ladymacabrebeth · 2 years
The Green Monster by Lady Macabre Beth
It was 5:35 in the morning when they discovered Marina's body on the damp pavement. Her once bright amber eyes now lifelessly stared at the heavens. What was once the light of Teatro del Sol has now perished. And around her, the police officer's boots splashed on the puddles of blood and water. They barricaded her corpse with yellow caution tapes.
Inside Teatro del Sol, an inspector interrogated each student in a vacant classroom. The first one to go was Isadora. She was a good friend of Marina's who loved to wear hoodies and always tied her hair in a ponytail. She was always outspoken and jolly in her expression, but today, she looked like an Olympian outrun by her nemesis. As she entered, the inspector looked at her from head to toe.
"Señorita Isadora Fabregas?"
"Yep." She purses her lips.
"Now, can you tell me what your relationship was like with Marina?"
"Si." She wipes her tears. "You see, I was a junior when she arrived here as a freshman. I was already elected as the student president here at Teatro del Sol. I remember how she caught my attention right away. It wasn't just her curls, but her aura just radiated brightly. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one. Everyone was intrigued by her!"
"Alright. Have you noticed anything besides radiating positive energy or whatever term you new age Gen Z's use?" The inspector responds while she writes on a piece of paper.
"Um, that's the thing. I've never witnessed Marina do any self-harm or show any signs of mental illness. She was always so happy and taking center stage. I-I don't understand how she could jump off a building. It's so unlike her. It's so-"
"Did you see her last night?"
"What was she like?"
"Well, I saw her and Enrico arguing by the pantry. That was the last time I saw her. That was before the lights off."
"Ah, alright. Thank you for your time, Isadora. Could you please call the next person? Erm, Luna?"
"Sure thing."
As Isadora exited, a pale girl with a frail body entered. Her demeanor was quite reserved, and her long black hair almost hid her face like a natural disguise. "Uh, Señorita Luna Calleja?" The inspector didn't even glance at her.
"Si," Luna responded with a softspoken voice.
Luna Calleja was Marina's best friend. She was always by her side like a shadow. Everything that Marina was, she had the potential to become. But no one gave her a second glance. To them, she was merely a confidante, the sidekick. But one thing that everyone noticed about her was her piercing emerald eyes.
"Siéntate." The inspector demands.
After sitting down, the inspector reads some documents. She clears her throat. "So, Señorita Calleja, how long have you been best friends with Señorita Marina Cayetano?"
"Um, since high school."
"Ah. Have you observed anything strange in the years you've been best friends?"
"Erm, that's the thing, I-I-I've never witnessed her do anything out-of-the-ordinary." She looks to the left. "One thing about her is that wherever she went, her smile radiated. She was always smiling, and it was as bright as sunbeams. You would've never guessed her to have problems whatsoever. Everyone loved her. She shines like a diamond and-"
"Alright. Did you notice anything strange last night? Or when was the last time you saw her?"
"I was already asleep." Luna glances to her left. And then she looks straight into the inspector's eyes. "You know me; I'm not a party girl. I'm merely an early bird who enjoys sleeping early."
"Alright then-"
"But wait, I saw her hanging out with Isa last night."
"Okay then. Thanks for answering. Could you please call Señorito Enrico Montoya?" Luna nods.
As Luna exited, she caught a glimpse of Enrico waiting by the chair. "E-Enrico, i-i-it's your turn." She says in a faint voice. Enrico didn't even acknowledge her as he got up. Instead, he went straight to the classroom. Luna purses her lips and clenches her fist.
Enrico entered the classroom with his typical swagger disguised with shades and a bonnet.
"Shades off please Señorito Montoya."
Enrico lets out a huge sigh as he takes his shades off. Finally, he sits down and spreads his arms around the chair. That's Enrico Montoya, the lead actor that everyone desired. He had eyes for no one but Marina, and they were a perfect match. They were both beautiful and were a match made on stage.
"So Señorito Montoya, Señorita Fabregas mentioned earlier that you were last seen with Marina last night?"
"So? What now?" He replies as he chews his gum.
"Gum on the trash can, please." The inspector pulls out a trash can. Enrico rolls his eyes and spits it on the trash can. "Now tell me, what were you fighting about at the pantry last night." Enrico looks taken aback.
"Uh, it was about her ad-lib. I argued that ad-libs disrespect the script that playwrights wrote. And then she disagreed. She kept forcing the idea that ad-libs add more flavor to the script."
"Okay." The inspector responds with a quizzical look.
"Why are you looking at me that way? If you want to know where she was last, ask her roommate! That Luna girl who doesn't even talk much. Don't give me that look just because we argued. Gosh! It's early in the morning. Give me time to grieve!" Enrico storms out of the classroom.
Afterward, the inspector whispered something to a man with long brunette hair. The man nods his head.
The following day, Teatro del Sol held a Necrological Service for her at the theater. Luna sang Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from The Phantom of the Opera. What was once Marina's lead role was passed on to Luna. She was the second-best Christine Daaé, the understudy who now basked in the spotlight.
As she finished singing, no soul uttered a word or a clap. She gazed at Enrico, who was sitting at the Gala seats. He did not even glance at her. Luna clenched her fists until a handsome man with long brunette hair gave a faint clap.
She exited the stage and headed to the dressing room that she once shared with Marina. In Marina's mirror, a sticky note read:
Today it's your time; tomorrow, it will be mine.
She clenched her fists and shattered the mirror with them. And in the broken pieces, she caught a glimpse of those emerald eyes enveloped with shades of crimson.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Suddenly, the knock startled her. A man with long brunette hair enters. "Excuse me? Luna? Sorry to disturb you."
"Who-who are you?" Luna stares at him with her bloodshot eyes.
"Hey. I'm Alejandro Santiago. But you can call me Sandro. I saw your performance tonight. You were amazing!"
"T-thank you," Luna replies, taken aback.
"Why do you sound all doubtful? You were great! I'm not kidding." He smiles.
"T-t-thanks." She replies with a faint smile as she hides a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Erm, you're the only person who's ever told me that."
"No way!" He chuckles until he notices blood dripping from Luna's fist. "Hey, wait, you're bleeding." He approaches Luna. She gasps as she observes tiny droplets of blood on the floor. "I'm sorry if it was rude of me to barge in earlier. I understand your best friend just passed. I just wanted to congratulate you. Perhaps to make you feel better." He utters as he wipes her wound with tissue. "No worries." She replies.
Luna couldn't describe what she was feeling at that time. Suddenly, the tsunami of emotions shifted to a calm shore. Someone finally sees her for the first time.
After cleaning her wound, Alejandro noticed the sticky note in Luna's mirror that read:
The moon will shine too.
He smiles. "I see you, Luna."
"What?" Luna responds, taken aback.
"I see you." He points at the sticky note.
As Luna gazes at the sticky note, her hands begin trembling, and her mouth starts twitching. All Marina ever did was show her kindness. In a world where people close their eyes when the moon shines, Marina saw her. They complemented each other. After all, there is no daylight without the sun and no night without the moon. But now, it was all nighttime.
Marina's laughter radiated like sunbeams until that very last moment on the 9th floor, where a betrayal birthed. And in this world, people only favored the sun. No one favored a moon full of flaws and brought turbulent tides to the shore. This very thought consumed her. Trembling, she got down on her knees.
"Hey! Hey! What's the matter?" Alejandro grabs her by the arms.
Distraught and trembling with bloodshot eyes, she glares at Alejandro. "I-I-I pushed her off. I-I-I'm so so-"
Alejandro quickly lets go of her arms and dashes out of the room. "Wait!" She calls out. Luna's mouth gapes to let out a muted wail. Red alert lights blink as she breaks a vase. And then, she grabbed her emerald velvet coat and headed out of the dressing room.
As she exited, she was surprised by a crowd of flashes. Journalists and photographers were waiting outside her dressing room. To her right, Isadora glared at her with disapproval. To her left, Enrico gazed at her with his bloodshot eyes. Suddenly, the police handcuff her. Shocked, she glances at each of the camera flashes. A crime was all it took for them to lay their eyes on her. At last. "So this is all you've ever wanted, huh?" Isadora yells at her. "Are you finally happy that you took her spot?" Enrico shouts.
Suddenly, she notices a cameraman from CNN in front of her. With bloodshot eyes, she smirks as the cameraman takes her photo. Everyone looks at her with notoriety, whispers, and shock.
Two months after, Alejandro visited the prison she was locked in. This time, his hair was shorter and slicked back. "This way, Sir." The police beckon him towards a hallway. "She's at the very end."
"Alright, thank you."
As Alejandro reached the end, he saw Luna draped in orange with her head down. He clears his throat. "Erm, Luna." She gazes up, and immediately, her emerald eyes pierce Alejandro's sight. She lets out a tiny smirk. "You're famous now." He passes a bunch of magazines and newspapers to her. There was a Vogue Magazine with her photo as the main cover. The caption read: Dressed for Crime. A bunch of newspapers had different headlines too. Some read Christine Daaé more like Christine Die, The Murderer of the Opera, and more. The pictures used by the outlets were the photos that the press took when she exited her dressing room. But one particular newspaper caught her attention; it used a close-up picture of her with bloodshot eyes and a smirk. The headline read: The Green-Eyed Monster.
"And just so you know, they’re planning to make a movie about your life. Cheers!" Alejandro mutters as he's about to leave.
"Wait," Luna replies faintly. He gazes at her with his hands in his pocket. "What is it?" He replies.
"How did they know so quick that it was me?"
Slowly, Alejandro reaches through his pocket and reveals a recording device. "I'm an actor too." He smirks. Luna's face suddenly wrinkles with an angry expression. "You asshole!"
Alejandro quietly walks away without even turning his head back. Luna shakes the prison bars. "Fuck you! How could you! Fuck!" She lets out a loud wail that thunders the entire hall.
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