#then they fu-
bubblymochicat · 2 years
A fun thought I just had
The adults of the mp100 universe are playing Fuck, Marry, Kill and when it gets to Serizawa he just gets down on one knee and proposes to Reigen
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never getting over how genuinely distressed tai lung looks when po does his shuffling trick. mid fight this man stops and panics because he cant figure out a childrens magic trick
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willgrahamscock · 1 year
Hey tumblr maybe instead of flagging queer people’s posts you could take down ai art of celebrities nudes which they did not consent to, from the TRENDING page.
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kungfuwushuworld · 8 months
Repost from @renzorage
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sunnbnn · 2 months
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To befriend a STR user...
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joah-shipper · 5 months
I’ll Hold Your Hand
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The Next Step | Eldon x Nick Hurt/Comfort
Eldon is sat in the studio’s office, finishing off on some paperwork. After the day he has had, he just need something to get his mind away for a few hours.
The past few months since his break-up with Thalia have been difficult enough, but he thought he was doing good at hiding his distress. Now with the news all out in the open though, he wonders how he even managed. Barely a minute has gone by this day without him crying.
With everything else tuned out, he doesn’t even notice the studio-head walking in until he speaks up.
‘Oh, hello Eldon. Didn’t know you were still here. Thought you would’ve gone home by now.’ Nick says from where he stands in the doorway.
‘Yeah, just thought I’d get these papers finished, as-well and go over the choreography for Anthony and Adele’s duet again. Internationals is coming up soon and everything, so…yeah…’ He shrugs.
The British man still stands by the door, watching his friend. He is unsure how to broach this. After getting back from his workshop from Absolute Dance, it didn’t take long for him to receive the news about what went down that day.
It’s obviously a touchy subject. However, Eldon is his friend and he wants to help.
‘I um…heard about what happened earlier.’
That stops the former a-trouper, pen cutting at the side of the page, now seeming even more lost in thought.
‘I’m sorry about what happened with Thalia.’ Nick continues as he takes a seat on the desk. ‘I know it can’t have been easy. Moxxie and I splitting up was difficult enough and we were only dating for a few months’
No new words escape Eldon. All his attempts just choke him, unable to escape and only making his adam’s-apple bob. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Nick.
Leaning over, he rests a hand on the one the contemporary dancer holds his pen. The other man doesn’t pull away, instead dropping the piece of stationery.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’
‘I’m not sure where I’d even start.’ Eldon sighs.
‘Try me.’
‘Okay then….’ Holding his hand in-front of his face, he lets a breath out into them. Then he starts. It’s a bit terrifying letting this all out, but maybe it can help.
‘It’s just, we’d been together for so long. Heck, we even got together on our own run—up to Internationals, 5 years ago! After being through a couple relationships that ended really badly before that, I thought Thalia was finally the one.’
The older man gives his hand a squeeze during this pause, pushing Eldon to continue.
‘We spent that entire year working to get together and it all felt worth it in the end. She felt like another half of me, someone that shared all my strange quirks, even if others found them weird. We worked so well together that we even began running our own studio!’
At this point, it is when his eyes wash over with water. His tongue flicks around his mouth, his saliva making noise. If Nick wasn’t there, he’s not sure how he’d be able to go on.
‘But…maybe I was too naive, we were only 17 and 18 when we got together and everyone knows teenage romance doesn’t last. When we finally grew up everything felt different, the honeymoon stage was over and both of us were filled with so much stress from work and now just being adults. There was no room for all the dates and moments we shared as teenagers and…’
He takes in a gulp. ‘We just kind of faded away from each-other.
By now he is sobbing. Nick feels like doing so too. From hearing Thalia and Eldon’s whole story, and just by seeing someone you care about hurting like this, it’s almost too much to bare. His arms wrap around Eldon without a second thought, pulling his face to his chest. He doesn’t care that the tears are sure to ruin his shirt.)
‘I’m not going to pretend that everything is going to magically be alright. Because it isn’t. Breakups always hurt, especially the long ones. You’re allowed to feel like this. Nobody is going to be mad at you for it. We’re all your friends and we understand you’re hurting.’
Eldon gasps out: ‘But, how am I ever going to get over it? I’m supposed to me helping the team, I’m supposed to be helping 𝐲𝐨𝐮! But, here I am crying like a baby instead!
‘Oh Eldon, you’ve already helped me more than enough. I wouldn’t be able to run this place at all right now if I didn’t have you with me. You’ve done so much for me, and as your friend, it’s my time to return the favour. I’ve got you okay?’ Nick breaths. His voice is so gentle, filled with so much love and care that it almost makes Eldon want to cry even harder.
His friend is now sat in his lap, arms around Eldon’s neck, but neither mention it. If anything, Eldon finds it comforting. He isn’t sure why, but he doesn’t want to stop any of this.
‘Okay, thanks Nick, for being here.’
‘I always will be.’
Both men smile at each-other, tears drying on the younger’s, in a still silence under the moonlight of the office.
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seagreenlaurin · 6 months
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fenkko · 5 months
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all my damage dealing characters died in the second phase so i ended up fighting him with my sole survivor fu xuan and they had a preservation-off
sorry.. sorry.... i am the reason they nerfed aventurine boss fight
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wolfythewitch · 6 months
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Married people behavior
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illuminatedferret · 1 month
post-canon fics where hua cheng gets amnesia'd back into wuming, who inevitably finds out His Beloved Is Married always read like the meme "I'll be his second husband." (what happened to the first?) "Nothing you can prove."
jump to xie lian, who knows exactly what mental contortions the love of his life would go to rather than recognize that xie lian loves him, deciding to humor wuming's murder fantasy for shits and giggles. 'you want to murder my husband, wuming? hm, i dont know... he is nice. except for the time he proposed to me and then immediately walked it back as a joke- oh, you'd treat me better than that? you'd never do something so cruel? well... im listening.'
cue hua cheng getting his memories back like "gege i thought we were over this. gege. gege stop laughing. gege please. i said sorry!"
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swagvo1d · 8 months
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i want to share an orange with you, lovingly, tenderly
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solastalgiart · 3 months
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📸 | snapshot
xie lian soft-launches his bf hua cheng and the internet loses it
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tempo-takoyaki · 4 months
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Listen, I love the "XL helps HC to see how beautiful he is" scenario as much as the next person... But I also see it like this.
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ohyoubuggin · 3 months
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seatokki · 9 months
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secret identities 🏳️‍🌈
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gaywaren · 2 months
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new official hualian art from the tgcf revised edition <3
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