#elias selberg
michaelmylove · 28 days
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I love my silly lil blorbos. the guys. the sillies.
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hellishfig · 11 months
just got to “variations on a theme” in my wolf 359 relisten
and i am once again having Emotions about isabel lovelace
she’s been putting on a brave face up to this point and letting the anger of the others slide off her back, but this is when we first learn how sad and scared and lost she is, how confused and alone she feels
she is the last one left of the first hephaestus mission. the only other person who was there was hilbert/selberg, and he’s the one who killed the rest of them, and she’s just so mad
it makes her seem unfeeling and uncaring to minkowski, eiffel, and hera, but she cares so much. she just failed her first crew, or thinks she did. and she can’t let it happen again
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harpoonsandmusicals · 7 months
If I had a nickel for every time there was a fiction podcast character called Elias and then that turned out to be an Alias, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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sewerpal · 1 year
fanart I drew of alexander hilbert dying in a glue trap
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falasteeniferret · 2 years
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A Doctor Aleksandr Hilbert Elias Selberg Dmitri Ilyich Volodin Moodboard
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I really REALLY want to talk about Hilbert and Lovelace. Hilbert and Lovelace have one of the best dynamics I've seen literally ever. Because they both hate each other. They both absolutely despise the other and they have their own reasons for it. For Lovelace it's more obvious. He killed the people she loved. The best people she ever met. Her best friends, her family. For Hilbert it's a little more complicated. He hates Lovelace because she's not supposed to be here. She's not supposed to be alive. She is as Kepler said an unexpected variable. She's unpredictable and she knows and I mean truly knows exactly what he's capable of. The most fun thing about their dynamic though is I don't think they actually hate each other. Now obviously that's not the full truth because like I said they do not get along in the slightest, but they're both the only trace the other has of the original Hephaestus mission. Lovelace loved them. ALL of them including Hilbert. Hilbert never really wanted them dead. So they find comfort in knowing the other is there but it's also the most terrifying thing in the world. And I could talk about this for HOURS.
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waitzia · 3 months
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Elias Selberg
Dmitri Volodim
Alexander Hilbert 👍
#waitziart for my digital art
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poorlittleminkmink · 2 years
His old man pussy has me seeing hallucinations of him after his death
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oscardobewildin · 3 years
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This scene from Change of mind was something else 
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amfictheatre · 2 years
‘SHIT SHIT MOTHERFUCKING BOLLOCKS WHAT HAVE I DONE??’ Sam’s thoughts raced through his head faster than the speed of light. Was she dead? Had he pissed her off so egregiously that her damn heart had given out? No- she was healthy, at least that’s what her files said. ‘Fuck. Uhh. Ok. Medical training, he’d had it for a reason. Alright alright, find her pulse. shit, where’s her pulse?’ He frantically flipped through his training. ‘I can memorise Pryce and fucking Carter, but can’t remember the goddamn protocol for when the fucking captain passes out?’ He mumbled under his breath, “shit, fuck uhhh SELBERG? Selberg do you copy??? There’s an issue- an issue with Lovelace- we got into a fight and, and I don’t know is she’s breathing I can’t remember what to do-“ he was cut off by Dr Selberg’s Reply. “Officer Lambert. Calm yourself. Were you able to check pulse?”
“Yeah, uhh no. My hands are too unsteady, I couldn’t find it.” His heart was pounding, pounding faster that it usually did when he was around her. God, he hasn’t even had the chance to say how he felt, she couldn’t die now. She couldn’t.
“Ok lambert. Stay where you are. You remember recovery position, yes?”
Selberg barged through the door, his face remaining stony and expressionless. “Help, now. You take the legs, I will get her head.” Sam complied, wordlessly lifting her, and followed the Doctor’s lead in carrying her to his lab. “How did I let this happen..” he had barely whispered under his breath, yet Selberg responded instantaneously, “Not your fault, officer. I suspect is to do with the incident in engine rooms weeks back.” Lambert had no clue what Selberg was on about and it showed.
“You were not told?” He questioned.
“No,” There was a bitter edge to Sam’s words, from all of the confusion. “I was not told about this.”
Apologies, it’s a week late and not exactly my best work. I have exams coming up & a head girl application it’s a lot to deal with. Still gonna be posting tho!
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gay-and-n3on · 2 years
ok so like, hilbert is bald bc radiation poisoning, or at least we know he was bald when he was 4, but i always imagined him with a beard but! i have a solution hilbert is trans and no im not taking feed back on this, SO, if he lost all his hair follicles as a kid, they goneskis for good, but if as an adult he took t, then like wouldn't he grow new hair follicles on his face? im not 100% sure thats how that works but i will be using this to justify hilberts beard from now on
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wizardslime · 4 years
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idk if this is funny to anyone else but me
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Gonna tell my kids this was Dr. Hilbert
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luvkirby4ever · 3 years
Canon fodder via Zach Valenti:
Lambert walked into Selberg��s lab completely unnoticed and saw Selberg accidentally stab himself while working.  Selberg started crying, which caused Lambert to start crying, and that’s when Selberg noticed him.  “And then it got awkward” lmao he probably awkwardly shuffled out of the lab.
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sewerpal · 2 years
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erm. hey.
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mildsadness · 3 years
hilbert from wolf 359 is a comfort character of mine. someone try psychoanalyzing THAT mess
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