#el hopper deserves better
stormypasta88 · 7 months
i think mileven's gonna breakup in s5.
not bc of mike's sexuality or el's crave for independence or anything, which are both large potential factors.
but rather, i think that mileven is trauma-bonded and their relationship, romantic or platonic, is built on their shared trauma.
we know for a fact that el isn't interested in anything that mike is interested in (dnd, fantasy, sci-fi, etc etc) and that mike isn't too fond of anything that el is interested in (even tho el is still on a journey of finding out what is our there that she likes)
something they have in common is their trauma regarding to the upside down/alt dimension monsters. even though their trauma isn't on the same level, it is still trauma that they both went to
i think in s5 they'll go through experiences and they'll realize that "huh. maybe the only thing that i know about him/her is what she's/he's gone through and we shouldn't be togehter"
the external factors of mike's sexuality and el's crave for independence could play a part in that too, but all in all it's the realization of their trauma bond.
tldr; mileven is trauma bonded and they only reason they're still together/have been together so long is bc their shared trauma keeps coming back
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this parallel is just… they ask you how you are and you just have to say you're fine-
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harringroveera · 8 months
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AU where Billy escaped the Vecna’s curse because he’s not a hurt kid anymore & he’s already found his family
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lunabug2004 · 3 months
Why the Troy and Angela Situations Should Not Be Compared (+ Why Mike's Reaction Is Valid)
One of the things that gets my blood boiling as a Mike defender is when people try to compare the bullying/El's reaction to said bullying between the Troy and Angela scenes. They are not the same thing, not even close! Yes, they're both cases of bullying, but two very different levels of extreme.
Yes, I understand that words can hurt just as much, if not more, than a physical weapon, and Mike understands this too, that's why he tries to connect with El the morning after. But in the real world, one without monsters or powers, the one they believe they're living in at the time, violence is almost never the answer, it only makes things worse, as it did. Mike also understand this. Now, yes, it took him a minute to figure out that El didn't quite understand this yet, but he works to fix his mistakes as soon as he does.
Now, let's look at season 1's incident. Troy is threatening to cut Dustin with a knife if Mike doesn't jump off the quarry cliff. Two lives are in immediate and direct danger in this situation. El, literally at the last second, saves Mike as he's falling, so that's one problem fixed and one less life at stake. By this time, yes, Troy has moved away from Dustin, but he is still holding the knife! And then he aggressively steps towards El, threatening her with it, so she snaps his arm and makes him drop it. This is self defense, as well as defending her friends from a dangerous situation.
In season 4, Angela publicly humiliates El. Yes, it's awful, and yes, she deserves the smack that she gets for it, but it's nowhere near as bad as what Troy was doing. Angela isn't putting any lives in immediate danger, she's not brandishing a weapon! Legally, El smacking Angela is assault, because at the point of the roller-scate-smack, the ordeal is done with, and there was no physical harm done. I'd like to add that I'm aware of El falling, and that she may have been hurt, but technically no one touched her, so it still isn't technically self-defense (I may be wrong here, pls correct me if so). This is a very unfortunate situation, and I feel terrible for El, as should everyone, but I'm a firm believer that when it comes to bullies, you shouldn't fight fire with fire, and Mike seems to carry this belief as well, as he repeatedly tells the boys to just ignore their bullies in s1. @foodiewithdahoodie has an old post (can't find it irl, but it's stuck in my brain) in which they say El treats Angela, a normal girl who is not a serious threat, with the same extreme hostility she shows the UD monsters, and I completely agree with this. El is flawed, and Mike's not a bad person for reacting to those flaws, that just happen to include unnecessary violence, the way a normal person would.
Anyways, what I'm getting at here is that these two situations are completely different (again, Troy has a literal weapon, two peoples' lives were being actively threatened!) and Mike's reaction in both circumstances were completely valid! In season one, he was seconds away from death, and so when El saved him and made the threat go away, he was eternally grateful for her defense. In season 4, he tries so hard to get to her when he realizes what's going on despite having just found out she'd been lying to him for months, and he was even completely on El's side, trying to find and comfort her, until she hit Angela, then he believed she went too far (she did), so he made that known. He's never been one to sugarcoat when he disagrees with certain behaviors, and he doesn't start here, he tells it like it is: Angela doesn't look fine. It also is just a lot to process, so it doesn't surprise me that it takes an overnight thought-session for him to figure out where he went wrong, and again, he tries to make it up to her! To connect with her, bringing down some of his walls in the process! She just disregards his experiences, then brings up him not saying ILY, so he gets defensive and puts back up his walls, and they never get to continue this conversation! (This is an analysis for another day in and of itself tbh)
To reiterate, it just irks me when people compare these scenes to try and make Mike out to be a bad person, when they are nowhere near the same situation! His reactions being different makes total sense, esp when adding the shock-factor of it all! I'll stop talking now cuz this could go on forever and I lowkey feel like I'm just repeating myself now.
Pls tell me your thoughts on this!
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“this part of lucas’s book where he talks about how he thinks this other guy on the team is attractive indicates hes bisexu-“ GUNSHOTS
is he bi? i think so, yes, BUT, hes talking about the first black kid he saw in high school and how he had a different idea of what attractive people looked like compared to his friends. he then literally says “especially for someone that looks like me.” its not him being bi in that snippet. its about seeing that people that look like him can be attractive, too. im not saying to stop making everyone queer, but what i AM saying is to stop only looking at lucas and other POC characters from the lense of a white queer.
sincerely, a queer latina<3
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weird-an · 1 year
The first night at Hopper's place, Billy can't sleep. He sits on the bed that is supposed to be his now, still dressed. His clothes and few belongings are still in the bag.
He watches the door. He isn't sure what he's waiting for. Maybe for the Chief to barge in and kick him out, laughing about him being so gullible. Or for Neil to knock at the door and tell him it's time to come back home.
Nothing happens. The daylight chases the stars away and Billy continues staring at the door.
It's 6 a.m. on a Saturday. Billy can't sit there anymore, he's going fucking crazy. He's not sure, what's expected, what the rules are. He's only sure, he won't stay for long.
So he decides to do, what he's used to. He's making coffee and breakfast and has it all set before Hopper even stops snoring.
The problem is, El and the Chief both seem delighted, but he doesn't get other chores. He watches them, laughing and eating and tries to figure out what he's supposed to do, how he's going to earn staying here - because he only gets paid in a few weeks. He wonders if he can stay at Steve's when his parents are gone again.
He waits for a few days. Makes breakfast, cooks dinner, cleans. Doesn't sleep, stares at the door for hours. He doesn't unpack the bag.
On Thursday, Hopper gets home from work early, a bag of takeaway in his hands. El beams at him.
"Did you get the fortune cookies?" she asks. Hopper hands her the bag.
"Thanks for cooking all week," he says to Billy. "It's my turn tomorrow."
Billy wants to ask what he's supposed to do then. If he's better off at the quarry then. But Hopper doesn't seem like the type to answer stupid questions.
"Here." El hands him a fortune cookie. "Take this one."
Billy cracks it open after dinner. El doesn't let him to the dishes.
You are right where you belong. Try to enjoy it.
He blinks. It's just a stupid fortune cookie. Who gives a shit.
Hopper snorts at his. "Stop being angry and relax," he says. "Thanks El."
El winks at Billy. Billy feels all warm all of a sudden.
It's just a stupid cookie. It's the first night he really goes to bed and falls asleep.
Hopper makes a pork roast the next day. He burns it, but they still eat the parts that are good.
Billy opens his bag. Maybe he'll unpack soon.
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El, you tried dating Mike. A for effort.
I love you so much, but please dump Mike's ass again (he has a boyfriend waiting for him) (and El has a girlfriend and a boyfriend waiting for her)
Breakup m*leven and get the good, not toxic couples out on stage
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teambyler · 20 days
Taking El's side at Rink-O-Mania
I don’t think most Mileven fans are homophobic. I DO think most want the best for El. But to THAT I say let’s talk about what El needs in a partner. Yes Mike is learning and I’m glad he could say I Love You, but what kind of love are we talking here?
Dude I don’t care how many bullies are surrounding El: you go in there and disrupt the bullies' stupid roller skating circle, you've faced much worse for chrissakes (and I’m mad at Will for not doing this too btw). And I’m on Team Hit Angela. (My only caveat is to try to avoid permanent damage and minimize danger to yourself. Teach her a lesson so other people aren't bullied.) Mike and Will’s concern should’ve been for El's emotional well-being, not that “what did you do” BS.
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“I love you on your good days and your bad days” is about more than saying words. Actions speak louder.
I take El's side here unequivocally, and I'm not even her boyfriend!
P.S. Follow and read my blog! I have so much to say!
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
Billy, when Joyce and Hopper adopt him into their family: Is being queer a requirement to be in this family?
Will: Yes
El: Yes
Jonathan: Yes
Hopper: No
Joyce: Yes
Hopper: You too, Joyce?
Joyce: The 60s were pretty wild but it sure was fun.
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missingexaltation · 2 years
"Steve stays with Eddie at the hospital" this and "Dustin stays with Eddie at the hospital" that.
Where's my "Wayne stays at the hospital with Eddie, and gets inducted into the upside down shenanigans when the other adults hear the news while comforting their kids" fic?
Hopper isn't Eddie's biggest fan because of the drugs thing. The kid's a fucking nightmare to get through to, but Wayne's a good man, a vet, and he deserves to know the truth as to why his nephew is in the hospital. On top of that, he squares things with Wayne's job to make sure he's not fired for absence, and takes the time to explain the past few years of hell in Hawkins to him. The more they talk, the more Hopper realises what they've been through, and how much bad luck and prejudice has forced them into near poverty.
Joyce stops by with Murray, and between them they manage to get the Munsons the same governmental protection and compensation that they have bargained for. There won't be any fees for Eddie's hospital stay, their old debts are wiped, and they get a new home (a house!) to replace the one they lost. The government agents are good, but Joyce is better, and Murray is terrifying.
Claudia Henderson stops by with meals, treats and books, often bringing her son with her. Eddie saved her boy's life, she says, and she'll do whatever she can do repay them both. She's the one who gets Eddie his diploma, getting him graduated on a technicality, and Wayne cries when he finds out. She's sweet and unrelenting, and a wonderful, wonderful lady. (Wayne won't admit it, but he's very much tongue-tied and brain-soupy when she's around.)
It takes a few weeks for Eddie to wake up, and a few months before he can leave the hospital. In that time Wayne realises that he has a new network of people he can rely on. For the first time in years he's out of debt, has enough cash to spoil his nephew like he deserves, and an actual house for a home, instead of that fucking trailer.
Hell, he even has a garden big enough for growing vegetables now, and that's something he's dreamed of for years. And a porch to sit on in the evenings with whoever stops by (or Eddie, who seems to be enjoying the peace and quiet for once).
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fbfh · 2 years
No bc Billy is such a fucking caring protective boyfriend. Once he decides you're - for all intents and purposes - part of his pack, he will always protect you. The party, the other teens, even Hopper and Joyce (along with Max and Susan obviously) are all part of his little circle of people that he will never let anything bad happen to. Any time you're having a problem, he can tell. You've just started going straight to Billy when you have a problem because he's so quick to tell when something is wrong. You know why he's so good at picking up on miniscule changes in someone's mood and behavior, and it breaks you heart. But now, like so many other traits and defense mechanisms he's developed, he's able to use them for good, to protect you and your friends. It's not perfect, but it's a huge improvement.
One time you ran up to him, he knew something was wrong just by the way you were walking before he even saw your face, and started telling him everything, trying to hold yourself together. Whether the guys you had bumped into made fun of you or just made you uncomfortable, you know Billy won't let it slide.
"I was just trying to walk my dog, and they won't leave me alone, and-"
He puts a hand on your shoulder, and you know he has this under control.
"Those guys over there?" He asks, voice low and calculated. You nod.
"Stay here." He states, giving your dog an appreciative scratch on the head for helping to look after you. He resolves the issue out of earshot and out of your sight. You don't know the details, but the next time you see those guys, they turn and practically run the other way. When you thank him for taking such good care of you, keeping you safe, he presses a kiss to your forehead.
"'Course. I always will."
Every day that you or one of the kids or even his friends feel safe enough to come and talk to him when you're feeling vulnerable, every day someone comes to him to feel safe is another day he knows he beat the statistics, broke out of the cycle. It's more and more proof that he did it, and he can keep doing it, for you guys and for himself.
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harringroveera · 8 months
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A day in the Hopper-Byers-Hargrove family
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fireworkzduo · 2 years
max mayfield is going to wake up from her coma and fucking murder mike wheeler for the way he treated both will and el.
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bylerisrequited · 1 year
someone tell el that it's okay to kiss women because i need her as far away from mike as possible
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Trying not to think about how if byler wasn't endgame and the milkmen got what they wanted mike would be trapped being repressed in his heteronormativity for the rest of his life, el would be stuck defining herself by other people and thinking she needs to change to be good enough for people to love her because they'll leave her otherwise, and will would get his heart broken again and have to watch the love of his life and his sister play at romance and make each other miserable until they all drift apart anyway
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cleradinthealps · 1 year
say “el deserves better” and nobody bats an eye but say “mike deserves better” and suddenly tomatoes are being thrown
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