#Generation of Critical Thinkers and Innovators
stemroboedtechcompany · 9 months
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kleopatra45 · 3 months
Mercury in the Signs
Mercury represents communication, intellect, and reasoning in astrology. The way Mercury expresses itself can be significantly influenced by the sign it occupies in your birth chart.
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Mercury in Aries
Mercury in Aries individuals communicate in a direct, assertive, and sometimes impulsive manner. They are quick thinkers and quick talkers, often enthusiastic and eager to share their ideas. They value straightforwardness and can sometimes come across as blunt or impatient.
Mercury in Taurus
With Mercury in Taurus, communication is practical, deliberate, and grounded. These individuals prefer to think things through before speaking and are known for their reliable and steady manner of expression. They appreciate clarity and can be persuasive due to their methodical approach.
Mercury in Gemini
Mercury is at home in Gemini, making these individuals highly communicative, curious, and adaptable. They excel at gathering and sharing information, often having a wide range of interests. Their quick wit and versatility make them excellent conversationalists.
Mercury in Cancer
Mercury in Cancer individuals communicate with empathy and sensitivity. They are intuitive and often understand others' emotions, making them excellent listeners. Their thinking is influenced by their feelings, and they may have a good memory for personal details and past experiences.
Mercury in Leo
When Mercury is in Leo, communication is confident, dramatic, and expressive. These individuals have a flair for storytelling and enjoy being the center of attention. They are persuasive speakers and can be quite inspiring, often using creativity in their communication.
Mercury in Virgo
Mercury also rules Virgo, and in this sign, it signifies precise, analytical, and detail-oriented communication. Virgo Mercuries are logical and practical, often excelling at tasks that require critical thinking and organization. They value clarity and efficiency in their expressions.
Mercury in Libra
Mercury in Libra individuals communicate with grace, charm, and diplomacy. They are skilled at seeing multiple perspectives and strive for balance and fairness in their interactions. Their ability to mediate and harmonize makes them excellent at resolving conflicts.
Mercury in Scorpio
Mercury in Scorpio brings a penetrating, investigative, and intense approach to communication. These individuals seek to uncover hidden truths and are not afraid to delve into deep, complex topics. They can be persuasive and powerful in their speech, often using their insight to influence others.
Mercury in Sagittarius
With Mercury in Sagittarius, communication is enthusiastic, optimistic, and expansive. These individuals are open-minded and love exploring new ideas and philosophies. They may have a tendency to speak their mind bluntly but are generally well-meaning and honest.
Mercury in Capricorn
Mercury in Capricorn individuals communicate in a disciplined, practical, and structured manner. They are goal-oriented and prefer to keep conversations focused and purposeful. Their communication style is often serious and professional, valuing tradition and reliability.
Mercury in Aquarius
Mercury in Aquarius brings an innovative, progressive, and unconventional approach to communication. These individuals are forward-thinking and enjoy discussing new and revolutionary ideas. They value independence and originality, often coming across as detached or eccentric.
Mercury in Pisces
Mercury in Pisces individuals communicate with imagination, empathy, and intuition. They often have a poetic or artistic way of expressing themselves and can be quite compassionate listeners. Their thinking can be more abstract and less structured, relying on their intuitive understanding.
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majestick-posts-op · 7 months
The Strawhats are all very smart once you think about it that its almost scary.
You got the obvious ones like Robin being a schoolar with tons of knowledge covering many topics as well as being a critical thinker, as well as Nami not only being a god tier navigator since the age of 8, but also having elevated street smarts.
Then you have Usopp, who is a jack of all traits who mastered multiple mediums such as art, snipery, botanics, engeniring and mechanics and was SELF TAUGHT until the timeskip. And Franky, who was tutored by a (fish)man who was given the title of best shipwrught in the world and managed to rebuild hinself after an usually fatala incident.
Sanji is sonething of a critical thinker too when he isn't h#rny, remember: he saved everybody back at Alabasta and Water 7 through wits alone. Jimbei is a mature and natural leader with an above average skillset too, both in general knowledge and helmanship.
Chopper is only 17 yet he is already at the level of fully trained doctors like Marco and Law, he can foud a cure for a terminal virus made by a former MADS member in less than a hour! And Brook isn't only a great musician (which takes both skill and smarts) but he also found ways to use his devil fruit in innovative new ways.
Even Luffy, despite everything, has great emotional intelligence as well as being a genius when it comes to his fight IQ, he developed all of his gears and trasformations by himself with minimal help with gear 4 only. And the "help" was only giving him more resources. He truly deserves more credit than he gets for his accomplisments and intelligence.
And even if you include Vivi in the mix she has great skills as a diplomat and politician and sports an unbelievable level or maturity for her age.
So yeah, everybody really is seriously smart on the Sunny.
Except Zoro he's a dumbass.
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venusiancharisma · 9 months
Part 1 of Asteroids & Major Aspects
These are just some examples. I think, just like Tarot, it extremely important for peoples personal experiences and intuitive guidance helps create the whole interpretation from a chart by chart perspective, therefore... this would primarily help those of you who don't know the generak themes/are just starting out in astrology. Regardless, this is hyper-generalized as more of a starter guide:
Asteroid Juno:
The asteroid Juno represents marriage and commitment dynamics in astrology. Having significant aspects to Juno in a natal chart can reveal information about someone's approach to long-term partnerships:
Juno conjunct Sun/Moon - Commitment is central to one's identity and emotional needs. Loyal but may depend heavily on partner.
Juno conjunct Venus - Highly romantic nature. Idealistic in relationships. Strong desire for marriage or lifelong bonding.
Juno conjunct Mars - Sexual needs tied to intimacy. There can be contention around commitment needs.
Juno square Saturn - Difficulty with obligation in relationships. Fears of losing freedom or individuality through marriage.
Juno opposite Uranus - Drawn to unconventional relationships. Dislikes feeling "owned" or bound. Issues with fidelity.
Juno trine Jupiter - Faith in marriage and willingness to work through challenges. Expansive benefits from partnerships.
Juno quincunx Neptune - Yearning for soulmate union. Can sacrifice too much or ignore red flags when in love.
Aspects to Juno should be considered alongside the entire chart. But they can reveal someone's unique needs, wounds, potentials or lessons when it comes to long-term marriage and commitment. The house placement of Juno also adds additional context to these relationship tendencies.
Asteroid Ceres:
The asteroid Ceres represents nurturing, maternal instincts, and family/childhood issues in astrology. Having significant aspects to Ceres in a natal chart can indicate the following:
Ceres conjunct Moon - Deep need to care for others, especially children. Strong maternal instincts. Early childhood issues around nurturing may arise.
Ceres conjunct Venus - Expressing affection by providing food, comfort and security. Partners may take on child-like roles.
Ceres conjunct Mars - Nurturing drives or inhibits sexuality. Could indicate conflicts around parenting.
Ceres square Saturn - Difficulty nurturing oneself/others due to parental criticism or early life responsibility.
Ceres opposite Uranus - Nurturing patterns disrupted by sudden change. Rebellious response to restrictive mother.
Ceres trine Jupiter - Positive nurturing from mother and family. Natural talent for parenting, cooking, gardening.
Ceres quincunx Pluto - Intense need for security. Hunger for deep connection. Early power struggles around dependence.
Ceres Return - Time of reconnecting with these themes. Healing childhood issues. Revisiting parenting roles.
Aspects to natal Ceres help uncover your unique attachment style and talents/wounds around providing and receiving nurturance within families. Ceres' house placement adds more detail about where these dynamics play out.
Asteroid Pallas:
The asteroid Pallas represents wisdom, strategy, and political/social justice in astrology. Major aspects to Pallas in a natal chart indicate the following:
Pallas conjunct Mercury - Strong strategic thinking and gift for seeing multiple angles of a situation. Able to mediate conflicts.
Pallas conjunct Venus - Sense of justice and fairness applied to relationships and social connections. Diplomatic mediator.
Pallas conjunct Mars - Fights for beliefs, sometimes aggressively. May be combative communication style.
Pallas square Saturn - Difficulty employing practical strategy. Wisdom gained slowly through experience.
Pallas opposite Uranus - Innovative thinker but can be stubborn in views. Fights for radical change.
Pallas trine Jupiter - Expansive wisdom, big picture thinking. Natural lawyer or wise counselor. Lucky planning.
Pallas quincunx Pluto - Compulsive need to understand hidden agendas. Sees manipulation in all interactions.
Pallas Return - Period of reconnecting to inner wisdom and reassessing life strategies.
Pallas aspects in the natal chart illuminate your relationship to wisdom, discernment, strategy, and ability to negotiate. Pallas' house placement provides added context on applying these qualities to specific life areas.
Asteroid Vesta:
The asteroid Vesta represents devotion, focus, sacred rituals, and the temple of the self in astrology. Major aspects between Vesta and planets/points in a natal chart indicate:
Vesta conjunct Sun - Strong sense of inner purpose. Needs to dedicate self to meaningful cause for fulfillment.
Vesta conjunct Moon - Soulful devotion and emotional investment in what one holds sacred. Possible spiritual calling.
Vesta conjunct Mercury - Mental dedication to areas of focus and study. Disciplined thinker.
Vesta conjunct Venus - Deeply devoted in relationships but needs personal space respected. May be devoted to arts.
Vesta conjunct Mars - Drive to devote energy passionately but can lead to burnout without care.
Vesta square Saturn - Challenges in reconciling dedication with responsibilities. Tests of commitment
Vesta opposite Uranus - Needs freedom and humanity in what one dedicates to. Rebellious to dogma.
Vesta trine Neptune - Spiritual devotion comes naturally. Drawn to mysticism and esoteric rituals.
Vesta quincunx Pluto - Intense focus can lead to destructive tendencies without balance.
Vesta aspects reveal the positive and challenging ways one directs devotion, ritual, and sacred focus in life. Vesta's house and sign placements add more texture.
Asteroid Pholus:
The asteroid Pholus represents one's response to crisis, the unexpected, and where we may feel pressured to take extreme measures or actions. Major aspects to Pholus in a natal chart indicate:
Pholus conjunct Sun - Identity tied to managing crises. Drawn to emergency response and high pressure situations.
Pholus conjunct Moon - Heightened emotional reactions to the unexpected. Difficulty regulating feelings under duress.
Pholus conjunct Mercury - Strong mental strategizing to handle catastrophes. Tendency to give unsolicited advice when stressed.
Pholus conjunct Mars - Reacts urgently, aggressively when faced with disruption. Prone to impulsiveness under pressure.
Pholus square Saturn - Hardships build character and skills to handle predicaments. Can also cause rigidity and avoidance.
Pholus opposite Uranus - Rebellious reactions to turmoil. Uses shock value to shake things up.
Pholus trine Pluto - Able to regenerate and find power when faced with what seems like disaster.
Pholus quincunx Neptune - Handles chaos through imagination, spirituality, chemicals. Can lose grip on reality.
Pholus aspects point to our reflexive responses to crises and willingness to cross boundaries when pressured. Pholus' house placement adds more context.
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🤔🧩How do Gallifreyan Houses influence abilities and traits?
Forget the sorting hat, Gallifrey's got its own system for pigeonholing their kids. Each House shapes its members' abilities and traits through their distinct genetic Loom cores, mapping out their general talents when they're born.
Prydon Academy: Strategists and Linguists - Houses aligned with Prydon focus on developing strategic minds and language skills. Their Loom cores likely enhance brain regions for critical thinking and linguistic prowess, making them natural politicians and diplomats.
Arcal Academy: Scientists and Engineers - Arcal-affiliated Houses produce logical thinkers and scientific minds. Their genetic templates are tuned for analytical skills and technical understanding, perfect for those who love to unravel the mysteries of the universe.
Patrex Academy: Creative and Philosophical Minds - Houses from Patrex are all about creativity and deep thinking. They might have genetic enhancements for artistic abilities and telepathic skills, fostering a community of artists and philosophers.
Cerulean Academy: Environmental Guardians - Houses aligned with Cerulean nurture a connection with nature. Their Loom cores could instil empathy for ecosystems and a keen understanding of environmental sciences, creating guardians of Gallifrey's natural world.
Drome Academy: Social Advocates - Drome-focused Houses emphasise social awareness and empathy. Their genetic makeup might promote emotional intelligence and a strong sense of social justice, producing advocates for equality and democracy.
Scendeles Academy: The Versatile and Adaptive - Houses linked with Scendeles encourage a broad range of talents. Their Loom cores might be more diverse, allowing for adaptability and a wide array of skills, from innovative thinkers to practical problem-solvers.
So this leaves us with a fun reason for a poll. You might be a Hufflepuff, but ...
Gallifreyan Biology for Tuesday by GIL
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my-vanishing-777 · 3 months
Women In World History exposes yet another man who ripped off women's intellectual creations, passing them off as his own: it was Margarete Steffin, an uncredited working class woman, who wrote the greatest plays of Bertoldt Brecht:
"The story of Margarete Steffin and Bertolt Brecht is a troubling tale of exploitation, deception, and uncredited authorship that casts a shadow over one of the most celebrated figures in 20th-century theater. Bertolt Brecht, renowned for his innovative "alienating" style of drama, has long been hailed as a revolutionary playwright whose works profoundly influenced subsequent generations of theater makers. However, recent scholarship has brought to light the darker aspects of Brecht's career, particularly his treatment of women collaborators.
"Margarete Steffin was one of several women whom Brecht manipulated and exploited for their literary talents. Brecht's modus operandi involved seducing women with promises of marriage and then convincing them to write plays on his behalf. This pattern of behavior reveals a systemic abuse of power and a willingness to take credit for others' work that stands in stark contrast to Brecht's public image as a progressive thinker and artist.
"According to Brecht scholar John Fuegi, Steffin's contributions to Brecht's oeuvre were substantial and crucial. She is credited with writing at least eight of the plays commonly attributed to Brecht, including some of his most famous works. "Mother Courage and Her Children," "The Good Person of Szechwan," "Life of Galileo," and early drafts of "The Caucasian Chalk Circle" are all said to have been penned by Steffin. The evidence for this is compelling: manuscripts for these plays exist in Steffin's handwriting, and they draw upon source material written in French, a language that Brecht himself could not read. [!]
"This revelation calls into question not only Brecht's integrity as an artist but also the very foundations of his reputation. The plays for which he is most famous and which have secured his place in the theatrical canon appear to be, in large part, the work of an uncredited woman. This situation raises important questions about authorship, collaboration, and the historical erasure of women's contributions to the arts.
"The exploitation of Steffin and others like her goes beyond mere plagiarism. Brecht's behavior represents a profound betrayal of trust and a manipulation of intimate relationships for professional gain. By dangling the prospect of marriage, Brecht created a power dynamic that allowed him to exploit these women's talents while denying them recognition for their work.
"Tragically, Steffin's story does not end with the appropriation of her work. After her untimely death from tuberculosis, Brecht's exploitation continued. In a final act of callousness, he manipulated Steffin's family out of their rightful inheritance, adding financial injury to the professional and personal betrayals she had already suffered.
"This aspect of Brecht's career forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about the intersection of art, power, and gender in the cultural landscape of the 20th century. It highlights how easily women's contributions could be erased or appropriated, even in supposedly progressive artistic circles. The case of Margaret Steffin and Bertolt Brecht serves as a stark reminder of the need to critically examine the histories we inherit and to question the narratives surrounding our cultural icons.
"The revelations about Brecht's methods also prompt a reevaluation of his work and legacy. While the plays themselves remain influential and artistically significant, our understanding of their creation must now account for the collaborative – and exploitative – nature of their authorship. ["Collaborative" is not the right word for the usurpation of Steffin's creations; "parasitic" is a better descriptor.] This situation raises complex questions about how we attribute artistic works and how we should approach the output of artists whose personal conduct was deeply problematic."
Thanks to Bronwyn Winter.
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mariacallous · 8 days
What would you want to tell the next U.S. president? FP asked nine thinkers from around the world to write a letter with their advice for him or her.
Dear Madam or Mr. President,
Congratulations on your election as president of the United States. You take office at a moment of enormous consequence for a world directly impacted by the twin challenges of energy security and climate change.
Democrats and Republicans disagree on many aspects of energy and climate policy. Yet your administration has the chance to chart a policy path forward that unites both parties around core areas of agreement to advance the U.S. national interest.
First, all should agree that climate change is real and worsening. The escalating threat of climate change is increasingly evident to anyone walking the streets of Phoenix in the summer, buying flood insurance in southern Florida, farming rice in Vietnam, or laboring outdoors in Pakistan. This year will almost certainly surpass 2023 as the warmest year on record.
Second, just as the energy revolution that made the United States the world’s largest oil and gas producer strengthened it economically and geopolitically, so will ensuring U.S. leadership in clean energy technologies enhance the country’s geostrategic position. In a new era of great-power competition, China’s dominance in certain clean energy technologies—such as batteries and cobalt, lithium, graphite, and other critical minerals needed for clean energy products—threatens America’s economic competitiveness and the resilience of its energy supply chains. China’s overcapacity in manufacturing relative to current and future demand undermines investments in the United States and other countries and distorts demand signals that allow the most innovative and efficient firms to compete in the global market.
Third, using less oil in our domestic economy reduces our vulnerability to global oil supply disruptions, such as conflict in the Middle East or attacks on tankers in the Red Sea. Even with the surge in U.S. oil production, the price of oil is set in the global market, so drivers feel the pain of oil price shocks regardless of how much oil the United States imports. True energy security comes from using less, not just producing more.
Fourth, energy security risks extend beyond geopolitics and require investing adequately in domestic energy supply to meet changing circumstances. Today, grid operators and regulators are increasingly warning that the antiquated U.S. electricity system, already adjusting to handle rising levels of intermittent solar and wind energy, is not prepared for growing electricity demand from electric cars, data centers, and artificial intelligence. These reliability concerns were evident when an auction this summer set a price nine times higher than last year’s to be paid by the nation’s largest grid operator to power generators that ensure power will be available when needed. A reliable and affordable power system requires investments in grids as well as diverse energy resources, from cheap but intermittent renewables to storage to on-demand power plants.
Fifth, expanding clean energy sectors in the rest of the world is in the national interest because doing so creates economic opportunities for U.S. firms, diversifies global energy supply chains away from China, and enhances U.S. soft power in rapidly growing economies. (In much the same way, the Marshall Plan not only rebuilt a war-ravaged Europe but also advanced U.S. economic interests, countered Soviet influence, and helped U.S. businesses.) Doing so is especially important in rising so-called middle powers, such as Brazil, India, or Saudi Arabia, that are intent on keeping their diplomatic options open and aligning with the United States or China as it suits them transactionally.
To prevent China from becoming a superpower in rapidly growing clean energy sectors, and thereby curbing the benefits the United States derives from being such a large oil and gas producer, your administration should increase investments in research and development for breakthrough clean energy technologies and boost domestic manufacturing of clean energy. Toward these ends, your administration should quickly finalize outstanding regulatory guidance to allow companies to access federal incentives. Your administration should also work with the other side of the aisle to provide the market with certainty that long-term tax incentives for clean energy deployment—which have bipartisan support and have already encouraged historic levels of private investment—will remain in place. Finally, your administration should work with Congress to counteract the unfair competitive advantage that nations such as China receive by manufacturing industrial products with higher greenhouse gas emissions. Such a carbon import tariff, as proposed with bipartisan support, should be paired with a domestic carbon fee to harmonize the policy with that of other nations—particularly the European Union’s planned carbon border adjustment mechanism.
Your ability to build a strong domestic industrial base in clean energy will be aided by sparking more domestic clean energy use. This is already growing quickly as market forces respond to rapidly falling costs. Increasing America’s ability to produce energy is also necessary to maintain electricity grid reliability and meet the growing needs of data centers and AI. To do so, your administration should prioritize making it easier to build energy infrastructure at scale, which today is the greatest barrier to boosting U.S. domestic energy production. On average, it takes more than a decade to build a new high-voltage transmission line in the United States, and the current backlog of renewable energy projects waiting to be connected to the power grid is twice as large as the electricity system itself. It takes almost two decades to bring a new mine online for the metals and minerals needed for clean energy products, such as lithium and copper.
The permitting reform bill recently negotiated by Sens. Joe Manchin and John Barrasso is a good place to start, but much more needs to be done to reform the nation’s permitting system—while respecting the need for sound environmental reviews and the rights of tribal communities. In addition, reforming the way utilities operate in the United States can increase the incentives that power companies have not just to build new infrastructure but to use existing infrastructure more efficiently. Such measures include deploying batteries to store renewable energy and rewiring old transmission lines with advanced conductors that can double the amount of power they move.
Grid reliability will also require more electricity from sources that are available at all times, known as firm power. Your administration should prioritize making it easier to construct power plants with advanced nuclear technology—which reduce costs, waste, and safety concerns—and to produce nuclear power plant fuel in the United States. Doing so also benefits U.S. national security, as Russia is building more than one-third of new nuclear reactors around the world to bolster its geostrategic influence. While Russia has been the leading exporter of reactors, China has by far the most reactors under construction at home and is thus poised to play an even bigger role in the international market going forward. The United States also currently imports roughly one-fifth of its enriched uranium from Russia. To counter this by building a stronger domestic nuclear industry, your administration should improve the licensing and approval process of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and reform the country’s nuclear waste management policies. In addition to nuclear power, your administration should also make it easier to permit geothermal power plants, which today can play a much larger role in meeting the nation’s energy needs thanks to recent innovations using technology advanced by the oil and gas sector for shale development.
Even with progress on all these challenges, it is unrealistic to expect that the United States can produce all the clean energy products it needs domestically. It will take many years to diminish China’s lead in critical mineral supply, battery manufacturing, and solar manufacturing. The rate of growth needed in clean energy is too overwhelming, and China’s head start is too great to diversify supply chains away from it if the United States relies solely on domestic manufacturing or that of a few friendly countries. As a result, diminishing China’s dominant position requires that your administration expand economic cooperation and trade partnerships with a vast number of other nations. Contrary to today’s protectionist trends, the best antidote to concerns about China’s clean technology dominance is more trade, not less.
Your administration should also strengthen existing tools that increase the supply of clean energy products in emerging and developing economies in order to diversify supply chains and counter China’s influence in these markets. For example, the U.S. International Development Finance Corp. (DFC) can be a powerful tool to support U.S. investment overseas, such as in African or Latin American projects to mine, refine, and process critical minerals. As DFC comes up for reauthorization next year, you should work with Congress to provide DFC with more resources and also change the way federal budgeting rules account for equity investments; this would allow DFC to make far more equity investments even with its existing funding. Your administration can also use DFC to encourage private investment in energy projects in emerging and developing economies by reducing the risk investors face from fluctuations in local currency that can significantly limit their returns or discourage their investment from the start. The U.S. Export-Import Bank is another tool to support the export of U.S. clean tech by providing financing for U.S. goods and services competing with foreign firms abroad.
Despite this country’s deep divisions and polarization, leaders of both parties should agree that bolstering clean energy production in the United States and in a broad range of partner countries around the world is in America’s economic and security interests.
I wish you much success in this work, which will also be the country’s success.
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His [Foucault's] vision of European culture as the institutionalised form of oppressive power is taught everywhere as gospel, to students who have neither the culture nor the religion to resist it. Only in France is he widely regarded as a fraud.
- Roger Scruton on Michel Foucault
During student protests in Paris in 1968, Roger Scruton, a francophile, watched students overturn cars to erect barricades and tear up cobblestones to throw at police. It was at that moment he realised he was a conservative.
For Scruton, he didn’t think much of Jean Paul Satre, the father of existentialism, who cobbled together the essence of his philosophy from Alexandre Kojève's reading of Hegel in his famous seminar at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in the 1930s. His listeners included Bataille, Aron, Merleau-Ponty, Lacan and Simone de Beauvoir. Each of them drew something different from him. For Sartre, the idea of the self-created individual with radical freedom. Expressed very early on in La nausée, this freedom is a source of anguish for a consciousness which not only considers that the surrounding world has no meaning other than that which it can possibly confer on it, but which experiences itself as a kind of nothingness.
How, starting from such a philosophy, does Sartre arrive at the idea of commitment to revolution and socialism? It is a mystery. Scruton wrote, "According to the metaphysics enunciated in Being and Nothingness, the correct answer to the question "To what shall I commit myself?" should be: What does it matter, as long as you can want it as a law for yourself." "But this is not the answer offered by Sartre, whose commitment is to an ideal that is at odds with his own philosophy.”
With his theory of episteme, Foucault gives us a new version of the Marxist concept of ideology.
Despite what some might think, Scruton wasn’t entirely dismissive of Foucault whose thought was more subtle and interesting than Sartre’s. Scruton confesses a certain tenderness for Michel Foucault's style, for his flamboyant imagination. But Scruton does not see his archaeology of knowledge as a great innovation. According to a habit shared by many French left-wing intellectuals, like Sartre himself, Foucault intended to tear away the veils behind which the relations of domination are hidden, to unmask the deceptions of others. With Sartre, it was in the name of a vague nostalgia for personal authenticity. Foucault, on the other hand, looked for the secret structures of power behind all institutions - and even at work in language.
But the historical horizon on which Foucault projected this quest, which postulated a rupture between the "classical age" of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and the bourgeois world that would follow the French Revolution, showed that, despite his claims, Foucault had remained a prisoner of Marxism. Moreover, as Scruton would write, “his theory of episteme is a rehash of the Marxist theory of ideology. Moreover, he considers power only from the perspective of domination. “
But the main criticism that Scruton finds fault with Foucault is the one found in the post-enlightenment thinkers: relativism. If each era generates the discursive formations that correspond to its system of power, including the sciences, then truth does not exist. Everything is discourse...
Photo: Jean-Paul Satre and Michel Foucault take a stand during the Paris Student Riots, May 1968.
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broomsticks · 10 months
was reading some of the things @thistlecatfics linked here
(... long story)
and this essay was such an interesting read
There is a lot of emphasis in “social justice” culture on learning, [a 'learning'] framed not as curiosity, collaboration, innovation, or creativity, but as the memorization and recitation of the correct “takes.” This passive relationship to learning promoted and enforced in “social justice” culture stifles critical and creative thinking. People passively consume ideas [and] feel like they are responsible political actors because they have memorized the current popular “takes” in “social justice” culture and even feel confident “letting people know.” Any thinkers who come to different conclusions or even ask open ended questions are treated with suspicion or are outright condemned. Learning isn’t about asking open ended questions in this framework, and it certainly isn’t about trying to come to our own conclusions about complex social and political questions. […] Learning isn’t about becoming responsible for our own capacity to think deeply and carefully. It’s about accepting what we are told. [...] A huge amount of what people now consider to be political action is actually censorship, the promoting of conformity, and the punishment of dissident thinking.
Discourse is serious, engaged thinking, discussion, and debate. Discourse is the flow of ideas between intellectuals, scholars, artists, and engaged citizens. Discourse is not a series of “correct takes.” Discourse does not attempt to shut down dissenting views but sees disagreement as inherently generative. Discourse happens when people feel entitled to disagree, when people feel responsible for their own thinking, when people feel like they have something specific and unique to offer to the flow of ideas. Discourse happens when people are creatively and critically engaged, when they feel curious and excited about ideas, when they feel encouraged and allowed to contribute. Because we no longer engage in discourse, and instead practice repeating simple “takes”, educating each other about these “takes”, and slandering people who challenge these “takes”, we feel very threatened by innovative, dissident, creative, or unusual thinking. Many of us no longer know how to relate to ideas beyond passively “learning” the “right” ones or condemning the “wrong” ones as “violent.” We don’t know how to think deeply and at length, how to listen carefully and with curiosity, how to pay sustained attention, how to wonder, or how to ask generative questions. We are all definitely capable of developing these skills, and in fact, I believe our retreat from these practices contributes to our deeply felt sense of alienation and dissatisfaction with our lives. Our despair is in part derived from our lack of participation.
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triceglobaleducation · 3 months
Unlocking Opportunities in Digital Marketing with Trice Global Educations, Varanasi
In today's digital age, where the online realm serves as a gateway to limitless possibilities, proficiency in digital marketing has become a necessity rather than a choice. As businesses and individuals alike navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, the role of skilled professionals in harnessing its power has never been more critical. This is where institutions like Trice Global Educations step in, bridging the gap between ambition and accomplishment for aspiring digital marketers in Varanasi and beyond.
Why Digital Marketing Matters
Digital marketing isn't just about creating an online presence; it's about leveraging the power of the internet to connect with audiences, drive engagement, and achieve business goals. From search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing to content strategy and data analytics, digital marketers wield a diverse toolkit to influence consumer behavior and organizational success.
The Trice Global Educations Advantage
Located in the cultural heart of Varanasi, Trice Global Educations stands out as a premier institute dedicated to nurturing digital marketing talent. Here’s why it’s the preferred choice for many:
Comprehensive Curriculum: The institute offers a well-rounded curriculum that covers the latest trends and tools in digital marketing. Students gain hands-on experience through practical projects and real-world simulations, preparing them for the dynamic digital landscape.
Industry-Experienced Faculty: Learning from seasoned professionals in the field provides students with insights into industry best practices and practical knowledge that goes beyond textbooks.
Certification Programs: Recognizing the importance of credentials in today’s job market, Trice Global Educations offers certification programs that validate students’ expertise and enhance their employability.
Placement Support: Beyond education, the institute offers robust placement support to help students transition from classrooms to careers seamlessly. Partnerships with industry leaders ensure students have access to a wide range of career opportunities.
Networking Opportunities: Engaging with peers and industry experts through seminars, workshops, and networking events enriches students’ learning experience and expands their professional network.
Empowering Tomorrow’s Digital Leaders
At Trice Global Educations, the focus extends beyond teaching digital marketing techniques; it’s about empowering individuals to become innovative thinkers and effective communicators in the digital sphere. By equipping students with the skills to navigate the complexities of online marketing, the institute plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of digital entrepreneurship in Varanasi.
In a world where digital prowess translates into competitive advantage, Trice Global Educations emerges as a beacon of opportunity for those looking to carve a niche in the digital marketing domain. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for nurturing talent, the institute continues to inspire and empower the next generation of digital leaders in Varanasi and beyond.
Whether you’re embarking on a career in digital marketing or seeking to enhance your existing skill set, Trice Global Educations stands ready to support your journey towards success in the dynamic world of digital marketing.
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bjrcrecruiting · 3 months
Choosing the Right General Counsel: Factors to Keep in Mind
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The right General Counsel can provide invaluable legal guidance, ensure regulatory compliance, and help navigate the often turbulent waters of corporate law.
If you need to hire a General Counsel in Toronto, understanding the critical factors involved in this decision is essential. Here, we explore the importance of hiring the right GC and provide insights to help you make an informed choice.
The Importance of Hiring the Right General Counsel
A General Counsel serves as the chief legal officer of an organization and is responsible for overseeing all legal aspects of the business. This role is crucial for several reasons:
Legal Compliance: A GC ensures the company adheres to all relevant laws and regulations, minimizing legal risks and liabilities.
Strategic Guidance: Beyond legal expertise, a GC offers strategic advice on business decisions, mergers and acquisitions, contracts, and more.
Risk Management: A proactive GC identifies potential legal issues before they become problems, safeguarding the organization’s interests.
Reputation Management: In times of crisis, a GC plays a key role in managing legal communications and protecting the company's reputation.
Given these responsibilities, hiring the right General Counsel cannot be overstated. Here are the factors you should keep in mind during the hiring process.
Key Factors to Consider When Hiring General Counsel
Relevant Experience and Expertise Look for candidates with a strong background in the specific legal areas relevant to your business. Whether it’s corporate law, intellectual property, or regulatory compliance, ensure the GC has the expertise to handle your organization's unique legal challenges. Additionally, consider their experience in your industry, as this can provide valuable insights and a deeper understanding of your operational environment.
Strategic Thinking and Business Acumen A great General Counsel is not just a legal expert but also a strategic thinker. They should possess strong business acumen and the ability to align legal strategies with business objectives. Evaluate their past experiences to determine how they have contributed to business growth and strategic initiatives.
Leadership and Communication Skills The GC will be part of the executive team and will require exceptional leadership and communication skills. They should be able to effectively communicate complex legal issues to non-legal stakeholders and provide clear, actionable advice. Look for a candidate who can build strong relationships within the organization and influence decision-making at the highest levels.
Cultural Fit and Integrity The General Counsel must embody your organization's values and culture. During the hiring process, assess the candidate's approach to ethical issues and commitment to integrity. A good cultural fit ensures smoother collaboration and alignment with the company’s mission and values.
Adaptability and Problem-Solving Skills The legal landscape is constantly evolving, and a GC must be adaptable and forward-thinking. They should demonstrate strong problem-solving skills and the ability to navigate new and unforeseen legal challenges. Consider their track record in handling crises and their ability to innovate in response to changing circumstances.
The Role of Legal Search Firms in Toronto
Working with a legal search firm can significantly streamline the process of hiring a General Counsel. Legal search firms in Toronto have the expertise and resources to identify top talent, ensuring a more efficient and targeted search.
Here’s how partnering with a recruitment firm can benefit your GC search:
Access to a Broad Talent Pool: Legal search firms have extensive networks and access to a wide range of candidates, including those who may not be actively seeking new opportunities. This increases the chances of finding a highly qualified and suitable candidate.
Expertise in Candidate Evaluation: Recruiters specialize in assessing candidates’ qualifications, experience, and fit for the role. They conduct thorough screenings and interviews, providing a shortlist of the best candidates.
Time and Resource Efficiency: The recruitment process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. A search firm handles much of the legwork, allowing your HR team to focus on other priorities.
Market Insights: Legal recruiters provide valuable market insights, helping you understand salary expectations, hiring trends, and competitive positioning.
Hiring the right General Counsel is a critical decision that can significantly impact your organization’s success. By considering factors such as relevant experience, strategic thinking, leadership skills, cultural fit, and adaptability, you can make a well-informed choice. Partnering with a reputable legal search firm in Toronto can further enhance the hiring process, providing access to top talent and expert guidance.
At BJRC Recruiting, we specialize in General Counsel searches in Toronto, offering a tailored approach to meet your unique needs. Our team of experienced recruiters is dedicated to helping you find the perfect fit for your organization. Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you in hiring a General Counsel who will drive your business forward.
Know more https://bjrcrecruiting.com/2024/06/10/selecting-right-general-counsel/
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sebastianvora · 4 months
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❛❛ I will not water myself down to make me more digestible for you. You can choke.
ESFP personalities are inclined toward putting on a show for others and generally appear to be very comfortable in the spotlight. However, it is not their love for being the center of attention that drives this sense of confidence but their knack for sensing what’s appropriate in certain situations. They have an uncanny ability to mirror the behaviors of those around them.
ESFPs truly enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends. People with this personality type would almost always choose to be with friends over spending time alone. With their unique and earthy wit, they love soaking up attention and making every get-together feel a bit like a party.
It’s not just talk either – ESFPs tend to have the strongest aesthetic sense of any personality type. From grooming and outfits to a well-appointed home, they have an eye for fashion. Knowing what’s attractive the moment they see it, they aren’t afraid to change their surroundings to reflect their personal style. This type is naturally curious, exploring new designs and styles with ease.
Though it may not always seem like it, these personalities know that it’s not all about them – they are observant and very sensitive to others’ emotions. Often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, ESFPs happily provide emotional support and practical advice. However, if the problem is about them, they are more likely to avoid a conflict altogether than to address it head-on. This personality type usually loves a little drama and passion, but not so much when they are the focus of the criticisms it can bring.
A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because it combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable.
Choleric people are natural-born leaders, driven, and goal-oriented. They tend to be decisive, assertive, and impatient with those who do not keep up. Cholerics have a need for control and power that can sometimes border on dominance. They are also often highly creative and innovative thinkers who thrive in challenging situations. Despite their quick temperaments, they are honest, reliable, and hardworking individuals when given the right motivation. Socially speaking, cholerics like to be around people who can help them achieve their goals or challenge them intellectually. When it comes to relationships they may struggle at times with intimate ones, as they tend to be dominating and focus more on results than feelings. People with choleric personalities can be challenging to deal with due to their direct and often blunt nature.
His Love Tank overflows with Physical Touch. He longs for hand-holding and hugs. A warm embrace or a simple pat on the back helps him feel connected and cherished. Touch creates a bond of connectedness. And, for him, it communicates love and affection more than words ever could.
The Aries Sun Gemini Moon conjunction will give rise to a person who is mentally bright with a strong emotional drive. These individuals are often very impulsive and unpredictable, both in word and deed, but this also contributes to their improvisation and the habit of thinking quickly on their feet. This aspect of his personality can also land him in a lot of trouble. They have a cheerful and fun-loving temperament and their demeanor is alert and sometimes intense, though not necessarily aggressive. They communicate in a direct and clear manner and are rarely at a loss for words. People find them charming and enjoyable to be around. They are often quirky and humorous and are always up to something because they are very restless by nature.
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fluralbannach · 4 months
Art Course and Artist Research
All art courses are different, and various opportunities and knowledge are available. However, in this blog post, I’ll discuss the courses I am interested in. Most of these courses will be at Gray’s School of Art in Aberdeen, Scotland. 
Gray's School Of Art provides a student-centred curriculum in fine art and design to empower the next generation of creative graduates. The curriculum encourages collaboration, exhibitions, international field study trips, and entrepreneurial skills. Graduates often set up businesses or pursue further studies, fostering a supportive environment for innovative thinkers to express their uniqueness and make positive changes.
Course 1 - Foundation in Art and Design (BA (Hons))
The foundation curriculum offers a comprehensive first-year experience that explores subject areas through creative activities and opportunities. It encourages exploration, collaboration, and experimentation with ideas. The curriculum applies newfound knowledge to real-world situations, developing a deeper understanding of creativity, critical thinking, and sustainability. It helps students identify their motivations and interests, providing guidance on the most appropriate creative direction and subject areas for the second year.
This full-time, studio-based year will develop your creative and critical practice and challenge your understanding of the Art and design disciplines. These experiences will expand on your contextual and practical knowledge, introduce you to the Creative Industries, and inform your course options for Year 2.
This course offers a wide range of experience and specialisms, providing numerous employment opportunities. Through the "Creative Futures" module, students can identify and exploit their niche within the Creative and cultural industries while focusing on the relevant creative landscape after the first year.
The entry requirements for the Foundation course include one of the following: an SQA Higher, BCC in Art & Design, a GCE A Level in CC in Art & Design, a H3H3H4 Irish Leaving Certificate Higher in Art, and an IB Diploma in 24. All applicants with the required qualifications will be invited to attend a portfolio review/interview and participate in a selection process. Successful applicants will be offered a place after viewing their digital portfolios. If more information is needed, an interview will be scheduled. Applicants will also be invited to an Applicants Event to meet staff and students, experience the teaching environment, and ask questions. International students must meet direct entry requirements to gain additional points through Robert Gordon University's International College. English language requirements include an IELTS of 6.0 with no lower than 5.5 component.
Course 2 - Fine Art - Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Moving Image (BA (Hons))
The Fine Art course prepares students for their future careers as artists by enhancing their critical aptitude, creative skills, and professional understanding. The curriculum covers various disciplines like drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, and moving images, utilising both analogue and digital methodologies. The course includes studio-based projects, public exhibitions, work experience, and international study options, culminating in an annual Degree Show.
In Year 2, students expand their understanding of theoretical principles through creative interaction and learning from tutors, technical experts, peers, and themselves. They develop critical writing and professional skills, deepening their awareness of the Creative Industries. In Year 3, students develop creative play, risk-taking, and critical thinking by exploring their chosen themes and workshop interests. They gain personal insight into professional ambitions through work experiences, placements, or international study. In Year 4, students have an extended period of supported independence to produce a fully realised body of work, answering critical questions and showcasing their talents.
Gray's School of Art’s curriculum allows students to customise their learning experience through optional study pathways. These include an intensive studio-based study, which focuses on developing a deeper understanding of their studio practice, and a combined work experience and studio pathway, which broadens students' awareness of the professional working environment. Students can also undertake a semester-long international study with partner institutions across Europe, Canada, and the US. 
The entry requirements for Year 2 students include relevant GCE A Levels, HNC/HND or Diploma in Foundation Studies, GCE A Level BCC, or IB Diploma 27. Advanced entry applicants with the appropriate qualifications will be invited to an advanced portfolio review/interview and participate in a selection process. Widening access applicants have minimum SQA Higher CCC entry requirements, including Art / Design and English. Applicants who may not hold standard qualifications are encouraged to apply if they can provide other relevant creative work, qualifications, and life experiences. A portfolio review/interview is still required for this candidate category. Successful applicants should submit a digital portfolio through a Flickr account, and if more information is needed, an interview will be invited. 
Course 3 - Art Therapy - Provided by Alison - Provider website
Art therapy is a psychotherapy method that uses art as a form of communication between therapist and patient to treat various mental health conditions. This course explores the concepts and practices of art therapy, providing skills to work confidently with clients of all artistic abilities in multiple settings. It covers the history, principles, key figures in its evolution, and the critical types of art therapy, including individual and group therapy. The course also explores the value of art therapy in personal and professional lives. Creativity is a powerful tool for improving mental health and well-being; art therapy offers a way to tap into this side. The course discusses creative therapy, mindfulness practices, and techniques for using art therapy with clients. It also focuses on drawing and its application in treating children with physical and mental impairments. The course also covers common mental illnesses art therapists encounter, recording techniques, supervision, boundaries, and therapeutic limitations. This course is designed for anyone interested in learning about art therapy and working with clients with physical and mental impairments.
You can email the provider for further details about entry requirements and certificates.
This course is online and completely free!
In conclusion, the varied range of courses offered by Aberdeen's Gray's School of Art are intended to empower and inspire graduates who are creative. A comprehensive first-year experience is offered by the Foundation in Art and Design course, which promotes creativity, critical thinking, and practical knowledge. Through studio projects, exhibitions, and possibilities for overseas study, the Fine Art programme prepares students for professional employment by allowing them to specialise in a variety of areas. The course on art therapy also covers the therapeutic use of art to mental health issues, with a focus on creativity and mindfulness. Taken as a whole, these courses provide students with extensive chances to investigate, refine, and utilise their creative abilities in a variety of professional settings.
Here's a little about what artists did to get where they are in their careers!
Kara walker
Walker attended the Atlanta College of Art, where she focused on race-specific issues and a double standard often levelled at minority art students. She later attended the Rhode Island School of Design, where her work expanded to include sexual and racial themes based on portrayals of African Americans in art, literature, and historical narratives. An expert researcher, Walker began to draw on diverse sources, from portraits to pornographic novels, that have continued to shape her work. Other artists who addressed racial stereotypes were also important role models for the emerging artist. While in graduate school, Walker alighted on an old form that would become the basis for her most vital early work: cut paper silhouettes, widespread in Victorian middle-class portraiture and illustration. These silhouettes possessed a streamlined elegance that simplified the frenzy she was working on, making them the basis for her strongest early work.
Gone: A Historical Romance of a Civil War by Bettye Walker (1994) was a critical success, leading to representation with Wooster Gardens. She later received the MacArthur Foundation Achievement Award in 1998. However, Walker faced opposition due to her use of racial stereotypes. Betye Saar, famous for her iconic use of racial stereotypes in 20th-century art, questioned Walker's use of racist images and spearheaded a campaign questioning the art world's betrayal of African Americans. Walker's series of watercolours, Negress Notes, was criticised for its brutal and sexually graphic content, while others defended her for exposing the ridiculousness of these stereotypes. Despite these criticisms, Walker's work continues to be a significant influence in American art.
Obviously Kara Walker is an African-American artist, the process and opportunities are slightly different than in the UK where we have apprenticeships, college, university and foundation courses.
Anish Kapoor
Kapoor, a young artist, initially enjoyed finishing his mother's paintings but had no intention of becoming an artist. At 17, he and his brother travelled to Israel to live and work at a kibbutz, embracing communal living and utopian ideas. Initially, he planned to study engineering but realised he wasn't good at mathematics. After hitchhiking across Europe, he settled in London to attend Hornsey College of Art in 1973. His mentor, British-Romanian sculptor Paul Neagu, encouraged him to pursue Performance art, which influenced his sculpture approach.
Kapoor, a postgraduate artist, quit Chelsea School of Art after a year and returned to India. He realised his art was about ritual and doing, leading to a three-year period of creativity and the creation of his first major works, ritualistic pigment sculptures. Initially mistaken for a female artist, Kapoor gained recognition within the international art community despite the confusion surrounding his material.
Nicholas Logsdail, owner of Lisson Gallery in London, invited Kapoor to join the New British Sculptors group in the early 1980s. Kapoor, known for his use of traditional earthy materials and spiritual expression, represented Britain at the 1990 Venice Biennale and won the Turner Prize in 1991. The group included Julian Opie, Antony Gormley, Richard Deacon, Tony Cragg, and Rachel Whiteread, providing a network for Kapoor to exhibit and share ideas.
Kapoor is a good example of studying abroad, and the opportunities are different but only for some.
Judith Tucker
Judith Tucker is an artist and academic who explores the intersection of social history, personal memory, and geography through drawing, painting, and writing. She holds a B.A. in Fine Art from the Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford, an M.A. in Fine Art, and a PhD in Fine Art from the University of Leeds. She was invited to be an artist in Contemporary British Painting in 2013 and is currently vice-chair. Tucker writes academic essays and collaborates with radical landscape poet Harriet Tarlo. She has been a finalist in the Jackson’s Painting Prize, the Scenes of Everyday Life category prize, and shortlisted for the Westmorland Landscape Prize and New Light Prize. She has exhibited in various venues, including Arthouse1 and Collyer Bristow London, as well as in China. She also serves as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Design at the University of Leeds. However, Tucker died on 13 November 2023 in a tragic car accident, but her memory and work will live on in her students and artwork. 
In conclusion, Walker, Kapoor, and Tucker's varying career paths show the range of paths and difficulties artists encounter in various cultural situations. Despite backlash, Kara Walker's emphasis on racial themes and contentious usage of stereotypes have solidified her position in American art. The path taken by Anish Kapoor, who went from communal living in Israel to becoming a well-known sculptor, emphasises the value of cultural inquiry and mentoring. Despite her tragic passing, Judith Tucker's artistic and scholarly fusion of social history, firsthand recollections, and geographic location has left a lasting legacy. The varied experiences and possibilities that these artists had in their home nations shaped their individual contributions to the art world, as these artists' tales illustrate.
Foundation course - Foundation in Art and Design Course with BA (Hons) Degree | RGU University – Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Fine Arts course - Fine Art - Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Moving Image
Art Therapy course - Intro to Art Therapy & Provider Website 
Kara Walker - Why is Kara Walker so important? and Kara Walker Paintings, Bio and Ideas 
Anish Kapoor -  Anish Kapoor Art, Bio and Ideas and The Creative Life of Anish Kapoor
Judith Tucker - Judith Tucker and Judith Tucker - Contemporary British Painting 
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nelsoncnicholas · 9 months
Nicholas C Nelson - A Lecturer
Nicholas C. Nelson, a lecturer at the University of Miami, blends his expertise in English Literature with hands-on experience as a former tutor at the writing center. His innovative teaching methods and genuine passion for literature have enriched Miami's academic landscape and nurtured a generation of critical thinkers and avid readers.
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storytelling-2075 · 11 months
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“Great art has the possibility to evade our lives; it makes us feel something before we know how to express it.  Art reminds us we are not obligated to recognize what is given simply because it is given. Rather, it helps us cultivate the imagination – to make something new of the old.” - Angela Davis 
CALL FOR MULTIMEDIA PROPOSALS: Regenerative Climate Storytelling 2075
We are eager to bring together diverse voices and perspectives to illuminate imagined climate futures. 
We seek to foster creative and critical thinking about the future of our planet by acknowledging and tapping into the knowledge held by communities worldwide. By centering intersectionality and abolition, we aim to explore diverse perspectives and narratives that reimagine climate futures in ways that challenge existing power structures and promote equality.
We firmly believe that a comprehensive understanding of climate change must encompass issues of race, gender, class, ability, and other forms of social identity.
Our vision is to create an inclusive and interdisciplinary community that transcends boundaries and disciplines. 
We invite participation from individuals with diverse backgrounds, ranging from scientists and researchers to artists, activists, writers, and thinkers. We strongly encourage collaboration and co-creation across different fields and perspectives.
Together, we can ignite meaningful conversations and generate innovative ideas that have the potential to shape a sustainable and just future.
Scroll storytelling-2075.tumblr.com for more details and resources!
Submit your proposal here!
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formerlibrarian · 2 years
Groups of writers, artists, and thinkers who share common interests, ideas, and values, and who come together to discuss and promote their work.
These groups often emerge during periods of cultural and social change and are characterized by their innovative and unconventional approach to art and ideas.
The Algonquin Round Table was a group of witty writers and critics who gathered for lunch at the Algonquin Hotel in New York City. They were known for their sharp wit, humor, and wordplay. The members included Dorothy Parker, Alexander Woollcott, and George S. Kaufman.
"Gertrude Stein's salon" or simply the "Stein salon" was a gathering place for writers, artists, and intellectuals in Paris during the early 20th century. Stein and her partner, Alice B. Toklas, hosted weekly gatherings in their apartment which became a center for avant-garde culture and a meeting place for artists such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, and Georges Braque, as well as writers such as Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and T.S. Eliot.
The Bloomsbury Group - a group of writers, artists, and intellectuals who lived in the Bloomsbury area of London in the early 20th century. Members included Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, and John Maynard Keynes.
The Harlem Renaissance - a cultural movement that emerged in Harlem, New York City, in the 1920s and 1930s. It was characterized by a flowering of African American art, literature, and music, and included artists such as Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, and Duke Ellington.
The Surrealists - a group of artists and writers who were associated with the Surrealist movement, which began in France in the 1920s. Members included Salvador Dali, Andre Breton, and Max Ernst.
The Inklings - a literary discussion group associated with Oxford University in the 1930s and 1940s. Members included J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams.
The Black Mountain poets - a group of poets associated with Black Mountain College in North Carolina in the 1940s and 1950s. Members included Robert Creeley, Charles Olson, and Denise Levertov.
The Beat Generation - a group of writers and poets who emerged in the United States in the 1950s. Members included Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs.
The Factory was Andy Warhol's studio and creative hub in New York City during the 1960s and 1970s. A gathering place for a diverse group of artists, musicians, and other creatives. Notable figures associated with the Factory include musicians Debbie Harry and Lou Reed, artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring, photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, and author Truman Capote.
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