#elliot does Not have a life
ap0llux · 2 months
i find it so funny how i've just evaporated from 3 social circles without warning. like, yeah. i'm still friends with most of them on tumblr or discord but we haven't spoken in years. it's like, social anxiety and the 2020 effect immortalized. anyway hi J hhELP
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humanveil · 6 months
discussion topic: dean winters comes back to cameo. on a scale of 1 to 10 what is the animosity level btwn brian and elliot
#need to know if i'm alone in thinking that it wouldnt be as explosive as fics make it out to be#terminal svu brainrot#like okay yeah yeah. I Get It. but also.#what reason does elliot have to resent brian other than misplaced self-hatred#assume they see each other. Assume Elliot Knows. yes i imagine he's pissed but is all that anger not directed at himself first#the girlies love a fist fight & okay yeah it Could be fun BUT. is brian not a stand in for himself?#would elliot not be hurting brian in lieu of hurting himself#is brian's hypothetical animosity not born from feeling defensive of LIV#lasting remnants of resentment because HE was there HE was with her at her lowest and he KNEW he wasnt who#she really wanted but he did it anyway because he loved her. he really did love her!#idk. i dont think they'd be friendly exactly#but i struggle to always buy the extreme hostility#like they're meatheads but also they are standing there tense as fuck gritting their teeth trying to rein it in for liv's sake#also cannot believe im saying this but i think there is a level of maturity w brian with this specific issue.#like he lived with elliot as the third person in his relationship the same way kathy lived with olivia as the third to her marriage#this is the man who was THERE who helped clean up her apartment and sat in that court room and told her she was the love#of his life and then followed it with 'you were never going to bear your soul to me'#like. do you get it. or is my memory of 2.0 that poor that i am wildly misreading the sitch
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elliotthedork · 7 months
I just realized that I was 15 when I got into lego monkie kid and now I'm 17
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avocado-frog · 9 months
Rereading earlier chapters and I cannot BELIEVE myself for almost making Jaxon the traitor lmao
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aromanticbuck · 2 years
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The Pirate AU + the antagonist
“If the king won’t do something, then someone has to.”
The abduction and death of Prince Justin shook the entire kingdom, from the capital city to the villages by the borders. And, while the king was pulling troops from the towns to have more of his army protect the palace and the new princess and the city surrounding them, there were plenty of people who disagreed with the decision. There were families who no longer felt safe without the protection of guards in the city, people who thought the citizens of the kingdom should be protected to the same extent as the royal family. And in the smaller villages where people were already struggling, some of them simply left.
Elliot’s family was among the first to flee. They left their small village, the only home he’d ever known, and made their way to the nearest port. From there, it was odd jobs on whatever ship would take the extra bodies, whether it was pirates or merchants or some kingdom’s army. The only goal was to stay alive, and later on, that meant separating from his family and making his own way in the world. Growing up, the world was the size of a village, with a tiny market and no proper roads and hardly any protection even before the guards were called away. When the world suddenly became bigger than the sea, he did what he could to see as much of it as possible.
He’d grown up defending himself with his fists and a dull knife, but the pirates taught him so much more. They taught him how to use a sword, and how to make sure gold coins were the real thing, and how a ship stayed in its best shape. They carried news and rumors, about the kingdoms he’d visited and the one he’d been forced to leave behind, about the king his parents hated so much who still did nothing to protect his people. Their ships carried family, though they were ones that he had to say goodbye to over and over again.
Once Elliot had his own ship under his feet, and a crew under his own command, and the wind in his own sails, that wasn’t true anymore. He had a family he could hold onto, people he could protect when the royals wouldn’t. And then he didn’t have to reach so far to find justice. Because there was only one royal family to blame for everything that had been taken away from him - from his home, to the life he was supposed to have. No one should ever have to grow up fighting for their lives.
But King Hank had left him with no choice, and revenge really could be sweet.
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doodlboy · 10 months
Sometimes..you hear something very stupid
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don't think i realized how much of a sucker i am for the Found Family trope until a one-off character i barely had an opinion of said "can i come home now?" to the main character he was staying with meaning, obviously, "can i ditch this weird dinner you've sent me to and come back to your house, which i am spending a few days at" but my whole brain went "HOME??? adopt him? new son/nephew/precocious younger sibling/protege? 11/10 yes please. i love him i want to protect him etc."
#found family#murder she wrote#michael digby#unfortunately fan wiki says he's in exactly one episode#aND nobody else has yet posted a convoluted au fanfic in which he does stay in cabot cove#but consider#1. travel writer who is successful by Travel Writer standards#2. BUT not as name/face-famous as J. B. Fletcher best-selling mystery author#3. down to do whatever weirdass bullshit mrs fletcher points him at#4. One Weird Trick To Prevent Drunkenness is already 10/10 but elliot spencer this man and give him a ton of weird tricks#tldr he is the perfect partner in crime-solving#i want five seasons and a movie of him calling her up from wherever he's writing about to tell her about Suspicious Events#sometimes she drops everything immediately sometimes he has to talk her into it#always holds back the weirdest detail in case she REALLY needs persuading and then he's like *sigh* ''okay#i guess i'll just never know how the victim's shoelaces ended up in the garbage disposal#but if you're too busy on your FAKE murder to help with a REAL one i guess--'' ''stop complaining michael i'm already packing.''#she's still quite capable of getting information herself tyvm but sometimes people are like ''THE jb fletcher???''#''i've read some of your books and ALSO read about your real-life detective skills in the paper!''#jb: ''…okay michael they're on to me#you're gonna have to ~coincidentally~ befriend these people''#he's very ''dammit jess i'm a TRAVEL writer not a MYSTERY writer'' but he always gets something useful#one ep she can't come to his murder because there's one in cabot cove#they consult via phone on their respective murders#he does some top-notch sleuthing she pulls one of his One Weird Tricks they both catch murderers#he ends up living in cabot cove when he's not travelling to 'relax'#*episode in which he buys a house there: three people in cabot cove are murdered*
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bethanydelleman · 1 month
If the Austen heroines lived today (and had to work outside of the home), what jobs do you think they would have?
If we look at the heroine's relative incomes, it's likely that Catherine Morland, Fanny Price, and the Dashwoods would require professions, as clergyman and naval marine don't pay that well today and the Dashwoods lost their inheritance. Elizabeth Bennet, Emma Woodhouse, and Anne Elliot are all trust fund babies, though Elizabeth and Anne would likely get jobs since their families are blowing all their money and they're not idiots. Emma is the only one who genuinely would not need to work, even in a modern context. I am not going to assign her a profession, I suspect if she existed in a similar context today she would manage her father's affairs, run the family company, and a charity, much like she does in the novel.
Catherine Morland - in university, is in a very general program and has no idea what to do with her life. Ends up in some sort of childcare career because she knows she's good at it but still scrolls through job pages imagining what else she could do. Writes very bad novels on the side.
Elinor Dashwood - public school art teacher, secure career path with a solid pay cheque, never even considered becoming an artist
Marianne Dashwood - concert pianist/piano instructor reluctantly, because piano playing doesn't pay well, failed lyricist. Has a very popular YouTube channel
Elizabeth Bennet - I see lawyer SO OFTEN in fan fiction, but I disagree. This observer of human nature is getting sucked into psychology and becoming a researcher. She'll realize how bad of a judge of character she can be pre-Darcy because now she has evidence. May become a therapist as well.
Anne Elliot - Anne is so intelligent, she can be whatever she wants. She's so good with kids too, maybe a pediatrician? She threw herself into education after the Wentworth thing.
Fanny Price - the Bertrams paid for her university education and she chose the most guaranteed source of income: accounting. Companies will always need accountants and she can help support her family.
Jane Bennet - I can see her also choosing a very practical career but then dropping out of the workforce to be a stay-at-home mom. Charles has enough money to make that work.
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priyajoyyy · 3 months
Tangled [part 2]
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Clarisse la rue x Persephone!repunzel!fem!reader
After discovering you in the tower, Clarisse offers you a chance to finally get a glimpse of freedom, joining them on their quest back to camp half blood.
Toxic parents, yandere!parents, oblivious!, Clarisse being stubborn, overprotectiveness, cannon typical violence, bullying, reader has poor survival instincts, more to come maybe
You were scared to meet the other two people Clarisse had informed you were halfbloods. She told you that you were probably one too, or at least she thought you were.
She said it would explain your hair, and why your parents had left you in a tower your entire life. And how you could make plant life grow at will, or the fact your mother was called Persephone (a pretty big giveaway if you asked Clarisse)
You just thought that was all normal. Apparently not.
She told you this stuff as her brother made his way up the wall, the other girl, Anna, climbing up behind him.
When they eventually climbed over, sweaty and out of breath you watched them cautiously with wide eyes from your spot across the room.
Clarisse sighed and walked over to you, “it’s fine they’re my friends, they’re not gonna do anything”
You looked to her then, she thought you looked like a baby dear, terrified with wide doe eyes staring into her own with a little terrified pout on your lips. She couldn’t help but find it cute.
“What. The. Fuck” Elliot said in between deep breaths as he stumbled into the room, “who is she and why are we breaking into her house?”
“Shut up” Clarisse stated, rolling her eyes at the boy, “this is y/n, I’m pretty sure she’s a half blood and she’s letting us stay in her tower for the night”
“I am?”
“She is?”
“I-I don’t remember agreeing to that..” you stated looking at her confused.
“She’s a half blood?” Elliot asked, being ignored by his sister.
“You wanna go outside right?” Clarisse said, hoping her assumptions were correct.
You waited for a moment, not wanting to answer. Whenever you brought up leaving to your mother she got mad and told you how dangerous the outside world was, but you couldn’t help but not believe her with how beautiful the part of the world you can see is.
“yes but…” You eventually nodded at her hesitantly, muttering out, “but it’s dangerous out there, I can’t leave”
“It’s not dangerous” Clarisse stated, her brother wacking her arm causing her to correct herself, “well not if you’re with us, we’ll protect you”
You looked at them suspiciously, going to speak before being interrupted by Elliot.
“This seems like kidnapping” he said bluntly, causing Clarisse to roll her eyes as you looked between the two in worry and watched the other girl walk towards the window in annoyance of another argument between the siblings.
“Kidnapping from who?” Clarisse responded.
“Um maybe the parents she just said don’t want her going outside?” He rebutted.
“Oh the parents that have locked her away in a tower her entire life? Sure because that’s normal…”
“Yeah those parents Clarisse!” He continued, “the ones that are probably literal gods and will kill us if we take her!”
She glared at the boy for a moment, before both of them turned back to face you, the shock of it making you stumble backwards a little with wide eyes.
“Do you want to leave?” Clarisse asked for a second time, looking at you with expectantly.
“Well I-i guess” you responded, cowering back slightly as the siblings both glared into your sole, clarisses stare turning into a triumphant smirk when you finished speaking.
“There” Clarisse said smugly, “not kidnapping if it’s willing”
“Come on” Clarisse said firmly the next day, climbing over the side of the window ledge and beginning to scale down the side of the building, her brother following after her leaving you and the other girl stood watching them.
“H-how am I meant to do that?” You stuttered out to the girl, fear of the distance between you and the grass below.
“It’s not that bad, honest” she told you with a reassuring smile, watching you gulp.
“If you really can’t do it like we are” she added, jumping up onto the ledge, continuing with a shrug, “then use your plant power thing to help you down”
“Hurry up Anna” Elliot shouted up to the girl, causing her to begin to find her footing on the side of the tower.
You watched the three make their way down for a minute, contemplating whether you should actually leave or not.
Your parents had always warned you of the outside world, your mother said people were dangerous, you’d grown up on tales your step father told you of monsters that wanted to kill you.
Clarisse looked up at you in confusion, watching you have an inner panic and contemplate actually leaving, your head peeking out the window to look at the height.
She knew you needed a minute, you’d literally never stepped outside your home before, it obviously wouldn’t be easy.
But her impatience got the better of her when she shouted up again, “you’ll be fine!”
You looked down at her in shock, shaken out of your mini panic attack by her shout, “honestly! We’re gonna protect you, nothings gonna hurt you”
Taking a deep breath you prepared yourself to finally leave. You’d wanted to do this your entire life, you couldn’t let your nerves get the better of you.
Turning around you quickly grabbed a small bag you had packed the night before, all of your most important possessions safely packed inside.
Taking a step forward, you climbed up onto the ledge, reaching your arm out to a hook above you, vines beginning to wrap around the walls and down to your arm.
The three halfbloods watched as you chucked your small bag over your arm, before you clutched the plants and stepped off of the ledge.
The vines extending down towards the ground and taking you with it slowly as you held onto it tightly with shaking arms.
Stepping down onto the grass gently, you smiled and looked down. You couldn’t believe you were actually doing it, finally seeing the grass up close and feeling it under your feet.
You looked around, walking towards the small pond near you, lifting your dress and dipping your toes in that as the other three watched you in confusion.
You turned around quickly, spinning your face then with a large smile on your lips.
“Where are we going now?” You asked excitedly.
Readers is literally like Bambi istg 😭
This is not proof read sorry
@slaggylemon @yourmom-25s-blog @l0veshellarcelia @asvterias @ashisabitgay @sh1nnryuu @venusphoriia @isnt-itstrange @exactlycoralfox
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heyimdove · 10 months
More on why Persuasion is the real Jane Austen parallel to Aziracrow, and why Pride and Prejudice is not, because I can’t stop dwelling.
There’s a lot here so I’ll try to structure this in a way that makes sense. Wish me luck.
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I’ve seen so many people equate Aziraphale to Lizzie and Crowley to Darcy, but these comparisons don’t make sense. Character-wise, they are far more like Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth, respectively.
We’ll start with Elizabeth Bennet, who I love with all my heart and is one of those characters I feel like I know (I’m delusional, it’s fine). Elizabeth is wonderfully intelligent, but she isn’t “accomplished” and isn’t a perfect specimen of Regency womanhood. Instead she’s sharp and headstrong. She wants to live how she wants and with someone she loves for a partner. She rejects a match that is, on paper, perfect and would solve all her family’s problems, because she won’t settle for unhappiness. You know who that doesn’t sound like?
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Aziraphale, were he a Regency Era woman, would be considered very accomplished for the time; well-read, polite, even a music tutor. But he’s more unlike Elizabeth because he desires to “do what’s best for the family”. In other words, if Elizabeth Bennet was more like Aziraphale, she’d be married to Mr. Collins. She would’ve considered it her duty to marry him because it would protect her loved ones (see Aziraphale accepting the Metatron). For Aziraphale, his duty to protect trumps his personal desire.
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So does that make Crowley our Lizzie? No, that doesn’t fit either, and not only because Aziraphale makes a terrible Darcy. Sure, Aziraphale’s status as an angel might be considered comparable to Darcy’s elevated status as a rich person, but Crowley has never hated Aziraphale, never even considered it, and wouldn’t hate him even after the rejection. Lizzie’s hatred is what spurs Darcy to grow. Darcy needed to be completely despised by her to decide to put in the work to be worthy of her.
Okay, so then is Crowley Darcy? Perhaps we could shoehorn that in somewhere because Darcy doesn’t seem good but actually is, or is considered grouchy, but it’s such a loose connection, it barely works-
-Especially when you consider how much better the two fit as the protagonists of Persuasion.
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(And yes, shut up, I liked the Dakota Johnson one and I will be using the gifs.)
Where Pride and Prejudice is about two different people gradually seeing the value in the other, Persuasion is the story of two different people seeing the value in the other right from the start, but who then repeatedly make mistakes that keep them separate and in agony.
Aziraphale is *so* much like Anne. First, Anne is the only reasonable (read: likable) member of her high-born family, who believe people in other societal castes to not only be inferior, but disgusting.
Anne sees this is not true, and falls madly in love with the low-born Wentworth- only to be persuaded by outside input not to marry him. Station and familial duty play a part in this decision, and she regrets it for years. She is completely unable to move on.
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Like Aziraphale, Anne is certainly more accomplished, for one thing, and she plays by the rules of women of her time and status. BUT her sense of mortality breaks often from that of her family. When she tries to impart her good morals upon them, they are dismissive and insulting, reacting as if Anne is the one who “doesn’t get it”.
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She spends eight years with a family she barely belongs to, wondering why she ever thought the company of people like this was worth the loss of Wentworth.
For all of Anne’s kindness, she is a pushover. She’s rarely confident in herself. When she needs to speak up, or just have a direct conversation with Wentworth, she doesn’t. She can’t. She repeatedly makes Wentworth come to her.
Wentworth, meanwhile, is a far better match for Crowley than Darcy is. Wentworth will never be an aristocrat like the Elliots, but he carves out a life he considers valuable using new rules. Sound familiar?
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Are Wentworth’s and Crowley’s morals obviously a bit different? Yes, of course. Crowley is a DEMON, after all. But Crowley conducts himself in such a way that he’s literally cast out of Heaven and removed from Hell- in other words, he’s twice been given “the rules” for how to act and has twice decided, nah, that’s not for me. Wentworth was given the rules for what he could have as a low-born man and became a wealthy, high-ranking naval officer. And Wentworth didn’t do that for love, either. He found the consideration of one’s wealth in determining whether they should be loved abhorrent. Wentworth did it for himself initially (bitterly too, maybe), just like Crowley saves the goats and the kids for himself.
And, of course, Crowley’s confession parallels Wentworth’s position in relation to Anne far more than Darcy’s position to Lizzie. Crowley says “if they (two apparent opposites) can do it, so can we,” because he knows he and Aziraphale love each other. At the start of Persuasion, Wentworth asks Anne to be his wife despite their differing societal rank because he knows they love each other. At the end of Persuasion, he asks again because he knows they have both been in agony, that they both love each other as much as they ever did.
Darcy, meanwhile, does not know if Lizzie loves him, but arrogantly believes she will accept on the basis that what he can offer her monetarily is better than what anyone else can, not knowing what she actually values. She demolishes him.
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On that note, that’s really the only parallel between Aziracrow and Darcy/Lizzie, only Aziraphale is Darcy. Aziraphale believed Crowley would accept his offer because he believed Crowley would want to be an angel again. Crowley believed Aziraphale would accept his offer because he knew they loved each other.
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These are all very different characters, but ultimately, I think we were gunning for Pride and Prejudice and wound up with Persuasion; the slowest, most agonizing burn with the most beautiful reunion. So we didn’t get “you have bewitched me, body and soul,” in S2. We got the events leading up to Persuasion, and will have S3 to watch them play out. Neil knows that Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship is the most compelling part of the story, so I doubt they’ll be separated for long. But everything is so messy, isn’t it? So it makes sense to keep them, like Anne and Wentworth, in close proximity, in mutual, bitter, unspoken pining, but still not together. It will be absolutely delicious to watch. Isn’t that what we loved the most from S1?
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Because we know they love each other. And whatever catalyzing event forces them to say it out loud will be all the better if every moment they don’t say it hurts. I don’t want a “you have bewitched me” moment, I want “I’m half agony, half hope.”
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tadpolesinyourshoes · 1 month
more od my stardew brain rot for the masses. I present:
My headcannons after life after marriage with the SDV bachelor/ettes:
Its kinda long, sorry and I also apologize for typos or if its incoherent. I'm no writer
You thoughy he worried avout your health BEFORE you got together, oh boy oh boy. He's alaays asking how you feel, bringing you snacks amd water while you work the farm. He cleans you up after the mines (while he lectures you about the dangers). He likes the domestic moments. The days it rains and you stay inside together with warm cups of coffee, snuggled up in the bed. Hes a classica kind of guy. He leaves roses on the table and brings you breakfast in bed. Since hes a doctor, you're both awake early. Every morning is filled with sleepy kisses and coffee. He never leaves the house without a kiss and a 'see you later'.
This man is ANXIOUS. Hes a bundle of self doubt and insecurity. He spends his hours thinking how great you are and how itd a matter of time until you leave him. Reassure him, please. He absolutely loves every minute you're with him. Hes acrually a surprisingly good cook. He also is so good with kids. He definitely wants kids after seeing you with Jas. Hes not big on saying how he feels, but he's working on it. Instead he helps out here and there, feeding the chickens (he actually loves doing that), cleaning the house, cooking a meal when you get home late. Little touches when you're alone. His leg agaisnt yours, his hand gently in your hair while you sleep. He loves you more than anything (except the chickens. Knoe your place.)
He is down SO BAD. Carries a picture of the two of you everywhere. He shows you off whenever he has the chance. Hes just so proud of his sweetheart. He cooks well, but he hates cooking so you two agree to split the chores. You're his muse ans you best believe he makes it known. He leaves you poems; post-it notes on the mirror, on a napkin on the counter, written on the bavk of th grocery list, a torn out notebook page in your coat pocket. He loves when you do his hair. If you don't know how, he teaches you. On slow days on the farm, you leave the front door open for some air and you can hear him playing piano.
His love language is tackling you (physical touch). You walk through the door and hes hugging you, kissing your cheeks, picking you up and taking you to bed. He can't cook, but he can bake. Evelyn taught him and he treasures the skill. For every anniversary, no matter how small, he makes a treat. He loves helping you around the farm because its an excuse to walk around shirtless and flex for you. He also has a weirdly green thumb. The crops wont sprout and the season is almost over? Send Alex to water them. The next moening you have a bounty like no other.
He has ADHD so he does that peguin pebbling thing where he finds random objects and brings them to you because 'this reminded me of you.' He can't cook. For the love of yoba don't let him cook unless you want to remodel your kitchen. He still tries to be sweet though. Hes not a morning person, but when you wake up early he stumbled put of bed, hair messy, eyes closed and follows you like a sad puppy. Hes so clingy. Like SO clingy. Personal space. Gone. He talks to you through the bathroom door, holds you while you sleep, wants to be next to you all the time. He also loves your animals, especially the chickens. He has one favorite, but he won't say it (he might hurt the others feelings). Sometimes you come back from town and hes sitting outside on the porch talking to the chickens, who look strangely invested.
He loves you so much, but he hates that everyone KNOWS he loves you. You gush about the sweet things he does to your friends and he goes bright red in the ears. The townsfolk ask about you so he tries to avoid having to talk to them. When you're alone though, he's the total opposite. Hes quiet, sure, but he does whatever he can to help you out. A kiss on your cheek before he goes to water the crops for you. Makes you a cup of coffee after work. When he was little, robin taught him how to carve and widdle. He makes you cute wooden figures, usually modeled after your animals. He takes you to the city for weekend date nights. He asks you to go on rides just to feel your arms around him.
She treats you like the most beautiful painting shes ever layed her eyes on. When you're sitting with her on the beach, she'll paint dancing swirls up your arms to your hands. (Maybe you get it tattooed one day and she cries). All the paintings in your house are made by her. Much like Elliott, youre her muse. She makes you sit so she can paint you or practice sketching. But she can never get enough of you. When you lay together, she meticulously traces the shapes of your body. Your hands, your nose, your hips. Everything about you is perfect to her.
She's a free, creative person. She wakes you up late at night to look at the stars and dance by the river. Shes been making a quilt out of scrap fabric for your bed. She tries to tesch you how to sew it so you cam be a part of it. She helps you with the crops and picks fresh vegetables when theh grow so she can make you beautiful dinners. She loves to cook for you because you always have something good to say about it. She could be on food network, you swear it. Every day when she gets ready, right after putting on her lipstick, she kisses your cheek to leave a little mark. You leave it there while you do your chores.
Penny is naturally an early bird. She wakes up each morning with you. You two share a few minutes of quiet before stsrting coffee. You take turns making breakfast. Penny is so used to keeping the house up by herself after living with Pam, so being with you is a breath of fresh air. But she still likes to help you out. So before going to teach the kids, she helps out in the garden. You pass by in town while shes walking the kids home. You join them on their walk and Jas starts asking you for that princess story again. As you tell it, you see Penny's cheeks go pink. Its only the story of how you met. But to you it felt like a fairy tale. You walk home with your wife every day, sharing stories of your day while settling down on the porch.
Shes high energy. She heard about it, she wants to try it. Take her to the city to a nigt club and she'll dance circles with you all night. She makes you matching bracelets and you never dare to take it off. When you go down to the mines, she wants to come with. She doesn't fear them, but that scares you. You have to convince her to stay with the farm every time. But you always bring her a beautiful gemstone back. You think the amythest brings out her eyes. Shes a decent cook, actually. Contrary to what Sam and Sebastion may say. Her recipes are odd, but somehow, they always work out. Shes not a morning person, she won't get up even if you shake her. But somehow she knows if you forget to give her a kiss on your way out the door.
She takes a million pictures of you. She loves to. You hide your face, she tells you how much she likes your smile. You're working on the farm and hear the shutter click. She likes the ways your arms look when you roll up your sleeves. After a long day in town, you bring her flowers. Shes always waiting up for you. She likes to slow dance in the living room and hear about your adventures from the day. She tells Alex about how great you are. Everytime you walk by and catch her off gaurd, she fixes her hair so she 'looks nice'. You just kiss her and tell her she looks nice all the time.
She loves to help you out on thr farm. Just not... conventionally. She is her father's daughter, so shes always making you new inventions to make the farm run smoother. Better fertilizer, fresh feed thst produces better eggs, though she was banned from tending the animald after one of her feeds turned your chickens eggs bright pink. She loves to walk around town with you, always with your hand in hers. She's not a cook, but she still tries to learn from you. Shes learning, but she mostly just likes getting to be near you while you cook.
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f0point5 · 2 months
As if you couldn't turn Max watching her breathe into a masterpiece, don't lie🙄 idk maybe they're driving around in her new car and they coincidentally see Elliot😂 would be a nice reprieve from *clenched teeth* freddie
I tried to incorporate a bit of Max watching her just breathe because it’s funny. But also Elliot. But also the car.
But also mostly I was just freaking out because the male perspective is so alien to me. This might suck. We’re going to be KIND if it sucks because I’m just a girl okay men don’t make sense to me.
Anyway, I’m deciding to name this one because this is what I was listening to when I wrote it.
✨set during winter break✨
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Call It What You Want To
“How do you take this long to get ready?” Max groans in frustration, dragging his hand over his face.
He’s been waiting 45 minutes. Not the longest he’s ever waited for you, but he’s been looking forward to this night out for two whole days. After everything that’s gone on in the last couple of weeks, and how none of that is likely to be resolved before Testing next week, he could really use a drink or twelve.
“I’m almost done,” he hears you call back, your tone telling him you’re unbothered by leaving him waiting. “Do you want everyone to think you have an ugly girlfriend?”
Max opens his mouth to reply but closes it just as quickly. What is he supposed to say to that? That no one on earth has ever thought his girlfriend is anything less than breathtakingly beautiful, so much so that it stopped him for thinking you could ever be his girlfriend more than once? That sometimes during a race he looks at the tv screens on the track in case you’re on camera? That whenever he passes the picture of you in his hallway he thinks he’d have hung it up even if he didn’t know you, because you’d still be the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen? No. He’s not saying any of that. Three months is way too soon to let you know that you could use his balls as earrings. It’s not like you need a bigger head.
“I want my girlfriend to get to the club before it closes,” he shouts, stifling a smile. It’s been three months, but he still likes saying girlfriend.
“You’re such a drama queen,” he hears you say, your voice getting closer as you make your way to the living room. “We can’t all just put on a t-shirt with a funny saying on it and-“
You stop when you round the couch and finally notice him staring at your slinky black satin dress. Actually, he’s staring at the parts of you not covered by the dress, which gives him a lot to stare at. He might just give everyone what they want and quit driving if they could promise him he’d only have to lol at you in this dress for the rest of his life.
“What?” You ask him, which has him blinking furiously, trying to focus. You’re holding out a pair of heels to him, the ones you bought with the gift card his dad’s wife had given you for your birthday.
“Nothing,” he says, taking the shoes from you. He shifts off the couch to kneel in front you, lifting your leg to put the shoes on your foot and do up the buckle. “You look good,”
Above him, he hears you chuckle, and then your fingers run through his hair. You’re petting him like a cat, and he’ll be damned if he ever admits how close he feels to purring.
“Why does that still sound like it’s painful for you to admit?” You tease, using a bit more of your nails on the final run through of his hair.
“It’s not painful,” he tells you winding the glittering strap around your ankle.
It’s not painful. Sometimes it’s a lump in his throat, or a tightening in his chest. Sometimes, when he’s on one knee in front of you like he is now, it’s an urge to say something he can’t yet find the words for. But no, it’s not painful.
He finishes with your other shoe, squeezing your calf gently before placing a kiss on the inside of your knee.
“You’re just painfully gorgeous,” he says as he gets to his feet. “Can we go?”
You roll your eyes at him with with a smile. “Your car or mine?”
He chooses to take your car. Every time he gets in your Ferrari, he thinks about Vegas. He drives it often.
He weaves through the streets of Monaco with one hand on your thigh, and he can’t remember where the fuck he was putting that hand before you.
“The thing is, unless the contract gets sorted next week, he’s totally fucked,” you’re saying as Max turns onto Avenue Princesse Grace. There’s a gaggle of people outside with their phones out. Simply fucking lovely. “You’re not listening to me are you?”
Max turns to you, squeezing your thigh as the car slows. “Of course I am, Engel. Do me a favour? Just say fuck again, a bit slower,”
“You’re twelve,”
“You would not have gone out with me at twelve,” Max jokes, slowing to a stop in front of Twiga as a valet comes towards the car.
“You were cute at twelve,” you say, “fourteen is where it started to go haywire,”
Before he can respond, you’re getting out of the car, and immediately the camera phones are focused on you. Max follows you out, handing the keys to the valet as he tries to ignore the feeling of being hunted. He wonders if they know he can hear every word they’re saying. He wonders if they’d like him to take their picture and post it all over the internet. He watches you slink through the crowd towards him, not even bothering to pretend you’re not being watched.
It’s ironic, he thinks, he brings the spotlight, but you’re the one who shines in it.
Inside the lobby, you head straight for the elevator while he talks to the woman at the front desk- it’s a well rehearsed routine. Lando isn’t here yet, typical. He asks if they can send over some St. Tropez cocktails and some gin tonics, and texts Lando to hurry up, before turning to join you at the lifts.
Except, he notices, you’re not alone. You’re standing by the lifts, with a big smile on your face, explaining something to a guy with a familiarly large head.
Max has seen Elliot around a couple of times. Monaco is stupidly small, especially in the winter when it’s nearly empty. The two men always studiously ignore each other, because what is there to say? Max doesn’t know if Elliot knows that you’re together now, and he knows it shouldn’t matter, but it does.
He didn’t hate Elliot in Austin, even though he’d planned to. But then they’d met and Max found he really couldn’t hate someone who was as smitten with you as he was, as he’d always been.
He finds that he kind of hates Elliot now, though, as he gets close enough to hear you giggle at something.
“No. It was actually okay, just cold, you know?“ you stop when Max places a hand on the small of your back, where you dress is low enough that he’s touching your skin. You turn to him. “Oh, hey. Is Lando here?”
Max shakes his head.
“Typical.” You sigh. “Max, you remember Elliot, right?”
“Yeah.” He says, and they shake hands. How are you?”
“Can’t complain,” Elliot says with a shrug. His shirt matches your dress. Fuck him.
“Well, you can if you want,” Max jokes, except it’s not a joke because he hates those Britishisms. If you want to say something just say it. And if things are fine and you have nothing to complain about why make it sound- he just doesn’t like the guy. And he doesn’t like that you liked the guy.
Mercifully, the lift arrives, and when it does, Max steps aside.
“You take this one,” he says, gesturing to the open lift. Elliot looks like he wants to refuse out of politeness in the way only English people do, so Max forces himself to put everyone out of their misery. “It’s the least I can do,”
It’s such a dickhead thing to say, but he can’t help but smirk, and it does the trick. Elliot gives both of you a tight lipped smile and steps into the lift, pulling out his phone as the door closes.
You turn to face him, his hand falling away from your back as you fix him with a quizzical look. He waits for you to chastise him for his comment, then wonders fleetingly if you’re comparing him, in his silly t-shirt and tight jeans, to Elliot in his perfectly crisp chinos. Then he finds himself staring at your lips.
“Oh, right,” you say suddenly, tapping his shoulder. “That’s what I was saying. So this builder says he’s ordered all the materials, but he has to no contract. And my dad…”
Max listens to you talk, winding his arms around your waist in a way he’s still getting used to, and you smile at him in a way he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to. He promises himself then never to get angry with you when you’re getting ready. You’re worth the wait.
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avocado-frog · 1 year
chapter 15 cut scene
Word count- 1,500 Warnings- None Rating: T Chapter Fifteen Summary: Leo can't ice skate
Leo clung to the railing, hunched over, desperately trying to regain balance, and quite honestly, looking like a wet cat trying to get out of a bathtub.
"Don't laugh at me," Leo's voice darkened. She glared at Lily, covering her mouth with her gloved hands. Lily skated over to where Leo was struggling.
"I'm not, Leo. I never laugh at you." Lily held out a hand to help her up. Leo, looking reluctant, took it. Lily kept holding her hand. "Just hang onto the rail. You'll be fine."
"Was this the plan?" Leo asked to the air. "To kill me?"
"Yes, Leo. Death by ice skating." Lily rolled her eyes, smiling a little. "I'm starting to think that Jaxon was right. Maybe all you did was get banned from public places and be evil. You've really never gone ice skating?"
"Obviously not." Leo made some sort of face like it was her first time not being good at something. "Ask my sister. When the winter comes, I hibernate like a bear."
Lily laughed, and Leo grinned. "Seriously! I buy all my food and shit in the fall, and stay home during winter. I don't go to school most of the year."
"Logan's going to have a fit when he hears that, you know." Lily began to skate faster when Leo could manage to not fall for over ten seconds. "You're this close to giving him gray hairs whenever you talk about... yourself, for lack of better word."
"Thanks, Lily," Leo deadpanned. "How encouraging."
"We should go find Elliot." A surge of worry suddenly filled her, at the mental image of Elliot laying face-down in the ice like he tended to do when he got hurt. Lily once watched the kid stub his toe and fully face-plant onto the floor without hesitation. She worried about him, most of the time.
On cue, the youngest of the group zoomed past them, screaming a long string of profanities in a blur of purple.
"What did you teach that kid, holy shit." Lily snickered at the sight of Elliot chasing down his brother. People gave him odd looks, whispering something about how he shouldn't know those sorts of words at his age. Lily was... inclined to agree. She thought it was hilarious when Dylan or the triplets (read: Elliot. Ryan and Sam would never) swore. Logan and Cass thought it was one of the worst crimes imaginable.
"I didn't teach him that!" Leo defended, and Lily did not believe her. "Okay, I taught him some of the kinder swears, the rest was all Jaxon. And maybe you."
Elliot went past them again, and Lily frowned, realizing they had barely moved a foot. She was being beaten by a ten-year-old.
They watched with wide eyes as Elliot leaped and landed perfectly, still chasing presumably Sam.
"Bullshit!" Lily yelled after her friend. Leo booed him loudly. Elliot skidded to a stop, and turned around, skating towards them.
That kid knocked over his cereal and spilled it all over the place trying to get the spoon in that morning. He ran into the front door on his way outside that day. Multiple times. He hit his head on the car door on their way here. And here he was, skating perfectly, jumping into the air, on his first try.
Leo told him as such, and he shrugged. "Maybe you guys are just too old. Your bones are breaking."
"Your bones are gonna break in a minute," Leo said dryly. "Seriously though, there is no way you're that good at this."
"I'm naturally gifted." Elliot flipped his hair back, and that was definitely a phrase he got from Lily.
"I ran into Jaxon on my last loop," Elliot mentioned, a small smile on his face, a shit-eating grin, if you will. "He says to tell you that you shouldn't hold hands before marriage."
"Do me a favor, E. Go around, and say fuck you to Jaxon. I give you full permission."
Elliot's eye lit up, and he nodded, skating away. Lily slowly turned to look at Leo.
"Didn't teach him to swear my ass." Lily swatted the back of Leo's head, and Leo snickered.
"I said mostly." Leo's grin fell, to a determined look. "Teach me how to do this properly."
"I'm not being beaten by a fifth-grader who fell asleep in the dryer last week."
Lily snickered. "Fair. Okay. Let go of the rail."
"You want me to die." Leo reluctantly let go, slipped, and grabbed onto Lily's arm.
"Stand up," Lily instructed, earning a glare. "Don't lean back. Lean forward. You aren't walking, you're kicking the ice, got it?"
"No," Leo said honestly. She gave a fast kick to the ground, the ridges of the skate dug into the ice, and catapulted Leo forward. Lily moved to stand in front of her, catching her as she fell.
Their faces were close, Leo's eyes were illuminated by the colored fairy lights hanging on the street lamps, sparkling. Lily coughed into her hand, and turned back to where she had been before.
"You're doing horribly," Lily decided. "Just hold on, you'll be fine."
Jaxon nearly knocked Leo over in a hug around the neck. "How goes it, friends?"
"Terrible," Leo mumbled, and Lily nodded in agreement. "Did you see Elliot?"
"Yes!" Jaxon looked visibly stressed. "I fell over, and he looked me dead in the fucking eye and did a twirl. Are we sure he spent five years in that room and not on an ice rink?"
"At this point..." Leo trailed off, rolling her eyes.
"Local Leo isn't immediately good at something, commits a war crime," Lily spoke in a fake announcer voice, to Jaxon's amusement.
"More at six," Jaxon finished in that same voice. "Coming up next, I'm stealing your hat."
Lily didn't have time to process what he said before her hat was yanked off her head, and her brother sped away. Lily glowered.
"Go after him." Leo gave a thumbs up. "I'll be fine."
"Okay." Lily gave one final glance at her. "Find Logan, he can show you what to do. You know, if you're able to move from that spot."
"Shut the fuck up."
Lily smiled, and turned, speeding off towards her brother. A blur of colored lights, holiday music, and a large crowd of people, she was dizzy among it. Little bits of ice flew off from the skates, melting on impact as they hit her ankles.
Lily slowed, and found Jaxon playing a game with Dylan, tossing the hat back and forth. Jaxon threw it to Dylan.
"Dylan, go!"
Dylan took the hat and went off. Lily followed them, and from there, Dylan threw it to Sam, who caught on quickly, and Lily could feel herself starting to lose control over her own speed. Sam threw it to Ryan, who panicked and gave it to Elliot, and that was the moment Lily knew she was fucked, because Elliot was way faster.
He wasn't even that fast of a runner. He literally was out of breath going to the park across the street. How he wasn't having an asthma attack right now was a mystery.
It went to Logan, who calmly gave it back to Lily.
"Thank you." Lily adjusted her hat back on her head. Logan smiled, and nodded, and Jaxon booed him.
By the time she found Leo again, she was standing up and moving just fine without the rail. Lily beamed.
"Hey! Good job!" Lily skated over, lungs burning, out of breath.
"This is overrated." Leo kept going, and grabbed back onto Lily's hand. "I'll pay for some apple cider?"
"Sure." Lily nodded. They alerted Logan that they were leaving, and took a final loop around the ice, as they weren't allowed to go backwards.
Walking back on regular ground was a hard adjustment, as now they actually did have to walk. It was more of a stomp, really, as they tried to figure out where they left their shoes.
Inside the building where they rented the ice skates, there was an apple cider and hot chocolate stand, like a soda machine for the winter time.
Leo paid for two paper cups, and held it under the cider dispenser. Steaming, orange-ish liquid flowed into the cup. A plastic lid closed over it, cutting off the steam. Two of those small straws followed. Leo leaned against the counter as Lily filled her own cup, opting for the hot chocolate instead. She shoved a handful of marshmallows inside.
They found an empty seat around one of the fireplaces scattered around the area, sitting on the bench together. Lily's head leaned against Leo's shoulder. Leo didn't move.
"This is a lot better," Leo commented, voice uncharacteristically softer. "I'm pretty tired. About to take the world's fattest nap when we get home."
Lily hummed. "Let's steal Logan's car."
Leo huffed a small laugh. "It's just downtown... they can find their way home. It isn't too far, is it?"
"They'll live." Lily yawned. Leo's head rested on top of hers. "They've got phones. They can figure it out."
Leo didn't respond. Lily's eyes widened. "Oh my god, are you actually asleep?"
No response. Lily stifled a laugh, and took her slipping cup from her hands, placing it on the ground.
"...I think I'd rather be here, actually," Lily said to herself. This was followed by an obnoxiously fake snore. "You're fucking with me, aren't you? Asshole."
Leo snickered. Her expression softened, eyes closed. "I'd rather stay here, too."
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stardewrotsession · 1 month
Note: I’m not even gonna attempt to say why I disappeared again, I just do. Work, school, hangouts, studying, it takes a toll. Anyways I think I’m back into Stardew since the 1.6 update so hopefully I’ll have more out in a timely manner. If not I’m sorry in advanced lol. Oh and no Elliot this time, also sorry about that!
The Bachelors When They’re Jealous
- Honestly Sam wouldn’t notice LMAO.
- At least whenever he’s getting hit on or flirted with, it takes him a long time to really catch on.
- Like if a girl were to walk up to him and start flirting with him heavily, he wouldn’t really get it and think she’s just giving him compliments.
- It would have to be when she starts getting handsy that he’ll get it and immediately turn her down lol
- With you on the other hand, he can tell, to an extent.
- If someone comes up to you and starts talking to you, he wouldn’t think anything of it.
- Mostly just, “Oh hey, they’re making friends!”
- It wouldn’t be until loudly declare that you’re not interested that he’d suddenly know what’s going on.
- And there’d be a guilt behind not picking up on it at first.
- Not because he doesn’t trust you, he trusts you with his life!
- But this guy could’ve been making you uncomfortable from the start, and he has done nothing to try and get you away from it.
- From that point he’d walk over to you immediately and give you a little kiss before asking if you wanted to join him.
- Whether he was outside, with friends, or with family, he’d want to give you an out. Or an excuse to leave right away.
- Sam cares about you, through and through. He wants you feel comfortable and he definitely needs you to feel safe.
- So a lot of me really believes Sebastian would be self conscious about it.
- Like he’ll catch himself being really jealous when seeing you talk to someone else, but then he’ll think he’s overreacting.
- It takes a lot of him to get jealous though, if you talk to Sam or Abigail, he wouldn’t bat an eye.
- But in my opinion? He’d get jealous when you talk to people he knows he’d never really talk to on his own.
- People like… say Alex? 👀
- I think anyone who has a popular kid personality or people with big egos makes him immediately turn the other direction.
- So when you talk to people like him, it tends to make him a bit jealous. Or insecure.
- Like “why are they talking to them?” Type of jealousy.
- I don’t really think he’d go out of his way to confront you or them. Unless you’re in trouble, he wouldn’t budge.
- But he’d definitely talk to you afterwards, but about how it made him feel.
- And he wouldn’t really do it in an angry sort of way.
- More like a “You were paying attention to them, do you like them more than me?”
- Probably more monotone or straightforward.
- You would definitely have to reassure him after, letting him know he’s the only one for you.
- Harvey’s the type of guy to stay out of trouble a lot of the time.
- Less drama, potentially less injuries.
- Besides, he trusts you with all his heart.
- I like to think he’s all about trust, if you can’t have trust you can’t have a relationship. Simple as that.
- That isn’t to say he’d get insecure from time to time whether you talk to other people, especially if he thinks they look more attractive than him.
- But Harvey’s a great communicator. Once you get him to open up, he’ll want to share everything with you.
- If he truly does get jealous and insecure, he’s not the type to make a scene and pull you away immediately.
- He’ll wait until they’re gone, or until you two are in private.
- “So… what were you talking about with _____?”
- I also think he’s not the type to be confrontational about it.
- He’ll have his assumptions, but when you two are talking he’ll do everything he can to make sure he’s not assuming wrong.
- So get ready for random questions about your talk with the other person.
- He’ll definitely feel bad about getting jealous if it was a misunderstanding. He’d probably apologize the second he realizes he was overreacting.
- But he’s stable enough to know feelings like these happen, and as long as he can let it go and you can put his mind at ease, he knows he’ll be okay.
- Oh Alex would become overprotective so quick.
- Because, on one hand, he’s hit on girls before. Way before you two started dating.
- So he knows the pick up lines. He knows the flirty remarks.
- But on the other hand, ever since you two started dating, he could tell when people hit on him, and he’d quickly dismiss them.
- He knew who he wanted to be with. And you made him happier than he thinks he ever has been.
- Now when it comes to you, he knows when you seem uncomfortable, and he can pick up on when people flirt with you.
- He’ll only directly confront them if you seem really uncomfortable with it. Like, to the point where you constantly look at him with a “Help me” expression.
- But otherwise, he’ll have some fun.
- Picture this, a guy comes up to you and starts making conversation. You don’t think much of it until he starts flirting with you, calling you hot and pretty.
- Then you see Alex, carefully evaluating the situation before smirking and making his way over to you.
- “Hey babe,” he says while wrapping his arm around you.
- He gives you a small kiss, and pulls you closer. And let’s be honest, he’s definitely making a show of looking at you up and down, taking in your presence
- Probably takes him a whole minute before even acknowledging the other guy that was talking to you
- “Oh, sorry didn’t see ya there,” he’d say casually. “Need something?”
- You know what he’s doing, but you gotta admit, it’s a little cute
- Either way, he makes a huge show of calling you his.
- It’s like a passive aggressive way of telling the dude that you’re not interested.
- Low key, I’m so sorry… but I feel like Shane has a lotta issues with trust.
- If he gets insecure about your relationship and sees you talking to another person, you best believe he’ll completely ignore you at first.
- Even if you confront him about it, I don’t think he’d really tell you or open up.
- Like at night before you two go to bed, and you ask him what’s wrong, he’d say things like “Huh? No, it’s fine,” or “Wha? Quit worrying about it.”
- I don’t think it’s cause he’s necessarily mad at you.
- I just think he needs time to process everything. Debate on whether it was actually flirting or if you were just talking farm business stuff.
- So he’d shut up about it for a little. I really don’t think he’d be too mad if it was a one time deal.
- Buttttt if it’s happened multiple times, where you talk with the same person, he’d get annoyed.
- Unfortunately I think he’d have it all pent up until you guys have a disagreement or an argument.
- Like he could’ve left the toilet seat up and all of a sudden he’s talking about how he’s noticed you talking to the same guy over and over again.
- Despite all he’s been through, I don’t think he gets better right away, and his communication skills still need to be worked on a bit.
- Though, since he does have a therapist, he would try to work it out with them first, before anything else.
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doodlboy · 1 year
Gnat keeps trying 2 fly into my eyes, I'm evil now
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hello!!! i just started following your blog recently and i love your headcanons :] !!
i wanted to request some headcanons about the farmer's first kiss with the bachelors and bachelorettes :3c (can be separate posts if needed! no rush <3)
maybe things like where and when it'll happen, if it's early on or later on in their relationship, if they even have a relationship yet when it does happen, etc. :0
thanks so much for reading this lol, and keep up the good work!!! <3
bachelors' first kiss with farmer || headcanons
sharing such a magical experience with your lover is better than you could've ever imagined! <3 part two here!
warning: alcoholism and self-hatred in shane's part (relapsing), a few kisses without explicit consent. guys, please learn some decency 🙄
requested by: anon! hi, so sorry for the late response! thank you for the request though, i deeply appreciate it! such a cute one too! :) i hope you enjoy, because i had a ton of fun writing it! part two will be out eventually :)
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• Alex wouldn't wait to kiss you, to be honest. It would essentially be right after a love confession, even before you two start officially dating. He's too overjoyed with the fact that you actually feel the same about him, and he really wants to show you. After dinner and the saloon, the night he confessed to you, he walked you home like the true gentleman he is. As he walked you to your dimly like doorstep, he held your hand for a moment. The look in his eyes showed that he didn't want to leave yet, or ever.
• He took a deep breath before softly taking both of your hands in his. “Can I give you a goodnight kiss? Even if it's on the cheek, I don't mind. I want to make sure you're comfortable ... but I also want to make you feel loved. Whatever you're comfortable with is perfectly fine,” he said with a nervous smile. The soft glow of your porch light illuminated you so perfectly, he didn't want to lose this picture of you. You're so perfect in his eyes.
• After you let him know that it was okay to kiss you, he slowly rested his hands on your waist in the most respectful manner he could. Once he noticed you were okay with it, he slowly leaned into your lips. The kiss felt like sparks flew across your yard. It was soft but the passion behind it wasn't concealed. The fast heartbeat in both of your chests sounded like a metronome on the verge of short-circuiting. It was so, so lovely.
• Elliott and patience doesn't seem to pair well. Did we really expect him to wait very long? In all seriousness, it would probably be before the actual confession. He wouldn't do it unless he saw reciprocating signs, of course. You two were relaxing on the beach one night, watching the dark waves under the moonlight. The conversation was deeply poetic and romantic, explaining life's mysteries with metaphors and similes like it was just common knowledge.
• “The moon and the sun are so distant from each other, but they're nothing without the other. The moon wouldn't have its light, the sun would have nothing to show its light to. But once in a lifetime, they eclipse each other for just a moment ... do you think that this moment is an eclipse? You, the sun, and I, the moon? ... I find the idea quite enchanting ...” he said, his eyes tracing your face.
• He locks eyes with you, analyzing your expression with everything he can. He slowly lifts his hand and rests it against your own, almost like a test. When you don't pull away and instead move closer, that's when he knows. He leans into you slowly, so that if you want to pull away, you can. You don't. Your lips connect like the waves crashing on the shore beside you; the moon's heart strings are certainly tied to the ocean. Strong but calming, pulling you deeper and deeper. What a way to end a beautiful night.
• Harvey wouldn't kiss you until you're in a relationship, and it might take a while. He wanted to make it special! He's so unsure about the romantic aspect of life since he's so stuck in his work. So, he decided to make it special! He invited you to the forest after dark, where he had set up a picnic blanket. Candles were all over the area, but you soon discovered that they were fake candles, because Harvey wouldn't be caught dead causing a forest fire. A nice meal was prepared, something Harvey cooked himself. This dinner was for your six month anniversary.
• He nervously asks, “So ... I-I know that this is our sixth month anniversary, and I was wondering if you'd like to dance with me?” You're surprised, but you oblige. He puts on some soft, slow-dance music and offers his hand. He's not very good, but he can sway. You notice the nervous look on face and the slight sweat on his hands as you dance below the stars. You ask what's wrong.
• “... would it be okay if I- ... uh ... kissed you?” Harvey asked with a small, nervous smile. He was so embarrassed, but when you gave a nod, he was over the moon. He cupped your cheek with his hand, staring into your starstruck eyes before leaning in. The kiss was so incredibly soft, sweet, and caring. It felt like you were lifted into the star-studded sky, laying gently on a cloud. It was beautiful and definitely worth the wait.
• It wouldn't take Sam too long to kiss you. Maybe a week or two at most. He likes the romantic aspect of a relationship, but kissing is kissing in his eyes! It's not the most serious part in his opinion, but it's pretty cool, right? It would happen the night of his first concert with you two officially a couple. You stood at the edge of the stage, staring up to watch him perform. The crowd was small, but they were heavily enjoying the music. Specifically, the song he wrote for you.
• At the end of the night after the crowd goes home, you ran to hug him. You tell him how amazing the concert and how you feel about the song he wrote you. “I'm so glad you loved it! I wrote it a little while ago, back when I started crushing on you. It's a sweet little tune. We didn't really start composing the instruments and shit until I realized I was in love with you- ... oh fuck, I didn't- but- ... I love you. I really do love you. More than anything, actually ...” Maybe this was a little more serious than just a kiss.
• Sam's face was bright red, both from the sweat after performing and his bashfulness. When you said it back, he practically jumped for joy. He held you tightly within his arms and pressed kisses all over your face. He hesitated, before kissing your lips. Fireworks, an array of colors exploded as your lips met. The world disappeared while you were in his arms, just every color you could ever think of.
• Sebastian would probably kiss you before you two officially started dating. But, you'd immediately start dating after, he doesn't like loose strings like that. When he showed you his bike one night, he asked if you wanted to take a ride to the city. After he shoved a helmet on your head, you were both good to go. Holding onto the back of him for dear life was enough to make both of your faces flush with color. As you two made it to your destination, he really couldn't get that moment out of his mind.
• You two were on the outskirts of the city, a small park that Sebastian liked to visit. He couldn't shake the feeling of your arms around him ... maybe it was a sign. “Hey, do you wanna go bike riding again soon? I didn't expect to like it so much with company, but I guess you're an exception ... my face isn't red- how can you even see? There are no lights except the stars! ... fine, you win, but it's your fault. You ... there's a lot of things about you that make me blush, okay? ...”
• The two of you sat under the stars in the cold, wet grass as he stared into your eyes. “... you look so pretty in the light of the stars, is this how you look every night? ... can I kiss you?” he asked, his face bright red and his freckles illuminated. When you nodded, he softly pressed his lips against yours. He was gentle, but his hand slowly slid to your lower back to pull you in a little more. The kiss was the flickers of a fireplace, contained but oh so warm. It felt like warmth, peace, and home. Maybe this was where you belonged.
• It would take Shane a while to warm up to the idea of being in a relationship, and an even longer time to kiss you. He's always worried about how serious this will be, and he doesn't want to kiss you if you're just going to end up wasting his time. However, he's convinced in enough time. You two were sitting at the pier at the lake below your farm, and he was a bit tipsy. He had relapsed again, but not by too much. He was only a bit tipsy, but definitely emotional. You two were a few weeks into dating, and he didn't entirely trust you yet, but ... he was working on it.
• He was ranting, severely upset. “I tried so hard this time, but it just got away from me. I don't get it! Everyone tries so hard to stop me but I always find a way to get back to the bottle. You try ... so fuckin' hard to stop me. I let you down ev'ry damn time- I always let you down! It pisses me off how hard you try and how passionate you are! I-I just- ...” he says, his voice beginning to break as he looks into your eyes.
• Your were about to speak before his lips attached to yours. It was as though lightning struck you, his hand resting on your waist as he kissed you with an unprecedented amount of passion. It shocked your body to the core, but you couldn't get enough of it. He was desperate for this, he needed this. Whether it be the liquor on his lips or his sober thoughts, this was the one thing he wanted.
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