lucaf2019 · 4 months
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Cena di Stato all'Eliseo in onore del presidente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden, Parigi 8 giugno 2024
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Philippe: Charlotte has left the Elysée Palace, she's on her way
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Napoléon V: Thank you, Philippe. Philippe: How are you feeling? Napoléon V: Fine. I'm glad you're here. I don't think I realize it yet Laura: That's normal, Louis
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Napoléon V: How was the party last night? Laura: Charlotte brought a Michelin-starred chef to the Elysée Palace
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Napoléon V: Did you really stay so wise? No secrets!
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Laura: Haven't you?
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Joachim: And yet! If the wedding hadn't been so rushed, I'd have planned one hell of a weekend!
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Philippe: You bet, if we'd had more time, I'd have organized the weekend, not you Jo'! Joachim: What?! But why?! Louis, is that true?
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Napoléon V: I would have asked you to organize it together
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Palais des Tuileries, 21 Prairial An 230
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Napoléon V awaits Charlotte's arrival at the Tuileries Palace. He chats with his cousin Philippe, and his friends Joachim and Laura.
⚜ Traduction française
Napoléon V attend l'arrivée de Charlotte au palais des Tuileries. Il discute avec son cousin Philippe, et ses amis Joachim et Laura.
Philippe : Charlotte a quitté le palais de l'Elysée, elle arrive
Napoléon V : Merci Philippe. Philippe : Comment te sens-tu ? Napoléon V : Bien. Je suis heureux que vous soyez là. Je crois que je ne réalise pas encore Laura : C'est normal Louis
Napoléon V : Comment était la soirée hier ? Laura : Charlotte a fait venir un chef étoilé au palais de l'Elysée, nous avons bien mangé
Napoléon V : Avez-vous vraiment été si sages, les filles ?
Laura : J'en déduis que ça ne fut pas votre cas !
Joachim : Et encore ! Le mariage n'aurait pas été si précipité, j'aurais mis au point un week-end d'enfer !
Philippe : Tu parles, si nous avions eu plus de temps, j'aurais organisé le week-end, pas toi Jo' Joachim : Quoi ?! Mais pourquoi ?! Louis, c'est vrai ?
Napoléon V : Je vous aurai demandé de l'organiser ensemble
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gracie-bird · 4 months
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Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monaco during an official visit to President George Pompidou and his wife in Paris on January 13, 1970.
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penhero · 1 year
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PenHero.com Feature Article:
Élysée Dragon Special Edition 1998-2000
The run up to the year 2000 inspired many commemorative pen designs. There were the upcoming millennium celebrations, or fears, depending on if you were in the IT business, giving birth to millennium year limited and special editions. It also coincided with the Chinese Year of the Dragon, the fifth of the twelve-year cycle of animals in the Chinese zodiac calendar. Each year also includes an elemental sign, from the five elements earth, metal, water, wood and fire, with 2000, from February 5, 2000 through January 23, 2001, being a year under the sign of metal. This Élysée Special Edition honors the year and mystical image of the Chinese dragon.
An update to this article!
Read the story about these interesting pens here:
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bopinion · 2 years
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2023 / 04
Aperçu of the Week:
“The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it.”
(Chinese proverb)
Bad News of the Week:
Two of the most serious terrorist attacks in Europe in recent times happened in France. On November 13, 2015, 130 people died in Paris, and on July 14, 2016, 86 died in Nice. In the first case, the perpetrators were about a dozen terrorists heavily armed with automatic rifles and well prepared. In the second case, a single man with a truck. What I'm getting at is that it's not just the U.S. stereotype of easy access to firearms that is dangerous to the population. With the appropriate criminal or extremist energy, even a vehicle can become a deadly weapon. Or a knife, as everyone has in their kitchen.
That's exactly what happened in Europe this week. Twice. In northern Germany near Hamburg, two young people were killed Wednesday on a regional train, and five others were injured. In southern Spain on Thursday, one was killed and three injured in front of a church. What makes the whole thing more horrific than the comparatively low number of victims are two backgrounds that are virtually identical for both perpetrators - of course they were men.
Both have a migration background, originating from Palestine and Morocco respectively. Neither of them succeeded in integrating into society, and a variety of difficulties are on record. And both were under police surveillance. The terrorist in Germany had been released from prison only six days earlier; his record in this country includes numerous violent crimes; nothing is known about him before that. The offender in Spain is said to be increasingly radicalized; his deportation proceedings have been underway for six months. This is grist to the mill of all those who take to the streets and shout cheap slogans against migration. After all, both acts seem to prove their pseudo-arguments right.
Hardly anyone in this world should have as much experience with "collective guilt" as we Germans. And this is exactly what people from the Middle East know here as well as those from the Maghreb in Spain. If in any public bus in Europe there is a seat free next to a visibly "not from here" passenger and one next to a compatriot, statistically 95% will sit next to the latter, even if the seat is further away. And most of them would describe themselves as tolerant and open-minded and reject prejudice with honest indignation. The nasty term "latent racism" is unpopular but widely spread.
And that is precisely the point about migration. This can only be successful if both sides work at it. Integration is a debt to be discharged by those who, for whatever reason, are looking for a new home. And likewise for the environment that takes him in. It has to accept them, because without migration nothing would work anymore. Anyone who doubts this should take a look at those who work, for example, in garbage collection, cleaning crews or nursing services. These are precisely the jobs that are never on the list when children are asked what they want to exercise as profession as adults.
Successful integration is therefore a win-win situation. And it is especially important for the survival of an aging society. I wish so much for more curiosity than reservations. Tea and coffee, apples and cherries, jazz and tango, pepper and parsley, cotton and silk, potatoes and rice, pizza and kebab would all be unknown to us if we were not open to new and foreign things.
Good News of the Week:
60 years of the Élysée Treaty. Even if the Franco-German engine sometimes sputters a little, it still runs quite well. Or as Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire says: "It's running very well. Contrary to what I hear here and there, the engine is working!" Or to stay with the metaphor, Renault and Volkswagen's platform strategy is a functional basis for the European mobility project.
At the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty in Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron called on Germany to become "pioneers of the refoundation of our Europe" together with France. This role belongs to the two neighboring states, he said, because they walked the path of reconciliation together after World War II. Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer, François Mitterand and Helmut Kohl, Jacques Chirac and Angela Merkel - without the hand of the two largest countries on the European continent, there would be neither the European Union nor the Euro.
This must never be forgotten in the minutiae of everyday political life: Europe can only do well if the Franco-German partnership does well. Especially when the British have decided - once again - to take their island status literally. This is an appeal that I would particularly like to make to Olaf Scholz. Because Emmanuel Macron has long since understood what his German counterpart is still struggling with: positioning himself between U.S. expectations and Russian detachment as the only thing that objectively makes sense. Namely, to lead Europe together.
It fits into the picture that Henri will be joining us next week. A French exchange student from near Paris. This reminds me of the background of my own youthful experience abroad. It even lasted a year, took me to French Canada three and a half decades ago, and still shapes me today. The organization was and is called the American Field Service. A charity that cared for the wounded on the battlefield in both world wars - whether friend or foe. Then they had the idea, as simple as it was brilliant, that it would be easier for everyone involved if there were no wars at all.
How to do that? By promoting intercultural understanding. Those who know and understand other peoples will probably think twice before they want to fight them. Works. Really. "It's not better or worse. It's just different." was our motto back then. Or just in French, "Ce n'est pas mieux ou pire. C'est juste different." If you look benevolently at the other, you will always find more things that unite you than divide you. If the former hereditary enemies France and Germany can manage that, nothing is impossible.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Okay, I'll try: I figured out why our clothes dryer stopped working properly. My daughter narrowly avoided a more serious accident with her bike on the slick road the day before yesterday. Defrosting the freezer succeeded without flooding. My son's last five grades at school are A's four times and a B once. At work, I finally finished a pesky major project... I suspect that I need to eat more chocolate, that one of these aspects will manage to make me truly happy.
I couldn't care less...
...that Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is facing opposition to her idea of a tribunal under Ukrainian law with international judges. After all, she is the highest-ranking politician who is thinking aloud about how Vladimir Putin could also be held criminally accountable for his war of aggression, which violates international law. What else would remain? There is the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, but that court, by statute, can only hear cases in which the plaintiff and defendant are members of the court or a case is referred by the United Nations Security Council. Russia is not part of the Court and, as a permanent member with veto power in the UN Security Council, can and will block a referral to the Court. Alternatively, we can only hope for biology: Putin is 70 years old. The life expectancy of Russian men is currently 68.
As I write this...
...I already have a suggestion for the misname of the year: "Panzerwende". Meaning "tank turnaround". Meaning the western allies, who after long hesitation now want to deliver so-called battle tanks to Ukraine. I don't see a turnaround. Just another step on the way to give an innocent country the equipment it needs to defend itself more effectively against the aggressor.
Post Scriptum
This year, the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the "Doomsday Clock" forward. The Clock now stands at 90 seconds to midnight - the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been. Mainly though not exclusively because of the rising dangers of the war over Ukraine. Since the scientists base their assessment not only on the nuclear issue, but also on other negative factors mankind is confronted with. So the omnipresent polycrisis. The clock is ticking.
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fucknewsfrance · 5 months
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Multipliant les hommages tous azimuts, #Macron célébrera aujourd’hui les anniversaires suivants : les 243 ans de la #bataille de Porto Praya, les 225 ans de la bataille de Mont-Thabor
Retrouvez l'article sur notre site
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k-imasa · 6 months
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Robyn Elysee “belly” FW24
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positive-magazine · 6 months
Cindy Sherman Unveils Groundbreaking New Series
Renowned American artist Cindy Sherman has once again captivated the art world with her latest body of work, challenging conventions and delving deep into the intricacies of representation and identity. With a career spanning over four decades, Sherman has consistently pushed boundaries, and her newest series promises to be no exception. Cindy Sherman, Untitled #659, 2023 © Cindy Sherman…
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oliverfredericdieck · 6 months
La dimension individuelle de l'action contre le réchauffementclimatique, (version française )
Mes amis français : J'ai étudié l'économie/gestion DEUG/Ensette à Strasbourg, France entre 1990 et 1992. J'y ai composé, entre autres, les bases de mon premier concerto pour piano, Strasbourg, en qualité de Tchaïkovski. Bien sûr, je sais que la France est dépendante à 75 % de l'énergie nucléaire et est la troisième puissance nucléaire au monde par mesure de sécurité et cela correspond à l'utilisation pacifique de l'énergie nucléaire. Quant à ce dernier, j’espère qu’un parapluie nucléaire commun, l’UE, protégera également mon pays d’origine, l’Europe. À cet égard, je comprends dans une certaine mesure que la France considère l’énergie nucléaire comme une force écologique en transition et néglige les perspectives à long terme.
Tout d'abord : je m'appelle Oliver Frederic Dieck O.F.D. Il ne s’agit pas ici d’un climat gay ou d’une folle vengeance contre Dieu. Il s'agit de la vengeance de la Terre pour avoir fait de nous, les humains, le véritable cancer de la Terre, et de la façon dont la Terre peut être guérie grâce à un meilleur comportement. A mon avis, il suffit qu'on fonde devant moi. En bref : que pouvons-nous faire au niveau individuel :
Quelques idées :
N'achetez pas des choses qui sont en réalité écoblanchies comme argument marketing. Référez-vous aux coûts réels du début à la fin, coûts sociaux et coûts environnementaux inclus. Aucun autre calcul n'a de sens pour l'améliorer dans la réalité.
Nous devons ajouter une plaque sur chaque produit qui montre le coût environnemental réel, y compris l'information, comme nous le faisons avec les cigarettes et le tabac ces jours-ci, avec l'information « Cela pourrait vous tuer ».
Nous devons imposer des taxes supplémentaires qui reflètent les coûts réels, y compris les coûts pour la société écologique du monde entier, et les ajouter à la tarification. Peut-être que si nous le faisons de cette manière pédagogique, nous devrons réduire les impôts ailleurs.
Nous avons besoin d'un monde pacifique, sans folies comme les guerres froides ou chaudes, afin d'avoir les ressources nécessaires pour corriger nos actions. La dissuasion mutuelle n’est pas la voie à suivre. Il n’existe pas de véritable alternative à la loi et à l’emprisonnement pacifique. Nous n’avons pas besoin de dictateurs et de criminels pour diriger le monde entier. C'est tout. Ensuite, procédez avec précaution.
-La production juste à temps et la production externalisée doivent changer. Interdépendances, alternatives de réduction des risques et moteurs utilisant, par exemple, l'hydrogène gazeux ou d'autres technologies modernes. Il est alors possible de poursuivre la production mondiale. Sinon non.
-Ne croyez pas trop aux paroles des politiciens qui préfèrent les solutions de bonne volonté plutôt que des cadres juridiques égaux qui obligent tous les acteurs du marché à être écologiquement responsables. Sinon, rien ne se produira qui pourrait nous tromper pendant encore une décennie jusqu’à notre fin certaine, comme cela a été le cas pendant quatre décennies, y compris la délocalisation de la production vers la Chine, l’Inde, alors prospères, et ainsi de suite.
Nous sommes trop nombreux sur cette planète de 8 milliards d'habitants. Mais dans les pays développés, où les femmes étudient et ont accès gratuitement aux préservatifs sexuels protégés, le comportement de la population a au moins radicalement changé. Nous, Européens, sommes en train de mourir. Nous devons prendre des mesures personnelles pour les prochaines générations, également pour maintenir la stabilité du système social et économique et des contrats intergénérationnels. Mais cela fonctionnera de la même manière ailleurs s’il y a aussi une modernisation de la religion et des Lumières. Je pense que le développement de la Terre est la clé principale pour arrêter la croissance explosive sur Terre.
En Allemagne, mon pays d'origine en Europe, un travailleur sur sept dépend de l'industrie automobile. En France, c'est différent mais similaire. Il est donc nécessaire de faire progresser de nouvelles technologies responsables pour notre prospérité personnelle et la solution à nos problèmes climatiques mondiaux.
Mangez moins de viande, plus d'œufs, de poisson et de volaille et bien sûr de fruits et légumes. Privilégiez les sources de votre région.
N'achetez pas de vêtements de mode rapide basés sur les dernières tendances. La plupart du temps, la mode se contente de vendre des produits en créant artificiellement une nouvelle tendance chaque année. Achetez quelque chose de bien dans votre style individuel avec une qualité durable et soyez-en satisfait.
-Ne jetez pas tout et recyclez-le si nécessaire. La réparation est l'option. Le neuf n'est pas un argument de qualité !
Démontrez, utilisez votre réseau social et votez.
En bref : Arrêtez de vous battre pour votre liberté individuelle. Lutter contre les raisons qui nous obligent à moins user progressivement de nos libertés et finalement à les limiter à zéro par responsabilité.
Cordialement, Oliver Frédéric Dieck. O.F.D pour faire court Oli.
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mariesrbouipochodian · 7 months
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petimiti67 · 2 years
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#Elysee #Ordures https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1-iSaIMItK2-flOYnL4sAEVCLcO3Fd6SIJW80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gracie-bird · 4 months
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Grace and Rainier of Monaco at The Elysee Palace, Paris, on October 21, 1959.
The princess wears a Balenciaga evening gown.
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borntoloos · 2 years
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byseanbrown · 1 year
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emaadsidiki · 3 months
Paris in the golden hour of magical light.
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eurotrip · 2 years
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Photo: ugomissana
Ferrari 275 GTB
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