#endless garbage
notallsandmen · 11 months
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roseverdict · 6 months
"my adult children are lazy and have no dreams and are perfectly content to leech off of me their entire lives!" no!!! you dipshit!!!!! they're several diagnosed types of mentally ill each, unmedicated for all of them through no choices of their own, unable to go anywhere outside the house without parental permission or assistance*, and have repeatedly been outright mocked by you for expressing joy at things they like and jobs they want to have while you claim to always support them!!!!!!! you cannot treat them as failures of completely fine and fully-autonomous adults when you never even finished teaching them the things you think every teenager should learn!!!!!!!!!
*: and even then they're chafing badly enough that they are pushing for ways to work around you! to escape you!!! once they can pedal a bicycle for further than a mile without going into Goddamn cardiac arrest it's fucking over for you!!!!!
(EDIT BECAUSE I WANT TO HAVE THIS HERE BUT ALSO UM: yall ever feel like you're engaged in a cold war that's never actually been declared? bc the increased aggression in the passive-aggressive texts over the past 24 hours (DESPITE the fact that most stuff from the last batch was in fact addressed in a timely fashion) has me like 👁️👁️. mom, dad, if you're reading this, you know you can talk to me like the 24-year-old human person i am, right? not treat me like an impudent teenager who doesn't deserve to make their own choices and should be grateful to even be living with you, then get frustrated when i'm making angry vent-like posts online?)
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chewwytwee · 3 months
people conflate being nice with not being critical. Being nice to people doesnt mean never presenting them with any kind of negative information or feedback it means don't be a prick while doing it
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garbagedisp0sal · 7 months
happy one year anniversary to garbagedisp0sal ! ₊˚⊹♡
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regallibellbright · 5 months
Eighteen days until Endless Ocean Luminous!
And in the meantime, Endless Ocean Blue World.
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barnbridges · 5 months
i think we as a society can and should see both the idea that we have become brainwashed by certain perfectionist and materialistic ideas about parenting and that also yes having a kid is not free.
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cheapcheapfaker · 1 year
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i want takeout sooooo bad
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
nothing ruins a day more than someone who commissioned me taking the writing and blocking me from everywhere so they don't have to pay.
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nikkisticki · 7 months
Look I don't really care about trying to spread awareness much anymore as it's like screaming into a hurricane about the hurricane but I'd love it if we could all discuss how techbros are currently paying for fake appeal on their terrifyingly shitty looking A.I smears and creating the illusion of interest.
The last week has seen Reddit begin with a bizzare series of people who speak like robots suddenly praising videos with absurd disparities in post/upvote counts specifically about how "WOOAHAHAHA IT CAN MAKE MOVIES NOW!?" and unsurprisingly it hasn't actually gotten an inch better in that time, but it doesn't matter when your posts are splattering the front page and have numbers like this
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The other posts I've seen are flooded with speaking like devils in the guise of men all posting individually and not really interacting and I'm just so fucking tired of this unregulated flood of garbage
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crowcryptid · 9 months
do u think people would be less stupid about ai if it was called something else
Like if they knew it wasn’t “smart” and is instead plagiarizing would they stop worshiping it so much
Then again the people who are into it are nft cryptobros and very real business™️ people with real jobs that definitely aren’t fake (cough) who just want to fire anyone to save .1% of the company budget
so they’d probably fall for it anyway
It just seems like people are getting the wrong idea :p
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cuntwrap--supreme · 10 months
I bought a $500 vacuum for $250 as a black friday thing. Left it at my mom's because I didn't have space to move it the other day. Go to pick it up earlier. It's completely full of laundry detergent (which is what my sister uses to keep fleas off her cat?? and she thinks it cleans the carpet?????) and cat shit and I'm livid. The wand was shoved back in in a way where I had to disassemble the entire vacuum and break it a little to get it unstuck. It smells horrendous, even through the scent thingy that is supposed to prevent that. My sister's acting like it's not her fault. Says she'll buy me a new vacuum from Target, then sent me a listing for some $50 crap that by no means is the same fucking thing. I left the vacuum with all my other stuff I had to collect today, and she said she thought our mom bought a new vacuum. I asked why her new vacuum would be with all my stuff and she said she didn't even think of that. So cool! I can't return it like this and they don't sell them in stores. So here I am, $250 in the hole with a vacuum that reeks of cat shit and doesn't work right any more.
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harrowharkwife · 1 year
swear to god if i open a fanfic ONE MORE TIME only to be greeted with an author's note saying "i asked chatgpt to tell me a story about-" i am going to go fucking NUCLEAR
#it's NEVER tagged!!!#i am so sick and FUCKING tired of hearing about chat bot shit. it's irresponsible tech that is only gonna help spread misinformation#/be used as a tool by corporate America to crank out shitty computer generated content#bc anything is better than having to hire people and pay them what they're worth am i right guys!#my job won't shut up about chatgpt i don't wanna have to see this shit on AO3 dot gov! please! is anything sacred!#I've already started running into endless variations of the same regurgitated paraphrased clearly AI-written garbage misinformation article#half of the time whenever i try to google something! i just keep getting AI generated garbage instead of any actual helpful information#side note: is Google like... super fucking broken for anyone else in terms of 'i can't find any useful information about anything anymore'?#or is it just me?#but AUGH. tech bros will be our downfall i swear to god#keep the AI shit out of art and creative endeavors it's a slippery slope and it's not leading anywhere good#this is fucking nfts all over again#or at LEAST if you're gonna be posting chat gpt prompts to ao3 fucking TAG THEM AS SUCH#I'm at the point where i hear someone say AI or chatgpt in an excited tone of voice#and i just consider it an immediate red flag#I'll delete this later it's unnecessarily cunty and i realize that but my GOD im sick of it#is it not enough that all of these writing bots are training on ao3 fics without the authors consent or permission?#now we have to encourage it by putting AI shit on there to begin with?
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enteisabo · 1 year
I'll draw a little band au later if my allergies ever give it a rest
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doppelnatur · 1 year
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hayleykiyopioids · 2 years
Speaking of hateful algorithms! Here's the worst thing i've ever seen.
under a cut bc it's really bad (let's hope this works)
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i got on tiktok in quarentine bc everyone was hopping on right, and for a while was Very Okay with the way that the app just gave me what i wanted to see! i very honestly love Elise, and I'm happy that she's able to have a platform and make a living and she got to quit her job and work on her own terms!!
but this is the shit that i'm talking about! this video was about how she made a PREGNANCY ANNOUNCEMENT VIDEO FOR HER FOLLOWERS and the VAST MAJORITY of them found out she was pregnant from another video she posted ABOUT HER PREGNANCY CRAVINGS!!!
that video that everyone saw was like the third video she posted after the formal announcement video!!! and almost all of the comments were like "I can't believe I found out you were pregnant from a video about your cravings"!!! CLEARLY PEOPLE WANTED TO CELEBRATE HER PREGNANCY WITH HER AND WANTED AN ANNOUNCEMENT VIDEO!!!
This right here is why the absolute bare minimum should be that users have a direct and easy way to see the content they actually want to fucking see!!!
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lumiereswig · 2 years
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
oh this is a good one.
never never never read tumblr writing advice posts. i swear to god they all contradict each other and they are giving you rules where you don't need rules
don't edit while you write! get the words out first, then go back. if you're stuck on word choices put in a bunch to pick from later ("Lumiere threw/tossed the candelabra away") or throw in a filler word ("Cogsworth picked up the candelabra, grumbling about SOMETHING disreputable footmen.")
this is the big one. Read books. A lot of books. Those writing posts? Won't do anything for you. Reading books, though, is transformative in upping your writing. If you're reading books, you'll probably start picking up key writing principals and using them organically in your own work without even noticing. I read a lot of older books and it shows in my writing style—but read lots, of anything, everything, because it will show you all different ways of writing a sentence and conveying an idea. Of course read fanfic, I'm not shaming fanfic—but read books too. I'm happy to recommend if you know vaguely what you like and you need a spot to start.
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