#elriel month 21
elriel-month · 1 year
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Hi everyone!
Welcome to the third ever ELRIEL MONTH, where we hope to foster a positive space for Elain and Azriel shippers. We will have two prompts per week that centers on different aspects and scenarios of their potential relationship.
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Rules and bi-weekly prompts under the break!
✷ Participation of each day/prompt is optional!
✷ Ideally, post your art/work on the week of the prompt. However, if you cannot post on time, post whenever you can.
✷ Elriel month will be across Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
✷ If you want to be featured on this blog please tag @elriel-month in your posts so we can reblog them
✷ On Tumblr while posting your piece of work please use the following hashtags:  #elrielmonth, #elrielmonth23
✷ No hate or slander towards other characters!
✷ Your submission can be a fanart, oneshot, edits, gifset, moodboard, playlist - anything you deem acceptable.
✷ The final prompt is free choice - you can indulge your own prompt or elriel fantasy!
✷ Be respectful of other people’s work. Do not repost without permission and credit.
Shy Glances & Restricted Touches
April 30, 2023
They’d exchanged looks, the occasional brush of fingers, but never this. Never blatant, unrestricted touching.
We kick off Elriel Month with forbidden romance. It’s been eluded that Elain and Azriel have had some significant yet private moments, perhaps some secret encounters, clandestine meetings? We know they’re both well equipped at keeping secrets, what have they been up to?
Language of Love
May 3, 2023
Azriel smiled faintly. "Would you like me to show you the garden?" ...But Elain did not balk from him, did not shy away as she nodded—just once. Azriel graceful as any courtier offered her an arm. I couldn't tell if she was looking at his blue siphon or at his scarred skin as she breathed, "Beautiful."
What do you think Elain and Azriel’s love languages are? Gift giving? Quality time? Physical touch? Acts of service? The next few days and the best opportunity to explore these ideas with your headcanons, art, examples from canon, or theories!
Happy Solstice
May 7, 2023
Elain turned from the snow falling in the darkness beyond and smiled slightly. “I’ve never participated in one of these.”
Iconic Solstice moments and Elriel are synonymous. From dishes of potatoes and joyous laughter, to interrupted romantic moments, these two have had more than a few epic solstice moments.
Peace & Quiet
May 10, 2023
“And I think Elain—Elain would like it, too. Though she’d probably cling to Azriel, just to have some peace and quiet.” I smiled at the thought—at how handsome they would be together.
These two are the perfect embodiment of domestic bliss! From lounging quietly in the garden together to baking up a storm in the kitchen. What do you think these two would get up to if allowed to do so? Perhaps they’d make the Townhouse their own. Or whip up new recipes together.
Darkness Lets the Light Shine
May 14, 2023
I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection… that knife.
The next few days we explore Elain and Azriel’s light & dark aesthetics! The Shadowsinger & the Seer. Azriel’s shadows and Elain’s light. But who’s to say they don’t embody both? Elain has shown a little darkness and Azriel taught Rhys to hope… Share your art, edits, mood boards, and fics!
Words Unspoken
May 17, 2023
He didn’t need the shadows to read her tone. The slight tightening of her face.
Sarah has shown us numerous times how our Seer and Shadowsinger are able to communicate without saying a word. Both being observant as they are, they are able to read one another easily and wordlessly.
A Bridge Between Souls
May 21, 2023
What if the Cauldron was wrong?
Let’s explore the idea of bonds between Elain and Azriel. Do you think they’re true mates? Soul mates? Carranam? Or simply the threads of fate have woven to join them together for some other higher meaning? Share your theories, writing, and art today!
May 24, 2023
Nothing. Absolutely nothing on that face, on his scent. The shadows, whatever the hell they were, hid too well. Too much.
It’s well known that there is more than meets the eye when it comes to both Azriel and Elain. One hides behind a cold mask, the other under pretty dresses and pleasant smiles. But what fanged beasts may we find beneath those pretty exteriors?
What If?
May 28, 2023
“What if”—I jerked my chin toward the window, to my sister and the shadowsinger in the garden—“that is what she needs”
Free week! Got an artwork or fic you didn’t get to share during the month? A favorite AU you’d like to explore? Or perhaps a crack theory you’ve been waiting to share. The next few days are the chance to go wild with different ideas and explore anything Azriel and Elain!
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nikethestatue · 3 months
We all know that Steph and SJM are friends, but my question to you is why would Steph take such a strong stance for the gywnriel ship? I know you don’t really know what motivate other people, and this isn’t really me bashing Steph. I think Steph is funny, and her and SJM are cute! But you would think she wouldn’t stir the pot in 21’. I remember being heated in 2021 because everyone was taking Steph being a Gwynriel as some sort of “confirmation” that SJM talked to Steph and confirmed gywnriel.
Then she stated that she was an Elriel a couple of months into the shipwar on her podcast. I was confused because she had also said that she really didn’t care about ship wars. She said she only cared about the sex scenes. And then we got the whole “just because a character is nice to someone, that doesn’t mean it is romantic” speech from her when she was on instagram live with Ava. That speech Steph gave to her viewers really confirmed Elriel for me. lol.
I think it's very simple--she knew where the eyeballs were at that time. They were on SJM and that stupid ship. So, if she positioned herself as someone 'in the know' then more people would flock to her, (also, at that point she had that Patreon), her IG and whatever she styles herself to be--some kind of book blogger or something.
I can tell you a few other people have done something similar. They sound so ridiculously confident that people fall for the BS and start believing them.
What I think SJM did was tell Steph to stop spreading the Gwynriel agenda, and Steph quickly backtracked and said she was only interested in the sex scenes (just what every friend/author wants to hear!) and then SJM dropped that whole 'not all relationships are romantic. Not all interactions should be considered romantic' in a Live with Steph. After that, hardly any more Gwynriel talk from her.
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bloomingdarkgarden · 1 year
PSA I am taking the week to do a thorough edit of WBITD.
The first like 12 chapters literally came out of me like a wrecking ball of elriel fury bursting from my heart initially. Just needs some tidying, nothing major- grammer correction, etc. Just a note in case you have downloaded, there will be minor changes. It will be in final shape by the end of the week, and I will also post 21 by Sunday. There will be additional references in the footnotes too and maybe more visuals.
Also a side note that this story, as of Ch.20, would be 314 pages if printed into a bound novel. And it's only a little over halfway finished.
I have not written anything besides my own journal before this.
Who writes absolutely nothing for 30 years and then writes a 600-700 page pseudo novel in 2 months because faeries?
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i blame azriel.
i don't know who i am anymore.
anyway this community is rad, the haters can burn.
thanks to everyone who has read.
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An Impartial List of ACOTAR Character Appreciation Weeks 2022
I put this list together for those who want to support their favorite characters and ships, skip the ones they don’t, and revisit old favorites! Did I miss any? Let me know!
Gwynriel Week (Mar 6 - 12)
Gwyn Appreciation Week (Apr 17 - 23)
Elriel Month (May 2022)
Elucien Week (Jul 24 - 30)
Azriel Appreciation Week (Jul 31 - Aug 6)
Vassien Week (Aug 15 - 21)
Neris Week (Aug 28 - Sept 3)
Elain Archeron Appreciation Week (Sep 4 - 10)
Nessian Appreciation Week (Sep 11 - 17)
Azriel Shadowsinger Week (Sep 18 - 24) [Yes, there are two Azriel weeks!]
Lucien Appreciation Week (Sep 21 - 27)
Emerie Appreciation Week (Oct 2 - 8)
Cassian Week (Oct 10 - 17)
Tamlin Week (Oct 17 - 23)
SJM Crackship Week (Dec 11 - 17) [Was the 2022 event cancelled? I had it marked, then couldn’t find it again.]
Feyre Week (Dec 19 - 27) [Yes, it’s 9 days long.]
P.S. There’s still room in the 2022 calendar for any Rhysand or Feysand events if anyone wants to contribute. Are there any other characters or ships you’d like to see celebrated before the year ends? (Note: I’m not offering to mod any of these. I’m just putting this out there.) Have fun, everyone!
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elrielbliss · 1 year
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I posted 3,093 times in 2022
That's 3,093 more posts than 2021!
666 posts created (22%)
2,427 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,198 of my posts in 2022
#elriel - 132 posts
#elain - 124 posts
#asks - 46 posts
#elain archeron - 41 posts
#pro elriel - 32 posts
#mypost - 31 posts
#azriel - 21 posts
#pro elain - 21 posts
#lol - 21 posts
#azriel shadowsinger - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#no bc a tik toker literally posted her lightsinger theory and they were eating it up but if an elriel had posted it they would have attacke
My Top Posts in 2022:
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164 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
when azriel defended elain at dinner in acofas, he earned a grateful smile from elain. that's when feyre noted, "but something in me eased at the laughter, at the light that returned to elain's eyes." "a light i wouldn't see dimmed further"
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164 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Koschei's Deal with Papa Archeron
As of now, we all believe Lucien is mates with Elain. When Elain came out of the cauldron, Lucien declared that she was his mate. How did this come to happen? How did the bond snap this quickly within basically their first interaction - when with other mates we see it takes more time for the bond to snap. Let’s discuss.
Something interesting is that as soon as Elain came out from the cauldron, Feyre states, “And for a moment, all I could think of was my father. What he would do, what he would say, when his most beloved daughter looked at him with a Fae face.” And what exactly would Papa Archreon say or do? 
At this point in the book we know Papa Archeron has not been with his daughters for months because he remains in the human lands doing who knows what, or as they thought. So it’s rather interesting that Elain goes into the cauldron, and this is the first thing Feyre thinks? Did SJM intentionally put in this line because her father did do something related to her becoming Fae? 
The next time we see Papa Archeron is in ACOWAR during the war when he comes with his ships, an army, and Vassa. We learn he’s been rather busy during these last couple of months. When Feyre asks who discovered Vassa, Drakon answers with 
““He calls himself the Prince of Merchants,” Drakon said. “Apparently, he discovered the human queens were traitors months ago, and has been gathering an independent human army to face Hybern ever since. He managed to find Queen Vassa—and together they rallied this army.” Drakon shrugged. “He told me that he’s got three daughters who live here. And that he failed them for many years. But he would not fail them this time.”
He discovered the human queens were traitors months ago? He found Vassa and was building this army for months? Could it be possible that Papa Archeron discovered Vassa way before Elain had a vision about her? Maybe even before Elain and Nesta went into the cauldron?
According to Lucien in ACOWAR, he learned Papa Arch made a deal.
““But your father, ever the negotiator..” A sad, small smile towards that burnt grass. “He managed to cut a deal with Vassa’s keeper to come here” “Nasty curse” 
Vassa’s keeper? This would imply Lucien is talking about Koschei. Papa Archeron surely would have made a huge trade to temporarily free Vassa. I mean he’s this powerful death God, and Papa Archeron is just a human who has nothing of value to offer…….besides his three daughters. 
Now before I go into what I think the deal involves, I will say I don’t believe Lucien was present during this deal. The book says that Lucien met up with Papa Arch and Vassa later on,
“Who?” Drakon’s brows narrowed. “Oh, the male with the eye. No. He met up with them later on—told them where to go.
Lucien knows there’s a deal because Papa Archeron probably told him there was one that happened in order to free Vassa. I mean anyone would have been curious as to how Papa Arch got Koschei to agree to temporarily free Vassa, his most prized possession. 
Now let’s go back to what the deal was. Could Koschei have been seeking something of equal value to Vassa? There was clearly something Koschei seeked in the first place - I mean this is a powerful Death God. What could he want from Papa Arch? I don’t have an exact answer on this one, but I have multiple guesses. Did Papa Arch trade Elain herself? After discussing it with @.rhysdanaan on Twitter, they brought up a good point of what if Koschei wanted Elain’s true love? Listen Koschei is an evil guy, and I think he could have easily twisted his words to Papa Arch making the deal come off as good, when in reality it wasn’t. It then led me to my conclusion that Koschei could have told Papa Arch that he could promise Elain true love. Mother Archeron did say, “Elain will wed for love and beauty” And maybe.. Just maybe Papa Archeron believed him and thought Koschei could fulfill this and seemed like an easy enough trade to free Vassa. 
I started to think about the reasons why Papa Arch went off and got his army and freed Vassa in the first place. And that’s because he wanted to be redeemed as a parent in the eyes of his daughters. He is doing this all for his daughters.
We don’t exactly know Papa Arch views on Graysen, but maybe it wasn’t favorable especially knowing Graysen hates faes. Did Koschei know in that moment, Elain’s true mate was Azriel? We don’t have a lot of information about these two, but they are connected by some things like the shadows, death, and the wind. Could this be another way Koschei is luring Azriel to him? Or could this just have worked out in Koschei’s favor? 
But still if Koschei didn’t know Azriel would be connected to Elain in that moment, Koschei still would have had other purpose involving Vassa. In a way, it makes sense that Koschei could be like Maeve from Throne of Glass series. SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T READ TOG: Maeve had known all along that Rowan and Aelin were mates, but she still created a fake bond for Rowan to be involved with another woman, who he thought was his real mate for many years. TOG and ACOTAR exist in the same mega-verse, meaning it is possible that the mating bond can be faked. If Maeve knew who his true mate was ahead of time, that could mean Koschei could know too. Especially if Maeve and Koschei are connected in some other way.. 
If Koschei did know Vassa’s true mate, which I’m assuming he did, he would have known it was Lucien. Koscehi obviously would not want Lucien to know his mate was Vassa. Therefore, he saw the opportunity to pair Elain with Lucien so he could keep Vassa to himself and to keep the curse on her. Koschei could have activated the spell when Elain went into the cauldron himself, or he could have gotten help from the three queens who sold Vassa to him. Either way, the mating bond spell with Elain and Lucien activated as soon as she turned fae, which is why Lucien realized so quickly compared to other mates. The spell had been activated. 
Why else would Koschei need Lucien away from Vassa? Well because he’s the only one able to break her curse. SJM LOVES Russian folktales and she obviously took inspiration from Swan Lake. In the tale the “swan” (Vassa = firebird) has a curse and it can only be broken by true love. However in the tale her master (the master being Koschei) disguised another woman so he could fall in love with her instead. The man in the tale confesses his love to the wrong woman, and the swan dies. This sounds VERY similar to what happened here - Koschei disguised another woman, Elain, to be Lucien’s mate so he could fall for her and NOT Vassa, so that her curse cannot be broken. Feyre and Helion (a man skilled in curse breaking magic) both tried to break her curse - but failed. Which means, it’s very likely the only way to break her curse is with true love. And coincidentally as we’re heading into ACTOAR5, presumably Elain’s book, Vassa’s time being free is almost up. We are going to have to deal with this mating bond mess in the next book. 
The line “What if the cauldron was wrong” was not added in the book for nothing. Especially because it was asked twice by both Feyre and Azriel. Clearly, it will be important and all revealed in Elain’s book. 
Why is it Azriel is the only one bothered by the Elain/Lucien mating smell? Why does it seem like he’s the only one able to smell it? Why is it that Azriel has only ever given his truthteller to Elain to use? Why is it he risked his life to enter Hybren’s camp to save Elain? Why is it that there are so many unspoken words between these two? Why does Azriel have this urge to protect Elain from danger? Why is it Elain was the one to get him over Mor for the first time in 500 years? Why was it that both Elain and Azriel were both willing to risk getting caught by Lucien to finally be together? Why is it Azriel was so angry and filled with rage that Rhys forbid him to stay away from Elain? 
It’s all because Elain and Azriel are really each other’s mates.
If anyone has anything too add, please to do so!!
166 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
i just can't stop thinking about all these pictures that were on sjm's pinterest board apparently in march - august 2021 (when i feel like she was writing elain's book)
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See the full post
176 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How is that in ACOWAR, Lucien had to question if Elain's worth fighting for, his own mate?
"I want to see her [Elain]. Just once. Just—to know.” “To know what?” He hitched my damp cloak higher around us. “If she is worth fighting for.”
Meanwhile in that same book, Azriel who doesn't believe he's mated to Elain, didn't even hesitate. Azriel knows Elain is worth fighting for.
From the shadows near the entrance to the tent, Azriel said, as if in answer to some unspoken debate, “I’m getting her back.” Nesta said, “Then you will die.” Azriel only repeated, rage glazing that stare, “I’m getting her back.”
229 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Elriel Month | Day 7: Historical AU
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THEME: Smut, Romance, Angst
NOTE: I WILL be continuing this story in a multi-chapter fic, however, it won't be posted until June, when Elriel Month has come to a close.
“And what of your future husband, my lady?” he asked, leaning over her now, his corded forearms on either side of her.
“My future husband should fall to his knees and thank the heavens for this night, for even if I hate him, I shall think of you when we f*** and I will make him the happiest man in all the world.”
The journey to Lady Morrigan’s estate was long. Nesta, Elain and Feyre finally reached the grand estate just before sunset, the carriage coming to a slow stop before the footman opened the door and helped the ladies out. Elain watched as a gorgeous blonde woman descended the steps, her smile so friendly and infectious that Elain instantly returned it.
“Ladies, I’m so pleased that you’ll be staying with me all season. I’ve been looking forward to this visit for weeks!”
“Our mother only told us about it yesterday." Nesta scoffed. "Mor, you know Feyre, and this is Elain. Elain, the Lady Morrigan.”
Mor scoffed and playfully slapped at Nesta’s arm. “Mor, please call me Mor. It is so lovely to meet you, Elain. Oh Nesta, she is positively adorable.” Elain flushed as Mor continued.
“Now, Nesta and I are old friends, so I won’t have any of you engaging in any silly formalities here. Come, lets get you all inside, what a ghastly hostess I’m being.” She hooked her arm with Elain’s and headed back up the steps and into the house, Feyre and Nesta following close behind.
“I’ve taken the liberty of having some gowns brought in for you already, but we’ll have the seamstress in tomorrow and make a morning of it, I'll get you caught up on all of the comings and goings here in town. The gossips tongues have not stopped wagging since the Duke of Illyria was seen back in town.”
“And the Prince of Velaris?” Feyre asked, her interest piqued. Mor smiled, taking her hand. “Where the Duke is, the Prince is also likely to be, as is the Marquess she said, arching a brow at Nesta who started straight ahead, not acknowledging the comment.”
“Your home is lovely, Mor.” Elain said, still walking arm in arm with the lovely blonde as they made their way upstairs. “Thank you, dear, just wait until you see it full of revelers and delight, then this home truly seems to possess a life all its own.” She said with a smile. “Now, I shall leave you to settle into your rooms and rest before dinner. I expect to hear every detail about every man who is vying for your affections. And do dress comfortably for dinner, it is just us ladies after all, let us dine in comfort.” With that, she left the sisters at their rooms, each one beautifully decorated. Elain draped her cloak over a nearby chair and after a thorough tour of her luxurious room she proceeded to wash up and change for dinner. Once she was ready, she made for Nesta’s room, knocking softly.
Feyre opened the door, smiling. “Elain, we were just about to come fetch you.”
“Oh?” Elain said, taking a seat on the bed as Nesta twisted her hair and pinned it.
“Yes…what do you think of Mor?” Nesta asked, watching Elain through the mirror at the vanity.
“Oh, she’s beautiful and very nice.” She nodded. “Independent and...unconventional.”
Nesta laughed. “Just take Mor as she is, she is clearly taken with you already. She does love a new doll to dress up, so be prepared.”
Elain laughed softly. “So noted, thank you for the warning.”
“Now lets go down to dinner, I’m starving.” Feyre said as she ushered her sisters out of the room, walking them both to the dining room where Mor waited in a simple gown but in a bright red color.
“Ladies, you look so lovely. The gentlemen are in such trouble this season with three Archeron ladies in their midst.”
Elain listened and chatted with Mor and her sisters as they enjoyed their dinner and gossiped well into the night. She couldn’t remember the last time she had had so much fun. Mor was naturally charming and Elain instantly felt comfortable with her. Normally, Elain remained guarded around other ladies her age, she had been hurt and betrayed many times by ladies vying for the same small group of suitors, even when Elain herself had no interest in them. The hostility was even worse when any of the gentlemen showed interest in Elain. Now, she sought only the company of her sisters, it was safer that way.
“I’m terribly excited for tomorrow evening, I haven’t had a party like this in far too long, though, I have made it my personal project to have them much more frequently this season.” Mor looked to Elain and saw a bit of worry etched there. “Your reputations will be safe, Elain, protected as mine has been. Everyone in attendance has their own reputation to consider as well.” Mor promised. "We protect one another with our discretion."
Elain nodded. “I’m just a bit nervous is all, nervous but excited.”
Mor smiled, patting Elain’s hand. “My darling Elain, you will find that things are always exciting in my circle. It is quite late, and the seamstress will be here early, we should all get some sleep. A long night awaits us tomorrow.”
They all nodded in agreement and went to their rooms. Elain tossed and turned, her impending engagement to Graysen haunting her. There had been a time that she had found him handsome and gentlemanly, however, upon meeting him and actually getting to know him, she found him to be cruel and when she refused him, he had tried to take advantage of her. His standing as a Lord had kept everything quiet and she had thought that he would never bother her again, but her mother would never turn down an offer from a Lord, even one as dishonorable as Graysen. Eventually, the exhaustion of a long day caught up to Elain and sleep finally claimed her.
The next morning, Elain enjoyed breakfast with Mor and her sisters, they laughed and gossiped as the seamstress took measurements and pinched and pinned swaths of fabric around them.
“Those pinks and lilacs certainly suit you, Elain, but if you would indulge me. I would love to see you in blue.” Mor said, holding up a swatch of soft blue and another of cobalt.
Elain nodded. “Alright, those look lovely.”
Mor smiled and picked a few more swatches before speaking with the seamstress and sending her off. “Now, I’m afraid you’ll have to manage for the rest of the day without me, I have much to attend to before the festivities tonight, but I shall see you all before the night begins.” Mor nodded to the sisters and left to attend to her plans.
The three sisters prepared for the evening in Nesta’s room. It brought comfort to Elain to have her sisters with her, especially when she was so nervous about tonights events.
“We will be wearing these.” Nesta held up a dainty bracelet, a cobalt blue jewel dangling from it. She fastened it to Elain’s gloved wrist, a gleaming red jewel dangling from her own. “There will be a gentleman wearing a pin to match. You can approach him, or he can approach you, but once you dismiss him he will not approach you again.”
Elain listened intently to how things would go that evening, the rules that everyone was to follow and above all else the fact that at anytime, Elain could stop if she wished.
“And you’ve both done this before?” Elain asked, her mood much improved as she was assured repeatedly that she would be in control of her own experience. They both nodded.
“It seemed strange at first, but everyone is here for the same purpose.” Feyre added before there was a knock at the door and Nesta opened it to find an elegant Mor sashaying in.
“Ladies…my goodness, the gentlemen will never forgive me for only having three of you.” Mor teased. “Now, I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve taken the liberty of selecting your companions for the night myself. The crème de la crème, personally hand-picked with care to join you for the night. You, are especially lucky tonight, little flower.” She said, gently tucking an errant curl behind Elain’s ear, her grin widening as Elain’s eyes did.
“Now, if you don’t like who I’ve chosen, you may choose another for yourself, though I think that all three of you will be very, very satisfied. You especially, Elain.” This time, the mischief was gone from her expression as she gently took Elain’s hand in hers. “Since this is your first time, I have chosen someone who prefers to give rather than receive. Though, should the spirit move you, I doubt he would refuse you.” Elain nodded as Mor gave her hand a gentle squeeze and said just loud enough for her to hear, “he is most gentle and wishes only to please you. Your sweet encouragements will show him the way.”
“Now, masks on, ladies. The party has already begun and I am certain that your handsome companions are eagerly searching for you.”
Elain took a deep breath and smoothed the skirts of her cobalt dress as Nesta helped her tie on the elegant mask that covered the top portion of her face.
The sisters filed out, following Mor downstairs where the manor was already filled with music and masked guests.
Elain’s heart pounded as each of her sisters broke away and disappeared into the crowd. She took a glass of champagne from a passing tray and took a sip, hoping that it would help calm her nerves. She closed her eyes and took a calming breath, she wanted this, had been looking forward to this for weeks, her chance at freedom, self discovery and pleasure. She set the glass down and nodded, she could do this, she could do this…she couldn’t do this. She turned, intending to hide in her room for the rest of the evening but bumped into a solid chest, large gloved hands coming to rest on her arms, steadying her.
“Excuse me, I’m so sorry.” She said, blushing as she realized that her hand was now resting on the man’s chest, right next to the cobalt pin on his coat, the twin to the jewel that dangled at her wrist. She pulled her hand back as if she’d touched fire, his deep chuckle finally drawing her eyes up to his masked face, taking in his strong, defined jaw and enticing lips, her eyes locking onto the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. Caramel and warm honey spun together with flecks of emerald green.
“Please, don’t apologize. You’re just the Lady I’ve been looking for.” He said, those tempting lips curling into a roguish smile as he gently took her hand, his finger tapping the blue jewel that dangled from her wrist before placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Elain felt an intense heat pool in her belly, her mind struggling to find anything appropriate to say when his smile grew, clearly enjoying how incredibly flustered she had become. The sound of a slap broke her from her daze, and she looked over to find Nesta glaring up at a large man who was rubbing his cheek, a wicked smile curling on her lips as he advanced on her and she gripped him by the hair, her lips crashing into his. A gloved hand gently tipped Elain’s chin up and away from the scene, pulling her gaze back to the man who stood before her, amusement sparkling in his eyes now as he asked, “Would you care to dance, my Lady?”
Elain nodded, her senses returning to her. “Y-yes…yes, my Lord, that would be lovely.” He smiled and offered her his arm, Elain placing her hand in the crook of his elbow and accompanying him to the grand ballroom where he swept her into a waltz. He held Elain’s hand firmly, his other hand at her waist as they danced their way around the room. Elain could feel movement in the muscles hidden under his fine clothing, she blushed slightly as she tried to focus her mind on other things, but this was why she was here, wasn’t it?
The dance ended and he bowed to her before asking, “Would you like another turn, my Lady?”
Elain nodded, her heart racing as he pulled her closer this time, spinning and twirling her, his smile lighting up as she followed along, trusting him and gliding with him, her smile relaxing and glowing to match his own. “There you are, angel.” He said as the dance ended and he dipped her, his lips meeting hers, his tongue teasing her lips, begging for entry. A moan rumbled in his chest as her lips parted and he felt her arms snake around his neck as he righted her, his tongue now massaging hers. A soft moan escaped her and she turned away, needing air, but peppering his neck with kisses as she said, breathlessly, “I’d like to go to our room now.”
“Your wish is my command, my lady.” He nodded and again offered her his arm. She took it, hoping that he wouldn’t notice how she was trembling as they made their way away from the throng of revelers and down a quiet hallway a single door at the very end of it. He pulled the key from his pocket and unlocked the door, holding it open for her. Elain walked in, wringing her hands as she stepped further in and looked around, getting lost in how beautiful the room was when the sound of the lock clicking brought her attention back to him, her handsome stranger.
“I’m afraid I'm not very experienced...not experienced at all actually…” she said, slightly embarrassed but not wanting to seem disinterested, she was absolutely interested in spending the night with him.
He inclined his head. “Morrigan told me that this would be your first time. Has she explained the rules to you?”
Elain nodded. “Yes, that I can stop anytime I want. I assume you will also tell me if you would like to stop?”
He nodded. “Yes, though I highly doubt that will be the case.” He said, his rich voice sweeping over her like a lover’s caress. He slid out of his jacket and for the first time she took all of him in. He was clearly some sort of nobleman, his clothes were the finest she’d ever seen on a man, tailored perfectly, his boots perfectly polished. He stepped closer to her, holding his hand out to her and she took it, looking up at him shyly.
“I’m quite determined to please you tonight, angel, so if I do anything that you do not like, you must let me know.” He said, unclasping the bracelet from her wrist and smirking. “I don’t suppose we need that anymore now that we’ve found each other, hmm?” Elain shook her head, watching as he purposefully pinched the tip of each of her gloved fingers, slowly loosening each one before sliding her glove off, placing the softest of kisses along the way, down every inch of newly exposed skin, finishing with her fingertips. She stood frozen, entranced by him, a flair of desire blooming within her and quickly engulfing her. She caressed his cheek, then slid her hand to the back of his neck, guiding him down to meet her mouth, her other hand tangling in his cravat, untying it with skillful and eager fingers.
He arched a brow. “My angel is more eager than I thought. I shouldn’t like to disappoint you by delaying your pleasure any longer, my Lady.” He said, making quick work of her other glove, taking the tip of the middle finger in his teeth and pulling it off, giving her a wink before tossing it aside and taking her in his arms, his mouth on her neck, his fingers working at the back of her gown. Elain moaned, her fingers in his hair as she whispered. “Please, my Lord…spoil me with your sinful delights.” In an instant, her dress fell loose, skirts pooling at her feet. He made quick work of her underclothes, corset and chemise joining the pile on the floor until she stood before him in only her stockings. Her fingers worked to free him of his vest and shirt, her hands sliding over his muscled chest, nails ghosting over his skin, eliciting a growl that rumbled from deep within his chest.
“Careful, angel, or you shall bring out the devil in me.” He warned, laying her down on the bed, her hands caressing the muscular arms that now caged her in on either side. With a gentle and still gloved hand, he brushed the side of her breast, delighting in the soft moan it elicited from her. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the swell of each of her breasts before taking one of her nipples into his mouth, his tongue teasing and curving around the sensitive bud, her chest shuddering in response, her thighs clenching as her body came alive at his touch.
Elain took a shaking breath, rubbing her thumb over his cheekbone. “You must think me ridiculous to be so affected already.”
He gave a devilish grin and said, “On the contrary, my lady, I look forward to making you come completely undone before this evening is over.” His grin widened at seeing her relax and he peppered her throat with kisses before giving a little nip that made her gasp. She closed her eyes and pressed her head back into her pillow as she felt his hand move down her body toward the apex of her thighs. He touched her there, where her desire flared and pulsed for him. His fingers moved so torturously slow as he ran them along her seam, then between, stroking lightly, teasing her as she moved her hips up to meet his hand, her pleasure escalating with each stroke. “Look at me, angel.” He commanded and she obeyed, their gaze locked as she climaxed under his masterful touch, her eyes glossing over with unshed tears as the wave of ecstasy washed over her and she sang out in pleasure. It was music to his ears.
Suddenly, she tugged at his pants. “Off.” She said, whimpering into his mouth as his tongue massaged hers. She leaned into the kiss, pressing herself against him and he wanted her closer, sliding his arm around the small of her back, his other hand freeing her hair from its pins, letting it fall loose around her shoulders. “My lady, are you certain?” he asked, having already been told of Elain’s purity by Mor.
“I have never been more certain about anything.” She said, burning for him, the need to feel him inside of her driving her to near madness.
“And what of your future husband, my lady?” he asked, leaning over her now, his corded forearms on either side of her.
“My future husband should fall to his knees and thank the heavens for this night, for even if I hate him, I shall think of you when we fuck and I will make him the happiest man in all the world.”
Something dark and lustful flared in his eyes and he rose, removing and tossing his boots and pants aside. Panic flashed in her eyes for a moment as she took in the size of him, but her legs spread for him as he moved back onto the bed. She trembled when his hands touched her thighs, his thumbs stroking gently, heat flaring between her legs and making her writhe under his touch. Her breath caught when his lips replaced the stroking thumb on her inner thigh, soft kisses and his warm breath trailing their way higher, his fingers sliding along the seam between her legs again, her core already throbbing.
“My Lord, please.” Elain begged, her back arching, her body on fire from the slightest touch of his hands.
“Azriel.” He said, his voice rough and strained. She opened her eyes, panting. “I thought-”
“We aren’t, but I want my name on your lips, my lady. I need you calling my name every single time I deliver you to euphoria.”
“Azriel..” She moaned softly, gasping when she felt his hot tongue making slow deliberate strokes higher and higher up her thigh, her shock exceeded only by the pleasure she felt under him. Eyes of honey and caramel remained fixed on eyes of polished amber as his tongue did heart stopping things to her, each flick of that talented tongue triggering a need in her to thrust her hips toward his mouth, but his firm hands held her right where he wanted her. Her skin burned under his touch, the desire flaring so wildly within her that it threatened to consume them both each time he brought her to the height of elation. Over and over his tongue tied her into knots before releasing her, drawing his name from her lips with his lustful magic and leaving her a panting heap on the bed. She took his hand in hers, eyes pleading as she said, “I want to feel your hands on me.” He nodded, letting her slide his gloves off, his heart quickening as he waited for the spell to be broken and for this night to be over. Instead, she looked up at him as she slid his finger into her mouth, her tongue swirling and stroking, making his cock twitch and his eyes roll back, a gutteral moan rumbling from his chest.
“My-Azriel.” She mewled, hands cradling his face as she brought his lips to hers, kissing him sweetly and tenderly.
“Mmm…I am yours. Until you come to your senses and cast me aside, I am yours.” He promised, kissing along her jaw until his lips found their way to her neck and he marked her. Her moans were like music as he slid one finger and then two inside of her slowly, preparing her before positioning himself between her legs and easing himself inside of her. He savored the moment, her tightness around him as he slowly sheathed himself inside of her, her hands at his shoulders, nails digging in as she cried out in pleasure and a bit of pain, her body betraying her as her legs wrapped around him, to draw him even deeper still.
“Easy, angel-
“Elain!” she cried out, panting into his neck, trembling from the stimulating charge coursing through her body. He hadn’t even made it all the way inside of her when she’d come undone the first time from the sheer size of him.
He slid one hand to cradle the back of her head, his lips crashing into hers as he found his rhythm inside of her, driving slow and steady. She arched into him, her breasts pressing against his chest as he quickened his pace. She gasped as his hand tightened in her hair and she moaned softly, pulling her head back and exposing her neck to him.
“Elain.” He practically purred as he retreated before driving back into her, his thrusts becoming harder and more demanding, Elain’s nails dug into his shoulders as she cried out his name and begged him for more, throwing her head back into the pillow as she came completely undone again, her tightening core pulling him to ecstasy immediately after. Azriel brought his hand up to her sleek neck, cradling it as his thumb slowly stroked up and down gently as he kissed her softly on the lips, her eyes fluttering closed as she brought her hand up to cradle his cheek. She was beautiful, no mask could hide a face that stunning and those eyes full of such affection and fondness when she looked up at him. Those eyes ignited something within him and he knew that this was not an encounter that he could simply walk away from. That thought, however, could wait. Tonight, they still belonged to one another. He smiled as he lay back and she moaned softly, draping her arm over his torso, one of her legs tangling between his and her head coming to rest on his shoulder, a peaceful smile on her lips as her eyes fluttered closed and she fell asleep, utterly exhausted. He would pull every single favor he had to find out exactly who this woman was and what he would have to do to see her again.
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rhysanoodle · 2 years
Between Light and Shadow
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(Banner by the lovely @sncinder​ 💕)
Elriel’s story after ACOSF
I can’t believe this is the end 😭 Thanks to everyone who’s read this story every week and left me incredible feedback. Here’s to the next adventure!❤️
Word Count: 1018
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Elain cooed, pulling her hands away from her face as the chubby-cheeked baby in Azriel’s arms giggled wildly.
“Stop that. He doesn’t know what’s happening,” Azriel chastised as Nyx silenced once she hid her face once more.
“It’s a game, love. People play this with babies all the time. See? He loves it.” Riotous laughter echoed around the meadow.
It was the end of summer, and the family was all gathered at the cabin for hunting and fishing, and really an excuse to drink raucously—as if they didn’t do that enough already at home.
In the month since Elain and Azriel had mated, they’d both moved into the townhouse—a gift from Rhys and Feyre, though he’d promised that if they ever wanted anything bigger, he would spare no expense. It seemed the High Lord still felt insanely guilty for his role in separating them.
But right now it was the perfect size for them. They could still stay at the riverfront estate when they wanted family time, but it afforded them some semblance of privacy without being too far away from the others and downtown Velaris.
Elain still visited the estate gardens a few days a week, but she had revived the neglected garden at the townhouse, small though it was. Somehow having it be solely hers made it seem so much more important.
Azriel had even helped her build a pergola right in the middle, and it became one of their favorite spots to sit and sip tea in the mornings, snuggled in each other’s arms.
He had even recovered enough to be joining his brothers in their morning drills, and she had seen the change in him as he was able to return to that physical outlet. Between that and time spent with her, he seemed happy for once since she’d known him.
Every night she fell asleep in his arms after making love. That’s what she called it, no matter whether it was in Azriel’s style or her own. Both were enjoyable and full of emotion—and copious pleasure—for her.
And he slept through the nights with her. Gone were the bags haunting the undersides of his eyes. They each still had their own pains and nightmares, but together they didn’t seem so overwhelming and all-consuming.
Though she wasn’t ready for children yet, the image of Azriel holding their nephew still threatened to undo her. Regardless of his childhood trauma, he would make a good father—if only to spite his own. But beneath the coldness of his many masks, she knew the softer side—the one which was permanently on display when they were alone together.
It only made her love him more.
She laid down on their blanket on the grass, closing her eyes and letting the sunshine wash over her. While there was a chill already forming in the air, the warmth brought on by the sunshine still permeated down to her bones.
A vision washed over her, and she invited it in.
It must have been Solstice. All the evergreen decorations were strewn around the riverfront estate, and Elain could smell rich mulled wine heavily floating on the air. Piles of presents were littering the room, including a new pile for Nyx which was overflowing with toys.
It made her smile to see how spoiled her nephew would be—not that there had ever been any doubt in her mind.
She felt heady, a lump of longing and nostalgia forming in her throat as she thought of Solstices past. They had never quite gone smoothly, but she found her future self at peace.
The least of that probably had to do with the male strolling out of the sitting room towards her, sweeping her into a lingering kiss which promised just what he would do to her as soon as they climbed up the stairs to their bedroom.
But he was loitering around, not making the first move, and though Elain had already received a piece of artwork commissioned by her mate as a present, she somehow felt like he wasn’t finished, so she pulled back, looking him in the eyes in silent question.
A creeping flush threatened to break out over his golden brown skin as he met her gaze, and she saw him take a deep breath and realized … Azriel was nervous.
His hands fell into his pockets, and she had the distinct impression he was fiddling with something to help with whatever had him so anxious before he began speaking.
“My time with you has meant everything to me, Elain. I wouldn’t take back a second of what it took us to get here, no matter the price.” She felt the same way. Their lives were tinged with regrets, but every single decision had brought them here. Together.
“I am beyond honored to be your mate. I am beyond honored that even though you could have ignored the bond between us, you chose me. Even for all my faults. I am beyond honored that you opened your heart to our Fae traditions to give me—give us—this piece of joy and beauty.”
Elain’s heart was fluttering in her chest. Azriel showed her every day how much she meant to him, and it seemed like that hadn’t let up in the months leading to Solstice.
“So I wanted to bring back one of your human traditions. I know it’s not custom for mates to further seal the bond, and I know you were engaged to be married once, but …
Tears welled unbidden in Elain’s eyes, and she was reminded of how she had so much hope in this very spot a year ago only to have it crushed, but now … Now, she was getting everything she’d ever dreamed of, and …
She had to leave. 
As she saw him pulling something out of his pocket, Elain thrust herself from the vision. Some things weren’t meant to be completely spoiled by her visions. Some things were meant to be lived.
And Elain couldn’t imagine living those things with anyone other than the male at her side who tucked her into his chest.
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sunlit-elain · 3 years
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Elriel Month day 21: dreamland
In her dreams, they are together.
In her dreams, his hands trace lines of fire over her skin. In her dreams, his lips are always brushing hers—in the garden, the kitchen, their bedroom. They kiss each others’ scars and cling to each other, never letting go.
In her dreams, there are no rules or people trying to keep them apart. There is no one and nothing except her and him. Her and him and their bodies tangled together, laughing at jokes only they understand, sharing secrets with the ease of two lovers who have known each other through every lifetime.
When Elain wakes, she tucks these fantasies deep into the recesses of her crumbling heart and allows herself the small hope that maybe someday (or maybe in another life) her dreams will be real.
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elriel-month · 2 years
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Hi everyone!
Welcome to the second ever ELRIEL MONTH, where we hope to foster a positive space for Elain and Azriel shippers. Each week will feature one broad prompt that centers on different aspects of their current and possible future relationship.
Follow us on:
tumblr ✷ twitter ✷ instagram 1 ✷ instagram 2
Rules and weekly prompts under the break!
✷ Participation of each day/prompt is optional!
✷ Ideally, post your art/work on the week of the prompt. However, if you cannot post on time, post whenever you can.
✷ Elriel month will be across tumblr, twitter, and instagram.
✷ If you want to be featured on this blog please send us a message with a link to your submission.
✷ On Tumblr while posting your piece of work please use the following hashtags:  #elrielmonth, #elrielmonth22
✷ No hate or slander towards other characters!
✷ Your submission can be a fanart, oneshot, edits, gifset, moodboard, playlist - anything you deem acceptable.
✷ Week five is free choice - you can indulge your own prompt or elriel fantasy!
✷ Be respectful of other people’s work. Do not repost without permission and credit.
Week One - May 1 through 7: 
"Allow me to make one thing very clear. You are to stay away from her." "You can't order me to do that." [ACOSF, Azriel Bonus Chapter]
This week involves anything to do with Elain and Azriel’s forbidden love. From Rhys forbidden Azriel from pursuing Elain, to society generally frowning upon Elain falling in love with somebody who isn’t her mate. 
Week Two - May 8 through 14:
She scanned Elain from head to toe, wondering if she'd been taking lessons In stealth either from Azriel or the two half-wraiths she called friends. [ACOSF]
This week is about Elain and Azriel’s powers and careers! We got so many hints in ACOSF that Elain is gearing up to be a spy... and what better spy than one who can see the past, present, and the future! With Elain’s ability to see it all and Azriel hearing it all, they’re basically unstoppable. 
Week Three - May 15 through 21:
He set her down gently on the foyer carpet, having carried her in through the front door. Elain peered up at his patient, solemn face. Azriel smiled faintly. "Would you like me to show you the garden?" [ACOWAR]
This week is all about the gardens and is inspired by Elain and Azriel relaxing in the garden together and going over all her gardening plans. It’s important to both of them... so would it come as a surprise if Azriel surprises Elain with a trip to Rosehall?
Week Four - May 22 through 28:
"What if," I jerked my chin toward the window, to my sister and the shadowsinger in the garden, "that is what she needs" [ACOWAR]
This week is all about Elain and Azriel’s most inner desires. Elain has lacked a choice  - her choice of humanity, her choice of a partner... While Azriel himself has never been chosen - not by his family or his longtime love. Will Azriel and Elain choose to be with each other? Can true love trump a mating bond?
Week Five - May 29 through 31: 
This is a free week! Feel free to post anything you’d like! 
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petrawood · 3 years
About Gwyn's Birthday and why it is important for Elriel
Disclaimer: this is ALL speculation based on an instagram live and a feeble grasp at maths. Please, keep in mind that nothing is set in stone and SJM always has the last word.
This entire post came from the realization that looking at the information available in ACOSF we can calculate when Gwyn's birthday would be.
But how is this relevant for Elriel?
In a recent Instagram live, SJM's friend Steph asked her if she could make Azriel's endgame couple share her birthday, January 15. Sarah laughed, said yes and proceeded to write it down in her computer to make it canon. You can find the whole interaction here, more or less at the 68th minute mark
The thing is, as far as we know it would be impossible for Gwyn to be born in January.
In ACOSF we learn two things: Gwyn's mother got pregnant with her and her twin during the Great Rite, which takes place in Calamnai (chapter 29) and that a Fae's (all Faes, not just High Fae) gestation period is 10 months long (chapter 21). Looking at this information, and knowing that Calamnai takes place in May (if you want to check an ACOTAR calendar another user made a post here)...
... we can guess that, as long as Sarah keeps to the calendar and doesn't add something different last minute, Gwyn's birthday should be in March, not in January. This would mean that Gwyn's birthday would not be the same as Steph's, and therefore not the one Azriel's endgame couple would have.
Of course, it is entirely possible for SJM to add a last minute explanation in the next book to make Gwyn's birthday fall in January, but on the other hand having so many information about when Gwyn's mother got pregnant and then SJM not showing any signs of worrying about the birthday of Azriel's endgame LI being in January seems to point at Gwyn not being in her mind at that moment.
Let's hope in the next book we find out both Elain's and Gwyn's birthdays!
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bookstaninthesoul · 3 years
SUMMARY: Elain and Azriel talk about things that could have happened
Okay, first of all, I want to apologize for any grammatical mistakes. English is not my native language, so I did it in Portuguese (my native language) and then I translated to English. I hope you like it!
Elriel Month Day 21: Dreamland
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Elain and Azriel were lying in a field of gardenias, watching the sunset.
Azriel ran his hands through Elain's hair and back. Elain stroked Azriel's chest and strands of hair. Both of them as in love as they could be.
Things had worked out for them. They had everything they could ever want and most importantly, they had each other.
They never imagined that after so much suffering and pain, the two would be together. It was difficult to have to ignore each other; it was difficult to be forbidden to see each other alone; it was difficult to love each other and think they were unrequited.
At times, Elain had thought she was living a dream, that none of this was real and that she would someday wake up and lose it. She had thought it was a dream of such perfect things happening, of such perfect moments. A dream where she was finally happy with Azriel. But then she smiled and pinched herself, seeing that it was all real and true.
Azriel shifted a little under Elain, catching her attention, "What happened?"
"Nothing, I just… was thinking.", he confessed.
"Thinking about what?". She lifted her head so she could look at his face, curious.
"I was wondering what would become of me without you.", he stroked her cheek, "Almost, angel. We almost didn't stay together. I was wondering if I would be able to see you stop loving me and start having feelings for someone else, I was wondering if I could stop loving you and move on. I thought if I could bear all the consequences and I honestly think not. "
She lifted her body, moved her leg to the other side of his hip and sat on his lap.
"Azriel, stop thinking about it. Stop thinking about what could have happened and think that it won't happen, because it won't. We are over everything and everyone, love. We stayed together, we are together and we will be together forever.", she stroked his face, "I wouldn't be able to love another person, because I love you completely and only you. I love you, Azriel Archeron and I will never, never be able to let you go again."
He smiled, put his hand on her nape and lowered it, kissing her lips lightly and sweetly.
Nothing was going to separate them now.
Tagging: @ggukfleuir @noorismee @courtofjurdan
If you want to be tagged to be able to follow my stories or if you want to be removed, please let me know.
If you liked it, please reblog it. It helps me a lot! ♡
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 5 years
My Fanfic Library: The Masterlist (As of 03/26/20)
**For the sake of space, only Chapter 1 of long-form fics is linked.**
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The Shadows of Night (Ongoing)
A mysterious army appears in the mountains of Night and soon declares war against the High Lords. The conflict will shed light on Night's darkest secrets and reveal the horrible truth behind every Daemati and Shadowsinger in Prythian.
Tumblr: ~1~ || ~2~ || ~3~ || ~4~ || ~5~ || ~6~ || ~7~ || ~8~ || ~9~ || ~10~ || ~11~ || ~12~ || ~13~ || ~14~ || ~15~ || ~16~ || ~17~ || ~18~ || ~19~ || ~20~ || ~21~ || ~22~ || ~23~ || ~24~ || ~25~ || ~26~ || ~27~ || ~28~ || ~29~ || ~30~ || ~31~ || ~32~ || ~33~ || ~34~ ||
AO3 || Fanfiction.net
The Cabin By The Lake
Cassian has been keeping a secret- for the past 300 years he has been building cabins around a lake to house the Inner Circle and any family they might have. Five years after the end of ACOWAR, the cabins are finished and the Inner Circle descends for two weeks in paradise.
**Even-number chapters contain smut scenes.
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
“Protect Velaris. Protect each other. I love you all.” With Rhys’ final words, the shields around Velaris rise, trapping the Inner Circle inside for fifty years. This series follows Mor, Cassian, Azriel, and Amren as they struggle to adapt and fulfill Rhys’ final request.
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Velaris: Fury and Ruin
Following a disastrous attack on Hybern, Cassian’s wings are broken, Azriel is critically wounded, and Feyre is dragged to Spring by Tamlin. Rhysand must now earn the forgiveness of his friends, protect his new sisters-in-law, and find a way to protect Prythian from a looming war- all without his mate and best friend by his side. 
**You do not need to read my previous series "Velaris"
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
The Feast of Souls
Everyone gathers at the estate in Velaris for the Feast of Souls- and to quietly investigate Feyre’s erratic behavior and strange temperament. Figuring out what is wrong with her is the easy part though- the hard part will be saving her soul before the clock strikes midnight and she is lost forever.
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
An Elucien Epilogue
Lucien returns to Velaris after the events of ACOWAR, determined to be a better male than Tamlin and put aside his mating bond if that’s what Elain wants.
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Bring Her Home
After forty-nine years in hell, Rhysand has returned to Night. A piece of him will always belong to that human who saved Prythian- the fae female now poised to marry his sworn enemy. As the sun sets on that horrible day a plea goes out across the Courts- “please, save me. Get me out. End this,” and Rhysand is only too happy to oblige.
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The Poison in the Wound
Feyre and Tamlin meet to try and finally clear away some of the bad blood between them.
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Strength in Darkness
After she is woken by a particularly horrible nightmare, Elain asks her husband to take her to the only place that might help her make sense of everything that has happened to her: Under the Mountain.
Elucien Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elriel Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
What Rises from the Ashes
Tamlin confesses that he and Amarantha were incompatible mates- and the role that played in his downfall.
Tumblr || AO3 || Fanfiction.net || (New) Authorized German Translation
When the Darkness Comes
Lucien recalls the day Amarantha took his eye- and the difficult weeks that followed.
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The World Beyond My Cage
Azriel recalls his childhood, how he ended up in an Illyrian camp far from his cell, and how his world was changed by an arrogant little Lordling with a chamber pot.
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A Peaceful Night (18+)
The holidays are a time for too many parties, too many people, and too much noise. After the festivities are over though, one can take solace in the love of their other half and the light that person brings into their life.
Feysand Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Nessian Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elucien Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elriel Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Azuala Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Amrian Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Morridwen Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
A Sweet Treat (Feysand 18+)
On Feyre’s first Feast of Souls in Velaris, she finds a new way to give Rhys his holiday chocolates.
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A Midday Treat (Feysand 18+)
Rhys has been skipping meals again, so Feyre decides to give him an incentive to eat his lunch.
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Alone in the Townhouse (Nessian 18+)
When the Court of Nightmares visits Velaris, Nesta and Cassian plot to take advantage of their time alone and finally take things to the next level.
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Nessian: The Mating (Nessian 18+)
At long last, Cassian and Nesta's wedding (and mating) day has arrived... along with most of Prythian.
*This is a sequel to "Alone in the Townhouse"*
Extended Re-Post Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Short Version || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Simply Love (Morridwen 18+)
In a thinly veiled attempt to seduce Cerridwen, Mor takes her lover of three years to day for a date before spending an evening at home. A simple, sweet fic for a simple and sweet love.
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Slowly (Nessian 18+)
Cassian returns from a fierce Illyrian civil war weary and on edge. Nesta wants to welcome her lover home after weeks away, but she knows the lust that comes on the heels of bloodshed has been building in Cassian the entire time he’s been gone. Both desperately want to be with one another, but for Nesta’s sake he must shove down the Illyrian and proceed slowly.
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A Bargain Well Struck (Nessian 18+)
Their deal is simple enough- if Nesta trains hard enough, she can claim a massage as her reward. Cassian’s hands never venture beneath the modesty-towels, so Nesta makes sure all the right places are exposed.
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Sharing Heaven (Nessian & Azriel 18+)
Nesta and Cassian invite Azriel to join them in bed, and Nesta finally gets what she’s been dreaming of all year.
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Alone in the Garden (Elucien 18+)
As the Inner Circle tricks Nesta and Cassian into spending some alone time together, Elain and Lucien find themselves unchaperoned at the House of Wind. **Contains ACOWAR Spoilers** (This is a quasi-sequel to "An Elucien Epilogue" and runs concurrently to "Alone in the Townhouse")
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Cazriel: The Spongebath (Cazriel 18+)
In this AU of my fic "Velaris: Fury and Ruin", Cassian and Azriel explore previously untouched desires each male feels for their friend (written for Court-0f-Dreamers on tumblr in 15 min after too much alcohol).
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The Torturer’s Throne (Cazriel 18+)
Cassian helps Azriel push his darkness aside and takes a bit of relief for himself in the process.
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Until the Shadows Are Silent (Cazriel 18+)
For eight years the shields around Velaris have kept the Inner Circle trapped. Azriel is drowning under the wrath, rage, and pain of being caged in the city, so he turns to an old lover, one who is very good at bending fae over and not stopping until their minds and bodies are ravaged– Cassian.
*Contains strong BDSM themes, DM if you are concerned about a specific TW*
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One Year in Heaven (Elucien/Elriel 18+)
Elain and her husband celebrate their first anniversary in style. A romantic dinner, an exchange of gifts, and a new suite of bedroom toys to try out.
Elucien Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elriel Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Watching (Elucien 18+)
Elain and Lucien head into the foothills of Velaris to attend the opera, but their true destination is an exclusive club hidden deep beneath the theater. They’ll still get a hell of a show- and have a chance to put on one themselves.
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Sharing (A Watching Sequel) (Elucien 18+)
For years Elain and Lucien have been loyal members of (and performers in) the sensual club hidden beneath Velaris’ opera house. Now- after months of discussion- they have decided to test the waters on expanding their display and changing their masks. No audience, no stage- and no longer just the two of them.
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Incense Burner (Ongoing (Elucien 18+))
After a collapse in the Hewn City reveals a long lost Vault of the High Lords, Lucien and Elain accidentally come to possess one of the Lord’s treasures. What appears to be a simple incense burner turns out to be something far, far more. As Elain and Lucien fall under its spell time and again they will be drawn into a world they could only imagine in their wildest dreams…
Chapter 1 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Chapter 2 || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
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A Peaceful Night (18+)
The holidays are a time for too many parties, too many people, and too much noise. After the festivities are over though, one can take solace in the love of their other half and the light that person brings into their life.
Manorian Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Chaorene Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Elorcan Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Rowaelin Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Nesraq Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Lysaedion Edition || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
The Calm After the Storm (Rowaelin 18+)
Erawan and Maeve have been defeated, the armies of Morath are vanquished, and Aelin rightly sits on the throne of Terrasen with Rowan by her side- and Lord Darrow as a constant pain in her ass. Frustrated and in need of a break, Aelin orders Rowan to do his job and consort with his Queen.
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To Spite the Shadow (Rowaelin 18+)
Nearly a year has passed since Aelin and Rowan destroyed the forces of Maeve and Erawan. Terrasen is rebuilding, Aelin is healing, and the world is finally at peace. Rowan conspires with Lysandra to give his mate a rest from her Queenly duties.
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For You (Lysaedion 18+)
Lysandra and Aedion enjoy a peace and freedom they never knew before Erawan and Maeve’s defeat. Still- something isn’t quite right. Aedion is keeping one of his desires secret, and Lysandra is determined to figure out what it is.
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A Familiar Stranger (Lysaedion 18+)
Tanned bronze skin, piercing violet eyes, night black hair- after a nightmare week in Orynth, Aedion goes for a drink and catches the eye of a beautiful- and familiar- fae male. When the male leaves, Aedion follows him to a dark, secluded alley where they can both blow off some steam.
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The Path Ahead (Elorcan 18+)
For Elide, it is the end of her virginity. For Lorcan, it’s the last ‘first time’ he ever wants to have. Both are nervous about the evening to come, but neither would change it for the world.
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A Cure for Nightmares (Manorian 18+)
Mere weeks after the events of “Empire of Storms”, Manon and the Thirteen conspire to give Dorian the break he so desperately needs.
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Curing the Fever (Manorian 18+)
Manon is forced to leave a meeting early due to a suspected illness. Luckily for her and Dorian, none of the Thirteen guessed exactly what was wrong.
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One Year in Heaven (Manorian 18+)
Dorian and Manon celebrate the anniversary of their meeting in style- with ropes, chains, and a bit of domination.
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Morning in the Jingshi
A new merchant has moved into Caiyi Town, one who deals in sinful wares. Wuxian places an order and decides to model a whole suite of new toys for Wangji. Wei Wuxian has always liked it rough, but he may have been too ambitious this time.
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Project: Echo (Part 1)
A long-buried Hydra disaster, a monster in the shadows, a missing child. Eight months after the events of “The Winter Soldier”, Bucky turns himself in to the Avengers on one condition: They must help him find a girl snatched off the streets by Hydra seven years ago. In their quest, the Avengers accidentally unleash a horrifying creature of darkness and shadow, intent on making their quarry its prey.
Prologue || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Project: Echo (Part 2)
A new enemy surfaces with a team of the Avengers’ greatest foes, hand-picked for their destruction. Meanwhile, Inessa’s pre-Hydra past begins to surface, casting doubt on where her loyalties truly lie.
Prologue || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Project: Echo (FINALE)
Seven years after the events of “Part 2”, Avengers Tower explodes, fulfilling Bucky’s vision. All evidence points to Avengers Shadow-Ops leader Inessa Ryker, who is forced to seek out Bucky in hiding. Together they must determine who the traitor is in their ranks and if their friends are still alive- all while trying to survive deadly ambushes orchestrated by Sam Wilson and his hand-picked army.
Prologue || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Avengers: Valkyrie Wars (Part 1)
When a young woman stumbles across a Valkyrie artifact the Avengers will fight Asgard, Valkyrie, Loki, Hydra, and the last of a monstrous race known as the Norn. Whoever claims the weapon can unleash Hell, but when it vanishes Loki takes the only person capable of finding it again: Steve Roger's lover.
**All cannon through "Winter Soldier" used, NO "Age of Ultron" or "Civil War"**
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To Save Her Soul (Ongoing)
After the events of "Captain America: Civil War", Alice Pierce (the granddaughter of Alexander Pierce), a drug addict, is pulled off the streets and forced through detox by the Avengers so that she might help infiltrate her grandfather's compound to rescue Clint's wife and children.
**Trigger warnings noted above chapters, overall warning for drug use/withdrawal**
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X-Reader Format (Abandoned) || AO3 || Fanfiction.net
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The Ridiculous Ground-Up World Building Sheet
Shorter: World Building 101
World Building 102: World Building Tips
The Ridiculous Ground-Up Character Building Sheet
General Writing Tips
Master Plot Types
Things to Ask Yourself
How to Write Smut
Tough-Love Tips for Writers
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Elriel Month | Day 4: Forbidden
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“Allow me to make one thing very clear. You are to stay away from her.”
“You can’t order me to do that.”
“Allow me to make one thing very clear. You are to stay away from her.”
“You can’t order me to do that.”
Azriel seethed. Of all people he expected to challenge him, to stand in the way of his happiness, he never imagined that it would be Rhys.
He couldn’t explain now, couldn’t tell him about the glances, the touches, all of the ways they had connected over all this time when no one else was watching. Rhysand was furious and he wouldn’t accept anything Azriel offered now anyway.
“So you will leave Elain alone.”
“…if I see you panting after her again, I’ll make you regret it.”
His friend was nowhere in sight, no, this was an order directly from his High Lord.
He didn’t just have the power to make Azriel regret it, he held power over Elain too. Rhysand could send her away just as easily as he’d sent Nesta away, perhaps with Lucien as a means to secure their bond and those alliances that were so important to him now. Maybe it was for the best, the cauldron’s will, who was he to challenge it, who was he to expect any sort of happiness in this life after the things that he’d done.
“Get out.”
Azriel tucked in his wings and left, launching into the sky to feel the wind on his wings. It was the only thing that could make him feel anything right now. All of the hopes and feelings that sparked and hummed with hope and possibility just moments ago, they were just illusions of things he would never have, could never even hope to be worthy of. Better to finally accept it, to be cured of this foolishness and allow all of those hopes he’d held on to for so long to finally wither and die.
Azriel disappeared into his shadows and Elain stood there, frozen as the warmth from his body and his scent dissipated, leaving her cold and empty. It was suddenly so hard to breathe, she braced her hand on the wall and shook her head, tears pricking at her eyes.
Elain had finally done it, finally made a choice in this new life, had finally taken a risk-only it hadn’t seemed like such a risk. Offering her love to Azriel hadn’t seemed like a risk at all. She had been so sure, positive that she had read the signs right and that he felt the same way that she did. How had she misjudged it all so horribly? The mortification was overwhelming. He was just being nice, she had asked for his help and he’d helped her, he’d gone above and beyond to help her and she’d repaid him by creating some childish romantic fantasy in her mind. The shame roiled within her and she felt sick.
All it had taken was one Solstice gift and she’d lost her senses. She should be grateful that he was such a gentleman and that he hadn’t taken advantage of her after she’d practically thrown herself at him. Mortified, she was absolutely mortified. Would he tell Mor? Oh Gods, she’d known he was in love with Mor, would Mor tell Feyre? Would they all know by breakfast? Her heart clenched, already imagining the pitying looks all around the table the next morning. She’d seen them before, when they had all thought that she was going mad. He’d saved her then, rescued her from the hazy depths of her own mind. Not because he had cared for her, but because he was kind and she was Feyre’s sister, that was all.
Elain forced herself to move, not wanting anyone to find her there, not wanting to have to explain what she was doing up at this hour. Could Lucien feel her through the bond now? Would he feel the breaking of her heart through that golden thread that always felt as if it were tightly wrapped around her throat instead of her rib? What would she do if he came down to find her? She hurried up to her room, her heart racing until she was safely inside. The door clicked shut and all at once her control slipped away. She clamped her hands over her mouth to stifle the sob that threatened to choke her, her legs giving out as she slid down against the door, her whole body shaking as she sobbed. Elain gasped for air, feeling as if she were truly drowning in her own sorrow.
“No...please, not again. Not again.” She begged through her tears, shuddering as she felt that familiar darkness closing in on her. It gripped her like inky black claws, dragging her down to the darkest part of herself, and this time she wouldn’t have Azriel there to help her find her way back to the light.
The voice was always the same, a whisper on the wind cooing sweet words of love that surrounded her heart like a gossamer veil before he turned on her, his words sharper than any blade.
“I belong to no one. But my heart belongs to you.”
“I don’t want it.”
“No…” she cried, pressing her hands over her ears as if it could quiet the cruel voice that was back to haunt her after so long.
“Take that ring off.”
“Take. It. Off.”
“Take it off! ”
“Take it off..I have to take it off.” she whispered, her hand already clutching her finger where that iron ring had once been. “I have to take it off.” she said, scrambling to her feet and rushing back downstairs, her fingers fumbling with the clasp on the necklace, pain radiating in her chest as she finally pulled the delicate charm away from where it had lay so close to her heart. She could do it this time, she could let it go, let go of a love that had never been real, that had only existed in her own mind. Her hands trembled as she lay the necklace atop Azriel’s pile of Solstice gifts, her fingers refusing to release it until she pried them open and it fell. Something inside screamed at her to pick it back up, to keep it close to her heart, but the feeling of the darkness closing in on her again sent her running back up to her room.
Elain crawled into bed and hugged the blankets to herself, sobbing into them as she struggled to hold onto any bit of light that she could. Baby Nyx…Nesta’s newfound happiness…but one last whisper struck too hard and with one last anguished sob, the darkness engulfed her.
“…not you. Never you.”
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Elriel Month | Day 24: Playing With Shadows
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The three of them burst into the most joyous fits of laughter, Elain’s arms crossed over her stomach as she tried to catch her breath.
Azriel strode quickly to the kitchen when he heard a loud crash. When he entered he found Nuala and Cerridwen getting started on some bread.
“Everything alright in here?” He asked, his hazel eyes scanning the room for anything that might be amiss.
“Yes, Nuala just dropped the bread pan, so noisy...” Cerridwen said, going back to mixing the dough for their bread.
Azriel nodded, arching a brow. “Alright...No Elain today?” He asked, trying but failing to sound as casual as possible. The wraiths had detected how drawn the Spymaster was to Elain long ago, perhaps even before he had realized it himself.
“Yes, she’ll be dropping by shortly.” Cer said, smiling over at him.
Nuala nearly choked, moving to get herself a glass of water.
Cer smiled and laughed nervously. “The flour can be irritating to her throat.”
“Right...carry on then.” Azriel gave them a strange look, but nodded and headed back out, not seeing Elain curled up behind the counter, hands clamped over her mouth, tears of laughter spilling over her cheeks. “Ow...” She whined, once she was sure that Azriel had gone far enough away that he wouldn’t hear her.
“I told you it was a terrible idea.” Cerridwen chided.
Elain waved her hand dismissively. “Ooh, I’m fine. I want to try again. It could be useful.”
“In what way is dropping you through the floor useful?” Cer demanded.
“The element of surprise and time efficiency, of course, as previously demonstrated. If walking through walls can be useful then why not dropping through floors?” Elain asked, lifting her chin in challenge.
“Because Nuala does not nearly break both legs when walking through walls.” Cer answered, crossing her arms and cocking her head to the side.
Elain couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up. “You look JUST like Azriel when you cross your arms like that, and it certainly got me downstairs quickly.”
Nuala bit her lip, stifling her own giggle. “You looked like a teabag dangling there…”
The three of them burst into the most joyous fits of laughter, Elain’s arms crossed over her stomach as she tried to catch her breath. “Just-just one more time, please. It worked so well the first time.” She pleaded through her laughter.
Cer grumbled to herself but quickly relented. Elain had been in a melancholic mood all morning-since the red-haired male had come. Though he seemed nice enough, Cerridwen didn’t trust him and his visits always seemed to throw Elain into disarray and fill her with sorrow. This little game seemed to lift her spirits, and Cer couldn’t help but give in to see her friend smile. “Only once more today, and you mustn’t squirm so much or I may drop you again.”
“I didn’t mean to, I promise. We must move slightly to the left, so that I don’t miss the counter again.” Elain laughed, following her back upstairs to the empty room above the kitchen.
“Cauldron help me with this one.” Cer teased with a smirk, taking Elain by both hands and using her powers to allow Elain to pass through the floor.
Elain pointed her toes, feeling for the counter when she gasped and held Cerridwen’s hands tighter. “Pull me up!” She hissed, panic written all over her face. Cer tried to pull her up, but she wouldn’t budge, she looked to Elain for an explanation but her friend looked like a child who had been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “Save yourself, its too late for me.” Elain whispered, cringing as Azriel’s voice could be heard from the room below.
“I have her, Cer, you can let go.”
Cer bit her lip, her eyes widening as she whispered an apology, releasing Elain’s hands and stifling another laugh as Elain crossed her arms, pouting already as she sank the rest of the way through the floor.
Cer could hear the amusement in his voice and knew that Elain could too, a smile playing at the corners of her friend’s lips.
Azriel cocked a brow, glancing up at Elain who sat perched on his forearm, her arms still crossed. “I can’t wait to hear this story.” He said, already chuckling.
“There is no story, now kindly set me down.” She said, nose in the air, a smile tugging at her lips.
“Why don’t you hop down, surely someone partaking in such dangerous stunts couldn’t be afraid to do that.” He challenged with a smirk.
“I can’t.” She said, narrowing her eyes. She’d have kissed that smirk off of his face if Nuala weren’t standing there and he knew it, he was torturing her on purpose.
“And why is that?” He inquired, sitting her on the counter, planting his hands on either side of her as Nuala disappeared into the shadows.
“Deserter.” Elain hissed before mumbling something indiscernible.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” He asked, his smirk growing,
“I may have perhaps, possibly, hurt my ankle the smallest bit.” She offered with a casual shrug.
Azriel chuckled, shaking his head. “Elain, what possessed you to do such a thing?”
“Curiosity...and boredom.” She reluctantly admitted.
“What if you’d been stuck between floors?” He asked, fairly sure that she hadn’t considered that.
“Can that happen?!” She asked, slightly concerned now.
“Well, I don’t know, perhaps you’d like to continue your experiments and we can find out for certain.” He offered, crossing his arms over his chest.
Elain tilted her head, considering. If he was going to tease her then she would give it right back.
“Elain, no. No one would be pleased to find you trapped in the floor.” He said, kneeling to assess her ankle.
“Cassian would probably find it funny as long as I wasn't injured.” She countered. “Alright, I’m sorry. It was silly, the girls were just trying to cheer me up, please don’t be upset with them.” She said, watching him as he moved her foot around gently.
“It isn’t broken despite your best efforts.” He said, massaging her ankle a bit.
Elain blushed, watching him. He was so handsome, his hand on her bare ankle sending electricity through her. She saw a shadow curl around Azriel’s ear and he immediately tensed.
“Lucien was here.” Azriel finally said and he felt a change in her too.
Elain nodded, her body tensing at the mention of his name. “Yes, he had some reports to drop off. It was fine, nothing happened.”
Azriel watched her, her hands nervously fidgeting with the fabric of her skirts now. He stood, taking her hands in his. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. If I’d known, I would have been here.” He knew he had no right to keep her mate from her and part of him knew that Lucien posed no danger to her, but he wanted her to know that he would protect her from anyone, her mate included if she wished it.
“Nuala and Cer were here, they’re never far when he comes around. And your little friend was floating around as well” She said, fairly sure that that had been on Azriel’s own order.
Azriel nodded, glad to hear it when Elain looked up at him and asked. “Would you like to know what he reported?”
“I’m sure Rhys will tell me-“ he paused and smirked. “You listened in?”
Elain nodded, smiling proudly. “Mostly boring talk about Spring and Tamlin, he arrived with a stack of paperwork and left empty handed.”
“And you weren’t detected?” He asked, arms crossed, playing his part.
“Not that I or the shadow could tell, by the time the subject left I was back downstairs enjoying my tea.”
Azriel closed his eyes, slowly exhaling as he asked. “Did you get there through the floor?”
Elain pursed her lips. “I feel that you already know the answer to that question. As I said, it can be very useful in certain situations.”
“And if I asked you how long they spoke?” He asked.
“52 minutes.” She answered.
“Rhysand’s mood?”
“Slightly bored, but not completely disinterested.”
“What color was the subject’s waistcoat?”
“Green, he always favors green with gold stitching and buttons.”
“Is the subject left or right handed?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“He held the reports in his left hand, so…right?”
Azriel couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. “Elain, I’m very impressed, but you know, you don’t have to practice on him if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“If I can practice on him then there won’t be anyone I can’t observe.” She wouldn’t deny that it had been difficult for her, but she had been wanting to push herself and there wasn’t much opportunity for her to practice her skills around the house. Unfortunately for her, she still couldn’t avoid the dismal mood it put her in, being reminded of their bond and the expectations that came along with it. The things that she wanted that the bond kept her from. She was grateful to Nuala and Cer for helping her through it every time she had to endure one of his visits.
“I’m very impressed with your eagerness to learn, Elain.” Azriel said, leaning in and kissing her. Elain kissed him back, her heart racing knowing there were others in the house. Azriel kneeled before her again and Elain bit her lip as his hand slid over her ankle, the other on her calf, massaging gently, his eyes not leaving hers. “I think you should be rewarded for your good work, don’t you?”
Elain nodded eagerly, eyes trained on him until Cassian pushed his way into the kitchen.
“Hey, what happened?” He asked, barely paying attention as he rummaged in the pantry.
“Elain hurt her ankle.” Azriel said, placing his lips on said ankle, smirking as Elain’s eyes blew wide and she looked back to where Cassian stood, his back to them.
Azriel slowly and gently kissed up Elain’s leg, her eyes like saucers as she continued to look back to where Cassian stood her hand weakly batting at Azriel.
“Making bread is dangerous business, huh?” Cassian chuckled, back still facing the pair.
Elain gave a nervous laugh, Azriel’s lips trailing up toward her knee before placing a few more kisses on her ankle. “Dangerous, but so worth it…bread is amazing.” Elain said with a soft laugh before Azriel straightened and Cassian turned toward them again and headed back out. “You should rest that ankle, have Az make himself useful and take you out to the garden.”
“Would you like me to help you out to the garden?.” Azriel offered as if nothing had happened. Elain just nodded, looking up at him in shock, she wasn’t the only one feeling a little daring today it seemed. Azriel took her into his arms and carried her out to the garden where his reports were already waiting. They spent the afternoon there, Azriel pretending to focus on his reports and Elain pretending to read a book she’d borrowed from Nesta, as they passed messages back and forth using Azriel’s shadows.
Cerridwen laughed and held her hand out to Nuala. “Pay up, I told you he wouldn’t question her injury AND he would carry her.”
Nuala grumbled and slapped the gold into Cer’s hand. “That’s hardly fair, the general suggested carrying her.”
“It still counts, don’t be a sore loser, Nuala. It is unbecoming of a lady.”
Nuala snickered as she went back to the bread dough. “You sounded exactly like her just then.”
The two wraiths laughed and chatted as they baked their bread, checking on the couple in the garden every now and then.
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Elriel Month | Day 5: Meet Me In The Silence
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“If I have to steal time with you, I will. I’m not afraid to love you in the shadows until we’re safe to love in the light. I choose you, I will always choose you, Azriel.”
Elain stood outside in the chilly evening air looking up at the stars, her breath curling in the air like wisps of magic. This had been their meeting place for so long now, she had come here so many times and yet after everything it felt so foreign to her now. She’d left the note here for him, she had only seen him once since Solstice but they hadn’t spoken, they had shared a moment a-a dance, but no words, he’d even skipped family dinners lately and without involving anyone else she had no way to reach him. The only indication that he’d even received her note was that it no longer sat where she’d left it.
She clutched her cloak tighter around herself and looked up at the sky, so many wishes and dreams watched over her now, were hers there too? Would they help her now? She took a deep breath, the key he’d given her feeling like a lead weight in her hand now when it had once felt like the key to a beautiful future for her-for the both of them. She unlocked the door with trembling hands and stepped inside, every memory rushing to the forefront of her mind, she couldn’t help but smile even while her heart ached as much as it did. Everywhere she looked she saw him, saw them, together being completely free with one another, completely in love she'd thought.
What if he never wanted to see her again? He already seemed to be avoiding her even at the cost of time with his friends and family. She had to talk to him, had to let him know that he didn’t have to stay away, that she wouldn’t bother him again even if it meant letting their friendship slip away. She hung her head and quickly swiped a tear away, their friendship was likely over, if it had even really been a true friendship to anyone but her.
Azriel knew he shouldn’t go, knew that it was the latest in a series of careless decisions where Elain was concerned, but he still couldn’t stop himself. He landed just outside their place and stood frozen for a moment, she was here already, he could feel her. He took a deep breath, his hand resting just over his heart where he’d tucked her note into his coat pocket, where he always kept her notes. The gentle falling of rain pulled him from his thoughts and he strode for the door, not giving himself another moment to hesitate or talk himself out of it. He stepped inside and closed the door with a soft click, taking a few steps into the room before stopping. Elain was there, her scent of jasmine and honey threatening to both end him and make him feel more alive than he’d ever felt before. She turned to him slowly and the pain in her eyes, even as she gave him a gentle smile made his heart ache. He knew what she saw here, he’d seen those memories too the first time he’d been back here, ghosts of happier times when the game still belonged to just the two of them, before anyone else knew about the secret bridge they’d been building to one another all this time. He said nothing at first, maybe if they didn’t speak they could steal just a little more time together in the silence, just one more moment, one more memory of her before he pushed her to leave him behind for good.
Elain heard the door open and close behind her and slowly turned to face him but said nothing. Maybe they could exist here together for a little while longer, here in the silence. She watched him take a few steps closer before stopping, her eyes pleading with him to come the rest of the way before she forced herself to move to meet him in the center of the room. She looked up into his hazel eyes and she could see the pain there, whatever he felt, she knew, she just knew that he didn’t want this to end any more than she did.
“You shouldn’t be here.” He said quietly, finally breaking the silence and pulling her back from her thoughts. “It’s late and I’m sure no one else knows where you’ve gone.”
“I needed to see you, to talk to you.” She said. “To apologize for what happened on Solstice. I obviously misread the situation and...and I hope you’ll still train me.” The words were like ash in her mouth, but she kept smiling, though it didn’t quite reach her silver-lined eyes.
Azriel looked away, a muscle feathering in his jaw, and Elain knew that things were not going to go well.
“Az?” She pushed, quietly.
“I’ve already told you, Elain, you have nothing to apologize for-”
“Then why do I feel as if I’m being punished?” she asked, her eyes glossy with unshed tears. “Why do you look as if this hurts you just as much as its hurting me?”
“I’m sorry that I hurt you.” He looked at her and the pain and regret were clear in his eyes. Truthfully, he had never regretted anything more in his life. “It was never, ever my intention to hurt you, I made a mistake.” the last part nearly a whisper as he forced himself to say it.
“What part was a mistake?” she asked falteringly, afraid to hear his answer, her hands shaking at her sides, though not from the cold.
Azriel steeled himself before answering. “All of it. The training, the secrets-it was dangerous from the start and I should have known better. Gods, Elain, you could have been killed on that first mission. I should have stopped it then. Let me take you back home. If they find that you’re gone-”
“I knew the risks when we started, nothing has changed.” She said, trying to find a way out of this. “Please tell me the truth.” she whispered. “You’ve never given me any reason not to trust you.”
Azriel clenched his fists at his sides, hating himself as he said, “I’m not just talking about your training, Elain. You have a mate.”
For a moment, her heart fluttered at the confirmation that she hadn’t misread anything, then dread washed over her and settled into her chest at the mention of Lucien. “Don’t.” She stopped him, a lump forming in her throat at the betrayal. “Don’t you bring him up.”
“Its the truth, Elain.” His voice broke as he said the words. He knew how much she hated the bond, how much she hated the control it had over her life, over her heart. A heart that he knew he was dangerously close to damaging when she’d only just repaired if after that boy had tossed it aside so carelessly. He hadn’t been there, but he’d heard how brutal her former fiancé’s words had been and he’d seen how broken she was at the war camp afterward. The same night he’d risked everything to find her and bring her back to her family, to bring her back to him and now he was letting her go, pushing her away.
“I don’t WANT Lucien, I don’t LOVE Lucien, you know that.” She insisted as she stepped closer needing to be near him, but he stepped back as if being close to her caused him pain. She halted in her tracks, her heart breaking all over again. “Tell me that you think being with Lucien would be best for me. Look me in the eyes and tell me that nobody could love me more than he would.”
He closed his eyes and sighed, his self-control dangerously low. He had his orders and deep down, he knew that Lucien would take care of her if she chose him. He could endure it, if it meant she might be happy and more importantly that she would be safe. Every bit of self control, any scrap of hope he had of talking her out of seeing anything good in him dissolved when he felt her hand on his chest, resting over that note, resting over his heart.
“I can’t.” He said, looking down at her. He had never lied to her and he wouldn’t start now, he couldn’t, if he could keep one pure thing between them, it would be that. He closed his eyes and repeated the lines he’d rehearsed leading up to this meeting. “I cannot in good conscience put you at risk, Elain. If you’d like to continue training, Cassian can-“
“Don’t.” She said, her voice breaking as she began to feel defeated. “Please, don't.” She begged, her heart cracking as she felt a cold wall begin to rise between them. “Don’t do this, don't give me the Spymaster now, Azriel.”
“I am the Spymaster, Elain, its all I am, all I can ever be.” He said, not harshly, but with a coldness that threatened to shatter her further.
“No. You are more than that, it is a part of you but it is not who you are, it is NOT all there is to you. You showed me that, don’t try to hide it from me now. Is this really what you want?” She asked, fingers nervously twisting in the fabric of her cloak.
“What I want doesn’t matter.” He said with such honesty that it broke something inside of her to know that he truly believed that.
“What you want matters, Az.” She whispered through the tears that finally broke free. “It has always mattered to me.” Her hands fisted at her sides as she waited for him to say something, anything. Azriel just looked at her, his eyes full of longing and pain as he fought to force himself to stay where he was, every part of him screaming to be let go, to be free to go to her, touch her, love her.
Pain deeper than he’d ever seen there before reflected in her rich brown eyes as she took his silence as a final dismissal. She took a shuddering breath and took one last look at him before walking out into the rain. The door slammed shut behind her and she finally released the sobs that had been building up inside of her. He had made his choice and it wasn’t her, his loyalty to his court was not to be pushed aside for a mistake.
Azriel’s heart felt as if it were being squeezed in his chest as the door slammed shut behind Elain. It was as if she had taken all of the oxygen in the room with her. This was it, it was now or never. A lifetime of happiness and love or a lifetime of self loathing and doubt. He had never felt as if he truly had a choice before, but this felt so different. The moment was charged with energy, as if the Mother herself were watching his every move and waiting to see what he would do next. As warm tears rolled down his cheeks, Azriel knew that the choice he made now would set him on a path that would change his life forever.
“Elain!” He called out as he threw the door open, his eyes catching on her silhouette through the rain. He rushed toward her, one of his strides matching two of hers until he broke into a run. Elain felt his thundering footsteps behind her and turned to him, his hands immediately moving to cradle her face, the hood of her cloak falling away as his lips crashed into hers.
Elain returned the kiss, one hand fisting in his shirt as the other slid to the back of his neck, a small moan escaping from her lips as they parted for his tongue. Azriel's chest rumbled as their tongues danced, the feeling of her in his arms silencing any doubts in his mind that remained.
“I can’t…” He said breathlessly as he looked down at her, still holding her face in his hands, the rain beginning to soak them both now. “I can’t tell you any of those things, not about Lucien, not about any male.”
“Why not?” she asked, her chest aching, breathing ragged now as she fisted his coat in her trembling hands.
"Because I won’t lie to you, El. He could never love you, no one, not in this life or in the next could ever love you more than I do.” He said, his eyes full of regret for trying to push her away before. “Please forgive me for hurting you, for saying that it was a mistake. For any stupid thing I've ever said or done to hurt you or make you think that I wouldn't give anything just to be near you."
"I do, Azriel, I do." She nodded, the rain masking her tears as her smile lit up and seemed to glow, even in the storm darkened night. She kissed him again softly, once and twice on the lips before a third deeper kiss, her fingers sliding into the hair at the nape of his neck.
They finally broke, his face in her neck, his shuddering breath warm on her skin, arms around her, pressing her into him, both of them shivering.
“You have no idea how much I want this, how long I've wished that we could be together.” he breathed, the agony and fear clear in his voice. She could tell he was crying, even as the rain disguised his tears. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. I love you, Elain.”
“Then lets have it.” she whispered, stroking his hair back, that flicker of hope in her chest reigniting. “If I have to steal time with you, I will. I’m not afraid to love you in the shadows until we’re safe to love in the light. I will always choose you, Azriel, I love you.”
He pulled back looking down at her, his hand resting at her neck, his thumb ghosting over her jaw. “Elain, it will be dangerous, more dangerous than you know and we’ll have to hide from everyone, not just outside this court. The Autumn court, Lucien’s ties to our alliances, there is so much I need to tell you, so many ways you could be hurt if this goes wrong.”
Realization lit her eyes and she nodded, a challenge accepted. “Then we will just have to be very careful, won’t we?” She asked, affirming to him that she would not be backing down, not now, not ever.
“Incredibly careful, love.” He nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he looked down at her, the decision made for both of them now. Elain, the gentle Archeron sister who chose peace over conflict, who followed orders without question-but not this time. This time, for love, they would both defy their family and when the time came, he would fight beside her and for her.
Her heart sang at his words and she kissed him, her heart seeming to glow and warm her as if it were on fire. “Us against the world then?”
“They don’t stand a chance.” He answered, kissing her back, the shadows pulling them out of the rain and back into the safety of their secret place where their game could continue though it had changed again.
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Elriel Month | Day 28: Against Your Morning Skin
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“Did I get that right?” He whispered to her with a charming smile.
“Perfect.” She whispered through her happy tears.
Azriel landed, it had been months since they’d been here together, their meadow. He set Elain down and he knew that her heart glowed the same way his did when they were here. They had spent so much time here together, first as the Seer and Spymaster, then as friends, building trust and affection until they had become lovers stealing time away for their trysts.
Elain held his hand, head tilting as she pulled him along to something new in their meadow, a cottage, it was so lovely that it seemed lifted straight from the pages of a fairytale, sitting atop the small hill that overlooked their favorite spot. “Do you think we’ll have to stop coming now?” She asked, looking up at him.
“Why would we do that?” Azriel asked, watching her as she neared the cottage, clearly enchanted by it.
“Well, I’m sure whomever built it isn’t interested in seeing us here in their meadow.” She said, smiling sadly, her fingers dancing over the freshly planted flowers. “Aww, they’ve planted Hydrangeas, those are-“
“Good luck and represent gratitude and happiness.” Azriel said.
“Yes, that’s right.” Elain said, smiling though there was a touch of sadness in it. “And peonies”
“For love.” Azriel added. “Chrysanthemums for longevity and harmony, and Marigolds for protection. There may or may not be a small patch of dandelions sprouting soon.” He added with a smirk.
Elain’s heart skipped as he took her hand, lacing their fingers together and placing a kiss atop hers.
“I thought you should pick the rest, it is our place after all.” He said, smiling down at her.
“Azriel…is-is this really yours? Ours?” She asked, eyes glistening with unshed tears. He nodded, silver lining his own eyes. “It is, if you want it to be.”
“Of course I do!” She said, throwing her arms around him. “Oh Az, I love it! Its perfect, its just, its so beautiful.” She hugged him tightly, crying into his chest, her heart overflowing with love for him. Azriel wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Lets go inside.” He said, smiling and opening the door for them, effortlessly lifting her into his arms and carrying her over the threshold. “Did I get that right?” He asked with a charming grin, knowing that he had when she laughed tearfully and kissed him. “Perfect.” She said.
Elain gasped in wonder as she took the cottage in, it was beautiful, like a dream-her dream. Tears pricked at her eyes again as she recalled stepping around the meadow and planning the perfect cottage for it, Azriel, patient as ever, sunning his wings as he listened to her ramble on.
“And I would put the bedroom here, so one could wake with the sunrise, wouldn’t that be lovely? Aaand the dining area just here and the kitchen there.” Azriel sat back, watching and listening as he always did as she described the cottage that she thought belonged here. She would apologize and get back to describing her latest vision shortly after, not realizing that he had tucked this information away for later.
Azriel set her down and she laced their fingers again, not wanting to let go of him. She pulled him along, to the bedroom, just where she said it should go.
“So we can rise with the sun.” He said, his rich voice full of emotion.
“Together? One day?” She asked, tears slipping down her cheeks.
“Soon, I promise.” He vowed, thumbing her tears away as he cradled her face in his hands. “Even if I have to shield this entire cottage to keep them all out.”
She covered his hand with her own, turning to place a kiss on his palm. “I love it, I love YOU, Azriel.”
“I love you too, Elain. With all that I am, my scarred heart beats only for you.” He said, kissing her softly. “And mine for you, always.” She answered.
Azriel leaned in, kissing along her neck before whispering something that made Elain’s core heat. She nodded and yelped as Azriel slung her over his shoulder and gave her an intimate tour of their new bedroom. Cottage christened.
The sun streamed in through the window, bathing everything that it touched in its golden light. Elain stretched and looked over to where Azriel lay, he looked so at peace and it warmed her heart that more and more he’d been sleeping peacefully through the night. For too long, his sleep had been plagued with dark thoughts and nightmares, now he could finally rest, finally be happy. Now he lay completely vulnerable with her, face half buried in his pillow, wings splayed, one draped over her, the other draped over the opposite end of their bed. Their bed. Elain couldn’t help herself as she moved to place a featherlight kiss on his bronze, tattooed shoulder. A smile curled at his lips and he groaned sleepily, pulling her closer until she was close enough for him to return the kiss to her sun-kissed shoulder, his thumb lazily stroking over her stomach.
“Good Morning.” She said, her voice near a whisper.
“Morning, petal.” He said, face in his pillow again.
Elain laughed and slid her fingers through his hair, her fierce Illyrian warrior with spikes of hair sticking this way and that. A low rumble came from his chest and she smirked.
“I didn’t mean to wake the beast…” she teased.
“Your touch always wakes the beast in me, love.” He said, turning to face her, a sleepy and contented smile making him look more handsome than she’d ever seen him.
“Its been a year, you know?” She asked, not sure if he would remember, she had gathered that most fae didn’t track many things, some not even birthdays, but Azriel wasn’t most fae.
He smiled. “I know. One year in our little paradise.”
“But not a secret anymore.” She said, smiling.
“No, not a secret anymore.” He said, bringing her hand to his lips, their fingers laced together.
“We should get up, we have lunch with the family today, remember?” She said.
Azriel grinned. “Shower time?”
Elain laughed. “If you get up now, then yes.”
Azriel’s wings slid tightly to his back as he groaned and stretched. He lay on his side, a lopsided grin on his face as he watched Elain slip out of bed. She paused in the door way, smiling back at him. “Are you joining me or not?” Azriel lept out of bed and followed after her.
Elain turned the water on, pretending not to notice Azriel leaning in the doorway, watching her. He was deathly still and quiet, but his arousal filled the room, his desire unmistakable. Elain stepped into the water, glancing back at him with a smirk. “If I have to get started without you, then I rescind my invitation.” She teased, gasping as he was instantly behind her, his hand splayed over her stomach, pulling her into him. She could feel his length pressing into her backside, the beast certainly was awake now. Elain slid her hand over his, smiling. “We’ll be late…”
“Mmmwe can multitask, I believe in us.” He said with a chuckle, moving her hair aside and soaping his hands up as he kissed along her shoulder.
Elain smiled, her lip clenched between her teeth as his hands moved to soap her breasts up, kneading them slowly, his calloused thumbs rubbing over her peaked nipples. Azriel captured her mouth in a kiss as she lay her head back on his shoulder, a dainty moan escaping as his tongue slipped passed her lips. His hands moved from her breasts, one sliding up to her neck, keeping her head tipped back and kissing him as his other hand slid down over her soft stomach. Elain trembled as he lightly brushed his fingers over her slick folds, gasping as he slipped a finger in, pressing and teasing that little bud that sent shockwaves through her entire body and made stars dance before her eyes. She clutched his arm, panting, but he kept going, pushing her further in delirium as he circled that bud again, pressing to elicit another gasp against his lips. He played with her for a bit before nipping her neck and turning her around, leaning her back against the shower wall as he dropped to his knees before her.
Soft panting breaths left her as she watched him, sliding her own hands over her breasts, knowing how much he loved to watch her touch herself for him. Azriel slid his hands up her thighs, cupping her bottom as he pressed his lips to her stomach, his kisses making her throb as heat pooled between her legs. He trailed his kisses lower and lower until he was running his tongue over her slit, the taste of her exploding on his tongue and shooting straight to his throbbing cock-they were definitely going to be late. He slid one scarred hand down her creamy thigh, guiding her leg up and over his shoulder.
“Azriel…” she moaned, arching against the wall, her fingers threaded through his hair now as he worked her with his tongue. He savored her sweetness and thrilled at how her body trembled as he brought her closer to the edge and then she was screaming his name as she peaked, dissolving into pleasure. Her panting mouth met his, hands in his hair, tugging his head back so she could claim him this time, her tongue begging for entry and caressing his as he rose, his arms wrapping around her, his length pressing against her. He could feel her smiling against his mouth, knowing they weren’t done just yet. Elain forgot everything in that moment, nothing existed but Azriel now, his body, his soul, that commanding presence even when he was on his knees for her. She melted into him, her hands running over his muscled back, her nails pressing just enough to elicit at low rumble from his chest.
His thigh slid between her legs and she wanted to protest, to tell him that it was his turn now and she wanted to please him too, but she couldn’t stop herself from tilting her hips and pressing her aching sex against his muscular thigh. She lost herself in it, in the pressure between her legs, his hot breath on her neck, teeth nipping and scraping and those beautiful hands of his sliding over her back.
“Az. Az I want you, I want all of you.” she pleaded, panting.
“So bossy.” He teased, his eyes like molten gold as he slid his hands over her ass, picking her up and guiding her down onto his throbbing length. Elain wrapped her legs around him, hands gripping his shoulders tightly as she whimpered and finally took all of him in. That molten gaze of his set her soul on fire and threatened to consume them both as he pressed her against the wall, his thrusts rough and demanding. One of his hands tangled in her hair, guiding her head back so that he could bury his face in her neck, kissing, nipping and sucking.
Elain gasped and released a moan as his grip on her hair tightened. He grinned, covering her mouth with his, his tongue sweeping past her lips, she moaned against his kiss, nipping his bottom lip as he came up for air. He could barely breathe as she ran her petite hands over his back, her delicate fingertips playing a dangerous game as they danced closer and closer to his wings. He moved his hands to her hips, his fingers digging into her soft flesh as he quickened his pace. He growled, his voice so rough and commanding that it sent a thrill through her. “Come for me…fucking come for me, El.” And she did, all of his kisses and caresses building the pressure within her until only his command would allow it to be released, shattering her completely, his own guttural roar echoing against the walls as she fluttered and tightened around him and he emptied himself inside of her.
Elain pressed a kiss to his jaw, both of them still in a daze, eyes heavy lidded as their panting eventually slowed. “Like the first time, every time.” She said, a blush painting her cheeks.
He tipped her chin up, kissing her softly, no matter what they did, always ending it with sweet tenderness. “I don’t need to be your first, I’d much rather be your last.”
“Last, best, my forever.” Elain nodded, glowing.
Reluctantly and slowly the pair showered and changed and finally made their way to the River House.
“Finally!” Feyre called. “We were ready to start without you!”
“I’m so sorry, we lost track of time!” Elain called, rushing to the dining room, trying to keep the blush from her cheeks as Azriel followed close behind. Elain slowed as she made her way in, Azriel guiding her the rest of the way into the room.
“Oh my-what is all of this? Its so beautiful, are we celebrating?” Elain asked, looking around the room that was filled with roses of every color, more than they could have clipped from their entire garden. “This must be every rose in Velaris, Az-“ Elain froze as she turned to find Azriel down on one knee.
From the corner of his eye, Azriel could see his family scattered around the room. Feyre and Nesta watching with tears in their eyes, both having given their permission in absence of their father.
Azriel pressed a kiss to Elain's knuckles, his hazel eyes gazing up to meet her tear filled amber pools. “Elain Archeron, I want nothing more than to love you until the end of forever. Will you marry me?”
“Oh Azriel…” Elain breathed, fighting tears as she nodded and tearfully exclaimed, “Yes!” throwing her arms around him and kissing him. Azriel returned the kiss, his heart pounding as he stood and wrapped his arms around her tightly before they slowly parted, gazing into each others eyes.
“Did I get that right?” He whispered to her with a charming smile.
“Perfect.” She whispered through her happy tears as he slid the dainty diamond ring onto her finger, two smaller sapphires standing guard on either side of it.
Azriel pulled her close, pressing one more kiss to her lips before they were pulled back into the excitement and happiness of their family. She may be fae now, but Elain’s heart would always be human and Azriel swore to himself that he would give her all of the things she’d wished for as a human and more until the end of forever.
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