#eldon x nick
joah-shipper · 5 months
I’ll Hold Your Hand
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The Next Step | Eldon x Nick Hurt/Comfort
Eldon is sat in the studio’s office, finishing off on some paperwork. After the day he has had, he just need something to get his mind away for a few hours.
The past few months since his break-up with Thalia have been difficult enough, but he thought he was doing good at hiding his distress. Now with the news all out in the open though, he wonders how he even managed. Barely a minute has gone by this day without him crying.
With everything else tuned out, he doesn’t even notice the studio-head walking in until he speaks up.
‘Oh, hello Eldon. Didn’t know you were still here. Thought you would’ve gone home by now.’ Nick says from where he stands in the doorway.
‘Yeah, just thought I’d get these papers finished, as-well and go over the choreography for Anthony and Adele’s duet again. Internationals is coming up soon and everything, so…yeah…’ He shrugs.
The British man still stands by the door, watching his friend. He is unsure how to broach this. After getting back from his workshop from Absolute Dance, it didn’t take long for him to receive the news about what went down that day.
It’s obviously a touchy subject. However, Eldon is his friend and he wants to help.
‘I um…heard about what happened earlier.’
That stops the former a-trouper, pen cutting at the side of the page, now seeming even more lost in thought.
‘I’m sorry about what happened with Thalia.’ Nick continues as he takes a seat on the desk. ‘I know it can’t have been easy. Moxxie and I splitting up was difficult enough and we were only dating for a few months’
No new words escape Eldon. All his attempts just choke him, unable to escape and only making his adam’s-apple bob. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Nick.
Leaning over, he rests a hand on the one the contemporary dancer holds his pen. The other man doesn’t pull away, instead dropping the piece of stationery.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’
‘I’m not sure where I’d even start.’ Eldon sighs.
‘Try me.’
‘Okay then….’ Holding his hand in-front of his face, he lets a breath out into them. Then he starts. It’s a bit terrifying letting this all out, but maybe it can help.
‘It’s just, we’d been together for so long. Heck, we even got together on our own run—up to Internationals, 5 years ago! After being through a couple relationships that ended really badly before that, I thought Thalia was finally the one.’
The older man gives his hand a squeeze during this pause, pushing Eldon to continue.
‘We spent that entire year working to get together and it all felt worth it in the end. She felt like another half of me, someone that shared all my strange quirks, even if others found them weird. We worked so well together that we even began running our own studio!’
At this point, it is when his eyes wash over with water. His tongue flicks around his mouth, his saliva making noise. If Nick wasn’t there, he’s not sure how he’d be able to go on.
‘But…maybe I was too naive, we were only 17 and 18 when we got together and everyone knows teenage romance doesn’t last. When we finally grew up everything felt different, the honeymoon stage was over and both of us were filled with so much stress from work and now just being adults. There was no room for all the dates and moments we shared as teenagers and…’
He takes in a gulp. ‘We just kind of faded away from each-other.
By now he is sobbing. Nick feels like doing so too. From hearing Thalia and Eldon’s whole story, and just by seeing someone you care about hurting like this, it’s almost too much to bare. His arms wrap around Eldon without a second thought, pulling his face to his chest. He doesn’t care that the tears are sure to ruin his shirt.)
‘I’m not going to pretend that everything is going to magically be alright. Because it isn’t. Breakups always hurt, especially the long ones. You’re allowed to feel like this. Nobody is going to be mad at you for it. We’re all your friends and we understand you’re hurting.’
Eldon gasps out: ‘But, how am I ever going to get over it? I’m supposed to me helping the team, I’m supposed to be helping 𝐲𝐨𝐮! But, here I am crying like a baby instead!
‘Oh Eldon, you’ve already helped me more than enough. I wouldn’t be able to run this place at all right now if I didn’t have you with me. You’ve done so much for me, and as your friend, it’s my time to return the favour. I’ve got you okay?’ Nick breaths. His voice is so gentle, filled with so much love and care that it almost makes Eldon want to cry even harder.
His friend is now sat in his lap, arms around Eldon’s neck, but neither mention it. If anything, Eldon finds it comforting. He isn’t sure why, but he doesn’t want to stop any of this.
‘Okay, thanks Nick, for being here.’
‘I always will be.’
Both men smile at each-other, tears drying on the younger’s, in a still silence under the moonlight of the office.
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aliferousdreamer · 5 months
my thoughts on the next step 9a
clude leaving is so bittersweet... i'm so sad we've lost such a sweet couple and great wlw representation but they left happy and stronger than ever!!!!!!!
the colour symbolism with kenzie's signature colour going from yellow from to blue is a subtle but effective character choice imo. the yellow in s8 felt more youthful joyful and vibrant for when she was new to being dance captain, whereas now kenzie's blue wardrobe in s9 shows that she's maturing and gaining wisdom as dance captain, but is also going through some tough times too. blue is also tns' signature colour so it also shows that she's an important part of the studio!!!
i love heath in this season... his energy, his attitude, his relationships, carter's acting, everything 💯
grace's reasoning for wanting revenge is so silly because she legit made herself an outcast and when kenzie tried to talk with her she just dipped
i'm still upset and bitter and frustrated with daisy leaving........ i just hate seeing great potential dropped like that. melody was such a good addition to the cast!! also where was her goodbye scene with izzy???????? she wasn't just close with heath; she was close to izzy too!!!!!!
my heart broke for pete multiple times and i'm glad that we had a storyline tackling grief and (briefly) men's mental health. i wish it had more of a focus and lasted for longer but it was still effective.
thalia and eldon are still together!!!!!!!! yesssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
kenzie basically being both the dance captain and studio head by herself because what does nick even do retroactively makes riley look even worse at being studio head.......... yeah season 4's treatment of riley is still annoying me in the year 2024
idk if it's just me but does anyone else feel like it's not internationals???? the vibe feels much more like regionals or nationals. the scale doesn't quite feel grand enough
i wasn't sure that heath was "the heart of the team" but after watching all of 9a, not only is he the heart of the team he's also the team therapist and cheerleader... i love to see it
i love that anthony is still a ball of stress/anxiety and is also in a really important leader position as group choreographer. so often you see anxious people just depicted as introverts and not as leaders, so it's nice to see someone who's anxious but also a very capable leader
olive is the definition of a precious cinnamon roll. she's sounds like a disney princess every time she talks. she reminds me of amy in s4 too!! she really is just the 🥺 emoji
random point but i love that adele's signature colour being emerald green. it reminds me of ariel's tail in the little mermaid and now i'm thinking of an au where adele is ariel and anthony is prince eric
i know i'm probably in the minority here but i am totally on board with anthony x adele (should their ship name be anthele/adelthony/adelony??). anthony really had one conversation with her alone and just fell for her instantly. some fans probably think it's dumb and realistic but i think it's really sweet and they have potential for 9b
i do also lowkey ship adele x olive because they're so cute together (and they remind me of pamy a little.) when adele didn't want to work with ariana but was unable to resist olive's puppy dog eyes...... they're so cute!!!
kenzie and pete are really just the sweetest couple ever and they have such a natural, easy chemistry... they're definitely one of the best couples tns has had in years 😘👌
IS HEATH'S DAD DEAD???????????????
ethan showing character development by being much more of a team player, we love to see it!!! he's still competitive but he's ready to share his ambitions with others
kenzie holding hands with heath was such a sweet, underrated moment... i love seeing strong, supportive and affectionate platonic male/female relationships
ebby naming her pet snail snaiyoncé is iconic
izzy calling heath "heathcliff" and heath calling izzy "isadora"....... the best friendism of it all
eldon mentioning west's iconic bangers and mash solo!!!!!! yes, thank you!!!!!! west is one of the most iconic dancers this show has ever had!!!!!!!!!
kenzie is allergic to flowers, noted!
heath is penzie's no. 1 shipper
ariana putting jett front row centre in her trio........ i know what you are................
ethan's loyalty to izzy is so sweet
WHO IS GETTING CUT??????????????
grace is definitely turning on ariana in 9b... i have a feeling she's going to out her as a traitor and a troupe might kick her off the team for a few episodes
remi is totally going to break ebby's heart, isn't he???
i have a feeling that presley might return to talk to her sister and say something like "chill ariana i'm fine living life and there was no need for getting revenge"
is ethan getting a boyfriend in 9b??????
can't wait for chekhov's bo staff to make its grand return in 9b
also how many enemies to lovers / rivals to lovers style relationships is heath going to have???? ozzy, daisy, pascale....... heath is immune to not having some sort of conflict in his relationships
this is a long shot but i'm really hoping to see more previous cast members returning. yeah i know it's not necessary, but i still want to know what our old faves all doing with their lives
given season 9's marketing has been pretty terrible it really does make me doubt that there will be a season 10. i would like a last series to tie the whole show together and maybe have a few reunions so the show has a great send-off, but feels unlikely now that they really dropped the ball when promoting this series
bring on 9b!!!!!!!!!
this is really jumbled and i've probably missed out so many things but i'm very unorganised so there you go
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thenextstepthoughts · 5 years
Season 7 Episode 3 - (SPOILERS)
Due to all the new dancers we have been introduced to in this episode, like Izzy, Ethan, Marcus, Jude etc, I really hope they have some B-Troupe heavy storylines this season and actually have them interact with A-Troupe whether it just be socially or for a small group/duet. Jude really reminds me of Lola back on season 5. I’d like to see more of her. I really relate to Jude as I also have trouble with my lefts and rights and it does cause a little trouble for me. Speaking of Jude, I ship her and Cleo already. Seeing Cleo come to ask about her and if she was going to be on B-Troupe was really adorable. Onto Nick and Emily. I SHIP THEM SO HARD. I can’t be alone with that. That wink he gives her when he plays the “I own the studio” card. OH MY GOD YES! I really hope they get together by the end of the season. It would be cool to see the more “senior” people of The Next Step get together. Nick might be my favourite person this season I won’t lie. Nick looking so impressed with the dancers while Emily has the straightest face ever was really cute. Their white wall as well, Emily pushing Nick away and then taking centre stage with that hair flip. So Sassy. That and he’s just so overly excited about the dancers and auditions, it’s kind of adorable watching him interrupt Emily. Onto Ozzy, I think he is definitely going to have an Arc this season. Based on his sister being on B-Troupe and Heathcliff making A-Troupe. I hope that his and Heathcliff’s rivalry either turns into a friendship or a romance. It would be cool to see some more LQBTQ+ stories on The Next Step, we’ve been waiting since Daniel in season 1. Speaking of things we’ve been waiting for, Richelle to be dance captain. It’s been set up since Emily was on A-Troupe and gave Richelle the dance captain diary. I really hope that Richelle gets to be dance captain at some point since It’s been her dream since she was on J-Troupe. Her Rivals for dance captain being Summer and Kenzie makes perfect sense though. Kenzie since she’s Richelle’s new “Frenemy” and Summer since she’s had a Rival with her since Richelle returned from her injury last season. I don’t think Summer is the best fit for dance captain though. Summer is just far too sweet and I don’t think she can make harsh decisions that a dance captain will have to do. I am a little sad that Winnie x Ozzy didn’t end so great. I don’t want Winnie to end up like Eldon though, obsessing over one person to face constant rejection. I want her to find her own happiness. On Marcus and Ethan, It would be cool to see a broship in B-Troupe like there is in A-Troupe. I really liked this episode though. I’d give it a 7/10. I’m just excited to see where the season goes. 
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Truth Seekers Review: An Affectionate British Tribute to Horror
When most of us love something – a film, a band, a football team – we express that love by wearing the t-shirt or getting a tattoo. When Nick Frost, Simon Pegg and their mates love something, they express it by making a feature film trilogy. Or a cult 90s TV series. Or eight-part comedy-horror Truth Seekers.
Truth Seekers, co-created by Frost, Pegg, Nat Saunders and James Serafinowicz, is the product of fandom. It’s a bundle of admiration for horror in all guises, from the shonky DIY of Most Haunted to cultivated glitch and found-footage movie scares, to the recently revived anthology tradition. It has a go at recreating it all, tipping its hat so often that it can’t quite juggle the rest of its ambitions because its hand is already too full of hat.
For a half-hour comedy, its ambitions are towering: build a Scooby Gang ensemble each with their own emotional backstory, introduce monsters-of-the-week in a carousel of changing locations, create an ongoing mythology arc with a Russian doll of baddies, wrap up character arcs while leaving threads open for a potential second series, and on top of all that, provide gags.
It’s too tall an order, and the laughs are the first casualty. Truth Seekers’ jokes rarely raise more than a smile, but at the current time, who can afford to take smiles for granted? This whole show has been made with such affection for the horror genre that, despite the comedic shortcomings, it warms you. The result is a pleasant oddity – closely packed weird ideas and a winsome cast driven by Nick Frost’s unflagging nice guy energy. 
Frost plays Gus Roberts, a broadband engineer with his own paranormal YouTube channel – The Truth Seeker of the title – and a past bereavement. Gus lives with dad Richard (Malcolm McDowell, clearly having fun at the back) in an atmosphere of benign neglect and insults. At work, Gus is reluctantly paired with newbie Elton (Samson Kayo), a youngster he inducts into the world of ghost-hunting. 
Also in the ensemble is Elton’s sister Helen (Susan Wokoma), another YouTuber and agoraphobic sci-fi fan whose cosplay would be competition-winning, if she could ever actually attend a competition. On their rounds, Gus and Elton stumble across Astrid (Emma D’Arcy), a young woman in need of their help. Julian Barratt, Kevin Eldon and Morgana Robinson, as well as a few other nice surprises, round things out. It’s a likeable cast of oddball characters and feel-good, familiar faces. 
The broadband installation premise is a useful one that keeps Gus and Elton on the road, visiting a series of locations each with their own ghostly tales. Boss Dave (Simon Pegg) is the Charlie to their angels, sending them out on daily missions around the country. Pegg’s largely static role keeps him at a distance from Frost’s peripatetic character, which will disappoint anybody hoping for more of the pair’s Cornetto Trilogy chemistry. Truth Seekers isn’t in that world. If you want a comparison, it’s closer to goofy alien road movie Paul than Frost and Pegg’s Edgar Wright-directed collaborations.
As you’d expect from these creators, it’s drenched in pop culture homage. The biggest tribute is to Frost and Pegg favourite The X-Files, which lends Truth Seekers its serialised-with-overarching-mythology structure. The stories-of-the-week are gradually revealed to be more than just curiosities, and combine to feed into a single narrative that culminates in an against-the-clock race to defeat a villain. 
It makes for an awful lot of story. The 25-minute episodes have a staggering amount of mythology to explain, which forces each script into spending more time on exposition than jokes. Promising stabs at pathos aren’t allowed enough space in the edit, and the end product feels somewhat out of breath and hyperactive. 
Is it scary? Sometimes. More, it does an excellent impression of something scary. Director Jim Field Smith (The Wrong Mans, Episodes) and co. pay inventive tribute to countless horror conventions and occult tricks, as well as referencing movie favourites including The Shining, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, They Live… Take a drink every time you see a nod to a genre classic and you’d be falling over by the halfway point. 
If love is about noticing the small details (and – as proven by those terrible ‘your wonky eyebrows, the way you laugh…’ lists at the end of rom-coms – it is), then Truth Seekers is above all else a declaration of love for the spooky and paranormal. It doesn’t all work, but it’s hard not to be won over by the sheer enthusiasm. 
Truth Seekers is out on Amazon Prime Video on Friday 30th October. 
The post Truth Seekers Review: An Affectionate British Tribute to Horror appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3jDQrnh
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itsworn · 7 years
Entry Lists Released for U.S. Short Track Nationals at Bristol
The expected entry lists for Bristol Motor Speedway’s U.S. Short Track Nationals have been released.  To no one’s surprise the lists are massive, with over 500 drivers ready to attack the historic facility May 19-21.
The divisions involved are Super Late Models (co-sanctioned by CRA, CARS, and the Southern Super Series), Pro Late Models (sanctioned by CRA), Late Model Stocks (sanctioned by CARS), Modifieds (sanctioned by the National Short Track Racing Alliance), Street Stocks (sanctioned by CRA), and Sport Compacts (sanctioned by Vores Cup)
Just a few weeks ago Bristol requested the participating sanctioning bodies limit each division to a certain number of entrants.  The maximum number set by the Speedway are: 80 Super Late Models, 80 Pro/Crate Late Models, 60 Late Model Stocks, 80 Modifieds, 110 Street Stocks, and 110 Compacts.  The numbers have been exceeded in all but two divisions.
Bristol is now asking those who may not compete to contact their corresponding sanctioning bodies.
For more information visit www.bristolmotorspeedway.com
U.S. Short Track Nationals Entries as of 3/27/17
Super Late Models (CRA/CARS/Southern Super Series # DRIVER CITY ST 1 C Keith Cahela Boaz AL 1 J Cody Coughlin Delaware OH 1 S Derek Scott Franklin TX 1 Jake Crum Taylorsville NC 2 J Kyle Jones Germantown OH 2 L Robby Lyons Seminole FL 2 N Trevor Noles Fuquay-Varina NC 2 W Donnie Wilson Oklahoma City OK 4 A Dalton Armstrong Alexandria IN 4 M Rob Maynor Hartland WI 4 N TBA 4 P Kyle Plott Mareitta GA 4 R Cory Roper Baytown TX 4 X Ben Rowe Turner ME 5 B John Beale Verona WI 5 D Nathan Davis Dora AL 5 S Will Sahutske Northville MI 6 R Logan Runyon Cambridge OH 6 S Brandon Setzer Newton NC 7 C Tyler Church Concord NC 7 D Erik Darnell Huntersville NC 7 E Doug Elliott New Smyrna FL 7 G Weston Griffith Jr Crown Point IN 8 F Tate Fogleman Durham NC 8 N John Hunter Nemechek Mooresville NC 9 C Jeff Choquette Orange Park FL 9 T Jason Timmerman Hicksville OH 12 Harrison Burton Huntersville NC 14 D Chris Davidson Pearland TX 14 G Cale Gale Athens GA 14 O Connor Okrzesik Grand Bay AL 15 H Roy Hayes Concord NC 15 M Joey Miller Lakeville MN 16 Lucas Jones Mooresville NC 17 B Josh Brock Corbin KY 17 M Eddie McDonald Rowley MA 23 S Thomas Skiles Indianapolis IN 23 V Eddie VanMeter Indianapolis IN 26 B Bill Burba Germantown OH 26 P Bubba Pollard Senoia GA 26 S Chandler Smith Jasper GA 26 T Rick Turner Yorktown IN 26 X Travis Braden Wheeling WV 27 Gatlin Lance Morristown TN 29 D Spencer Davis Dawsonville GA 29 S Tommy St.John Indianapolis IN 30 Joshua James Saukville WI 34 Nolan Pope Harrisonville MO 35 Derek Ramstrom Worcester MA 41 B Brandon Johnson Mooresville NC 41 J Hunter Jack Auburn IN 41 L Nick Leitz Chesapeake VA 43 Dennis Schoenfeld Van Buren AR 45 Joey Mucciacciaro Wolcott CT 47 C Brian Campbell Wyoming MI 47 K Allen Karnes Sharpsburg GA 47 S Dakota Stroup Owensboro KY 49 Jeff Batten Nashville NC 51 G Noah Gragson Las Vegas NV 51 N Stephen Nasse Largo FL 51 O Brandon Oakley Dayton OH 51 R Cole Rouse Fort Smith AR 53 J Boris Jurkovic Manhattan IL 53 W Jerry White Concord NC 54 Matt Craig Kannapolis NC 55 TBA 56 Robert Ford Lake City FL 57 C John Coffman Live Oak FL 57 T Cole Timm Mooresville NC 58 A Tyler Ankrum Colton CA 58 F Jeff Firestine Venice FL 62 Cassten Everidge Hudson IN 66 B Logan Beardan Leander TX 66 W Steve Wallace Mooresville NC 71 John VanDoorn Fruitport MI 76 Bubba Wallace Forest City NC 79 Kyle Bryant Navarre FL 81 F Jared Fryar Trinity NC 81 X TBA 83 Joey Padgett Concord NC 87 Mike Mazzagatti Clinton OH 88 Garrett Jones Mooresville NC 93 Dave Russell Clarence NY 96 Blake Jones Sevierville TN 97 Chase Purdy Huntersville NC 98 K Paul Kelly Pendergrass GA 98 M Mason Mingus Nashville TN 99 H Fred Hopkins New Castle IN 99 L Raphael Lessard St-Joseph CAN 99 O Justin Oertel Lincolnshire IL 112 Augie Grill Hayden AL 158 Daniel Webster Polk City FL 354 Chris Nash Portage MI JEGS/CRA ALL STARS TOUR # DRIVER CITY ST 0 Brandon Curron McCalla AL 1 C Cody Coughlin Delaware OH 1 D Dave Duncan Cicero IN 1 L Brandon Johnson Mooresville NC 1 S Jon Beach Watervliet MI 2 John Bolen Jasper AL 4 H Matt Hall Newport MI 4 X TBA 4 Phil Bozell Portage MI 5 C Michael Clancy Jr Ortonville MI 5 H Tyler Hufford Schoolcraft MI 5 L Eric Lee Macomb MI 6 Cody Quarrick Uniontown PA 7 B Jackson Boone Franklin TN 7 C TBA 7 D Cole Daffron Pell City AL 7 P Joey Pontbriand Norway MI 7 X TBA 8 H Hope Hornish Defiance OH 8 N John Hunter Nemechek Mooresville NC 8 T Scott Tomasik Avon IN 9 Jeff Choquette Orange Park FL 11 A Dustin Ash Las Vegas NV 11 C Stacy Crain Brentwood TN 12 B Brandon Brilliant Atlanta GA 12 L Dan Leeck Birch Run MI 14 D Corey Deuser Lanesville IN 14 H Carson Hocevar Portage MI 15 C Trey Craig Louisville KY 15 J Colt James Newton NC 15 T Kevyn Terry Citra FL 17 B Josh Brock Corbin KY 17 S Keith Sterkowitz Cedar Lake IN 20 Jack Dossey Indianapolis IN 22 Jamie Cox Dorcehster ONT 23 C Mandy Chick De Soto KS 23 G Dalton Grindle Flowery Branch GA 23 K Chris Koslek Grand Rapids MI 23 V Billy Van Meter Indianapolis IN 26 A Willie Allen Centerville TN 26 B Bill Burba Germantown OH 26 X Travis Braden Wheeling WV 27 Joe Ross Kansas City MO 28 Jack Smith Clyde OH 29 D Spencer Davis Dawsonville GA 29 K Austin Kunert Batavia IL 30 Memphis Villarreal Corpus Christi TX 32 Kent Baledge Alexandria IN 33 O Dillion Oliver Bowling Green KY 33 S Carter Stokes New Smyrna FL 40 Jordan Miller Breezewood PA 43 Justin South Leeds AL 44 Steve Laking Guelph CAN 46 Cole Williams Borden IN 47 C Brian Campbell Wyoming MI 47 S Dakota Stroup Owensboro KY 48 B Dwayne Baker Stayner CAN 48 C Kent Crane Independence MO 51 F Eddie Fatscher East Northport NY 51 N TBA 51 O Brandon Oakley Dayton OH 53 Kyle Ivey Nashville TN 54 H David Hite Apopka FL 54 T Brandon Thomson Seminole FL 56 Jerry Andrews Kalamazoo MI 66 Nate Walton Hudsonville MI 67 Ben Welch Spring Lake MI 81 Bob Varney Richmond MI 83 Andy Bozell Portage MI 88 Roger Reuse Alabaster AL 89 Bobby Reuse Alabaster AL 96 Marc Jacobs London ONT 97 I Robbie Iverness Escanaba MI 97 J Jaxson Jacobs London ONT 99 Harrison Hall Circleville OH 114 Sterling Marlin Columbia TN 127 David Strode Independence MO 145 Bill Melvin Trussville AL 407 Jason Vail Clermont FL CARS TOUR LATE MODEL STOCK CARS # NAME CITY ST 2 Paul Nogradi Knoxville, TN 2 Myatt Snider Charlotte, NC 2 Cody Haskins Marietta, GA 3 Taylor Jorgenson Stockbridge, GA 4 Mike Chambers Timberlake, NC 5 Jeremy Burns Simpsonville, SC 7 Bradley McCaskill Wendell, NC 7 Justin Crider Statesville, NC 7 Brandon Rogers Canton, NC 4 A Anthony Alfredo Mooresville, NC 8 Deac McCaskill Raleigh, NC 8 Trevor Rizzo Bluffton, SC 11 Jeff Oakley Manquin, VA 12 Ryan Wilson Randleman, NC 12 Paul Wark Winston-Salem, NC 12 Austin McDaniel Harrisburg, NC 12 Ryan Gray Raleigh, NC 14 Ryan Repko Denver, NC 15 Bryson Dennis Chuckey, TN 15 Sheflon Clay Asheville, NC 16 Colby Howard Simpsonville, SC 18 Evan Swilling Cohutta, GA 18 Ty Gibbs Huntersville, NC 21 Tim Allensworth Wallace, NC 21 Travis Swaim High Point NC 23 Zachary Dabbs Mooresville, NC 24 Kevyn Terry Citra, FL 26 Joey Trent Gray, TN 27 Tommy Lemons Troy, NC 29 Jake Ruggles Kannapolis, NC 30 Taylor Coffman Bean Station TN 32 Jerry Miracle Indian Trail NC 32 Brandon Grosso Belle Mead NJ 37 Joel Courage Dublin, CA 38 Hunter Byrd Clarksville, TN 38 J Ricky Jones Angier, NC 39 Grayson Massey Dryfork, VA 42 Craig Stallard Jenkins, KY 44 Justin Johnson Troy, NC 44 M Nate Monteith Bluff City TN 57 Justin Carroll Concord, NC 66 Austin Peters Kingsport, TN 74 Ronald Hill Rougemont, NC 77 Logan Jones Fredericksburg, VA 81 Jared Fryar Trinity, NC 87 Hayden Woods Piney Flats TN 88 Chris Davis Hillsborough, NC 88 B Josh Berry Mooresville, NC 96 Danny O’Quinn Abingdon, VA 97 Dylan Garner Yorba Linda CA 97 William Lester Lexington, NC 98 Stefan Parsons Cornelius, NC 99 Layne Riggs Bahama, NC TOP SPEED MODIFIEDS # NAME CITY ST 0 Tony Dager Grabill, IN 0 R Lucas Ripley Ulrichsville, OH 1 Wayne Jefferson Pinellas Park FL 1 Bill Prietzel West Allis WI 1 B Dan Burden North Canton OH 1 W Wayne Parker Mount Dora FL 1 W Rick Wiecorek Mount Morris MI 3 Kyle Bookmiller Riverview, FL 4 Mike Hadley Jr Greenwood, IN 5 H Bobby Heyink Eaton Rapids MI 5 Al Berry Auburn, IN 5 Greg Fullarton Howell, MI 7 S Bob Sibila Massillon, OH 7 Matt Dimit Huntington, IN 8 Scotty Tomasik Avon, IN 8 Jamie Sites Tipp City OH 9 Cory Nuttle Yoder, IN 9 N RJ Norton III Indianapolis, IN 11 Brian Nester Hamilton, IN 12 Chad Poole Springfield, OH 12 J Josh Nester Edon, OH 12 N Dave Nester Edon, OH 12 X Michael Occhipinti Dearborn, MI 13 Kevyn Terry Citra, FL 13 Kyle Purvis Marion, OH 13 M Sean McPherson Riley, MI 14 Mike Maddox Tupelo, MS 14 Tim Burkett Hamilton, IN 15 Scott Jones Marysville, OH 16 Bill Melvin Trussville, AL 16 Stephen Klinect West Salem OH 17 Chris Cotto Milton, FL 19 Andy Shutts Orient, OH 21 Ross Klingelhofer Quincy, OH 24 Buddy Gray Petoskey, MI 26 Jeff Lane Knightstown, IN 28 Dameron Taylor Indianapolis, IN 30 Y Brad Yunker Swanton, OH 30 Jonathan Martin Fort Wayne IN 31 Parker Pugh Madison, AL 31 L Chad Lemmerman Streetsboro, OH 31 Doug Meyer North Canton OH 32 D Danny McGowan Huntington, WV 33 Jason Morman Seabrook, TX 33 Jeremy Menninger Pataskala, OH 35 Evan Foster Clarkston, MI 36 Darrin Bowman Ambia, IN 39 Dave Christensen Clio, MI 40 Chris Stark Lewiston, MI 43 Billy Marcoux Goulais River Canada 44 Robert Babb Chesapeake, VA 45 Todd Gearhart Montpelier, OH 46 Doug Moff Fort Myers FL 51 Ryan Tamburro Worthington, OH 53 David Dobbins Hartville, OH 53 Z Eldon Zacek Jr Concord, NC 54 Clayton Green Marble Falls TX 57 Tim Moore Pinellas Park FL 57 N Tyler Nuckles Groveport, OH 57 Blake Rowe Ortonville, MI 58 Dan LaRocco Strongsville, OH 60 Brian Brewer Galena, OH 60 Bobby Gery Carrollton, VA 60 Sam Bigham New Franklin OH 61 Tyler Shullick Vermillion, OH 68 Stu Robinson Jr Beaverton, Canada 70 Mark Bott Port Austin MI 71 William Skaggs North Fort Myers FL 71 Johnny Brazier Hazel Green AL 71 Brett Hahne Brighton, MI 72 Gary Zink Jr Orient, OH 76 Mark Timmerman Fort Laramie OH 77 Hunter Slayton Richmond, VA 77 Kevin Doran Lebanon, OH 78 Travis Eddy Beaverton, MI 82 John Hansel Columbus, OH 82 Rick Sibila Mineral City, 84 Bubba Brooks Kalamazoo, MI 86 John Long Niles, MI 88 Travis Stepp Star City IN 88 E Ethan Mullet Hilliard, OH 93 Doug 1 Dowagiac, MI 95 Dave Stacy Enron, OH 111 George Perkins Fort Wayne IN 131 Jeff Letson Madison, AL 141 Rocky Rogers Jasper, AL TBA Mike Rush Powell, OH X Damon Breedlove Greenfield, IN CRA STREET STOCKS  # DRIVER CITY ST 00 B Bruce Burch Greenbrier TN 00 G Cliff Gaumond Midland NC 00 H Brett Hudson Owensboro KY 00 W Gordon Watson Tipp City OH 0 Ricky Young Beavercreek OH 1 D Brandon Tregembo Ray MI 1 W Jamie Whitt Wise VA 1 Jerry Zordan Bangor MI 2 B Jim Boyle East Windsor CT 2 F Bill Fisbie Jr. West Danby NY 2 S Paul Schloss Palm Coast FL 2 Mark Ross Jr Highland IN 3 M Jacob McElfresh Elwood IN 3 P Jeremy Pletz Dowagiac ME 03 E Kevin Eby Lenoir NC 03 S Ricky Stamber Bowling Green KY 03 W Matt Wilson Richfield OH 4 H John Heck Indianapolis IN 4 P Clynis Phillips Clintwood VA 4 X Matt Maurer Granger IN 5 B Chuck Barnes Sr Louisville KY 7 P Ryan Paul Richmond VA 6 HA Chris Harmon Brooks KY 6 HI Blake Hillard Owensboro KY 6 M Jeff Melton Concord NC 6 S Bryce Schaefer Niles MI 7 Jerry Lewis Waynetown IN 8 Brian McDonald Louisville KY 9 Jake Hinton Markle IN 10 B Dan Banker Des Moines IA 10 S Tom Stone Linden MI 11 Jimmy Kirby Indianapolis IN 14 H Aaron Abbott Reynolds Station KY 14 W Quentin White Greenwood IN 16 C T. J. Cochrane Buffalo NY 16 G Heath Helton Philpot KY 16 W Zach Westdorp Kalamazoo MI 16 Z Brandon Zachary Paw Paw MI 17 B James Brown Elkhart IN 17 PL Tim Pletz Sodus MI 17 PO David Powell Greenville IN 17 SC Bobby Schisler Cromwell IN 17 SH Stephen Shelpman Pittsburgh PA 18 Steve Bickett Whitesville KY 21 C Denver Carte Barberton OH 21 L Jeff Lane Knightstown IN 22 CR Skeeter Crum Jeffersonville IN 22 CU John Curtis Christiansburg VA 22 K James Kirby Indianapolis IN 22 L Brian Lewis Fairland IN 23 G Kenny Gibson Venice FL 23 I Larry Isenhower Greensboro NC 24 D Dennis Deese Piney Flats TN 24 W Jeremie Wiggins Elyria OH 25 B Louis Botti Irwin PA 25 C Jesse Collinge Swartz Creek MI 25 L Tory Lutz Wakarusa IN 25 R Kyle Ribble Delton MI 25 S Steven Schultz Drums PA 25 T Christopher Titcomb Amesbury MA 26 B Jeff Berg Louisville KY 26 H Jordan Hahn Wanamaker IN 27 Josh Poore Anderson IN 28 A Shawn Amor Walkerton IN 28 P Clark Perry Amherstdale WV 28 SH Jeffrey Shackelford Indianapolis IN 28 SI Dayton Sidner Pensacola FL 28 V Josh Varney Leeds ME 29 F Donny Fink Orlando FL 29 K Mason Keller Indianapolis IN 29 S Ken Schraufnagel Slinger WI 29 T Mike Todd Pleasant Hill IA 32 B David Bayens Borden IN 32 L Rich Lavallee Dixon CA 32 S Greg Schramm Wellington OH 33 Kimmie Greig Indianapolis IN 35 Bill Ashton Hopwood PA 36 Corey Hutchings Salem CT 39 Christopher Douton Waterford CT 40 G Rodney Glass Belhaven NC 40 M Toby Montgomery Vicksburg MI 40 P Royce Peters Kingsport TN 42 PE Curtis Peeples Round-o SC 42 PR Nick Pressler Buchanan MI 43 Douglas Post Radcliff KY 44 B Chuck Barnes Jr Louisville KY 44 H Scott Holbert Louisville KY 44 L Colby Lane New Castle IN 48 Eric Brown Springville NY 52 B Duke Bare Meadowview VA 52 S Bob Sibila Jr Independence OH 54 C Tony Conway Louisville KY 54 G Nathan Greene Muncie IN 55 J Phil Jenkins Greenfield IN 55 S Lee Slaton Constantine MI 56 Mike Short Auburn ME 57 Danny Adams Indianapolis IN 58 Larry Lathan Bedford KY 59 Corey Adams Indianapolis IN 64 Joe Mancuso Buffalo NY 65 Billy Williams Bowling Green KY 68 A Scott Adams Lake Ariel PA 68 S J.J. Schafer Bremen IN 68 V Trenten Vogts Churubusco IN 70 G Jeremy Gerstner Wesley Chapel FL 70 L Bob Lusetti Broadview Heights OH 71 Wayne Abner Heidrick KY 72A Bradley Abner Heidrick KY 72K Mike Abner Heidrick KY 72N TBA 74 BA Austin Baum Shepherdsville KY 74 BR Josh Brading New Albany IN 74 D Todd Duff Kingsport TN 75 K Mark Kalata Almond WI 75 W Ryan Waterman Danielson CT 76 Benny Bender Mobile AL 77 D Jason Drummond Gibsonburg OH 77 G Eric Greer Utica KY 78 F Robert Fink Sheatown PA 78 H Joe Holp Uniontown PA 79 Heath Bronkema Kalamazoo MI 83 Brandon Mefford Spiceland IN 84 Andrew Teepe Indianapolis IN 86 S Shawn Smith Louisville KY 86 W Geoff Wood Whittemore MI 88 Jeff Johnson Indianapolis IN 89 Josh Sage Piqua OH 90 Joe Quinn North Royalton OH 91 Rich Segvich Frankfort IN 95 Brian Hopkins New Castle IN 96 Donnie Woodard Charlestown IN 98 Jeff Caudell Scottsburg IN 99 Brian Bayer Birdseye IN 112 Mark Lushes Uniontown OH 131 Ron Ritcher Akron NY 311 Keith Bissinger Bloomsburg PA 333 Jonathan Ziegler Lafayette IN VORE’S COMPACTS # NAME CITY ST 0 Tom Gossar Markleville IN 0 Kamden Creek Anderson IN 1 A Mike Richardson Valparaiso IN 1 CT Chuck McDonald Groton CT 1 X Mark Mason Ft. Wayne IN 1 David Mehl Fairland IN 2 Brad Chandler Cedar Rapids IA 4 D Jamie Drook Maineville OH 4 Terry Eaton Jr Quincy OH 5 B Brett Duane Smith Richmond IN 5 JT Jesse Henry Jones IV Newport News VA 5 Lynn Waller Richland NC 6 H Billy Hillard Owensboro KY 6 Chris Jennings Richmond IN 7 P Paul Bittle South Bend IN 7 C Ron Masters Machanicsburg OH 7 Don Rufener III Uhrichsville OH 7 Steve Vore Ft. Recovery OH 8 Joe Jennings Richmond IN 9 T Nicholas Meade West Carrrolton OH 9 X Josh Richardson Ft. Wayne IN 9 Steve Vore Ft. Recovery OH 9 Wesley Ennis The Plains OH 10 Jake Albright Dover OH 11 Zachary Smizer Stafford VA 12 N Charlie Nickel Chili WI 12 James Scott Pierson Ona WV 13 Mark Jennings Centerville IN 14 Joseph Jennings Centerville IN 15 Andy Jennings Richmond IN 16 Michael Brewer Fairborn OH 17 Bill Honious Miamisburg OH 18 D Derek Davis South Bend IN 18 Gary Eaton Jr West Liberty OH 19 H John Handeland Belleville WI 19 RI Dylan Cabral Richmond RI 19 Joe Workman Milton WV 20 John Denny Erie PA 21 David Gilliland Harrison TN 22 Kevin Broski Cleveland OH 24 T Aaron Teegarden New Weston OH 24 Nicole DeVos Allendale MI 24 Cole Roelofs Dove MI 25 A Christopher Brown Cottontown TN 25 B Ben Belanger Whitefield NH 25 Tim Durfy Lockport NY 27 I Dan Irvine Valparaiso IN 27 Bo Hoelscher Riverside OH 28 BJ Honious Dayton OH 29 Josh Easto Cedar Lake IN 31 X John Isaac Davis Cookeville TN 31 JR Vester Muncie IN 33 X Thomas Kapish Mountain Top PA 33 Justin Brown Boggstown IN 35 Gary Stark Jr Ft Atkinson WI 37 Darek Morris New Castle IN 38 X Ryan Spillers Ft Wayne IN 39 Kelly Lilie Port Clinton OH 42 Johney Greer III Indianapolis IN 44 X Josh Brown Cottontown TN 44 Brooks Horseman Lebanon OH 46 Andy Manes Indianapolis IN 47 Kory Appleby Greenwood IN 49 B Derick Bradshaw Mount Washington KY 49 TBA/Hoffman Demotte IN 50 Craig Frase New Lenox IL 51 G Christopher Gammon Portland TN 51 Keith Watson Salt Rock WV 53 D Tim Dilg Cincinnati OH 53 Jr Lemasters Indianapolis IN 54 JT John Trimble Scott Depot WV 54 Chip Heintzelman Ft. Wayne IN 55 Kyle Byrd Greenfield IN 56 Sean Frederick Goodlettsville TN 57 Ricky Wilson Frankfort IL 58 Johnathan Waldrop Chesterfield VA 59 Kodi Bater Landis NC 61 Matthew Jackson New Carlisle OH 62 Mike Sabina Ft Wayne IN 63 Larry Hatfield Indianapolis IN 64 Derek Smith Clarksville IN 67 Rob Rehm Indianapolis IN 69 X Jeff Isbell Lebanon OH 69 Jeff Striegel Lanesville IN 70 Levi Hill Dayton OH 71 Trent Gossar Markleville IN 72 Bobby Sanders McCordsville IN 78 Michael Hughart Saint Albans WV 79 Todd Metz Jr Charlotte MI 81 Dalton Cox Versailles KY 82 Harvey Yoder Kenton OH 85 Phil Iliff Portland IN 87 Scott Kerley Elizabethton TN 88 X Steven Brock Elizabeth IN 88 Joshua Foltz Medway OH 91 Cameron Cruise Bradenton FL 92 TBA/Hoffman Demotte IN 93 Tim Cassidy Wayne WV 95 A Daniel Harper Portland TN 95 David Yoder Kenton OH 96 Jim Granzow Hobbart IN 97 M Matthew Morris Louisville KY 99 M Travis Lea Miller Jacksonville NC 99 Chris Clark New Haven IN 111 Devon Dixon Janesville WI 117 Ryan Hoffman Demotte IN 119 Brandon De Lacy Stunghton WI 126 Harry O’Neill Wapwallopen PA 133 Jess Drook Maineville OH 151 John Hunn Rolla MO 181 Daniel Herron Newcomerstown OH 192 Kyle Stark Marshall WI 223 Greg Garrison Bloomington IN 410 Steven Tito Drums PA
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