#elan ve’mal
lavellander · 2 years
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💫SKYHOLD SCHOLARS COMEBACK TOUR💫 part two: dareen & elan 🪴
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serphena · 4 years
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nothing like a child’s magical thinking to make you want to cry sometimes;;
Kiara spends a lot of her time playing in the gardens, so after few tries she befriends Elan Ve’mal. She knows that the woman knows a lot about flowers and other things that grow there, and loves to ask about everything. Two years had passed and she maintains her interest in flowers, but now she has her reasons for trying to learn more - she wants to help her papa.
 What little Kiara doesn’t know is that since Elan is an apothecary, she already tried many of the herbs and mixed of them available to the Inquisition to try and help ease the Inquisitor’s pain and nothing had worked, but the kid doesn’t need to know that.
She just wants her father to be okay again.
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espressocomfort · 3 years
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I got tagged by one @crackinglamb​ ! It’s Thursday in my time zone, so it’s a WIP whenever at this point.
I’ve been told my tavern scenes are lovely, so, this week you’re getting a little celebratory snippet from a future chapter of Coiling Time, one which I’m currently working on... 
After hours of wine and dance and food, the party has broken off into smaller tables. I set down the two tankards and take my seat between Arcanist Dagna and Maryden, across from Ser Morris, Harritt and Elan Ve’mal. Her and Cabot’s one-year-old, a round-faced and happy little boy with dark curls, bounces happily on her lap. 
“Oh, to be young and betrothed. Well,” the botanist adds, “It’s not half bad being a little older and betrothed either. But look at them, not a wrinkle on their faces. What are they, twenty?”
“Can’t be much more,” Harritt says.
“Twenty and two, I think,” Dagna corrects.
“Practically children,” I say, shaking my head. “Way too young to get married.”
“You got some experience with that?” the dwarf asks, taking a sip of her pint, but then she flinches, and looks to Maryden. Her expression settles on embarrassed. 
I follow the weird exchange, then clear my throat. The table turns to look at me.
“I made many mistakes in my youth,” I admit. “But, getting married was never one of them. I think. How about you, Dagna?”
“You think?” she asks with a laugh.
“It depends on your definition of married. I never made vows, but…” I add vaguely.  “Well, Dagna?”
She blows out her cheeks, eyebrows raised, then sighs.
“My father planned to marry me off for the biggest dowry. Well, that was before I went topside and ran off to a Circle to study. It broke his heart, I think, that I became a surfacer. I don’t regret it, one bit,” she adds with a shrug, “I know everyone shared their stories about how the Inquisitor changed them, but my life would be quite different if I’d never met the Hero of Ferelden. I’d probably still be in Orzammar, married to some… man. I’m more of a ladies’ girl. There’s this Red Jenny I quite like,” she adds, eyes turning dreamy, “and I’m not sure if she’s trying to get with me or trying to recruit me but… Morris, how about you?”
“I am unwed,” Morris answers. “But I am betrothed, since Wintersend,” he adds, picking out a ring on a cord around his neck from under layers of ruffled fabric. “And… Master Harritt? How about you?”
“Eh. Never had much time for a wife. Maybe once this all ends. Had a good offer from one of the Guilds in Orlais.”
“I can’t really picture you in Orlais,” I admit.
“Offer for a wife or for a job?” Dagna asks.
Harritt winks, and turns to greet the tavern keeper who arrives at the table. Cabot sets down the rest of the table’s drinks, and picks up his son, wiping at the jam around his mouth with his tea towel, an uncharacteristically soft expression on his face.
“What’s the word, Cabot?” Dagna asks.
Cabot hoists the boy up to give him a good sniff, much to the child’s delight.
“Malodorous. Time for this tadpole’s bath,” Cabot grunts.
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5lazarus · 4 years
WIP Wednesday at Beyond the Veil
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@kita-lavellan | @silvanils | @noire-pandora | @dreadfutures | @inquisitoracorn | @moonlightheretic | @coffeebirby | @protect-him | @medlilove | @nivenor-krosis  | @ellie-effie 👀 
and @planesofduality to show that I am working on this, and I swear to get this done by the end of this week, I swear... from the next chapter of my very long Dragon Age: Inquisition story, a deep delve into the politics of the world from a Dalish First who’s got plans of her own, to build a life worth living. if you’re interested, you can find it on AO3 here. (though this morning, she has to bitch her daughter into going to school. in honor of my cat, who woke us up screaming until we cuddled him, then slipped off his onesie and stole my pillow. you’re not a toddler but you’re certainly giving us practice for what it’ll be like to have one.)
In the blue before the dawn she wakes up empty. Mirwen sleeps at her side more soundly than she ever has in her life. Imladris smiles, and moves a sticky strand of hair behind her ear. Mirwen grumbles slightly and rolls over, stretched over the big bed. Mathalin is already up. Imladris goes looking, and finds her bent before the fireplace, coaxing a thin flame between her palms. Startled, Mathalin whirls around, and pats the fire out. The room is just a bit too cold for comfort.  Imladris says, “Well? You looked like you were doing well.” It is the wrong thing to say, she realizes it immediately, as Mathalin’s face hardens and she turns around. Her daughter spits fire onto the kindling and picks up the poker, to stoke it. Imladris tries again: “You’re up early. You don’t need to take the halla out, da’len. Unless you’d like me to apprentice you to that horsemaster. He was a retainer of the King of Ferelden. You could learn from him, if you wanted.”  “I don’t like halla, Mamae,” Mathalin says. “I’m fine. Just couldn’t sleep well.”
 Imladris sighs. “I know,” she says. When did her own daughter become this unreachable? Mathalin had been such a sweet little girl, clinging to her robes. She would cry whenever she would leave. Perhaps that is it: but it was what needed to be done. She takes a kettle and pulls water from the air, concentrating to pull the mana just right, and guides it with a gesture into a kettle. She places it onto the fire. “Tea? We have the blend from Seheron you like. Check the chest.”  Mathalin gets it. “Tea and cups and never-ending firewood, even up in the mountains,” she comments. “We’re living like nobles now.”  “But we’re not,” Imladris says testily. “Don’t forget that.”  Mathalin shrugs. “Ambassador Briala says elves should become nobles.”  “Ambassador Briala thinks she can jockey her way into the Orlesian court and use diplomacy to win us the Dales,” Imladris says. “Ambassador Briala thinks all the elves should move to one country, under the gods, and her imaginary title. Who’s filling your head with this fluff? Elan Ve’mal?”  Mathalin says, “Is the kettle boiling yet? Can I stay home from school?”  “Absolutely not.”  “But I didn’t sleep.”  “You were snoring when I came in.”  “Well, you woke me up!”  The kettle begins to whistle, and Imladris barriers her hands and takes it from the fire. She pours the water into a waiting teapot, and the scent of expensive spices, cloves and aniseed and tea picked by Qunari, not slaves, fills the room. She and her daughter sit on the carpet before the fire and wait for it to brew. It is odd to have so much plenty. She picks idly at the pattern of leaves on the thick rug. Josephine ordered this specially from Orzammer. Not even House Cadash has an antique like this. She truly has risen in the world: on whose backs? “So you don’t want to go to school,” Imladris says. “What’s the problem here?”  “The problem’s that I got no sleep,” Mathalin retorts, “because you woke me up coming home so late! You said you were going to be here after dinner. What took you so long?”  Imladris is taken aback. “I do have a war to plan,” she says. “Hand me your cup.” She pours the tea, and Mathalin’s hand darts out and takes her cup before Imladris is hardly done. She does not bother waiting for the thank you that will never come. “Is it the Circle mages? Are the shem treating you strange? You are the Inquisitor’s daughter now, Mathalin, not just Keeper’s. We’re not with the clan now, and you need to represent us with dignity--”  Mathalin gets up and heads  to the other room. Imladris rolls her eyes. She leans onto her elbow,  craning her neck to look out onto the balcony. Dawn is creeping up the Frostbacks. It is a beautiful sight. She has never climbed this high before, above the clouds. She is grateful to be alive, and says a silent prayer to Falon’Din, for guiding her thus far. She drinks her tea and waits for her daughter to come back to her. She loves the sun. Imladris knows she will come, if not for her, at least for the dawn.
The sunrise stretches its golden light through the room. Imladris meditates, breathing its fire and circulating it through her aching veins. Inhale: she is alive, she is meeting the day. Exhale: and the day will soon pass, and she will get to be in bed again. Inhale: she is alive, and she has this part of the day to herself. Exhale: and she’ll carry that through plotting out the route to Crestwood, and where exactly they will place their camps. Inhale: the dead are rising again. Exhale: she will heal the Veil. Mathalin sidles in. “Are you meditating?” she asks. “Not anymore.” Imladris reaches for her, and for once Mathalin does not pull away. “What’s the matter, da’len? Why don’t you want to go to school?” Mathalin says, “Hand over the pot, I want another cup of tea, it’s too cold and I’m tired.” Imladris pours her a cup and waits. She tells herself: I may not be a good mother, but I am not inept.
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modernagesomniari · 4 years
All I want as a Lavellan player is the option to tell all city/circle elves that immediately either shit themselves or start self-justifying their existence to me when I speak to them that I accept their life choices and respect their existence out of the Clan structure.
I’m looking at you, Elan Ve’mal.  I’m looking at you.
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felassan · 5 years
Idk if anyone asked for this, but could you please list companions/advisors/characters from previous games that have their cameos or are at least mentioned in Tevinter Nights? Any news from our old friends? Also, would you recommend this book to a person not intetested in elven/Solas lore? I know it's probably main plot for next game and it's fine, but I'm more into Warden/Ferelden/dwarwen/DAO-style lore and I don't know if there's anything for me in this book. :(
Sure! I put this under a cut for length and spoilers, jic.
Companions, advisors, and characters from previous games and other media that appear or are mentioned/alluded to in Tevinter Nights:
Felassan, Solas, Dorian Pavus, Varric Tethras, Cassandra Pentaghast, Sidony, unspecified Divine Victoria (Cassandra, Vivienne or Leliana), Charter, Tessa Forsythia, Vaea, Ser Aaron Hawthorne, Sebastian Vael, Zevran Arainai, the Inquisitor, the Inquisition’s “leaders/inner circle/generals”, Josephine Montilyet, Maevaris Tilani, Dagna, [House] Danarius, [House] Qintara, [House] Arainai, Gatt, Rasaan, The Augur (Avvar), Isabela, Tallis, an unspecified Warden-Commander, what I took as an homage to Sera, a reference to spirits of Compassion in a general sense, Sutherland, Shayd, Voth, Rat, Ghilan’nain, Andruil, Corypheus, Harritt, Cabot, Morris, Elan Ve’mal, Genetivi, Philliam, A Bard!, the mage who raised Sidony in secret, the ailing King of Nevarra, random Venatori, the sister of Livius Erimond, the Eight Talons of the Antivan Crows, a reference to the Hero of Ferelden 
If there’s any in specific you want a bit more on regarding what appears, just let me know. If anyone reading this notices I’ve missed anyone, pls feel free to let me know. Nonnie, here’s a link to notes on all the DAI companion and advisor references/appearances other than Solas, Dorian and Varric (those 3 were left out there because I covered them elsewhere), at least. Obvious spoiler warning for Tevinter Nights applies. That post there contains some of the news on those old friends. This post might also interest you, it’s a list/notes on every time the Inquisitor is mentioned/alluded to. Spoiler warning also applies there.
I would definitely recommend this book for people not interested in elven/Solas lore, in a general sense. For one thing it’s well-written and smartly put together, and I found it enjoyable to read. For another if you’re a fan of the setting in a general sense, there are some interesting new chunks of non-Solas non-elf lore and several moments in the book that really capture the magic of some of the best moments in the games. There were several plot-twists I was surprised by and did not see coming, and there are also quite a lot of new LGBTQ+ characters, especially when you compare the amount that appear relative to the number of stories (15 stories). There are some really fun/endearing new characters, a whole new faction, the locations cross Tevinter - Nevarra - Anderfels - Antiva - Rivain (all of which we aren’t very experienced with and tend to be much anticipated), and also some hooks/threads that seem like a natural springboard into or things that will crop up/be covered in DA4, and there I don’t just mean on the Solas front. The book is an anthology featuring a lot of different creative/writer talent too, so it has different styles throughout. It’s also nice how you can read them in any order and it still works, but how they were also simultaneously arranged in the order that they are in because it makes sense thematically and in terms of time progressing. Fwiw, I tend to skew positive in my reviews/experiences of/feelings on DA content because I just tend to enjoy it so much. idk if that’s a bias but I felt it important to let you know
For you specifically, I would let you know that there isn’t really anything on the Fereldan front, and dwarven content is quite lacking. There are 2 neat new dwarven characters of note (one in one story, one in another). One story which would probably specifically interest you is Horror of Hormak. It’s got some !!! stuff on darkspawn.. developments. It stars 2 Wardens who are on an expedition to find a party of missing Wardens and make a discovery of something big. That story is a very DAO-feel story. Aside from the new darkspawn Thing it also takes you to a lost dwarven thaig and we get a bit of new lore on flavor-type Warden stuff (example of what I mean: Wardens specifically raise and train horses around the stench of darkspawn so that they don’t spook as easily and can stand strong in the face of charging darkspawn). You’d also likely enjoy Hunger. It doesn’t deal with darkspawn or Warden politics, but it stars 2 other Wardens, one of whom is trying to sort out his feelings on the Warden ideal and being a hero, which is nice. It also takes us to the Anderfels which is cool. The 2 Wardens there also have a cool relationship.
For your reference so you can make a decision, the non-Solas major lore areas dealt with in the book (not including what I just mentioned) are: the Qunari invasion, Skyhold in the aftermath of the Inquisition, the Antivan Crows, the Executors, Tevinter society, the Rivaini Lords of Fortune (a whole new faction), the Nevarran Mortalitasi (some real detail on them as a faction, sub-factions, and a new bit of spirit lore), the remains of the Venatori and what they’re doing, Nevarran politics, a bit on Tevinter templars. For reference, there are 15 stories. One is directly about Solas, one dips into his psychology in a creative way, one is about the recent ‘Dread Wolf war efforts’ of the ‘shadow Inquisition’ in a general sense (my words not the book’s) and one gives some insight into his followers and some of what they’re doing. That leaves 11 others that are not or 90%-95% not about him! And really only one is about him exclusively, those other 3 still have a lot of non-Solas stuff going on in them. Hopefully this helps you come to a decision. :) The major non-Solas stuff in case you want it is mostly summarized here (spoiler warning, including for the major darkspawn thing, so only go there if you’re willing to see w/o reading it first). Also if you want it, there’s a summary of what specifically happens in the Horror of Hormak here (spoiler warning once again ofc, and not just for that story).
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felandaristhorns · 5 years
You know who Fenumin adores? The Skyhold gardener, Elan Ve’Mal.
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Elan Ve’mal as an icon commission for @dalish-ish​ thanks!
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myrddinderwydd · 6 years
A Notebook Full of Scribblings
Prompt #9 for my 30 days of writing challenge: Leliana - A Notebook Full of Scribblings
The Nightingale isn’t the most ordinary woman. (SFW)
Will post to AO3 Tomorrow!
Nonsense and children’s nicknames.
That was all anyone else would see, looking at scout Tanner’s notebook. Battles unfolded before the Nightingale’s eyes, problems disappearing at the point of a dagger, messages sent on ravens’ wings.
She leaned against the stone framing the tower window, catching the dawn light on the dense writing. It was worth reading of events she already knew, looking for hints only a Bard’s mind would glean from the mundane. Her agents were good, very good, or more cunning hands would have taken them before now. They were not enough.
None of them were her, cutting teeth in the filth of Denerim, flowering in the vicious beauty of Val Royeax, brewing death for darkspawn alongside a former Crow.
Golden petals in the margin shone in the early light, and she smoothed her thumb over the delicate illustration. Tanner’s notes spoke of villagers’ bodies, bloated in a field of these flowers, yet untouched by local wildlife. She had seen the blossom many times, though years had passed since she held one. It was a simple matter to copy the illustration to a spare parchment, and her notes to Elan Ve’mal detailed the herb’s many diverse properties.
Like herself, Veil’s Light was beauty, protection, and devastation.
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convenientcoma · 5 years
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Elan Ve’mal
Elan is a city elf who has studied in Val Royeaux as a member of the college of herbalists. She had worked for many different heads of state prior to her involvement with the Inquisition.
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lavellander · 3 years
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more skyhold scholars :’)
and since these are messy — top left is fiona, alani, and dagna discussing magic stuff; top right is alani and helisma with a lil frog; bottom is alani, minaeve, and elan hangin out in the garden !!
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felandaristhorns · 6 years
I know we have only talked a bit about stuff but 'Note!' if you feel up to it!
My muse has died. Send 'note' for a goodbye letter my muse wrote to yours as a precaution, in case something, like it has, should happen
The note arrives some weeks after Fenumin’s reported death, delivered by a Clan Inahwen scout. It is difficult to determine precisely when the note was written, or when it might have occurred to him that he ought to write something of this nature - but the handwriting is calm, controlled, and untroubled. It is addressed to Séaghdha specifically, and the relieved look on the scout’s face suggests the threat of dire consequences should it fail to reach him.
         Inquisitor Lavellan:
If you receive this letter, it means I must be dead. And with that cliche now thankfully behind us, there are matters of some importance I wish to address, and I hope you will indulge me in this, as my untimely demise renders me incapable of seizing you by the ear and forcing you to pay attention.
First and foremost, boy, take care of yourself. I know how you are. You know how you are. You’ll run yourself into the ground if left to your own devices. You cannot carry the entire world on your shoulders, no matter how you might like to, and no matter how much the world itself might wish it. 
Second: please ensure the Skyhold garden winds up in the hands of someone competent. Elan Ve’mal is an excellent choice, if she chooses to remain. If not, find someone halfway qualified, or mark my words, you’ll hear of my displeasure from the Beyond.
And third: I was proud to serve your Inquisition, and proud to consider you a friend.
I mean it about taking care of yourself, boy. This world is unkind to heroes.
- Fenumin
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felandaristhorns · 6 years
Headcanon meme 1, 13, 52, 88
100 headcanon memes —  traits.
1. is your muse adventurous?
Not really, no. Fenumin does enjoy being sent to new places, locations he hasn’t seen a dozen times before, and he likes the idea of being adventurous - he enjoys listening to travelers talk about their journeys, the places they’ve been, the things they’ve seen - but he isn’t particularly adventurous himself. He’s much more prone to remain in one comfortable location unless duty or necessity demand otherwise. In his Inquisition verse, he’s actually quietly pleased to have a single location to stay for an extended period.
13. is your muse competitive?
As a merchant, yes. As a person, no... except in bed. In general, Fenumin has an accurate assessment of his own skills, and sees no reason to feel competitive when he could be cooperative with those whose skills are compatible with his own. To that end he, for example, quickly establishes a professional relationship with Elan Ve’Mal in the Skyhold gardens, sensing that her knowledge will help to compensate for what he lacks in experience, himself. As a merchant, though, all bets are off: it matters not what the contest is, he intends to win.
52. is your muse impulsive?
Generally no, he’s level-headed and prefers to think before he acts. There has been one notable exception: his lover, Mi’Enasalin, he seduced more or less on a whim after having long since decided he was content to be single. 
88. is your muse strong of body?
Fenumin is very short and very slender, even for an elf - and while he’s sturdier than he looks, has a high pain tolerance, and is strong enough to go traipsing through the Dales looking for useful greenery, he’s still not quite what one would call strong. He seldom does his own heavy lifting, and isn’t skilled in combat at all. 
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