#elyana vypren
hollowwhisperings · 1 year
The Real Housewives of Westeros: Wives & Widows Frey
I saw the Joke and Ran With It. Most of these women exist as Names Only, few having much in the way of Personal Biography. I have "Made Do", when plausible, by connecting them to Each Other &/or to Better Known Characters. As their ages are generally Not Given (or are of Ridiculous Range), feel free to HC them as the Reality TV Stars of Your Choosing: my knowledge of such shows ends with their having Fun Titles & Dubious Authenticity.
CW: spoilers on canoical character deaths (TWoW excerpts included), reference to the Red Wedding ("RW"), implications of infidelity (& thus in-setting slutshaming), mentions of canonical cousin-incest (& occasional debunkings thereof), casual speculation on Theories of Varying Degrees of Crackiness (largely shoved into As Yet Unposted "Footnote" Posts but I may have Missed Some).
The (As Yet Unwidowed) Housewives of House Frey
• Lady Joyeuce Erenford of the Crossing, b. 282/283 AC (17). The 8th & current wife of Lord Walder Frey (92). Pregnant, allegedly by "Black" Walder (a great-grandson of her husband). Expectant Widow.
• Janyce Hunter, wife of Edwyn Frey (Heir Apparent of Lord Walder Frey). Mother of Walda (9~10, 2nd in line to inherit The Twins). Expectant Widow & Prospective Bride of "Black" Walder Frey (...assuming he doesn't claim his Nieces as his bastards, delegitimizing them all). Of unknown relation to the current Lord Hunter of Longbow Hall (while a Rosby-Frey does serve as that Castle's Maester, Janyce married into the Royce-Freys).
• Deana Hardyng, wife of Walton Frey (a character in Name-Only). Mother of Steffon "the Sweet" (20~40), "Fair" Walda (19/20) & Bryan (9~19, a squire). Of unknown relation to Ser Harrold Hardyng, likely an aunt or cousin.
• Lady Genna Lannister of Riverrun (55), wife of Lord Emmon Frey (RW participant). Only sister of the late Lord Tywin Lannister & a maternal figure to his 3 children. Mother of Ser Cleos (killed pre-RW), Ser Lyonel (27~32, likely RW participant), Tion (murdered pre-RW) & "Red" Walder (15, a page at Casterly Rock). Goodsister of Perriane Frey. Expectant Widow (by her own husband, no less!).
• Melesa Crakehall, wife of Ser Lyonel Frey (likely participant in the RW). Without issue. Her husband is 3rd in line to inherit Riverrun & 15th in line to inherit The Twins. Goodsister of Jeyne Darry. Of unknown relation to Shiera Crakehall (wife of Ser Damion Lannister, the current castellan of Casterly Rock), Lord Roland of Crakehall (for whom both Merrett Frey & Ser Jaime Lannister squired in their Begrudgingly Shared Childhood) or the late Lady Amarei Crakehall (3rd wife of Lord Frey). Her husband is of the Royce-Freys (the line of Lord Walder by his 1st wife, Perra Royce), Just In Case you were Worried.
• Ryella Royce, wife of Ser Arwood Frey (a Schrodinger's RW participant). Mother of Ryella (6), twins Androw & Alyn (4) & Hostella (~1). Probably a daughter of Lord Yohn Royce & thusly the "Goodsister" of Ser Mychel Redfort. Of unknown relation to the late Perra Royce and her line of Royce-Freys. Her husband is of the Crakehall-Freys, just in case you were Worried.
• Lady Lythene Frey, wife of Lord Lucias Vypren (RW participant). Mother of Elyana (19~37) & Ser Damon (18~36). Goodsister of Bellena Hawick, Betharios of Braavos, Wynafrei Whent, Lady Mariya Darry, Carolei Waynwood & Beony Beesbury. Likely RW Conspirator.
• Elyana Vypren (19~37), wife of Ser Jon Wylde (probable RW participant). Mother of Rickard (5).
• Betharios of Braavos, wife of Symond Frey (RW participant). Mother of Alesander the Singer (19~27), Alyx (18) & Bradamer (11, ward of a Braavosi merchant). Possible spymaster. Both her husband & eldest child have Disappeared: her son from the RW, alongside Olyvar & Ser Perwyn; her husband was last seen leaving White Harbour for Barrowton on a gifted palfrey*. As ever, I have Theories (noted far below, in Footnotes): notably, to me, none of her children are named for Lord Walder (a good guide on Which Freys have Ambitions, generally speaking).
• Wynafrei Whent, wife of Ser Danwell Frey (RW participant). Without issue, to the distress of them both. Of unknown relation to the Late Ladies: Sarya (5th wife of Lord Frey, one of Danwell's step-mothers), Shella (last Lady of Harrenhal), or Minisa Whent (mother of Catelyn, Lysa & Edmure Tully). She & her husband are guests at Castle Darry.
• Lady Walda Frey of the Dreadfort, b. 283/284 AC (16). Wife of Lord Roose Bolton (key engineer of the RW & Murderer of King Robb). Pregnant & Rightfully Terrified: the latest Victim in the Winterfell Murder Mysteries was her brother, "Little" Walder Frey (9), & she's been living with Ramsay Bolton. The Safety of the pregnant Lady Bolton is Motive for the Darry-Freys to "Turncloak" on their kin or, at least, Houses Bolton & Lannister. A Certain Northern Spymaster (recent escapee of the Boltons of Winterfell), may prove "Helpful" in this regard... assuming Littlefinger or an Envoy of "Aegon Targaryen" don't beat him to it.
• Beony Beesbury, wife of Ser Raymund Frey (murderer of Lady Catelyn Tully of Winterfell). Mother of Robert (17, an acolyte of the Citadel), Malwyn (16, an apprentice alchemist in Lys), the twins Serra & Sarra (15), Cersei "Little Bee" (7), & the twins Jaime & Tywin (<1). Her having "twin" sets of twins whilst living at "The Twins" likely aided in Inspiring the Ambitions of her husband & (presumably) herself. Of unknown relation to the late Jeyne Beesbury (wife of Rhaegar Frey of the Royce-Freys) or Lord Warryn Beesbury of Honeyholt.
• Leonella Lefford, wife of "Lame" Lothar Frey (key engineer of the RW). Mother of Tysane (8), Walda (5), Emberlei (3) & Leana (~1). Of unknown relation to Lady Alysanne Lefford of Golden Tooth. Goodsister of Sallei & Sylwa Paege, of Morya & Tyta "the Maid" Frey. Her involvement in her husband's [war crimes] is Unspecified but she does have a daughter named "Walda".
• Sallei Paege, wife of Ser Jammos Frey (RW participant). Mother of "Big" Walder (9) & the twins Dickon & Mathis (6). Likely a sister of Sylwa Paege (entry below Sallei's though I suspect Sylwa is the elder of the two). Of unknown relation to Ser Halmon (last known Head of House Paege) or Ser Robert (friend of Edmure Tully) Paege.
• Sylwa Paege, wife of Ser Whalen Frey (RW participant). Mother of Hoster (13) & "Merry" Frey (12). Likely a sister of Sallei.
• Morya Frey, wife of Ser Flement Brax (RW participant). Mother of Robert (10), Walder (7) & Jon (4).
• Roslin Frey (18), wife of Edmure Tully. Traumatised Bride of The RW. Currently a Pregnant Hostage of the Lannister-Freys of Riverrun. Goodsister of the late Ladies Stark & Arryn. Part of the Conditions for Ser Jaime's success in lifting the Siege of Riverrun was the Safe Reunion of Edmure & Roslin... as hostages in Casterly Rock (after she gives birth). Known to pray for a girl (lest a son get Immediately Murdered).
• The Schrodinger's Mother of Walder Haigh, presumably the living wife of Ser Harys Haigh (RW participant). "Exists" due to Walder (5) being of Legitimate birth; does not Exist due to her lacking any indication whatsoever of being Alive (or Dead).
The (Current) Widows Frey
• Mylenda Caron, b. 258~266 AC (34~42). Widow of Petyr Frey (RW participant). Mother of Perra Frey (6), 4th in line to inherit The Twins. Prospective bride of "Black" Walder, assuming he doesn't wed her Goodsister, delegitimize both their children (& their mothers with them) or, y'know, just Kills Them All (a fear of Edwyn Frey's). Potential claimant to Nightsong, where a Ser Rolland Storm is Lord (by the decree of King Stannis, due to the deaths of his Lord Father & legitimate half-brother) though their exact relation is unknown.
• Jeyne Darry, widow of Ser Cleos Frey (killed prior to the RW). Mother of "Ty" (12, heir of Riverrun), & Willem (10, a page at Ashemark). Goodsister of Melessa Crakehall (wife of Ser Lyonel of the Royce-Freys) & the Crakehall-Freys (children of Lord Walder by the late Amarei Crakehall, her relation to Melessa being unknown) through her elder sister, Lady Mariya Darry. Resents being "displaced" in the inheritance of Castle Darry (despite her rather comfortable position as the Future Regent of Riverrun).
• Perriane Frey (50's), widow of Ser Leslyn Haigh (RW participant). Eldest daughter of Lord Walder (by the late Perra Royce). Mother of Ser Harys (17~49), Ser Donnel (16~48) & Alyn (9~47, a squire). At least 2 of her sons participated in the RW. 22nd in line for The Twins. The relation of Lord Yohn Royce to the late Perra Royce (& thus the Royce-Freys) is unspecified.
• Zhoe Blanetree, widow of Ser Tytos Frey (killed outside the RW). Mother of Zia (15) & Zachery (13, student at the Sept of Oldtown). Goodsister of Kyra Frey.
• Kyra Frey (30-40's), widow of Ser Garse Goodbrook (RW participant). Daughter of Ser Jared Frey by his cousin, the late Alys Frey. Mother of Walder (10) & Jeyne (7).
• Bellena Hawick, widow of Ser Hosteen Frey (RW participant, killed in TWoW?). Mother of Ser Arwood (18~40). Goodsister of the Crakehall-Freys. Probable guest at Castle Darry.
• Lady Mariya Darry. Widow of Merrett Frey (RW participant). Mother of "Gatehouse" Ami (18), "Fat" Walda (17), Marissa (15) & the late "Little" Walder Frey (9). She & her children are Directly Responsible for my gaining An Interest in the Intrigues of the Frey Civil War.
• Lady Amerei Frey of Castle Darry (18). Eldest daughter of Lady Mariya Darry by the late Merrett Frey (RW participant). Twice-married & newly single, whomever wins Ami's Hand in Matrimony shall have Lordship (of Castle Darry). Her Loyalties & Tracts of Land are Actually Rather Important**, plot-wise.
• Carolei Waynwood, widow of Ser Geremy Frey ("drowned"). Mother of Sandor (14, a squire) & Cynthea (9, a ward at Iron Oaks). Probably a daughter of Lady Anya Waynwood, given her children's places within Lady Waynwood's Household. Both children are in attendance for the upcoming Tourney of the Winged Brotherhood at the Gates of the Moon (held for Lord Robert Arryn by the suggestion of "Alayne Stone"). If she yet lives, Carolei is likely sheltering with her Goodsisters at Castle Darry.
• Jyana Frey, widow of her cousin Ser Benfrey Frey (RW participant). Mother of "Deaf" Della (4) & Osmund (3). Goodsister of Roslin Frey.
Footnotes (links to Elaborated Tinhattery)
*Betharios of Norvos & Frey Pies: "They Were Ahorse". [Post upcoming].
**"Gatehouse Ami" & the Gate Next Door: How Wooing Darry Could Win Conquest of Westeros. [Post upcoming].
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Elinor Tyrell (b. approx. 286 AC): Daughter of Theodore Tyrell and his wife Lia Serry. She is the great-grandniece of Lord Luthor Tyrell of Highgarden, and the cousin twice removed of Mace Tyrell, Luthor's son and the current Lord of Highgarden. She is a lady-in-waiting to Queen Margaery and is betrothed to Alyn Ambrose, son of Lord Arthur Ambrose. Fancast: Lily Sullivan.
Elissa Farman (b. 29 AC): Daughter of Lord Marq Farman of Fair Isle and a favourite of Rhaena Targaryen, the eldest child of King Aenys I. She was a adept sailor. Rhaena wed her younger brother, Androw, after the accession of Jaehaerys I and left for Dragonstone with him and Elissa, displeasing her elder brother, Lord Franklyn, for he wanted Elissa to wed. Rhaena and Elissa's relationship turned sour when Elissa left Dragonstone and stole three dragons' eggs in order to finance her dream, a ship that would circumnavigate the globe. She built the Sun Chaser with the gold she received from the Sealord of Braavos for the eggs, and made for Oldtown, where she recruited three other ships and a crew for her journey across the Sunset Sea. Three years later, Eustace Hightower, a grandson of Lord Donnel Hightower, returned from the voyage, telling of three exotic islands they had discovered in the far west. However, when he turned around, Elissa and her crew went on and were never seen again. The Sun Chaser may have been seen many years later in Asshai by Lord Corlys Velaryon. Fancast: Hannah New.
Ella Broome (b. approx. 30 AC): Younger sister of Lucinda Broome, who became Lady Tully of Riverrun through her marriage to Prentys Tully. She was briefly suggested as a marriage candidate for King Jaehaerys I, but Jaehaerys defied the wishes of his Hand and regent and married his sister Alysanne instead. Fancast: Felicia Day.
Ella Lannister (b. approx. 250 AC): A Lannister of Lannisport, wife of Damon Lannister, oldest child of Ser Jason Lannister, and mother of his only child, Damion. Damon was the older half-brother of Joanna Lannister, who married Lord Tywin of Casterly Rock. Fancast: Jessy Schram.
Ellaria Sand (b. approx. 260 AC): Bastard daughter of Lord Harmen Uller of Hellholt, and paramour of Prince Oberyn Martell, younger brother of ruling Prince Doran, with whom she has four daughters. She accompanies Oberyn to King's Landing and there witnesses his death during a trial by combat against Gregor Clegane. She opposes the idea of continuing violence to Doran, but is dismissed and returns to Hellholt with her youngest daughter. Fancast: Indira Varma.
Ellyn Baratheon (b. approx. 118 AC): Third daughter of Lord Borros Baratheon of Storm's End and his wife, Elenda Caron. At the start of the Dance of the Dragons, Ellyn or one of her sisters was betrothed to Aemond Targaryen as her father swore allegiance to King Aegon II. After the death of Aemond and the crowning of Aegon III at the end of the Dance, Ellyn was one of the girls suggested as a bride for Aegon after his first wife, Jaehaera, fell to her death. She attended the Maiden's Day Ball at which Aegon was expected to pick his future bride, and asked the king if he liked her gown. Fancast: Anna Kendrick.
Ellyn Caron (b. approx. Aegon's Conquest): Lady of the Marches, Lady of Nightsong, and Head of House Caron, she sent a force to fight against the Vulture King when he was raiding the Marches during the Second Dornish War. Ellyn and her fellow Marcher lords destroyed the Vulture King's host and were richly rewarded by King Aenys I. Fancast: MyAnna Buring.
Ellyn Ever Sweet (Age of Heroes): Legendary daughter of Garth Greenhand, founder-king of the Reach. She became the first beekeeper after making an eternal pact with the King of the Bees. She is said to be the ancestress of House Beesbury. Fancast: Frida Gustavsson.
Ellyn Reyne (c. 215-261 AC): Daughter of Lord Robert Reyne of Castamere, she was betrothed to Tywald Lannister, Lord Gerold's oldest son with his wife Rohanne Webber, and his heir. However, Tywald died in the Peake Uprising in 233, and so did Lord Robert. Ellyn then seduced Tywald's younger brother, Gerold's new heir Tion, and he broke his betrothal to a lady of House Rowan in order to marry Ellyn. Since Gerold had no wife, Ellyn became the ruling Lady of Casterly Rock in all but name and began a rivalry with her sister-in-law, the wife of Tion's younger brother Tytos, Jeyne Marbrand. Tion was slain in the Fourth Blackfyre Rebellion but his widow remained at the Rock. She may have attempted to seduce Tytos despite the fact that he was married, and so Lord Gerold married her to Lord Walderan Tarbeck, with whom she had three children. Tytos Lannister succeeded his father as Lord of Casterly Rock, and proved to be easily manipulated. Ellyn took heavy advantage of this and borrowed large sums of gold to rebuild Tarbeck Hall. However, when Tytos's eldest son, Tywin, came of age, he overruled his father and called in the debts owed by his bannermen. Some houses co-operated, seeing Tywin as the new era for House Lannister, but House Reyne and Tarbeck resisted him. This led to an escalation of the situation which eventually resulted in a full-scale rebellion against House Lannister. However, Tywin reacted quickly and ferociously, not waiting for his father's permission. After winning a short battle against the Tarbecks, Tywin executed Lord Walderan and his sons instead of ransoming them. He then besieged Tarbeck Hall, where Ellyn and her son Tion died after a bombardment with siege engines. Ellyn's three-year-old grandson disappeared during the fighting, probably killed at Tywin's command, and her daughters were sent to the silent sisters. Ellyn's brothers, Reynard and Lord Roger, holed up inside the mines of Castamere with their men and families, but Tywin flooded the mines and drowned every soul who had sought refuge there. This act established Tywin's fearsome reputation across Westeros, and the burnt-out ruins of Tarbeck Hall and Castamere were left standing as ruins. Fancast: Suki Waterhouse.
Elyana Vypren (b. approx. 270 AC): Daughter of Lord Lucias Vypren and his wife Lythene Frey, the second daughter of Lord Walder Frey. She is married to Jon Wylde and has a son, Rickard Wylde. Fancast: Urdur Bergsdottir.
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goodqueenaly · 6 years
House Words Wednesdays: House Vypren
Welcome to House Words Wednesdays! Each week, I take a House without known canon or semi-canon words and present what I think could make sense as that House’s motto. You’re free to suggest more as well, if your favored House has not yet been suggested; take a look at this link to see what has already been suggested, and shoot me a tweet or ask through Tumblr if you have another House you’d like to see done. 
House Vypren is a noble House of the Riverlands, among the many lordly Houses sworn to Riverrun. The Vyprens were originally Andals, come into the Riverlands from the Vale to dismantle the Mudd First Men kingdom and snatch up lands for themselves; Vorian Vypren, an Andal warlord, fought the three Darry sons for a day and a knight before emerging victorious, although the Darrys managed to slay hundreds of Vorian’s warriors before they themselves were killed. It is unclear where the Vyprens then settled (since it was clearly not at Darry, at least not permanently), but they were certainly establish as lords by the end of the Durrandon rule of the Riverlands (since the Vyprens threw their lot behind King Harwyn Hoare). 
The only other named Vypren of history is a woman, Sabitha. During the Dance, Lord Forrest Frey, who had once boldly asked for Rhaenyra's hand, fought on the side of the blacks; instead of Rhaenyra, however, he had married Lady Sabitha, a woman whom Mushroom calls “a sharp-featured, sharp-tongued harridan of House Vypren, who would sooner ride than dance, wore mail instead of silk, and was fond of killing men and kissing women”. How true Mushroom's account of her was is speculative at best; it would hardly be unlike Mushroom to exaggerate and sensationalize, of course, though I’d be willing to believe Lady Sabitha was at least commanding and self-assured, and perhaps not unwilling to don mail and ride to battle (Lord Forrest once being attracted to Rhaenyra, a woman of similar personality traits, and who was herself more than willing to mount her own fearsome dragon). 
The current head of House Vypren is Lord Lucias Vypren. While the Vyprens don't seem to be sworn to House Frey, the current Vyprens are certainly Frey allies: Lythene Frey, the second daughter of Lord Walder, is married to Lord Lucias, and has two children by him, Elyana (married to a Wylde) and Damon. Both Lucias and Damon were present at the Twins on the eve of the Red Wedding, being introduced to Catelyn by Lame Lothar Frey. It's unknown whether either Vypren man took part in the Red Wedding, but Lord Lucias was still with his Frey kin in AFFC, as he (unsuccessfully) tracked the Brotherhood without Banners following Merrett Frey's murder.
The sigil of the Vyprens is a black toad on white lily pad, on green. Toads enjoyed a rather poor reputation in the medieval period, being associated with witches (for whom they often played familiars), magic, and the Devil. Interestingly, though, it was thought that, since certain toads (specifically the common toad) secrete a poisonous substance from glands on their skin, they would also carry their own antidote. Thus the legend of the toadstone was born: a small hard stone, often worn in a ring or bracelet, that was supposedly taken from the head of a toad and would thus be able to neutralize poison. (In actuality, the stones were the fossilized teeth of members the genus Lepidotes, Mesozoic Era fish.) Shakespeare himself referenced this myth in As You Like It:
Sweet are the uses of adversity;
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head.
Bearing this in mind, I made the Vypren words Saving Our Own. As the legend of the toadstool relates, the toad is able to save members of its own species, using its “precious jewel” to make safe its own poison. This motto applies to Sabitha Vypren and her Frey husband as well - stalwarts for Rhaenyra and the blacks, who would fight to save their own acknowledged queen, the woman Forrest had once hoped to make his own wife (particularly Sabitha - a woman who would don mail and kill men in the name of another woman’s right to rule). Naturally as well, the current Vyprens have shown their willingness to rise to the defense of their own kin and allies of Frey. Having married into House Frey, the Vypren lord made sure to attend the bloody Frey triumph of the Red Wedding; having taken in particular Merrett's sister to wife, Lord Lucias attempts to save his bridal family's honor by tracking down his killers.
Let me know how you like these words for House Vypren. Next week begins a slew of Iron Islands Houses, starting with the key family of “The Prophet”.
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