#ella broome
skipper1331 · 1 year
best friends sister // Alessia Russo
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a/n: based off this request.
Alessia Russo.
Y/n Toone.
Two people.
One mutual contact.
Best friend - sister.
One common rule in the world: never date your best friends little sister.
And: never date your sisters best friend.
Simple? You might think.
Alessia Russo fell in love with you ages ago.
You fell in love with Alessia Russo years ago.
"Hi" shy Lessi smiled as you opened the door, "you look nic-" as the blonde was about compliment you, her chaotic best friend stumbled down the stairs. "Less! Hi, i‘m ready to go" the young girl said before she grabbed her purse, "we‘re out shopping" your sister told you as she pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek, "ew" your hand wiped away the spit of Ella as she grinned cheekily, linking her arm with Lessi. How i wish that i could kiss her, Alessia daydreamed, red colour covering her cheeks. When Ella pulled her out your shared flat, the italian turned around one last time to look at you, smiling shyly as you waved a good bye.
"why does she have to be so beautiful?" you muttered under your breath, closing the door. Your hand still rested on the door knob, your head falling against the wooden material with a quiet thud.
Movie night.
Sitting on the couch with popcorn on your lap, you had a brunette, known as annoying big sister, on your left and you had a blonde, known as a lovely girl, on your right.
20 minutes into the third movie of Pitch Perfect, you heard loud breathing next to you - Ella in dreamland. She could never go through a movie marathon without falling asleep.
As you went to grab more popcorn, too occupied by the movie to notice another hand in the bowl, you shrieked lightly when you felt something warm touch your hand. Ella stirred a little yet didn‘t wake up, drool running further down her chin. "Sorry" you mumbled, cheeks flushing red. "No, i‘m sorry, i wasn‘t looking. Please" Alessia pulled her hand out of the bowl, signing to you that you should take popcorn first. Smiling at her you grabbed a hand full, the blonde going back in as it was her turn now. The two of you fell in a quiet conversation about the movie and the characters as you still watched it. At some point, you rested your head against Alessias shoulder, her body tensed as she got flustered mess, heart racing, skin on fire. She didn‘t know what came over her - where the confidence came from but when she saw your hand resting openly on the blanket she interwined your hands. Nobody dared to say a word or let their eyes leave the tv, your cheeks covered in a blush, lopsided smiles plastered on your face as you simply enjoyed the moment.
Who knows If it‘ll ever come again?
The two best friends were in the living room of your apartment as they sat comfortable on the couch, each of them a glass of wine in their hand as you walked down the stairs all dressed up. Alessias breath hitched as she saw you, you look absolutely stunning. Out of reflex, she stood up, eyes wandering over your body, dotting around your curves until the blue orbs stopped at your face. "Wow" she said star struck, she couldn‘t believe the sight she had in front of her, "where are ya goin‘?" the older Toone asked as she eyed you skeptically, "i‘ve got a date" you stated while looking directly at Alessia. Her whole face fell at the word 'date', feeling as she was punched in the gut. The wine glass slipped out of her hand, shattering on the floor, her eyes not leaving yours. "D-date?" it took everything in her not to cry, she felt so hurt.
"Clumsy girl!" Ella laughed, herself standing up to get a broom to sweep up the broken pieces. She didn‘t realize what was happening in front of her eyes - her best friend just got her heart broken.
You left without looking back.
You didn‘t mean to hurt her in any kind of way - she looked sad when you left but why?
"Hello?" you answered the phone in the middle of the night.
"My pretty lady, hi" a sweet voice said - the voice you knew so well, the voice that followed you into your dreams. "Lessi?" you asked anyways, your brain not in its full function that early. "No it‘s Alessia Russo, Tooneys best friend" she clarified giggling. "I know who you are- why are you calling me" you looked at your alarm before you continued "at 2am?" she sighed theatrically, "just wanted to hear your sexy morning voice, i guess"
"Lessi are you drunk?"
"Absolutely! HA!" she laughed, jumping up and down at the location she was at.
"Where are you?"
"Hmmm, not gonna tell you"
"Alessia!" your voice got louder and stern. You didn‘t want her to get lost while she was drunk. She was already clumsy sober you didn‘t want to find out what happens If you let her wander around alone and drunk.
"Baby, one day you‘re screaming that"
ignoring her coment, you searched for an app on your phone. Your sister was heavingly annoying but right now you were more than thankful that she had installed a tracking app in case of an emergency - Lessi’s location included. Within minutes you were out of the house, sitting in your car as you drove to the destination.
As you saw the blonde happily jumping around near a club, your heart felt relief - she seemed to be fine. "Less" you said, stepping out of your car, walking towards her.
She threw herself on you, arms flying around your body as she contently greeted you, "looking absolute gorgeous, babygirl"
"What‘re you doing here?!"
"drinking and dancing!" she held her cup with some liquid in the air as she cheered. "Oh my- Lessi" your arm went around her waist as she stumbled over her own feet- not clear If it was the alcohol or her clumsiness.
Finally, buckled in the car seat, you took a seat behind the steering wheel. The radio was playing as you drove home, Ella at Joe‘s. The italian in no condition to be left alone. The whole way she brabbled about something as you occasionally answered with a humm.
At home, you gave her some of your clothes, helping her change.
Something was on her mind as she walked around the kitchen island with a deep frown on her face after she drank the glass of water which you had handed her. "Ya alright?" you asked, blocking her way. She marched over to the living room, standing at the exact same spot, she had stood once before - not enjoying it at all. "You had a date" she stated, "you had a fucking date!" her mood taking a turn, "you had a fucking date and I wasn‘t invited"
Utterly confused you asked, "What?"
"Why didn‘t you ask me?"
"On a date?"
"Yes" her face held the same sadness it had a few days ago when you saw her that night, "my heart shattered in more pieces than that stupid wine glass" she admitted, a single tear slipping out of her eyes.
"Alessia, what‘re you-"
"Stop talking!" with quick steps she was in front of you, walking you back in the kitchen as she trapped your body between her own and the kitchen island, her arms on either side of it, "i want you to be mine" she mumbled against your lips, an inch away, the smell alcohol hitting your nostrils. "I don‘t want you going out on dates, i don‘t want to know that someone else is making you blush - it has to be me! You have to be mine, please"
"Lessi, you‘re drunk, you won‘t remember any of this in the morning" you told her, breaking your own heart. The day finally came where she reciprocated your feelings and admitted it and know you had to tell her that it were drunk slurs.
"This isn‘t the alcohol!" her voice grew loud, "fucking hell"
You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply as you kind of soaked in the moment, "tell me in the morning and i‘m yours" you whispered, still with your eyes shut.
"Fine, i will" with an ease she picked you up and carried you to your bed, maybe she wasn‘t as clumsy as she was when she was sober. You were about to say something before she put her finger to your lips, shushing you, "don‘t say anything, baby, you’re sleeping in my arms - end of discussion"
Flopping on the free side of the bed, the striker made herself comfortable before she pulled you into her hold. It was new for both of you yet so familiar.
The two of you fell asleep within seconds, sleeping better than ever.
You were the first one up, strong arms wrapped around your body and gentle breaths hitting the nape of your neck. Turning in her hold, you took the chance to admire her, she looked so cute. It wasn‘t a rare sight for you per se, she‘s at your home all the time but something about her laying in your bed, holding you tight made it much more special.
You had to break the moment, though. If she really wants you, she would know without the clue of you being in her arms. You wanted to know: were it just slurs?
Slowly, you entangled your body, the blonde grumbling as nothing was in her arms yet still sleeping. you made your way down to the kitchen, starting to make breakfast as music was softly playing in the background. In your own mind, you didn‘t hear her come down the stairs, messy hair, cheeks puffed from last night. Her head hurt like shit, "mornin‘" she greeted, taking a seat on the stool. Wordlessly, you placed a glass of water in front of her, pills next to it.
"Thank you"
You hoped she would say something, say something about last night, about what she admitted.
In the meantime, she played with her glass, counting the left over water droplets, "you know," she started, the empty glass on the counter, "i still want you to be mine"
Your movements stopped, everything just stopped.
"I‘m sorry for last night but not for what i said, i remember everything and if my mind isn‘t playing some games, you‘re mine now" she walked around the island, confidence radiating from her body. Like last night, her arms wrapped around your smaller frame with her forehead resting against your own, "say yes, please. I can‘t stand a day with the knowledge you‘re going out with other people"
Your heart fluttered at her gentle touch, skin burning, "yes"
Ella didn‘t know a thing about the two of you, her best friend and little sister - girlfriends.
The last few months had been the happiest of your life, Alessia was an angel, treated you like a royalty, kissed you like you were her forever.
"Baby," the striker looped her arms around your waist from behind as she pressed soft kisses to the side of her neck, "looking stunning as always"
"Lessi" you giggled, interwining your hands as you swayed around, "my pretty girl, amore, the prettiest"
Both of you heard the door open way to late as a loud Ella Toone barged in, "Hi!" she yelled, you jumped away from Alessia, her hands leaving your body as she turned around to the cupboard, "oh hi Less" the Mancunian smiled, not seeing the interaction Alessia had with her little sister, "what‘re you doing here?" she asked instead
"Came to suprise you!" the italian lied, out of the matter of fact, the thing you had was something new and private, nobody knew. And to be honest, neither of you knew how Ella would react. Would she support you? Would she be angry?
"Oi! What‘s that?" Ella asked as the three of you sat like so often on the couch, her thumb flew to your neck, rubbing over the reddish mark. Lessi‘s hickey. Your hand swatted Tooney‘s away, holding your neck as a slight hiss left your throat. Alessia chocked on air - she got carried away last night when you visited her, "burnt myself with the curling iron" you stuttered, trying to cover your flustered and caught self.
"Are ya turning into clumsy-Lessi?" she laughed, smacking your thigh, amused by her own joke.
Thankfully, Ella didn‘t realize that there were no curls in your hair.
"What are you wearing?" your sister asked her best friend as they sat in the coffee shop.
Confused, the striker looked down at herself, "a hoodie?"
"From whom?"
Just now, Alessia realized it wasn‘t her own - yours. It was the first thing she saw this morning and in her groggy morning state she didn‘t recognized that it was yours. "Looks likes Y/ns" the midfielder added to her question as she took a sip.
"Uh! It‘s not yours?"
"Oh shit. The other day when i waited for you, i grabbed it 'cause it looked so cozy, didn‘t know it was hers" she rambled.
"Nah, no worries. We‘re family"
Alessia gulped, oh gosh, how is she ever gonna tell her best friend that she’s in love let alone in a relationship with her little sister?
It went on like this for half a year, Ella didn‘t know a thing. Both of you felt bad lying to her but on the other side you didn‘t know what to do.
Alessia loved you.
You loved Alessia.
And the two of you cared so much about Ella and her opinion. So every day that passed, the harder it got for you, the more your heart broke.
"Lessi, i don‘t want to her find out about us, i wanna tell her and everyone" you mumbled in her chest. "I know, baby, me too" she kissed your forehead with so much love as she held you close, "I promise we will tell her soon"
"Oh Less, hi? tooney asked as she opened the door.
"Can I come in?" the blonde asked, fists balling as she tried to stay calm.
"Sure! Ya don‘t have to ask"
In a firm voice, she told her bestie, "We need to talk about something" Ellas face growing pale, the striker never one to be this serious, "yeah sure, let‘s take a seat" she signaled to the couch, yet Alessia didn‘t move, "is your sister here?" ske asked instead.
"Yeah, she’s in her room. What is going on?"
"Y/n!" Alessia shouted so you would come down. She didn‘t talk to you about what she was about to do, what she was going to admit but she didn‘t want to lie to her best friend another day and she didn‘t want to hide her feelings for you either.
As you patted down the stairs, you saw your girlfriend with a determined expression on her face and a confused sister sitting on the couch. "Hi" you greeted. Nonetheless that she had a clenched jaw, she grabbed your hand in a gentle manner, pulling you in front of the couch where Ella was sitting.
"I‘m dating your sister" the italian stated firmly. As Ella was about to say something, she cut her off, "before you say something: i love her. And i know sisters are a no-go but i couldn‘t help myself." her voice grew shaky at the so thought end, "please don‘t hate me" she whispered as she looked at Ella who had an unreadable expression on her face. Shamefully, you looked to the ground, squeezing Lessi’s hand: you‘re with her.
Ella didn‘t say anything - she needed to gather her thoughts. After 5 minutes, you were a nervous mess, the same as your girlfriend, "Ella, we‘re so sorry. It- it just happened" you explained, trying to save the situation.
Like a robot, the young lioness stood up from the couch, both of you inhaling sharply, "I‘m so happy!" she exclaimed, arms swinging over your bodies, pulling you in a bear hug. You didn't expect that reaction but were more than happy with it, "that‘s so cool! My little sister and best friend! Less, you’re gonna be my sister-in-law"
Sighing in relief, you felt at peace, all the nerves washing off your body, "You’re not mad?" Less asked to be sure.
"Nah! i love this"
And she meant it when she said it, maybe she didn‘t know about it from very first day and as obvious as she can be, Ella saw your and Alessias mood change over the last few moths, both of you seemed much more happy and at peace. Even If she couldn‘t connect the dots, she was now your biggest supporter.
She sailed the ship Russo-MiniToone.
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strawb3rrystar · 3 months
Please,poly!maradures x reader where they get hurt in quidditch, like broke something, fractured, i dont really care, just something not really serious, but not something like a scratch or smth, ty!
Magic kisses.
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Pairing: Poly! Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter x GN! Reader
Warnings: Mentions limbs being broken, but nothing too extreme, reader is a chaser in this tho!!
Word count: 623
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Sirius Black: Broken wrist
Reacting to you getting hurt -> You fell off of your broom and broke your wrist. Nothing too bad, it would heal in a few months. But Sirius freaks out, thinking that you're going to die or something. He might break one of his own bones just to be with you in the infirmary. The others think he's being overdramatic, but Sirius believes he's being perfectly reasonable. Is the first one to write on your cast and he insists on decorating it with stickers.
Reacting to him getting hurt -> He broke his wrist, trying to impress you, but you weren't impressed when he ended up in the infirmary. He was whiny and complaining the whole time he was in there. You're the only one he lets touch him after he leaves the infirmary. He insists that you do stuff for him, even the stuff he can do it himself. He can get a little annoying, sure, but all he wants is for someone to care for him. And he deserves it too.
Remus Lupin: Fractured rib
Reacting to you getting hurt -> You fractured your rib. Which is definitely not ideal, but it could be worse. Your partners, specifically Remus, did not have the same thoughts. He refuses to leave your side when you're in the infirmary. Leaving James and Sirius to have to drag him out every night. And then he's pouting all night in his bed. He'll barely sleep and just worries about you all night and day. When you're healed enough to be moved back into your dorm, he'll do everything for you. Will practically be your personal maid, even if you ask him not to. He can't help himself, though.
Reacting to him getting hurt -> He fractured his rib during one of his monthly transformations. Of course you see him get hurt all the time because of it so you know how to react accordingly. You hold his hand while you two have long chats about your day in class. You'll do most of the talking while Remus lays there and soaks in every word. He gets very lonely while classes are going on, so he'll ask one of you, or all of you to eat lunch with him. I feel like he spends so much time in the infirmary that he picks up a hobby that he only does while he's in there. Like crochet. He might crochet himself a special blanket to use in the infirmary because he has nothing better to do when you're not around.
James Potter: Broken finger
Reacting to you getting hurt -> You were trying to catch the quaffle during a match, but you caught it in a weird way and broke your finger. It was more of a minor inconvenience rather than a major problem. Which is why James won't let you play quidditch until your finger fully heals. He goes on about how if you were reckless enough to get your finger broken, then you deserve punishment for it. But basically he's very much an asshole and babies you the entire time, even though you're fine.
Reacting to him getting hurt -> It was honestly no surprise to you guys when he got hurt. Of course you visit him in the infirmary because you're a good partner. Like Sirius, James complains a lot, and for no reason. He'll pretend to be in more pain than he actually is, just so he can get out of classes for a few days. Wants you to do everything for him he thinks he can't do it himself. Might guilt trip you a little with the fact that he can't play quidditch until he's healed and you can.
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Star's note's -> Guess who's my favorite to write (very hard addition)
(Thank you, 🇧🇻 anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @elmolovesw33d @helendeath @prettorett @ellae-ngel  @smutnyrobocikwrakiecie | Join the taglist
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starstruckwillows · 1 year
the snitch — cedric diggory ♡
requested by @converseonverse <3
cedric diggory x fem!reader, fluff, set in summer
you and cedric play quidditch, but the scales are most definitely tipped in your favour
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only five minutes of the game passed before you realised you were absolutely going to win. when your friends had split into two teams for the game in cedric’s acres, you didn’t understand their complaints at scoring hufflepuff’s seeker.
you did now. cedric and you hovered, looking for the snitch amos provided you with. more accurately, you were looking for the snitch. cedric hadn’t taken his eyes off you.
“cedric...” you chided, jokingly, and he just smiled. too sweet.
the summer sun put freckles on your boyfriend, as well as a lit grin. with his hair bathed in a honey tone, and eyes brightened by this, you were finding it extremely hard to reprimand him for not taking the game seriously.
“you’re never going to catch the snitch without your eyes.”
cedric shrugged, “i’m alright with that. my eyes are occupied right now.”
steering your broom closer to him, you teased, “and what would they be occupied with?”
“you, my love.”
you laughed, freely, and cedric wanted to hear that on repeat. he was too far gone for you, for which you called him out. all with a smile.
but you weren’t as unaffected as you joked to be. the flush in your cheeks, your wandering gaze, that proved it.
as did the golden snitch that had been circling you two for five minutes, while your friends had packed up and gone inside for lunch.
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🏷️ — @faeriieblush @it-be-me-ella
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inkbutterflyuniverse · 2 months
I was thinking about Descendants and Cinderella's family.
So many people were like "how can Chad be like that" and if we don't have a canon answer, I will make some hypothesis.
Before talking about Chad, we have to talk about the difference between the young Ella and her present version.
The younger Ella was sassy, she lived a hell of a life at home, and even at school she didn't have many friends. She was lucky to have Bridget as her friend.
The older Ella is calm, in love with her husband, believes that it was just a prank and that Bridget shouldn't have dramatize like that.
I already said in my review how I don't think they really were best friends, so I won't develop it again here, but if your BFF got pranked and humiliated, and that you're just like "relax, it was just a joke", then this is not a best friend behavior.
What I believe happened at that ball:
Ella was grounded, and the young Fairy Godmother bibbidi bobbidi boo her into a beautiful dress so that she can go to the ball.
(Why? Was it part of an exam, to help someone? Was she friend with Ella and it was never show? Did Bridget asked her? She certainly wasn't her godmother)
Because she wasn't supposed to be there, Ella didn't go with Bridget who was left alone in the ballroom. The prince sees Ella, and invites her to dance.
Then, for some reason, Uliana and his crew weren't caught by Merlin and pranked Bridget, making people either laugh or run when seeing her.
Humiliated by Uliana and his crew, and left alone by her only friend, Bridget grew up resentful. And then, when Ella appears in front of her (maybe the day after?) all she had to say was "it was just a prank" and telling how happy her night was.
So not only was she humiliated, but her friend dumped her for some boy she said she didn't like and told her that it was nothing.
Feeling like no one likes her, she closes her heart and decides that it's time to stop living in a world of fantasy where everyone will like you, because it's impossible. So, she decides that of she can't be nice and friend with everyone, she will be a ruthless leader that everyone will be forced to respect. That way, nothing like that can happen again.
My opinion:
No wonder she became like that. I feel like Uliana's prank wouldn't have had that much repercussions, if she had a friend to comfort her. I know some people won't like this, but for me, Cinderella was also the villain.
We know that Uliana was never nice to Bridget, and that people fear her, but Bridget still tries to be friends. Which means that Uliana's prank wouldn't have been the first time she did something. Probably the worst, though. And if her best friend wasn't here for her, it could explain why she turned like that.
Now, about the children:
We saw that Chloe had no idea of what was really her mother's life when she was younger. We see that she doesn't know how to wash the ground, as she wasn't comfortable with that broom in her hands. We saw her touching one item, breaking it, and just saying I'm sorry, believing it would fix everything.
We know that Chloe had good grades, that she volunteered, and that's why she got her new shoes. But as said by the young Ella, it's how she was raised, as a princess. A princess has to be good at school, she has to be nice and help the people who need it.
Chloe did what was expected of her, and she never questioned it.
Now, let's imagine that it's the same for Chad.
(Disclaimer: I didn't read the book Beyond the Isle of the Lost, but I've read a review, and that person was talking about the special chapter with the OG!VKs at Cinderellas Burgh. So don't hesitate to tell me if some elements are incorrect, it's just was I gathered)
From that book, Cinderella and Charming don't know how Chad really is. They believe he's a great person and they don't know about what he did at Auradon Prep (the girls doing his papers, siding with evil Audrey, breaking into Carlos and Jay's room...) but Chloe knows he's not that great.
Let's believe that Cinderella and Charming raised their kids so that they could be great royals. But they obviously forgot to teach them practical competences.
If they expect their children to have great grades, to help people, etc, and that for some reason, Chad had some difficulties. Using his charms, he flirted with girls, who did his papers, and then he got good grades. And his parents were proud of him. Then, after graduation, he decided to become a pro player in Tourney because that was the only thing he was good at. He didn't need someone to play for him, and none of his parents play that sport.
I want to believe that Chad had some pression, that he believed he had to be like that for his parents to be proud. If his younger sister was always that good at school, and that she was rewarded, it could have accentuate that feeling.
When we see him in Descendants 3, taking Audrey's side, we can see that he's scared, that he's nervous, and that he just wants to live. He doesn't want to be asleep like the others, that's why he offers her to be her minion. But he did nothing as a minion, and that's why Audrey locked him up in the cottage. Chad left screaming and running when Mal and Uma found him. He obviously developed claustrophobia (if he wasn't already claustrophobic, we don't know).
And at the end of the movie, Chad welcomed the people from the Isle, so maybe we could assume that it made him rethink his actions.
We know that Chloe is the heir to the throne, and there's no way Chad's parents would have remove it from the succession because they don't know how he behave. So, maybe Chad's high school experience made him rethink of his future, and he decided that he didn't want to become king.
So, what's my point?
I won't say that Cinderella was a bad mother, because it isn't true. But I believe that she was very focused on being a Royal, and that she didn't wanted to be like her stepmother. So she never taught her children anything outside of being nice, and being royal. She didn't taught them how to wipe the floor, how to dust, how to wash their clothe... things like that.
I believe that being with her prince changed Ella. The snarky teenager disappeared, and she did everything to fit in the royal family. It's like if Prudence in Cindrella 2 achieved making her a real princess. And that she stopped to cook, and to sew, and to visit her friends in town.
In conclusion, Cinderella changed as she grew up and maybe it wasn't for the best.
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whatsmyname-uma · 2 months
Castlecoming—The Not So Wonderful Transformation of Bridget Hearts:
At The Tremaine Manor:
Ella is on her knees scrubbing dirty laundry against a rusted washboard, disappointed that she was unable to attend Castlecoming with Bridget like they've planned.
Rambunctious clicks of heels stabbed the porcelain floor as Anastasia, Drizella and Lady Tremaine approached the opening, on their way to the dance.
"Have fun." Ella said spitefully, trying her absolute hardest to contain her emotions.
"We will." The evil stepsisters said in Unison before giggling and following their mother out the door.
Making sure that they were no longer around, Ella allows a few tears to hit the bucket of warm water filled with soiled garments that weren't even her's.
She continued to silently sob as she scrubbed until her fingers became numb, that's when the sound of a window shattering from behind made her spring onto her bare feet.
Ella shrieks before turning around, Fay standing in the window sill, just as surprised as she was.
"Fay? What are you doing here? And why would you break my stepmother's window?" Ella scolded her classmate, searching around for a broom.
Fay entered her home, "Oh I'm sorry, I tried to do a teleportation spell, but...." She shrugged.
Ella rolled her eyes, "You do know the dance starts in half an hour, why are you lurking around my house when my stepmom isn't here?"
"It's Bridget, she's worried that you won't be able to make it to the dance." Fay said.
"Well, you can tell her that I can't, I'm grounded and I'm stuck on laundry duty tonight, sorry." Ella said, feelings of disappointment and frustration pained her throat.
"B—but she's already at the dance, she's waiting on you—."
Ella cuts her off, "Look Fay, I already told you what my situation is. Even if —ouch." Ella winces in pain, realizing she has accidentally stepped on a broken window shard.
"Oh my!" Fay exclaimed.
"Look what you did! You shouldn't have come here." Ella shouted in pain.
"Ella please, let me help." Fay sat her down, frantically thinking of a solution.
"Trust me Fay, I think you've helped enough tonight, you can leave now."
Fay positioned her wand on the sole of Ella's wounded foot while whispering her signature incantation before a sparkly, golden light flew from it's tip, repairing the injury completely.
Ella is astonished as well as at loss of words, feeling for the glass in her foot.
"Just yesterday you were chasing down a book because of a failed spell, and now you're a healer....?"
Fay giggles, "I'm just as shocked as you! I had no idea I could do that, I guess I just have to stop trying so hard." She smiles.
Ella sighed, broom and dust pan in hand, "Anyway, I'm sorry I can't go to Castlecoming, all I have are torn, dirty clothes and a floor full of broken glass and nothing to wear."
"I may be able to help with that." Fay cheeses while grasping her wand.
Meanwhile at Castlecoming:
Bridget's ears are filled with the blaring sound of dance music as she sits alone, her head down with her hands in her lap.
Everyone around her dancing and having fun while she mopes, praying that Ella would turn up soon.
"What's the matter princess?" Someone says from behind.
Bridget whips her head to see Uliana and her posse appear out of thin air.
"You're sad because no one wants to dance with a loser like you?" Uliana cackles.
"Actually, my date is on her way, she should be here any minute." Bridget smirks.
"Your date?? You mean the peasant girl? Please, She's probably somewhere making out with that hot Charming kid."
"Yeah, he is pretty hot." Morgie chimes in.
"Quiet." Uliana says.
Bridget stands up, "No she's not, she's probably looking for me now so maybe I should go find her, toodles."
As Bridget turns her back to leave, Uliana gives an evil grin, "Yeah you go find her alright, maybe even help yourself to a little.... treat." She says knowing that her perfect revenge will be fulfilled.
"Wow Fay, I never knew you owned a motorcycle." Ella says as she hops off the back of the girl's pumpkin themed vehicle.
"Oh no this is not mine, I borrowed it without asking."
"That's called stealing...."
"Well, it was for a good cause?" Fay nervously chuckled leading Ella into the entrance of the dance.
"Hey!? Who did this to my bike?" Hades hollered, Ella and Fay immediately flee the scene.
They're stopped at the entrance by a tall handsome figure, decked out in a gold and white suit and a man bun.
"Charming!" Ella said, looking around nervously.
"Well look who decided to change her mind! What happened to Castlecoming being an outdated, elitist tradition?"
Ella began to fidget with her butterfly charm bracelet to take her mind off the butterflies in her stomach.
"Well, I was sure I was going to pass on tonight until I was dragged here by a certain somebody—." Ella turned around to see Fay swiftly scurrying away.
Charming laughed at the annoyed look on Ella's face, "Um, you look beautiful by the way, I love your dress." He says.
Her cheeks instantly turn red, "Really? This old thing? Stop it."
"No I'm serious, you wanna go get a drink or something?"
As he clasps Ella's hand she completely forgets why she came in the first place.
"Sure." She replied in delight.
Various assortments of lights filled the school's gymnasium as speakers blasted and kids rushed around from all areas, except Bridget.
She patiently waited for the DJ to call on her to perform her routine that she's been working on for weeks, The shuffle of love.
All she had was her deck of cards and the hope that Ella would show up, enthusiastic to see her performance.
To remain optimistic, Bridget walked over to the snack table to only find a single cupcake left, which was strange.
"Wow, these kids sure can eat." She said to herself, her actual accent slipping.
Before she walked back to her seat she could see Ella in the distance, absolutely gorgeous as she knew she'd be.
Before Bridget had the chance to wave and call out to her she could see the Prince, the same boy Ella has been gushing over since freshman year.
Bridget's heart sank to her toes, the only reason she was here in the first place was to hang out with her best friend, only for her to ditch her for a boy.
Even more lonely than before, Bridget took a bite out of the sugary dessert in an attempt to cheer herself up when the DJ spoke from a microphone.
"And now, by popular demand, we have a special performance from a special student that we all know and love. Bridget Hearts of Wonderland and her song Shuffle of love!" His echoey voice spread throughout the whole room.
Bridget, naive as usual, swallows the huge clump of frosting in her mouth and makes way for the stage, unaware of what was about to happen.
Before she could blink she was in front of the entire school, Uliana devilishly staring at her from the crowd which gave Bridget a strange feeling in her gut.
"Go Bridget!" Ella randomly yelled in the mix of people, Bridget gave an awkward wave to her.
The music started up as Bridget prepared to sing the first verse when a pain sprouted in her stomach.
She grabbed her diaphragm in agony but was determined to push through, she thought maybe she could shake it off when she reached the chorus.
Bridget continued singing when two green horns pierced through her forehead.
As she fell to the ground while her complexion turned to a muddy green color the crowd erupted in laughter, even Ella.
"Is this part of the performance?" Charming whispered to Ella.
"It has to be." She replied, ignorantly chuckling with the crowd.
The one laughing loudest of all was of course the young sea witch as her evil agenda was a huge success.
In an attempt to stand on her feet and regain control of her limbs, Bridget started violently vomiting a pink, foamy liquid all over the stage as she watched her friend laugh at her just like the rest.
Bridget felt as if her heart was being ripped from her chest through her throat, she then covered her mouth and ran off the stage in pure humiliation as mushrooms continued to form all over her body, she was a monster.
At this point Ella knew for sure that this was not part of the show but the work of a certain someone.
Ella angrily stomps towards Uliana to confront her, who is laughing to the point of tears with her gang.
"You mind explaining what you just did to Bridget?" Ella demanded.
Uliana was caught off gaurd and spawned her tentacles, "You mind getting out of my face, peasant girl?" She pushed Ella.
Ella was furious, she took off her glass shoe and bashed it against a nearby table and held the shard against Uliana's throat.
"What did you do to her!?" She yelled.
At this point, everyone in the crowd is staring at them, curious to see what's about to go down.
Uliana snickers for a brief moment, "Look around peasant girl, You're out of your league, you're outnumbered, I'll have my buddies torch you to where no amount of scrubbing, cleaning or medical treatments could reverse the damage." She whispered in Ella's ear.
Ella stared deep into Uliana's cruel, psychotic eyes, moved the jagged shoe from her larynx and ran to go find Bridget.
"Ella wait!" The prince called from behind.
"Not now, Charming."
By the enchanted lake is where the Princess of Hearts sat, bawling her eyes out as the bright pastel pink in her hair and appearance faded to a bloody, crimson pigment, establishing her wicked transformation.
Shaking, she finally started to feel the control of her body come back to her as the magical effects of what she just consumed wore off.
The sick, nauseating feeling still lingered in her body as she heard foot steps approaching.
"Bridget! Bridget are you ok?" Ella called out several feet in the distance behind her.
"Bridget?" She repeated, not receiving a reply.
Though the silence was deafening between the two, so much was being said.
Ella noticed Bridget's natural aura slowly withering away.
"Bridget say something, please"
"You laughed at me Ella, you laughed at me just like everyone else did." She sniffled over her words.
"B it's not like that, we all thought it was a part of your routine, I promise."
"You promise? Like the way you promised you'd come to Castlecoming with me but instead you stood me up then ditched me for some guy?"
"What? No! I wouldn't ever do that to you, just let me explain." Ella came closer to comfort her, "Bridget look at me."
Bridget turned to face her friend, Ella jumped backwards in fear at the sight of Bridget's sweet, bubbly image decaying as the final sparkle of kindness in her eyes died out.
"You know what Ella, there's nothing for you to explain, I now realize you see me as a joke, you all see me as a joke, but I won't tolerate it any longer." Bridget now spoke in a posh, English accent.
"Bridget why are you talking like that?" Ella was uneasy, timidly walking backwards as Bridget walked towards her, vigorously shuffling those god damn cards.
"You know what else Ella?" An unhinged wickedness polluted Bridget's demeanor and countinesnce.
"Ever since I got here, I so desperately wanted to be liked by you people so much so I changed my diction, made myself more friendly and took up baking as a hobby, now I'm wondering if it was all worth it."
"Bridget calm down, you're scaring me—." Ella pleaded.
"You should be scared! You all should be scared! You will all give me the respect I deserve, one way or another." Bridget's eyes pouring as she angrily fixed a card to be launched at Ella.
"Bridget wait!" Just then Charming pushed Ella from the cards direction as it landed on him, sending a magical shock throughout his lower body, destroying his left shin bone.
"Charming!" Ella desperately cried out, rushing to his side.
Bridget was still sobbing when she let out a deafening screach-like cackle, she knew she was going insane and she enjoyed the feeling with every inch of her being.
Ella glanced at what used to be her best friend, "I loved you Bridget, you were my friend, I stuck by your side when everyone treated you like garbage, how could you do this to me?" Ella cried in despair as the love of her life was trying to hang on to reality.
"Oh don't make this about you, It seems that you love him more than me, but let me tell you something, Ella."
Bridget gathered herself to walk away as she felt her own soul rotting from the inside out, she never felt more alive.
"Love and kindness is for the weak and the naive, it is better to be feared than loved." Is what she said to Ella before disappearing into the night, never speaking to each other ever again.
The Following week:
Bridget, in her new wicked attire challenges Uliana to a duel, the winner becomes leader of the Vks.
As arrogant as ever, Uliana accepts the deal and is surprisingly defeated by the fragile girl she took enjoyment in torturing just last week.
The vks accepted Bridget with open arms as their new leader, Uliana becoming Bridget's new friend/partner in crime.
Uliana, Bridget and the vks united in terrorizing Merlin academy up until graduation, when Bridget stabbed Uliana in the back by gaining Uliana's trust after all this time then ripping off her tentacles in revenge for what she did to her, for stealing her innocence and turning her into the great evil she now was.
Ella and Bridget never had the chance to reconcile with each other, their friendship went up in flames and nothing was left but a huge pile of crimson ash.
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reigenkills · 2 years
no Muerte x Reader? fine (thanos voice): i'll do it myself
ella enchanted + red riding hood reader, Death having a laugh
"I'm surprised you actually tried it."
You wince, instantly holding yourself still in the pose of dropping a match into a bowl full of spell ingredients. There is a fire burning in said bowl in front of you, but your shadow stretches ahead, looming over you, the summoning circle, and the stolen grimoire.
"It wasn't supposed to work," you say.
"It wouldn't have," says the thing casting the physics-bending shadow. "But I'm curious why you did it anyway when you knew it was a dud."
You eye the grimoire with a grimace, pride twinging in sympathy for the witch you'd stolen it from. She was a big-name witch too, real infamous in her circles. Of course you knew she was bullshit the second she started talking about being able to undo your curse, but some of her work is legit; and she might have tried to turn you into a toad, but you're slightly offended on her behalf.
There's a sniff (what? who just does that?) and then the shadow tilts its head. "Something's wrong with you."
"Isn't there with everyone?"
The shadow ignores you, instead stooping down - and a shot of fear bolts down your spine at the sudden wash of cold that hangs close to your back. There's that sniff again, and then, a voice right beside you says: "Oh, you're cursed."
Great. Rule number one of being a mercenary, never let your enemies smell blood. Or fear. Or uh, your curse, but apparently this guy can sniff that out somehow.
Then again, you should have expected this when you got roped into catching fucking Death.
It'll be a quick job, they said. Twenty minutes tops after snatching the great Evil Witch's spellbook and finding the spell to trap Death. Nevermind the fact that every witch worth their broom calls themself an Evil Witch these days, of course, and you had to go through several hundred censuses to figure out which one was your mark.
And then there's the fact that you're supposed to be catching Death. Fucking hell.
"Curious," says Death. Honest-to-goodness Death. What the fuck. "If you knew it wasn't going to work, and if you're already headed my way with that curse, why go through with the spell?"
"Shouldn't you know?"
"I'm Death, not Knowledge," he says. "Trust me, you'd know the difference between me and that nerd any day."
To your mortification, you can't stop the godawful snicker that joke gets out of you. You slap a hand over your mouth to muffle the noise.
Death snorts. "Tell me."
"I was ordered to trap you," you automatically say, and then clench your teeth in frustration, frowning. This damnable curse of yours.
"Oh?" Death moves, smoothly gliding from behind you to your side; the movement instantly draws your attention to him and - oh shit.
"What red eyes you have," you whisper, freezing under the brightness of his stare. With his hood pulled over his head, they're about the only thing you can see of his face, save for his snout, and the rows of large, sharp, teeth.
"The better to see you with, my dear." Death grins. "Was that your curse?"
"What was?" You swallow. "I'm just not used to meeting new people, I'm a nervous blabber."
"Tell me the truth."
"Yes, it was," you say, and then make a noise of frustration, clenching your fists.
"Look at that." If it were possible, Death's grin widens, effectively baring his teeth not even two inches away from your face in the process. "Isn't that interesting?"
"It's really not."
"Oh, but it is," he says. "How'd you get it? Parents not pay off their debts when it was due? Throw a rock at a bird and anger its patron? Or did you cut out the middleman and piss off fae?"
Spitefully, you keep your mouth shut, teeth grinding together in the effort. Death only snickers, narrowing his eyes in amusement.
"I could always just ask you to tell me," he says. "I don't have to be polite to someone who was trying to trap me."
"I knew it wouldn't work."
"You tried it anyway," he says. "And if you're gonna blame it on your curse, then let me understand exactly how this works."
Your gums are starting to hurt from how hard your jaw is clenched. Your glare up at him as pettily as you can manage, but the motherfucker doesn't look away, doesn't even blink while you glower at him.
Fucking eldritch entities.
You sigh.
"I was…cursed," you say, then, amend: "Gifted by fae when I was a baby. The gift of obedience."
"...cause she thought it would be a nice gift," you grumble. "Except - you know - that's nice when you're like, five or something, but not when…" You make a haphazard gesture with your hand.
Death eyes you up and down, though his gaze lingers over your shoulder and above your head, like he's seeing something only he can sense. You try your best not to shrink under the intensity of his gaze.
After a while, he says, "Pat your head."
Your hand automatically flies up to pat your head.
The piece of shit has the gall to laugh.
"Asshole!" You get to your feet, kicking the bowl of still-burning summoning ingredients at him. Who gives a shit if it's Death. The ass just laughed at you after telling you to pat your head like a chump. Sadly, he barely has to pay attention to dodge the metal bowl as it flies past him.
"You had to run around looking for that witch and nearly get turned into a worm," Death says, "Because of a gift of obedience?"
He breaks into another round of cackles at that, all seven feet or so of him doubling over in laughter. Your hands twitch for one of the guns in your holster, but no matter how irritating he is, it's probably not a good idea to shoot Death.
"Very funny," you seethe.
"It is," Death says, "It's hilarious."
"Yeah, well, let's see you laughing when someone figures out they can tell me to try and kill you or whatever," you grit out. "I can't control it, you know."
"Mm. I'd just tell you to not do that, after you tire yourself out. Way more fun that way," he says, snickering.
He turns to where the remnants of the ingredients bowl have scattered, still burning away - because the magic might have been wrong, but it's still magic, so the damn things haven't burnt to ashes yet - and inclines his head down towards it. The flames instantly snuff out.
"Stop trying to trap me," he says, and you instantly feel the command contradict your last directive, strain against it, and break it down. Your limbs loosen; you unclench your jaw. "You should probably move continents or something. Far Far Away still has mercenaries."
"You're not gonna kill me?"
"I don't kill," Death snorts. "I collect. The affairs of the living aren't my concern - until they are, at least. Some kid getting their curse used against them hardly concerns me."
The wording has you narrowing your eyes at him again. "And my…employers?"
He grins again, and you wisely back off at the sight of his teeth. "That's up to me to decide, isn't it?"
"I guess," you say. "You need addresses or anything?"
"Nah," he says. "I'm Death, kid. I'm everywhere."
This time, you snort, crouching to pick up the grimoire on the floor and tuck it under your arm. If you're gonna move continents to a place where nobody knows your curse, you're gonna need way more leverage than you usually do. "You just said you weren't Knowledge - "
You blink as you straighten, finding yourself alone in the barren, empty room. There's no looming figure, no overly bright red eyes. Just you.
You were visited by Death and he didn't kill you. Laughed at your plight, yes, but you're alive and kicking.
Probably best not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Or a wolf in the maw. Whatever. You should start packing and getting the hell out of here.
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conversationsofyou · 1 month
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                Chapter One:
The Only Living Boy In New York
"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world." 
~Marilyn Monroe
Song: Manhattan by Ella Fitzgerald & Buddy Bregman
Present day. 
The perfect ringlets that form naturally at the ends of Harry's hair, which were there this morning, have metamorphosed into effortless beachy waves most people envy. The usual result from Manhattan humidity and overly fussing about with his fingers. It's a shampoo commercial moment as it falls against his back.
Harry squeezes the bridge of his nose, a temporary relief from sinus pressure. "Are we done?" he asks with his eyes closed.
He wonders if Zayn would notice if he took a kip on the chaise by the toilets. 
“Never,” Zayn responds whilst his nimble fingers sort through a display of Celine totes.
He would.
To Zayn's dismay, Harry's met his limit of consumerism for the day. He typically loves to shop; specifically when it's time to restock his art studio. Although, he's accustomed to leisurely drifting in and out of thrift shops and vintage boutiques. He allows clothing and accessories to find him. This… this has been an Olympic event. Zayn warned him beforehand that his rookie status wouldn't be tolerated today.  
After an extensive marathon of pampering and excess, Harry's eager to go home and decompress from their shopping extravaganza. He loves Zayn fiercely, but Harry's borderline fatigued. This is the sixth or tenth store they've been to; he's lost count. Each one, serving a different purpose. Zayn had to explain this to him, like he did at the last three stores. 
"This isn't one of your nifty thrifty's, darling. There's no one-stop shop for all our needs. Well, maybe Bergdorf's." 
A crash course in fashion's utility as such has been mentally and physically strenuous. If they’d concluded this field trip after facials at the spa and mimosa brunch, Harry’d be in complete nirvana.
However, the tranquil mood a much needed massage had granted him has now been replaced with extreme tension in his muscles. His sciatica keeps jolting his nerves into spasm and his toes are most definitely numb. He would've worn trainers instead of his beloved boots if he knew it was going to be this intense.
"It costs a lot to be this beautiful," Zayn throws some more fortune cookie wisdom his way as he picks up a Louis Vuitton bum bag. 
"I lost my soul somewhere between Mercer and Broome," he responds dryly.
"We can't all be as cool as you." 
“Matt got this shirt for me in Tokyo,” Harry tugs at the end of a vintage Queen t-shirt from the eighties. 
Zayn looks up at him and smiles softly. “He had the best finds. I know it's sentimental, but I also know for a fact that Matt would've told you to buy whatever the fuck you please after selling out your first exhibition. This is a triumph for you. You're allowed.”
"I've bought some things since then." 
"Interior design excluded." Zayn's mouth twitches. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Harry concedes. "So, what's on the menu here?" 
There's no other option than to swim with the current force that is Zayn.
He looks at Harry, contemplating his wardrobe journey. "This place has phenomenal denim…" He holds his hands in the air, scanning the store, like a director setting up their next frame. "Thinking of some new washes. You'd look fabulous in a mid-blue rinse." Zayn turns back to him and tilts his head. "There are other colors besides black." 
"What's wrong with black jeans?"
"Nothing. Doesn't mean you have to wear them every day. You're not Superman."
Harry arches an eyebrow. "Aren't I?" 
Zayn ignores him while admiring a Givenchy satchel. He adjusts the collar on his gorgeous Alexander McQueen gunmetal leather jacket. It's not nearly cold enough yet for the biker chic inspired hide, but as he declared before they left Harry's flat, “We must suffer for fashion the same way we do for art."
Zayn glances over at him. "I do adore your vintage, starving artist tees and ripped jeans." He offers some reassurance. "Even though you could do with a little glam rock." Though he often makes fun, Zayn's admitted in the past he approves of Harry's style choices. No matter how eccentric they are. His eyes land on Harry's boots. "Starting with those." 
Harry looks down at the worn out brown leather boots he found at one of the first thrift shops he visited in the city. He treasures them. They've given him so many miles. He'll never part with them.
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He looks back up. "No." 
“Veronica!” Zayn calls out and, like a best laid plan, a tall sales associate appears with silky raven tresses styled into a long bob haircut. Veronica approaches them wearing a stunning bordeaux Bowie inspired jumpsuit. Lipstick the same shade. It captures Harry's eye instantly.
She walks over and magically produces a large box with the Saint Laurent Paris logo printed onto it. Ignoring the box, Harry scans the details of Veronica's ensemble as he admires her whole look.
Zayn catches Harry's eye and asks, "Who makes this?" As he brushes a finger over the fabric of her sleeve. 
"Custom," Veronica responds vaguely. 
It's unique and Harry can understand her discretion. 
"H, you'll sympathize as an artist. When anything innovative or gorgeous as this is mass produced, it usually turns to shit. There's something about a piece being one of a kind that's priceless."
Veronica nods her head once.
"I wouldn't share either." Zayn nods back and brings the focus back to Harry, who automatically shakes his head at the box he's holding.
Zayn clears his throat, ignoring his stubbornness and signals for the big reveal. Veronica lifts the lid and Harry swears a little golden light appears, leaving a glow shining from the box.
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Zayn tilts the box closer to him for the full effect. "Harry, let me introduce you to your new friend, Chelsea."
He holds up the gorgeous, buttery tan suede heeled boots. "Classic and a forever staple." 
"My mother, grandmothers, and aunts all passed down their retail D.N.A. to me. These," he gestures to the boots, "are an investment." Zayn imparts some more wisdom.
Harry ignores his rising heart rate and briefly hesitates. Inevitably he gives in, running his fingers along the soft leather. The sensation is divine and smells heady in the best way possible. Boots have always been his weakness. He succumbs.
"Fine," he says like it's an imposition and grabs the boots. 
He sits down to try them on and takes off his old boots while placing the faded leather comrades next to a plush chair beside him. He's wearing his Hello Kitty socks today.
"Precious," Veronica comments and walks away towards another customer who's borderline distressed.
Song: Get On Your Boots by U2
Harry meticulously takes out all of the cardboard and packing paper. The boots slip on like a second skin. He stands up, beaming.
"Yeah. Thought so," he smirks. Zayn's super hero sixth sense always prevails. He knew Harry would eventually buckle for the gorgeous footwear.
Harry spins around in front of the mirror and does a little jig with his toes pointed.
Zayn shakes his head as he walks away. "I'm going to look for some jeans."
Harry gives him a salute and walks around the store, enjoying the boots that have already changed his life a little bit. They even have a slight heel. The soles produce a satisfying clacking sound against the stone floor as he strolls back to his old boots. They look so sad, slouching against the chair, out of shape and worn with holes. Harry frowns and picks them up. He knows it's corny but, "Still love you the best. Thank you for taking me where I needed to be," he says quietly.
Someone within his ear shot snorts, and he gently drops the boots. Harry looks up slightly embarrassed.
☆ This was definitely more than a snippet. A snip deluxe. I'd love to one day finish this fic I started seven years ago. All the inspo to my fellow writers and creators who have started something and life has gotten in the way or time is not of the essence. I empathize and relate on all levels.
Shout out to my Beta, Lau @nyxdaughterofkhaos , nothing but love and respect!!! Looking forward to continuing this journey with you ❤️
As always, if anyone has any art to share.
@kingsofeverything @crinkle-eyed-boo @twopoppies @beelou @fallinglikethis @femstyles @harryshandbag @andyouknowitis @lookslikefairytale @rhea-the-eradicator @toomanydreamers
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marinerainbow · 5 months
I know that the fandom isn't big, but after rewatching the movie, I have something to share with the... 5 people who like this movie XD
Happily N'Ever After Headcannons
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Actually, considering how little lore we have for this world, I guess this is more of a 'if I directed the movie' post? Or me just projecting my love for hidden lore onto this movie? XD
Alright, let's get the biggest plothole out of the way; how come some characters seem to know what's going on (Rick, possibly the prince), while others don't (Frieda, Cinderella, etc)? Well, I think that since the Wizard lives above the castle, I'm guessing that the royal family, and those connected to them like the servants, know that their fates are intertwined with Fairytales and scales, and that these stories have played out over and over again. Some know more than others, but still.
The royalty of Cinderella's story, in particular, knows most I think. The royal portrait we see the bad guys throwing swords at shows the prince flanked by who I'm guessing are his parents. And it looks like they are passing onto him the same instruction manual that he's practically glued to. When you connect this to how... Dead eyed the other royals are (Rapunzel in particular. Did anybody notice how she's just... Staring off into space all the time? Only showing emotion when her prince shows up?), my guess is that since these stories have played out so many times, some of the characters have basically become brain dead- or are on auto pilot at best- and the King and Queen saw this in their son, and tried to make it easier for him to stay on track. Even though they knew that the wizard would ensure he married his Cinderella.
We don't see much of the bad guys in this movie. However, since that one troll said "I've never seen that before!" When Frieda summoned her beacon, I'm guessing the majority of them are aware of the rules of Fairytale Land. Or at least that they keep finding themselves repeating history. Since these villains can get gruesome ends (especially since these seem to be Grimms Fairytales. If you know, you know 💀), my guess is that their endings make it really stick with them. And maybe since they aren't dead eyed, they're the ones constantly trying to change their endings (being more aggressive, trying new tactics, etc), but since they couldn't temper with the scales like Frieda, none of them were successful before.
So tldr; the royals know what's going on because they're neighbors with the wizard, the majority of Fairytale Land is suffering from numb braincells since their lives are being carried out for them, and the villains are trying to fight the scales that are literally tipped against them. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's move onto other aspects of the movie.
I know the wizard barely has 2 minutes if screen time, but I like to think he's one of the Grimm Brothers. I mean, it's right there! No Fairytale Flip Media is complete without utilizing the Brothers Grimm being the guys in charge. But if that's the case, where's the other brother? I think he might be on our side of the world. Maybe The Wizard was meeting his brother in Scotland? Maybe his brother is making sure that the Fairytales are still loved- and in turn, alive- by us? That's what I'm thinking.
That could explain how Fairytale Land has some modern influence/technology. The Dwarves' defenses and the witches' motorcycle-esque brooms, for instance. The second brother brought some technology from our world to Fairytale Land at some point, and The Wizard just had to make it roll with the stories... Which shouldn't be too far fetched considering he was completely cool with Ella staying with Rick in the end (assuming he didn't reset her story as usual).
It is hard to say for sure whether everyone is immortal, or the stories are passed down onto the next generation. However, I'm thinking that, as long as your story doesn't end with your death, you won't die (I mean, Jack survived being squashed into a pancake. I know this is a kids movie, but I need to make lore here-). And if you do die, you are ressurected for the sake of the story repeating itself.
The Wizard does have other assistants outside of Munk and Mambo. The Fairy Godmother is one of them. However, since she gets Cinderella confused with Pinocchio at first, I'm thinking maybe she's in charge of all the 'magic fairy' roles in the stories. As such, she's kind of... Got her mind wrapped around other stuff 😅 not to mention she's pretty old. Overworked, probably as old as Fairytale Land itself, is it any wonder she spends her downtime singing and dancing with mice?
There aren't much, but these are all I got so far about the world itself rather than the individual characters. I hope you guys like these! (And for those who love them just as much as I do, don't worry. I'm gonna make a HC set for the three big Bad wolves too. They were the highlight of the film next to Frieda)
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444namesplus · 5 months
all character names used in the song of ice and fire pile
addam addison adrack adrian aegon aegor aelyx aemma aemon aemond aenar aenys aerea aerion aeron aeryn aerys aethan aethelmure aggo agnes ahai aladale aladore alan alannys alaric alarra alayaya alayne albar albett albin alchemist alekyne alerie alester alfyn alicent all allar alleras alliser allyria alton alvyn alyce alyn alys alysanne alyssa amarei amerei amory amos and andar andrey andrik andros androw anguy annara antario anya archer archon's ardrian aregelle areo argella arianne arlan armen armond aron arra arrana arrec arryk arryn arsa arstan arthur artos arwood arwyn arya arys asha ashara ashford aubrey aurane aurion axell ayrmidon azor b baelish baelon baelor balaq balerion ball balman balon banefort bar baratheon barbara barber barbrey barneby barra barre barristan barthogan bass bastards beesbury bella bellanora bellegere bellena bellonara belly ben benard benedict benfred benfrey benifer benjen benjicot bennard bennarion bennifer benton beren berena beric bernarr beron bertrand bess beth bethany bettley bharbo big billy biter black blackbar blackberry blackfyre blackshield blacktyde blackwood blade blood bloody blount blue boarkiller boisterous bolton boremund boros bors borys botley bowen boy bracken bran branda brandon brax braxton breaker brella brienne brightstone bronn broome brother brother brune brus bryan bryce bryen brynden bryndon buckler bullock bulwer bump burley burton byan byrch byron bywater c cadwyl cafferen caleotte calla captain captain's cargyll caron cassana cassel cassella caswell category catelyn catspaw cayn cedric celtigar cerelle cerenna cerissa cersei cerwyn ceryse character characters characters charlton chataya chayle chett chiggen children clarent clayton clegane clement cleos cletus cleyton clifton clydas cockshaw codd cohollo coldhands colemon colin colmar commander commander's connington corbray corlys corne correy coryanne costayne courtesan cousin cox craghorn
crake crakehall crane cregan cregard creighton cressen creylen crow culiper cuy cynthea cyrelle cyrenna d daario dacey dacks daegon daella daemion daemon daenerys daenora daenys daeron daeryssa dagmer dagon dale dalt dalton damion damon danny danos danwell dareon daring darke darklyn darlessa darnold darry daryn daughter daughter daven davos daxos dayne deana deceased deem delena demonlover denyo denys desmera desmond devan deziel dick dickon dobber donal dondarrion donel donella donnel donnis donnor dontos doran doreah dormund dorna dornishman dragons drogo drumm drunkard dryn duckfield duncan dunstable dunstan duram durran durrandon durwald dusk duskendale dusky dustin duur dyanna dykk dywen e ebrose eddara eddard eddison edgar edgerran edmund edmure edmyn edric edwell edwyle edwyn edyth eerl egen elaena elder eldred eleyna elia elinda elinor ella ellard ellaria ellyn elmar elmo elric elwood elyas elyn elys elysar emberlei emma emmett emmon emmond emory endrew erena erenford erich ermesande erren erryk essie estermont estren ethan euron ever eye eyed f falena falyse farman farring farwynd father fenn fergon flatnose flement fletcher flint florent florian florys flowers folk follard fool foote for forel fork forley foss fossoway fox franklyn free frenken frey from g gael gaemon gage galbart gardener gared gareth garibald garlan garrison garse garth gaunt gawen gendry genna gerald geremy gerion germund gerold gerrick gevin gilbert gilliane gilly gilly's glendon glover godry gold goodbrook goodbrother goode goren gormon gormond gorold gower graceford gran grance greatjon green greenbeard greenfield greenhand gregor grell grenn grey greydon greyiron greyjoy griffith grover groves guard guncer gwayne gwenys gwin gwynesse gylbert gyldayn gyles gysella h h'ghar haegon haereg haggo haggon hagon haigh hairy hake hal halder hali halleck hallis hallyne halys hammer hardy hardyng hareth harlan harlaw harlon harma harmen harmond harmund harrag harras harren harrion harrold harron harry harwin harwyn harys hawick hayford heddle helman hendry henly herndon hero herrock heward hibald high hightower hill hilmar historical hoare hoarfrost hoat hobb hobber hobert hodor hogg hoke hollard holly hop horas horgan horn
hornwood horpe horse horton horys hosman hosteen hostella hoster hot hotah hotho howard howland hubard hubert hugh hugo hullen humble humfrey hunter huntsman husband illifer illyrio ilyn imry irri iv ix j jacaerys jacelyn jack jacks jaehaerys jafer jaime jalabhar jammos janei janna janos jaqen jared jaremy jason jasper jast jax jayne jennis jenny jenye jeor jeren jeyne jhiqui jhogo jirelle joanna jocasta jocelyn joffrey johanna john jojen jommo jon jonah jonnel jonos jonothor jonquil jorah joron jorquen jory joseran joseth joss josua joy joyeuse jurene justin justman jyck k kaeth kandaq karlon karstark karyl kedge kegs kella kenning kermit kettleblack kevan kezmya kindly king king kings kingsblood kingsblood's kingsguard knight knights kurleket kyndall kyra l lad laenor lake lambert lancel langward lanna lannister larence lark larys last laswell leana leathers leek lefford lelia lem lemoncloak lenwood leo leobald leona leonella leonette leslyn lester lew lewyn lewys lharys lia lianna lickspittle lily locke lodos lollys lomys long longbough longleaf longthorpe longwaters lonmouth lonnel loraq loras lorch lord lord loren lorence lorent loreon lorimar lorimer loron lorra lothar lothor lucamore lucas luceon lucifer lucimore lucinda lucion luthor luwin lyanna lyarra lydden lyle lyman lymond lyn lynara lynora lyonce lyonel lysa lythene m mace mad maege maegelle maegon maegor maekar maelor maelys maester maia maid maldon malegorn malleon mallery mallister mallor man mance manderly mandon manfred manfrey manfryd manly marbrand
margaery margaret marghaz margot mariah marillion maris mariya mark marla marlon marna maron marq marqelo marsella marsh martell martyn maryam masha maslyn massey matarys mathis matthar mattheus matthew maz meadows medgar medrick medwick meera megga meha melantha melara meldred melesa melessa melisandre melissa mellario melony melwyn merianne meribald merlon merlyn mern merrell merrett merryweather mervyn meryn mikken milk mina minisa mirri mo mohor mollander mollen monarchs moon moore mooton mopatis mord mordane moreo morgan morgarth morgon mormont moro morrec morrigen morros mors morya moryn mott mounts mullendore mullin mully munda murenmure musgood mya mycah mychel myles myr myranda myrcella myre myriame myrielle mysaria n naerys naggle naharis nan narha night's norbert norcross norjen norman normund norne norren norrey norridge norvos notch noye nute nymeria o o' oak oakenshield oakheart oarsman obara oberyn of old olene olenna ollidar olymer olyvar olyver omer ondrew orbert orkwood ormond ormund orryn orton orys osbert oscar osfryd osha osmund osney osric oswald oswell oswyck oswyn othell otherys othgar otho othor ottyn owen oznak p paege pahl palehair patchface pate pater patrek paul paxter payne peake penny pennytree penrose perceon peremore perianne perkin perra perriane perwyn petyr philip pie piper plummer podrick polliver poole porther pov praed pree prentys prester preston prince
princes promised prudence prunella pryor puckens pyat pycelle pyg pyke pypar q qalen qarl qarlton qhored qhorin qhorwyn qorgyle qotho quaithe quaro queen quellon quenten quentin quenton quentyn quincy qyburn qyle r ragged rakharo ralf rambton ramsay randyll rast raven ravos raya rayder raylon raymont raymun raymund raynald raynard reach red redbeard redfort redpool redwyne reed reference regenard regis regnar renfred renly rennifer reynard reyne reysen rhae rhaegal rhaegar rhaegel rhaella rhaelle rhaenyra rhalla rhea rhogoro ricasso richard rickard rickon rivers rob robar robard robb robert robett robin robyn roderick rodrik rodwell roger rogers rognar rohanne roland rolder rollam rolland rolley rolly rolph romny ronel ronnal ronnel roone roose roote rorge roryn rosamund rosby rose rosey roslin rowan roxton roy royce rufus rupert rus russell ruttiger ryam rycherd ryella ryger ryk rykker rylene ryman rymolf rymond ryswell s saan sabitha salladhor sallei saltcliffe samantha samgood samwell sand sandor sansa santagar sara saranella sargon sarra sarsfield sarya satin sawane scales scarb seastar seaworth sebaston selmond selmy selwyn selyse senelle septon serena serra serry serwyn sevenstreams shadrich shae shaena shagwell sharp she shella shepherd shett shiera shierle shireen shirei shortear shrike shrykos sigfry sigfryd sigorn simon sister sisterton skahaz skinchangers sloane slynt small smallwood smike smiling snow son son soulless sour sparr spicer spotted squire stackspear stafford
stallion stannis stark starvling staunton steffarion steffon stevron stillwood stiv stokeworth stone stonehouse stonetree storm stout strickland strong suggs sumner sunglass surly swann sweet swyft sybell sylas sylvenna sylwa symond syrio t taena tagaros talbert tall talla tallhart tally tanda tanner tarbeck targaryen tarle tarly tarth tawney templeton teora ternesio terys tess that the the theo theodore theomore theon thoren thorne thoros three timeon timotty tion titus tobho todder todric togarion tollett tom tomard tommen torghen torgon torrhen torwyn torwynd tower towers toyne trant tree tregar tristifer triston trystane tully tumitis turnberry turnip tyana tybolt tyene tygett tyler tyrek tyrell tyrion tyrion's tysane tysha tyta tytos tywald tywin u ulf uller umber umfred umma urragon urras urrathon urrigon urron urswyck uther utherydes uthor utt v vaegon vaellyn valaena valerion valiant vance varamyr vardis vargo varly varys vayon velaryon veron vickon victaria victarion victor vikary vines visenya viserra viserys volmark vorian vortimer votyris w waif walda walder walderan waldon walgrave wallace wallen walter walton waltyr walys was waters watt waymar wayn waynwood weaver webber weeper wendamyr wendel westerlands westerling westling wex whalen whent white whittlestick who wick wife wildling will willamen willas willem william willis willow wind wineseller winterfell wode wolves woman woodcock woolfield world woth wulfgar wull wyl wylde wylis wylla wyman wynafrei wynafryd wynch wynton wythers x xaro xho xhoan y yandry yarwyck yew ygon ygritte yohn yorbert yoren yorko youngest yronwood ysabel ysilla z zo zollo
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nanshe-of-nina · 1 year
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Posthumous Characters GIF Sets → Lucinda Broome-Tully
The aged Septon Oswyck, who had performed the wedding rites for Jaehaerys and Alysanne, kept the sept on Dragonstone, but a young lady of royal birth required one of her own sex to see to her religious instruction. Queen Alyssa sent three; the formidable Septa Ysabel, and two well-born novices of Alysanne’s own age, Lyra and Edyth. To take charge of the serving girls and maids of Alysanne’s household, she dispatched Lady Lucinda Tully, the wife of the Lord of Riverrun, whose fierce piety was renowned through all the land. With her came her younger sister, Ella of House Broome, a modest maid whose name had briefly been offered as a match for Jaehaerys.
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thexfridax · 2 months
Sapphic Film Night 30 July 2024, Genesis Cinema, London, UK
‘Twofold’ by Ella Greenwood
‘The Paradise Road’ by Lisa Marie Tedesco
‘A Different Place’ by Sophie Black
‘The Turtles’ by Maya Witters
‘The Date’ and ‘From A to Q’ by Emmalie El Fadli
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montrosepretty · 6 days
I was tagged to shuffle the playlist I listen to most and list the first ten songs that come up! Ty @per4mancecheck for tagging me!
1. A Mysterious Place by Kirk Osamayo
2. Les Animaux by Pierre de Maere
3. cat city by vewn
4. How High the Moon by Ella Fitzgerald
5. If Will Wood wrote Teenagers by My Chemical Romance.. by Ben Ashe
6. Creep. Radiohead song. by Frank Watkinson
7. Crush by Tessa Violet
8. Creep by Jinkx Monsoon
9. Broom People by the Mountain Goats
10. Strange Charm by Hank Green
I’m always so bad at choosing people to tag so idk. if your shoelaces are untied you have to do this. Or if you just want to
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valleyfthdolls · 10 months
Ohh for a drabble, maybe one for the fnaf movie universe where the golden freddy kid (calling him Cassidy) and mike actually start to bond with each other, and Cass slowly opens up to Mike too, and gets a tad bit more friendly with Mike.
The building is cold. Even in the middle of summer, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria always manages to carry a frigid air. Michael Schmidt pulls his unzipped hoodie closer around his chest and huffs.
He's here for something. Again. He can't seem to tear himself away. Something exists within these walls. Not something that he wants, but something that wants him.
He's seen that little blonde boy again when he closes his eyes. That blonde boy he knows near nothing about. That boy who never explained himself to him. First he wanted Abby.
Now he wants Mike.
"Hey," Mike calls. "Uh, li... little boy?"
He has no idea how to address the kid. Christ. He sounds like a damn idiot.
"Hey, kid, I'm here," He says again, trying to sound less like an idiot than he feels. "You wanted to see me?"
A wail of pain echoes through the dilapidated halls. Something tells Mike it's not the voice of a child.
"Y- you wanted to see me," Mike repeats. His voice wavers with fear, and he clears his throat. "You wanted to see me. Didn't you? That's why you kept appearing in my dreams. Well, I-I'm here now."
The boy is shaking when he sees him. Fists clenched, jaw tight, he stares at Mike, trembling with suppressed tension, and his glare is piercing, violent. Mike prepares himself to run.
And yet, surprisingly, when he takes a step forward, the little boy flinches like he's the one in danger. He scurries back, positioning himself defensively.
"Woah, hey." Mike raises a hand. "I'm not gonna hurt you. You brought me here, and I need you to tell me why, okay?"
The boy scans him unsurely, then relaxes his stance.
Mike takes another step toward him, and then the boy sprints away.
"Come on, you-!" Mike huffs, not even sure what else to say, and begins to run after him.
For a second, he convinces himself he's dreaming. It's another version of the dream of Garret and Vanessa's father, the children's thoughts infiltrating his subconscious again. He'll run after the boy, and then he'll lose his footing somehow and be left back in reality with no idea what it means.
He does lose his footing when the boy comes to an abrupt stop, but surprisingly, manages to catch himself. The ice-cold wall is a good reminder that none of this is imaginary.
The door to the back room is open. The room that hosts that creepy Ella doll- the one that almost killed Abby. He still doesn’t understand how the kids could think this fate was worth condemning a friend to because they loved her.
Inside the room is the yellow rabbit suit. It twitches.
“This is…” Mike can’t even find words. It’s his brother’s murderer. Vanessa’s abusive father. The man who put all of these kids through this hell.
“He’s not dead,” The boy hisses.
“He’s not. Dead.” He glares, annoyed. “Can’t you hear, dummy? He’s alive. Hit him. He’ll scream.”
“How is that possible?”
“I don’t know,” The boy insists. “Hit him. He’ll feel it.”
Mike scans the room. He totally could. That man killed Garrett. Nearly took both of his sisters. Destroyed the lives of all of these children. And he got away with it for so fucking long. So long that Mike spent thirteen years reliving that moment desperately trying to understand his crime.
Mike could hit him- jam the broken broom into his stomach and hear him scream. Just like he had when he entered. That was… him, screaming in pain.
Instead, he turns away. Escapes. Runs. He's back in the dining area by the time the boy appears again.
“Have you just been… torturing him this whole time?” Mike asks.
“He deserves it,” The boy retorts. “He killed your brother. He destroyed everything.”
Mike scans the boy.
“Why are you still here? Isn’t it time to move on like your friends did?”
“They don’t get it,” He says finally. “They let themselves forget what they had. But you didn’t. So why do you want to move on anyway?”
Mike's eyes are still trained on him. This kid... scares the shit out of him. But he's a kid, and he's suffering. Mike owes him a little decency.
"Because there are things waiting for us if we move on."
"Maybe for you. You still have Abby. You have his daughter. But I have nothing. And I had a family too, you know." The kid scowls. "All of us did. So he should be punished."
Mike's gaze softens.
God, he wants to punish that man. He wants to tear into him. Make him fucking suffer for what he did to Garrett. But none of it will bring his brother back. He focuses on the child in front of him.
"Why are you showing me this?" He asks gently.
"Because I know you understand."
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cassiopeiasara · 3 months
Tagged by @steellily to share 5 songs I’ve had on repeat lately (thanks hon)
1. Pink Pony Club~Chappell Roan (one of her only jams I truly like)
2. The Best~Tina Turner
3. Every time We Say Goodbye~Ella Fitzgerald
4. Cry to Me~Solomon Burke (this song sound incredibly queer to anyone else or just me?)
5. Don’t Let Go~En Vogue
I tag (with no pressure of course)- @blossom--of--snow @flaming-toads @applebottomclaudiajeans @romanimp and @room-on-broom
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gildedfms · 8 months
mw fcs??
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aaron  fontaine,  bruna  marquezine,  ksenia  solo,  aaron  taylor - johnson,  heida  reed,  adrian  enscoe,  charithra  chandran,  ebonee  noel,  havana  rose  liu,  francois  arnaud,  laura  harrier,  charles  melton,  finn  cole,  ella  hunt,  do  jihan,  ann  skelly,  anya  chalotra,  himest  patel,  reeve  carney,  charlotte  spencer,  dev  patel,  emma  corrin,  freddie  fox,  peter  gadiot,  arsema  thomas,  jonah  hauer - king,  esther  yu,  madeleine  madden,  remy  hii,  callum  turmer,  romola  garai,  josh  whitehouse,  aubri  ibrag,  natasha  liu  bordizzo,  daniel  kaluuya,  pinar  deniz,  tuppence  middleton,  corey  mylchreest,  india  amarteifio,  denee  benton,  katie  findlay,  leo  suter,  david  corenswet,  fabien  frankel,  oliver  jackson - cohen,  halle  bailey,  jose  ramon  barreto,  henry  golding,  tom  hiddleston,  gemma  chan,  paapa  essiedu,  aneurin  barnard,  kylie  bunbury,  toby  stephens,  isabel  merced,  matthew  broome,  lewis  tan,  kate  siegel,  woo  dohwan,  oscar  isaac,  zawe  ashton,  rege  jean - page,  matteo  martari,  sam  retford,  ksenia  mishina,  simone  ashley  and  sam  retford.
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pettyrevenge-base · 2 years
Roommates stopped contributing, so we left them nothing.
This happened during my junior year of college. I (Claire) lived with five other women. (I'll call them Abby, Brooke, Dani, Ella, and Fran.)  
When we signed the lease on the house, we agreed to a one-year deal (June 1-May 31). The house was off-campus and unfurnished, so we needed things to make it feel like home. Prior to moving in, we all sat down and decided what we needed for the house and who was going to bring what and also settled on a chore schedule. We also decided that we'd have a household supply fund set up so we could buy things we all would use like toilet paper, paper towels, dish detergent, and laundry detergent. As it turns out, Dani, Ella, Francesca and I brought most of the stuff we needed like a couch, small dining table, dishes, silverware, drinking glasses, cookware, food storage containers, etc.  
Things went pretty well during fall semester. Shortly after that, however things started to decline. Abby's boyfriend Andy basically moved in with us and the two of them started acting like they owned the place. Left a dirty dish in the sink? They'd leave a passive-aggressive note about how rude it was to do that. Come home after the library closed at midnight? Abby and Andy went to bed at 10 and if you woke them up there was hell to pay. Pretty soon, Brooke and her boyfriend Brad were acting in much the same way.  
By early February, it was clear to Dani, Ella, Fran, and me that we did not want to live with Abby and Brooke another year. The four of us found a different off-campus place and signed a lease. We let Abby and Brooke know and from then on, the two of them, plus their boyfriends, went from partial jerks to complete jerks. They'd do things like stop the clothes washer mid-wash, take our clothes out, dump them on the floor, and start their own laundry. They'd use up all the hot water by taking super long showers. They'd write "return to sender" on our mail. They destroyed flowers our boyfriends sent or brought to us. They refused packages. They stopped contributing to the shared supply fund and stopped doing chores.  
About a  week before Memorial Day, Ella got a call from the landlord on our new place saying the previous tenants had moved out and we could move in early if we'd like at no charge. Dani, Ella, Fran, and I discussed it and decided to get out of our current house ASAP but didn't tell Abby and Brooke of our plans.  
Memorial Day weekend rolls around and Abby, Brooke, and their boyfriends head out of town to go camping while the rest of us put our plan into action. With the help of friends, Dani, Ella, Fran, and I got all of our stuff moved out. And when I say all, I mean all--living room furniture, dining room furniture, dishes, silverware, cookware, food storage containers, baking supplies, shower curtain, rugs, lamps, vacuum, broom, dustpan, etc. We also decided that since neither Abby nor Brooke had contributed to the shared household supply fund since March, the toilet paper, paper towels, dish detergent, laundry detergent, and so forth was ours, so we took all of that too.  
Abby, Brooke, and their boyfriends were shocked to return from their camping trip to an empty house. What made our petty revenge even sweeter was that on their way home from the camping trip, all four of them got food poisoning and were really, really sick. The scathing texts we got about moving out unannounced AND taking all shared household goods--especially the toilet paper? Priceless. Dani, Ella, Fran, and I are great friends still get a good laugh about the situation about 12 years later. None of us have heard from Abby or Brooke since graduation. 
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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