#either s4!era or s!6
scripted-downfall · 2 years
The Gecko Brothers in From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) are just Sam and Dean in a different font.
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james-silenthill · 11 months
3 6 and 24 for succession let's GO
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
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There was an era where all of my based on my likes was t*mgreg and not to hate gay people but I just dooont fucking care about it. It's funny but the entirety of the ship is tom projecting onto a statue because he can't talk to his beautiful wife. Anyways this made me pissed off because. I wonder why tom was handling this better. I fucking wonder why. That's not his dad!!! His lawyer mom didn't die! Shivs ceo dad did! Her dad! I hate the centering of tom on shit that really shouldn't even include him. And by proxy gr*g. He's handling it better because that's not his dad that was his father in law that was his boss and he Wanted logans position so. What the fuck ever. He was freaking out because Logan was the only guy in his corner because he fucked everyone else. Fuck off there was no way he was mourning logan in even the same way shiv was
which ship fans are the most annoying?
I shan't say... it falls too easily into the prev reply... but it's literally true. There was a time in s4 where I couldn't escape r*mangerri either but my eyes just kinda glazed over whenever the gifsets showed up. I'm perfectly ambivalent on rg idc about it but it's not like a tomgr*g situation but it's close to it. Like people were starting to ignore the weird sex thing he had with her and started just making her fully mommy 2. Shes not a cloth mother shes barely even a wire mother. I think gerri is a fun character but shes not a main character its okay if shes to the side a little bit. Which focusing on the mommy 2 thing to me is weirder than focusing on the weird sex thing even taking into account the problematicness of them two together. Not a r*mangerri btw I just see a lot of it for better and worse. Also addendum actually rg is a lot like tg in the way where roman/toms relationship with their side pieces are extentions of their main issues. Tom with his capital S Shit with shiv + roman with his runt of the litter livelihood. I'm not a romangirl I just believe their beliefs so lmk if that read is wrong but you must agree that the milf is Not his Main Deal his relationship with her is used to highlight his other shit
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Despite everything I was really on the sidelines in succsesh so I need to think about this... I think one thing that personally pissed me off is the 'does logan love his kids' thing. Idk how controversial this is [if it is at all] but tbh. You can love your kids without liking your kids and you can be abusive despite the love. And saying that he Loved his kids isn't excusing any of his actions either? He loved his kids he viewed them as His they were like. Fucking collectors items. A genetic legacy. He loves them but he can't stand them. It's not really 'rancid' takes but I think it's insane when people say conflicting emotion or feelings can't coexist on the show where everyone is feeling conflicting emotions and feelings. Like saying that Logan loved his kids doesnt excuse the fact that he was abusive. Sorry for stressing that ive just seen takes that think love and abuse are exclusive concepts. I love you but I can't fucking stomach you yfm that applies for all the Roys all at eachother
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samuelturn · 2 years
I am in a mood and upon the suggestion of my cousin here is a long-ass ramble about the Doctor Who Classic Series Blu-rays (aka The Collection) and the animated serials of missing 60s Who.
PART 1: The Blu-rays of Gallifrey
Ok so, so far over the last four years we (as in Whovians in general) have gotten 10 seasons of Classic Who onto Blu-ray sets. For the most part the sets rule. They’re less bulky on a shelf than having every classic DVD and only as expensive as buying like 2 or 3 of them when they were new. My only quibbles being the formatting inconsitencies not only between the US sets and the much prettier UK sets, but the fact that the US sets have inconsistent text and graphic formatting that is a different rant for a different day. As follows: here are the 10 released from 2018-2021 (the last one is being released in the US sometime Spring 2022):
Season 12 (Tom Baker S1)
Season 19 (Peter Davison S1)
Season 18 (Tom Baker S7)
Season 10 (Jon Pertwee S4)
Season 23 (Colin Baker S2)
Season 26 (Sylvester McCoy S3)
Season 14 (Tom Baker S3)
Season 8 (Jon Pertwee S2)
Season 24 (Sylvester McCoy S1)
Season 17 (Tom Baker S6)
With these, we’ve got 5 seasons of 70s Who and 5 of 80s Who. If rumors are to be believed, the next box will be Season 22 (Colin Baker S1), finishing the tenure of the Sixth Doctor and having all his serials (bar Twin Dilema from S21) on BD. My personal projection of the remaining 9 sets from the color era of Who would be Season 21 (Peter Davison S3), since then all of Six will be on BD and we haven’t had a Davison season in a while. Then I would bounce around the 70s for a bit, with either Season 7 (Jon Pertwee S1) or Season 13 (Tom Baker S2) next, followed by the other. Next I’d bet they go for Season 25 (Sylvester McCoy S2) to finish Seven’s era, followed by Season 9 (Jon Pertwee S3) then Season 15 (Tom Baker S4). Of the remaining three left after that, I’d bet they’d do Season 20 (Peter Davison S2) to finish off 80s Who, and because The Five Doctors is usually lumped in with S20. Season 11 (Jon Pertwee S5) would be next, featuring many a loving tribute to Elisabeth Sladen’s first sesson as Sarah-Jane Smith. The current crop would end with Season 15 (Tom Baker S5), The Key To Time. A fan favorite season and the first to get a box set as a DVD. I say current crop because after this, rather than dipping into the 60s sets, I predict the BBC would instead go for…
PART 2: The Animated Wilderness
A 90s Who Collection. The Paul McGann film (newly remastered from the negatives for the Live Action footage and combined with upscaled VFX), More Than 30 Years in the TARDIS, The Curse of Fatal Death, and a disc for the flash animated Who stories (Death Comes to Time, Real Time, Eighth Doctor Shada, and Scream of the Shalka). In that order, per disc, with like an extra disc for more bonus features. All of this as a stalling tactic for the BBC to finish more animated serials and to let them make some money as individual DVD and Blu-ray releases.
One might wonder why the BBC haven’t finished more animated serials to start putting out Collection sets of 60s Who. Firstly, aside from the above economic consideration, they are running out of the less expensive serials to animate. With The Abominable Snowmen coming out soon, this leaves Seasons 2, 5, and 6 having one un-animated serials each. The ones from Seasons 5 & 6 are sci-fi, which did better sales for 60s Who DVDs than the historical serials. But, both are not well regarded. And while Enemy of the World was panned somewhat before its recovery and re-appraisal, The Wheel in Space is considered an average Cybermen story with the debut of Zoe as a companion. The Space Pirates is largely comedic, and the TARDIS team weren’t even in Part 6 all that much because they were on location filming The War Games. And Season 2’s odd one out is The Crusade, a half-missing 4 part historical featuring blackface. And even if all three got animated and released this year we’d still not see a Collection set for those seasons for a couple years probably.
Aside from the above the remaining two Troughton stories un-animated are The Underwater Menace (supposed to be animated for its DVD but the studio raised its prices and the BBC bailed) and The Highlanders (Troughton’s only historical and Jamie’s debut). Not to mention that Season 4 also has the opener The Smugglers, a Hartnell historical, completely missing. The remaining Hartnells, aside from Mission to the Unknown, The Dalek’s Masterplan, and The Celestial Toymaker, are all historicals as well. And MttU and TDMP being big monoliths of S3 means that they’d probably do them last as a big fanfare event. But, extrapolating again into the future, here is my prediction for the remaining animated serials…
PART 3: The Undrawn Future
Its 2022 and after the airing and release of The Abominable Snowmen BBC announces the upcoming animation of The Underwater Menace, aninating only its missing two episodes, and full serial animations of The Wheel In Space and The Space Pirates, in roughly that order. TUM releases in Summer, TWiS in Fall, and TSP in December 2022. 2023 begins with the announcement of the animations of The Highlanders and The Smugglers, completing Troughton’s era in animation and all of Seasons 4-6. The Crusade is announced as a half-animated serial, with the missing two episodes animated and new restorations of the existing two epsiodes, completing Season 2. To celebrate the 60th Anniversary they animate Marco Polo and will air in full on Part 1’s original broadcast date of February 22, 2024 and completing Season 1.
For the remaining serials of Season 3, they start with The Celestial Toymaker, using audio editing to replace the n-word with the word tiger in the poem “Eeny Meany Miney Moe” in Part 3, causing uproar amongst a very tiny but annoyingly vocal minority of Who fans. Next up is The Savages, followed by The Massacre of St. Barholomew’s Eve. 2025 will see the end of the animated serials. Beginning with an airing (but not release) of Mission to the Unknown, they will next release The Myth Makers, ending 2025 on a banner release of a fully animated version of The Dalek’s Masterplan on November 13th, its 60th anniversary. The BD release includes MttU on its own disc. Thus, Season 3 is completed.
And should any missing episodes turn up after all 27 collection sets are released I’m betting the BBC would just release stand alone BD discs of the newly returned serials with some slightly new special features. Same probably for a complete copy of The War Machine (its missing a whole minute of footage in Part 3 that had to be remade using editing of existing footage) or The Time Meddler (poor quality film print missing 20 seconds from Part 4 due to censorship of violence).
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carmenxjulia · 3 years
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Another Duane interview transcript, coming at you! This one was from a smaller Carmen Sandiego chatroom. There were several interviewers, so that’s why the name of the question asker changes. Get the details below the break! Stay tuned, more interview transcripts coming soon.
Duane Capizzi:
Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the way haha. Then got lost trying to change my PFP
Thanks for gathering! Shall we get started? Let's do some Q&A!
(as long as they are not geography questions haha)
What characters or plot points were cut from the final product?
Duane Capizzi:
Ooo, starting with a right hook to the jaw!
Let me think about that for a moment: I'm hesitant to give too much away because I'm really hoping we can tell more stories in this world at some point
Which is to say, we tend not to waste anything: if we don't use it when we originally planned, we usually find a way to use something later - and there's usually a "karmic" reason that we waited.
I'll also preface by saying this: I know season 3 was more of a mini-drop and some felt season 4 was rushed. But I wish EVERY season were longer. Season 1: ideally, i wanted the Pilot to be its own event and 10 more episodes after that (but we had to tell the post-Pilot story in 7. At the end of the day, that had its benefits: we got to the Shadowsan turn earlier and I think that's when a lot of viewers realized the ride they were truly in for). Season 2: we initially figured we'd need 5 episodes to have Carmen doing the ACME dance with Chief, and wound up doing it in 3 - mostly because it quickly became clear that Rio needed to be a 2 parter, and the Zack and Ivy backstory a rough 2 parter. So we squeezed 3 episodes worth of plot into 209. It was exhilarating!
So, we had hoped to have more episodes for Season 4 of course. We had a ton of ideas and had to compress things a bit. But honestly in many ways it was for the better. I know we all wanted to live in this world longer, but I think sometimes the flip side is true - when you have big ongoing storylines, it can get frustrating when some things drag out too long. But, we got all the "story" we wanted to tell in Season 4 - we just lost some "incident" if that makes sense. We would have taken longer to get there.
So, all that preface to answer the question: we wanted to do more musical numbers! We had a Bollywood dance sequence in a return to India caper with Paperstar. We wanted to do a famous Elvis suit theft in Las Vegas during an Elvis impersonator convention (Shadowsan's an early elvis guy; Brunt likes the Vegas "jumpsuit" era). We also wanted to do a thread where Gunnar gets captured by ACME so that Julia could interrogate him and he could play mind games with her a la Hannibal Lector and Clarice. CAVEAT TO ALL THIS: these were some ideas that were bouncing around, that may not have seen the light of day if we couldn't get them to work. But they were on our wish list.
re: "other stories" - I could live with these characters for another 32 episodes easily and there have of course been discussions. But alas, that is up to the powers that be. Let's keep fingers crossed - and keep the Carmen love alive online so that someone up there takes note
There is more of course, but those are some things that spring to mind.
Were there any scenes cut for time that were your favorite?
Duane Capizzi:
Not much springs to mind: our directors were amazing at getting everything in the scripts to fit naturally (and in fact, I was the one who was usually suggesting trims to let other things breathe, etc). We were limited to 22 minutes of episode time, NOT counting front and end credits so a little longer than the average show. We have a pretty good idea when the SCRIPT is too long, so the cutting usually happens at script stage before it gets to the board crew so that they don't waste efforts over-boarding material that won't be used.
We had hoped to build out Chase and Carmen teaming up for the first time, meeting at Carmen's hotel lobby etc for more scenes of them together; but had to reduce that to get that all to fit in the VERY packed episode 406. But again, tighter was fine considering. That's one area that leaps to mind. (note that when I say packed, I don't mean that in a bad way: we spend a lot of time pouring over details in editing to make sure everything gets its due).
If I think of anything, I'll circle back at a later point. But the simple answer is that scenes were usually trimmed or compressed at script rather than board or animatic. So nothing comes to mind. I know it's hard to believe, but "shorter is usually better."
except for my answers to fan questions of course
We saw that in s4 episode 6 that Julia's mother(?) is wearing a necklace remarkably similar to the one Julia wears all the time. Is this the same necklace and if so, why was it given to Julia?
Duane Capizzi:
Just when I thought I was detail oriented! Wow! You guys blow me away
I can't take credit for that: it was either the board artist or director who added that. They do slip things in! As I've said before, EVERYONE on the crew really brought their A-game and were as deep thinking and as passionate as I was/am about the show.
It's a nice detail and I would say your interpretation works!
It took me three or four reviews before noticing that the team had slipped in baby Carmen near the play set in Mom's front yard at the end of 408. When I caught it, I was like: bravo!
When they first met, Zack and Ivy said to Carmen that they were the only family they had, do you know what happened to the rest of Zack and Ivy's family?
Duane Capizzi:
I don't. At least, I don't yet until such a time that I might have the opportunity to explore that. It was important to their relationship with Carmen that they be orphans, so they had that common bond (aside from being "thieves who steal from bad guys" - even if it was only gonna be one time for Zack and Ivy).
I know there are writers out there who like to do entire bio's for characters up front but i'm not one of them. It could be a trap in many ways. I like to have a general idea but be open to the demands of the ongoing storyline. You discover things along the way - it's like you're taking a journey with the characters by writing them, and the longer you spend, the better you get to know them (that was not a prepared statement by the way - I just made that up but I'll have to use it again :). So in Z/I's case it wasn't important to the story or Carmen's relationship, we felt. Conversely, we STARTED with Shadowsan's family backstory with 203, but more important to me was that we use it as a platform to explain why he stays with Carmen and crew. He really has no home at that point, so it was relevant to the present ongoing story. Which is what made that especially powerful to me.
Also, there's always a push-pull between telling character back stories while balancing them with ongoing episodic plots. You have to service both. If you just tell back story, then you're writing a biography
What was the biggest challenge when designing these characters, especially the pre-existing characters from the series in the 90's?
Duane Capizzi:
This is probably more of a question for Chromosphere, re: challenges. But from my standpoint overseeing that process, the first thing I'll say is that we weren't necessarily trying to be "true" to those characters since we reinvented nearly every one from the ground up. (with the exception of Carmen of course - her trademark red hat/coat weren't going anywhere! But mostly the update with Carmen was in the styling of her "outerwear"
ALTHOUGH: I will admit that I was pushing for Carmen to have shorter hair as Carmen. I thought it would be a cool update. Chromosphere were really passionate about giving her long full hair and I have to see that they were right. The short tomboy cut worked so well for Black Sheep anyway. We had a different hair style for each of her ages.
So about the reinventions: Gunnar is in spirit a similar character to the original (old colleague in Vile and an early mentor if I remember), but his presentation completely different. We weren't trying to be "in canon" with the original. The beauty of CSD is that every incarnation has been its own entity so that freed us to reimagine the characters. THE CLEANERS, for instance: gimme some Cleaner love! There were a pair of janitors from the original game named RICK AND NICK ICK. They were literally janitors, it was too silly for our purposes. But, it's one small step to make them "Cleaners" (in the sinister hit men sense) - and lo, our reinvention.
So to summarize the answer to your question, they weren't really challenges to me so much as FUN to creatively reinvent the original characters (many of which were from the game, so not really "characters" per se with dialogue and inner lives). Whenever we could, we tried to use character names from the originals and update their looks and personalities. Where we couldn't find an equivalent for what we needed, we created characters from whole cloth. For instance, it seemed a miss to do a heist show without a tunnel guy and a high rise climber guy. Hence, LC & ET, everyone's favorite taco truck vendors!
(yes, i've seen some short hair carmen fan art on Twitter - someone did a great one recently!)
Are there plans to give us more of the characters in, say, novel/graphic novel form?
Duane Capizzi:
I know HMH has done a bunch and no doubt have more in works. There's currently a novelization of the Pilot with some additional material if anyone's interested. I consulted on the second one, Clue for Clue, because it falls in the timeline while Chase was still Interpol/pre-Acme so was tricky.
And depending on whether another series in this canon makes it to air, I may just approach them about writing one or two myself to get some "further adventures" our there. Anything is possible!
If you could go back and change anything about the series, what would it be?
Duane Capizzi:
File under anecdote, but there was what I felt was an important expression on Gray that kept me awake at nights, from his graduation ceremony at Vile. When we revisited those flashbacks in the Gray arc in Season 4, I had them change his expression there (to be more evil less innocent). We had it corrected in 404 so was able to get permission to have Netflix "fix" the Pilot by adding that shot in. I am tenacious!
We really poured over everything, it's the series that I have virtually zero complaints with the end product to be honest. But the simple answer is: I would have gone back to 106 and "un-greek'd" Gray's nametag. It's sort of a rule for international that we scramble signage (which is weird for a show that takes place in many countries/languages, I know I know). It's mostly for localization/translation reasons. And I'm sure there are some countries where Gray's name might be spoken differently. But as a proper name, I think we could have made an exception and seen "Gray" on his name tag. See? Details! But that's about the worst of it
there's also like one small line from Chief in 208 where she indicates she knows Carmen is a good guy (something to that effect) which I felt was too absolute and would have tweaked the line to temper it a bit. It's tiny, but looking back it sort of bugs me and I kick myself for not catching it. But this is absolutely the series I wanted and couldn't be happier.
How did Carmen know she could trust Julia? As far as we know, she has not seen or heard Julia defending her, and in the Fashionista Caper, Julia even held up her gas gun to her, saying she was under arrest. Do you have any opinions on this? Was it just intuition?
Duane Capizzi:
I'm gonna go with intuition
Carmen was raised on an island with some hardened criminal types. I think she's a pretty good judge of character. Poor Julia, trying to be tough with Carmen didn't suit her.
But, great observation! I'd have to mentally step through everything to see if Carmen had any earlier indication but i think you're right there.
Yes, sometimes you just gotta follow your heart
Are there any characters that didn't actually interact that you think would get along well?
Duane Capizzi:
Amazing question! First, I'd have to think more about who DIDN'T meet - you're asking the hard questions haha. But "get along well" is very specific! Hmmm, care to volley anyone?
I'll also add that so many smaller moments get lost in the "binge" of it all, but I am surprised how few fans have noted the first meeting between Player and Julia. THAT was a good one IMO! Very sweet!
Before getting back to your question, I also want to add that we were originally going to find a way for Carmen to lose her earring in Stockholm so that Julia could pick it up and be communicating with Player. BUT, I cut it at treatment stage because I knew we didn't have room in that episode to service it. Circling back to questions 1 & 2, another case where it turned out better saved for later IMO (saving Player meeting Julia, not to mention the earring business in 402 with Ivy).
Oh of course, Julia and any of the other Vile members. It would have been Gunnar for my vote, as mentioned earlier. We probably would not have had Julia meet anyone else and mixed it up more. I like that Cleo sort of became J's personal nemesis.
YES, SONIA & XIFENG (and LUPE PELIGRO, if I can add). The intent was (and is, if we ever get to revisit) to see them again in Carmen's travels. We started to expand Carmen's world but when we finally learned the finite number of episodes we had to finish the story, we drilled back down into the essentials. Would love to see them some day!
I'm hesitant to share too many things I have in mind in this forum for hope that they will see the light of day one day. You know, "spoilers"
Do you have any opinions on Zari? Just in general? Some thoughts on her backstory would be nice if possible
Duane Capizzi:
I love Zari! I really don't have any back story on her at this point. She was originally just "Agent B" but when the need arose to give story points to another agent, we chose her because she looked so awesome! And Sharon Muthu gave voice to her so wonderfully.
I love when we finally teamed her with Chase. Hopefully the anticipation was that she would give him a hard time. I love that we defied expectation (organically, of course) and had her respect him by the end of that episode (for believing that he foiled Carmen!)
Do you have any thoughts on small facts about any character, major or minor, that you think are fun/interesting to think about, but don't necessarily add to the plot itself?
Duane Capizzi:
Bellum, like myself, likes cats. But you knew that!
I try to put everything pertinent on screen, doing double duty to service any given episode's story but also the overarching story. That "journey" thing I mentioned earlier - we had no idea Chase falling on his own car would be a thing when I first came up with it. But as other characters refer to the incident, it took on a life of its own and made the characters feel more real.
Sorta kinda related to this question and some earlier ones, I will say that I DO think there's more to learn about Shadowsan's past vis a vis Lady Dokuso: it's clear to me that they have a history together, and it's something I hope to explore someday soon (maybe in a book if not another series
Are the Carmen Sandiego books a part of canon?
Duane Capizzi:
I only consulted on the first two or three (too busy with series!) and have not read them, so hard for me to answer in a definite way. They are definitely in the universe we've created, but not in the timeline that I know of (which would have been too hard to pull off with our script development running concurrently). But do know that the book team at HMH pays close attention to the series and world so they should be perfectly compatible. Look no further to their clever social media on the series for example.
We saw in season 4 that Julia and Carmen helped each other mid to long term; would there ever be a possibility that Julia would permanently or semi-permanently join team Red?
Duane Capizzi:
Of course there's a possibility. But in a sense, with ACME now finally on Carmen's side, in a sense if Carmen were back in the game Julia, Chase, Zack and Ivy would ALL be an extension of Carmen's crew. But, would J remain with ACME or literally come to Carmen's team at her HQ? As they said in an old radio show: "Only The Duane Capizzi knows ..."
Where do you see Carmen in her retirement (if she retires)? Do you think she would still travel the world or settle down somewhere? Similarly, do you have any thoughts on what some other characters could be doing years down the line?
Duane Capizzi:
That is a big question, and one difficult to answer without some potential future spoilers (and yes, I really want to tell more Carmen stories if you can't tell But I'll answer by giving you one "read" on our open-ended ending as seen in 408 (read no further if you haven't seen it - yeah, right haha). The ending suggests to me that Carmen settled down for a spell to forge that relationship with her mother, to make up for lost time. But, if that is indeed Carmen that we see on the rooftop, I think the ending suggests that Carmen doesn't stay still for very long. If Vile is back, there is work to be done! Carmen has a life mission - she's one determined lady.
But of course, it's deliberately ambiguous: "anyone with your heart, wisdom and courage can be Carmen Sandiego." Is it Carmen? Sonia? Someone we haven't met? I think both endings resonate: Caroline and I always said "Carmen is bigger than a person, Carmen is a movement" would be a great message to end the series on. And I think our ending resolves this chapter of Carmen's journey as a person, but also elevates her to mythic status. Which is why I love it!
And, that seems to me a pretty perfect question and answer to end our chat on. Thanks everyone! Again, I cannot tell you how moved I am to see that we have such a passionate, intelligent and talented fan base. THANK YOU.
Take care guys, thanks again for having me! 'night!
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silverflintdaily · 4 years
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Schedule - udpates! Submit prompts and work on fills now through the end of the month! We’ll post a link to an ao3 collection closer to posting time.  Our main posting week is June 23rd to 30th! We’ll still reblog fills after that but want to have a week of new Silverflint stuff. :)
Submit prompts here: HTTPS://FORMS.GLE/LMGMVAYUHRAFZCVW6 Auto updated prompt spreadsheet: HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/YCGDCNNQ Full details here: https://tinyurl.com/y832muwv
Ships/characters in bold
Max, Anne, Silver, and Flint They all go to burning man
Silverflint Instagram drama: Silver has crush on Flint, following with each other, Silver shove his love on Flint and Flint’s uncomfortable. Flint unfollowed him one day and Silver was devastated and disappeared from Instagram. Flint found out through friends and he must seek him before Silver did something stupid.
Silverflint Truth or dare
Silverflint  Canon era, one (or both) accidently calling the other one pet names
Silverflint (+sort of Flinthamilton)  Silver asking Flint, while having sex, to tell him about his sex with Thomas (in detail). I think canon era, placed after 310, would be better but it’s up to writer.
Silverflinthamilton + ?   summer vacation modern au - maybe they go somewhere warm (or not, as Flint burns so easily), maybe they meet some beautiful men there
Silverflint   post canon era reunion fic - fighting to kissing. they start out almost trying to kill one another
Silverflint   modern au - after a meet rude during the coronavirus lockdown they both can’t stop thinking about that handsome idiot they met. One of them tracks the other down online to apologize. how do they spend the endless weeks of shelter in place?
Silverflint  canon era - A small happy celebration with just the two of them.
Silverflintmiranda  canon era - Miranda survives the shot, convalesces with Silver
Silverflint  modern au where either Silver or Flint has an ASMR channel (or they both have) and they secretly love listening to the other. Could be distant pining or enemies to lovers etc.
Silverflint (+Hamilton[s])  tarzan au (you can choose who is on the island and who arrives there). Lord Thomas Hamilton and/or Miranda can also be included.
Silverflintmadi  “My name is (Long) John Silver. And I’ve got a long fucking memory [loss].”
Silverflintmadi  canon era. They go on a picnic and it starts to rain. Fluff or otherwise good times would be nice!
Silverflint    Flint is a cockslut and hasn’t had cock in ages. Silver is happy (and really fucking astonished) to present his for the taking. happens before Silver loses his leg, canon era.
Silverflint  Modern au with ‘there is only one bed’ trope and mutual pining. Silver is Flint’s long suffering sassy PA who’s been hiding a crush on his boss and friend forever.He has been successful so far. One day he has to accompany Flint on a business trip to let’s say Bahamas?! and there was a booking mistake - there were booked into a honeymoon suite. And since there is a summer festival there is no chance to get another room. Things happen!
Silverflint, Silverflinthamilton  7 years after their escape from Savannah plantation, James and Thomas are living a quiet, happily ever after life - money and jewels they grabbed on their way out were enough for decades of comfortable life which they now had. And almost everything was perfect-they had each other, got to know each other again,accepted each others’ demons and learned to handle each others’ nightmares and guilt. Flint long ago told Thomas about Silver and with time forgave, but didn’t forget him. After all Flint’s heart was broken on Skeleton Island and both him and Thomas knew deep inside he still loved John Silver. They talked about Silver-about the feelings Flint used to hide, about the pain and forgiveness and about love that didn’t had a happy ending. It was fine, discussing it all together, sharing these stories-past is in the past and that chapter of Flint’s life will remain there. Until one day the past refused to remain in the past and John Silver showed up on their doorstep, injured, delirious and looking for his own forgiveness.
Silverflint/Silverflinthamilton   Post canon S4: John Silver is no longer Long John Silver. Exiled from Madi and Maroon Island, he brought himself to somewhere nearby Savannah and disappeared. James Flint and Thomas Hamilton escaped from plantation, bought house and live happily together. 3 years later, Flint saw John Silver at tavern. But John Silver doesn’t remember him. Turns out he lost memories due sickness and always forget who he was everyday. Will Flint able bring John Silver’s memory back and reconcile?
Silverflint, Silverflinthamilton  Modern AU silverflint - Flint and Thomas are a happily married couple and Silver and Flint are bffs with a long history. But the thing is-Silver has been crushing on Flint forever and his pining is epic. He is also sure he is clever and no one figured it out. Only both Thomas and Flint did a while ago and Flint is determined to make Silver confess his feelings. He has turned Silver’s life into a living hell with his seduction techniques and jeans so tight they should be illegal in public. Meanwhile Thomas is having too much fun watching them two and making his own plans for their shared future together.
Silverflint  John Silver is 30 year old virgin and has never had a relationship and sex. Max and Jack decided to set him up with date at local bar. John Silver’s first date was James Flint, a loner and his last partner left him for indifference opinion. James Flint is working as cattle farmer (?) and their date went well. Except.. they are not rushing to have sex and taking time to know each other. There were lot confusion and miscommunication between them on next date. Will John Silver able to lose his virgin and will James Flint make first step to ask John Silver as his boyfriend? First kiss, first touch, sexting, first sex and hot smut.
Silverflint  smut ficlet to go with finnguala’s fabulous art
Silverflint post canon - old pirates having a day at the beach
Silverflint  Flint is distracted by Silver’s big hands.
Silverflint   Modern au: Flint found Silver’s missing childhood’s photo at Silver’s grandparent’s house. He told Silver about it and gave compliment on him (“you were cute as kid and I noticed how baby earsie you were and your smile was beautiful”) and Silver keep blush for non stop teasing. And then sweet, hot summer sex on bed ;)
Silverflinthamilton   pornstars au
Silverflinthamilton   After reunion. Thomas is trying to seduce Silver with a new, especially tight, pair of trousers.
Silverflint  Canon era. S1-S2 After an accident on the Walrus Silver and Flint end up being able to read each others thoughts. How does that end up going for them?
Silverflint + Miranda   just some porn where miranda is pegging one of them while the other watches them fall apart. canon or modern era, it doesn’t really matter.
Silverflint  Two idiots with mutual pining and obliviousness. Others try to help but it may not go so well at first.
Silverflint  canon era. After a really great haul the Walrus has a rum soaked celebration. The next morning Silver and Flint wake up together in the captain’s bed with no clothes.
Silverflinthamilton   After reunion. Silver finally appears on their doorstep, later they are talking over their dinner but something goes wrong and Silver and Flint start to fight. Thomas is trying to calm and separate them but Flint accidentally punches him instead of Silver.
Silverflint  Persuasion AU. An unmarried Silver encounters his former love Captain James Flint after he returns from battle.
Silverflint competing reality cooking show contestants
Silverflint  Silver and Flint have met before many years ago and even spent the night together. Now for reasons (there was a lot of rum that night, they’re both different people, memory loss etc.) neither of them remember. One of them has a nagging feeling when Silver joins the Walrus crew but one of them remembers nothing yet.
Silverflint   One of them needs to be restrained and dominated to truly let go. Writer’s choice who and what era.
Silverflint   Silver threatens to shave his head
Silverflint/Silverflinthamilton   (probably?)Post canon S4 and Treasure Island: Captain Flint’s ghost decided to haunt John Silver for revenge. However, Long John Silver was disappeared to nowhere. Fast forward for this year, Long John Silver’s great great grandson, John Silver bought property in Bristol. One day, he was haunted by ghost Captain Flint. Ghost Captain Flint wants revenge but ended up falling in love sweet, poor John Silver’s due social anxiety. Will they make up for loss done by his late ancestor? Happy ending for everyone. All depend on writer’s idea!
Silverflint AU Canon divergence during season 4. Madi really dies in episode 7; Thomas Hamilton is not found in Savannah. The war goes on, bolstered by an enraged Silver, fueled by the Urca gold. During this time of violence and grief, Flint and Silver become all each other has left in the world.
Silverflint   Sometimes one of them will keep the other on the edge for as long as he can stand. There is lots and lots of begging and pleading. There could be fingering and rimming and toys…
Silverflinthamilton Reunion fic where John finds James and Thomas in their home x nbr of years after s4, then realises he knows Thomas because they spent a month living together in Paris some years before Thomas met James and having a blast. John recognises Thomas who doesn’t recognise him until John shows a tattoo/mark placed somewhere there is no misunderstanding of why he recognises that part of him (because he’s seen john naked). Develops into threesome or twosome where the last person joins in later.
Silverflint  tentacles
SilverFlint / MadiSilverFlintHamilton  Post s4 Thomas and Flint are living together after escaping the plantation. Madi and Silver who are still together come to visit them. SilverFlint have palpable sexual/romantic tension and Madi and Thomas conspire to push them together. Afterwards when the tension is resolved Silver and Flint realize it was planned by their significant others all along and invite them into bed and the four of them have some fun
Silverflint    When drunk, Flint behaves like Toby Stephens’ Prince John in BBC Robin Hood.
Silverflint (hamilton)     Annihilation Au
Silverflint    Canon-compliant up til 4.06. When the Spanish attacks Nassau, Silver is the one who is thought to be dead and later revealed to have been captured (instead of Madi). Rogers tries to use to Silver to cause a rift between Madi and Flint, thinking that Madi will trade the treasure for Silver’s life while Flint will not. To everyone’s surprise, the opposite happens. Madi refuses to trade the treasure while Flint will stop at nothing to get Silver back.
Silverflint   firefighter au: silver keeps accidentally triggering the fire alarm while trying to improve his cooking (an actual fire may or may not be involved) and flint is the ridiculously attractive firefighter who has to deal with it
Silverflint   vigilante au: they’re both vigilantes watching over the same area and have a bit of a rivalry going on until they have to team up to take down a new threat.
Silverflint   modern au (amnesia): silver wakes up with amnesia and forgets that he was dating flint before the accident. as far as he remembers, they can’t stand each other, and he doesn’t understand why flint shows up at the hospital and seems genuinely worried about him. (roles could be reversed–author’s choice).
Silverflint   modern au based on this text post: How to kiss a boy 1)grab his waist 2)slip you hand in his pocket 3)steal his wallet 4)don't even kiss him 5)just run.
Silverflint    Fic set just after Silver loses the leg and Flint loses Miranda and they are stuck in the cabin together.
Silverflint    (Modern?) Soulmate AU (names on skin) - Flint knows Silver is his soulmate and thinks Silver either doesn't want him or doesn't have him as a soulmate in return, meaning a one-sided bond. In reality, Silver has no idea because his mark says James McGraw and all he does is wish the universe had given him a different James.
Silverflint (hamilton)    post series canon James is growing back his hair and gets a little teasing when it hits a truly awkward length.
Silverflinthamilton    Slow burn
Silverflint   Body swap!!! Preferably while they're interested but not yet together. Lasting long enough that they'll have to pretend to be one another for a little while.
Silverflint    One of them, or both of them, cries during/after sex.
Silverflint    knifeplay! let's just say that first meeting in the wrecks made quite an impression.
Silverflint + Silvermadi    madi pegs silver while he thinks abt flint
Silverflint    taking care of one another like tending to wounds post battle, caring for Silver's leg
Silverflint    Early s3 (probably during/after 3x01): Flint wears eyeliner on a raid, Silver doesn’t know about it until he gets back. He sees Flint wearing the eyeliner and is, unexpectedly and intensely, turned on by it. He wrestles with himself And his attraction but ultimately finds himself drawn into the captain’s cabin. Pining, angst, maybe smut? Writer’s choice!
Silverflint/Silverflintmadi   Silver and Hands do not escape Max and her men (Season 4, Episode 2). Hands is killed (?) and Max's henchmen drag Silver off and hold him prisoner somewhere until he can be secretly taken off the island. Bad things happen. Flint and/or Madi eventually locate Silver and find him alive and happy? dead and sad? half alive/half dead and thoroughly screwed up?
Silverflint/Silverflintmadi    Flint and the Maroons are defeated on the beach and Hornigold and the British make it through to the village (season 3, episode 10). Silver is captured whilst Madi retreats to the underground shelter to keep the villagers hidden. Hornigold proceeds to torture Silver to discover the location of the cache and to avenge Dufresne's death. Can Flint and the remnants of his forces mount a counterattack and save Silver? Can Madi sneak out of her hiding place and rescue him? Or is Silver doomed to die at the hands of a very angry, silver-haired grandpa?
Silverflint    Flint, Dooley and Joji are unable to rescue Silver at the wrecks (season 4. episode 3) and see him carted off to Nassau by the Redcoats. Rogers takes out all his frustrations on Silver during some rather brutal interrogations, and attempts to humiliate him and his cause by mocking the street for fearing/following a tiny, one-legged nobody. Somehow, Flint manages to rescue Silver before Rogers hangs him. Don't ask me how. I have no idea. But I have Great Faith in Flint.
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neven-ebrez · 5 years
So I read what you wrote about Dean treating Charlie like a child at times and really liked it... could you elaborate on what you mean when you say Dean treats Cas like a child/ spouse by turns ? Why does Dean treat Cas like a child anyway ? Cas is so many millenia older even if he is a little naive...
Oh boy! Those posts are like 6 years old! You really dug back through the ol’ analysis archive! I’ll try to take another crack at this since I first talked about it. Age has nothing to do with experience when it comes to angels. Cas, despite being so old, was so very new to free will (not counting all the times Naomi mind wiped him) when Dean met him. Who also has little experience with free will? Children. In Kripke/Gamble era Cas was learning and Dean was teaching. In S6 Dean blew up and called Cas a child. This is, most commonly, an adult/child situation, but not always. I think Dean has considered himself first and foremost (regardless of whatever feelings he has for him at any point), Cas’ teacher.
That’s why Cas’ struggles and failures fall so very heavily on Dean’s shoulders. Dean blames himself for Cas’ missteps. Dean sees (or rather, used to see) Cas as his responsibility. Same thing he does with Sam, only no one told him to do this. In S7 Dean saw it as he had basically “broke” Cas by telling him to embrace freewill. Finally in S12 Dean tells Cas he’s been the better for knowing him and his brother. This is one of the relationship’s narrative spirals, an important one.
Dean thinks he broke Cas.
Dean realizes that he didn’t.
This is an important realization from them both. It’s S7’s “nobody cares that you’re broken” -> S12’s “you are better off than what you were”. Cas thinks so to. We hear this when he voices his truth when others contradict the effect of Dean Winchester upon his person, like Ishim in 12x10. We see it vividly in 14x13, who Cas would be having never met Dean (because that wasn’t even S4 Cas, it was S3 Cas). Dean more or less sees Cas as his own person these days, but he still sees Cas as someone who he irrevocably changed. I think the feeling of responsibility is still there, if only in that capacity, Dean’s ability to blame himself for everything bad that happens to Cas. My kids are both teenagers, but I imagine it’s like how parents see their adult children.
I see this as the way Dean currently sees both Cas and Sam. He still feels responsible for them (in various degrees), tries to protect them, but also he trust their judgement, sees them both as separate from him now. With Sam things are a little more complicated, depending on what season/spiral we are on. Dabb era is good at the switching here, but it’s clear which one is regression and which in is progression.
S11 Sam framed as someone to save, Lucifer trauma highlighted (Lucifer vs Amara)
S12 Sam framed as leader -> American Hunters, MOL bad (Lucifer tries to return)
S13 Sam framed as someone to save, Lucifer trauma highlighted (Lucifer vs Michael)
S14 Sam framed as leader -> AU!Hunters, Michael bad (Lucifer tries to return)
Here in Dabb era Dean ping pongs between saving Sam from more Lucifer trauma and treating him as equal (brother instead of child). This is part of their narrative spiral. We compare this to Carver era which had Dean protect Sam so hard that it completely reduced Sam and completely damaged Dean. This is damage we see Dabb era trying to fix in the sense that we’ve already seen what it looks like, but we can’t stay there because it’s not a story the show is interested in. Now look at Cas.
S11 Cas “dead” (possessed) because of a mission to bring Dean peace (a win), Dean torn up
S12 Cas is shown he’s changed for the better, is still depressed, sees others’ happiness as more important than his own
S13 Cas dead because of a mission to bring Dean peace (a win), Dean torn up
S14 Cas sentences himself to death, sees others’ happiness as more important than his own
This relationship spiral is different from the one Dean has with Sam in a key way. We can’t see what the better, the progression for Cas even looks like. Cas doesn’t tell Dean what he needs from him, not like Sam does. Whereas with Sam we go back and forth.
Sam: sad and tortured needing Dean -> tired and leading helping Dean
Cas: sad and alive trying to bring Dean wins -> dead and leaving Dean devastated
With both, we lack balance. And the one framed to balance each of these spirals is Dean. Dean needs to work with Sam and Dean needs to tell Cas he wants him to live and stay with him. This is baseline, what the end of their spirals look like.
I feel I’ve gotten off base a bit? Structure is like the one thing I know how to talk about. The here and now psychology is harder for me. I think, in general, at least heavily in Carver era when I originally talked about this, it was highlighted just how traumatized Dean was by his upbringing. He’s so used to the parent (teacher)/child (student) dynamic that it’s just his default. And him realizing that this is not all he is to either of them effects both his relationship with Sam and his one with Cas, with both of them framed to need this certain development from Dean for different reasons. In short, Cas needs to be properly treated like his spouse and Sam needs to be properly treated like his brother. Because that’s what they are to him, truly.
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carolinesiede · 5 years
My 2018 Writing Roundup
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2018 was one of those years where I felt like I was frantically treading water all year, only to look up and realize I’d actually managed to swim myself to shore. The previous two years somehow felt simultaneously tumultuous and like a plateau. At first, I thought 2018 was more of the same, but looking back it was way more of a transitional year than I realized. I’m ending the year on a higher note than I started it, which is a really nice feeling. I’m in an apartment I love, feeling a bit more stable, and I even developed the ability to do a full pushup for the first time in my life, which is by far my single greatest achievement of the year!
This was my fifth year as a full-time freelance writer, and I experienced a pretty big shift in the types of articles I wrote this year—fewer short news posts and way more long-form pieces that more truly reflect my voice and opinions. I actually didn’t realize it until creating this roundup, but good god did I do a lot of writing this year. No wonder I had some pretty severe moments of burnout. I’m incredibly proud of the volume of writing I did, although I’m also frustrated that I worked this much yet still frequently struggled to make ends meet. Thankfully, after a rocky year money-wise, I found a little more stability towards the end of the year. Here’s hoping I can carry that forward into 2019!
One of my big goals for 2018 was to immerse myself more in the world of film criticism, and boy howdy did I manage to manifest that one! I quadrupled the number of films I watched this year and filled in some big cinematic blindspots. I also began writing film reviews in a regular capacity, first at Consequence of Sound and later for The A.V. Club and Alcohollywood as well. While I’ll always enjoy writing about TV (and loved covering the shows I did this year!), TV criticism is something I kind of inadvertently fell into at the start of my career. Film has always been my first love, and I’m glad I found the courage and drive to shift into this new area of writing. It’s been lovely to start immersing myself in the world of Chicago film critics too.
But by far my biggest achievement of the year (beyond being able to do a pushup, of course!) is launching my column When Romance Met Comedy for The A.V. Club. I poured my whole heart and soul into the column, both in terms of each individual entry and in terms of shaping its overall voice and making sure to cover a diverse set of films within the rom-com genre. It’s been a lot of work (way more work than is actually cost effective for me, to be honest), but I’m incredibly proud of how the column turned out in its first year. It’s also been really lovely to get so much positive feedback, both from the commentary community as well as from my A.V. Club bosses. I started my writing career with a blog about rom-coms and I find it hilarious that it took me four years to think of actually pitching that as an idea elsewhere. I’m so glad I did, and I’m having a blast planning out my slate of films to cover in 2019. (If you want to stump for your favorite, drop me a line on Twitter!)
With that, I’ll leave you with wishes for a Happy New Year and a roundup of all the major writing I did in 2018. If you enjoyed my work this year, it would mean a lot if you would support me on either Kofi or PayPal. Or just share some of your favorite pieces with your friends!
My my, what the hell is up with the Mamma Mia! timeline?
A timey-wimey guide to the modern era of Doctor Who
Star Wars: Episode IX can fill Leia’s absence by embracing its forgotten queen
From femme fatale to complex superhero: The evolution of the MCU’s Black Widow
All the songs from The Greatest Showman, ranked
Like the best romantic comedies, Bridget Jones’s Diary is about more than just falling in love
Bringing Up Baby and the screwball comedies that delivered romance via pratfalls
After When Harry Met Sally, almost every rom-com tried to have what Nora Ephron was having
The Big Sick lovingly updated the rom-com formula with a coma and a great 9/11 joke
Something Borrowed and the phenomenon of rom-coms that hate women
In a sea of unintentionally creepy rom-coms, the original Overboard goes, well, overboard
My Best Friend’s Wedding rewrote the rom-com happy ending
Will Smith’s lone rom-com muddled its message about pickup artists and romance
Breakfast At Tiffany’s is so much more than a fashionable proto-Sex And The City
25 years ago, Sleepless In Seattle found the romantic hiding in the cynic
Before palling around with Ant-Man and the Wasp, Peyton Reed was Down With Love
You can dance, you can jive, you can love Mamma Mia! without feeling embarrassed
Maid In Manhattan let Jennifer Lopez’s rom-com talents sparkle
Pair Crazy Rich Asians with this Hong Kong rom-com classic
Jane Austen provided the romantic comedy some Sense And Sensibility
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days set the stage for the rom-com’s downfall
Romantic comedies (briefly) came out of the closet with In & Out
Pretty In Pink is a far superior riff on the Sixteen Candles formula
How Stella Got Her Groove Back is a sexy vacation romp that explores the line between fantasy and reality
The Devil Wears Prada pulls off the perfect romantic comedy look, even though it really isn't one
Enchanted, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the Disney princess
Why are Hallmark Christmas movies so addictive?
Without hope or agenda: A defense of Love Actually
Doctor Who S11
Daredevil S3
This Is Us S2 and S3
Jessica Jones S2
Supergirl S3 and S4
Crazy Rich Asians has so much rom-com razzle dazzle it practically sings
Ben Mendelsohn battles suburban ennui in Nicole Holofcener’s The Land Of Steady Habits
Michael Shannon is refreshingly ordinary in What They Had, a family drama with focus issues
Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne build an Instant Family in a comedy more touching than funny
After a clumsy opening statement, RBG biopic On The Basis Of Sex effectively argues its case
Jennifer Lopez’s overstuffed Second Act offers three movies for the price of one
The Girl in the Spider’s Web: Lisbeth Slander gets an action hero makeover
Widows: An Enthralling Heist Thriller with Some Less Interesting Gangster Drama Touches
If Beale Street Could Talk: Love is a Battle, Love is a War
6 Balloons tackles the everyday agonies of the opiate crisis
I Feel Pretty takes on identity crises while having one of its own
RBG examines the complex, inspiring woman behind all the memes
Book Club does a disservice to its gifted cast of legacy stars
Set It Up is a fine, breezy rom-com for the start of summer
Ant-Man and the Wasp takes a modest quantum leap for the series
Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind looks into the late comedian’s heart
The Spy Who Dumped Me is a fun but fairly disposable summer flick
Like Father uses the Netflix format to play around with comic conventions
Madeline’s Madeline blurs the lines of fantasy and reality
Life Itself is so bizarre it has to be seen to be believed
Private Life takes a personal, observant look at late-life reproduction
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms is a CGI mess with an earnest heart
The Grinch goes CGI and gets a fluffy, sincere modern update
Grey’s Anatomy’s lengthy existence isn’t a joke, it’s a strength
This Is Us is obsessed with killing its dad
Three years later, Supergirl is still telling the best female-centered superhero stories
Even without a resurrection, John Legend rises in NBC’s electrifying Jesus Christ Superstar Live
Sara Bareilles and Josh Groban lend an infectious energy to the wonderfully earnest 72nd Annual Tony Awards
Iron Fist season 2 feels like an entirely different show—which is mostly a good thing
13 Reasons Why puts itself on trial but can’t give up its worst impulses in season 2
Sex dreams and explosive rectal surgeries—it must be the Grey’s Anatomy season 15 premiere
Pre-Air Review: Dietland offers an ambitious, unapologetic taste of something new
Season Two Review: The messages of The Handmaid’s Tale season two resonate now more than ever
Season One Review: AMC’s Dietland aimed wide and mostly hit its marks in a chaotic first season
Cinematic Universe: Men In Black
Cinematic Universe: Independence Day
Filmography: Wes Anderson comedies
Debating Doctor Who: Favorite guest stars part 1 and part 2
TV Party: Let’s Solve Westworld Season Two
TV Party: Appreciating The West Wing’s “Two Cathedrals”
Plus some other episodes of TV Party including this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one.
Bernard Avle: Human Beings Are Stories
The CyberCode Twins: A Blockchain Beacon of Hope
Jason Berlin and Tour de Crypto: A Pioneering Journey to Raise Awareness for Charity and Bitcoin
And here are similar year-end wrap-ups I did in 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013.
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redemptiionss · 6 years
For the ask, Voltron,Lorura, and Lotor :)
Thank you anon!! Okay let’s see:
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: (Voltron)
Favorite character: Lotor 💜
Least Favorite character: Zarkon & Haggar.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I’ll be honest, Lotura is the only pairing I ship in VLD, really. BUT I do like:
and that’s it.
Character I find most attractive: Lotor hands down, but Shiro is extremely attractive too…. Both are the top two attractive guys in VLD tbh.
Character I would marry: Shiro is the most marriageable character tbh, but I’d still marry Lotor tho lol.
Character I would be best friends with: Allura, I hope. & Lance too because he seems super fun to be friends with.
a random thought: #saveLotor2k18 (also that S7/S8 better fix S6.)
An unpopular opinion: I don’t know if this is unpopular, but Shiro should remain as the Black Paladin, the White Lion is Allura’s thing, and stop switching the Lions. Also Lotor and Kuron deserved better.
My Canon OTP: Lotura.
My Non-canon OTP: Lotura.
Most Badass Character: Imo Allura, Shiro, & Lotor are the most badass characters in VLD. I’m not just speaking about their skills alone, but also based on what they’ve endured, all of their pain & sufferings, what they’ve had to sacrifice, whether voluntarily or not– and their strength, perseverance, and determination. So I don’t think I can pick just one.
Most Epic Villain: Haggar. she seems to be playing the long game here.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Allu*ance. (I do not like K*ance or S*eith either.) I am only censoring the names because I don’t want this to end up in their tags just because I mentioned them, you never know with Tumblr’s screwy tagging system.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Honestly, If they leave s6 as it is, then it’s going to be Lotor that they really screwed up. I’m hoping that this won’t be the case.
Favourite Friendship: Shiro & Keith.
Character I most identify with: Idk tbh? I don’t think there’s really anyone in the show that I personally identify with.
Character I wish I could be: Allura ‘cos she got to spend time with & kiss Lotor Just kiddin. I really do hope that they’ll let her truly be happy instead of just snatching it all away /: I really do admire her strength & determination, her bravery and loyalty. I also admire that she’s making an effort to move past her prejudice & racism (specism?). I know I could never deal with things as well as her if I had gone through half the things she has. Also Altean Alchemy… and shapeshifting. Super cool.
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you: (Lotura)
When I started shipping them: I started shipping them around s4, before there was any Lotor/Allura interaction. I was like, woah what’s this? I saw that they seemed to have a lot in common and I felt that there was a TON of potential there, especially if they ever interacted.
My thoughts: SUCH AESTHETIC OMG. Also they would honestly be the ultimate power couple.
What makes me happy about them: They complement each other so well. They’re basically the only ones who can truly relate to & understand each other, due to being children of royalties, their shared heritage + culture, their connection to their parents… They were able to open up to each other in ways that they weren’t able to with others. They built each other up, supported each other, helped each other to grow and become stronger. They were truly equals. Allura was the one who made the first moves towards Lotor, not to mention that it was the first time Lotor was able to experience a mutual, healthy, & trusting relationship with someone. It. was. all. real.
What makes me sad about them: S6. Damn, it just had to ruin everything, huh? I still believe that there’s hope, though.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: When they make Lotor out to be some OOC abusive villain. Chances are that I’m not going to read it if the author is just going to butcher Lotor’s character. Also when Lotura is tagged but it isn’t the even the main pairing, but rather it’s a side pairing or a post-pairing.
Things I look for in fanfic: Some sweet, sweet fics centered around Lotor & Allura’s character & relationship. Grief, angst, hurt/comfort, redemption, romance, fluff…. Unfortunately they’re difficult to find, especially sfw ones. One of the only good things that came out of s6 is more Lotura content being produced tbh.
My wishlist: 1) reconciliation 2) COMMUNICATION, no jumping to conclusions! 3) redemption (depends on what the truth really is– whether he actually needs it or not) 4) an bone crushing embrace. 5) hand!! holding!!! 6) another kiss! w no interruptions! 6) TRUE. AND. WELL-DESERVED. HAPPINESS. for the both of ‘em! 7) bridal carry?!?! that’d be so cute lol.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: What are you talking about? They’re the only ones for each other. They’re meant to be.
My happily ever after for them: Married & bringing along an new era of peace and prosperity in the galaxy as the Emperor & Empress of the Galtean Empire, dealing with reparations for all the devastation & loss from Zarkon’s reign, reforming the Galran culture, possibly bringing it back to what it once was(?) before Zarkon. Also. CUTE MINI ALLURAS & LOTORS. Lotor would be the father that he never had, he would be so deeply in love with Allura & adore his children so greatly.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: (Lotor)
How I feel about this character: I. Love. Him. I see so much potential in him, so much.. goodness shining out of him in despite of his moral greyness, and I truly believed that his story was going to be about breaking the cycle that resulted from Zarkon’s betrayal, Alfor’s death, the destruction of Altea, and the neverending conquest of the galaxy… and most importantly, the cycle of abuse (Zarkon: the abuser & Haggar: the abuser, and Lotor, the victim– who doesn’t have to become like Zarkon– who despised his father so much that he displayed contempt every time he was compared to him.) I hope it will still be so. I mean, it’s honestly a miracle that he even turned out this well. Truthfully I didn’t realize how invested I became in him until s6. That was… awful.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Allura only, always, and forever.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Hmmm I’d say Axca. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: Lotor isn’t evil or a villain, nor is he nonredeemable.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish s6 had happened differently.
Favorite friendship for this character: Allura. (I’d like to see him interact with Keith too, I feel that there’s a lot of potential there, also that it’d be really interesting. Also I’d like to see him be friends with Shiro too.)
My crossover ship: Don’t have one.
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blacklister214 · 7 years
Predicting S4′s Big Bad
@tessabltheorist​ recently posted on the major villains faced at the end of each season, which got me thinking about patterns the writers may or may not follow with these characters. Since I decided I had way too much to say for a reblog, I decided to post it here.
1) Filling in the Mythology Gaps:
Every time Red faces a Big Bad they answer lingering questions about Red. These revelations get bigger and bigger as the seasons go on.
S1: Berlin. We learned about the Stewmaker’s photo, who Tom was working for, introduced the Fulcrum, introduced Red’s battle with the Cabal, teased Tom’s connection with Red. 
S2: Cabal: Explain the Key and Case, Liz’s memory of the the fire, the Fulcrum, filled in some details about Liz’s mother and father, explained Tom’s and Red’s connection.
S3: Alexander Kirk: More details about Liz’s early life and mother, the identity of Liz’s father, more details about the relationship between Red and Katarina. 
So we must ask ourselves: What questions have the writers yet to answer for us? To my mind there are two major areas of focus with many smaller questions attached to them:
1) Katarina, Red, and little Liz. Who was Katarina before she was a KGB spy?   How did Katarina and Red meet? How was Mr. Kaplan connected to infant Liz? How did Red and Katarina get involved in the Cabal?  What people does Red fear will come after Liz because her mother was a ‘secret keeper’?  How did Liz get that scar on her wrist and does it means anything? What part did Red play in Liz’s childhood? How do Dom and Red know each other so well? Who left Liz with Sam? What choice did Red make that he feels so guilty about? Is Katarina really dead?
2) 12/24/90. What happened on 12/24/90 that made Red go on the run? Why is Jennifer running from Red? Why did Red blow up the house? Why does Red think he needs Liz’s help to find answers about what happened to them?
They’ve confirmed we’re getting a Kaplan origin story and the actress playing Katarina has posted fight scenes photos of herself. The IMDB page postings mentioned Alexander Kirk as well. Logically then, we need a villain from that era of Red’s life. Someone who is either angry at Red and/or looking to take out Liz’s protector so he/she can come after her.
2) Make it PERSONAL:
As the seasons of the Blacklist continue on, the Big Bads are getting more and more personally connected to Red and Liz. 
S1: Berlin: Ultimately a man with no true connection to Red. A pawn of a group who Red had made an enemy of years and years ago.
S2: The Cabal. An organization Red has had a decades long feud with, tracing back to his time with Katarina. Red formerly had a friendship with one of its members: Alan Fitch. They were behind the fire of Liz’s nightmares.
S3: Alexander Kirk: Husband to Katarina. Red’s romantic rival. Liz’s presumed father. Once stuck a gun in Red’s mouth. Was on a first name basis with Red at one point in their lives.
For S4 I think we are looking for someone with deep, personal ties to Red and/or Liz.
We need someone old enough to date back to the early days of Katarina, Red, and baby Liz with access to mythology knowledge. Someone very personally connected to Red.
Candidate 1: Katarina
Pro: Red has indicated he did something to her that he feels guilty about. She might think Red is endangering their daughter. She would have access to tons of mythology information. 
Con: Red’s hallucination suggests Katarina would have understood his choice, whatever it was. She is portrayed in a very favorable light both by her journal entries, and by how beloved she was by Dom, Red, and Kirk. I have trouble seeing her as the malevolent force who has not only targeted Red, a man Katarina loved, but that also created so much collateral damage.  
Candidate 2: Katarina’s mother
Pro: Katarina’s mother is conspicuous by her absence. She’s not with Dom at his house. Katarina doesn’t write about her in her journal. Dom cites Katarina and Masha as ‘his entire family’. Dom doesn’t seem to be considering his wife his family, which is odd, unless she is someone who he hated. Anyone Dom hates is immediately suspect, because Dom is awesome.
Katarina’s mother would be someone who could provide lots of mythology information and have a motive to hate Red. We still don’t know what information Red found in the Glasnost files he got in Lady Ambrosia, but information on Katarina’s mother could have been in there.
Con: There is no confirmation that Katarina’s mother is alive, let alone an individual that is powerful enough to go after Red.
Candidate 3: Katarina’s sibling 
Pro: There were a few lines in 3x20 such as “You still have family,” and “You’ve always had a reason to walk out the door” that invite the possibility of there being another estranged family member of Katarina’s family out there. Again if Dom doesn’t consider them ‘family’ they are immediately suspects for being villains, because Dom is the best. A sibling would potentially have mythology information and a reason to hate Red. They too could have been referenced in the Glasnost files.
Con: There is no confirmation that Katarina had any siblings, let alone one who is powerful enough to go after Red.
Candidate 4: Red’s Sibling
Pro: We’ve never gotten any substantial information on Red’s family, except that Red’s parents seem to be dead. He refers to his father love of Cadillacs and Brill cream in the past tense and talks about standing over his mother’s grave. 
If my theory about Christmas Eve, 1990 is right, then a sizable chuck of Red’s extended family died that night, hence the blood from the Madeline Pratt story, Jennifer’s fear of seeing Red again, and Red’s need to blow up the house. If a sibling of Red’s survived they would have reason to hate him, especially if in addition to a parent, they lost a spouse or children.
Con:  There is no confirmation that Red had any siblings, let alone one who is powerful enough to go after Red.
Candidate 5: Red’s Brother-in-law or Sister-in-Law
Pro: Again this is hinging my Christmas Eve bloodbath theory. Any survivor of that ordeal would have ample reason to hate Red because of the lost of a loved one (parent, spouse, child). Naomi could have had a brother, or sister, or Red might had a sibling with a spouse. If they wanted to make this person even more tightly connected to the mythology they could also have been a colleague of Red’s in Naval intelligence. 
Con:  There is no confirmation that Red or Naomi had any siblings, let alone one who is powerful enough to go after Red.
Candidate 6: Red’s and Katarina’s Cabal partner
Pro: Given Red’s description of Katarina’s skills as an operative (3x01) he seems to have worked with Katarina at some point. There could hypothetically have been a third team member (or possibly fourth if Kaplan was involved) that would have access to mythology information. Given Red’s theft of the Fulcrum it is possible that another member of Red’s team was left holding the bag when the Cabal came calling. They may even have been involved in Cabal raid the night of the fire. All we really know for sure about that night is that Katarina and Red both made it out alive, and the Cabal did not get the Fulcrum. If there was another team member, it probably didn’t go so well for them.
Con:  There is no confirmation that such a team ever existed.
Who do you think we are most likely to see emerge as the Season 4 Big Bad?
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somar78 · 5 years
The Ford RS200 – The Fastest Accelerating Road Car In The World (For 12 Years)
This article was written by Nathan Duff, the founder of Retromotive Magazine and a contributor to a number of magazines including Top Gear, CAR, Wheels, and MOTOR.
Andrei Shinkarenko likes things that are rare, different and unique. He’s refreshingly left of centre and unashamedly so. I had that impression even before we meet, as I park my car next to ‘Rex’, the dinosaur in his front yard. “Might be Rexona.” He quips as we greet. “We’re not that friendly yet.”
Andrei, or Andy, is an engineer. “We’re a different breed,” he explains. “We think differently – genetically, we are created, were not just taught to be engineers. Russians have a long history of engineering. We don’t invent new stuff, we perfect old stuff.”
“I put myself through Uni working as mechanical engineer.” Andy was fortunate enough to land a job with Ifield Engineering. “R.J. Ifield was a God.” He explains. “112 patents – among other things, the hydromantic slipper bearing; it’s the most import thing in hydraulics…. ever.” He goes on to mention a number of other inventions and innovations. He explains them in such detail that, unfortunately, the scope is a little lost on my humble intellect.
“I love things that are rare. If you’re going to do it, make it worthwhile.”
That’s the thing with Andy, if he takes an interest in something he is in, balls deep. (It’s a pun; it’ll make sense soon.)
“I started my own engineering business in ‘88 and the planets kind of lined up for me. In ‘94 the RTA decided to make the engineering signatory system the code of practice.”
In simple terms, you needed someone like Andy to sign off on your vehicle mods in order to make them legal. He was a very busy man after that
“There were only 4 of us in Newcastle, so it was busy. Especially when the kids would take their cars down to Nobby’s Beach and the cops would block off the road. 50 cars would get defected and need to be certified by an engineer. I easily would have done 3000 vehicles over 20 years doing that.”
These days, Andy is on the cusp of retirement and is itching to spend more time tinkering on projects like converting his swing car to be fully electric. Ever heard of a swing bike? Same principal, but in a car. Andy loved the concept of the bike and once he had mastered riding it, thought “Hmm how can I make this better?” Long story short, Andy now has swing car. He engineered the whole system into a Rickman Ranger that he does skids around his front lawn with.
Along with his mind bending engineering projects, he has 30 odd cars in his collection that need some miles put on the clock. Like the Ex Stirling Moss 904 Porsche GTS Carrera, the last of the road registered Le Mans cars. An Electron – a Hyundai Getz-based electric vehicle briefly produced by the Australian company, Blade Electric, but killed off due to government-introduced ESC requirements that the company couldn’t meet.
At the moment, he owns and operates a squash court. “It takes a lot of my time up. I’ve been playing squash since the mid 70’s.”
Andy’s no slouch either. He competed in the Pan Pacific Masters games in 2016 and won a silver and bronze. There was a 10-year hiatus from squash when he decided he wanted to be a power lifter. “I made the world team and came 8th in the world.”
Throughout all his achievements though, cars have remained a constant for him.
“I had worked really hard and I thought it was time to buy a supercar. I used the money I had made from my first business.” (Andy had developed a special type of Diesel Injector and sold the business to a large consortium.)
“I bought a Lamborghini Espada which was a real heart breaker. Ugh,” he sighs, “Lamborghini quality, it’s just not there. If you take it for a run, you gotta call the tow truck. I had a few problems with it and decided to park it up in the shed.” That was 23 years ago.
“There are special cars out there on the planet – the RS200 is one of them. “It was a blank sheet of paper for them to engineer the perfect rally car. That aspect appealed to me straight away. They didn’t have to build a road car – just build what is right.”
“An aluminium honeycombed section with an inbuilt roll cage that you can’t even see! Fibreglass ends and steel structures to hold the engine and diff was ahead of its time.” He says excitedly.
The RS200 was developed so that Ford could join the hugely popular Group B rally category. The Escort was no match for the Audi Quattro or Lancia Delta so they needed something truly special to get noticed on the world stage.
“I first seen the RS200 along with the Audi Quattro and Lancias on an old documentary called ‘Too Fast To Race’. It was right at the end of that era that the RS 200 came in.”
Ford invested over 10 million pounds in producing the RS200, which, considering it wasn’t going to recoup anywhere near that amount for knock on sales from the car, is testament to the times of the Killer Bs.
The RS200 was a very complex, technologically advanced four-wheel drive car. Power came from a mid-mounted, 1.8 litre, four-cylinder, turbocharged Cosworth BDS engine with a roof-mounted intercooler.
To aid weight distribution, the transmission was mounted at the front of the car. This required the power from the engine to go up to the front wheels first and then, be run back again to the rear.
The body was designed by Ghia and the chassis was designed by former Formula One designer Tony Southgate. The RS200’s was assembled at the Reliant Plant (yes, those funny 3-wheel cars) because of their experience with assembling fibreglass bodied cars.
Proof of their cars complexity is stuck to the inside of the windscreen with its strict ‘Cold Start Procedure’. This states: “It is essential not to exceed 1500 rpm for the first 30 seconds after starting. Do not drive with the oil pressure above 6 bar. Allow water temperature to reach normal before using maximum power. Failure to observe correct procedure may result in expensive engine damage.”
“The first one I found was at a museum in LA. They wanted 200k and it wasn’t even going.” The RS200 in question had apparently been parked up without fluids for 25 years, everything had seized – not good.
Andy discovered one in New Zealand owned by the Hoffman Ford dealership. They had found it in a barn in America with only 900 miles on the clock.
“I’ve only done 70-80 miles since I got it.” Admits Andy. “I got very nervous driving it around, not because it was too quick, I just don’t want anybody hitting me in their clapped out Gemini,” he laughs. “But all that has passed now and I’m comfortable driving it anywhere.”
“The first time I took it out, it felt like a dog – like it had major clutch shutter.” Andy spent a good deal of time researching how to fix the issue before a member of the RS200 club suggested an odd fix. ‘It’s nothing to do with the clutch, it’s the spark plugs.’
“I changed the plugs and 100% better. But everything is so, so tight. People blame the car – it kind of feels like the handbrake is on at low speed, you really need to drive that thing.”
It’s not just Andy, Chris Harris rates it as the “Easiest car to stall I’ve ever driven.”
“The RS200 is quick – record breaking quick. It held the record for the fastest accelerating production car for 12 years – that’s against Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini.”
The record Andy refers to was accomplished by Stig Blomqvist in an EVO RS200 for a Guinness World run. He set a 0-60mph time of 3.07 seconds. The record stood for 12 years.
The EVO’s were developed a year or so after the RS 200 debuted for the 1986 season. While they had some success, it was clear some upgrades were needed in order to really dominate the category. 24 of the original RS200’s were re-purposed which included an upgrade from the 1.8 BDT engine to 2.1 BDT-E engine capable of anywhere between 600 to 800 horsepower.
The plan was to run in the 1987 season of group B, but due to some horrendous accidents and fatalities the category was killed before they could be used.
It was a crazy time for rally and unfortunately, watching back over some of the footage from that era, it was only going to be a matter of time until there was a fatality.
Scenes of drivers leaping over blind crests, parting the sea of spectators like Moses, hands flying out trying to tag a 500hp monster as it scuttled past were common place. It looks like the automotive equivalent of the ‘Running of the bulls.’
Marc Surer, a Swiss Formula One driver, crashed a RS200 against a tree during the 1986 Hessen-Rallye in Germany, killing his co-driver, Michel Wyder instantly.
During the second leg of the 1986 Corsica Rally, Henri Toivonen’s Lancia Delta S4 went off the side of the road and plummeted down a ravine. It crashed on its roof exploding on impact. Toivonen and his co-driver, Sergio Cresto were killed instantly. The fire was so intense that the Delta S4 was unidentifiable.
In an interview just before the crash he stated; ‘After 4 hours of driving – it’s hard to keep up with the speed. So, with a modern car like this, it’s just impossible to race here. It’s physically exhausting and the brains can’t keep up with it anymore.’
At the Rally de Portugal, a RS200 was involved in one of the most horrific accidents in WRC history and the catalyst for the end of the era.
3 spectators were killed and 31 others injured when Joaquim Santos came over a crest to be greeted by spectators on the road. Trying to stop, he lost control and plunged into the crowd.
The accident set off a series of events, which lead to the FIA abolishing Group B after the 1986 season.
The RS200 EVO went on to have a second life as an absolute monster in Rally Cross. Ken Block, Ford fan and master of the skid, has recently acquired the Ford factory RS200 EVO and it’s rumoured to be part of Gymkhana 10.
Even though homologation rules stated that 200 needed to be built to be eligible for the category, it’s documented that only 146 cars were ever fully constructed and sold, with the remainder being broken down for spares.
The RS200 was but a blip on the scene. Initially, it wasn’t terribly successful and played its part in the demise of Group B. But all things considered, it’s still an amazing piece of history worthy of its cult status.
The RS200 ticks all the boxes for Andy, but he is currently testing the waters by offering the RS200 for sale. “If it doesn’t sell, I’ll be happy, the way that car looks. Would I be proud to just have it in the shed? Absolutely.”
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Images: Nathan Duff
The post The Ford RS200 – The Fastest Accelerating Road Car In The World (For 12 Years) appeared first on Silodrome.
source https://silodrome.com/ford-rs200-group-b-rally-car/
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smoothshift · 7 years
What would be a good the 2+2/5 seater equivalent for an MX-5? via /r/cars
What would be a good the 2+2/5 seater equivalent for an MX-5?
I want to purchase another MX-5 Miata since I took a new job that is 50 mile a day commute (up from 6 miles a day). Basically it would be my "nice weather back road commuter" to take the gas pinch off the Silverado that I am driving.
Now I love the Silverado Pickup for what it is. A utility truck that I daily drive because my commute used to be short, pick the kids up from school, occasionally take trips, and trailer/haul our Hot Air Balloon in.
But I also miss the driving experience that only a car can provide. I used to have a 2012 Buick Regal GS that I got rid of last year for the Silverado because on Michigan roads, I broke more than one wheel bearing hubs (both front in 2014, both rear in early 2016) in 4 years and 36,000 miles. I'm not a hard driver by any stretch of the imagination, and like I said, I only had a 6 mile commute. My wife has to travel quite a bit for her job around the state of Michigan, and occasionally she would take the Buick over her Jeep Grand Cherokee, but it was mostly short commutes on a terrible road, and occasional back road "zen" drives by me.
Because it would be a third "hobby car" I thought a Miata would be a good idea. Because (in no order):
Reliability - they really can run a long time with good maintenance. Ideally it would be a car I could and would keep as a hobby car for a long time.
Simple - easy/cheap to repair maintain, easy to start teaching my 10 year old son, 6 year old daughter to turn a wrench on.
Inexpensive and abundant. Easy to find a clean example for fairly little money.
Fun to drive (I like driving it...the wife doesn't. We have a friend who has a nice NB - Manual)
Its not powerful enough to get into trouble in. I have a 10 year old son who I would like to teach how to drive on whatever car I get. I also don't want a car I would feel bad if he had to drive to and from school now and then in.
I know, I know hair dresser car, not manly enough, but whatever. I like the way they look (I'm in the minority though I prefer the NB/NC to the NA/ND - Just me....). I had an uncle who had an MGB when I was younger, and I loved that little thing. But I can't put the time and effort to keep one of those up and running right now. I'd really like a convertible.
Small enough to fit in our garage WITH the JGC and Hot Air Balloon. We have a 3 car garage, and the Buick/JGC/Balloon did fit with the other standard garage/garden shed/workshop stuff.
The wife says "no - they only have 2 seats and if I need to pick up the 2 kids in an emergency I might not always have enough time to get home and switch to the truck. Plus I don't think it would be a good idea for me to drive it and show up to a meeting needing to take multiple clients somewhere...and I don't driving em in general." She knows how to drive manual, but I don't think she likes driving manual.
Which, if you are a husband/parent are valid points. (I don't mean to make this a "sack up and tell your wife who's in charge" post. I'm sure I'll get that from plenty of non-husband/fathers.)
So considering the above criteria. What would be a more than 2+ seat equivalent that is Reliable, Fun, Simple, Inexpensive, Safe, and can be both ok for a new driver and nice enough for my wife to take clients in on occasion.
My argument against the 2 seats is that when my son is of age, I'd rather him not pile into it with his friends for a road trip...force him to take someone else's car for that stuff...he'd use it to get a job, and take he and his sister to school! I have siblings...she's an only child. She didn't understand my argument. There was nothing worse than having a car, but not being able to do anything "fun" with it or cruise with friends in it because I was always having to truck around my younger brothers.
I was thinking Late 90's- Mid 00's European fair...because I actually loved the feel of the (light) German engineered Regal GS but I have concerns about them. I would have a $10-15,000 budget, but the lower the better.
With all of these I have concerns about price to own and maintain and if they do break, will it cost me an arm and a leg to have fixed. How much can I fix myself (I'm a novice wrencher...I can do many basic things.)
Volvo C70 - I really don't know much about Volvo.
Audi A4 (S4 if I can get one) - I like the Audi's but I worry about price to own/maintain and availability. Loved to get a Quattro. I haven't driven one in years.
BMW 3 Series - Right now this is where I'm leaning, but I have concerns about price to own/maintain...and cost if it does break..?
Mercedes CLK - I have no idea on Mercedes...and honestly I'm not a fan of the styling.
SAAB 9-3 - Wildcard, obviously cheapest of the option above. I'm from a GM family and I've had the most experience driving the GM 9-3's and they are "fun enough" with the right engine. I worry about reliability more than anything else though.
Volkswagen Eos - Another budget option. I've driven a Passat from the same era, (not a Golf) and was underwhelmed. Plus I don't think the rear seat is worth it's spit (which could be good or bad)
Other cars I've looked into...
Mazda3 - I like Mazda's, but I don't think this would be good for my wife. I have driven the 3, and they are ok. Found out my wife hates hatchbacks. When we got married I had a Pontiac Vibe GT that I drove to the ground...It was our only car for a while living in DC...When we got rid of it for a more ample kid hauler she admitted she hated driving it. It was ok...the manual in the DC traffic was a nightmare (I bought it before we moved out there). The 3 might be a little too small, like the Eos.
Subaru Imperza. Love the Imperza, but not a fan of the drive of the non WRX versions. Plus good examples around me are not readily available or inexpensive. More experience in Forresters, convince me otherwise.
Neither of those are convertibles. I want a convertible, had a big Cutlass supreme convertible in college and I loved it. Not a hard requirement, but it's more of a "I'd like one."
Not a fan of Honda or Toyota and have little experience with em but wouldn't be opposed to an opinion. Don't really like the style of either Lexus or Acura...always thought both luxury models were trying to hard.
I have no thoughts or opinions on Nissan/Infinity honestly. Not sure they have an option
What says r/cars on the subject. What would be the best option that I could easily sell the rest of my family on?
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silverflintdaily · 4 years
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Schedule - udpates! Submit prompts and work on fills now through the end of the month! Ao3 collection linked below. Collection is open for posting, it will be revealed 6/23.  Our main posting week is June 23rd to 30th! We’ll still reblog fills after that but hope to have a week of new Silverflint stuff. :) Submit prompts here: HTTPS://FORMS.GLE/LMGMVAYUHRAFZCVW6 Auto updated prompt spreadsheet: HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/YCGDCNNQ Ao3 collection:  https://archiveofourown.org/collections/SilverflintSummerChallenge Full details here: https://tinyurl.com/y832muwv FULL LIST OF PROMPTS AS OF 6/16/20 BELOW.
Ships/characters in bold
Max, Anne, Silver, and Flint They all go to burning man
Silverflint Instagram drama: Silver has crush on Flint, following with each other, Silver shove his love on Flint and Flint’s uncomfortable. Flint unfollowed him one day and Silver was devastated and disappeared from Instagram. Flint found out through friends and he must seek him before Silver did something stupid.
Silverflint Truth or dare
Silverflint Canon era, one (or both) accidently calling the other one pet names
Silverflint (+sort of Flinthamilton)  Silver asking Flint, while having sex, to tell him about his sex with Thomas (in detail). I think canon era, placed after 310, would be better but it’s up to writer.
Silverflinthamilton + ?   summer vacation modern au - maybe they go somewhere warm (or not, as Flint burns so easily), maybe they meet some beautiful men there
Silverflint   post canon era reunion fic - fighting to kissing. they start out almost trying to kill one another
Silverflint  modern au - after a meet rude during the coronavirus lockdown they both can’t stop thinking about that handsome idiot they met. One of them tracks the other down online to apologize. how do they spend the endless weeks of shelter in place?
Silverflint canon era - A small happy celebration with just the two of them.
Silverflintmiranda  canon era - Miranda survives the shot, convalesces with Silver
Silverflint modern au where either Silver or Flint has an ASMR channel (or they both have) and they secretly love listening to the other. Could be distant pining or enemies to lovers etc.
Silverflint (+Hamilton[s])  tarzan au (you can choose who is on the island and who arrives there). Lord Thomas Hamilton and/or Miranda can also be included.
Silverflintmadi  “My name is (Long) John Silver. And I’ve got a long fucking memory [loss].”
Silverflintmadi canon era. They go on a picnic and it starts to rain. Fluff or otherwise good times would be nice!
Silverflint    Flint is a cockslut and hasn’t had cock in ages. Silver is happy (and really fucking astonished) to present his for the taking. happens before Silver loses his leg, canon era.
Silverflint Modern au with ‘there is only one bed’ trope and mutual pining. Silver is Flint’s long suffering sassy PA who’s been hiding a crush on his boss and friend forever.He has been successful so far. One day he has to accompany Flint on a business trip to let’s say Bahamas?! and there was a booking mistake - there were booked into a honeymoon suite. And since there is a summer festival there is no chance to get another room. Things happen!
Silverflint, Silverflinthamilton  7 years after their escape from Savannah plantation, James and Thomas are living a quiet, happily ever after life - money and jewels they grabbed on their way out were enough for decades of comfortable life which they now had. And almost everything was perfect-they had each other, got to know each other again,accepted each others’ demons and learned to handle each others’ nightmares and guilt. Flint long ago told Thomas about Silver and with time forgave, but didn’t forget him. After all Flint’s heart was broken on Skeleton Island and both him and Thomas knew deep inside he still loved John Silver. They talked about Silver-about the feelings Flint used to hide, about the pain and forgiveness and about love that didn’t had a happy ending. It was fine, discussing it all together, sharing these stories-past is in the past and that chapter of Flint’s life will remain there. Until one day the past refused to remain in the past and John Silver showed up on their doorstep, injured, delirious and looking for his own forgiveness.
Silverflint/Silverflinthamilton   Post canon S4: John Silver is no longer Long John Silver. Exiled from Madi and Maroon Island, he brought himself to somewhere nearby Savannah and disappeared. James Flint and Thomas Hamilton escaped from plantation, bought house and live happily together. 3 years later, Flint saw John Silver at tavern. But John Silver doesn’t remember him. Turns out he lost memories due sickness and always forget who he was everyday. Will Flint able bring John Silver’s memory back and reconcile?
Silverflint, Silverflinthamilton  Modern AU silverflint - Flint and Thomas are a happily married couple and Silver and Flint are bffs with a long history. But the thing is-Silver has been crushing on Flint forever and his pining is epic. He is also sure he is clever and no one figured it out. Only both Thomas and Flint did a while ago and Flint is determined to make Silver confess his feelings. He has turned Silver’s life into a living hell with his seduction techniques and jeans so tight they should be illegal in public. Meanwhile Thomas is having too much fun watching them two and making his own plans for their shared future together.
Silverflint John Silver is 30 year old virgin and has never had a relationship and sex. Max and Jack decided to set him up with date at local bar. John Silver’s first date was James Flint, a loner and his last partner left him for indifference opinion. James Flint is working as cattle farmer (?) and their date went well. Except.. they are not rushing to have sex and taking time to know each other. There were lot confusion and miscommunication between them on next date. Will John Silver able to lose his virgin and will James Flint make first step to ask John Silver as his boyfriend? First kiss, first touch, sexting, first sex and hot smut.
Silverflint  smut ficlet to go with finnguala’s fabulous art
Silverflint post canon - old pirates having a day at the beach
Silverflint  Flint is distracted by Silver’s big hands.
Silverflint   Modern au: Flint found Silver’s missing childhood’s photo at Silver’s grandparent’s house. He told Silver about it and gave compliment on him (“you were cute as kid and I noticed how baby earsie you were and your smile was beautiful”) and Silver keep blush for non stop teasing. And then sweet, hot summer sex on bed ;)
Silverflinthamilton   pornstars au
Silverflinthamilton   After reunion. Thomas is trying to seduce Silver with a new, especially tight, pair of trousers.
Silverflint Canon era. S1-S2 After an accident on the Walrus Silver and Flint end up being able to read each others thoughts. How does that end up going for them?
Silverflint + Miranda   just some porn where miranda is pegging one of them while the other watches them fall apart. canon or modern era, it doesn’t really matter.
Silverflint  Two idiots with mutual pining and obliviousness. Others try to help but it may not go so well at first.
Silverflint  canon era. After a really great haul the Walrus has a rum soaked celebration. The next morning Silver and Flint wake up together in the captain’s bed with no clothes.
Silverflinthamilton   After reunion. Silver finally appears on their doorstep, later they are talking over their dinner but something goes wrong and Silver and Flint start to fight. Thomas is trying to calm and separate them but Flint accidentally punches him instead of Silver.
Silverflint Persuasion AU. An unmarried Silver encounters his former love Captain James Flint after he returns from battle.
Silverflint competing reality cooking show contestants
Silverflint  Silver and Flint have met before many years ago and even spent the night together. Now for reasons (there was a lot of rum that night, they’re both different people, memory loss etc.) neither of them remember. One of them has a nagging feeling when Silver joins the Walrus crew but one of them remembers nothing yet.
Silverflint   One of them needs to be restrained and dominated to truly let go. Writer’s choice who and what era.
Silverflint   Silver threatens to shave his head
Silverflint/Silverflinthamilton   (probably?)Post canon S4 and Treasure Island: Captain Flint’s ghost decided to haunt John Silver for revenge. However, Long John Silver was disappeared to nowhere. Fast forward for this year, Long John Silver’s great great grandson, John Silver bought property in Bristol. One day, he was haunted by ghost Captain Flint. Ghost Captain Flint wants revenge but ended up falling in love sweet, poor John Silver’s due social anxiety. Will they make up for loss done by his late ancestor? Happy ending for everyone. All depend on writer’s idea!
Silverflint AU Canon divergence during season 4. Madi really dies in episode 7; Thomas Hamilton is not found in Savannah. The war goes on, bolstered by an enraged Silver, fueled by the Urca gold. During this time of violence and grief, Flint and Silver become all each other has left in the world.
Silverflint   Sometimes one of them will keep the other on the edge for as long as he can stand. There is lots and lots of begging and pleading. There could be fingering and rimming and toys…
Silverflinthamilton Reunion fic where John finds James and Thomas in their home x nbr of years after s4, then realises he knows Thomas because they spent a month living together in Paris some years before Thomas met James and having a blast. John recognises Thomas who doesn’t recognise him until John shows a tattoo/mark placed somewhere there is no misunderstanding of why he recognises that part of him (because he’s seen john naked). Develops into threesome or twosome where the last person joins in later.
Silverflint  tentacles
SilverFlint / MadiSilverFlintHamilton Post s4 Thomas and Flint are living together after escaping the plantation. Madi and Silver who are still together come to visit them. SilverFlint have palpable sexual/romantic tension and Madi and Thomas conspire to push them together. Afterwards when the tension is resolved Silver and Flint realize it was planned by their significant others all along and invite them into bed and the four of them have some fun
Silverflint    When drunk, Flint behaves like Toby Stephens’ Prince John in BBC Robin Hood.
Silverflint (hamilton)     Annihilation Au
Silverflint   Canon-compliant up til 4.06. When the Spanish attacks Nassau, Silver is the one who is thought to be dead and later revealed to have been captured (instead of Madi). Rogers tries to use to Silver to cause a rift between Madi and Flint, thinking that Madi will trade the treasure for Silver’s life while Flint will not. To everyone’s surprise, the opposite happens. Madi refuses to trade the treasure while Flint will stop at nothing to get Silver back.
Silverflint   firefighter au: silver keeps accidentally triggering the fire alarm while trying to improve his cooking (an actual fire may or may not be involved) and flint is the ridiculously attractive firefighter who has to deal with it
Silverflint   vigilante au: they’re both vigilantes watching over the same area and have a bit of a rivalry going on until they have to team up to take down a new threat.
Silverflint   modern au (amnesia): silver wakes up with amnesia and forgets that he was dating flint before the accident. as far as he remembers, they can’t stand each other, and he doesn’t understand why flint shows up at the hospital and seems genuinely worried about him. (roles could be reversed–author’s choice).
Silverflint  modern au based on this text post: How to kiss a boy 1)grab his waist 2)slip you hand in his pocket 3)steal his wallet 4)don't even kiss him 5)just run.
Silverflint   Fic set just after Silver loses the leg and Flint loses Miranda and they are stuck in the cabin together.
Silverflint   (Modern?) Soulmate AU (names on skin) - Flint knows Silver is his soulmate and thinks Silver either doesn't want him or doesn't have him as a soulmate in return, meaning a one-sided bond. In reality, Silver has no idea because his mark says James McGraw and all he does is wish the universe had given him a different James.
Silverflint (hamilton)   post series canon James is growing back his hair and gets a little teasing when it hits a truly awkward length.
Silverflinthamilton   Slow burn
Silverflint  Body swap!!! Preferably while they're interested but not yet together. Lasting long enough that they'll have to pretend to be one another for a little while.
Silverflint   One of them, or both of them, cries during/after sex.
Silverflint    knifeplay! let's just say that first meeting in the wrecks made quite an impression.
Silverflint + Silvermadi   madi pegs silver while he thinks abt flint
Silverflint   taking care of one another like tending to wounds post battle, caring for Silver's leg
Silverflint   Early s3 (probably during/after 3x01): Flint wears eyeliner on a raid, Silver doesn’t know about it until he gets back. He sees Flint wearing the eyeliner and is, unexpectedly and intensely, turned on by it. He wrestles with himself And his attraction but ultimately finds himself drawn into the captain’s cabin. Pining, angst, maybe smut? Writer’s choice!
Silverflint/Silverflintmadi   Silver and Hands do not escape Max and her men (Season 4, Episode 2). Hands is killed (?) and Max's henchmen drag Silver off and hold him prisoner somewhere until he can be secretly taken off the island. Bad things happen. Flint and/or Madi eventually locate Silver and find him alive and happy? dead and sad? half alive/half dead and thoroughly screwed up?
Silverflint/Silverflintmadi    Flint and the Maroons are defeated on the beach and Hornigold and the British make it through to the village (season 3, episode 10). Silver is captured whilst Madi retreats to the underground shelter to keep the villagers hidden. Hornigold proceeds to torture Silver to discover the location of the cache and to avenge Dufresne's death. Can Flint and the remnants of his forces mount a counterattack and save Silver? Can Madi sneak out of her hiding place and rescue him? Or is Silver doomed to die at the hands of a very angry, silver-haired grandpa?
Silverflint    Flint, Dooley and Joji are unable to rescue Silver at the wrecks (season 4. episode 3) and see him carted off to Nassau by the Redcoats. Rogers takes out all his frustrations on Silver during some rather brutal interrogations, and attempts to humiliate him and his cause by mocking the street for fearing/following a tiny, one-legged nobody. Somehow, Flint manages to rescue Silver before Rogers hangs him. Don't ask me how. I have no idea. But I have Great Faith in Flint.
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