#elsa replies
comickergirl · 4 months
Ghost on the wire elsa for the requests?
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elsannafondue · 8 months
Do you think Elsa likes to kiss all the freckles on Anna's face?
just the ones on her face? I think Anna gets so many freckle kisses that she has to start carrying tissues, just to wipe away Elsa's lipstick 💋
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thefreshprinceofjunes · 6 months
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onbearfeet · 21 days
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Did a bunch of Elsa face studies because I am bad at faces and she deserves better (and Gael's face looked harder).
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gunthermunch · 1 year
Would max have absolutely adored playing pranks on ernest based on his reactions? From what I have read in the prologue, ernest was very much the fun playful animated dad
YES but also no matter how far max could go ernest would always say aha! that was a good one little guy 😁👍 and max would just
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and then he'd just hang around because he actually thinks ernest is pretty neat
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murdockmeta · 1 year
The earth-65 symbiotes are such a fascinating species! Not just the synthetic ones but the hint that the more well known ones and just the contrasts between the two. Gwen’s eats whatever she does but needs things like cellulose to survive meanwhile the organic ones only feed on brain chemicals such as adrenaline and phenylalanine. Anyways ever think about how Elsa Brock and technically Matt Murdock are Venom’s parents in Earth 65?
thank you for all this interesting information, thats something I'd honestly never noticed before but i also dont really know a lot about symbiotes lol. thats really cool!!
also OKAY LISTEN LMFAO in e65 circles I only ever really hear people talk about Matt's scenes with Cindy Moon when it comes to addressing Matt's canon non-platonic interactions and I honestly think Elsa Brock is way too overlooked on this front
the relationship that we are shown in only a handful of panels is waaayyy more interesting than anything we are given about Cindy and Matt.
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Matt approached Elsa, told her he was going to mentally manipulate the Manhattan DA into becoming his personal pocket square, told her he was working with spider woman, told her he was going to go after Norman Fucking Osborne to manipulate and scare the hell out of him, and then told her that he wanted to fund her symbiote project to be the pretty bow wrapping everything together
and she fucking loved it
NOT ONLY WAS SHE ON BOARD SHE WAS FUCKING EXCITED, SHE WAS ESTATIC. she heard "I want to fund your batshit project to create an organism that's extremely dangerous and unstable" and she started FOAMING AT THE MOUTH
I kinda loved Matt and Elsa's relationship and I wish we got to see more of it. They had more chemistry in a single panel together than Matt and Cindy had in the entire kiss they shared. They both love putting on a show, they're both evil (actually, i think elsa's worse than matt to a degree), and they both love controlled chaos.
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another detail I enjoyed was that Matt very much lied to Elsa about his true intentions w the symbiote.
in the scene with Osborne, he lays the whole plan out to Norman and Gwen. about the symbiote and harry and everything. and that had kinda seemed to be the original idea until:
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first of all, love the banter like genuinely its so fun. second, I love that we find out the reason Elsa is angry isn't because she doesn't like working with Matt due to his reputation or because she feels bad about it. in fact, I think she couldn't care less except for when it comes to how it affects her own career.
She's angry because Matt acted like he was going to keep their true intentions for the venom secret until after it had already worked only to TELL SPIDERWOMAN LITERALLY EVERYTHING.
Elsa was involved in this whole thing because not only did it benefit her research but she also like that it was evil lmfao. like she couldn't understand why Matt would reveal so much to Gwen or even why Matt would want to infect Gwen w the symbiote since Matt already had a way to easily control Gwen through using the "power-up" isotopes.
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this whole scene she's basically saying "you wanted to be evil so why aren't you being evil???? we were supposed to be evil together Matt what the fuck????" And she's reasonably second guessing his intentions
what she doesn't know is that Matt was just using her to give Gwen her powers back. Matt didn't actually ever want to control Gwen. he had the hopes of maybe manipulating her into killing him but there were just enough holes in his plan that him failing feels very intentional.
here I am once again pushing my agenda that Matt wanted Gwen to win. he knew the symbiote was going to consume Gwen but he also knew it wasn't a perfect organism. far from it. once again, a win-win situation for him. either the symbiote makes gwen kill him or the symbiote is just unstable enough that gwen can mold it into something that isn't consuming her, therefore making her stronger and better than before.
good day to you :)
edit: I just reread your ask and I'm starting to wonder if the symbiote was altered that way on purpose? (to have to consume cellulose, ect. rather than brain chemicals lol) cause both chemicals you listed promotes alertness, alters mood, and regulates body function. specifically phenylalanine is an extremely important amino acid. if the symbiote feeds on these, it takes them from the host. taking important neurotransmitters like that would inevitably cause a destabilization and deterioration of the host (ignoring the fact that the radiation would probably kill them first). Matt certainly didn't want that for Gwen, right? he wanted the symbiote to fuck w her but not like. destroy her. he wanted to keep the mood enhancing qualities while stripping away the more dangerous aspects. gwens already immune to the radiation but the venom needed to be altered to feed on something that wouldn't harm gwen. matt wanted Gwen to have a chance to fight the thing off before it completely took control. he was ACTING like he wanted it to take her over but if that was true he would've left the symbiote in its more organic form. or something closer to it.
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khihi · 8 months
Btw that wasn't a morph of a horse and a hare, it was a bunny 🐇🐎 HARES ARE MY PROBLEM
(bunnies are also a problem <- just to keep my official standpoint)
but why would you have a problem with tombunny with evidence like this? 🥺
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a-hell-of-a-time · 1 month
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"For the last time: I cannot 'let it go' if I do not know what exactly it is you wish me to dispose of."
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futurelabs · 7 months
What are some real life objects you'd like to have in game?
Do you have any EP/GP/SP ideas that would never happen but a girl can dream...?
Hello!! ✨ I would love to see a functional wall phone and reclining chairs as well(I know we have the first as cc, but I’d love to see ea create new interactions for it!!)
A pack I would love is a mixture of ts2 free time/ ts3 ambitions pack, it would bring a lot more gameplay wise stuff and a sort of Bon voyage remake?? Now that we can create rent houses we should be able to make hotels 🏨💗
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alfea · 5 months
i’m reading all is found which is an anthology of frozen short stories and i’ve only read two so far but i’m having a great time
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h3k3t · 2 years
jack russel vs spooky black cat on street who's winning
You know what, bestie? I have the perfect video to explain how it will turn out:
(personal note: this video for me also represents the dynamic between Jack and Elsa 😂😂)
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budgie2budgie · 7 months
Please answer to this ask with a list of six (6) of your OCs and wait for further instructions.
ok! 😃 warren, arif, moss, elenore, ali aaand karlotta!
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gatutor · 2 years
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Elsa Martinelli
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mysimsloveaffair · 2 years
Helloooooo! This OC prompt will take some time (maybe) so no rush! Take your time! Take your OC to CAS and give them a look that's VERY out of character for them. Something they would NEVER wear but would look decent on somebody else. Have fun, sul sul!
Thank you so much for the ask, Elsa! This ask is the distraction I needed because I’m still afraid to open up my game. 😬 🤣
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Peri loves being a “granny,” but that doesn’t mean she wants to look like one. You’ll never catch her in anything like this. It’s not colorful enough, and it makes her look too matronly. 
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Kai’s father, Craig, had no problem embracing the traditional Sulani style of dress. Although Kai was born in Sulani, he cannot imagine donning anything even close to this. (I think he looks good in it. He has the body to pull it off). 
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Me-Me is not above wearing a nice crop top or even some very short shorts, but she still tends to lean towards a more conservative style of dress. Even a very sexy night out with Kai wouldn’t inspire her to go with something as revealing and flashy as this.
This was so much fun. Thanks again! 
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gunthermunch · 1 year
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Hi ai! I realized Elsa doesn’t get the amount of appreciation she deserves so I wanted to draw her 👉👈 I hope you like it! I love your story so much and I hope you have a very good day hehe 💛 I tried to give her the elsiest outfit I could find
AAAAAAA HELLO????? SHE'S SO CUTE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! i love LOVE her fit😭😭💕💕💕
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archaeopter-ace · 1 year
Elsa is about five seconds away from finding a necromantic ritual to revive Ulysses and beating him to death again herself.
With his own femur, no less!
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