#ongoing investigation
virovoid · 5 months
ELIJAH VUE: The Missing 3 Year Old Boy from Wisconsin
[Ongoing Investigation]
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Elijah Vue is a 3 year old boy from Twin Rivers, Wisconsin, who seemingly vanished without a trace
Elijah Vue is a 3 year old boy from Wisconsin, who vanished from an apartment in Two Rivers on Feb. 20, where he was staying with his mother's boyfriend, Jesse Vang.
Elijah was last seen at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at an apartment building in the 3900 block of Mishicot Road in Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
Elijah’s mother, Katerina Baur, (31) and her boyfriend, Jesse Vang, (39) have been charged with felony child neglect.
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Elijah was sent to stay with Vang in Two Rivers by his mother for "disciplinary purposes,” according to Manitowoc County District Attorney Jacalyn LaBre.
Katrina lived in Wisconsin Dells when Elijah went missing and had been traveling back and forth between there and Two Rivers
Investigators said Katrina sent Elijah to stay with her boyfriend, Jesse Vang, in Two Rivers to "learn how to be a man." on February 20th, Vang told police when he woke up from a nap, and the little boy was gone.
Jodi Baur, Elijah’s grandmother, said the last time she spoke to Katrina was March 1, after she had been arrested and charged with child neglect.
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"When you did talk to her, is she asking, where's Elijah? Is she still wanting to know where he is?" Reporters asked.
Baur said she thinks getting answers relies on her daughter receiving mental health care.
"Until we get her in touch with what's real and what's not real, we're not going to know," Baur said.
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In a recent interview with Katrina, she said the following about Elijah’s disappearance:
"You find yourself driving alone, you're looking in every ditch, you're looking in every lake, you're looking at every, you know, farm field. And it's just you, just the trauma doesn't stop because there's no closure," Baur said. "Please keep looking for him because somebody is going to find something."
A post was made to social media about a $40,000 reward for any information leading to Elijahs whereabouts.
The post reads:
“10,000 from Manitowoc County Crime Stoppers for the arrest and charging of the individual/s responsible for his disappearance, $15,000 for information leading to the location and return of Elijah Vue and/or the arrest and conviction of the individual/s involved in his disappearance, and an additional $15,000 thanks to funds raised by donations set up through the City of Two Rivers.”
Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the department by phone at 844-267-6648, through the Manitowoc County Crime Stoppers P3 App, or via email at [email protected]
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As Katrina and Vang remain in jail, Elijah remains missing.
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timekeepertwister · 7 months
Case 1R-1 - File 1 - Dispatch
Lead Inspector: Frosted Shortcake Cookie
Department: Disaster Response Division
Assistants: Pomegranate Priestess Cookie, Dream Express No. 223 Food Cart Vendor
Dispatch Region: PET-OE-G/L1
Meanwhile, back at the Time Registry Division…
☕️🍬 Baguette Cookie? You might wanna look at this…
🥖 Hm? What’s this, Coffee Candy Cookie? A previous snippet of the Dark Cacao Kingdom? Is there something you would like to report?
☕️🍬 Look closely at this area right here. It’s Croissant Cookie! From our present time! Talking with someone who doesn’t look like a Cookie!
🥖 Good work. It seems that you’ve found one of the misplaced individuals from a reported time rift that appeared since Croissant Cookie departed. Forward this record to the Time Investigation Division immediately. Although I do not suspect malicious intent, they will help determine which temporal region that individual came from so we can send a Cookie from the Disaster Response Division to said region in order to determine what caused this time rift to open, and to close it on their end. This will also determine whether we can extract Croissant Cookie’s group directly from the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
☕️🍬 W-wait! How does this affect me?!
🥖 You’re a fellow Supervisor for the Support Division in “Operation: Time Twister” and my subordinate in the Time Registry Division. If those two are talking because they both landed in the Dark Cacao Kingdom of the past despite coming from different temporal regions, this may be something else caused by the Blue Cheese Watch after it was broken by Dark Enchantress Cookie.
☕️🍬 And what’ll you be doing in the meantime?
🥖 I will submit this finding to the Director and attempt to contact Croissant Cookie directly. Once us two have finished our reports, we will reconvene for lunch. Dismissed.
☕️🍬 …WAIT!
🥖 Hm? What did you forget to say, Coffee Candy Cookie?
☕️🍬 How will we address them in the Subject Roster?
🥖 This is not a new matter, but it’s something we seldom address. Take the subjects’ first names and append the word “Cookie” to them unless they declare their own names. That is the general routine for such Cookies, and they could very well have turned into Cookies or something similar to any of Earthbread’s vast expanse of living beings after entering Earthbread through the time rift from their origin region. These effects should undo themselves when they leave through either the same or another time rift, so there are no immediate long-lasting consequences of them staying in that era for an extended period of time besides the mark they leave on the timeline… which is something that our division will splice into the main timeline directly as per the Director’s emergency directive upon implementing “Operation: Time Twister” as written in her schematics. It’s written that there will be no divergences in regions of interest pertaining to the operation. But for now, send these reports to String Gummy Cookie and the Time Investigation Division so they can process them properly. I will send the proper documentation of these findings to the Director so she can verify the situations at hand. Dismissed.
Perspective: Frosted Shortcake Cookie, who just received a call from the TBD regarding a new mission
…And then, I was on the case. One phone call from String Gummy Cookie and the Time Investigation Division was all I needed. With case files in hand and a couple of associates to assist me, we departed from the TBD Disaster Response Division’s satellite office in the Moontide Republic’s northeastern Tidal Province at dawn. Coastal Bay Faerie Cookie bid me well from the northern shrine as the Timecraft took off into the time streams. But now that I think about it, these coordinates seem too familiar. I wonder why… wait. Hold on a moment.
Where are my manners? I haven’t even introduced myself proper, but I might as well since we’re still in transit. My name’s Frosted Shortcake Cookie, member of the TBD’s Disaster Response Division and Head Priestess of the Moontide Republic with a side hobby in studying celestial and demonic beings for academia. Yes, I can see the reactions from a lot of you. Unoriginal name, I know. All it takes is one new word to make it seem unique to all the others, and I have considered some ideas, but that’s not the point here. I could go on for hours about how I got these jobs and talk about the history and culture of the Moontide Republic just south of Beast-Yeast- yet left unmarked on most official maps- but that’s also not why I’m making this report. No, instead I’m going on a mission for the TBD with Pomegranate Priestess Cookie- the high priestess of Pomegranate Village- and a snack vendor from the dream world that happened to be visiting the Republic.
For conveniences’ sake, the vendor’s unique characteristics will allow you as the Time Twister Support Division to directly communicate with us for the duration of this mission. Take a moment to see who you’ll be communicating with us through in the attached image.
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“Hi everyone! I’m gonna be your main source of communication with the two priestess Cookies and whoever else we run into during this mission. If you wanna ask some questions to me or anyone else here or to anyone we encounter, if you need me to do anything else to help them out, or if you really just need a snack in the office, just send an ask our way and interact with us on this whole thing!”
The destination for our mission this time is a place where… well… I trained a bit to be a priestess while in a three-year coma, but now in the present day years after those events. The TBD’s archives denote this region as Region [PET-OE-G/L1], but for you and me, we’ll just call it as it is in Outer Earthbread: Gensokyo, Japan. What? Did I make your heart jump from shock? Was that an unsavory reaction I just saw from some of you through the screen? Or did I just call someone out in the Support Office who just happened to know more about Touhou than the soundtracks? Hahaha…! Anyways, none of that matters now; back to the mission at hand. This might be our first crossover mission on this operation, but you can bet this isn’t gonna be our last.
Our objective is to interview some of the locals who could have witnessed the time rift opening on its own, determine whether the Blue Cheese Watch’s fragments were responsible for this incident, track down anyone who could have fallen into the rift and return them safely, and then close the rift properly. Now hold on tight, we’re approaching our stop through the opened rift and there’s incoming debris on the approach. Let’s hope we can find a map or something so we know where we’re going here. Or maybe we’ll find some people that can help us out.
Support Division Tasks
In order to complete some of these tasks, you might have to interact with the blog’s Ask Box. Think of it as a bit of a “choose your own adventure” story where you can make a few decisions to influence the outcome. Completing some of these tasks will add more features to future posts.
Cross-Examine archived TBD records as to familiarize yourself with the case at hand
Get to know your on-mission colleagues Strawberry Shortcake Cookie and Pomegranate Priestess Cookie (they are open for asks)
Fine-tune communications optics to receive more visuals through the Vendor (requires tuning the designated communicator in the TBD’s offices)
Procure a map of the area
Suggest and find a local who knows the land’s geography and landmarks (five locals have been listed in the report as temporally displaced and deemed absent from our investigations)
Re-establish communications with Croissant Cookie’s group to provide support and methods for group extraction from the past (advanced cross-dimensional signal tuning device required)
Be on the lookout for parts of the Blue Cheese Watch and White Lily Cookie’s Soulstones (just cue them in when you think they’re coming up or suspect someone’s holding them)
[End of File 1] - [Next: File 2 - “The Shrine”]
[Incident File 1: “Crash Site”] - [Incident File 2: “Incident Afoot”]
[Return to Investigation Record] - [Return to Case Record]
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 years
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Ongoing Investigation
Artist: Bud Cook TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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townpostin · 22 days
Father of Three Commits Suicide in Rajnagar, Seraikela
Mangal Melgandi found hanging at home; wife had eloped six months ago. Mangal Melgandi, 35, a father of three from Khairbani, Seraikela, committed suicide by hanging himself at home. JAMSHEDPUR – Mangal Melgandi, a 35-year-old father of three, hanged himself at his home in Khairbani, Seraikela. Upon receiving the information, Rajnagar police arrived at the scene and sent the body for postmortem…
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draftscyrus777 · 6 months
UFOs: Explained: What we don't know
What are UFOs? Are they interdimensional spacecraft, top-secret government projects, or Something Else Entirely? UFOs: Explained. The acronym UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), now called UAPs, has sparked heated debates for decades. But what are they? Are they spaceships piloted by little green men? Do they represent a glimpse into other dimensions, hinting at realities beyond our own? Or is…
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world-prayers · 6 months
UFOs: Explained: What we don't know
What are UFOs? Are they interdimensional spacecraft, top-secret government projects, or Something Else Entirely? UFOs: Explained. The acronym UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), now called UAPs, has sparked heated debates for decades. But what are they? Are they spaceships piloted by little green men? Do they represent a glimpse into other dimensions, hinting at realities beyond our own? Or is…
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kaidatheghostdragon · 5 months
Good reveal au, where after learning phantom's identity and realizing the atrocities that the GIW have committed (or alternatively, ethical science au, where they find out the GIW plagarized them), the fenton parents decided to create the 'ultimate ghost-ending weapon' and sell it to the agents.
They go absolutely overboard, describing to the agents in meticulous detail how it evaporates any ghost it hits near-instantly and describing it quite ruthlessly in the blueprints, and soon the GIW have raplaced all their main weapons with the new gun.
Except it doesn't actually kill ghosts. It's the Fenton Bazooka. You know, the one that creates a portable portal to suck the ghost back into the ghost zone? What they actually did was retool it slightly to make it look more grusome than it actually is. They even added a beacon in Phantom's Keep, which all Fenton Bazookas will target when they open a portal, so the ghosts are always delivered to the keep.
From there, Phantom stationed an emergency medical team at the keep to treat the many injured and ragged ghosts that the GIW 'destroyed,' and to explain what just happened.
What they didn't anticipate was that now that the GIW have a mass-produced weapon that they believed would effectively eradicate ghosts, they would go on the offensive. They have a number of cities they've been monitoring but didn't want to get involved in without better tools.
One of those cities is Gotham.
And the Bats are ectocontaminated enough to register as ghosts.
Batman witnessed several of his children get evaporated by green energy weapons within mere moments of each other. He's absolutely gutted. Devastated. They didn’t even stand a chance.
He'll get his revenge, and it's frighteningly easy to track the weapon to private subcontractors. The Doctors Fenton, in Illinois. Their research calls for the genocide of all ghost kind, and apparently, that war started by killing his own children.
His children will not die in vain.
He gets to Amity Park and finds the Engineer's Nightmare of a building that is Fentonworks, but that night, before he can hack through the security and break in, one of the windows opens.
It's one of his kids that he had watched evaporate before his very eyes. They give him a silent signal of one of their identifying security codes and gesture for him to come inside.
Is it a trap? A prank in poor taste? Utterly genuine?
He goes through the window.
All of his dead kids are there, wearing borrowed pajamas and only their dominoes to conceal their identities. Daniel Fenton (son of the Fentons, this is his bedroom, has voiced a few arguments against his parent's views, but still an unknown) is among the crowd of teens and young adults, twirling on an office chair and obnoxiously sipping a capri sun.
"First thing you need to know, Bats," Daniel says after finishing his drink, "is that my parents are absolutely NOT genocidal ectophobic scumbags, and that is the reason why your kids are still alive."
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effervescentdragon · 7 months
i think a lot of people should google datenschutz/gdpr and how it protects people who bring in a complaint to their workplace/place of study before you start calling for the investigation to be published
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divingsave · 2 months
i'm sure it's been talked about on here but i think the most heartbreaking thing about the alleged attempted blackmail of the schumacher family still is that one of the men allegedly involved apparently was part of their security team and that's how they got hold of the sensible personal data and pictures
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utilitycaster · 11 months
I enjoy shipping, but I cannot see the appeal in watching shows only for the purpose of shipping; I think it closes you off to so much. I think coming into a work with the expectation that it will only succeed if a particular configuration of people end up happily in a relationship with each other when the curtain closes means you will reject so many unexpected choices altogether. It destroys your ability to appreciate the entire concept of tragedy. Just, imagine refusing to let yourself enjoy "I'm not a gardener" because you are too furious that a different kiss than the one you wanted happened to feel other emotions.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 23 days
Do you think Lisa, the Akademiya's most esteemed graduate in 2 centuries, knows Venti is the Anemo Archon?
To be honest, I think she does know! Especially since Venti's disguise really didn't change much from the times of Venessa...
Venti really isn't trying that hard to hide, with his braids, general knowledge of things and traditions that happened ages ago, love for music and anemo abilities that are a tad too powerful for a regular old allogene...
She probably figured out the first time she met him, decided it was not her problem, and proceeded to invite him for a tea break so they could chat about Mond's history.
And isn't it funny how they're both quite similar!?? Characters often portrayed as "lazy" or "carefree" when they're actually quite powerful?
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chron0ph0bia · 3 months
Guys, be careful. Its normal to have feelings about Neil Gaiman rn but almost all the vitriolic posts I see are from fucking TERFs. Fuck TERFs forever and ever, they make me sick.
edit: this is not me condoning it btw before u get that idea. I'm only telling u to be aware of, as someone else phrased "a publically trans friendly author being accused by terfs of being a groomer". I personally believe he did it, just as I believe that the people who are getting most passionate about this have an agenda to push.
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what's up with fanon!Tim and coffee: an ongoing investigation
Tim's definitely had narrative mentions of struggling to get a full night's sleep before, but this feels like the first mishap significant enough to mention: falling asleep in the middle of his girlfriend tearfully telling him that she went out with another guy. jesus christ, Timothy.
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he also falls asleep in the middle of busting a museum robbery, while impersonating one of the robbers.
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notably though this is hardly typical Tim behavior; it's a pretty severe extenuating circumstance since he's spent 48 hours awake (much longer by the second example) helping Bruce and Dick get rid of Jean Paul; examples are from Robin #9.
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opossauce · 1 year
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more of my wip hermit (+ joel) designs from a year? ago !!
you've seen the Doc on it's own, and i think?? instagram got all of these, but I can't remember if tumblr did so. here u are
there's a Martyn design along with these, but i don't have access to my files (this version happened to be saved to my phone) bc i. lost my old laptop when i moved, do not ask me how i did that, i ask myself that same question every day. um
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oscarpiastriwdc · 8 months
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me, age 6, with a matching bob
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hikennosabo · 1 year
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i saw multiple people in the book club tag wondering if this was a reveal to the audience, or if we knew this already. it's certainly framed like a big reveal because it is to meryl, but i assume there are at least a few people (including myself) who are carrying our prior knowledge about the characters with us, due to it being such an essential aspect of understanding who vash and knives fundamentally are. so i took it upon myself to investigate (rereading for fun, and also to understand things better) and the short answer is: yes, we knew this information already.
this is the first time we're hearing the word "independent," but it had already been all but confirmed that vash and knives are plants, even if it wasn't stated AS point-blank as this until this point. the final chapter of trigun, chapter 20, all but outright confirms it.
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like, knives is literally reborn out of a plant, it doesn't get less subtle than that.
(there is some foreshadowing prior to this, such as in chapter 9 when vash syncs with the sandsteamer plant and calls her "sister," as well as a few other scenes which imply that vash and knives aren't human, including knives outright saying he ensured the plant ships' survival when he caused the big fall.)
in trimax, though, it's actually not stated again until the scene with meryl, although there is plenty of questioning (mostly on wolfwood's part) about vash's inhuman nature and immortality. this is just the first time it's laid out plainly.
i suspect part of the reason why this scene was presented as if it's a revelation to not only meryl but also to the reader is because of the change in magazines between trigun and trimax - it probably WAS a revelation to all the new readers who came in with the magazine change. plus the time between trigun chapter 20 and trimax chapter 26 was over three years - as important as it is, i imagine a lot of people just... forgot the specifics of the information altogether. especially because chapter 20 is a lot to take in. but for the readers who DID remember and put the pieces together, i imagine it was a satisfying confirmation.
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