#elder emo tbh
victoriousfidelity · 5 months
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Put your liked songs (wherever you have them) on shuffle, and write (or link) the first 10 that come up. No skipping!
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1. Caution - The Killers 2. Dancing in the Moonlight - Thin Lizzy 3. Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance 4. Inkpot Gods - The Amazing Devil 5. Rewind - Paolo Nutini 6. California Dreamin' - The Mamas & The Papas 7. The Archer - Taylor Swift 8. Apart Together - Tim Minchin 9. (Coffee's for Closers) - Fall Out Boy 10. Homecoming - Green Day
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TAGGED BY: @emeraldxphoenix ❤ TAGGING: @offenseonly, @defenseonly, @inblueroses, and anyone else who'd like to do it!
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tunnelduck · 2 years
feeling extremely normal about fob apparently planning to drop an album sometime this or next year but only telling us about it through cryptic mcr style trailers
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yubaba-yaga · 2 years
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after a work out how do you cool off?
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verysium · 10 months
😏 coming right up anon. gonna channel my inner critic and not hold back on any of these.
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brother complex. not much else to say except that he needs to get a life. not everything is about metaphorically crushing your older brother's dreams and brooding in the dark hate of retribution.
competitive but only because he is a desperate whore for external validation. ignores everyone but craves the attention of a sole person named sae itoshi. was defeated by isagi once and has never let go of it since. has a one-track mind that is impossible to derail. stubborn when he wants to be.
probably a virgin and will continue to be one until his late 30s.
has not known a single day of peace ever since sae ditched him for the popular girlies. as a result, he has developed a very concerning case of social awkwardness. his idea of a conversation involves a brick wall and thirty minutes of you staring at his resting bitch face. constantly looks like that one grumpy cat meme. judges you for your poor decisions but then gets aggressively defensive when you point out his own mistakes.
reeks of so much teen angst that even metallica can't save him. the problem is that he has nothing to back up his emo persona. his insults lack creativity and, unfortunately for him, phrases like "lukewarm" and "half-baked" and "hell" do not make his words carry more weight. uses the f-word but in the most embarrassing context that it makes you facepalm and internally cringe.
zero social awareness. this boy's head is empty. the lights are not on up there. there are no picture frames or furniture. the curtains are drawn, and there is not a sliver of clouds or sunshine. cannot read body language and does not know what a filter is.
the source of all of rin's stress. he is the original trauma projector, creator of generational cycles. not even subtle about it. "turns out i was wrong. i thought japan was incapable of ever giving birth to decent forwards." sir....with the way you worded that, you knew exactly what you were doing when you gave rin false hope.
swears but it's even worse than his brother. literally called his elders a "fatso and bob cut duo" and "insect turd." i mean....there is a line between what is considered a legitimate burn and what is a first grader making up insults in his coloring book.
has a horrible haircut and no fashion taste. i already talked about this previously, but it was so bad it deserved a second mention.
a freak but tries to justify it rationally. like what do you mean you can tell a person's athletic ability from their buttock size? just admit you have a kinky fetish already.
somewhat of a coward but i'm gonna give him some leniency due to his tragic child genius backstory. tbh he's just an eighteen-year-old boy who needs a goddamn break.
alexa please play clown music. this man sets himself for failure and then wallows in self-pity when he actually fails. like what did you expect? you knew what was going to happen the moment you challenged isagi like that. it was most definitely your fault you got violently humbled.
has a borderline god complex (currently calls himself an emperor but has not evolved into a deity yet.) unfortunately, he does not stand on business. cue the dramatic meltdowns when he realizes there is an actual gap between his ability and his reputation. if you're going to lie, at least make it believable.
insecure and mentally unstable. he probably cuts and re-dyes his hair every single time shit happens. no wonder his locks get shorter every time.
lazy when it comes to anything that is not football and expects others to do it for him. demands princess treatment wherever he goes. unfortunately, not all of us have servants with no self-respect like ness.
"it is not enough that i should succeed, others should fail" type of person.
does not wear shoes and even if he does, it's sandals. put them grippers away.
a literal sloth who has so much potential but uses none of it. has no intrinsic motivation of his own, so if he's going to do anything, it has to be you behind the wheel, making sure he gets put to work.
does not have a close relationship with his parents, and so he has no sense of community, holidays, or traditions. no fun at all if you want him to do things like christmas shopping or birthday celebrations.
rots in bed all day and then has to nerve to ask you to carry him around. your back better be strong because his 190 cm body is not going to be light.
not loyal (need i say more.)
second male lead syndrome. also known as that one popular guy who's always picked last.
acts like a victim but then when you realistically tell him to how to change his situation he refuses to do so. you cannot ask for advice and then take none of it to heart. no wonder you're still not over your ex.
"i can fix him" mentality. no, you can't. you are a seventeen-year-old child, not a licensed therapist and nagi isn't even all that.
touch-starved to the point he will stay in a toxic and abusive relationship in order to gain some scrap of affection. just because you were the black sheep of your family does not mean you can lose all sense of personal dignity.
probably stalks all the people he hates. has a burn book like regina george from mean girls. cuts out and glues little pictures of kaiser all over his bedroom. doodles hearts all over it with glittery gel pen. isagi's face and name are scratched out of every team photo.
delusional and prone to mood swings. medicated but at this point, he is beyond saving.
a home wrecker. has ruined more relationships than he can count on ten fingers yet still manages to smile like he's some angelic saint.
solves jigsaw puzzles for a living (not very cool if you ask me.)
has some unresolved anger management issues. probably repressed all his negative feelings when he was younger, so it all comes out when he's on the field. unfortunately, his twilight-sparkle-friendship-is-magic agenda is not going to work if he keeps cussing out his teammates like that. but then again, he is the main character, so i guess his plot armor makes up for his pitfalls.
says that he's a good guy but then holds personal vendettas against rivals he doesn't like. boy was so ready to throw hands when #kaisagi was trending on the internet. but when you actually think about, he's similar to kaiser in more ways than he'd like to admit.
has the worst case of high and mighty "holier-than-thou" attitude. isagi put his ego in check, but it still peeks out from time to time.
he was the ugliest baby when he was born. i am not going to hold back on the child barou slander because it is true. no, he was not a cute and lovable bundle of joy. he looked like a demonic gremlin.
he needs to take more risks in life and try cross-dressing. simply imagining him in a maid uniform will not suffice. it needs to be made into a reality.
with how nit-picky he is, i doubt people can realistically stay within a 1-meter radius around him. unless you are a clean freak yourself, his constant complaints will start to get annoying after a time. even if he does have good intentions, he needs to let people have a little breathing room sometimes. a messy room is not going to kill you.
this boy's brain is smooth. no folds. no gray matter. no intelligence either. his pencil and eraser have been left untouched since day one. if he wasn't crazily good at football, he would be unemployed and homeless in the future. not even a mcdonald's wants him.
one of those people who will do the literal opposite of whatever you say. you want him to stop talking? well, now he's never going to shut up. you tell him not to step on a pile of dog shit? well, now he's going to walk right into it. you want him to quit running around and act normal? well, now it's his life's mission to make you as annoyed as possible. please pray for your hair follicles because at the end of the day, you're not going to have many left with how much he makes you want to tear your hair out.
has the cerebral capacity of a toddler. if he thinks monsters are real, he's going to think anything is real. super gullible when it comes to any form of scam, ploy, or trickery. the only way he would not be fooled is if he's also played the same prank before.
a brazen pervert. says the most out-of-pocket things and refuses to apologize for them. sometimes it comes out a little too sleazy for your liking.
"to me a goal is fertilization! a shot is the seed and the goal is the egg!! and the birth of that joy i call an explosion!! my genes are gonna knock you up!" let us give ourselves a moment of silence to digest this quote. only shidou ryusei would come up with a sperm and egg metaphor to describe football. (i guess protection means nothing to him.)
has no empathy. if you dislike him or cannot keep up with him, you're a literal nobody in his books. no sportsmanship. no compassion. no self-awareness.
you cannot say "balls" to him in a serious tone without him misinterpreting it as something dirty. that alone should tell you enough. stay the hell away from him.
where do men get the audacity? right here. from this little bastard. he invented the term "shameless slut." boy was getting off during the u-20 arc and on live TV too. no wonder sae said he was disgusting.
and finally, he comes from a long line of cockroaches. he's even got the antennae to prove it.
i think this might have been a little excessive, but i have no regrets about it. you're welcome anon ♡
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zondearts · 10 months
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here have an elder oc, who's emo existance clearly indicated that I had internalized...everything
wip under cut
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tbh the sketch for this one's quite silly. Look at my small sickly boy
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birdsflypiecemeal · 11 months
-wears a really poorly knit sweater! when he was discovered aboard the albatross by gryffon (?) Gil told him that he was freezing cold in his normal clothes, that they itched, that they were horrible. long story short, ollie and his mom knitted Gil a sweat, but because she's sick and he's just a kid, it has huge gaps and several different kinds of wool and cloth all spliced together into a poor quality sweater. gil wont have it any other way!
-loves music! Arts were a luxury that the undersea trained out of him. He loves them dearly. He was never one for fighting as a child, more prone to loving animals and sketching beautiful scenes and reading stories, but music is his favorite (specifically heavy metal or rock which were ESPECIALLY not allowed in the Undersea (fuckin emo (endearingly)))
-against the man! fight the machine! very stubborn in his ideals against anything that effects the rights of the people and freedom of expression
-NATURE NO NURTURE!!! REmembers nothing but what he is born enjoying, absolutely static. like a blank slate. Never reacts when people yell or scream at him, feels no pain, gains no trauma or memory.
-Reacts poorly when the crew brings up Alive Gil. Ghoulian fuckin hates him. He likes who he is now, why should he be replaced? What happened was meant to happen, surely, and to go back on that would be against fate.
-Believed in destiny from the beginning. Toward the recent episodes (109-111) He adapted the saying 'it is what it is' but I still firmly believe that is the effect of his crew being so casual about so much change (WE ARE TAKING AWAY POSITIVE EFFECTS FROM THE ALBATROSS AS WELL AS NEGATIVES FROM ELDERS--- HE IS A BLANK SLATE)
-wears glasses. i already made a post about this.
-people pleaser
-wants to know everything
-gets frustrated easily
-not afraid anymore
-he's NOT BLUE. there are still the marks of the illness, causing him to have pale purple-red skin and black veins, his markings have turned deep black, almost carved into him. ofc hes transparent. his hair floats and fades away, his skin rolls off of him in wisps like mist
that is all (for now) :)
thinking of making a fic ab this tbh
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hxh Chapter 395: Founding: Part 1
Ohm yg od oh my god I love this chapter!!!!!!
So let’s get started
Spoilers... What else??
I’m deciding to use the viz translations since I didn’t review yesterday and they come out on sundays so yeaaa
Ok so we begin with Hinrigh who has Cracked The Code on the Heil-Ly base thing
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They’re gonna go after those two guys and...... To be honest I don’t care if they end up dying!!!! Go ahead!! I forgot their names already and Togashi’s going to need to manage the like 60 new characters that he’s made this arc...
Man, I miss Kurapika and the Zodiacs and the Princes and Beyonds team... hm... 
Like these characters I love and all like Lynch and Zakuro and Tserriednich’s Militia people and Hinrigh but Man where did everybody else go????
Well good news is later this chapter we at least have the troupe!!
(Togashis trying to tell us to enjoy the little detours-- to the fullest)
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Volksen ever. Apparently her officially translated name is like Bork something but Volk is a lot better in My opinion and people spell Giuliano like Juliano all the time so does it Really Matter?
Volk makes me think of a Volkswagen car and Bork makes me think she has an acidic reflux I’m sorry.
Also Otocin = Otoshin (doesn’t really matter to me) and Momolly = Momori (Momori is way cooler sorry so I will also be saying Momori) 
I also permanently associate Volksen with octopi now but that’s besides the point.
Anyways enough about the 6 People from last chapter let’s move on. 
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Fun fact I still cant remember his freaking name What Is it Somebody please say It nobody has said it in the past 5 chapters and I’m confused but anyways. 
He says the Phantom troupe are checking out 3102 (next to the trap room 3101) because they think there might be a Hideout behind rooms 3101-3103 and of course they’re being insane about it, since to them it doesn’t matter if they have a plan or not. 
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He’s been talking a lot about people being captured..... Togashi? Is this going to be another big theme??
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He needs some water or some skin moisturizer or something He can’t be living like this dude look how dry that skin is...
Anyways they're threatening this guy to get in the room as you do.
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I’m going to thank Togashi forever for visuals because without them in this arc I would be entirely lost.
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I really don’t have any sympathy for this guy but Imagine if three guys just came into your room and then cut a hole in your bathroom.
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I’m sorry but in this panel he looks so emo it’s... It’s the hair and the... The everything looks extra emo.
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I love this conversation cause it opens new parallels between the mafia and the troupe, which Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga are already involved with and it gives some more insight, but also What is Nobunaga holding right now.
Is that like a ball of light or something
And why is it the only one there
Anyways enough of looking at random details its its
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When I saw this page spread I kid you not I think I went crazy for a second. It’s a callback to the flashback in chapter... 102 (the panels were redrawn!!!!!!@2442454##$#%^$#)
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I was right with Chrollo being the one on the left and Franklin being the one on the right closest to the tape, but I thought Shalnark would be the one sitting in front of the elder, and Phinks was the one running at the bottom..... However..
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THE ONE WITH THE CURLY WAVY HAIR IS SHALNARK.......... (broken heart crying emoji /pos) 
God I love this Flashback Look at them all. Shalnark and Chrollo are my best guess at like 9 years old and Franklin is probably like uhh 16 or something.
Franklin has a Oldest-brother-that-is-cool-and-is-in-college-while-you-are-in-middle-school vibe which I’m not being super specific about you guys have to know what I’m talking about right.
Tbh this part felt a bit like I was on something but it’s ok it works out!
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I love how they have Territory like its warrior cats. Like theyre those kids on the playground that would play warriors (definitely not me /s) But its taken to the actual extreme and they actually fight.
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I’m guessing Uvo is also 16 but Puberty just hit him in the face with an iron bat. He’s like the Average bully archetype but also taken to the extreme because they live in a dump city.
Machi... She’s just... She’s like 5 or 6 years old oh my god she’s a literal baby actually... and she’s just handing Uvo a “Murder Weapon” they would probably call it. 
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Baby Syanorke being a little smartass and then Immediately getting hit in the head with a plank of wood and passing out This was like the funniest part ever
Look at him tumble
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...Anyways let’s move past that...
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Fist fight Immediately 1 v 1
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The low quality running of the little guy I can’t believe he’s a little guy
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He is also Average bully archetype No. 2 but a different flavor for sure...... His hair looks like a walnut Phinks what are you doing.... 
Umm ok so Age guesstimate... the first appearance Phinks looks older and then he looks smaller in the other panel... So I’m gonna say he’s like 13 and Feitan... 
Yea I have no Idea let’s just say 13 as well.
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Get wrecked. I only noticed the arrow now so hopefully you see it too now.
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The little guy the little thief 
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Meteor city civilization real
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Ok so Basically 
Since Meteor city residents technically don’t exist since they don’t have any form of identification, that means it was legal to kidnap them, kill them, commit crime against them etc since they technically “weren’t human”...
A while later to prevent this, Meteor city allied with the mafia to be safe, but before that there were hundreds of victims and 70% of them were under 15.
Their ties with the mafia grew stronger, and Nen abilities came about the elders, and a pledge was made (The law of retribution): 
“Only life can compensate for a life.”
“We’ll accept anything you leave here, but don’t ever take anything away from us.” (a note left at the kurta massacre, if it rings a bell) 
And so with all this going on the Phantom troupe formed 12234543
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PAKUNODA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love her hair so much here its real 
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This is so adorale im cyring .........
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Ddue just became a part of the council at 9 years old I guess!
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Tiny Just tiny little ones
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He also created dubbing wow /s 
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IM CYRING AGAIN ........ So Paku must be like 8 or something but they have an Older sister Younger brother dynamic lol 
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SHEILA?!?!?! You mean the lady in volume 0 who looks uncannily similar to Pariston Hill? 
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...*snif* *sniffleef* eu......e.ue ,, 
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Omg its Sheila and Sarasa... Sheila still has her silly rat ears...
I like Sarasa she’s a little silly and I wonder if she’ll be relevant too but as far as I know I dont remember her.
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hehe im just imagining all of them just sitting down and watching a really badly dubbed but endearing episode of the power ra-cleaners.
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D Hunter.... 
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I live them that’s all I have to say
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Oh god More human trafficking 
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Even worse child trafficking... Yea this is going to be relevant 
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And then It just skips back to them peacefully HELP 
To be continued!!! Yea nothing bad happening here totally
I’m guessing since the Title of the chapter is Founding: Part 1 that we’re still going to be in the flashback in part 2 since there’s still stuff that needs to happen.
I mean we still have yet to see 12 year old Nobunaga and what about the whole Council thing?? 
Oh god wait somebody may get captured during the screening NO 
And why is it called founding?? The troupe is officially founded I think when they’re like mm... I wanna say maybe 6 or 7 years older so maybe there’s a time skip idk.
Anyways keep being silly Goofer man Behave yourself.
(remember the hunter exam applicant form or wtv in the 1999 version well I wanted to draw them so here ignore the bad coloring and shading i made this at 2 am) 
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esggs · 2 months
lore drop: reader and noritoshi kamo end up having 4.5 kids.
Satoshi Kamo who later takes the surname Itadori. Conceived in the culling games arc, miscarried, kept in a tube like the Death Paintings, later given physical form and raised by Yuuji (I'll battle canon if I have to). to their dismay, they look perfectly like a 50-50 copy of you and noritoshi. Despite the male name, they are genderless (miscarried before the sex organs were formed, so biologically female ig, but they aren't into the concept of gender) and swing wildly between pansexual and asexual. 'Satoshi' carries the same characters as 'Satoru', meaning 'wisdom, enlightenment, bodhi, clever', being named in his honour (Satoshi doesn't really like that tbh). Satoshi was blessed by Gojo while they were in the womb. As they were conceived and 'born' during the culling games, they have an insane amount of cursed energy, inherited both blood manipulation and distillation (chimeric soul), can do RCT, domain expansions, barriers and new shadow style techniques. They're one of the strongest sorcerers of the post-modern age, far bypassing their parents or siblings. They prefer alt/emo fashion, and really enjoy trying new foods with Yuuji. Even though they're a bit shy and reserved at first glance, they actually have a chibi sunshine personality. Satoshi, having been an incomplete foetus in a jar for a decade, really loves living life to the fullest. Fav food: anything new. will happily try weird food combos.
Naomi Kamo-Zenin, born at a time when reader and Kamo have left Shinjuku and are residing in France. They were unsure if they could go back to japan at this point of time, so they gave her a western-sounding name with japanese characters, meaning 'honest/direct/candid beauty'. technically their firstborn, since Satoshi was miscarried at birth. higher CE than younger siblings. inherited blood manipulation. She likes to go shopping with Chihiro, hates studying (weak at stem subjects), but good with people. She's been raised with the tacit expectation of leading the Kamo-Zenin Clan as the next head and takes it seriously. Looks more like you than Noritoshi even tho she has her dad's personality. Fluent in Japanese, English, French and Mandarin. Fav food: Slightly bitter things like dark chocolate and americanos.
Chihiro Kamo-Zenin, first child born back in Japan. his name means 'a thousand, generous, gentle, wise', with the character 'chi' = blood to represent the newly rebuilt Kamo-Zenin clan, tying them back to their old pure blood and of course, the esteemed blood manipulation technique that he also inherits, along with RCT. he was born at a time when his parents are doing their best to rebuild japan, and was raised by mostly nannies and Naomi in his early years. He's a shy young boy who likes to read books rather than go out, very obedient, intelligent and sensitive. His face is an exact copy of Noritoshi's. higher CE than younger siblings. The higher-ups want him to succeed as the clan head instead of his sister, even though he has no plans to do so. Vey close to Naomi. Fav food: anything dino-shaped.
Elder twin Asahito Kamo-Zenin, 'rising sun'. Younger twin Tsukiko Kamo-Zenin 'daughter of the moon', also named to honour Tsumiki. Megumi was staying with your family at the time of your difficult pregnancy with the twins. After their parents, he was the first person to hold them, and is very attached to both of them. the twins share both their (kinda low) CE and CT, i.e. at any point of time, only of them can use the Ten Shadows technique, which was a surprise to everyone including Megumi, who had to teach them how to control it. the twins are attached at the hip to each other, read each others minds, and do their best to be absolute menaces, being the only extroverts in the most introverted family. They haven't tamed anything other than the divine dogs yet. They mostly look like you but with their father's eyes. Fav food: Asahito likes crab platters and Tsukiko likes cold soba noodles.
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x3aspiration · 2 months
hazeldine bacc 3-1 hazeldine
last / last of this household
we are back with the hazeldine household and i managed to sort through the 80-smth screenshots i took and picked out thirty to post:)
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starting off with a bigger baby bump!!
i love the silly look on her face she looks like kermit the frog
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new addition to the house!! richard wanted a piano so he got it as an early birthday present :]
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wilma has been hard at work preparing to take over the family business when the time comes , the parents are so close to being elders :(
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welcome our newest member, amelia!! im sure it wouldve been twins again if i had the 8+ family members mod installed (like i thought i did) but that has now been resolved so endless babies for the foreseeable future!!
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meredith maxed the logic skill!
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:OOO wilma got abducted!!!! meaning a slot in the science career is now opened :D
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she was ... trying her best at the shop! except she kept autonomously going to play god damn kicky ball with every single customer
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amelia's a toddler now!!!! i love how all the boys got blonde hair and the girls got red hair
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her traits are brave and heavy sleeper , her fav color is orange and her least fav is purple
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amelia with pepper and the family enjoying their new playground !!
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amelia learning her skills :)
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jack's oth is fitness and based off his interests i feel like he would be a wellness kind of fitness person , tbh ive been wanting to make a hobby archetype calculator type of thing
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i really wanted to show wilma's room setup, everything is fully functional (well idk abt the bookshelf i havent tried, they typically all read together on the couch)
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birthday time!!!!
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the first time ive ever made someone a pleasure sim myself, he really would be though . i use the weighted aspiration calculator not to pick exactly what they'd be but to see what makes the most sense to me and him being "the modest enjoyer" felt fitting , his second asp being serial romance
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like her older sister, meredith is a knowledge sim!! also like her sister (and mother) her otp is also science . also funny thing red hair being a turn off was put their automatically (same for wilma) leading me to believe they dont want to date someone who looks like their siblings xD i respect it 100%
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makeover time!! here's how meredith looks <3
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richard asked his older brother to do his makeover for him
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omfg he made him emo .. makes sense the poor boy is a pleasure sim bc he doesnt feel any :( LMFAO but hes had that emo ass haircut since he was like a baby so its finally time
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this picture kills me dude he punched the fuck out of richard 😭😭 they were genuinely beefing right after this too bc of it
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and finally an updated loading screen!!!! look them all omg i love them
i have soooo many extra pictures from this rotation i love this family so much its crazy , if anyones interested (or maybe even not) i might post some of the extras bc there were so many good pics
im finally caught up with these posts and that is so awesome !! im doing the next wittaker rotation rn :P
next / next of this household
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inun4ki · 10 months
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I. favourite colours: purple, black, mostly cooler shades ! teal's a pretty big one, it's what i usually dye my hair
II. favourite flavours: lychee, green apple, blue raspberry, white chocolate, banana, cookies & cream, pumpkin pie, um... i have a lot r.i.p.
III. favourite genres: dark fantasy, high fantasy, supernatural anything, and romance !
IV. favourite music: i listen to all kinds of music, but i'm very very big on metal, indie, hip hop, and trap ig. used to be just straight up indie rock and emo, but i've expanded my horizons quite a bit. if ever you wanna trade music, i'm game !
V. favourite movies: i have so many ! but i suppose the ones i like best are LOTR, Howl's Moving Castle, The Cat Returns, John Wick, The Devil's Candy, FF7:AC, Scream...etc. my favorite genre is horror though. huge horror buff.
VI. favourite series: MHA, JJK, Chainsaw Man, Inuyasha, Samurai Champloo, um... that i can think of right now, in terms of anime. games are a different story, but that list is too damn long; DMC, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, The Witcher, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame - deadass there's too many i love to choose just one.
VII. last song: i can't read or type cyrillic, but this song by ghostemane
VIII. last series: mmm that i watched? The Boys
IX. last movie: some documentary i can't remember the name of tbh
X. currently reading: the guardians of the flame series for the thousandth time. came out in the 80s so a bit of a product of its time, but it's an excellent series. all the main characters are deeply, deeply flawed and there's some unfortunately realistic grit in there. the author also doesn't beat around the bush - very ' to the point ' style of writing. i think there's...8 books? in total. or 11. idk there's quite a few
XI. currently watching: my partner play Elden Ring
XII. currently working on: a very, very long wip that i'll never finish. it's at 140k+ words so far, but i think the characters got away from me a bit and i'm not sure how to reel them back in. it's very ambitious, lots of stuff going on there, lots of angst. but it's become unsatisfying to write as of late
Tagged: @ratiosalaryman & @circusmxnkeys tysm ! Tagging: whoever would like !
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cowboylikejeans · 1 year
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Hiiiii!! I'm cowboylikejeans, a Twitter refugee like so many of you and in search of my fellow gaylor moots.
I use she/her pronouns, and this blog is NOT a safe space for TERFs, racists, hetlors or assholes.
I was always a Tumblr lurker, so being engaged with everyone in this app is new to me but loving it so far!
A bit about me - I'm a bisexual socialist green witch elder millennial former emo kid who loves all things gaylor, astrology, plants, and cats.
I'm a big ol nerd about so many different things, so tbh kind of excited to go beyond my normal Twitter niche, and dive deeper into topics now that there isn't a character limit holding me back!
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joannaofarkham · 8 months
I’m so glad you decided to stay with us!! 😭😭😭
Does she straight up tell him this or perhaps they get involved in like, a band concert or school musical or something? For Eren to show off his other skills
i don't think i can leave just like that tbh 😅 but i'm not back back yet and i'm more comfortable just writing HCs for now haha. i hope that's okay i feel like she'll tell him straight up lol! like, i can imagine gothkasa just one day sitting beside normie eren while munching some m&m's, asking, "is there any other song you can play?" then watches him miss a noted lmao! or she'll drop a hint that she really loves listening to the mortician's daughter and eren will learn how to play it for her
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I had this article from upworthy (a clickbaity fb page tbh) on my fb newsfeed the other day. some of the comments on it were the typical "bc they're so lazy and want mummy and daddy to drive them everywhere till the end of time!!!! they never want to grow up!!!!! the true meaning of a spoilt generation who'll always want to mooch off of everyone else!!!!" and the like. others were kinder, luckily, citing the ever climbing petrol (gas) prices in the US/worldwide, the skyrocketing prices of cars in the last couple years due to the pandemic, and the cost of driving lessons or car insurance etc etc. as valid reasons for young people to be dissuaded from driving in general, and also from getting their license.
for me, as a younger millennial/elder gen z/whatever the fuck a 1995 baby is, me not getting my Ls licence at 16 here in australia in 2011 and my Ps directly a year later at 17 in 2012 was inextricably linked to my mental health.
I've talked on many, many, many posts over my years on here about my struggles with getting my license. I couldn't go at 16, because I was ~vaguely suicidal~ and rather depressed/anxious; and most worryingly very attached to the emo kid thing of "crash my car just to feel again". I was filled with so much self loathing at the fact that I NEVER got to be 😎👹🤟 R E C K L E S S 😎👹🤟; that my first thought about learning to drive/having my Ps was to immediately crash a car into a tree or something else, just so people would believe that i was reckless and edgy and whatever the fuck other bs. and also maybe crashing a car would make people care about me more??? idek. i was really mentally unwell. period.
on the mildly safer flip side, this was very much linked to the annoying pop-punk theme of hating and escaping your hometown- which was a little more bearable and understandable. wrapped up in this was my belief that "escaping" to a uni 8 hours north of me would suddenly make me rich and famous (lmao fuck x10), so much so that i would come back to my shitty hometown and rub it in everyone who thought i was useless and embarrassing and whatever else, faces. which still isn't the best reason for learning to drive, either, let's be real here lmao. all in all, 16 year old me's mental health was a fucking trash fire: so why on fucking earth would you put her behind the wheel of a goddamned rolling death trap???
the last part of what stopped me learning to drive in high school was my marks at the end of it in 2013. when i got my ATAR (the uni entrance mark in new south wales) I got 38.25. for some bizarre reason I thought getting that mark made me "too stupid to learn how to drive"- quite literally. so I didn't even bother to pursue learning to drive till about early march (maybe) 2014.
when i finally went to my first driving lesson in 2014, i mistakenly unloaded some of the above info onto the instructor. by the end of my first lesson, she told me "your driving is so awful that no one in the Illawarra (our local area) will EVER BOTHER to teach you. stick with me, and you'll learn." so what did i do? i ditched that woman and didn't drive for another year.
when i got back to driving lessons in 2015, i think, at some point, my trainer with another driving school was great. i still wasn't getting consistent driving at home with my parent, bc he was also teaching my sibling. he also found me too stressful to teach, bc i was SO anxious that he just pushed it completely off on to the driving school instead. my lessons with this instructor were great (except for him always playing the radio during the lessons and that really distracted me). until my parent was like "uni is far more important than learning to drive. so focus on uni instead". so i dropped driving for another 6 months, by which time I was okayish at driving- but still hella anxious around trucks and during heavy traffic and doing reversing (which I still fucking hate and still gives me anxiety to this very day along with parking).
then I went back to it in 2016 or maybe 2017 again. in my first lesson with my 3rd instructor with the same driving school as the guy above (he'd left by the time I got back to it), we gelled. I finally got my licence in 2019 after two or three years of lessons and MANY failed tests (about 6 or 7 I can't remember now tbh). we stuck with me till the end. she eventually told me that she used me as a success story for anxiety as well, to all the kids who were incredibly anxious with driving.
my main reason for telling this story is because I imagine that I think many gen zer's would be the same. driving is incredibly anxiety inducing for many people, especially while they're learning. for example, when I began learning to drive my speed limit on my Ls was literally 70km/hr. which meant I was anywhere between 10 to 40 km/hr slower than everyone on highways- where the speed limit can be anywhere between 80 to 110 (for example the speed limit going to Sydney is 110km/hr- whereas the local highway I drive to work every day is 80km/hr and other parts of the highway are 90kms an hour). now the speed limit on Ls and your red Ps is 90.
but being on your Ls means that a vast majority of drivers will either aggressively overtake you, assert their road rage (usually assholes in jeeps and utes tbh), honk at you bc you're too slow (like sorry i can't go any faster on my Ls than 70 bro back in 2014, go fuck yourself). like i fucking hate driving so much, that i don't know why i even bothered buying my car tbh lmao.
just yeah. there's a myriad of reasons people don't want to or maybe even can't learn to drive; and for me it was mental health related and the fact I had to mature out of my angsty pop-punk and emo phase first as well. i shouldn't've had to meet the "standard" of getting my licence during high school when i very obvs wasn't ready or even mentally healthy for it at the time.
like. don't get me wrong, my mental health was still not the best when i was trying to get my licence in my early 20s.... considering i was hating very heavily on myself for not getting my licence at the right time like all my acquaintances from catholic school (*cue rich boy at tafe asking me in 2013 why I didn't have my licence yet*). but yeah. for many people, the whole getting your licence in high school thing just isn't possible, or let alone a good idea.
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
prev anon, considering that some of the dates aren’t even sold out, it’s unlikely. People in Australia are very laid back when it comes to shows (and also just in general).
yeah that too lol i think there might even be some pit tickets left for one of the syndey shows still lmao...there'll be some people who are really excited for sure! but they were never as culturally popular here as they were in the us and uk from what i can tell. i feel like the crowd will mainly be a split of elder emos and tiktok teens who've gotten into them pretty recently tbh, tho that's just a guess and i'm interested to see if it's remotely right asjkskdjss
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Frank Leibman, 19, New York
i mean so basically i found this band in 7th grade. this girl i was friends with and i were making jokes about emo people and then we were working on an essay and she was like have u ever heard the black parade and i said no and listened to the entire thing. i became obsessed immediately. since then like i’ve listened to every song they’ve ever released and i’m just so obsessed. HELL I'M STILL ON MCR TUMBLR😭. i feel like most fans nowadays are great but there’s still a few that are genuinely just mean, but tbh even when it happens i kinda remind myself like, they listen to MCR like they’re clearly not okay i’ll give em the benefit of the doubt
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 5-8 years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 2-4 Favorite album: I have more than one favorite album Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: I'm still crying right now
Which date of the tour did you attend? 09/21/22, Prudential Center, Newark
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? okay so i went to three of them but the new jersey show i had my tickets since they day they came out in 2019
Did you attend with anyone else? so i bought tickets with my friend emma and we’ve been excited about it for so long but then she was like idk if imma be able to come down from boston so my sister came with me and me and my friend emma went to Albany show together
If you camped out, how was that experience? Was it worth it? i didnt but i did bribe the security to let me into GA
What did you wear? i wore emo makeup
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? PLANETARY GO
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? on the way there i said i hope they play make room and planetary go
What was your favorite moment from the show? moshing during our lady of sorrows
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? getting into the pit!!!
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? it felt like i was finally where i needed to be. i definitely never felt anything like it at all
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? the elder emos were a lil lame in the pit
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? so i mean they’re my favorite band ever but i’ve been listening to them so much more since the shows like SO much more
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? be more open to getting into it. i feel like the crowd was just a bit lame
Thanks, Frank! He can be found on the internet at frankleibman on Twitter and Instagram. He also makes Youtube videos on a channel called frank leibman.
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farmlesbians · 2 years
Thoughts on new Paramore?? I am getting very sick of “elder emos” complaining because they aren’t making a riot! 2.0 like it’s not 2007 anymore admit that you’re boring and move on. I loved this is way so much though I can’t wait for this album to heal all my wounds
i looooooooove it! i haven’t seen any complaints so far tbh it sounds a loot like a mix of al and pfa to me and i love it!
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