jacarandaaaas · 7 months
something I’ve never talked about before is how much I appreciate encanto giving not only the older madrigals forehead wrinkles! because everyone’s face wrinkles when you emote no matter your age and it’s really nice to see them show that on the younger madrigals ! like normalize facial wrinkles when you emote! (especially for women) we are not made of porcelain‼️
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come to think of it how do you think Branch learnt everything he knows?
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in TBT he says in the argument scene that after Grandma died there was no one left to take care of him confirming that he literally had no one after her death.
implying with everything else we know about his backstory that he Raised himself from a very young age likely 5 6 or 7 I'd assume based purely on his looks alone.
but thinking about it how could he have learnt how to do everything that he knows as an adult?
I mean I know some of it can simply be self taught but do you really think a little kid that age would be able to self learn everything that Branch knows as an adult?
like how to build an underground Bunker without it collapsing in on itself? and how to build a working lift in the Bunker?
and just basic stuff like cooking and maintaining a House by himself ( Hell I'm in my early 20s and I still struggle with a lot of that crap 😂😂😂😂 )
I mean do you think he literally is meant to have just been alone? or do you think its more a case where he didn't have a specific guardian per say.
but maybe he was still technically looked after by the village to an extent like he had people to teach him certain things and or bring him food and stuff that he needed to make sure he was still healthy.
but he still sorta just lived on his own and didn't interact with other people unless he absolutely had to due to how closed off he was.
some people like to HC Kismet as having visited him during all those years to check up on him occasionally and bring him stuff and make sure he was properly taking care of himself.
so maybe we could find out something like that was the case in a future film tho maybe not necessarily with Kismet as cute as that would be.
like maybe he did have certain people looking out for him over the years when he was a kid despite him closing himself off from everyone.
IDK it'd just be sorta cute I think he still has large gaps in his Backstory that DreamWorks could potentially work with in the future.
like maybe a future film does actually introduce a new character from his past during that period in his life who tried to look out for him or at least check up on him every now and then to make sure he wasn't literally dead.
as I like the idea of him maybe having a kinda surrogate parent figure in a future film who he didn't even really think of in that way.
but later on its pointed out to him just how much they tried to do for him as he was growing up even tho they had to somewhat do it from a distance given Branch's wishes of wanting to be alone.
like maybe they were someone who also lost loved ones to the Bergens and they were more understanding of Branch's grief and him not being able to move on like the rest of the village did.
plus they just had a basic human amount of empathy and could see it probably wasn't Right to leave a grieving traumatised little kid with nothing to take care of himself with.
and maybe over the course of the film he kinda slowly realises even during all those years he spent alone someone did actually care and at least tried to look out for him.
and Branch comes to appreciate them like family plus Bro zone would instantly like them given how they looked out for him when they weren't there.
so they don't judge the relationship at all and are just kinda happy for Branch. ( I mean they can't claim he's betraying their parents memory or anything he didn't even know them as far as we know )
but now I'm getting more into fanfic ideas territory than cannon based speculation territory lol.
I just want the next film to give my boy some Happiness and a cute little semi surrogate parent plot has been spinning around in my head for the past week now.
I just kinda love the idea even if it would sorta be a retcon to his backstory and more new characters for the future films to have to introduce and develop even tho the cast is already super full.
but like I said I just find the idea kinda sweet plus screw Brozone lol I'd love for my boy Branch to find a found family member in the future.
who actually did try and be there for him throughout the worst periods of his life even when the rest of the village may have saw him as a lost cause.
but like I said that's more fanfic idea territory anyway what do you think in regards to the main question of the post? 😂😂😂😂
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tangledinink · 2 months
Out of curiosity, do you think your Gemini fan kids could exist in the shows canon universe? Marsh and Lake are seriously so adorable I’ve low key accepted as Donnie’s kids in the shows future canon. Also how does the krang apocalypse play out in the Gemini AU? Is it prevented or is there maybe Gemini bad timeline?
Gosh, I dunno-- I guess I don't see why not! :3c I hadn't ever thought about it too much, but there really isn't a ton of reason that they couldn't, assuming Donnie and Sorrel still meet!
Also, there are Kraang in the Gemiverse! I haven't exactly sorted out all the details yet, but what I do know is that there's no good future/bad future... there's just one timeline! The Kraang do invade and Gems and Co. do kick it in the Apocalyptic Warzone for a while... but the whole fam survives and they do eventually win the war!!! (because anything else made me too sad ; w ; and I realized at some point that it's my au so i can just do whatever I want :D yay)
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3amsnek · 11 months
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she’s going to break something
click for better quality
reblogs >> likes
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tenowls · 2 years
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american football
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I thought that these inner sections of a pomelo peel thing kind of looked like flower petals with their coloring, so I left them out to dry for a few days, and then glued some of them together to make little "flowers" to hang in my window.
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hoofpeet · 1 year
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Steamed lobster dress idk
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You ever think about what's gonna happen when the Welcome Home website updates in December? Hopefully, at least for what I think, we'll get to see the fabled Julierella! Or any visual parts of the show in general. Probably something fit for the holiday spirit.
Maybe wondering about their relatives and loved ones living outside the neighborhood, and the fact that the residents haven't left to see them in some time.
Stuff like that! Maybe even some new recipes!
i try not to think about it or i'll become so nervoucited that i'll get nauseous
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hephaestuscrew · 6 months
In Ep45 Desperate Measures, Minkowski really needs the SI-5 (particularly Jacobi) to believe that she will shoot Maxwell if they don't back down. In that particular situation, she's desperate to be seen as unafraid and ruthless. If she can convince the SI-5 that she is willing to kill Maxwell, she can avoid having to find out whether she is. Only by giving the impression of being relaxed about violence can she avoid having to commit it.
But her hands betray her. As Minkowski points the gun, Maxwell notices how "her hands are shaking. A lot." Minkowski can't hide that sign of how on edge she is, no matter how much she might want to. Maxwell tells this to Jacobi with a little laugh, giving it as evidence for her certainty that Minkowski won't kill her. Jacobi believes Maxwell's assessment of the situation, but her assumptions are wrong; Minkowski fires that gun with her trembling hands. She's not the sort of person who can kill with steady hands, ruthless and unafraid. But she can still kill.
Later, in Ep53 Dirty Work, Minkowski claims "even in that moment, I didn't mean to do it... the noise. The explosion. It was a reflex. I think it was." I don't entirely believe this explanation of the incident, but I do think there is probably some element of instinctive motion involved when Minkowski pulls that trigger. In which case - contrary to Maxwell's assumptions - the lack of calm suggested by Minkowski's shaking hands could have actually contributed to her shooting Maxwell. If her hands are shaking, her reflexes are probably tensed, and her finger is trembling on the trigger, which just needs one small movement to fire...
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ming-sik · 29 days
call me a contrarian if you must but im still pulling for zent adolphine. eglantine would be quicker but if we just have adolphine divorce sigiswald and idk i guess be adopted by king trauerqual if we Must we can get someone on the throne who isnt either 1) actively trying to dodge the role or 2) sigiswald and was 3) a trained archduke candidate who actively wants a position of power and doesn't even want to be married to her loser idiot husband of two weeks. give her like a week to circle the shrines my girl can pull through
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The Lost (Demonic) Art of Innkeeping
Lesbian BingYuan Pseudo-Historical AU
Word Count: 3k
Read it on AO3 here
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Shen Yuan sighed as the warped and bowing front door creaked slowly shut behind the village head. It was nice of him to walk her out to her new property, but something about Yue Qi’s mannerisms kind of felt a little more like he was trying to get her away from the train station before she could change her mind. Looking at the dilapidated building in front of her now… she couldn’t say she blamed him. 
More wind than a self-respecting building should rightfully allow entry whistled through numerous cracks in the once-sturdy walls around her. There were several inches of dust and grime on every single surface, and some frankly concerning scuttling from down the hallway to her left. And, even for someone as unfamiliar with the intricacies of woodworking as her, Shen Yuan did not like the look of some of the spots on the ancient support beams. She cast a fretful look about her, but surely the listing agent would have had to disclose structural failures to that level. Not to mention, the village head would likely not have been in such a rush to leave her to get settled in if he thought he would return to find her squashed like a bug!
The pictures she had seen in the listing hadn’t been lying exactly, but the preponderance of ‘Look at its historical glory days! How beautiful! How magnificent to be the one to return it to its former splendor!’ inclusions suddenly made a lot more sense. Shen Yuan scowled to herself for a moment, then set her face. No! She was going to overcome this. So what if the prospect of the amount of work that was going to go into this project was honestly far more than she would have signed off on apportioning at the start. Like hell she was going to go back empty-handed, with nothing to show for her latest “ill-thought-out investment”. This time, it was going to work. Her admittedly-thin face could not take another year of knowing looks and ‘good-natured’ humor verging on cruel pity at every single social event she found herself at. 
She turned to set her valise on the floor beside the entrance, then quickly thought better of it when she saw the pile of rags there arranged in the form of a – hopefully unoccupied – nest. She squeaked – in a very ladylike way! – and darted two steps away, clutching her valise protectively closer. Her traveling clothes she could take or leave, but she’d be damned before she let anything happen to her prized texts! 
Shen Yuan picked her way across alarmingly creaking floorboards to inspect the rest of the dilapidated inn — her inn, as of the paperwork signed just this morning. The kitchen was… a kitchen! She verified that there was a stove and an antiquated icebox just as stated in the listing details, then opened one or two cabinets aimlessly. Cobwebs, cracked and dusty teacup, snake, more cob—Shen Yuan swore her neck creaked like the rest of the hinges in this place as she looked back to her left to confirm. Yup! Still a snake! Hah! She exhaled harshly, biting down on what would definitely not have been another squeak, and slammed the cabinet door shut again as she speedwalked out of the kitchen. 
Behind the cupboard door the teacup spun, and toppled, another hairline fracture joining the others obscuring its original pattern. 
Shen Yuan paused again once she was back in the main hall of the inn, at the foot of the stairs that she was in no way optimistic enough to try out tonight — or at all, for that matter, at least not until she’d had someone out to look at them who was not affiliated with the building’s seller. Surely even a town this quaint had to have a carpenter, right? 
Her mental crafting of her to-do list broke off, interrupted by a yawn that almost cracked her jaw. Ergh, the hours of travel by train to get here – after already waking up hellishly early because the seller was in such a rush to get the paperwork signed – had exhausted her beyond reason. The sun had barely slipped below the horizon, flinging its last glimmers of golden light filtering through the surrounding trees and beating themselves against the grime-coated windows. Normally she would be up for hours yet! Now, all she wanted to do was find a bed that wasn’t housing some horrific manner of creature or fifty years’ worth of mold growth, and sleep for an entire day. 
As she poked her head tentatively into each of the four rooms on the first floor of the inn, however, Shen Yuan began to think she might, possibly, have made some slight miscalculations along the way. Nothing remained of the beds that existed here at some point in the past aside from their frames, all in varying states of disrepair — and in one tragic case, decomposition. The only linens she could find had more hole than cloth remaining to them from long exposure to the elements and the wild creatures that had been the only living beings using this place for its intended purpose for the last decades. 
Her eyes started to prickle with frustrated, overwhelmed tears, and she strongly considered just walking back to the train station to curl up on a bench and wait for the next train, dignity be damned. Only the brief recollection that the train service to this remote area was intermittent, not daily, kept her from following through. She threaded her fingers into the weave of her braid, draped over her shoulder, and squeezed tightly, trying to press the stress, overwhelm, and near-panic out into it. She had grown tired of the nail marks etched near-permanently into her own palms one day, and finally settled on this technique as a workable substitute. Sometimes – like now – she did miss the horribly satisfying bite of stinging flesh beneath her nails, however. 
Okay! Whatever! This shitty house-that-would-be-an-inn was not going to defeat her! A temporary retreat on her part was not a victory on its! She told herself all of these things staunchly, on repeat as she stepped carefully back out the front door the village head had ushered her so obligingly into just a few hours prior. She thought about heading back down the path toward the village proper, maybe seeing if Yue Qi had a spare bedroom, but the thought of the knowing look on his face as she admitted she was in over her head made her feel like she was going to vomit. 
Nope! Nope! She would figure something out, but she would not be doing that. Hell, people camped out under the stars all the time! And this region was known for its incredibly temperate climate and beautiful wildlife. She was just… doing preliminary research on the local attractions! Exactly! She nodded firmly to herself, determinedly ignoring the way the trees darkened forebodingly over the pathway back to the village. She would just… stay right here, and get a little catnap, and things would look better in the morning. 
Shen Yuan cast about for a spot that seemed tolerable, debating with herself over a few top contenders, before settling back against the trunk of a tall and sturdy tree. It was close enough to the inn that she didn’t feel like she was leaving its air of vaguely comforting – albeit rather derelict – civilization, but far enough that none of the creepy-crawlies within its walls were likely to bother with her. It was… not the most pleasant place of repose, but she convinced herself firmly that she had certainly had worse! …Even if no particular examples were coming to mind right at the moment. 
Shen Yuan closed her eyes and dozed off into a fitful sleep, valise serving as a very lumpy headrest. The moon above her shone down bright and yellow, almost-full. It followed her into her dreams, duplicating itself, then bleeding dull crimson from the outer edges, yellow eaten away until it remained only in the middle, burning like fierce and fiery eyes. She felt trapped in some sort of contest of wills, her eyes locked with the doubled moons as her own heartbeat grew fainter and fainter. At last, just as she felt on the cusp of… something, the moons blinked out, and she gasped awake, lurching forward. 
Shen Yuan let out a loud groan, a blinding starburst of pain erupting from her forehead as it felt like she rammed it right into a wooden fencepost — a good one too, not the halfway-to-rotten things marking out the borders of her new property. Had she somehow moved in her sleep?? Was this normal?? Why did anyone ever go camping?! 
The ringing in her ears finally started to fade out, bringing with it fragments of a rich, melodious voice… stammering apologies? What was going on?? 
Shen Yuan carefully pried open one eye, wincing as even the tepid rays of sunlight peeking over the horizon managed to stab their way in, exacerbating the incredible headache building from the point on her forehead where she must have made contact with the woman before her. The woman who… Shen Yuan choked on her own spit as her vision finally shook into focus. 
Dark brown hair – so dark you could call it black without making a liar of yourself – billowed entrancingly out from the loose grasp of a handkerchief that was clearly not up to the task of containing it. Several thick sections had already fallen out from the front, framing the young woman’s face in a perfectly effortless manner, drawing the eye to the painfully exquisite symmetry of her face. Her skin was smooth and clear, and her eyes were just big enough to fall on the alluring side of unusual.  
Who allowed beauties like this to waste away in provincial villages! With a face like hers, this girl should be making her way in the big city by now, taking it by storm! Didn’t anyone ever tell her these provincial towns were supposed to be for the elderly and unlovable? 
She opened her mouth to say… something, hopefully none of the insipid things actually running through her mind, but the beauty beat her to it. Or, perhaps Shen Yuan was just finally able to hear her properly, with the ringing in her ears finally fading away entirely. 
“Furen? Can you hear me? Oh, this is really not ideal, I should probably send for Mu-dafu, but—” Her voice was rich and velvety, slightly husky in a way that sent shivers down Shen Yuan’s spine, but still girlish and sweet. Who knew people like this actually existed outside of novels — certainly none of which might be found in Shen Yuan’s own valise!
Shen Yuan took a deep breath, exhaled through the remaining pain, and managed to get both eyes open this time. The woman was somehow even more stunning like this, backlit in the gentle glow of the rising sun, and Shen Yuan almost had to slam them closed again at once. 
She raised a hand to placate the fretful girl, waving it loosely. “No need, no need! No harm done, see?” She put on her most unaffected expression, although the dubious look on the other woman’s face told her it maybe had not been her finest effort. “In fact, it’s truly what I get for sleeping outside!”
The girl’s beautiful face creased in a delicate frown — almost a pout. “I… wouldn’t go that far, but I was coming over to check on you, furen. Most people know not to stay too long out he—”
Shen Yuan cut her off, feeling guilty even as she did so, but needing to clarify to this lovely vision that she was not in fact some foolish wanderer. “Ah, yes, I’m hoping to stay in the building as soon as possible, but I got in quite late last night – the paperwork took ages, that weasel kept trying for more concessions – and, well… none of the rooms were really in a fit state—”
Now it was Shen Yuan’s turn to be interrupted, as the woman blurted out, something in her eyes that looked like shock, “You’ve bought the inn?” 
Shen Yuan bristled, pulling herself up as much as she could when she was pressed up against a tree trunk, her travel clothes extremely rumpled and her braid wisping undone around her. “Why yes, I have! All on my own, thank you very much, and I’ve got quite the plan for it! Now, if that’s all, I’m quite well, as you can see. No need to trouble yourself any further.”
The young woman lurched forward, reaching out toward Shen Yuan but stopping herself abortively. Her eyes had flooded with some strange emotion Shen Yuan found herself unable to discern. “No, no, furen, I apologize! You look extremely competent! It’s just that no one’s been willing to take a chance on this place in ages. We all thought it would just get swallowed by the woods someday.” She paused, then continued on, seeming almost bashful. “I… really am glad to hear you’ll be here to stay.”
Shen Yuan dissembled awkwardly for a few moments, feeling like she had made a bit of a fool of herself with her overreaction. “I… apologize, as well. Few things have gone exactly to plan recently, and I fear it's made me forget my graces. Do forgive me.”
The young woman’s blush darkened her cheeks becomingly as she glanced away, before her eyes darted back to meet Shen Yuan’s, almost sparkling. “Still, I really do feel horribly about it! You must allow me to make amends, I insist!”
Shen Yuan almost waved her off, but then judged that she was not in fact too good to pass up this opportunity to check a few items off her to-do list without having to go back into town herself. 
“... If you really do feel it necessary, I wouldn’t be opposed to some information about the village itself.” Shen Yuan paused, groping for a politic way to state it. “The inn is in… something of a worse state than I’d been led to believe, and I’m finding myself in need of a few specialists sooner than I’d hoped. Would you happen to know if there’s a local carpenter?”
The young woman hummed thoughtfully, looking back in the direction of the village with something of a shadow falling across her face. Her answer came slowly, almost unwillingly. “The Lius are the only ones nearby who would be able to manage the work you’ll be needing, I’d imagine.”
Shen Yuan smiled happily at her, imagining an elderly couple carrying on the traditions of yesteryear. How inspirational! And she was not at all above benefiting from their – presumable – expertise. 
She clapped her hands once decisively, dipping her head to the woman in front of her. “Thank you so much! You’ve truly saved me some legwork on that one.” She stood up forcefully, shaking out the worst of the wrinkles in her skirt and traveling coat. As she did so, another thought struck her. She paused for a moment, then decided it wasn’t like she had much to lose. “Ah, actually, guniang…”
The young woman, getting to her feet alongside Shen Yuan, shot up even faster at being directly addressed. “Yes?”
Shen Yuan was momentarily distracted to find that the clearly younger woman was… actually a bit taller than her. Shen Yuan was used to being one of the tallest women of her acquaintance, and wasn’t quite sure how she felt about this. The young woman gave a polite cough, and Shen Yuan felt her cheeks heat as she realized she’d let the pause extend awkwardly. 
She gave a slight cough, then continued, just a bit too quickly. “That is, I’d meant to ask, would you perhaps know of anyone else in the area who might be looking for a job as a housekeeper? I’ll need a cook too of course, in the future, but… given the state of things, a housekeeper is definitely the first order of business.”
The woman’s eyes widened fetchingly before she tilted her head forward, the thick locks of hair that framed her face obscuring them for just a moment before swaying back as she raised her head to meet Shen Yuan’s gaze. An enigmatic expression played over the edges of her lips briefly before they stretched into a true smile. 
“Actually, furen, if you’re taking applicants, I’d put myself first on the list.”
Her shapely lips opened to continue on, no doubt to lay out her references or skills, but Shen Yuan didn’t let her finish. “Hired!” She blurted out immediately. If this beauty did not know how much higher she could aim, well… Shen Yuan would certainly help her out in the future, but she truly could not afford to let this opportunity pass her by. Please do not hold it against her, guniang! Shen Yuan thought of the snake awaiting her inside, along with other untold horrors, and firmed her heart. 
The young woman’s cheeks had darkened with a delicate blush, and she smiled directly at Shen Yuan with a truly overwhelming force. The sun itself would crawl away in shame at being so tragically outdone! 
“I’m looking forward to working with you then…” The young woman’s voice trailed off leadingly. 
Shen Yuan flushed again, realizing that, this entire time, she had neglected to properly introduce herself. Her new employee was liable to quit before she even began if Shen Yuan kept making such a poor showing of herself! 
“Shen Yuan,” she rushed to correct her oversight. “Pleased to meet you.”
The young woman’s eyes creased shut in a brilliant smile. Just before the lids pressed closed, Shen Yuan could swear the light glinting off of them gave the illusion of a red spark buried deep within them. For a moment, a vision of twinned red moons twisted through her mind, fractaling away as the other woman opened her mouth to speak. 
“This one is Luo Binghe, Shen-furen.” Her tone shifted subtly, her next words coming out as almost a purr. “And I’m certain the pleasure is all mine.”
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sweet-s0rr0w · 9 months
For the top five ask game - Top Five... of your own fics, please
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Nor All That Glisters (Drarry, E, 111k) because it's the first thing I've ever written, and I loved writing it, and everything fandom came from this fic. It's still the fic I think I'm most associated with, and as well as the original amazing art by @fantalfart and @deancebra-art, it now contains art and calligraphy by @bluebutter-art and @squintclover, and the bound copy from @emmalovesdilemmas is the first thing I wrote that I've got to hold in my hands! Plus, I still think it's the coolest concept of all my fics!
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot.
But before long he finds himself with a thriving business, a nice flat, some actual (albeit irritatingly Gryffindor) friends, and a very satisfying sex life. What’s more, no-one is hexing him in the street. And Harry Potter is single, and gorgeous, and giving Draco decidedly interested looks.
Stop taking the Felix? You must be joking…
Dreaming Skies (Dron, E, 21k, co-written with Tacky) because it's the only fic of mine I've reread properly, and more than once, and I love it more - especially Ron - every time. Writing it (in 13 days!) with one of my all-time favourite authors, and writing it for @sitp-recs, was a dream.
Draco's life is going nowhere, so when Charlie Weasley offers him a job out on his reserve, Draco doesn't think twice before booking a Portkey. After all, it's not as if he has many other options. But when he arrives in Romania, he realises that nothing is quite what he expected...
(a story about dragons and baking, friendship and little kindnesses, putting down new roots and falling in love)
Silhouettes (Dronarry, E, 17k) because I was so proud of how this one came together. I love the triple POV, the challenge of it, and I love how it skirts the line of some tough difficult topics but stays pretty light. Also, it has one of my two favourite smut scenes I've ever written (other is in Waking Up Slow).
Draco's trying to fix the Burrow, Ron's trying to grieve, and Harry... well, just what is Harry actually doing, anyway?
A tale of grief, gardening, and ghouls, bad memories, bad puns, and bad flirting, and nudity both accidental and very, very deliberate.
Crash (Into Me) (Drarry, T, 14k) because writing this was hilarious (poor @graymatters trying to American-pick it), this was my first time properly writing Ron, and although it's one of the silliest things I've ever written, I think it's a really good concept (Drarry falling for each other during a 24-hour Quidditch match!)
Harry’s done plenty of ridiculous things for charity over the years, but Robards’ latest scheme really takes the biscuit. Or rather, the teacake.
Good job Malfoy’s there to suffer alongside him this time, eh?
Thameslink, the 07:29 from Luton (Drarry, G, 1k) because I think this is a very neat and fast paced little micro which came out well. I also remember chatting to you (Tacky) as I was writing this very quickly and last minute for @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm's birthday, and - it was just one of those fics that wanted to exist, iykwim.
He gets on at Harpenden, you think, although it might have been earlier.
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Unraveling the impact of edge cracks on superconducting REBCO tapes: A leap in material durability and efficiency
In the realm of superconductivity, the durability and efficiency of materials like REBCO (Rare Earth Barium Copper Oxide) tapes are crucial for application in various high-tech fields. However, these materials face challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining their superconducting properties under stress. A recent study delves into the intricate relationship between mechanical stress and the superconducting capabilities of REBCO tapes, offering new insights that could pave the way for more robust and reliable superconducting materials. At the heart of this study is examining edge cracks caused by the slitting process in REBCO tapes when subjected to tensile stress. These tapes, known for their high critical current capacity, are essential in many superconducting applications, from medical imaging equipment to particle accelerators. It was widely believed that even minor edge cracks could propagate and cause premature degradation of REBCO tapes when subjected to stress, raising concerns about the longevity and reliability of these materials in practical applications.
Read more.
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cookinguptales · 5 months
I find shows where you watch people build stuff very soothing, so I'm currently going through all of the home-building shows that I can watch through HBO Max now and like
WWDITS has ruined me! thoroughly!!!
these are all from discovery+, I think, so they all have that HGTV house renovation vibe to them, and I just. I keep expecting one of them to get eaten by a vampire or something. Go Flip Yourself completely rewired something in my brain. lmao help.
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froginninjago · 1 month
Day 123: sketch of Kai and Wyldfyre for the soul?
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soldier-poet-king · 6 months
Once again had a massive anxiety meltdown after my final tattoo session yesterday. Not nearly as bad as last time, and no tattoo flu this time either, but it's like the 'oh god what have I done/it didn't turn out how I wanted/the composition is off/it's too dark and crowded/etc'
I think I just have commitment issues and am a control freak perfectionist and my natural response to choosing things is panic and regret and fear, esp things I know my family (& certain parts of society) disapprove of
Anyone else with this ink I'd be like damn they look great I'm envious, but on ME??? Its the 'this rule applies to everyone except me' mentality BC I am bad and yucky and have no confidence
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