#elise wee
saenora · 7 months
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Wednesday 100(s)
Every week, I post a wee Outlander drabble (100 word story) on twitter and every week, I think, "I should post this on tumblr too." And today I am finally committing myself to it. I'm currently in the process of writing and sharing one drabble from every episode from season 2, all from the perspective of Fergus. Here are the first three so you can catch up!
2x01, Place
After breakfast with the ladies at Maison Elise, Fergus found himself navigating the labyrinthine streets of Paris, blending into the swarms of people, unnoticed. He effortlessly nicked a loaf of bread from an inattentive merchant, before finding his way to the la rivière Seine. He would pass the afternoon watching the boats come and go, dreaming of lives he would never live but was desperate to experience. It was normal for young boys to seek adventures, the ladies told him. But that alone could not describe the longing within him. A longing for a place, for people all his own.
2x02, Cramped
The tiny closet under the stairs where Fergus slept was growing increasingly cramped, not with possessions, but because he was apparently getting taller. He found himself curling into tighter and tighter balls to fit in this little space of his, though it was evident that soon enough, he would no longer be able to lay his head here. He looked around the space, the only place he had ever called home, and suddenly felt a profound sense of sadness. This place was not perfect, but it was his. Would he ever again find somewhere to safely rest? To call home?
2x03, Worth Keeping
It was not the first time Fergus spotted the burly, redheaded man in the brothel. He was certain that was the man from whom he had lifted the wooden snake currently in his pocket. A difficult target, partly because of his size, but also because the man seemed to be equally observant of his surroundings as Fergus was of his own. Tonight, the man was alone, which was unusual, and was agitated, tapping his fingers relentlessly on his leg. Perhaps his distraction would make him an easy target tonight. Maybe he had something on him Fergus would find worth keeping.
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Dear covey,
Saying the pledge is mental and the only reason I know my national anthem is because I believe in the statement Scotland forever 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Could keep going but I don’t want to transfer my Scot over to you 🙁
Love, Elise xxxxxxx
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seanssimsblog · 5 months
"The Commencement" - 1843
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After the plan was all set and done, the following Sunday, the McNeils held a commencement ceremony for Reginald and Nora's beginning of a new life.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today to commence our dear community members, Mr. Reginald and Mrs. Nora, on their journey to Newcrest, Pennsylvania," Darren says as the congregation follows with applause. "We're here to lift them up in prayer and love so their journey may be successful. We pray that the good Lord watches and keeps them on a narrow way. Let us bow our heads and pray..." Darren says as he leads the congregation into a faith-fueled and passionate prayer.
After the prayer, Darren reads some passages from the Holy Bible and allows for some words to be spoken by Reginald and Nora.
"Any final parting words that you would like to share with the family?" Darren asks them. Nora clears her throat and says, "Well... I just want to say from the bottom of my heart.. thank you. Thank all of you for everything that you've done for my family. I especially thank Mr. Darren McNeil and the McNeil family for taking us in. If it weren't for Mr. McNeil, we wouldn't have been here today... we'd probably be somewhere six feet under by now," Nora says, followed by a nervous chuckle.
"And I also wanna say thank you to all of you..." Reginald steps up and says. "Mr. McNeil and I have bonded very strongly over the time of our stay, and sure enough, he's proven himself a good man. You all are truly lucky to have him as a part of your lives. He reminds me of my own father, whom I've lost as a child... He was kind of like a father figure to me, ya' know... But... I know Mr. McNeil will continue to do great things for this community. And Mrs. McNeil... this is one heck of a woman right here!" Reginald says as the congregation chuckles. "Mrs. McNeil is a lady with spunk, passion, knowledge... and not afraid to speak her mind or do what's right... She helped me and Nora become literate... though my wife Nora is better at it than me, I know that with drive and determination, I can get better, just as Mrs. McNeil taught me. The children of the McNeils show that they were products of some good folks. Especially my late partner in crime, Zachariah... God rest his soul. Your young girls, Joclyn and Elise are beautiful and educated; I just know they'll make it far in life... I hope one day, our family will be just as talented and beautiful as your own, Mr. and Mrs. McNeil. We'll definitely carry out the legacy to help people who are in bondage and seek freedom.. just like you did for us."
The congregation stands and erupts in passionate applause.
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"And this is a gift from all of us. From our hearts to yours." Darren says as he hands Reginald a gift box. As Reginald removes the lid, he's greeted with a box full of money. "Whew-wee, Mr. McNeil! That sure looks like a lot of money!" Reginald says as he's in shock. "800 dollars, to be exact!" Darren replies as he chuckles. "It's the money for your new home. We were able to set up everything with the landlord there, who is a well-respected free colored man. You shouldn't have any problems to worry about!" "Thank you, man... thank you," Reginald says as his eyes start to well up with tears as he hugs Darren. "Thank you.. all of you!... I know with all of this help, I'm able to give my son a better life," Reginald says as he goes into the congregation, hugging everyone.
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"Mrs. McNeil... thank you so much," Nora says to Michelle, her eyes well up with tears, "No honey, thank you!" Michelle replies, "You helped me to further realize my purpose in this world... to help people achieve in their lives! And it looks like I was blessed enough to do that for you, Nora. And I'm forever grateful for you."
"Indeed... you've helped me find my passion, too! To learn... I finally feel like I have something that no master could ever take away from me... Mrs. McNeil, you've shaped me into a brand-new woman! I love you, Mrs McNeil, and I wish you all the best." Nora says to Michelle as she goes in to embrace her.
As the community shared their final goodbyes and gave a benediction over Reginald, Nora, and Reginald Jr., the new family began to set their carriage up for the travel. They stacked the inside of the carriage with their sacks of food, horse feed, and belongings. Reginald went into the outhouse of the church to paint his face with makeup to make him appear as a caucasian man (see previous post). A few of the ladies in the church helped him to relax and dye his hair brunette, styling it.
"My God... I don't even know if I know who you are right now...." Nora says as she's stuck in a state of shock. "Honey... my name is now Eugene... Eugene Howard... Eugene was the name of my father... and Nora... you're Nettie. Nettie Howard. That was the name of my mother..." Reginald states to Nora. "You are my slave... and... we had a child together... and we're off to Pennsylvania to start a new life."
With Reginald's and Nora's new disguises, Reginald hops onto the driver's seat of the carriage with Nora and his child inside of the back, taking off towards their first stop, Rock Hill, South Carolina...
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the-institute-rpg · 1 year
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EVENT : spring punishment
It’s been a very strange week, even by island standards. For days, it has felt more like a prison than a school. Slaves showering in awkward silence under the watchful eyes of several guards; students paddled publicly in the quad for minor missteps; and everyone, everywhere, wondering: will someone come forward?
Friday passes with no fanfare, and then, on Saturday morning...
Slaves are awoken long before dawn by guards shouting and banging on the cell doors. They’re dragged unceremoniously from their cells and forced into chains; claimed slaves, too, are removed from their homes, with or without their master’s consent--and they’re not the only ones. The administration is taking action against masters, too--or at least against all those masters who have shown themselves to be too sympathetic to the slaves plight. In the wee hours of the morning, masters who do not meet The Institute’s standards have been dragged out of their suites and homes, chained, and, in the case of supernaturals, bound.
It seems no one came forward to take ownership of the sabotaged lottery--and now much of the island will pay the price. 
A mass punishment will take place over Saturday, April 22nd and Sunday, April 23. 
All slaves (claimed and otherwise) and all masters the administration considers too soft have been separated into two groups. Group A will be punished on Saturday; Group B will be punished on Sunday. The group lists can be found under the cut.
The group being punished will be stripped naked except for blindfolds and earplugs, and chained spread eagle around the quad. Guards patrolling the quad will be equipped with whips, paddles, and floggers, and instructed to deliver punishment at regular intervals. 
Those masters who do meet The Institute’s standards are invited to visit, punish, and play with them as they please. Masters may remove the blindfold or earplugs if they wish, but both should be returned when they’re finished, to allow future visitors their anonymity.
Those being punished will receive a single ten minute break to use the facilities and drink water. Breaks will be staggered so the quad is never empty. They will not be fed.
Group A will be held in the cells overnight and when they are not being punished; Group B will be held in the ballroom. Those being punished are welcome to thread with the other members of the group on their ‘off’ days.
In game, this mass punishment will take place over Saturday and Sunday, April 22-23.
The event will last from Friday, April 21, 10:15pm EST, through Sunday, April 30, 11:59pm EST, out of game.
The dash WILL be paused for the duration of the event. Non-event threads should NOT be posted.
The starter rule is still in effect. Please use #theinstitutestarter for your starters, and reblog your starter to the starter blog to ensure it appears for everyone. Please also tag your starter in some way to indicate that it is an event starter. (For example, ‘spring punishment event’, ‘event starter’, etc.)
Preceded by The Garden Party Lottery
IMPORTANT: Spring Punishment Twist
Spring Punishment Conclusion
Headmaster Malvolio’s Letter
Group A
Alexander Black
Alfie Norris
Angelina Andrews
Atticus Carmine
Ava Montgomery
Ciaran O’Bryan
Elijah Scott
Evander Kasyade
Evelyn Stratford
Fayeth Araven
Frankie Vanderbilt
Genevieve Wranmyer
Gulana Alim
Jude Rigby
Katell Brightwood
Kylie Danvers
Leo Weatherington
Levi Matthews
Lily Lynch
Malakai Nolan
Margeaux Adkins
Orion Campbell
Owen Jackson
Persephone Clay
Qhuinn Fontenot
Rowan Aubri
Sabrina Christiansen
Sasha Bell
Stephen White
Sunshine Bunny
Thalia Moore
Thomas Chandler
Tommy Heavyshield
Violet Lynch
Group B
Aiden Wentworth
Ash Romero
Avery Fellhaven
Chase Walker
Daisy Lynch
Damien Black
Dhanial Lyman
Dominik Ruthingham
Dougal McLeod
Dylan Altomare
Edmund Elofsen
Elise Nyland
Elliot Raws
Felix Martin
Finn Carlyle
Freya Lund
Grace Carleton
Isabel Hai Phan
James Donovan
Judith Gilmore-Green
Layla DuBois
Leib Edelman
Magnus Kusihamar
Malon Savaris
Noah Wright
Nova Walker
Scarlett McKnight
Skyler Campbell
Tae Lee
Tessa Fuchs
Theodore Stott
Tilly Beaumont
Wilder Hayes
Xavier Lennon
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aquillis-main · 1 year
Ignoring Jehtt's parody for a sec
-It was 200 years of Iblis. I legit don't think there's a profit to scamming people into thinking they can save the future. 2-3 gens directly tied to the Great Disaster already are dead, and GUN seems gone too
-We already beat Iblis only to see him reincarnate again. We can already infer Silver beat him many times with no difference. In fact, he legit considers giving up in frustration
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-Mephiles wouldn't even be the first suspect. Blaze's fire powers scared survivors, but Silver stood by her (sadly this is in bios)
-The intro CG cutscene notes the generational divorce from the event. No one knew where Iblis came from cuz it's been so long, only that it ravaged the planet for eons. Silver is noted to question the origin, getting nothing
So yeah, I'll take hearing this shifty stranger's new theory, cuz repeatedly killing Iblis 3 million times is doing nothing but exhaust me, regardless if I die to this stranger or not. It's not like I can make this worse (in my context)
Other things;
-Silver's reaction to Meph saying to time travel:
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Not "oh yeah I immediately believe you" like 90% of parodies, it's him gauging interest after dismissing the first prompt
Even to Meph saying "Oh yeah, I can time travel" it's more dismissal (though tinged with amazement)
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when Meph notes the Iblis Trigger the first time, both Blaze and him just ponder a sec before hesitating to ask if killing him would save the world, their first true mistake. But again, better than just mindlessly killing Iblis over and over
Then Meph bothers bringing articles on screen showing the Egg Carrier's crash and release of Iblis, then the Emerald showing Sonic's visage in the fire (glares slightly more angry), Blaze being perturbed cuz she knows of one, and Meph immediately time traveling them before much of anything can be said in protest
If it were me, I'd have them question how he found this info, with him revealing that he stumbled upon a Chaos Emerald that showed him the image of a blue hedgehog (which he'll show to Silver like OG, only with Sonic expressing better than wood), leading him to do research on him, and finding the article of Elise dying in a crash despite his chase. He'll then note research of time travel done in GUN logs of when they checked Eggman's base after the crash, noting the process being risky. Silver and Blaze can ask why he can't do it, which...I mean look at him, he's deformed and barely hobbling (interestingly nowhere as much as the Shadow release scene, or later twirl), likely frail as heck (we know he isn't if we the audience played Shadow's story first). He'll attract unwanted attention outside supposed fraility, vs how the powerful Blaze/Silver look a smidge more stable. They'll admit having nothing to lose/repetition, then Meph warps them
But otherwise, I feel the Silver bias is glossing events a wee bit too much, and parodies aren't helping. It's legit wanting to break useless repetition that drives most of Silver's hasty actions
"But he looks evil"
The entire world is homeless. Being remotely not brazen is an anomaly if anything (Blaze at least has an excuse)
Also what's he gonna do, jump the guy that has psychokinesis? He looks weak as hell
I still think that Silver shouldn't have jumped to follow Mephiles so easily when the latter spouted out shit about 'Chickens and eggs', especially since it seems he and Blaze just willingly follow Mephilies into his crack den of info he shouldn't have. I'm sorry, but I feel Silver just hopped on a little too quickly. If there was a scene of him and Blaze arguing with each other about going to follow, I'd buy it a lot more than it is now. However, since the cutscenes skip that moment and have Silver and Blaze immediately follow Mephiles to his crack den without thinking, it still comes across to me as Silver and Blaze being stupid, not naive.
I appreciate you trying to help clear out some aspects of this, but without the key moment of Silver and Blaze arguing about going to listen to Mephiles or not, it comes across as an idiot kid being taken by a guy with a white van to me, especially since the only time Silver stops to consider his decision is when Amy tells him to not kill Sonic and dashes off. After that, he doesn't ever really question if he's doing the right thing, and just blindly trusts the guy that showed him a vision of Sonic in fire with a really pissed off look, and not much other information besides anecdotal evidence.
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deberghuthorizon · 2 years
Ziehier, de allereerste repetitie van ons Berghut-lied ‘Wees Welkom’. We oefenen flink verder om een videoclip te maken! Dankjewel aan Elise-Marie voor het filmwerk! 
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hollywoodcannon · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: First Princess Helmsley and now Baby Orton. Shame on you, Brian, for thinking with your dick instead of realizing the viper you invited into your home was not there with good intentions. She's only there to become a replacement for Elise now, because she knows that Princess Helmsley would've whipped her ass if the girl were on this mortal coil.
And you're gonna let her do it, because you're a sad sack of a man. Elise would be disgusted with both of you.
Curious Anons!
Elise’s death had been Brian’s sad crucible. Despondency that near caused his death, the void of a broken heart unable to stand the pain, the loss. Life seemed meaningless without her around. Pointless - a world so dark and so cold - senseless. Suddenly, and before anyone could’ve stopped him, he had considered, once, just to take the chance. Muzzle of the pistol to his temple, locked and loaded and ready to fire, the gun that was used against Austin, whatever it would take to be reunited with his lost love again, a little boy that looked so much like Elise held him back. Prevented the Loose Cannon from pulling the trigger, awoken the soul that was still nestled inside, very much alive and very much unable to be taken from the son. Junior the reason for all - never would the boy be abandoned by his father - Brian would live for him. Would raise him and love him for the rest of eternity, always together and never to part, Raile was the angel that they both needed. A friend who would be there until the end. A wonderful woman and a wonderful partner in crime; falling in love with her was as easy as breathing for Brian. So natural, so comforting and warm, it was nice to have that second chance at happiness. 
Elise never far from their thoughts, their hearts nor within their new home together, the Loose Cannon and his lady and his baby, that next chapter had just begun. Junior already nearing seven years old, turning more and more into his mother every day, their smiles the same and their sarcasm just as sound, there was much to be excited for within his life. School just around the corner, pee-wee football games to be looked forward to, his father and Raile’s wedding, it was all so fantastic. Brian ready for every moment yet to come, already decided on the suit for his best man to wear for the big day, his best little man, off-color comments always got underneath his skin, no matter the time. People just knew how to make him feel the worst. Enemies who didn’t care for him nor his family, emotions on edge with each new slander he heard, browns wide with an anger so hot. 
“Least I have a cock to think from, Professor Dumble-Dork. When’s the last time you’ve seen yours? If you even have one. Quite frankly, between your piss-poor attitude and your fucking ugly haircut, I can’t tell if you’re a chick or a dude. What I do know is, however, that you have a fat mouth. A real big yapper that doesn’t know when to shut the hell up!”
Brian snapped. “Don’t you ever speak about Elise like that. Don’t you ever talk that way about my fiancee again! You have no idea what we’ve been through. Raile’s been the kindest, sweetest thing to have ever come into mine and BJ’s life. I don’t know where the hell we’d be without her. Elise fucking loved her. They were best friends. They were sisters. If Elise would’ve wanted anyone in this world to be happy, besides her son, it would be Raile. She would want me to be happy, too. Maybe you don’t like that, because you’re a lonely cunt, but that’s just how things are. If life turned out different, I would’ve wanted the same for Elise. I wouldn’t have wanted her to be fucking sad all the time, alone. So, sorry if that makes me seem pathetic, a sad sack of a man, as you called me, but I don’t give a damn. Elise, she could never, ever be replaced. She was my first love. She was the mother to our son. We could never forget about her.”
“Elise loved Raile. BJ loves Raile. I love Raile. We’re gonna spend the rest of our lives together. All three of us, maybe more if we’re given the chance. And you, you’re still gonna be looking like a damn fool for ever believing otherwise. Stay away from my family. Keep Elise’s name out of your mouth. Oh. And you can kiss my fucking ass before you go!”
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bellamysgriffin · 2 years
Okay, now I’m curious to know some of your favorite albums if you don’t mind? ‘Cause I can relate A LOT to the way you see Ms. Swift’s albums. And I’m searching for good music, so please give me recs! (Old & new.)
oh boy!! gear up, because i LOVE talking music.
rae by ashe & ashlyn by ashe (she's such a unique voice in pop today <3)
begin to hope by regina spektor
emails i can't send by sabrina carpenter
strangers forever by maude latour
woman on the internet by orla gartland
build a problem by dodie
bad together by rozzi
ed buys houses by sidney gish
gracetown by san cisco
wrong crowd by tom odell
bad ideas by tessa violet
some feelings by julia nunes
tell it to the volcano by miniature tigers
cuz i love you by lizzo
don't get dark by del water gap
be ok by ingrid michaelson
you don't own me anymore by the secret sisters (LOVING this one lately)
jolene by dolly parton
out among the stars & american IV by johnny cash
lady & gentlemen by leeann rimes
jade bird by jade bird (OH MY GOD!!!!!)
odessey and oracle by the zombies
hotel tv by lawrence (this is sorta pop/rock/r&b fusion)
combat sports by the vaccines
bad self portraits by lake street dive (my favs)
playing chess by elise legrow
back to black by amy winehouse (EVERYTHING BY HER!)
chills and fever by samantha fish
songs for a sinking ship by april smith and the great picture show
we need medicine by the fratellis
the stranger by billy joel
love tattoo by imelda may
in between dreams by jack johnson
songs of leonard cohen by leonard cohen (oh my god everything this man touches is GENIUS, he is probably my favorite lyricist of all time)
bridge over troubled water and sounds of silence by simon and garfunkel
wide awake & feathers and fishooks by rayland baxter
autumn fallin' by jaymay
maple ridge by swear and shake
healing and a remedy by upstate (SO underrated, one of my fav albums of all time is healing)
dead and born and grown by the staves
how i knew her by nataly dawn (SO GOOD)
lady soul by aretha franklin
lo-fi soul by haley reinhart
somewhere in between by eloise
it could happen to you by chet baker
the jerome kern songbook by ella fitzgerald
the astrud gilberto album by astrud gilberto
ella swings lightly by ella fitzgerald
songs from the heart by johnny hartman
in the wee small hours by frank sinatra
cocktail by rose colella
yesterday i had the blues by jose james
ella and louis by ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong (maybe my fav of all time?)
careless love by madeleine peyroux
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goldoanheart · 6 days
Plotting for the Dashers wee woo wee woo
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KURTHNAGA (here uwu)
Mission Board (Requires unaff.)
ANY SKILL +1: Smash cut to Kurthnaga hiding in the corner at the idea of hunting and blood. Yup. That's him. Bet you're wondering how he got here. [Taken: N/A]
TIDE POOL: Splish splash having fun in the bath. I just want want a cute little thread of Kurthnaga and a friend (new or old!) exploring all the fun little things the tide pools have on offer [Taken: N/A]
FLYING +1 [Taken: F!Corrin]
Non-Mission Board (Open to anyone!)
PENPALS: A little unusual, but I think I'd like to write this thread solely as the letters exchanged between the pair? If I can do that lol 😂 [Taken: N/A]
FAITH +1 [Taken: Lambert] [Taken: Jakob]
HEAVY ARMOR +1 [Taken: Odin, Valter, and Flora]
NASIR ( @yukyunotabibito )
Mission Board (Requires unaff.)
ANY SKILL +1: So anyway they started blasting. No but for real I think they've lived a long life and have had to hunt more than once within it, and they are terrifyingly brilliant. Get creative? Why, don't mind if they do [Taken: N/A]
SWEPT AWAY AT THE ARCHPELIGO: Don't worry little charge, he will take care of you. and if him and his new friend are truly desperate, he can transport between islands using his dragon form. (if at all possible, I would like to have a muse on the younger side for this, please and thank you!) [Taken: N/A]
AUTHORITY +1: 🤨 Oh you think he doesn't know how to work a crew or group like this? You think wrong my good sir. Here comes nasir with the union <3 [Taken: N/A]
FLYING +1: Hm. Well. He'll be right here. On the ground. Giving orders <3 [Taken: N/A]
Non-Mission Board (Open to anyone!)
FAITH +1: Fears? Oh no he doesn't have any of those. He's just curious if this is a scam or not. Whether his partner has fears or not, he intends to expose the secrets behind this guru [Taken: N/A]
HEAVY ARMOR +1: Please see my vision for what I want this to be. I think it would be horrible and we should do it. Thank you. (For those not in the know, I'm thinking three heroes tellius time. Wahoorat.) [Taken: N/A]
ZIHARK ( @swordsmanoftranquility )
Looking for the most threads for Zihark lol, even if I have more listed for the other two. Willing to double up even if it's already taken <3
Mission Board (Is unaff.)
ANY SKILL +1 [Taken: Kliff]
AUTHORITY +1 [Taken: Etie] [Taken: Tormod] [Taken: Ewan]
TIDE POOLS: Zihark nerd mode activate. Do you want him to tell you about these things? Don't worry. He will. [Taken: Elise]
FLYING +1 [Taken: Naesala]
Non-Mission Board (Open to anyone!)
FAITH +1 [Taken: Elincia]
HEAVY ARMOR +1: Put that fucker back in the mad king's war. Let's do it. [Taken: N/A]
Please dm me on discord (lightorflight) or directly on the relevant blog so I can keep my ducks in a row.
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can u do jason and piper (seperate) with a iris kid?? if you only take one character per request do piper pls (its fine if u dont!)
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Elise now presents:
I wouldn’t fall for someone I thought couldn’t misbehave
Warnings - swearing? Like once or twice I think
Starring: Jason Grace, Piper McLean and child of Iris!reader
Soundtrack: Almost (sweet music) - Hozier, Flowers in your hair - The lumineers, Iris - The goo goo dolls, Adore you - Harry Styles
Enjoy the movie! 🎬
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Jason (my boy) Grace
You met through Percy (my other boy)
Percy had met you after you bent red and green light away to try and make blue light shine on him once in the Hermes cabin before he was claimed
This is an excuse for my inner physics nerd to come out
Anyway you became friends and he introduces you to the big, strong and powerful son of Jupiter
Who basically melts when you look at him
But that’s unrelatedddd xxx
I have a hc that Iris kids’ eye colour can change when they want it too
(Y/N moment)
But he loves the mix of colours in your eyes
Could legit stare into them for days on end if blinking wasn’t needed
Loves watching you let rainbows run through your fingers
(Alina Starkov moment)
The two little weather kids having picnic dates on half blood hill 🤭🤭
Watched you control the pegususes (pegasi? Girl I dunno) one time so you guys could sneak out your cabins and just kinda went like 😯
Man is in awe of you in short
Loves your rainbows
Love love loves them
Loves your cabin as well
I always like the thought that the Iris cabin is similar to the Apollo cabin in a way that it shines
But it shines rainbows
Cause it’s fancy
Piper (MY GIRLLLL 🫶) McLean
Again loves your cabin
Thinks it’s so cool and loves when you reflect rainbows onto yourself or others
I’m also a firm believer in the fact Iris kids either love photography or painting (or both)
So if you have photos or paintings of her? On her knees
Photos with your rainbows reflected on her face? She’s on one knee
Is genuinely in love with you
And if I couldn’t walk to you I’d crawl to you type beat
If you know you know
Love a bit of six of cross mentioning
You once changed your eye colour to her favourite colour and she couldn’t stop looking at you for like…
Thinks your like a little triangular prism
(Physics nerd showing)
You try and describe refraction to her properly and the prism is all she took in
Still thinks it looks exactly like the dark side of the moon album cover
It triggers you
Loves to just watch you training
Your powers specifically
Can be anything though
Also loves watching you talk about anything your passionate about
Loves bragging to people that HER PARTNER IS MADE OF RAINBOWS
That’s cool as fuck I’m sorry
In summary they both love their little rainbow partners and they both fit together so perfectly
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Director’s note: Hiya!! I hope this is what you meant and I’m sorry it took a wee while I really didn’t feel like writing for a bit and didn’t want to force myself to 🫶 anyway I hope this is the right characterisation for an Iris kid, I tried to not make them like fully basically baby-like because I know I cringe when I’m reading that let alone writing it 😭
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keynewssuriname · 7 months
Enthousiaste jeugdige schakers verslaan Argentijnse Internationaal Meester
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Het is een zestal jeugdige schakers afgelopen zaterdag gelukt Internationaal Meester (IM) Maximiliano Perez te verslaan. Hanna-Christa Emanuels, Ethan Tjin Kon Kiem, Elise Wu, Shiraz Habieb, Imaan Kalidjo en Pratul Panchoe waren verantwoordelijk voor de ‘genadeslagen’. Catherine Kaslan, Alexandra Kaslan, Kymani Wijnhard en Ravish Ramesar hielden de wereldtopper op een remise. Jason Yeung, Victoria Kaslan, Vivekanand Kalloe, Shefali Creebsburg, Mary-Lou Wongsoredjo en Ishita Kewalapat legden het af tegen Perez. De Argentijn werkte op dezelfde dag van zijn aankomst een simultaansessie (gelijktijdig spelen) tegen 16 lokale schakers in het Denk Sportcentrum. Aanvankelijk lag het in de bedoeling dat de IM tegen 20 van zijn studenten zou spelen, maar Yannick Kartodikromo, Viresh Giasi, Shaief Chashawa en Maylee Tjong Tjin Joe zegden af wegens andere verplichtingen. Enkele winnaars delen hun ervaring met Keynews. Een goed gevoel “Ik heb van hem kunnen winnen en dat was geweldig. De ontmoeting was spannend, leerrijk en sportief”, merkt Emanuels op. Net als haar overige schaakcollegae heeft zij enige poos online lessen van de IM gevolgd. “Zijn online + fysieke lessen waren duidelijk, interessant en verstandbaar.” Volgens de nationale U-12 kampioene weet Perez zijn lessen levendig te houden door het nemen van pauzes “en tussendoor wat grapjes. Dat vond ik super.” Emanuels zegt veel van hem te hebben geleerd “dat je goed moet kijken naar je tegenstander en niet moet verdedigen.” Ze kreeg als tips mee meer aan te vallen, maar bij dat alles goed te kijken “wat je tegenstander allemaal kan spelen. Ik neem alle tools mee om verder te gaan en zal mijn best steeds blijven doen om de top te bereiken.” De jeugdige schaakster is al reeds 5 jaren actief bij Chess Academy. “Keek er heel erg naar uit” De 12-jarige Ethan Tjin Kon Kiem kon niet wachten om het tegen Perez op te nemen. “Wij zijn de afgelopen maanden getraind door meneer Maxi. Ik keek er heel erg naar uit meneer Maxi in het echt te ontmoeten en tegen hem te spelen.” Net als Emanuels zegt Tjin Kon Kiem dat de IM “erg” goed les geeft. “Fysiek spelen tegen meneer Maxi was geweldig. De wedstrijd was spannend.” Suriname op het hoogste niveau (wereldtop) vertegenwoordigen is de ultieme droom van de telg. De weg richting verwezenlijking van dit droombeeld is echter een proces. Ethan zit daarom met vele andere talentvolle schakers op de leer bij Perez. “Ik heb geleerd hoe je gebruik moet maken van bepaalde voordelen in het spel”, doelende op schaakstrategieën en tactieken. Verder wees de IM Tjin Kon Kiem erop te focussen op openingen en systemen die passen “bij mijn stijl. Ik moet daarop studeren en ze goed voorbereiden.” Ook Tjin Kon Kiem komt uit voor Suriname Chess Academy en schaakt officieel vanaf zijn 7e jaar. Niet in stoutste dromen “Ik had nooit kunnen weten dat ik van een IM kon winnen”, aldus een verbaasde Elise Wu. Ze was het treffen tegen Perez niet met hoge verwachtingen ingestapt. “Ik heb mijn best gedaan, maar ik vond de ontmoeting leuk.” Naar zeggen van de 13-jarige schaakster verliep de wedstrijd goed en heeft ze veel geleerd hoe onder andere in een positie aan te vallen en verdedigen. Het bleef echter niet hierbij. “Als je speelt moet je niet alleen aan 1 kant van het bord kijken, maar naar het heel bord.” Volgens Wu is het van belang dat de schaker weet wanneer hij of zij op welke set iets moet doen, “want soms moet je wachten op je tegenstander om iets te spelen, zodat je plan kan werken.” Ze speelt voor schaakclub Free First Move (FFM). Na ruim 3 jaren schaken kwam de Covidpandemie ertussen. De tiener stopte voor ongeveer 2,5 jaar met schaken. “Vorig jaar ben ik weer begonnen.” Tenminste een remise Shiraz Habieb begon de ontmoeting met in zijn hoofd “om tenminste voor een remise te gaan.” Gedurende de wedstrijd merkte hij de kracht van de IM op. “Hij stond na een tijdje voor. Ik besloot zo veel mogelijk weerstand te bieden. De IM moest tegen veel mensen tegelijk spelen dus had hij weinig tijd om na te denken per wedstrijd. Uiteindelijk is zijn tijd opgegaan en heb ik de wedstrijd gewonnen”, aldus een opgeluchte Habieb. De 15-jarige schaker vond het een eer om tegen de IM te spelen, “want zo een kans krijg je niet vaak. Het was een zeer leerrijke ervaring.” Ook hij heeft veel van de schaakmeester geleerd. De tiener wenst de ‘geheimen’ echter niet prijs te geven. “Dat hou ik liever voor mezelf.” Hij is langer dan 1 jaar serieus bezig met de schaaksport bij Free First Move (FFM). “Ik ben veel gegroeid sinds ik begon.” Deze week volgen de 20 uitverkoren schakers trainingen van Perez. De IM vertrekt zaterdag en zal vervolgens middels online lessen met de jongelingen blijven werken. Read the full article
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kvb222mgreen · 9 months
Artist Research - Elise DeMarzo
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DeMarzo makes a great point in the following article about considering how a space is used before designing or installing an artwork:
“You have to understand who is using this space,” DeMarzo explains. “If you’re working at a park, is there a 5:00 A.M. Thai chi group who is here every morning? Is there pee wee soccer? Are there bad behaviors taking place that maybe public art might be able to help alleviate?”
I think this is a sentiment I should be making a great effort to carry, particularly in the lead up to assessment 2. The relationship between a site and an artwork is something I can understand well enough but I do worry I don't consider how people use a particular space well enough.
Though I do wonder if this blue paint is really all that safe for the trees..
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Dear Covey,
I feel like everyone’s setting these out like letters and I think I’m missing out so here you go 🤭. Thinking of getting a theme and I need your opinion Covey cause I’ve seen the theme you helped with and it is AMAZING (the radio one?? Omg I love it) Anyway would you go for like a movie theatre one cause a new cinema’s getting built in my town and it gave me a wee bit of inspo or like a space theme cause I guess I’m already a wee bit into a space theme.
Cause for the space theme I could do like a space shuttle kinda thing I dunno how I would do it but I’m sure I could figure it out but I also think the movie theatre one would be easier/funnier to do??
Been slacking with keeping you up to date and I see people with the disabled theme and I would be happy to help as well with things like chest ports/POTS as that’s what’s mainly keeping me basically dead at this point in time 😭 obvs don’t open your requests up if you’re not ready but you now have four (?) experts 🫶
Anyway, how’s your week been and I’m loving this Jason chunk of fics 🫶🫶
Love, Elise xxxxxxx
i love love love the movie cinema theme!! i feel like there's a lot of things you could do with that!!! something like 'grab your popcorn' for just yapping posts or 'here's your ticket' for when you write fics or hcs for people!! that's adorbsssssss
it's nice to know ill have people in my corner if any request come up!!! which they shouldn't for a while bc im still very much not ready lmao
my weeks been pretty good, finally getting some summer fun vibes around where i live. also i've finally found some time to continue my re-read of the percy jackson books and it's making me so happy frfr.
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newagesispage · 10 months
                                                                      AUGUST            2023 
Hooray for Ben and Jerry’s. They have ended sales in occupied Palestine territory. To celebrate the 4th, they asked for the return of stolen indigenous land to the Native American people. I am heading out to get more Ben and Jerry’s right now. They do have a lot of new flavors! 
Days alert: It seems that Ava will be back on the canvas. August will finally deal with Victor Kiriakis and we will miss him. Is Eric going to have more babes that he knows what to do with? The ex -man of God sure gets around. It sounds like Sloan’s bro is leaving and hooray for that. 
Ryan Murphy and former writers strike leader, Warren Leight, got into it. Leight tweeted that Murphy had threatened employees to cross picket lines. Murphy denied and wanted to sue. Leight stepped down. ** I have a dilemma about American Horror Story this season. To watch or not to watch??** SAG-AFTRA has joined the Writer’s Strike. 
My Pillow is auctioning off equipment as most stores have removed their products. The CEO also owes $5mil to Robert Zeidman but has filed a motion to toss out the ruling. 
Maine passed a bill to allow abortion whenever a doctor deems it necessary. ** States like Texas want it both ways, stop abortion but blame the doctors.   
Tom Bodett and Al Franken should work up an act. 
The Washington football team was sold to Josh Harris. 
New Jersey ‘s democratic Gov. Gave Chris Christie a free plug on Face the Nation. He boldly says, “I won’t be going to CHRIS CHRISTIE.COM.” 
There have been 2 pink dolphins seen in the waters off Louisianna. 
Pete Davidson has been given 50 hours of community service. 
Get ready for a George Santos censure. 
Biden has a 7th grandchild.** Bidenomics was used as a put down but it is turning out just fine. 
Bees are back. Thank you Obama!! 
6 states have instituted a universal free lunch program. 
Is this true?? Fox news used a photo of a married couple to promote ‘traditional marriage.’ It was later found that the pic was actually that of a same sex couple. 
David Byrne is bringing us Here Lies Love about Ferdinand and Emelda Marcos. 
Rex Heuermann has been arrested as the Long Island Serial Killer 
Leslie Van Houten is out of prison. Her parole has been reversed 5 times. She began a friendship with John Waters while confined when he wanted to interview her for Rolling Stone magazine. She declined at the time, but he did write a chapter about her in his book, Role Models. Leslie is 73 and will spend a year in a transitional facility. 
The Eagles are on a final tour. 
Pee Wee Herman was one of the greatest creations that I can think of. Our world without the playhouse seems very wrong. 
OMG.. First we lost Jackie Zeman then Andrea Evans. What is up over at the Bay?? 
Have ya heard this Dolly Parton and Ann Wilson take on Magic Man?? 
R.I.P. Lawrence Turman, John Deyle, Mark Seiler, Jane Birkin, bobby Osborne, Joseph Pedott, Carlin Glynn, Tony Bennett, Bill Geddie, Sinead O’Connor, Randy Meisner, Elise Finch, Andrea Evans, Angus Cloud, Paul Reubens and Sam Cutler. 
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Last Year First
Well here we are the last day of the first month of 2023. This year sure started off very different from 2022. Ringing in 2022 we had friends over, we (again) lit off our wedding sparklers and Elise was 6 months away from giving birth to our first son Noah. We also did our traditional New Year's Day walk and even mixed in some Frisbee golf.
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2022 was a year full of firsts for the Hansen family. As we were preparing for the birth and life change of becoming parents we started looking for a place to call our own. We really liked where we were in our duplex. We had nice neighbours, it was a nice area, it was also close to a river we regularly swam in. It was also close to work and things we need. However, it wasn't close to where we spent most of our time or our friends. In April a house came up that we really liked and we put in an offer and it became our very own home.
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I believe we got keys the 6th of April 2022 and were moved in that weekend with the help of our friend family. We moved in just in time as it snowed the day after.
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After we had a little party to find out whether we were having a boy or a girl...
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...we started doing some house projects to make the place ours and get it set up for when family would come to visit for Elise's baby shower.
So far I have put in a brand-new fence on one side of the house (it didn't have a fence at all) and taken down the broken one on the other side and made it to match. Done some outside work for an in ground garden. We've done some painting. Most importantly we fixed up the room for the little guy.
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Our next first came in June with the birth of our wee little human. 12 days early! We were so excited!! Noah Jamison Hansen came on 17th June 2022. What a treat! What a joy! Born on the same day as my aunt Darcy and my best friend from school days mister Dan the man Sagaser! Being a parent has never been sweeter. Noah is now just over 7 months (at the time of this writing) and life has never been so beautiful.
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The next first for the Hansen household came in October 2022 when I ran a marathon with my good mate Tag in Medford Oregon. I wrote about the experience here (https://www.tumblr.com/fishoutofwaterlikeabird/700127168240435200/we-ran-a-marathon?source=share). I also made a video of the adventure here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aEw5Sj_ndw). What an experience it was. One, I wasn't sure I would want to do again, but have actually decided to do in April of this year (2023) in Eugene, Oregon and with my mate Tag and a couple others. This time I am not just doing it for myself. I am actually running for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. You can read more about it here if you like (https://charity.pledgeit.org/f/ZIfuySVkcF).
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The rest of the year has brought on many new things with our little human. Elise went back to work three months after Noah was born. I went back a month after. Being working parents has been challenging, but very manageable. It is also so fun to see Noah light up when one of us walks in the door and he sees us.
Not long after I went back to work, I switched jobs. Elise working four days a week nearly 8-5 and me working five days a week 8-5 was not working well for us with a little one. I went back to working in a school and also started school to finish up getting my bachelors degree in teaching. Adding back our volunteer commitments, work, school (for me) and a toddler has made life quite full on.
As the year came to a close we celebrated holidays with him for the first time (with friends and family), he began to notice us and things around him more, he is laughing and smiling way more, eating real food for the first time and going from being stationary to "power crawling" all over the house. Life is so great!! I couldn't imagine anything better.
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As 2022 has finished and the first month of 2023 is almost over it has been fun seeing Noah learn and do new things. It has been great to see when he wants something he crawls over to it. It has been exciting to see him pull himself from sitting to a stand. He is sure to be standing and walking soon which will mean more new and exciting things coming in life. Life is so busy, but it is a great busy. Something we wouldn't change for anything.
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As we look forward to so many new fun and exciting changes in life, we are so grateful for the blessings we have been given. This year we will get to see family that Elise and Noah haven't met yet. We will celebrate having a one-year-old in the house and I am sure there will be many new adventures with our little family, more house projects, fun and laughs along the way.
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