#elektra natchios masterlist
chvoswxtch · 9 months
marvel masterlist
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»— masterlist for all my marvel content.
»— all work is my own. please do not repost anywhere else without my consent.
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☾ matt murdock/daredevil
☾ frank castle/the punisher
☾ jessica jones
☾ elektra natchios
☾ karen page
☾ dinah madani
☾ billy russo
☾ bucky barnes
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prettyeyesnof4ce · 2 years
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This is for posts that involve headcanons or character rambles, italicized links are explicit posts (MDNI)
Matt Murdock ˚✧ 
Masturbation HC Mutual Masturbation Giving Matt head
Taking nudes with Matt Tipsy sex with Matt
Matt edging you HC
Elektra Natchios ˚✧
Making out with Elektra
Frank Castle ˚✧
Soft sex HC Frank's volume HC
Jessica Jones ˚✧
Soft sex with Jess Kinky Jessica
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farfromstrange · 8 months
Is It Over Now? | Matt Murdock x Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader ; (hinted) Frank Castle x Reader ; Elektra Natchios x Matt Murdock
Summary: Matt cheated on you, and you are trying to navigate through it.
Warnings: Angst, no happy ending, break-up, mention of cheating, song references (Taylor Swift), inspired by 'Is It Over Now?', (some) Matt "slander", (somewhat) suicidal thoughts, alcohol consumptions, hint at smut
Word Count: 1.7k
A/n: 1989 TV came out and I am losing my shit. Is It Over Now? Is my new favorite song and I just had a brain fart that made this. You can read this if you're a Swiftie and catch the references or just read it without listening to the song. It works either way.
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It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
To be fair, there was a time when you thought it would never end. The thought of ever having a last kiss with him would have killed you back then. 
He told you that you were the love of his life. You believed him. He was yours, certainly. You can’t deny that.
You were happy, you laughed and cried together, and part of you figured that if you ever broke up, you would find a way to work through it somehow. 
Maybe in another universe, you are still together. Maybe in another universe, you two are still friends. Maybe in another universe, you never had to lose each other.
In this reality though—in this brutal, unforgivable reality—everything changed in a matter of a day. And there is nothing you can do about it now.
Your flower was withering in secret, and you didn’t realize what it was doing to you. Every time you woke up alone, every canceled date, every time he called you and told you he wouldn’t make it home tonight, it was sure to build up to this. 
But this, whatever the hell this is, it hurts beyond compare. 
He said you were a rose, but now that you look in the mirror, you only see a rotten mess.
The past few months have done this to you. He has done this to you. The paper airplanes crashed and burned. There is nothing left but pure bitterness and this hatred you have toward yourself and him; you just want to land your fist in his face, and then maybe your own because how could he hurt you like that after making you love him so very much? 
You loved him so much, but now you doubt he ever loved you back. 
Date after date, coffee after coffee, nights spent together on his couch and in his bed, sharing laughter, sharing tears, it all feels like a hoax now. 
You held him when he was unconscious, stitched him up and told him he was going to be okay. Where was he when you were bleeding out from your own battles? You wonder.
His smile used to be your safe haven, the epitome of innocence and strength, but now it only makes you angry. It makes you resent him. You shouldn’t, you really shouldn’t, but you still do.
So much has changed, and all it took was one day. 
One day. 
Three hundred days, all wasted in one. 
If you think about it, you spent almost an entire year attached to each other’s side. You moved in together. You kissed, you had sex, you shared secrets you wouldn’t have told anyone else. You helped him hide away from the world, from his enemies, made the world go quiet, and comforted him while he cried. You waited up, you worried, and you almost lost him more times than you can count, and you still stayed.
When no one else would take a chance on him, when he felt everyone was against him and going to leave him, you acted as his rock. You stayed.
You thought he was the one. 
And then it just… ended. 
You gave him the benefit of the doubt when you found her in his dress shirt on his leather couch. The very same couch you two often shared passionate nights on, but at the same time it used to be a symbol of so much more than that.
You let him explain. He explained that she got seriously hurt after showing up out of nowhere, and he just wanted to help without putting you at risk. You believed him because that is the kind of man he was in your head. He was going through some things, things you couldn’t possibly understand, and she was the connection. You tried to understand. In the process of understanding him though, you lost yourself. 
That is something you will never forgive him for. Making you care, making you love him, and unintentionally making you give up on yourself while he continued to break your heart.
You never wanted this to end, never wanted him to go, but in the end, it was the only way. Sticking around wasn’t an option anymore, you have to remind yourself.
He did the one thing he promised he would never do. He broke your heart and your trust into a million pieces that you are now left to pick up on your own. 
You didn’t want to see it before. You were too in love to open your eyes.
He wouldn’t do such a thing, right? You remember repeating that to yourself, to your friends, to Foggy and Karen, but Karen saw him with her, too, and she gave you little hope.
Still, you believed in him. You believed in his morale and his faith. You had faith in him, not even in God but in him and the man he pretended to be—and somehow, he still picked up the knife when you weren’t looking and buried it in your back. 
There were so many signs, but you were blind. So many flashing lights. Red flags. Screaming voices in the back of your head begging you to think. You were in a forest full of trees, yet you saw nothing.
When you came home to find his lips on hers, that’s when you knew. Too little, too late.
He called your name. He told you, “This isn’t what it looks like!” But you lost count of the times he used the same line in relation to her.
To anything, really. He always knew how to talk his way out of something when you were together, although back then, it was mostly harmless.
“I trusted you,” you remember saying. You couldn’t even cry. “And you turned right back around and fucked her!”
“It was just a kiss,” he argued. 
“Are you sure about that? ‘Cause if I ask Elektra, I’m sure she will tell me the truth.”
“No,” Matt was adamant because he could hear your heart breaking.
The way you spoke to him was so eerily quiet. That was how he knew he lost you, and he tried to fix it with nothing but his hands. 
But that is not how you fix a broken vase. That’s how you make it worse and hurt yourself in the process.
You remember him opening his mouth, having the audacity to apologize. “I’m sorry,” he said. 
“No. Fuck you, Matt!”
You tore the necklace with his initial off your neck and tossed it at his feet. You couldn’t even look at it. You wonder what happened to it after he picked it up. 
“I trusted you. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was there when no one else was, and this is how you repay me?” you said.
You should have never let him fool you.
At least you had the decency to keep your lonely nights to yourself.
“Sweetheart, please,” Matt tried to beg again. 
You wouldn’t let him. Thank God you were strong enough to withstand the tears in his eyes. 
“You’re a fucking traitor, Matthew Murdock,” was one of the last things you said to him. “I wish we’d never met.”
Three hundred days. You fell in love. You finally knew what love felt like, and then…then he turned around and fucked it all up. 
“We’re done.”
Some days, you still regret it, but if it was so easy for him to toss all this time together down the drain, he probably wasn’t worth it. 
But God, you were so in love. 
Sweet nothings whispered in your ear are gone now. You’re all alone in your bed. No one to cuddle, no one to touch. It has been a while since you heard someone say, “I love you,” and mean it. You felt loved until you didn’t. Until the life he led ate him up. 
Instead of talking, instead of fighting with you, he drove you into a tree. A car that didn’t need sight, and still he crashed. It was winter then, the snow painted red by the blood of your broken heart. Your favorite dress torn up as you tried to escape. He reached for you the same way you reached for him, but you weren’t there. And he wasn’t there when you needed him most.
Part of you feels bad. You could have worked through this if he hadn’t kissed her. Or maybe you wouldn’t have. In the end, it killed you. It killed him. 
You killed each other. 
Though there are still days when you think about jumping off of very high somethings just to get his attention. Just for him to see you. To come to rescue you. It is a hurtful and selfish thought. Yet, you can’t help it. 
He was your first true love. 
Your mind keeps repeating the same sentence: It wasn’t supposed to end like this. 
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” he told you once. 
He searched for something greater in the bed of someone he loved before. You weren’t his first love. You should have known he would say that and not mean it.
But when exactly did you go wrong?
Was it over when he stopped coming home at night? Was it over when he forgot your anniversary? Was it over when he canceled your birthday dinner? Or was it over when he shoved his throat down his ex-girlfriend’s throat in front of you and acted as if it didn’t matter? Was it over then?
“Another one for the lady,” a voice pipes up beside you. 
Your empty glass of tequila disappears, now replaced by a full one. In your drunken haze, you see a head of brown hair, and his smirk makes you wonder if there’s more to him than he lets on. 
“Thank you,” you murmur, tipping your glass to the stranger. 
“Nah, don’t thank me.” He sits down next to you. “You look miserable.”
“What if I am?”
“I’d tell you I know the feeling.”
You huff but offer the stranger your hand with a mention of your name.
He smiles. Your name rolls off his tongue effortlessly. “Frank,” he introduces himself in return. “Castle.”
“Nice to meet you,” you say. 
Broken people make bad decisions, but whether it was over when he took her right there on his couch, or it was over when you told him it was doesn’t matter. 
It is over now, and all you want to do is forget. 
You need to forget Matt Murdock. 
And if this stranger called Frank needs to unbutton your blouse to help you do so, you will gladly follow him home. 
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Matt Murdock Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @linamarr @itwasthereaminuteago @mattkinsella @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @thychuvaluswife @schneeflocky @imjustcal @pipsqueakkitten @merlinbtch @ravenclaw617
(also, I keep tagging you in stuff, but I also think you might like this @blackshadowswriter)
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saintmurd0ck · 1 year
kiss and don't tell
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pairing: elektra natchios x f!reader + matt murdock and frank castle
summary: when frank and matt tap elektra's phone to figure out what she's up to, the last person they'd expect her to call is you
warnings: phone sex, matt and frank arguing like husbands, f!masturbation, elektra making everyone in her vicinity whimper, m!masturbation, exhibitionism
a/n: credits to my lovely @chvoswxtch for inspiration with elektra's phone background and @mikeymurdock for confirming darling matthew's birthday! this is my first time writing for elektra so be kind pls & HAPPY FUCKIN PRIDE !!!
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“Thought you said she was always on that thing,” Frank grumbles, tapping on a flat-screen monitor displaying the layout of a phone lockscreen. He stares intently at the red supernova background, scrunitising on the halo of stars ringed around the edges of the phone. 
“She is,” Matt murmurs, furrowing his brows until they almost disappear beneath his glasses.
Frank sighs, leaning back in his chair, interlacing his hands behind his head. “It’s been four hours, Red. Why don’t ‘ya get some shut-eye, and I’ll stay up.” It wasn’t a question.
“Can’t be,” Matt breathes, mussing his hair. “It’s happening”–he pauses, fingers flitting over his watch–”tonight.” 
Disconcertion settles over Frank’s face as he wonders if this really is the way he’s spending his Friday night. His mouth quirks to the side. “First I’m gonna ask you how you know that, and second I wanna know exactly what we’re doing.”
“I know her, Frank. I just… know.”
“The fuck kinda answer’s that?” Frank glares, incredulous. “What, so you can listen to people breathing five blocks away, anticipate a bullet’s exact trajectory and now you can predict the future?”
Matt loosens his tie, looking more offended at the implication of being a fortune teller than at any other of Frank’s digs tonight. ”Of course not! S’just that… all of a sudden, she’s back in my life again. I wanna know what she’s doing, why she’s here, and what she has planned. You don’t know her like I do, Frank. Elektra isn’t good news.”
Frank yawns. “So? Ask her.”
“It’s not that simple.”
A muscle feathers in Matt’s jaw, the tension more palpable than ever, especially with the time ticking idly by. He adjusts the earbuds connected to the laptop in front of him, straining for a single sound, or any hint of activity, but he picks up on nothing. 
They’ve got all her communications tapped, thanks to Micro and his–as Foggy so aptly put it–technological wizardry, but this inactivity is well beyond her arrhythmic patterns. Matt glides his fingertips over her activity logs; every record of data painstakingly collated by Micro throughout the last two weeks. If there’s one thing about Elektra, it’s that Matt could count on her being out on a Friday night. 
Matt’s aware of Frank’s narrowing eyes, in similar concentration on the monitor ahead. “You think she’s really gonna leave us hangin’?”
“No, no, it’s just– she’s smart, okay? She’s smart, but I don’t think she knows. She’d make it obvious otherwise.”
“I dunno Red,” Frank shrugs, “Baitin’ your ex like this? That’s ballsy. Even for you.”
Matt’s head whips to the side at the mention of that word, ears pricking at the sudden dilation of Frank’s pupils, and the acceleration of his heartbeat. He’s readying himself for a fight. “I’m not giving you the satisfaction of a response, Frank.”
Frank tsks. “Ah, but ‘ya just did.”
It’s the unmistakable noise of Elektra’s phone being unlocked.
Matt straightens up in his chair, pushing his earbuds further in. “Frank!” he hisses. “Screen!” 
“Ain’t that your birthday? October 21?” Frank smirks.
Reddening, Matt pushes the grating thought aside. He’d discuss her passcode later, when time wasn’t of the essence. “Keep an eye on that screen–”
“She’s calling someone,” Frank interjects. He squints at the display. “Who’s… ‘Darling’?”
“Darling?” Matt stumbles over his words as the dial tone rings a little too loudly in his ears. “I-I don’t know.” 
There’s a hint of amusement in Frank’s voice. “She ever call you that?” 
But Matt’s response comes out quick. Too quick. “No!”
Frank’s mouth curves into a smile. “S’what I thought.”
Matt goes to retort, but the purpose of this mission embeds itself in his mind. “We have full access to her calls, her internet history, all her devices…If she’s planning anything, it’s gonna be tonight.”
“Can’t believe I’m sayin’ this, but I trust ‘ya,” Frank nods. “We got her.”
“Alright. I’m taking these out.” Unceremoniously, Matt yanks the earbuds out of his ears, wincing as the dial tone plays over the loudspeakers wired to the entire setup. 
Frank cocks his ear towards the speaker in the corner, glancing at the call logs laid out on his lap. He counts softly to himself. “I’m seein’ this Darling a lot. At least twice a day.”
Before they can deliberate further, Elektra’s ambient voice fills the tiny space. “Hello, Darling.” She pauses, hinting a smile. “Ready for me?”
Frank arches an eyebrow. “The fuck?”
“What took you so long?”
Matt stands up so abruptly that his chair falls to the ground, dizzy with the clang of metal on concrete. “That’s–”
Out of all the people they’d unassumingly characterised as the mysterious Darling, they would never, not in a million years, expect to hear you. 
“Did you look at the package I had delivered to you?” Elektra purrs, honeyed in a way that prickles the hairs on the back of Matt’s neck. “I would’ve sent it myself, but duty calls.”
“Shit, Red,” Frank chuckles. “You’re in deep shit.”
“It’s beautiful,” you say, “and it fits perfectly. You know me so well, Ellie.”
“Ellie?!” Matt mouths. “What?”
“I knew it’d fit, Darling. Now be a good girl and spread those legs for me.”
In complete disregard of Matt choking on his own spit, Frank’s eyes fly open. “This part of your mission?”
“N-no. Definitely not. But–” Matt hesitates, swallowing dryly. “We need to keep listening. For all we know, our friend here could be a contact.”
“Fuckin’ perv.”
Feeling his temper rise, Matt takes a deep breath, willing his urge to fight dissipate. “S’there a way to turn the volume down?”
“Beats me,” Frank replies, nonchalant. “But small world, huh? Our friend–”Frank emphasises–“and your ex. A girl you’re into and a girl you used to be into.”
“I’m not into her.”
Frank snorts. “Yeah, you are.”
“Hmm,” Matt says, nodding, “so explain why your heart beats faster around her.”
There’s more than a hint of annoyance in Frank’s reply. “What?”
“I know you heard me correctly, Castle. You can’t hide shit from me.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Frank growls, kicking his chair away, sending the call logs scattering to the floor. 
“I’m so wet for you,” you gasp, unknowingly diffusing yet another fight, your breathy moans barely audible over the speakers. 
Frank stiffens, his fists unfurling from his sides. “Wait, wait, wait. Did I just–”
The tips of Matt’s ears go pink. 
“Mm,” Elektra muses. “I can still taste you, you know.”
“And how do I taste, Ellie?”
Elektra laughs, the sound crystalline. “Delicious.”
All of a sudden, it feels as if the labyrinthine, constricting nature of Micro’s lab seals off from the outside world, trapping both men and their paramours inside. 
“Please,” you whimper, every stuttered breath punctuating the words that come to mind. 
“Use your words, Darling. Please what?”
“Tell me how to touch myself.”
Frank shifts uncomfortably in his chair, wringing his hands as his eyes search for a distraction. “Feels like we’ve crossed a line, Red.”
“Since when have you ever cared about crossing lines?” Matt asks, scowling. “It’s pertinent. To…the mission.”
“Cut the shit. We’re not in Catholic school. You can just admit you’re horny.”
“Jesus, Frank! I’m not…”
“Of course,” Elektra hums, but the inflection in her voice indicates the kind of coyness that tells Matt she’s in complete control, physically present or not. 
Strained nostalgia sends him into overdrive, even more so as he contemplates just how she knows you. 
You, of all people, he knows, would be better off without someone like Elektra. 
Yet here you are. 
“Use one finger, Darling,” she continues, “and touch your clit for me. Up and down, just the way you like it.”
“Fuck,” you murmur, squirming as Elektra conducts your pleasure. “I want more.”
“Greedy, aren’t you? You’re lucky I feel generous tonight. Do you think you could handle two fingers?”
Matt exhales softly, licking his lips as he falters back to his seat. “Maybe you’re right.
“Yes,” you whisper. “Anything you ask for, Ellie. I can handle it.”
“Good girl. Let me hear how wet you are.”
Tipping his chin towards the ceiling, Matt reaches forward, fumbling for the cable connecting the speakers to their set up. “We’ll try again tomorr–”
“No,” Frank murmurs, holding his hand out reflexively.  He hesitates swatting Matt’s hand away from the wire, but he still follows through, however unconvincing the gesture seems to be. It’s true; his stance was different just moments ago, but he thinks about it carefully now. Maybe Matt’s right, and the outcome of the call will be more useful than not, but maybe, buried deep down amongst the feelings he harbours for you…
Saying nothing further, Frank turns his attention back to you, still conflicted about whether or not he should listen in.
Positioning the phone between your legs, you lean down to rub your clit, alternating between featherlight strokes and deep-pressure circles. As you begin to splinter with the thought of your impending orgasm, you dip two fingers into your pussy, hoping the mic picks up on the slickness pooling between your legs. 
Slowly, you stretch yourself out, picturing her there, watching you. Savouring you. “God, Ellie, it feels so–”
“Mm,” Elektra moans, pausing to praise you as she ruffles around her nightstand. “Can you guess what I’m doing?”
You slide a pillow under your hips, groaning as you rock against your fingers. “I’m picturing you and your legs spread, your red silk robe draped over the side of the bed, and you’re– fuck! Fuck, Ellie–”
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
Crying out, you arch your back into your own touch, riding your hand until your body recovers just enough to go again. “I know you’re… you’re grabbing your favourite dildo, so you can fuck yourself while you fuck me.”
“Hm, has anyone told you how clever you are?” 
“You’re picturing it, aren’t you?” Matt asks, his face indiscernible. “The two of ‘em, together.”
Frank nods, pressing his lips together. “Yeah.”
“I guess we finally agree about something,” Matt says, chuckling.
“Yeah? And what’s that, exactly?”
“Do I really need to spell it out for you, Castle?”
Elektra huffs into the receiver, a faint buzzing emitting from her end of the call. “Put the phone down, Darling.”
She continues, humoured and unfazed. “I can still hear you, don’t worry. I want you to use one finger on your clit, and hm… Three fingers in your pussy.” She poses her next words as a question. “Although, I know from the way you moaned my name that you added a third without asking?”
“Mm, Ellie–”
“I’ll let you off, just once.”
With every noise he picks up, Matt feels himself growing flustered. With all his tells laying out in the open–the flush in his cheeks, to his staggered breathing–he’s a dead giveaway. He pulls his tie over his head, unable to form a single coherent thought, the pretense of the mission long gone. Clearing his throat, Matt sits upright, draping his arm across his lap in an effort to conceal his growing erection. He opens his mouth to say something, anything, but one of Elektra’s moans punctuates his focus, catching him off guard. 
Warmth singes Matt’s spine as he notices Frank’s gaze sliding to his lap.
“Shit, Red,” Frank murmurs, shaking his head, “I’m just… gonna leave you be. Okay? Call out when you’re… done.” He stands up promptly, stalking to the bedrolls in the other room.
“Wait–” Matt calls out, wanting to communicate that being left alone to act on his impulses is the last thing he needs…
But Frank makes a good point. Especially when he’s off to do the same thing.
“You know I can hear you jerking off, right?!” Matt yells. 
Frank’s retort bounces off the walls. “Mind your own damn business, Red!” 
“Whatever,” Matt mutters. Grateful for the privacy, he takes a moment to unbuckle his belt, tuning out the clinking of the metal in favour of the conversation overhead.
“Will you do me a favour, Ellie?” you gasp, pumping your fingers in and out of you with increasing speed.
“That depends on what you want.”
Desperation limns your voice, but you’re past the point of caring. “I want to hear you fuck yourself. Let me hear you cum.”
There’s a shuffle of fabric on the other end of the phone as Elektra makes a small noise of approval. 
Matt doesn’t need to be told that she’s moved in favour of a better position. 
Cowgirl was always her favourite.
He groans, still fully clothed, bucking into his hand as he concentrates on Elektra’s rhythmic breathing and hisses of pleasure. He palms himself, knowing she’s riding her dildo the same way she’d ride him, knowing just from the way she sounds that she’s getting close.
But she’s not the object of his attention tonight.
Not when you’re right there, unbelievably tangible yet barely within his grasp.
He wants you, affirming the thought as he pushes his underwear down; just enough to wrap his fist around his cock. He doesn’t have time to take it slow, so this will have to do.
In the other room, the noises you make echo in Frank’s mind, playing and replaying until he’s forced to hold onto the concrete wall to maintain any semblance of sanity. He squeezes his eyes shut as he fucks his hand, picturing you all stretched out, taking him until he has no more left to give.  
As if they both hadn’t just spilled into their hands, unable to shake the relief that gave way into yearning, they remember that there is still the matter of the mission at hand.
“I… I think they’re finishing up,” Matt rasps, rolling his chair up to the laptop on the main desk. 
Frank replies with a curt nod, taking his place on Matt’s left. 
“Better?” Elektra exhales, satisfaction now evident in her tone. 
“Same time tomorrow, Darling?” she asks, cheerful. 
“Why don’t I come over to yours, Ellie? We can leave the curtains open again, give New York a little show.”
Elektra clicks her tongue. “Ah, like the one we put on tonight?” 
Frank shoots a sideways glance at Matt. 
She continues, more resolute than before. “I think an in-person show might be better. Don’t you think so, boys?” 
“No goddamn way,” he mouths.
Elektra pouts. “You both came awfully fast, didn’t you?”
Frank was right; they’d listened far too long. To something far too personal. 
Matt swears, searching for a way to end the call. 
“You really think I wouldn’t find out? Amateurs.”
Frank sighs as the dial tone rings in their ears, clapping Matt on the back. “Well, I think our cover’s blown.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“Nice knowin’ you, Red. Nice knowin’ you.”
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tags {x} for everyone who interacted with the original post/people who might like this 💗 @v4leoftears @devils-dares @chvoswxtch @itwasthereaminuteago @castlesnchurches @reborn-rekall @qu1etwolf @marvelswh0re @munsonownsmyass @murdock-and-the-sea @fxlsealarm @hailey-murdock
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hellsburners · 10 months
strain and torment
summary: reader has insane bi panic pairing: matt murdock x male reader x elektra natchios word count: 3.2k warnings: 18+ warning, bi!top matt, bi!male reader, threesomes, p in v sex, anal seggz, reader and elektra do it, dom/sub themes a/n: part 2 of the pain and suffering duo fic!
masterlist | more matt murdock
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gif credit
“We’re here,” you said, facing him. His crimson lenses glinted against the porch light, his veiny hands tight around the walking cane. There was a smile on his face, the same face you’ve grown to love and adore, the dimples more prominent.  “Are you sure you could head home alone?” 
“Yes,” he chuckles. “I can manage, you should go rest.” 
“And—that’s it?” you said, teetering. He laughs, that breathy laugh he always makes, the one that also makes you laugh. His hand reaches for your face, calloused fingertips brush your cheek lacing through your hair. You close your eyes, appreciating his warm touch. His other hand wraps around your waist pulling you to him. 
Your chests meet, feeling your heart beat faster and louder, like his alarm in the morning—alerting him. He presses his lips against yours, his stubble prickling a bit. He felt your warmth, your scent, your taste, it was inebriating. You pull back, catching your breath, he pulls you back in. He wants this moment to last, the moments where it was just you and him—happy. 
Matt finally releases you, and a shot of anxiety crashes through him. This won’t last, he thinks. After two weeks of flirting back and forth, he was happy for a time, but he knew the risks. Just a few days ago you found him lumped on the floor unconscious, his eyes sunken in, purple bags around his eyes. He knew how worried you were, the way your breathing would quicken, your heartbeat too fast, and your hands cold and shaking. He hated how it made you feel, that’s why he thought of ending it as soon as possible. Maybe Foggy was right, this lifestyle isn’t suited for a mundane relationship. 
“Goodbye,” he smiled, the guilt eating him up. He turned to walk away, hailing a cab across the street. You head back to your apartment, you notice the way Matt’s mood shifted. It has been bothering you for days. He would always say he fell down the stairs or he slipped, but you’re not dumb, you know how different those bruises are. It worries you too much. 
You fumbled to open the door, the keys got caught on some pins. You dragged yourself to the fridge for a drink, you took the box of juice and a glass, pouring yourself a drink. The cold liquid shook your body off of the anxiety, it was soothing in a way. 
“Hello there,” a voice said. Your body jumped, the glass falling from your hand as you turned around. There was a woman in your dining room. She was slim and sharp, she could’ve been a model you thought, with long black hair cascading down her shoulders. She wore a maroon suit, wraps of the red cloth around her waist and hands. Then you saw it, a faint glimmer of silver at her hip, two blades sheathed, fear raised from your chest.
“Who the hell are you?” you shouted, brows furrowed. You could feel the wetness on your feet, under the shards of glass. She stood up from her seat, walking to you in a cat-like manner, slow and precise. 
“I’m no one, especially to you,” she said, her voice low and sultry. Her eyes were dark, like a siren, her red lips sharp as she grinned. 
“So—why are you in my apartment then?” you said, sarcastically. 
“Just to look,” she said, scanning you with her dark gaze, her long lashes batting at you.  
“Okay lady you’re creeping me out,” you said, sweat forming on your forehead. “I need you to leave.”
You inch forward but she quickly grabs the phone on your kitchen counter. She takes a look at your screen, the photo of Matt at Fogwell’s set as your background. “Aww, how cute,” she said. You grabbed the phone from her hand, hiding it away. She had this mischievous look on her face, taunting you. “You must be Matthew’s new boy toy.”
“Boy toy?” you were shocked. “You know Matt? And what’s with this ninja outfit?” 
“Ninja?” she chuckled. “Which part of this get-up says ninja?” You gestured at the blades on her hip. “Ah, smart boy. Matthew’s taste must have improved.”
“Lady, you’re not answering my questions.”
“Because they’re dumb questions,” she said. She inched forward, her long fingers touching your chin. She was beautiful up close, almost otherworldly. Her arm reaches past your shoulder to the fridge to grab the box of juice. She grabs a glass and pours herself a drink as you stand frozen. Your head is riddled with so many questions.
“Fine—I’m Elektra Natchios,” she said, taking a sip of the juice. “And I’m here to save your life.”
Matt asked for the cab to stop only a few meters from your apartment. The cab driver was confused, Matt gave the man some money before he left. His senses were off, something was wrong. He could smell it from afar, his head scanned across the street, the smell of the dead. Like rotting corpses. He could also hear metal sliding across each other, like a hundred blades unsheathing. 
He tried to pinpoint where they were coming from and then it hit him, it was coming from your building. He rushed through the people on your street, bumping into shoulders, curses flying around as he hit their bodies a little too strong. Fear inched at his nape, sweat trickling down his skin. 
He reaches the entrance of the building, the door ajar. He ran to the stairs, running to your unit, he was getting tired but soon the adrenaline came over him. He reached the fourth floor, his senses were off, and he couldn’t find your scent. He runs to the last door on the right, a body lumped on the floor the taste of iron on Matt’s lips. 
He tried, he tried to find it—any semblance of your presence but there was none. He could smell the faintest jasmine scent, a familiar scent to Matt, a scent he knew would only signal bad news. 
“Where is he?” he said, entering the room. 
The slender figure, wiping the blood off her face, left a last kick on another man on the floor. The entire room was a mess, tables were broken, vases toppled over, and around twelve men were dead on your apartment floor. “Oh there you are,” she said, taking a glass of juice from the counter. “I haven’t seen you for months and you don’t even say hi.”
“Answer my question Elektra,” he said. 
“He’s safe with me,” dropping the glass on the floor, a thousand shattered pieces littering the already messy room. “He’s on the way to my penthouse with my driver.”
“Who did this?”
“Your little devil adventures pissed off the wrong men,” she said. She reached down to the body on her feet, pulling on the man’s hair. “Tell him who sent you,” her blade placed on his jugular.
“The Rose sends his regards,” the man grunts, blood pooling on his mouth before he passes. 
“Richard Fisk?” Matt said.
“Putting the Kingpin behind bars left the city ripe for the taking,” Elektra said. “Stay with me for a while, we can think of how we can deal with this there—plus he’s there too.”
She noticed the way his hand clenched, knuckling white as his nails dug into his palms. She touches his hand, rubbing her thumb to soothe him. “Elektra—I can’t lose him,” his voice hitches, tears forming. 
“And you won’t,” she whispered. “I swear, I’ll help you.”
“How would I know you’re not deceiving me again,” he said, pulling his hand away from her. “There’s always a price when you’re involved.”
“Richard Fisk is ruining business for me. Help me get rid of him and you’ll never see me again,” her lips graze Matt’s ear. “Plus—you and me fighting criminals, like old times,” she smirked.
Matt bit his lips in contempt.
Elektra’s penthouse was big, with high ceilings and massive windows painted gray. It was cold and dark, You sat near the kitchen counter, your hands shaking. The sight from your apartment was frightening. Elektra took down a bunch of armed men, her body moving swiftly with such grace she was like a red sword cutting through the men like nothing. 
She managed to drag you outside the apartment, shoving you inside a black SUV, and told the driver to bring you to her penthouse. You were in so much shock during the car ride. Your home would probably be a crime scene, all your belongings left there for the cops to find, you even left your phone there, with all your precious pictures of Matt. 
The door swung open. You looked to see Elektra enter the room, her clothes soaked in blood. Behind her was Matt, his suit all messy and his hair all tousled. You ran to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. His hands gripped onto you hard. “God, I’m glad you’re safe,” he whispered. 
“What happened?” you asked, Elektra vanished from the scene, her clothes left on the floor trailing to her room. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth,” he said, his hands firm on your waist. You saw the duffel bag Matt had left on the doorstep, a billy club protruding from the opening.
“Are you?” you uttered. “The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen?”
He nods, it would explain everything, the bruises, the wounds, the constant pain weighing on his shoulders as if he carried the world. “How?” you said, your brows furrowed as your hands roamed his chest. 
“It’s a lot to explain, but trust me I’ll tell you everything,” he said. “No more secrets.” 
Your hands went to his collar, pulling him into a kiss. His lips, were warm against yours as his arms hugged your waist. His kiss was filled with want, pulling you tighter to take you in. It was feverish like he craved for your taste on his lips. He breathed in, taking in your warm scent into his lungs, the fear from earlier leaving his senses. 
His fingers reached under the hem of your shirt, calloused fingertips warm against your back. Your hands smoothed through his soft hair, his lips falling to your cheek, down to your jaw, to your neck, the roughness of his chin pricking your neck. His lips pressed onto your skin, the tip of his tongue toying with your jugular. He would leave a few marks on your neck, drawing moans out of you, It was lewd, you had forgotten you weren’t in your homes. 
You heard the clinking of glasses, Elektra was setting up three glasses and an expensive bottle of scotch. “You horny boys ready for a drink or what?” she sneered. Matt sighed, letting go of you. 
The three of you shared a drink, the bitterness surely shook the anxiety away. “Care to discuss how you two know each other?” you asked. Matt choked on his drink, and Elektra smirked. 
“Yes Matthew, do tell your boyfriend here how we met.”
“Elektra was my ex in college,” Matt said, his voice hoarse. 
“Ah,” you said, taking another sip of the liquor. You avoided their gazes, swirling your glass around doing anything to distract yourself from imagining Matt on top of Elektra or Elektra on top of Matt or—
“If it’s any consolation for you,” she said. “I broke it off. Not that Matthew wasn’t an excellent lover, he surely is well endowed.”
You choked on your drink. Matt shook his head in disbelief. 
“Especially in the bedroom,” she said. “His skill is unparalleled.” 
“Can we stop this conversation,” Matt broke off, waving his hand around. 
“So, how long are we staying here?” you asked. 
“As long as Fisk’s son is brought to justice,” he said. “We’ll take care of it.”
You downed the drink, the alcohol burning your throat. You noticed Elektra staring at you, her dark eyes piercing through you like she could tell all your secrets just from reading your body language. You look back at her, your brows furrowed in confusion. She smiles, that same devious smile she makes, like a temptress. 
“Does it bother you?” she asked. Matt had left to get your things settled for the night. 
“No,” you answered, bile rising from your stomach. Was it jealousy? Or utter curiosity? That Matt would settle for you after dating someone who looked like a Greek goddess.  “Do you have a problem with me? From the moment you saw me you’ve been taunting me.”
Her smile fades.
“If anything I think the jealous one here is you.”
She chuckles under her breath. “I’m not jealous,” she smiled, inching closer to you. “Matt had spoken to me about you, how much he adores you. And somehow it intrigued me.”
“Intrigued you?”
“How it’ll be like to have you,” she said. “To see what Matthew sees in you.”
She sets her index finger on your chin bringing your face to her. You could smell her lip gloss, a soft cherry scent. You inched closer as well, your breaths meeting. Heat rose to your cheeks painting them red. Her slender hands found your waist, hooking onto a belt loop and pulling you in. 
“What’s going on?” you heard Matt clear his throat. Elektra knew he heard everything, and her stable heart would indicate she was telling the truth. 
She spun you so you were facing Matt, his shirt abandoned leaving him in his trousers. “Just wanted to play. Your boyfriend here seemed eager.”
“Is that true?” he said, his voice stern and commanding. “Do you want to play with Elektra?”
“Only if you allow it,” you said. Matt’s eyebrow raised as if you just said the wrong thing. “I meant, only if you allow it, sir.” 
“Oh, has he been trained well?” Elektra said, her hands finding your hair, tugging. 
“Yeah, always obedient,” he came close to you and Elektra. “You know your safe words right?”
“Yes sir.” 
“Good,” he said, taking his head to your lips. A soft whimper leaves your mouth, you can hear Elektra chuckle. Matt’s large hands find your waist, reaching behind to grasp a handful of your ass. 
You could feel Elektra leave soft kisses on your neck, her hands roaming all over your torso. Your knees buckle from all their touching, your knees almost giving out. She finds the growing erection in your center, her hands palming it. You cry in Matt’s kiss, falling out of balance. 
Elektra grabs the two of you by the wrists, dragging you to her room. It was massive, with big windows overlooking the city skyline, a king-sized bed with maroon sheets, and some gym equipment at the side. 
Matt sits on the bed, palming his erection. He pulls you to his lap, sucking on your neck leaving marks. Elektra comes to join you, standing in between your legs to press a kiss on your lips. She was sweet and her lips soft. 
“Show Elektra how good you are sweetheart,” Matt whispered. 
You knelt in front of Matt taking his cock out. You left soft kisses along his erected shaft, licking the from the base to the leaking tip. Elektra went to sit on the small chair near her vanity. Her hands playing with her sex. 
Your lips pressed on the tip of Matt’s cock, and he shuddered from the contact. You slowly envelop the head with your wet lips, taking him till your nose hit the base of his cock. Matt lets out a guttural moan, his hand gripping your hair. 
Elektra played with her clit, circling her fingers on the sensitive nub. You could hear her moan just from watching you, you start to touch your sex, anything to deal with your aching cock. 
“See? He’s a good slut,” Matt said. You continued to bob your head on his cock going down and sucking up. 
“Let’s see if he can do the same here,” Elektra said. You crawled your way to her, her panties already gone, her sex glistening against the dim lights. You present your tongue to her as you lap on her slit, licking and sucking on her clit while you tease her entrance. She shudders, pulling you in through your hair, her thighs shaking on each side of your face. 
You could feel Matt pull your pants and underwear off, his stubbled face in between your cheeks soon after. You continue to taste her at the same pace Matt was licking your hole, gripping tightly on your ass as he ate you out. 
“Shit—” Elektra moans, her long nails scratching your scalp. 
“Is that good mistress?” you said, looking up at her with tears running down your face, your lips swollen and wet. 
“Very good,” she whimpers once more. 
After Elektra came for the first time you were soon on her bed. Matt lying down, you straddling his dick, while Elektra rode Matt’s face. You and Elektra were moaning from Matt’s actions, his thick cock filling you well while his tongue played with her clit. 
Your hands held onto Matt’s chest for stability, Elektra pulling you in for a kiss, her mouth swollen and drooling as she pressed onto you. She moved her hips forward and back on Matt’s face as she soon came for a second time, an ethereal glow plastered on her face. 
Matt later placed you on the bed, your legs on each side of his waist as he fucked you more vigorously. Elektra lay next to you stroking your cock as Matt riled his hips inside you, his hair all wet and his lips swollen. Precum leaked onto your belly, Elektra took some of it to taste and to use as lube for herself. She later took your cock inside her, straddling you as Matt took his fill inside you. 
Matt’s arms wrapped around Elektra’s waist, fondling her breasts and tweaking her nipples while another hand played with her clit. Sharing a kiss, they looked like a pornographic painting, Matt was big and full of muscle while Elektra was small and delicate. Elektra’s pussy felt so good on your cock, and Matt’s thickness only drove you closer to unraveling. 
“You look so pretty taking us sweetheart,” Matt groans, Elektra agreeing with him. They bent over to share a kiss with you, their tongues meeting yours as you moaned. 
“I’m close—” you said, Elektra smirked. She rolled her hips harder, clenching on your cock as she rode her high. Her body convulsed on your dick she was shaking so hard it sent vibrations on your cock triggering your climax. 
You came inside her and the vibrations from your bodies only aided in Matt’s release. The three of you were moaning messes as you came crashing down on the bed, naked bodies all wet and panting. 
Matt smoothed your hair out before kissing you on the lips, Elektra doing the same. 
You spent the month living with Elektra, the sex continued until the mission was done. The three of you spent the nights researching and fucking all over her loft, like animals.  Sooner or later Matt found out Elektra had an ulterior motive which led her to leave again. Your relationship with Matt never changed but you still thought of those nights whenever you lay with Matt. 
interactions are greatly appreciated btw if u liked this fic and want more send me a prompt and i'd gladly make something from it :>
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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hello and welcome to another celebration! ❣️❣️❣️
Thank you so much for everything, forever grateful for every single interaction and every one I've met here, smooches and love to everyone <3
This time around I will write blurbs and drabbles and focus solely on the women!!! 🍒
Running from october 17 to october 21!
masterlist here!
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories.
🌷Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. Dark topics, platonic relationships & aus are welcome. No daughter! reader though.
🌷 Please only use a character from the ones already provided.
🌷I will either turn them to make blurbs or hds or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
🌷As always feel encouraged to send as many asks as you desire. I will be receiving the asks and releasing them of my own volition.
🌷 You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
characters: Selina Kyle, Natasha Romanoff, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Valkyrie, Layla El Faouly, Monica Rambeau, Jane Foster, Jessica Jones, Gamora, Elektra Natchios, Wanda Maximoff || Bix Caleen, Galadriel, Sharon Carter, Nakia, Jennifer Walters, Dinah Madani, Karen Page, Bobbi Morse, Maya Lopez.
aus: apocalypse, ballet, bakery, bar, bodyguard, book store, brothel, celebrity, coffee shop, cult, detective, fake dating, gardening, ghost, mafia, maid, mechanic, mermaid, musician/rock star, neighbor, stripper, tattoo shop, yandere.
kinks: whips, corruption, latex, breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, mutual or guided masturbation, mirror sex, love bites, strip tease, uniform/suit, deep throating, knife play, gunplay, titty fucking, hunter/prey, squirting, praise, worship, dirty talk, sex toys, overstimulation, accidental stimulation, collaring, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, gagging, lingerie, object insertion, rimming, lap dance, period sex, lactation, balcony, thigh riding, breast worship, temperature play, edging, sex tape, hate sex, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes, degradation, humiliation.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, rock climbing, library, museum, botanical gardens, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks, concert, walking, sightseeing, volunteering, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, mattress shopping, shopping spree, cinema, coffee, ice skating, cooking classes, abandoned places, photoshoot.
domestic situations: building furniture, trying new recipes, competitive games, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing, laundry, goodbye at the door, repairing, changing bedsheets, exercising, deep cleaning, takeout, bath, falling asleep, dancing, holidays, brushing teeth, waking them up, eating, listening to music, complaining about family, movie nights, nagging, doing dishes.
Just combine as many as you want however you seem fit! And of course when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
☆ In the near hopefully future, I will keep the same exact format and have all the characters available ☆
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
No pressure tagging: @alohastyles-x, @silver-pieces, @stargirlfics, @maladaptivexxdaydreaming,@musingsinmoonlight, @chelleztjs18, @asgardwinter, @inklore, @bvckysmoon, @that-sarcastic-writer, @wint3r-h3art, @galatially, @writing-for-marvel, @stranger-nightmare, @psychedelic-ink,
104 notes · View notes
the-hanged-lover · 9 months
basically just who i write for and general rules when requesting. who i write for is subject to change as time goes on. you can find my masterlist here.
please do
i will write oneshots, drabbles, and headcanons; feel free to request for any.
be detailed.
request as much as you like. i don’t mind. i love getting requests. :D
i will write about potentially upsetting topics. trigger warnings will always be present. these topics include s/h, violence, things related to suicide, abuse (never by the person i’m writing for), and profanity.
i typically write for female readers in mind, but i will do gender neutral readers or male readers if requested. i will also gladly do other pronouns besides she/her.
please do not
do not—and i cannot stress this enough—request anything smut related. ever. i will never write it.
do not badger me about requests. i’ll just delete it and move on.
i will not write about the reader cheating/being cheated on by the character you request; they can be cheated on by a different character. i will also not write anything related to a specific weight. do not request anything related to miscarriages.
luther hargreeves. diego hargreeves. allison hargreeves. klaus hargreeves. ben hargreeves (original and sparrow timeline). viktor hargreeves. sloane hargreeves.
frank castle. yelena belova. matt murdock. elektra natchios. wanda maximoff. bucky barnes. sam wilson. jessica jones. steven grant. marc spector. jake lockley. stephen strange. thor. loki.
la knight. roman reigns. jey uso. asuka. rhea ripley. cora jade. indi hartwell. dexter lumis. becky lynch. bayley. dakota kai. iyo sky. cody rhodes. damian priest. dominik mysterio. finn bálor. carmelo hayes. trick williams. jade cargill. seth rollins. sami zayn. kevin owens. chad gable. ilja dragunov. tiffany stratton. mjf. christian cage. danhausen.
jason voorhees. amanda young. lawrence gordon. mark hoffman. pinhead. hannibal lecter (both movie and tv versions). will graham. patrick bateman. charles lee ray. tiffany valentine. candyman.
the boys
billy butcher. hughie campbell. frenchie. m.m. kimiko miyashiro. annie january. queen maeve. cherie. homelander. soldier boy.
gen v
marie moreau. emma meyer. jordan li. cate dunlap. sam riordan.
mortal kombat
mileena. kitana. tanya. hanzo hasashi. kuai liang. kung lao. raiden/dark raiden. kenshi. johnny cage. bi-han/noob saibot. smoke. li mei. jade. shang tsung. kabal. kano. ashrah. rain. syzoth. sindel (midway/mk1 version). skarlet. cassie cage. sareena. erron black. fujin.
killing eve
eve polastri. villanelle.
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beauarlenswife · 11 months
Navigation & Masterlist
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who i write for 🔮
➠ requests are open
➠ i do write smut ( 18+ only )
➠ wattpad for stories
─── ✧・ 。゚⛧゚。. ✧───
➠ 🌷- fluff
➠🥀- smut
➠ 🪷- angst
─── ✧・ 。゚⛧゚。. ✧──
╰─▸Dean Winchester
Baby, Won’t You Lock The Door? 🌷
Magical Mistletoe 🌷
summary; reader is a witch and it’s christmas, reader wants to brighten up the bunker.
Dean as a girldad🌷
High Enough
╰─▸ Sam Winchester
platonic only
None Yet
╰─▸Jack Kline
platonic only
Don’t Scratch It! 🌷
The 100
╰─▸ Octavia Blake
None Yet
╰─▸ Raven Reyes
None Yet
╰─▸Lexa Kom Trikru
None Yet
The Boys
╰─▸Soldier Boy
None Yet
Big Sky
╰─▸Beau Arlen
Get It Off My Desk 🥀
The Vampire Diaries Universe
╰─▸Klaus Mikaelson
None Yet
╰─▸Kai Parker
None Yet
╰─▸Rebekah Mikaelson
None Yet
╰─▸Hayley Marshall
None Yet
╰─▸Hope Mikaelson
None Yet
Marvel Universe
╰─▸Matt Murdock
None Yet
╰─▸Jessica Jones
None Yet
╰─▸Elektra Natchios
None Yet
╰─▸(ag’s) Peter Parker
None Yet
The Walking Dead Universe
╰─▸Rick Grimes
None Yet
╰─▸Maggie Rhee
None Yet
╰─▸Rosita Espinosa
None Yet
╰─▸Tara Chambler
None Yet
None Yet
╰─▸Alicia Clarke
None Yet
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these are the only characters i can think of atm, it will be updated if i think of more. if you have a request then go head and send it even if the character/fandom isn’t up here, i’ll respond either with an imagine or something.
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nextlevel-hq · 1 year
Amanda Waller (57) - Viola Davis
Artemis Crock (28) - Jolie Nguyen
Barbara Gordon (29) - Kennedy McMann
Bernard Dowd (20) - Nicholas Galitzine
Buddy Baker (27) - Paul Mescal
Cassandra Cain (26) - Lana Condor
Clark Kent (37) - Henry Cavill
Damian Wayne (19) - Anthony Keyvan
Dick Grayson (29) - Balint Jasko
Ed Nygma (34) - Ben Whishaw
Harleen Quinzel (31) - Samara Weaving
Jason Todd (26) - Kyle Allen
Jonathan Crane (35) - Cillian Murphy
Koriand'r (29) - Kiki Layne
Lex Luthor (36) - Keahu Kahuanui
Lois Lane (36) - Odette Annable
Michael Carter (32) - Boyd Holbrook
Minhkhoa Khan (45) - Desmond Tan
Pamela Isley (33) - Cintia Dicker
Roy Harper (30) - Cameron Monaghan
Selina Kyle (31) - Ana de Armas
Stephanie Brown (20) - Kathryn Newton
Ted Kord (33) - Joseph Gordon Levitt
Tim Drake (33) - Tba
Zatanna Zatara (33) - Aslihan Malbora
Billy Kaplan (20) - Timothee Chalamet
Bruce Banner (32) - Hugh Dancy
Bucky Barnes (30) - Richard Rankin
Clint Barton (31) - Jake McDorman
Elektra Natchios (33) - Tashi Rodriguez
Felicia Hardy (30) - Imaan Hammam
Gabriel Summers (26) - Michael Yerger
Gwen Stacy (29) - Hanna Edwinson
Jean Grey (31) - Alina Kovalenko
Jemma Simmons (28) - Elizabeth Henstridge
Johnny Storm (28) - Taylor Zakhar Perez
Karolina Dean (24) - Ginny Gardner
Kate Bishop (23) - Momo Hirai
Laura Kinney (24) - Lizeth Selene
Leo Fitz (33) - Iain de Caestecker
Logan Howlett (45) - Hugh Jackman
Loki Laufeybur (38) - Erika Linder
Mantis (35) - Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc
Mary Jane Watson (29) - Marina Ruy Barbosa
Matt Murdock (32) - Charlie Cox
Nadia Van Dyne (20) - Mia Alves
Natasha Romanoff (36) - Irina Shayk
Ororo Munroe (38) - Anok Yai
Peter Parker (25) - Charlie Rowe
RJ Boyle (18) - Tanner Buchanan
Scott Summers (31) - Jamie Dornan
Sharon Carter (35) - Margot Robbie
Stephen Strange (46) - Dev Patel
Steve Rogers (40) - Chris Evans 
Wade Wilson (32) - Ryan Reynolds
Wanda Maximoff (35) - Gratiela Brancusi
Warren Worthington III (31) - Lucas Till
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
Misc. masterlist
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❌ dark(ish) ||🔥 smut || 🧸 fluff/soft ||⚡ angst || 💔 soulmate!au || 🌎 au || 🎱 mention of reader’s sexual orientation || 🤍 gender neutral reader (otherwise it's probably fem reader) || ✨ reader description (mostly just implied) ||🎗miscarriage / infertility / reader not wanting kids || ❤️‍🩹 not quite angsty but it’s definitely in the “it hurts” category
see the
• Main Masterlist •
for Boba Fett, Santiago Garcia, Andromache, The Darkling, Billy Russo, Outcome 3, Poe Dameron, Nathan Bateman, Duke Leto Atreides, Alfie Solomons, Bishop Losa, Eddie Munson, Stranger Things (Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Billy Hargrove, Max Mayfield, 11), Eames, Tommy Conlon, James Delaney, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, William “Ironhead” Miller, Xenk Yendar, Aemond Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Shanks (OPLA)
Star Wars
Jango Fett
Just a simple man - Jango Fett x half alien!Reader
Summary: You save him and he shows you there is more to life than fighting…
Meeting • Trust • Stay 🔥🧸 • Life 🔥🧸 • Death⚡
Speak Freely (epilogue of Just a simple man) ⚡🧸 - Boba Fett x half alien!Reader
Summary: Boba hasn’t spoken Mando'a since the death of his father…
Darth Maul
Beauty and the Beast - Darth Maul x Queen of Naboo!Reader ⚡
Summary: Maul is tasked to keep you in line while his master’s plan comes together on Coruscant…
Bucky Barnes
Imagine: Birthday Party, Avenger style
True Love’s Kiss - Steve x Bucky, (Steve x Natasha) 🔥⚡🧸🌎
Summary: The King of Northern America is engaged to the beautiful Princess Natasha of the Russian Empire, too bad he is falling for someone else…
Happily Ever After (part 2 of TLK) - Steve x Bucky, (Steve x Natasha) ❌🔥⚡🧸🌎
Summary: Wanda returns to have her revenge…
Steve Rogers
True Love’s Kiss - Steve x Bucky, (Steve x Natasha) 🔥⚡🧸🌎
Summary: The King of Northern America is engaged to the beautiful Princess Natasha of the Russian Empire, too bad he is falling for someone else…
Happily Ever After (part 2 of TLK) - Steve x Bucky, (Steve x Natasha) ❌🔥⚡🧸🌎
Summary: Wanda returns to have her revenge…
Tony Stark
Doctor Strange
Pietro Maximoff
Erik Killmonger
Grinch green - Loki x Maximoff!Reader
Summary: Being paired up on a mission with Loki ends up changing your relationship with the moody god…
Casual fun - Elektra x Reader 🔥(🎱)
Summary: Riding high on adrenaline, you find something else to ride too…
Matt Murdock
Imagine: Birthday Party, Avenger style
Erik Lehnsherr
Charles Xavier
Remy LeBeau
Lord of the Rings
Brother Day
Day & Night - Brother Day x Reader ❌🔥⚡🧸
Summary: You can’t resist a challenge and what could be more daring than changing the fate of an Empire but you didn’t calculate with the obstinate nature of Day…
Triple Frontier
Benny Miller
Little Miller - Benny Miller x Will’s BFF!Reader 🔥
Summary: You are Will’s new bestie and everyone (except the two of you) thinks you’re gonna end up together but your love-hate relationship with his lil’ bro takes an interesting turn when you find out his call sing, that they never actually use…
Dog Soldiers series (Love, Death & Robots - Shape-Shifters AU)
Part 3 - Benny Miller
Raymond Smith
A deal is a deal - Ray Smith x half Asian!Reader 🌎
Bribing • The Offer • Deal • Business🔥⚡ • Pleasure 🔥🧸 •  All’s fair… 🧸
Summary: You make an offer and you get yourself a Ray of Sunshine with the deal…
This is a terrible idea - Ray Smith x aristocrat!Reader
King Arthur - Legend of the Sword
King Arthur
All Hallows Eve - King Arthur x mage!Reader ⚡🧸
Summary: Staying at the castle, you train Arthur so he can wield the sword properly. When All Hallows Eve arrives, the dead wants to be heard…
The Legend of his Queen (part 2 of AHE) - King Arthur x mage!Reader ⚡🔥🧸
Summary: You fell in love with the King, even though you knew his destiny was to fall for someone else…
Good Omens
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale
We are even - Derek Hale x hunter!Reader
Summary: You work with the Argents but you play by your own rules…
Chris Argent
Enola Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Bride (to lover) - Sherlock Holmes x Reader 🔥⚡🧸
Summary: A marriage of convenience. You never expected it to be anything else…
*Dating the Darkling / Billy Russo / Logan Delos / Caspian / +Sirius Black headcanon 🔥⚡🧸
made up fic title: The Summer Prince
Darkness Within series - Vilgefortz x Calanthe’s daughter!Reader ❌🔥⚡
Summary: He found you when your mother sentenced you to death, he took you in and taught you everything you know, then he found out just how special you are…
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Robb Stark
The Wolf and the Lion - Robb Stark x Lannister!Reader
Summary: Stranger, betrothed, enemy, prisoner, wife, lover, traitor, saviour, captor…
Tyrion Lannister
Alicent Hightower
Imagine Alicent seducing you...
Star Trek
James Bond (No Time to Die)
The Enemy of My Enemy - Paloma x Villain!Reader 🔥⚡
Summary: Your relationship with her is complicated but you have to take aside your differences because Bond needs you both to save the world this time…
Harry Potter (Marauders/Fantastic Beasts )
Sirius Black
*Dating the Darkling / Billy Russo / Logan Delos / Caspian / +Sirius Black headcanon 🔥⚡🧸🤍
made up fic title: Serpent's Heart
Percival Graves
Logan Delos
*Dating the Darkling / Billy Russo / Logan Delos / Caspian / +Sirius Black headcanon 🔥⚡🧸
*Misery loves company - Venom x Reader x Eddie
Summary: You harbour Eddie’s fugitive ass and put up living with the dysfunctional couple because you became friends with Venom after he saved your life.
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Zablife Story Share - Chapter 6 Tommy Shelby x Solomons!Reader, written for @zablife's Story Share collab
Summary: A few months ago Tommy woke up to find his wife gone, along with half his fortune. Now he is prepared to make a deal with the devil himself if he can get her back...
Imagine Tommy coming to you all bloody after meeting with Alfie
John Shelby
Polly Gray
made up fic title: The Devil's Gift
Mad Max
Hero - Max x Reader 🤍
Imagine being some kind of cat yōkai
Imagine that you are the daughter of Ryūkotsusei
Imagine dying from poison
Kraven the Hunter
Sergei Kravinoff
Silver Silence
changeling!Sergei Kravinoff x Carter!Reader (Psy-Changeling AU)
Summary: Control. Precision. Family. These are the principles that drive the youngest Carter, who is the director of the new agency that is meant to protect the three races and the fragile peace between them. If only the new leader of a powerful predatory changeling pack wasn’t so distracting and destructing…
The Corinthian
Imagine the Corinthian hunting you…
Imagine Dream taking you to his realm...
Imagine being an immortal and the Corinthian falling for you...
Gen V
Jordan Li
Imagine that your power is that you are able to mimic other powers…
Imagine Jordan being too insecure to ask you out but not for the usual reason…
Imagine thinking that Jordan is trying to intimidate you…
Once Upon a Time
OUATIW Cyrus Scenes GIF: part 1, ...
One Piece (OPLA)
Dracule Mihawk
Imagine Mihawk finding you, a weapon maker, extremely fascinating…
Imagine that Mihawk is sent to capture you…
Imagine that Mihawk is sent to capture you… (2)
Imagine getting a reputation among the Marines because you survived a duel with Mihawk…
Imagine that you are the reason Mihawk gave up his Marine hunting ways…
made up fic title: The Girl with the Laurel Tattoo
Roronoa Zoro 
Vinsmoke Sanji
6 Underground
Sons of Anarchy / Mayans M.C.
Jax Teller
made up fic title: We are what lies beyond
Angel Reyes
made up fic title: Where the squirrels burrow
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ welcome to the coven my feral little gremlins ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
everyone say thank you @thyme-in-a-bubble for that cute ass header ✨
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ coven rules ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
☾ this blog is 18+, minors do not interact
☾ this blog is a safe space. no hate or disrespect of any kind towards anyone will be tolerated
☾ all work is my own. please do not repost anywhere else without my consent
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☾ come have a drink at mine 🥂 [2k]
☾ the eras tour (court's version) [3k]
☾ court's cafe ☕ [4k]
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character playlists
☾ elektra natchios
☾ jessica jones
☾ the bodyguard soundtrack
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prettyeyesnof4ce · 1 year
Elektra Natchios x gn!reader
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Summary: Seeing Elektra in a robe in the right lighting sparks something entirely deserved.
Warnings/Tags: SMUT, body worship, praise kink, oral sex (f receiving) (MDNI)
WC: 2.8k
A/N: My first female character x reader fic so go easy on me! Reader is gender neutral, so the oral is being received by Elektra. Any and all feedback is appreciated. I was inspired by that scene where she's wearing that robe heh.
Read on AO3 Masterlist
Approaching tentatively, you had already begun to admire her from where she stood by the window. It was the spring sunset, soft in color yet illuminating in presence. 
“You look good like this” You mumble, making your arrival behind Elektra. She was adorned in a deep scarlet robe, sheen and stopping just above the knee. Her hair was swept beyond her shoulders, free flowing along her back, dark umber and thick as ever. 
Whether she was aware that the lighting gave her silhouette away once met with the fabric,or had innocently forgotten about the very revealing nature of it didn’t matter. Elektra knew she was your sight for sore eyes, she could be standing there in a potato sack and you’d kneel undoubtedly 
A gentle smile would meet her lips, still tinted red despite removing her makeup minutes ago. She was tired from events of the day, maintaining her gaze toward the window despite your presence. Her shoulders heightened as her head dipped.
“Do I?” She spoke, voice never failing to ring like silk. Her feet shuffled ever so slightly, to signal the nerves suddenly inside her. She knew she was under watch. 
You make your move on her, hand coming up to rest on her right shoulder. 
“Of course” Fingers moving  across the surface, you caressed slowly, until you got to her hair, nudging it out of the way to continue. She giggled at the contact on the nape of her neck, hand coming up to bring yours back to its former position. Keeping it there, she held your hand close, tilting her head to rest. 
“Describe it to me” Elektra imposed, smile still tugging at her mouth, letting go of your hand. Purposefully turning to face you, her eyes met yours, pupils already blown. You stepped back before taking up her invitation. 
The knot which kept the robe closed was loose, allowing some leeway to see her chest. Collarbones, for the most part, are visible. The red shade complimented her olive skin so well, it could threaten to knock the breath out of your lungs. 
Knowing what laid below was one thing, yet gawking at it outright and taking in the scene before you was another. She was on display in front of the warmth in the sky, what was not to resist.
She bit her lip as your gaze raked down her torso, taking notice of her piqued nipples. With every rise and fall of her chest, her heartbeat became more aggressive. Despite being well aware of the effect she had on people, there was a smaller part in her that maintained doubt. Being under tight watch gave her insecurity yet filled her with adrenaline. That part of her yearned for praise in its most vulnerable form.
Your hesitation made Elektra hold her breath “What if I didn't?” 
Her head quirked to the left, letting go of the chew on her lip. She was blindsided with confusion for a moment before you stepped closer again, hands coming out to grab her face. 
Moving some remaining stray hairs behind her ear, you peered into those dark orbs. You could practically scoff at the way her teeth peeked through her glistening lips as her expression went dreamy. It told you all you needed to know about the feelings rising in her, she was on a pedestal of admiration, which excited her more than anything could. She knew what was about to transpire, it didn’t require words.
Switching from the face to the shoulders, your hands resumed their caress along the sheer fabric. The icy touch coupled with the arousal arising in her was terribly addicting. She almost jolted when your thumb grazed the hem below her collarbone, thinking you were going to reveal more, but it didn’t come. Her eyes searched your face, wondering when you were just going to give her your lips, considering the ache of her skin becoming heated. She prayed there would be reprieve, that your hand would slip and you’d graze her breast, but you were meticulous.
Elektra was many things, but being one to beg wasn’t in her handbook. She had to sit this one out while you had your merry way with the dealing of touch.
Once done admiring her shoulders, you dragged two fingers down her arm, the texture causing a *fwip* noise before finding skin. Taking her hand in yours, you brought it up to your mouth, laying the first kiss of many more. 
Elektra was falling victim to your persuasion, letting out a small chuckle in effort to cover up the way in which she ached, she wanted more. Her breath hitched once you got down on your knees, hand still being held delicately. You eventually grabbed both of them, gifting kisses to each of them before letting go.
She was staring down at you, the impatience bubbling even more, still being concealed by a glint of amusement. Frankly, the blush creeping up her cheeks was intensifying, wildly growing thanks to the realization of the angle at which you saw her at this very moment.
You gave no inkling of a smile back, only a look of intent, one that said “I wanna ruin you” 
It was then when your hands met either side of her legs, unbreaking eye contact as you kissed up them in a painfully slow trail. Elektra parted her thighs slightly, allowing you more surface to peck upon. 
She was biting her lip again, a bad habit that was the only thing keeping whines from escaping her, begs and pleas that gave away her stoic, hard exterior. You were able to tear those walls down with ease, and she absolutely loathed it. 
“God, what on earth are you doing?” The mask slipped, her eyebrows raising in tune to the tone at which she beckoned for answers. A sliver of a laugh rumbled in you, breathing on the sensitive inner part of her thigh before speaking, 
“Appreciating you like you deserve”
Those couple words sent her into more of a frenzy, tripling the rate at which her blood plumped. She was impossibly turned on, every kiss rendering her ability to stand to become weaker.
You stood back up straight, Elektra following you with her eyes before taunting with that seductive stare. She kept switching between your eyes and lips before you took initiative.
Pulling her waist against yours, the crash of your lips couldn’t have come quicker. She whined into your mouth, earning a grunt of approval from you. It was nice to hear some form of expression, that well kept structure only going so far when she had sheer desire racing through her. Again, she didn’t want to admit to that weakness, asking for help with something she couldn’t solve on her own. 
Elektra’s lips were as soft as ever, supple and paired well with her tongue that occasionally made its own statement. 
Swaying her body, you pulled her toward the couch, motioning her to lay down. She half expected you to land on top of her, and when you didn’t, it nearly warranted another whine. All you were left to stare down at was that dreamy expression from before, only this time her arms were thrown above her head, robe slipping and giving you the first glimpse of her undergarment. Scarlet red, similar to the robe, now parting open and revealing her heated body. 
You tilted your head to the right to represent admiration. 
“So perfect” left your lips, barely above a whisper and she smirked. 
Elektra knew she could remain wordless, she understood this endeavor was nothing more than a pursuit of worship. That and because the teeming arousal growing inside her sewn her mouth shut, any inkling of wit was sinking into the crevices of her mind. Right now, she just wanted you in any shape or form. To soothe the fire inside of her. 
She watched as you crowded over her, half hoping your lips would crash into hers again, but you resumed your descent with your mouth on her body. Your knee was hovering, almost wedged right between her legs, the faint contact not going unnoticed. She prayed you’d give some reprieve, before she would take matters into her own hands and buck into the hard surface. But she would not, of course. Those walls of pride and self sufficiency would not be coming down, no matter how intensely she ached.
 Elektra’s breathing was nothing short of rampant, eyes shut while you worked the pulse point on her neck, your hands roaming her legs. The coverage of the robe was becoming increasingly immodest, the way she squirmed beneath you being the culprit. It was almost like you read each other's minds when you pulled up and away, fingers stroking down the silky hem, studying the way her chest heaved as you made it down to the knot at her midsection. It was loose enough for a simple tug with your index finger to do the trick, a specific air of silence hanging while it untied. 
The winding sliver of skin from her chest down to the crotch of her undergarment revealed itself. It was a gorgeous sight, her head tilting and arms above her head again, like she knew the juxtaposition of her glowing skin and carmine robe was a visual to take in. She laid staring up at you, studying your expression, the manner in which your eyes raked over her near exposed figure was much like a feral animal.  She had a rather large obligation to buckle in for the ride that she caused due to her seduction. 
You extend a hand down to her face, capturing her jaw softly and swiping a thumb over her bottom lip. 
“So pretty” you mumble, two fingers now trailing down the exposed path and her eyelids flutter at the touch.
 The impatience is growing in unison to the bubbling of tension in her core, your cold fingers adding to the shivers down her spine. You see a twitch in her hips and you want to smirk so badly. You trace four fingers deftly down her stomach and Elektra follows them with her eyes. The way she parts her legs in arrival to your hand on the waistband pops the bubble of silence and it catches you by simple surprise. It triples the beauty of the sight below you. 
Further inspection bursts your restraints to tease.
“You’re so wet” you mutter in response to the splotch of damp color over her crotch, fully visible now with herself bared to you. Your comment catches her off guard, she giggles with an exhale.
 “Don’t do that” Elektra taunts back, overcompensating for how vulnerable she feels.
 “Do what?” You say as your hand is firm on her inner thigh, rubbing small circles with your thumb reassuringly.
 “Make fun of me” She hesitates with the faintest hint of a whimper, that tiny ministration you're doing so close to her core running wild in her mind. 
“I would never” You mumble, meandering down on your knees, both of your hands now on the outside of her thighs, idling close to her still clothed hips. Elektra fails to argue anymore, surrendering to your control with a barely audible exhale.
Oh, she’s in for it now. 
Resuming your exploration on Elektra’s body, you start to kiss up her thighs, breath becoming labored again as she studies you, for it is all she can do. The flush in her chest and face grows ferociously, the wet, harsh pecks to the smooth delicate surface being the cause. She could almost hold her breath at how fast you ascended with your lips, hot air exiting your nose steadily, tickling the skin. 
Once you’re up to her mound, you finally stare back up at Elektra and she’s nothing short of anticipate, chest heaving ever so slightly. She’s so sweet like this, a moment where you have her knocked on her heels, spread nicely, vulnerable and yours.
 In her dark brown gaze, she’s desperate, waiting for your pounce. Your lips come down on her clothed core, puckering a kiss on her clit and her mouth falls open in reaction. Without her knowledge during the haze, your arms reach around from under her legs, coming up to her chest, palming her firm breasts. Elektra gasps again as you keep kissing against the delicate fabric, attacking the nub like you’re kissing lips. 
You feel the wetness more than double under your attention, it's not enough friction for her liking. She tuts like she wants to speak as you quirk her nipples just right between your fingers. Her back arches when you nuzzle against her with the point of your nose, she’s now finding the words to speak.
 “I want it” she rasps silently, another note of desperation. The walls have come down and she needs you. You smile, placing your head on her inner thigh lovingly, pretending like you don’t know but you do. 
“What d’ya want love?” you tease.
“I can’t play this game anymore” Elektra sounds defeated, she must take matters into her own hands.
She reaches down, nudging past your arms to get to her waistband, ripping the lace fabric apart with a hard tug. She’s now exposed completely, the once gentle, fluorescent pattern diminished to ragged thread. 
A mischievous smile accompanies her flushed face, cheeky and wild. You could almost gasp at the action, she knows what she wants.
Rightfully so, you lick a stripe up her dripping slit, Elektra moans in relief after a lingered chuckle. You return your attention to her hardened peaks, rubbing both of her nipples in unison to the swirl of your tongue. Her hips are already jutting upward into your face, head thrown back making obscene noises. She gets a bit embarrassed to admit it but she gets quite loud when stimulated, the savagery in her craft shining through even in intimate moments. 
Her cries are so pleasant, elbows perched and hands gripping to the couch as her body squirms at your mercy. You alternate, finding that she’s intoxicated whenever you give a barrage of licks with the point of your tongue and then come down with a hard suck. The sounds of her sex are filthy when accompanied with her groans of pleasure. 
Elektra tries her best but she can’t hold back with the way you lap at her hole, making good use of the aftermath from building the tension earlier. She’s got a penchant for being admired, riling her up in ways that rightfully get her incapacitated under someone’s caress in minutes. 
“Uh–mmf!” The constant attention to her bundle of nerves was getting her to climax rather quickly, as if it has been a while since her last. You pull whimpers from her just as fast as the time it took to get her on the couch. Her back arches every time you flicker your eyes back to hers, knowing while face deep in her cunt you’re still admiring her just like before. All eyes on her.
She’s chasing after her breath now, rutting into your unrelenting tongue, gaining as much friction from that textured surface as much as she can. Elektra reaches a rushed hand up to the hand you’re nursing to her breast, as it's still pawing the soft plush roughly. Her other hand is still scratching at the couch fabric, tiding herself in as the knot in her belly grows with every lewd suck. 
“Are you going to let me cum? Yeah?” Elektra beckons breathlessly, the whine in her voice not being hidden anymore. You moan languidly into her, as a firm “yes” to her question and she whimpers at the sensation. The heat of her body and scent is deliciously corroding your senses, you take in the experience of having her spread open just for you, worshiping her for all she is. A fiery girl worthy of fine stimulation, until she’s spent beyond her ability.
With a few more gasps you know she’s riding the line, removing yourself from sucking to licking with a hard emphasis. She quivers with a final gasp and she begins to cum under you, body shaking and jerking aggressively. Your arms roaming her torso act as a stabilizer as she rides out her orgasm, face looking downward at your continuous stimulation. Her hips start to jut when you lap faster at her throbbing clit, crying out a whine and it sounds so fucking gorgeous. 
You feel your own pleasure dispersing in your chest, and its pride. Grateful that you could get her like this, unguarded and safe with you, that Elektra trusts you to make her come undone. Your admiration for her would never go unnoticed, and it's why you guys get here often in the first place. With your face between her legs, taking her in for all that her scarlet red nature is worth.
If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! feedback, likes and rbs are optional yet appreciated.
(I do not give permission for this or any of my work to be posted elsewhere without my consent)
prettyeyesnof4ce © 2022
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wanderlustpeach · 2 years
not her. — matt murdock.
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PAIRING: matt murdock x reader
SUMMARY: maybe it was for the better, to be left alone in a world which was never designed for you. a sad truth; you grow to learn.
WARNING: profanity, very short & sweet ;) 
GENRE: angst, nothing but pure angst.
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"Maybe it's better this way." Matt breathless said glancing anywhere but your face. "Maybe that's better to leave this relationship the way it's heading. i can't keep doing this." 
"Doing what exactly Matt? Running away from your own girlfriend? It that what your talking about huh?" You retorted back pushing the meal you prepared away. it was almost as soon as Matt opened his mouth god forsaken mouth you had lost your taste of appetite.
"I can't do this. You know I can't."
"Why not huh? Just be honest for once in your damn life matt. Tell me why? Why do I sit home all night wondering if you going to come home to me?" You sadly replied. You where tired physically and mentally, this. This whole ordeal wasn't what you asked for, why couldn't he put this dare devil, vigilante mess behind?
Was that so much to ask for?
"I don't ask you to. I told you when this became to serious, when we BOTH decided to me more then friends. I couldn't stop being something that made me feel alive." 
"I understand that Matt but—"
"Do you really understand! Cause it seems to me like you can't get it through your head. I'm not stopping, who is going to be there when the monsters at night go bump. No one, not a soul [name]."
"Matt we have heroes for that. You don't have to risk you live day and night I just—"
"Why can't you be like her? Is that so hard to ask [name]. That's all I asked for you when this started. Not t put yourself before me work."
"I was dumb Matt naïve to think that you would put me before you so called 'work'! I'm sorry for being a fool in love with a men who clearly doesn't know what he wants." You shouted pushing yourself from the table you both once shared, being here with him. Being near Matt, something you used to crave brought nothing but dread.
How could he compare you to a dead girl, a women who he lead to her death. "Don't you ever compare me to her. You caused this not me." You spat out with venom dripping through your words. This was his mess, not yours.
"Why not huh? She would understand something you can ducking doing [name]. She wasn't a fucking crybaby, she knew the cost of being with me, living this life."
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" You couldn't take this, to have the man you loved talk of another so highly, even in her death more then you. "WHAT you don't like the truth, she will always understand me more then you ever could." Matt stated with nothing but a dissatisfied frown on his face, why did you have to always make things so hard.
Maybe he should have listened to Foggy when he told him not to bring you in to this life, the life you so desperately wanted to be apart of. A life that you weren't built to live in, something you sadly grown to see.
This wasn't for you, it never was.
"You know what Matt we're done, I can't do this. I can't keep hoping to have you love me they way you loved her, a dead women. a women who merely seen you as a helping hand." You cried out, with blurry stained eyes. You grabbed onto you key set, pushing past Matt with one last look, you shaking voiced your pain. "I hope this what you wanted Matt, to see the women you so called the love for your life walk out like the rest of the world did to you. I really wish you the best in life Matthew, even if I'm not apart of it."
With one last look at Matt, never did he move to stop you. Why would he, wasn't this what he wanted to be left alone. Why would he need a woman he could never compare to the one and only Elektra Natchios. As Matt watched the the door close it was like seeing the light leave his eyes, the colors draining from his body. As if he was stabbed.
It was for the best, that what he repeated in his head. It was to last to go back on his words, words that he knew would haunt [name] for the rest of her life, something he would gravely regret. It was for the greater good, he had to. It was for your safety, with Fisk and his men on his tail it had to be done. Oh how much he would miss you.
With a sorrowful smile, as one singular tear slipped from his eyes. Matt glanced up at his ceiling, a place he once called yours. Looking over the cracks that danced over his walls, a beautiful but unorganized mess. Something you loved to point out everyday you could, something he grow accustomed to, something he no longer was granted.
"You could never be her, you were pure and she's was tainted. And that's something I grown to love about you [name]."
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saintmurd0ck · 2 years
rhi's daredevil masterlist
。˚ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ✧ the city needs me in that mask. 。˚ ੈ✩‧₊˚ ✧
main masterlist
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➶ 。˚ ° any warnings are marked with an asterisk, minors do not interact
all work is written by me and not to be reposted without my permission ➶ 。˚ °
˚✧ character summary ˚✧ matt murdock, frank castle, foggy nelson, karen page, elektra natchios
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matt murdock masterlist
poly matt x frank masterlist
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poly matt x frank masterlist
the age of olympus
thinking about...*
untouchable* (in progress) - frankie castiglione is different among the other mob bosses of new york city’s crime families. he’s the most level-headed – sane, even, and that’s all because of you. he’s untouchable if you’re happy… and that makes him dangerous
in flagrante delicto*
guilty pleasures*
in perpetual fall, in immeasurable rain*
cherry red*
kiss and don't tell*
all up in smoke*
if the tide takes california
home isn't a place
teach you a lesson*
matt and frank in the ACOTAR universe
i've got you, darlin
siren song* - prompt: 'don’t you know what you’re doing to me?'
no questions asked* - prompt: ‘what if i hurt you?’
push and pull* - prompt: 'you don't have to be gentle with me, i won't break'
death and taxes
frank at the local fair
being neighbours with frank
frank painting your nails
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'i love you, but you look terrible'
foggy is a freak in the sheets*
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the age of olympus
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kiss and don't tell*
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hellsburners · 1 year
matt murdock masterlist
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☆ smut | ✿ fluff | ♡ requests/asks
→ back to main masterlist
one shots
intoxicated ☆ (gender neutral reader) thin walls ☆ (gender neutral reader) you're my religion ☆ me and the devil ☆ scream his name ☆
poly fics
test drive nothing ☆ w/ peter parker pain and suffering ☆ w/ frank castle strain and torment ☆ w/ elektra natchios
matt’s body ☆ mirror sex ☆ handjobs ☆
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Elektra Natchios MasterList
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🌺 fluff 🌩️ angst 🍋 smut 🥷ft.Matt
♡ Gymnastics 🍋 🥷
☆ Moodboards ☆
♡ Elektra
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