#el cuerpo
Los cuerpos tienen historia y eso los hace aun más determinados, más inasibles. Han llegado a ser, y pueden dejar de ser, perecer, quebrarse, marchitar. Pero, mientras son, son por completo y sin dudas, y eso quiere decir que han triunfado sobre la nada. Un triunfo provisorio, precario, pero un triunfo. En eso, justamente, radica el asombro de lo real, en ese triunfo provisorio sobre la nada. ¿Cómo construir un mundo a partir de esos enigmas? Significando, generando sentido, infatigablemente. Entre el cuerpo (contingente) y el tiempo (implacable) se instala el sentido, la palabra.
Graciela Montes.
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buscando-que-leer · 1 year
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Un escritor vuelve a recorrer el camino que atravesó con tres amigos durante su adolescencia para descubrir el cadáver de otro niño, en la representación ritual del pasaje de la juventud a la madurez.
La frase
"El amor tiene dientes que muerden; y las heridas jamás cicatrizan. Ninguna palabra, ninguna combinación de palabras puede curar esas mordeduras del amor. Pero también lo contrario es cierto, esa es la ironía. Si esas heridas cierran, las palabras se mueren con ellas"
Nombre:  Las cuatro estaciones. Otoño. El cuerpo
Editorial: Debols!llo
Autor: Stephen King
Año: 1982
Titulo original: Different seasons
Trailer de la película
En papel: Gandhi, Casa del libro, Amazon, Buscalibre
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emvisual · 2 years
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Ha muerto Raquel Welch. Un icono del cine. Con una belleza que siempre me pareció sobrevalorada. De hecho, el apodo de "El cuerpo", fue una campaña de marketing de mucho éxito.
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cantsayidont · 4 months
Hateration holleration miscellanea:
EL CUERPO (2012): Intriguing but slightly disappointing Spanish thriller with a killer premise: mild-mannered chemistry professor Álex Ulloa (Hugo Silva) uses a rare drug to murder his wife Mayka (Belén Rueda) so he can run away with his younger mistress Carla (Aura Garrido), but Mayka's body then mysteriously disappears from the morgue, while a guard is hospitalized. A savvy police inspector (José Coronado) finds the drug in Álex's possession and is prepared to charge him with murder, but is Mayka really dead, or is it an elaborate plot to set him up? Effectively creepy — there are points in the first hour where you start to wonder if this might be some kind of EC Comics undead-spouse revenge horror plot — but while the ultimate resolution is unexpected, it hinges on certain events that appear very tangential to the plot, which deprives it of the needed emotional punch. CONTAINS LESBIAN? Alas. VERDICT: Clever, but ultimately too much of an intellectual exercise, lacking the nerve-jangling tension the premise deserved.
TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. (1985): Engrossing but frustratingly muddled crime drama, directed and cowritten by William Friedkin, based on a novel by Gerald Petievich about the unraveling of once-heroic Secret Service agent Richard Chance (William Petersen), who goes over the edge in his determination to nab slick counterfeiter/artist Eric Masters (Willem Dafoe), who killed Chance's former partner (Michael Greene). Effectively mean, with style to burn, a moody New Wave soundtrack by Wang Chung (I'm very partial to the theme song), a memorable villain, some good supporting performances (in particular Dean Stockwell as Masters' sleazy lawyer), and one of the few cinematic car chase sequences that's actually exciting. However, it never quite comes together, hampered by a pointless and Islamophobic opening sequence about Chance saving Ronald Reagan from a Muslim suicide bomber; ineffectual characterization of Chance's nebbishy current partner (John Pankow), who is caught in the undertow of Chance's moral disintegration; and an awkward late-third-act POV shift that leaves the whole story feeling like an unsatisfying misfire. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Masters' girlfriend (Debra Feuer) eventually skips town with her girlfriend (Jane Leeves), the only ones in the story who get anything like a happy ending. VERDICT: More narratively ambitious but less successful than Michael Mann's generically similar MANHUNTER (which also stars Petersen) a year later.
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zanephillips · 10 months
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QUIM GUTIÉRREZ Burning Body 1.06 "The Impossible"
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frandurillo-blog · 2 years
El cuerpo humano (The Human Body) 
Diverse people group standing together on isolated white background. Happy young men and women character set. Vector illustration different citizen EspañolEnglishel cuerpo humanohuman bodyla cabezaheadla carafaceel cuelloneckel hombroshoulderel pechochestla espaldabackel abdomenabdomen / stomachel estómagostomachel ombligoumbilicus/belly buttonla cinturawaistla caderahipImagen: freepik.es
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cinema-winding · 2 years
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Bazen bir şeylerin açıklamasını yapamazsınız ancak gerçeklik sizi yakalayana kadar.
Kayıp odasına bir bakın belki içerde bir ceset vardır.
Bir gün morgta bulunan iş kadını Mayka'nın cesedi kaybolur. Ilk başlarda bile olayların bir takım şüpheler üzerinde dolaşılırken bu kayıp ceset bir çok karmaşayı beraberinde getirecek. Bu film ile aklınızın sınırlarını zorlamaya hazır olun.
Hayattını daima bir plan üzerine oturtan bir kadının şüpheli ölümü . Dedektif Jaime Pena görevi davayı çözmektir . Jaime de yaşadığı travmanın izlerini atlatamamıştır. Bu davayı kısa zamanda çözmesi gerekmektedir. Halen meslekte iyi olduğunu kanıtlamak için göstermek için . Karanlık bütün kuytulara sinmiş iken aslında kimse göründiğü kişi değildir. Oriol Paulo'nun ilk uzun metrajlı sinema filmi olan yapımın başrollerinde Belén Rueda, Hugo Silva ve Aura Garrido bulunuyor. İspanyol sineması teknik ve senaryo anlamda bir zirve yaşatıyor izliyeciğe. Gecenin bütün gizemi ve sırlarını gözlerinizin önünden geçerken bu film size akılın bütün sinırları bir kez daha derin bir nefes içinde kaybolmanızı sağlayacak.
Köşelere lütfen dikkatli edin mutlak tersi oranı vardır.
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vn-us · 8 months
Disculpa por toda la inactividad, estuve demasiado enferma durante este tiempo y mi cuerpo esta doliendo, pero bueno pronto subire mas contenido!! Muchas gracias por todo el apoyo y votos (hasta comentarios, me alegra saber que les gusta estos dibujos 💕)
Asi que les dejo este trio de seres que les encanta pasar tiempo en los bosques 💪
— Mychael
— Crowe
— Alan
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(Es mas un dibujo rapido por toda la inactividad, pronto subire algo en referencia a estos tres, ya que esta no es mi unica cuenta donde publico :3)
Muak muak a todxs los quiero mucho
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serendipia03 · 3 months
Mi alma y mi cuerpo te piden a gritos.
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2158- Presta atención a tu cuerpo, a veces se enferma para que sanes tu alma.
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loopscereal · 3 months
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Day 2: Fusion/Separation
Mi idea aquí era representar cuando ambos se sentían más separados/aislados/solos, y uh la mitad de la fusión es la figura central con los ojos todos reflectantes. Me gusta pensar que si los dos se fusionan mientras desalineados, entonces el resultado sería una experiencia disociativa. color palette here :)
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b1cr1ptic · 2 years
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la jarrowcita
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odiniswithus · 7 months
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T; "I want you....inside"
M; "Goddammit... "
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frasesenespa-ol · 2 months
Puedo sentir el calorcillo que desprende su cuerpo muy cerca de mí, como si en realidad no nos hubiéramos separado.
Corazón de mariposa -Andrea Tomé
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dabid-motozalea · 7 months
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Pues aquí estoy, cumpliendo hoy mismo 2 años menos que una montaña.
Ayyy señor, llévame pronto..
Feliz día para mi.
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tinglingpeter · 1 year
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Quim Gutiérrez
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