#el problema es el capitalismo
ukulelekatie · 5 months
one of the most annoying things about this dystopian trend of drugstores in my area locking up their toiletries and other personal care products behind glass cases in an attempt to prevent shoplifting is that it takes away your ability to just shop around. like if I go in wanting to try a different kind of shampoo, how am I supposed to pick up a bottle and read the info and ingredients on the back and make sure I like how it smells before deciding whether or not to put it in my basket? I guess I can still do that but then I have to do it with an audience watching me which makes me extremely uncomfortable, not to mention that I’d be wasting the time of a retail worker who is probably too busy and not paid nearly enough to stand there and supervise me committing Chidi Anagonye levels of indecisiveness over a bottle of shampoo
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wifegideonnav · 2 months
the worst part of long term depression is how fucking boring it is. like im on my knees begging my asshole brain to just let me be interested in something, anything, i don’t care what it is i just can’t take another day where the time crawls by excruciatingly slowly and i still have to do it all again tomorrow.
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bitchfitch · 6 days
it is once again that time of the month where I go through the sysiphean torture maze that is Walgreens and my insurances war on me getting my meds consistently.
I just got out of my pill shrink appointment and she, the best doctor on the planet, had the brilliant idea to send off the refill request at the beginning of the appointment, and then call them while on the line with me at the end of it to make sure it gets through
And. It's so funny listening to a doctor chew out the poor insurance guy. "So this medication, which is not controlled, has no significant side effects, and is covered under your policy is being denied why?" "Bc he hasn't taken Adderall -" "he had a heart attack last month and has a history of strokes." "I see that note. I'm pushing it through for approval... it should only take a few days before it's sent off to the pharmacy" "And the Prozac? (a controlled substance that is known to cause addiction)" "Oh yeah the pharmacy is showing that'll be ready tomorrow." "Do you see the disconnect here?"
Anyways we're now trying to see if ordering the qelbree in 3 month supplys reduces the number of times I have to do the sysiphean torture maze that is trying to get my fucking adhd meds.
I don't even take any of the fun ones.
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seoz-seoz · 2 years
U know that one bubbles meme
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Yeahhh i had to <3
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Potential crack crossover: team minato are the Powerpuff girls???
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I just want to run an ethically-questionable labor farm made of various animals I collected under dubious circumstances and train them to use machine guns. But instead I am required to send emails and join Teams meetings
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 2 months
Akutagawa August……tomorrow…….
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donaldtrumpsrightear · 5 months
The Monopoly Go ad interrupting my podcast: Live out your billionaire fantasy! Make money! Rent out properties!! Lavish on a passive income!!!
Me, remembering that monopoly was originally developed as a satirical socialist game to teach people there’s no way to succeed in capitalism without screwing over your fellow man and was specifically extremely anti-landlord:
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beeftony · 4 months
The Whisper Me A Love Song anime got done so dirty by a production system that values a relentless stream of new content over the wellbeing of the people who make it. All the shit that’s been coming out about crunch culture in the video games industry has been happening in the anime and manga industries for just as long, and it results in a bad product and even worse working conditions.
The people making the anime are clearly passionate about it considering how much love they still tried to put into the show even though episodes were basically being rushed out the door only a couple days before airing, until even that became untenable. They deserved the time and working conditions to make something truly wonderful, and they didn’t get it.
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lookingfornoonat2pm · 2 months
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therobotmonster · 15 days
I know a nearly 40 minute interview is probably not Tumblr's speed, but anyone who is actively interested in IP, copyright, and media, regardless of one's opinion on copyright, should watch this interview with David Bellos.
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roseworth · 2 months
when god made me she said "now lets do a silly one!" and created a girl who was not built for this world
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telesilla · 1 year
So the Tumblr roadmap thing is pissing me off, but not just because of the disrespect for their current user base. It’s pissing me off because the rent is finally due. It’s pissing me off because capitalism.
The basic problem is, in the world we currently live in, a professionally managed and maintained platform that allows its users to post whatever they want whenever they want to while still developing robust and evolving tools that allows those users to curate their experience all while not pissing off Apple and maintaining the users’ privacy requires more money than you can make selling Do You Love the Color of the Sky tumblers, rainbow check marks, and ads to vendors who don’t care if their products are advertised next to mpreg Destiel memes.
Social media platforms not named Meta decided to worry about the profitability bridge only when they came to it and not one minute sooner and…oh look, there’s a bridge and now we have figure out to cross it. And the bridge? It’s on fire.
Tumblr cannot give us what we want because what we want is not deliverable under capitalism.
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rubensmuse · 1 year
one very foul but also kind of funny thing about modern-day online shopping, especially for alternative fashion, is the nicer something looks in pictures the less i trust its quality. i see through your glamour bitch
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crehador · 1 year
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who taught this poor cat about capitalism? look at him. he's got financial anxiety.
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fandom-space-princess · 6 months
I don't really know how to answer people who interact with me at my job like I shouldn't want to be there. Like obviously I must only be working retail until I get my Real Job, until some theoretical future point where I "make it." Is it so strange that I might truly enjoy pottering around a bookstore all day and talking to people about stories? That I might have chosen to be here intentionally?
Like. Ok. The people who say things like this to me always seem to assume I'm still a student, or between careers or something. But I'm done with school. I have degrees in engineering and computer science, and I worked in tech for a long time. It wasn't bad work by any means, and I was good at it, but it... didn't make me happy? But my current job does! And my living situation is lucky enough that the comparatively small amount of money I make doing it sustains me perfectly well. So why should I view that as not "real?"
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maluron · 1 year
excusez-moi de me tourner vers l'humour noir pour faire face au monde actuel et son absurdité mais - vous savez ces films de série B où la malédiction des dieux aztèques ou égyptiens ou que sais-je s'abat sur le monde moderne parce qu'on a profané leurs pyramides respectives ?
RÉVEILLEZ LES ANCIENS DIEUX CELTES ET FAITES S'ABATTRE LEUR COURROUX SUR MR BRICOLAGE et tous ceux qui leur ont permis de dézinguer les menhirs de Carnac !
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