#enbyonmandalore take it out on me
enbyonmandalore · 3 years
Smoke On The Water Chapter 11
Rating: NSFW 18+
Word count: few
Warnings: /
A/N: The final chapter is here! I'm kinda sad that it's over already. I spent so much time on this to make it as enjoyable for all of you as it is for me and hopefully I could accomplish that. Maybe I'll do more projects like this in the future? Please do let me know how you liked this fanfiction, it would mean the world to me.
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Smoke On The Water - Chapter 11 - Justice
As the dark of night slowly becomes dawn we venture into the forest. Where to? I don't know. I just know that we're getting as far away from this fucking village as we can. But I can feel Heisenberg's energy dwindle. The gash in his thigh may have begun to heal with the medicine I poured on it, but he's exhausted and probably hasn't slept in days. I feel like that's something he would do. So I let him lean his weight on me as we walk on.
A silhouette appears between the trees in the dim morning light. Carefully we approach what we think is a miniature house on a clearing at first and it turns out to be a carriage.
"Greetings", a voice shouts from afar. My eyes light up as I recognize the voice and polite tone - it's the Duke.
Karl Heisenberg eyes the merchant and his wagon up and down with visible suspicion.
"Do not worry, Lord Heisenberg", the Duke says to him and chuckles quietly, "I am but a humble merchant." Heisenberg exhales and looks at me as I approach the carriage.
"Citizen unknown! Have you at last found back to your old self?", he asks and his eyes glow. I shake my head.
"My name is Elf.", I say and the Duke loudly repeats it and claps his hands once.
"I didn't get my memory back and probably never really will, but I did find someone who knows who I was before. I guess you already know who he is...", I continue and point to the man behind me. Karl Heisenberg takes a step forward and puts his hand on my shoulder; for stability probably, or perhaps as a protective measure.
The Duke smiles and nods approvingly as if to say Told you so.
"I was always positive you'd find back to where you came from.", he says.
"You seemed to know who I was this entire time! Why didn't you just tell me?", I interrupt him.
"I didn't know. Merely had a...feeling.", he answers ominously.
"Who are you, Duke?", I ask and furrow my brows, "How come you know so much and always show up where you're needed the most?"
"Even I can't quite answer that!", he replies and I notice Heisenberg tighten his grip on my shoulder. He's trembling. "But enough of that. Now, shall we begin your next adventure?"
After exchanging a quick glance, both Heisenberg and I nod.
"Please bring us far away from here.", I say and Karl chimes in. "As far away from this hell hole as possible!"
We climb into the back of the Duke's carriage and settle down between the wares.
The carriage begins to move and I lean onto Karl's shoulder. He tenses up a little, but relaxes again after a few deep breaths. Carefully, as if not to scare me again, Karl takes my hand into his - I recall one of the memories that did come back and it matches. "It's gonna be okay, hotshot.", he mumbles and strokes my hand with his thumb. It almost sounds like he's trying to reassure himself as well with that statement. Before either of us fall asleep I whisper to him, just quiet enough that the Duke can't hear it: "Thank you."
Instead of an answer Heisenberg presses his lips onto the crown of my head for a short moment. Right, we used to be in love. There is so much more to remember.
"Would you mind telling me about the connection between you two?", the Duke inquires from the front and I sigh. "Maybe later..."
And so begins our new adventure into a new world outside the village, free from Miranda's grasp. We will be harder to catch than smoke on the water.
This fanfiction is property of @enbyonmandalore (Tumblr). I do not own any of the characters associated with the Resident Evil franchise. Do not repost/crosspost on other accounts or websites, edit, translate or otherwise change this piece of writing. Rebloging is fine, reposting is not.
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enbyonmandalore · 3 years
Dream (Reader Insert Version)
Din Djarin x gender neutral reader (no use of y/n)
Rating: SFW
Word count: idk
Warnings: mention of weapons, mention of being stalked/hunted down
Summary: You are a Dar'manda (someone who is no longer a Mandalorian) and have a nightmare about it. Your new accomplice Din Djarin tries to comfort you.
You wandered through the streets. The streets seemed familiar, but you swore you had never been to a place like this before.
Neat brick paths lined the roads and led to small brick houses decorated with colorful flowers. People spent a lot of time socializing outside, apparently.
You could feel someone watching from behind. The feeling was so strong that you risked a look over your shoulder and indeed - someone was following you.
You suppressed the urge to grab your baton and quickened your pace.
A crowd! Maybe you could lose them in there...
The people paid you no mind -happily chatting and being generally busy-, as you made your way through the group of locals. A sharp turn to the left and you exited the crowd and took cover in a nook in the wall.
A few moments passed.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped out from behind your cover to make sure your stalker was gone. You then continued walking down the new road.
Only a few steps away from the next turn of the street you suddenly felt the strange presence behind you again. The stalker was back and he knew he had been seen.
You turned around, made eye contact with the other person for a split second and ran for it - just as the stalker picked up the pace.
You sprinted down the street, dodging crowds and taking another turn left, into a dimly lit bar of sorts.
Nobody seemed to pay attention to you as you dove behind three Kel'Dor sitting on a bench.
With a shaky breath you grabbed your retractable baton and held it in position in front of your chest. What was going on? You were acting on pure instinct now...
From underneath the bench you heard the door open and saw someone wearing heavy boots enter the building. That person remained still for a second, then slowly started walking towards you.
You held your breath as the stalker moved the bench with the loudly protesting occupants still on it. He loomed over you. His aura was threatening and- He looked like Din Djarin.
Seemingly in slow-motion he reached down and grabbed you by the collar.
You awoke with a gasp. Your body was drenched in sweat and you were breathing heavily.
A quick glance around the dim cargo hold of the ship revealed everything that had happened to be a dream. A terrible one, at that.
You were still on the floor of the ship you were sharing with Din Djarin. Trying to forget the events of your dream you sat up in your makeshift bed and felt around for your weapons.
Vambraces? Check.
Knives beside your bag? Check.
Retractable baton in your boot? Check.
As you moved to get up, you noticed the other Mandalorian sitting on a crate near the cockpit. Was he asleep?
"Bad dream?", Din asked from across the small space. So no, he was not asleep.
"Yeah. But it's only that - a dream.", you answered.
You grabbed the tin cup and bag of Kaf powder from your supply bag and headed to the refresher. When the Kaf was done heating up, you stood in a corner to drink it.
The dream still wouldn't leave your mind... The memory of everything that had happened in your past was threatening overwhelm you. Joining the Children Of The Watch, breaking your vow, becoming a Dar'manda and being hunted down by the remnants of the Empire.
Din Djarin seemed to sense that something was wrong, because he stood up and approached you, stopping at a respectful distance. He waited for you to take another sip of Kaf and lower your "borrowed" helmet back down before speaking.
"Would you like to talk about it?" His voice was low and understanding. You sighed and turned around to face the man whom you had just dreamed about.
"If there is someone to understand this, it's probably you.", you said and steadied yourself against the wall, "Ever since you got me off of that garbage planet I've been feeling weird. Like something is haunting me."
"Is it your past?", the man asked. Spot on. You inhaled sharply and continued.
"Mandalore... Being a Mandalorian was everything I ever was. My whole identity. When I broke my vow, I became nothing. And now that I met you-", you had to stop and swallow to stop your voice from cracking. "Now I feel like everything is coming back. I want to be a Mandalorian, but I can't..."
Din stepped closer and put a hand on your shoulder. It felt like he didn't want to overstep any boundaries -especially since you barely even knew each other besides the fact that you both wore beskar armor-, but still wanted to offer some kind of comfort.
He cleared his throat and spoke: "I know it's not my place to say this, but... I think there is redemption for you."
Your heart beat twice as fast at his words.
"Redemption?", you carefully asked, as if you hadn't quite heard him the first time.
"Redemption. What you did was everything a Mandalorian is supposed to do. You fought for Grogu. A selfless warrior protecting a foundling, even though nobody asked you to."
"Seems like I did do that.", you replied, "Maybe my soul isn't completely lost after all."
"Stay with me and I promise we'll find a way to fully redeem you."
"Am I even awake?", you scoffed and lowered your head. You were, once again, thankful for the tinted visor that hid the sadness and embarrassment in your eyes.
For a moment your mind wandered off, but then Din's voice brought you back to reality.
"This is not a dream. And Mandalorians are stronger together."
This fanfiction is property of @enbyonmandalore (Tumblr). Do not repost/crosspost on other accounts or websites, edit, translate or otherwise change this piece of writing. Rebloging is fine, reposting is not.
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enbyonmandalore · 3 years
The Mandalorian x Dar'manda OC
Rating: SFW
Word count: there are words, yes
Warnings: mention of weapons, mention of stalking/being hunted down
A/N: Another SFW oneshot, introducing my OC Endeverance Doom! There will also be a reader-insert version of this oneshot soon.
Endeverance wandered through the streets. The streets seemed familiar, but they swore they had never been to a place like this before.
Neat brick paths lined the roads and led to small brick houses decorated with colorful flowers. People spent a lot of time socializing outside, apparently.
They could feel someone watching them. The feeling was so strong that they risked a look over their shoulder and indeed - someone was following them.
Endever suppressed the urge to grab their baton and quickened their pace.
A crowd! Maybe they could lose them in there...
The people paid them no mind -happily chatting and being generally busy-, as they made their way through the group of locals. A sharp turn to the left and Endever exited the crowd and took cover in a nook in the wall.
A few moments passed.
Taking a deep breath, Endeverance stepped out from behind their cover to make sure their stalker was gone. They then continued walking down the new road.
Only a few steps away from the next turn of the street they suddenly felt the strange presence behind them again. The stalker was back and he knew he had been seen.
Endeverance turned around, made eye contact with the other person for a split second and ran for it - just as the stalker picked up the pace.
Endeverance sprinted down the street, dodging crowds and taking another turn left, into a dimly lit bar of sorts.
Nobody seemed to pay attention to them as they dove behind three Kel'Dor sitting on a bench.
With a shaky breath they grabbed their retractable baton and held it in position in front of their chest. What was going on? They were acting on pure instinct now...
From underneath the bench they heard the door open and saw someone wearing heavy boots enter the building. That person remained still for a second, then slowly started walking towards Endever.
Endever held their breath as the stalker moved the bench with the loudly protesting occupants still on it. He loomed over Endever. His aura was threatening and- He looked like Din Djarin.
Seemingly in slow-motion he reached down and grabbed them by the collar.
Endeverance Doom awoke with a gasp. Their body was drenched in sweat and they were breathing heavily.
A quick glance around the dim cargo hold of the ship revealed everything that had happened to be a dream. A terrible one, at that.
They were still on the floor of the ship they were sharing with Din Djarin. Trying to forget the events of their dream they sat up in their makeshift bed and felt around for their weapons.
Vambraces? Check.
Knives beside their bag? Check.
Retractable baton in their boot? Check.
As they moved to get up, they noticed the other Mandalorian sitting on a crate near the cockpit. Was he asleep?
"Bad dream?", Din asked from across the small space. So no, he was not asleep.
"Yeah. But it's only that - a dream.", Endeverance answered.
They grabbed the tin cup and bag of Kaf powder from their supply bag and headed to the refresher. When the Kaf was done heating up, Endever stood in a corner to drink it.
The dream still wouldn't leave their mind... The memory of everything that had happened in their past was threatening overwhelm them. Joining the Children Of The Watch, breaking their vow, becoming a Dar'manda and being hunted down by the remnants of the Empire.
Din Djarin seemed to sense that something was wrong, because he stood up and approached Endever, stopping at a respectful distance. He waited for them to take another sip of Kaf and lower their "borrowed" helmet back down before speaking.
"Would you like to talk about it?" His voice was low and understanding. Endever sighed and turned around to face the man whom they had just dreamed about.
"If there is someone to understand this, it's probably you.", they said and steadied themselves against the wall, "Ever since you got me off of that garbage planet I've been feeling weird. Like something is haunting me."
"Is it your past?", the man asked. Spot on. Endeverance inhaled sharply and continued.
"Mandalore... Being a Mandalorian was everything I ever was. My whole identity. When I broke my vow, I became nothing. And now that I met you-", they had to stop and swallow to stop their voice from cracking. "Now I feel like everything is coming back. I want to be a Mandalorian, but I can't..."
Din stepped closer and put a hand on Endever's shoulder. It felt like he didn't want to overstep any boundaries -especially since they barely even knew each other besides the fact that they both wore beskar armor-, but still wanted to offer some kind of comfort.
He cleared his throat and spoke: "I know it's not my place to say this, but... I think there is redemption for you."
Endever's heart beat twice as fast at his words.
"Redemption?", they carefully asked, as if they hadn't quite heard him the first time.
"Redemption. What you did was everything a Mandalorian is supposed to do. You fought for Grogu. A selfless warrior protecting a foundling, even though nobody asked you to."
"Seems like I did do that.", Endever replied, "Maybe my soul isn't completely lost after all."
"Stay with me and I promise we'll find a way to fully redeem you."
"Am I even awake?", Endever scoffed and lowered their head. They were, once again, thankful for the tinted visor that hid the sadness and embarrassment in their eyes.
For a moment their mind wandered off, but then Din's voice brought them back to reality.
"This is not a dream. And Mandalorians are stronger together."
This fanfiction is property of @enbyonmandalore (Tumblr). Do not repost/crosspost on other accounts or websites, edit, translate or otherwise change this piece of writing. Rebloging is fine, reposting is not.
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enbyonmandalore · 3 years
*RE8 fic sneak peek*
The ground is so cold, I can barely feel anything else. My brain tells me to move, sit up, get out of the freezing cold, but my body just won't. It feels like I'm frozen in time. I can feel my heart, beating fast and anxiously in my chest and my eyes flutter open. All I can see is white. It takes a moment, before I register that I'm laying outside, face up and looking at the cloudy sky. All of a sudden I regain full control over my body and sit up as fast as I can, taking deep breaths and holding my head as it feels like it's spinning. Where am I?
As I look around I am overcome by a feeling of existential dread. Something isn't right here... Still taking in my surroundings, I begin to crawl on my hands and knees. Where? I don't know. Somewhere where I feel like I'm sheltered.
I end up cowering under the porch of a small wooden cottage. What is going on here?
The feeling of dread morphs into panic and my breathing, as well as my heartbeat, speeds up as I realize it's not only the place that has something wrong with it, it's me too.
A/N: That's all you're getting for now, folks! The whole project is nearly complete (amazing what a hyperfixation can do, huh?). If you want me to include you in some sort of tag list for when the finished fic drops, please comment "Tag me pls". All other comments/reblogs won't be tagged!
This fanfiction is property of @enbyonmandalore (Tumblr). Do not repost/crosspost on other accounts or websites, edit, translate or otherwise change this piece of writing.
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