#emilys dreams
ornithorynquerouge · 4 months
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Beach babe Emily Agnes by Ana Dias
Archive ornithorynquerouge
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alltears · 1 month
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cooking up something powerful.
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My unsleeping city illustrations! Available early on my Patreon!
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b1kinikiller · 3 months
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petaltexturedskies · 11 months
And there was always her dream-world into which she could escape from monotony and loneliness, and taste strange, sweet happiness unmarred by any cloud or shadow.
L.M. Montgomery, Emily's Quest
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melanodis · 8 months
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is this anything
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no glasses ver because its the original but i became increasingly enamored by the other
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
not a dream
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I always found it funny how in MTV's Finding Carter (show about a kidnapped girl being found many years later and being brought back to her family including her twin sister), they cast an actress who has a twin IRL (who is also an actress), Kathryn Prescott (Emily from Skins) and Megan Prescott (Katie Fucking Fitch)
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but they chose not to cast her and cast another actress (Anna Jacoby-Heron) who looks nothing like her instead?
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like they had a twin available right there (and an actress to boot) but they were like, no thanks, let's try something else
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berlingotesque · 3 months
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So. The graphic novel, huh.
The artstyle is pretty good, I can’t deny it. Joey’s design is beautiful, very dilf-coded. Buddy looks… young. VERY young. He’s supposed to be 17 in Dreams Come To Life but somehow manages to look 12 ? Plus, I don't know how to describe it, but he looks very...angry ? Upset ? I don't think his bubbly, awkward personality appears much in the graphic novel, with his gaze being very...severe. He just looks weird, like a 40 years old in a child body. And Norman… Deep breath. His design is…no. Absolutely NOT it. I didn’t expected much but I still managed to be disappointed. I’ll wait until we get to see Sammy and Tom (especially) before expressing what I think is wrong with these designs but… yeah. I’m so sorry, Norman.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Lute sees Vaggie's wings have grown back and tries take them again. She grabs them to pull them off, but her hands burn right through her gloves. Sp, Lute tries to cut them off with her sword, but the blade shatters the second it hits the feathers. That's the power of love, bitch!
this could be either so dramatic or so fucking funny so i'd love to imagine it being Both
(fuck this turned out looooooong XD)
Emily: "Good news!”
Charlie: "YAY!"
Vaggie: "How good can it be, if we had to come all the way to stupid heaven to hear it?
Charlie: "Vaggie, c'mon- We could REALLY use some good news!"
Emily: "Then you'll love this. I looked into it and, Vaggie, you being abandoned in hell was wrong, not to mention Adam never cleared it with anyone else anyway- so you can come back here to heaven! Isn't that great!"
Charlie: "Oh... thanks Emily, that's..."
Vaggie: "Not happening."
Charlie: "Maybe she could have some time to think about-"
Lute: "No.”
Vaggie: "No."
Lute: “An angel's place is in heaven. Hell is a prison for sinners, demons, and the fallen who reject the very order of creation. If you choose to stay down there, then what does that make you?"
Vaggie: "It's making me fucking happy, for one thing."
Charlie: (whispers) "... a happy day in hell?"
Vaggie: (whispering back) "Every single one."
Charlie: (BEAMS)
Lute: "Then you've made your choice. You're not an angel. You’re not one of us. You're a traitor."
Vaggie: "And it's been better company than I had up here."
Lute: "Think so?” (grins) “Sera, respectfully, hell is rebelling-"
Charlie: "We were PROTECTING ourselves!"
Lute: "-they killed Adam and one of their people is up here acting like he doesn’t still sympathize with murderers and filthy sinners. We can’t risk anyone else getting past heaven’s gates.”
Vaggie: “Like I’d ever want to!”
Lute: “So you wouldn’t lead the charge if your demon bitch said the word and pointed at us?”
Emily: “Lute!”
Charlie: “Vaggie wouldn’t-”
Vaggie: “Charlie never would! That’s what makes her different from assholes like YOU.”
Lute: “You think everyone’s as weak as you are, don’t you? She’s a hellborn princess. She just called violently resisting a sanctioned extermination ‘self defense.’”
Lute: “Sinners are not people. They had their chance and burned it. And they’re not the only ones.”
Emily: “But they can be redeemed! We’ve seen it happen!”
Lute: “Once.”
Emily: “It doesn’t matter that it was only ‘once’- it matters that it happened and we still don’t understand why. We have a duty to the people of heaven, but if sinners can find their way here then that duty includes them too! And the exterminations were just wrong from the start!”
Lute: “Careful Emily, you’re starting to sound like a traitor too.”
Emily: “If the other choice is sounding like YOU, then-”
Sera: “Enough! Both of you! Emily is not the one on trial here, Lute.”
Lute: “Then listen to the ones that ARE! Sera, listen to them, listen to HER- she’s made her choice. She’s fallen even more than Lucifer Morningstar did-”
Charlie: “Don’t you DARE bring my dad into this!”
Lute: “-and there should be a PRICE for that. We need to take precautions.”
Emily: “Precautions? What does that even mean? She’s locked in hell with everyone else, like Lucifer is, what more can you even do to her?”
Lute: “Same thing I did before. Only this time.” (draws sword) “I know how to make it stick.”
Charlie: “What?”
Vaggie: “….you… bitch.”
Lute: "Traitor's don't need an angel's wings, do they? Traitors don't deserve them."
Charlie: "Well she has them again now anyway so CLEARLY having angel wings doesn’t mean what you think it does!”
Lute: “It means I didn’t use heavenly steel the first time.”
Emily: “You-”
Charlie: “Don’t. Come any closer.”
Emily: “Lute stop! Sera stop her! This isn’t helping anyone!”                        
Sera: “I have only one question.”
Lute: “Ask and get it over with, we all know what the answer is already.”
Sera: “Hush.”
Sera: “Vaggie. Do you reject our offer of a pardon, and the orders of and service to heaven, in favor of remaining hell?”
Vaggie: “…I do.”
Sera: "Understanding that no other angel has ever done so before?”
Vaggie: “They would’ve, if they’d met Charlie.”
Sera: “Then you are guilty of treason.”
Vaggie: “…”
Sera: “Lute. Make it quick.”
Lute: (grinning) “As the seraphim commands.”
Emily: “Wait-”
Charlie: “BACK. OFF.”
Sera: “You are not in hell, miss Morningstar, this is not your domain and you have no power to draw on here. I will honor our former treaty not to spill hell’s royal blood but do NOT test my patience with it. Emily, restrain her.”
Charlie: “NO-”
Emily: “Sera you can’t! This is-!”
Sera: “Fine. Exorcists, hold the hell princess. And Emily, if you cannot obey a command or bear witness to my rulings then leave before I remove you myself.”
Emily: “I… you…”
Lute: “Kneel. Traitor.”
Vaggie: “Charlie don’t struggle don’t fight them- get those fucking spears out of her face- Emily!”
Emily: “…what…?”
Lute: “I said. KNEEL.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE!”
Vaggie: “Please! Don’t let- AGH- don’t let them hurt her!”
Emily: “I won’t… I.” (grabs Charlie and holds on tight) “I- I have her. Spears down. I, have her restrained.”
Sera: (relieved) “Thank you.”
Lute: "Let's make you look the part first shall we? Trim this hair out of the way?"
Vaggie: "You're pathetic."
Lute: "I'm not the one chained up and crying on my knees."
Charlie: "PLEASE I can make a deal I can make a new agreement with heaven- Whatever you want! What do you WANT from us!?"
Lute: "I want her to hold still. If she flinches, I might nick that left over eye of hers."
Vaggie: "Fuck. You- Ah!"
Lute: "Whoops. Hope that won't scar."
Sera: "Lute I said to make it quick-"
Lute: "We want to it be clean too don't we. I'm just cut cutting off some loose ends- wouldn't want to miss her wings and MANGLE this, would I."
Emily: “Charlie-”
Charlie: “YOU!”
Lute: "There. Now you look just as pathetic as you did three years ago."
Emily: “Charlie just close your eyes, she’ll be okay-”
Lute: “No she won’t.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE-”
Lute: “AARGH!”
Sera: “…….” (horrified)
Lute: “My hand! My sword-” (rounds on Charlie) “Demon BITCH! WHAT DID YOU DO!?”
Charlie: “Vaggie? Are you..?”
Vaggie: “….fine. I’m. I don’t think it’ll even bruise?”
Emily: (awed) “Your wings broke her sword. They shattered heavenly steel-”
Emily: “A miracle.” (releases Charlie)
Charlie: "Vaggie-" (snaps the chains off vaggie and pulls her close)
Sera: “Traitor. How did you regain those wings.”
Vaggie: (huddled in Charlie’s fierce hug) “C- someone told me I had to fight with love, and I thought about Charlie, and they just…”
Lute: “SEE!? They were made in HELL they’re as profane as the love that spawned them-”
Emily: “Then they’re not under heaven’s jurisdiction to take away, are they? They belong to Vaggie. Not to us.”
Lute: “Belong to- she doesn’t DESERVE-”
Emily: “And you don’t deserve to cut them off her apparently.”
Lute: “I-”
Sera: “Lute. QUIET.”
Lute: (seething and bleeding from sword shrapnel) “…”
Sera: “You, fallen. If I bent my power on you, I could very likely burn those wings from existence.”
Charlie: “If you want to start a war with hell that’s a VERY good way of doing it. Sera.”
Sera: "...."
Sera: “…you will no longer be allowed past the gates of heaven. You are here on and forever more bound to the regions of hell, regardless of your wings-”
Vaggie: “Fine by f-fucking me.”
Sera: “-and in time you will lose all your divinity. You will bleed a demon’s blood one day.”
Vaggie: “Good.”
Lute: “If you live that long.”
Charlie: (Unholy SNARL)
Emily: (getting between them) “Can I send them home now? Or are we going to do something else to shame all of heaven in front of our guests?”
Vaggie: (sighing) “I’d love to be home right now…”
Charlie: “We’ll be there in a second.” (hugs her tighter) “I promise.” (kiss her hair) “Want to stretch your wings?”
Vaggie: “…yeah.”
Sera: “No, Emily. I will banish them.”
Charlie: “Okay.” (suddenly glaring) “Ha ha thank you Sera but don’t bother. It’s straight down from here and the prison wards don’t stop anyone from coming IN do they?”
Emily: “Are you sure your wings are okay for flying with, Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “That’s what I wanna find out.”
Charlie: “We’ll be fine. And we won’t be coming back.”
Emily: “I’m sorry.”
Lute: “Like you’d have the chance.”
Sera: “Go. Heaven is no place for either of you.”
Charlie: “Wow really I hadn’t noticed! I mean no one in HELL ever tried mutilating my girlfriend in front of me, but whatever I guess!” (muttering) “Sadistic homophobic pricks.”
Vaggie: “Told you.”
Charlie: “You did. You did tell me. I’m sorry I didn’t-”
Vaggie: “I love that you didn’t listen.”
Charlie: “…okay.” (deep breath) “Okay.”
Vaggie: “Besides, there’s Sir Pentious up here now.”
Charlie: “True. They don’t deserve him.”
Vaggie: “And Emily.”
Charlie: “Hm.” (burns a hole in the clouds beneath them) “Ready to fuck off together for all eternity?”
Vaggie: (weak chuckle) “Yeah, sweetie. Let’s go home.”
- they go home-
Sera: “Emily.”
Emily: "..."
Sera: “I hope you will think hard on what you’ve done and very nearly did today. Please.” (touches Emily’s shoulder) “For your own sake. Please.” (leaves)
Emily: “…she’s never going to forgive me, is she.”
Lute: “Oh shut UP. Sera will forgive you for ANYTHING.”
Emily: “I meant Charlie.”
Lute: (disgusted noise) (throws her broken sword down after them) (stalks off)
Emily: (sits down on the edge of the clouds) (finds one of Vaggie’s loose feathers floating by) (picks it up and twirls it sadly as she stares down at the distant warm glow of hell)
-down in hell-
Angel Dust: "Unholy fuck, Vaggie Tales, what the hell happened to your hair?"
Charlie: "Lute."
Vaggie: "Heaven."
Angel Dust: "Huh. Shit that's a bad enough cut to make a guy rethink the whole redeemin' himself stuff to get up there, y'know?"
Charlie: "I know. Trust me Angel Dust- NOW, I know."
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diana-andraste · 2 months
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Emilie přichází ke mně ve snu Emily Comes to Me in a Dream, Jindřich Štyrský, 1933
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ornithorynquerouge · 4 months
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Charming Emily Ratajkowski
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mazeyphaedra · 2 months
figueroth faeth is sooo like. i have more opportunities to be better at everything when i am other people. i don’t know who i am. i’m a wood elf tiefling resident doctor detective old lady archdevil wizard’s paramour german shepherd. i’m straight-edged except for drugs. i smoke. i’m a rockstar. i haven’t written anything in months. i turned my infernal domain into a recording studio. i’m not an artist. i wear my heart on my sleeve. i can’t have any of my loved ones know how much i truly care for them. i attribute every awesome and kind thing i do to other people. i don’t want to exist. i worry my parents, all four of them. i’m an only child. i’m a sister. i’m wanda childa. i contradict myself; i am large, i contain multitudes. i’m a teenage girl.
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shhtickerbook · 4 months
are requests still open? if so could i ask for regressor emily from hazbin???
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Decided to add Charlie for a lil playdate! Em and Char have similar little ages and just love playing, usually very complicated pretend games with lots of rules!
and ye requests are still open :)
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petaltexturedskies · 5 months
The winter will fly swiftly, then will be the spring - think of nothing but hope - heed nothing but anticipation - "the griefs of the present moment are not to be compared with the joys which are hereafter”
Emily Dickinson, from a letter to Austin Dickinson dated 16 November 1851
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stone-stars · 3 months
Fia: Okay, I will help in whatever way I can. ["Irina" begins playing.] I can picture her very vividly still. I don't know whether it is true, or if I have made up a version of her, but she's still so strong in my mind. Sienna: Do you sense her arrival? Murph: Uh, and-- and looks at you, Fia. Fia: Do I? Murph: Um, and just then… you guys see a figure. Deep in the distance, in the maze of trees. ["Irina" begins playing. Fia gasps softly.] She's radiating with magical energy, surrounded by these swirling green sprites. Fia: It just kind of flowed from her very effortlessly. In fact, when I knew her, I… ah, I did not have a spell to my name really. I-- I-- I was not magical at all. The most magical thing about me was her probably. Murph: Yeah, Fia, you have this strong, strong memory of this magical girl that you grew up with in this very un-magical place. Just this burst of color in this grey world. Murph: She wears a multicolored cloak that she's clearly made herself. Murph: She has the looks of like, a bandit. Like, kind of like [Emily: Yeah.] patchwork clothes and things like that. [Emily: Yeah.] Of-- of like somebody who's like stolen armor. Fia: Okay. Henry: So it's gonna be like that. Fia: This is gonna be a problem because I actually really like you, because you seem sweet, because you made your own clothing, so… Emily: I am going to just…. ooh, I really don't wanna hurt her. Murph: And, um, she's kind of looking around. It looks like she probably just plane shifted here, and is a little bit like-- she's like staring around in wonder. Because, you know, even as somebody who's inherently magical she probably hasn't been to groves before. Um, or if she has, they're still beautiful every time you go to one. So, she looks around. Emily: Okay. I think I-- I take a moment to enjoy the pleasure of seeing her before she sees me. Fia: She is like a pressed flower in my mind. Murph: Yeah! You see uh, she smiles. She's got these, uh, little tusks that pop out, just like you Fia. Emily: Does she still wear her hair long? Fia: She loved honey cakes, but she would never finish one. She always gave the rest to the birds. Um, she had long silver hair that sometimes I would braid, but she didn't know how to braid her own hair. How funny is that! Sometimes I wonder, did you want me to braid your hair and that's why you never learned? Murph: She still wears her hair very long. She's got, uh, her silver hair goes all the way down her back. Fia: Okay-- ooh! Thank you. Silver is my favorite color. Yes, let's do this! Emily: I think then I can't help myself. I say, like-- Fia: I'm glad you kept it long. Murph: Um, you-- you-- you say-- Fia: It's such a beautiful color. There should be as much of it as possible.
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alteon77 · 3 months
Because I could not stop for Death, she kindly stopped for me...
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By “kindly”, of course, I mean to say that she has been rather rude concerning her own decision to seek me out. Upon locating me, she chastised my benevolence in feeding the local pigeons of this park before she accused me of brooding.
Brooding? Me? It was an outlandish assumption on her part that I took issue with, though my protests were inevitably for naught. She seemed to not care for whatever I might say in my defense.
Lastly- but perhaps most troubling of all- she has now pestered me into taking a walkabout with her. Family is always difficult, but I find her insistence particularly tedious this day. Apparently, for some reason I can scarcely understand, she believes me to be lonely.
-Dream's POV on having an older sibling that forces him to be sociable and get sunshine.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, can convince me his journal entries wouldn't all be like this. 😂 Also, this is what happens when I watch Bridgerton and Sandman back to back.
Made in Procreate. Loving that program. Seriously. No background here because I just didn't have the spoons for it. Title comes from the Emily Dickinson poem “Because I could not stop for Death”, but I changed the “he” in the next line to “she”.
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