#el crack cero
driftwccds · 3 months
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Is that AYO EDEBIRI ? Oh, no, that’s SADE AKERELE, a TWENTY-NINE year old BARTENDER at LAUGHTER LOUNGE, SKATING TRAINER at CERO GRADO SKATING RINK, and PART TIME TOUR GUIDE at THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF VALPARAÍSO who uses SHE/HER pronouns. They currently live in PALMERAS, PARAISO in VIÑA DEL MAR, and the character they identify with most is SOOKIE ST. JAMES from GILMORE GIRLS. Hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
tw: bad relationship tw, emotional manipulation tw, cheating tw
tl;dr : space girlfriend meme queen raised by semi-successful hippies who grew up a gifted kid that quickly became unable to keep up with it all. wanted to become a rocket scientist and was told in her high school that she had the zest for life to do it but then she didn’t because the people around her sucked and now she has no idea what the hell she’s doing with her life. just kind of a mess all the time. the friend that will make you feel better about your own life because insane shit keeps happening to her. oh and also she rollerskates.
full name : sade maria akerele nicknames : sadie age : twenty-nine pronouns : she/her place of birth : atlantic city, new jersey, USA date of birth : 02/25/199X star sign : pisces
height : 5’6 scars : a whole bunch all over her arms and legs from rollerblading ! she falls all the time and has been her whole life. tattoos : a constellation of stars in different colours on her shoulder that represent cassiopeia piercings : earlobes in both ears, belly button ( please don’t ask her about it. she doesn’t remember getting it. )other distinguishing features : she wears glasses but only when she’s alone in her sweatpants. otherwise she’ll just walk around blind !
career : triple threat : tour guide on saturdays at the valparaiso natural history museum, bartender on the weekends at the laughter lounge and skating teacher at cero grado whenever she can get shifts. education : bachelors of aerospace engineering from georgetown, two years of a masters of science in mechanical and aerospace engineering before she dropped out
aesthetics : the quiet beeping of an old school handheld gaming system ; a room littered with crystals for which you don’t know the meaning ; a collection of old cds hanging in the sunvisor of a car ; fresh white sneakers that look like they haven’t been worn ; the relief of a phone call home lifting the weight off your chest ; the feeling of rollerskate wheels rattling across the pavement ; the twinkle of starlight reflected in wide, astonished eyes ; the giddy anxiety that sits in your chest before a first date ; the smell of cracking open an old book that’s been in the library for too long ; jumping head first into things you don’t even know if you like, because you don’t know what you do like ; the rapid scratch of a pen against paper completing last minute math equations ; the feeling you got the first time you stepped into a planetarium and felt how small you were on earth, and how relieving that was currently playing : brutal, olivia rodriguez ; bravado, lorde ; exhale, sabrina carpenter ; hard times, paramore ; dorothea, taylor swift
traits : friendly, insecure, intelligent, curious, chatty, impatient, overly sensitive, disciplined, resourceful, self-reliant, gossipy, clumsy, judgemental ( at times. )
I : can you state your name, age, and how long you’ve been living in valparaiso, for the record ? 
S : sade bumbles in, chaos incarnate. her hair is full of flyaways from the valparaiso winter weather and she’s tripping over the chair as she falls into it. a sigh of relief escapes her. “ i thought i was never going to make it ! the bus was late and then it started raining── again ! can you believe it ! this is like the third time this week ! “ she’s forgotten the question already, and the interviewer has to gently repeat it for her. “ oh right. my name is sade akerele, but my friends all call me sadie. i’m twenty-nine and i’ve been in valparaiso for a full year now. “ 
I : let’s start at the beginning : where were you born ? what was your family like ? 
( divorce tw ) S : “ i hail from atlantic city, new jersey. “ she insists, “ only child. i’ve been told that people can tell. . . whatever that means. my mom is an environmental lawyer and my dad is the CEO of a non-profit that raises funds to create better sanctuaries for birds within american cities. to say i grew up hugging trees is probably an understandment── but they were cool parents too, like not really strict because they knew i was an overachiver and didn’t need to put any extra pressure on me. “ sade laughs fondly. she’s in contact with both her parents, still, and although they’re divorced these days they’ve always made an active effort to ensure that she was given the best life she could possibly have. she’s grateful for that support system ; she’s had to use it to land more than once. “ i have a step dad and a few step siblings these days, too, but when i go home i usually stay with my dad. we’re like this ! “ she holds her hands up to show her fingers crossed together, “ tight. “ 
I : what kind of kid were you ? what was your childhood like ? 
S : “ oh, god. you’re going to make me relive it ? “ she groans fondly, burying her face in her hands. “ i was so annoying. again : the only child thing. i never knew how to shut up. my parents taught me that i was the smartest in the room, and my god ! did i believe them. i was really good in school too, so it was like double homicide, right ? i walked around like i was queen of the fucking world, “ she raises her chin, as if mocking her childhood self for her arrogance ( she’s been knocked down a couple pegs since then, if you couldn't tell. ) “ all the teachers loved me, all my friends parents loved me, and i knew it. especially once i got into high school. it wasn’t really like you think in the movies where there’s the smart kids and the popular kids── i wasn’t a cheerleader, but i wasn’t really bullied either, because i think everybody just assumed one day i was going to be super successful and they should be nice to me, or something, because of all those stories we read on the internet growing up ? “ what is she talking about ? sade starts laughing again, shaking her head. “ anyway, i didn’t end up super successful. as you can see. “ she gestures towards herself, “ but i guess my parents were too nice for me to become some tyrant anyway. i’ve seen succession. i do not want to be those people. “ 
I : what was the most defining moment of your life ? how has it impacted you personally ? 
( bad relationship tw ) S : she sobers her lackadaisical attitude for a minute, a slight frown forming over her features. “ i wish i had never gone to university. “ she admits, “ i mean everything bad that happened to me happened from there. “ there’s a moment of silence between herself and the interviewer, and then sade sighs, collapsing back into the chair. “ . . .and you probably want to know all about that stuff too, huh ? whatever psychologists are watching this are going to have a field day with it. okay : so it all starts when i’m a fresh faced baby── “ she sits up again, hands waving wildly about her as she explains, " ── and my dad drives me across the country to move me into my dorm. i meet this guy── because of course i meet this fucking guy, right ?── and i’m stupid and also have only ever been the nerdy smart girl and never the girl that people look and he gives me some attention and i’m just smitten. smitten ! “ 
( bad relationship tw, cheating tw ) “ anyway, plot twist that nobody saw coming── “ she is in fact, being sarcastic, “ ──the guy does in fact suck. easily in the top 5% of shitty college boyfriends, but i’m only eighteen and i don’t have my family around and it’s apparently really easy to manipulate a teenage girl when there’s like five of you and you all decide to do it at the same time. “ she’s ( kind of ) making jokes about it, but sade still feels the impact of it on her today. she’s been out of that relationship for three years now, taken time to carefully piece herself back together, but she still doesn’t feel whole. maybe all of her anger for her younger self comes from a place of jealousy that she no longer feels so free, even though she’s trying to be. “ i spent a really long time with them. i lived with him and his roommates, and their friends that were always around── all of them were in the same program as me, and they were so comparative with each other. it genuinely felt like a nightmare out of one of those dark academia books. babes, you do not want to live there. “ she holds her forearms in an x-shape, directly addressing the camera this time. “ it was six years until one day i come home from waitressing and guess what !? mr. top 5% of shitty college boyfriends is in bed with mrs. top 5% of shitty college best friends. i couldn’t do it anymore. “ 
( bad relationship tw ) “ i ended up flying back home and just dropping out. which really sucked, by the way, because i had stopped talking to my parents like 3 years earlier because they tried to warn me that said college boyfriend was. . . you get the point. luckily, “ and again, she’s serious, “ i’m really lucky, and they love me. my dad didn’t have any problem letting me live at home with him, helping me learn how to cope with everything. that guy had made me feel like i couldn’t do anything without him, and my dad had his work cut out for him trying to teach me that i did. i was── am, in fact── really grateful that they were there for me. “ 
I : you’re working at a few different places. where are they ? why those places ? 
S : “ what a nice way of calling me a deadbeat. “ she snorts, joking. “ well, i work because i have no choice but to work three jobs to pay rent. “ that’s kind of a lie. she goes stir crazy if she’s forced to sit with her own thoughts for too long ; it’s why sade is such a big fan of the three screens. phone, tv, and laptop ! “ i do still have a bachelors degree ; it wasn’t that hard to convince the museum i did in fact know enough basic knowledge about what they had there to get a tour guide position. i also grew up doing rollerderby back in jersey, so it wasn’t hard to convince the folks at cero grado that i knew how to teach. “ she’s okay at it── the teaching part, she'd say she's fucking great at rollerskating── but her explanations can be confusing, and sometimes she does lose her patience. look ── she’s learning, okay ? “ and neither of those pay enough so i bartend on the weekends at the comedy club down the street from my apartment when i need extra cash. yes, i have heard some terrible jokes. "  
I : what’re you doing in valparaiso ? do you plan on staying ? 
S : “ well, i loved being at home with my mom and dad again, but i guess i got restless. i was always seeing people who i knew, looking them in the face and seeing their shock mirrored that i was crawling back home instead of off at nasa, or whatever. do you know what it’s like to look your failures in the eye every day ? i’ll save you the trouble of guessing : it’s terrible. “ she shudders a bit, “ i had to get out of there ! so i just kind of went to a travel agent and asked him where i should go if i wanted to run away and start over a free woman── i’m only kind of paraphrasing, he was super chill── and he directed me here. i had to prove that i had employment to get my work visa, which is where the cero grado teaching position came from ; but after that i just kind of winged it. i definitely should’ve done more research but i made it ! and i’d like to stay, at least until i figure out what it is i want to do after valparaiso. “
quickfire facts :
silly little princess ! she can be a little bit judgemental or standoffish at first because she’s used to having defensive walls up for other people being judgemental or standoffish to her but she very quickly will drop that guard if she thinks you’re a genuine person and just be cracking jokes. she is very quick to shut out people that she thinks will be mean though and it takes a lot to prove to her you aren’t. like she will just give people the cold shoulder or make catty little remarks about them if she doesn’t trust them to be chill. 
big on nostalgia. literally loves things that remind her of her childhood and a time when she felt like her life wasn’t always hanging on by a thread. this means she collects like old gaming consoles, CDs and records, stuffed toys, loves places like the arcade ( and the rollerskating rink ! ) will reread the same books and watch the same tv shows over and over again. 
she calls her parents all the time. that bitch that’s like “oh wait i have to text my mom about this” because honestly she does. 
she knows birds... unfortunately. her parents were big birders so she's a birder. she's in the birding club.
very culturally aware ! she lives for being immersed in pop culture. always sees new movies & listens to new songs & watches new shows and has an update of what’s all kind of going on. loves meme culture, obviously ( but please don’t expect me to understand too much ) 
she is trying to live her life in a way that she used to where she was really confident in herself and like trusted her gut to make the right decisions ( because not trusting her gut last time did turn out poorly for her ) so is very much trying to fake-it-till-you-make-it but like you can kind of tell. she’s very quick to apologize and ramble and over-explain herself even though she tries to pretend that she’s infallible. it’s also genuinely so easy to make her cry. she doesn’t like watching sad movies with people because she cries so hard at them.
this goes for love too ! she doesn't want her one poor decision to damage the rest of her life, so she's trying to keep herself open to falling in love again. the problem ? well, she's not really smooth. at all. she gets really nervous in front of anybody she thinks is attractive and will trip and stumble all over herself. 
she has a hamster… it’s her therapist. she talks to him all the time. his name is captain snuggles and she does refer to him by his full title because that is just polite. he earned that rank. he bites her all the time.
lowkey a clumsy bitch. like her phone screen is very cracked kind of clumsy. 
she used to do rollerderbies when she was a kid and she loves being on skates. she’s very talented, can do all the little dances and backwards skating and everything but unfortunately she is not a very patient teacher. it’s not that she’s mean she just gives up really easily and will be like well ? you just do that over and over again. what else do you want me to say ?
wanted connections :
i will return to this my brain is so empty man. girl so confusing, maybe ?
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marcosernestomarsal · 3 months
En su reciente y famoso arresto por alcoholismo al volante, Justin Timberlake sostuvo una conversación con el policia:
-Crack. -Cero. -Me refería a vos, genio. -Ni bola man. -Vas a ir preso.
Las fans más celosas del astro norteamericano aseguran que es toda una tramoya de los medios para cancelar su Forget Tomorrow tour.
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Día de la madre
El día de la madre fue un baño de sangre. Le regalé una botella de vino lacrada para su día. Error. Con mi padre muerto ya no existe ser humano capaz de sacar un corcho, abordé la tarea como si pudiera, a la hora de la cena, un hermoso tinto para acompañar las pastas, los mejores fideos con tuco del domingo más hermoso de Mayo (frío, lluvioso, mis favoritos). Inserté el rulo del sacacorchos y giré para lograr la penetración si se me permite la expresión, mientras de fondo sonaba un streaming sobre comida y cine. Una vez enterrado el fierro, engancho la otra parte en el pico de la botella, con el artilugio destinado para tal fin, y hago fuerza. Toda la fuerza. Nada. El universo ni se enteró de mi intención. Insisto. Nada. Empiezo a temer por mi integridad física, visualicé todos los posibles apocalipsis, entre los cuales se encontraba que el corcho saliera de golpe y me sacara un ojo (un clásico) o el otro de partir el cuello de la botella y beber vino con vidrio picado para triturar nuestras entrañas. Pasaron 10 minutos y decidí parar el streaming porque me di cuenta de que no estaba escuchando una mierda, me estaba perdiendo todo concentrado en mi infructuosa tarea. Pasaron 20 minutos y escuché un crack: el pico de la botella empezaba a astillarse sin que el corcho se moviera ni un solo milímetro. A los 30 minutos mi madre hizo sus intentos y logró sacar medio centímetro de corcho. Se cansó y volví a intentarlo yo, entonces vi la sangre. Ella en su intento brutal se había cortado los dedos con el pico astillado, en ese mismo instante siento dolor en uno de mis dedos: yo también me corté. Y el corcho como si nada. A los 57 minutos teníamos un vino descorchado perfectamente, lo logramos con más y más intentos protegiéndonos las manos usando guantes de jardinería. Servimos el vino en una jarra, pasándolo por el colador más fino que teníamos y luego por filtros de café. Los fideos se reían en nuestra cara, cero empatía, fríos. Calentamos la comida y cenamos en completo silencio, agotados y desangrados. Feliz día mamá.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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nosce · 1 year
Ángel Carmona de Radio 3 despidiéndose. Crack, Puto.
Una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida fue compartir micrófono a mis 19 añitos durante un par de meses poniendo discos en un programa local de Onda Cero sobre Rock Progresivo/Sinfónico. En otra ocasión, el mejor locutor de Blues que ha dado este Planeta, El Maqui, me invitó a ver a B.B. King al Palacio Conde Duque de Madrid. Y para allí que me cogí un tren, claro. Y allí que estuvimos gozando…
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View On WordPress
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immotion · 2 years
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El crack cero | 2019 | dir: José Luis Garci
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cinemgc · 5 years
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El crack cero (2019)
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mrfahrenheit92 · 4 years
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fanzine22 · 4 years
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Buen cine negro...
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sindicatoquimico · 5 years
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Muy buena...
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kinodiario · 5 years
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El crack cero - Jose Luis Garci [2019] Spain
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cinelandia · 5 years
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mantecol · 2 years
boludo si querés anons activa el anon. pero yo tengo bolas así que. la vdd es que me intimidabas un toque cuando me empezaste a seguir pero después dije jaja qué payaso y encima te gustan los otomes por lo que la intimidación bajó a cero. y nada hoy sos un crack te quiero 🖤
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mujer-itinerante · 3 years
Pasaron ya más de 700 días de aquella decisión cambiar de aires, de probar nuevos horizontes. Y otra vez estoy donde empecé. En el interin tuve muchas cosas nuevas que descubrí. Sí! Descubrí el trabajo donde no cotizas, sabia de su existencia pero en mi país natal jamas me habia pasado. Pasé por un trabajo donde coticé pero abusaron de mi necesidad de trabajar. Cómo? Trabaje 9 meses y legalmente solo me cotizaron 51 días. 🥴 Uno va aprendiendo. Me pilló la pandemia, sin dinero para comer, ni para alquilar una habitación así que no me quedó otra que pedír un credito. Sufro de ansiedad y de ese problema donde la mente mastica siempre sobre un mismo pesamiento??? Buano ya! No me sale el nombre. Fueron tres meses de encierro en una habitacion blanca, sin trabajo y endeudada. Mi peor miedo, sí, mi peor miedo es no tener dinero para comer o para pagarme un techo que me cuide. Mi red social de apoyo (no hablo acá de twitter, facebook, instagram etc) sino de quienes pueden ayudarte en caso se situciones dificiles, es prácticamente inexistente. Buscaba trabajo todos los dias, desde casa claro por el tema confinamiento. NADA!..Creí que mi cabeza enloquecía. Me compre un tapíz a colores pintado. Sí, una especie arbol de la vida con colores estridentes y superpower pero el detalle de ese tapíz me salvo la vida. Llevaba pájaros pintados.
Mis mañanas se iban entre despertar, ejercitar (casi todo en el cuarto, recuerden pandemia), buscar trabajo acá en mi ciudad nueva o en el extranjero (mudarme otra vez era una opción), desesperar porque nadie respondia a mi curriculum e inventarme mil historias negativas en la cabeza del por que no me contactaban.
Lloraba, me daba panico, volvia en mí, tomaba fotos por la ventana de los vecinos de otros edificios (insisto pandamia, no era stalker), y volvia a la desesperanza.
Lentamente las cosas cambiaron, nos dejaron salir q ciertas horas. Todo era muy extraño, gente con mascarilla por donde miraras y se asustaban si les pasabas muy cerca. Lentamente no sé cómo lo hice dejé fluir, pero el dinero del prestamo se acababa. Se fueron 8 meses sin trabajo y buscando. Hasta que conseguí. Aún hoy no sé cómo le hice para tener fuerzas.
Ya pasaron 1 año y un mes desde la vuelta al trabajo. Maravilloso, pude viajar de nuevo. Recuperar mi eje. Fue genial.
Y justo ahi cuando más cómoda me sentía PUUUUMMMMMM!!! Te llegan y te dicen que no te renuevan el contrato. Así, sin anestecia, sin estar preparada. Otra vez en la calle. "Sos una crack en lo que hacés, pero no nos gustan que nos digan lo que está mal o hay que mejorar". (Hasta la coma fue lo me dijeron el resto lo agregue yo 🤔). Parece que si un trabajador dice "hasta que de abusos", ya no sirve.
Como sea no le voy a dar vueltas al asunto. Perfecto. El tema es que todo esto iba a que, acá estoy de nuevo, en el fondo, sin un duro, en la ciudad más linda del mundo. El desequilibrio generado fue tal que la ansiedad me consumio por dias. Preocupaciones, malestar que se yó. Depresión?
No llevo ni un mes sin trabajo y me siento perdida. Es estúpido el como me siento. Sé todas mis fortezas y aún asi giro en circulo como trompo sin direccion alguna. La motivación donde está?. La motivación no es motivación es miedo y no me gusta como se siente.
Hoja cero. Curriculums todo el tiempo. A veces no me he siquiera salido de la cama que ya mande 5 cvs. Del otro lado silencio, que genera ansiedad, preocupación y mil cosas más. Los días pasan y se observa silencio.
Trato de pensar positivo, de cambiar la perspectiva de como veo todo. Lo logro por instantes por otros me hundo en la confusión, en un mar de preguntas.
Pido al universo que me guíe, que me de fuerzas. Me siento sola, poco entendida. La ansiedad viene, se queda, da tregua y vuelve con todo. A mi alrededor la gente me dice "la culpa es tuya, deberias ser mas positiva, mas bla bla bla". Sus comentarios hunden mas. No quiero estar así, no soy yo misma así. pero mi cabeza me gana mas de una vez. Es una batalla sin cuartel, no sé como hacerles entender.
Que fluya, que fluya...lo sé. Me encanta que todo fluya, hoy no se como hacer. No me preocupa empezar de cero, me preocupa este bucle del que salgo y vuelvo a entrar.
Se que el universo me cuida la espalda dicen. Ok.
Sin trabajo, sin dinero buscando soluciones y perdida. A veces intento volver a esas situaciones extremas (para mi) para recordar como lo solucioné como pude con mi animo, como vencí a mi ansiedad, a mis pensamientos.. a ver si así supero esto otra vez.
Hoy otra vez desperte con la energia a pleno y ahora la busco por el piso ...miro por la ventana con miedo a salir ...no quiero vivir con miedo a lo que mi mente se cuente.
Esta bien empezar de cero otra vez solo que no quiero seguir girando en circulos, ya es suficiente
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Ese tapiz me salvo la vida en el confinamiento.
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Mi ventana....el mundo fuera y yo hoy tan desequilibrada
#diary #feelings
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sweetygirl90 · 3 years
Hola, me encantan tus dibujos y, la verdad, estás muy infravalorada. En mi opinión, estás al nivel de Nuvex (para mí una diosa xD) y me encanta el estilo que tienes, te has convertido en una de mis artistas favoritas. Sigue así y espero que más gente descubra tu hermoso arte uwu
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Me pusiste re soft AAA Honestamente, yo también sigo a Nuvex y también considero que es tREMENDA DIOSA ÍDOLA CRACK PÍSAME POR FAVOR, así que no esperaba tal comparativa💕💕💕💕 Debería contrariar, porque me falta para llegar a su nivel, peRO PARA QUÉ NEGAR LO BONITO QUE SIENTO AHORA MISMO.
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Muchas gracias por seguirme y por el apoyo. Sé que dando lo mejor eventualmente me conocerá un poco más de gente por aquí, aunque no te preocupes, es que... Esta cuenta es nueva. Fue un reinicio desde cero desde que mi vieja cuenta de tumblr se desorganizó por completo(?)
Trataré de publicar cositas más seguido, mil gracias de nuevo por el amor y el apoyo.
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Dana Andrews.
- El forastero (The Westerner) (1940), de William Wyler.
- Lucky Cisco Kid (1940), de H. Bruce Humberstone.
- Sailor's Lady (1940), de Allan Dwan.
- Kit Carson (Kit Carson) (1940), de George B. Seitz.
- La ruta del tabaco (Tobacco Road) (1941), de John Ford.
- Belle Starr (1941), de Irving Cummings.
- Bola de fuego (Ball of Fire) (1941), de Howard Hawks.
- Aguas pantanosas (Swamp Water) (1941), de Jean Renoir.
- Berlin Correspondent (1942), de Eugene Forde.
- Tiburones de acero (Crash Dive) (1943) de Archie Mayo.
- Incidente en Ox-Bow (The Ox-Bow Incident) (1943) de William A. Wellman.
- La estrella del norte (The North Star) (1943), de Lewis Milestone.
- December 7th (1943), de John Ford y Gregg Toland.
- Rumbo a oriente (Up in Arms) (1944) de Elliott Nugent.
- The Purple Heart (1944), de Lewis Milestone.
- Alas y una plegaria (A Walk in the Sun) (1944) de Henry Hathaway.
- Laura (Laura) (1944) de Otto Preminger y Rouben Mamoulian.
- State Fair (1945), de Walter Lang.
- Ángel o diablo (Fallen Angel) (1945) de Otto Preminger.
- Un paseo bajo el sol (A walk in the sun) (1945) de Lewis Milestone.
- Tierra generosa (Canyon Passage) (1946) de Jacques Tourneur.
- Los mejores años de nuestra vida (The Best Years of Our Lives) (1946) de William Wyler.
- Daisy Kenyon (Daisy Kenyon) (1947), de Otto Preminger.
- El justiciero (Boomerang!) (1947) de Elia Kazan.
- Mi corazón te guía (Night Song) (1948) de John Cromwell.
- El telón de acero (The Iron Curtain) (1948) de William A. Wellman.
- Ningún vicio menor (No Minor Vices) (1948), de Lewis Milestone.
- Deep Waters (1948), de Henry King.
- Britannia Mews (1949), de Jean Negulesco.
- Mi loco corazón (My Foolish Heart) (1949), de Mark Robson.
- Sword in the Desert (1949), de George Sherman.
- Al borde del peligro (Where the Sidewalk Ends) (1950), de Otto Preminger.
- Nube de sangre (Edge of Doom) (1950) de Mark Robson.
- Sealed Cargo (1951), de Alfred L. Werker.
- Luchas submarinas (The Frogmen) (1951) de Lloyd Bacon.
- No quiero decirte adiós (I Want You) (1951) de Mark Robson.
- Destino Budapest (Assignment: Paris) (1952) de Phil Karlson y Robert Parrish.
- La senda de los elefantes (Elephant Walk) (1954).
-Tres horas para vivir (Three Hours to Kill) (1954) de Alfred L. Werker.
- Duelo en la jungla (Duel in the Jungle) (1954) de George Marshall.
- Pelirroja indómita (Strange Lady in Town) (1955) de Mervyn LeRoy.
- Cara a la muerte (Smoke Signal) (1955) de Jerry Hopper.
- Mientras Nueva York duerme (While the City Sleeps) (1956) de Fritz Lang.
- Comanche, duelo de razas (Comanche) (1956) de George Sherman.
- Más allá de la duda (Beyond a Reasonable Doubt) (1956) de Fritz Lang.
- Suspense... hora cero (Zero Hour!) (1957) de Hall Bartlett.
- Spring Reunion (1957), de Robert Pirosh.
- La noche del demonio (Night of the Demon) (1957), de Jacques Tourneur.
- Enchanted Island (1958)
- The Crowded Sky (1960), de Joseph Pevney.
- Madison Avenue (1962), de H. Bruce Humberstone.
- Primera victoria (In Harm's Way) (1965) de Otto Preminger.
- Desafío al destino (Brainstorm) (1965) de William Conrad.
- Hacia el fin del mundo (Crack in the World) (1965) de Andrew Marton.
-Ciudad indomable (Town Tamer) (1965), de Lesley Selander.
- La batalla de las Ardenas (Battle of the Bulge) (1965) de Ken Annakin.
- Berlín, cita con los espías (Berlino - Appuntamento per le spie) (1965) de Vittoria Sala.
- Los seres queridos (The Loved Ones) (1965) de Tony Richardson.
- Estación 3 ultrasecreto (The Satan bug) (1965) de John Sturges.
- El robo del diamante azul (The ten millian dug) (1966) de Bitto Albertini.
- Johnny Reno (1960), de R.G. Springsteen.
- Hot Rods to Hell(1967) de John Brahm y James Curtis Havens.
- El Cobra (Cobra II) (1967), de Mario Sequi.
- La brigada del diablo (The Devil's Brigade) (1968), de Andrew V. McLaglen.
De Oriente a Occidente para matar (Innocent Bystanders) (1972) de Peter Collinson.
- Aeropuerto 75 (Airport 1975) (1974), de Jack Smight.
- Por la senda más dura (Take a Hard Ride) (1975) de Antonio Margheriti.
- El último magnate (The Last Tycoon) (1976) de Elia Kazan.
- Los valientes visten de negro (Good Guys Wear Black) (1978) de Ted Post.
- Born Again (1978), de Irving Rapper.
The Pilot (1979), de Cliff Robertson.
Prince Jack (1984), de Bert Lovitt.
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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El crack cero (José Luis Garci, 2019, España)
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