#the villain off of biker mice from mars
forgottenbones · 7 months
The Rematch
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
i just noticed that for some reason i don't remember joonas' middle name and i was trying to recall it by going through the all of blind channel's full names in my head
i don't know what happened when i got to olli because my brain just autofilled it so i said in my head: "olli elias kau- wait he's surname isn't kaunisvesi- i mean olli elias mattson"
i'm way too deep in this ollixallu shit
actually im just sleep deprived and my brain isn't working properly but i'm making it abou ollixallu shit again
no but the way Olli Elias Mattson sounds so cute?? 😭😭😂😂😭😂😭😂😂
I hope they'll take Matsson as their shared surname when they get married 🥰
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maddys-nerd-blog · 1 month
Maddy’s Top Five Favorite Male Characters in Media!
Hi again!!
I was asked an interesting question by @tending-the-hearth in a QNA thingy recently that I thought deserved it’s own post cuz admittedly, this is a hard one!
My favorite characters in media?
You’d be surprised to hear that some of people on this list were easy ringers for this list, but I still had a hard time choosing characters I loved more than the other!
Over the decades we’ve gotten a plethora of incredible shows, video games, movies, books and indie series that have gifted the world a new cast of characters that have won the hearts of millions across the globe. They can be dashing heroes, villainous rouges trying to take over the world, unappreciated side characters, supportive background characters or even blink and you miss them cameos! I’ve come to adore the grand scale of the animation medium and it’s offerings, so making a list like this is definitely not easy.
So for this list I’m doing the following;
One; Only one character per slot with ONE exception but I’ll get there.
Two; They can be a variety of characters ranging in importance. Hero, sidekick, background nobody, villain, supporting characters, etc. Anything goes!
Three; Video games are included!!
Four; Comic book exclusive characters are not allowed only for the sake of keeping the playing field fair. I’ll use added context from specific comic storylines to add onto my reasoning, but otherwise, that’s it.
So… on with the show!!
Top Five Male Characters in Media!
5: Throttle— Biker Mice From Mars. ( 1993-1996 )
A shocking new arrival for a list such as this, but a welcome addition nevertheless! For a little over two-ish months I’ve been watching Biker Mice and have taken a liking to it! What I assumed was just gonna be a knock-off of TMNT with uninspired writing turned out to be a surprising drama with subtle undertones of a darker story behind the gimmick of Martian mice coming to Earth.
Not only is it a very clever commentary on environmentalism and taking care of our planet— especially given the time period this was released with all the Ferngully movies and Captain Planet where they were encouraging eco-friendly movements— it’s also a shocking cartoon given the subject matter and it’s cast of characters. Throttle, Vinnie and Modo? They’re all veterans! And they’re all disabled! But the show never makes jokes or pokes fun at them for their hard comings, it’s treated with respect and the guys are there for one another.
Throttle is the leader of this group, and the leader of the rebellion at one point. He’s shown throughout the show to be this suave, cool headed guy who looks out for his bros, he’s got this kind of swagger to him that radiates ‘cool’ just from a design standpoint alone. Plus it also helps that Rob Paulsen provides the voice and HE SOUNDS SO COOL. As the resident badass in charge he’s always taking point and mostly has a more serious demeanor, but he’s also just a fun guy who wants to ride his bike and chill out with his friends.
4: Harvey Bullock— Batman the Animated Series. ( 1992-1995 )
Imma say this for the people all the way in the back:
I feel like I’m all alone on the Bullock Defense Squad at this rate cuz the amount of slander this character gets by those who don’t bother to A) read his backstory or B) actually go the extra mile to research his trivia and learn what makes him tick, is frustrating. The writers make him out to be this slob that can’t do anything right, but I think that’s unfair cuz there’s more to him besides what we’re shown. Because when you take the time to look beneath all the stupid things people claim about him… he’s so interesting.
Firstly he’s Gordon’s BEST FRIEND. He’s ride or die for that man. Nobody is more loyal to Commissioner Gordon than Bullock. On the outside he might appear untrustworthy but he’s actually devoted to Gordon and his beliefs, even if his methods are more in line with Batman’s. ( Which is ironically hilarious that everyone tries to accuse Bullock of going too far, but when Batman does the same exact thing he’s praised as a hero. Makes ya think. )
Secondly he believes in justice and keeping Gotham safe, but the criminals that reek havoc on the city are so nuts and out of control he feels he has no idea what he’s doing. But the fact of the matter is, he’s wildly clever and intelligent! Look at the episode The Laughing Fish! Who figures out that Joker’s at the aquarium first? BULLOCK. Who beats BATMAN— the world’s greatest detective— to the punch??? BULLOCK!
He’s cunning and sly but in a good way! He uses his wits to solve cases and more often than not, he’s pretty damn scrappy! The audience is just made to believe he’s this bumbling oaf half the time. His determination is strong as hell! My favorite episode in all of BTAS is ‘A Bullet for Bullock’ because we get to see a side of him outside of the main cast that puts HIM in the spotlight. That entire episode is a love letter to the classic noir genre and the SOUNDTRACK??? ITS SO GOOD. ( This episode in particular even won a special award for its music )
He fights for good and tries to do the right thing, but not everyone sees it that way. But I, as the President of the Bullock Fanclub, love him the way he is!
3: Donatello ( Every version )— Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. ( 1984- Current Day )
This genius in every version is a lovable dork with a giant heart of gold. I don’t think there’s any iteration of this character that’s unlikeable! Ever since I got into the TMNT I quickly grew attached to the purple goober cuz he’s just so relatable! Purple is my second favorite color too cuz bias Donnie shows that no matter the odds he’s going to do whatever it takes to make his family or friends safe. In every single series he proves he’s a hellishly smart guy who values knowledge over combat, hence why he’s a pacifist by nature.
In 2012 he’s a geeky inventor with a big imagination and utilizes what limited resources he has to craft some of the most amazing things!
In 2003 he’s this gentle teddy bear of a guy who rarely wishes to battle, but if you hurt his family he’ll bring hell down upon you. Plus he’s just a sweetie who wants to keep making things he thinks will help his family.
In the Bayverse films he’s this tall, lanky fellow who yearns to be accepted and has so much wit and charm he’s basically this lovable beanstalk.
In Mutant Mayhem he’s a well meaning kid who wishes he could be a normal teenager, who fights so hard for humans to accept him and his mutant family, who’d an anime nerd and generally nice person.
In Rise he’s a full on menace to society and has so much snark that it could rival that of Hades from Hercules. He’s a scientist that searches high and low for the love and affirmation of a dad who doesn’t care about him, but with his brothers he’s got all the reassurance he needs.
Donnie goes through so much but gets back on his feet to keep fighting, he keeps pushing forward to strive for a better solution, he ALWAYS keeps trying to fix any problem because he feels it’s his purpose. This type of character can be used as a stereotype but in the right hands they can truly shine, and Donnie doesn’t simply shine; he dazzles. It also gives him the edge that in most of the shows he’s written with coded autism traits which… yes, please, more positive autistic representation, more of this INSTEAD OF THE BULLSHIT WE’VE BEEN FED.
Donnie is a kind, sweet, brave turtle. It’s no wonder why everyone loves him so much!!
2: Cole— Dragon Age: Inquisition. ( 2014 )
Autism in media has been hit or miss for DECADES. As I previously stated it’s very difficult to find positive autistic characters in our media. Autism is either used as a crutch by writers to make the ‘normal’ characters bring the ‘unaware and helplessly naive’ autistic person into the ‘real world.’ We’ve seen it time and time again and it’s terribly obnoxious. But to the writers who give a damn about writing authentic portrayals of autism, those people deserve special kudos because when it works, they work beautifully.
Case in point here; Cole.
Cole is the most amazing depiction of a young man with coded autism that’s never treated like a punchline or a side effect of his behavior. He’s the spirit of compassion— the living embodiment of kindness in the game. Cole is the way he is because of his past, where the Spirit finds Cole’s original form dying in a cell, and was so moved by his death he took his place to dedicate his life to helping people. And throughout Inquisition, on my first time playing it years ago, I just had to keep pausing the game during the idle companion conversations and go ‘THATS ME!’
The way he fidgets with his hands. The way his speech is so articulate and soft. The way he interacts with the other companions. The way he starts to break down when he’s in the Fade.
That was POWERFUL for me.
You gotta understand. In all my life as a young woman, I NEVER did such a thing. Because in my childhood there were ZERO characters with autism I could relate to! Not until Cole, and this wasn’t until 2019! Sure I’m a woman, but I related so much to him because of his struggles to understand what it meant to be in the mindset of someone who didn’t really understand how the world worked, or how to properly help people. As his title states, his compassion for aiding those who are hurting is infallible… and I’m not ashamed to admit his story arc made me tear up, and I CHOOSE FOR HIM TO ACCEPT HIS HUMAN SIDE IN GAME BECAUSE HE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY.
1: Brook and Pedro— One Piece. ( 1998- Current Day )
The only tie in this list but for good reason. It would feel wrong of me to only put one of these men on here, cuz both of them left a huge impact on me.
Brook saved my life as an impressionable twelve year old. Pedro made my heart break.
I’ve prattled on about my love for Brook previously, but he’s pretty important to me. This skeleton came at a time of my life where I’d been so severely depressed and bullied in middle school that I thought I had nothing to live for. Then I happened upon One Piece and my life was forever changed, but my perspective on the world also did when I got to Thriller Bark and was introduced to Brook.
At first glance you look at Brook and might see a silly, happy go lucky skeleton that sings and dances. But he’s so much more under the surface. He’s the first fictional character in media that made me weep for TWO HOURS.
Brook is a man who has SEEN SHIT. Brook is a man who had to endure so much loss when he was alive and when he came back from the dead. He lost his best friend. He watched his entire crew die. He was adrift at sea for fifty years, isolated from the world, almost going insane several times until the Straw Hats find him. He thinks he’s broken his oath to Laboon until he finds out his still waiting for him to come back.
Brook spends so much time being plagued by his trauma when we first see him that you forget he’s using his jokes as a way to cope, he’s trying so damn hard to keep living for the sake of the whale he befriended. He’s not just a musician with hellishly cool powers or a badass with a sword.
He’s an embodiment of a constant will of push forward.
Keep living, keep fighting, keep surviving and you’ll find your happiness waiting for you. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but soon, if you keep holding to hope, you’ll find your purpose in life and the people who will love you for who you are.
Brook— as crazy as it may sound— became my beacon of hope as a kid.
It’s because of this skeleton I’m still trying to be an artist.
As for Pedro, I met this character much later in life when I was catching up with the series ( I dropped Dressrosa ages ago at that point and I didn’t get back into the story until the end of Whole Cake ) and I was immediately interested in his character and his swaggering design!
Pedro is stoic, brave and cool headed, and he’s quite cautious of his surroundings because of terrible circumstances that have fallen on his shoulders. It’s not everyday you barely escape a Warlord with your life at the cost of a good friend of yours, and then YOU GET HALF YOUR LIFESPAN STOLEN FROM YOU ANYWAY.
Poor Pedro gets put through a wringer!
But as I continued to read the manga and saw how he took Carrot under his wing and made her his apprentice, how he fought so hard to defend Zou from Jack and his crew, his grit to see the Dawn of the Nee World, I was rooting for him to succeed! I wanted him to achieve his goals, I was so excited to see him kick Tomago’s ass! I was so excited when he teamed up with Brook!!
And then he sacrificed himself.
It didn’t help that the anime made this moment all the more gut wrenching with the voice actors of Carrot and Pedro giving it their all and making me tear up like a baby.
His sacrifice impacted the others to keep moving forward and see their mission through to the end, and it gave Carrot her epic SULONG TRANSFORMATION LIKE HOLY SHIT DUDE!!
For the brief amount of time I got to spend rooting for Pedro, I really loved him! He shot right up there in my all-time favorite One Piece characters! Both Brook and Pedro are quite literally the ‘kings’ of this list… and my nerdy heart 🤣
Honorary Mentions:
Tech— Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Garrus Vakarian— Mass Effect trilogy.
Nightcrawler/ Kurt Wagner— X-Men
Ryoma Hoshi— Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Vander— Arcane
Cedric— Sofia the First
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niuniente · 3 years
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters
Snatched this from kuurankaiho with a permission as it’s always time well spent when it’s sent with fave characters, right? :3
I have SO MANY FAVES AND FANDOMS, so I try to pick up them as widely as I can, and throw in some rarer characters.  All my faves are good boys and girls, except Haguro who is a vile asshole.
In no specific order!
SUN-KEN ROCK - Ken Kitano
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“There are no good men in this world!” you cry. I come to you with a message of our lord and savior of The Good Men, Ken. Absolutely one of the best positive masculinity characters out there, even when the manga itself is... well... lots of peeping, let’s say like that. We need more men like Ken, both in media and in real life.
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Show me your bastard villain and I’ll raise with Haguro. My favorite villain of all the time and trust me, I have seen lots of bastard villains. None is as vile and inhuman and twisted as Haguro. Come up with anything a man can do as a villain and I bet Haguro has done it. Setting people on fire, cutting tongues off or classic cannibalism, Haguro has done it all. There’s nothing good in this man. Interestingly enough, his driving force for that all is an obsessive love for another man, which we will learn only at the end of the story.
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I was 9yo when I saw the first episode of BMMF and the second I saw Modo I knew that “Yep, this is the one.” He’s still the one! Very similar to Ken, definitely one of the best positive masculine characters there is. Looks tough, is tough, has drank Respect Women juice like the world would end, protects kids, is family oriented, helps grannies crossing the street, and punches bad people in their face with his robotic arm. Tortured, traumatized and abused character who stayed as a kind sweetheart despite it all.
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Technically Jacky IS a Virtual Fighter character but as I was always a Tekken girl, I have no experience of VF. Don’t know much about Jacky but he’s most positive, happy, energetic character who also has a very, very good heart.
TEKKEN - Claudio, Dragunov & Hwoarang
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The thing with the Tekken boys is that I’ve played the longest as Hwoarang but I suck at Tekken with him. With Dragunov, I’m better and I actually made my art school thesis around Dragunov and the fan culture. Still, I’m not THAT good of a player despite that I’ve played as Dragunov since he came to Tekken in PSP. With Claudio, he chose me. I was absolutely 1000000% against Claudio like !NO NEVER I WILL NOT PLAY AS CLAUDIO!! I reluctantly gave a try to him and well, shit, it was a match made in Tekken heaven with the first strike. Ironically Claudio is the only character I have reached the highest Tekken God level with.
DEVIL MAY CRY - Dante and Lady
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The Lady who showed compassion to a devil and the Devil who cried. Two absolute feral bastards with a way too big hearts and too heavy burdens to carry, all alone. We don’t have enough good tsundere women showing caring with actions more than words, so YAY GO LADY! She’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face. And Dante, the subtly caring sweetheart who is always broke, either because he doesn’t get gigs or because he’s too kind to charge anything/enough. And you could bribe him for work with ice-cream only. A good pairing for Friends to Lovers, also with canon hints that they both have hidden pining feelings for each other but both are too dense and tsundere to actually bring it out. Poor Trish witnessing this all and shaking her head lol.
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Can’t play WoW but Vol’jin will forever have a place in my heart. There are lots of similarities in his and my life. Plus he’s kind and has a good heart, while being wise and doing what’s the best, no matter what everyone else might say.
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Listen. Listen. Angor Rot is a good boy. He is introduced as a villain until it’s revealed that he was turned into a villain and assassin against his own will (literally as a slave), only because, what? He has a way too big and good heart, he is a way too empathetic and compassionate! He did all he could to save others and it cost him his soul, which he didn’t give willingly. This victim of abuse and enslavement deserved more than the story gave him. Boo.
NEMESIS THE WARLOCK - Nemesis and Chira
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(art by AdeHughesArt) This is one of those married power couples you do not mess with. Especially NOT with Chira, who is stronger, deadlier and more dangerous than her husband Nemesis, who is already in a level of a God. The older I become, the more I adore Chira. She’s one of the rare female characters I really like. Too bad that she served only as a side character for the protagonist to propel his story forward...
FINAL FANTASY - Diabolos / Diablos
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Diablos/Diabolos is my favorite summon, hands down. He was also surprisingly precious in the World of Final Fantasy. Whoever got the task to turn Diablos into a chibi version did well. His wings spell Diablos!
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Tagging ANYONE who wishes to send time with this :3
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coolclaytony · 4 years
Hey is anyone else put off by the design choices made for villain Lawrence Limburger, from Biker Mice From Mars?
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douxreviews · 6 years
Batman: The Animated Series - ‘The Forgotten’ Review
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"That's odd. Only vampires loathe daylight more than Batman."
This episode was aptly named because after I was finished watching it I wanted to forget the whole experience.
Poor and homeless people are disappearing in Gotham. The cops are too busy to investigate, so Batman decides to do a little undercover work, allowing us our first glimpse at his Sherlockian talent for disguise. Too bad that when he went around the world picking up all these skills he never found the time to learn some basic manners. Damned inconsiderate of him to go out without even bothering to tell Alfred where he's going or what he's doing. Doesn't even to leave a note saying "Out fighting crime. Won't need breakfast. Iron my cape".
Anyway, our hero finds the bad guys in record time, but they are able to get the drop on him because he was distracted by a cat. Ha, ain't that the story of his life. Despite being no stranger to regular blows to the head (occupational hazard of being a costumed crime fighter), this one is bad enough to scramble Bruce's and given him amnesia. Geddit? It's called 'The Forgotten' and now he's forgotten. Yeah, and that's probably about as smart as this script gets.
As if losing his memory and being kidnapped weren't bad enough, poor Bruce then finds himself having to suffer through a rehash of 'The Underdwellers' as another lame, grotesque, one-off villain who enjoys chomping down on drumsticks rounds up Gotham's neglected (homeless instead of orphans) and turns them into his own private slave force. All that's missing is a ridiculous number of gators.
Mercifully, they don't drag all the Teri Bauer nonsense, and all the silly dream sequences that go with it, on for too long. All someone has to do is mention losing their family and that triggers Bruce's childhood trauma reminding him just how effed up he is. And that he can kick his way out of a metal box. How? Because he's Batman, that's how. Once he's got all his marbles back it's simply a matter of meeting up with Alfred, getting his costume, and kicking the bad guy's collective butts.
That's it. Job done. Episode over. Let's move on to something hopefully better.
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I Know that Voice
Boss Biggis was voiced by veteran character actor George Murdock who played Dr. Salik on the original Battlestar Galactica, Lt. Ben Scanlon on Barney Miller, Admiral Hanson on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and 2nd Elder on The X-Files. He actually ate food while recording his lines for authentic slurping sounds. Dan Riley was voiced by prolific voice-over artist Dorian Harewood who has providing voices for Aladdin, Batman Beyond, Darkwing Duck, Legend of Prince Valiant, Biker Mice from Mars, The Tick and many more. He's also done a lot of live action work, most notably Simon Haley in Roots: The Next Generation, Eightball in Full Metal Jacket and Jesse Owns in The Jesse Owens Story.
Notes and Quotes
--Alfred only put the tracker on the truck, so how was the Batwing able to take him to exactly where Bruce was?
--At the end Bruce reveals to his fellow prisoners that he is really billionaire Bruce Wayne. Were none of them curious why Bruce Wayne was disguised as a poor man? Or how he was such a good fighter? One of them has got to think it was mighty strange how he escaped just before Batman showed up.
--The computer on the Batwing is surprisingly sassy.
Riley: "Hey, you can't give up hope. Down here it's all we've got to hang on to."
Alfred: "This must be the place. Bring us down." Batwing: "Negative." Alfred: "But Master Bruce is down here, we have to land." Batwing: "Impossible, area too confined." Alfred: "Land, you bucket of bolts!" Batwing: "Your funeral."
Biggis: "Don't let me drown!" Batman: "When you taste the prison food, you'll wish I had."
One out of four Teri Bauers.
Mark Greig has been writing for Doux Reviews since 2011
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alangreenwall · 6 years
From midst a golden cloud, thus mild was heard.
Received a cheap pad with preprogrammed instructions on it from AH. Had to solve a complicated ARG, possibly HS as ulterior result. Resembled sylladex.
Was kidnapped by extraterrestrials during a visit to the UK for studies. Dropped off after a while back in S.
Tried to keep solving the ARG with A but just getting the first instruction was complicated and I didn’t want to ask the other people in my apartment for help.
Something about heroes and villains too?
Biker mice from Mars white mouse chasing a bad cat and using tanks and big weapons, flying through the windows of a major bank’s top floor and hanging from a flagpole on the other side.
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