#election madness
forgottenbones · 7 months
The Rematch
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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sher-ee · 1 month
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Story here ⬆️
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lucecolinauwu · 2 months
It is heartbreaking what just happened in Venezuela with the elections, especially with having to read people's opinions who obviously have never actually listened to Venezuelans or Venezuelans who are not connected to the government.
There were Venezuelans coming back after escaping the country just to vote, people getting rid of their fear to vote, my great-grandmother who needs aid to move went out to vote, all my family back home voted, and people all across the country went out to vote.
Some were not allowed, the military kept them out, and the military closed some voting boots, the law in Venezuela dictates that boots that still have people waiting to vote must wait for all to vote and then close, the law dictates that people are allowed to be on the room while the votes are being counted. None of that happened, boots with nobody waited to close past hour while boots with people were being closed, and people were not allowed in the room even though they were asking and demanding their right to be there.
People are protesting and risking their lives both yesterday and today, because the elections were rigged, and everyone in Venezuela is tired from their bullshit.
Please, please, please, don't say that the Venezuelan people chose Maduro, don't support whatever they say, even if they said they support Palestine, do you really want the support of someone who has destroyed their own country? ignore the needs and wants of their people? force people out of the country because there is no electricity, food, or medicine? I don't care where you fall on the political spectrum, THIS IS WRONG.
As a Venezuelan, I am crying and heartbreak for what just happened.
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usualgangofidiots · 2 months
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July 1960 cover
Artist: Kelly Freas Mad Logo Artist: Harvey Kurtzman
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gay-impressionist · 17 days
i can't believe macron just nominated a prime minister from a party that has 8% of the seats at the national assembly. i mean i can because he's the worst but. 8%. there are three coalitions that have more seats than that.
he just. threw suprise elections then refused to nominate a PM for two months... only to appoint someone from the party who came 4th. someone who's 73yo and the most stereotypical right-wing politician you could dream of. even though the left-wing coalition got the most votes.
fucking bullshit.
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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otatma · 2 months
quick heads up: The GOP is going to get progressively nastier from now till Election Day, because going low has been their fallback plan for decades. This is going to create some teachable moments.
For card-carrying establishment regressive officials and candidates: Now is the moment to break their back politically. Seize their momentum, return every ounce of the cruelty they've consistently voted the past fifty years, and judo-throw them into the abyss. Point. Laugh. Pour fuel on the fire. Dance on their graves.
For regressive voters: Treat them gently. For your average red voter, this is basically gonna be like realizing they're stuck in a shit relationship. You have an opportunity to seperate them from their bad politics, get them thinking critically and self examining, but ONLY if you are gentle and thoroughly non judgmental. Provide the safe space. Let them figure shit out.
It's gonna be a weird tightrope to walk this year.
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avocado62524 · 2 days
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my-midlife-crisis · 28 days
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Are you a pawn for Russia intentionally or accidentally?
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It's really hard to take democrats seriously when you all sound like the detached from reality, no critical thinking skills having Trump stans from 2016. "Hillary is colluding with Russia!!!!" but now it's Democrats about leftists apparently?
Did you even think this through? What exactly was the thought process here "I don't like you or your opinion so Obviously this means you must be an evil agent sent from another country sent here specifically to engage and enrage me"?
How paranoid are you and do you in anyway contribute that paranoia to the fearmongering and manipulation that you yourself are weaponizing to get votes?
Are you aware that youre feeding into xenophobia and white supremacist nationalism when you suggest that foreigners are evil manipulators while insiders who critique the USA can't be trusted as Americans either?
Is that something, like Biden, that you have rationalized and justified as being acceptable because it's the "lesser evil" compared to being a Trump supporting racist?
Biden is commiting genocide and got You to justify it, but you think that the every day Americans who don't want to allow genocide are the evil and dangerous psyops manipulating American values?
Is that something you believe intentionally or accidentally?
You seem like you are legitimately unwell and not in a cool self-aware way. In a way that's going to get a lot of people hurt because you refuse to admit or acknowledge the awful tools you're using to uplift a man that you also won't admit is evil.
Please don't send another ask like this. Interact with me in good faith and with actual substance and awareness of the bullshit your peddling or not at all. I'm so tired of these asks that feel like they were sent straight from someone with a maga hat on.
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eighthman-bound · 3 months
Green Party I’m so sorry you’re losing to utter scum like Reform, I’m so sorry this country is so blind and full of apathetic young people who don’t see the point in voting and bitter old people who are dry on empathy for others
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mad-aims · 3 months
So yeah just throwing in my two penneth, good on David for telling Kemi Badenoch to shut it. She’s a fucking terf. Then she goes and plays the stereotype card, David Tennant told you to shut your mouth. He never even mentioned race or gender. He literally told you to stop gassing, which to be honest is really what you should do. You tried to insinuate awful, untrue things about him. You’re embarrassing yourself, sit the fuck down.
Also Rishi you need to fuck off too, getting on the band wagon. YOU are in fact THE PROBLEM. Dragging David on Twitter, you do know he doesn’t use the internet right? He’s off living his best life wearing his pride badges, being a sweetheart and actual genuine person, and having fun with his beautiful wife and kids. He’s literally just rocked up to the Mean Girls premiere, slaying in his pink nails. He doesn’t give one shiny shit about what you’ve got to say.
Don’t vote Tory. On the 4th of July if you are old enough and registered to vote, please vote Labour or failing that, anything that isn’t Conservative.
Get those fucking terf bastards out of number 10. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Aims out.
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sher-ee · 4 months
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timebones · 4 months
The Doctor loves to shit on human politics, meanwhile every time there’s an election they’re like “here’s Fairytale McWarcrimes, an ancient evil I just released, please don’t elect them prime minister teehee bye”
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