#emma alonso imagine
vettelsvee · 5 months
Girl you are managing university stress and also writing just masterworks...... WOW. Here I can't handle Alevel 😭 but you're doing triple the work. YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOURSELF!
shut up you’re making me cry even more 😭 my works are ok, but i don’t think they’re THAT good
the fact is that i’m a person who works surprisingly good under pressure. i grew up with so many extra curricular activities after school that i’m used to it. been in all the sports you can imagine. i studied for six years professional music studies (just like alessia from my seb’s series, Adagio for two!) while studying school and english to improve my level. last year i was managing uni with getting my english language certificate, working as an english teacher and, of course, writing. now i’m just focusing on my studies (this was the hardest year, my god) and on my mental health (especially when my ex bf left my message on read and never got to break up with me lol), so writing has been quite helpful and, tbh with you, it’s on what i’m focusing the most!
next year i start studying for a public exam to get a job as a teacher and idk how i’m gonna get to write, but pretty sure i’ll do it!
i did my research and i feel like alevels are similar to the selectividad/evau/ebau/pevau (whatever is called lol) in spain, so good look! pretty sure you can do it without any problem 🫂🫶🏻
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
Romantic ghost manor au Emily headcanons
For base info on this au go here! Warnings: Mentions of getting sick + medicine, mentions of food
Story type: Fluff, Au
Pairings/Characters: Emily Dyer - "Doctor" x Gender neutral Reader, Emma Woods - "Gardener", Kevin Alonso - "Cowboy"
(pov: kevin and emma play wingmen/woman /hj, possible ooc)
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Emily was one of the first ghosts that showed herself to you other then Emma, though Emily was a little nervous about meeting you it turned out to be for the better. Because she didn't hold off on meeting you and hiding her existence it didn't take as long for you to warm up to her as possibly some of the others.
Though some of Emily's practices may be outdated she's still a doctor, and it's always good that you have her around whenever you get sick. She always takes care of you with the most tender smile on her face, gently helping you sit up from bed if needed and reminding you to take medications if you need any.
Emily was sort of touch averse at first, it's not that she hated being touched, it's just that she wasn't use to you. But after she got used too you she couldn't help but start imagining what it would be like to hold your hand, would it be warm compared to her cold one? Or would her coldness make your warmth vanish? She didn't know, but she knew she wanted to be close to you.
Because of her close friendship with Emma she had easy access to flowers and started learning how to make bouquet's. Once she felt one was good enough she'd give one to your along with a note reminding you to take care of yourself, reminding you to make sure to get rest and to drink enough water.
The moment she confesses to you is a simple but sweet thing, she was able to convince some of the other ghosts to help her out. Though Emma is hurt and upset about it, she wants her beloved to be happy and could never bring herself to hurt you. When you come back from work it's strangely quiet but Emily is waiting inside the house for you at the front door. She welcomes you in and continues talking to you, eventually guiding you to the dinning room. She asks you too sit down and said that she and Kevin had made dinner for you. As you sit down she scurries off seemingly bashful and shy, which confused you with how normally composed she was. Kevin soon came into the room and placed a plate of food infront of you and talked with you for some time, mentioning how special you were to the doctor. he left soon afterwards as Emily returned and sat beside you, seemingly more flustered then when she had left. You asked her if there was anything wrong and she sighed in response and began talking to you. Soon these words slipped out of her mouth, "Y/n, though we've only known eachother for the few months you've lived here, it's feels like i've known you for all of time. You mean a lot too me and it feels like the bond we've made feels more then just a normal friendship. Though i've done some horrible things you still accept me, still like me, still...treat me human. I want to be by your side for as long as possible. I want to know, y/n, do you.. love me like i love you?"
You could only sit there flabbergasted at what just came out of this woman's mouth, it took a few minutes for you to process what happened but as soon as you did you took her hand into yours. Even if you accepted the confession in the most awkward way Emily would still be beaming with happiness and would ask for permission to kiss you. Despite being dead, Emily was quite warm for a ghost as you embraced and kissed.
As your relationship continues as lovers you start waking up to seeing her in bed with you every morning, even if she can't sleep she'll still lay beside you in bed. This woman just loves you too much to not stare at your beautiful sleeping face.
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Emma Alonso Masterlist
You’re A Witch!
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veralovemail · 4 years
campfire stories in the manor!
pairing : none!
a/n: i had an idea using the 2 sentence horror story i found while scrolling through reddit. it's not exactly romantic, but it is funny! - mod vera
it had been a normal day within the manor - matches were held, andrew was having an existential crisis, people roamed the halls and interacted with eachother... just another boring day.
however, things changed a little when emma had asked everyone on the survivor side to meet her in the garden to tell some campfire stories to lighten the mood a little! almost everyone agreed, excluding aesop and andrew since aesop had already retreated to his toom and andrew was STILL having that existential crisis of his.
so, skip ahead an hour or so and everyone's gathered in the garden.
you were there too, sitting on the cold stone ground next to kevin and fiona. initially, kevin wanted to sit inbetween the two of you, buuut for the sake of your's and fiona's sanity, you decided to let him sit next to just you.
once emma arrived, everything set in motion - she explained that they'd all go around the circle telling a spooky story. it could be however long or short as you'd like, as long as it was scary.
there were a few good ones! like vera talking about her ghostly döppelganger that would sit at the bottom of her bed everynight when she was a child and do nothing but stare at her, luca talking about one of his wild inventions that got possessed and tried to shred him to pieces... norton told everyone of the ghoulish zombies who lived in the mines where he used to work... kevin told everyone about the skeletons that'd wander the desert planes during the night...
and then there was you, the last one. you had been put on the spot, so you had to think quickly.
"i told her there was no monster in her closet and as i picked her up, i told her she could sleep with me for the night," you took a moment to hold up the suspense, "i figured that was the safest way of getting her out of the house without him realising that i saw him."
for a moment, nobody understood it.
but then... the looks of horror slowly started appearing all around the circle. hell, even naib looked mortified and he's seen some shit.
" [ name ] - " vera began.
victor quickly scribbled something down on a piece of paper, it read: " i don't think i'll be able to sleep after that one [ name ]. "
keeping a deadpan face, you looked around the circle in satisfaction. most people here were grown adults and they looked horrified. it wasn't that scary but... definitely disturbing.
"ummmm... g..goodnight everyone?" emma stuttered rather awkwardly, trying to put past the shock of the short story behind everyone.
you were the first one to leave, hopping up from your seat on the ground, chirping out a satisfactory, "goodnight everyone!"
a few minutes after you had left, tracy stood up and said, "can anyone check if there's a monster in my closet please?"
that night, nobody slept.
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crystal-tit · 2 years
SSO characters playing TF2 because why not
Alright so here's the post I needed some characters for. Sorry if this disappoints you but it was just such a funny idea in my head.
Pyro and Scout main. They play either casual and hang out with friendlies or go absolute ham in competitive. They have every inch of maps memorised and are very effective at Spy checking.
It's been 20 years since he had to abandon computers and his favourite game Team Fortress Classic (and the Team Fortress mod on Quake). He finds out the game got a sequel. Time to play his favourite class – the civilian. He's gone. He's absolutely devastated.
He would play the TFC with Evergray before he went off to Pandoria on computers that they had in secret because back then druids were strictly against computers. After Evergray left, he would still play the game and now he's absolutely cracked at it compared to Evergray and he's so smug about it. He's great at playing Spy, landing a great amount of trick stabs.
He plays Sniper mostly. Looking through the scope reminds him of the observatory and since he's so far back from the battle he doesn't have to interact with people much. He doesn't really change up the hats (because he would look too not ordinary) but he does have several weapon loadouts he switches between.
She doesn't play it but has it installed on her laptop that she has for communication reasons because it's the only thing that shuts Beeper up sometimes. Yeah, he is trained but sometimes he just screeches until he gets to jump on the keyboard and he's somehow very good at it. And he also keysmashes into the chat. Kora doesn't understand why he likes it so much.
Sonja & Emma
They're both Medic mains and prefer playing Mann vs Machine since that game mode is just much more chill compared to the others. They discuss good strategies and who to Über together. They form a really nice duo in game and are very nice to the team mates.
She doesn't play the game but she has read the comics because she wants to understand what her friends talk about at least slightly. Her favourite character is Merasmus and her favourite comic is Bombinomicon because of Demoman's backstory.
Hardcore Scout and Soldier main. They're brave and unafraid to rush into a situation. You don't even realise how they appear into the situation. Has the best weapon loadouts and some of them are like very rare.
I can't imagine him as anything other than a Medic main. He likes helping his team mates and makes sure everyone is healed properly before and during the game. Says gg every time the round ends.
She can play all the classes pretty okay but she's a master at Engineer. She knows all the best locations to place the dispenser, sentry, etc. She can adapt to the situation quickly and is a great asset to the team.
Carney, Marley, Barney and Courtney
He doesn't play TF2 but he is familar with the characters because he uses SFM to make posters and animations! He really enjoys playing with the lighting, models, etc.
They always play the same class. I don't mean this as in they each main a character, I mean this as in they always try to match. They have matching loadouts on all the classes (only varying in colours) and people dislike how little diversity they bring to the team but somehow they just make it work. Somehow the team is 4 Heavies, 1 Medic and 1 Scout and somehow they still win. They became some sort of TF2 cryptids this way.
He has a LOT of hours on the game. He doesn't have a main, he just presses the random class button and then goes into spectator mode. He only watches the other people play and doesn't participate at all. He just stands there at spawn, looking at what others are doing. He has so little achievements which he himself doesn't know how he got.
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oletus-love · 3 years
Introduction + Rules
Hello everyone! You can call me Crimson/Crim or Maddie/Mads, whatever suits your fancy. I use she/her & they/them pronouns & I’m 21 years old. I’m also ace pan. I have ADHD & several other disorders. Currently, I play on the NA/EU server. I will link a Google Docs listing my mains here soon. Feel free to PM me for my ID if you wanna add me to play IDV! Please always read my tagline to see if requests are open.
What I will write:
• Fluff (it’s my favorite. if you request it, I will literally love you forever.)
• Angst (just nothing too excessive, please)
• Platonic (not my strong suit, but I can always try)
• Anything else besides NSFW
• Headcanons
• One shots
• Character x Reader
What I will not write:
• NSFW/suggestive content in any form (though I am a legal adult, I am also asexual, and that kind of stuff makes me uncomfortable. however, I know there are other blogs out there that will write this kind of content for you if you so desire.)
• The basics (p/dophilia, k/nk, inc/st, etc.)
• Anything more than platonic for Robbie or Murro
• Character x Character (this is an imagines blog for x readers only)
• Mental illnesses I don't know enough about
• Poly scenarios (at least until I get better at writing them)
Who I WILL write for:
• Emily Dyer/Doctor
• Emma Woods/Gardener
• Servais Le Roy/Magician (underrated boyo)
• Kurt Frank/Explorer (another underrated boyo)
• Naib Subedar/Mercenary
• Martha Behamfil/Coordinator
• Fiona Gilman/Priestess
• Tracy Reznik/Mechanic
• William Ellis/Forward
• Helena Adams/The Mind’s Eye
• Vera Nair/Perfumer
• Kevin Alonso/Cowboy
• Margaretha Zell/Female Dancer
• Eli Clark/Seer
• Aesop Carl/Embalmer
• Norton Campbell/Prospector
• Patricia Dorval/Enchantress
• Murro/Wildling
• Mike Morton/Acrobat
• Jose Baden/First Officer
• Demi Bourbon/Barmaid
• Victor Grantz/Postman
• Andrew Kreiss/Grave Keeper
• Luca Balsa/Prisoner
• Edgar Valden/Painter
• Lucky Guy
• Orpheus/Detective (I think he counts as a Survivor, maybe?)
• Leo Beck/Hell Ember
• Joseph Desaulniers/Photographer
• Robbie White/Axe Boy
• Antonio Paganini/Violinist
• Galatea Claude/Sculptor 
Who I will NOT write for (please keep in mind that I don’t have anything against some of these characters, and I worry that I won’t be able to do them justice. as I get further into the stage play and gain more character information through that and other means, I may give some of them a try later.):
• Freddy Riley/Lawyer
• Kreacher Pierson/Thief
• Melly Plinius/Entomologist
• Ganji Gupta/Batter
• Joker/Smiley Face
• Bane Perez/Gamekeeper
• Jack/The Ripper
• Violetta/Soul Weaver
• Michiko/Geisha
• Wu Chang/Black & White Guards/Xie Bi'an & Fan Wujiu (I love these guys so much. once I get their personalities down and learn how to write poly scenarios, there’s a high chance I will be adding them in the near future.)
• Burke Lapadura/Architect/Mad Eyes
• Hastur/The Feaster
• Yidhra/Dream Witch & Yidhra’s Followers
• Luchino Diruse/Evil Reptilian
• Mary/Bloody Queen
• Bonbon/Guard 26
• Ann/Disciple
• Percy/Undead
• Will Brothers/The Breaking Wheel
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ktas-draws · 3 years
I just wanted to tell you about a super random idea I had for an AU
it's about MSA x TPN
I imagine Sakira, Kaitlyn and Gabby as Emma, ​​Ray and Norman
Anne as Isabella
and maybe human Alonso as Phil
and that's all I thought...
it depends on what they think @a-pastel-unicorn and @mutietuties 😅😅
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chriscdcase95 · 5 years
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Reposting for TLDR reasons. 
To see the full rant, click the “Keep Reading”, but this covers what I consider an example of a show taking shipping wars too seriously, giving fans and how it can potentially pull a show down the tubes. Especially at the expense of character development and their stories.
It’s kind of a follow-up to another post I made about canon and non canon ships, and how there’s some ship based stories better left to fanfiction.
Disclaimer: I generally don’t like Ship Policing (bullying, and badgering other people for liking “the wrong ship”) despite this being one of my biggest NOTP’s. I don’t intend to bully people who like this ship, and this analysis is based on my observations and opinions. 
So here I am talking about a barley known show and ship that’s barely relevant anymore if at all. This is a follow up post on a Loud House post regarding a non canon ship called Luaggie. I mentioned on that post , how it was an example of a fanfic ship and it’s best to be left a fanfic based ship. I now bring to you it’s antithesis; Jemma of Every Witch Way. Originally this was strictly about why some ships and stories that are best left to fanfiction, but there are so many problems with this ship, that I don’t really know where to start. I guess I’ll start with an introduction to the show.
Edit: I also had to revisit to trim this down, and correct misinformation.
Edit Edit: Twice. I had to edit it twice!
“What is Every Witch Way ?”
Every Witch Way was a comedy/drama series on Nickelodeon. Anyone who heard of it would know it is an Americanized remake of Grachi, a Latin American Nickelodeon series. The less educated may dismiss it as a Wizards of Waverly Place knockoff. The series focuses on Emma Alonso, a teenage girl who moves to Miami with her father and discovers she is a witch and chosen to one day lead the magical realm. With a group of muggle friends, the enthusiastic tough girl Andi; Emma’s queen bee rival Maddie also being a witch; a subplot about Fantastic Racism that ended with the wiping out of all but two of an entire race; we got ourselves a simple little TV show that could be a passible watch.
Coming from a post iCarly, Victorious and Big Time Rush era of Nickelodeon, where most of their shows were marketed to the younger kids and barely anything for teens to chew on, Every Witch Way was a breath of fresh air. Taking cues from previous Nick shows such as H2O Just Add Water and House of Anubis, and aimed for a teenage audience, it was more interested in telling stories than telling jokes.
I would have called the show an underrated cult classic series to get nostalgic over, like The Troop (a show which I’ll also talk about one day)…then comes seasons three and four and it becomes clear that Every Witch Way is more interested in ship war than it was telling stories. Maybe I was giving the show too much credit or had too much expectations for it. Let’s just say this was no House of Anubis or the Avatar franchise. I don’t know what pulled the show down the tubes; it was either the character Jax Novoa and his story arc, or his relationship with Emma. But they overlap with eachother so I might as well cover all of them.
“What kind of relationship is Jemma ?”
Imagine if you will; a high school drama, that involves a loving, kind and empathetic girl meeting a dark brooding bad boy, who does bad things. But because he has a sad past and bad parents, anything bad he does is immediately forgiven and brushed aside, or justified. And it is by the love of this girl, and only because of this love, does the bad boy get redeemed. 
It’s the kind of story you see in mediocre romance stories or fanfics; the idea that the dark and brooding love interest with a bad past or history can be changed for the better with the love of the protagonist. This describes the relationship Emma and Jax’s relationship to such a tee that it’s borderline parody. The kind of reationship you’d at least put some kind of spin on.
So how does this compare to Jax and Emma’s relationship ? A quick description is that Jax is a new student and a dark seeming wizard introduced in the second season, who immediately displays an arrogant personality and behaviour while befriending Emma and putting the moves on her (and making a quick rivalry with Emma’s then boyfriend Daniel). Emma has a good heart, and a loving empathetic girl, so of course she likes to see the good in people and Jax was no exception. Jax eventually “changes” his darker ways and becomes more altruistic, mainly to get back and stay into Emma’s good graces. 
Normally, I have no issues with an Enemies to Lovers story, but it’s the context and overexposure that puts Jemma in a bad light.
Emma continuously forgives, or ignores Jax’s flaws to near absurdity, mainly because Jax has a dead mom and an emotionally distant, controlling and seemingly abusive father…which is shown to be false in the many retcons season four gives us.
“What are the problems with Jemma ?”
I said in another post that a friend of mine defined toxic relationships differently than I did; one definition was that a ship is toxic based off of fans behaviour in the name of the ship; I define them for how much it romanticizes problematic behaviour. How does Jemma fall into either of these ?
Back when Every Witch Way was on, Jax x Emma fans were pretty rapid, and became the most loud and vocal part of the fanbase. Any attempts to criticize Jax, his behaviour or relationship with Emma is bombarded with “HE CHANGED! HE CHANGED FOR HER!” ad nauseum. 
It’s gotten to the point where they literally vote their preference to make them the shows official couple. This can be partially blamed on the writers because they went about asking their audience what they want to happen in a TV show, having them vote for wat hey want to happen and in turn made season four into a Jemma based AU fic that rewrote the entire show. Kind of lacks integrity if you ask me. It also had to have been one of most one sided and manufactured shipping wars I’ve seen. By the end of the series, Jemma fans were pretty sore winners.
So Jemma fans could be pushy, but did Jax and Emma’s relationship entail toxic ideals I listed above ? On the surface, “no” since Jax doesn’t physically abuse Emma or the like…but Jax is manipulative person, and is rather possessive and entitled towards Emma all things considered. And what else can you say about a relationship where this partner has manipulated and gaslighted nearly everyone around him to get in, and attempts to destroy the world over a breakup ?
There’s so much to cover that stems from Jax that I might as well write a section on Jax himself. The worst that can be said of Emma here is that she was too forgiving and empathetic for her own good.
“Jax and how not to write a redemption arc”
So Jax is an overwhelmingly popular character on the show, so much that season four retconned him into the main character behind Emma. It’s easy to call him a Gary Stu character since he’s a seemingly perfect character who gets his way all the time and soon becomes the center of the show. This trope also fits; “Draco In Leather Pants” where a villain tends to get romanticized or woobified in fanfics regardless of how sympathetic or redeemable they are in canon; mostly because they are cute.
When Jax was introduced, he was the de-facto Big Bad of season two, being the most prominent, and personal antagonist and direct source of most of the drama that occurs in the season. Throughout the season he befriends and puts the moves on Emma with the intent on using the power coming Fool Moon (long story) to take over the world and rule at her side. Jax eventually falls in love with Emma, but when she breaks up with him when she makes right with Daniel… Jax’s response was aiding in an attempt to destroy the magic realm; something they make clear would kill all but a few magical beings in the world and this is something Jax is very aware of In the final showdown Jax makes it clear to Emma that he doesn’t care about what could happen to their loved ones in this magical apocalypse, so long as Emma is with him.
Again, I wouldn’t take this as seriously if the show didn’t treat it as seriously.
Now in his defense, I was originally rooting for Jax to reform himself. No joke, I genuinely wanted to see how Jax would make good with those he manipulated, pushed around and tried to fucking kill. I like a good redemption stoy as much as the next guy, but Jax doesn’t really go through one; he just turns Face at the last minute, apologizes to Emma about not wanting to hurt her, Emma immediately forgives him and Jax wastes no time putting the moves on her and antagonizing Daniel. What punishment does Jax go through ? What atonement did he have to suffer ? He’s put through a boot camp with the threat losing his powers, all the while he agonizes that those who he wronged still resent him. To be fair he does have genuine good deeds in season three; such as heping a dying friend, and even riskiig his life to save another But even then, the sho treats Emma as his prize for being a Nice Guy, and he admits this to Emma during the third seasons finale in a scene we are supposed to find romantic. And when he gets the girl, its all rendered moot in season four.
Helping or not helping with Jax’s character is that in season two he is given multiple “excuses”; controlling and abusive father, seemingly dead mother. They worked back then in making Jax sympathetic. The problem is when we get the actual revelations of his family and in turn make him unsympathetic in retrospect.
“The Mess That Is Season Four”
I don’t like the Fanon Discontinuity trope - where fans refuse to accept an istallment as canon out of a dislike of them. I generally don’t apply this trope with very few exceptions. But let me tell you this; when I say season four isn’t canon to the previous seasons, that’s not me talking, that’s the show itself talking. 
It isn’t a continuation of the previous seasons, it’s a reboot. When Emma and Jax become the shows OTP, the universe literally changes around them. Season four introduces a plot point that where an SCP style anomaly exists called a Continuum Break, in which as a direct result of Emma’s decision, the universe casted Daniel out of everyone’s lives, and their friends memories, and retroactively replaces him with Jax. Subsequently, the events of the previous seasons and their conflicts revolve around Jax and Emma’s relationship. 
One reason why these retcons don’t work is that because the world was altered in Jemma’s image, Jax here isn’t the same Jax as we knew through season two and three. The retcons fail because Jax’s previous sympathy is erased in retrospect, because Jax would hide behind his parents as an excuse for his actions (the dead mother wasn’t dead, but in fact, secret villain; and Jax’s abusive father wasn’t abusive). Jax being sympathetic hinged off of these excuses, and they either never applied, or was hit by the reset button, and thus irrelevant to his development.
And I am left asking myself why the writers came up with the Continuum Break in the first place ?Where Jemma fans that pushy about making their ship canon that they had to make it the only canon relationship in the show ? If so, that’s how wildly Jemma shippers are, if not that’s on the writers for being that much fan slaves. What other point could there be in portraying the Continuum Break as the way things should be ? Not to be pesimeistic, but it feels like this is the show throwing a character under the bus for the sake of rewriting the previous seasons and making Jax the new protagonist.
On top of that, other characters and arcs get thrown under the bus too
Mainly, Mia Black, who was introduced in season three as the de-facto main antagonist, and is added as another member of the love triangle. Mia is also affected by the Continuum Break as she is also cast from everyone’s memories and lives, to live an alternate life with Daniel. This is arguably more jarring than Daniel being taken away because Mia ultimately doesn’t sacrifice her morals for what she believes in and ultimately wasn’t that much of a threat and her own redemption arc is foreshadowed throughout the season by bonding with Daniel and Diego, and the added empathise on how lonely she is. This culminates in Emma reaching out to her in the season finale, and declaring herself her protector.  Like Jax, I was looking forward to seeing where they would take Mia and her arc the next season. Well as a result of the Continuum Break, she’s out of everyone’s lives, and living an artificial alternate one the universe spat out. Like Daniel, she may have been happy with her new life, but it still renders everything they foreshadowed for her and what she’s been through for nothing.
Personal conclusion
I reiterate my first statement Every Witch Way was a great show (first three seasons, at least is IMO). It was a breath of fresh air in a time when most of Nick’s shows were targeting a younger demographic in a post iCarly, Big Time Rush, and Victorious era. I’d call it an cult classic series, but I still feel that season four keeps it from being one of the great ones. I do recommend checking the series out, the story arcs are mostly good. Unfortunately by the time season four rolled in, it seemed pretty clear the show was more interested in shipping wars than it was in telling it’s stories.
I can’t really pinpoint what caused the show to drop in quality; the manufactured ship war ? Jax as a character ? Jemma’s pushy fans ? The writers for bending to fan demands ? Either way, season four’s Continuum Break was something the show could have done without. I won’t say that Jax is the most unlikeable character on the show (that would be Emma’s father) and he isn’t the most evil either (that would be Torres). I consider Jax and his blunders more so the fault of how he was written than anything else.
I will give Jax and Jemma this; the character and ship has so much going for it, I can’t help but compare and contrast them to other similar characters, story arcs and ships. I use it as an example of not to write a redemptive romance, and why some things are best left to fanfiction. But above all else, I hold it as an example as to why writers and creators shouldn’t sacrifice their stories blindly cater to fans and popular ships.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 years
EoA Jane Austen AUs
Emma: This as mainly inspired by @shasta627‘‘s love for Emma and Gababel that I imagine this as a Gababel au. Isabel would be the kind-hearted rich girl using her scientific smarts to match up all her loved ones while getting into more than a few mishaps when she lets her scientific smarts trump the affairs of the heart. Plus it is a small town setting perfect for adding whatever Avaloran townspeople like Tomiko as Harriet, Emma's adorable but easily swayed best friend and Alonso as Frank, the charming new bachlor to town who goes out for months just for a haircut. And of course, there would be Gabe as Mr. Knightly, cautioning Isabel through all her efforts and staying by her side through it all. 
Pride and Prejudice: The ultimate Estoma au in my opinion. Esteban is the snobby upper class Mr. Darcy who has a heart of gold underneath his stern exterior and Doña as the stubbornly opinionated and confident Elizabeth Bennet. It's got it all. Doña’s prejudice against rich people and Esteban. Esteban's pride in his osund opinion and pedigree, their constant back and forth. I could see young King Juan Ramon as the sweet Mr. Bingley and Victor would be the bumbling Mr. Collins languishing praise to Catherine De Borough who HAS to be Shuriki She has to be, she has the evil old witch act down pat. 
Northranger Abbey: This is Estenaomi for sure. Naomi would be Catherine Morland, off to Avalor City for the first time to live on her and experience life. While she is there she befriends a seemingly sweet but ultimately gold digging and scheming Carla Delgado and of course, the charming young Esteban Flores and his younger cousin Elena whom she ultimately becomes friends with. When Esteban invites Naomi to his home, Naomi would totally get excited and start up a whole fantasy in her head about the mysterious dissapparence of their parents and jump to conclusions. But everything would work out in the end as Naomi gains maturity and the love of Esteban.
Sense and Sensibility: Here is an Eleteo and Manualtina story. Yeah surprise there. Valentina would be the more sensible Dashwood sister, swallowing down her love and affection for Manual because her duty says to respect the class difference between them. Meanwhile, Elena would the impulsive free spirited romantic who falls for the wrong guy before she realizes she had someone to depend on all along, Mateo. A steady, dependable beau who is there for her no matter what. Mansfield Park: This would be another Eleteo with a slight gender bender. Mateo would be the poor orphan Fanny come to live in the palace of the Flores family where most of the court belittles him for his lack of fortune but he still has the warm comfort and friendship of Elena. They grow up together and Mateo harvests a love for Elena that she has no idea about until Alonso and Carla or Valentina come to town. Elena is smitten by Alonso's charm and wild ways and Mateo is soon on the radar of Carla/Valentina and must break out of his introverted shell to deal with all the rampant flirtations when their group of friends try to perform a play.
Persuasion: Another Gababel au. Gabe is penniless but loving navy captain engaged to Isabel when she is pressured to break it off because of his lack of riches. Years pass and Gabe returns victorious from war, with riches and a whole new bevy of admirers as Isabel looks on, knowing that Gabe would never take her back after she had rejected him. Meanwhile Gabe still longs for his former fiance but she is being wooed by the narcessitic royal-blood Alonso. However, fate is on their side as they continue to stray into each other's path until neither can deny their feelings. 
Lady Susan: A Carla Delgado novel through and through. Carla would be the titular Lady Susan, a gold digger who manipulates everyone in her path and gets everything she wants in the end through nicieties and trickary. Carla would set her sights on the sweet Gabe after her latest affair with a married man goes belly up. Meanwhile Gabe's friends, Mateo, Elena and Naomi would try to get Carla to reveal her true colors or at least get her to leave but she has Gabe firmly on her side through her retellings of the events.
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tomorrowedblog · 5 years
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Friday Releases for January 17
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for January 17 include Circles, Little America, Dolittle, and more.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life, the new movie from Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, is out today.
The Bad Boys Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) are back together for one last ride in the highly anticipated Bad Boys for Life.
Weathering With You
Weathering With You, the new movie from Makoto Shinkai, is out today.
The summer of his high school freshman year, Hodaka runs away from his remote island home to Tokyo, and quickly finds himself pushed to his financial and personal limits. The weather is unusually gloomy and rainy every day, as if to suggest his future. He lives his days in isolation, but finally finds work as a writer for a mysterious occult magazine. Then one day, Hodaka meets Hina on a busy street corner. This bright and strong-willed girl possesses a strange and wonderful ability: the power to stop the rain and clear the sky…
Dolittle, the new movie from Stephen Gaghan, is out today.
After losing his wife seven years earlier, the eccentric Dr. John Dolittle (Downey), famed doctor and veterinarian of Queen Victoria’s England, hermits himself away behind the high walls of Dolittle Manor with only his menagerie of exotic animals for company.
But when the young queen (Jessie Buckley) falls gravely ill, a reluctant Dolittle is forced to set sail on an epic adventure to a mythical island in search of a cure, regaining his wit and courage as he crosses old adversaries and discovers wondrous creatures.
The doctor is joined on his quest by a young, self-appointed apprentice (Harry Collett) and a raucous coterie of animal friends, including an anxious gorilla (Rami Malek), an enthusiastic but bird-brained duck (Octavia Spencer), a bickering duo of a cynical ostrich (Kumail Nanjiani) and an upbeat polar bear (John Cena) and a headstrong parrot (Emma Thompson), who serves as Dolittle’s most trusted advisor and confidante.
Feedback, the new movie from Pedro C. Alonso, is out today.
FEEDBACK is centered around Jarvis Dolan (Marsan), the star host of a successful late night radio show known as “The Grim Reality.” But his whole life takes a turn one night when two armed men burst into the studio and take him and his entire show hostage — forcing them to read from a prefabricated script, exposing a scandal that could destroy Jarvis’ life and decimate his once high-flying career. But in one night Jarvis will discover what HIS grim reality truly means — and what it means to take back his life.
Troop Zero
Troop Zero, the new movie from Bert & Bertie, is out today.
Every night, Christmas Flint (Mckenna Grace) sits under a starry sky with a flashlight, signaling to extraterrestrial visitors that never arrive. Sensitive, imaginative and deeply lonely, Christmas and her equally eccentric best friend Joseph are the ultimate misfits in their rural hometown of Wiggly, Georgia. When Christmas learns that the winners of the annual Birdie Scout Jamboree talent contest will be included on a recording to be sent into space for posterity, her mission in life becomes to join the Scouts and win Jamboree.
The Corrupted
The Corrupted, the new movie from Ron Scalpello, is out today.
Beneath the blinding lights and towering sights of the newly-built East London skyline, lies a dark, dangerous web of corruption. Stratford was home to the Olympic Games; decorated in the notion of legacy. But there’s little hope to be found for the recently released Liam McDonagh (Sam Claflin); a talented boxer put away for armed robbery, who wants nothing more than a peaceful life, and to reconnect with his young son Archie. But his brother Sean (Joe Claflin) is in deep, caught up in property developer Clifford Cullen’s (Timothy Spall) violent, unforgiving circle, with no route out. Liam knows he must risk everything to save his brother before it’s too late, but first, he needs to know who he can trust – which is a harder proposition than it sounds.
VHYES, the new movie from Jack Henry Robbins, is out today.
A bizarre retro comedy shot entirely on VHS, VHYES takes us back to a simpler time, when twelve-year-old Ralph mistakenly records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents’ wedding tape. The result is a nostalgic wave of home shopping clips, censored pornography, and nefarious true-crime tales that threaten to unkindly rewind Ralph’s reality.
A Fall from Grace
A Fall from Grace, the new movie from Tyler Perry, is out today.
Disheartened since her ex-husband’s affair, Grace Waters (Crystal Fox) is restored by a new romance. But when secrets surface, Grace’s vulnerable side turns violent.
Little America
Little America, the new TV series from Lee Eisenberg, is out today.
Inspired by the true stories featured in Epic Magazine, “Little America” goes beyond the headlines to bring to life the funny, romantic, heartfelt and surprising stories of immigrants in America. The first season consists of eight half-hour episodes, each with its own unique story from different parts of the world.
Dark Hope
Dark Hope, the new game from Broken Bunny Studios, is out today.
Dark Hope is a puzzle adventure game set in a steampunk world where electricity started and ended its existence with the light bulb. Towering clockwork puzzles and archaic symbols cover the halls. Strange rifts of light span the hallways.
Lenna’s Inception
Lenna’s Inception, the new game from Bytten Studio, is out today.
The legendary hero is dead, and a strange glitch is spreading across the kingdom. Explore dangerous dungeons, and defeat the eight archangels to restore order to an unraveling world in this epic action-adventure RPG.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, the new game from CyberConnect2 and Bandai Namco Entertainment, is out today.
Relive the story of Goku and other Z Fighters in DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT! Beyond the epic battles, experience life in the DRAGON BALL Z world as you fight, fish, eat, and train with Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and others.
Circles, the new album from Mac Miller, is out today.
Modus Vivendi
Modus Vivendi, the new album from 070 Shake, is out today.
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You’re A Witch! // Emma Alonso
request: none
prompts: none
word count: 354
warnings: none
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“Oh my god,” you said, staring in shock at the scene before you.
A bright pink light emerged from Emma’s hand as she dried herself off instantly. You felt your jaw drop open. How did she do that? Maybe Gigi was right. Were there really witches at Iridium High? That had to be the only explanation for what you just saw. But Emma? Your best friend? Why wouldn't she tell you this? This seems like something a best friend should known.
“Oh, y/n! Hi! What are you doing here? In the bathroom,” Emma slowly trailed off, realizing that you had seen her use her powers.
“You’re a witch!” you said, not really knowing what to feel.
“What? A witch? That’s crazy, I’m not a witch. What makes you say that?”
“Emma, I saw you. Why are you lying to me?”
Emma’s face fell. There was no way out of this one. She had to trust you. Or she could erase your memory, but the last time she tried that spell it didn’t exactly work correctly. And she couldn’t risk damaging the mind of her best friend.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked her, slight hurt evident in your voice, “Do you not trust me?”
“Of course I trust you y/n! I just, haven’t really told anyone yet. And I didn’t want you to not like me anymore.”
“Why would I not like you anymore? You’re my best friend Em, and nothing is going to change that.”
Emma let out a sigh of relief, smiling brightly at you.
“So you’re not scared of me?”
“No! Why would I be scared of you? This is amazing! I mean, think of all the cool stuff you could do! We should totally prank Maddie! You should dye her hair blue! No green! No blue and green!”
Emma laughed as you rambled on about all the ways that she could prank Maddie.
“You know, that probably wouldn’t work too well. Maddie’s a witch too.”
You felt your eyes go wide.
“WHAT?! Oh my god, how many witches are at this school?!”
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