#emmie hunter
drinkingdrunk · 2 years
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@giftober 2022 | Day 6+7: "Heroes" + One colour
Brightburn (2019)
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teartra · 1 year
Early Designs of Future TOH Characters by Emmy Cicierega
Luz Noceda
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King Clawthorne (and Hooty)
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Hunter Clawthorne-Deamonne-Noceda-Wittebane (Park)
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Willow Park
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Lilith Clawthorne
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Eda Clawthorne
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Raine Whispers
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Amity Blight
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
BRIGHTBURN (2019) ★★★★☆
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sepublic · 1 year
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Some highlights include...
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Mat Tholomule says FUCK is canon!!! Also yeah he’s a robo kisser, prob didn’t realize it at first but rolled along after the revelation.
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I think Space Pope is a reference to something but have Camila in Space Farer costumes!!!
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Can y’all imagine if Hunter got possessed wearing the giant cranium. Also Beerus and Yoda’s lovechild, and concept art of Hunter finding what’s left of the deer Belos possessed...
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GINGER LILITH!!! And this is the first drawing Emmy did when brainstorming Human Vee, which got chosen, so let’s thank her for that!
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Bump with the classic S robes, Boscha, and...
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cacklingskeleton · 1 year
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tammydarling · 8 months
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Same, Nancy.
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blueribbonbaby · 2 years
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Zendaya, Maude & Sydney at the hbo Emmy’s party
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nebulousboops · 11 months
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It's almost funny how similar they are
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mo-2020ao3 · 1 year
People I want to see in the next Knives Out movies…
Grace Jones: I mean… she already has one foot through the door with being Janelle Monáe’s guest at the Glass Onion premiere
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Ian McKellen: I just love him
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Brian Tyree Henry: Have you seen Atlanta?
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Anya Taylor-Joy: Idk I just think she would be great in a murder mystery
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Aubrey Plaza: She looks like she can a crazy unhinged murder
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Hunter Schafer: If you watched Euphoria you know she can play unhinged
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Ben Whishaw: I feel in love with him as Adam Kay in This Is Going To Hurt… he’s great as a sleep deprived pessimist
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Emmy Rossum: If you seen Shameless you know she has “eat the rich” in her blood
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Bowen yang: His comic timing is *chef’s kiss*
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Jennifer Connelly: Also just because I love her
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l-egionaire · 1 year
So, I've seen some anger with how Jo and Emmie were handled in Riordan's Trials of Apollo, with some saying they got "kicked out" of the Hunters of Artemis for being lesbians. But, I re-read the book they appear in and....it doesn't imply that at all.
They specifically said "They loved the Hunt but they loved each other more" and make it clear, it was a CHOICE to leave the Hunters of Artemis. They're even, still in service to Artemis in a way by caring for the Waystation. The problem wasn't that they were gay. The problem was that they chose to act on their romantic feelings.
Because swearing to be Hunters is about forewarning off romantic affections. Yes, the vows specifically focus on men, but the IDEA is still there. No romance of ANY kind I know one post showed an image saying the Hunters were all asexual or something like that but A) That's dumb and B) It's unrealistic. Not every woman saved from a bad marriage or relationship or what have you is asexual even if they take Artemis's vow. People in the real world can take vows of chastity or the like and still have sexual desires. I imagine the Hunters of Artemis are still able to FEEL romantic feelings. It's more that Artemis doesn't want them ACTING on those emotions. She'd probably not care if a Hunter got a crush (hell she might even blame Aphrodite more than them) but she'd make it clear that ACTING on those feelings wasn't permitted within the Hunters. That being one of the Hunters of Artemis meant not being swayed by the feelings of romance. And I don't doubt she'd allow Lesbian's in as long as they followed the same rules. Romantic feelings are fine. ACTING on those romantic feelings though? Not so much.
I'm sure Jo and Emmie could've stayed Hunters even if they were gay. It's that they chose to follow their romantic feelings was the issue. They cared about each other more than their vows to Artemis. They even say themselves they weren't kicked out. It was a choice to give up their imortality, and they left the Hunters on good terms with her. I could easily imagine them just going to Artemis and telling her themselves that while they enjoyed their lives as Hunters, they were in love and wanted to act on that love and while she didn't like romance, she was cool with it.
I will also say that I don't get why people might not like their being an exception for lesbian relationships. I honestly like that. It's consistent of Artemis. Her thing isn't "Oh relationships with MEN are the problem. Romance with men are terrible whereas romances between two women are perfect and amazing" her thing is "Romance of any kind can makes people stupid and do stupid things and I don't want romantic relationships in my organization." And before you say 'that's unfair', do bear in mind. Artemis is a GREEK God. Ancient Greek romance stories almost ALL sucked. Just look at Kronos and Rhea, Gaia and Ouranous, Zeus and Hera, Apollo, and ANY of his lovers. With those as her examples for romance, I don't blame her for thinking it's not all that. Besides, I feel like a piece of media saying "vows not to partake in romantic relationships don't count if it's lesbian/gay relationship" is honestly WORSE than saying they do.
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Also I forgot to mention on here when I had my initial moment of hype but:
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curseofdelos · 5 months
Since we're talking about asexuality in the rrverse on the dash today, here's my two cents as an aroace person
The only canon rep we have in the series (insofar as word of god confirmations can be considered canon) is Reyna and the Hunters. However, the way their asexuality (and aromanticism) was handled in the series could have been a lot better, imo
In SoN, Reyna talks about her relationship with Jason in a way that's very clinical. She doesn't say she has feelings for Jason - only that many praetors become romantically involved in a way that implies she expected that to happen for them. She does the same thing with Percy - never admits to liking him like that, just implies she thinks he could be a good candidate for a romantic relationship.
It's a common experience among aro and/or ace people who haven't realised they're aro and/or ace yet to pick crushes based on who makes the most logical sense. Reyna picks Jason and Percy because they're powerful, she works closely with them, and historically praetors paired off together. Her own feelings/attraction isn't a factor. I find this aspect of her character to be incredibly relatable! I was doing the same thing when I was her age! I doubt Rick was intentionally writing her as ace at this point in the series, but regardless, this aspect is great!
But the way he writes her in TTT... isn't. Reyna's lack of interest in dating is framed as a choice she is making rather than an aspect of her sexuality. It does touch upon comphet and how Reyna felt like a relationship was something she was supposed to want - which I do like! But then follows up with Reyna saying that she doesn't need a relationship (or a label) to feel fulfilled. While this is a good lesson, the way it's written does suggest that Reyna is simply choosing not to date instead of saying that she doesn't experience attraction (which is not a choice). It doesn't help that the words "asexual" or "aromantic" are never stated in the books, and Reyna explicitly says that she isn't labelling herself right now.
A lot of us choose not to date (myself included), but that's not why we identify as aro and/or ace. We identify that way because we don't experience romantic and/or sexual attraction. A lot of aros and/or aces do date and do have sex! Choosing not to be in a relationship is not the defining characteristic of our community, but the way Reyna is written in TTT makes it seem that way. Rick conflates asexuality and celibacy throughout the books which is disappointing.
I have similar issues with the way the Hunters are written. When Reyna, Thalia, and Bianca joined them, they took a vow of celibacy and renounced their right to have romantic relationships. This is not the same as being aro and/or ace. Hell, we know for a fact that Thalia isn't! In TTC, Thalia tells Percy that she thinks Apollo is hot, and a major point of contention between her and Zoe was that Thalia "could never leave [boys] behind". This is partly why Thalia joining the Hunters is framed as a sacrifice - she chooses to renounce romantic relationships and embrace immortality to delay the prophecy. It wouldn't be much of a sacrifice at all if she wasn't giving up something she wanted.
As an aroace person, I do like the idea of a travelling group of female aroace hunters, but their lack of interest in relationships is consistently framed as a choice. It's never said anywhere that they don't experience attraction. Because of this, I feel that Rick is misrepresenting our community by feeding into stereotypes. Again: aro and/or ace people do date and do have sex! Some of us choose not to, but our relationship choices are not what defines us. What defines the Hunters is their choice to give up relationships, not their lack of attraction. I get that he might not be allowed to talk about sexual attraction in a middle grade novel, but that doesn't excuse why aromanticism is presented this way. The way they're written, the Hunters don't feel like aroace rep to me.
I want to cap this post off by saying that I think it's valid to find comfort in the idea of the hunters being aroace! We get so so little representation in media as a whole that it's easy to cling to the crumbs we do get. A lot of the time, perpetually single characters is the closest we ever get. It just bothers me personally to see these characters labelled as aroace by the author not because they don't experience attraction, but because they're perpetually single. I think Rick could have done a lot better, and I wish the aroace rep in this series was more explicit, and took into account that there's a difference between being aro, being ace, being aroace, and simply choosing to be single.
(for reference, here's the source on Reyna being confirmed asexual:
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kingnd · 1 year
Not mad that we didn't get a Huntlow kiss in the finale. Nothing's ever going to beat out Emmy Cicierega masterpiece they posted after FtF
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Bonus for all the redraws people did with Willow's halloween costume tail shaping into a heart.
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sepublic · 1 year
Drawn by Emmy Cicierga, a storyboard artist... God-fearing Hunter and Huntlow kiss canon.
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missbyng · 1 year
Feel like I’m going crazy with this idea because I thought this was happening the whole manga (and maybe this did happen and I forgot bc my memory is ASS) but I’ve never seen anyone bring it up so like. Aki’s feelings for Makima were totally fabricated by her right?? Like, Makima has strict control over everyone but needs to make it look natural otherwise it’ll be obvious the entire public safety system is run by a devil using their power to manipulate the people involved. She wants Aki’s full and total compliance because he’s good at the job, but she can’t risk him falling for someone and having his attention split, or having someone notice that her control over Aki is a little too unnatural to be genuine. Aki’s attraction to her feels like an after thought when he talks about it, like it’s something he’s not confident in. He can’t even explain it when he’s directly asked by Angel why he likes her at all. It’s like he’s convinced he does without having the logic or actual reason to back it up. And that feels so obvious to me because that’s exactly how she uses her control over people, so like?? Am I dumb?? Has this been said before and I haven’t seen it?? Help.
YES THIS HAPPENED IN THE MANGA ‼️ if anything aki expressing his ‘feelings’ about makima to denji right at the start is just more of her tricks in order to get denji all to herself
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blueribbonbaby · 2 years
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Euphoria won big at the creative Emmy’s
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