile. A genuine smile” Eisuke provoked, a smirk on his face. The flirtatious comment sparked something in MC. 
She turned to face Eisuke, his hands still placed on her waist. As they made eye contact, his fingers seemed to twitch, before he moved one of his hands to cheek. His thumb rubbed her cheek before it slid down, to hold her chin. Making sure she couldn’t remove her eyes from him. 
Who knows who made the first move, but it all happened so quickly. Eisuke’s lips had crashed onto hers. They weren’t tame kisses. But hungry biting kisses. They set MC’s heart into overdrive and her want for him encouraged her to open her lips, allowing his tongue to find purchase in her mouth, dancing with hers. She could feel desire building, a warmth spreading through her body. It couldn’t have been long but by the time the two separated, they were gasping for air. Still their eyes remained on one another. His full of desire. 
As MC went to move away, Eisuke’s hands on her hips tightened, as if forbidding her from moving away from him. Smiling at him, she placed her hands on his and took them from her hips. She moved away and whispered into Jessica’s ear, who had been busy enjoying her own kisses with Baba.
“I’m heading back to the villa, you girls have fun!” Breaking away from Baba for a moment Jessica questioned her friend, 
“Everything ok? You seemed to be having a good time” Jessica winked, nodding towards Eisuke. 
“Yeah everything’s good, just fancy heading back now. Make sure you tell me all about this tomorrow!” MC gestured towards Baba and Millie. Laughing the girls waved goodbye and MC headed out of the club.
She had been walking for about 5 minutes. The whole time noticing she wasn’t walking alone but remaining quiet. But now she felt like she had to say something since she was nearing her villa.
“Rather than follow me, why don’t you walk next to me?” She asked, glancing back towards Eisuke who had been following her since she left the club. 
“If you knew I was behind you why didn’t you speak?” He asked, MC was quick to retort,
“Why didn’t you speak? Instead you act like a stalker?”
“Look, you kissed me at the club and then suddenly start to run off? As much as it sucks to have someone run off after a kiss like that, and trust me it is not often that someone runs from me, I wasn’t going to leave you to walk home at this time of night alone.”
“Oh so gentlemanly” MC joked. Eisuke smiled, enjoying the back and forth. 
“Well since I’m walking you back either way how about we chat as we go. How old are you?”
“23. You?”
“27. What do you do for work?”
“I just applied for a job somewhere else. I was meant to be moving and so left my job but the move fell through so came away before I head back to a new job. You?”
“Few things, but mainly hotels”
“Cool.” MC replied, still looking ahead. Eisuke still walking behind. Finally, he asked his next question.
“So why’d you run?”
“Run?” She asked.
“That kiss… anyone would expect after a kiss like that to enjoy the night longer. What did I do to make you leave?”
“So why?”
“It’s complicated”
“Try me”
“We just met and you want me to open my heart up to you. Tell you my troubles?” MC asked, genuinely confused by the conversation. They were stood outside the villa now, MC unlocking the door and placing her hand on the door handle.
“I told you, you caught my curiosity.” Eisuke reached out and grabbed MC’s arm, turning her to face him once again. He caught her chin to make sure she couldn’t look away. MC could see the desire still smouldering in his eyes. Desire she was sure was mirrored in her own. “MC…”
MC could feel herself being drawn in. Drawn into the warmth of the eyes of a man who when she’d seen him look at others, appear cold. Her eyes were drawn to his lips. His ridiculously perfect lips, which seemed to beckon her as they edged ever so slightly, slowly closer. Finally, the scent of his aftershave filled her senses. God the man smelt good. She had tried to resist being drawn into him. How could she be so drawn to a man who 24 hours earlier was stranger. But the words of her friends came back to her. A girls holiday, and maybe a holiday romance. Could Eisuke be holiday romance? 
That was the last thought MC had before her lips were covered once again by Eisuke’s. They were hungry. Biting. All consuming. He made her feel amazing with just a kiss. Separating herself from Eisuke, MC grabbed his hand, opened the door to the villa and made her way, with him, to her bedroom. As soon as they entered her room, she shut the door. 
Eisuke didn’t give her so much as a moment to catch herself, before he lifted her up into his arms and crashed his lips into hers again. Pressing her up against the bedroom door, MC wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands held her in place by holding her ass, squeezing her cheeks as he did so.
Eisuke begun trailing kisses down MC’s neck. The desire was building up in her, eliciting moans and whimpers from her. She could feel his hard length as he pressed himself against her, which only served to excite her more. Moving away from the door, he roughly chucked her down on the bed, before joining her. Hovering over MC he gazed into her eyes.
He smiled. A genuine smile, full of warmth. Before he buried himself in her breasts. Stripping away her dress, and his clothes, he pressed himself down on top of her. His fingers of one hand squeezed her sensitive hardened nipples, while his other hand trailed up the inside of her thigh. 
Her moans only seemed to encourage him more. He planted kisses down the front of her body, before he settled himself in between her thighs. Seeing how turned on she was, only increased his desire further. He soon buried his head between her thighs and serviced her with his tongue. The pleasure he brought her, had MC moaning out his name. As he added two fingers into the mix, entering them into her while he continued his actions with his tongue, MC had one hand gripping the bed sheets, while the other was in his perfect brown hair, dishevelled by their actions. 
Just as MC felt her high coming, Eisuke almost cruelly stopped, sliding up her body and whispering into her ear,
“Not yet baby, I haven’t had my fill of you yet” 
The words made MC whimper. Although she wanted more than before to feel him inside her. No, she needed him inside of her. As if he recognised what she wanted, he lined himself up with her entrance before thrusting himself into her. The way he filled her made MC gasp. He waited a moment, allowing her to accommodate him.
“Ok baby?” Eisuke asked. When MC nodded, Eisuke began thrusting into her. 
He started out slowly, allowing MC to get used to him. However, it wasn’t long before his thrusts became quicker, went deeper and were rougher. MC cried out his name over and over. His nails digging into his back and shoulders. Yet neither cared in midst of their pleasure, all that could be heard were her moans and his grunts.
As her walls clenched around him, Eisuke also found his climax. He continued to thrust into her allowing them to prolong their high, before falling beside her into the bed. Both of them panting, before they looked at each other smiling. 
“That… That was amazing” MC said as she handed Eisuke a bottle of icy cold water. Combing his fingers in her hair, Eisuke smiled and nodded in agreement.
“Hey MC, do you want to grab brunch when we wake up?” MC smiled and nodded. The fact that Eisuke had wanted to make plans, despite already getting to have sex with her, pleased MC. He hadn’t just wanted her physically, he wanted to meet again. That was unlike many of the one night stand stories you hear from other girls.
And it hadn’t just been brunch the next morning MC had spent with Eisuke. Following her steamy night with Eisuke, MC had told her friends what had happened and their plans for brunch. Jessica and Millie had been so happy for MC that they had encouraged her to indulge in this holiday romance. The bonus was they were now also romancing his friends. As a result, the two groups had merged together, with the guys practically moving out of their hotel and into the villa.
The first 2 weeks of the holiday, MC had been thoroughly enjoying her holiday romance. Sightseeing, dinners out, ‘couple’ vs ‘couple’ games nights and the best sex she’d ever had. But what she had loved most of all, was the smile Eisuke had rewarded just for her. She’d almost forgotten it would all come to an end in 2 weeks’ time. Heck, she had forgotten. But she wasn’t the only one who had forgotten. 
As they were sat enjoying lunch in a café, Eisuke couldn’t help noticing MCs phone kept buzzing.
“You sure you shouldn’t get that?” He asked, glancing at the screen, noticing the name lighting up her phone.
“Nah its fine.” MC replied, turning her phone onto silent.
“Who’s Isaac?” Eisuke asked, a slight coldness seeped into his tone. Jealousy clear from his annoyed expression. 
“Oh, uh my ex” MC said quietly. Eisuke was visibly relieved to hear it was an ex rather than current partner. 
“When did you break up?”
“Few weeks ago”
“Were you together long?”
“Yup 7 years”
“How come you split up?”
“Oh he was seeing someone else, and decided he wanted to be serious with her instead”
“What the fuck?! Seriously?” 
“Why would I joke about something like that” MC laughed, trying to lighten the mood a little.
“Well he was an idiot letting someone like you go” MC blushed at Eisuke’s words. He quietly took her hand in his and rubbed her fingers with his thumb. “His loss has been my gain. What did he want anyway? He seems pretty insistent on talking to you”. 
“Jessica and Millie have been posting photos on their Instagram’s from the holiday. Obviously, he has seen them and there were a few of me and you, he doesn’t seem to like the idea of me not being available or crying over him and is kicking off”
“The guy who cheated on you is annoyed you are having fun? What a dick” Eisuke huffed drinking his coffee. MC smiled at the sight before taking a sip of her own coffee. In this moment she felt happy. Happier than she had ever felt before.
Finally, the last day of their holiday was here. While the girls were getting ready in Jessica’s room they started to reminisce about the holiday. It was clear all three girls had thoroughly enjoyed their holiday romances. 
Jessica and Baba had made it clear there were not emotionally feelings for them. It was like friends with benefits. They were enjoying the casual sex, while hanging out as friends. The sort of person you’d bump into and catch up, but she wasn’t too worried about going back and not seeing him again. He literally had been just some fun for her. As she had been for him too. 
Millie and Ota had seemed to have started to find a connection with each other. Ota had told Millie when she goes to University to let him know where she would be living so he could come and visit her. Whether there was something there for them beyond visits was anybody’s guess at the moment, but Millie was certain they would see each other again. 
As for MC, it was when talking to her friends she realised her and Eisuke hadn’t mentioned going home. There had been no discussion of what would happen after these 4 weeks. They hadn’t exchanged numbers. They hadn’t mentioned meeting up. Heck, she didn’t even know where he lived. But what she did realise was she had fallen for the guy who only seemed to smile with warmth and kindness towards her. But she knew she wouldn’t be telling him this. Especially not since things seemed destined to end tonight.
When the girls stepped out of the bedroom the guys were already there waiting for them. 
Baba dressed in his black jeans and a red shirt. He had tied his hair back. Taking Jessica’s hand he kissed her fingers, just as he had the first night, and escorted her out of the villa. 
Ota, wearing some blue jeans and a white shirt smiled at Millie as he held his hand out to her. She placed hers in his and they entwined their fingers. Millie’s pastel blue dress matched his jeans perfectly. They, too, headed out. Millie looking back and smiling at MC one last time before disappearing from the villa.
It was just Eisuke and MC left. He wore a pair of white skinny jeans and a charcoal shirt. MC’s white lace dress matched him perfectly. He smiled at her.
“You look beautiful” he stated, making MC giggle. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself” She approached him, and he wrapped his arm round her waist planting a kiss on her cheek. “So, where are we headed?” She asked. 
“Right here” Eisuke replied, much to MC confusion.
He took her hand and guided her outside into the garden. What met MC surprised her as she looked around and then back at Eisuke bewildered but happy. The garden had been decorated with fairy lights and lanterns. The pool was filled with rose petals. A picnic blanket was led out with champagne and strawberries dipped in chocolate waiting for them.
MC felt her chest tighten. She was so moved by Eisuke’s yet it hurt to know tomorrow she would be on a flight and this dream would be over. Shaking her head she showed Eisuke her brightest smile and accepted his outstretched hand which guided her to the blanket. If this was to be their last evening together in this dream, then she would make sure she enjoyed every minute, smiling at him until the end. 
The hours ticked by, and MC and Eisuke had shared many stories under the star blanketed sky. Stories of their childhood, friends, family, dreams and future goals. MC had learned Eisuke had a few other friends back where he lived who hadn’t come with them on the holiday. But what they hadn’t discussed was how they would be going home tomorrow. Back to reality.
As their evening together came to an end, they stood and gazed at each other. It was clear to MC, she had fallen in love with her holiday romance. She’d fallen in love in the span of 4 weeks, and it would be a heart-breaking love. A love that couldn’t be. A love that after tonight would disappear from her life.
“Shh” She silenced him with a kiss. 
A kiss he so readily returned. A kiss that conveyed everything she wanted to say but couldn’t. His hands found their home on her hips, like they had done so many times these last 4 weeks. But unlike how they would no more. If speaking meant tonight was to be the last time they could be together, then she wouldn’t let either of them speak, for she didn’t want to say goodbye.
Seemingly understanding, and dare she hope feeling the same, Eisuke showed his kindness through not asking anything, not speaking any words. Instead he lifted her into his arms, never separating his lips from hers as he took her back to the bed they had shared for the last 4 weeks. 
Tonight, neither seemed as calm or collected as they had been before. As they became one, it was full of raw emotion. As if the pain they both were feeling could be quashed by bringing one another pleasure. Their moans were as if they were cursing the idea of this moment ending. Their breathing increasing as they came ever closer to their height of pleasure. If tonight would be their last together, then they sure as hell were going to make it a night neither would forget. They left mark after mark upon the other, as if these marks would symbolise the feelings they couldn’t speak. As even when tomorrow or the next day come, and they won’t see each other, these marks were serving to remind them of the other. 
That night they made love countless times. Yet still neither spoke of what tomorrow would bring. 
It really would be goodbye.
A few weeks later and things had been exactly as expected. Jessica went about as if business was usual without Baba. Millie and Ota had spoken every day and had arranged when Ota would come to visit. While MC was left lonely. Hurting. Missing Eisuke. 
“You know…” Millie started, “Apparently, according to Ota, you aren’t the only one down in the dumps and missing the other person” 
“What do you mean?” MC asked, suddenly interested in the conversation going on around her.
“According to Ota, Eisuke has been more irritable than before, but when asked about the holiday he gets a faraway look in his eyes and smiles for a moment”. 
MC nodded and looked out the window again. That was all she needed to know. It had been real, not just for her but for Eisuke too. It gave her hope. She believed in fate, and maybe if she was lucky, maybe he was her fate and they’d find each other again.
Millie had headed to university and Jessica’s summer break had ended. MC had also heard back from her job application. She had successfully received a position as a maid and would begin her vacancy in a few days. As such, she was moving into the hotel staff dormitory today. 
Upon arriving at the hotel dorms, she became fast friends with two of the other maids, Sakiko and Chisato. They had made her feel very welcome and had been busily introducing her to everyone 
“Finally, Mr Ichinomiya owns the hotel. In total he has hotels in Tokyo, Dubai, London, New York as well as an airship and cruise ship. He’s currently building another hotel but only staff know about it so keep that one quiet” Chisato winked at me as she filled me in on my new boss. 
“I wonder what he’s like?”
“Umm… honestly he’s a little cold. But he looks after the hotel well! Lately he seems to be in a bad mood. More so than usual, when he comes to the casino he doesn’t even enjoy winning” Sakiko explained. “Anyway you’ll meet him when Mr Kenzaki introduces you later!” 
“Great…” Honestly the way they had made him sound, MC wished she wouldn’t be meeting him. But as her employer he had to introduce himself and her the same. Still, she managed to find the kind side of one cold man recently, maybe she’ll see a nice side to this Mr Ichinomiya guy too. 
When evening came around Mr Kenzaki came to the dorms to collect MC for their meeting. He handed her the uniform and her name badge and instructed her to change ready to meet the hotel’s owner, Mr Ichinomiya. 
Following Mr Kenzaki, MC arrived in the meeting room and took a seat in the chair directed to her. Time seemed to tick by slowly, before the meeting room door opened and someone’s steady footsteps entered. 
“Mr Ichinomiya, Sir” Mr Kenzaki spoke to the owner, signifying to MC she was about to meet her boss. She stood, ready to bow politely to him, yet as she turned her eyes went wide.
“Eisuke?! You own this hotel?!” She gasped. His reaction was similar as he dropped the file he had been holding.
“MC?! You're the new employee?” He, too, gasped in surprised, before taking her arm firmly in her graps and walking from the meeting room towards the penthouse elevator. 
“Sir?” Mr Kenzaki called out in confusion.
“Forget the meeting, she’s a good hire. Well done Kenzaki. Get me a penthouse pager and key card ready for MC here and leave it on my desk. Don’t disturb me for the rest of the evening.” Seemingly understanding his instructions Mr Kenzaki bowed and headed off. All the while Eisuke kept a firm grasp on MC’s arm. 
Neither said a word as they went in the elevator. Nor as they walked through the corridors. Still Eisuke gripped her arm. As they entered the lounge, Ota and Baba noticed Eisuke and gasped out,
“ISN’T THAT MC?” catching everyone elses attention.
“That’s MC?” A tall man in a grey suit with black hair asked.
“That’s the kid that’s had Eisuke in a sour mood?” A scruffier looking man with stubble on his chin asked.
“MC, that’s Soryu and Mamoru” Eisuke briefly introduced them still dragging her by her arm. 
“Oh, um, hello?” MC said waving in her confusion.
“Ahahahah at least he is back to being in a better mood. How long you here for MC, so we know how long he’ll be happier for?”
“She’s the new recruit I just went to meet.” Eisuke smirked, “Meaning she’s here for good”
Proceeding to drag MC up the stairs the guys watched smiling knowingly.
As soon as they were in his suite he shut the door and locked it to avoid any interruptions. Only once they were inside did he finally let go of her arm. But she was only released for a moment before he held her in a tight, crushing embrace. It wasn’t long before she was hugging him back, just as tightly. 
“Want me to make you a coffee?” MC laughed, remembering the odd request Eisuke had made of her when in Greece, and how he had told her she made the best coffees. Yet Eisuke only tightened his embrace. 
“Later… right now I don’t want to let you go” surprised by his honesty MC questioned his further.
“Why not?”
“Because the last time I let you go I lost you” He sighed, speaking more honestly than he ever had before. “I won’t make that mistake again”
“Listen, because you’ll learn very quickly that I am not a man who talks freely of him emotions. I missed you, MC. As soon as we parted waya I regretted not talking to you about a future where we could meet. I hated not seeing you or speaking to you every day but Christ it was only 4 weeks and you managed to grasp my heart which I had given up on years ago. You’re the first person who I’ve had regrets about leaving. And you’re the first person I’ve felt this way about.”
“What way?”
“Come on MC… you don’t need me to say it” Eisuke glared, but MC wasn’t going to let this one slide. 
“I won’t know anything if you don’t tell me Eisuke. Isn’t that kind of how we got into this mess?” Sighing Eisuke replied,
“You’re a cruel woman” But his sigh soon turned to a smile. A genuine warm smile. Full of everything he was feeling and more. “I love you, MC.” Smiling MC wrapped her arms around Eisuke.
“I know” She giggled as Eisuke looked at her in annoyance.
“You can’t make me say all that and then just respond with ‘I know’” Kissing him softly as if to soothe his mood she smiled,
“I love you, too Eisuke”
That was all he needed to hear to ignite the flame of desire. His lips crashed to hers and his hands found their place once again on her hips as if that was where they were meant to be all along. This love was never meant to just be a holiday romance. It was too real. Too strong. It was never meant to end. 
“I’m never going to let you go again” Eisuke whispered, as he pressed his forehead to MC’s, tightening his hold on her, before sealing this promise with a kiss filled with all the love they share.
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chisaiyume · 8 months
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Title: Free Kisses
Author: Akahoshi Jake
Genre: Romance, School Life, Smut, Yaoi
Synopsis[baka-updates]: In junior high, Aikou had a crush on his tutor that ended badly. Now in high school, he's joined a "kiss club" at a local bar to try and relearn about love starting with the basics. While holding up a "free kisses" sign in the park one day, he's spotted by Eisuke, a boy from his school. Intrigued by Aikou's sign, Eisuke impulsively kisses him. Could this kiss be Aikou's chance to start over?
0 notes
voltagesmutter · 4 years
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Prompt: Eisuke Ichinomiya - Image above
Warning: Smut and NSFW, light-fem dom, heavy male-dom, restraints, riding-crops. orgasm denial
Word Count: 3K
For: @alicevaski​
Grabbing the duck feather filled pillow, you fluffed it up before placing it back on the bed. With a hearty smile you sighed at the final room finally being complete, today felt like it just went on forever and all you wanted to do was go to the penthouse, kick off your shoes and unwind with a good book. However the reality of that was very slim, Eisuke would probably have you dashing across the penthouse to bring him coffee because ‘no-one could make coffee as good as you’, but basically your fiancé, a million-dollar hotel chain owner, couldn’t work the god-damn coffee machine. It was literally pressing a button, like how he failed it every-time you would never understand. Pushing the maid cart through the corridors, it was running low on the luxury toiletries so you made a mental note to refill it on your next shift before storing away in the employee stockrooms. Bidding your fellow colleagues goodbye, you headed towards the elevator, punched in the code for the penthouse and up you went, leaning against the cold steel handrails. You were pleasantly surprised to see the penthouse empty, a hopefully sign of your peaceful night in like you had hoped for. 
“Eisuke” You called but a silent response, he must be busy. Strutting across the room to his office, knocking before entering to see it completely still, your fiancé nowhere to be seen. Must be out with Soryu or someone, you thought, but oh how you were wrong. Your slicked back ponytail swung from side to side as you walked to your bedroom, pushing open the door before seeing the sight in front of you, your jaw (and panties) dropping to the floor. Eisuke lying fully naked across your king sized bed, using part of the silk covers to drape over his lower half with a slight peak of his behind on show, his signature smirk across his face.
“Good girl, you're early, I was just about to page for you,” His words are sickly sweet like dripping honey, the clear glaze of heavy lust taking over his light grey eyes tinted with hazel. His words sending an instant shot of arousal between your legs, the sight of your fiancé was enough for you to drop to your knees and beg him to fuck you. Your plans for such a peaceful night were wiped clear from your memory. 
“I thought you would know by now, I’m a very good girl,” You tease, taking steps towards the bed, Eisuke not moving a muscle, your eyes gazing over his toned chest. His eyes followed your hands as you brought them to undo your maid out, painstakingly undoing the buttons before letting the fabric fall to the floor, standing at the bottom of the bed in your matching set of black underwear. “And for being such a good girl, I think I should be rewarded, wouldn’t you agree,” The smirk on Eisukes face grew at your words as he watched you crawl on all fours onto the bed, hovering above him. He leans up and presses a kiss to your lips before pulling away.
“Satisfied?” He winks as you lean back and straddle him over the silk sheets.
“Not nearly enough,” You matched his smirk, running your fingers down his chest, “The reward I want is hot and thick,”. He lets out a light groan as your hand runs over the silk material, palming his already hard erection, the outline poking clearly from against the material. “Won’t you give my reward, Mr. Ichinomiya” You purred, grabbing his length over the silk sheets, a hiss of pleasure coming from the man below. 
“It’s all yours baby,” He groaned, bucking his hips at your strokes over him. Licking your lips hungrily, you, shed the silk sheets, eyes pulsing at the searing reward below. His cock standing free, a bead of pre-cum releasing from his head, the heat pulsing from it as you wrapped your hand around it. Running pressurised strokes over his length, using your thumb to spread the forming liquid around his head. 
“Suck it baby,” A slightly plea as your hand continued to jerk him with quick movements, your head bowing down to wrap your lips over his head, tongue flickering against the sensitive underside. A heavy groan and a hand coming down to entwine in your hair, fingers gripping at the base of your ponytail as you hollow your cheeks with pressure of his head. You continued until he was panting under you, the twitch of his lower stomach was a sign he was getting close, but he pulled you off of him. 
“I think your reward is fully ready for you,” That smug smirk on his face as he watched a thick line of salvia fall from your lips as you released his cock. Leaning back on his thighs, you quickly dispersed of your bra and panties, watching Eisuke’s lust filled eyes wander over your body. It was such a rare sight to see him so submissive, normally he would throw you onto the bed, head buried between your thighs before ploughing into you. You wanted to savour this moment. 
“Close your eyes,” You seductively whispered, leaning over his body to reach into your bed-side draw, checking his eyes were closed before pulling out the silk rope from within. 
“Mrs. Ichinomiya, what are you up to,” He smirked, eyes still shut at you, tied his hands to the metal bed frame. You’d used them before, but only on you, you’d never been bold enough to use them on him but right now the moment felt purely right. Admiring the sight below you, your fiancé, the king of business, is completely miserliness to your power as you tightened the silk over his hands. 
“Just making sure my reward is completely in my control,” You giggled slightly as his eyes opened, his wrists tugging slightly at the rope that bound him to the bed. Raising up, you brushed the head of his cock against your clit, a sweet moan falling from your lips as you pushed your hands on his chest for support. You continued to tease him, letting his head become coaxed in the rich juices of your wetness as he groaned, trying to thrust himself into you. 
“Baby,” Fell from his lips, not in the usual tone of power you was so used to hearing, no this was much much softer. 
“Shh,” You whispered with a smirk, rarely being able to take control when it came to Eisuke, you were going to drag this out for as long as you could. Lowering yourself onto his head before pulling yourself back off, the frustration as Eisuke thrusted, his hands tugging at the rope.
“Do you need something Mr.Ichonymia?” You teased, repeating the action again. You wanted him to beg you, like he had made you do oh so many times, only you were feeling the self-control slip away and the urge to impale yourself onto his throbbing member grew stronger. 
“Get that tight pussy over my cock now,” His eyes glinting with darkness at his words.
“Such naughty words from my reward, maybe I should just… find a different type of reward,” You smirked, bringing one hand to rest against your clit rubbing yourself as you continued to grind against his head, emphasising the sound of your moans. Your eyes met his in an intense gaze, watching his jaw twitch as he lay helplessly below you. Your heart almost stopped at the words, ‘please’, laced with pure need and desperation fell in a whispered form that fell from him. Tilting your hips, you pushed yourself over his length with a crying moan at the thickness of him stretching your walls, a bucking of his laps had him fully hilted inside you. Keeping your hand firmly on your clit, you began moving up and down his length into a steady rhythm, breathy moans filling the room. The slickness, leaking from your core and against his cock helped you to ride over his length, the two fingers flicking vigorously over your clit sent sparks along your spine. 
“Don’t cum,” Eisuke grunted from beneath you, thrusting each time you slid down his length, purposefully hitting your sweet spot inside. Even when he was tied up beneath you he was still in control and you refused to have it. Leaning back, your hand on his chest reaching back to rest on his thigh, the tilt in angle sent shivers across your body as you purposefully clenched over him. “Don’t you dare fucking cum until I say” his hissed, his hands thrashed against the rope in a desperate attempt to touch you. Ignoring him, you continue to move in a hasty pace over him, your muscles tightening around him.
“Oh~Eisuke!” You cried, the coil within you tightened to a snapping point, the warmth fuzz between your thighs beginning to spread with a rage, the tingling sensation starting to pulse in your chest as a bead of sweat ran down your back. You felt your orgasm growing close with intensity as each second passed by, your fingers sinking into his thigh, the fingers on your clit strumming with pure determination, as the hitch pitched moans became stuck in your throat. You felt the impending release about to happen, head thrown back in pure heaven and just as you was about to release, your back was pressed against the bed, the thickness inside you removed and the hand on your clit was pulled away by a strong grip wrapped around your wrist. So lost in your pleasure you had failed to notice Eisuke tugging free from the rope, pouncing on you like an animal, fury in his eyes as they stared down at you. You gulped as he pulled your hand roughly up, sucking on the wetness of your fingers with a dark smirk.
“You naughty, naughty girl,” He swirled his tongue over your fingers before releasing them from his mouth, “Looks like someone needs to re-learn the rules,”. 
“You don’t” He growled, thrusting into you.
“Cum,” Another harsh thrust, pinning your arms above your head.
“Until I say,” A final thrust, slamming his hips against yours before pulling out of you, a cry of need came from you at the sensation of being denied what you wanted, what you needed. His actions left you clenching over nothing, as if doing so would bring back the smallest of friction of resemblance of the thickness that had filled you. The heavy plea of his name from your lips, he had you right where he wanted you, where he always had you: pinned down, a trembling built up mess, begging him to fuck you senseless. You felt the silk rope that once bound Eisuke to bed, now being tying your wrists together above your head, Eisuke turning you over so you lay on your stomach, pulling your waist so your bare ass was held in the air. You shivered in response, you knew exactly what was coming when you heard a draw from the bed-side table opening. 
“I’m going to break you into submission, until your begging for my cock, the only thing on your mind will be how I fuck you right now, how good I can make you feel, how good only I can make you feel, the only words I want to hear from them pretty lips is ‘yes sir’. Am I clear.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. A slick whip of a riding crop sent stinging vibrations across your ass, a slight hint of the pleasure and pain to come.
“Y-yes sir,” You managed, trying to bite back the moan that hung lowly in your throat.
Each time the crop settled against you, you hissed out the number, one, two, three, all came with a shock of the pain shooting across your backside. No-matter how many times he used this on you, it still sent shocks of pleasure and pain throughout you, the wetness between your thighs beginning to drip on the satin sheets below. The fourth made you clench, Eisukes hand coming down to rub your redding behind, ‘One more baby’ was mumbled softly. Pushing your ass out higher, ready to accept, your bound hands twisting in the sheets as the crop slapped against you, sending your ass rippling slightly from the harshness of the leather.
“Five!” You cried with a moan, back arching. 
“Now what do we say”. 
“Thank you sir,”.
“Good girl”.
He knelt up behind you, the throbbing erection pressed heavy against your ripe ass, you wanted to grind back against him, tilt your hips and pull him into you but you knew if you did the punishment would be severe. One hand firmly holding your ass, the other curving below and thrusting two digits in of you, thrusting into your clenching tightness. The gasps and moans fell from you, twisting your raised hips which buckled as he pressed against your sweet spot inside. The heavy cry from your lips as he brought you close with his fingers, the whimpers of “sir” as you clenched hard, the smirk on his face behind as he groped at your ass. 
“I-I’m… Sir-please,” You whimpered, eyes tightly shut as tears formed, fighting the urge the clamp your thighs shut causing them to tremble.
“What baby, I can't do anything until you tell me,” The heavy tease in his voice as he pulled his fingers out of you, leaving the tips in as you tightly clenched over them, the loss once more bringing you to a sob. He admired the thick slickness of you on his fingers, using his other hand to wrap under you and pad his fingers with ghosting movements on your clit. The teasing, the loss, the need was too much. 
“Make me cum- Eisuke-Sir please,” You begged, correcting yourself with a high pitched whimper, your hands clutching tightly at the sheets. You were completely powerless to his touch. 
“I suppose you have been good enough to earn it,” He removed his fingertips, within seconds of the loss, he slammed himself back into you with a heavy groan, the thickness once again stretching your walls, bruising them almost with the sheer power. “Cum baby”. His words, thrust and teasing fingertips were purely enough to send you over the edge, the silent scream, the flushed warm starting in your chest rolled across your body. You clenched to the point of tightness it also pushed him out of you, your orgasm hitting you like a solid brick wall, your body curling tightly as you came. He continued to push into your tightening walls, riding you out for as long as he could, thick grunts of approval from his throat. Taking his hand that has previously been thrusting into your folds, wrapping your hair around your ponytail and tugging your head back.
“Th-thank you sir,” You barely managed through pants, heavy tears rolling down your face as he continued to pound into you. The motion caused you to see white, your jaw opened as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Everything in your mind was a foggy haze all you, barely, think about was the rough thrusts slamming into you behind, Eisuke true to his words and fucking you senseless. He continued until he found his own release, triggering another of yours before so, spilling deep inside you as his cock twitched against your walls. He pulled out, the mixture of your releases spewing out of you and down your thighs, allowing you to collapse momentarily on the bed. 
“What are you doing?” You could hear the smirk in his voice as he flipped you over, crawling to hover on top of you. Your body still trembling below him as he parted your thighs, pressing wet kisses up your legs. “You’ve got a whole night of punishment for your little stunt, baby”. 
He punished you repeatedly, against and over the bed, over the sofa, over his desk, his chair. At one point he had you pinned against the window, tie over your eyes with your hands still bound, thrusting into you from behind, your head rolling back against his shoulder with ‘harder sir, ‘more sir,’ ‘please sir’ falling from your lips. Each time he brought you to an earth-shattering orgasm, ‘let me come sir’ automatically trembled from your lips, sometimes he was kind and allowed it, other times he refused, edging you for a while before letting you release over his throbbing thickness. 
The scent of sweat and sex rang through your bedroom through out the night and early hours of the morning, Eisuke pushing your body to new heights and limits, leaving your body in a euphoric bliss until you almost passed out. The next morning your legs trembled as you managed to get out of bed, your body covered in light bruises, fingertips markings and love-bites. All you could think was how the night had turned into Eisuke punishing you with pleasure, the control you had over the situation had flipped like a light switch. A searing desire within you to be fully in-control, to have him withering and begging you to fuck him, begging for you to let him come. The image of him as he withered under you when you had teased was burned into your brain, you knew you needed to invest in some stronger restraints so that he couldn't slip from your control like he had done the previous night. What you wanted was for Eisuke Ichinomiya to become completely powerless to your touch. 
Your slim fingers flicked over your phone screen as you sat on the living room sofa, eyes focusing on a set of thick metallic handcuffs, perfect to keep Eisuke in place as you pinned him to the bed. Your mind set on them, you purchased them, seeing 2-3 days delivery sent a spark of mischief down you. 
“What are you smirking at,” Eisuke grinned with his cheshire smile, waltzing into the living room with only a pair of boxers on, the deep red scratches over his back made you blush heavily. 
Oh Eisuke, if you only knew what was coming...
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otomefoxystar · 2 years
Can I get Eisuke x virgin reader? And (female anatomy) she’s scared because she doesn’t like the thought of blood or pain? But loves him a lot and tells him she trusts him and wants him to be her first, all that good stuff. Genre? Smut I guess? Mostly fluff.
Hello Anon! Thank you for requesting I love these virgin fics, one of my favorites to write😉 I really got into this fic, sorry it’s been taking so long I couldn’t get it the way I wanted it and it just kept going and going. I didn’t want to make you wait any longer, so I made it into a multi - part fic. I hope you don’t mind.
Love always❤️
Here is part one :
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d-om · 7 years
School’s Secrets
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 400 FOLLOWERS!! NELFKWKFK i’ve been going through so much crap lately and seeing so many supporting followers really helps!
Scenario: What if Eisuke and MC has a forbidden teacher and student relationship? PLOT TWIST!!: MC wants Eisuke to be her first time?!
!!SMUT!! Includes: Rough-ish sex, teacher and student
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The curtains rose up and danced, and just like the wind that had quickly swept through to give them a lullaby to move too, he was right in front of her in a flash.
“What are you doing here? Especially in broad daylight.” He grabbed her chin and forcefully pushed it closer to his face making it impossible for her to look away.
“Mr. Ichinomiya..I have a request…” Her eyes quivered as she saw a slight smirk that twitched on his face. The words she had said only drew the distance between them closer.
“And what is that?” Whispering in her ear he held her close, making goosebumps appear on her arms.
“Please…” She managed to break away from his grasp and bow her head extremely low to the ground.
“PLEASE BE MY FIRST!!!” Silence followed her declaration, causing embarrassment and panic to arise in her heart. Slowly, she started to straighten her back still keeping her eyes glued to the floor.
“I-I’m sorry..That was selfish of me..I’ll be goin-“
Before her words could escape from her mouth, a powerful and desperate set of lips were hungrily chasing after hers. They cornered her to the wall as her hands were demandingly pinned up against it.
“Ahh..” She could feel herself losing her conscious and weakly tried to stop him.
“Mr. Ichinomiya..N-Not here..We’re in broad daylight..Anyone c-can come in-“ But again her words were silenced by his tongue plunging deep into every crevice of her mouth.
“When you’re alone with me..” His hands skillfully undid his tie and also started to unbutton the uniform she had on, “You call me Eisuke..” By the time he was finishing the end of his sentence, her clothes had been fully tattered, revealing her chest. Now, a wave of self-consciousness and fear washed over her as she turned her face away unable to look Eisuke in his face. It didn’t last long though. He grabbed her chin and kissed her passionately again as he slowly traced those kisses to her chest.
“Look at me with that beautiful face of yours.” Her bra had fallen to the floor and his mouth started to lick every single exposed area of her breast. Sucking, licking, and biting her as he rubbed his knee against her most treasured part. Moans and cries of pleasure rose out of her mouth.
“Mr- Eisuke..Please..Ngh..” Her words were barely forming as the pleasure from his tongue on her breast was getting unbearable. “If you..do that..someone will hear us-Ahh!” It was her first time experiencing something so intense, yet the spit and kisses from Eisuke made every second worth the subtle pain she was feeling. A burst of heat had suddenly been felt in her lowe region as Eisuke started to lick her underwear, sticking his tongue in her opening.
“Ei-Eisuke!! N-No it’s dirty..” She found her hands roughly holding Eisuke’s head as her head leaned backwards in pleasure. Spurts of dirty moans were heard every now and then.
“I can’t take it anymore..” The sound of his belt unbuckling made her snap partly into reality. His pants fell to the ground and the sight of his cock made her whole body shake in desperation and passion. His hands wrapped around her body, grabbing onto her lower back and slowly lifting her up until her feet were hanging in the air.
“I’ll go slow..” He sexily whispered in her ear, coaxing every inch that his breath would touch.
“Ngh..Ah..AHH!!” The pain was intense, making her fingers make indents in Eisuke’s back, but still. The ecstasy she felt made her mind scramble with thoughts about him. Tears started to roll down her eyes and she held Eisuke close to her chest trying to ignore the raging pain inside of her.
“Don’t worry..It will feel good soon.” Eisuke started to nibble on her neck as his hips began to move. He began cautiously, not inserting it all the way but easing her into it. Soon, his thrusts became more intense.
“Ahh..Mm..E-Eisuke..” She felt him as if he was all the way to her stomach and the pain that she once felt was replaced by an aching hunger for lust. Her moans and Eisuke’s mixed together as they felt the heat of each others bodies emerge together to make sweat bead down their necks. Her body, mind, and also her heart belonged to Eisuke and she was losing control of what she had.
“Don’t think we’re over yet…” He grabbed her by her legs and slammed her onto one of the desks, making her feel him deeper inside of her.
“Hng! Eisuke you can’t just do- Mm!” A thrust after another left her breathless and wanting more. Eisuke roughly grasped her breast as he moved roughly up and down making lewd sounds every time he would pull out.
“E-Eisuke!! Something f-feels weird…” She wrapped her arms around Eisuke almost like an instinct as he slid in and out of her more intensely as the louder her moans would get.
“I think-“
“It’s okay.” His raspy voice makes you squeeze your walls tighter onto him, “We’ll cum together..”
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otastoothbrush · 1 year
drop that kbtbb lore yall rn.
OML HEY GUYS IM BACK!!!! well hopefully, school is starting again but i feel the need to start this back uppp. idk fall is such a kbtbb season for me i mean they’re def an every season thing😋. ever since i got a new job I STILL HAVEN’T BOUGHT ANY NEW ROUTES??? i actually have like 600 coins saved uppp so i could buy one if i wanted but i’m way too indecisive to just buy ONE. i had kbtbb when it was just an app itself and again like i said all my bought shit was wiped from the webs bc i didn’t keep the code, so im back at the start. with my writing since i sadly don’t know all the deep in depth lore sometimes it might seem a bit off but i really just make up my own stuff about them or how i think they would act from what i know. so yall PLEASE DROP THAT KBTBB LORE, make it juicy so my mouth waters,,, or drop the blandest shit like the color mamos underwear (black right?) either way SAY SUM!!!
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dealerlin · 6 months
If you're requests are open I'd love to see some angsty kbtbb, especially w eisuke. Sorry if it's vague I've never requested anything before. Hope you're having a good day :)
okay, i can’t figure out who this is. i’m debating on writing two options: unrequited love, where younger reader is crushing hard on eisuke but he can’t return her love because of both age and he’s just not into her like that. or traumatized reader who has a trauma response to maybe a fight, or something along those lines.
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voltage-vixen · 3 years
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Want to Be Bad? VIP Event
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kbtbb-fanfics · 1 year
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A Raunchy Rendezvous  (Eisuke Ichinomiya x MC)
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (Voltage)
Pairing: Eisuke Ichinomiya x MC (Female)
Prompts: Lingerie
Warning: NSFW
Requested by: Anonymous
Written by: @voltage-vixen​
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Were you really that foolish enough to believe that I wouldn’t notice what was underneath your uniform when you pranced off to work this morning? You’re wearing the lingerie set I requested you model for me this Valentine’s Day.
Imagine my revelation since I was expecting to return to the penthouse this evening to engage in a lover’s rendezvous, only to discover that your intent was to tease me throughout the day. Regardless of your resolute, I could steal you away into the nearest vacant guest room to test my theory of how much you relish in my kisses while on the job.
To lie and deny would only serve pointless; the way your body quakes when my tongue tastes you always reveals your true desires. The way your breath would hitch when my teeth toyed with your bra strap before teasing the mound of your skin that elicits the most tantalizing of moans from you. Let’s not forget the way your hips buck when my hand travels down your silhouette. You squirm when my fingers slip past the band of your panties, and it only takes a simple curl before the evidence of your arousal is apparent. Chocolate isn’t going to be the only delicacy I dine on this evening-consider yourself on the menu because I find every part of you divinely delicious.
Brace yourself since tonight my lips are going to remind your body just who you belong to. I’ll leave not an inch of your fair skin untouched. Perhaps this time an exception could be granted and the lingerie can stay on tonight? You naughty girl. I can only imagine the dirty fantasies running through your mind right now.
Now hurry up and scurry on back home, otherwise I’ll instill a special punishment upon you for being honest about your lustful desires. Actually, scratch that. Instead, today will be your lucky day. By the time you finish reading this letter, I will have already found you and I’ll release you from the heat from of those sinful thoughts your sweet anticipation is holding you prisoner to.
Prepare yourself, because ready or not, baby, here I come.
Eisuke Ichinomiya
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otonymous · 4 years
Kissed By The Baddest CEO (MLQC Victor x KBTBB - NSFW)
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Description: Old flames and prospective lovers threaten to derail your budding romance with Victor before it even begins.  How will you extricate yourselves from a web of misunderstandings?
NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised.  Potential Trigger Warnings: profanity, jealousy, angst, exes, mentions of alcohol, bone fetishes, rough sex, 69 sex position (oral sex), mirror sex, vaginal intercourse, swallowing, size kink
Mild spoilers for Victor’s family history (MLQC); slight bending of MLQC & KBTBB canon universes via creation of original side character
Word Count: ~10K words (please set aside a good chunk of time for some fluff, angst and smut 🤣)
Author’s Notes:
First of all, a GIANT thank you to the super gracious @lin-ful​ for commissioning this Victor piece from me.  You are an absolute joy to work with and I really appreciate the fact that you gave me carte blanche to basically do whatever I wanted 🤣  I really hope you enjoy the read!  (P.S. I would never be so sadistic as to ever make you choose between Victor and Eisuke, so please rest easy 😆)
This story is especially significant to me as a writer because it represents the culmination of a number of milestones: the first time I’ve created an original character, my first attempt at writing a crossover story, the first time I’ve written in both first- and second-person perspectives.  It is also the longest single piece I’ve ever written.  That being said, please note the warnings listed above and happy reading! 😊
Nb. This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, and incidents are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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Chapter 1: Hello Diana
“Really Vic, I thought you were beyond name calling by now.”  
Her voice is sultry and low, smooth in your ears like the whiskey in her tumbler.  Completely at ease in a couture Givenchy pantsuit that likely cost more than one of your production budgets, she sat with her legs elegantly crossed in a leather armchair, tipping her glass to vermillion lips.  And as the flames danced in the imposing marble fireplace of one of Shanghai’s oldest and most exclusive supper clubs, they reflected off an enormous ruby ring gracing her middle finger.
Victor scoffs, taking a sip of his own whisky and glancing at you as you follow suit with the virgin cocktail he ordered on your behalf while you were in the restroom.
He was so infuriating at times, but at least it wasn’t warmed milk.
“First of all, you weren’t meant to hear that.  Secondly, I hardly consider ‘dummy’ name calling.  Far worse exists when it comes to options, as I'm sure you can attest to, Diana. You’ve used quite a few in your day.”
Amusement spreads across her fine features as she throws her head back in laughter, the sound enticing even as it disrupts the low chatter in the room.  However, none of the men looking her way seemed to mind.  She was brimming with so much joie de vivre that even you weren’t immune to her charms, smiling despite the anxiety that sat heavy in your chest from the very moment Victor introduced you to Diana Shum that evening.
You didn’t quite know why you felt ill at ease, especially towards someone who was doing you a favour by brokering a major deal on behalf of your company.  Well, more like doing Victor a favour, since he was the one who made the request.  Perhaps this was how all men felt in the presence of such a woman: elegantly confident and unapologetically vivacious, drawing attention everywhere she went.
“Are you still dredging up stories from our Oxford days, Victor?  Not very gentlemanly of you.  How do you put up with him?”  Diana turns to wink at you and the spotlight of her attention makes you feel like the only other person in the room.  “Let me assure you those boys deserved every insult in the book; one-track minds and transparent to boot.  They should consider themselves lucky I even acknowledged their sad existence.”  
“Di, you made the Prime Minister’s son cry.  You should’ve seen those puffy eyes the next morning at the swim meet against Cambridge."  
Victor raises his brows, subtle amusement colouring his expression.  And simple though it was, the sight of his handsome face so transformed by the faint smile on his lips made your heart race.  
No, there’s no way.  It’s probably just the fatigue catching up to you.  The flight to Shanghai from Loveland City must’ve been more taxing than you initially thought, even though Victor had graciously offered to let you hitch a ride on his private jet.  You place a hand on your chest, trying to calm the frenzied rhythm of your heart.  The gesture goes unnoticed by Diana but Victor throws a worried glance in your direction.  You smile to ease his concerns.  He furrows his brows.
“Oh please, I should’ve ripped him a new one with the way he tried to get frisky on our date.  He’s lucky I didn’t call Soryu to deal with him and his wandering hands.”
A sudden change seeps into Victor’s eyes, dark irises softening as if focused on something miles away.  “Soryu.  How is your cousin doing, by the way?”
Diana leans back, taking another sip of her drink.  “You’ll see for yourself soon enough.  I take it you are accompanying this lovely producer to Tokyo to meet with Eisuke and wherever the Ichinomiya heir is, Soryu isn’t far behind.  In all honesty though, Vic, surely you would know better than I.  Weren’t the three of you thick as thieves during prep school?”
You perk up at the topic of Victor’s childhood.  It was a rare chance to learn about the formative years of this stone-faced man before he became the slave driver of Loveland Financial Group.  
“I was only there for a year and a half with Soryu and Eisuke before…before my mother passed.  My father sent for me shortly afterwards.  I haven't seen them since.”
Deep voice trailing off, Victor’s gaze shifts to the fireplace where it remains, as if hypnotized by the flicker of orange flames.  And as the silence stretches on, you become disconcerted to see him so uncharacteristically lost in his thoughts.  You reach out to touch him but Diana beats you to it, laying a delicate hand on top of his much larger one as it rests on the leather armrest.
The gesture is ridiculously small for how much it blindsides you — the sight of her hand on Victor’s dazzling like the light reflecting off her ruby ring.
He blinks at the touch, long lashes fluttering in the split-second it takes for him to compose himself and suddenly, the unflappable CEO is back again.  
“I’m sorry, it’s been a long day and we should probably call it a night.  But you have my thanks, Diana, for setting up this meeting with the Ichinomiya Group.”
It was Diana’s turn to scoff.  “Can we please dispense with the formalities, Victor?  Soryu mentioned Eisuke was having difficulty finding the right people to make this documentary on the anniversary of his Tres Spades Tokyo hotel, so it was serendipity that we bumped into each while on business in London.  It’s a win-win situation.  Meant to be.”
Meant to be.
There is a spark of something in Diana’s eyes when she makes that last statement.  It stays with you long after you part ways with Victor for the night, lying awake in your hotel room as you wondered whether the LFG CEO was already asleep in his.
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Chapter 2: SOS
“You’re awfully quiet.  Should I take this to mean that you already know everything about Eisuke Ichinomiya and his chain of luxury hotels?"
Victor speaks without raising his head, leafing through the documents on his lap and stopping periodically to leave his signature with the same gold pen that marked up your reports. Its barrel glowed warm, reflecting the soft lights of the cabin of his private jet, en route to Tokyo from Shanghai.
Letting out a shaky breath, you try to steel yourself despite the rising heat in your cheeks.  Because after a night spent tossing and turning in your hotel room, you arrived at a conclusion so absurd it could only be true:  
You were in love with Victor Li.
Against all odds, the bane of your life had become your biggest ally and mentor.  All the pieces of the square puzzle that was the LFG CEO had fallen into place to form one coherent and beautiful picture:
His exacting demands transformed into standards of excellence, his workaholism a paragon of commitment and dedication.
And though you were loathe to admit it, each soft utterance of “dummy” leaving his lips made the corners of yours turn up in the goofiest of grins.
Oh god, how did it ever come to this?!  Where and when along the rocky path of your working relationship with the slave driver did you fall in love with him?  But that wasn’t even the worst of it.  If your intuition about the previous night’s events served you well, the beautiful Diana Shum was also enamoured of him.
You turn to Victor, meaning to inform him with utmost confidence that you had already conducted extensive research on the Ichinomiya Group’s charismatic CEO and his chain of casino hotels.  You even thought to throw in a snarky reminder that he himself had been marginally impressed with the presentation you gave on the topic back in Loveland City.
“Are you close to Diana Shum?”
Was NOT what had you meant to ask.  Especially in a voice that cracked like a 12 year old pubescent boy’s.  And if there was a way by which you could’ve drowned in a bottle of water, you would’ve gladly done so.  Instead, you settle for gulping it down, trying to keep your stupid mouth from spewing more nonsense in front of the man who was your de facto boss.
“Ahem.”  Victor clears his throat, long legs uncrossing as he shifts in his seat.  Out of the corner of your eye, you catch the muscles of that chiseled jaw settling firm.
“I-I’m so sorry.  It’s none of my business.  You don’t have to answer-"
“I’ve known her for a while, if that’s what you’re asking.  She’s a classmate from university and also a cousin of a friend of mine from prep school, as you’ve probably gathered from yesterday’s conversation.  Since graduation, she’s taken over her father’s role as CEO of Shum Property Developments and we’ve partnered periodically on various business ventures…”
He continues and you nod at the appropriate times, half listening as a million thoughts filtered through your head: your surprise at how unusually verbose Victor was being, the relief you felt to see that he was as determined to avoid your gaze as you were his.  Because the truth was that the longer he went on about Diana — so beautiful, polished and charming that you couldn’t find it in yourself to hate her even if you tried — the harder it was to keep the clouds from darkening your face.  And when Victor says,
“Not like it has any bearing on anything now, but we also dated for a short period of time…”
…It hurts to breathe.
Finally turning in your direction, Victor fixes you with a scrutinizing gaze.  “Why do you ask?”
“Oh, um, I just…wanted to know a bit more about the person who helped me and my company.  So I can better thank her later.”
You speak without meeting his eyes, hoping to placate him with a quick smile as you pretend to rummage through your purse.  Thankfully, he drops the topic, returning to his documents.  And though the rest of the plane ride is spent in near silence, the thoughts in your head have never been so loud.
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Chapter 3: Sexy Bones [Victor]
She wore that dress today.  The same one she had on when she impudently stormed my office to insist that I give her company a final chance before pulling funding:
Fitted to conform to every curve, yet formal enough to be professional.  Beautifully sensual in her usual understated way.  My favourite shade of red.
“It’s my go-to outfit when I need a confidence boost,” she told me once in between bites of pudding at Souvenir.  “It makes me feel like a queen, like I can do no wrong.  Perfect for business meetings I just have to nail, you know?”
“Dummy,” I had said then, feigning dismissiveness so she wouldn’t pick up on the way my eyes kept drifting towards her lips, so soft and plush I couldn’t help but wonder if her kisses would carry a hint of caramel sweetness.
It was true that the girl could be incredibly dense at times, playing at being queen when she already ruled my heart.  Or how oblivious she was to the fact that the British doctor was completely smitten with her during today’s meeting at the Tres Spades Tokyo hotel.
Dr. Luke Foster.
Completely absorbed in reading through what looked to be like a stack of medical journals, Dr. Foster had largely ignored us while Eisuke and Soryu made quick work of introducing the eclectic mix of other associates in the room:
Ota Kisaki, the so-called “Angelic Artist” whose work I was well-acquainted with, having previously spent a small fortune on his painting, Koro of My Kokoro.
Baba Mitsunari, a charming man whose handsome features were made all the more striking by the black fedora and red suit he wore.  The girl pointed out that he bore an uncanny resemblance to the cashier we saw at a convenience store earlier that day and I had to agree.
They glossed over a man named Mamoru Kishi, apparently sound asleep in one corner of the room with his face covered by a newspaper and a full ashtray by his side.
Finally, they came to Luke Foster, a blond-haired man with the air of an English gentleman.  Eisuke explained that Dr. Foster was the hotel’s on-site physician as well as a fellow alumnus of our prep school, apparently having left for reasons no one wanted to articulate the year before I transferred in.
And when the doctor finally looked up at us from his readings, his eyes took on an almost maniacal quality to see the girl standing by my side.
“Those proportions, those angles….perfect…absolutely perfect!”  He exclaimed as if in a daze, standing up suddenly and causing the reading materials to spill from his lap in the process.
He looked completely unhinged, almost like a zombie as he reached out a pale hand towards her collarbones of all places.  I stepped in front of her on reflex, only to have the doctor fix me with a piercing gaze as if he had just become aware of my existence and found it thoroughly offensive.
“Annnnd there he goes again,” Ota’s tone was one of exasperation, but there was no mistaking the amusement in the smirk that spread wide across his face.
“Ooh, Lu’s got a new victim!  Maybe now he can finally stop staring at the Boss’s girl every time she comes in to clean the penthouse!”  Baba chimes in, fingers stroking at his chin as if hatching some mischievous plan.
“Will the lot of ya shaddup!?  I’m tryin’ to sleep over here…zzz…” The man with the papers over his head gave a muffled shout before promptly rolling over onto his side.
Soryu just sighed, running a hand over his face.  And just when I began to worry that the girl was scared out of her wits, having wandered into this strange den of wolves, she surprised me by chuckling under her breath.  
Did the dummy find this funny?
“Tch, ignore them, Victor.  Let’s just get on with the presentation,” Eisuke said as he took his seat at the head of a long table.  The girl straightened up and immediately got to work, transforming into the consummate professional she always was when it came down to business.  I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as I watched her nail her pitch.
Taking a surreptitious glance around at her rapt audience, I stopped at Luke.  The intensity of the doctor's stare made me uneasy, the way those blue-grey eyes hovered above the scooped neckline of her red dress, tracing along her collarbones as if he were caressing them with his gaze alone.  I mentally berated myself for not putting my suit jacket over her shoulders before she got up there.
And though it was spoken under his breath, Dr. Foster’s murmur of “sexy bones” rang loud and clear in my ears.
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Chapter 4: In A (Traffic) Jam [Victor]
“Victor, you won’t believe my luck!  Not only did we cinch the Ichinomiya account, I also found the perfect candidate to appear on our Mystery Finder show!”
The girl was practically breathless on the other end of the line, words jumbling together as they came a mile a minute.  And though her enthusiasm is as infectious as it is adorable, I remind myself to play it cool.  “Really.  And who might that be?”
“Dr. Foster!”
I swerve back into my lane on reflex, narrowly avoiding an accident as the driver next to me flips me the bird before speeding away.  My heart raced, beating fiercely against the cage of my chest, but it had little to do with my near brush with death.
At this moment, I was more concerned with a man who looked like Death himself.
“Oh my god, Victor, what was that?  Are you okay?”  The concern in her voice is palpable and it makes me think of how kind and tenderhearted she is, of how easily someone could exploit that to their advantage.  “This is a bad time, isn’t it?  I’m so sorry, I’ll call you ba-”
“Don’t worry about it, just some idiot not paying attention on the road.  And what's this about, ahem, Dr. Foster?"  The name itself was unsavoury, sticking in my throat until I spat it out.  I hoped the vitriol escaped her notice.
“Okay Victor, get this: it’s like the man has X-ray vision!”
She whispers for dramatic effect, and my grip tightens on the steering wheel as I picture those slate grey eyes sweeping over the curves of her body, a lewd expression falling over the doctor’s features.  He was a handsome enough man, that much was true; intelligent and a first-rate surgeon according to Eisuke and Soryu.  Goldman confirmed as much when I had him dig up all available information on Luke Foster.  On that basis alone, many women would find him to be an extremely attractive suitor and ludicrous though it is, I can’t help but think the worst.  Luke had been quite open in his admiration of her, especially her collarbones.  What if she returned the sentiment?
In retrospect, it was a horrible idea to leave her to her work (and that wolf) in Tokyo while I returned to mine in Loveland City.  While she had the company of her coworkers, clearly none of them sensed the danger in Luke Foster that I did.  I no longer had the right to call her a dummy when I was obviously the idiot here.
“I’m telling you Victor, he can just look at somebody and tell you everything about their bone structure.  It’s too accurate to just be guesswork!  Apparently, he can remember anyone he's ever laid eyes on based on their bones.  It’s incredible.  I’d love for Professor Lucien to meet him.  If only he had the time to fly out to Tokyo…”
The girl continues and I catch sight of my furrowed brows in the rear-view mirror, deepening the longer she goes on and on about men who weren’t me.
“…He’s already agreed to be a guest on the show!  But…he did make a rather strange request."
For a moment, I can barely breathe.  The skin over my knuckles blanches as it stretches tight, my grip on the wheel growing harder as I brace for unwelcome news.  God knows what she would’ve agreed to in my absence.  Filled with a sense of dread, I had to know all the same.  “Which was?…”
She pauses, the hitch in her breath subtle but speaking volumes nonetheless.
“Just say it, dummy.”  I soften my tone in encouragement though my mind was already racing, thinking of all the ways my legal team could dissolve a contract should the girl have already signed papers.
“Well, he…he asked if he could examine my body in lieu of payment for appearing on the show.  You should’ve seen him!  He was so desperate he was practically begging and I…I just couldn't say no."  
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Chapter 5: Role Model
You had meant to throw the rolled-up magazine in dramatic rock star fashion, sending it flying across your suite at the Tres Spades Tokyo hotel to give at least a resounding smack as it hits the wall.  Instead, it flutters to the carpeted floor, barely a few feet from where you lay sprawled out on a bed much too large for a single person.
And from the surface of that glossy cover, Victor’s handsome face — all sharp eyes and chiseled jaw - staring up at you from beneath a headline that read: "Man On Top: How Victor Li Conquered The Business World.”
Man on top.  What a tease if there ever was one — especially since you’ve developed the recent habit of falling asleep to the fantasy of having the broad expanse of Victor’s muscular chest hovering over you.
“The only thing he should be on top of is ME!”
Your voice echoes in the room, empty save for you.  Even still, your cheeks burned from embarrassment over the absurdity of your current situation.  Victor Li didn’t belong to you.  Not when he had someone like Diana in his life.
Victor and Diana.  Diana and Victor.  A perfect match regardless of how the pieces fit.  And for an instant, your anger flares to remember the nonchalance in Victor’s voice when he told you that their past history as lovers had no bearing on the present, as if they didn’t look like they belonged together when you saw them just now in the lobby of the hotel, moments after you purchased the magazine with Victor’s face gracing the cover from one of the shops.
Practically ecstatic in your surprise to see him there at the Tres Spades, you were just about to call out to him when his name died in your throat, choked by the sight of the woman at his side.  Victor was escorting Diana to a limo waiting just beyond the revolving doors.  And the last thing you saw before the chauffeur pulled away was the two of them slipping into the vehicle together.
He hadn’t even told you he was coming to Tokyo.
It was only after you became aware of the fact that you were blocking the entrance to the shop that you recovered from the shock, murmuring apologies as you pulled yourself together just enough to make your way back to the safety of your hotel room.
Rising up off the bed, your feet sink into the lush carpeting as you pad over to where the magazine lay.  You pick it up and smooth out the crinkles, fingers tracing the outline of Victor’s profile as you do — gentle, as if you were touching the man himself.  And when your nose begins to tingle, you know it won’t be long before you feel the familiar sting of tears behind your eyes.
“Think you could stop being so nice to me, Victor?  You’ll give a girl the wrong impression.”  
Heaving a sigh, you slip the magazine beneath a pillow on the bed.  A quick glance at the clock on the bedside table told you it was almost time for your dinner date with Dr. Foster.  Sitting around moping wasn’t an option, at least not tonight.  Lightly slapping your cheeks, you push the image of Victor and Diana out of your head and get ready to step into the shower.
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Chapter 6: Hard To Swallow [Victor]
“I’m glad you remembered that you owe me a dinner, Victor Li.  And though I practically had to drag you to this restaurant, I guess the means don’t really matter if the end result is the same.  But still, what a lucky coincidence that we bumped into each other again at the Tres Spades of all places.  Now that’s something to drink to.”
Diana holds up her glass, Cabernet Sauvignon swirling as it meets mine with a delicate clink.  Under the table, the tip of her stiletto pushes against my oxfords before sliding past my ankle, inching its way up my leg.  I pull away, watching those red lips spread into a smile as I do.
“You might be the first man who’s ever been able to resist me.  Has anyone ever told you you’re one stubborn asshole?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She laughs at that, taking another sip of her wine before setting it down.  “So, tell me about her.”
“Her?”  I focus on cutting into my Kobe beef, already aware that Diana will see through my bluff.  She always did.
“Surely there must be another woman if you keep turning me down over and over again, Victor.  A girl has her pride too, you know.”
“We are not getting back together, Diana.”
“Tsk, you’re no fun, Vic.  All work and no play, all the time.  I’ll have to remind myself of that the next time I start entertaining thoughts of calling you up again.”
She pouts, but it isn’t long before her eyes take on that familiar spark of mischief as she continues.  
“But seriously, tell me about your cute little producer.  That is the girl you keep rejecting me for, I presume.  I need to know about the woman who’s finally managed to infiltrate the entirety of Victor Li’s notoriously impenetrable heart.  She must be quite the lover if she’s got you wrapped around her little finger like that, pulling strings with all your friends left, right and centre.”
It annoys me to no end that the mere mention of the girl is enough to reduce me to a swooning idiot.  I fight to keep the smile off my face.
“You’ve got the wrong idea.  She’s not my lover.”  
Diana begins to protest, but her words are lost on me because I’ve stopped listening.  In fact, the only thing I can hear is the blood rushing in my ears, propelled by the adrenaline racing through my veins to see him enter the restaurant.
Dr. Luke Foster.  
And my dummy looks…absolutely gorgeous.  Her hair is done up, leaving her graceful neck and collarbones exposed in a little black dress I’ve never seen her wear before, I realize with not an insignificant amount of jealousy.
But wait…collarbones?!
Sure enough, that surgeon is staring at her clavicle like some kind of pervert.  The sight alone incites the beginnings of a dull throbbing in my temples, no doubt exacerbated by the vice-like clench of my jaws.
I follow them with my gaze as they are led to a table for two; fixate on Luke’s face even as the sommelier arrives to make his recommendations to the pair.  The doctor stares at my girl like he couldn’t care less about the meal, as if the only thing he hungered for was precisely what I myself had desired for so long: the woman.  And she—
Just looked my way.
Surprise etches itself onto her beautiful features — the brows I had dreamt of one day lightly running a fingertip over while she sleeps lifting into a delicate arch.  And why shouldn’t she be surprised?  I had given her no indication that I had rushed over to Tokyo from Loveland City as soon as I heard what Luke had requested of her.  
But there is no nod of acknowledgement, no smile in greeting.  Just her, looking away as if she hadn’t seen me at all, her smile apologetic when she retrains her attention on the doctor.  And while it was only for a fraction of a second, I could have sworn her eyes carried a hint of sorrow.
Or perhaps I’m projecting.
Because her obvious avoidance feels like a rebuff, a sucker punch to the gut.  She’s never blatantly ignored me like that, no matter how wound up she was even during those times when I verbally tore her sub-par proposals to shreds.  The feeling of rejection sits heavy on my chest, the tie around my neck much too tight.
“Victor, are you all right?”
Diana’s voice cuts through my thoughts.  She is looking at me curiously.  I reach for my glass of wine, suddenly feeling like I was on the verge of choking.  “Of course, what could possibly be wrong?”
“ ‘What’s wrong’ is the fact that you haven’t listened to a single word I’ve said for the past ten minutes.  Even if there’s no chance we’ll ever get back together again as you so adamantly insist, the least you could do is pay attention to the person you’re sharing a meal with.”
I take a deep breath, more than a little disconcerted by the girl’s ability to affect me.  “Of course.  My apologies, you’re absolutely right.  Please, continue.”
Across the candlelit table, I look Diana in the eye, resolved to keep up at least the pretence of being interested in what she had to say when all I wanted to do was storm the table where Luke sat with my girl.  With each sideways glance in their direction, my grip tightened on my utensils to see them chatting, seemingly engrossed in the world’s most interesting conversation.
And when she hands over a manila envelope to the doctor, my heart skips a beat.
Could it be…marriage documents?!
One tiny corner of my brain berates me for how ridiculous I am being but when it comes to her, I simply can’t help it, and the fantasy in which I casually stroll over, flip the table onto Luke Foster and steal my girl away in a bridal carry becomes so vivid in my mind’s eye, it almost seems like a good idea.
Diana excuses herself to use the restroom and I pounce on the opportunity to send the dummy a text:
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Chapter 7: Choked Up
“Is there something wrong, Dr. Foster?  You haven’t touched your meal.”
You do your best to school your expression into one of polite neutrality as you take in the strange sight of the pale, blond-haired man shaking out an alarming number of pills onto the palm of his hand, tapping loudly on a bottle seemingly produced out of nowhere.  He pops them all into his mouth at once and you pray you won’t have to perform the Heimlich maneuver as he chases them down with a few gulps of water.
A smile spreads across the doctor’s lips as his eyes fall upon your collarbones once more.  You were used to feeling like a third wheel by now, even when alone with Luke Foster, given his penchant for carrying on conversations while staring intently at your bones.  But you took no offence at his behaviour, especially after Baba’s attempts to give you insight into Luke’s peculiar mannerisms:
“Try not to take it personal, Miss.  Lu will look at anyone who’s got beautiful collarbones.  It’s a well-known fact that he’s obsessed with the boss’s - he's even framed the X-ray films of Eisuke’s bones.  He likely just wants yours to add to his collection.”
Strange though it was, the request that Luke be allowed to have X-rays films of your collarbones in exchange for appearing on Miracle Finder was innocent enough.  Certainly nothing that warranted the stony silence you received on the other end of the line when you called Victor the other day to tell him that Dr. Foster wanted to examine you.  After a brusque “I have to go,” he had hung up.  No goodbyes, not even a mutter of “dummy.”  
But Luke Foster had been nothing short of a perfect gentleman, never once laying a hand on you.  Moreover, he even insisted on paying for tonight’s meal despite the fact that you had invited him as thanks for appearing on the show.  
“Please, just call me Luke.  Vitamins and water are all I need to survive.  I only ordered because Eisuke said it might be awkward if you seemed to be the only one dining.”
“I-I see.”  You smile, taking another bite of wagyu.  And for a moment, you are too wrapped up in the blissful way it seemed to melt on your tongue to be disconcerted by the strange events of the evening.
You weren’t, however, too distracted to continue throwing surreptitious glances in Victor’s direction, fighting to keep composed each time Diana’s laughter carried over to your table.  What were the chances that you’d find yourselves at the same restaurant in all of Tokyo?  You know that he knows you are here; even Chik couldn’t put on a performance convincing enough for the LFG CEO to believe for a second that you didn’t see him.
With your dismal acting skills, you definitely didn’t stand a chance.
“You’re in love with him.”
You clear the steak lodged in the back of your throat with a few hacking coughs, half of your face hidden behind your napkin as you tried to be as discreet as possible, the words “Death by Wagyu” flashing through your mind.  After soothing your throat with a sip of wine, you ask:
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re in love with that man sitting just over there with the woman dressed in red.  That Victor fellow who accompanied you to that first meeting with Eisuke.”
For someone who seemed to pay very little attention to matters that didn’t concern bones, Luke Foster was surprisingly perceptive.  Or maybe you weren’t as discrete as you thought you were and it was obvious to all but yourself that you were staring at the golden couple.
“I…how did you...what makes you—”
“Please pass this message on to him for me.  If he doesn’t treat your collarbones with the respect they deserve, he can’t blame me for swooping in to take his place.”
Then, for the very first time that night, Luke Foster looks you in the eye, the intensity in blue-grey irises making your breath hitch when he says: “Until then, I hope you find happiness with him, Sexy Bones — especially since he also seems to be exceedingly fond of you.  Quite the annoyance, really.”
And for the very first time that night, you smile freely, naturally, at Luke, blushing hard as you contemplate his words.  Suddenly bashful, you drop your gaze only to catch sight of the manila envelope you brought with you.  You pass it across the table to him.
“Here.  Your payment for agreeing to appear on Miracle Finder.”
The expression on Luke’s face can best be described as euphoric when he takes the films from you, momentarily excusing himself from the table as he murmurs something about requiring brighter lighting to examine them.
That is when you hear the buzz of your phone from inside your purse.  And when you finally fish it out, you see a single text from Victor, commanding as always:
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Chapter 8: Green-Eyed Monsters [Victor]
“Another whiskey on the rocks for you, Sir?”
I nod to the bartender, watching as he chips away at a block of ice to produce a perfect crystalline sphere — still spinning in the glass when he pours the amber spirit over it like a libation.  It almost takes my mind off the fact that the girl is late.  By exactly ten minutes, according to my watch.  And for a moment, I’m gripped by a sense of panic when I consider the possibility that she might not come.
She never did answer my text though I knew she saw it — having witnessed her reaching into her purse to pull out her phone seconds after I sent the message.  And while the logical part of my brain is telling me I’m being an absolute idiot, worst-case scenarios are already running through my head: the girl is side-swiped by a car while crossing the street, or somehow managed to fall into an open manhole and is currently standing knee-deep in sewage.
Or maybe she is pinned to the wall in a dark corner somewhere, hemmed in on either side by the gifted hands of a world-class surgeon by the name of Luke Foster.
I lift the glass to my lips, too impatient to even savour the smooth burn of the drink as I reach for my phone to send her another text.  That is when I see her:
Cheeks flushed and chest gently heaving as if she had rushed to get here.  An errant lock of hair falling from her up-do, framing that beautiful face like I had dreamt so many times of doing with the palm of my hand.
She makes her way towards me in that dimly lit bar, and though I’m aware of the faint ticking of the second hand of my watch, time may as well have stood still.  Because I could have lived in that moment forever, gazing upon the light in her eyes as if they held every last star in the sky, as if those heavenly bodies had fallen just for her in precisely the same way I had: deeply, irrevocably.
And I know there is no turning back.
“Victor, sorry I’m late!  What are you doing here in Tok—”  
“Why did you ignore me?”  My voice comes out stern, even to my ears, and I curse myself for losing my cool around her yet again.  The girl furrows her brows, eyes dropping from my face to the half-empty glass of whiskey sitting on the counter.  And when she looks up again, something in her countenance has changed — soft surprise giving way to a hardened expression.
“If it’s the text you’re referring to, I’m here now, aren’t I?”
“That’s not what I’m talking about.”
She looks away, refusing to meet my gaze as she perches on the stool beside me.  “Surely you wouldn’t have wanted me to interrupt your dinner date, especially when you and Ms. Shum seemed so intimate.”
The bartender approaches, interrupting our conversation before I get the chance to formulate a reply.  “What can I get for you, Miss?”
“She’ll have a glass of warmed milk—”
“Whiskey.  On the rocks, please.”
She speaks over me, turning slightly in my direction as she does.  I ignore the murmur of “Ladies’ choice” from the bartender as well as the smirk on his face as he begins preparing her drink.  The thinly veiled challenge in the girl’s expression — elbow propped up on the counter with her chin resting atop a loose fist — only serves to highlight how incredibly alluring it is when she pushes back.
“Hmm.  Bold.  Since when did you start drinking whiskey?  I don’t think you need me to remind you of your non-existent alcohol tolerance.  Besides, didn’t you already have enough to drink at dinner?”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Victor Li,” she says, reaching for the glass the bartender sets down before her.  She takes a moment, staring at the rich, golden hues before finally taking a sip.  I fight to keep the smile off my face when hers pulls into a grimace from the sting of the alcohol she clearly wasn’t familiar with.  Dummy.
“I’m surprised you even noticed me at all, not with the lovely Diana there.  But I guess old wounds really do have difficulty closing, no matter how much we say they’ve healed.”
“You’d have to ask for the expert opinion of your overly friendly doctor about that.”
“Excuse me?”  She sets her drink down a bit harder than likely intended, sending the liquid sloshing about the glass to kiss the pink of her lipstick imprinted on its edge.  
I don’t like where this conversation is going, the ill-disguised barbs only serving to increase the tension between us.  It was foolish to have what should’ve been a very private discussion in a public space but, as always, the thought of her and Luke together is enough to make me forget my place and position, throwing caution to the wind and behaving with reckless abandon.
And still, the heat beneath my collar goads me on.
“Luke Foster.  The one you’re so enthralled with that your manners seem to have been completely swept from memory.  I presume that’s the reason why you didn’t acknowledge my existence when you saw me in the restaurant.”
Her eyes widen in disbelief as she leans in close, voice dripping with sarcasm: “Just like how you didn’t remember to tell me you were coming to Tokyo?  Or maybe you weren’t planning on telling me at all, since it clearly looked like you weren’t here on business.  But then again, I guess your business is none of mine.”
I don’t know whether I want to push back or kiss her senseless.
Instead, I settle for a deep breath, trying to keep my frustration in check.  Having a heated argument with her was not how I had intended my evening to go.  In fact, my entire day had not proceeded as planned, and if I hadn’t been accosted by Diana as soon as I stepped foot in the Tres Spades hotel, I would have been having dinner with the woman who occupied all my thoughts, all the time.  At the very least, I could’ve saved her from the clutches of a pervert doctor.
I glance in her direction, study the beautiful melancholy of her silent profile as she watches the ball of ice slowly melt into her drink.  Then I take another sip of mine, steeling myself for reparations I desperately needed to make.
“I am only going to say this once, so listen closely.  Diana Shum and I dated shortly after graduation for all of two months before we decided to part ways on amicable terms.  We make for much better business partners than we ever did romantically, and while she has expressed occasional interest in rekindling our relationship, I have never been of the same mind.  I can assure you this will never change.
“The reason I came to Tokyo is not because of her — professional or otherwise — but because I was in a rush to prevent a certain dummy from doing anything she’d regret later on.  But…”
I knock back the rest of my whiskey, emptying the glass.
“…I’m afraid I’m too late.”
She looks at me now, eyes wide as if she were still processing the words.  Her next question comes on a whisper: “Why would you be too late?”
And it is my turn to look away.  
“Well, you seemed to be pretty intimate yourself with Dr. Foster during your dinner date.  I can only presume that…”
The girl moves closer and I can’t help the way my eyes are drawn to her mouth — the tremble of her lower lip, full and pink and lush.  Without thought, I allow my gaze to trace along the graceful column of her neck, settling at the delicate notch between her collarbones and in that instant, I come to a visceral understanding of the extent of Luke Foster’s obsession, for mine was magnified a million times over:
I yearned for the entirety of this woman before me — needed her for myself, now and forever.
“Presume what?”  Her voice is low, shaking.
“I can only presume that you’ve already allowed him to…examine your body.”
There is a moment of silence — each torturous second seeming to stretch into eternity to smother the last embers of hope.
“I have…”
Oh god.
“…given him X-ray films of my collarbones as he requested.  That is all.  He’s never touched me, not even once.  I took him out to dinner tonight so I could give them to him as thanks for appearing on the show.”
Petty.  Sheepish.  I felt all these things, but none so powerful as the staggering sense of relief that washes over me to hear her say these words.  Closing my eyes, I let the revelation sink in, finally feeling like I can breathe for the very first time that night.
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Chapter 9: The Big Bang
You don’t quite know what made you do it.  
The ambience of the bar, perhaps: sultry jazz and flickering candles purposefully placed to create just enough shadows for a veil of privacy.
Or maybe it was the crestfallen uncertainty that painted the handsome features of Victor Li’s face, his sudden display of vulnerability both novel and endearing.
Most likely however, it was the way in which his downcast expression morphed into one of ecstatic relief when you told him that Luke Foster had not laid a single finger on you.
Because when Victor tilts his head back, eyes closed and sighing deeply as if some unfathomable burden had been lifted, you cannot help but bring your lips to the Adam’s apple bobbing along the length of that strong, thick neck.
Cedar wood and pine.  
The notes of his cologne are so familiar you didn’t realize how much you missed his scent until you literally came face to face with it.  Victor is warm, so very warm beneath the skin of your lips.  And under your touch, you become vaguely aware of the fact that the rise and fall of his chest has stilled.
At any other time, you would’ve questioned your sanity for how boldly you were behaving, especially towards someone who was your boss.  You had never been one to put yourself out there when it came to matters of the heart.  Something about the moment however, about Victor, made you feel like the one thing you could not do was let this chance pass you by.
So when you hear that shuddering breath, feel the faint scratch of his five o’clock shadow when he nuzzles against you in return, you know you’ve made the right gamble.  Being with Victor Li feels right.  And the surreal sense of belonging you find within the embrace of his muscular arms gives you the courage to say, “You must really believe I’m a dummy if you think I’d let any man other than you touch me.”
He slides a finger beneath your chin, gently lifting until all you can see are those jet black eyes, swimming with heat and emotion.  The sudden silence of your surroundings sinks in: no more music, no idle chatter.  Not even the rustle of limbs moving about in the dimly lit bar.  And there, in the strange privacy of suspended time…
...Victor kisses you.
                        *                                     *                                      *
“Are you sure…this is…what you want?”
The deep timbre of Victor’s voice sends a thrill vibrating along the surface of your skin as he questions you between kisses — laid on your mouth, the line of your jaw, the pulse of your neck.  His firm body presses you into a corner of the elevator, empty save for the two of you writhing in unison against a mirrored wall.
Each movement of his soft lips against yours is purposeful, imbued with meaning: longing in the gentle teeth that nibbled on your lower lip before drawing it into his mouth, in the sensual slide of the tongue that sought yours.  Affection obvious in the hands that rose to cup your face, thumbs tracing circles on the apples of reddened cheeks to tell you in no uncertain terms that Victor Li belonged to you as much as you yearned to belong to him.
So you had no qualms about answering in the affirmative, nodding your head because the press of Victor’s muscular thigh between your legs already left you breathless and wondering whether he could feel your wet heat seeping through your panties.
And all he really did was kiss you.
The elevator stops at your floor and even before the doors slide open, Victor has hoisted you up, wrapping your legs tightly about his tapered waist and whispering into your ear, “Which room?”
You knew Victor was fit, had seen him move fast and effortlessly through the waters of his Olympic-sized swimming pool that one time he had you deliver a report to his mansion on a Sunday.  And yet, you could not help but admire the sheer perfection of his physique — the bulk of his biceps, flexed beneath strained layers of clothing; the ease with which he carries you all the way to your suite.
And when he sits you down upon the king-sized bed, you wonder if it is, in fact, too small for all the things you cared to do with him.
The LFG CEO shrugs off his suit jacket, loosening his tie just enough to pull it over his head before dropping to kneel at your feet.  You watch him reach for you, shiver when he caresses the sensitive skin behind your knee with a light graze of gentle fingertips.  Large hands trail down your calf — touch barely there and teasing — until his palm finally cups the heel of your stiletto to slide it off your foot.
He looks up at you then, the intensity in ebony irises rendering you still and mute as you patiently await his next move despite the frenzied pounding in your chest.  There is a stroke of something almost feral in the dark depths of the gaze that falls heavy upon you — searching your eyes, lingering on your lips…tracing the neckline of your dress.
“I’ve never seen you wear this dress before.”  Victor says, taking the same amount of care to remove the shoe from your other foot.
And if you were able to think straight under the influence of his touch — the hands that pushed back the hem of your dress as they roamed higher and higher up your thighs towards your heat — you might have found it strange that Victor was choosing now, of all times, to comment on your wardrobe choices.  As it was, you answered without second thought: “It’s new.  I bought it especially for tonight’s dinner.”
Victor stills and when he speaks again, there is a faint tremble in that voice, as if fighting to contain some unfathomable emotion.  
“The doctor couldn’t stop staring at you.  I know because I was the same way.  I couldn’t look away from the moment you stepped foot in that restaurant.”
The revelation leaves you silent, waiting with bated breath for Victor to continue.
“Forgive me…”
Fingers entwine with fabric, gripping tight.
“…but I can’t stand the thought of you looking so beautiful for anyone else.”
You fall back, wincing at the sound even as you feel your body respond to the sudden shock of having your dress torn right down the middle.  Victor’s display of brute strength was so at odds with the façade of composure he was synonymous with and yet, there was no denying that you were incredibly aroused by this show of power — by the fact that he was now straddling you on all fours like some wild beast, tearing away the rest of your undergarments to leave you completely bare.
You’ve never been so desperate to feel him inside you, deep and rough and untamed.  The thought throws you into a frenzy of lust.
Digging your fingers into the front of his dress shirt, you yank it open to send buttons flying in haphazard directions, but the only thing that concerned you was the sight of that broad chest and muscular torso, so impressive it actually elicits a moan from your lips and a smile from his in return.
Propping yourself up onto your knees, you press against him, flesh to flesh — one hand running over the burning surface of his skin even as the other tugs at the buckle of his leather belt, impatiently moving to palm him when his dress pants fall and gasping to finally see and feel the full extent of the LFG CEO:
Victor Li is rock hard and intimidatingly large.
And the sight makes your mouth water.
Sinking onto your heels, you trail your lips along Victor’s chiseled body, tongue teasing at his nipples as you do and relishing the catch of his breath in his throat.
But just as you begin to lay kisses along the deep V of his abdomen with the intent of tracing lower and lower, Victor stops you, puling you up for a kiss before laying back on the bed and positioning you above him…
…with his face between your legs.
“This way,” he says, voice muffled, and you might have commented on his inability to relinquish control even in the bedroom were it not for the sensation of his flattened tongue sweeping hot and wet along the seam of your already dripping pussy, teasing from end to end.
The sensation is so intense it’s almost unbearable.  You throw your head back, mouth dropping in a silent scream as you sink onto Victor’s face, fighting the instinct to grinder lower onto that talented tongue despite the encouraging grip of Victor’s hands, strong on your hips and thighs.
“I’ve wanted to taste you…for so long,” he murmurs, sucking the swell of your clit into his mouth and humming in approval against moist flesh to hear you moan above him.  “Your flavour is absolutely exquisite.”
Gathering your wits, you fold forward — intent on giving just as much pleasure as you were receiving.  Victor twitches once within your grip, not quite contained by the circumference of your palm and fingers, running up and down the sizeable length of his cock, hot in your hand like his breath on your slit.  And after placing a few wet kisses on the smooth, hard head, you open your mouth to taste him.
The tepid salt of his arousal.  The groans originating from deep within Victor’s chest each time your lip brushed past the tender underside of his cock.  The subtle rhythm of his pelvis, lifting in time to your mouth swallowing more of that solid shaft, quickly becoming slick with your saliva.
And then you catch sight of your reflection in the mirrored closet.  See the bulge of Victor’s bicep as he grips your hip, the flex in the muscles of his neck when he lifts to bury his face deeper into your folds.  See yourself: hair disheveled and eyes half-lidded, drunk on sex.  Observe the messy smear of your lipstick as your mouth stretches to accommodate more and more of your boss’s cock.  And when the tip of Victor’s tongue begins its relentless tease of your clit, you watch as a most debauched expression falls over your features, the tension in your body breaking as you find release on his lips.
You are still shaking when he enters you, sensitized by an orgasm that left tiny sparks of electricity running along every nerve, priming you for second helpings.  A true paragon of patience, Victor Li takes his time, deliberately slow as he pushes — savouring the sensation of drenched, swollen flesh parting just for him.
It was almost unfathomable that you could experience such extreme pleasure, each powerful swing of Victor’s hips driving him deeper into your body — hitting just the right angles until your very senses were extracted along with your second release of the night, running slick between your legs to ease the slippery slide of your bodies.
It draws out Victor’s own, your lover moving to pull out moments before you surprise him by taking him once more into your mouth — gaze locked onto those dark eyes from below as you taste him on your tongue, euphoric to see him bite his lips when your lick yours to swallow every last drop.
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Chapter 10: Pillow Talk
Beep Beep Beep Beep.
You roll over, eyes still closed as you reach out to hit the snooze button on the alarm clock.
Except your palm comes down on warm flesh with a resounding smack, echoing throughout your hotel room and accompanied by a deep voice that says, “Are you finally awake, Dummy?”
Your eyes shoot open to see Victor lying naked in bed next to you, a splotch of red blooming on his chest where he had been attacked.  He sets his phone down to hand you a glass of water from the bedside table, and even though memories of the previous night come rushing back to burn your cheeks, you cannot help but notice how glorious he looks bathed in morning light.  You hope he doesn’t see the way your hand shakes when you accept the glass from him with a meek “Thanks.”
Victor clears his throat, waiting for you to finish drinking before he says, “That was the fourth time you slept through the alarm.  I’ve already informed your colleagues you’ll be taking the day off.  We didn’t get much sleep last night and I think you’ll need some time to…recover.”
You bite your lip, turning sideways to feign a sudden interest in the curtains so he wouldn’t see the giant smile spreading onto your face.  It was almost surreal that Victor Li was your lover, and if it weren’t for the exquisite soreness you felt between your legs, you would’ve been hard pressed to believe it for yourself.
The sheets rustle and before you know it, Victor has his chest pressed up against your bare back, laying a soft kiss on your shoulder before he rests his chin on it.
“How are you feeling?”  He asks.
“Okay.  Pretty good, actually.”  It was too early in the game to tell him you were already doing cartwheels in your mind.
“Good.  I’m glad to hear that because I found this under your pillow…”
He places something in your hands.  Your eyes widen when you recognize the magazine with his face on the cover.
“…And this ‘man on top’ wants to know what it feels like to have this woman on top of him for the rest of the day.”
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You’ve made it to the end! 🤩 Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚 
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