#elijah vue
virovoid · 5 months
ELIJAH VUE: The Missing 3 Year Old Boy from Wisconsin
[Ongoing Investigation]
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Elijah Vue is a 3 year old boy from Twin Rivers, Wisconsin, who seemingly vanished without a trace
Elijah Vue is a 3 year old boy from Wisconsin, who vanished from an apartment in Two Rivers on Feb. 20, where he was staying with his mother's boyfriend, Jesse Vang.
Elijah was last seen at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at an apartment building in the 3900 block of Mishicot Road in Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
Elijah’s mother, Katerina Baur, (31) and her boyfriend, Jesse Vang, (39) have been charged with felony child neglect.
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Elijah was sent to stay with Vang in Two Rivers by his mother for "disciplinary purposes,” according to Manitowoc County District Attorney Jacalyn LaBre.
Katrina lived in Wisconsin Dells when Elijah went missing and had been traveling back and forth between there and Two Rivers
Investigators said Katrina sent Elijah to stay with her boyfriend, Jesse Vang, in Two Rivers to "learn how to be a man." on February 20th, Vang told police when he woke up from a nap, and the little boy was gone.
Jodi Baur, Elijah’s grandmother, said the last time she spoke to Katrina was March 1, after she had been arrested and charged with child neglect.
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"When you did talk to her, is she asking, where's Elijah? Is she still wanting to know where he is?" Reporters asked.
Baur said she thinks getting answers relies on her daughter receiving mental health care.
"Until we get her in touch with what's real and what's not real, we're not going to know," Baur said.
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In a recent interview with Katrina, she said the following about Elijah’s disappearance:
"You find yourself driving alone, you're looking in every ditch, you're looking in every lake, you're looking at every, you know, farm field. And it's just you, just the trauma doesn't stop because there's no closure," Baur said. "Please keep looking for him because somebody is going to find something."
A post was made to social media about a $40,000 reward for any information leading to Elijahs whereabouts.
The post reads:
“10,000 from Manitowoc County Crime Stoppers for the arrest and charging of the individual/s responsible for his disappearance, $15,000 for information leading to the location and return of Elijah Vue and/or the arrest and conviction of the individual/s involved in his disappearance, and an additional $15,000 thanks to funds raised by donations set up through the City of Two Rivers.”
Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the department by phone at 844-267-6648, through the Manitowoc County Crime Stoppers P3 App, or via email at [email protected]
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As Katrina and Vang remain in jail, Elijah remains missing.
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isinfo24 · 17 days
Two Rivers Police Department, said the skeleton remains belong to Elijah Vue
Camp Manitou Wisconsin: Two Rivers Police Department, said the skeleton remains belong to Elijah Vue...learn more 👇👇👇
The Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office reports that skeleton remains were found in Two Rivers on Saturday, September 7, and there is a noticeable police presence in the vicinity. Authorities said the bone remains were discovered at Girl Scout Camp Manitou-Two Rivers on a private property. It is still unclear whether the remains are connected to the 3-year-old Elijah Vue who vanished in February,…
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wausaupilot · 5 months
Wisconsin man pleads not guilty to neglect in disappearance of boy
MANITOWOC, Wis. (AP) — A man who was caring for a 3-year-old Wisconsin boy when he vanished in late Februar y pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to a charge of chronic child neglect. Jesse Vang, 39, entered the plea during his arraignment in a Manitowoc County court. A judge on April 4 ordered Vang to stand trial on the neglect charge in the disappearance of Elijah Vue. Vang is being held on a…
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bookworm2things · 6 months
Where is little Elijah Vue?
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ninepentz · 7 months
Missing toddler still hasn't been found-SOLVED
Updates!! 9/13/24 bottom
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For some reason Tumblr has deleted my original blog post and all I'm left with is an audio file that might be confusing for some :( hopefully we can make it work tho. Everytime I try to add links to case discussions or articles, my blog deletes itself so I'll let you know key words instead.
Elijah Vue is still missing as of Feb 29th, 2024.
Fb support group/searchers for Elijah:
Look up "Find Elijah Vue Discussion", you can find most information and updates there.
Last seen chart 8AM
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**Correction, Sun in the 12th semisquare moon in the 4th**
911 call 11AM:
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Chart mapping of possible locations using 911 call important points:
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Location on Google maps is 3900 mischicot Rd, two rivers Wisconsin.
The most recent update on this case is that the mother and caretaker for Elijah will have a preliminary hearing march 7th, so all we can do now is keep searching and wait until then.
I posted part 2 forensic reading for Elijah which you can find on my page. This is all I can do for now
***Also not in the audio but I noticed some similarities between Elijah's 911 chart and Prince Mcrees 911 chart
They both had moon in the 2nd house aspecting Neptune. For prince mcree moon-neptune were conjunct. And for Elijah moon-neptune were trining transit wise + his natal moon opposing transit neptune in the transit synastry reading. What I'm thinking since both moons were in the 2nd aspecting Neptune is maybe Elijah was discarded somewhere in a very nasty, filthy, hidden dump site where things are unseen, trashed, not taken care of. Basically something similar to what happened with Prince..bc I'm realizing that Neptune can have many meanings. It can be garbage, drugs, gases, bodies of water.. and 2nd house which is related to Taurus, is what we take, posses, own, buy, get paid, our values, most importantly imo is the taking/giving aspect, it's transactional. Like in Prince Mcrees chart for example, he was found in a dumpster near some businesses.. that shows me the 2nd house can be related to things like the dynamics of trash companies, NOT the trash specifically. More so the act of taking something.. So we pay taxes to have our trash cans picked up every week right? so that could be somewhat related to the 2nd house. The transactional part. Bc I remember I mentioned in Elijahs synastry read, that he could have been sold to someone but it could actually be either or. Neptune is in the 11th house tho so that is more tied to community, unlike princes Neptune which was in the 2nd. So that changes things a bit.. and since Elijahs 911 call moon was in cancer that also makes it different.
Idk I'm just trying to throw things out there bc honestly this case is very complicated/complex. Maybe it could mean that he was thrown in a bio hazard area, maybe the person responsible was freaking out about where to discard Elijah and put him in the 1st place that comes to mind when they think about children.. near a hospital or related to child birth, child care, nearby a home or something with obvious attachment to Elijah. It's like the person couldn't think clearly so they kinda made a bad decision to place Elijah in place where those who really knew him would easily find him.
OR if a stranger took him, we would have to think like a guilty stranger who has no kids whatsoever, what's the 1st thought you would have at hiding a body? Could be anywhere where children are or anything associated with children, bc their mind couldn't come up with something better.. it's like their fucked up conscious got the best of them. Hope that makes sense.
Most recent updates!
The remains of a child has been found located near a girl scout camp, they may or may not be elijahs remains. We will have to wait until testing is done. Wow. Just insane if that is poor little elijah.. ill be updating more here with any new details
The newest update as of 9/13/24:
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Unfortunately, the remains have been confirmed to be elijah vues... may you rest in peace our sweet boy <3
To see the rest of my forensic astrology readings follow hashtag #forensicastrology <- no spaces
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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moon-girls-stories · 2 years
~ The Vampires Diaries ~ Mikaelson’s Brother X Sis!Reader
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Synopsis : Tu es la soeur adoptive des Mikaelson. Lors de leur fuite il y a mille ans, tentant d’échapper à Mikael, ils t’ont abandonnés à lui.  A présent tu les retrouves à Mystic Falls, le coeur rempli de colère, l’envie de vengeance coulant dans ton sang depuis mille ans. Les rumeurs sur le nouvelle doppelgänger sont aussi revenu à tes oreilles et tu comptes bien faire tout ce qui est en ton pouvoir pour mettre des bâtons dans les roues de ton chère bâtard de frère.
Point de vue omniscient :
-Klaus, calme toi, rappelle toi que nous devons trouver un arrangement sans bain de sang. Rappel Elijah alors qu’il force son jeune frère à se rassoir sur le canapé en cuir marron.
L'hybride émet un sifflement d’agacement avant de se laisser faire. Damon tient fermement le bras de Elena dans sa main, la gardant proche de lui au cas où Klaus décide de rompre leur contrat. Stefan est installé en face de Klaus, un air sérieux plaqué au visage.
Tout d’un coup les portes de la maison Salvatore s’ouvre en grand, laissant apparaître une jeune femme brune tenant fermement la gorge de Matt, prête à lui briser la nuque à tout moment. Stefan se lève rapidement, ne comprenant absolument pas ce qu’il se passe. Damon emmène Elena à vitesse vampirique en dehors de la maison, partant aussi loin qu’il le peut. Il ne sait pas qui elle est mais il ne veut prendre aucun risque avec les originels dans les parages.
La jeune femme relâche le jeune homme et l’hypnotise avant de le faire repartir chez lui. Elle entre sans aucun problème dans la maison avec un grand sourire.
-Asteria. Murmure Klaus entre ses dents alors qu’il se relève à son tour. 
-Je t’en prie Eli, toi comme moi savons que cet accoutrement de gentleman n’est qu’un déguisement. Tu es ridicule.
-Cela faisait bien longtemps. Gronde Elijah, ignorant la remarque de sa soeur adoptive.
-Mille ans pour être exact. C’est marrant le destin… Je vous retrouve tous les deux là où vous m’avez abandonné lâchement à Mikael.
-Cela ne s’est pas passé comme ça. Se défend Klaus en avançant d’un pas, visiblement touché par la présence de la jeune femme ainsi que par ses paroles.
Asteria s’approche de Stefan qui plisse les yeux. Elle lui tend sa main qu’il serre, incertain, ne sachant pas comment réagir face à cette femme qu’il ne connaît absolument pas.
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hotnew-pt · 11 days
Restos humanos encontrados são confirmados como sendo do bebê desaparecido Elijah Vue #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News TWO RIVERS, Wisconsin (WBAY/Gray News) – A polícia de Wisconsin confirmou na sexta-feira que os restos mortais encontrados recentemente em uma propriedade privada são da criança desaparecida Elijah Vue. Elijah foi dado como desaparecido em 20 de fevereiro pelo namorado de sua mãe, Jesse Vang, que estava cuidando do menino. Ele disse à polícia que acordou de um cochilo e que o menino…
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recentlyheardcom · 12 days
Elijah Vue dead: Two Rivers police confirm remains found
Elijah Vue dead, skeletal remains found The Two Rivers Police Department confirmed that human skeletal remains found last week were those of Elijah Vue. The Brief The Two Rivers Police Department confirmed 3-year-old Elijah Vue’s death on Friday. An Amber Alert was issued for the missing boy in February. Officials confirmed human skeletal remains found in Two Rivers last week were Vue’s. TWO…
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La société du risque - Ulrich Beck, 1986 (1/7) 👉 Des risques invisibles
Sept jours, une œuvre
📗 « Les risques générés au stade le plus avancé du développement des forces productives – je pense en premier lieu à la radioactivité qui se dérobe totalement à la perception humaine immédiate, mais aussi aux substances polluantes et toxiques présentes dans l’air, l’eau et les produits alimentaires, et aux effets à court et à long terme de ces substances sur les plantes, les animaux et les hommes – se distinguent fondamentalement des richesses. Ils provoquent systématiquement des dommages, souvent irréversibles, restent la plupart du temps invisibles, requièrent des interprétations causales, se situent donc seulement et exclusivement dans le domaine de la connaissance. »
À mon sens, c’est une des grandes difficultés associées au domaine de la santé environnementale 😵 : le caractère souvent indétectables des risques par nos sens, notre incapacité à en avoir une perception immédiate. Par exemple, les particules fines ne peuvent pas se voir dans l’air ambiant, les dioxines dans les œufs et le mercure dans le poisson n’ont pas de goût, le radon à la cave n’a pas d’odeur, les émissions d’aldéhydes issues des produits de construction ne font pas de bruit dans l’intérieur des maisons, certains perturbateurs endocriniens ne modifient pas les sensations tactiles associées à un cosmétique, etc.
Sandra Steingraber [1] pousse le raisonnement encore plus loin, et fait un parallèle avec le changement climatique. Aujourd’hui, il est difficile de distinguer 🤔, parmi les évènements climatiques extrêmes, ceux liés à la variabilité naturelle de ceux liés au changement climatique. De même, si un enfant présente des manifestations comportementales singulières, ou des capacités d’apprentissage différentes de la moyenne, ou encore un système immunitaire moins performant que la plupart de ses camarades, il est difficile de savoir s’il s’agit d’une variation « normale » des processus corporels de développement, ou bien l’influence d’expositions cumulées à des polluants environnementaux pendant des fenêtres de vulnérabilité.
Le raisonnement peut même se poursuivre un cran plus loin : certains effets peuvent être invisibles pour la personne exposée, pendant toute sa vie, et néanmoins toucher sa descendance 👨‍👩🏾‍👧🏻‍🧒🏽. C’est le cas par exemple de femmes enceintes exposées au DDT [2].
Ainsi, selon Rémy Slama, les « sciences du champ de la santé environnementale […] sont des sciences des catastrophes invisibles. Si elles sont à première vue moins bruyantes et si la survenue de leurs effets s’étale sur de plus longues périodes, […] nombre de ces catastrophes invisibles ont malheureusement des conséquences sanitaires d’une ampleur bien plus vaste que les catastrophes visibles — par exemple une explosion industrielle » [3]. 💥
#lasocietedurisque #ulrichbeck #santeenvironnementale #pollution #produitschimiques
1. Steingraber S. Raising Elijah: Protecting our children in an age of environmental crisis. Da Capo Press 2011.
2. Cohn BA, La Merrill M, Krigbaum NY, et al. DDT Exposure in Utero and Breast Cancer. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2015 ; 100 : 2865-2872. 10.1210/jc.2015-1841
3. Slama R. Le mal du dehors – L’influence de l’environnement sur la santé. Éditions Quæ 2017.
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tommycthompson57 · 7 months
My continued love and prayers for Elijah Vue and family always;-)=
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cavenewstimes · 7 months
Elijah Vue: Timeline of disappearance and search for missing Wisconsin three-year-old
The latest headlines from our reporters across the US sent straight to your inbox each weekday Your briefing on the latest headlines from across the US A small Wisconsin town is continuing to search for a missing three-year-old boy, who hasn’t been seen in over a week. Elijah Vue vanished from his mother’s boyfriend’s home in Two Rivers on Tuesday 20 February. He had been sent 150 miles away…
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aforcedelire · 8 months
Les Vagabonds, Richard Lange
Coup de cœur 🖤 (Vraiment de très bonnes lectures ce mois de janvier !)
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Été 1976. Jesse et son frère Edgar, handicapé mental, sillonnent les routes des États-Unis à la recherche de victimes... depuis plus presque cent ans. Ce sont des « vagabonds » : ils se nourrissent de sang humain pour survivre, ne peuvent sortir que la nuit, et se rétablissent en quelques minutes s’ils se blessent. Une nuit, les deux frères croisent une jeune femme qui ressemble comme deux gouttes d’eau à l’ancien amour de Jesse, duquel il ne s’est jamais remis. Leur route croisera celle d’un gang de motards particulièrement violents, et d’un père sur les traces du meurtrier de son fils.
Quand ma repré m’a parlé de ce livre il y a quelques mois, ça m’a tout de suite emballée : ça me faisait penser à une version glauque et hardcore des frères Salvatore, et ça m’intriguait énormément. Et j’ai adoré ! On suit quatre points de vue différents (Jesse, son frère Edgar, le gang des motards et Sanders, le père) et autant de personnages. Il y en a à foison, ça m’a beaucoup fait penser à la saga du Bourbon Kid (d’ailleurs, les scènes de baston des Vagabonds n’ont pas à rougir de la comparaison !). Alors forcément, je suis charmée. J’ai adoré le personnage de Jesse et son histoire, et j’ai bien aimé suivre Antonia et Elijah. C’est sombre, c’est violent, des tripes et du sang, des règlements de comptes en cascade : je n’aurais pas été étonnée de croiser un tueur en série accro au bourbon au détour des pages ! Le mythe du vampire est revisité avec brio, c’est parfois un peu glauque, un peu poisseux, et c’était GÉNIAL. J’ai passé un super moment ! Le côté personnages damnés un peu paumés qui errent depuis des siècles est génial. (En plus, y’a pas que des adultes qui ont mué, mais je vous laisse découvrir !) J’ai trop trop trop aimé.
26/01/2024 - 28/01/2024
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Viewpoints- Fruita Area - Capitol Reef National Park  - Utah
Twin Rocks Coordonnées GPS:  38.32235, -111.33763
Twin Rocks est une formation rocheuse étonnante en forme de champignons.
Panorama Point Coordonnées GPS:  38.30620, -111.29593
Panorama Point offre une vue imprenable sur les immenses falaises de grès. Cette vue est facile d'accès depuis l'autoroute 24, à seulement 4 km à l'ouest du centre d'accueil.
Depuis le stationnement, une très courte promenade conduit les visiteurs à une vue à 360 degrés.
Le paysage à couper le souffle peut être vu à tout moment de la journée, bien que les falaises colorées deviennent particulièrement vibrantes à l'approche du coucher du soleil.
Ce point culminant offre également aux astronomes une excellente vue sur le ciel nocturne.
The Castle Coordonnées GPS:  38.2984, -111.2640
Cette formation rocheuse est située à proximité du Centre des Visiteurs.  Elle est nommée ainsi étant donné sa ressemblance avec un château.
Fruita Historic District Coordonnées GPS:  38.28811, -111.24818
Le Fruita Historic District abritait jadis une ancienne colonie agricole Mormon qui fut active de 1895 à 1947. L'école de Fruita, construite en 1896, est toujours présente sur le site.  On ne peut pas entrer dans l'école mais on peut regarder à travers les carreaux de la fenêtre.
Fremont Petroglyphs Coordonnées GPS:  38.28811, -111.24244
La culture Fremont a vécu dans ce qui est aujourd'hui l'Utah pendant environ mille ans, de l'an 300 à 1300. Les pétroglyphes (images gravées ou picorées dans la pierre) sont l'un des aspects les plus visibles de leur culture qui subsiste. Elles sont accessibles par deux promenades en bois.
Capitol Dome Coordonnées GPS:  38.28750, -111.22173
Capitol Dome, monument emblématique de ce parc, est un sommet de 1870 mètres situé à 4 kilomètres du centre d'accueil.
Il s'agit d'une majestueuse formation de grès blanc qui ressemble étrangement au bâtiment du Capitole des États-Unis. Le parc a été en partie nommé pour ce point de repère.
Behunin Cabin Coordonnées GPS:  38.28219, -111.17061
Cette petite maison en grès rouge, a été érigée en 1882 par Elijah Cutler Behumin et sa famille.  Behumin a été l'un des premiers colons à s'installer dans cette région.  
Malgré la petitesse de la maison (4 m x 5m), Elija, sa femme et leurs 13 enfants vivaient tous dans cette maison.
Ils n'y sont restés qu'un an car la montée des eaux de la rivière a malheureusement emporté leurs récoltes.
Cette maison a été rénovée dans les années 1960 par le National Park Service et a été inscrite au registre national des lieux historiques en 1999.
Freemont River Coordonnées GPS:  38.28807, -111.16296  Stationnement Coordonnées GPS:  38.28895, -111.16331  Cascade
A un peu moins de 1 kilomètre de Behunin Cabin, une aire de stationnement sur le côté gauche de la route donne accès à une section unique et magnifique de la rivière Fremont.
Si vous désirez obtenir plus d'informations à propos de ce parc, je vous invite à visiter ce site web: https://www.nps.gov/care/index.htm
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wausaupilot · 6 months
Police confirm a blanket found during search for missing Wisconsin boy belongs to the 3-year-old
TWO RIVERS, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin police searching for a 3-year-old boy who vanished last month said they have confirmed that a blanket found during their ongoing search belongs to the missing youngster. The red and white plaid blanket belonging to Elijah Vue was found “earlier in this investigation” about 3.7 miles from where the boy was reported missing on Feb. 20, Two Rivers police said…
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alexlacquemanne · 4 years
Max et les Ferrailleurs (1971) de Claude Sautet avec Michel Piccoli, Romy Schneider et Georges Wilson
Deux sœurs pour un roi (The Other Boleyn Girl) (2008) de Justin Chadwick avec Scarlett Johansson, Eric Bana et Natalie Portman
Rien ne va plus (1997) de Claude Chabrol avec Michel Serrault, Isabelle Huppert, François Cluzet et Jean-François Balmer
Le Ruffian (1983) de José Giovanni avec Lino Ventura, Bernard Giraudeau et Claudia Cardinale
La Menace (1977) de Alain Corneau avec Yves Montand, Carole Laure et Marie Dubois
Certains l'aiment chaud (Some Like It Hot) (1959) de Billy Wilder avec Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis et Jack Lemmon
Le Mur de l'Atlantique (1970) de Marcel Camus avec Bourvil, Peter McEnery, Sophie Desmarets et Jean Poiret
Danger : Diabolik ! (Diabolik) (1968) de Mario Bava avec John Phillip Law, Marisa Mell, Michel Piccoli et Claudio Gora
Starsky et Hutch (Starsky & Hutch) (2004) de Todd Phillips avec Ben Stiller et Owen Wilson
Le Seigneur des anneaux : Les Deux Tours (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) (2002) de Peter Jackson avec Elijah Wood, Sean Astin et Viggo Mortensen
La Grande Cuisine (Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?) (1878) de Ted Kotcheff avec George Segal, Jacqueline Bisset, Robert Morley, Madge Ryan, Philippe Noiret et Jean Rochefort
Quand l'inspecteur s'emmêle (A Shot in the Dark) (1964) de Blake Edwards avec Peter Sellers, Elke Sommer, George Sanders et Herbert Lom
Meurtre au soleil (Evil Under the Sun) (1982) de Guy Hamilton avec Peter Ustinov, Nicholas Clay, Jane Birkin et Diana Rigg
Hirondelles de saucisson (1990) de François Rollin
Le fusible (2017) de Sylvain Meyniac avec Philippe Dusseau, Gaëlle Gauthier, Arnaud Gidoin, Juliette Meyniac, Irina Ninova et Stéphane Plaza
L’Exoconférence (2014) d’Alexandre Astier
Le jeu de l’amour et du hasard (2018) de Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux avec Laure Calamy, Vincent Dedienne, Clotilde Hesme, Nicolas Maury, Alain Pralon et Cyrille Thouvenin
Top Gear Saison 22, 13, 21, 18, 11, 12
Road Trip en Australie - Retour en 1940 - Road Trip à Tchernobyl - La fièvre du vintage - Spécial Journée Circuit - L’art de la chasse - Une course comme sur un green - Construire l’impossible
Comissaire Dupin
La Morte rose
The Grand Tour Saison 3, 1, 2
Scotch Single Malt - Les bras cassés à la Barbade - Les vacances du simplet - Jaaaaaaaags - Course polaire - Virée à l’italienne
Chapeau melon et Bottes de Cuir Saison 4
Le Fantôme du château De'Ath - Avec vue imprenable - Les Aigles - Cœur à cœur 
Friends Saison 1
Celui avec George - Celui qui hallucine - Celui qui aimait les lasagnes - Celui qui fait des descentes dans les douches - Celui qui était comme les autres - Celui qui a du jus - Celui qui a perdu son singe - Celui qui a un rôle
Kaamelott Livre I, V, VI
Corvus Corone - Le Royaume Sans Tête - Le Dernier Jour - Centurio - Arturi inquisito
Stargate SG-1 Saison 6
La classe américaine de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette
Kaamelott Tome 5 : Le Serpent Géant du Lac de l'Ombre d’Alexandre Astier et Steven Dupré
Kaamelott Tome 8 : L'antre du Basilic d’Alexandre Astier et Steven Dupré
Kaamelott Tome 9 : Les renforts maléfiques d’Alexandre Astier et Steven Dupré
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ninepentz · 5 months
Jesse vangs transits + synastry with Elijah Vue
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So there's still a lot we don't know about this case and it's actually taking a lot longer than I expected to find answers.. this case imo is def unique, bc this is the 1st time I have to really dissect everything to get even an ounce of info.
What I wanna do is pull up Jesse's natal chart and find out what transits he was having Feb 20th and then I'll be comparing his natal chart with Elijahs natal chart to see how they related to each other. So let's go
Let's start with Jesse vangs natal + transits Feb 20th 10:59AM
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JV natal mercury transitting into the 8th house:
Very interesting. It could be that his thoughts were darker than usual during this time, he was more secretive, finding interest in more taboo things, sex was on his mind.. he was probably masturbating a lot imo bc mercury related to our hands and 8th house represents sexuality/sex. He was probably interested in like things related to crime, death and the dark side of life.. it's like he had endless questions about this things, researching them, watching darker shows/documentaries etc. This also tells me maybe he was thinking a lot about how to attract wealth, power, control.. trying to strategize. He could have also been more paranoid than usual and something to do with weird habits, doing things over and over, obsessing over little details, being somewhat compulsive.
JV natal Pluto square mars transit:
So not only this but I believe transit wise, Pluto was also squaring JVs natal mars so that intensifies this aspect. This was a new transit bc Pluto has just recently entered Aquarius so maybe this describes a new behavior, new events, new problems that entered his life. It's possible that he was just becoming increasingly irritable, dominating, abusive.. this could describe someone with the desire to be successful, powerful, dominate, influential even and with the square maybe they were having problems executing things which made them turn to abusive, manipulative, underhanded behaviors. They say this transit/aspect describes the natives often will treat other people ruthlessly with a lack of empathy. And I often see this in the charts of violent, abusers but like...to a scary extent.
For example Travis the chimp was having this aspect, it was either natally or transit but it was def there in the charts when I looked over his case. What happened was his owners friend was left to keep an eye on Travis and she tried to give him Xanax to calm him down and get him into his cage which only infuriated him even more and this caused him to rip her apart limb from limb.. like that's how aggressive/angry this transit can make someone. Like they often take any little hits to their ego crazy personal, so they can be very dangerous to be around during transits like these and even people who have this natally.
JV natal Venus + Uranus transitting into the 7th house:
Interesting...he's natal Venus is conjunct Uranus meaning he has always had an attraction to people who are different from him, different race, culture, personalities, looks. He was not the type of person who had those boring, expected, traditional relationships.. this being in the 7th house tells me maybe he was in an open relationship, possibly cheating was in his nature, weird relationship dynamics.
JV natal mars transitting into the 6th house:
He was probably very on point with cleaning everything, not leaving things behind, he had a lot of energy and focus to clean and get his health on track.. that's what this transit would describe.
Me personally when I have a transit in the 6th house I'm neater than usual and health focused. But idk how accurate this is for Jesse.
Moon transit opposite JV natal sun:
This one is a big transit. It's possible things were out of his control, he was unable to hide or control his habits, trauma, or keep things hidden.. this is one of those transits famous for making people more embarrassed, feeling exposed, and doing things they later regret. Moon is making us uncomfortable with the amount of attention were getting (sun). And it's something he wasn't able to find balance with. Maybe he was showing off or being reckless (sun/ego) and then the moon plays out as being protective over our vulnerable selves. But with opposition he wasnt able to successfully do that, out of his comfort zone.
As I was saying the redo reading for Elijah, maybe the regrets and embarrassment was from some things he did while he wasn't in his right mind, drunk etc.
Mars transit conjunct JV natal moon:
Maybe he was bolder than usual able to act on his impulses more, he felt rejuvenated in a way. He was feeling in his natural element at home possibly.
Pluto transit conjunct JV natal moon:
Controlling, power issues, especially at home he was more focused on having authority, controlling the energy/vibe/people, deep/powerful emotions and experiences. He could of also been very jealous and obsessive.
Neptune transit square JV natal Jupiter:
This tells me he could of been indulging in drugs, standards were lower, this transit I see often in cases where a person mixes diff drugs, overdoses, things like that. He was also confused during this time when it comes to his philosophies, aspirations, could of been delusional and unrealistic. Lost in the clouds.
Venus transit square JV natal Pluto:
This adds to the obsessions I mentioned above, he was def possessive, jealous, controlling, manipulative, prying into things he shouldn't be. Maybe he was either more obsessed with sex or with gaining material things like money, assets, power.
Chiron transit square JV natal sun:
One of Jesse's current wounds and insecurities was his whole entire being. Who he presented himself as to the public is what he was insecure about. Maybe he didn't feel masculine enough, interesting enough, entertaining enough, successful enough. He prob was fighting/had tension with a visible disability. Maybe he was severely unconfident
MC transit semisquare JV natal Neptune:
I feel like this is showing us that law enforcement knows so much about him now, all the secrets, basically all the stuff he thought he trashes and forgotten about, they're digging into everything.. they possibly found out he has a lot of drugs or something like that
Uranus transit sesquiquadrate JV natal mercury:
It could be that his thinking was unpredictable, he was often times inappropriate with the things he said/did, timing was off, erratic actions, thoughts were everywhere. He would shock people and make them uncomfortable bc they never know what to expect. He prob felt like he was doing something genius
Now to Elijah natal + Jesse synastry charts.
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Ignore MC, AS, north node, Chiron basically ignore all the planets that aren't inner/outter. Everything from Pluto below should be ignored in both charts since we don't have birth time.
Elijah Pluto conjunct JVs sun:
Maybe Elijah transformed and affected Jesse in a big way, like their interactions caused a lot of change in his life and who knows if Jesse was ready for that. With this aspect there's no choice, the Pluto person would transform the sun person and vice versa. This was not a light hearted connection.
Elijah mars opposite JV mars:
This is interesting bc it shows that they may have almost had a connection where things felt natural bc one has what the other lacks. Like they complimented each other and found each other interesting/equal. This could of also since we are looking at a potential criminal/victim relationship, maybe they had very different motivations/passions from eachother. And if I'm being honest this could describe sexual attraction.
Elijah mars opposite JV Pluto:
I can see this playing out as an abusive relationship between them, Pluto person wanting to control the mars. Mars person is too immature, impulsive, uncontrollable to the pluto person, Pluto wants seriousness, commitment, loyalty..it could also point to conflict, violence.
Not sure how to interpret these mars opposite transits, I feel like they're def more bad than they are good. Bc oppositions are often what we see in couples relationships bc they exited eachother with their differences and all that. It's different in a crime chart so I'm gonna say more on the negative side is how these play out.
Elijahs saturn square JV mars:
I feel like this shows that Elijah himself was more mature than JV. JV was more reckless, impulsive, childish, aggressive.. and this made Elijah uncomfortable sometimes. Like he would be forced to go along with what JV wants, felt trapped around him or something like that. Maybe Elijah made JV feel insecure, like unintelligent, disrespectful, too brash/trashy. And Elijah was more reserved/serious around him.
Elijah mercury square JV Venus:
Maybe Elijah was all over the place, unorganized, looking through everything, he was a curious boy as he should be and JV is the Venus person who feels like he tries to have everything in a certain asthetic way, maybe he felt Elijah was often disturbing his peace, breaking things, making a mess, showing disrespect or something.
Elijah Pluto square JV mars:
A lot of conflict between them. Not good, they're both powerful in their own ways and when you put them together there's a lot of friction. Violence, abuse.
Elijah mars square JV moon:
It was often that Elijah would get on Jesse's nerves.. he triggered him, he was cranky, bitter. Like if someone is comfortable in their usual routine (moon person) mars comes in and disrupts that routine, making it so that JV is always bothered by every slight change. In crime charts this definitely shows abuse (mars) in the home or physical abuse to children too (moon)
This case has been kinda hard to understand, so if any other forensic astrologers would like to chime in and share with me anything they see that I haven't, id appreciate it.
Link to more info about Elijah vues case👇
That's all I can get from this atm. Ty for reading if you got this far and if you're interested in seeing more posts like this from me follow the hashtag #forensicastrology <-no spaces
✨Nine of Pentacles✨
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