#endcap displays
bestplanogramming · 7 months
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Captivating displays not only draw customers in, but also enhance their shopping experience. In retail stores, where every inch of space matters, planograms become an important tool to define their success. A well-executed shelf planning software, such as planograms not only maximizes product visibility but also enhances the overall shopping experience for customers. 
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You know what's fucking stupid is I'm really starting to miss working retail
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->It was finally back to the store! Where once again they all had to wait outside while I fiddled with the layout. XD At least this time it wasn't thunderstorming! Let me take you through all the changes I made --
A. As you can see, the major change I made was to replace all of the double-sided shelves with single-sided ones on either side of a large half-wall (with a glass half-wall trim on top to stop Sims trying to put plates or other objects up there) -- I was having some trouble getting everything to face the right way on the double-sided shelves, and I genuinely do believe this looks better. More like what you might actually SEE in a grocery store.
B. I also reduced the number of shelves overall slightly by rearranging the first "produce" aisle -- now when you walk in, you have Brazen Lotus's produce stands on one side, and the more traditional Get To Work refrigerated displays on the other holding various oversized crops on the other! Fewer slots to fill, and it means all the fruit and veg aren't bunched up together right next to the door.
C. I also added another refrigerated display next to the meat section -- this one is for fish, with Brazen Lotus's "Iced Fish Retail Fridge" (which requires her mod to allow fish and herbs to be placed in a retail fridge) in the bottom section! (I tried putting it on a counter, but it looked kinda weird and wouldn't slot correctly -- and then I discovered it fit near-perfectly into the bottom of the regular refrigerated display and went with that! It doesn't fit so nicely into the top bit, so fresh fish will be placed there to be bought directly.)
D. Along with that, I added the fossil displays from @somecreativecc as "endcaps" for the aisles, as the perfume bottles Victor can make from Simsonian Library's "Perfumery" mod fit on them, and they were the best-looking shelves I had for the purpose. *shrug* If anyone can suggest anything better, please let me know!
E. I also started trying out some "color-coding" on the SrslySims consignment shelves to try and see at a glance what should go where -- like, the shelf with Smiler's synthetic food tablets and herbalism potions from Simsonian Library's "Apothecary" mod is white because that's the "pharmacy" section, and the shelf with the canned green beans and green peas is bright green to represent "veggies."
F. Oh, and you may notice that I've started spacing out the various items on each individual shelf a lot more, so I'm not trying to cram multiple products onto one single shelf in any particular display and wondering how I'm going to fill the others. . .now, one display can hold a shelf of canned green beans, a shelf of canned green peas, and the boxed versions of said products on the bottom. Makes my life easier and makes filling up this grocery store a hell of a lot faster!
-->Okay -- once THAT was all done, it was time for the gang to spread out and get to work! And everybody had their specific jobs:
Smiler: Since we now had a fish fridge, I sent Smiler down to the fishing spot behind the store to angle for some big catches to fill it up! They managed to land a pufferfish and a tilapia to display above the fridge, and a betta to put in it -- it's a start!
Alice: Her thing today was bulk food processing and canning -- specifically, I had her make some more canned green beans and green peas to fill in a couple of gaps on the shelves, then move onto making jars of meat substitute for the discerning vegetarians who may come by. Gotta have something for everyone, after all! :)
Victor: Victor started out making perfumes, in "Focused" (bluebell) and "Playful" (daisy) scents, which (along with another bottle of the deodorizing scent) got him to level 2 of the Perfumery skill and allowed him to make "Happy" and "Energizing" scents if he so wished. However, his REAL job was to head upstairs and start Copypastoing everything that could be Copypastoed. XD Because while I DO actually want them to make some of the stuff they sell themselves, I am not above using Victor's magic to make the process easier on them and me. Victor's such a skilled spellcaster now that he's basically in no danger of the spell failing, even when he gets to a pretty heavily charged state -- and hey, I found out during this Copypasto spree that he can in fact copy the plates of raw meat Alice brings back from her hunts! So THAT is going to be freaking handy! :D
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harryforvogue · 1 year
rant about work. DON’T work in a chain bookstore!!!!!
today my manager was like “hey so your tables are great but you should switch them up! we’ve had the ones we have right now for some time” MEANWHILE I HAVENT EVEN BEEN IN THAT SECTION OF THE STORE FOR WEEKS BECAUSE WE ARE SO SHORT STAFFED AND BARELY HAVE THREE PEOPLE ON THE FLOOR AT ANY GIVEN TIME AND MY STORE HAS TWO FLOORS!!!!
anyways i’ve brainstormed three new tables and made lists for books to order just now. and yeah i’m not on the clock but THEY DONT GIVE ME THE TIME!!!!
also like how they made me in charge of social media but then don’t give me the time to POST ON SAID SOCIAL MEDIA??? bye don’t say shit to me when the fault is YOURS. and don’t tell me to make tables when i was way ahead of you and already had made one 😀✋🏽 clearly you don’t even go up there to see what i do to the place
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fulloffeels · 6 months
It was time to change the endcap display, so I saw my chance and I took it
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meirmakesstuff · 10 months
Stolen from a friend's Facebook:
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Description: Photo of an endcap display at a supermarket, under a large sign that says "Happy HANUKKAH". From the bottom up, the contents of the shelves are as follows: one full shelf of Manischewitz latke mix; one full shelf of Manischewitz matzah ball mix; one shelf with a variety of Manischewitz chicken broths as well as packs of egg noodles; one full shelf of non-Manischewitz boxes of Chanukah candles; a shelf bearing packs of chocolate coins and "grain-free coconut s'mores cookies;" one shelf of chestnuts and honey; an entire shelf of Streit's unsalted matzahs.
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desertfangs · 9 days
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Grocery Store - Marius/Daniel - Slice of Life - 1340 words
Just a little slice of life ficlet written for the @vamptember prompt "Grocery Store." I love imagining the immortals in stores and shops, IDK why but it's always fun to picture so I couldn't resist.
Full text beneath the cut.
The air was electric with the impending storm and it made Daniel’s hair stand on end. Marius hurried him along the sidewalk, wanting to get home before the downpour.
They made it two more blocks before thunder cracked overhead and the sky opened. Rain pelted down in great sheets, raindrops slamming into the pavement with such force that they bounced back up and soaked the legs of his jeans. Daniel spotted the bright lights of the supermarket across the street and pulled Marius toward it. 
They rushed inside, the automatic doors dinging as they closed behind them. Daniel’s sweatshirt dripped water on the floor. Marius watched the rain through the glass, squeezing the wetness out of his long hair. He glanced at Daniel. “Are you all right?” 
Daniel bit back a sarcastic retort about how he was not the Wicked Witch of the West who could be melted with water. “A little wet but I think I’ll survive.” 
“I was sure we’d make it home before it started,” Marius said, clearly annoyed that he’d misjudged the timing. 
Daniel shrugged. “It’s the weather. Not even our Norse friend Thorne can hold back the thunder.” 
Marius smiled faintly and then sighed. “I guess we can remain here for a bit, see if it stops.” 
Daniel noticed one of the cashiers watching them. The store was open for several hours yet but it was pretty empty. He grabbed a hand basket and urged Marius deeper into the store. They could at least pretend they were doing more than riding out the rain.
They meandered through the produce section. Daniel picked up a pineapple. He could just barely remember how it had tasted: sweet, tart, acidic. “Did you ever get to try one of these?” 
Marius shook his head.
“Shame.” He set the pineapple down. Sometimes the things some of the older vampires had never gotten to experience astounded him: tomatoes, chocolate, Spaghetti-Os in a can. Things he’d always taken for granted. In another five hundred years, who knew what new wonders Daniel would find strange or incomprehensible, or simply never get to taste? 
Marius wandered in front of an endcap stacked with soft drinks. As he stood there in front of cans of Pepsi and Dr. Pepper, Daniel was struck suddenly by how out of place Marius looked here inside a garishly lit supermarket. Even in the modern clothes he wore tonight—khakis and a red polo shirt—he had an air of timelessness that made him stand out, exacerbated by the pallor of his marble skin. 
Of course, any mortal who noticed something off would chalk it up to their imagination, but he looked so otherworldly that it made Daniel’s pulse race. He was beautifully inhuman. Daniel surreptitiously snapped a photo with his iPhone. 
Marius turned, smiling indulgently, and Daniel felt his cheeks flush a little, sure Marius had heard his thoughts.
They moved on to the bakery section. There, they studied the display case of cakes, decorated with bright colored frostings and little sugar flowers. 
“Incredible, isn’t it?” Daniel pointed to a cake with beautiful orchids in shades of pink and orange made out of icing.
“It is a fascinating use of colored sugar,” Marius said. 
Daniel started to say something about the artistic merit of cake decoration but decided against it. He wasn’t in the mood to get roped into another debate about what constituted art. 
He headed down the next aisle and found himself in front of an array of canned vegetables with glossy, colorful labels. Daniel lifted a can of peas from the shelf as Marius came up silently beside him. 
“Armand used to love the canned food aisle,” Daniel said, remembering the first time he’d taken him to a grocery store. Armand had spent an hour lifting cans, reading the labels, and questioning Daniel about the contents. They’d bought a cart full of stuff, so much that they’d had to take a taxi back to their apartment, where Armand diligently opened every single can and dumped the contents out onto styrofoam plates to study it. 
Daniel laughed at the memory, even as the ache of missing his maker wormed through him. 
“New York is not that far,” Marius said softly. 
Daniel sighed. He thought about that a lot, but he wasn’t ready. The stilted phone calls he and Armand shared were awkward and strange and Daniel didn’t know how to talk to him anymore. The thought of being in the same room as him again was overwhelming. He placed the can of peas back on the shelf.
“We can’t even get a mile back to our place,” Daniel quipped. 
Marius smiled at the bad joke but Daniel caught something in his eyes, a sadness or a longing perhaps. It was gone before he could be sure, replaced with something more playful. “Is that a challenge?”
“You know I enjoy challenging you, but that was merely an observation,” Daniel said, purposely bumping Marius’ shoulder as he moved down the aisle. “Come on, Old Man, I’ll blow your mind.” 
He heard Marius laugh softly as he turned the corner to the next aisle. When Marius reached him, Daniel gestured to the shelves full of colorful cereal boxes with cartoon mascots and big, colorful fonts. 
“Behold, the modern breakfast of champions,” Daniel said. 
Amusement crinkled the skin around Marius’ eyes. “I know what cereal is, Daniel. I do watch television occasionally.” 
“But did you ever imagine such a thing when you were young, mortal, and hungry in the morning?”
“Did I ever envision an illustrated tiger trying to sell me a box of sweetened grain? No, I can’t say that I did.” 
Daniel sighed. “Sometimes I think about how much has changed in the few decades since I was mortal and then I try to imagine how different everything will be in another hundred years, let alone a thousand.” 
“Does that worry you?” Marius asked.
Daniel shook his head. “I want to see how the world changes, what advancements are made, what new technologies and inventions appear. It’s part of why I wanted this.” 
“But…” Marius pressed.
Daniel shrugged. “I guess I didn’t expect things to change so fast.”
Marius laughed, loud and boisterous, his voice ringing through the aisle. He put his arm around Daniel’s shoulders. “The longer you live, the faster things seem to change. The more you will step out of the house and realize the world is not the one you knew a century or even a decade before.”
Daniel stared at the glossy cereal boxes that now had metallic shiny letters decorating them. He couldn’t even remember what Frosted Flakes tasted like. “How do you handle it?” 
Marius considered. “A passion for the world and the people in it, I suppose. A desire to discover what will happen next.” 
“And that keeps you going?” Daniel asked. 
Marius was silent for a long moment. “I endure because I must.”
“For yourself or for everyone else?” 
Marius ruffled Daniel’s hair affectionately. “Always asking pointed questions.” 
“You like that about me,” Daniel said wryly.
“Indeed I do.” Marius was silent for a long moment. “I believe surrounding ourselves with others is how we remain connected to the world and keep our desire to exist in it. Mortals and their art and creativity and philosophy and new wonders.” Marius’ arm slid down and around Daniel’s waist, tightening around him. “And there’s our own kind, of course. Never discount the power of connection to others who also endure.” 
Daniel leaned against him, Marius’ body solid and powerful like it was made of his stone, his arm around Daniel like a marble vice, keeping him close and safe. 
“I think that’s the key,” Daniel said. “Connection to our kind.” 
“You’ve always been wise beyond your years.” Marius kissed the top of Daniel’s head and led him out of the aisle, back to the front of the store. 
The rain had abated, becoming only a light drizzle. Daniel replaced his empty hand basket in the holder and they walked out into the damp night, arm in arm. 
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anthwang · 1 month
who: ant & closed! (5/5)
where: bookends
when: august 9th (book lovers day)
He hadn't realized something was happening in the bookshop until he stepped through the doors. It'd been larger than the normal crowd on a weekday, and usually, he'd walk out and come back a different day if he hadn't finished his nightstand book. Deciding to brave the crowd, Anthony promised to be in and out, moving past a group of people waiting near the register. He only had a few more steps before coming to his favorite section of books, but his shoulder brushed an endcap display, causing some of the books to clatter to the floor in an unavoidable event. Though he still felt a bit embarassed. "Shit," he mumbled, bending down to try to pick them up, before catching the eye contact of someone nearby. "You didn't see that, right?"
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fleckcmscott · 7 months
Frills and Thrills
Summary: A typical night becomes anything but typical.
Words: 1,398
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This piece was inspired by the below behind-the-scenes photo; the cinematography of One From the Heart (thanks, Lawrence Sher!); and this very 80s song. No, I am still not looking forward to the sequel - but I will take a hot Arthur Fleck anytime. 😎 Please enjoy! Special thanks to @sweet-nothings04 for her help and support! A very tardy Christmas piece is on the way!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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"That'll be $43.67."
Arthur counted out the bills in his wallet. Before transferring his three prescriptions to Groves Pharmacy - a brisk nine-minute walk from his Burnley address - he'd called for the beige and blue tablets' prices. With his lack of Gothamcare, he'd hoped they'd be cheaper than at Helms. "Disappointed but not surprised" was that night's journal entry.
He'd try the new insomnia pills first, get a fourteen-day supply of the other two whenever he could. See if a good night's sleep in the bed he was almost used to would encourage positive thoughts, lighten black moods to grey. After all, they'd improved since Y/N. Still there, still a teeter on the edge of an abyss. But with a guide rope in the shape of a woman's hand.
Leaving $2.41 in his pocket, he surrendered exact change. Took the white paper bag with blue lettering. Offered a quiet thanks and sidestepped from the pharmacist's counter.
Y/N waited in the cosmetics section, purse on her shoulder, a passive expression on her face. He recognized the creams on the top shelf, a flicker from when he'd shopped for Penny. The silhouette logo, the black label, the rounded corners of the jar. Anti-wrinkle Oil of Olay, then, when money was too tight, the knock-off poured into her Oil of Olay jar. His subtle subterfuge had gone undetected. Wrinkles continued to form in the usual fashion. He'd continued to save a quarter and make the swap.
As Y/N picked up a pink compact, Arthur slinked behind her to speak in her ear. "You're already pretty."
Giggling, she hung the rouge in its spot between concealer and cream foundation. "You make me blush enough already. Did you get what you needed?"
A crooked half-smile. "I think so." He entwined their fingers and started towards the exit, an attempt to halt any further questions that might lead to med and money talk.
Aisle three's endcap had an Easter display, a thousand plastic wrappers crying out for attention. Jolly Jack chocolate bunnies and Cadbury mini-eggs, pastel baskets and cellophane grass. The plush baby chicks were awfully cute, perfect the kids at the children's clinic. He'd jot a reminder to come back after the holiday, grab some plastic eggs and props at half price.
"My parents used to dress us up and take us to our grandparents for a picnic and Easter egg hunt," Y/N said, crouching to browse a set of die cut decorations. "Do you want to do anything for Easter?"
In spite of his mother watching a televised mass and sharing a bag of jellybeans, the day hadn't ever been personal. The Fleck household was anathema to miracles. Even with the miracle he was currently living, he had no desire to celebrate a victory he didn't believe in. "No. Why?"
"You've got a heavy eye on the Peeps - my little sister likes to put them in cocoa. And I thought you were Catholic. Or at least raised Catholic, with all the prayer candles and icons in your apartment."
The answer came firmer than intended. "Those were Penny's."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. You wouldn't have hung a Madonna over the bed. I bet you weren't responsible for that ugly cat candle, either."
Snorting, he rolled his eyes, recalling all he times he'd dusted his mother's knickknacks. The sculpted candles were the worst. They'd developed a weird film sticker than nicotine stains, and grime stuck in every crevice. On bad days he'd been tempted to throw them out. On good days he'd care for them, because Penny loved them so. Inklings of whimsy in a life of indifference.
The never indifferent woman at his side rose to walk with him. Grove's automatic doors opened and they spilled onto the busy sidewalk.
Two blocks up, a light sprinkling began, lent the pavement a velveteen sheen. With each step that sprinkling grew heavier. From a drizzle to a patter to an outright shower. Puddles formed beneath their feet, threatening shoe seams with leaks. Arthur crumpled his paper bag, shoved it in his tan jacket's pocket, and jerked his hood over his head.
The toe of Y/N's kitten heel skidded past a pool as she hopped to the right. "The weather report didn't mention rain!" she cried, ambles escalating to a jog.
A fierce gust sent sheets of water sideways, whipped the hem of her pleated skirt to flash her thighs. Arthur looped his arm through hers, pulled her into an alley to take refuge under the canary, corner awning of Mott's Spirits. Cigarette smoke drifted from the crowd gathered along the storefront. Her wrinkled nose kept him from lighting up himself.
She gathered the collar of her wool coat. "Well, I'd like us to do something small, if that's all right. It's been years since I've celebrated anything, really. I want to put all that behind me again, like last Christmas. Easter Parade's playing at the Majestic this week. I haven't seen it but the summary sounded like you. A song-and-dance romantic classic."
How could he argue with the sweetness of her reasoning? That he was the reason she wanted to celebrate? He gave a little nod. "I think Tuesdays are half price."
Just then, a bell rang out, crisp and clear despite the downpour. A bicycle messenger sped their way, a dozen plastic bags hanging from the ten-speed's handles. Arthur darted in front of Y/N, sought to protect her from the incoming splash. She yanked him tighter, out of the menace's path.
But it was no use. Muddled water pelted the back of his trousers, liquid ice soaked through white socks. He jolted to his tiptoes, teeth clenched against the stinging cold.
Y/N bent to survey the damage. A groan left her, which quickly became a laugh. "What an asshole," she said, then laughed all the harder. The warmth of it loosened his stance, and he found he had no choice but to join in. She settled back against the shop's window, stuck out her lower lip to blow a damp lock of hair from her forehead. The lock remained in place. "If only I'd had my umbrella."
Neon light from a Gotham Lottery sign spilled across her face. "Winners aren't born. They're made!" was the lotto's slogan, and Arthur had finally found a winning ticket. Orange accentuated the tawny flecks of her irises, rounded the curves of her cheeks. A perfect frame even an imagination as vivid as his couldn't improve.
A drop trickled down his scalp, skimmed the side of his neck, sneaked beneath his collar. He'd caught Easter Parade on television years ago. Studied Astaire's steps, how he'd slipped a diamond ring on the leading lady's finger. What would Y/N look like, Arthur wondered, in a lace bonnet, its ribbons tied under her chin? A hat he could loosen while they kissed, hold as a shield against prying eyes?
A couple of swells like them would make a beautiful pair, better than any Vanderbilt or Wayne.
When his thumb traced her jaw, her full lips parted, as if about to ask for a dance. Dark brows raised, her pupils dilated, full of unquenchable life. The affection in them, the openness. The caring curiosity and eager readiness to accept all of him made him tremble. Her love felt like rain on his skin, and for once he understood why someone might sing in it.
He leaned closer, until her breath brushed his lips. "Kiss me."
Her arms wound about him in an instant, a sudden, welcome pressure on his ribs. He cupped her face. Guiding, following, bracing. Their mouths a messy collision of desire and devotion and dreams. Her frame vibrated against his, the pulse under his fingertips beating to the rhythm of his heart.
At last, a wave of giggles broke them apart. Arthur pushed himself to stretch beyond his shy nature towards the forward, confident instinct he was learning to polish. His eyes flitted between hers, a demure smile adorning his cheeks. "I'd like to make love, if you wouldn't mind."
The blush he caused so easily crept across her face anew. "Last one home is on top," she said, and pressed the tip of her nose to his. "Give me a head start."
With that, Y/N held her purse horizontally above her head and sprinted into the deluge.
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​​​​​ @ithinkimaperson​​​​​ @sweet-nothings04​​​​​ @stephieraptorr​​​​ @rommies​​​​​ @fallenstarsabyss @gruffle1 @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​​​​​ @jokerownsmysoul​​​​​ @rafaelbottom @ralugraphics​​​​​ @iartsometimes​​​​​ @fleckficgirl
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Hi! I have a kind of weird question. So. I work at Trader Joe's (hence the anon, I don't want to dox myself), and I'm trying to convince the store's management to do two things. 1) include decorations for the December holidays other than Christmas since it takes over the entire store, from corner to corner. 2) put up at least one endcap that's themed around a holiday other than Christmas. I'm asking a couple people this, and I figured I'd ask you, since you're Jewish, celebrate Hanukkah, and have mentioned shopping at Trader Joe's before: what would be the best course as far as decorations go? And what would be good holiday items to put on an endcap (aside from the chocolate coins for dreidel)?
Feel free to ignore this question if it's out of line. I just want to push for representation outside of the Christian norm within the store
Thank you!
Hi nonnie!
In terms of items for Chanukah I would recommend putting out donuts - jelly filled and powdered sugar (if you can't find sufganiot) potatoes and cooking oil, ketchup, sour cream and apple sauce, candles and matches, and kosher wine (also trader joes actually carries frozen latkes so those are a good bet too)
if you want to do something for a holiday coming up Right Now i totally recommend making a little table display with apples and honey that says happy new year - after all Rosh Hashanah is 19 days away
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last-hourglass · 1 year
let it be known that I went into the pop culture fandom store at the mall today and when i saw the TMNT endcap display i started clicking and chittering at it like a fucking cat who's just spotted a bird outside the window
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strongermonster · 1 year
i make a pride endcap or two at my work every year, and every year i put a lot of effort into making it a beautiful, eye-catching rainbow.
i bust out the waterfall fixtures, i find all the nice things to make the best display, i hoard stuff year round to wait and put up there, i got special little shelves i took the time to cut and wrap rainbow fabric and stickers to, i made them spend store funds on balloons and banners, i made my own little happy text bubbles, the whole 9 yards.
the issue then becomes customers will purchase items from my special little gay shelf, ruining my perfect display, and i get mad for no reason, even though i know if they didn't buy things from the shelf, they might not let me take up the prime real-estate that is first endcap in the power aisle anymore :(
i DO really like that everyone from all the other departments are like "HEY i got a rainbow item? or a pretty red thing for the red shelf? is it ok if i put it there?" and hold it up to my for my approval like i'm Little Lord Gay of my workplace
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aurorawest · 3 months
Were you even a child of the 90s if you didn’t hit every single button on the Lifescapes endcap display at Target?
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I went to this massive used book sale last night that also had CDs and look at this haul
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(I always preferred NatureQuest which similarly had a floor stand display in drug stores iirc; sadly I only could find two of those)
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pacific-rimbaud · 6 months
So at my local grocery, at the intersection of the alcohol, freezer, and bread aisles is an endcap with wine. For at least the last year, one of the wines displayed on this endcap is the brand “Pacific Rim” - several varietals with those words in a lovely bold, sans serif font just about at chest height, catching my eye every time. Now, as you’re on my Rushmore of fanfic authors, and as I frequent this grocery and round this corner at least twice a week, it never fails to make me smile and send a little gratitude into the universe for your work. I hope it makes its way to you. Thanks especially for Les Pelerins- truly the most viscerally felt piece of fiction I’ve ever read. Gorgeous.
I love this! Me, lurkin on yer end caps. Thank you for sharing this anecdote, and for your sweet words!
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andmaybegayer · 7 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-03-04
The Thicket is finally no longer wet. It's just creepy now.
Listening: Bandcamp Friday was not actually a thing I was going to do this week but it shook out that way. Got Hole In My Head by Laura Jane Grace, A Lunch Between Order And Chaos by String Noise, both of which have been past Mondayposts, and also Covenant of the Blackened Woodlands by Ithilrå, which has not yet so it gets to be here:
Big raw metal sounds.
Reading: Mostly blogs, here's a Hannah Ritchie about people's understandings of Nuclear Power and Bartozs Ciechanowski's incredible interactive article on fluid dynamics and air pressure in the context of explaining the pressure-driven approach to aerofoils.
Watching: Movie night was 2 Fast 2 Furious at the behest of people who had already seen it and wanted to display some subtext. Yet another thing that reminds me that I am actually abnormally into cars.
Also more Gundam. You wanna talk about lost innocence? I lost your mother's innocence last night. No that's mean sorry dude it sucks forever.
Playing: Steam broke for a while and I only just got it back, plus I've been distracted by 3D printing and esp32 stuff. Finally got back into Dark Souls today and I can't tell if I'm eating shit because I'm out of practice or because this is a new hard area.
Making: printed the first endcap for the server case without issue, but ran out of filament to make the second one. Started a print with new PETG to make the other half and came home to a horrible glob of plastic on the hotend, I should really have put in the time to characterize that filament before just punching it but I was impatient, it will happen again. Now I have to fix that which involves replacing several parts of the hotend, so I have to wait for parts.
Also I pulled a Lua implementation into the LED controller, which is a little faster than my interpreter and much flatter, so there's a good chance it'll meet my needs, especially if I'm clever about some presets and multithreading.
Tools and Equipment: Mini power screwdrivers are a thing I've always scoffed at but I got one of those Xiaomi power driver sets as a gift and when breaking down the printer hotend it was very useful not to have to hand-drive extra long m3 screws.
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enruiinas · 9 months
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@climatact - heartverse // first yule blues (cont'd.)
Let's go somewhere else, the surgeon had suggested when they'd stepped into that first baby store of the day. It was a habit they'd fallen into without ever really acknowledging, both inclined to stop and look for gifts to send to Cora-chan in their absence until venturing out to scope each island's offerings became an unspoken reflex between them.
Wrapped up in their journey back across the Grand Line and the time drawing nearer for them to part ways from the rest of the Hearts, the approaching holiday had been the last thing on Law's mind - until the barrage of green and red merchandise had dragged it right to the forefront of both their thoughts.
Like Nami, the thought had occurred to him they might avoid it by simply shifting their focus elsewhere, but three shops later, he'd begun to realize there'd be no safe space this time of year. His mood darkened with each store they tried, golden orbs casting furtive sidelong glances at his uncharacteristically silent wife with each display of Yuletide cheer. Not for his sake, he'd told himself - but because each reminder they happened across hurt her, and there were few things he hated more than seeing her sad.
It had to be for her, because he's been preparing himself for this for months, hadn't he? Holidays had been one of the first things he'd dreaded he would miss even when he'd thought he'd be the only one missing them - but that meant he'd had much longer to brace himself for this moment than she had.
But when they'd reached that final endcap, the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, and Nami had gone from frozen at his side to bolting for the door before he could even reach out to steady her, it was his heart that shattered in his chest. His lungs that could not get the oxygen they needed through the sudden lump in his throat. His eyes that burned with tears as he'd shoved his hat down over his brow and ducked his head to follow after her, their last attempt at shopping abandoned in their wake. It wasn't just for her sake, but for his as well. They were going to miss their daughter's first Yule, and it fucking hurt - far more than he'd ever thought anything could.
Hard as he'd tried to compose himself before he found her in an alley a little ways down, the sight of Nami standing there with her face buried in her hands had broken him all over again, and gods damn it all if his voice had not cracked when he'd placed his hands on her shoulder and tried to ask if she wanted to call it a day. And now they were both on the verge of tears, tucked away in a side alley in this small town on the Grand Line, looking entirely too pathetic for the hardened couple they were meant to appear as only a few weeks hence.
Burying his face in her hair, Law hugged her even tighter, gritting his teeth against the onslaught of emotion that threatened to pour out if he could not get ahold of himself right then and there. There'd be no help for them if Nami started in on the waterworks now, but from the gentle tremble of her frame against his, he suspected it was already too late for that. ❝I'm sorry,❞ was all he dared to choke out, too raw and heartsick to elaborate further. Sorry they'd had to leave their daughter behind in the first place, sorry he'd dragged her along to so many stores hoping each would be better than the last, sorry for the breakdown even he had not anticipated and for the long weeks ahead of them still... For everything that had led them to this heartache except the daughter they felt it for. Because as much as it hurt to miss her - as terrifying as it was to love something as much as he’d grown to love them both, he would never regret them.
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