#emo phase 2
stupiterjupiter · 2 years
Going to an early 2000s party and I’m literally just wearing clothes I would wear to class
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aws-art · 7 months
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You seem nice. I'd hate to kill you.
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francy-sketches · 11 months
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world's evilest middle schooler
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Ed 100% said they should raid the wedding ship for money but was actually focused on the bride's dress
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gallongraveyard · 2 months
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u can take the kid out the emo phase, can't take the emo phase from the kid
collage inspired by camisado and some influence from csh and twin fantasy too
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h0estar · 2 months
no bc why is my love for bakugo slowly resurfacing...
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Wilhelm’s heartbreak
Wilhelm’s heartbreak is portrayed in such a raw and genuine way. They didn’t shy away from the pathetic and dramatic parts of it. Him calling his mom, making a scene and threatening to abdicate only because the boy he loves seemed to move on. Him being the one that was left. The frustration of not being able to be with Simon and feeling so powerless in this situation. Not being able to let go or take a step back. His pain making him inconsiderate and self-centered. It’s palpable that he is physically in pain. That it’s consuming him. Him asking to Felice when the pain will fade. The desperation and exhaustion in his eyes. Him wallowing in sadness and putting on the most depressing tracks. Him collapsing on the stairs at the ball after talking to Simon. But also feeling in his guts that he has to renounce cause it takes too much of him. Him carrying the same pain after but a more peaceful and less suffocating one.
One of my favorite lines is probably ‘I feel like I’m gonna die’. Cause it’s true. It does feel like it. And i find it quite rare to show those big and deep feelings, and without any mockery. Especially when it comes to teenagers. Wilhelm’s pain isn’t looked down on or despised because of him being sixteen. Or because of it being about love. Those feelings are real and intense and he is entitled to feel them. That’s one of the strength of Young Royals for me. To represent the teenage years with accuracy of course but particularly to depict it without any judgment or contempt. Characters and their emotions are taken seriously, they are treated with softness and with the desire to show what they feel and experience with care and beauty.
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It made me think of Ethan Hawke’s talk about creativity and how art can help you make sense out of your emotions. He says :
‘Somebody breaks your heart, and all of a sudden, you’re desperate for making sense out of this life and to know if anybody has ever felt this bad before’.
It’s expected to be sad after a breakup but not necessarily to experience a sickening devastating excruciating pain. And i love that they decided to show this. A harsh and harrowing heartbreak.
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miragecounseling · 3 months
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Darkness called, and I could not help but answer.
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braverytattoos · 1 year
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The end of an era
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coolmanjohnny · 5 months
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Characters that are FTM to me. Based on my intuition only
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badlydrawnvrissy · 8 months
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beeswaxsims · 1 year
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My Ghost and Price sim are finished, so that means Task Force 141 is officially done! I’m pretty happy with all of them. 😄
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shaampoo · 1 year
So you know how sometimes trying to be happy all the time can be draining so sometime you just quit emotions for a while? Or have you ever been so upset about something you just don't react so that you don't cry because you don't know how to feel? Or like your emotion valve just got empty and your waiting for a refill?
Well I feel like Emmet has done this at least once at least yknow? I mean like I kinda have a head canon that Emmet forces himself to be happy a lot in Apocalypseburg so that has to be like draining so there probably one ot two times at least that he just doesn't emotion, and the others just get concerned like holy moly did they break Emmet???? And imagine the gang trying to get Emmet to be like positive again cause they're worried about him, and when he is back to normal they're are like really relieved then the cycle starts all over again.
Like for maybe a day, a few hours,maybe even a week Emmet just doesn't react to anything, and people try different ways to bring him back like doing random stuff or maybe trying to make him positive cause like the positive guy just became not positive, oh no, oh so where ever will they ever get positivity now? Cause they depend on Emmet for the positive stuff, yknow, make things less dark.
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plumbogs · 1 month
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Mall finally got the makeover I neglected last round, featuring a goffik makeover, new glasses, and letting her hair down. i still don't know if i'll give her a special halloween costume too but i can always go back. she would do something fun for the holiday i think.
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she woke up early to congratulate consort on all his enemies.
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Darren did head to the studio today to get some current pictures of the greek houses to hang in the lots. This will be the second generation of greek kids to be photographed, as all the original members have moved out long ago. aww.
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dude shut up he wasn't even selling art today. you intruded on a photo session.
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However, today is once again important because it's Darren's birthday. cassandra invited all her friends (basically just everyone in the science career honestly) and anybody who is darren's friends/family as well.
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consort immediately began with the fighting so he had to be locked in the basement for the duration of the party.
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Darren came home and was able to blow out the candles in peace :)
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he's old now. I think I will also have to give him an outfit change again.
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He and Cassandra had some cake while the rest of the party guests kinda just stood around socializing.
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cassandra finally pulled off her wish to prank Mall, who also wanted to prank someone. the war begins.
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she just wants to be comfy. i've never even seen this want before.
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she took over cassandra's old room long ago and seems to have followed in her footsteps of having a fondness for occasional yellow. she also likes looking over mortimer's insect collection all the time. she never really got to be close to him so i think that is sweet honestly.
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everything is finally going quite well at the Goth household :)
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puppys-rhythm-heaven · 8 months
ds' remixes are great but they're also really funny to me when it comes to their themes like. remix 2, 3, 4 and 7 all have consistent, identifiable themes (tropical, whatever "spaghetti western" is, love/romance/however you describe it, and clouds respectively). remix 1, 5, 6 and 9 retexture most of their games but i have no idea what their themes are. and remix 8 doesn't bother at all-
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breeezytoast · 1 year
Dutch: If I were a drink, I’d be a Cherry-Vanilla Coke. If you were a drink, what would you be?
Arthur: Bleach
John: Sewage
Dutch: Calm down you edgelords
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