#emil stewart
imasallstars · 3 months
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The featured unit of the event is MILLIONSTARS Team6th, a unit formed from the anime. The princesses extend an invitation to a lovely tea party! Join them in opening the box filled with unknown futures and paths for you to take!
This unit features Matsuri Tokugawa, Elena Shimabara, Emily Stewart, Hinata Kinoshita, and Subaru Nagayoshi
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superman86to99 · 9 months
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Action Comics #699 (May 1994)
"THE BATTLE FOR METROPOLIS" STARTS HERE! Well, not here here, since most of the issue is actually just the setup for the battle itself, but this still counts as the first part of the storyline that will reshape the City of Tomorrow forever (in comic book terms, so "for a few months").
We start with Lex Luthor Jr. being interviewed on a panel-style TV show that conveniently recaps all the relevant plot points: Lex Jr. is at war with Project Cadmus because he blames them for the virus that's killing all the clones in Metropolis (including Lex Jr. himself, because he's actually Lex Sr. in a clone body). The Underworld clones living in Metropolis' sewers also blame Cadmus for their malaise and have been voicing their displeasure by breaking Cadmus shit all over the city, using big '90s-type weapons Lex secretly provided.
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During the interview, Lex points out that Metropolis' so-called protector hasn't been terribly helpful during the current crisis, but that's because Superman's been occupied dealing with his power issues -- as in, his superpowers going out of whack, not that his landlord cut off his electricity or something. Fortunately, Superman managed to get rid of his excess powers last issue by just letting the Parasite absorb them (which turned the Parasite into a big-ass monster, but that's a problem for another storyline).
After recovering from his fight with the (now-missing) Parasite and confirming with Professor Hamilton that his powers are completely back to normal, Superman catches up with Lois Lane, who recently lost her job due to Lex's h4xx0r skillz. Talking to Lois, Superman finally learns the shocking truth about Lex Luthor Jr. = Lex Luthor Sr., and he also finally connects the dots between the clones of Metropolis getting sick and Lex suddenly looking old and frail.
When Superman goes to confront Lex, he sees that a kinkily dressed-Supergirl is about to kill him and has to stop her (see the Supergirl miniseries for more details on how the heck that happened).
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Once Supergirl leaves, Superman goes after her, apparently forgetting what he came to LexCorp for (or deciding to give poor Lex a break, given his frail state). Lex's faithful medical team, Drs. Kelley and Packard, end up putting him in a "hyperbaric chamber"/big healing tube and chopper him to his private yacht so he can recover.
Meanwhile, the city is being evacuated and things are tense between the various groups that are supposed to protect it. A fight is about to break out between members of Team Luthor, the Special Crimes Unit, and Project Cadmus, when some nasty Underworlders suddenly emerge from the ground and attack the Cadmus guys. Superman drops by to reason with the Underworlders, and they actually seem to be listening to him... until Lex, from the safety of his yacht, remotely fires one of those sci-fi guns he gave the Underworlders, and all hell breaks loose. OK, now we can say the battle has started. TO BE CONTINUED!
We get an appearance from Jimmy Olsen's mom AND Bibbo in the same page?! Oh boy. Unfortunately, Jimmy himself appears too (along with Ron Troupe, both riding Bibbo's bike straight into the danger zone). Interesting that Jimmy has an Uncle Fred and Aunt Lynn in the city, yet he still ended up living in his car for a while. Is there a a deleted scene where he asked if he could crash with them and they just laughed for ten minutes?
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Lex publicly blames Cadmus for destroying his private homes all over the world, but those who read the Supergirl mini know that was actually S-Girl subtly letting him know she's breaking up with him. Incidentally, in Supergirl #4, she actually throws Lex through his office's window and Superman rescues him, but in this issue, Superman arrives before she can throw him. Continuity error... or an anomaly caused by a certain time crisis looming in the horizon?!
When Superman is having his check-up with Professor Hamilton, he notices Hamilton seems distraught -- Hambone claims it's because of the chaos going on in the city, but I think it's clearly because Superman didn't even comment on the fact that he just dyed his hair brown at some point since his last appearance.
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What with the city being under martial law and all, Perry White moves the Planet's city room to the newspaper's printing plant on the edge of town, and thinks to himself: "I've endured fires, blackouts, and riots, but I've never been forced to evacuate my own city room... until now." He might be talking about the fires, blackouts, and riots that happened during and around the "Blackout" storyline, when Metropolis was going through a Lex-triggered economic crisis.
Incidentally, Perry also seems to notice for the first time that all of the Planet's computer equipment was made by his biggest enemy's company, so he asks to see a test run of anything that's printed from now on. Don Sparrow says: "Interesting that Perry White, no longer a reporter, is the first to have the notion of checking the presses while investigating the wacky headlines Lois was purportedly creating. Lois and Clark are both intrepid newshounds, and neither of them thought of that? I suppose Clark was busy being enormous at the time."
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Mayor Berkowitz, usually a level-headed chap, sides with Luthor and says on TV that Cadmus is intentionally creating all that chaos as revenge for that time he and Lex didn't let them steal Superman's corpse (during "Funeral for a Friend"). Surely this means Lex will finally forgive Berkowitz for having him arrested way back in The Man of Steel #4, right? (Spoilers: haha, no.)
I mentioned in our post about Man of Steel #33 that the nonchalant way in which Lois told Superman about Lex Jr. being a clone kinda bugged me. It was so nonchalant, in fact, that Superman didn't even seem to remember that bit of information in this issue, since he exclaims "What?!" when Lois mentions it again. Or maybe he thinks Lex Jr. being a clone was predictable but it's the part about him having Lex Sr.'s brain that took him by surprise? Either way, I'm actually glad we got a do-over on that moment, even if it still wasn't as dramatic as I would have hoped for.
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This post was published today and not in like three months thanks to the Superman '86 to '99 Patreon gang, Aaron, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Kit, Sam, and Bol. You rule!
You know who also rules? Don Sparrow, who has more commentary on this issue after the jump...
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow):
We start off with the cover, and it’s a very blocky, Kirby-like pose, of Superman fast-walking into gunfire.  I love the one eye in shadow, which gives the pose an intimidating and mysterious air we’re not used to seeing with Superman.  As always, Guice’s Superman seems to have the longest Tarzan locks (at least until Stuart Immonen joins the team) and that’s true here.
Inside the issue we get extremely '90s guest artwork by Norman Felchle and James Pascoe, and while it’s not my cup of tea, he is remarkably consistent throughout.  Felchle would go on to do storyboard work for Pixar, Netflix, Marvel and others, so hopefully he isn’t sweating the criticism from a never-was like myself! The opening splash page is a good example of the 90’s style “extreme” stylization, as we see a computer-generated Lex Junior with a big old curly tress blocking his eye.
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The length of this stylization changes panel to panel.  We get more extreme linework a page later as Perry White’s disapproving expression makes his forehead look like cracking clay. [Max: Are we sure this isn't Darkseid posing as Perry as part of some nefarious plan?] After this argument, we get our first look at Superman himself, and it’s not bad overall—the S-shield is consistent throughout, and his wavy hair is well rendered.  One of the main things that bug me about this art style (apart from when he attempts regular clothing, but we’ll get to that) is that every male character has an identical nose, particularly from the front view.  Once I noticed it, I couldn’t stop seeing it. [Max: Dang, can't unsee it either.]
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A few pages later, as Superman trails the Parasite underground, we get an example of Felchle’s penchant for perhaps-unnecessary detail.  Rather than the gritty cement he has at the top of the panel, the Metropolis sewer is drawn to have been made up of European cobblestone, which is both pleasing to look at, and an unlikely building material, especially some 20 feet below the ground.  Felchle does excel at motion—there’s a great image of Superman flying away from Professor Hamilton’s apartment.
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It’s followed immediately, however, by the strange physics of Lois Lane dislodging a cathode ray television set with a couch pillow! The following page is the best example in the book of Felchle’s aforementioned weakest point—drawing regular humans in regular human fabric.  Lois’ green sweater clings in such an unnatural and revealing way to her body that it appears to be made of cellophane (there was a similar instance earlier in the book when a beat cop’s uniform appeared to have been painted on, and again in a few pages on poor old silver-haired Sarah Olsen). [Max: To be fair, Byrne did establish early on that Mrs. Olsen is actually pretty young and attractive, but her hair greyed prematurely.] Sadly for the industry, this kind of cheap fan service depiction of women would become the norm rather than the exception in the decade to come, but in this era, it is a real deviation from the naturalistic look we’ve gotten used to. 
A few pages later we get a tiny glimpse into the concurrently running Supergirl mini-series, where Superman talks Supergirl out of taking her vengeance on Lex Jr. too far.  This whole scene is a little blasé for my tastes, as the stuff Supergirl describes (attempted murder, cloning experiments) is as bad or worse than the stuff Lex Jr. has been pulling on Lois.  As Guardian looks for the Underworlders, we get still more of Felchle’s unique brickwork, this time above ground, at least.  Lastly, we get a pretty lean and mean Superman on the final couple of pages as the Underworlder/Cadmus conflict becomes a shooting war.  The three-fingered mutant firing on Superman recalls a couple Byrne panels, starting with flesh-suit Metallo getting (temporarily) blown away by S.W.A.T team members in Superman #1, and also Superman getting shot at by Bloodsport a few issues later in Superman #4. 
There’s just a ton of stories going on here, perhaps too many to comfortably deal with in a single issue.  We have the abrupt end of the Super-giant storyline (with no sighting of the Parasite that Superman crashed to Earth with), the who-cares war between Cadmus and the Underworlders [Max: I care, Don! I care!!], the Lois-bonkers headline storyline, the Lex-is-dying storyline, and then even a glimpse at Supergirl’s mini-series.  It’s no wonder this issue feels quite long, but also incomplete.
It’s nice to see a little more of the Daily Planet’s operations, but the introduction to plant manager Jeff (no last name) and Jane (no last name) are so quick, and staged so distantly, we really get no sense of them as people. [Max: Jane Stewart, Don! Big fan of Jane Stewart, who appears for all of three panels. I don't know if she ever shows up again, but I'm giving her a tag on the blog anyway.]
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Without saying too much, they’re certainly telegraphing who the mole in Lex’s organization is.  Whenever this character appears in this issue they’re either admonishing Lex, or revealing details of Lex’s life to underlings.  The reveal they’re setting up for really doesn’t feel so shocking after all this. [Max: Is it Vekko? I bet it's Vekko.]
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Into the Wild (2007)
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i drew the cover of my most favourite movie of all time. Chris McCandless you have my whole heart
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nihillist-blog · 1 year
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Into the Wild (2007)
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lovecatnip · 2 months
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Into the Wild 
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cinemaslife · 3 months
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#38 Hacia rutas salvajes (Into the Wild) (2007)
Cuando Christopher McCadless se gradúa de la universidad ya sabes lo que va a hacer, y no es la vida que sus padres tienen planeada para él. Puede ver que el matrimonio fallido de sus padres, las obligaciones, la vida adulta que tiene que empezar...
Sus padres son serios, formales, correctos, exigentes y... desalmados, sobre todo con sus hijos, Carine y Christopher. En una cena muy formal y elegante, hablan de que Chris vaya a Harvard, de comprarle un coche nuevo, de enfocarle en una nueva vida, de que sea alguien, alguien mejor, alguien relevante...
Un nuevo enfrentamiento con sus padres, por un coche que no necesita, y una vida que no quiere, toma la decisión de donar a una ONG todo su dinero y conducir por la carretera para escapar. No va a volver, lleva una mochila con lo necesario, quema el dinero que le queda y abandona su viejo coche, es julio de 1990.
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Con el inicio de su nuevo camino, uno elegido por él, adopta el nombre de Alexander Supertramp y empieza a caminar... hace dedo para alejarse de su casa. Su alta conciencia social, su amor por la lectura, y las ganas de huir de casa, hace que sea fácil alejarse de su familia, dejar el piso donde estaba alquilado, devolver las cartas de sus padres...su hermana le entendía perfectamente, como los excesos de cosas materiales, la vida rápida, las exigencias perpetuas no le hacían una persona dócil y por eso debe huir, para descubrirse.
En el camino, mientras hace dedo, le recogen Rainey y Jane (Catherine Keener) en su furgoneta y acampan juntos, para después cenar... Ambos le recuerdan a la relación de sus propios padres, y sus reflexiones son parecidas a las que harían sus padres, pero llevan una vida nómada, y es lo único que los diferencia.
El viaje de Chris es por la vida, pero, sobre todo, hacia dentro, para comprenderse, y amar todas sus aristas. Y eso hace con la pareja que le recoge, uniéndolos de nuevo. Después de su acción, se va. Debe seguir.
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Sus padres descubren que abandonó su coche, y se deshizo de su dinero, mientras él sigue andando durante horas y días, Chris no quiere que lo encuentren y aunque no lo dijera con palabras, todo lo que hizo antes de irse lo dejó en el sendero.
Para poder subsistir necesita trabajar y empieza recogiendo trigo, es un trabajador que se esmera y siempre quiere dar lo mejor, da igual como de desagradable sea el trabajo.
Allí le enseñan a cazar, a conservar la carne, a manejarse en la vida salvaje, allí se hace amigo de Wayne, hasta que le detienen y le recomienda no ir a Alaska hasta primavera, que de momento vaya al Sur.
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Conforme avanza se enfrenta a problemas burocráticos para poder seguir su camino, y con un viejo kayak (y ninguna experiencia) decide bajar por el río con la idea de llegar a México.
Pierde el kayak en una tormenta de arena y continua en tren, se cuela por rendijas, avanza por canales y caminando hasta la ciudad de los ángeles, allí se refugia donde los sin hogar y pide una cama. Sin nada vaga por las calles observando dentro de los restaurantes la vida que hubiera podido tener, por lo que acaba huyendo de nuevo, pensando que esa vida le persigue.
En uno de sus viajes en tren le dan una paliza, uno de los vigilantes del ferrocarril, por lo que se va complicando su viaje, la gente ya no le para cuando hace dedo debido a su imagen desmejorada.
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Mediante flashbacks recuerda la vida en casa, las peleas de sus padres y como les usaban a él y a su hermana para justificar sus horribles comportamientos, un matrimonio estancado y nocivo criando dos hijos que cada vez están más lejos de sus padres.
Buscando dinero se pone a trabajar en una cadena de comida rápida para poder continuar su camino, ya hace un año que no está en casa, y el dolor que sienten sus padres les unió más con el no saber donde se encontrará.
Estar en la naturaleza solo empieza a pasarle factura, se disocia y sueña con estar acompañado, fracasa ahumando las piezas de carne y se queda sin comida, se siente culpable por acabar con la vida del arce en balde, y deja que los lobos se coman la carne.
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Vuelve a cruzarse con Rainey y Jane en un campamento hippie, y conoce a Tracy (Kristen Stewart). En este punto ya tiene claro que su destino es Alaska, y no tiene ninguna duda, aunque vuelve a encontrarse en un entorno donde lo aprecian y se siente seguro.
Jane tiene un hijo llamado Ringo que se independizó de ella y de Rainey y lo ve en los ojos de Chris, por eso se siente destrozada cuando se va la primera vez. Chris y Tracy están cada vez más unidos y él cada vez más integrado en la familia de Jane y Rainey. Pero siente que debe seguir su camino y fluir, y se va de nuevo.
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Cuando Chris llega a lo que él denomina "autobús mágico" le sorprende que este, prácticamente, equipado con todo, un lugar para hacer fuego, una cama, espacio suficiente para leer y escribir... pero no hay caza y del resto hay poco alimento, por eso cuando decide irse y ve el río por el que cruzó que lleva agua de forma agresiva bajando por la montaña, tiene que volver al autobús y planear como poder subsistir hasta que pueda cruzarlo.
Tiene hambre, y ya no disfruta leyendo, por lo que decide recolectar bayas, pero cegado por el hambre, se precipita en su elección, pese a que lleva un libro de las bayas locales... todo empieza con dolor de cabeza, y cansancio. Se siente tan débil que no puede moverse y se está quedando blanco por el veneno de las bayas, además de tener mucha sed y dolor de estómago.
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Chris lleva dos años viajando y revisa el libro y se da cuenta de que ha confundido dos tipos de bayas, las que son venenosas, provocan: parálisis, inhibición de la digestión y náuseas, pero, sobre todo, si no se tratan llevan a la inanición y a la muerte.
Lleva 100 días en el autobús, sabe que está aislado y no puede seguir alimentándose, por lo que vaga por los alrededores del autobús mágico en un deplorable estado de salud, a la vez que va perdiendo el juicio. A lo largo de su viaje le hablaron tanto de ser cauto y él se rehusó, deseando vivir la vida al máximo, y cae rápidamente en su inconsciencia.
A lo largo de su viaje hace amigos, casi familia, y recuerda a los suyos mientras se va apagando, llevar la vida que siempre quiso tenía un precio, alejarse lentamente, hasta que nadie supiera donde estaba exactamente y así fue su final. Cuando las fuerzas le abandonan y sabe que va a morir, escribe sus últimas palabras "la felicidad solo es real cuando se comparte". Mira por la ventana hacia el cielo de Alaska, y se prepara para desvanecerse, en ese momento vuelve a sentirse identificado como Christopher Johnson McCadless y se abraza a sí mismo. No se arrepiente, está donde quiere estar, y aunque hubiera deseado que ese no fuera su final, sonríe y acepta su destino, soñando con volver a casa.
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"He visto muchas veces esta película y leído el libro y existe una idea romanizada de este viaje, hay una parte real que quiere ponerte en contacto con la naturaleza, que te pide que abandones la vida rápida y te adentres hasta encontrarte. Por otro lado, existe la inconsciencia y la falta de preparación por el ansia de querer vivir la vida al máximo que le lleva al camino final. Hay una parte que habla de perdonar, pero seguir en tu camino, en sus últimos instantes sueña con que vuelve a casa y abraza a sus padres, que puede convivir con la parte de la vida que no le gusta y encontrar un tono de gris que le deje avanzar en la sociedad sin intoxicarse por ella... pero, a veces, ya es demasiado tarde." - Cinema's Life
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donospl · 8 months
JAZZOWE ZAPOWIEDZI: 29 Festiwal Jazz Goes to Town
Hradec Kralove, 10-14.10.2023 Tegoroczna edycja, odbywającego się w czeskim mieście Hradec Králové , Festiwalu Jazz Goes to Town, potrwa od 10 do 14 października. 29 odsłonę  imprezy promuje hasło Waves of Joy.  Na festiwalowych scenach zaprezentuje się ponad 80 muzyków reprezentujących 14 projektów. Widzowie będą mieli okazję spotkać gwiazdy lokalnej i międzynarodowej sceny, w tym artystów z…
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Emile Hirsch in a scene from Into the Wild (2014) with Kristen Stewart as Tracy Tatro. Kristen was born in Los Angeles and has 58 acting credits from a 1999 tv movie to a 2023 music video.
Her other notable credits include The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, Panic Room, Twilight and its four sequels, Snow White and the Hunstman (as Snow White), Cafe Society, Seberg (as Jean Seberg), Charlies Angels, and Spencer (as Princess Diana).
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wingsofhcpe · 16 days
Star Trek: La Sirena Fam & what each of them would do during Greek Eastern Orthodox Easter!
Picard: he's the perfect age to go all-out greek grandfather, tbh. Gets super excited to organise a big feast on Easter Sunday, wants to live it to the fullest, plans to do the whole "roasting an entire lamb for half a day" routine.
Raffi: has no idea what all the fuss is about but hey, there's food, wine and good fun, so why not. she doesn't care but gets EXTREMELY competitive with the egg-cracking, keeps slamming her egg into everyone else's and trying to wine through brute force, ignoring the fact that there's an ✨️art✨️ to the sport.
Rios: "I'm too old for this shit", absolutely doesn't want to partake in the festivities but ends up getting roped in by Picard and made to help with roasting the lamb. At the end of the day he can be found sitting to the side and eating tsoureki (as he should). Also probably gets shitfaced before half the day is done, ends up trying to dance. There's video. Shh, don't tell him.
Agnes: loves the fireworks of Resurrection Night! Loves the candles and the lanterns!! Loves the food and drink! She's so excited to experience something new and learn about a culture she's not familiar with, she's the one taking photos of everyone, she even tried to dye the eggs herself (with a little help from Stewart; it worked!). Definitely drags a very sulky Rios out so they can watch the fireworks together and feel all romantic and sappy (he complains, but of course he secretly loves it).
Seven: crowned winner of the egg-cracking competition, Raffi is SO salty about it. Also a tsoureki fan, ends up stuffing her face with it at breakfast and doesn't want to eat anything else for the rest of the day. Started watching Jesus of Nazareth every afternoon during the week just out of boredom because Elnor and Soji tuned in, is now very invested in it, also lowkey isn't sure the kids should be watching it. Especially Elnor.
Elnor: super disturbed by how bloody, brutal and visceral some of those traditions and cultural details are, tbh. ("What do you mean Jesus died?? Again? I thought it only happened once. Ooh, he's coming back? I see... wait- why are we following his tomb around the neighbourhood? Why are the old men chanting??"). Very invested into watching Jesus of Nazareth, though Soji has to very gently explain to him that that's not Actually Jesus, just an actor (he's shocked).
Soji: very excited to learn about a new culture ! Wants to try everything, from the food to the eggs to reading up all the little tidbits, fun facts and regional traditions she can get her hands on. Wants to help Picard and the holo squad prep the food, set up the table, etc. Feels like she's part of a family celebration for the literal first time in her life!
The holos pop up at random inrervals: Emil makes sure everyone stays hydrated and that nobody accidentally sets anything (or anyone) on fire. Enoch is in charge of the music (oh, so many corny traditional greek songs... meanwhile nobody in there speaks greek). Emmet is supposed to help in the kitchen but just falls asleep, and Ian is helping Agnes take the most embarrassing (and adorable) photos of a drunk Rios & Seven
[special dedication of this post to @coffee-in-that-nebula because i feel like we're the only greek ST:P/La Sirena stans around 😂]
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art history playlist moodboard – soundtrack for an indie coming of age movie
The Rocket – Edward Middleton Manigault // Ground Swell – Edward Hopper // Gas – Edward Hopper // Cycling in Vésinet – Léon Comerre // The DoshanTappeh Street – Kamal-ol-molk // Young Parisian Woman at the Roller-Skating Rink – Antony Paul Emile Morlon // Second Story Sunlight – Edward Hopper // The Goldsmith Ladies in the Bois de Boulogne in 1897 on a Peugeot Cart – Julius LeBlanc Stewart // Dinner at the Casino – Gaston La Touche
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redladydeath · 8 months
Six actors who's names share a common root
Hannah (12) Jana Larell Glover, Anna Uzele, Hana Stewart, Annamaria Baranyai, Anita Gado, Hannah Lowther, Annabel Marlow, Anna Peller, Gerianne Perez, Analise Rios, Hannah Taylor, Anna Terpiłowska
Elizabeth (9) Ellie Jane Grant, Izi Maxwell, Ella Burns, Bella Coppola, Izabela Pawletko, Analise Rios, Leesa Tulley, Elizabeth Walker, Ellie Wyman
Laurence (8) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Lauren Byrne, Lauren Irving, Lauren Mariasoosay, Laura Blair, Lauren Drew, Loren Hunter, Lori McLare
Margaret (7) Małgorzata Chrusciel, Meghan Corbett, Meghan Dawson, Meg Dixon-Brasil, Megan Gilbert, Maggie Lacasse, Megan Leung
Christos (7) Kirsty "Zara" MacIntosh, Keirsten Nicole Hodgens, Cristina D'Agostino, Kristina Leopold, Christina Modestou, Kristina Walz, Krisztina Magyar
Helen (6) Ellie Jane Grant, Elena Breschi, Ella Burns, Elena Gyasi, Aline Mayagoitia, Ellie Wyman
John (6) Jana Larell Glover, Gianna Grosso, Jaina Brock-Patel, Janique Charles, Janice Rijssel, Lori-Jane McLare
Nicholas (6) Nicole Louise Lewis, Nikki Bentley, Nikolett Gallusz, Collette Guitart, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert, Nicole Lamb
Alexander (5) Alexia McIntosh, Sasha Renae Brown, Alexandra "Zan" Berube, Aleksandra Gotowicka, Ji-sun "Lexie" Kim
Gabriella (5) Gabbi Mack, Gabrielle Davina Smith, Gabriela Francesca Carillo, Gabriella Stylianou-Burns, Gabriella Boumford
Jasmine (5) Jasmine Shen, Jasmine Smith, Jasmine Forsberg, Jasmine Hackett, Jaz Robinson
Julius (5) Juli Horanyi, Giulia Marolda, Julia McLellan, Julia Pulo, Jillian Worthing
Adal (4) Alicia Corrales-Connor, Alyssa Giannetti, Alize Ke'Aloha Cruz, Aline Mayagoitia
Amy (4) Amy Bridges, Aimie Atkinson, Amy Di Bartolomeo, Kara-Ami McCreanor
Courtney (4) Courtney Monsma, Courtney Stapleton, Courtney Bowman, Courtney Mack
Emil (4) Amelia Walker, Emily Rose Lyons, Emily Harrigan, Emilia "Millie" O'Connell
Katherine (4) Caitlyn De Kuyper, Kathryn Kilger, Caitlin Tipping, Kate Zulauf
Kayla (4) Kala Gare, Khaila Wilcoxon, Kaylah Attard, Kayla McSorley
Monica (4) Monika Nika Veres, Monique Ashe-Palmer, Janique Charles, Mónika Horváth
Sophia (4) Sophie Golden, Sophie-Rose Middleton, Fia Houston-Hamilton, Sophie Isaacs
Abigail (3) Abigail Sparrow, Abbi Hodgson, Abby Mueller
Aenor (3) Ellie Jane Grant, Ella Burns, Ellie Wyman
Danielle (3) Danielle Steers, Danielle Mendoza, Danielle Rose
Eireann (3) Aryn Bohannon, Erin Palmer Ramirez, Erin Caldwell
Hayley (3) Haley Izurieta, Hailee Kaleem Wright, Hailey Lewis
Laura (3) Laura Dawn Pyatt, Laura Blair, Lori McLare
Lucius (3) Lucy Aiston, Lucia Valentino, Lucinda Wilson
Natalie (3) Natalie Pilkington, Natalie Paris, Natalia Kujawa
Oliver (3) Olivia "Liv" Alexander, Olivia Donalson, Oliver Wickham
Rhiannon (3) Rhiannon Bacchus, Rhiannon Doyle, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Sarah (3) Kala Gare, Sadie Hurst, Sarah McFarlane
Theodore (3) Terica Marie, Didi Romero, Dóra Csonka
Agnes (2) Inez Budd, Agnieszka Rose
Aisha (2) Aiesha Naomi Pease, Aisha Kardffy
Alan (2) Lana Zoe Jensen, Alana M. Robinson
Amanda (2) Amanda Lee, Amanda Lindgren
Ashley (2) Ashlee Waldbauer, Ashleigh Weir
Brian (2) Brianna Brito Mooney, Brianna Javis
Cassandra (2) Cassandra Lee, Cassie Silva
Cathassach (2) Casey Esbin, Casey Al-Shaqsy
Ceallach (2) Kelly Sweeney, Kelly Denice Taylor
Cennetig (2) Kennedy Carstens, Kenedy Small
Charles (2) Carly Mercedes Dyer, Caroline Siegrist
Chelsea (2) Chelsea Lorraine Wargo, Chelsea Dawson
Chloe (2) Chloe Zuel, Chloe Hart
Eloise (2) Eloise "Ellie" Sharpe, Eloise Lord
Eric (2) Terica Marie, Erika Herceg
Grace (2) Grace Mouat, Grace Melville
Hadrian (2) Adrianna Glover, Adrianna Hicks
Henry (2) Harriet Watson, Harriet Caplan-Dean
Holly (2) Holli' Conway, Holly Musgrave
Jennifer (2) Jennifer Caldwell, Ji-woo "Jennifer" Kim
Jessica (2) Jessica Niles, Jessica "Jessie" Bodner
Ludwig (2) Lou Henry, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky
Maia (2) Maiya Quansah-Breed, Maya Christian
Martha (2) Marta Burdynowicz, Marta Skrzypczynska
Mary (2) Annamaria Baranyai, Marilyn Caserta
Matilda (2) Maddison Bulleyment, Maddison Firth
Melissa (2) Melinda Porto, Melissa J. Ford
Rachel (2) Rachel Rawlinson, Rachel "Rae" Davenport
Renatus (2) Renee Lamb, Brene "Bre" Jackson
Shannon (2) Shannen Alyce Quan, Su-jeong "Shannon" Pae
Sidney (2) Cydney Clark, Sydney Parra
Taylor (2) Taylor Iman Jones, Taylor Pearlstein
Victor (2) Victoria "Vicki" Manser, Viki Singh
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midnightcowboy1969 · 9 months
Horsegirl is a theme throughout his past life regression sessions btw
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Joseph Esposito: J. Robert Oppenheimer, the brilliant scientist and “Father of the Atomic Bomb,” was born on this day in 1904. Oppie, as he was known to his friends, was a complex man: he was arrogant, charismatic, and personally and politically naïve. He lost his security clearance in 1954 as he was embroiled in the McCarthyism of the period.
While conservative Republican leaders saw Oppenheimer as a questionable character, if not worse, American intellectuals supported him and saw the security hearing that investigated his security worthiness as a witch hunt and whitewash
Columnists Joe and Stewart Alsop, for example, wrote an indictment of the proceedings, "We Accuse!"--harkening back to to Emile Zola's ringing defense of Alfred Dreyfus in 1898--for Harper's. They concluded by saying of the removal of the scientist's clearance: "This act did not disgrace Robert Oppenheimer: it dishonored and disgraced the high traditions of American freedom."
Oppenheimer was a guest at the Nobel dinner at the White House in 1962. Although he was worthy to be in the same gathering as these Nobel laureates, some of whom also worked with him on the Manhattan Project, he was clearly the most controversial. President Kennedy’s invitation to the dinner was part of an effort to publicly rehabilitate the scientist. He would later select him for the prestigious Fermi Award. Oppenheimer died in 1967.
A year before Oppenheimer died, Arthur Schlesinger wrote to him: "You have faced more terrible things than most men in this terrible age, and you have provided all of us with an example of moral courage, purpose and discipline--you probably are not aware of the meaning your life has had for my generation." It was a great pleasure to talk about Oppenheimer and President Kennedy at the Historical Society of Princeton a few years ago. Oppenheimer had been director of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton and a resident of the town.
I am looking forward to the "Oppenheimer" movie (directed by Christopher Nolan), which will be released in July.
The photo here is of Oppenheimer with his famous slouch hat and Lt. Gen. Leslie Groves, the overall head of the Manhattan Project. It was taken at the Trinity atomic site in 1945 and it is in the public domain.
[Scott Horton]
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lostinaflashforward · 3 months
LIAFF SPECIAL #11 - Interpreti in pillole: Kristen Stewart
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Carissimi lettori, ben ritrovati con un nuovo appuntamento con LIAFF SPECIAL, la rubrica dedicata all’approfondimento di personaggi e temi nel mondo dell’intrattenimento. Questo mese parleremo di un'attrice molto apprezzata, e che ha visto un incredibile notorietà negli ultimi anni, fra premiazioni importanti e partecipazioni ai grandi festival del cinema, ovvero Kristen Stewart. In questo articolo ripercorreremo la sua carriera, dagli inizi in giovanissima età, fino all'arrivo della fama grazie alla Twilight Saga e alla sua reinvenzione quale volto del cinema indipendente e controcorrente, caratterizzata da grandi interpretazioni e riconoscimenti di rilievo.
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A young star: chi è Kristen Stewart?
Kristen Jaymes Stewart nasce a Los Angeles il 09 Aprile 1990, da padre statunitense e madre australiana, rispettivamente un produttore e una sceneggiatrice. Dopo aver studiato in scuole locali, la Stewart continuò gli studi a distanza fino al liceo, e sognava di diventare sceneggiatrice o regista, non avendo mai preso in considerazione la carriera come attrice. Ad otto anni, durante una recita natalizia scolastica, la Stewart fu notata da un agente, portandola a fare audizioni per l'anno successivo, fino ad ottenere il suo primo ruolo, nel film The Thirteenth Year (1999), seguito da The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas (2000), entrambi dei semplici cameo. Il primo ruolo di un certo peso arriva con The Safety of Objects (2001), dove interpreta la figlia maschiaccio del personaggio di Patricia Clarkson.
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Panic Room: i primi ruoli di rilievo
La prima vera svolta nella carriera della Stewart arriva nel 2002 con Panic Room, film thriller diretto da David Fincher, dove interpreta la figlia maschiaccio del personaggio di Jodie Foster, ruolo che le vale una nomination come miglior performance al Young Artist Award. A seguito del successo del film, viene scritturata in Cold Creek Manor (2003), altro thriller con protagonisti Dennis Quaid e Sharon Stone. Fra una lezione a distanza e l’altra, la Stewart trova tempo per partecipare ad altri film, come l’action-comedy Catch that Kid, il thriller Undertow e il drama Speak (tutti usciti nel 2004). In quest’ultimo la Stewart interpreta una ragazza che ha smesso di parlare dopo essere stata vittima di stupro, in una performance notevolmente apprezzata dalla critica. In seguito è apparsa in Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005) di Jon Favreau in un ruolo marginale, in Fierce People (2006), dove recita a fianco del compianto Anton Yelchin, nell’horror The Messengers (2007), a fianco di Dylan McDermott e Penelope Ann Miller e nella commedia romantica In The Land of Women (2007), assieme a Adam Brody e Meg Ryan.
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Into the Wild: le prime attenzioni della critica
Nel 2007 Sean Penn la scelse per interpretare un piccolo ruolo in Into the Wild, adattamento dell’omonimo romanzo di Jon Krakauer, a sua volta basato sulla vera storia di Christopher McCandless, interpretato nella pellicola da Emile Hirsch. La pellicola fu ben accolta dalla critica dell’epoca, la quale si soffermò, fra le altre cose, sull’interpretazione della Stewart, definita rilevante anche se per un ruolo non principale. In seguito la Stewart è apparsa con un cameo in Jumper (2008), ha lavorato a fianco di Robert De Niro in What Just Happened (2008) ed è stata la co-protagonista del film indipendente The Cake Eaters, dove interpreta una ragazza disabile, in un altro ruolo enormemente apprezzato dalla critica.
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The Runaways: fra vampiri e ruoli più drammatici
A Novembre 2007 la Summit Entertainment annunciò che Kristen Stewart avrebbe interpretato la protagonista femminile di Twilight (2008), film tratto dall’omonimo romanzo di Stephenie Meyer, e primo di una lunga e redditizia saga cinematografica. Il primo lungometraggio, diretto da Catherine Hardwicke (che la scelse dopo un provino improvvisato sul set di Adventureland), portò alla Stewart una fama mondiale, ma anche una serie di critiche negative per via della sua recitazione poco espressiva. Nel 2009 la Stewart appare in Adventureland, recitando a fianco di Jesse Eisenberg, e nel secondo capitolo della Twilight Saga, New Moon, seguito poi dal terzo, Eclipse, uscito nel 2010. Da quel momento la Stewart si alterna fra i restanti film della Twilight Saga, vale a dire le due parti di Breaking Dawn, uscite fra il 2011 e il 2012, e una serie di film più drammatici, come The Yellow Handkerchief, dove recita a fianco del compianto William Hurt, Welcome to the Rileys, assieme al compianto James Gandolfini, nel biopic The Runaways, dove la Stewart interpreta la rockstar Joan Jett, in una delle sue performance più importanti, il fantasy Snow White and the Huntsman, dove interpreta una versione action di Biancaneve e l’adattamento cinematografico di On the Road di Jack Kerouac. A seguito della fine della Twilight Saga, la Stewart diventa il volto per marchi come Chanel e Balenciaga, definendosi anche come icona di stile.
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Camp X-Ray: il ritorno dopo le controversie
Per due anni la Stewart non apparve più sulle scene, anche a causa dello scandalo riguardante Rupert Sanders, il regista di Snow White and the Huntsman, ma nel 2014 ritorna in sala con Camp X-Ray, interpretando una giovane guardia che lavora nel penitenziario di Guantanamo, ruolo che la riporta all’attenzione della critica. Nello stesso anno la Stewart è fra i protagonisti di Cloud of Sils Maria, film diretto da Oliver Assayas e presentato al festival di Cannes, che le ha fruttato il César Award come miglior attrice non protagonista, recitando a fianco di Juliette Binoche e Chloë Grace Moretz, e recita accanto a Julianne Moore in Still Alice, film che ha portato la Moore a vincere l'Oscar come miglior attrice protagonista. Negli anni successivi la Stewart appare in Anesthesia, film diretto da Tim Blake Nelson e incentrato sulle vite di alcuni personaggi residenti a New York, in American Ultra, dove ritrova Jesse Eisenberg, il sci-fi distopico Equals, Certain Women di Kelly Reichardt, Cafè Society di Woody Allen, in Personal Shopper, seconda collaborazione con Oliver Assayas, dove interpreta Maureen, una ragazza che lavora nel mondo della moda e che ha recentemente perso il fratello gemello, in un altra performance elogiata dalla critica e in Billy Lynn's Long Halftime di Ang Lee. In questo periodo la Stewart è anche apparsa nella videoclip per il brano "Ride 'Em on Down" de i Rolling Stones e ha debuttato come regista per un cortometraggio, intitolato Come Swim.
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Spencer: la nomination agli Oscar
Nel 2018 la Stewart appare in Lizzie, adattamento cinematografico delle vicende di Lizzie Borden, interpretata da Chloë Sevigny, seguito da JT Le Roy, dove interpreta Savannah Knopp, il volto dietro il famoso caso da cui il film prende il nome e nel 2019 torna al Festival del Cinema di Venezia con Seberg, film che narra la storia dell'attrice Jean Seberg, rivelatosi un altro ruolo importante per la sua carriera. In seguito la Stewart torna al cinema mainstream con il chiacchierato Charlie's Angels di Elizabeth Banks, il thriller Underwater, in cui recita a fianco di Vincent Cassel, ha diretto il cortometraggio Crickets per l'antologia Homemade ed ha recitato nel film natalizio a sfondo LGBTQ+ Happiest Season. A Giugno 2020 la Stewart fu scelta per interpretare Lady Diana in Spencer, biopic diretto da Pablo Larraín ed incentrato sul momento in cui Diana decide di divorziare dal principe Carlo. Per prepararsi al ruolo, la Stewart ha studiato ogni aspetto della compianta principessa del Galles e, a quanto pare, lo sforzo è stato ben ripagato, dato che il film ha debuttato al Festival di Venezia del 2021 ed è stato grandemente accolto dalla critica, soprattutto per l'interpretazione della Stewart, che le ha fruttato fra le altre cose, una nomination agli Oscar come miglior attrice protagonista, momento che segnerà in positivo la sua carriera. In seguito la Stewart torna a Cannes con Crimes of the Future, ultima fatica di David Cronenberg, in un ruolo marginale, ma comunque apprezzato da pubblico e critica e ha un cameo nella miniserie Irma Vep, targata Oliver Assayas.
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I progetti futuri
A quanto pare, Kristen Stewart sembra non volersi fermare qui, dato che ha all'attivo numerosi progetti. Fra questi menzioniamo il thriller romantico Love Lies Bleeding, diretto da Rose Glass e presentato al Sundance Festival di quest'anno, con cui recita a fianco di Katy O'Brien, che già sta ricevendo un grandissimo apprezzamento da parte della critica, il sci-fi sperimentale Love Me, dove recita a fianco di Steven Yeun e anch'esso presentato al Sundance, il debutto alla regia di un lungometraggio in The Chronology of Water, tratto dall'omonimo memoir di Lidia Yuknavitch, la comedy Sacramento, attualmente in produzione, un film che narra la nascita della Beat Generation, che sarà diretto da Ben Foster, e un biopic sull'attivista Susan Sontag.
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