#emelaigne widdensov
loosesodamarble · 4 months
Hi Erika! I’m so glad you’re playing my game too (thanks for the reblog! 🥰). 💖 please? Thank you 🥺
Hee hee! Im very happy to be using your ask game too! Takes me a bit of time to answer but that’s because I wanna give good answers. 😅💖
And now for me to tell you what characters you remind me of~!
Finral Roulacase (Black Clover)
You love the Space Bros very much so I at first thought to compare you to Finesse. But someone already beat me to it… However, thinking again, Finral suits you just as well if not better. You’re very open with your heart, like Finral (at least from what you show online). And while you might not be the aggressive type, you can get fired up for what you believe in like him.
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Emelaigne Widdensov (Cinderella Phenomenon)
I also think you’re like Emelaigne (a supporting character from a beloved otome of mine). Em is unfortunately not present in many of the routes (poor baby girl only plays a major role in Rod’s route and 😭), and well, I can’t interact with you as much as I’d like to. But I understand that you have to take your breaks and put yourself first. Still, even though you’re not online all the time, you are always loved and appreciated, like Emelaigne. Also like her, you see the best in others and show a strong will when the situation calls for it.
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And finally,
Emilico (Shadows House)
I think you’re like Emilico from Shadows House! She’s cheerful! You’re cheerful! You both shows determination in difficult circumstances. And similar to how Emilico brings out the best in those around her, I think you do an excellent job of showing the nuance and love of a tough character like Langris. Not quite the same, but a similar ideal. 💖
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ceragondubs · 2 years
Azia will be playing as our Emelaigne Widdensov in our Cinderella Phenomenon fandub! Azia also voices as our "Barba Pegg" and "Amber" in our Genshin Impact fandub! You can see our trailer dub for Cinderella Phenomenon here:
So yes I will be doing these voice reveals for everyone in the cast, regardless of whether or not they are new to the team or have already made an appearance on the channel! :) Don't know when the dub will start as we are still missing some characters, but I hope we will be able to start posting soon! Stay tuned for more voice over announcements, both for new and old VAs in the cast! :D
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otome-corner-cafe · 3 years
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ladies-of-fiction · 3 years
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Ladies of Cinderella Phenomenon
Heroine Lucette Riella Britton
Delora, Hildyr, Parfait
Jurien Valiante, Annice Willowe
Ophelia Widdensov, Emelaigne Widdensov
Bria, Viorica
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aoikasaa · 5 years
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discord was talking about lucette being turned back into a kid bc magic and the shoujo trope enthusiast inside of me Jumped Out. set after waltz’s good end (w a few modifications :’3cc) 
commissions are open // kofi linked on blog // fritz doujin also linked on blog
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nerosoraru · 7 years
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i did this with my finger bc my stylus is broken so its awful but theres no emelaigne art?
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purrplebun · 6 years
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so i made a GIF game bc i was bored and i didn't find one for CP and thought it'd be fun sorry i'm not funny do enjoy tho~ uwu
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madokasoratsugu · 6 years
to good fortune and luck
[rod/lucette; post-canon (good end)]
summary: five blessings Lucette receives from the people dearest to her.(and the one blessing she'll never beg for.)
a/n: i really like them /chinhands/. i also really like lucette metaphorically giving the middle finger. as usual pls read on ao3 bc tumblr probs didnt catch all my italics and stuff lmao
read on ao3
“Lucette, you’re with Rod, are you not?”
Lucette’s hand comes to a perfect standstill. Gently setting the teacup back down on its saucer, she forces herself to meet Ophelia’s eyes.
There is no judgement in her patient gaze, but no doubt either.
Lucette doesn’t allow herself a second breath, a second thought of denial to run through her mind.
The spring breeze flips pages of a book Emelaigne left open on the picnic blanket. The owner is nowhere to be seen, having dragged her brother off to procure more baked goods.
“I see.”
Ophelia quietly smiles. It’s tinged with pain, and the expression cuts deeper into Lucette than she likes.
“Then I suppose i’ll have to dig out my wedding veil. It’ll need some work, but I hope you won’t mind. It’s always been a tradition in my family to pass down the veil as an heirloom.”
Lucette blinks. Her hand is shaking too badly to lift her teacup to her dry mouth.
“Of course not.” Lucette manages. She blinks harder, and tries to suck in a discrete breath. “Your lacework has always been lovely.”
Ophelia’s smile grows. It’s still dampened at the edges, but in Ophelia’s sudden embrace, it’s clear as day to Lucette that the grief isn’t directed at her.
Rather, it exists for her.
Not for the first time, Lucette mumbles thanks to her mother, who loved Lucette so deeply she suffered tenfold at the thought of Lucette ever, ever being hurt.
Who would support her, even if the world wouldn’t.
“When you get married to Rod - .” Emelaigne stops to sigh dreamily, and Lucette secretly loves it; the way Emelaigne uses her words, the way she says ‘when’ and not ‘if’, ‘married’ and not anything less.
“When the both of you get married, I want to arrange your bouquet.” Emelaigne flops backwards onto her bed, spreading her arms out above her.
A wide grin stretches on her face. “It’s the only thing i’m better than you at, so you can’t say no!”
Lucette laughs, pressing her hands into her lap. “Why would I?”
Emelaigne pulls herself up as abruptly as she laid down. “Maybe because you already have someone else you want to do it, or someone more qualified, or - .”
Emelaigne pouts. “Okay, okay. That means no one, right? Then i’ve called dibs!”
She pauses, eyes dipping to one side that hints at something else.
“There’s more, isn’t there?” Lucette asks gently, prodding Emelaigne’s side.
“Well….” Emelaigne flushes.
She reaches to her nightstand, opening the drawer to reveal a matte silver box.
Handing it to Lucette, she motions for the auburn to open it.
White stargazer lilies bloom outwards, surrounded by artistic sprigs of lily-of-the-valley and baby’s breath.
Lucette slowly lifts the beautifully decorated golden barrette, wide eyed.
“I know I’m jumping the gun here, but.” Emelaigne clasps her hands before her middle, smiling hopefully. “It’s an engagement gift. I noticed your old one was fraying at it’s petals.”
“It’s lovely, Em.” Lucette breathes.
Every petal was angled with dedication, faux beads of water giving life to the mini bouquet.
“It’d look nicer if Rod would just propose already, so you could wear it.”
Lucette bursts into giggles, red faced.
She’s welling with embarrassment and childish glee unbefitting a princess, but with Emelaigne laughing by her side, Lucette cannot imagine herself as anything else.
“Take this.”
Fritz shoves a practice sword against Rod’s chest. He stands towering before Lucette’s door, shielding Rod from any passerby’s sight.
“Go back using the South staircase behind the kitchen. There shouldn’t be anyone using it at this time, but if there is, tell them you were having a private training session with me. If they try badgering you for any more information, just mention the name Varg.”
Rod nods once, before walking briskly away, immaculately dressed like Lucette is not.
She shuffles backwards in her nightgown, uncertain. It wouldn’t do to have her knight see her like this.
It wouldn’t do to have her knight see her secret lover sneaking out of her room either, but there’s that.
Still, all Fritz does is send her a reassuring smile. “We still have half an hour, princess. Plenty of time to get ready for breakfast.”
When Lucette next exits her room, everything is encased in silk, pressed out of sight with powder.
It takes everything in her to look at Fritz directly.
“With five minutes to spare. Let’s hurry, though.”
At the sight of Fritz’s warm grin, the coldness in her middle melts. Yet a chunk of ice remains as she stands before the dining hall doors.
A sick feeling grows in her. She doubts it’s the overpowering scent of syrup, this time.
Still, the sticky feeling of the silenced topic that hangs in the air tastes just like it, if only not as sweet.
“Princess, want to know a magic trick?”
Bewildered, Lucette turns to see Fritz drawing two strokes diagonally away from each other on his palm three times before he mimes eating it.
“I heard its a spell for confidence.”
The half-witch feels her face twitch with a smile.
“I can tell you that is not true.”
“But I can tell you that the fact that i’ll support you no matter what is.” Fritz says, knowing, understanding. “I hope at least that inspires confidence.”
Lucette stares at Fritz, at the streak of black that curls around one side of his face, the bright curve of his lips and remembers the way her silver knight had tamed his wolf just to serve by her side.
“It does.”
And Lucette pushes the doors open herself.
“Are you adjusting well to the Tenebrarum?” Waltz asks, grinning wildly.
“As well as you are to your role as magical advisor to the kingdom.” Lucette immediately replies, cracking a smile at their silly inside joke.
Waltz chuckles, patting the space beside him on the wide fountain rim.
“You look tired, little star.”
“Secrets are hard things to keep.” Lucette says, shaking her head as she sits.
“You’re doing quite well, for one of this magnitude.” Waltz says, stroking her hair, and Lucette allows herself to indulge in his pampering.
“Although I do have something that might help.”
Waltz pulls out a tiny drawstring bag, and tips out from it a pair of earrings.
Attached to delicate white gold clasps, the clear blue crystals capture shooting stars within streaks of white.
Lucette cannot hold back her startled gasp.
“They’re blue kyanite. It helps with balance, communication, and fresh beginnings.” Waltz explains. “Perfect for you and Rod.”
Putting them on, Lucette delights in the way they gently reflect the starry expanse above. “Thank you.”
Still, the thought of what Waltz’s encouragement entails makes her happiness falter.
“I just wish - .” Lucette says, words trailing off, full of unfinished thoughts and endless desires.
“So do I.” Waltz hums. “We all do.”
Lucette laughs at the philosophy, and Waltz doesn’t hold back his smile.
“But you’ll do more than that, won’t you little star?”
Lucette yelps as he picks her up, spinning her around once before settling her on his arm.
“You’ll grant your wishes, because that’s what stars do, with a little help. You’ll be happy, and you’ll shine like all stars deserve to.”
Waltz looks at her with such pride and fondness that Lucette laughs aloud again, a little breathless, a little choked.
Within the arms of her closest friend who never stopped believing in her, Lucette thinks that it’s time she repaid that with some belief in herself, too.
“You let your hair down.” Rod murmurs, twirling a loose lock with his forefinger.
“I am supposed to be in bed right now.” Lucette says, glancing at the high moon.
Rod smiles ruefully, in a way that implies she stay, in a manner that asks to be kissed.
So Lucette does, carefully, gently, and relishes in his returning tilt of his head.
Moving apart, Rod hesitates. His fixed stare on Lucette inspires a slight smile, a rising blush.
At that tender expression, he turns to take a plain box behind him on the window seat, resting it on his lap.
“I couldn’t get a ring.” Rod starts slowly, with eyes averted. “Not as myself. And I didn’t want anyone else to do it for me. So I….”
He opens the shoebox, and Lucette claps her hands over her mouth.
Intricate silver filigree vines twine up the heels and partway down the side of her glass slippers, with miniature stargazer lily blossoms by the counter, supported by well placed leaves.
“A silver sixpence in her shoe, right?” Rod says softly, smiling.
Trapped between a sob and a laugh, all Lucette can do is watch as Rod gets down on one knee before her, as his bandaged fingers cradle the glass heels, her hand.
The grip of their interlaced fingers hurt.
“Lucette Riella Britton, will you marry me?”
“I will.”
The words tumble out easier than she thought it would have.
Salty tears roll down her face, and she finds Rod tastes the same when he leans forward to seal the promise.
“I will.” Lucette breathes, again, pressed against the glass window as pleasantly cold as the heels on her feet.
“I took some liberties with the rhyme.” Rod confesses, running a hand through her long hair. “But I still wish I could have given you more.”
“This is plenty.” Lucette says, tilting her head up to look in Rod’s eyes. “This is more than I dreamed of. You’re more than I dreamed of.”
Rod kisses her on the jaw, just below her ear, and Lucette sighs helplessly.
“Don’t go back tonight.” Rod says aloud, this time.
Lucette thinks there isn’t any need to tell her that, not when her solace is already embracing her tight.
“I never intended to.”
And when Rod laughs, brilliant and jubilant and filled with infinite hope, Lucette feels on the verge of tears, on the verge of everything all at once.
But with his every kiss, every touch, Lucette finds herself coming back down, coming back to her tingling senses, coming back home to Rod.
Some secrets are worth keeping.
But in his embrace, Lucette thinks this is not a secret she wants to keep.
Not anymore.
The throne room falls eerily silent.
Genaro stares at Lucette and Rod, and their connected hands.
Lucette’s announcement has swallowed the atmosphere whole, echoing in the whispers of the maids, in the minds of all occupants present.
“An engagement.” Genaro finally speaks, laboured and confused. “With Rod?”
Lucette doesn’t answer the rhetorical question.
“Why not?” Lucette says, less of a challenge and more of a statement.
In the conflict of denying his blood daughter the only thing she’s ever asked of him, Genaro turns helplessly to Ophelia standing beside.
“Listen to them.” Ophelia encourages, and Genaro’s eyes grow wide at the realisation of being the only one left in the dark.
Genaro turns towards the pair again, expression somber.
“Lucette.” He tries again, brows furrowing.
Genaro sinks deeper into his throne, pinches the bridge of his nose. “I apologise. This is all...quite a lot to take in.”
Lucette does not tell him to take his time.
At the side of the room, Emelaigne shifts from one foot to another anxiously, while Fritz keeps a steady hand on his sword’s hilt. Waltz doesn’t tell him to let up, not when the sparks of a protective barrier dance upon the fingertips of his hand behind his back.
Genaro sucks in a breath.
“I cannot approve of this union.” He says heavily. “Not for the sake of Angielle.”
“You abandoned me for it, too.”
Genaro’s eyes fly open, taken aback by Lucette’s words.
“You misunderstand me, father. I have never asked you for anything. I would not start now.”
Weathered lacework chuffs at her wrists as she raises a hand to press against her chest, hair pinned back with nearly-alive sprigs of lilies and baby’s breath fastened by gold.
Her palm burns with borrowed courage carved with nails; white stars caught in blue crystals glinting as she holds her head high.
Glass and silver making a clean, crisp sound as she takes a single step forward.
Blessings don’t just belong in magic folktales, in old wives' tales; they come in words and gifts, and love.
“This isn’t me seeking your acceptance, father.”
Rod’s grip anchors her, reminds her who it is she goes home to, who it is that taught her what it meant to be loved.
Who it was that held her during her darkest hours, who became the light of her future.
“This is a declaration.”
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Cinderella Phenomenon Ships
Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton x Lucette Riella Britton Parfait the Lucis Bearer x Delora the Witch 
Waltz Cresswell x Lucette Riella Britton Sir Mythros x Lucette Riella Britton Rod Benedikt Widdensov x Lucette Riella Britton Varg Leverton x Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton x Lucette Riella Britton Garlan Belrott x Jurien Valiente x Lucettte Riella Britton Annice Willowe x Emelaigne Widdensov Genaro Britton iii x Ophelia Widdensov Britton  Garlan Belrott x Jurien Valiente Lucette Riella Britton x Annice Willowe  Waltz Cresswell x Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton x Lucette Riella Britton 
Chevalier Du Mont x Lucette Riella Britton Klaude Aidric Renaldi Mattheus Almonte x Lucette Riella Britton Varg Leverton x Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton Varg Leverton x Lucette Riella Britton Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton x Chevalier Du Mont  Waltz Cresswell x Klaude Aidric Renaldi Mattheus Almonte Klaude Aidric Renaldi Mattheus Almonte x Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton x Emelaigne Widdensov Varg Leverton x Emelaigne Widdensov Varg Leverton x Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton x Emelaigne Widdensov Lucette Riella Britton x Emelaigne Widdensov Lance Almonte x Emelaigne Widdensov Character x Original Character 
Klaude Aidric Renaldi Mattheus Almonte x Chevalier Du Mont Chevalier Du Mont x Annice Willowe  Chevalier Du Mont x Varg Leverton Klaude Aidric Renaldi Mattheus Almonte x Annice Klaude Aidric Renaldi Mattheus Almonte x Varg Leverton Waltz Cresswell x Varg Leverton Waltz Cresswell x Rod Benedikt Widdensov Waltz Cresswell x Emelaigne Widdensov Waltz Cresswell x Chevalier Du Mont  Waltz Cresswell x Annice Willowe  Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton x Annice Willowe  Rod Benedikt Widdensov x Annice Willowe Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton x Rod Benedikt Widdensov Varg Leverton x Rod Benedikt Widdensov Klaude Aidric Renaldi Mattheus Almonte x Rod Benedikt Widdensov Klaude Aidric Renaldi Mattheus Almonte x Emelaigne Widdensov Varg Leverton x Annice Willowe  Waltz Cresswell x Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton Chevalier Du Mont x Rod Benedikt Widdensov Chevalier Du Mont x Emelaigne Widdensov Garlan Belrott x Lucette Riella Britton Jurien Valiente x Lucette Riella Britton Hildyr the Tenebrarum Bearer x Parfait the Lucis Bearer  Any Ship Not Listed 
Rod Benedikt Widdensov x Viorica Sir Mythros x Varg Leverton Sir Mythros x Fritzgerald Aiden Leverton Alcaster Leverton x Sir Mythros 
Sir Mythros x Hildyr the Tenebrarum Bearer Genaro Britton iii x Hildyr the Tenebrarum Bearer Hildyr the Tenebrarum Bearer x Anyone Alcaster Leverton x Anyone 
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gicette · 7 years
No one has to know - Rod Widdensov
A/N: I’m supposed to be finishing a presentation but I really like to procrastinate hehe! Mini one shot for the tsundere prince! 
PAIRING: Rod / Lucette
WORDS: 391
WARNING: Incest, Implications of Cheating, Suggestive content
When Emelaigne told him to play nice, he did not expect a make out scene with his stepsister.
 "W-We should stop," Rod mumbled, panting as he pulled away from Lucette. He trained his eyes on the floor, suddenly feeling ashamed and confused at the same time.
 "...This is wrong..." Lucette removed her arm on his neck, unaware of the sudden cold she left him from the loss of physical touch. "It wasn't supposed to be like this."
 That's right. Rod had sighed. It was not supposed to be like this. He was only supposed to escort her back to her room, maybe exchange good nights, but definitely not...not this.
 He shook his head.
 It was admittedly his fault. He was the one who kissed her; he had leaned in, eyes glazed as his arms wounded themselves on her waist. It was a light one and it reminded Rod of his childhood, when he got kissed by the butterfly Emelaigne was chasing.
 He let his eyes shut. Their lips were slowly grazing but not fully touching. He could feel her hot breath on his face and he grew flustered, making him tighten his hold.
 They indeed pull away but for mere seconds only. He pushed her into her room, locked the door with fumbling hands and then proceeded to once again kiss her. The kiss was rough and Lucette found herself granting him entrance when his tongue massaged her lips.
 Her fingernails raked against his back and they both groaned as they drowned on each other's warmth.
 And then they stopped, suddenly realizing the wrong in their actions.
 "Tomorrow...you will have to escort me back to my room again," She stated factually but her tone seemed to hide an invitation, something that told him to try again because they were not supposed to be a onetime thing.
 "I will not," He mumbled. "I will tell Em that I feel sick and could not attend to you as your brother."
 But they never really stopped.
 No, not really.
 Not even when Lucette got engaged with Prince Klaude from the neighboring country.
 "I love you,"
 He froze. "Pardon?"
 "I love you, Rod," She placed a gentle peck on his lips.
 "...I love you too," He smiled. "I guess this would be our dirty little secret?"
 She raised an eyebrow.
 "No one has to know."
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 7 years
Cinderella Phenomenon: The Little Mermaid's Fairytale
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l06ClY
by concordia_no_edesia
Four years after the end of the Great War and the loss of her mother, crowned princess Maki Harukawa of Angielle is still struggling to come to terms with her new life and step-family. Cold-hearted and bitter, Maki fails to recognize the suffering of those around her as she is consumed by grief and resentment. But Maki's life is once again turned upside down when she becomes a victim of the Fairytale Curse.
Join Maki Harukawa as she goes from riches to rags and journeys to regain her life and break her curse.
(summary credit goes all to Dicesuki)
Words: 4092, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Cinderella Phenomenon Fairytale Routes
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Cinderella Phenomenon (Visual Novel)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Harukawa Maki, Saihara Shuichi, Yonaga Angie, Koyakawa Saihara (OC), Ozaka Harukawa (OC), Akamatsu Kaede, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Amami Rantarou, Shinguji Korekiyo, Ouma Kokichi, Nanami Chiaki, Enoshima Junko, Chabashira Tenko, Momota Kaito, Nidai Nekomaru, Komaeda Nagito
Relationships: Harukawa Maki/Saihara Shuuichi, Akamatsu Kaede/Saihara Shuichi (One-sided)
Additional Tags: Crossover, ny'all should play Cinderella Phenomenon, it's by far the best otome game i've ever played my whole life, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Drama, Curse Breaking, Fairy Tale Curses, Dark Fairy Tale Elements, Historical Fantasy, Fairies, Witches, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Historical, the following tags are important so please read them thoroughly, Maki will be playing as Lucette Riella Britton aka the MC, Shuichi will be playing as Rod Benedikt Widdensov, Angie will be playing as Emelaigne Widdensov, Koyakawa is the mother of Angie and Shuichi but a stepmother to Maki, Ozako is the father of Maki but a stepfather to Shuichi and Angie, Kaede will be playing as Viorica, Kiibo will be playing as Karma, Rantarou will be playing as Rumpel, Korekiyo will be playing as Fritzgerald Leverton, Kokichi will be playing as Waltz Cresswell, Chiaki will be playing as Parfait, Junko will be playing as Delora, Tenko will be playing as Jurien a side character, Kaito will be playing as Garlan who is also a side character, Nekomaru will be playing as Sir Alcaster Leverton, Nagito will be playing as Sir Mythros, Maki Shuichi and Angie will be siblings in this story, Nekomaru will be Korekiyo's father
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l06ClY
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
For the blorbo post, MHA if no one’s sent that yet! If they have, perhaps cinderella phenomenon? (Or perhaps both 👀)
Screw it. I'm doing both. No one has asked about MHA but I also need to let out some of my love for CinPhen because I've been replaying it as of late. It really is such a good game.
Since I'm covering two medias and I ramble the tiniest bit, I shall put the talking under the cut.
My Hero Academia
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Eijirou Kirishima, a.k.a. the Sturdy Hero: Red Riot. My son. He's got a ridiculous hairstyle and stupid sharp teeth. His sense of fashion is weird and ugly in a very "yeah, a fifteen year old would dress like that" way. He's tough and manly. But also friendly and understanding. It's great that he's confident in his masculinity and shows sensitivity. He doesn't have to do something blatantly "feminine" to show that gentler side. I mean, the word "gentleman" exists for a reason./j
Eijirou's backstory isn't especially tragic compared to someone like Shouto or Izuku but it's far more realistic. He has a dream but due to circumstances, there is some doubt in it. Then there's someone in his life "better suited" to the same goal that he can't help but compare himself to and he loses faith. Thankfully, Eijirou was able to be inspired once again and now he's on the road to becoming a Hero. An inspiring, feel-good story. And we get to see him grow from there. He becomes more extroverted assertive. He pushes himself and his Quirk to match his peers instead of wishing he could be them or have their abilities. He's not all the way there in terms of knowing his strength but he's getting there and that's what matters.
My instincts tell me to adopt this boy and dote on him like the most annoying mother ever.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Eri. Literally my favorite fictional child in the whole entire universe. She's cute and precious and so eager to experience things. But she's also got a terribly tragic backstory that sent genuine shivers down my spine when I first read it. I'm so happy that she got rescued and that she found a safe haven with U.A.
I mean, the way she smiled during 1-A's concert and how she explained how she felt afterward. Learning about holidays and getting them confused (Santa Eri is literally so cute like seriously look her up and the little anime clip of it to have your heart stolen by her preciousness). There's even a chapter in one of the light novels about the U.A. teachers wanting to give Eri the most awesome Christmas. That's how powerful she is, she is a scrunkly in canon!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Hitoshi Shinsou, a.k.a. it's not brainwashing you morons, it's hypnotism. ... Sorry, that kinda just slipped out. I don't think Hitoshi is as underrated as other characters in the series but he's my underrated character. We don't get to see much of the training he had to do in order to begin bridging the gap between himself and the Hero Course students but it says a lot that even with a delayed start and constraints of his training having to be done outside of school hours, he still managed to keep up with his peers. His Quirk is also greatly misunderstood, see my earlier comment. It sucks because with just a name change it becomes much less sinister and while still not heroic sounding, it's now neutral. It's super awesome that he's being brought back, maybe not to be a frontline fighter but to be a lynchpin in the final battle.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
The children from the movies. Melissa, Mahoro, Katsuma, and Rody. They are movie exclusive as far as I know. And they're just... SO GOOD!
Melissa's determined and very brave in a situation where she cannot do much other than stay out of the fight. Mahoro is bold and protective of Katsuma who is soft-spoken but kind-hearted. Rody is a mess of a kid who needs a hug and a lot of money. Each one brings something to the films they feature in and have good moments that build on the series' theme of what it means to be a Hero. They are the heroes of their movies. Please watch the movies for these characters, people.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Keigo Takami, a.k.a. the Wing Hero: Hawks. After killing Twice, there's really no going back from being a controversial character. He killed a man with mental health issues who was begging for his life because his Quirk posed a threat. I'm recalling a line from somewhere that went something like "they may be dangerous later is not reason to kill someone" (I know it's not that exactly but it was something like that). And Keigo just spat all over that idea.
Then there's the attitude. He's a smug jerk who takes things too lightly on the surface but is frighteningly cunning underneath his chill persona. He's one of those characters that's entertaining when they're behind the screen but if I knew him IRL, I'd probably hate his guts.
But he's just so... physically and aesthetically pleasing to me. He's not sexy evil but sexy morally ambiguous.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Enji Todoroki, a.k.a the Flame Hero: Endeavor. He's an awful father and then some. At least he's a Hero who has benefitted society, sort of. And he's also realized he's been and still is a toxic presence in the life of his family. He just needs to be tormented more to make up for his sins.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Kai Chisaki, a.k.a Overhaul. This awful, evil, stupid, insane, monstrous man. He abused Eri and used her Quirk for evil. Literally cannot get worse than the guy that directly harmed my scrunkly for this fandom. Also, his ideology is just whack. Heroism as a disease from Quirks? Like, dude, people are going to be selfless and brave even without Quirks.
Cinderella Phenomenon
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Lucette. She really makes the game as the protagonist.
She's not some shy or awkward wilting flower. She's more like a cactus in the beginning. She sees feelings as a weakness and trusts no one, except her personal knight but only barely. I remember first playing this game and streaming it to friends and everyone was in agreement that Lucette was on the unpleasant side. And then she's cursed. Good for her.
From there it's struggling, a bit of humiliation, painful revelations, and lots of growth. Lucette never stops being brutally honest or a bit prickly. But she opens up, being freer with her emotions and helping others in ways she never would've at the game's beginning. My favorite moments with Lucette are often at route ends when the kingdom is thrown into strife and she insists on joining the battle. It's part duty as crown princess, part wanting to make up for how she's acted in the past, and part pure selflessness to protect innocents and loved ones.
Sometimes Lucette does take some backwards steps in character development but those are when she's at her lowest and her understanding of the world is thrown into turmoil so she can be forgiven.
Seriously, if you can, play the game (it's free) or watch a playthrough because Lucette is such a delight.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Emelaigne Widdensov. The sweet stepsister that really doesn't deserve Lucette's initial cold attitude. But, being the strong and kind person she is, Em takes it in stride and never becomes discouraged. She's always smiling, not because she's a ditz but because she is genuinely positive. There are moments when her smile falls and Lucette (and the player) learn her troubles. But most of the time, she's able to face things with a smile and that's both powerful and endearing.
What really adds to her cuteness is the sequel. She has a romance with another character, Lance, and they're so smitten with each other. I really do feel like an older sister seeing her gush over Lance, like "yes, get that romance! You're so cute when you're in love!"
I just wish she had more of a presence outside of Rod's route though. Ugh.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Jurien Valiente. She is truly under-appreciated. A tough lady knight and level-head in the game's setting. She frequently has to play peacekeeper for Karma and Rumpel's squabbling. She's seen the most in Karma and Fritz's routes, where you do see her stern exterior break away. In very different ways (ugh, Fritz's route is a burden on the heart) but that's not the focus. There's not much to Jurien but I appreciate all that we see of her.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
I'm doing two characters here: Ophelia Widdensov and Sebastian.
Ophelia is the antithesis to the "evil stepmother" trope and I think the game avoids doing it in a heavy-handed manner. She does her best to be cordial with Lucette and never forces affection or even interaction because it's clear Lucette won't respond. We see her support her children in their endeavors, even if it's in an environment they're not used to, that being performing as royalty. And she has, by far, one of the best lines in both Cinderella Phenomenon and it's sequel: "Where there is love, there is hope." It's so simple and yet I can't get over it.
Sebastian, also called Sebby, is the adorable, enchanted plush that I want one of. He's mostly just Rod's voice but Sebby has his own conscience and tries to help Rod and Lucette with little observations and quips. He can't do much besides talk but his presence is still very nice.
The fact that they are only featured in Rod's route is a hate crime.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Can I say all of the love interests in some capacity? But out of all of them, I believe Rumpel has it the worst. I've always gotten the vibe that he's not popular due to being the "obnoxious flirt" trope of otome. And, well, he is a little pathetic. He gets slapped quite frequently. Sometimes it's undeserved and other times it's kind of necessary (Lucette has to get him out of his trances somehow). His good ending is also rather sad as he has to break his moral code as a doctor to protect Lucette and he's unable to save Parfait. He's sad and pathetic, that's all.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Mythros. The man just can't catch a break in any of the routes. He doesn't get to make his pitch in Rod's and he dies in every other route. And two of the four times it's by his own mentor! It's kind of hilarious how many Ls this guy takes and I would like to add to his torment.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Hildyr. Like. It's not even a question. She's killed two people, threatened the life of Ophelia, everything she did to Genero (they don't say anything directly but you know), and everything she did to Lucette. Evil, evil, evil. She's feared and hated for good reason. She had hit her breaking point, I get it but she didn't lose her mind. And that's what scary, she's calculating and manipulative while still being somewhat unhinged. She doesn't deserve just superhell. I'm inventing hyperhell for her.
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otome-corner-cafe · 3 years
Lucette: We need to distract these guys.
Klaude: Leave it to me. *walks up to the others* Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Chevalier, Delora, and Rod: *immediately begin arguing*
Emelaigne, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
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ladies-of-fiction · 4 years
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“Have you told your mother how you feel?”
Emelaigne shakes her head. “No, not the king either. I don’t want them to think that I’m ungrateful.”
I cross my arms. “But you are not happy.”
“I... I’m not. Everyone just assumes that I’m happy because I smile a lot.”
She barely opens up to anyone, and yet she opened up to me. Had I been given the chance before I was cursed, I would never have listened to her.
“You should tell them how you feel rather than just keep it to yourself. Otherwise the stress will just continue to accumulate on your shoulders.”
“I wish I could be more honest with them, I really do. I envy you for being able to speak your mind.” She envies me...?
Emelaigne takes a deep breath and sighs. The frown fades away with the sigh, and is quickly replaced by a fragile smile. “I’m sorry for ranting to you like that. I must’ve bored you with my story.”
I used to get so annoyed with her. But now that I have seen this side of her I suppose she is not as terrible as I first thought. 
-Discussion between Lucette and Emelaigne, Cinderella Phenomenon.
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aoikasaa · 5 years
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im working on new work rn but uni’s been keeping me really busy so here’re some old unused animatic frames and au scribbles from twitter :”)) click for captions about au and animatic titles !
commissions are open / kofi linked on blog
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otome-corner-cafe · 3 years
Lucette: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life.
Emelaigne: Self-esteem, where have you been?
Rod: It would be nice to get my sense of purpose back.
Waltz: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Chevalier: My will to live, haven't seen you in years!
Annice: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Fritz: My moral code, is that you?
Klaude: Mental stability, my old friend!
Lucette: ... I was just gonna show you this unique little box my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Waltz: Hm, I think I want the box more.
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