emberanova · 4 years
Omg yall, I've been so mia that i missed getting to 300 followers I'm so sorry, i love you all 😭😭😭💖💖💖
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Congrats on the fic chapter darling! Will we 1) get to know what it's about and 2) get to see it at any point no pressure love you!
omg thank you, i love you, lyra!! 🖤💫
1) it's in response to the prompt you sent me a while back that involved hot cocoa 😏 oh also College AU!! but like might also get Dark? idk we'll see
2) yesssssss i'm literally so exhausted right now and i have an overnight flight to catch tonight so it may not be until tomorrow which would suck 😩 but i have every intention of posting it in the near 24hr future! 💞
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
This blog is okay that the Ssum is being postponed because they know Cheritz is doing their best.
Reblog if you agree! 
Thank you @cheritzteam for everything you’ve made, your games have touched our hearts and created such an amazing community!
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F and G for the fandom asks please!
thanks so much for the ask babes!! 🖤💫
F: what's the longest you've ever been in a fandom?
oh god friend you picked a do-sy... i wanna say Harry Potter because that's been A Thing for me since i was 4 (and i was the president of the harry potter society at my university) we have an on again off again relationship so it hasn't been steady but....
my only other option would probably be One Direction 😂 in the loosest sense of the term, i've been "in the fandom" since... 2011? it's been 8 years wtf???? with the band broken up it hasn't been too active, but it's still fun to reminisce and follow them through their separate musical journeys.
i've met some of my best friends through 1D and HP so even though i'm not as ardent about them as i once was, they'll always have a special place in my heart.
G: do you remember your first OTP? if so who was in it?
i'll start this off by saying that, since i am and always will be an oblivious motherfucker, i didn't know what OTP meant until i was 16/17? and at that time, i wasn't really passionate about a lot of fandoms.
the first time i remember using OTP in a sentence was in uni for my real life friend and her high school boyfriend (who are still together btw) and i swear on my grave if they don't get married love is not real.
but i'd say my first fandom OTP would probably be jurdan (quite recent lmao) because i would literally lay down my life for the sake of their relationship.
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good morning! i see all your asks and messages and i have not forgotten. i am frantically packing for a flight before work because i basically have to run home, grab my bags and go.
i already have some things queued for today, but i'll do some more responding whenever i catch a mo! (probably at the airport tbh)
okay love you all, make questionable choices!
-em 🖤💫
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Congratulations on so 300 followers!!!! Also you're a great poet!!!!
wait.... 🥺 hold on a second man hold on a second...
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thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
like no seriously you have made my entire week, and i am shooketh by your kindness. i hope the universe is treating you benevolently tonight. 💖💗💘💞🖤💫
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Hi!!!!! I hope you have a safe flight!!! 17 for the book ask??
hi!!! thank you so much babes!!! and thank you for the ask as well 🖤💫
17: historical fiction- yea or nay?
hmmm that's tricky. it depends i think. like historical fantasy fiction? very much yay. pirates and gothic victorians in spooky houses, i'll eat that shit right up.
actually, my favourite book for a long time was count of monte cristo by Alexander Dumas. so maybe i like historical fiction more than i think i do?
but it has to have an element of betrayal! or thievery! or murder! like i won't be reading about aunt agnes's velvet drapes and lace doilies for 20 pages, that's for sure.
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
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back from the dead to tell everyone i would literally do anything for this boi, even if it means having to endure an innes and a brave lucina for another one of him to come home.
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
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Member of Clergy found Smiting Down Local Woman Claiming it Was ‘God’s Holy Will’, You’ll Never Believe What Happened Next
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
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Alright, my boi won and thus begins my journey to give Lyon all his merges and every inheritable red tome in the game or @kayo-robin is gonna like kill me or sth.
Btw: its 128k to merge him to +3 and build with a 3* Subaki and 4* Takumi, let’s see how expensive this boi can get and how many people die in the process ;)))))))
Kill count: Subaki, Canas, Takumi, Nowi, Kaze
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
i like how new feh channel
and like all of us want an update about hrid. intsys my money is ready for OC bootleg ephraim, are you????
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
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Look guys, this VG has me pressed. But let’s be real, even Ephraim is Team Lyon, so I gotta be out here representing my good boi even before my husbando. Feel free to add me if you’re either team and wanna use my stupidly built L!Ephraim, as I’ll be over here backing the Sacred Stones characters in the gauntlet as long as humanly possible.
Good luck to everyone and their teams! And here’s to hoping for lit Ephlyon art making a comeback because then we’re all winners. Also, pls be kind to Lyon and let him have only the best in the world, because he deserves it.
My ID: 0836101998 | Sieg Friend
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
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time to bring the PAIN+ MY SMOL DAUGHTER IS HOME 😊🎉🥂✨
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
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ive never been biased about which units i use in feh a single day in my life
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
if you are playing the ssum right now (or waiting for it)
please join our whole-ssum discord!
https:// discord.gg/ sqfHFDx
we’re a moderated server that is basically a chill group of fans who are mostly interested in and excited about talking about the ssum, though the server is organized so that you can also chat about mysme, replika and other otomes if you aren’t part of the blessed fans in malaysia or india.
anyway, you should come check it out! we also have multiple people in the chat playing the game if you have questions you want answered!
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otomesruinedmylife · 6 years
tbh i’m down with the new summer banner being innes because: 
 i can always use more boyfriends <3
i can’t pull fucking myrrh to save my life for my sacred stones team.
i’ll roll but at a comfortable pace that won’t leave me feeling disheartened like the last couple banners i’ve rolled on did (i still never got tharja or leg!ryoma)
he’s shirtless. i’m easy and that’s honestly good enough for me.
him having the weapon triangle advantage over his longstanding rival is a thing of beauty even though he’s now weak to himself. (there’s some irony in there somewhere, right?)
i’m not fucking whaling for a +10 ephraim because i nearly had a crisis thinking it was my boy.
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