#end-to-end solutions to K-12 students
stemroboedtechcompany · 9 months
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Samantha Riedel at Them:
The Trump campaign has been building out “Agenda47” into a 20-point platform — explained in a series of videos on the campaign site — since late 2022. Most of the component planks deal with perennial Trump scapegoats: Chief among Trump’s priorities, for example, is bringing an end to what he calls the “migrant invasion,” partly via a massive deportation campaign. Two “Agenda47” policies target LGBTQ+ people in particular, specifically transgender people, with Trump promising to wage war on “radical gender ideology” in schools and also “keep men out of women’s sports.”
Republicans have eagerly latched on to trans women athletes as a wedge issue in recent years, asserting that trans women have biological athletic advantages over cis women (despite a lack of evidence for such claims). In a February 2023 message decrying “left wing gender insanity,” Trump affirmed that if elected, he would interpret the federal anti-discrimination statute Title IX to entirely prohibit trans women from participating in women’s sports, and ask Congress to pass legislation to affirm that interpretation. Although President Joe Biden introduced new trans-inclusive rules for interpreting Title IX during his term, those changes applied to trans students in all areas except athletics (and are currently blocked pending litigation in federal court).
But Trump’s anti-trans plans aren’t limited to sports. His February 2023 proclamation stated that he would seek a federal definition of “gender” that is restricted to only “male and female” as assigned at birth. Trump also vowed to ban gender-affirming care for trans youth, falsely labeling such medical care “mutilation” and “mutation” and promising to terminate trans-affirming doctors from Medicare and Medicaid. In his Agenda47 video, Trump falsely claimed that trans people and gender dysphoria did not exist “until the radical left invented it just a few years ago.” He also accused pharmaceutical companies of pushing hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and surgeries for profit, but provided no evidence of such a conspiracy. “Under my leadership, this madness will end,” Trump concluded in the video.
Much of Agenda47’s anti-trans language dovetails with Trump’s anti-teacher and anti-education positions, representing a series of attacks not just on queer and trans students, but on teachers and educators who do not adhere to the Republican party line. At various points, Agenda47 describes schools as “indoctrinating” students with “Marxism,” “critical race theory,” and “gender ideology.” Trump’s solutions to the imagined problem would include monetary rewards for schools who strip K-12 teachers of their tenure; a federal “Parents Bill of Rights,” likely with similar language to anti-LGBTQ+ state bills of the same name; a Red Scare-like hunt for “the radicals who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education”; and a new teacher certification board to ensure educators “embrace patriotic values.” Trump is also heavily courting conservatives who homeschool their children, a longtime Republican pet project that has rapidly gained ground in recent years. The Trump team has insisted that their candidate has nothing to do with the now-infamous Project 2025, despite its breathless ambition towards “institutionalizing Trumpism” (and Trump’s close ties with its architects). But Agenda47’s policy items are near-indistinguishable from Project 2025’s, making the difference largely a matter of branding. As Ms. magazine noted, Project 2025 also seeks an end to federal protections for trans people at any level, diametrically opposes Biden’s reinterpretation of Title IX, and would establish a “male/female” gender binary on the federal level, even prohibiting school officials and educators from using a trans student’s pronouns. Where the Heritage Foundation-organized document differs from Trump’s anti-LGBTQ+ platform, it is in its discussion of marriage: While Trump avoids the topic of gay marriage, Project 2025 confidently states that “married men and women are the ideal, natural family structure.”
The policy agendas of both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 regarding LGBTQ+ (and especially trans rights) are major concern, should Donald Trump get back into office.
While there is significant overlap between Heritage’s Project 2025 and Trump’s Agenda 47, both have slightly different priorities regarding the LGBTQ+ issue, whereas A47 deemphasizes opposition to marriage equality and P2025 embraces it.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Outdated grooming policies banning natural Black hairstyles have fueled racial inequities in schools and workplaces for too long. However, a new wave of legislative reforms and public advocacy aims to finally dismantle this form of discrimination. The CROWN Act (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair) has emerged as a legislative solution, prohibiting race-based hair discrimination. To date, the CROWN Act has been enacted in 24 states and numerous municipalities but has stalled in the U.S. Senate after passing through the House. Additionally, some state-level versions of the CROWN Act still enable discriminatory targeting of Black hairstyles.
In Texas, the CROWN Act left loopholes allowing bans on hair longer than two inches, which explicitly singles out and prohibits natural Black hairstyles like afros and dreadlocks on male students. By failing to bar restrictive policies on length and color, Texas’ version of the CROWN Act falls short of fully preventing race-based hair discrimination. Such gaps at the state level undermine the spirit of the CROWN Act and must be addressed through truly comprehensive reforms that protect all facets of Black hair. This gap between legislative success and real-world implementation, as evidenced by the suspension of a Texas student months after the Act’s passage, highlights the need for comprehensive legislation to fully address hair discrimination. Moving forward, legislation must address hair length, color, texture, and style to create truly inclusive policies without loopholes that permit discrimination.
Hair policies that regulate length and color have specifically targeted Black students, leading to disproportionate discipline and loss of educational opportunities. National data reveal that while Black students represent 15% of the K–12 population, they account for 31% of all school suspensions. Black students nationwide are missing nearly three times as many school days due to suspension as white students, accounting for a disproportionate number of the total 11 million days of lost instruction. In one school district in Texas, research from the Center for Justice Research at Texas Southern University found that Black students are seven times more likely to be suspended compared to white students, often for discretionary, minor behavioral infractions. Repeated suspensions increase the risk of falling behind, dropping out, and having contact with the juvenile justice system. In fact, one study revealed a concerning cycle—students who were suspended from school were seven percent more likely to later have contact with the juvenile justice system. Moreover, once these students returned to their schools after suspension, they were 20% more likely than their peers to face another suspension.
The consequences of hair discrimination extend beyond the classroom. A 2021 study found that Black women with natural hairstyles are less likely to be recommended for a job interview compared to white women with curly or straightened hair. Natural hairstyles like dreadlocks were deemed less professional. This employment discrimination limits economic mobility and forces Black women to incur the financial and health burdens of damaging chemical treatments, including increased uterine cancer risk from chemical straighteners.
To achieve the goal of ending hair discrimination, the CROWN Act must expand to cover all facets of hair style and presentation without exceptions, such as those found in the Texas version. Congress should pass the federal CROWN Act, joining states like Colorado and New Jersey in enacting more comprehensive bills that close loopholes. Enforcement will also require dedicated resources and training. School administrators must learn how to shift away from punitive dress codes toward supportive, culturally-informed policies. Human resource professionals need guidance on removing Eurocentric appearance standards from hiring and grooming practices.
The CROWN Act reflects an important step towards ending race-based hair discrimination. However, true progress requires closing loopholes that allow for continued disproportionate enforcement against Black students and workers. Comprehensive legislation coupled with proper training and enforcement provides a path forward to ending harmful policies rooted in white supremacist standards. Schools and workplaces must move beyond narrow beauty norms towards valuing diversity in how individuals present themselves. This includes embracing and protecting all hair lengths, textures, and colors.
Why it matters
Hair discrimination limits educational attainment, career opportunities, and economic mobility for Black Americans. It also exacts a psychological and physical health toll by forcing assimilation to white beauty standards. The CROWN Act has the potential to eliminate centuries-old institutional policies and stereotypes that perpetuate racial inequities and trauma.
However, achieving this goal depends on enacting legislation that fully encompasses all facets of hair, including length, texture, color, and style. Comprehensive legal protections coupled with training and enforcement can help create more inclusive environments, where individuals are empowered to show up authentically. Getting the CROWN Act right matters for racial justice and equality of opportunity.
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About your "raising the age of adulthood" thing, I have two main points to make (although it should be noted that I'm 19 and therefore probably don't have a super objective viewpoint). First, what are these 18-20yo minors supposed to be doing with their time? The current age of adulthood roughly coincides with the end of high school. There's a fairly clear expectation of what you're supposed to do when you're a minor: you go to school. You said that the child labor laws would be kept as-is (1/?)
And simply extended to cover 18-20 year olds, so clearly they won’t be getting full-time jobs. You could extend high school by another few years. That would probably be worth it if they taught John Locke and Milton Friedman, but we both know that it would probably be John Money and Ibram X. Kendi instead. Some people do start college as minors, usually those who’ve skipped a grade or two, so that might still be an option, but not everyone wants to go to college—I certainly don't, at least (2/?)
not right now. Are they expected to sit in their parents’ basements and scroll through TikTok all day? Granted, many of them do that already, but it’s not the kind of behavior that should be encouraged, which leads me to my second point. I understand the frustration with people who don’t want to act like adults, but this approach seems to condone their attitudes; basically, it implies “you’re right, you shouldn’t be expected to act like adults.” If we adjusted the age of majority based on (3/4)
whether or not people wanted to act like adults, we would stop being minors around the time we started receiving Social Security checks. I’m not totally sure what the proper solution would be, but I’m leaning more towards “tell them to grow the heck up” rather than “affirm their extended adolescence.” (4/4)
Dear god, tumblr, please extend the length of asks, lol
Okay, I already kind of answered this earlier, but when you go to college has nothing to do with being a legal adult. The minimum age for most colleges is 17 to enroll, but they almost all make exceptions for students who skipped grades and homeschool students. I would also never support adding more grades to high school. Especially not public high school. You did, however, make me think of an interesting possibility.
See, going to college right out of high school is a terrible idea. You're asking 16 and 17 year olds to decide what they want to do with the rest of their lives and then asking them to get into debt in order to do it. One of the few things Europe does right is the gap year. It's the year after college when students travel or work or just take time to themselves to decompress from high school before going to college. We don't do that here. Here K-12 school is one big assembly line straight to college. But if the legal age of adulthood was 21, that might eventually lead to a few buffer years before college. Years to work part time and save money for college or for moving out of the house. Years to take time to enjoy the last bit of childhood so you're not thrown straight into college right out of high school.
Now, to be clear, I'm not saying this should be legally mandated. But it's a cultural shift I could see happening in the future as a potential consequence of having a few more years of legal childhood after high school ends.
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smartclass · 2 years
Digital Teacher Learning App
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Code and Pixels is recognized as one of the “10 Most promising K-12 Tech Service Providers-2017” by Silicon India Magazine.
You may have given wonderful gifts to your child to make him/her happy. But this time, for a change, GIFT your child a ‘Bundle of Knowledge’ that will transform him/her from an ordinary student to a brilliant performer in school.
Why Tuitions
Tuitions are basically meant to recall the subject that was taught in the class. Understanding ability of each student will be different in classroom. Despite sincere attempt by School class teacher, one student may understand 90% in classroom and another student may understand only 60% in classroom. Tuitions are meant to fill the knowledge gap. Whatever student could not understand in the class should be covered in the Tuitions. If “xyz” topic is taught in the School today then the same “xyz” topic must be taught in the tuition so that student will get 100% knowledge about the subject. Some parents want to engage their children in a useful manner. Instead of wasting the time, parents prefer to have their children get involved in educational activities after school hours.
Where Tuitions are failing:
Child spends 8+ hours of his time in school with almost 8 different types of teachers to educate him/her. Each teacher has his/her own method of teaching. As we have learnt, Tuitions are basically meant for revision of subject or recall of subject, what is taught on that particular day in school, but not to learn the actual subject. In the tuitions, the student is expected to recall what he learnt in the school. But, Tuition teacher is repeating the same full-length class again in the tuition on the particular concept in his/her own way which will be different from school teaching in many ways. The way, approach, method that the Tuition teacher delivers his/her lectures to a student will contradict that of the School teacher. This will confuse the student in understanding the concept. If School teacher and Tuition teacher are not on the same wavelength then student will undergo huge mental tension and get into a confused state as to whom to follow and end up with poor learning. If the classroom has 25 students, then tuitions are also having 10 - 20 people in one batch. As a parent, the purpose of sending our children for tuition is to get personal attention. In 10 - 20 members, how do you expect to get personal attention for your child? At least in school class everyone is from the same class whereas in tuition 20 members will belong to different classes. Tuition time may be around 2 hours. How much time will the tuition teacher personally spend with your child? One teacher cannot handle all the subjects efficiently. You cannot expect a Tuition teacher to be an expert in all subjects. Generally, Maths and Sciences are covered in Tuitions. What about other subjects which are equally important?
DIGITAL SOLUTION for Tuition Problems:
Digital Teacher App is the only solution. DVD /USB versions are being used by thousands of children and now, Android based APP version is available for ease of usage. Thousands of parents have trusted DIGITAL TEACHER and purchased to their children as a supplementary learning tool. Computers and gadgets fascinate children. Instead of humans teaching tuitions, they prefer a gadget teaching them. Theory and concepts are depicted in 2D/3D animations so that there will not be any misunderstanding of a concept. Student can repeat the topics any number of times till he/she is satisfied. Not only Maths and Physical Science but they can also learn Biology, English and Social Studies.( AP and Telangana Board) The new education system allows students to write the answer in their own words about the topic rather than using the bookish language. Once a student understands the topic, he can present it in his/her own way in exams. Students can learn any time at any place, any subject, any topic, and any number of times. Let us look at the financial aspect of this software. The Monthly Tuition Fees per student is Rs.1500/- (average). So, the annual fees is Rs. 18,000/. Digital Teacher is offered at Rs.200/- per month which for 10 months it costs Rs. 2000/- only BENEFIT: This amount is for five subjects which means you spend just Rs.40/- (Rs.200/5) per subject every month. And in the bargain, get the best educational platform for your child’s future.
The conventional ways of instruction have always left a huge gap in teaching-learning experience isolating the teacher from the students.A typical student may not properly comprehend and visualize what the teacher delivers in the classroom using words and static pictures without proper care about individual differences visualizing ability and the pace of learning.In this scenario, a weak student is left behind and feels neglected.Digital Teacher App is an animated, self-learning multimedia solution, which increases the interest levels and the retention power of the students.Critical concepts are being developed and packaged using multimedia based digital solutions.
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appdevelopment321 · 2 months
Education Software Development and it's Cost with Benefit
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What is Education Software Development?
Education software development is the process of creating applications and platforms aimed at easing and enriching learning experiences. This can also mean a whole collection of tools: learning management systems, e-learning platforms, educational games, and mobile learning apps—essentially, solutions targeting different educational sectors, starting from K–12 through higher education and into professional training.
The aim is to make it more accessible, engaging, and efficient. The state-of-the-art education software incorporates advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and virtual reality to personalize learning with interactive content. Different styles of learning are catered to, and it helps the teachers in monitoring the progress of the students, noticing pitfalls, and hence changing the way of teaching methodology. Such platforms integrate collaborative tools, enhancing communication and collaboration between students and educators.
This makes education software development complex, for it requires in-depth knowledge of educational theories, user experience design, and the latest technological trends in order to come up with effective, yet user-friendly, solutions. Because of the continuous transferring of education to online platforms, the demand for new and dependable education software has grown, making it an integral part of the contemporary learning environment.
Costs and Benefits of Education Software Development:
The cost of educational software development varies greatly depending on the application's level of complexity and functionality. Those basic educational applications with common features will cost you $10,000 to $50,000. Further, the complex platforms offering advanced functionalities—AI-based, gamification, and VR—are more expensive, ranging from $50,000 to $200,000 or more. This, despite being a very huge investment, has substantial benefits.
It can also back administration tasks, hence decreasing the workload of educators and allowing them to further focus on teaching. It gives personalized learning experiences, making provision for different learning paces and styles possible for the achievement of better student outcomes. Most of these platforms also have analysis tools that allow educators to track progress and enable data-driven decisions. On the part of the student, the interactive and engaging nature of education software makes learning more enjoyable and effective.
Also, online learning makes education more accessible. Now, it can reach more people, particularly those living in remote or unserved areas. Besides, educational software can implement lifelong learning whereby a person can continue learning new things and getting new knowledge and skills all their lives. All in all, investment in the development of education software pays off in better quality, inclusivity, and efficiency in education.
How to Code Education Software Development?
Coding education software involves several steps, starting with defining the project requirements and understanding the target audience. Developers need to choose the right technology stack, which may include programming languages like JavaScript, Python, or Swift and frameworks like React Native for mobile apps or Django for web applications. The development process typically follows an agile methodology, allowing for iterative development and continuous feedback. Some of the features include intuitive front-ends, interactive content, and robust back-ends for data management and analytics.
AI and ML integration can deliver highly personalized learning experiences, while VR and AR can create extremely immersive environments for learning. The most important thing, however, is security: it has to be of top consideration when handling sensitive data about the students. Strong authentication and encryption mechanisms are important in this respect. This can be further enhanced by various collaboration features such as video conferencing, discussion forums, and shared documents to aid communication and collaboration during the learning process.
Testing is necessary to ensure that the developed software has no bugs and also to assure better performance on various devices and multiple platforms. Developers, at last, need to provide complete documentation and customer support so that educators and students can take the maximum from the software. Successful development of education software needs a combination of technical expertise, educational inputs, and user-centered design.  
Why invest in Education Software Development Companies in India?
There are several advantages associated with investing in any education software development company in India. First and foremost, India has a huge pool of highly talented IT professionals who are proficient in the latest technologies and trends. This implies that the quality of the software developed would be high, embedded with state-of-the-art features. The cost of development in India is also very low compared to Western countries, hence representing great value for money.
Indian companies have a very good record for timeliness and cost control, making them reliable partners for long-term projects. Admittedly, India's flourishing education sector has been driven by its youth, tech-savvy population, fast-growing internet penetration, and government policies pushing for online learning. These create fertile ground for innovation and growth in education technology. These represent companies that not only support the development of new and effective learning solutions but also tap immense potential markets.
This is further supported by the flexibility and client needs-oriented approach of Indian companies, which would enable the software solutions to meet the exact requirements of educators and learners worldwide. Thus, investment in India's development companies for education software is a strategic move toward earning returns with a difference for the global advancement of education technology.
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trendingreportz · 2 months
Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market Overview
Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market size is valued at $48.5 million in 2020 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 25.5% during 2021-2026, owing to the increasing digitization and adoption of online teaching and learning facilities due to global pandemic disease Covid-19. Educational platforms enable complete personalized access with LMS system in Brazil. Increasing adoption of LMS in order to improve learner engagement and for execution of remote learning efforts is poised to drive the market during forecast period. Capital investments are pouring into smart learning start-ups as investors are trying to gain a foothold in the emerging e-learning business ecosystem. This is reflecting positively over the concept of learning management system (LMS). Mergers and acquisitions are a prominent trend in the global LMS market currently. The Covid-19 driven shift to online learning has had a significant positive impact on the adoption of LMS solutions in K-12 Education as the need for better management of the online learning solutions has driven their adoption.
Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market Report Coverage
The report: “Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market – Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector market
By Module Type: Collaborative Learning, Content Management, Performance Management, Student Management, Online Courses, Assessment and Testing, and Others By Ecosystem: Equipment Providers, Hosting Service Providers, Colocation Providers, Authoring Tool Providers, Payment Gateway Providers, Software Providers, Content Delivery Network, Tutoring Service, Content Providers, Testing Tool Providers, Proctoring Services, Accreditation Providers and Others By End User: K-12, and Higher Education
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Key Takeaways
Collaborative learning in Brazil LMS in education sector market held major share in 2020 as this learning method assist learners to work effectively as a team by allowing them to access prior knowledge, recall information and practise communication skills.
K12 is expected to grow at a highest CAGR of 34.8% during the forecast period as it is designed specifically for the unique needs of elementary students, teachers, and administrators.
Advancements in technology and integration of AI technology with LMS is poised to drive the market.
Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market Segment Analysis - By Module Type
Collaborative learning held the major share 20.5% in 2020 of Brazil LMS in the education sector market. This process of Learning is an e-learning approach where each individual is able to socially interact with other individual, as well as instructors in essence to expand their knowledge of a particular subject or skill. Similarly, this method of learning help learners to work effectively as a team by allowing them to access prior knowledge, recall information and practise communication skills. At a high level, collaboration is seen as a soft-skill – a fundamental piece of good teamwork that has a nebulous effect on accelerating the training program. In Brazil, many educational institutions have opted for Collaborative ELearning methods for effective learning of students. This set to drive the market.
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Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market Segment Analysis - By End User
K12 is expected to grow at a highest CAGR of 34.8% during the forecast period 2021-2026 while accounting for 26.9% share in 2020. There has been growing adoption of LMS in K12 as it has been educational sector in assisting easy documentation, tracking and delivering online training. As students matriculate into the workforce, they are likely to encounter eLearning in their career. Educational institutions are using technology to manage on boarding, and effective learning development skills. Adoption of LMS in K12 assists students in next generation learning technology that they will invariably be required to use in the future.
Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market Drivers
Increasing adoption of online teaching and learning has been pushing the Brazil LMS in education sector market
Web-based learning platforms have witnessed rapid growth, among the education sector, owing to the easy and flexible learning options. With these flexible learning options several educational institutions in Brazil have been focusing on adoption of LMS to create training programs with heavy investment expected in the short term. With rising technology development, there has been extensive use of digital materials and changing needs of modern learners a traditional classroom-based approach becomes less and less efficient. Adoption of LMS in schools and colleges enable teachers to realize various pedagogical models, delivering personalized learning, engaging and connecting students easily, thereby driving the market.
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Advancements in Technology
Integration of LMS with advanced technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) drives the LMS market in educational sector of Brazil. It can develop virtual tutoring tools based on the interaction with the students. AI in LMS is used to group students based on their abilities and shortcomings, by means of periodic and gradual evaluations of their performance, which enable in creating advanced and highly intuitive training programs, thereby driving the market. With the AI technology, the content which is previously taught can be analyzed and optimized for the benefit of the students. This is poised to drive the market.
Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market Challenges
High Cost required for LMS Subscription
The high Cost required for learning platform Subscription, with huge work force is limiting their adoption. The average cost required for Subscription of LMS Platforms is more than $30 per user per month and the annual licensing fees can be more than 20–25 percent of the initial cost. Hence these high cost subscriptions effect the market growth in the forecast period 2021-2026.Additionally lack of skilled professionals for training and integration of software hampers the growth of the market.
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Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector Market Landscape
Technology launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Brazil Learning Management System In Education Sector market. In 2020, the market of Brazil Learning Management System top 10 companies include include Blackboard Inc., Brazil Technology Solutions for Education Ltd, Saba Software Inc, Edmodo, McGraw-Hill Education, Pearson plc, Jenzabar Inc, Schoology Corporation, Sumtotal Systems LLC, TES Global Limited Infrastructure Inc and among others.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches
In March 2020, Blackboard Inc has completed its sale of open LMS business to Learning Technologies Group plc. This agreement enables Blackboard Company in further simplifying its business of next-generation Learning Management System (LMS).
In February 2020, Cornerstone has acquired Saba to complement its base of learning and skills development products which makes talent experience software
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bottlewatersblog · 3 months
Exploring the Growth: E-Learning Market Forecast for 2025
The e-learning market has seen unprecedented growth over the past decade, driven by advancements in technology, increasing internet penetration, and the demand for flexible learning solutions. As we move further into 2024, the market shows no signs of slowing down. This article provides a detailed forecast of the e-learning market, highlighting the latest statistics and trends shaping the industry.
Market Overview
E-learning, defined as the delivery of education and training through digital resources, has transformed the educational landscape. The market encompasses various sectors, including K-12 education, higher education, corporate training, and professional certification courses.
Market Size and Growth
As of 2023, the global e-learning market was valued at approximately $315 billion. According to recent market research, the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.6%, reaching an estimated value of $645 billion by 2028 .
Key Drivers of Growth
Several factors contribute to the robust growth of the e-learning market:
Technological Advancements: Innovations such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR) are enhancing the learning experience, making it more interactive and immersive.
Increased Internet Penetration: The proliferation of high-speed internet, especially in developing regions, has made e-learning accessible to a broader audience.
Flexibility and Accessibility: E-learning offers the convenience of learning from anywhere at any time, catering to diverse learning needs and schedules.
Corporate Training Needs: Businesses are increasingly investing in e-learning for employee training and development to remain competitive and compliant with industry standards.
COVID-19 Pandemic: The pandemic accelerated the adoption of e-learning as educational institutions and businesses sought remote learning solutions to continue operations.
Segment Analysis
By Learning Mode
Self-paced Learning: This segment is expected to maintain a significant share due to its flexibility. Learners can access content at their own pace, which is particularly appealing to working professionals.
Instructor-led Learning: This mode is also growing, especially with the rise of hybrid learning models that combine online and face-to-face interactions.
By End-user
K-12 Education: The adoption of e-learning in schools is growing, supported by government initiatives and the integration of digital tools in classrooms.
Higher Education: Universities and colleges are increasingly offering online courses and degrees, attracting a global student base.
Corporate Sector: The demand for corporate training programs is driving significant growth in this segment. Companies are leveraging e-learning for onboarding, skill development, and compliance training.
Others: This includes professional certification courses, lifelong learning, and personal development courses.
Regional Insights
North America
North America remains a dominant player in the e-learning market, driven by high internet penetration, technological advancements, and significant investment in digital education. The U.S. and Canada are leading the way with numerous innovative e-learning platforms and substantial corporate training investments.
Europe is witnessing substantial growth in e-learning, with countries like the UK, Germany, and France leading the charge. The region benefits from strong government support and the widespread adoption of digital learning in educational institutions.
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to register the highest growth rate during the forecast period. Rapid urbanization, increasing internet penetration, and a large student population are key factors driving the market. Countries such as China, India, and South Korea are notable contributors to this growth.
Latin America and Middle East & Africa
These regions are gradually embracing e-learning, with increasing investments in educational technology and rising internet connectivity. While currently representing a smaller market share, they offer significant growth potential.
Latest Trends and Innovations
AI and Machine Learning: AI is being utilized to create personalized learning experiences, adaptive learning paths, and intelligent tutoring systems.
Gamification: Incorporating game elements into e-learning courses to enhance engagement and motivation.
Mobile Learning: The rise of smartphones and tablets has made mobile learning a critical component of the e-learning ecosystem.
Microlearning: Delivering content in small, manageable chunks to improve retention and cater to the busy schedules of learners.
Blockchain Technology: Ensuring secure and verifiable certification and credentials for online courses.
Challenges and Opportunities
Digital Divide: Disparities in internet access and digital literacy can hinder the adoption of e-learning in certain regions.
Quality Assurance: Ensuring the quality and credibility of online courses remains a concern.
Engagement and Retention: Keeping learners engaged and motivated in a virtual environment can be challenging.
Emerging Markets: There is significant growth potential in emerging markets with improving internet infrastructure.
Corporate Training: Increasing demand for upskilling and reskilling employees offers vast opportunities for growth.
Lifelong Learning: The trend towards continuous learning and professional development is driving demand for diverse e-learning programs.
The e-learning market is poised for substantial growth, driven by technological advancements, increasing internet penetration, and evolving learning needs. As the market continues to expand, stakeholders must address challenges related to access, quality, and engagement to fully capitalize on the opportunities ahead. With ongoing innovation and investment, the future of e-learning looks promising, offering a dynamic and flexible approach to education and training across the globe.
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stylusolutions · 3 months
elearning companies in mumbai | e learning companies in india
At Stylus, we design words to focus on the needs of the reader, writer, listener and viewer. Our uniquely developed documentation process, professionalism and work ethics set us apart from our competitors, thereby increasing the quality standards and client expectations with every assignment we undertake.
While you may find freelance content writers in India and graphic design company in India, it is important to have one team perform both the activities. This is because what you are writing and what you are designing need to go hand-in-hand to speak one story – the success story of your organisation.
Nobody is perfect, because we are all constantly learning something new. Be it in school or college or at work, we are always striving to achieve the next level; usually by learning something new. There are multiple academic institutions where courseware development is the most important stepping stone to success. These courses are developed for all audiences across all ages – be it school children, working professionals or businessmen. While K-12 course development caters to children, corporate courses target adults who want to polish their skills or learn new ones.
Stylus provides unparalleled learning experiences by quickly delivering highly-targeted learning through innovative solutions for courseware development.
Invest in today for a brighter tomorrow. Childhood days are most precious and the best gift to a child is good education. So, how does a teacher connect with the students? The obvious answer is an easy and well- structured book with an interactive courseware design. However, courseware development in Mumbai is a challenge for most publications. Team Stylus with its fine K12 course development, not only assists in content development, but also efficiently drafts concise and informative courses to create custom learning material. We at Stylus, build the courseware design keeping in mind the importance of making studies fun and interesting for children. Knowledge can be effectively imparted though reinforcement using different activities and deliverables such as textbooks, activity books, worksheets, nursery rhymes, puzzles and videos. We create courseware that’s lively, up-to- date, comprehensive, attractive, interesting and informative. For a courseware to be efficient, it is very important to get the building blocks right – have the right content. We have teachers and SMEs who guide our team for content development to ensure that the topics covered are age and audience appropriate.
Our Services Include:
At Stylus, we develop well-written, current and relevant courses for schools, colleges and various levels of management.
We prepare age and subject appropriate syllabus.
We create end-to- end courses that include objectives, recap, summary, notes and tips, interesting puzzles and a variety of questions to check the knowledge.
We design well thought-out layouts with engaging titles for instant connect with the learners.
To keep the little leaners engaged, we develop courseware in a child-friendly manner with simple language, engrossing images and examples.
We couple the information with effective illustrations, multimedia graphics and  cover page designs.
Our team of talented designers draw sketches and portraits, and handpick smart images and illustrations to match the content.
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At Stylus we believe that simply teaching is not enough, so we draft stimulating activities that assesses the knowledge of young minds.
Our courseware (textbook) is also packaged with a teacher’s guide, answer booklet, workbook, activity book, presentation and teaching aids.
We provide services for K12 course development for all boards and universities.
We aim to create an interesting connection between the learner and the teacher. Packaged with important information, effective examples, interesting images and illustrations, our courseware writing skill encompasses any area of knowledge. Our talented team at Stylus generates the perfect courseware to provide you with effective training and educating solutions that won’t break your budget. Confidence in our courseware training materials means confidence in your instructors’ ability to effectively and successfully teach in the classroom. At Stylus, we take pride in the quality of our products.
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stemroboedtechcompany · 8 months
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tech-reasearch-blog · 3 months
Education ERP Market Worldwide Key Segments, Key Driven Factors, Scenario Forecast to 2031
he Insight Partners stands out as a reliable ally in the syndicated market research and consultation through its steadfast commitment to the market research industry. With extensive experience and proven dedication, we have been delivering outstanding outcomes. With a team of researchers catering to distinct business requirements, we can emerge as a trusted research partner in the past decade.
By prioritizing precision and trust ahead, we are proud to announce the addition of the latest offering titled “Education ERP Market Growth Outlook to 2031”. This report ensures spotless coverage of recent updates and a range of business environment factors impacting the Education ERP market growth. The meticulous approach opted by our researchers can assist companies in transforming business space into the Education ERP market.
Education ERP market report offers a comprehensive analysis of regional and global scenarios. The scope of the market report extends to the competitive landscape, cost analysis, key players, specific market regions, profit margin, and market situation. A glance at wide-ranging factors restricting Education ERP market growth is deliberately included in this study.
Objectives of Education ERP Market Report
To deliver a detailed market overview by integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis
To unveil growth strategies by evaluating the competitive landscape and examining key companies against their position and strategic advantage
To offer estimates on sales volume, market share, size, and CAGR for the projected period.
To offer segment wise insights
This detailed report on Education ERP market size is heavily based on verified information and authoritative sources. The study intended to offer market players an overview of market opportunities in the coming period. This report helps clients as a first-hand source of knowledge on the market while providing a full-fledged analysis of each segment.
The study contains details on frontrunners in the market along with their recent collaborations, segments, revenues, product launches, and Education ERP market trends. It projects the competition in the Education ERP market for an estimated duration. This research further looks at industry channels and the performance of key market players to help businesses stay ahead in the market.
Our Report Sample May Brief On:
Scope of Education ERP market report
Brief introduction of Education ERP market and Industry Overview
Table of Contents
Top market players covered in this report
Report Structure
Research Methodologies by The Insight Partners
Regional Insights:
This section includes insights on different regions and key players present in the region. This section attempts to analyze the growth of a specific regional market based on economic, technological, and environmental factors. Readers may expect revenue-based data and sales insights gathered by our team after comprehensive research. This informative chapter remains an absolute perk for investors, as it will help them to understand potential investment value and expected returns in specific regions.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Student Information System
Financial Management
Placement Management
Transport Management
Enrollment and Admissions
Training and Support
Portal Services
Deployment Type
Cloud Based
Higher Education
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Blackbaud, Inc.
Dell Inc.
Ellucian Company L.P.
Epicor Software Corporation
Foradian Technologies
Jenzabar, Inc.
Netsuite Inc (Oracle)
Unit4 Software
Other key companies 
Why The Insight Partners?
Proven Expertise: The Insight Partners comprises expert market research analysts who have extensive industry-specific knowledge. Through this report, our team is bringing years of experience to the table while safeguarding the accuracy of insights.
Actionable Insights: TIP relies on a combination of primary and secondary research methodologies that drive tangible results. We are committed to keeping our offerings clear, accessible, and concise to guide businesses in the decision-making process.
Integration of Technology: We embrace technology in all its forms as the core of our research tactics. We use various tools and platforms to analyze and interpret the data. This allows timely results.
Current and Future Market Estimates- Education ERP Market Share, and Size | 2031
Market Dynamics – Drivers, Challenges, Regional Trends, and Market Opportunities
Market Segmentation – Product, Application, End-use Industries, and Regional Growth Prospects.
Competition Matrix – Key Market Players and Strategies
Recent Developments and Innovation contributing Market Growth
Author’s Bio:
Anna Green
Research Associate at The Insight Partners
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remotejobslisting · 4 months
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abrown455 · 8 months
What exactly is a Student Information System (SIS)? & what are the Benefits of a SIS? 
The Student Information System, or SIS for short, is a data management platform that allows institutions to run efficiently. For all student data, it is a centralized location that can be easily integrated with other modules to speed up work. Schools are finding it more challenging to manually handle enormous amounts of data due to changing curricula and increasing enrolment. Institutions are implementing new procedures for managing student data and running their operations. By utilizing student information management system, activities are becoming simpler, requiring fewer resources and guaranteeing process efficiency. Stay here to know about the Student Information System and its benefits: 
What is a Student Information System? 
A student information system is a software program that helps schools digitize and manage student data more effectively. In more precise terms, it is a system enabling educational establishments of all kinds to provide online access to all student data previously kept in legacy systems. 
By doing this and automating related administrative and academic processes, they may greatly improve their efficiency. Additionally, the student information management system efficiently attends to the needs of students both within and outside of the classroom. 
Better management of student data 
The favored method in K–12 education is swiftly evolving to include student information system software through SIMs. Due to software's affordability, power, and accessibility across almost all platforms, educators are discovering they have more control over the data they keep and manage about their students. With a few quick clicks, teachers can obtain all the crucial documents required to understand student performance in their classes and make justifiable decisions based on the information gathered. 
Improved use of available time and resources 
As an automated solution, the SIS system allows all activities to be completed online, saving significant paper and other valuable resources. Maintaining stacks of paper is optional. Additionally, the system's user interface is simple and quick to use, so end users won't need specialized training. 
In addition to saving, your valuable time, sis student information system reduces the number of important resources, such as personnel, that you use. Rather than spending endless hours filling out the same paperwork, your personnel may work on other important projects. 
Improved student success 
As previously stated, SIMS maintains, arranges, and evaluates student data about test scores, assignments, attendance, and other topics. Additionally, an analytics dashboard driven by AI is incorporated into the system. Dashboards evaluate the data recorded in SIS software, which is then shown as MIS reports and graphs. 
Teachers can utilize these MIS reports to examine student’s performance. They can identify areas in which students fall behind and need more assistance. In addition to the obvious benefits for students, this can lead to improved relationships between students and teachers. 
From the above detailed information, you will learn about the Student Information System and its benefits. There are numerous options available when thinking about student information software, and they can offer various benefits. If you utilize Classe365, the all-inclusive Student Information System software, managing your time-consuming administrative obligations becomes easier. 
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researchgroupreports · 8 months
EdTech Market Size, Growth, Trends, Industry Overview 2024-2032
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IMARC Group, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “EdTech Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032” The global edtech market size reached US$ 222.4 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 661.2 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 12.48% during 2024-2032.
Request For Sample Copy of Report For More Detailed Market insight: https://www.imarcgroup.com/edtech-market/requestsample
Factors Affecting the Growth of the EdTech Industry:
Increasing Emphasis on Personalized Learning:
The growing emphasis on personalized learning is offering a favorable market outlook. Traditional education systems often follow a one-size-fits-all approach, which can overlook individual learning styles, paces, and interests. EdTech solutions offer tools and platforms that can be tailored to the specific needs of students, enhancing engagement and efficacy. Adaptive learning technologies modify the difficulty level and type of content based on the performance of the learner, ensuring a more personalized educational experience. This approach not only supports students who might struggle in a conventional classroom setting but also allows progressive learners to progress at their own pace.
Technological Advancements:
The rising innovations in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and cloud computing are enhancing the way educational content is delivered and experienced. AI-driven platforms are enabling more effective learning and teaching processes by providing insights based on data analytics, automating administrative tasks, and facilitating more engaging and interactive learning experiences. VR and AR technologies are turning traditional learning environments into immersive, interactive experiences, making complex subjects more accessible and enjoyable. This technological evolution is not just enhancing academic learning but also offering new avenues for skill development and professional training.
Increasing Accessibility and Cost-effectiveness:
Digital educational resources, such as e-books, online courses, and educational apps, often come at a fraction of the cost of traditional learning materials and methods. This affordability opens up educational opportunities to a wider audience, particularly in developing regions where access to quality education can be limited. Moreover, the advent of mobile learning (m-learning) is further increasing accessibility, allowing learners to access educational content from anywhere, at any time, utilizing smartphones and tablets. In addition, these resources are also enabling continuous learning and skill upgrading for professionals, thereby playing a pivotal role in lifelong learning and career development.
Top Companies Operating in Global EdTech Industry:
2U Inc.
Chegg Inc.
Class Technologies Inc.
Coursera Inc.
Google LLC (Alphabet Inc.)
Instructure Inc.
Lenovo Group Limited
SMART Technologies ULC (Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd.)
Udacity Inc. and upGrad Education Private Limited
EdTech Market Report Segmentation:
By Sector:
Higher Education
K-12 represents the largest segment, owing to the growing number of students in this age group, driving the demand for educational technology solutions.
By Type:
Hardware accounts for the majority of the market share due to increasing investments in devices by schools and institutions to facilitate modern learning experiences.
By Deployment Mode:
On-premises hold the biggest market share as educational institutions often prefer having direct control over their information technology (IT) infrastructure and data security.
By End User:
Individual Learners 
Individual learners exhibit a clear dominance in the market, attributed to the rising popularity of online lessons and self-paced learning options among a diverse range of learners.
Regional Insights:
North America (United States, Canada)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Others)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Others)
Middle East and Africa
North America dominates the market on account of its advanced technology infrastructure, increasing investment in education, and the rising number of key companies headquartered in the region.
Global EdTech Market Trends:
The growing trend of gamification in education is positively influencing the market. Gamification involves employing game design elements in non-game contexts, such as education, to enhance motivation and engagement among learners. Educational content is becoming more engaging and enjoyable by incorporating points, badges, leaderboards, and interactive storylines. This approach improves knowledge retention and makes the learning process more appealing, especially for younger students. Gamification also encourages healthy competition and goal setting, which are important aspects of the educational process, driving further innovation and adoption in the EdTech sector.
Other Key Points Covered in the Report:
COVID-19 Impact
Porters Five Forces Analysis
Value Chain Analysis
Strategic Recommendations
About Us
IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC Group’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise.
Contact US
IMARC Group 134 N 4th St. Brooklyn, NY 11249, USA Email: [email protected] Tel No:(D) +91 120 433 0800 United States: +1-631-791-1145 | United Kingdom: +44-753-713-2163
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infinitiresearch · 8 months
Adaptive Learning Software Market| Market Size, Analysis and Forecast, 2023 – 2027
Originally published on Technavio: Adaptive Learning Software Market by End-user, Deployment, and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027
The Adaptive Learning Software Market is expected to witness significant growth from 2023 to 2027, with a focus on key factors such as end-users, deployment models, and geographical considerations. This research explores various facets of the market, shedding light on the factors that contribute to its development.
**End-user Analysis:** The Adaptive Learning Software Market caters to a diverse set of end-users within the education sector. These end-users include K-12 schools, higher education institutions, and corporate training programs. In K-12 education, adaptive learning software is utilized to personalize learning experiences for students, catering to individual learning styles and pacing. Higher education institutions leverage adaptive learning to enhance student engagement, improve retention rates, and provide tailored educational content. Corporate training programs incorporate adaptive learning to address the unique training needs of employees, ensuring effective skill development and knowledge acquisition. The market dynamics are shaped by the specific requirements and objectives of different end-user segments within the education landscape.
**Deployment Analysis:** The deployment models for Adaptive Learning Software encompass on-premises solutions and cloud-based platforms. On-premises deployment involves hosting the adaptive learning software within the educational institution's infrastructure, offering control over data security and customization. Cloud-based deployment, on the other hand, allows for scalable and flexible access to adaptive learning resources through the internet. This model is particularly beneficial for institutions seeking cost-effective and easily accessible solutions. The choice of deployment model depends on factors such as data security requirements, budget considerations, and the institution's IT infrastructure.
**Geographical Analysis:** Geographically, the Adaptive Learning Software Market is expected to experience robust growth across different regions. North America, with its advanced education technology adoption and emphasis on personalized learning, is anticipated to be a key player. Europe, known for its progressive approach to education, also presents significant opportunities. The Asia-Pacific region, including countries like China and India, is poised for substantial growth as educational institutions embrace technology-driven solutions. Regional dynamics are influenced by factors such as government initiatives, educational policies, and the level of technological infrastructure in each region.
**Market Dynamics:** The market dynamics of the Adaptive Learning Software Market are driven by the increasing focus on personalized and adaptive learning approaches in education. Traditional one-size-fits-all teaching methods are being replaced by adaptive learning solutions that tailor content and pacing to individual student needs. The market is influenced by advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, enabling adaptive learning platforms to analyze student performance data and adjust content accordingly. The growing recognition of the importance of personalized learning experiences in improving student outcomes contributes to the market's positive trajectory.
**Challenges and Opportunities:** While the Adaptive Learning Software Market presents significant opportunities, it faces challenges related to data privacy concerns, integration complexities, and the need for teacher training. Safeguarding student data and ensuring privacy are critical considerations, requiring robust security measures and compliance with regulatory standards. Integrating adaptive learning software into existing educational technology ecosystems may pose challenges, necessitating interoperability and seamless data exchange. However, these challenges open doors for opportunities in developing user-friendly interfaces, providing comprehensive training programs for educators, and collaborating with educational institutions to create integrated learning environments. As the demand for personalized education grows, the market has opportunities to expand its offerings to address specific subject areas, learning objectives, and age groups.
To Learn deeper into this report , View Sample PDF
In conclusion, the Adaptive Learning Software Market is poised for substantial growth as education stakeholders increasingly recognize the benefits of personalized and adaptive learning approaches. The market's dynamics reflect a shift towards technology-driven, student-centric education solutions. Industry players must navigate these trends, address challenges, and continue to innovate to meet the evolving demands of the global education technology landscape.
For more information please contact.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
MIT in the media: 2023 in review
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mit-in-the-media-2023-in-review/
MIT in the media: 2023 in review
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It was an eventful trip around the sun for MIT this year, from President Sally Kornbluth’s inauguration and Mark Rober’s Commencement address to Professor Moungi Bawendi winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 2023 MIT researchers made key advances, detecting a dying star swallowing a planet, exploring the frontiers of artificial intelligence, creating clean energy solutions, inventing tools aimed at earlier detection and diagnosis of cancer, and even exploring the science of spreading kindness. Below are highlights of some of the uplifting people, breakthroughs, and ideas from MIT that made headlines in 2023.
The gift: Kindness goes viral with Steve Hartman Steve Hartman visited Professor Anette “Peko” Hosoi to explore the science behind whether a single act of kindness can change the world. Full story via CBS News
Trio wins Nobel Prize in chemistry for work on quantum dots, used in electronics and medical imaging “The motivation really is the basic science. A basic understanding, the curiosity of ‘how does the world work?’” said Professor Moungi Bawendi of the inspiration for his research on quantum dots, for which he was co-awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Full story via the Associated Press
How MIT’s all-women leadership team plans to change science for the better President Sally Kornbluth, Provost Cynthia Barnhart, and Chancellor Melissa Nobles emphasized the importance of representation for women and underrepresented groups in STEM. Full story via Radio Boston
MIT via community college? Transfer students find a new path to a degree Undergraduate Subin Kim shared his experience transferring from community college to MIT through the Transfer Scholars Network, which is aimed at helping community college students find a path to four-year universities. Full story via the Christian Science Monitor
MIT president Sally Kornbluth doesn’t think we can hit the pause button on AI President Kornbluth discussed the future of AI, ethics in science, and climate change with columnist Shirley Leung on her new “Say More” podcast. “I view [the climate crisis] as an existential issue to the extent that if we don’t take action there, all of the many, many other things that we’re working on, not that they’ll be irrelevant, but they’ll pale in comparison,” Kornbluth said. Full story via The Boston Globe 
It’s the end of a world as we know it Astronomers from MIT, Harvard University, Caltech and elsewhere spotted a dying star swallowing a large planet. Postdoc Kishalay De explained that: “Finding an event like this really puts all of the theories that have been out there to the most stringent tests possible. It really opens up this entire new field of research.” Full story via The New York Times
Frontiers of AI
Hey, Alexa, what should students learn about AI? The Day of AI is a program developed by the MIT RAISE initiative aimed at introducing and teaching K-12 students about AI. “We want students to be informed, responsible users and informed, responsible designers of these technologies,” said Professor Cynthia Breazeal, dean of digital learning at MIT. Full story via The New York Times
AI tipping point Four faculty members from across MIT — Professors Song Han, Simon Johnson, Yoon Kim and Rosalind Picard — described the opportunities and risks posed by the rapid advancements in the field of AI. Full story via Curiosity Stream 
A look into the future of AI at MIT’s robotics laboratory Professor Daniela Rus, director of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, discussed the future of artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning, emphasizing the importance of balancing the development of new technologies with the need to ensure they are deployed in a way that benefits humanity. Full story via Mashable
Health care providers say artificial intelligence could transform medicine Professor Regina Barzilay spoke about her work developing new AI systems that could be used to help diagnose breast and lung cancer before the cancers are detectable to the human eye. Full story via Chronicle
Is AI coming for your job? Tech experts weigh in: “They don’t replace human labor” Professor David Autor discussed how the rise of artificial intelligence could change the quality of jobs available. Full story via CBS News
Big tech is bad. Big AI will be worse. Institute Professor Daron Acemoglu and Professor Simon Johnson made the case that “rather than machine intelligence, what we need is ‘machine usefulness,’ which emphasizes the ability of computers to augment human capabilities.” Full story via The New York Times
Engineering excitement
MIT’s 3D-printed hearts could pump new life into customized treatments MIT engineers developed a technique for 3D printing a soft, flexible, custom-designed replica of a patient’s heart. Full story via WBUR
Mystery of why Roman buildings have survived so long has been unraveled, scientists say Scientists from MIT and other institutions discovered that ancient Romans used lime clasts when manufacturing concrete, giving the material self-healing properties. Full story via CNN
The most interesting startup in America is in Massachusetts. You’ve probably never heard of it. VulcanForms, an MIT startup, is at the “leading edge of a push to transform 3D printing from a niche technology — best known for new-product prototyping and art-class experimentation — into an industrial force.” Full story via The Boston Globe
Catalyzing climate innovations
Can Boston’s energy innovators save the world? Boston Magazine reporter Rowan Jacobsen spotlighted how MIT faculty, students, and alumni are leading the charge in clean energy startups. “When it comes to game-changing breakthroughs in energy, three letters keep surfacing again and again: MIT,” writes Jacobsen. Full story via Boston Magazine
MIT research could be game changer in combating water shortages MIT researchers discovered that a common hydrogel used in cosmetic creams, industrial coatings, and pharmaceutical capsules can absorb moisture from the atmosphere even as the temperature rises. “For a planet that’s getting hotter, this could be a game-changing discovery.” Full story via NBC Boston
Energy-storing concrete could form foundations for solar-powered homes MIT engineers uncovered a new way of creating an energy supercapacitor by combining cement, carbon black, and water that could one day be used to power homes or electric vehicles. Full story via New Scientist
MIT researchers tackle key question of EV adoption: When to charge? MIT scientists found that delayed charging and strategic placement of EV charging stations could help reduce additional energy demands caused by more widespread EV adoption. Full story via Fast Company
Building better buildings Professor John Fernández examined how to reduce the climate footprints of homes and office buildings, recommending creating airtight structures, switching to cleaner heating sources, using more environmentally friendly building materials, and retrofitting existing homes and offices. Full story via The New York Times
They’re building an “ice penetrator” on a hillside in Westford Researchers from MIT’s Haystack Observatory built an “ice penetrator,” a device designed to monitor the changing conditions of sea ice. Full story via The Boston Globe
Healing health solutions
How Boston is beating cancer MIT researchers are developing drug-delivery nanoparticles aimed at targeting cancer cells without disturbing healthy cells. Essentially, the nanoparticles are “engineered for selectivity,” explained Professor Paula Hammond, head of MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineering. Full story via Boston Magazine
A new antibiotic, discovered with artificial intelligence, may defeat a dangerous superbug Using a machine-learning algorithm, researchers from MIT discovered a type of antibiotic that’s effective against a particular strain of drug-resistant bacteria. Full story via CNN
To detect breast cancer sooner, an MIT professor designs an ultrasound bra MIT researchers designed a wearable ultrasound device that attaches to a bra and could be used to detect early-stage breast tumors. Full story via STAT
The quest for a switch to turn on hunger An ingestible pill developed by MIT scientists can raise levels of hormones to help increase appetite and decrease nausea in patients with gastroparesis. Full story via Wired
Here’s how to use dreams for creative inspiration MIT scientists found that the earlier stages of sleep are key to sparking creativity and that people can be guided to dream about specific topics, further boosting creativity. Full story via Scientific American
Astounding art
An AI opera from 1987 reboots for a new generation Professor Tod Machover discussed the restaging of his opera “VALIS” at MIT, which featured an artificial intelligence-assisted musical instrument developed by Nina Masuelli ’23. Full story via The Boston Globe
Surfacing the stories hidden in migration data Associate Professor Sarah Williams discussed the Civic Data Design Lab’s “Motivational Tapestry,” a large woven art piece that uses data from the United Nations World Food Program to visually represent the individual motivations of 1,624 Central Americans who have migrated to the U.S. Full story via Metropolis
Augmented reality-infused production of Wagner’s “Parsifal” opens Bayreuth Festival Professor Jay Scheib’s augmented reality-infused production of Richard Wagner’s “Parsifal” brought “fantastical images” to audience members. Full story via the Associated Press
Understanding our universe
New image reveals violent events near a supermassive black hole Scientists captured a new image of M87*, the black hole at the center of the Messier 87 galaxy, showing the “launching point of a colossal jet of high-energy particles shooting outward into space.” Full story via Reuters
Gravitational waves: A new universe MIT researchers Lisa Barsotti, Deep Chatterjee, and Victoria Xu explored how advances in gravitational wave detection are enabling a better understanding of the universe. Full story via Curiosity Stream 
Nergis Mavalvala helped detect the first gravitational wave. Her work doesn’t stop there Professor Nergis Mavalvala, dean of the School of Science, discussed her work searching for gravitational waves, the importance of skepticism in scientific research, and why she enjoys working with young people. Full story via Wired
Hitting the books
“The Transcendent Brain” review: Beyond ones and zeroes In his book “The Transcendent Brain: Spirituality in the Age of Science,” Alan Lightman, a professor of the practice of humanities, displayed his gift for “distilling complex ideas and emotions to their bright essence.” Full story via The Wall Street Journal
What happens when CEOs treat workers better? Companies (and workers) win. Professor of the practice Zeynep Ton published a book, “The Case for Good Jobs,” and is “on a mission to change how company leaders think, and how they treat their employees.” Full story via The Boston Globe
How to wage war on conspiracy theories Professor Adam Berinsky’s book, “Political Rumors: Why We Accept Misinformation and How to Fight it,” examined “attitudes toward both politics and health, both of which are undermined by distrust and misinformation in ways that cause harm to both individuals and society.” Full story via Politico
What it takes for Mexican coders to cross the cultural border with Silicon Valley Assistant Professor Héctor Beltrán discussed his new book, “Code Work: Hacking across the U.S./México Techno-Borderlands,” which explores the culture of hackathons and entrepreneurship in Mexico. Full story via Marketplace
Cultivating community
The Indigenous rocketeer Nicole McGaa, a fourth-year student at MIT, discussed her work leading MIT’s all-Indigenous rocket team at the 2023 First Nations Launch National Rocket Competition. Full story via Nature
“You totally got this,” YouTube star and former NASA engineer Mark Rober tells MIT graduates During his Commencement address at MIT, Mark Rober urged graduates to embrace their accomplishments and boldly face any challenges they encounter. Full story via The Boston Globe
MIT Juggling Club going strong after half century After almost 50 years, the MIT Juggling Club, which was founded in 1975 and then merged with a unicycle club, is the oldest drop-in juggling club in continuous operation and still welcomes any aspiring jugglers to come toss a ball (or three) into the air. Full story via Cambridge Day
Volpe Transportation Center opens as part of $750 million deal between MIT and feds The John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center in Kendall Square was the first building to open in MIT’s redevelopment of the 14-acre Volpe site that will ultimately include “research labs, retail, affordable housing, and open space, with the goal of not only encouraging innovation, but also enhancing the surrounding community.” Full story via The Boston Globe
Sparking conversation
The future of AI innovation and the role of academics in shaping it Professor Daniela Rus emphasized the central role universities play in fostering innovation and the importance of ensuring universities have the computing resources necessary to help tackle major global challenges. Full story via The Boston Globe
Moving the needle on supply chain sustainability Professor Yossi Sheffi examined several strategies companies could use to help improve supply chain sustainability, including redesigning last-mile deliveries, influencing consumer choices and incentivizing returnable containers. Full story via The Hill
Expelled from the mountain top? Sylvester James Gates Jr. ’73, PhD ’77 made the case that “diverse learning environments expose students to a broader range of perspectives, enhance education, and inculcate creativity and innovative habits of mind.” Full story via Science
Marketing magic of “Barbie” movie has lessons for women’s sports MIT Sloan Lecturer Shira Springer explored how the success of the “Barbie” movie could be applied to women’s sports. Full story via Sports Business Journal
We’re already paying for universal health care. Why don’t we have it? Professor Amy Finkelstein asserted that the solution to health insurance reform in the U.S. is “universal coverage that is automatic, free and basic.” Full story via The New York Times 
The internet could be so good. Really. Professor Deb Roy described how “new kinds of social networks can be designed for constructive communication — for listening, dialogue, deliberation, and mediation — and they can actually work.” Full story via The Atlantic
Fostering educational excellence
MIT students give legendary linear algebra professor standing ovation in last lecture After 63 years of teaching and over 10 million views of his online lectures, Professor Gilbert Strang received a standing ovation after his last lecture on linear algebra. “I am so grateful to everyone who likes linear algebra and sees its importance. So many universities (and even high schools) now appreciate how beautiful it is and how valuable it is,” said Strang. Full story via USA Today
“Brave Behind Bars”: Reshaping the lives of inmates through coding classes Graduate students Martin Nisser and Marisa Gaetz co-founded Brave Behind Bars, a program designed to provide incarcerated individuals with coding and digital literacy skills to better prepare them for life after prison. Full story via MSNBC
Melrose TikTok user “Ms. Nuclear Energy” teaching about nuclear power through social media Graduate student Kaylee Cunningham discussed her work using social media to help educate and inform the public about nuclear energy. Full story via CBS Boston 
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