#el phantasmo fluff
Energy Drinks
Pairing: El Phantasmo x reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,609
Summary: Your boyfriend has an energy drink problem and it doesn’t help that he recently became obsessed with a video game.
Warnings: Swearing
Requested by: anon
A/N: I didn’t name a game because I couldn’t think of one so feel free to pick any game you like that has a main story and side quests!
The original request can be found here!
Sleepy Dialogue Prompts
Gif is not mine. Credit to owner.
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This was the fourth energy drink you witnessed your boyfriend drink over the course of two hours. You never understood why he loved them so much. They tasted disgusting to you but here’s Riley downing his fourth one the way other people drink water or their favorite soda.
“Those energy drinks really aren’t good for you. You keep chugging them like that and your heart’s gonna beat right out of your chest.” You scold him, reaching out to grab the drink off the computer desk.
You were sat next to your boyfriend at the computer watching him fool around on social media. You always had fun seeing what he would come up with in response to his upcoming opponents and rivals. It wasn’t long after he exited out of Twitter and opted to start up a game.
Riley was quick and snatched his drink before you could. “I’ll take my chances.” He stuck his tongue out at you like a child.
That’s what you loved about him, his silliness and how carefree he often was. It was contagious and you ended up going along with whatever shenanigans he cooked up. You two were often described as partners in crime and you agreed.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head at his response, turning your attention to the computer screen. You had no idea what game Riley had loaded up, having missed the title screen but it didn’t matter because you knew next to nothing about video games, but you did enjoy watching Riley play them though.
It was easy to lose track of time with Riley, he was always cracking jokes and providing you commentary on what his character was doing as well as off the wall stories of random characters. Before you knew it, you were yawning and your eyes were getting heavy. Your phone read 11:00 pm and that’s when you knew it was bedtime. “I’m tapping out babe. Don’t stay up too late.” You leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Goodnight. I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Riley brushed off your ‘don’t stay up too late’ reminder. “Night love.” He never took his eyes off the computer screen as he spoke.
In the bathroom, you quickly changed into your sleepwear which consisted of one of Riley’s old merch shirts and a pair of your underwear and slipped under the covers. Soon you were out like a light.
You awoke to the sunlight peaking between the curtains on the other side of the bed — Riley’s side of the bed. You stretched your limbs for a moment then propped up on your elbow to tell your boyfriend good morning only to find he wasn’t there. His side of the bed was cold, like he had been up for while or never went to sleep to begin with.
“I swear he better not have stayed up all night playing his video game.” You grumbled. Some nights Riley didn’t know when to stop his game and come to bed, especially if he had all those energy drinks.
You made you way down the hall to the room you converted into little office type area and sure enough, there was Riley still sitting at the computer desk with his game still on. As you stepped into the room, you took notice of all the energy drinks scattered across the desk. Upon counting them all, he had another two after you had went to bed.
Riley had heard your footsteps, briefly looking over at you in the doorway with a grin. “Mornin’ baby.” His attention was back to his game when he heard an explosion from the computer. “Shit! Come on!” He shouted.
You suppressed a laugh, you were supposed to be mad at him for not coming to bed to like he should have because the more you thought about it, the more you couldn’t remember Riley coming to bed. You hoped he had, running on no sleep and only energy drinks wasn’t good for him at all. “Look me in the eyes and tell me what time you went to bed last night. Or if you went to bed, for that matter."
“I didn’t…” Riley whispered as low as possible. He knows you’ll be disappointed so he hoped maybe you didn’t hear him.
“What was that?” You asked, wanting him to speak up. You’re pretty sure you know what he said but you want to make sure.
“I didn’t go to bed last night. I’m sorry babe. I just got so into this game and all those energy drinks kept me up so I kept playing and before I knew it you were coming down the hall just a moment ago.” Riley cut off his game, disappointed in himself because he knew he disappointed you by brushing off your ‘don’t say up too late’ reminder.
You sighed, crossing your arms. “Go get in the bed. You’re lucky you don’t have a match today or tomorrow for that matter.”
He nodded unable to look you in the eyes as he exited the room.
You weren’t exactly mad at him or really even disappointed but more annoyed. You just wished he had listened but apparently there was something about this game and those damn energy drinks that he couldn’t resist, you were curious a about what was so special about the game. You hated the taste of energy drinks so that wasn’t going to happen.
You made your way over to the computer and sat down in the chair, clearly still warm from Riley spending all night there. You weren’t super tech savvy, but you figured out how to turn the game on. You watched as the game loaded and the title screen popped up. So that’s what he’s been so obsessed with. Let’s see what this is all about.
You timidly pushed an arrow key. You had seen Riley used the arrow keys to navigate his character but he had been using other keys as well so you were afraid you’d mess up his progress if you hit the wrong key.
You were right about the arrow keys, his character took a few steps forward and you were actually excited about. What else can this guy do? You pressed the A key on the keyboard and to your surprise the character jumped. You were happy you hit the right key once again, still worried you’d mess things up but your confidence was growing as you remembered the keys Riley would use while playing.
After figuring out what all the keyboard keys did and what the guy in the game could do, you decided to do a little exploring. You had no intentions of actually participating in a battle or anything but unfortunately you walked right into a fight with another character. Oh shit! You panicked and tried to get the guy to run but he was gunned down before you got the chance. “Oh no…. Shit!” You whispered, doing your best not to wake up Riley or get caught playing his game, the same game you fuss at him about for not knowing when to call it quits. Please start at the spot from earlier! Please, please, please! Thankfully for you, that’s where you start over at. You made a note to not venture into that direction again and creep into the opposite direction in hopes to not get caught in the crossfire of another fight.
Before you knew it, you were getting pretty decent at the game — at least in your opinion.
As you continued on playing you decided to try to do one of those side quests. It wouldn’t mess with his progress. Right? Surely not. So off you went. The quest was little more difficult than you anticipated but you were determined. After countless attempts, you finally did it! Yes! You were thrilled you were able to figure it out and accomplish the task.
Your stomach growled causing you to glance at the time — 12:30 pm.
You stretched and pushed the chair back. You saved the game, hoping to return to it later. Now you knew why your boyfriend was obsessed with this game, it was highly addictive.
Turning to head out of the room, you froze in place. There stood Riley, an eyebrow raised and smug look on his face. “I was just… I had to…” You wracked your brain to come up with an excuse as to why you were on the computer. “An e-mail! I had to answer an e-mail.” You said more confidently but knew he didn’t believe that for a second, mostly because you were a shitty liar and he knew it.
Riley sniffed the air a few times. “You might want to check your pants. I smell a fire.” He shook his head trying to hide his laugh and amusement. He had been watching you from the doorway for the last thirty minutes. He thought you were cute playing his game, and he thought it was funny you were pretending you hadn’t just got caught.
“Okay! Okay, I was playing your game.” You admitted. “I wanted to see why you loved it so much and now I think I know.”
This time both your stomachs growled, demanding food. “Let’s eat then you can show me what you did.”
“Deal.” You went to kiss his cheek but he turned his head at the last minute, your lips meeting his.
“You looked hot playing that game, you know. All focused and determined and shit.” Riley smirked, smacking your ass. “Change of plans, hot stuff. I want dessert first.” He lifted you up and carried you down the hall to your shared bedroom.
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate13 @omg-im-such-a-masochist
El Phantasmo Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @morgan-bucks @kcloveswrestling @jennifuz
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mystic-story-lover · 1 year
Can i request a friends to lovers story with a soft El Phantasmo? Since you write for him!
El Phantasmo x female!reader~
Word Count: 849
Warnings: None really?
Type: Fluff
Summary: El Phantasmo likes the reader, and agrees to a stipulation with Juice.
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long anon, I’ve been struggling with such writers block lately
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(Gif Is Mine)
Ever since the G1 began, you’d been watching intently as your brother and two best friends progressed. You kept tabs on their opponents, as any good Bullet Club member would do, and focused on their tells in the ring. Before long, you were able to point out when a specific move would be happening, and how to determine it would be. Using your logic to the club’s will, you’d been able to score them multiple victories over the other wrestlers. It was slightly surprising how nobody caught on to your technique, but you were glad that they didn’t at the same time. Tonight, it would be your best friend, El Phantasmo, versus another best friend of yours, and Bullet Club member, Juice Robinson. They’d both agreed to have an extremely serious wrestling match, which you knew meant they were going to be up to something ridiculous. Especially since it was these two in the ring.
You knew that there was a chance of club members forced to fight one another, but you had hope that it wouldn’t come down to it. The guys didn’t seem to mind it though, knowing that they’d still cheer for their “brother”, no matter how the match ended. As Phantasmo stood behind the curtain, you turned to look at him, smiling as you were proud of how far he’d come in his career. Sure, he was a total weirdo, but that was one of the biggest things you loved about him. When his music hit, you both stepped into your character, and walked out from behind the curtain. As Jay requested, you were to escort both men onto the ramp tonight, and then you’d join the commentary team for the entirety of the match. It wasn’t your first time being on commentary for a Bullet Club match, so they knew what to expect when you got there.
Bullet Club was the heel faction, and they’d been since it began in 2013, and to say that you played the heel perfectly would be quite the understatement. On social media and on camera, the group of you were cruel, but when it was just the two of you, El Phantasmo was the biggest sweetheart. If you were having struggles with travel, a personal issue, or anything that you needed to talk to a friend about, he was right there by your side. When he was off the ramp, you’d stepped back behind to see Juice bouncing on the heels of his feet.
                “Hey, you doing okay?” You questioned, placing a hand on his forearm.
                “Honestly, I’m nervous. I mean, I know me and him talked about the match, but I still feel bad about how the match is going to end tonight.” He spoke, bowing his head.
                “He’s the one who wanted it to go this way Juice, it’s not your fault. If it makes you feel better, when the match is over and your back here, I’ll help you win the arm wrestling match.” You chuckle and he lifts his head with a smile.
                “Well, I’ll see you then,” he smiled before stepping into place. “Too sweet me baby.”
The two of you two sweet right as his music hits, and he switches himself out of his nerves. You’d thought Phantasmo was crazy when he told you that he wanted to hit Juice with the chair, which would lead to a disqualification, but you knew that once his mind was made up, he wouldn’t back down. It wasn’t something you agreed with, but you accepted that he wanted this for himself.
                “And your winner of the G1’s second arm wrestling match, Juice Robinson!” You called between the two men, lifting Juice’s arm in the air.
                “Not fair! You two cheated!” Phantasmo exclaimed.
                “Rematch for the tie breaker?” Juice questioned, a knowing smirk on his face.
                “Hell yeah, it’s on.” ELP spoke, getting in place, with his arm on the table.
                “Stipulation, winner gets a date with Y/n.” Juice stated shrugging before placing his arm on the table. He knew that he’d intentionally lose, but he was trying to set you and his club brother up. It was tiring to watch him pine over you the way that he had been.
                “Deal.” With that, you shook your head before smacking the table, the indication for them to start. It was quick and easy, Phantasmo quickly pulling out the best of his moves to get Juice’s hand on the table. When it connected, you smacked the table once more and raised the victor’s hand.
                “I don’t mind losing this time, since I was sick of seeing you two hide around your feelings.” Juice shrugged again before walking off.
                “So, looks like I earned a date,” Phantasmo smiled, brushing a hair behind your ear. “Good, I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while.”
                “You loser, you could have said something sooner.” You smiled and lifted yourself onto the tip of your toes, and placed a gentle kiss on the side of his mouth. “I’ll see you at our date, I’m going to go get ready.”  
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daddyhausen · 9 months
Hi whenever you’re requests are open again I would love to have a poly relationship with Jay White & El Phantasmo
• poly relationship headcannons — el phantasmo + jay white •
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{ masterlists } | { aew masterlists } | { misc. wrestlers masterlist } | { jay white masterlist } | { el phantasmo masterlist }
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }, poly relationship
{ word count } — 212
{ pairing } — fem!reader x jay white x el phantasmo
{ genre } — smut / fluff
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
they would have a hard time sharing you at first
what with both of them having raging egos
jay claims that he should have more time with you considering he began dating you first
to which riley would claim the same except on the basis that he fucks you better
you admired their persistence but lord they needed to learn to share
so you gave them an ultimatum
either they get along and share you or neither of them would get to have you that night
to which both boys would quiet down
meekly responding with a “yes ma’am” in unison
both boys have submissive tendencies
riley will break and bend to your every will while jay is more bratty and disobedient
all in which is quickly fixed with an orgasm or two
their soft spot for you was evident since day one
they’d always tend to spoil you, even on days when it did not call for it
riley would buy you simple gifts like flowers and stuffed animals
jay would tend to be a bit more extravagant, with jewellery and that of the sort
even surprising you with a brand new car when your old one got wrecked
despite the vast differences between their gifts you cherished them all equally.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 1 year
Fancy Coat
Summary: ELP gets his new light up jacket just in time for his match tonight
Wordcount: 201
Genre: Fluff
El Phantasmo X reader  (gender not stated)
Tonight was a big night for the bullet club, everyone was booked for the show tonight. Riley paced around the private locker room waiting in anticipation for his new gear to arrive. He had placed the order over a month ago but was yet to receive it. He started to get nervous, hoping he would receive it for his big match tonight. Just then his partner texted him letting him know it had arrived at their Tokyo flat and that they would bring it to the arena. Suddenly his nerves were temporarily at ease, knowing he could showcase his new gear.
“Y/N!!!” Riley gasped when he saw you walk into the room carrying a big box
“I got your fancy new coat!” you said eagerly, before you could even set it down Riley grabbed the box from your hands not being able to wait any longer.
Riley gasped as he saw it, his new coat lit up in ways he could not imagine. It was so bright it could blind someone, the colors radiating off the walls of the room.
You looked in awe at your partner, happy he finally got his fancy new coat he wouldn't shut up about.
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the--blackdahlia · 11 months
One time at Denny's (ELP x OC)
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Title: One Time at Denny's
Summary: A Hungover ELP Meets Someone
Warnings: Minor language, fluff
Notes: For @pepper-ika
Why is this fuckin’ Denny’s so loud? El Phantasmo asked himself as he held his throbbing head. He might have been out a little too late the night before with some of the NJPW Strong guys. He was back in the States for this event, which was fine. Except now he was hungover and trying to sober up before Eddie Kingston kicked his ass. He had a Grand Slam and a cup of coffee, just trying to work this hangover through his system.
That’s when he looked up and, from behind his dark sunglasses, he saw her. She was sitting at a table by herself, reading something on her phone as she ate her food. A burger for breakfast. Well, it was almost 11, and it was Denny’s after all. All Elp could do was stare at her.
Until she looked up at him and he felt his cheeks turn as red as his chest after Ishii finished with him.
“Can I help you?” She asked. Elp got up and walked towards her, sitting across from her. “Hi?”
“Oh, hey.” He gave her a little smile. “What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
“Trying to eat.” She stated matter of factly.
“Oh. Same. I’m Elp.”
“What does Elp stand for?” She asked. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, making her roll her eyes. “Really?”
“Well, it actually stands for El Phantasmo.” He laughed. “But you can call me whatever you like.”
“Well, I’m Ida, and I sure as hell am not calling you what you whispered in my ear.” She messed around with her purse for a second and laid a napkin on the table. “Plus, I doubt it’s even that big.” She winked before she took her things and went to go pay.
“Damn, she’s mean,” Elp laughed to himself. “I think I like her.” He went to stand up when he noticed the napkin.
Call me sometime so I can see if the nickname stands.
Ida <3
“I think I might be in love.” Elp took the napkin and went back to his Grand Slam, the headache gone. He had found the perfect hangover cure. Now he just had to call her.
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debbiechanclub · 2 years
“Winter Wonderland”
A prequel one-shot to “Take My Hand, Wreck My Plans.” Find the entire series here.
Title: “Winter Wonderland” Theme: @12daysofchristmas Day 3 - Holiday Carnival/Fair Fandom/Character(s): NJPW - El Phantasmo x OFC (Nellie Keegan) Warnings: Language, alcohol Word Count: 3.0k
Synopsis: Nellie goes with a group of friends to London’s “Winter Wonderland” carnival, where Riley takes a surprising step forward in their relationship.
Tag Squad: @galacticstat @hdbngsprnva @hotyeehawman @kingswitchblade @bec0m @champhangman @betsy-bradock @linziland13 @librathepheonix13 @meteora-fc @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @gabbynorth98 @exe-babymox-exe @brokenglassslippers @rocca09 @kawaiikels @adriii-omega @thatgirlforever5
Monday, December 16, 2019 London, England
Nellie had had a whirlwind 48 hours. Just two days ago, she’d been in Yokohama, Japan working a show for Stardom. As soon as it was over, she’d gone straight from the event hall to the airport to catch an overnight, thirteen-hour flight to London for RevPro Uprising 2019 the very next day. Tomorrow, she had another eight-hour flight from London to spend the last few weeks of the year back at home in Pennsylvania. But today, thankfully, she didn’t have anywhere to be—and she and the rest of the NJPW talent who had made the trip to England had decided to take advantage of the day off to play tourist and go to the most spectacular, most festive Christmas fair in the region, if not the entire country: Hyde Park Winter Wonderland.
Except, someone was being a Grinch about it.
“How long are we gonna be there?” Riley asked from the doorway of the hotel bathroom. He seemed uncharacteristically unenthusiastic about the whole thing; Nellie had thought a carnival with world-famous traveling thrill rides and a genuine Bavarian beer hall would have been right up his alley.
“I don’t know,” she answered as she finished swiping mascara onto her eyelashes. “It closes at ten, I think, and I doubt we’ll be there until then. Why?”
She tossed the mascara tube back into her makeup bag and gave him a curious look. He seemed hesitant to answer. “Do you not want to go?” she pressed.
“No, I do,” he returned. “It’s just the whole thing is kind of last-minute. I was hoping we could get dinner tonight, or something… just you and me.”
Nellie paused, completely caught off-guard. She almost didn’t believe her ears. In the near-two years that she and Riley had known each other, she struggled to recall a time they’d ever done anything alone that wasn’t inside a hotel room. Not because she hadn’t wanted to—she had. But a combination of circumstance and Riley’s fight-or-flight response to anything deeper than surface-level emotion had always gotten in the way. Until, apparently, right now.
A smile pulled at the corners of her lips. “Are you asking me on a date?”
He rolled his eyes. “Come on,” he breathed; but Nellie’s grin only grew wider.
“Well…” she moved toward him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “It sure sounds like you’re asking me on a date.”
She looked up at him, half expecting another one of his dismissive, noncommittal responses. But, for once, Riley didn’t shy away from the suggestion of something more.
“Well, maybe I am,” he said.
Nellie’s heart soared. There was no doubting what she heard that time. “Well, what about a breakfast date?” she suggested. “My flight isn’t until the afternoon.”
He arched a brow. “A breakfast date in bed, or…?”
“Riley! I’m being serious.”
He flashed a crooked smirk. “I know. A breakfast date sounds good,” he agreed, and he pressed his lips against hers, tender and meaningful. Nellie’s entire body buzzed with the kiss. They’d kissed hundreds of times… but this time, it somehow felt brand new.
“I wouldn’t mind a little something in bed beforehand, though,” he said against her lips. Nellie grinned.
“I know you wouldn’t.”
She gasped and nearly jumped out of her skin when someone banged hard and loud on the hotel room door. “Stop fuckin’, it’s time to get holly jolly!” Hikuleo’s voice called from the other side.
Nellie breathed out and leaned her forehead against Riley's shoulder. “Jesus Christ.”
Riley, on the other hand, played right into it. “Hang on, I’m almost done,” he called back.
Hikuleo didn’t miss a beat. “So it’s been about two minutes, then?”
“Oh, fuck you!” Riley returned. “Three minutes!”
Nellie rolled her eyes in fond amusement. “Yeah,” she breathed, “I’m definitely gonna need the mulled wine to deal with the two of you all night.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Their group stuck out like a sore thumb among everyone else at Winter Wonderland. Between Hikuleo, Minoru Suzuki, Evil, and Sanada, they definitely looked not to be messed with. But as big and tough as they all were, they were just as excited to be there as the next person.
“Alright, where should we start?” Zack asked as he looked at a map of the park. Nellie leaned in to get a look, too—but Riley spoke up before she got the chance.
“Uh, my vote is for that.”
She looked up to where he pointed—and her stomach dropped. A yellow and white steel drop tower reached high into the darkening, overcast sky. It had to be close to three hundred feet tall.
“Oh, fuck yes,” Hikuleo agreed.
“Does it say how high it is?” Suzuki wondered.
“Uh,” Zack looked back at the pamphlet. “Eighty-five meters.”
“And what’s that in feet?” Nellie cautiously asked.
He bobbled his head, doing the math. “About two-eighty.”
Her eyes widened. She’d hoped maybe she’d judged wrong.
“Let’s go!” Hikuleo enthusiastically proclaimed, and he led the charge for their first ride of the evening. Riley smirked at Nellie as everyone followed.
“You gonna do it?”
She gave him a sidelong glance. “Yeah,” she professed; but he seemed like he didn’t quite buy it. “I am! I’ve been on a drop tower before!”
He just grinned. “Alright.”
They all bought their tickets for the ride—everything was pay-as-you-go—and lined up at the base of the tower just as they started loading up the next group of people. The park was busy, but not packed as it was a Monday night, and they were able to get on right away. Nellie didn’t know if that was a good thing or bad thing. On the one hand, she wasn’t afforded any time to chicken out. But on the other, she didn’t have any time to mentally prepare herself, either.
She climbed into a seat between Riley and Zack and pulled the over-the-shoulder harness down as tightly as she could. But even with her winter coat, there was more space between herself and the bars than she would have liked.
“It’s just one drop, right?” she said, attempting to give herself a pep talk. “It’ll be over in like, a a few seconds.”
“Yeah… not quite,” Zack answered. “It’s two drops—one from halfway and then one from the top. And they’ll probably hold us up there for a bit.”
Nellie gripped the harness tighter in her gloved fingers. “Fantastic.”
“You can still get off, you know,” Riley teased. She didn’t dignify it with a response.
A ride operator came around to check that all their harnesses were locked and secured. He gave the all-clear… and the next thing Nellie knew, they were being raised into the air. What she hadn’t expected, though, was for the seats to start turn counterclockwise around the tower, too.
“It spins?!” She shot Zack a look as if it was his fault.
“Not when they drop us,” he returned. “But look—you get the whole three-hundred-sixty-degree view.”
Nellie huffed. That wasn’t a consolation.
It seemed to take forever to get to just the halfway point of the tower. Nellie’s anxiety mounted with every foot higher they climbed. She wasn’t afraid of heights, per se—she absolutely loved roller coasters. But this was a different animal. It was the anticipation of the freefall that made it so nerve-wracking.
“This is only halfway, Nell,” Riley unhelpfully pointed out.
“I’m aware!”
They slowed to a stop. From down below, the ride operator taunted them through a loudspeaker, but she could barely hear him for the pounding of her heart in her ears. They crept a few inches higher—and then, sudden weightlessness.
She didn’t even scream as they dropped, just clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut. She didn’t open them again until they were at the bottom.
“You alright?” Riley asked.
She breathed out. “Yeah.”
But it wasn’t over yet.
The ride operator taunted them some more… and then they started rising again. The seats spun faster around the tower that time, and Nellie had to close her eyes again to stave off the motion sickness. But when thirty seconds passed and they still hadn’t reached the top, she reopened them.
The height they were at was dizzying. They were so high up that, even with the cloudy weather, they could see the whole of downtown London, some four miles away. The carnival below looked like a miniature display, lights twinkling in the twilight, the people the size of ants. It actually would have been a beautiful view if she didn’t feel like she was about to throw up.
Finally, they arrived at the top. “Oh fuck, we’re really high,” she said.
“Here, don’t look,” Riley said, and he reached over and unexpectedly tugged her beanie down over her eyes.
“RILEY!” She pushed it back up and quickly grabbed hold of her harness again. “Seriously?”
“I’m just trying to help!” he grinned. She just glared at him.
The seats slowed to a more manageable spin, until they finally came to a stop. Nellie’s heart was in her throat now. From the loudspeaker below, a taped countdown began.
“Ten… nine… eight…”
“He’s not dropping us, trust me,” Zack commented.
“...five… four…”
“You think this thing has ever malfunctioned?” Riley wondered.
“...two… one… zero.”
Nellie braced herself. But nothing happened.
“Told you,” Zack said. Nellie’s shoulders slumped. She just wanted to get it over with.
“Hey, Nellie,” Hikuleo called from the other side of Riley. “What would you do if we were stuck up here?”
“Murder you as soon as we got down,” she answered.
“Me?!” he exclaimed. “This was Riley’s idea!”
“I’d murder him, too.”
Riley pouted at her. “Would you at least make it fun for me?”
“Murder me now,” Zack muttered in agitation. It made Nellie laugh, as nervous as she was.
The ride operator continued to hold them there at the top while he rattled off facts about the ride that were clearly only meant to heighten their anxiety. They would drop at a speed of 56 miles per hour; something about the velocity—Nellie wasn’t even sure. She just wanted him to shut up and drop them already.
“Alright, here goes the next meaningless countdown!” his voice echoed from down below. “Three… two…”
And they dropped without warning.
Nellie did scream that time. They free-fell for a full five seconds before the ride’s hydraulics slowed their descent as they approached the ground. Relief washed over her. Now that she was safe on the other side, the adrenaline freely kicked in.
Their harnesses released, and she stood on shaky legs from her seat. “You’re an asshole!” she proclaimed as she lightly pushed Riley’s shoulder.
“For what?!” he asked.
“For pulling my beanie over my eyes at three-hundred feet in the air!”
“Two-eighty,” Hikuleo corrected. She pursed her lips at him.
“Well…” Riley returned, “it distracted you from thinking about how high up we were, didn’t it?”
He smirked, obviously proud of his logic. Nellie just rolled her eyes. Of course he would come back with something like that.
But even though she wouldn’t admit it, he wasn’t wrong. It had distracted her, if only for a moment.
* * * * * * * * * *
They followed up the drop tower with a couple of the roller coasters and then moved on to the smaller rides. Nellie’s favorite was one called XXL, a G-force pendulum ride that swung them high into the air while dance music played from an on-board sound system. Afterward, they went on Daemonium—a haunted house that you rode through on a track in two-person cars—and she’d screamed and grabbed Riley’s hand when a costumed actor unexpectedly revved up a chainsaw motor right next to her. Riley had laughed, of course; but then he’d pulled her close, his hand on her leg. She’d held onto his arm the rest of the ride, huddled into him.
It wasn’t long, though, before everyone decided they wanted food—and, more importantly, beer. And for that, there was no better place than the Bavarian Village. They’d gone straight to the large Bavarian Hall and found a spot toward the end of one of the long traditional bench tables; Suzuki had promptly bought them all a round, and then Sanada had gotten them another. By the time Nellie finished her bratwurst, she had a pretty good buzz going.
“Are you having fun?” Riley asked into her ear. It was probably just to be heard above the live music, but the feel of his lips against her hair filled her stomach with butterflies.
She smiled at him and nodded. “Are you?”
“I am,” he said, and he placed a kiss on the side of her head. She went all warm and tingly.
“Alright, what’s next?” Hikuleo asked. “It’s getting crowded in here and the music sucks.”
“I want to go to that funhouse we saw,” Sanada said.
“Oh yeah, that looked like it could be cool,” Hikuleo agreed. But Nellie had something else in mind.
“I want to go on the observation wheel.”
Zack quickly shook his head. “Don’t bother; it’s a waste of eleven quid.”
Her brow furrowed. “What? I don’t think it would be. I want to see the view of the city from up there.”
Hikuleo laughed. “You saw it on the drop tower!”
“Well, I was too busy freaking out to appreciate it on the drop tower!”
“I’ll go with you,” Riley said then. Nellie looked at him in surprise.
He nodded. “Yeah. Come on.”
He stood up and pulled his coat back on, and Nellie’s stomach fluttered again. She wasn’t sure what had gotten into Riley tonight—why he was being so caring and attentive, why he’d asked her on a date out of the blue after shying away from anything more between them for the last two years. But she certainly didn’t mind it.
“Are we going?” he asked when she saw she still hadn’t moved.
“Yeah,” she said. She jumped up and zipped up her coat, pulling her beanie back on her head as he led the way through the crowd out of the hall. When they emerged back out into the cold evening air, Riley held his hand out to her. She interlaced her fingers with his, and they walked like that, hand in hand, the entire way to the observation wheel.
* * * * * * * * * *
The line for the wheel wasn’t very long, and they only waited a few minutes before they got right into their own pod. They sat across from each other on the cushioned benches that lined either side, and the space was so cozy that they had to sit with their legs staggered in between each other’s. The girl operating the ticket booth had told them that the speakers inside the pods played four different music stations they could choose from, and Riley had put on the Christmas music at Nellie’s request, even though she knew he didn’t really care for it. The wheel moved slow, turning and stopping again every few feet as more passengers were loaded on. In the distance, the lights of the city twinkled against the black of the sky. It was beautiful; even peaceful, now that she wasn’t in fear of her life.
“Can you turn off these lights?” Riley asked, referring to the LED lights that lined the ceiling of the pod. He searched for a button, but it didn’t look like there was one.
“Probably not,” Nellie said.
He lightly sucked his teeth. “We’d be able to see everything better if we could.”
A corner of her mouth quirked up. “Oh, is that why you want to turn them off?”
“Among other reasons,” he returned, his voice low. It made Nellie wish they could turn off the lights.
“Come here,” he said. He reached for her hand, and she let him gently pull her across the pod to sit next him, his arm secured around her shoulders, her fingers interlocked with his again. She settled into his embrace as he pulled his phone out of his coat pocket.
“What’re you doing?” she curiously asked.
“I figured you’d want a picture with the skyline in the background.”
He opened the camera and flipped the lens around to take a selfie, angling the phone to capture the view as best he could. They both smiled; but after he snapped the picture, he frowned as he inspected it.
“You can’t really see anything. It’s these stupid lights.”
“It’s still a cute picture, though,” Nellie said. “Send that to me. Please.”
She watched as he opened his text message chain with her and sent the photo. “Are you gonna post it with some cheesy caption?” he asked.
She laughed lightly to herself. “Not if you don’t want me to.”
She figured he wouldn’t. Nellie had pictures of just the two of them, mostly from nights they’d gone out with Torrance and Ishimori in Japan, but the only photos she’d ever shared on social media were ones of them together with their friends. Riley had only just taken the first baby step toward a relationship a few hours ago. Posting a photo where they clearly looked like a couple would probably be too much.
“You can post it if you want.”
For the second time that night, Nellie didn’t believe her own ears. And that time, she couldn’t stop herself from asking. “Okay, what’s gotten into you?”
She turned to look at him. His brow creased in question.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you’ve been acting all coupley with me all night. You asked me on a date.”
She expected him to come back with something smart—but he didn’t. Instead, he looked her right in the eye and earnestly said, “Because… I figured it’s about time I start acting how I feel.”
Nellie’s breath hitched in her throat. She smiled. “Yeah?”
He nodded. “Yeah,” he echoed.
If her heart had soared before, it was ten times higher than the drop tower now. She pulled her hand from his; she needed both to kiss him, to show him how much that meant to her. He drew her close, his touch underscoring everything he’d just said. And when they finally pulled apart and Nellie snuggled back into him, she could help but think that Zack had been wrong—this ride had been more than worth the eleven quid.
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Headcannons Masterlist
Soft Updates: Once A Month
One Shots/Series Fics Masterlist: Here
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Plus Size Reader
Birthday Edition
Sub! Roman w/ Plus Size Mistress
Public Sex
Hair Kink
Playroom Details
Fighting and Make up Sex
Face fucking
“The Missionary Position“
Taking Care Of A Sick SO
Tribal Chief and Bálor Contest
DD/LG Fluff
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SFW/NSFW (Aleister)
Dad!Edition - Baby Girl (Aleister)
Goth Reader (Aleister)
Jealousy (Aleister)
Comfort - SFW (Aleister)
Sexting (Aleister)
First Time Meeting The Doc (Malakai)
Smut (Malakai)
Plus Size Insecure Reader (Malakai)
Possessiveness (Malakai)
Stripper Reader
Stripper Reader Pt. 2
Dad!Edition (Malakai)
Accidently calling him Tommy
When He Falls In Love With His Psychiatrist/Reader (Malakai)
Calling Him “Daddy” For The First Time (Malakai)
Corruption Kink w/ Priest Malakai
Corruption Kink w/ Priest Malakai Pt. 2
Reaction To You Getting Injured
HOB resident pet fuck
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CNC Knife Play
Voice Kink
Brat Taming
Cheering Bee up
AU!Businessman Jay
Overstimulation/Forced Orgasm
Pregnancy Sex
After Forbidden Door
Student!Jay / Professor! Reader
Plus Size Reader
Teasing with a cock ring
Frat Brother ft. ELP
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Insecure Reader
Frat Brother ft. Jay White
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Tumblr media
Male Reader
Male Reder NSFW
NSFW Honeymoon!Edition
When You Win A Championship
Asking You To Be His Girlfriend
Trans Male/Female Reader
Dad!Edition Part 1
Dad!Edition Part 2
Period Edition
Tickle Fetish And Kinks
Praise Kink
DD/LG Relationship
Angry But Passionate Sex
Short Reader
Teasing NSFW
Comfort (SFW)
Comfort (NSFW)
Non Binary Reader
Singer Reader
Living Together
Wheelchair Bound Reader
Public Teasing
Mirror Kink
Going To Sleep
Black Plus Size Reader
Dating Someone From Wardrobe Department
Domestic Edition
Voice Kink
Reader Who’s Insecure About Her Vagina
Reader’s Water Breaking + Home Birth
Shower Sex
Riding him + the risk of getting caught
Reader with an abusive relationship in the past
Submissive Reader
Losing Your Virginity
Being His Masseuse
Celebrating His United States Title
Casual Intimacy
Pregnancy Sex
Quickie In The Pool
Stripper Reader
Impact Play Knowledge
Curvy Girl Lingerie
Damian x Reader x Rhea 
Soft and Reassuring
Single Mom Reader
Breeding Kink
Magic Mike! Damian
Creative Way To Tell Him You’re Pregnant
Angsty Sex
Random Theme
Actress Reader who’s part of the cast of The Witcher
Winter Honeymoon
Sleeping during sex
Michael Myers Kink - gone wrong lol
Valentine’s Day - Stripper Reader and AU!Bouncer
NSFW with Edge and Reader
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Demon King Edition
Biting Kink
“Submissive“ Demon King
Shy Reader
Face Fucking
Voice Kink
Super Horny And Tries To Tease The Reader
Knife Play
Pregnancy Sex
Reader’s Reaction To His Promo on SmackDown Against Roman
Brat Taming (Prince Devitt)
Bálor and Tribal Chief Contest
Black Tongue
Ask Drabble 
Dirty Talk w/ Demon King
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Enemies To Lovers
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NSFW with Damian and Reader
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Brat taming
“Make her cum with your tongue, put her sleep with your dick“
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Breeding Kink
Mafia Boss
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Mood Board HC
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Dirty Talk
When You Get Injured
Angry Rhea/Teasing
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Celebrating after Summerslam
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Reader Calling Him Daddy For The First Time
Birthday Sex
Comforting When A Family Member Passes Away
Rough Sex
After winning the NXT title back
Halloween Smut
Angsty Sex
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Riding Him
Rough Sex
Possessive/Breeding Kink
Soft and NSFW
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Plus Size Reader Fluff
Comforting After a Break Up
With A Stripper Reader
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Dad!Edition (Baby Girl)
Dad!Edition (Baby Boy)
Dad! Edition (Teenage Girl)
Siblings w/ Mox
Uncle Edition
When A Woman Hit On You
When A Man Hit On You
Husband Edition
Plus Size Reader
Jealous Reader
Nurse Reader
Virgin Reader
General Kinks
Riding Him
Movie Date
His Reaction To When Someone Sees Your NSFW Videos
Comforting Him
Fighting And Making Up
Shy/Introvert Reader
Giving Head To Female Reader
The Reason Behind The Nickname “Fox”
Tooth Extraction
Sick Reader
Make up Sex
First Night In New Home
Pregnancy Sex
His Reaction To Your Celebrity Crush
Dirty Talk
Dad!Part 2
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Student x Teacher
Dirty Talk
Angsty Sex
Sneaky Sex
Professor Hangman - Blowjob 
Professor Hangman - Jealous
Professor Hangman - Jealous 2
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Reader With Panic Attack
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Predator and Prey
Roommates NSFW/SFW
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Brat Taming
How he treats a sensitive Sub
Flirting with The Elite in front of him
“Where Do You Think You’re Going?“
Random Prompt
With Plus Size Reader
Feral Matt
Sexual Punishments
Needy Matt
Vampire!Matt 2
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Plus Size Reader
Jealousy/slight smut
Sexual Punishments
Enemies To Lovers
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Reader Caught Masturbating
Virgin Brat
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Male Reader
Pet Name
Finding Out That You’re Pregnant
Celebration after winning a championship
Celebration after winning a championship pt.2
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Blindfolded NSFW
Jealous Elias In The Club
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Office Edition
Breeding Kink
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Tumblr media
Tumblr media
Tumblr media
Shower Sex
Soft for his SO
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Agressive Make Out
Con Non-Con
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Single Mother Reader
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Tumblr media
Taking Care Of A Sick SO
Hate Fuck
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Photo Prompt
Sammy x Reader x Ethan
Sammy x Alan 5 Angels x Reader
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Johnny Gargano/Tommaso Ciampa/Reader
Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Reader
Matt Jackson/Nick Jackson/Reader
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Kane NSFW  (to ava-valerie)
Undertaker DD/LG (to ava-valerie)
605 notes · View notes
domesticblisss · 2 years
Every Time You're Near
El Phantasmo x Female Reader Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 853 Warnings: Fluff, angst, jealousy, pinning, regrets, mentions of alcohol and sex. Summary: What happens when you fall out of love but remain friends? Inspired by Local Natives' version of "I Keep Forgettin' (Every Time You're Near)" A/N: As usual, I listened to some music and got inspired. Hope you guys enjoy it. Got a few days off and I'll try to fill out some of the requests I got.
Riley never really entertained the thought of being friends with an ex. In his defense, all of his relationships either weren’t too serious or ended way too abruptly, very messily, leaving no space for camaraderie.
But she… she was different.
Jay was the one to introduce them. It happened on one floridian summer afternoon, with almost all of the Bullet Club members present at the kiwi man’s barbecue.
She had spent most of her time in the pool, wet hair sticking to her sun kissed skin, her scandalous body wrapped in a red bathing suit, baywatch worthy.
He sat next to her on the pool’s ledge, thinking of ways he could talk to her.
“I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.” Riley regretted as soon as the words left his lips and her laugh echoed, as she left her spot by his side, diving back to the deep end of the pool.
“I don’t think foot fetish is her thing, right baby girl?” Tama said as he passed by, getting an “mhm” from her.
See, the canadian always used cheesy pick up lines to get into girls pants, and those combined with his big green eyes and his funny, over the top personality, always worked.
The sun was setting when he sat next to her again. This time she was already out of the pool, chilling at the gazebo’s large swing set with a beer bottle on her hand, enjoying the final beats of Chet Faker’s “Gold”
“What’s the fetish this time?” she asked, a hint of laughter in her voice.
“Those usually work, you know?” he said, mocking seriousness.
“I don’t doubt they do.”
He was surprised with how easy going she was. They talked for hours, going from wrestling, to music, to their childhood dreams.
It was almost midnight when they left Jay’s house, with her offering to take Riley back to his hotel.
They fucked in the backseat of her car, right in front of the hotel. And once again in his room.
Their relationship was his most intense one, and his longest.
“I think we should break-up.” she told him, her head pressed to his chest, their sweaty bodies entangled after making love.
“Was it that bad?” he asked as he sat up. The tone of his voice showed he was joking.
She sat facing him and stared at him for a while before speaking again.
“Ri… I– I just– fuck… I’m not in love anymore, Ri.” she choked out.
“I’m sorry.” she whispered.
“No, it’s fine. I get it.”
Riley sensed the raw emotion coming from her. He knew she was being truthful because that’s how she was, pure, raw emotion.
“Babe, look at me.” he said, only continuing when she looked back at him “I get it. It’s fine. I’ve been feeling the same way.”
As intense as their relationship had been, he felt like the strong feelings had worn off.
“We can still be friends.”
“Yeah?” she sobbed.
He gave her one last kiss and hugged her, holding her tightly.
“We better stay friends or I’ll go around yelling really bad pickup lines at you, ok?”
She laughed and nodded profusely on his chest.
The first few months were easy as they rarely saw each other, him being busy in Japan and her touring with her band. They would occasionally text just to know how the other was doing and share any news.
But it was in moments like these that made Riley question his sanity when he asked to stay friends with her.
She had just finished her biggest tour to date and he had won the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship for the fourth time a few days prior, and of course, Taiji said it was time for a celebration.
A celebration that consisted of going to one of the clubs their sponsors owned, getting the whole vip lounge for themselves, filled to the top with the most expensive drinks.
A celebration that consisted of Riley watching her dance with Tama Tonga. Dangerously close, one of his hands on her waist, the other one on a, what looked like, tight grip on her hair. Their bodies moved in a slow, sensuous rhythm, his left thigh between her soft warm ones, too close to her core for Riley’s liking.
Riley felt a body sit next to his, but he ignored the presence, since he was too entranced with what was happening before his eyes.
“You know that that’s the furthest they go, right?” Riley heard his Bullet Club leader say, and only nodded in response. “They just like the game.” Jay continued.
“I keep forgetting we’re not in love anymore.” Riley laughed. “Every damn time she’s near I forget we are not in love anymore.”
“Talk to her.”
Riley laughed again, shaking his head. “Maybe it’s better this way. Well, I’m tired. Gonna head back to the hotel and relax. See you tomorrow.”
Little did he know that his conversation was heard, and pleading eyes followed his form on its way out.
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cuttingedge708 · 2 years
Hi me again sorry but can you do a imagine where it’s a threesome between phantasmo, Ishimori, and their s/o but takes care of each other with aftercare afterwards
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After the After Party
Pairing: El phantasmo X Taji Ishimori X Female Reader
Warning: brief light Smut and lots of Fluff
Moans left her body as Y/N reaches her climax the sweat of both their bodies clinging onto her, kisses trailed down her chest and back, she was in a eternal bliss she then whispers to both men “do you guys want to join me in the shower?” Tasmo shook his head “I’ll join you in a bit princess” she sauntered her way to the shower naked, she washed her body getting rid of all the sweat and fluids from her body after a while she felt a pair of cold hands wrap around her hips “hey baby” Tasmo joined her in the shower along with Taji.
The three of them relaxed in the shower and cleaned up, kisses and cuddles galore the three got out of the shower and Y/N raced to her vanity and pulled out face masks for them all to try they were from a Japanese convenience store not far from where they are staying.
Tasmo wore a Green tea detoxing mask whilst Taji wore a charcoal mask, Y/N pulled out her Strawberry collagen mask and placed it on her face she giggled when Tasmo started to make zombie noises and the two started to run around the room until Tasmo pulled Y/N towards the couch then Taji made things worse by starting a tickle fight. The trio had so much fun relaxing and being in each other’s company, more kisses were peppered all over Y/N’s neck.
The trio eventually fell asleep all snuggled up together peacefully and happily
(Again sorry if this is short @oedojoshicorps! Still trying to get back into my writing habits)
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kcloveswrestling · 3 years
Please do not copy or repost my fics elsewhere.
I also do NOT give permission for any of my edits and graphics to be reposted or copied.
Reblogging is encouraged though!!
Requests: OPEN
Rules for requesting:
1. Headcanons and oneshots!
2. Only accepting x reader requests
3. No Smut or Angst requests
4. Only writing fluff/wholesome fics
If someone isn’t on the list, feel free to ask if I’ll write for them.
incorrect quotes
Fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving Prompts
Christmas Prompts 2021 Masterlist
People I do NOT write for
Fic Recommendations
Who I write for:
Tony Khan
Christian Cage
Cash Wheeler
Jungle Boy
Anna Jay
Julia Hart
Kenny Omega
Jay White
El Phantasmo
Marty Scurll
Tama Tonga
Tanga Loa/Tonga Loa
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw(Top Gun Maverick)
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky(Top Gun)
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is there by any chance a new el phantasmo x reader coming soon...? 😏 if so can it have angst and fluff
Well thanks to you, my Anony-muse, there is! I saw your message and started thinking about what something angst-y and fluffy with him would be like and an idea came to mind very quickly.
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Wrestling Masterlist
f - Fluff, c - Comfort, a - Angst, s - Smut, h - Hurt
Wrestlers organized by alphabetical order
Fics organized by oldest to newest
Updated every time a new fic is posted!
Austin Gunn
Painted Him Perfect *a
Cash Wheeler
If He Was Yours, You’d Do The Same *f
We Should Argue More Often *s
Christian Cage
Love Me Like You Do *f/s
Never Gonna Be Alone *c/f
You’re Still the One *f (part 2 of Never Gonna Be Alone)
Chuck Taylor
I Know I Can Treat You Better Than He Can *h/c/f
Brownie Points *f
Daniel Garcia
That Should Be Me *a
Darius Martin
Thank You for Being a Friend *f
Eddie Kingston
Ride or Die, ‘Til the End of the Line *f
Blood Looks Good On You *f
El Phantasmo
Been Far Away, For Far Too Long *f
Sweet Surprises *f (part 2 of Been Far Away, For Far Too Long)
Energy Drinks *f
Brother’s Best Friend *a/f
Hangman Adam Page
Cowboy Take Me Away *f/s (light smut)
Kenny Omega
Destination Relaxation *f/c
I’m Giving Up On Love ‘Cause Love’s Given Up On Me *a
Since You Been Gone *a (with happy ending) (part 2 of I’m Giving Up On Love ‘Cause Love’s Given Up On Me)
Matt Jackson
I’ll Be Your Cryin’ Shoulder *h/c/f
Through Thick and Thin *a/f (slight angst)
The Best Surprise *f
Tear in My Heart series masterlist *f/a
Nick Jackson
You’re More Than Enough *c/f
I Still Get Jealous *f/a (slight angst)
The One Where They Fall in Love *f/a (angst if you squint)
Orange Cassidy
It’s Always Been You *f
Ricky Starks
I’ve Got Your Back Like You’ve Got Mine *f
You Are The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine *f/s (light smut)
Trent Beretta
Home Is Wherever You Are *f
Be Careful What You Wish For *s
Wheeler Yuta
The Most Interesting Date *f
That Should Be Me *a
We’re Proud Of You *c
Taking A Chance On Romance *f
Begin Again *a/f (slight angst)
<- Back to main masterlist
My works on AO3 can be found here!
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mystic-story-lover · 1 year
El Phantasmo x female!reader
Word Count: 642
Warnings: Slight Injury
Type: Fluff
Summary: The reader want’s to surprise her boyfriend with his own move, but it doesn’t go to plan.
A/N: Y/w/n means “your wrestling name”
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(Gif Is Mine)
Nearly everyone told you that the move was dangerous because of your past injuries, but you wanted to pay homage to your boyfriend. You’d been together for almost four years, and this was the first time he’d been able to come to AEW to watch you fight. Between the pandemic, the travel restrictions, and busy schedules, he couldn’t find time to make it to one of your shows, but tonight he was there. 
“Hey Penelope,” you smiled at the blonde next to you. “Are you ready for our match?” 
“You know I am.” She looked at you and winked before turning her focus back to the curtain as her theme hit. While she was walking out to the ring, you noticed that your boyfriend, El Phantasmo, was dressed in his Bullet Club shirt and his tights. 
“What are you doing? My match is about to start.” You questioned him, while still focusing so you didn’t miss your cue. 
“Tony wants me to walk out with you. I told him that I was okay to do that since I always bring spare tights with me.” He spoke, lifting one shoulder in a shrug.
Just when you were about to say something else, your music hit, and you took a step out of the curtain. Phantasmo was right behind you, and followed close behind as you began your entrance. 
“Representing Bullet Club, and accompanied by El Phantasmo, Y/w/n!” Justin called through his microphone. 
Once you finished your entrance, you and Penelope entered into a lock, and she swung around, grabbing your waist. The match continued back and forth between the two of you for a short time before it was time for your surprise. With Penelope on the mat, you moved to the side and reached the corner, and began stomping your foot. As if he could sense his wife in line of danger, Kip Sabian’s music began playing. You knew that he was going to come out right when you were ready for the move, but Penelope wasn’t informed. However, you didn’t know that and went for the move, but she moved because of the distraction, causing you to crash and become tangled in the ropes. You could feel an immense amount of pain coming from your wrist, and you knew something was seriously wrong. Continuing the match however, Penelope grabbed your neck and arm, attempting to drag you for her finishing move, but by surprise, you flipped through and landed a mid-rope DDT, causing her to drop to her knees. You rushed to the corner, stomping your foot once more before she moved in the correct spot, and landed a “Sudden Death” to her. After she fell, you rushed over to get the pin.
1.. 2.. 3
In spite of the things said, you pulled off the move and scored the victory. El Phantasmo rushed into the ring to celebrate with you, accidentally grabbing your hurt wrist. He didn’t know you’d gotten hurt, and when you reacted to the pain, he rushed the celebration to get you backstage. When back there, you instantly went to medical for Doc Sampson to check you out. The inspection of your wrist felt like hours, even though it was only a few moments.
“She just twisted it, and she should only be out about three to four weeks.” Sampson spoke before turning and walking out the door.
Once he left, Phantsmo spoke up. “You did my move,” he said with a huge smile on his face. “That was amazing babe!”
“I wanted to surprise you with it. With my past leg injuries, I didn’t want to get your hopes up, but I was able to do it.” You smiled back.
He leaned in slowly, bending down to your height on the examination table. With that, he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“It was perfect.”
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daddyhausen · 2 months
Hi could you possibly do a headcanon for reader dating ELP & what it’s like when BC spies on them
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 「 SECRET RELATIONSHIP + GETTING CAUGHT HEADCANNONS 」 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 SUMMARY 」 — headcannons for when bullet club spies on your relationship riley
「 WARNINGS 」 — 18+, [ MINORS DNI ]
「 WORD COUNT 」 — 217
「 PAIRING 」 — fem!reader x el phantasmo
「 GENRE 」 — fluff + smut
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 TAGLIST 」 — @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @bayleymania @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @legit9thlunaticwarrior @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @harmshake @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @seeingstarks @kennysbadkitten @darkangelchronicles @ripleyswife @selena-tyler-564 @alyyaanna @nightmare-viper
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riley and yourself didnt enjoy hiding your relationship
especially from the other bullet club members
the two of you always wanted to be in each other’s presence
to hold to kiss, to fuck.
it became alot harder once the other members started catching on
what started as innocent hand holding under the table in catering turned into full on make out sessions in storage closets and abandoned locker rooms
ones of which you could hear giggling and idle chatter from outside
noticing through the small window atop the door
a chipper chris bey and ace austin
who seemed mortified when you opened the door
clothes all dishevvelevd as riley was struggling to put his back on
a scowl permanent across your face as your face heated with an embarrassed blush
your secret was out
much to yours and riley’s displeasure
however that could not stop chris and ace from cackling like sild hyena’s at your predicament
the members will tease the two of you constantly about it
even during some of riley’s matches
you could tell due to the spread of blush that formed across his cheeks
although he took it in stride
“at least im the one fucking her”
he would say off camera, yet still in ear shot that the mics would pick it up
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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Brother’s Best Friend
Pairing: El Phantasmo x female!reader
Category: Angst/Fluff
Word count: 1,749
Summary: Sneaking around is challenging but so hot. Sneaking around with your brother’s best friend is even more challenging and even hotter… until you get caught by your brother.
Warnings: Swearing
Requested by: anon — Sorry for the long delay but I hope you enjoy! ❤️
You can find the original request here!
A/N: I changed the request just a little bit because my brain wouldn’t let me write exactly what you wanted so I got as close as my brain would let me 🤣
Gif is not mine. Credit to owner.
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In the movies, it’s always so hot when the couple has to sneak around to meet and in real life, it’s still hot. The one thing they don’t show you in the movies too often is how hard it is to sneak around, especially when the person you have feelings for is your brother’s best friend.
You and Riley didn’t have intentions of catching feelings for each other but over time it just happened. You knew how much Jay enjoyed and valued Riley’s friendship so you couldn’t bring yourself to tell your brother about how you felt about Riley. You thought maybe the feelings might go away but they never did. Riley was honestly worried and a little scared to tell Jay that he liked you. He knew how protective Jay was over you, and he wasn’t looking for a fight.
Sneaking around was the only way you could see Riley without Jay finding out. You felt like you and Riley had been doing a good job at not getting caught — until an unsuspecting Jay entered the room. He caught the two of you sitting close on the couch in the apartment he shared with you. You and Riley both froze like deer in headlights. The pair of you casually moved away from one another as Jay suspiciously eyed the two of you but ultimately headed to the kitchen. Relief washed over you and Riley as Jay left the room. You and and Riley shared a look — you had to be more careful. As Jay re-entered the living room, you and Riley were on opposite ends of the couch so naturally Jay took the empty seat between you.
Jay knew something was up with his best friend and his sister. He just wasn’t sure what yet. Jay wracked his brain thinking back to all the times you and his Bullet Club brother were in the same room. He recalled you both always on the opposite sides of rooms, never socializing with one another. At the time, he didn't think anything of it, but now that he’s thinking back, he finds it strange that you two never really interacted. Jay assumed you would bug him about Riley as the man was your “type” but he never heard a peep from you or Riley for that matter. He figured Riley would be asking him if you were single given Jay had caught Riley gazing at you when you weren’t looking, but nothing. This was weird. Jay just knew the two people he genuinely cared about would get along. At least you weren’t fighting.
You and Riley were doing the opposite of fighting when Jay wasn’t around. It was near impossible to keep your hands and lips to yourselves.
As the days turned into weeks, Jay kept a close eye on his sister and best friend in hopes to see if his suspicions were true. Jay debated on if he should enlist help from Kenta and Taiji Ishimori, they could help him get to the bottom of the weird vibes he was getting from you and Riley. Ultimately, Jay decided he would keep the help of Kenta and Taiji as Plan B, he really wanted to catch the two in question on his own.
You had just managed to make up some white lie as to where you were going. You were proud of yourself and Riley for keeping your secret meet ups from your brother for this long, but you knew deep down this wouldn’t last forever. You knew Jay would be suspicious if he ever realized you and Riley would both make up excuses at the same time despite a ten or fifteen minute gap in between. Your brother was smart and you knew better than to think otherwise.
You slipped into the empty storage room to wait for your beloved Riley. Things between you two had finally became official leaving you over the moon with joy and happiness.
Jay had noticed recently you would chew on your bottom lip ever so subtly when you would tell him certain things which he knew was something you did when you lied. It more of a nervous and anxious habit of yours. This caused Jay to follow you putting just enough distance between you that he could still see you but you couldn’t see him. The second he saw you slip into the storage room he knew his suspicions were true — you were sneaking off to meet someone. He just didn’t know who and he intended to find out.
Jay hid behind a big case that held a variety of backstage equipment and kept his eyes on the storage room door.
You had kept the lights off to make the meet up more fun and thrilling. A few minutes later you heard the door open and close and excitement filled your body. The movies were right. Sneaking around is hot. You heard stop footsteps approach you and strong yet gentle warm hands rest on your shoulders. Riley’s familiar scent filled your nose. “You gonna kiss me or not.” You teased as your fingers danced up his chest. The next thing you felt was your boyfriend’s rough but soft lips on yours with a sense of passion and urgency. This took you by surprise but it was good surprise — no, a great surprise.
The pair of you were too lost in the kiss and the removal of shirts to hear the door quietly open but the second the blinging light was flicked on you and Riley froze. You were caught. You peeked around Riley’s body to see who the intruder was. You gasped when your eyes met your brother’s. Riley turned to face the third party in the room. He was careful in keeping your almost half naked body behind him and out of sight. Riley’s eyes widened and his mouth went dry. Honestly, he was expecting to see his best friend, your brother as the one who caught the two of you in the middle of a steamy make out that was in the process of becoming more.
“Guess the cat’s out of the bag.” Riley attempted to make light of the situation despite how nervous he was.
“Why didn’t you tell me!” Jay shouted at no one in particular but you knew he was directing the outburst at the both of you. You heart ached hearing the sadness and disappointment in your brother’s voice. You felt Riley’s body slouch like he’d been punched in the gut. He didn’t like this either.
“I— we—” You tried to gather your thoughts and stumbled over your words in the process. Thankfully Riley jumped in.
“It wasn’t anything personal. We just love each other and were worried you would hate it or something. I’ve seen first hand just how protective you are of her and I didn’t want to screw up our friendship. That’s why we didn’t tell you. I guess we were wrong to do that.” Riley spilled to Jay as you nodded along with what was said.
You watched as Jay absorbed the words and looked from Riley to you a few times. His best friend and his sister. Had this been any other member of Bullet Club he would have hated it — loathed it even, but this is his best friend. There wasn’t many people in this world Jay White trusted but he trusted Riley. And as for you, his dear sister who can do no wrong. Jay only wanted the best for you and after evaluating the kind of person Riley is, Jay thought his best friend just might be the best for you and that never happened when it came to you dating. He caught your eye and saw the pleading look in them, one that he hadn’t seen before when it came to a boy. He knew what he had to say.
During the time Jay was processing his emotions and gathering his thoughts, you had slipped your shirt back on and Riley had done the same.
“Never in a million years would I ever dream that I’m about to say this.” Jay took a moment to put the words in the right order. “I never wanted any of my friends to date my sister because I know how they are, but you Riley,” Jay took another moment to look into his best friend’s eyes, “you’re different. I can’t explain it because honestly, I have no idea what it is.”
You could tell this was new and confusing territory for your brother. “Jay…” You softly trailed off, grabbing his attention as you move out from behind Riley. “I know this is probably really weird and confusing for you but I love him. He’s sweet, caring, and loving. Honestly, I could ramble on and on about him but I won’t, at least not right now.” You attempted to ease some of the tension in the air as Riley slipped his hand in yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. “You always told me to find someone who is respectful, compassionate, and loyal. You and I both know Riley checks all those boxes.”
Jay studied you then Riley. His eyes lingered on his friend, reading his body language, searching his eyes for reciprocation at your words. Riley squeezed your hand once more, this time you returned the action. Jay’s eyes darted to the movement then trailed up your arm. Finally reaching your face, he saw the two of you, his best friend and his sister, looking into each other’s eyes, smiling softly. “Okay.” Jay finally spoke. “I’ll accept this, just keep the affection to a minimum for me. I really don’t want to know what you two get up to.” Jay shivered at the thought of any sexual activity between the pair of you.
“No promises!” You beamed, letting go of Riley’s hand and pulling your brother into a hug. “Thank you.” You whispered in his ear.
“Yeah, yeah.” Jay shrugged once you let him go. His attention turned to his best friend, your boyfriend. “I really don’t want to have to beat the shit out of you, so be good to her.” He said earnestly.
Riley nodded, knowing Jay wasn’t kidding around. “Noted.” He paused briefly before speaking once more. “So there’s this girl I’ve been meaning to tell you about.” Riley chuckled, slinging his arm around his best friend’s shoulders as the three of you exited the storage room.
You laughed upon hearing your brother groan. This would be fun.
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyofwritings @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate13 @omg-im-such-a-masochist
El Phantasmo Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @morgan-bucks @kcloveswrestling @jennifuz
52 notes · View notes
Sweet Surprises
Pairing: El Phantasmo x female!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 5,375
Summary: You surprise your boyfriend at the Tokyo Dome and spend every moment with him which causes you to miss him more and to miss home. Riley’s been missing you more than he can fathom so he finally asks you a very important question.
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: I had to adjust some events to make them fit better for the story. For the full story, I recommend reading part one!
Part 1
Gif is not mine. Credit to the owner.
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You finally landed in Japan, relief washing over you. You were home.
As you collected your luggage, you sent a quick text to Pieter to let her know you had finally landed. She was the only one that knew about your surprise arrival, you trusted her to not say a word to anyone. You didn’t want to just surprise Riley, you wanted to surprise the rest of the club too.
Once in the car headed to the hotel, Pieter texted you the details about what was going on with Riley and the club. You let out a little chuckle as you imagined the club running around like Pieter described, they truly were helpless without you, seeing as you kept everyone and everything in order.
The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel where you would be hiding your belongings in Pieter’s room.
You quickly texted her that you were out front and paid the driver, thanking him with your best Japanese. As you turned around you saw your best friend turned sister with a huge smile plastered across her face, eyes watering at the reality of you really being here.
“Pieter!!!!” You exclaimed, dropping your luggage to the ground and racing towards her as she ran towards you. The two of you embraced in a tight hug that was making breathing extremely difficult but you didn't care at the moment, you were just so thrilled to see her in person again.
It had been a long seven months since you last saw your boyfriend but close to a year since you’ve seen Pieter and the rest of the club — close to a year since you’ve been home. You missed it so much it hurt but you did enjoy your opportunities that you've received in AEW, it just didn’t have your family.
You spent a lot of days questioning if this was the right move, leaving everyone and everything behind. You knew sometimes the right decisions were the hardest ones to make and stick with.
Despite missing Riley, Pieter, and the rest of Bullet Club, you made the most of your opportunity to gain more exposure to the new fans that AEW brought you. You learned fairly quickly that you were competing with Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, and couple others for fan favorite in the women’s division but what you weren’t expecting was competing with the likes of Jon Moxley, Hangman Adam Page, Hook, and the self proclaimed devil, MJF amongst a few other men as well for fan favorite. Turns out you had more fans in AEW than you thought.
You were brought back to reality when you heard Pieter laugh, looking in her direction to see her shaking her head. “You we’re talking to me weren’t you?” You laughed. “I’m sorry, I just can’t help thinking about much I missed you, the club, and Japan.” Glancing at the time on your phone, you realize you both should get going if you wanted everything to go smoothly. “We better go. I can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions, especially Riley’s.” You grinned at imagining everyone’s faces upon seeing you for the first time in a year.
The two of you headed the few blocks to the Tokyo Dome, talking and laughing as you went. Listening to Pieter’s stories of the drama and shenanigans the boys had gotten into, you really missed out and you were right, they were a mess without you keeping order. You weren’t going to dwell on the past and missing out, you were going to make the best of the next few days and hopefully sort things out.
Finally arriving at the Tokyo Dome, you and Pieter slipped in the door and pretty much played a ninja game in order to stay hidden and keep watch for the perfect time to jump out and surprise the boys.
You both waited in your hiding spots for what seemed like hours before all members of Bullet Club were present. You and Pieter shared a nod, Pieter casually came out of her hiding spot, the boys all too caught up in their conversations and bickering to notice she had been hiding. She made countless failed attempts to get the boy’s attention. You decided that it would be best for you to get their attention the only way you knew how — to whistle as loudly as you could.
The whole room came to a halt, conversations and bickering stopped on a dime. You watched as the every member of the club turned in the direction of the sound, no doubt looking for the suspect.
The shock on all their faces when their eyes landed on you was beyond priceless, jaws fell to the floor, eyes were about to pop out of heads. The only movement came from your boyfriend, who all but ran to you as he shoved everyone out of his way, scooping you up in his arms and squeezing you in the biggest bear hug you’ve ever received. You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed back. “Surprise!” You managed to speak the best you could as your oxygen was running out causing you to tap him twice on the back, your signal to tell him that you needed a minute to breathe.
You felt Riley reluctantly pull away, his hands resting on your shoulders while he examined your face, taking in the moment to really grasp that you’re here for real and not some sick dream — he had plenty of those since he left you the day after Forbidden Door.
You couldn’t take your eyes off his handsome face, therefore neither one of you knew you had a audience, the entire Bullet Club was watching the sweet reunion despite whatever they felt about love and forgetting about their bickering and conversations if only just for a little while.
“How did you…. When did you…. You’re really here, right? This isn’t some dream, right?” Riley all but begged, pleaded, and prayed. He brought his rough yet still soft hands up to your cheeks, thumbs gently rubbing smoothly across them to wipe away the tears you didn’t know had begun to fall.
“Yeah baby, I’m here. I’m really here.” You smiled a watery smile.
That was all the reassurance he needed before dipping his head down and capturing your lips with his. The crowd in the room was long forgotten until you both heard cheering and clapping, Pieter desperately tried to tell the boys to stop and let you two have your moment, but none of them listened causing Pieter to shake her head and join in.
You and Riley jumped at the sudden noise filling the room, laughing as both your attention turned to see smiles on faces, even on the most stone faced members.
After catching up with everyone, you let them go get ready for the show. Pieter stayed with you and Riley and watched the massive event take place — Wrestle Kingdom 17. Hearing the crowd clapping along and showing their respect made you miss performing in front of the Japanese audience. There was nothing like it in your opinion.
The matches seemed to have flown by and before you knew it, it was time for Jay to defend the IWGP Heavyweight Championship against Kazuchika Okada. You, Riley, and Pieter watched on a nearby monitor as the bell rang, signaling the start of the match. Heavy and hard slaps and kicks came from Okada, landing on their target more often than not.
The three of you watched Jay got beat down by Okada time and time again, every time it looked like Jay was making progress Okada shut him down.
As the match drew closer and closer to the end, you knew this wouldn’t end well for Jay but you hoped you were wrong. Unfortunately, you were right. Kazuchika Okada defeated Jay White to become the new IWGP Heavyweight Champion.
The mood between you, Riley, and Pieter went downhill, knowing Jay would be a range of emotions. You noticed Jay’s actions at the end of the match, how he grabbed Okada’s boot, how he attempted to pull himself up using Okada’s leg, you couldn’t mistake the look on Jay’s face, especially the look in his eyes — he was beginning to spiral, a breakdown was on the horizon.
As the audience was leaving, you slipped your hand in Riley’s and looped arms with Pieter and made the walk to the Bullet Club locker room. You were more than ready to get to the hotel and have Riley all to yourself.
It took some time to finally get to the hotel due to futile attempts to console Jay.
Finally at the hotel, you retrieved your bags from Pieter’s room, your sweet boyfriend insisted on carrying them for you. “You, my love, will not be lifting a finger when I’m around.” He told you. That was a sentence he often said to you, you didn’t mind it because not only did it make him feel wanted and needed, you knew how much he liked to remind you how strong he was. You also got to watch his muscles ripple as he lifted your bag that didn’t roll. Those arms and back muscles were just a small part of what you loved about him physically.
You deliberately walked behind him to continue to enjoy the view until he paused long enough for you to catch up with him. When you did, you saw the smirk on his face, he knew what you were doing. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you like what you were seeing?” He teased, gently nudging your arm as you walked beside him.
You blushed at getting caught. “You know I always do.” You teased back, gliding your hand in his free one and interlocking your fingers with his.
Finally reaching Riley’s room, he opened the door and let you enter. “I was confused on why Pieter kept insisting that I get my own room instead of sharing with one of the guys, but now I know why. She was in on it the whole time?” He sat your bags down by the door and made his way to you, wrapping you up in his arms.
“Yeah, she knew. I’m glad you listened to her otherwise tonight would be awkward because the plans I have for you are just for the two of us.” You shot him a wink, reaching up to cup the sides of his face like he had done to you earlier in the day.
You watched as your sexy man raised an eyebrow at your words. “And what would those plans be? Actually, don’t tell me because I think I have an idea.” Riley lifted you up off the ground, your legs wrapped around his waist. He made his way with you towards the bed and gently sat you down on the soft mattress.
You pulled him down on top of you, your lips meeting his, clothes were soon being tossed to the floor. Riley trailed kisses down your neck and chest, but your plan wasn’t about your pleasure — it was about his. You took him by surprise and rolled the two of you over, you straddled his hips and trailed your fingertips down his chest then going back up, stopping at his shoulders. “Tonight is all about you, baby.” You leaned down and placed a passionate kiss to his lips then down his neck. As bad you wanted to leave marks you couldn’t, he had to wrestle tomorrow night but that didn’t mean his whole body was off limits.
You took your time worshipping his body and showing him just how much you loved him, making sure he wasn’t left unsatisfied.
Riley let you execute your plan but when you were done, it was his turn to worship you the same way.
After all was said and done, you and Riley were cuddled up in the bed, your head on his chest while your fingers traced patterns across his chest. You felt your lover’s hand slowly and soothingly rub your back. You both knew from experience that it wouldn’t be long before your both passed out until morning.
And that’s exactly what happened.
The sunlight peaked through the curtains covering the window across from the bed causing you to stir. Upon opening your eyes and feeling for your other half, you found the bed empty. His side was still warm indicating he hadn’t been up too long.
As you slowly sat up in the bed, you found yourself a little sore from the preceding night’s activity. You rubbed your eyes and stretched just enough to help with some of the soreness, blinking a few times as your eyes adjusted to the sunlight shining through the little gap between the curtains.
Slipping out of bed, you found Riley’s shirt from last night on the floor, you picked it up and put it on, you always loved wearing his clothes and he always loved seeing you in them. You grabbed a clean pair of underwear from your bag and pulled them on. Now where was Riley?
You could tell from where you were standing he was in the bathroom. You could see him with his back turned to you as he brushed his teeth. You smiled, thinking about how much you missed domestic life with him.
You tiptoed your way to the bathroom and wrapped your arms around his waist. “Good morning, handsome.” You voice was full of love, warmth, and contentment, and you felt his body relax into your embrace.
Riley finished rinsing his mouth then turned around still in your arms, a wide smile on his face. “Good morning, gorgeous.” He placed a loving kiss to the top of your head. “I ordered us breakfast. Should be here soon.”
Right on cue, there was a knock at the door with the announcement of room service. You grinned up at your loving boyfriend, “It’s like you planned that or something.” You giggled.
“I’m good but I’m not that good, baby.” He chuckled, reluctantly removing himself from your embrace and heading to open the door.
You trailed behind your lover but stopped at the bed, taking a seat on the edge and watching Riley talk briefly with the hotel’s staff member. The woman wheeled the cart into the room and gave you both a sweet smile before exiting.
The smell of breakfast lingered in the air. You smiled to yourself as you remembered the breakfast he ordered for you the morning after Forbidden Door, the miniature buffet containing all your favorite breakfast foods and the beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Riley came to sit beside you on the bed, watching your reaction as you examined the food cart. It was set up in the same fashion as the one seven months ago — a dome covered plate with coffee, tea, and orange juice sitting around the plate. There were small bowls of various fruit strategically placed on the tray as well. A fresh bouquet of flowers were just off to the side of the cart, a mixture of your favorite flowers — colored roses, sunflowers, daisies, and tulips. You lifted the dome lid to reveal the plate was covered in pancakes, French toast, eggs, bacon, and sausage. It was the exact same foods he had ordered you before. Seeing how he remembered every little detail of that morning made your heart swell and your eyes water. He always surprised you time and time again at how thoughtful and sweet he was.
“You remembered!” You exclaimed, a few tears slipping down your cheeks. “This is so sweet Riley!” You sniffled, turning to see him looking bashful.
“Don’t cry babygirl.” Riley said softly as he wiped the stay tears away. “I remembered how much you liked this last time so I may or may not have wrote it down for reference.” He nervously admitted. “I was hoping you’d like it again.”
“Like it? I love it and I love you!” You pulled him into a loving kiss. The moment was interrupted when your stomach growled causing the two of you to break the kiss with laughter.
The two of you made yourselves a hefty plate and just enjoyed the peaceful moment until Riley had to get ready for the busy day ahead. Tonight was New Year Dash and Riley had a tag match alongside your fellow Bullet Club members: Taiji Ishimori, Kenta, and the surprise of Jay White.
You missed being a part of these events, they were all so grand and surprises weren’t uncommon. You decided to get ready for the day as well, even if your plan was to just be El Phantasmo’s shadow. You didn’t mind it at all, you loved seeing him doing what he did best. You were always his number one fan and biggest supporter as he was yours.
Stepping out of the bathroom, dressed with the exception of your shoes, you sneakily smacked his ass as you passed him on your way to your suitcase. You giggled as he whipped around, a eyebrow raised only to freeze where he stood in font of the full length mirror on the wall by the bathroom door.
You had on his newest merch shirt, a pair of skin tight jeans, and the necklace he bought you for your birthday during the first year you were together. The necklace was simple piece, two hearts interlocked together on a thin chain. The chain was thick enough that it wouldn’t break easily but thin enough that it complimented the hearts perfectly.
Riley was always in awe when you wore his clothes whether it was his clothes from his closet or his merch that you bought, he was always speechless. He watched you slip on your shoes and dig through your bag for something. He soon realized what you were looking for, a pair of his signature sunglasses that he wore to the ring. He watched you place them atop your head.
You stood up and looked over at Riley, who was still gazing at you. You gave him a questioning look, confused as to why he’s staring at you seemingly off in his own little world.
“You’re so….” He paused, clearly thinking of the right word, “stunning.” Riley smiled at you, admiration clear on his face and in his voice. “I love seeing you in my clothes.”
You grinned and shot him a wink. “I know. Now, hurry up! You’ve got some things to do before the show.”
Once the two of you were ready, you were out the door, hand in hand. You gave his hand a little squeeze, it was one of yours and his ways to say ‘I love you’ without saying anything. You beamed when you felt your love squeeze your hand back.
He always made you feel loved and safe and this was no different. All those simple and subtle gestures, the silent exchanges of love between the two of you were so special to you and Riley knew it, you knew all those things were special to him too.
As you went throughout the day, you would stand off to the side, letting Riley get all the attention he deserved as he answered questions and gave a few comments about the matchup. Every time he finished one of his obligations, he would make a bee line for you, slinging an arm around your shoulders as you slid your arm around his waist. “You did great, hot stuff.” You would beam. His response was giving you a soft kiss to the top of your head, a smile forming on his lips.
Time flew by and the show was starting in the next hour. You were in Bullet Club’s locker room, scrolling through Twitter, looking to see if anyone has mentioned you being at the arena. You saw a few little things but nothing major, you didn’t mind it because you weren’t here for anything other than to see and support the club but mostly your other half.
When the show finally started, you watched as the opening match was announced and got underway. You were sandwiched between Riley and Kenta one of the couches in the room.
You remembered how the guys would always want comfy couches and whatever other ridiculous and high maintenance requests they could think of just to make the poor staff miserable. You would let it go on for a little bit then finally tell them to knock it off, taking pity on the poor staff.
The first couple matches went by quick and before you knew it, it was time the tag match between Bullet Club and Hikuleo, Master Wato, Tama Tonga, and Hiroshi Tanahashi.
You followed behind the boys until Riley grabbed your hand and pulled you in front of him, his hand resting on your lower back. You knew this was his way of making sure you stayed close and to and sure that no one tried to bother you. You didn’t always need protecting, you could more than take care of yourself. You knew that Riley knew that, but you knew he loved to be your protector so you let him be that whenever you could.
Finally at the curtain, waiting for their cue, you went to give Riley a good luck kiss to which he was more than happy to accept. “Thanks, love.” He had this mischievous smile on his face and you raised your eyebrow. “I appreciate that kiss, but the guys and I talked about it and you’re coming out there with us.”
You were shocked. You didn’t have any intentions on going out there but you weren’t about to refuse this. You didn’t know what Tony Khan would think but, at the moment you didn’t care. These boys were your boys and nobody was going to stop you from being there for them.
You heard their music begin to play. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go surprise everyone.” You winked, grabbing your El Phantasmo sun glasses off your head and putting them on your face. You looped your arm with Riley’s and the two of you went through the curtain.
The crowd went crazy seeing you accompanying El Phantasmo as Kenta and Ishimori followed behind. You could hear a flabbergasted Kevin Kelly discussing your presence with an astounded Chris Charlton. You could also hear Gino Gambino excitedly cheering at your return. There was also speculation amongst the English commentators about who the final member of the tag team would be. The three men were shocked to see none other than Jay White come out from behind the curtain.
It was safe to say that between you and Jay, the crowd was definitely getting their money’s worth with two back to back surprises.
You pandered to the audience and waltzed over the the English commentators, a bright smile on your face. “Long time, no see fellas!” You winked at the men and decided to accept Gino’s too sweet.
Before you knew it Jay had made his way over. You didn’t even have time to blink before the club’s leader was going off on poor ole Chris. You did your best to try to calm him but you knew when he got like this there was no calming him. You were more that thankful when your boyfriend came to help, grabbing Jay in a firm but tight hold and pulling away from the commentary team and towards the ring.
You knew this situation wasn’t the time but you were definitely feeling some type of way seeing Riley like that, taking control of the situation and being so calm and levelheaded. What a sight to behold.
Finally the match got underway, you stayed on the floor watching and waiting for any time you were needed. You would also cheer on the boys and get the crowd involved, cheering and pandering to the ones on the front row, you even taunted the opponents from across the ring.
You could feel the urgency and intensity to end the match soon by how they quickened the pace. You couldn’t help but notice how Jay was being towards Hikuleo, his betrayal really got to Jay and that surprised you but only just a little. Seeing the exchanges between the two men you knew this wouldn’t be over regardless of the outcome of the match.
It wasn’t before long that the ref counted to three and the bell rang. Your boys lost and it sucked.
You slipped into the ring and joined them, standing next to El Phantasmo as you watched Jay grab a microphone and challenge Hikuleo. You couldn’t have imagined that he would say those next words — “loser leaves Japan.” You and Riley exchanged a look, wondering what was going on in Jay’s head.
Finally leaving the ring, Riley, being the gentleman he is to you, opened the ropes and helped you out. You kissed his cheek in return with a grin.
After the boys went through the post match comments, the locker room was your next stop. You waited for Riley to take a shower and change clothes. You had forgotten how much went on for New Japan shows and you were getting tired.
Back at the hotel, you had grabbed one of Riley’s shirts that you packed and a pair of underwear and started to the the bathroom when you felt a hand gently grab your wrist. “The night isn’t over yet. I made plans for us and no I’m telling you what they are.” You’re surprised that he wants to go out. You thought you’d spend your last night together snuggled up in bed, you’re not complaining though. “Wear something nice, it’s a special occasion.” Riley told you, letting your wrist go and giving you a nervous but still mischievous smile. What does he have up his sleeve?
You got dressed in a gorgeous lavender dress and black heels. You did your hair in pretty curls with just enough makeup to compliment your look perfectly. You couldn’t wait for Riley to see you. You could just see his reaction, jaw on the floor and frozen in place.
You opened the bathroom door and it was you who was frozen in place with your jaw on the floor. There stood Riley dressed in a white button up shirt paired with a black dress jacket, his pants were dark wash blue jeans. He was doing some touch ups to his hair when you entered the room.
“Wow! You look even more handsome than usual.” Your words caught his attention and he dropped his comb when his eyes landed on you.
“I— You look— Wow! Gorgeous! Stunning! Beautiful! Breathtaking!” Riley rushed to you, forgetting all about his comb on the floor and looked you over, the admiration was unmistakable in his eyes and it made you weak in the knees.
You blushed at his compliments, no matter how much you heard them, you still felt butterflies. “Thank you.” You spoke softly.
The pair of you were out the door fifteen minutes later, arms looped together as Riley all but escorted you to the car.
You asked questions about the night he had planned but he wasn’t giving you anything. He pulled up near a fancy restaurant, you two weren’t fancy people but every now and then you’d treat yourselves like tonight.
The dinner was delicious, the atmosphere was nice, and the waiter was very friendly. It was an overall great dinner.
You assumed that dinner was all you two would do, but Riley drive in the opposite direction of the hotel, you tried guessing what would be next. You got your answer when the car came to a stop at what you called a hidden gem. It was a quiet little part of the city where the two of you had went on some dates before when you were in Tokyo. You examined the cozy park before you, a fairly big playground, a section filled with flower gardens, a walking track and bicycle path, benches and picnic tables scattered throughout as well a pair of water fountains. You loved it here, but you were confused on why Riley took you here so late at night.
“What’s this about?” You questioned, looking over at him to see he was already looking at you, a loving smile played on his lips.
“It’s a surprise.” You pouted at his answer but accepted it anyways.
Out of the car and walking towards the flower garden, you took in how quiet it was despite being in the city. The fountains were lit up setting off a beautiful soft glow, the slight breeze made you a touch chilly so you snuggled into Riley’s side, warming up instantly. You two strolled through the flower gardens and right when you got into the heart of them, Riley stopped causing you stop with him as you were still snuggled into his side. Your eyes met his and you could tell he was nervous about something.
“You okay, baby?” You turned to face him, face filled with concern.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine baby. It’s just that I’ve been thinking about us lately and I don’t know how long it will be until we see each other in person again so I want to ask you something important. You have to close your eyes first.” He tells you, still nervous but sure of himself at the same time.
You gave him a questioning look but did as he said. You heard him moving around for a minute before you heard him exhale to get his nerves settled then speak. “Okay. Open your eyes.”
You were curious as to why his voice sounded like it was coming from below you. You got your answer when you opened your eyes. There was Riley on one knee in front of you, a happy yet nervous smile on his face. Is he….? No, he’s probably going to trick you again with the whole ‘What is it baby? I just had to tie my shoe.’ He’s done it once before, but then again…. maybe he’s serious this time.
“I love you so much more than I thought possible. Being without you the these past months has been extremely difficult for me. I’ve known for a while that I love more than I’ve loved anyone. I’ll be honest I never pictured myself settling down until you graced me with your presence those few years ago. I’ve been thinking about this moment a lot over the past year.” You watch as he dug around in his dress jacket pocket and beam when he found what he was searching for. He pulled out a little black, velvet box.
You were trying not to ugly cry at this moment. Truth be told, you’ve been thinking a lot about this moment too. You’ve know Riley was the one for you a year and a half in.
“Will you marry me?” He asked as he opened the box to reveal the most gorgeous ring you’ve ever seen. It was a silver band with your favorite gemstone in the center and diamonds encircling it. It was simple but it was perfect because you didn’t like flashy jewelry.
You were full on crying now. You nodded your head repeatedly, a wide smile on your face. “Yes... Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!” You couldn’t wrap your head around that this was really happening. You were now engaged to the love of your life, your best friend, your protector, you partner in crime, you’re other half — now you felt whole.
You watched as your now fiancé slipped the ring on your finger. The second he stood up you pulled him in for a loving and passionate kiss.
Riley returned your kiss and pulled back just enough to throw Kenta and Jay a thumbs up and a massive grin. He was thankful he thought to have them there to take pictures and video the entire thing, and sneak him the ring earlier in the day.
Kenta and Jay were happy for their friend and returned the thumbs up with their own happy smiles before quietly leaving the happy couple.
“Let’s go celebrate, fiancée.” Riley grinned, scooping you up in his arms and starting the walk back to the car.
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate13
El Phantasmo Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @abbyjacksonnn @kcloveswrestling
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