#eithne click here
phasroy · 9 months
my gf will be like "youre not manipulating me, i don't feel manipulated" and i'll be thinking "but what if i manipulated her into saying that" as if thats how it worked
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morganaseren · 3 years
WIP Tag (Captain Niamh/Mermaid Leliana)
Tagged by: @illusivesoul Thanks for the tag!
Tagging: @w-h-4-t, @jellydishes, @this-is-something-idk-what, and @noeldressari No pressure if you don’t want to participate obviously!
Been awhile since I’ve done one of these for you guys! :D Do you all like fairytales?
Things to Know:
Very loosely inspired by The Little Mermaid.
No Blight or Darkspawn threat.
Elves live freely throughout Thedas, and their kingdom resides in The Dales.
The Circle of Magi doesn’t exist, so mages are free to live and travel wherever they please.
I’m keeping with Niamh’s age in Inquisition, so she’s 33 here and has been trained in the sea-faring traditions of her mother’s family, ultimately becoming one of the Captains to the Mac Eanraig clan’s impressive fleet of ships.
Leliana is a mermaid who is several centuries old. She was originally human, but due to her spurning the affections of Marjolaine, a sea sorceress, Leliana was consequently cursed. Distraught over losing her humanity, Leliana fled into a life of solitude across the seas, forever hiding from the obsessive Marjolaine.
Over the Ages, however, Leliana has taken to observing the lives of the people on land from afar, watching in amazement in all the ways they continue to grow. Simple sailboats soon gave way to vast ships capable of traversing across the entire world. Such ingenuity inevitably led to greed, however, and she watches in despair of the violent skirmishes that take place across the waters as pirates seek to plunder whatever and wherever they can. It is on such occasions that she is thankful to no longer be a part of the world she lost.
When several immense ships make their way across her territory, Leliana expects more of the same violence to occur. Instead, she finds herself drawn in by the gifted mage at the head of the impressive fleet, one who seems more interested in mapping out the world around her and preserving some measure of order within it than reveling in the senseless hedonism of the pirates Leliana has always known. 
Marjolaine sees the continued encroachment of the seas by humans as an invasion and seeks to drive them out. However, when she notices Leliana is drawn in by one of these humans, she fears that the curse she placed upon the mermaid long ago will be broken. As such, she attacks Niamh’s fleet in an attempt to keep that from happening, which eventually leads Niamh into meeting Leliana...
Interested so far? Click below to read more!
“I appreciate you taking the time to help us with this, lass.”
Niamh looked up from where she was carefully scrutinizing the details of the map set before her. Even without the heavy tread of footsteps making their way toward her across the deck of the ship, she would’ve recognized her aunt’s towering form instantly along with the heavy fur mantle across her shoulders that indicated her status as the head of House Mac Eanraig.
Her Aunt Eithne had been bequeathed the title by Niamh’s maternal grandfather upon his deathbed. As such, she held senior authority across their entire fleet of ships, but her position meant that she rarely left the waters of the Waking Sea. Given the dilemma at hand, however, it was necessary.
“You know I’m always happy to be of service, Aunt Eithne,” Niamh replied kindly. However, as she returned her gaze to the map laid out across the table, she waved a hand over it with no small semblance of frustration. “But none of this makes any sense whatsoever. I’ve been documenting the movements of various marine life populations for years in the advent we’d be met with another terrible harvest on land, but this defies any type of explanation I could possibly have.”
“And you’re certain this isn’t simply a new pattern of migration?”
“It would be far simpler if it were. A sudden exodus of this magnitude is next to impossible however. It’s as if all the fish just simply vanished from every port city across Thedas,” she admitted wearily, marking the placement of Gwaren with a small parchment weight to acknowledge the Teyrna’s assessment of the situation there. “Dorian’s already reported dwindling populations in the Nocen Sea, and Josephine’s remarked much of the same from the Rialto Bay.”
“Aye. Your older siblings haven’t noted any improvements from either side of the Waking Sea for that matter,” remarked the older woman even as she rubbed at her own jaw thoughtfully. “And that’s to say nothing of these accounts from multiple countries of entire fishing vessels disappearing as well.”
With nothing to be found within the vicinity of their homelands, fishermen were desperately looking to make end’s meet and had taken to sailing out further into the seas in hopes of more bountiful catch. While reports were regularly sent back to their respective countries to detail their progress, all missives eventually stopped upon their approach to the furthest edge of the Amaranthine Ocean.
And Niamh and her aunt were right in the epicenter of such strange events, seeking to find answers within the waves that were seemingly as fathomless as they were ancient.
“The general assumption so far among the masses is that they were casualties of the ocean itself, thrown from their vessels by raging squalls.”
“Nay, pup,” the older woman disagreed with a heavy shake of her head. “I’ve wandered these waters far longer than you’ve even been alive. There’s never been a storm in all of Thedas’ history capable of this level of chaos.” Brief laughter escaped her in a rush of breath. “And even if there were, all the more reason to have you with us, hm?”
Much like her mother before her, Niamh had long been titled within the Mac Eanraig clan for her prowess upon the seas, but it was also Niamh’s own abilities as a mage that set her apart from others. When it came to the elemental houses of magic, she held no equal and was capable of bringing even the deadliest of storms to heel with only a wave of a hand, according to the sea shanties often sung drunkenly in her name.
Highever’s Storm Wolf.
It was not quite so simple as that, of course, but it was always flattering to know her efforts were acknowledged and appreciated.
As it was, beyond the scattering of clouds in the skies, she couldn’t sense anything that would indicate a coming storm, magical or otherwise. The ocean was as calm as could be.
While the disappearance of both the fish and sailing vessels were thought to be magic-influenced as well---with the qunari being most vocal believers of the rumor---Niamh had difficulty believing any mage would willing threaten the economy on so global a scale, especially with no quantifiable benefit in sight for any of the countries that could have been involved.
But if magic is the cause, then magic will be its solution, Niamh mused determinedly.
They just had to eventually find the source.
She was drawn out of her thoughts with the sound of her mabari baying as he pranced back and forth alongside the taffrail. Her brows knitted together when she recognized the call to be Bain’s play howl, emphasized by the exuberant wagging of his long, fluffed tail. To further add to her confusion, Niamh’s ship was at the head of the fleet, but her warhound was clearly calling to someone off in the distance of the ocean.
“Perhaps he fancies a swim?” her aunt suggested humorously as she raised a tankard of warmed mead to her lips.
“No. He’s been doing that for the past few weeks. I thought he might’ve spotted some schools of fish or a herd of dugongs, but every time I’ve gone to check, there’s been nothing of note,” she explained even as she made her way over to her very vocal warhound, who threw his shaggy head back in another cheerful yodeling howl. “Easy, boy. What did you find this time?” Niamh drew her spyglass from an inner pocket of her coat, retracting it to its full length before raising it up to her eye. “Did you spot a friend out th---”
As she refocused the magnification of her spyglass to observe the jagged rocks jutting out from the shoal in the distance---too small to even be called an island---Niamh swore she saw a flash of something red disappear behind the bulk of a grey boulder. She kept her gaze on that point for several long moments, but, as expected, the image remained unchanged save for the waves crashing against the rocks. Had it been a trick of light?
Niamh frowned in consternation as she lowered her spyglass to scan the horizon more intently. The sun was indeed setting, casting the ocean tides in a beautiful dispersion of colors, but it didn’t match the vibrant reds she saw for even the briefest moment.
It had looked more akin to shimmering fire upon the water.
Before Niamh could further contemplate that thought, her balance was nearly lost as the ship lurched violently beneath her. The suddenness of it caused several surprised cries to ring through the air, which was echoed across the entire fleet as they met with the same experience.
“What in...” Bewildered, Aunt Eithne urgently strode to her side once the rocking settled. She looked out across the waters pensively. “We’re in the middle of the ocean... We couldn’t have suddenly run aground!”
And Niamh was in agreement.
Whatever had affected the entirety of their fleet was by no means a natural occurrence.
Then, Niamh felt the fine hairs at the nape of her neck prickle.
A storm was fast approaching.
Her lips thinned grimly, however, for she felt such abnormal energy within the attenuation of the low thunder echoing across the ocean that she knew they’d been led directly into a trap.
As the final dying rays of the sun sank beneath the horizon, their troubles worsened with the onset of rain, which fell upon them like solid sheets and was made all the harsher with the sudden gales of wind that threatened to blow them off course. Lightning stretched across the skies then, and as it illuminated the endless expanse of the churning waves around them, they saw several immense forms breach themselves from the depths below.
“What in Andraste’s name is that?” Aunt Eithne demanded as what appeared to be tentacles rose from the waters to stretch toward the heavens, waving menacingly all the while.
“I believe we’ve just discovered what sank all those ships...” she whispered, stunned.
As if they didn’t already have enough to contend with, Niamh soon spotted enormous serpentine shapes arch themselves out from the ocean---sluicing the waters away from their obsidian hides---before disappearing back into the waves. It wasn’t until a dark head slowly ascended to turn toward them in appraisal---revealing eerie crimson eyes and a wicked maw that was as long as half her ship---that she was stirred into action.
“Hoist those sails and then abandon ship!” she called out to the men and women still hanging aloft by the masts. To her Enchanters, she ordered, “Transfer yourselves and everyone else here onto our other fleet vessels now and then fire up the turbines immediately! Get as much distance as you can from this ship!”
She whirled to face the anxious visage of her aunt. “Whatever those creatures are, they’re approaching us too quickly! We don’t have enough mages here to power up the steam engines and evade them fast enough!”
Although Niamh held an additional title as a Captain of House Mac Eanraig, her role within it and House Cousland was more as a cartographer and scholar. Where her siblings strove to keep the peace against would-be invaders with their own warships, Niamh sought to map an ever-changing world and the various species across it. As such, she commanded the entirety of the research vessels, which also housed the largest conglomeration of mages across the fleet.
Unfortunately, she had left most of her Enchanters and researchers across various port cities around Thedas to continue monitoring the situation in her absence. Ordinarily, it wouldn’t have been seen as a significant setback, as the Mac Eanraig fleet could overpower most opponents through sheer physical prowess alone, but it was clear they were severely outmatched against beasts of this nature.
“I can power the engines on my own, but half of our ships will be dead in the water without something to distract those creatures first!”
And a good captain will always go down with their ship, Niamh finished solemnly.
So I have several headcanons for this verse in particular.
One is that without having to live in fear of imprisonment/enslavement, mages were able to help advance society, especially in regards to transportation. While traditional ships still exist in this version of Thedas that depend on wind against their sails to move, most---if not all---of the Mac Eanraig fleet utilizes a hybrid type of that and steam engines to propel them forward. They’re powered by a series of conduit lines with various fire runes interspersed throughout them. When the runes are activated, they heat up the water in the boiler network, which releases the steam that thereby powers the propulsion system.
Hopefully, that makes sense.
Back to Niamh!
“Steady. Hold it together,” Niamh murmured beneath a breath, initiating a turn that very well had the potential of breaking her ship in half. It was necessary, however. She passed beneath the looming shadow of a giant sea serpent that had been poised to strike at the rear of her retreating fleet, but she was able to distract it momentarily with the bolt of lightning aimed toward those malevolent crimson eyes.
It reared its colossal head back with a deafening roar as it was consequently blinded. With its equilibrium lost from the attack, however, it fell sideways into the water, threatening to take Niamh with it.
Frantically, she turned the helm as far to port as she could---fighting the turbulent waves battering against the rudder---before pressing the fingers of her opposite hand against the rune held at the wheel’s center. Out of her peripheral vision, Niamh could just see the momentary flare of red as the conduit line lit up like fire before the immense paddle wheels along either side of the ship began propelling forward into motion. The additional speed was just enough for her to escape the massive displacement of water as the serpent’s body came crashing down.
Niamh blew the wet strands of her hair from her face as she charted a path away from the fleet, intentionally using herself as the lure for the creatures that sought their destruction. For all their immeasurable power, she was thankful to find the beasts were easily distracted, and so---one by one---they followed after her to give chase. Given their single-minded intent, Niamh could only hope she’d find time to fix the helm in place before escaping on one of the lifeboats before the creatures could be any the wiser.
Unfortunately, it would still leave her at the mercy of the storm around her, and there was no guarantee it wouldn’t immediately capsize the small vessel once she got onto the water, but as her situation continued to grow bleaker, she thought she heard something beyond the crashing of the waves.
A voice?
Niamh frowned as she focused on the sound.
A song.
But there were no words that came with it---at least not in a language that Niamh immediately recognized. It was simply full of beautiful vocalizations enmeshed amongst the waves---a siren’s song.
Legends had long foretold of sailors being lured by a bewitching voice that seemingly echoed across the sea. Some had gone mad trying to find its source or were soon met with grisly ends as they charted their ships onto unforgiving rocks and were consequently set upon by the beasts that lurked within the deep.
As that realization fell upon her, Niamh wondered perhaps if this was an ill omen, but it seemed the sea creatures were also responding to the sound and became more desperate in their attempts to capture or kill her. She could feel the ship beginning to shudder under her, and Niamh knew that the turbines were being pushed to their limits with the magic she was forcing through them. When lightning flashed across the skies once more, she saw the silhouette of something on the horizon.
An island?
It seemed impossible to consider.
She had charted these waters for years after all and had never encountered it along this path. Gwaren was perhaps the closest piece of land in comparison, and it was several days’ travel away from her current location. How could an island seemingly appear out of thin air?
Niamh was so lost in her thoughts that she nearly lost control of the helm as the floorboards shook beneath her once more. With a gurgling roar, a tremendous tentacle then shot forth from the ocean to wrap itself around the middle of her ship, and she was left clinging to the wheel as the appendage lifted the vessel up toward the colossal eye of the kraken. She had barely enough time to see her own horrified visage reflected in the horizontally-shaped pupil before the beast sent her and her ship crashing back down into the dark depths below.
The once impressive vessel shattered to pieces around her, and Niamh’s vision flashed white as searing hot pain lanced itself across her back with how hard it impacted the waves. Her survival instincts demanded that she fight until her last breath, however, and as she struggled to regain her bearings to return to the surface, she found herself being further dragged under. At first, she thought that one of the kraken’s serpentine companions had finally caught her within its grasp, but as Niamh looked down, she saw instead that one of the ropes of a broken sail had caught itself around her leg. It was the weight of the mast attached to it that was now dragging her into watery oblivion.
The water-logged rope was like a steel chain, and try as she might, she couldn’t free herself. A hand went to her own throat as what little breath she had left escaped her in a fluttering rush of bubbles while the other reached in helpless supplication toward the heavens that had finally denied her another day of life. As she did, she saw the flash of lightning which illuminated the surface, revealing the form of something humanoid swimming down toward her.
Had one of her crew followed after her despite her orders to abandon ship?
The figure was cutting through the currents at speeds that couldn’t possibly be human. Red followed in its wake, and Niamh almost thought it blood for a moment before she realized it was the stroke of a long tail that flared in scarlet hues from the voluminous fins attached to it.
Shimmering fire upon the water... she mused in a daze even as she found herself staring into glowing eyes that were akin to glacial daggers---so blue and brilliant were their color.
Death has never looked more beautiful, was her last thought as consciousness fled from her at last, and perhaps it was Andraste’s own mercy that she felt the press of soft lips against her own, drawing her quietly away into the Maker’s embrace.
“So you’re a mermaid then?” Niamh asked as she wrung out her shirt as best as she could before leaving it to dry along the low-hanging branch of a tree. She turned to look over her shoulder when she heard the splash along the sandbar behind her, watching as Leliana gracefully laid herself out along the flat rock that gently inclined itself out from the lagoon.
As long as her tail was, Leliana left her lower torso to linger in the water, where Niamh watched as it stirred beneath the surface with languid, serpentine motions, causing the billowing fans of her fins to flow like silk sheets upon the wind. Niamh canted her head, noting that it wasn’t entirely the same shade of red. Depending on how the sunlight caught the scales, the color seemed to shift entirely beneath one’s gaze. 
She almost wished that one of her sketchbooks had survived the disastrous storm of the day prior. The beauty of the woman before her---human or no---was worth more than a few drawings alone.
“Indeed I am,” Leliana said with dulcet notes of an accent that Niamh marked as Orlesian in origin albeit of perhaps an older dialect. Although her smile was kind---revealing two rows of pearly-white, sharp teeth---a red brow also arched itself as the mermaid began to gently wring her long hair out to dry. “You’re taking this all rather well.”
Niamh snorted before drawling, “I also thought I was a dead woman the other night. That I was saved by a creature of myth doesn’t seem so hard to believe in comparison.”
So a bit more info about Leliana:
I imagine her mermaid appearance to be like a betta fish in regards to how the tail and fins look. If you look at pictures, you’ll notice they’re never all one specific color, and I just happen to think they’re really beautiful. Plus, they’re also known as Siamese fighting fish, so despite their beauty, they aren’t afraid to fight back, which I find rather suiting for Leliana. Lol.
She’s lived for Ages up to the point where she meets Niamh, and she ended up developing powers over that time. It’s connected to her singing, and, yes, she actually has lured sailors and raiders alike to their deaths in the past if she saw evidence of their evil-doing.
Leliana uses her magic to disguise what is essentially an oasis in the middle of the ocean as a means to hide from Marjolaine. It’s pretty much a lagoon within an enclosed island where the mountain walls are so high that one would just think it an inactive volcano from the outside unless one were flying directly over it. The interior can only be accessed through an underwater entrance.
She can do other things with her magic too, such as granting someone the ability to breathe underwater for a limited period of time, which is how she saved Niamh.
Because I love my gallery of DA rogues, Zevran, Isabela, and Tallis will be making an appearance in this AU as other mermaid-like creatures and are friends of Leliana.
Tentatively, I’m thinking of making Zevran’s mermaid form based off a shark, Isabela would be like a lionfish, and Tallis would probably be something similar to a blue-ringed octopus.
All of them were cursed for some reason or another by Marjolaine, and like Leliana, they’re all looking for a way to get their true forms back.
Because this is a romance---albeit another slow burn one---I do have plans in mind for Niamh and Leliana’s first time.
Basically, Leliana enters the oasis and breaks through the surface of the water into the lagoon. She’s about to announce that she’s brought back a small catch of fish with her---knowing that Niamh has likely grown tired from eating the fruit dotted around the oasis---but her voice catches in her throat when she sees Niamh sunbathing on the inclined rock that Leliana normally uses to lounge herself atop the lagoon.
Niamh raises herself up on her elbows and calls out a greeting, smiling warmly all the while, but as if bewitched, Leliana says nothing as she lets her net slide from her fingers. Swimming the short distance between them, Leliana draws herself out of the water to slowly move her way up Niamh’s body, and they kiss for the first time since she saved the human all those weeks ago.
Let’s just say that with all the swimming and hunting Leliana does, Niamh definitely appreciates how strong the mermaid’s arms are. Niamh’s not some dainty, fainthearted damsel either, so she admires how Leliana’s able to hold her down so easily... Sometimes it’s nice to give up control to someone else. ;)
Of course, we can’t forget about the threat Marjolaine poses... >:(
“You can’t keep her here forever, Leliana,” Isabela said, arms crossed in utter disapproval.
“Marjolaine is not going to find her,” Leliana argued vehemently, baring her fangs at the very thought of the sorceress anywhere near her lover. “I...” She looked down then, shame-faced. “It’s my fault that she went after Niamh to begin with.”
“Leliana, Niamh’s easily the best chance we have to break Marjolaine’s spell upon the world,” Tallis spoke then, offering to be the voice of reason within their group. “You saw how unnerved she was when she first saw her magic. If Niamh’s the key to all this, then you have to let her go, or we risk destroying all of Thedas by inaction.”
Annnnnd there’s more drama, especially as the world comes closer toward the brink of destruction. There’s angst, a final battle, a reunion, and ultimately, a happy ending. :’)
But that’s all I have for now! Like any of the WIPs I have on my blog, this isn’t as polished as I would like to be, but I hope I conveyed my idea well enough to you all! As always, let me know if you like this AU idea by leaving me a like, a comment, or a message! Until next time, dear readers!
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lexiklecksi · 3 years
WTW Preptober prompts
Week 1: Protagonist/ Antagonist
Thanks for hosting this wonderful event @welcometowriteblr
Chosen prompt: backstory of my protagonist
Character intro
I found the following list for a good character intro and used it to introduce the protagonist of my wip “dragon girl on fire” (working title).
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General info
Name: Enya Arati (Enya is the English version of Eithne, the Irish word for fire and Arati means fire ritual in Hindi)
Aliases/ nicknames: Enni, Yaya
Species: half dragon, half human
Gender: female
Age: 19
Birthdate: 3rd February
Place of birth/ hometown: born in the high mountains where the dragons lived; raised in the village Trevena
Personality: strong-willed, stubborn, assertive, hurt, revengeful, antisocial, but kind towards the people she loves
Sexual orientation: demisexual and bisexual
Under the cut: appearance, favourites, family, love and relationship, pain and hurt, random info
Body: human body, but scaled shimmering skin like a reptile and big leathery wings growing from her shoulder blades
Eye color: dark brown, almost black with a yellow slit as an iris
Hair color: red like fire
Height: 178cm (5'10)
Scars: on her arms from harming herself, on her wrists and feet from being tied up in a fire as a child.
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none
Color: sunset orange
Food: bread on a stick over a campfire
Drink: ginger lemonade
Activity: flying
Parents: dead. Her parents were murdered by the villagers when she was a little kid. Her whole family was burned alive. She is the only survivor because she can’t be burned due to her fire dragon half. The Mayor and his wife were forced to adopt her after the murder of her family. They hate her guts and constantly abuse her.
Siblings: one younger sister (12 years old), the daughter of her adoptive parents. She is the only one in the village who likes Enya.
Children: none, she is infertile due to being a mixed species.
Pets: a Phoenix finds her and follows her around for a while, helps her out with his magic, but it’s a wild bird, not a pet to keep.
Love & relationship
Been in love: yes, currently in love with the siren Meara Kailani
Cuddler: not until she met Meara
Kisser: yes
Virgin: yes
Had Sex: no
Had Sex In Public: oh no
Gotten Pregnant: no
Dominant: yes
Submissive: no
Kissed a boy: yes
Kissed a girl: yes
Jealous Easily: not really, but always ready to battle anyone who stands in between her and her girlfriend
For more information about her relationship, read my answered asks from the writing event Tender Tuesday.
Pain and hurt
(tw: self harm/ mention of suicide and murder)
Have they harmed themselves: yes, when she was a child and blamed the death of her parents on herself because she couldn’t save them. When she grows older, she understands that it’s not her fault.
Thoughts of suicide: yes, whenever she gets flashbacks of the day her family was murdered, when she gets abused by her adoptive parents and when others fail to see her as anything else than a monster.
Attempted Suicide: no, she continues to live for the day she gets her revenge.
Wanted to kill someone: yes, the villagers who murdered her family. She doesn’t remember who did it, but she knows that no one prevented it. In her daydreams, she rises into the sky and burns down the whole village with fire blasts.
Biggest fears: being murdered by humans, committing suicide, never being able to love somebody
Random info
Passed university: no, she was homeschooled
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes, when hiding in the forest
Scared easily: only when she gets triggered (PTSD)
Click here for my wip master post
Comment + if you want to be added to my new wip tag list.
Wip only tag list: @matcha-chai @callmepippin @zettelkaestchen
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cycleoffates · 4 years
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been given the clear to post zine illustrations now, so here’s my contribution to fepokezine on Twitter (right-click to see full-res)! i had the opportunity to draw Flayn, so here’s her and a team I devised for her on the project:
Cleffa // Deva (F)
Shaymin // Lilium (?)
Milotic // Eithne (F)
Dragonair // Hermes (M)
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cheshirelibrary · 5 years
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10 New Romantic Comedies To Read If You Love Jane Austen
[via Bustle]
If you don't think that "comedy" and "Austen" go hand-in-hand, you should really revisit Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Persuasion and the rest, because those novels are chock-full of tongue-in-cheek humor and hilarious interludes. Here are 10 fantastic, new rom-com novels that Jane-ites, in particular, will love:
The Bride Test by Helen Hoang
The Matchmaker's List by Sonya Lalli
Grace After Henry by Eithne Shortall
Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors by Sonali Dev
The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
Pride by Ibi Zoboi
I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella
When You Read This by Mary Adkins
Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal
Click through to see more titles.
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peach-salinger · 5 years
✧・*゚irish female names
under the cut are a mix of 219 traditional and modern irish female names. names are listed in alphabetical order with my favourites in bold, just because. as always, it's a good idea to google pronunciations (some of them might surprise you!).
please like ♡ or reblog if you found this useful
click here for my other name lists
send me a request!
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abaigh, abigeal, adeline, agnes, aibreann, aideen, aifric, ailbe, ailene, ailis, áine, aisling, alannah, alicia, alma, aloisia, alvy, aoife, aoileann, arlise, asna, attracta, atty, aubrey, augusteen, aurnia, avelyn
barduv, bairbre, bedelia, bernadette, bessie, betha, bevin, blanaid, blanid, blinne, brannagh, breanne, brenna, brianna, bridget, bridie, briona, bronagh, bryna  
cadhla, caer, cailin, cairenn, caitlin, caley, caoimhe, caragh, cathleen, catriona, ciara, cleona, clodagh, cobhlaith, cora
danna, darby, darcy, darina, davina, deirdre, delaney, dervilia, dervla, dervorghil, diana, doreen, dorothy, dorren, dymphna
eabha, earlana, ealga, eavan, edna, edwina, eileen, eilish, eimear, einin, eithne, elva, emer, ena, enda, enid, enya, erin, etain, ethenia, ethna, etna, euna, evelyn, evin, evir, eymur
faife, fáinne, fallon, farrah, farvila, feena, feenawn, fenella, ferelith, fia, fiadh, fianna, fidelma, finola, finore, fiona, flann, fola
G, H, I, K, L
gael, gelace, gillian, gitta, glenna, gobnat, gormla, grace, gráinne, honora, ida, idelisa, iona, iseult, keelin, kerry, kira, kyla, kyna, laoise
madigan, maeve, maire, mairead, maolisa, marion, meabh, meara, meaveen, meeda, mella, meryl, minit, molly, mona, monica, moreen, morna, morrin, muirenn, muriel, myrna, mór
N, O, P, R
neala, neasa, nessa, niamh, nola, noleen, nora, noreen, nuala, onora, oona, orla, orna, pegeen, peggy, regan, regina, rinach, riona, riley, rosaleen, rossa, rose, ruari, ryanne, róisín 
sabina, sadhbh, saev, saoirse, searlah, shanessa, shay, sheelagh, sheema, sheenagh, sibeal, siobhan, siofra, slaney, sonya, sorcha
T, U, W, Z
tara, teagan, tierney, tríona, tualah, tullia, uainionn, uallach, uasal, ultana, whiltierna, withypol, zaira
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sunwisher-blog · 6 years
Enya – Wild Child
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Enya – Wild Child
Call 1-855-637-4055 for our Psychic line as low as 66¢/min About Enya: Enya (born Eithne Ní Bhraonáin, anglicised as Enya Brennan; 17 May 1961) is an Irish singer, instrumentalist, and songwriter. Enya began her musical career in 1980, when she briefly joined her family band Clannad before leaving to perform solo. She gained wider recognition for her music in the 1986 BBC series The Celts. Shortly afterwards, her 1988 album Watermark propelled her to further international fame and she became known for her distinctive sound, characterised by voice-layering, folk melodies, synthesised backdrops and ethereal reverberations. She has performed in 10 languages. Enya continued to enjoy steady success during the 1990s and 2000s; her 2000 album A Day Without Rain sold 15 million copies, and became the top selling new age album of the 2000s in the US, according to Nielsen SoundScan. She received the world’s best-selling female award at the World Music Awards in 2001. She is Ireland’s best-selling solo musician. Her record sales stand at more than 75 million worldwide, including over 26.5 million in album sales in the US, making her one of world’s best-selling artists of all time. Her work has earned her four Grammy Awards and an Academy Award nomination. lyrics: Ever close your eyes Ever stop and listen Ever feel alive And you’ve nothing missing You don’t need a reason Let the day go on and on Let the rain fall down Everywhere around you Give into it now Let the day surround you You don’t need a reason Let the rain go on and on What a day What a day to take to What a way What a way To make it through What a day What a day to take to A wild child Only take the time From the helter skelter Every day you find Everything’s in kilter You don’t need a reason Let the day go on and on Every summer sun Every winter evening Every spring to come Every autumn leaving You don’t need a reason Let it all go on and on What a day What a day to take to What a way What a way To make it through What a day What a day to take to A wild child What a day what a day to take to What a way What a way To make it through What a day What a day to take to A wild child What a day What a day to take to What a way What a way To make it through What a day What a day to take to Da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da-da What a way What a way To make it through Da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da-da Da-da-da Da-da-da-da-da-da What a way What a way To make it through What a day What a day to take to A wild child What a day What a day to take to A wild child Songs By Enya: Enya achieved a breakthrough in her career in 1988 with the album Watermark, which featured the hit song “Orinoco Flow” (sometimes incorrectly known as “Sail Away”). “Orinoco Flow”, reported to be named after Orinoco Studios (now Miloco Studios), where it was conceived, topped the charts in the United Kingdom, peaked at number 2 in Germany and the Watermark album sold eleven million copies. In 1997, Enya released her greatest hits collection, Paint the Sky with Stars: The Best of Enya, again a top five smash in the UK and Germany, which featured two new songs: “Paint the Sky with Stars” and “Only If…”; “Only If…” later became a single. (“Only If You Want To”, is an early version of “Only If…”. It appears on a promotional Japanese CD called The Best of Enya, and does not include the French lyrics. Four years after Shepherd Moons she released The Memory of Trees (1995), another Top Five success in both the UK and Germany, as well as her first Top 10 album in the U.S. Singles released from the album were “Anywhere Is” and “On My Way Home”. “Caribbean Blue” (1991) “How Can I Keep from Singing?” (1991) “Ebudæ” is also featured on the soundtrack to the Robin Williams feature film Toys, while the 1990 feature film Green Card features “River“, “Watermark”, and “Storms in Africa” “We Are Free Now” In 2000, Warner Music released Enya: The Video Collection on DVD in Europe, South Africa and Asia, collecting all her videos from “Orinoco Flow” up to and including “Wild Child“, except for the video from “Book of Days”, which was replaced by a live TV performance due to licensing complications relating to the video’s use of footage from the film Far and Away. Click here to return to positive music list Read the full article
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celticmythpodshow · 8 years
CMP006 - What Price Treachery?
Lugh devises a clever scheme to get revenge on the Sons of Tuireann
It's always great to hear from you! Email [email protected], or call us on Speakpipe
  Show Summary:
Lugh devises a clever scheme to get revenge on the Sons of Tuireann and also get together some powerful magic to help the Tuatha De Danaan in their coming battle with the Fomori.
This episode is the 4th episode of the Irish Book of Invasions.
More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.com Show Summary:
Running Order:
Intro 0:42
News & Views 1:24
Story 2:38
Happy St. Maughold's Day on the Isle of Man 21:40
Promo - Marc Gunn's Irish and Celtic Music Podcast 21:54
Invitation to vote on what Celtic Myth area you'd llike us to cover next 22:15
All the credits for this episode can be found in our show-notes at http://celticmythpodshow.com/irish6
We hope you enjoy it!
Gary & Ruthie x x x
  News & Views
We talk about the upcoming Special Episode for Beltane, May Day.
  What Price Treachery? - Episode 6 of the Irish Mythological Cycle and Part 6 of the Book of Invasions
Names Used in this Story
Listed in order of appearance
Lugh Samildanach
Athluain Ford
Bearna nah-Eardagarna
Magh Luirgi
Corr Slieve na Seaghsa
Eithne, Ethlinn
Magh Mor an Aonaigh
Druim na Teine
Tailltiu, Taillte
Tuatha De Danaan
The Sidhe
Bodb Dearg
The Dagda
Tuis, King of Greece
The Luin
Dobar, King
Inis Cenn-fhinne
Island of Caer
Lugh Lamh-fada
Brugh na Boinn
King Pisear
Flidias, Flidais
River Boyne
River Life
Beinn Edair
Promo - Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
Marc Gunn
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is a free downloadable Celtic radio show of independent Irish & Celtic music. Every hour-long episode features a mix of traditional Celtic tunes, Irish drinking songs, Scottish folk songs, bagpipes, music from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany, Wales, Nova Scotia, Galacia, Australia, the United States, and around the world.
Award-winning free radio show of some of the best Irish Celtic music online. http://www.celticmusicpodcast.com/
  Sources used in this Episode
Sacred Texts, Gods & Fighting Men by Lady Gregory
Timeless Myths
Lebor Gabala (Was http://members.aol.com/lochlan2/lebor.htm which is now dead, as soon as I find the page elsewhere, I'll update the link)
Sacred Texts, Celtic Wonder Tales, Ella Young
Sacred Texts, Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race, Thomas Rolleston
Celtic Twilight
Celtic Literature Collective, Mary Jones
And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination!
  Special Thanks
For voice acting: Edward and Morgan, our sons, as Brian and 'Men of Dea'. Matt, our friend, as Urcar.
For incidental music: Diane Arkenstone, The Secret Garden . See the Contributor page for details.
Kim Robertson, Angels in Disguise . See the Contributor page for details.
Time Ticks Away by Jigger. See their Contributor Page for details.
For our Theme Music
The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details.
  Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music
(in Alphabetic order)
Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page.
Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page.
Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page.
Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page.
The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page.
Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page.
Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page.
Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of his astounding ambient music to the Sonic Sorcerer himself, Phil Thornton. You can find out more about Phil on his website or on his Contributor Page.
S.J. Tucker Extra Special thanks go to Sooj for her permission to use any of her superb music. You can find out more about Sooj on her website or on her Contributor page.
Spiral Dance Extra Special thanks go for permission to use Adrienne and the band to use any of their music in the show. You can find out more about Spiral Dance on their website or on their Contributor page.
We'd like to wish you 'Slán Go Foill!', which is Irish for 'Goodbye', or more literally 'Wishing you safety for a while'!
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phasroy · 1 year
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pretend i posted this yesterday because technically it was finished on october third its just that i passed out after finishing it. anyway i missed the first two days of starvetober so i decided to combine the prompts. the cross is on the pinetree pioneer hat lmao
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elthadrifsilverleaf · 5 years
Suilad Mellon!
This is new for me, but I thought it’d be fun to have a tumblr dedicated to my OC’s from Lord of the Rings Online game! (*cough cough* Nerd!) I’m not a big gamer, but I do enjoy it. Sometimes you get so caught up in them that... it’s... bad lol. Anyhoo, my ex boyfriend from a long time ago introduced me to this game. Back then Lord of the Rings movies were all the rage and who doesn’t love Legolas? eh? So I tried it and at first I thought it was stupid and I wasn’t all that into the books or movies, but then I had lit classes that we had to read the hobbit and then that led me to watch the movies and what do you know? I loved it. It was time consuming and I got addicted to it, but later stopped playing. Then a couple years later I got back into it. I started off with bootcamp to get the game installed correctly and then it kept crashing and after a while I called it quits. I heard they had finally come out with a mac version and was so excited and then all that stuff happened and new updates and whatnots. But now it’s all good.
This game is a lot for visual aesthetics. Yeah it might not be super high quality like some other games, but for a free to play (and my first experience with one and an mmo) I enjoy looking at all the details. My absolute favorite is the landscape art. By golly it’s amazing. I am a visual artist, but I don’t think I’d ever be able to make something like the developers do. Sometimes I go and just watch the sunset over a beautiful hill. I basically go just to enjoy some introvert time in the landscapes. It’s a nice way to go somewhere without having to leave your seat haha.
Anyways I go on a tangent. I dunno. I always thought my characters would have a backstory (and they do), more so because I had lost my original character for a good couple years. That caused me to panic a little and I was very sad. I had leveled her up and after my game crashed, I didn’t reinstall it in fear it was going to wreck my computer (which in the end it did). Then they said that they were getting rid of worlds and that’s when I freaked. All that time put into this character and now it’s all wasted. Such a tragedy. I think I mourned my character and then a few years later, created a new one because I could not remember the name of the world for the life of me. I eventually joined a kinship because I remembered the name from before (Hunters of Moonshadow). Then about 6 months into it, one of the kin members says something about the world Imladris, and it clicked. I went and typed in my character’s name and the world it was in and I GOT HER BACK! Sadly I didn’t realize I had only leveled her to 44 instead of the 75 I thought she was. Boo. But nonetheless I was still happy to have her back. So with that information out of the way, I created bios for all my characters surrounding this story as it did actually happen.
Eithne was my first ever character. She is a woman hunter. I seriously love the hunter class (as you will see). After I had lost Eithne, I created Elthadrif. I wanted a name that was similar, but I didn’t like it so I ended up randomizing with the letter E and came across Elthadrif who is also a woman hunter. Currently level 78 I think. She’s technically my main now. Sorry Eithne. Then you have Mennarvith. She is also a hunter, but an elf. Go figure. I can’t recall her level. I think it’s 48 or something like that. This is when another player wanted to create a kin and so I created her. I did have a hobbit at one point (can’t remember the name), but ended up just getting rid of it because I just was not fond of her at all. So then I created an elf lore master, but she kind of was not played because there was an update and an limit on character slots so she got put on hold. Up until recently I was able to get her back into the game. She’s level 15 currently. My lowest level character.
Anyhoo, I’ve been searching for my fan story that I had written based on my girls and the rp that my kin does. I can’t find where I have misplaced it for the life of me. If I find it I will post here for you to enjoy. In the meantime, I’ll probably try to re-write it. Hahah. Good luck to me. I’ve got time.
Hope you are all staying healthy and safe during these times of the Corona Virus. I’ll post pictures of my chars later. Toodles!
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morganaseren · 4 years
62. “It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.”
((Had to adjust the sentence structure somewhat, but how about I spoil you with a future scene from OtSttCA? ;) ))
“Have there always been so many steps leading back to my quarters?”
Leliana shook her head fondly as she guided Niamh up the staircase in question, practically half-carrying the other woman as she readjusted the arm slung around her shoulders. After her resounding victory of the archery contest, the celebratory party following it had been quite the raucous occasion.
“I had no idea your extended family could be so lively,” she mused humorously.
The Arlessa of Amaranthine had come to pay a visit to her dear niece and--given her history as a former raider of the Waking Sea like the rest of her family--she had brought along her sailing crew. Although well into the prime of their lives, they were all still a rather spirited group, and such energy inevitably fed back into Bull and his Chargers. As such, Skyhold’s tavern was overflowing with festive cheer and drink before long.
The latter had proven to be Niamh’s undoing, especially as her aunt pulled her into a rather intriguing challenge of sorts. Her friend had wound up singing an old folk song that was cumulative in nature, and as each verse lengthened, Niamh had to drain a full tankard of... whatever homemade brew her aunt and crew had brought along in the form of several casks before the rest of the crowd finished the song’s chorus.
“Ah.” Ghostly-grey eyes took a few moments too long to focus on her, but Niamh’s lips spread into a languid grin of satisfaction. “You’ll find the Mac Eanraigs and those under their banner know how to celebrate under any occasion.”
Leliana arched a brow in amusement. While her friend had won her aunt’s challenge, she was certainly more than a little inebriated now in doing so. She wasn’t quite slurring her words, but there was an overly-careful way to how she pronounced them. She was always amused with the way the woman’s accent came on a little stronger with enough drink in her system.
It was perhaps a surprise in more ways than one, as Leliana had never known Niamh to overindulge in all the time she’d been in Skyhold and because she had also been unaware of the woman’s singing ability.
“You never told me you could sing,” she had said, turning to Niamh in surprise when the challenge had been issued, and from the eyes of the other patrons within the Herald’s Rest, they all seemed equally intrigued as well.
“I can’t. I mean, it’s not--Um.” From the other woman’s wide eyes, it seemed she hadn’t expected the sudden attention. “It’s mostly just folk songs and old sea shanties--nothing like what you were capable of during our adventuring days together.”
“I certainly wouldn’t have minded if you wanted to share them at our campfire back then.”
“I suppose,” she admitted, shrugging then with a rather sheepish smile, “but I always liked listening to your songs more.”
“I’m surprised you held out as long as you did,” Leliana admitted, having sampled the drink that had led to her friend’s current state. “
“My Aunt Eithne would argue it’s in my blood. I can hold my drink,” she answered confidently even if Leliana was all too aware that the other woman would likely fall back down the stairs were she to stop aiding her. “Besides...” Niamh flashed an actual smirk her way. “It’s certainly nothing that would lead me wake up in another province with only a towel and my shoes.”
Leliana couldn’t help her laughter. “I can’t believe you remembered me telling you that.”
“Oh, I remember a lot of things about you.”
“Do you?” she questioned somewhat distractedly as she opened the final door leading up the woman’s quarters.
Niamh simply nodded, but the gesture was taxing enough that her head drooped down until her chin nearly hit her chest. “You’re not an easy woman to forget,” she murmured, and from the way those pale eyes lidded themselves, it seemed complete exhaustion would soon be upon her.
Before Leliana could respond, she heard the clicking of claws upon the hardwood floor above them, and she looked up to see Bain--Niamh’s mabari--standing at the top of the stairs. The long, fluffed tail that had been wagging upon their arrival soon slowed as he eyed Niamh uncertainly. She gently shushed him when he began whining in concern at the unfamiliar state of his mistress.
“She’ll be alright. She just needs sleep.”
“No, I don’t...”
“Considering how long it took me to get you up here, I beg to differ,” Leliana deadpanned, gently depositing the other woman on the bed. She was thankful that Niamh had been casually dressed prior to the archery contest even if she hadn’t been an active participant in it. The sleeveless tunic and loose trousers would likely be more comfortable to sleep in than the woman’s usual formal attire. As such, she only had to loosen Niamh’s boots and set them aside before pulling the furred pelts of the bed over her. “Do you need anything before I leave?”
“Would you stay here with me?”
Leliana’s brows rose. “Pardon?” When the other woman didn’t immediately respond, she looked around the room and saw the couch sitting next to the balustrade of the stairs as per usual. It certainly seemed comfortable enough. “Very well. I can sleep here if you wouldn’t mind me taking one of the blankets.”
“No, no. It’s only one night; we can share the bed.” She yawned, and the gesture laced the rest of her words with drowsy abandon. “I don’t move around much in my sleep, and even if that had been the case, it’s large enough that we wouldn’t easily bump into one another in the middle of the night.”
“Oh? Do you feel you’re going to have that bad a time come morning?” she asked in amusement, causing wintry-grey eyes to slowly open in sleepy regard of her.
“No,” she answered, a lazy smile playing on her lips. “I just missed you is all.”
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phasroy · 1 year
dni if you support irredeemable media (shallow hal, bill and ted's excellent adventure, kitchen nightmares, etc)
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phasroy · 11 months
did you know that in 1934 there was a mass hysteria that lesbians would overthrow the government and become the new rulers of america? dont believe me? look up "hardcore yuri uncensored"
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phasroy · 1 year
yall need to write less commentary videos about homophobic tiktokers and more dialogues about the philosophical argument behind self harm
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phasroy · 1 year
the entire concept of censorship is and i think always will just be so funny to me. even when its so serious i cant help but giggle when i see like. b//obs or something. thats so fucking funny
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phasroy · 11 months
(ya writer voice) their non binary b cups jiggled with a charming androgyneity as they brushed their teeth. that was when i knew: they were different.
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