#el jaguar
comicartarchive · 1 year
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Daredevil 120 pg22-23 by Bob Brown
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djgalacticmusic · 29 days
DJ Galactic - El Jaguar (Original Mix)
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queretarotv · 3 months
Saúl el Jaguar lanza su nuevo sencillo "mágicos besitos"
El día de hoy, el reconocido cantante chihuahuense con más de 15 años de trayectoria, Saúl El Jaguar, lanza a todas las plataformas musicales el sencillo “Mágicos besitos“. Un tema de desamor a ritmo de banda que lleva impregnado la esencia que ha caracterizado a El Jaguar, y con la que ha conquistado al público. La letra habla del rompimiento de una relación de pareja, en la que el hombre, con…
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doctorslippery · 1 year
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(via Rip Jagger's Dojo: Black Widow - The Long Goodbye!)
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 month
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In 2022, two jaguar cubs were born at Parque Nacional El Impenetrable in northern Argentina. The 320,000-acre preserve opened in 2017, but hiking trails, glamping sites, and tourism programs have recently made the area easier to explore.
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angel-hawthorne · 9 months
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You know who Olrox low-key looks like fr?
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typhlonectes · 2 years
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El Jefe, North America’s Long Lost Jaguar, Is Back!
El Jefe the jaguar was a national sensation until his disappearance in 2015. Now the boss is back 120 miles away in Mexico.
El Jefe, the boss, is back.
Conservationists have finally confirmed that North America’s most well-known jaguar, known as El Jefe, appeared for the first time since 2015. He became a national sensation after being discovered in southern Arizona in 2011 and was declared the only wild jaguar in the U.S. 
Over four years, the black and orange spotted big cat roamed mostly around the Santa Rita mountains, captivating conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts around the world. Then, El Jefe disappeared.
While some worried that El Jefe died, others believed he traveled to northern Mexico, where a small population of jaguars continued to live freely. But no one knew for sure—until now.
Motion-activated trail cameras set up in the northern Mexican state of Sonora, which borders Arizona, caught a glimpse of a similar-looking jaguar in November 2021. After months of analysis with other organizations like the Northern Jaguar Project, the cat was finally declared on Aug. 3 to be the legendary El Jefe...
Read more: https://www.vice.com/en/article/akeebk/el-jefe-jaguar-returns
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abirdie · 5 months
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Gael García Bernal in El Ardor (2014, dir. Pablo Fendrik)
(these gifs also feature Alice Braga)
Gifs are all 540px wide so you can click to see larger.
[other gael filmography gifsets]
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Caifanes or Caiphanes is a Mexican Goth Post-Punk Rock band formed in 1987, considered by critics as one of the most innovative and influential acts in Latin American rock during the 20th century.
They emerged from the Mexican underground scene to later jump to the general public with the support of the dissemination campaign called "Rock en tu Idioma" at the end of the eighties. In this tenor, two of their songs ("Antes que nos olviden” and “Será por eso”) are considered among the 100 best (musically) of Mexican rock.
Their most famous songs are "La Célula que explota", "Nubes" and "Afuera".
El Cuarteto de Nós are a Uruguayan Rock band made in 1980 and still running. Los Prisioneros was a Chilean Rock band first made in 1979 and became the most influential and impactful 80s band of that decade.
4teto de Nos most famous songs are "Ya no sé qué hacer conmigo", "Lo malo de ser bueno" and "El Hijo de Hernández". Los Prisioneros most famous songs are "We Are Sudamerican Rockers", "Tren Al Sur" and "Estreches del Corazón". for more info of them both look here
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
unfortunately i think watching the road to el dorado as a child did something to me, and it wasn't seeing chel, or tulio and miguel, or the chief, or tzekel-kan, or anything understandable like that
it was seeing that one guy get stepped on by a giant stone jaguar
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this did something to me
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💖💗 💘💖💖🌹🌈!
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leathercowboy3000 · 29 days
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yukamilee · 1 year
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Bueno, ya debía publicar algo ya que casi se acaba el mes, así aquí tienen, un dibujito mío.
Esta jaguar que ven aquí se llama Juliette, tenía la idea de querer haber algo como fnaf, pero con temática cirquera y la función de Juliette en el circo sería la de ser la forzuda, aunque claro, Juliette es bastante femenina a pesar de tener bastante fuerza y pies, no tengo nada más que decir, oh casi lo olvido.
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Ellas son Juliette y Hazel, ambas lesbianas y son pareja, para no alargar más, Hazel ejerce de asistente de mago, ahora sí, disfruten del dibujo x3
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Encanto Drabble: Pancita-plushie
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@halseyquinn​​, I couldn’t help it 😭 Here’s the context for the chonky rat plushie and El Ratón Pérez.
“Does El Ratón Pérez have a helper? Can Parcerito be his helper?”
“Probably’d need one. He has a big job, y’know? And even if he didn’t, I’m sure he’d appreciate Parcerito’s help.”
Antonio nods. He gives his stuffed jaguar a pat on the head before making him walk closer to the lumpy plush rat plopped in front of Bruno’s crossed legs.
“‘Don’t worry, Señor, I can be your assistant!’” The boy has Parcerito say.
He and his tío are sitting on the living room floor, playing “Las aventuras de Ratón Pérez.” The role of the tooth-collecting, gift-giving rodent has been given to Bruno’s stuffed rat, Sarita, his toy since childhood. Rather like a real rat, she’s survived a number of ordeals, the most recent of which occurred just over a year ago: being buried in a box beneath a collapsed house. The faded green patches on her grey “fur” and the mismatched threads crisscrossing her button eyes speak of much older repairs, of being buried in a child’s loving embrace.
“‘Oh, that’s wonderful, Parcerito, thank you! As you can see, my legs are very short. I bet if we…’”
Bruno lets his sentence trail off upon noticing how quiet Antonio has become. He’s staring at “El Ratón Pérez,” his expression contemplative.
“She looks kinda like you, Tío.”
Huh. What could...?
“‘Cuz her tummy is round ‘n soft too.”
Bruno almost chokes on his laugh. Behind him, where’s she curled on the sofa with a book, he can hear Dolores’ whispery chuckle.
“Oh yeah, kiddo?” He pulls Antonio onto his lap, jostling him as he giggles and puffing out his belly a little rounder. “I guess y’got a point there.”
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elcapitanrayo · 6 months
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| Blog curated by @a-soft-creature​ |
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rutasandinas · 7 months
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Únete al llamado del jaguar!
Juntos podemos fomentar la conservación de esta emblemática especie. Su rugido nos convoca e invita a todos y todas a sumarnos a esta gran campaña por la protección de los jaguares. #JaguarTeQuieroVivo
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elfreddygtz · 11 months
Le crujían los huesos, le dolían los músculos, le daban calambres. Le pesaban sus sesenta y siete años bien vividos; tenía el esqueleto aporreado por las excursiones. «Estoy muy vieja para este estilo de vida…», pensó la escritora, pero enseguida se retractó, convencida de que no valía la pena vivir de ninguna otra manera.
Isabel Allende - El Bosque de los pigmeos
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