#we better get atleast some scene like this
joah-shipper · 5 months
I’ll Hold Your Hand
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The Next Step | Eldon x Nick Hurt/Comfort
Eldon is sat in the studio’s office, finishing off on some paperwork. After the day he has had, he just need something to get his mind away for a few hours.
The past few months since his break-up with Thalia have been difficult enough, but he thought he was doing good at hiding his distress. Now with the news all out in the open though, he wonders how he even managed. Barely a minute has gone by this day without him crying.
With everything else tuned out, he doesn’t even notice the studio-head walking in until he speaks up.
‘Oh, hello Eldon. Didn’t know you were still here. Thought you would’ve gone home by now.’ Nick says from where he stands in the doorway.
‘Yeah, just thought I’d get these papers finished, as-well and go over the choreography for Anthony and Adele’s duet again. Internationals is coming up soon and everything, so…yeah…’ He shrugs.
The British man still stands by the door, watching his friend. He is unsure how to broach this. After getting back from his workshop from Absolute Dance, it didn’t take long for him to receive the news about what went down that day.
It’s obviously a touchy subject. However, Eldon is his friend and he wants to help.
‘I um…heard about what happened earlier.’
That stops the former a-trouper, pen cutting at the side of the page, now seeming even more lost in thought.
‘I’m sorry about what happened with Thalia.’ Nick continues as he takes a seat on the desk. ‘I know it can’t have been easy. Moxxie and I splitting up was difficult enough and we were only dating for a few months’
No new words escape Eldon. All his attempts just choke him, unable to escape and only making his adam’s-apple bob. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Nick.
Leaning over, he rests a hand on the one the contemporary dancer holds his pen. The other man doesn’t pull away, instead dropping the piece of stationery.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’
‘I’m not sure where I’d even start.’ Eldon sighs.
‘Try me.’
‘Okay then….’ Holding his hand in-front of his face, he lets a breath out into them. Then he starts. It’s a bit terrifying letting this all out, but maybe it can help.
‘It’s just, we’d been together for so long. Heck, we even got together on our own run—up to Internationals, 5 years ago! After being through a couple relationships that ended really badly before that, I thought Thalia was finally the one.’
The older man gives his hand a squeeze during this pause, pushing Eldon to continue.
‘We spent that entire year working to get together and it all felt worth it in the end. She felt like another half of me, someone that shared all my strange quirks, even if others found them weird. We worked so well together that we even began running our own studio!’
At this point, it is when his eyes wash over with water. His tongue flicks around his mouth, his saliva making noise. If Nick wasn’t there, he’s not sure how he’d be able to go on.
‘But…maybe I was too naive, we were only 17 and 18 when we got together and everyone knows teenage romance doesn’t last. When we finally grew up everything felt different, the honeymoon stage was over and both of us were filled with so much stress from work and now just being adults. There was no room for all the dates and moments we shared as teenagers and…’
He takes in a gulp. ‘We just kind of faded away from each-other.
By now he is sobbing. Nick feels like doing so too. From hearing Thalia and Eldon’s whole story, and just by seeing someone you care about hurting like this, it’s almost too much to bare. His arms wrap around Eldon without a second thought, pulling his face to his chest. He doesn’t care that the tears are sure to ruin his shirt.)
‘I’m not going to pretend that everything is going to magically be alright. Because it isn’t. Breakups always hurt, especially the long ones. You’re allowed to feel like this. Nobody is going to be mad at you for it. We’re all your friends and we understand you’re hurting.’
Eldon gasps out: ‘But, how am I ever going to get over it? I’m supposed to me helping the team, I’m supposed to be helping 𝐲𝐨𝐮! But, here I am crying like a baby instead!
‘Oh Eldon, you’ve already helped me more than enough. I wouldn’t be able to run this place at all right now if I didn’t have you with me. You’ve done so much for me, and as your friend, it’s my time to return the favour. I’ve got you okay?’ Nick breaths. His voice is so gentle, filled with so much love and care that it almost makes Eldon want to cry even harder.
His friend is now sat in his lap, arms around Eldon’s neck, but neither mention it. If anything, Eldon finds it comforting. He isn’t sure why, but he doesn’t want to stop any of this.
‘Okay, thanks Nick, for being here.’
‘I always will be.’
Both men smile at each-other, tears drying on the younger’s, in a still silence under the moonlight of the office.
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anonymouscheeses · 8 months
Obvious shit I noticed part 3 (spoilers for welcome to heaven)
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Look at her! "Teehee"
Also she's nervous! Foreshadowing omg 🤯
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STICKERS! Two pride stickers and a cute donut. Gives me an idea to draw Chaggie at a donut shop while everything is burning down <3 (I'll probably do it but if any artist wants to as well go ahead!)
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Vivzie give me more, moar now. MOAR
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DAMN. SHE CAN THROW- or maybe it just exaggerates the perspective in this frame but still- ZAMNNN
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Cherri x Sir Pentious fans RISE UP.
I wasn't ever really a fan of it myself but I always thought it was CUTE. Like 3 seconds before this part I was already begging for them to kiss 😭
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More foreshadowing!
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Oh wait- Sera's hot and Emily's already adorable
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If heaven don't look like what this is in the show, I DONT WANT IT! (THATS A JOKE PLEASE DON'T SMITE ME)
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JEALOUS GIRLFRIEND VAGGIE!! Can I just say how much I love Vaggie's face expressions? Not just here but like all the time. She's just made to be so exaggerated, out of all of them I thought it would be Charlie who would have the most dramatic faces but Vaggie wins it for me. I JUST GIGGLE SO HARD WHEN SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS BAHAHAH
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Okay yeah. It's very obvious now. Vaggie is definitely an ex-exterminator. They don't close in on Charlie here so it's made to subtly nudge the attention to Vaggie. HOW DID THEY IMMEDIATELY NOTICE IT WAS HER THO??
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That's it.
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But overall the design is pretty meh. I always loved the idea of short hair Vaggie and even have seen art of it but it's just yknow, alright. Reminds me of Cassandra from Tangled: the series. IM LISTENING TO ONE OF THE SONGS RIGHT NOW HELPPP
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THIS SCENE HERE! WOOOOO! SO GLAD WE KNOW WHEN AND WHERE THEY FIRST MET!! Wish we got it extended tho. And also probably push it to next episode so it would have a better impact(atleast I think thats when they'll have the duet). BUT WHATEVER SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! or uh whatever
Vaggie must've been a bit terrified at first. The only sinner she ever sent mercy to was a child. Then to see someone who to her is an adult sinner who just looks really human, that must be crazy. BUT THEN IF SHE WAS TOLD THAT CHARLIE WAS ACTUALLY THE PRINCESS OF HELL? HOOOO, LOCK IN AND STEAL HER. THAT'S SOME WATTPAD SHIT. Also, I wonder how long Charlie thought of redeeming sinners. It would make sense to be after meeting Vaggie, since it could have been a wake up call to the fact not all sinners are bad people. Even though Vaggie isn't a sinner technically, Charlie didn't know that at the time. But maybe Charlie was always like this but just needed to meet someone who could start her dream with her. Long rant uhhh
Haha penis 🫵
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Lute looks like a basic asf anime gorl. Adam doesn't ever take his helmet off, or maybe he just can't. OH HE'S DOING THE GAY SIGN 💅💅 Very appropriate for what he's saying
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Mentor, apprentice. I love that Husk is just trying to help Angel grow but isn't going to force him into it if he doesn't want to.
Im not a fan of huskerdust and think they'd be better friends as I can't imagine a relationship with them at all. But it's still nice and they are supportive of eachother so that's like- yknow. Basic rules. Or something like that. (HELP. I ruined it all at the last part)
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Ooo... I didnt like this part at all... Instead of making the choice she just runs off. Then because the plot demands it, Adam says nothing. Kinda whish she atleast avoided the question, maybe in some way that would require actual thinking? For a character like Vaggie, she could choose either way and it feel like it's still her. If she chose to protect Charlie's dream, she would still be perfectly loyal to her but in the act of so would reveal a secret that could harm their relationship(which does happen at the end but that's because the plot wanted it like that). If she chose to side with Adam, she'd be hurting Charlie emotionally, sure, but it would keep a secret that could make Charlie see Vaggie less than who she is to her already(atleast what Vaggie might think would happen). Imo it should've been her deciding to protect Charlie, since it would mean she's devoted to her at all times.
ANOTHER THING! IF SHE COULDN'T MAKE THE CHOICE, THAT IS SOMETHING INTERESTING TO GO INTO. Maybe it could go deeper into how Vaggie doesn't know who she is without Charlie. So when she has a choice to make, like here, she can't do it without feeling the need to ask Charlie. BUT NOOO, YA HAD TO GO WITH THIS!! Wow. That was a long ass rant. Wtf 😭
Maybe I'm a dumbass. Maybe they'll talk about that next episode, but still, atleast touch on it a bit to not seem rushed?
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Angel looking out for his kids like a mom. We always did need the motherly figure, the one closest to that being Charlie but girl needs a mother in her life too(damn, wait, I did her so dirty).
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Huh, so why does it work here then? 🤨🤨 if it was said in the contract that Valentino can do whatever he wants only in the studio, then why is this the exception? 🤨🤨
Yes I'm stupid. Why do you ask? (No genuinely what's happening here)
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OH ITS THE IMAGE! I really like Sera so far, hope we get more of her soon or in season 2.
Now that we know the context of this, yeah, that's fucking insane. And badass. WOMEN.
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HMM. THATS STRANGE. DID YOU NOT FOR ONCE THINK THERE COULD BE A POSSIBILITY SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN AN ANGEL? Okay I probably wouldn't either but I have an excuse, I'm an idiot. Some girl with a standing out outfit, with one eye, looks unusually human, right after/during the extermination... that's pretty solid ass proof. But I'm dumb so don't take anything i say seriously :D
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Imagine this. No- shit. Just-
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Vaggie is DESPERATE. PLEADING. That's obvious yeah, but don't mind me I had nothing to say for the last 3 images I just thought they were cool
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I mean. Slay I guess. 😍💅
Do all the exterminators look similar or is it just Lute and Vaggie? 🤨
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Even though Vaggie and Charlie may be going through this horrible thing with a hard punch in the gut, but Vaggie is always going to comfort her and I just think that's so adorable.
Also Adam looks like a chicken hah.
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Everyone fears to be like Lucifer. If they don't do bad things they believe are for the greater good and make sacrifices that put them higher than those in hell, they could themselves be fallen. It's really interesting but I don't know if it's going to be fleshed out enough with the amount of episodes left. Which also worries me about everything else that still hasn't be concluded. There's gonna be loose strings I just know it. Hopefully though they rather do that then rush everything out y'know?
I want the next episode to be mostly focused on Vaggie and Charlie's relationship and the healing of what happened. Not for the entire episode of course, it would feel drawn out if it did, but atleast address the problem for the first like I would say 10 minutes? Then the rest would focus on one or two loose threads while also having Vaggie and Charlie acting upon moving on. That's just my idea but yeah-
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thehauntedetheral · 2 months
Hello! Since i saw ur bio that you take requests and i want to ask for a yandere boyfriend that wants to marry you immediately since you guys were at the right age, (hes 21 and the y/n is 20)
And I'm going to add something, like the boyfriend gets too jealous whenever there's other boys are looking at y/n or other people
(i don't know if you take baby fever? kind of thing, though just the boyfriend wanting a baby with you once you accept his marriage)
And just a headcannon of boyfriend getting so, sooo jealous whenever you get crushes on fictional men, you can add what you think of this! So and Is it okay if I give him a name? If yes, then Elliott, Thank You!
Keep up the good work! I really love it! And i also hope you'll do a part two of the Yandere Dom Kidnapper!
If you need ideas please do say!
(sorry for any grammar, english is not my first language! 😭)
Thank you for your idea. I hope you like this fic. And yes please keep sending me ideas. I love writing for you all.
Yandere Possesive (Dark)
Requests are open !
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• You and Elliott dated throughout the high school. He was older than you but only by one year.
• You were happy with him. He is caring, charming, has a good humour with which he always tries to make you laugh. He is love of your life and you are his.
• You and Elliott were in same college as he doesn't want to be away from you no matter what. Recently you celebrated your 20th birthday with him. Everything went well only the plot twist was that Elliott proposed to you on your birthday night. You love him and you know he is the only one you want to marry but not now. You were just 20 and Elliott 21.
• But after much convincing or more like manipluating Elliott convinced you to say yes. Life didn't changed much only the difference now was that you were engaged. You thought to yourself that you were just being anxious about marrying too young but was not a issue atleast to you and Elliott as he was a really good patner.
• Elliott would bring flowers for you weekly, cook delicious meals for you, read a book to you while you snuggle in his arms, go out on dates with him, watch movies, bake together, talk with each other till late night and then falling asleep in each others arms.
• But as no one is perfect and everyone has their own flaws. Elliott had them too. He was extremely jealous and possesive about you that it many times led you two to an argument which always ended with Elliott fucking you against the wall or wherever you are making you beg for him while he would ask you
"Who do you belong to, darling?"
• You were talking to a man who was not him for some college project? This man becomes extremely jealous. That after your conversation he threatens the poor boy to stay away from you.
• You loved your stuffed teddy and would often cuddle with it. Well this man is even jealous of your teddy bear. What can I say whatever or whoever catches your attention he gets jealous of it and when you ask him one day "have you seen my bear?" "No. Darling but don't worry I am here cuddle me whenever you want until we find that stuffed bear". When in reality he has thrown that bear to a very distant place in jealousy. This man wants your attention 24/7 on him. Madly obsessed with you.
• You read many romance books and whenever you compliments some fictional character he gets jealous and says "Let's recreate those spicy smut scenes of your novel so I can show you how much better I am than him."
• A guy tried to flirt with you when you were hanging out with him at bar? Elliott beats that person until he is an bloody mess.
• When some random boy looks at you a bit long kisses you infront of them. To show how you belong to him just as he belongs to you.
• This man worships you like a goddess but is a freaking dominant in sheets fucking you until you are a dumb drooling mess.
• Elliott often thinks about you with a glowing round belly pregnant with his child. Having babies of you two. Showing it to the whole fucking world that you are only his and carrying his child. Hence leading to his baby fever.
• Would often show you cute videos of babies and saying "Our's will be more adorable with your pretty eyes, darling".
• Shops all the cute baby stuff he finds under the saying of "For future, darling". While you just ignored his baby fever thinking it's just a phase.
• You both got married on the fixed date in a beautiful church.
• Elliott cries like a baby while seeing you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white wedding dress looking like an angel which you definitely are according to him.
• After marriage you thought Elliott's jealousy would become less as you are husband and wife now but it doesn't lessens even a bit. Hence leading to many arguments again.
• This arguments scares him thinking you might leave him so he baby traps you with him knowing too well you would never leave him while having a child. He knows he is fucked up. But no matter what he is never losing you. And after all you both love each other and the unborn baby so anything else doesn't matter to him. Now only you and the baby matters to him.
• Elliott knows that he is crazy for you. But after all love makes us do crazy things, right?
Want part 2? Let me know through comments.
Requests are open !
For more yandere Reading:
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
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main masterlist | tsitp masterlist
PAIRINGS : jeremiah fisher x reader
SUMMARY : the two friends try to do a movie stunt in a pool, but they end up making there own movie.
NOTES : i haven’t proofread this
“looks like your having fun.” you sarcastically commented while taking a seat beside jeremiah, your bare legs dangling into the cool pool water infront of the pair of you. you glanced over at the boy, concerned at the expression on his face and the tightness of his jaw. he had a solemn look about him as he gazed down at the pool and you knew why. you had accidentally caught him kissing belly in it just the night before but you hadn’t told him. you didn’t want your own emotions to get on the way of his.
“bad memories?” your voice was quieter this time, more reserved, as your curiosity got the best of you. you also wanted to make sure that he was okay since he did not currently look it. “something like that.” he mumbled before finally facing you. his jaw softened but you could tell he was keeping something in. he was mad at something or someone but it wasn’t you, if it was he would’ve already started an argument or atleast made a few passive agressive comments by now.
“what about you?” he leaned back on his hands instead of crossing them and you notice the slight falter in his breath, his chest hitching for a second longer before finally calming down. you pretended not to notice it. “honestly?” you asked with a sigh while looking away from jeremiah and back into the water, “i’m thinking about that scene from dirty dancing right now.” you failed to hide the small smile on your face.
jeremiah shot you a confused look before he finally broke out into a real smile, a soft chuckle leaving him. “when johnny lifts baby up in the water?” he questioned, recognition sparking all over his features. you hummed before facing him fully, a michevouis smirk on your face. “why don’t we do it?” you shrugged as you spoke before lifting up an arm to flex your hardly there muscles, “i’ve gotten pretty strong—“
“why don’t i do the lifting?” he suggested while standing up, pulling off his shirt and jumping in while his shorts on. you laughed while taking off your shirt aswell, leaving you in only pyjama shorts and a sports bra.
you slipped in the water before the effects of his stare took place, a shy smile overcoming you as you faced each other — now soaked in the water and underneath the starlight of cousins. “don’t go shy on me now.” jeremiah teased after shaking his hair, some of its fluffiness coming back before taking steps in the water over to you, “your gonna have to run and jump—“
“run?” you interrupted before he could finish his sentence, “i cant run in deep water.” you reminded him before pushing back your hair so it wouldn’t fall in front your face any longer. “i’ll just,” you paused for a moment, “come at you fast.”
“so run?” he raised a brow and you splashed water towards him, scrunching up your face in annoyance before readying yourself. “just come at me, i’ll catch you.” he promised, bringing his arms out to do just that. “you better.” you mumbled before stretching your body, a little dramatically, to prepare yourself. “just to let you know, the music is playing in my head.” you told jeremiah before you started towards him.
“mine too.” he chuckled before you finally began to move, going as fast as you could to get past the heavy water trying to keep you back until finally his hands were on your waist and he could attempt to lift you. he got you up into the air but perhaps too fast since you had went over him, your hands in the air as if you was flying as you dived back into the pool on the other side of the fisher boy. when you resurfaced he was laughing.
“you came at me too fast.” he joked as you went back to your place from before. “if you can’t handle me, jere, just tell me.” you teased him. the boy chuckled and shook his head, “i can always handle you.” you rolled my eyes at the comment but you still blushed at his attention.
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“if you drop me one more time, then i’m gonna drown you.” you joked as you once again came from underneath the water, slicking your hair back to keep it away from your face and swimming back towards your spot. “i just don’t know my own strength.” he joked, bringing his arms up and flexing the new muscles he had gotten over the year. you tried not to stare too intensely at them and instead kept your eyes focused on his face.
“is that why you keep dunking me?” you questioned with a tilt of your head. he nodded with a grin, bringing his arms out to catch you again. “this time we’ll do it, i know it.” he stated confidently. you smiled, beginning to rush towards him. you had managed to get faster each time. the water was easier to break through and it swiftly moved by you until finally you reached jeremiah.
he caught your waist just like last time and held you up, your hands coming to steady yourself on his shoulders automatically. “don’t worry, i’ve got you.” he mumbled and you could feel your stomach tighten, feeling on fire from his touch. you brought your hands up just like they had in the movie, giggling along with jeremiah’s chuckles before finally he let you down and you were stood infront of him with a sheepish grin still on your face.
“we did it!” you cheered while hugging him, his hands holding your waist tighter as you both celebrated. “i told you we would.” jeremiah stated before you pulled away to look at him again. “your so cocky.” you laughed through your own words. “when a pretty girl like you wants to be in my presence i have every right to be cocky.” he looked smug as he spoke and his hand tightened on you once more. “am i wrong?” he raised a brow as if to challenge you.
you didn’t respond, rolling your eyes playfully and turned to escape his grasp before you exposed the little crush you had on him. but his grip tightened so your movement halted, and you looked back around at his emotionless face. he was staring down at you with an unreadable expression. “jere, you okay?”
he didn’t respond, his eyes glancing down to your lips before he finally kissed you. without warning, without asking he simply pressed his lips against yours like that was the only way to answer your question. once he kissed you, your heart flowed and every muscle in your body relaxed. how much you needed this terrified you. you wondered if everyone felt this way. maybe it was just you, or maybe it was just you and him together.
he pulled away after a few seconds, squeezing your hips as if to ask silently if you were okay, and when you didn’t do anything he spoke. “i always knew i loved you.” he whispered in a hoarse voice that made you involuntarily shiver. you opened your mouth to speak, to say it back, but he stopped you. “i didn’t say it just to hear it said back. i said it to make sure that you knew.”
you spoke just as he finished, “i love you too, jere.” you smiled up at him and he returned it easily, your heart beginning to race again at this bubble of happiness you were confined to as you held each other. you leaned your head up to kiss him once again. this time, he grabbed your throat but didn’t choke you, just brought you so close that when you kissed you weren’t sure whose air you were breathing.
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divinesolas · 2 months
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r.q: Hello, I don't know if you are taking requirements, but I haven't seen too many good one shots about Aegon II 😃, I really like your writing and I would like to read one where the protagonist was a Tyrell And they are both married because of all that alliance stuff and so on, maybe with a little angst and Aegon's nonsense. (Sorry for my description, I really don't know how to do this 🥲)
aegon ii targaryen x fem!tyrell!reader
wrds: 843
a.n: I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE REQUEST AND I DONT REMEMBER YOUR @ IM SO SORRY BUT I HOPE YOU SEE THIS !! my take on the scene where alicent went to go comfort aegon but couldnt so you come to do it instead <3 *you only have one kid
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you dont love him.
if you had known when you went to go return to see your mother in high garden you would return to this you would not have gone at all. or maybe not even chosen to return.
Aegon crowned and war on the horizon you had no clue what was going on, just quickly rushed into the keep and presented before the court. The worst news came quickly, your son had been murdered the night before you had returned. You could only stand in horror with silent tears cascading down your face as you watch your husband yell at every council man in the room for the death of his son and he did not even spare you a word as he walked out of the room.
You went to helaenas room who offered you her bed to lay on and a hand on your back as you sobbed into her pillow. you did not know what to do. You son is gone. your only son. Your only child. and now you were lost. You should go see him, even if he did not want to see you even if you did not really want to see him. You had to atleast speak to him about this.
So you went and walked your way slowly to his room. When you went to open the door you jumped back as alicent walked out. She was staring at you, you can feel the shame and guilt in her veins seeping over her eyes. she looks back at the closed door then looks at you, opening her mouth as if she wished to say something. but she doesnt merely speed walking away from you without a word as tears ran down her face.
You almost wished to chase after her. you did not ever truly get along with her well but you could tell shes taking this news badly, probably worse than you are. yet you open the door and walk into the room you see your husband trembling with sobs at his desk. the room was a mess, clothes, glass and all other sorts of stuff strewing about the room.
You stand frozen as you watch him. You and your husband are certainly not close by any means. You do your marital duty and stay apart from each other. but right now he needs you yet you have no clue how to go about this. You slowly walk over and place a hand on his shoulder he slowly cranes his head up to look at you and he stares at you as some shaky breaths leave him.
You place your hand out and he grabs it, letting you to pull him to the bed where he quickly crawls on top of you and presses his face against your chest as he cries. “ill kill them.” you shush him and rub his back. “my son, my legacy.” you ignore the fact he does not say he was your son, our son. but you say nothing. You know he is more hurt over his pride than the actual life lost though you doubt he knows that himself.
“im with child.” He freezes and his head shoots up to look at you. “what?” you look off to the side and stare out the window as the sun rises. “i was feeling sick in highgarden and went to the maesters, they say i am with child. A little over two moons they say.”
He says nothing for awhile but you can feel his stare on your face. You let your curiosity get the better of you and turn to look at him. He is staring at you in wonder. Like a newborn looks up at its mother. “you lie.” he does not want to believe you. “i do not. i planned to tell you on my arrival but obviously we were preoccupied.”
This is normally the moment where he would kiss you, tell you how overjoyed he was and how amazing you were. But he does not say anything but you can feel his grip on you tighten. “you will not go anywhere without atleast two guards presence, you are not permitted to leave the keep under any circumstances.” You are sure this is his way of expressing himself to you, he wants you safe no matter what. he grips your face and peers down at you, “do you understand?” you nod and slap his hands off your face.
He looks like a kicked puppy You understand him, his worries and doubts. you let him lay against you, him listening to your heartbeat. He falls asleep youre sure he is to be woken up soon to go take his seat at the council. Based on the bags under his eyes this is probably the first time he is sleeping in awhile so when a maid walks in you shoo her away and whisper youll deal with the consequences of it.
you do not love him. but you can see him. and that’s enough for him.
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sincere1ystar · 3 months
Broken Promises
Finnick Odair x Reader
Finnick comes home late to you after promising he’ll be on time for once (angst?? hurt no comfort)
authors note: i wanna do a part two which would basically be the comfort + resolution part but idkkkk😭😭 let me know!!!
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You can’t remember the last time Finnick came home before the clock struck midnight. He’s always picking up late shifts but you don’t feel like you have a right to complain even though it’s lonely at times.
When he finally comes home you run straight into his arms, needing the physical comfort of his arms around you more than words.
“Are you going to be gone tomorrow too?”, you say breaking the silence with a questions instead of a greeting like you always do.
He sighs not wanting to answer and just continue being in this state of sweet bliss with his sweet girl safe and sound wrapped in his arms. He doesn’t want to break the moment not yet atleast, but when you call out his name again to get his attention he knows he can’t continue to keep quiet.
“Yeah I am going to be gone tomorrow… I’m sorry I know how you don’t like how I’m away so often”, he says mumbles softly into your hair.
His heart shatters at your response as you pull away looking at him with those sad doe eyes. Your once vibrant smile now a slight frown when you hear the news.
“On the bright side thought I’ll be back at around 8:00, that’s better than coming home to you in the dead of night isn’t it?”, he asks hoping to brighten your mood.
“I’ll make your favorite for dinner and we can eat and watch the stars together”, you say sleepily as a slight smile forms on your lips.
He grins at the sight of you snuggling against him. He continues to softly stroke your hair until he falls asleep with thoughts of your plans for the next day comforting his mind.
The next day when you wake up Finnick is gone, but it doesn’t bother you since your mind is too busy with thoughts of your plans for the night.
It takes you a few hours to prepare the food and set up the table perfectly, but when it’s finally done you’re more excited than exhausted.
You look up at the clock and it’s 8:00 but Finnick is nowhere to be seen. “He must be late”, you think as you sit at the table waiting for him.
Then 9:00 rolls around and still no Finnick. The foods starting to get cold, but you’re more worried about Finnick. “He promised”, you think to reassure yourself, “He’ll come he promised he would.
The hours pass and still Finnick’s nowhere to be seen. At this point the food is cold and stale, no longer edible. You’re still sitting there waiting at the table clinging onto some sort of twisted hope you’ve convinced yourself you have.
When he finally does come home, his heart breaks at the scene set before him. It’s late at night, much later than the time he promised he would be home. Your head is resting on the table as you face away from him. You sense his presence, but you don’t turn to greet him.
“Angel”, he starts as he senses your hurt, “I-I’m so sorry I got caught up and I lost track of time”.
You just stare at him with tears in your eyes before you start to put the plates away.
“Wait wait wait no… What are you doing I-“, he starts before you interrupt him.
“The food isn’t going to be any good now.. it’s cold and stale”, you say blankly as you put the plates away.
“I don’t care if it’s cold or stale I still want to eat it. You made it for me so of course I would”, he says as he grabs one of the plates from you.
You watch as he sits down at the table eating his food. The whole time he can see the hurt in your eyes and he mentally curses himself for making you feel this way.
“Sweetheart I’m so sorry I-“, he starts before you storm off.
That night when he comes to join you in bed, you immediately get up and move to the couch. His heart aches but he knows nothing would change your mind, for now atleast…
He doesn’t sleep much that night. How could he without the warmth of his sweet angel by his side?
read part 2 here!!!
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angelwishess · 8 days
—⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ THEORY TIME : Crowley Summoned Yuu ?! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
Before I begin, I’d like to give credit to @cheshiresaf on TikTok for inspiring this theory! Seeing their thoughts on the matter made me want to dive into the topic myself and give my own thoughts and opinions on the matter !
Reminders, this is all just speculation ! I have no concrete proof of any of this being canon in the slightest ! This is just a theory to make some sense of things, or atleast try to.
This theory will be cut into two parts, one focusing on the Opening scene and the second focusing on the Prologue.
Without further ado, lets begin !
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Ever since I first downloaded TWST, the opening scene always bothered me. It was never really the scene itself, it was the fact that it was never brought up in the game afterwards.
The closest thing we get to a character acknowledging what happened was Yuu mentioning to Crowley how they remember “Seeing a horse with a scary face” / “Passing through a dark forest” in the prologue.
But after that, its never really brought up again. I had always wondered, ‘Why?’
I waited, played through the game wondering if it would ever be mentioned— But it never was.
Eventually, even I forgot about it. But after seeing that theory on TikTok, my curiosity flared up again.
Now, I was finally able to redownload TWST since I recently just got a new phone. So, I paid much closer attention to the opening scene.
—₊˚⊹ Part One : The Opening “Mirror” Scene.
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Ill be talking about these two shots of dialogue first. What interests me is the way Crowley is speaking. Although you can obviously tell it is Crowley, it isnt seem as playful nor as dramatic as he usually speaks. He spoke somewhat more seriously than usual here, and, it seems like hes speaking directly into the mirror— or, more specifically, he is speaking directly to us, as Yuu.
With no one else in the room, Crowley speaks without his dramatic flair, with no room for playfulness. He speaks directly into the dark mirror— speaks directly to the person behind it. The person he knows hes talking to. The one hes trying to summon.
The definition of “Benefactor” is a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.
Though, its pretty well known that Yuu is always helping around NRC (whether by will or not) and Crowley is almost always the one to take advantage of this— I doubt that is what he is referring to.
No, Crowley knows something. This was all on purpose, Yuu coming to Twisted Wonderland, to Night Raven, it was all on purpose. Ill research more into Crowley later, but for now lets focus on whats being said in the opening scene.
He definetly has plans, and he knows Yuu has more capabilities than what is known so far.
What interested me the most, though, is the wording right after referring to us as his “esteemed benefactor”.
“My proud, beautiful flower of evil”. This one sentence truly had me thinking, because what did he mean by this?
Well, the only thing I could think of is the vague hint that Yuu is much, much more than they seem. When you think about it, Yuu is strange in many ways. Not only do they come from another universe entirely, they get dreams of the past which warn them of future events— directly parelleling Levan/Revan (Malleus’ father).
I wouldnt be surprised if it somehow turned out that Yuu has either had magic this entire time and it just being hidden from everyone in the cast (including themselves), or theyve been absorbing the magic of people around them after being exposed to so much magic, especially from the overblots.
What im thinking, is that the true nature of Yuu and their capabilities is yet to be revealed, and will “bloom”. Just like a proud flower. And, flowers need to be nurtured to bloom ever so beautifully, do they not? Who would be a better fit than Crowley?
Now, Crowley may be somewhat immature and unreliable— But that does not make him stupid, nor does that make him oblivious. Many of the staff respect him greatly, and its a no-brainer that he must be quite powerful. He definetly knows more than he leads on, hes extremely mysterious despite being the first character (after Grim,) to be introduced to us.
Its clear to me that he knows what hes doing. He has plans, whether for better or for worse, and i think its safe to say that those plans include Yuu in some way. Perhaps theyre the final piece of the puzzle Crowley so desperately needs. ← keep that in mind. Hes desperate.
(As for the “evil” part… Man idk leave me alone)
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“O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat…”
Remember what i said earlier? About Crowley being desperate? Dire, even?
Well, the definition of Entreat is to plead with especially in order to persuade. ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something.
He is earnestly, pleading the Dark Mirror for answers, for wisdom regarding the “Visage he seeks”.
“Reveal onto me the visage I seek…” Once more, this further proves that Crowley is speaking and seeking out someone specifically. He is seeking out the visage, the face and appearance of the benefactor he is requesting for.
“You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth…”
Here, Crowley once again speaks directly to us/Yuu. Later on in the Prologue, when the Dark Mirror states that no dorm could possibly suit us/Yuu because our soul is “empty and colorless” due to the lack of magic, Crowley objects, saying that its impossible for the Dark Mirror to summon a student without any magic, as the system has never once erred from the beginning of NRC being established.
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(Crowley ure not slick i know what u are)
So, in NRC’s 100 years of being established, why would it’s seemingly very stable system of retrieving students fail? How would the Black Carraige retrieve a student from an entire different universe, putting aside the simple fact of Yuu not having magic? Well, its simple.
The Dark Mirror did not summon Yuu. Crowley did.
Crowley was the one to bring Yuu into this world. The Dark Mirror did not beckon forth Yuu for the sake of the school, rather it was because Crowley requested for it, for whatever reasons he has.
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(Alright, now this is where i will be getting into some delusional territory but i will try to remain as logical as possbile pls have mercy on me ໒꒰ྀིっ⸝⸝⸝ ꒱ྀི১)
This scene has always bothered me. Not in like, an uncomfortable way— but ever since first downloading the game, I have always wondered what this scene meant.
“If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.”
Although Crowley is obviously the one summoning us— it is not his hand extended out to us. Rather, it is one of the characters we meet later on. (The sleeves are quite obviously the ceremonial robes, too)
To take the hand of the one reflected into the mirror… Why is that? Why do we need to take someone’s hand? And, furthermore— the hand of a specific character? Though it is a clever way to introduce the cast of characters and give us our first card of our chosen character— why this way if it doesn’t have any significance in the game other than to serve as a “baby’s first card!” scene? We already have the later free gacha, so what was the point?
(I may be overthinking this guys someone help me)
Ive always been curious, since the game never seems to mention this part, and in none of the mangas they have never shown this, either. So, whats the purpose of it?
My guess is that Crowley himself cant summon us himself. Though Crowley must be powerful— summoning someone from an entirely different universe must be difficult, almost impossible seeing as this has probably never happened before.
See, no matter who you are or how poweful you are, I have no doubt summoning someone from a different universe is an incredibly strenuous feat that near no one average could ever do. To break past the bonds of reality, and peer into another, that is something that is beyond imaginiation.
So, what if us taking the hand of our chosen character was the last nail in the coffin for us? The last thing needed for us to be brought into Twisted Wonderland.
To establish a connection.
“If your heart bids it,” why else would you take the hand of a complete stranger? One that mysteriously appeared before you in an extremely strange situation, you can’t even see their face in this scene. Yet, we still take their hand. Why? I couldn’t think of any other explanation other than an already existing connection between us and the character that we chose. Why else would your heart tell you to trust?
Now, i have absolutely zero proof of this being true, its mostly just a little guess, a situation i like to daydream about but hey, its better than nothing.
Anyways, what if Crowley needed the assistance of one of the characters to finally bring us into Twisted Wonderland? Yes, as i mentioned before he is alone in the room when speaking to us— but perhaps theres some ‘magical’ explanation to the figures of our beloved characters standing before us and not Crowley himself, despite him actually being there.
My guess is, that Yuu and whoever they chose have a strange connection. And i dont exactly mean this as strictly romantic, it could be platonic or hell, even more than both of those bonds (maybe even hatred LMAO)— but im talking about a bond and a connection that somehow transcends the borders of realities and their universe itself. They would not be aware of this— neither would Yuu. But it is there. Perhaps its a kind of “soulmate” situation (once again, i do not mean this strictly romantically, you may interpret this however you please!!)
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This furthers my suspicions that Yuu needs that connection with your chosen character in order to be brought into their world.
The sound of dragging chains could be somewhat like symbolism or a physical embodiment for Yuu being tied down to their original world. A last effort of their universe to keep them there, but yet Yuu fights against them and is “freed” from those chains after taking the hand of our chosen character.
Only when you take the hand of the character you chose are you able to start the game, both literally and figuratively. (I like to imagine the characters js pull Yuu in after they take their hand i think its funny HAHAHAHA)
The mirrors and coffins at NRC are used as gateways. But it seems Yuu is the only one who needed that extra help to actually be sent into NRC through said gateways. Yuu needs that law-defying, reality bending connection with one of the characters to be able to even step foot into their world. And honestly? I think its super cute HEHEHEE🤭 (fanfic writers, feel free to use this i live to serve content)
(Unfortunately, I have hit the photo limit here. So, I’ll have to settle for typing out all the dialog for the lasst few screenshots ! So please bare with me ૮꒰ྀི⊃⸝ ⸝ ⸝⊂꒱ྀིა !)
“As flame reduces even the stars to ash
As ice seals away even time itself
As great trees swallow even the sky
Fear not the power of darkness.
Now— demonstrate your power.”
In the next views of dialogue, Crowley is obviously foreshadowing to the kinds of magic the player will have to get used to during battle scenes— but what interests me is the very last part of the dialog. The last thing Crowley says before the mirror brightly flashes and the game sends us into our first battle against the overblot Grim.
“Now— demonstrate your power.”
Yuu is magicless, so what power could he be referring to? This could be taken both literally and figuratively, as “power” is not only strength, it can come in many forms, and Yuu has obviously shown to be quite cunning themself, and that could be considered a power.
But, what if Yuu DOES have powers, in a literal sense? What if that power has been secretly sleeping inside of Yuu this entire time, waiting for the right moment to burst forth and bloom like a flower? Their power could be much more than just being a peacemaker or a beast tamer, who knows?
“To me. To them. To yourself.
The hour grows long and time is scarce.”
“Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come…”
This final piece of dialog paired with the earlier “As ice seals away even time itself” statement from when Crowley was speaking of the elemental forms of magic, it really does feel like its hinting at a time loop.
Perhaps that is why Crowley had summoned them, and why he seems to not be even trying to look for a way to send them home. Not just because hes “lazy”, but he very well may have a plan for Yuu. He is purposefully trying to keep Yuu in NRC.
Maybe he is aware of this timeloop, and out of desperation seeks out the wisdom of the Dark Mirror, trying to find a way to put a stop to it— and who better than Yuu to be that final piece he needs? His dear, esteemed benefactor… His fair, beautiful flower ready to be extorted for whatever purpose he had summoned them for.
Nothing is a coincidence. Everything happens for a purpose, good or bad. And Yuu just happens to be in the middle of every messy situation that happens at NRC.
“For them”, who is “them”? The one whose hand we took? Or perhaps the friends we meet later on? Whatever i means, its obvious theres a certain danger lurking in the shadows that has not made itself known. Atleast, not yet. And for some odd reason, it is up to us to “show our power” and keep it from happening. (If it has something to do with Grim, maybe that “Beast Tamer” title was hinting to that all along lol)
“Time is scarce.” An absolutely chilling line that is never really explained. Time has always been an element that seemed infinite, yet in some cases thats still too little. Time is something no one can have enough of, no matter who they are. Yet what does it mean in this context? Why is our time running out, and furthermore what are we trying to prevent? For Crowley? For them, for our friends… And for us? I’m sure Crowley himself must know, if he didn’t why would he be asking the universe to bring him a helper so desperately?
“Keep steady tour grip, no matter what may come…” This, paired along with the earlier dialog of “Fear not the power of darkness,” could be foreshadowing the later overblots that we face in the game. Crowley knows that we will face hardships, and says to keep steady our grip. To not let the darkness consume us or our friends. To not fear the “darkness“. Crowley could be aware of the challenges we are to face, not even bothering to help in the midst of Riddle’s overblot (very responsible of you, Headmaster). Almost as if he expected it?
That is the final line of dialog from Crowley before the Prologue actually begins.
And now, speaking of the prologue, lets talk about some dialog from Crowley in the actual prologue!
—₊˚⊹ Part Two : The Prologue
“Ah, I’ve found you at last. Splendid.”
Crowley’s wording here, “I found you at last.” Is pretty sus, he speaks like hes been keeping out an eye for a specific someone. And the fact that he went out of his way to find Yuu is also pretty telling. After all, from what we know of Crowley its obvious that hes not the type to do that kind of thing. If Yuu was just any other student, Im sure Crowley wouldn’t have gone out of his way to look for them for the sake of the ceremony.
Furthermore, judging by his tone and expression, he doesn’t seem very surprised to find a student where they aren’t supposed to be. Yet he playfully mentions that most other students usually wait for him to open the lids of their caskets before running off. Making Yuu differ from the rest of the student body once more.
Later on in the prologue, we have the infamous “Deuce throwing Ace at the chandelier” scene. (I giggle everytime I hear Ace’s scream. Its so funny i cant)
When Crowley comes over and discovers that our little group had broken the chandelier and expels us, Ace tries to reason with Crowley saying that surely, he must be able to fix the chandelier himself with some fancy pants magic.
“Even magic has its limits.”
If Crowley can’t fix a magical chandelier without it having any circumstances— Then surely there must be some very… Specific conditions when summoning a person, let alone one from another universe.
Magic itself is limited in certain scenarios. Later on, Deuce mentions that if you can’t strongly visualize your magic, it isn’t going to happen.
Which must be why Crowley went to the Dark Mirror for wisdom. “Reveal onto me the visage I seek,”
It could be that Crowley himself didn’t exactly know what form or appearance his dear benefactor would take, and because of that could not properly ‘visualize’ who he is seeking out. Out of desperation, he seeks out the Dark Mirror for wisdom to finally be able to summon this benefactor he desires so greatly, and it just so happens Yuu fits that role perfectly.
After the fiasco at rhe Dwarfs’ Mine, Yuu, Grim, and the Adeuce duo all return back to NRC safely and recap the story of their little journey to Crowley in the privacy of his office where he promptly bursts into tears after.
He begins to ramble about how the students of NRC, as talented as they are, have egos bigger than mt. Everest and this is the first time in his decades of working at NRC where the students have finally joined hands to defeat a common foe.
“I am convinced that people like you are necessary for the future of this school.”
This line of dialog caught my interest greatly. Though he was already going on and on about how Yuu’s “mundanity” is great for the students of this school— for some reason this line simply seemed to stand out to me.
“People like you”? But, there has never been a magicless student at NRC before Yuu, atleast as far as we know. Could this possibly hint to the Yuuniverse? People like you being the countless of other Yuus that were summoned in a past timeline— perhaps each one restarting after the last Yuu fails, and Crowley summons another in an attempt to stop the constant loop of each timeline resetting after every calamity that falls upon NRC.
Perhaps Yuuken failed during Leona’s overblot, and that is why he’s replaced by Yuuka in the Savanaclaw manga volumes? Maybe Yuuka failed during Azul’s, then Yuuta was summoned forth? And then so on, so forth.
Perhaps that is why Crowley is so desperate. Continuing to try and summon the perfect benefactor, the right flower to nurture in hopes that they would survive and deal with each and every calamity accordingly, in order to stop the timeloop.
Why he doesn’t get off his lazy ass and help Yuu himself? Who knows, I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt and say theres a completely understandable reason of him not helping the students hes supposed to be protecting— but then again, it is Crowley. You really never know with him.
Right after he accepts Grim and Yuu as students, he immediately foists upon another job for Yuu. Gifting them a Ghost Camera, which captures the Memories of the photos taken by the photographer.
The photographer and the subject are then considered “Soulbound”, which apparently just means that when the photographer and the subject’s bond deepens, the Memories captured in the photos come “jumping out”. Crowley says it enables the user to not only photograph the subject, but parts of their soul itself.
(I want to relate this to the part where we take the hand of our chosen character but i cant think of anything so …)
He then tells Yuu to take the camera, and make a record of their campus life. But why Yuu, specifically? And only Yuu? Surely, he could’ve given such an object to the Housewarden of each respective dorm— yet he gives it to Yuu and Yuu alone. As if he knows that they’d get involved in all sorts of trouble, face the unthinkable. And he brushes it off saying how much more convenient it would be instead of documenting everything himself, but how could he be so sure that Yuu would come across such events?
“As a prefect, consider it your duty to maintain a sharp eye on your surroundings and record them.”
Yuu and Yuu alone has been given full freedom to mettle in whichever dorm they see fit and “beast tame” them. They do not have the restriction of the Housewardens, where they only keep an eye strictly on their dorm and dorm mates. No, Yuu has been given full and complete freedom to keep an eye and ensure that everyone is in line regardless of their dorm due to Crowley’s blessing upon Yuu to do just that.
While Housewardens are only limited to their respective dorms, Yuu is allowed to discipline and punish whoever they see fit regardless of which dorm they belong to.
It is because Yuu is magicless that they alone have this privledge of overseeing every dorm— even being able to tell off the Housewardens themselves.
It is because Crowley has given them this role that Yuu is constantly faced with so many challenges from each dorm as a result of their meddling.
He pushes them to meddle in the business of other dorms, making it their “duty” as a prefect (A job that he forced unto them). In a way, this is isn’t just Crowley extorting Yuu into looking after the students instead of him despite it being his job and not theirs, perhaps it is him also trying to ‘nurture’ Yuu. Putting them into these situations, in hopes that they allow Yuu to unlock their true potential and stop the timeline from resetting.
It is because of their job as a prefect that they get into these situations. And it is because of this meddling that they face such challenges. Yet, they wouldn’t have had to if Crowley just didn’t appoint them as “Prefect”. (Well, I suppose Ace was the one that started it— but shh lets ignore that for now!)
Thats all the dialog that stuck out to me for the Prologue.
—₊˚⊹ Conclusion !
In conclusion, I think that Yuu was not brought to Twisted Wonderland by mistake, but on purpose by none other than Crowley himself.
Perhaps each character has their own “Yuu”, and that connection between a character and their Yuu was what enabled Crowley to bring them into their world.
With each Yuu failing at a calamity / overblot, the timeline resets and Crowley summons another Yuu to try again to stop the timeloop, hence the Yuuniverse.
Crowley alone remembers every reset, perhaps not all of it which is why he has given Yuu the Ghost Camera in hopes that the Memories in the camera remain. But, he is aware that the timeline resets every time a Yuu fails— yet it is only a Yuu that can stop the calamities due to the mystery of their true nature.
Yuu is Crowley’s “esteemed benefactor”, the one summoned specifically to aid Crowley in his agenda, whatever it may be. Yuu was brought to NRC to assist him, and Crowley seeks to nurture Yuu until the time their true powers are revealed.
Crowley was desperate to summon Yuu. And it seems the worst is yet to come, and for that reason he summoned Yuu.
With Yuu’s mysterious background and even more mysterious ability to see the past through their dreams— Yuu must have some sort of secret power. The true nature of their being, perhaps they themselves have some sort of magic, or are destined for something great. Whatever it may be, Yuu is not a normal, everyday person. Though they are magicless, that does not make them average at all.
To summarize: With every calamity that falls upon NRC, the timeline resets to the night before the Opening Ceremony. Crowley, being the only one who retains any memory of every reset, desperately seeks out the Dark Mirror in search of wisdom, and a benefactor who can help him and the rest of NRC and finally end the loop. That benefactor being Yuu. Yet, because of the limits on magic— it is difficult to summon such a person, let alone the right one. Conveniently enough, there are a select few of students who have some sort of connection with the one Crowley may be looking for (ex. Yuuken paralleling Riddle, Yuuta paralleling Azul, ect.), and it is because of that law-defying connection that Crowley is able to summon each of their respective Yuu’s.
Yuu’s true abilities have not yet been revealed, and still remain veiled in mystery. But, Yuu may have powers of some sort, or a destiny that they are to fulfil. One greater than they can imagine.
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— Phew! That was a lot, wasn’t it ? Sorry, I didn’t expect it to be so long ! (Thats what she said)
Anyways, if you’re still here and managed to make it to the end— Thank you so much for reading my little yap session !!! I appreciate it, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the topic !
If I got anything wrong, please feel free to correct me! After all, I don’t have the best memory and I may be remembering things wrong. But once again, thank you so much for reading !
Don’t forget to drink water, and take care of yourself, pretty ! See you next time, bye-bye!~ ♡
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thelov3lybookworm · 10 months
To Love and Cakes
Summary: Y/n is the daughter of a flower and gardening tools shop's owner in Velaris. When he gets sick, y/n makes her father take some rest and looks after the small shop herself. But she is new to all this as her father never let her work a day in her life.
One day, as she's looking after the shop, a red haired high fae comes looking for gardening gloves as a gift to someone. Y/n helps him, and learns that he is a frequent customer.
Due to his frequent visits, they soon develop a bond. More than friends, but not lovers.
Tw: i dont think there are any but still, here we go. elain being a sour and jealous mate even though she's been sailing on the elriel ship, a few curse words and all. Can't think of anything else, so let me know if i need to add anything.
A/n: this thing has been in my draft for faxing months. This is, to me, the best work of mine. This is my baby. I LOVED writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it.
(ps. even if youre not a lucien girlie, try reading it. i have a secret agenda to make every one of you creatures a lucien simp, just like im trying to make @artists-ally a lucien simp)
(also, the scene towards the end where reader is dancing was inspired by one of the fbaa books, if it seemed familiar or you were wondering)
t'is a long one children, Enjoy!
As Y/n finished walking around the store, cleaning, she thought back to the morning two days ago.
She had just woken up and was walking towards her father's kitchen for breakfast when she heard it. A cough. She quickened her pace, entering the kitchen to find her father bent over, his body heaving from the coughs.
She rushed to him, helping him to the nearest chair. When she bought him some water, he smiled up at her gratefully.
"How many times do I have to tell you to take some rest, father? Why won't you let me help you?"
"I might be getting old, but not that old that I need to rely on my daughter to help me earn. Unless you are trying to steal my shop?"
"Father!" She said, exasperated, even though she knew he was just saying that to irritate her. "You are staying home till you get better. I'll take care of the shop."
"But you don't know anything about it." At the glare she gave him, he finally conceded. "Let me help for today atleast. Show you how to handle it. I promise I'll rest."
She had come to visit and stay with her father for some days, having just quit her previous job, searching for a new one. They were well off, the house that Y/n lived in owned by her. She had wanted to see if her father needed any help around. Which he didn't. He wasn't very old and ill by any means, he just didn't know when to stop. That's why she had already made her father agree to closing the store earlier and taking the weekends off.
As Y/n put away the cleaning equipment in the back of the store, the bell above the door rang, announcing the arrival of a customer. As she hurried to the front desk, she caught a glimpse of the beautiful male that was waiting from behind a shelf.
He had dark crimson hair cascading over his shoulder that looked like fire, with one russet eye and one that was a golden metal one, which was whirring. A scar marred the skin surrounding that eye and trailed to his jaw.
Y/n quickly averted her gaze when she realised she was staring. He hadn't yet noticed her though, looking around the shop. She stepped out from behind the shelf and cleared her throat.
He turned to her at once, giving her a warm smile.
"Hello. How can I help you today?" She asked with a small smile.
"I'm looking for enchanted gardening gloves."
She wracked her brain for the location of said gloves before perking up. "Right this way." As she led the way, he followed a respectful distance away. To fill the silence, she spoke up. "Are you from Night Court? You don't seem like you're from here."
"Yes. I'm from... Autumn Court." His hesitation was evident, and Y/n didn't push.
"Here we are." She said, stopping in front of the gloves stacked neatly on a shelf. She left him alone when he nodded.
She began sorting out her desk, her father's, really, which was near the entrance to the shop.
By the time she finished, the male was done with his browsing and bought out the gloves to the desk to pay for them. The whole ordeal went silently and quickly. With a word of thanks and a 'good day', he was on his way.
Lucien's pov.
He stared at her. His mate.
He wondered if, under other circumstances, she would have not despised him. Could she have ever loved him the way others loved their mates? Would the two of them be together if there was no cruelty in this world?
He answered those himself.
The first one? Probably.
The second one? Maybe.
The third one? No.
Because, if there was no cruelty in this world, his love, one his father had killed, would not be dead. Jesminda would be alive still. And if she was alive, he wouldn't care for anything, even his own mate.
And maybe that made him an asshole, but he couldn't bring himself to care as he stared at Elain smiling at the Shadowsinger from the corner of the room, nursing a glass of whiskey.
He looked around the room, his eyes landing on the gift he'd bought for her. It was enchanted gardening gloves so her hands wouldn't get cut. Of course, the present had been discarded in a corner, unopened. It wasn't as if she didn't notice the gift. No, he had seen her look at it before placing it aside from her other gifts.
He'd seen her do that, and his heart had been pierced by an arrow. At least it felt like it.
As he stared at the gift, his mind drifted to the shop where he had bought it from. The shop run by the female. He didn't know why, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. She hadn't even said much, but she had simply caught his attention.
He blinked when a loud laugh interrupted his thoughts, looking at the inner circle sitting in the center of the room and having the time of their lives, while he sat in the darkest corner he could find. He knew he didn't fit in here, and that most of them didnt trust or like him.
He didn't know why he had accepted Feyre's invitation to stay for the night when he knew he'd be miserable.
He had thought that maybe, just maybe, they would include him in their fun. At least for one night.
He felt so dumb now.
After a little bit of contemplation, he decided it best if he left. No one was going to miss him anyways.
Quietly, he downed the whiskey in his glass, then rolled onto his feet. He set the glass on a nearby table, then turned towards the door. He walked towards it, his boots making no noise.
As he exited the room, there was no sign of the festivities slowing down. None. He removed his coat from the nearby hook, donning it as he stepped out, the door clicking shut behind him.
It wasn't until Lucien was out of the house that the sounds faltered for a brief moment, but then the laughter started back again, and Lucien sighed, his breath misting in front of him. He stared at the little cloud of fog in front of his face.
He didn't want to go home– if it could even be called that– not yet. The night was still young. Maybe he would go on a little walk around Velaris before he returned to the mortal lands.
He started the trek across the city, walking slowly, letting his mind wander, his eyes seeing everything but taking nothing in. It was like a waste of time, looking at the beauty but not caring enough to appreciate it.
He sighed, making his way through the vibrant market place. The children running around the place, candies in their hand, adults lingering around the place with their lovers and families truly added to the beauty of the festival.
But Lucien's eyes were unseeing, his heart unfeeling as he avoided the running and giggling children.
Someone slammed into Lucien from somewhere near him, and that finally broke him out of the haze that he'd been in.
He glanced at the fae leaning against him, trying to gain her footing in the crowded area.
"I am so sorry. I got pushed–" The female looked up at him, finally stable on her feet. She cocked her head, a smile spreading on her lips. "Oh. It's you."
He returned the smile, somehow easier than it should have been considering the foul mood he'd been. "It's me. I don't think I caught your name this morning."
The lady from the gardening shop grinned, her cheeks rosy, glowing with happiness. "Y/n."
"Lucien." He mumbled, studying her. She nodded, holding out her hand. He took it.
Then they stood there, awkwardly trying to figure out what to say. "Um... enjoying solstice?"
"Yeah." She returned, a relieved expression on her face. "Just left the house after dinner. My father said he's going out with some friends, so I decided to head out for some desserts. You?"
"Not really..." That was not the right answer, but Lucien was struggling to put on his mask of indifference.
"Oh. I'm sorry. Are you alone?"
He smiled ruefully as he looked away. "Very."
After a moment of silence, the lady spoke up again. "What are your thoughts on some cake? Pie? Or maybe cookies?"
Lucien blinked, then glanced at her. "What?"
She grinned, turning away and gesturing with her hand to follow her. Seeing that he had no other reason to haunt the streets of Velaris, he followed her.
She weaved in and out of the crowd, walking with purpose towards her destination. She stumbled sometimes, due to being pushed around by the crowd, but mostly by herself. She seemed to have a problem walking without tripping.
She tripped again, so bad that Lucien had to catch her elbow to stop her from faceplanting. She grinned up at him sheepishly.
"Are you alright?"
"Are you... drunk?"
She shrugged and shook her head. "I don't drink. It's taste is disgusting."
A small smirk made is way into Lucien's face, but he simply nodded at her to keep going. She continued on.
Soon, she was walking into a brightly lit shop, cakes and various baked goods displayed through the glass.
"This is my favourite place for sweets and baked items. It's really good."
She went to open the door, but Lucien stretched out his hand and held it for her. She blinked at him before smiling and stepping in to the warm interior.
"Hello." She greeted the kind looking old lady behing the counter, who smiled widely.
"How are you today?"
"I'm good. How about yourself?" Y/n replied.
"I'm good, I'm good. Just these joints creaking a little extra nowadays."
Y/n grinned fondly. "Maybe you should just get some rest, you old hag."
"Oh shut it. I will rest once I know I have succeded in convincing you to get a partner. Mother knows how lonely you must be."
"I'm not lonely, you old hag. As long as I have you and father, I will never be alone."
"Yeah yeah whatever." Then the old female seemed to notice Lucien, and her eyes lit up. "Are you finally seeing someone?"
Y/n blinked, then glanced at Lucien. Her lips parted, then a flush climbed up her neck. She furiously shook her head, and the old lady sighed.
"Well, hope I'm not dead when you finally decide to interact with others." The female bustled away as other people walked upto the counter to place their order.
Y/n turned to Lucien, her face red, and she gestured to the display of sweets. He grinned when she turned away again. "Choose what you would like to try. I always go for pineapple, but chocolate is also good."
Lucien dipped his head in a nod when she glanced at him to make sure he understood her, and then the two of them went on to get their cakes.
As they were about to leave the shop, the owner of the shop called to him. "Psst. Hey! You!"
When Lucien glanced up questioningly, the lady Y/n had been talking to motioned at him to come closer. He inched towards the counter behind which the lady stood as Y/n talked to another one of the workers.
"What are your intentions for her?" The lady hissed at Lucien as soon as she was sure no one could hear her.
Lucien blinked, taken aback. "What?"
"Don't you dare even think of hurting her. Males have hurt her enough. She is a pure soul, and if you hurt her, then I will carve your eyes out with a spoon. You hear me young man?"
Lucien nodded, dumbfounded. Thank the cauldron though, Y/n decided that moment to walk up to the two of them.
The old lady smiled at her, and then shooed Y/n and Lucien away. Y/n rolled her eyes and led Lucien out of the shop.
She crossed the road and settled onto one of the many benches overlooking the Sidra. She patted the place next to her and he obliged, studying her.
"What were you and the old hag talking about?"
Y/n raised a brow but stayed silent as she dug into the treat in her hands.
The two of them sat in silence as they ate, staring at the waters of the Sidra.
Unfortunately, soon enough the two of them were done eating, and Y/n turned to Lucien. She smiled. "Did you like the cake?"
Lucien gave her a smile. A genuine one, one that felt like he hadn't smiled in centuries. He probably hadn't.
"I did. Thank you for making my solstice better."
"I enjoyed the time too, no need to thank me."
And then the two of them parted ways, Lucien thanking her again and her telling him not to worry about it.
Lucien watched her until she had vanished between the crowd, then he turned and decided to walk to secluded place before he winnowed back to human lands.
A soft breeze caressed his face, and he closed his eyes, savoring the cool touch. His mind drifted back to Y/n.
He smiled softly, opening his eyes and leaning his head back, staring at the stars twinkling down at him, as if they were winking.
Maybe... just maybe, not all fae were miserable and hateful.
Maybe there was someone out there, like Y/n, who would not hate him for simply existing.
Y/n's pov.
Y/n only had one thought in her mind, and that was to hurry up.
She had been out in the market, getting the things she needed according to the cooking book she had recently bought.
She had decided to surprise her best friend since childhood with a home baked cake, and hence the rush to get home and start the preparations.
The catch?
Y/n was shit at baking.
The few times she had tried to bake, she had either ended with something that was too hard to even be called a rock, or with something that vaguely resembled... puke.
Even thinking about it sent shivers up Y/n's spine.
But back then she hadn't used a cookbook's instruction, she tried to reason with the sane part of her brain, the one that knew this was a bad idea.
Hurry up-
And she smacked into a wall. A very warm wall.
All her bags slipped from her hands and onto the ground as she stumbled back, barely keeping herself from falling onto her ass.
She lifted her head to apologise to whoever she had crashed onto when her eyes met russet and gold. Lucien.
She paused as she watched him cock his head, a little smile spreading on his features.
"I seem to notice a pattern, Y/n."
She lifted an eyebrow as she bent to gather her stuff. He followed. "What pattern?"
She tried to shoo him off by waving her hands, but he either didn't notice or didn't care. "You are always crashing into me. That sounds like a pattern to me."
She scowled, knowing that if her father or any of her friends saw her, they would yell at her for being disrespectful to someone who was helping her.
He grinned, glancing at her as he stood, most of her bags in his hands.
"Do you need any help carrying these?" He questioned when she climbed to her feet too, and she blinked.
"Oh no, it's alright. I'll carry them myself. I don't want to bother you."
"I insist. And it's really not a bother. I have nothing else to do. These are really heavy, let me help."
"You really don't have anything else to do?"
He smiled triumphantly, as if he knew he had won. "I don't."
She sighed. "Fine then. My house is nearby. Thank you vey much."
He shook his head, that smile still on his face. "No worries."
She led him to her house, a peaceful silence between the two.
It wasn't long before they reached her house, and she turned to him, keys in her hand.
"Please come in. Let me make you some tea." That was the least she could do for him.
"Oh no, that is unnecessary, I don't want to bother you. It was my pleasure to help."
"I insist. And it really is not a bother." She smirked, throwing his words back at him.
He shook his head, grinning. "Fine."
She let the two of them in, setting about to get some tea ready. "So, may I ask what you are going to with these?"
When Y/n turned to look at him, he gestured at the bags he set on the counter.
"Because from what I saw outside, these things are usually used for baking."
Y/n smiled. "Yeah. It's my friends birthday today. I was thinking of making her a cake."
"That's great. Do you bake often?"
Her smile now turned sheepish. "No. I tried a couple of times, back when I was younger," -six months ago- "and I damn near brought down the whole kitchen once."
Lucien chuckled. "So now you think you can do it properly?"
She picked up the cookbook nearby and waved it at him. "I will follow instructions this time."
Judging by the amusement in his eyes, she thought he would laugh, but he didn't. He simply extended his hand towards her and asked, "Can I have a look?"
She handed it to him, turning to check on the tea she was brewing.
The sound of the pages being flipped were the only sounds other than her pouring the liquid into cups for the two of them.
When she turned back around, she found him staring intensely at the book, his brows furrowed, a downward tilt to his mouth. She tried to make no noise as she set down the cup in front of him, hoping to not disturb his concentration.
But he glanced up at her, frowning. "This won't work. This is too complicated."
Y/n blinked, taken aback by the seriousness in his eyes and words. "What do you mean?"
He closed the book, setting it aside as he pulled the cup of tea towards him. "Baking is simpler than whatever bullshit is given in there."
"You know how to bake?"
"I helped my mother when I was younger."
"And exactly how many years ago was that?"
His eyes narrowed. "How many years since you baked anything?"
That made Y/n shut up.
She sighed ruefully. "Maybe I'm just not supposed to bake."
Lucien shook his head. "I can help."
She glanced at him. "What?"
He shrugged. "I don't have anything else to do anyways. I can help you bake the cake."
"I don't want to bother-"
"Its not a bother. I would love to help."
Y/n smiled behind her cup as she took a sip of her tea, a warmth spreading through her chest.
"Thank you. I appreciate the gesture." Then, she looked at the redhead for a moment longer before turning away. "And you know what? I am noticing a pattern too."
After a day filled with trying to decide on the flavour for the cake, the decorations, making the cake and laughter, it was finally time to sleep.
The party had been perfect, so many memories made, and so many things she could think about.
But no matter what, Y/n couldn't stop thinking about him.
She didn't remember the last time she had enjoyed herself so thoroughly around a male, let alone one she knew nothing about.
And as she went to sleep that night, trying not to think of how his eyes twinkled in amusement when she had dropped an egg on the ground- huffing and puffing- she failed to keep that smile off of her face.
Lucien's pov.
After the day filled with helping her bake, correcting anything she had been doing wrong and watching as happiness spread across her face when the cake came out almost nearly perfect, it was finally time to sleep.
The day had been perfect, a reprieve from the constant ugly thoughts Lucien had about himself. Memories had been made, though unexpected.
But no matter what, Lucien could not stop thinking about her.
He couldn't remember the last time he'd enjoyed himself so thoroughly around someone, let alone someone he barely knew anything about.
And as he went to sleep that night, trying not to think of how she had jumped around and squealed in excitement- so much so that she had nearly burnt herself by the hot pan- Lucien failed to keep that smile off of his face.
Y/n's pov.
Soon enough, Y/n learned that the handsome male with the metal eye, Lucien, was the Lucien Vanserra. The youngest son of the High Lord of Autumn Court.
He frequented the shop after that day they spent baking, him and Y/n becoming fast friends. He'd told her that he lived in the human lands with his friends, Jurian and Vassa.
Recently, she had learned that this Jurian he was friends with was the Jurian from the war centuries ago, the powerful human commander, remade by the Cauldron.
Expect Lucien to surprise a four hundred year old fae who thought she could not be surprised about anything anymore.
Y/n shook her head with an exasperated grin, finishing braiding her hair. She had spent the whole afternoon wondering what hairstyle would look good with her dress for her meeting with Lucien, eventually settling for a simple braid. Few strands framed her face, and she thought it looked better than any elaborate hairstyle she could have done.
Even after six months of being friends with him, he never failed to shock her by telling her things about himself.
He had sent a letter in advance that he would be visiting today, and he wanted to meet with her in their favourite cafe before reporting to the High Lord.
She had, of course, agreed. He was the only friend she had other than the female she had baked for, what with her being cooped up in her home with a book in hand when she wasn't working in the nearby jewellery store.
A knock sounded on the door, and Y/n practically flew down the stairs, taking a deep breath to calm her heart before opening the door.
There he stood in all his glory, smiling at her. The fading sunshine made his hair look on fire, his skin glowing.
"My lady. You look quite...dishevelled." He murmured, his eye twinkling. Y/n frowned, lifting her hand to her hair. It had looked good when she checked it in the mirror. Maybe the braid didn't look as good as she thought it did. In which case, she wanted to go and jump off a cliff.
Before her hand could touch her hair though, Lucien caught it, grinning and pressing a kiss to her knuckles, all the while maintaining eye contact. Y/n blushed.
"When I said dishevelled, I meant you look like you've run a mile. That looks exquisite." He said, straightening and flicking her forehead. "You look exquisite."
"Shut up." She mumbled, shoving his shoulder and stepping out, turning to lock the door. When she had finished, she turned to find him leaning against a pillar of the front porch. He smiled and inclined his head towards the road.
They walked towards the cafe, talking about his past days in the human lands and her job at the jewellery store. How she didn't really care for it and was thinking of taking up something else.
They soon reached the cafe which stood right on the banks of the Sidra and had outdoor seating as well in the backyard, right next to the river. As they settled down in their usual seat in a corner right next to the river, her eyes sharpened on the paper stuck on a nearby wall.
"Hey Lucien? Do you see that?" Y/n questioned, making Lucien glance back at it.
"Yeah. Looks like they're hiring." Lucien's eye lit up as he turned back to her. "You should try." She nodded enthusiastically.
Soon, they finished their food and Lucien was waiting to pay, having insisted on paying while Y/n talked to the hotel's owner. She was quite happy Y/n said she wanted to work there. They finally settled on her starting in two days.
After that, as they were walking home, the delicious smell of freshly baked cakes reached them. Y/n grinned at Lucien who took her arm and walked towards the stand where an old lady was selling small round cakes that were the size of Y/n's palm. They made idle conversation with her while she handed them their treats.
"You two make a good couple. Are you mates?" She asked as soon Y/n took a bite. Which was very unfortunate as she immediately choked on it. Lucien patted her back, grinning as he turned to the lady.
"No, we aren't mates. We're just friends."
"What a shame. But maybe the bond hasn't made itself known yet?"
Lucien shook his head with a sad smile. "That would've been wonderful, really." Y/n's had whipped to him, her eyes wide. Did he just say what she thought he did? Could it be that he... no. That was stupid. He had a mate that he would die for, regardless of whether she liked him back. He would never...
"But I already have a mate." He continued.
"Oh I'm so sorry then for assuming things."
"Don't be. It's not like it matters anyway. She doesn't want the bond."
"Oh mother, that's truly unfortunate. Maybe you could be with someone else? I loved someone in my youth, but he never paid me any attention. Then one day my friend advised me to forget the male. Now I'm married to my friend and I think I couldn't be any more happy."
Lucien looked thoughtful. "That's a good advice, I must say. And I'll definitely think about it." He winked at Y/n, making her blush furiously.
They continued on after that, though there was silence now compared to their earlier mindless chatter. And it was filled with tension. Y/n wrapped her arms around herself, staring into the waters of the Sidra nearby.
As they walked, her mind wandered to what Lucien had said to the woman. Could he really mean what he had said? He wasn't one to joke about such serious matters... but then again, maybe he was jesting.
Soon, they had reached her house, and she stepped up to open the door.
"You want to come in? We can have some tea..."
Lucien smiled. "I would love to if it's not a problem."
As she set about making the tea, he sat watching her every move. Which made her work extremely carefully, wondering if he was judging her. Which was absurd. Because, not only would Lucien never judge her, but also because she never would have cared for something so trivial as someone judging her. So why did she care now?
Because you lov–
She shut the thought down before it even finished.
Lucien's pov.
It had been over a month since he had seen his Y/n, and he was already craving her presence. Initially, he been able to go longer periods without meeting his friend. But as time went on, he became more and more enraptured with her and shorter and shorter became the time period between his visits.
The way she laughed on anything he said. The way her eyes would light up when she looked at him. The way he could make her blush by just looking at her. How she would get excited when taking about the newest book she was reading or when she learned something that made her happy.
He just couldn't get enough of her sometimes. All he wanted to do was stay and bask in her presence.
Of course, it wasn't possible, what with his work of going back and forth between human lands and the Night Court, as well as Day Court, where he had been spending some time getting to know his father.
It was a shock when he found out that Beron wasn't his real father, but he was adjusting. She had a big part in his acceptance. And he was grateful for it.
Now, he was going to leave his emissary duties for the Night Court, going to live in his father's court permanently. Which was why Feyre had decided to have the whole of the inner circle and him go out to eat for dinner. Lucien had suggested the cafe by the Sidra for the ordeal.
The place where Y/n currently worked.
He was smiling at his thoughts of her when he knocked on the door of the River House. Nuala opened it, greeting him with a smile before letting him enter. There was already sounds of chatter coming from the living room as he walked towards it. Everyone was here then. Great.
The quicker this was over, the faster he could spend time with Y/n.
He would leave soon, but that didn't mean he wouldn't come back to Velaris. He had important people here.
He had informed Rhys about his departure a few months ago, and had agreed to stay till they found someone who would be willing to take up the duties of Lucien. They were still searching for someone, so Lucien was still the emissary.
Lucien tapped his leg on the floor impatiently, his eyes constantly flitting between the tables and booths in search of his friend.
It had only been a few moments since he had arrived with the inner circle, but he simply couldn't wait to catch a glimpse of her.
While he was searching for Y/n, he failed to notice the High lord and lady's, as well as the entire inner circle's eyes on him.
He craned his head, and he finally heard that beautiful voice he'd been dying to hear from behind him.
"Good evening. May I take your order?"
He turned his head so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash, but Lucien didn't care as his eyes met those of Y/n's.
Her mouth lifted at the edges, a knowing look in her eyes as she turned away to converse with Rhysand.
His brain didn't process the words being exchanged between the two, he was so busy admiring her.
And wondering when the damn dinner will be over so he could finally talk to her and catch up.
When she left the table after taking their orders, she distcreetly brushed her hand against his bicep, pulling a smile on his face.
Just an hour or so. He reminded himself as he focused on the table in front of him, ignoring the looks of the inner circle, including Elain.
Which wasn't all that hard.
The time seemed to pass slower, just to torture Lucien that night.
Right when Lucien was about to loose his patience, everyone had finished dessert, and were on the verge of leaving.
Lucien stood, nodding at Cassian and Azriel in goodbye, hugging Feyre and shaking Rhys's hand. Making some excuse- unconvincing, he was sure- about having to go meet up with Vassa and Jurian, he walked away, eyeing the place Y/n had disappeared into.
He knew that she was about to leave, had probably already left, and he couldn't wait to tell her all the juicy stories he'd acquired over his recent travels, as well as the budding tensions between Vassa and Jurian.
The moment he stepped out onto the road, he heard her voice.
"So desperate to meet me fox boy?"
Lucien smirked, turning to find the owner of the voice leaning against a wall. "You wish."
Her eyebrows lifted as she pushed herself off the wall. "Sure. Didn't seem like it was just my fantasy when you were searching around like an eager puppy."
He grinned, though a flush climbed up his neck at being caught red handed. "Just wanted to see you so I could tell you about Vassa and Jurian."
Y/n grinned, throwing her arms around his neck as she buried her face in his neck. He returned the hug in kind, warming up his body a little through his magic so he could ward off the chill in the air surrounding them.
They stayed in the hug for longer than seemed appropriate, but no one was watching anyways. And neither of them cared if anyone was.
Y/n was the first to pull away, smiling shyly up at Lucien.
"You want to get some cake before we go home?" Y/n questioned, beginning towards the general direction of her home.
"I feel like we should make it ourselves." Lucien wiggled his eyebrows, throwing his arm around her shoulders as they began the trek to her home.
She shook her head slightly, becoming redder by the moment as she grinned softly at her feet.
It was solstice tonight.
It had been one not-long-enough year since he'd met Y/n.
Lucien's chest felt lighter than it had been in ages.
They had already found a new emissary who they trusted, and so today was Lucien's last day as a member of the Inner Circle.
He was here today to deliver some reports to Rhys.
The sound of utensils and laughter greeted him as soon as he entered the River house, the inner circle being as loud as ever. But as soon as he stepped foot in the dining room, everything went silent, all eyes turning to him.
He smiled at Feyre, nodding to Rhys and pointing to the papers in his hands. He placed the stack on a table nearby, before nodding again to the rulers of Night and turning away.
"Wait! Where are you going? Come have dinner with us." Lucien looked at Feyre, shaking his head.
He didn't want to stay. Not when all that was going through his head was how he would go up to Y/n's door and knock, and how she would open the door suspiciously, those eyes narrowed. But then she would realise that it was him, and she would fling the door open with squeal, tackling him into a hug, laughing. How when she pulled back, she'd realise she was in her pajamas and would self consciously brush herself down, touching her hair. How–
"Lucien?" Lucien winced, coming back to the present.
"I can't stay. I have to go meet a friend."
"Oh. Did you plan a meeting beforehand?"
"Oh no. She doesn't know I'm here. I'm going to go surprise her."
"She?" A gentle and soft voice intoned. Lucien stiffened. The voice he had wanted to hear acknowledge him ever since the bond snapped for him.
He turned to look at Elain, his brows rising as he took her in. She was standing from her seat next to the shadowsinger, her knuckles white from clenching her fork so tightly. Her brows were furrowed in anger, and she looked murderous.
"Yes..." He didn't really know how to answer the question, so he simply watched her.
Rage entered her eyes. "Is this the female you went with that night when we were out?"
Lucien blinked, wondering what was making Elain so angry. "Yes. Exactly that one."
Elain huffed out a bitter laugh. "So is she trying to steal my mate now? She did look like someone who steals males."
For a moment, no one moved. There was so much silence it was deafening.
Almost everyone was staring between Elain and Lucien, their eyes wide. Except from Amren, of course. Nothing could faze the little devil. And Nyx, who waved around a piece of carrot like a sword.
Lucien smiled slowly. "Glad to know your thoughts on my life, mate. I will let her know of your amazing thoughts about her."
Lucien turned away, walking towards the foyer, but just before he turned out of sight, he glanced back, his eyes meeting Elain's.
"She and I were only ever friends, but now that you've said it, I realise that we never were meant to be friends." Lucien smiled slightly, bowing his head. "Thank you."
And with that, he left, ready to meet with his friend.
Y/n's pov.
Her solstice had been normal. Nothing great to do. Her father had gone out drinking with his friends, her friends having been busy with their own families. Even the old hag was busy tending to and celebrating with her brother.
She was sure Lucien would also be busy with something, since he hadn't written to her to let her know of his arrival if he was coming.
That left Y/n alone.
But then suddenly, a knock had sounded on the door, and Y/n's heart had fluttered before even knowing who stood on the other side of the door.
After Lucien told her what was going on with Vassa and Jurian, he began telling her of the events that went down in the High lord's home as she got ready to take a stroll around Velaris with Lucien.
Her blood boiled when she heard of the things Elain said to Lucien, but a smile of reassurance from him was all it took for her to calm down.
They were in the main square of Velaris right now, watching the people dance around the huge fire in the centre.
It had become a tradition in the recent years for the people of the city to come together and dance the night away, laughing and drinking and mingling. It was a wholesome event, where younger people would gather around the old towards the end of the night and simply listen to their tales.
This was the first time Y/n was attending with someone else, as usually she would come here alone and sit next to the elderly, watching as younger couple her age danced around and bonded.
The glow from the fire danced in Lucien's eyes, making it look like there was fire inside those mismatched eyes. There was a relaxed grin on his face, one like she'd never seen before. He seemed so careless now, so free, it made Y/n smile too.
"You're staring." He pointed out, his voice barely audible over the cheers and the faeries singing along.
Y/n blushed, but in a sudden burst of boldness, she spoke, looking away. "It would be a crime not to."
From the periphery of her eyes, she found him gaping at her and had to suppress a triumphant smile.
"You know, I feel like the Mother took extra time making you."
He let out a surprised laugh, the sound lighting fires across Y/n's body.
"All that extra time to make me ruined by a fucking scar."
His tone was light, though Y/n could sense a hint of insecurity and sadness under the joy.
She turned to him, watching as the smile slowly vanished from his face at the look in her eyes.
"You are beautiful, Lucien, scars and all. And if I had the chance, I would show you how beautiful they are to me." She let her hand reach up toward his face, ignoring the heat entering his eyes or the way his pupils dilated as she traced the scar that ended at his jaw.
"Beautiful. So fucking beautiful."
HIs eyes fell shut as the music came to an end, and the people dancing around the fire dispersed for a moment.
"Y/n..." He whispered, his hand reaching up to hold hers against his face.
The music started up again, a soft and slower sound than before, more sensual.
This one was for people who were a couple or in a relationship, just a slow waltz to cool down before everyone again joined in a faster, more traditional dance.
"Dance with me."
The words were a shock to her system, and she nodded without even thinking.
It wasn't until the two of them had begun dancing, her arms wrapped around his broad and strong shoulders, their faces barely inches away, that she remembered that this was a waltz for couples, and she and Lucien were definitely not a couple.
She glanced up at him, his eyes already fixed on her. She opened her mouth to tell him, trying to ignore the warmth against her skin from the fire behind her, his body pressed so close to hers in the front.
"Lucien, this dance is for-"
"I know." He mumbled, his eyes smoldering. "I know." He repeated, making sure she understood.
Suddenly, his arms around her waist became more apparent, the way they rested over her lower back. The way the stray hairs that had escaped his low bun tickled her neck, the way his breath washed over her skin when he exhaled.
Y/n's mind was about to either stop working, or remind her of Lucien's touch every two minutes, and honestly, she didn't know which one she prefered.
He never broke eye contact once during the whole dance.
Soon, but not soon enough, the slow music came to an end. And the people that sat along the outer edge cheered, clapping and demanding the couples kiss. And as all the couples shared that intimate moment, Y/n's heart rate picked up, panic clawing up her throat, feeling so many eyes on her and him, wondering what Lucien would do.
She didn't have to wonder long, though.
Lucien began leaning in, making Y/n's eyes flutter closed. She swallowed, licking her lips.
Then she felt his hot breath closer to her face, his lashes brushing gently against her skin as she felt those plump, beautiful lips on the corner of hers.
She felt him smile against her skin. All the while, it was hard to breathe.
But then he pulled away, a flush on his cheeks. If it was because of the heat of the enormous fire behind her, or because he was genuinely flustered, she couldn't tell.
As the faster music started, Lucien grinned wickedly at her.
"Let's dance, my lady."
Y/n's feet were sore, but it was all so worth it.
At some point during the night, she had discarded her shoes next to a kind old male who she had known since she was a child.
All the dances after Y/n and Lucien's initial waltz had been fast paced, where everyone changed partners every few moments. It was one of the best things that had happened that night, getting to know new people and dancing and singing along to the top of their lungs.
It was all so beautiful.
She had always thought so, watching from the sidelines. But now, being one of the people she would have watched, it was a whole different experience.
The dancing was supposed to go on for atleast one more hour before the elders gathered and began telling stories. That would go on for the rest of the night.
And so, Y/n decided to get some rest, maybe somewhere on he benches near the Sidra where it would be quiet before returning to listen to the elder's tales.
Listening to loud music for hours was one way to invite a headache.
Y/n began making her way up to Lucien, who stood on the opposite side of the huge fire, but then she paused, simply admiring him.
He had discarded his embroidered overcoat next to where Y/n had placed her shoes, now only in a simple, thin white shirt that clung to his sweaty frame, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
He laughed as he held the hands of a little girl, giving her instructions on how to move. The little girl's tongue poked out of her lips as she concentrated, and Lucien was just as concentrated as her.
Once the current music came to an end, the girl grinned up at Lucien, and he ruffled her hair in return before she ran away, maybe to her friends.
Y/n finally walked up to Lucien, smiling tiredly at him.
"Hello, you."
He smiled back. "Good evening, my lady."
Y/n rolled her eyes at the title. "Shut up."
"Can I not even greet you now?"
"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm going to go sit at a bench, rest a little then return. You coming?"
He nodded, walking over to where his coat lay on the ground. He picked it up along with her shoes then returned.
When she tried to take her shoes from him, he waved her away.
The two of them walked in silence, heading towards the quiet river. Once there, they walked onto the bank and settled down where the place was relatively drier than all other places. Y/n dipped her feet in the cold water, releasing a relieved sigh at the soothing sensation.
Lucien pulled out two packets from the pocket of his coat, tearing open the wrapper and handing one to Y/n. She looked at him, confused.
He simply opened his pack, and then bit into the cake.
"Why do you have these with you?" She questioned, though she began nibbling on the little treat.
He shrugged. "Jurian found these at a bakery in mortal lands a few days ago. I thought you might like it."
She smiled, staring into the water as she slowly chewed.
"The inner circle were in the crowd tonight."
Y/n whipped her head to look at Lucien, but he didn't even seem bothered or interested in talking about the inner circle. He said it so casually, like he was telling her it was night and not day.
After a moment, Y/n spoke. "Was Elain there?"
He nodded, taking a bite of the cake. He took his time chewing before he gave her a response.
"I saw them after the fourth or fifth song. Apparently, they'd been watching since the first song."
Y/n gaped at him.
He glanced at her. "What?"
"Why are you so nonchalant about this?! Your mate saw you dancing with me on a song meant for people involved romantically!"
He blinked, then raised a brow. "And?"
"That might ruin any chances you had with her!"
He shrugged again. "There was never any chance anyway."
"Lucien! You-"
"Look Y/n. It's been long since the bond made itself known. It's been long enough that if she wanted to accept the bond, she would have. And long enough that if she didn't want the bond, she would have rejected it."
"Yes I know but you love her-"
"Let me speak, love. Let me get this off my chest. I never loved her. She didn't give me the chance to. The pull I felt towards her was simply the bond clouding my judgement. The desperation with which I seeked to gain her attention was me simply yearning for happiness. If I had not been so lonely and upset all the time, maybe I wouldn't even have acknowledged the bond if she ignored it too.
"And maybe I am a bastard for that, but I don't know what had gotten over me for the past year or so. I had lost almost all of myself, until you came along.
"You-" Lucien looked at Y/n, his eyes bright "-you made me realise that I did not need another person to make me happy, and that I didn't have to stop being myself for someone to love me. And i will be eternally grateful to you for it."
Y/n shook her head, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall. "Lucien, you deserve to find love. You deserve to have a happy life."
"And I know that now. All because of you."
"But I did nothing." She sniffed, her cake forgotten in her hand.
"You didn't have to. Just simply being my friend and showing me kindness made a significant difference in how I saw myself."
"But what about Elain? What about the bond?"
He smiled. "She can be with anyone she wants now. She wanted to have control over some aspects of her life after having been forced to turn, and honestly, I don't blame her. I would have wanted to do the same if my life had been anything like her."
"And what about you?"
Y/n felt like she knew the answer, but she still wanted to know.
"I do not need a bond to be with someone I love, you know."
"And who is it that you love?"
His smile turned knowing. "You know the answer, don't you?"
"Tell me still. After all, you do love hearing yourself speak."
This was a serious moment, but Y/n felt like if she didn't try to lighten the air by joking, this would become real. And she didn't know if she could handle that.
"I love you, Y/n."
She closed her eyes, telling herself this was not real, that she would wake up soon, and realise this had been a dream. Just like all the times before she had had the dream of being with Lucien and then waking up, all alone in her bed and staring at the ceiling.
But when silence settled around her, him staring at her expectantly, she realised this was no dream.
That someone like Lucien really was in love with someone like her.
She closed her eyes, a tear slipping out of the corner of her eyes. "You don't mean that."
She felt his thumb brushing away the tear a moment before she felt his lips on her cheek. "I do. I am in love with you, my lady. I would do anything to show you how much I love you. To prove to you that I really do."
Her eyes fluttered open, staring into his eyes as he rested his forehead against hers. "Why?"
He chuckled. "What do you mean why? There is not need of a reason for me to love you. I simply love you because you exist."
After a moment, she whispered what she had been dying to scream. "I love you, Lucien. I love you so much."
His smile widened, and he began closing the distance between them. "Then let me be yours."
Just before their lips met, she mumbled. "Be mine."
And her body ignited.
Her joints were creaking, but the old hag watched, and waited.
She had this primal need to have the little girl she'd watched grow up in front of her eyes find happiness, and she would threaten even the mother if the need arose to make Y/n happy.
But she didn't have to do that, because as she watched, the fire head male leaned in and pressed a kiss to Y/n's lips, and the old hag smiled, giddy with happiness and excitement.
And then she turned away, meaning to hobble back to the solstice celebration in the main square and leave the two younglings to enjoy the night together.
But then she paused, staring at the young female that stared at Y/n and the fire boy she'd fallen in love with.
Slowly, the old hag's brain remembered that this female with soft features and silky hair was the high lady's sister. And in turn, Lucien's mate.
Damn the mother. The old hag cursed, shaking her head.
"Leave them be." The hag ordered the girl in front of her, who turned to her with wide eyes. "They both deserve happiness. Don't you dare think about getting in the way."
The girl in the lilac dress nodded, her eyes becoming watery, but the hag had already begun walking away.
And after a final glance at the giggling couple on the riverbank, the girl turned away, jealousy and relief warring in her chest.
When Lucien pulled away, his hand still resting on her cheek, she couldn't stop a giggle from escaping. His lips quirked, a little swollen.
"Something funny?"
She shook her head, her cheeks warm as she turned back to the water. "Should we do a toast, my lord?"
He laughed at that, shifting closer to her as he put an arm around her shoulders. "And what will we toast with? We don't have wine or anything."
"We have these cakes." She pointed out.
He lifted his cake into the air. "Alright then. To love!"
Y/n wrinkled her nose. "And cakes!" She said as she raised her hand, and Lucien laughed.
He laughed, and laughed, and laughed.
Carefree and happy.
And Y/n simply watched, admiring.
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
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vvxmx · 2 months
My take on Till and some things about him which i observed because i don't think i can emotionally recover after R6 (Ivan is alive guys i swear)
(mind you, this is MY personal interpretation, perhaps also a bit of me being delusional (also Till is my baby))
From what i have observed, Till was treated really badly by the aliens compared to the others, even in the flashback to when Till saw Ivan for the first time in the R6 mv, you can see in the backround that on Till's glass cage thing there are signs that say that he is being sold for 50% off, to stay away, not to touch etc. He also has the muzzle thing ,which i assume prevents him from speaking, which none of the other Alien Stage members (of those that we have seen) had.
It is also shown that he was quite abused by his Alien guardian, who possibly just saw Till as a sort of lab rat (Till's rebelion probably didnt help the abuse/torture). So how i see it is that Till is simply very traumatized, and his thought process and the way he acts is probably reflecting that in some way.
Compared to him, the others were treated significantly better (from what was shown atleast) . While Ivan and Sua weren't treated particularly well, they wer simply seen as a sort of pet, perhaps like a house cat for the aliens, unlike the lab rat treatment Till got. Sua was like a little dress up doll to her alien guardia, and Ivan was just a peaceful thing for his.
Mizi on the other hand was innocent, she was relativley cared for by her alien guardian, and therefore remained pure and angelic is a sense.
I belive that Till's crush on Mizi came from a sort of need to cling onto something that was as far away from his trauma. He saw Mizi as a sort of pure angel who wasn't touched by the cruelty of the world (which was a true observation), someone who could perhaps be his savior. We can see this because any time Till remembers her, he thinks of the sweet child version of her. And that is also why he was so utterly crushed and perhaps in denial, looking at her after R1, and escpecially after R5.
And in the flashback of R6 when he imagined her, he didn't see her as she is now, insted he saw the bright child version of her, the version that was furthest away from his abuse and trauma, extending his hand to him as a sort of savior angel. He is very deeply attached to this image that he created of her to perhaps cope in some way with the abuse, and the fact that she changed, escpecially after seeing her in R5.
In R6, i suspect that he thought that he was going to lose, and probably accepted it. He was going against Ivan after all, and Ivan is perfect, and he is more liked by the audience. So i belive that Till simply accepted death by the time R6 begun. In R6 he is alot more... Depressed? His vocals are raw and full of emotion, and his eyes look like those that have given up, escpecially once they finished, he was just looking downward as if accepting defeat, and as if he saw that coming.
That didn't happen though, and Ivan FUCKING KISSED HIM (sorry i will just never get of tht kiss). Now. When Ivan kissed him, Till is not in any way disgusted or angry(which is what Ivan perhaps thought Till was) , instead he looks confused, because he is, and that is his general reaction to things, his eyes look like he is searching for answers. Because i belive that Till probabky literally had no idea or thought that Ivan possibly loved him like that:
From what i have gathered from the mvs themselves and from official posts, is that Ivan is a quirky littley guy. He has weired quirks, and he can act and talk quite funny, so if Ivan tried to tell Till, or somehow allude to him that he likes him, Till would probably assume that it's just Ivan being Ivan, and think nothing of it.
This can be kinds seen in the scene in R6 when they were in the cafeteria place. When Ivan touched Till's cut, he was probably looking to make Till annoyed or mad, which would be Till's typical reaction. He was clearly annoyed at first, but then he saw that it was Ivan and kinda brushed it off, since its just Ivan, he is just a quirky little fella.
Therefore i belive that Till would shrug off any attempt as confession or flirting from Ivan.(Didnt seem like Ivan was doing that anyway)
Any show that Ivan loved him and not just being friends happened when Till was ither unconscious, or not paying attention/not looking.
Till is a silly little guy, but how is he supposed to know or assume when there is no proper communication happening?
( he could also have been to focused on Mizi to notice)
I belive Till loved Ivan. Perhaps not in the way Ivan loved him, but he probabky loved him as a friend would, because they did spend like alot of time together.
I also belive that Ivantill can work out if they had proper COMMUNICATION, and if Till realized that his crush of Mizi was a way to try to escape his trauma and abuse and get something pure and innocent. ( I could also be very delusional )
Anyway, this is my interpretation of Till as a charecter. I do have alot more thoughts on him like his natural talent for music and composition, but my fingers are tired typing this out:)
( also i did not reread it so forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes:))) i just needed to vent a bit)
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autumnteawithfriends · 5 months
To be honest, this is more of me being a musical theatre nerd and kid throughout most of my life. But something I want to say is that Hazbin Hotel was half of the musical Vivziepop and her stans want you to believe, then the show to me wasted the perfect opportunity for a opening number. The worst part to me is that Vivziepop also had the perfect (or atleast really great) reference to do it.
Like, imagine after Charlie tells the story of Adam and Lilith, how Lucifer fell (basically the whole beginning storybook narration.) We cut to a shot where the exorcists are flying away from Hell after another extermination and it pans down to the Pride Ring, which is very much destroyed with some buildings even in flames. Then a different opening number song could start playing as we’re introduced to the Pride Ring and its inhabitants.
If this opening sounds somewhat familiar, then you’ll likely know what the reference I’m talking about is. It’s The Nightmare Before Christmas’s This is Halloween
To people who haven’t seen the film, I’ll give a short rundown on its opening number. Before TNBC opening number begins, we are shown a scene of the different holiday doors before the shot pans into the Halloween door. Cue the opening number, and we are introduced to the background Halloween Town residents and some important characters (Sally, Oogie Boogie, etc)
If Hazbin Hotel took a similar approach to its opening number, it would honestly help most of the problems. We would be introduced to Hell (or at least the Pride Ring) smoothly, side characters who would have major roles later would already be shown to us, we would get a better look at exterminations, essentially most of the character problems would’ve been fixed (or at least toned down)
Also, while I don’t really care about any of the songs, they aren’t exactly the type of musical songs I like/aren’t memorable to me personally. I personally hate how they come out of nowhere. In the first episode, there is literally no transition to Charlie’s song in the slightest. No instrumental build up, nothing. Because no, characters in musicals don’t start singing out of nowhere.
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I promise.
Xavier x Reader
Reader: Wednesday’s twin, the twins can share powers because they are connected, and Y/N can control electricity.
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“I tried being your friend,” he scoffs. “Look where that got me.”
“This isn't about us, Xavier.”
He lunged forward, chains rattling, he points at me. “No, it’s about you!”
His eyes flicker over to Wednesday. “Every time you both get involved, people get hurt.” He makes eye contact with me. “You’re toxic. All you ever do is make things worse.”
Wednesday takes a step toward the cell, an effort to put some distance between us.
I put my head down and close my eyes. Wednesday watches as I wipe all of my emotions away. She steps away from the cage.
I open up the page revealing the picture of Wednesday and I on the battle field with the pilgrim.
“Tyler warned me that something bad was coming. And I think—“ “No!” Xavier raises his voice. “You’ve already shown me that. I don’t care.”
Y/N gulps. Wednesday feels a wave of grief wash over her. This is her fault. She was the one who pushed her sister to indulge in a friendship with Tyler. She is the one who tried to shove off her sisters need for love and affection onto someone else. She is the one who turned her against Xavier and sent her to the lions den.
“Do you want to stop this? Then leave. Both of you, go far away and never come back.” Wednesday can feel her sisters heart shattering. “Do you understand? That can’t happen if neither of you aren’t here. That’s how you save everyone, okay. So, go.”
“LEAVE!” His chains rattle and for the first time Wednesday sees her sister jump. Tears in her eyes, she closes the paper, and leaves.
Xavier watches her go and then turns to Wednesday. “You too, Add—“ Wednesday steps forward and grabs his shirt. “Never, talk to my sister like that again. You want someone to blame? Someone to hate? You hate me.” Wednesday shoved him back.
Xavier scoffs as she walks away. “She never doubted you. Even when she saw your paintings. She always believed that you weren’t the Hyde.” Wednesday doesn’t look back, but she waits a moment and when all she is met with is silence she leaves.
His body goes limp and he falls to his knees. “Up you go!” Galpin says, keys shaking in his hand. “Time for the transfer.”
Xavier’s eyes seek out any sign of the Addams but he is quickly shoved into the back of the sheriff's police car.
Closing his eyes he remembers all the times that Y/N had shown him kindness. She put on a hard exterior like her sister, but he knew better. He remembered their whispered stories from the first time they met. They were just kids, but even then Y/N knew that she was different, even from her own family of misfits. When they arrived at Nevermore, Xavier knew that she was just as in love with him as he is her. But the Addams twins had perfected their united front. In many ways, Y/N had trained herself to disappear. She now appeared to be a copy of Wednesday.
And she fooled him. She made him believe that she did not care for him. That he was simply a means to an end and then it turned out he was the end—for a while atleast.
“What are we doing?” Xavier asks when the car stops. Sheriff Galpin talks on the phone for a minute and then pulls out his personal phone and looks at his son’s location. “You tracking your little monster?” Xavier scoffs. Tyler was another mistake he made. Xavier should have seen him for what he truly was. He should have warned Y/N. Instead, he allowed her to push him away and befriend a monster.
“You shut it.” Galpin shuts off the car and gets out.
“Hey, wait. Wait! Hey! What about me? What…” Xavier slams his hands onto the wire mesh. “Oh, you asshole!” Xavier kicks the seat and screams in frustration. There is no way to get the chain off and even if he gets out of the car, he is at risk of tripping and hanging himself with the restraints that tie his hands and feet to his neck.
Closing his eyes, the scene from the jail cell play like a movie. He could see the hatred in her eyes that she thought she was hiding. At the time he was telling himself that it was directed at him. But he knew as soon as Wednesday stepped inbetween them that it was a self hatred that was clawing inside her.
Xavier screams once more.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Y/N whispers. She pushes up on her elbow, being careful not to disturb the corpse too much. Xavier nods, but then remembers that his new friend can not see him because they are in a closed casket. “I’m not like the rest of my family.” She sighs. “Sure I am weird and love dancing with seriel killers, but I am diffrent.” Xavier leans over the dead body.
“One summer my parents hired this man-killer nanny and she sent us away to summer camp so she could marry and kill my uncle…” Xavier hangs onto every word. “I have never told a soul, but I loved it. Sure the company was horrendous, but I loved camp. I also love the color pink.” Y/N laughs. She goes through a lists more things that she likes.
“Dont get me wrong, I love my sister. I have killed for my sister—and we have this weird twin thing where we can see the same vision or memories as each other, but I am diffrent.” Xavier stills as her breath washes over him. “I am me.” “I see you.” Xavier says. “You promise?” “I promise,” Xavier grasps her hand and sparks appear. “Hey, Xavier, what if no one finds us?”
Thump, thump. “Yes!” Xavier yells as Thing slides down the back window. “Yes! Yes! Yes, Thing!”
After Thing releases him, Xavier thanks him and takes off running to the school. No one tries to stop him as he grabs the bow and arrows from the archery range and rushes to the courtyard. “Stay away from her!” He shouts. Arrow aimed at the pilgrims heart. He takes in the sight. The courtyard is burning and in the middle stand the Addam’s twins and the pilgrim. “No!” Y/N shouts as he releases the arrow. Wednesday looks at her sister and then jumps infront of Xavier. Both twins fall to the ground.
“We’re fine!” Wednesday shouts, her hands reaching for Y/N. A large black and purple brusie forms on Y/N’s chest where the arrow is impaled in her sister. “Oh my—“ Xavier looks at them both with wide eyes. “Go!” Y/N shouts. “Get them out of here.”
Xavier hesitates and locks eyes with Y/N. “I see you.”
“You promise?” She looks at him with wide eyes. “Yes, I promise. That is the only reason I am going right now.” Xavier squeezes her hand a bolt of electricity shoots up his arm. “Now!” Wednesday shouts. Xavier runs towards the other students. He turns around and watches Y/N pull the arrow out of Wednesday. Both of them stand. Wednesday grabs the sword and Y/N’s hands spark with electricity.
At the gate, Xavier stands with the school as they wait. “Where’s Y/N and Wednesday?” Enid asks, her body shaking. Xavier looks around at his friends and then Enid is pushing through the crowd. Before his thoughts can catch up his feet are running towards Y/N.
Enid falls into their arms. Without thought, Wednesdays pulls away from Enid, her hand entwined with her sisters seperates them as well. Xavier’s eyes rake over Y/N. Her black school uniform is ripped and underneath it is a pink shirt. After a second, both of the twins throw their arms around Enid and bury their heads in her neck.
Looking up, Y/N’s eyes connect with Xavier’s. She pulls away from her sister and Enid. Wednesday hesitantly lets go of her hand. “Xavier—” Y/N goes to explain. Xavier steps forward. “I’m so sorry.” Her eyes gloss over at his words. “I am sorry too. I should have told you that I see you too.”
She reaches out towards him. Her hands stop just before tey touch his face. He leans forward. The buzz of electricity dances along his skin. “I see you, Xavier Thorpe.”
Xavier pulls her into a hug.
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Xavier leans on the railing and smiles at Y/N. His cheeks flush a pretty pink when she smiles back and tugs her sisters hand, leading them up the stairs.
“Addams,” Xavier shoved his hands in his coat pockets. Wednesday raises an eyebrow at him. “Hurt her and she will kill you herself.”
Xavier smirks. “Then I’ll raise you from the dead and kill you again,” Wednesday smiles. Xavier’s smirk wavers as he looks into her dead eyes. “Message recieved.”
Y/N steps toward Xavier and their hands intertwine. Wednesday mutters something about the car. “Hey, Wednesday.” Xavier turns his head to look at her. “Thank you.” “Now it’s your turn. But this time, don’t save me. Save my sister.” Wednesday disappears down the stairs.
“Come visit me?” Y/N whispers. Their noses touching. His hands grip her waist. Her new pink sweater a beautiful contrast to her black hair. Xavier tilts his head. There lips centimeters apart. “I promise.”
Y/n smiles and leans back. “Good, because i got something for you if you do…” She smiles and then twirls out of his arms. “Got to go.” “Me too,” He reaches for her one last time. Their hands meet and then she pulls away.
Thinking about doing a series of Oneshots. Y’all interested? Smut to come of course.
Requests are open
Phone calls with Xavier.
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in-progress fnaf theory!!! now that ive established fnaf has a space on my blog... :3
prototype freddy.
thats some weird shit right??? well actually no he very well could be perfectly explainable and heres how (in other words i see a lot of confusion over him anddd my brain connected some dots i would like to share!!)
(at the very bottom is tl;dr!!!)
gonna explain the some base info first, but i am assuming some level of understanding of sb and ruin during this however so if ur new to either this might not make sense, sorry :( im gonna ramble a bit so get comfy
princess quest is the canon ending, based on evidence from ruin. this theory is reliant on that
ok so!!!! lets talk about the Vanny option (at the doors, 6am) as choosing this option is mandatory to reach both the vanny ending and the pq ending
when the option is selected everyones least favourite Freddy Gets Trashed cutscene plays, regardless of doing pq or not
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so!! the damage to him, which is from this scene, happens regardless of vanny ending or pq ending, we just only get to really see it in the vanny ending
heres a good look at that
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and now i want you to take a good stare at prototype freddy (especially the arm and torso!!)
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the damage is, while a little more extreme (which could easily just be from how much time has passed between sb and ruin) near identical
and his head is missing, which circles back around to the pq ending, in which gregory takes freddys head with him!! small issue- the damage
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which is rather clearly completely missing from him in the pq ending. well luckily i can explain this too :3
there are very obviously time gaps in the pq ending cutscene. what we are shown is not *everything* thats happening there. link to a video of the cutscene,,
he leans out the window, takes a look at the staff bots deactivating- and then it cuts to him, standing near the exit, vanessa waiting for him at the door, freddy already in a bag. shit has CLEARLY gone down off screen in that time jump because 1. shes waiting for him and not freaking out, 2. gregory isnt scared shitless of her and freddy trusts her (you cannot convince me freddy would trust her automatically, even if he did at the start of the night. he KNEW that she was vanny,
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or at the very least that she was connected with it,
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and he still literally instructs gregory on killing her. this is a screenshot from a pq ending playthrough.)
so!! they fixed freddys head
what better way for gregory to trust vanessa than her helping to fix the one consistent friend & safety hes had in that whole place?? besides, at this points its mandatory that hes done the power upgrade plus roxys eyes and either montys or chicas parts, so hes got SOME experience at least, not to mention that repairs seem to be intentionally incredibly simple in design (probably so they dont have to get employees with actual qualifications... lets be honest, makes sense considering the company we're talking about.)
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however-- the damage done is something considerably different than before, and doesn't have a built-in routine, which does pose some entirely new challenges, and before he atleast had some direction from hand unit.
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so of course, vanessa who is an **actual employee** probably comes in handy here!! especially considering the fact freddy himself would be 'dead' for most of it-- since thats what happens at the end of the vanny ending cutscene, he shuts down
anyways its entirely believable that this kid would want to get his new father figure fixed first and foremost (hes gone out of his way just for freddy before, and vice versa) and that she would want to help him in any way possible after yk, being murderous.. and entirely believable that this would be possible to do. and, it explains the level of trust shown in the cutscene :)
and the course of action with 'ok take his head off', it makes sense the rest of his body wouldn't be salvagable, with it beyond either of their qualifications (since vanessa is a security guard and not a technician) and most importantly, probably impossible for either of them to actually move. and vanessa was literally talking shit to him headless earlier, not to mention gregory having to reattach it- theyre both familar to some degree with the idea of him working without his body connected
tl;dr: prototype freddy isnt another model or some weird shit, its just his leftover corpse lmao couldnt be me
PLEASE please join in the discussion; this theory is NOT foolproof and while i could explain how the prototype mark and present in his chest wouldve gotten there, ive got many reasons why and nothing concrete to say which one of them is accurate!!! (if anyones interested, i can reblog with my current ideas on that ^_^)
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strykingback · 4 months
My Reply to Stop The Hate 2.0
Okay so I know I prompted to stay quiet about this one anti/RWDER but you know what screw it. When I saw what they were posting yes it left me a bit disturbed, but also the fact that he was liking some incredibly wild shit. But one post caught my attention the most and it was and I quote: "Stop The Hate 2.0." So I took a read at it and little to know surprise in the words of Genji from Overwatch.... I'm not impressed. and surprisingly this person needs no introduction I'll just get right into the nitty gritty of this poor individual who has entered the Thunderdome. papitimefire177.
Before I continue with this, I just want to immediately say this: Please for the love of god and all things holy. DO NOT WITCHHUNT Do not send any anon hate just do what I did. Block and Move On. Anywho lets get into it.
This individual here first off says things such as calling people who criticize Jaune (ala Jaune Haters) as fucking stupid and categorizes them all as he quotes: Fucking Morons and how we bitch about "made up stuff that is not true."
Okay, first things first is Jaune has basically stolen a lot of screentime from RWBY. How much? Over around 5,489 Hours of Screentime. Which is one hour thirty-one minutes and twenty-nine seconds (Counting from Volumes 1-6) And oh do please use this chart here. Special thank you to Emotional-Feed 5489 on the r/RWBYCritics subreddit for going through hell and back to get these results.
Further note- This is only going from Volumes 1-6, Seven is not included since he did not get any screentime until Volume's Eight and Nine.
Secondly, Jaune really began to grind my gears when Volume six had to reinforce the fact that Pyrhha is gone. Okay. We get it already Pyrrha is dead and Jaune is literally mourning her still. At this point lets just get it over and done with and move on. Yes, I am fully aware that Pyrrha's death has lingered heavily for him but at the same time it does not take you three entire volumes to take a deep breath in and a deep breath out to carry on.
What really set me off was in Volume nine after, Ruby who had one of if not the MOST SATISFYING mental breakdown scenes and calling out her teammates (Especially Yang) for being horrendous teammates when throughout that whole volume Ruby was going through the shitter, only for Jaune to steal it all the way cause "I suffered more than you have."
Yes Jaune as if you have the whole world on your shoulders? Like dude grow the fuck up. Because you are also talking to someone who is fifteen years old (once again this could be the case of time goes forward but the characters don't age trope.)
Then right after Ruby literally "Ascends" by drinking the tea. It's time for more Jaune angst cause he's going through it more than Ruby did?! It took Weiss, Yang, and Blake almost the entire volume to care about Ruby but it took them just a few minutes in an episode to hug Jaune for his "angst" fuck that.
Now moving on. Of course lots of people do write him out of their stories but some people do keep him only for him to have atleast one or two arcs depending on the writer of course and have him die or keep him around to develop him better than what RT's writers could do. Once more his historical allusion is to the legendary female knight Joan of Arc and I have spoken with a few friends of mine who did have plans for their RWBY Re:Write to have him transition into a woman to better fit the allusion and have him die a hero.
Gee it's not like I have MADE A POST ABOUT THIS.
Also furthermore I did do some research trying to find that "Jaune Arcless" video paptimefire177 talked about in their Stop The Hate 2.0 message. Instead I didnt find jack diddly shit at all. So I can only assume they pulled that out of their ass to try and get their point across as they go on to say that Who wants that because Removing Jaune is fucking stupid.
Which as my counterpoint. Lots of people do want Jaune to be out of the picture whether if relegated to side-character status for him to not be so damn annoying where he wont step in whenever characters like Oscar for example who in Volume 6 got a wardrobe change and some development only for it to be stolen away for a fucking statue sequence.
Or how at the end of Volume eight he could have healed up Penny and got her across the gate to Atlas so that way she could also have the relic with her. Nope lets have him kill her so he can have angst in Volume nine!
And lastly he goes off on a rant stating how Jaune Haters are pathetic along with the hate for Jaune and stating how people who hate Jaune need to wear diapers and go back to the basement we have come from.
Okay Papi. since you wanna ball. We're gonna ball. You are the pathetic one seriously do you really think people are going to follow you? You who have used ableist language against someone calling them a slur in DM's no less. Want proof?
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Or how you claim to not be a race fetishist but at the same time you liked this.
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(When I looked back in there again to find this man in the likes section of this post I could not find his name but earlier when I did my first post of Jaune Arc A Horrendous Example of A Knight. I did see his name amongst those likes)
Lets also not forget that you would happily block evade through your other accounts as well. Now then are you listening there amigo? Cause I can keep this shit up if you arent too busy. Oh wait, whats that?
You claim RWDE has made as you quoted yourself: "Sends Death Threats, Suicide Bait, False Accusations, Being general assholes, Bitches about everything"
Really then? Where is your evidence? What is your source where made those bold accusations from?
So papitimefire177 do me a favor and go outside, touch some grass, walk around take in nature itself. Instead of trying to start fights with your raceplaying ableist ass... cause guess what. Ain't nobody got time for that.
And if you do plan on replying, you aint gonna be sayin' shit so whats it gonna be!?
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happypotato48 · 5 months
We Are EP 3 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Back by popular demand??? i guess this is my thing now. sorry for the lack of screenshots but i watched this thang live and i'm not going to give IQYI 49 baht for just this one show. i'm cheap like that baby!
This aunt-newphew relationship is so delightful. pheem called her "Aha" this word is a gender neutral term for your father's younger sibling so the aunt is either that or a relative from pheem's father side of the family. also girl don't misgendered yourself.
So toey used his name as a first person pronoun, idk how to feel about this cause if this is real life he definitely gonna get make fun of for doing that. but it's BL and satang is a cutie patootie so, meh.
Tan is down so bad it's embarrassing. i need more scenes with these two asap. i love myself a good simp and aou is great playing one and he's definitely the strongest comedic actor in this cast.
150 baht for one cup of green tea!?! that shit better taste like nectar of the gods, i knew shits in bangkok are pricey but damn. anyway where in the story am i again oh right, phum and pheem oh boy these two, yeah i'm kinda not vibing with these two's plotline at all.
Insert rosa diaz meme here for pun. i can't with this boy 🤣wtf is this nonsense at the noodles shop, this boy is so dumb and pure (also kinda read like he's on the spectrum.) forcing a boy to blow the food you ate in YOUR MOUTH is legit the most unhinged BL shenanigan i ever witnessed. 10/10 no notes.
Winny put the guitar... put that down!, nyoooooo! welp atleast it ended quickly.
Ok, soooo yeah. this show definitely is mostly fluff with barely any substance. i'm glad that we get the apology from phun this fast so maybe thier dynamic might be a little bit more enjoyable in the future. i think this show at its best is when it focus on the friends group unfortunately there not a lot of that in this ep. as a person who really love slice of life manga/anime, i feels like this show could have been great as that, a slice of life show about dumb college boys with BL element. i hate saying this but some of the bl tropes definitely weighted the show down. i'm still vibing with the show and still very much want to stick around for aou and poon. hopefuly with the apology phum and pheem story will pick up the pace soon and we'll get to move on to other pairs.
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aettuddae · 3 months
welcome to another episode of business matter updates with chiro !
fair warning, the episode may not be as entusiastic as the others cuz ur favouring host is sick and tired : <
taylor swift was seen asking about idol serim from oe during her tour. fans suspect that its either a collab or a dating announcement is going to be launched soon
idol serim was seen following karina of sm around inkigayo like a lost puppy, funs suspect a love triangle between swift, jang and yu.
minji of new skirts was seen talking to serim who was then dragged by her rumoured girlfriend karina. a heated glaring session went on between the new skirt and suppernora leaders.
kpop fans all over twitter came together to express concern and shock over how serim is so bitchfull yet so bitchless at the same time.
serim was seen playing games on ningning's phone. the cute interaction left knetz in awe. (its me, im knetz)
the rumour of minnie dating a man got solidified as another dm between the idol and her mystery man got leaked. minnie was seen acting like a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴.
karina was seen having mental breakdowns atleast five different times in the duration of a day which lead to mys sending protest trucks to sm.
a weird woman was seen crying outside the jyp buliding while talking about a manhwa?? local police issued another warning and instructed local public to not come near the jyp building at night.
rumours have been spreading all around the kpop scene about karina and serim actually being a married couple who are going through a divorce. this rumour has been getting backed up by the n number of clips of karina glaring at serim.
last but not the least, local woman was seen having a breakdown and vrying while reading the last chapter. she reported that she felt a strong violent urges towards karina and that her wife serim deserves better. (im local woman)
can we appreciate chiro doing this every single update, truly another level of dedication, love u chiro 🫂 also, hope you get better, sweetheart, take care of yourself !!
NOT SERIM PULLING TAYLOR SWIFT TOO ?? sagittarius sweethearts. shut up, this is the most unexpected love triangle to come out of business matter (or is it?) and i totally support it
who won the new skirts vs suppernora staring contest make your bets
never have i ever seen a woman pull so many women and scare them away so fastly, it's truly admirable
chiro you have too many jobs what do u mean you're a knet now
she's a certified FREAK, she likes bald men
red velvet members, the two exos remaining, some ncts going into sm building and seeing a bunch of protest trucks that read "why is karina acting insane AGAIN? don't know what you did, but i know it's your fault, sm" and just thinking it's normal
ryujin take your things and runaway, the cops are coming
my favorite marriage in crisis 🥰
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liaa--qb · 4 months
I am not mad about it but all the things I am hearing about the leaks these days👀did you ?
Alicole fucking inbetween blood and cheese; cheese bumping into Aegon 😭 and rest of the fuck.
I should say that even Aemond being daemon's son wasn't that impossible for them. I would have believed and supported that with full cause.
I am not helaemond stan . Helaena and aemond fucking each other would have been more shocking and wild surprise to me. It would have made more sense then all the leaks feeling sorry for you helaemonds😂
Please Don't ask anything to me please about leaks. I am quite I don't know..
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I am just kinda... disappointed 😭 why why they did this with us. ? What was the reason for this ? Why they destroyed Helaegon in worst way in season 1 for us not to ship them ? There is our harry collett running 'Aegon abusive husband agenda' out there😂.( Bless him sweet child) and why they gave hints and provoked indirectly towards helaemond ? When they never wanted to do this.
I ship Alicole so much. Yes hot people should fuck each other but atleast it should be sensible enough according to plot. I wanted some slow development with their tension and relationship not just ' omg we getting horny n guilty, let's just fuck' I hope it's just not like that. Alicole fucking is just a wild fanfic coming out alive to me but you know you can call me biased but it very ooc for them( but ofcourse we already had alot so why not other )
But again my question ? Why not Helaena also😭 ? Sorry but if Alicent and Criston can happen then why not helaemond. Alicent and Criston are far more strict and religious. There is no excuse you can make make Alicole fuck each other while not helaemond of which they were giving so many hints !!!
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I never shipped Aegon, Aemond with Helaena before show but show made me ship helaemond n there were direct hints at them. Let me tell all the couples , non canon ships pointed by series all time indirectly are now actually turned into canon which also included helaemond, now what happened idk
I do like helaegon but it's not any romantic ship n never was. There is a sympathy for this ship to me like two people who never wanted to get into this shit are now stuck with each other with worse life. That's how I see Helaegon which is very much fine. Infact I was dying to see heleagond. That threesome would have been so hot to watch
Problem is that if they never wanted to build anything for Helaemond, If they wanted to neither develop anything for helaegon also then atleast they should have done helaegon bit better in s1 , also in s2 leaks said there is just one scene of proper of helaegon which also gives short view how pain, compromising, dull their relationship is. That's it . The thing I hate most is that Helaena is having no agency in her life. We have so many chances to see Aegon, Aemond developing but why Helaena should only be shown as victim or with no one with her😖.
But yes they can show-
Alicole fucking while b&c happening
Aemond getting back to lady who assaulted him when he was a child n being vulnerable with her. ( Some leaks said it's just conversation bet them but idk )
That cheese walk passing through Aegon easily 😵 with a fuck ass dog😭
Daemon hiring two shit ass people kill to Aemond who would have killed both cheese n blood easily himself. What was daemon thinking 🤦🏻‍♀️ ? The way Aemond is more horrifying than blood, cheese 😭 n mind you outside castle there's granny vhagar who would have made fried chicken of blood n cheese and their dog
WE ARE NOT SEEING HER with Dreamfyre 😑 why ?
I am not against the changes, the of consistency in characters from S1 to s2 from what I am hearing from leaks is somewhat meh or but fast paced.
If that's what Ryan wanted to do then Can I get Aemond kidnapping Rhaena ? Because why not ? Atleast I can have rheaemond😂 and yes at this they should reveal that Aemond is Daemon's son. They can do that. It's not impossible
I am going to condal's house taking my Rhaemond story so that in s3 I am going to have Rhaemond
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